centerforadvanced · 2 years
Keep away sensitivity with regular dental checkups. . . . 👉 FOLLOW US @centreforadvancedentistry 👉 011-46561929 👉 https://newdelhidentist.com 👉 [email protected]
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mysillycomics · 2 years
I don’t really like sharing images of OG Bohug much these days because people who Do Not Get It always comment about how he looks “fucked up”. That’s what happens to a toy for babies when you cuddle and sleep with it every single day and night for 24 years I don’t know what to tell ya. Read the Velveteen Rabbit
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soureggs · 6 months
Yall ever see a mutual say to manny weird ass stuff and just get the ick???
Like i know they dont mean it like that
But like ewwhh
I DONT wanna keep correcting them bc im so scared of being 'the mean lesbian'
Yk??? Like but no wayyyyy you said that bro no wayyyyy
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rabid-invertibrate · 4 months
Just a friendly reminder that Garmadon has every mental illness (for perfect viewer projection) welcome to my ted talk
(my actual hcs in comments lol)
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anonymouscheeses · 4 months
So like in "you didn't know" when Sera says "I thought since I'm older it's my load to shoulder." Or sometjn like that. That basically confirms that Sera and Emily are sisters right?
Like ofc there's some family thing going on there, they look like they are related 100%...... so how tf does that work??
Like I would think that God made them but I don't think God exists in this world(?) since the angels were the one who made earth and etc etc so.... I'm kiinda stumped. And it's made clear that Emily is the YOUNGER sister. So she couldnt be made around the same time as Sera. (Or the same age. Would fhat mean Sera is like infinity years old? Would that make Lucifer infinity years old too?? Iuno...)
So I started thinking.... ykno... like what u do in the middle of the night mhm mhm.... jst going with the theory that God doesn't exist in this world and the Seraphim are the creators..... so, did like, Sera make Emily? Like she made Emily specifically just to be her sister?
Like. Ppl get confused when other people say that they like Sera or that Sera is their favorite. And it's genuinely because she's such an interesting character that most peopple jst see surface levl. "She's pure evil 😡😡" she's doing what she thinks is right for heaven. Is it wrong? Yea but that makes her a FLAWED character. Not evil... i swear, people cant be flawed anymore and then yall like Adam..(i love adam btw im jst sayinf its not bad to like flawed characters). And uh, yiu may be asking, "whay does this have 2 du with Emily being xreated by sera?" Annd mu answer. Sera was lonely asf before Emily ☹️
She's already a more black cat type of character and Emilt is the golden retriever of their sistership. So ifs not a stretch to think that before she made Emily that she was lonely and didn't have much people outside of her title as seraphim. So since she couldn't have someone to get her out of her social shell, she created a bubbly confident social angel to be her sister.
It would probably be like early on in the creatuon days so people in heaveb would probably never have remembered or never knew that Emily was created and not infinite age like the seraphim. Probably would be a bit confused as to how Emily is YOUNGER than Sera but wojld enver ask idk.
Yah I'm not syre what I went with this. I just like Sera as a character and I think she deserves a redemption arc.... or evil arc. Idc either way I love her. She is so stressed and depressed and I know it. I NEED her to have more screen time so bad. dw Enily gets her shine in another post today I got u Emily fans girly 😝💜
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disastrousduckss · 6 months
It is here!!!
TW/// blood, pictures taken without consent, mentions of being drugged, managers being creepy
Takes place after the party Hype mentioned in chapter 22 in "We Are In Sync"
Both Trickee and Ablaze walk towards their manager's room. After they got the description from Lane about the troll that could have possibly drugged Hype, they realized that the description matched the girlgroups manager, the very same one that was happy to have a collab with them. The very same one that gushed about his family, he even had a kid! 
“Sick bastard.” Ablaze mumbled as he squeezed a stress ball. Trickee grabbed his unoccupied hand, giving a small squeeze. “Yeah, which is why we need to tell Mr. Gilt what happened. He’ll know what to do.” Ablaze nods, his grip loosening on the ball. “Yeah, you’re…you’re right.” He squeezes his hand back, Trickee looks over at him, “What’s wrong?” 
Ablaze shrugs, “ It’s just…..you don’t feel any….weird energy from that guy?” Trickee thinks back to the times, he wouldn’t say he didn’t, he just chalked it up to not being around new trolls. Especially if you spent most of your life in a bunker, surrounded by four trolls everyday. “I mean….kinda. But I just thought it was because we haven’t really had an older troll boss us around before, you know.” Ablaze nods, “Yeah….maybe, maybe that’s why the others are so hesitant around him?” They look at each other and shake their heads, “No that’s not it.” 
