#seemed like a very older sister thing to do 😂
yellowdevilkitten · 1 year
Evelyn was going to kill her brothers, she’s going to kill Kai and then Steve for making her sit through his torture. She wouldn’t be dealing with this if Steve didn’t decide that he Would rather be at a friend's house than spending quality time as a family. She doesn’t understand why she was forced to come along when Kai can handle It fine, well if she thinks about it for a second longer he would not have it handled. He probably would’ve crashed from blowing his bubblegum too big which is getting on her fucking nerves right now. 
“Can you stop doing that?” She turns towards him ready to ripe the damn thing out of his mouth. 
“Nope.” He accentuates this with a pop of his bubble. 
Evelyn’s about to make good on her promise when the door finally opens. “Uh, hello, can I help you?” A woman with blonde curly hair questions clearly confused on the sight in front of her. 
“Oh! Hi I was told that my brother, Steve, might be here.” She answers, politely trying hard not to strangle Kai since he carries on chewing his gum as loud as he can. 
The woman looks desivie before shrugging, “They’re in the basement, I’ll show you where it is.” 
Her and Kai follow her through the house until she points towards a door. 
“Should we really go into a stranger's basement?” He asks. 
“Yes, Nathaniel, we’ll be fine as long as you keep chewing your gum so damn loud.” She rolls her eyes. 
“Really? The gum, again?” Kai groans. 
“Just open the door, idiot.” 
She watches as he opens the door and the sound of laughter explodes into her ears. Kai and her share a look before walking down the stairs, but not without fighting who gets to walk down first, Evelyn won of course. 
Once they make it down the steps she can see that there are at least twelve people crammed into the room and at least fifty different conversations going on at once. She looks around for Steve -she does almost immediately he's snuggled up on the couch with a girl and a boy- and when she spots him she charges for him. 
“What the hell are you doing?” Her arms flail around, probably hitting someone. 
“Evie, what’re you doing?” He actually sounds confused but she’s not falling for it. 
“Wait, you know her?” She hears one of the twelve people in the room ask. 
Suddenly Kai is next to her, a hand on her shoulder. “Evie and I were sent here to come see you, we were supposed to have family time.” 
“That was today?” He sounds surprised and that makes Evelyn feel a bit bad about charging him. 
She actually takes the time to look around the room and realizes that everyone is staring at her, it makes her face heat up. She awkwardly waves towards them. Before she can say a greeting Kai’s bubble pops loudly in her ear. Evelyn turns around ready to murder him. 
“Kai, stop with the gum.” 
A/N I had this in my drafts for a while and recently reread it and thought it was pretty funny lol. I might expand on it a bit more! I've had multiple ideas with Steve having good parents and two older siblings, so maybe I will get to writing those, who knows!
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ghoulfuckersincorporated · 3 months
What do you think are Raul Tejadas favorite and least favorite kinks? I think he'd enjoy doing it in his costume 😂
Raul Tejada (New Vegas) NSFW Headcanons
Much like with Cooper Howard, I think that it's been a very, very long time since Raul's been with anyone physically. He's spent a large part of his long life pretty deep in depression and survival mode in a way that I don't think would really lend itself to slinging a ton of dick around the desert, you know? Possible that he may have had a partner or partners when he and his sister were ekeing out a living among the incredibly irradiated remains of Mexico City, but the fact that the place was so overrun with raiders and fiends that Raul felt he had to turn to vigilantism doesn't really seem to lend itself to much romance, either. I think he's rusty and not exactly actively searching for a partner, but love often finds us at the most unexpected times.
Would take a pretty grand gesture of desire, in my opinion, to really convince him that you want that sort of relationship with him. I mean candles, whatever semblance of lingerie you can scrounge up, throwing yourself in his lap and basically begging for him, the whole nine yards. Lay it on thick, tell him how much you want him, how much you care about him, and I think he'll be receptive to getting physical...but he'll be incredulous for a good, long minute first. He's just incredibly beat down after so many hardships throughout the years and his self-confidence is shot full of holes.
I'm not convinced he's a "full-on penetrative sex the first time you two hook up" guy. I think he would like a few encounters to get to know your body and what you enjoy before the two of you get to that point. I think he would let you touch him early on, but over the clothes. Mostly, the early encounters would be about him getting to know your desires and reacquainting himself with his own.
This poor, tired, achy old man would be fairly lazy during sex. Don't get me wrong, he's embarrassed about it, and he's got more than enough strength and energy to make sure you're satisfied, but he's a big fan of laying back and watching you ride him, having sex laying on your sides, letting you bounce on him in reverse cowgirl and control the pace...pretty much any position that takes the stress off of his back and joints is a favorite of his. However, he isn't above pinning you down, or even picking you up to fuck you if you misbehave enough.
Canonically has a sweet tooth, like most old men (fun fact: as people age, their taste buds weaken, and, as a result, many older people have an affinity for sweet and spicy food, as those two flavor profiles remain fairly easy to detect as the ability to taste more complex flavors degrades). I bet he'd like to lick something sweet off of your naked body an awful lot. Granted, things like honey or whipped cream are difficult or impossible to get your hands on in the Wasteland, depending on where you are, so it might not be the easiest thing to pull off. But hey, you never know when you might come across a little bit of chocolate that you can melt, or something similar. Hell, the way the man loves himself a Sunset Sarsaparilla, maybe you could just dribble some of that on yourself and let him go to town.