It started out with Boom asking Ablaze to come with him and Branch to the dressing room whenever he changed. It didn’t seem strange, most of the time whenever Boom asked, it was mostly him helping Boom with his outfit, like that one time when he chose one with so many zippers. Of course the zippers got stuck, so they had to cut him out of the outfit. Much to Boom’s dismay. 
But this was different, Boom would have him lean against the door while he changed, he didn’t know why but then the door knob jiggles and a thud was heard against the door. It made both Boom and Branch jump, making Ablaze’s alarms start to blare a little. He put his hands up, silently calming the two down before he cracked open the door, just a bit. “Mr. Gilt?
The troll in question looks up at Ablaze, quickly smiling. “Ablaze! My boy, there you are, I believe Trickee is looking for you.” Ablaze nods, “Okay, tell him I’m in here changing.” “Oh, I would. But, he says it’s an emergency, and I know you two are fairly close, so I told him I would come and get you.”
Ablaze looks behind him, seeing both Branch and Boom shake their heads as they quickly change their outfits.  Ablaze look back over at Gilt, seeing him quickly lean away from the door. He closes the door a little more, “Uh, yeah. I’ll be over there soon.” He quickly shuts the door before Gilt could say anything. He looks over at the other two, “Is there something you need to tell me?” He points to the other side of the door. Boom and Branch look at each other before nodding, “He doesn’t knock.” ‘What?” Branch throws over a baggy shirt, “Yeah, he just barges in. We tried to tell him to knock so we can prepare ourselves.” 
Boom nods, grabbing the baggy shirt, “Yeah, he usually comes in when we are half naked, I mean. I understood the first few times when we were late dressing up, but now…..it’s weird.” Ablaze slowly nods, he remembers the time Mr. Gilt would run around the backstage, trying to find everyone. He actually walked in on him changing himself, but quickly backed out and yelled at him to hurry up. But now, things were different. They timed themselves perfectly, so they weren’t late again. 
“I’ll talk to him.” He walks over and ruffles both of their hair, making them giggle. 
“Just leave it to your dad.” 
— — — 
They were standing right infront of their manager's hotel room. Mr. Gilt had expressed strongly that if they needed him, wherever they were, to always knock on his door. They all agreed, believing that he too cared about his privacy. But right now, Ablaze was about to turn the knob before Trickee pulled him back, “What are you doing?” He hissed, Ablaze looks at him.
“What? Oh. Look, I need to get back at him, he walked in on me changing, so I need to get even.” He simply puts, before putting a finger to Trickee’s mouth to shush him. He then quietly opens the door and slips into his room. It was a two bedroom room, Mr. Gilt let the group have the suite, saying they deserved it for getting this far. 
Trickee follows in soon after, quietly closing the door behind him. The two look around, before hearing a small argument in the next room. Trickee and Ablaze look at each other. They both get closer to the door, seeing it cracked open a bit. They get down to the floor and listen. 
It sounded like Mr. Gilt..? And….that bastard. 
It seemed Mr. Gilt found the culprit as was ripping him a new one by the volume and tone of his voice. Trickee smiles, now they don’t have to see that guy again! He was about to get up to go back out but-
“You couldn’t have waited until the party was over, could you?” 
“You said no one would notice him going missing. That was the deal.”
Trickee freezes, staying still as he processes what he was listening to. He feels Ablaze’s hand on his shoulder, pulling him back down to the ground. He looks over at Ablaze, seeing him with the same expression as him. Shock.
“I only said you get to do whatever you wanted with him for forty minutes and that whatever happened after you drugged him was on you and I had no part in this.” 
“You had no part- you are a part of this. We signed on it. I help you and your band to make it to the charts, I get to choose who I want to have……fun with.”
Trickee felt like throwing up, but more importantly, he felt rage. Sure Hype was 20, but still. That was his kid that bastard was fantasizing about. He starts to mentally count down, trying to calm himself. He looks over at Ablaze and sees only one thing behind his eyes; rage. 
“You are impatient.” 
“You are too Mr. Gild, but at least I’m not trying to take pictures of-”
Ablaze gets up and storms in, making the two trolls jump. “Taking pictures of what?” He growled, he was trembling. Not from fear, but with anger. Mr. Gild gets up from where he was sitting. “You two didn’t knock.” Ablaze glares at him, “What pictures? Answer me before I get mad.” Trickee gets up from the ground, grabbing Ablaze’s arm.
“That doesn’t concern yo-”
“Just tell them already Mr. Gilt. It’s too late to deny anyways.” Ablaze points a finger at the troll. “You can shut up. I’ll deal with you later.” He then looks back at Gilt, “Don’t make me ask again. What pictures is he talking about?” Trickee watches his Gilts eyes, seeing them move from them to the closet. Gilt was fast, but Trickee was faster, he pushed him on the bed and ran for the closet. When he opened the door, he only saw suits and jackets, he started to rummage the top layer, hsi hands grazing along a box. 
He brought it down, it was small, like a shoe box. He hesitates to open it. He starts to pray that it’s just bird photos. But once he opens it, he feels his heart drop to his stomach. There were pictures alright, just not of birds. Some of them were pictures of him and Ablaze while they were either shirtless or changing out of their clothes. His heart stops when he sees pictures of Branch and Boom. Most of them were the two in clothes. He finds one with Ablaze in front of Boom as he gets out of a pool, blocking his body. He remembers that day, it was a pool party, it was also the day Branch would stay low in the water where he practically drowned.
Was this what Gilt was doing….taking pictures of them for…..he doesn’t wanna think about it. He feels violated, even though he never felt a hand on him. He feels his eyes start to water, was this why Boom and Branch were trying so hard to avoid Gilt. 
Why didn’t they say anything to him or Ablaze?
He continued looking through the box, a few more pictures of them, some of them were of them sleeping. It was then a short realization came to him. There were no pictures of Hype.
“Trickee?” Ablaze calls out to him. Trickee rubs his eyes, feeling the tears sting but he can’t go out there looking weak. He picks up the box and walks back out of the closet. “Ablaze….” He walks over to Ablaze, picking one of the pictures of himself. “He’s been taking pictures of all of us.” Ablaze looks over at him, before he quickly snatches the box from his hands. Trickee watches his expression as he goes through the box. He closes the box after a few seconds, before glaring at Gilt and the other troll. 
“You’re both fucking dead.”
Gilt puts his hands up as Ablaze stalks closer to him. “Now Ablaze, let me explain-” “I DON’T WANNA HEAR IT!” He pushes Gilt towards the other troll. “You both are gonna wish you were never born.” 
“Ablaze, wait.” Trickee looks over at Ablaze, seeing him looking back at him. “We can’t….” He walks over to the door, Gilt lets out a sigh of relief, “Thank you Tric-” “Not while the door is unlocked.”
The door shuts, along with the clicking sound of the lock. Trickee then turns around and points to Gilt and the other troll.
“Ablaze, attack.”
— — — 
Trickee winces as Ablaze applies the disinfectant wipes over the cut on his cheek. The two were now in the bathroom, with Trickee sitting on the sink. Both had a bit of bruises. A few small splotches of blood on their skin and clothes, nothing that makeup and laundry soap couldn’t get out. “Sorry.” Ablaze says as he rubs a soothing circle over his hand. Trickee nods, “It’s fine.” He nods, continuing to clean Trickee’s cut. His skin was softer than Ablaze’s, so he was able to bruise more easily.
“How are we feeling Trickee?” He asks as he looks through the first aid kit for a band aid big enough to cover the cut. Trickee looks over at him, “I…” He starts to cry, alarming Ablaze as he quickly wraps him in a hug. “I FEEL SO STUPID! HOW COULD I HAVE MISSED THE SIGNS!” He continues to sob as Ablaze rubs soothing circles on his back. “Shhhhh. There was no way you could have known. I didn’t even know.” Trickee looks back up at him, “I’m the oldest ‘Blaze. I’m supposed to watch out for this type of stuff.” He looks down at his hands. 
“What kind of…..guardian am I?” He hides his face in his hands as he continues to cry. Ablaze stares at him, before quickly realizing. Trickee’s color was fading. His Trickee’s colors were fading.
“No, no, no, no Trick. You’re not a bad guardian.” He lifts his face, wiping the tears that were falling. “Who was the one that carried  Branch back home after he fainted?” Trickee sniffs and looks at him. “M-me?”
“And who was the one that stayed up late with Boom when he had nightmares?” 
“Me.” Trickee smiles. His color slowly coming back.
Ablaze smiles, “Who was the one that carried Hype to bed after staying in the study room for almost half the day?”
“Me. Gosh, he would be asleep half the time.” Trickee giggles, the other half he would be awake but still wanted to be carried to bed. 
“And who was the one that encouraged Branch to sing again?”
“Okay, first off, that was all of us.” Trickee says as he rubs his eyes, wincing as he accidentally rubs over the cut on his cheek. 
“Yeah, but you were the first.” Ablaze says as he grabs Trickee’s hand. “You are a great guardian. It’s not your fault that you didn’t see what was going on.” He looks down, “I should have seen them when Boom first asked me to stand in the changing room with him and Branch.” Trickee looks at him, “What..? When?” “It was a few shows ago. At first I didn’t think anything of it, just thought he needed my help with an outfit. But when….when that bastard tried to walk in, I should have known.” He lets his head hang down. “I…I talked to him, thinking that maybe he forgot all about etiquette and told him he should knock before opening doors.”  Trickee lifts his face, “You only thought he was being rude, not that he was being a perv.” He cups Ablaze’s face with both of his hands, thumbing over a smear of blood on his cheek. “It’s not your fault.” 
Ablaze puts his forehead against his, “It’s not yours either.” 
They stay silent for a bit, just taking each other’s warmth. Trickee sniffles a little bit later, rubbing his eye. “Damn it, you’re gonna make me cry all over again.” Ablaze smiles, “Sorry,” He opens the band aid and places it over Trickee’s cheek. He then smirks, “Want me to kiss it better?” Trickee giggles, “Please?” He leans in and gives him a quick peck over the band aid. “Better?” Trickee nods, “Mmmhmmm. Thank you. Now it’s your turn.” They switch places, Trickee pulled out another disinfectant wipe and started to clean Ablaze’s hands, having small cuts on them since he decided to wrap one the chain necklaces he found and repeatedly punch the daylights out of the manager. 
After he was done bandaging up his hands, the two quickly washed their faces. Once they exited the bathroom, they were met with the aftermath of what they did. Two trolls laid in their own small pool of blood, their clothes were tattered and torn. They tried to get away earlier when Ablaze was on his blood lust,  so the door had claw marks and bloody hand prints. 
Ablaze kneels down close to Gilt’s body. “Now….I hope you guys learned your lesson.” He doesn't reply so he harshly grabs Gilt by the hair, lifting his head up, getting a yelp from him. “Did you hear me?” Gilt nods his head, “Yes, yes. Please just…..no more.” Ablaze smiles and drops his head, “Good, now we are gonna be taking those pictures with us, and the ones of Hype you gave to that fucker.” He says as he walks away and grabs the box, he already searched the other manager's body, but he couldn’t find any of Hype’s pictures on him. 
As they leave, Trickee looks back at them, “Never show your faces near me or my family again, if you know what’s good for you.” He doesn’t waste time to wait for them to answer, quickly shutting the door and following Ablaze right back out into the hotel hallway.
“Think they’ll report us?”
Ablaze shrugs, “Maybe, but don’t worry,” he wraps an arm around Trickee’s shoulder, “We’ll take care of it.” 
Trickee smiles and nods as he wraps an arm around Ablaze’s waist, “Yeah, we will.” 
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sentanixiv · 2 months
I'm 36 hours from when I ran out of my ADHD, depression, and anxiety meds. I get more in two hours, thank fuck.
Good news! My mental health challenges are now unequivocally proven to be 90% brain chemistry.
Bad news! My mental health challenges are unequivocally proven to be 90% brain chemistry AND I have two hours until I can start the correction.
Tip: Never downplay yourself. Meds don't dull, they help (where brain chemistry imbalances are at fault).
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ablogofsapphicpanic · 2 months
I need tiktok to stop showing me hot women with the double nose piercing with the chain between them bc it’s making me want one
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macaw-squawks · 4 months
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Purple "This user is sensitive" userbox!
Requested by; anon
Hope this works anon! Sorry it's taken so long, been pretty distracted with irl stuff (exams etc) so haven't been able to keep up with this blog too much. Let me know if you'd like any changes though!
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galaxicalphoenix · 9 days
Tumblr is the best place to scream into the void. it doesn’t hurt quite as much if no one gives a shit because that’s ok. it’s just Tumblr.
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granhairdo · 5 months
im usually out of the house when my brother is in school (he does it online) so today that i am im watching him excitedly talk to his teachers and stuff. when i was his age my teachers were like 2 inches away from yelling at me because i was so high i could barely even walk to class and being a bitch to every other student ever.
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midnightinwales · 7 months
it makes me want to invent a time machine just to go back in time and scream at robert for not taking care of his voice even more than usual
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illicit-lilies · 3 months
Wehhh I keep trying to get in the mood to take more photos of my self and stuff but eh...just not feeling right this summer. Feeling off
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dallas-man-winston · 7 months
How do you feel about 9/11 since your from New York
O-Oh, Ummmmm..
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blu-ish · 9 months
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saexy · 2 months
redwolf!sae is the one i go to bed w tonite :')
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