Due to his insecurities, he loves an enthusiastic partner. He loves to be flirted with, romanced right back, treated like you see him as desirable. Little romantic gestures turn him on a lot. PDA makes him nervous (you never know how people are going to react to the presence of a ghoul, let alone a ghoul claiming to have a human partner), but when you two are alone, he likes to give and receive lots of kisses, affectionate embraces, ass pinches, whatever.
I'm not sure I can see him having sex in the costume (mostly because of the way he internally associates it with the death of his sister), but I can certainly see him still liking to play with certain "vaquero"-type activities. Rope play, for example. I don't think he'd be unopposed to tying your hands up if you misbehave.
Ass man ass man ass man ass man. Dude is checking out what you've got back there every chance he gets. One of his favorite ways to communicate that he's in the mood is to saddle up behind you and slide his erection up and down the cleft of your ass; it makes him even harder.
Because of the things he's seen and experienced, he's not willing to be rough with you. Passionate, sure. He'll fuck you hard, physically, but he isn't interested in violent or rough foreplay/sex. No primal play/dubcon/CNC play with him. BDSM in general isn't really his thing.
He also refuses to have sex with you when you're intoxicated in any way. The idea that there could possibly be any blurred lines when it comes to your consent makes him very uncomfortable.
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snickerdoodlles · 6 months
I was gonna ask you for ☕☕☕ on Kim characterisations but I know that could put you at risk of assassination 💀 so free choice! Any ☕ on anything you need to get off your chest - I love u
😂 it is a choose violence game, let's play with fire đŸ”„ three Kim characterizations i don't much care for:
writing Kim as really old
like. hmmmm. i feel like a lot of fic out there is just really bad at characterizing young 20 yos, there are a lot of stories that write Kim's vibes like he's 38 yo or something. it's. bizarre. 21/22 yo is still so young. there's still so much uncertainty at that age and so much self-discovery to come. i've complained about this before so i don't want to just rehash that but. yeesh. some people really kinda suck at writing "kid in college" aged characters.
not letting Kim be playful
honestly, this one kinda follows on the previous point? there's a very annoying trend of writing ~older~ characters as only ever very serious. and like, aside from the irritation at the way people are really bad at early 20s vibes, people never outgrow playfulness. in canon, i'm pointing to Porsche trapping Kinn under the sheets and farting or them huffing their morning breaths in each other's faces (i love u canon ❀). but people still do ridiculous shit at 40/50/60/70/80/ALL THE AGES too. 40yo sisters who greet each other by punching the other in the boob. the 60yo neighbor who tells me my shoelaces are untied every time he sees me in sandals. the 50yo uncle who flicks popcorn in the mouths of anyone who falls asleep during movie night. there's no age limit to this sort of thing!
but while some of the ultra seriousness seems to be a weird age thing, it's like people also missed that Kim is playful? he's very intense when he's in mafia business mode and he's a nightmare to the guards (❀), but he plays along with Khun. he teases Chay. he has a good rapport with other university students. he can be more lowkey playful than others, but Kim's not made of stone, he has his fun too.
Wik being a burden on Kim
this one starts running into differences in headcanon-- like personally, i'm looking for fics where Wik is Kim's home. i've cried about this elsewhere so i'll keep it short, but Wik is the life Kim poured blood, sweat, and tears into to build up brick by brick. Wik is the life Kim wants, it's the parts of him he thinks are the best of him. i actually make the MC of the ep4 university one of Kim's best friends (i call him Green), and one of my favorite headcanons i've come up with for them is that everyone thinks Green twists Kim's arm into doing outreach events, but actually Green is Kim's connection to university news because he loves doing them but never knows who to ask. Kim desperately wants to be a source of good inspiration to others and have purpose outside of violence, and Wik is his way of doing that. Wik is not a burden on Kim (in fact, i'd argue Kim all but said he is a burden on Wik, but i digress).
so, that's my personal preference for Kim's relationship with Wik, but obviously not everyone's going to have the same characterization and that's cool. where i start to get annoyed is when people write him as very...hmm. dismissive? of it. or otherwise seems like he doesn't like any aspect of it. i straight up back click on any fic that has Kim fuck up the name of some popular musician. this is not a specific call out, but for example-- i remember reading something where there was this offhand line of Kim being like "and there's a request for a show with some other musician, wangson jack?" and just. no. back click, goodbye, nope. shit like that really starts to bug me. some of it is personal irritation at how awful a lot of english speakers are towards asian artists (which like. random fandom people are not at fault for the crimes of USamerican music reporters. but maybe consider that until people overall are less shitty and dismissive towards them, one off lines referencing real life musicians like this are better off deleted). but over all i just...really, really dislike disrespectful attitudes like that (esp for something related to the arts) and i don't want to read them in my favorite character. Kim is pursuing a career in the music industry for himself--Kim being, u know, Kim, he's going to take it very seriously and with that, also hold a lot of respect towards his fellow musicians generally speaking. at the very least, he's going to be cordial and pleasant with them because no one likes working with an asshole and Kim is trying to keep his mafia bullshit far away from his Wik goals. not everyone's going to have the same characterization headcanons i do for how much i think Kim would pour himself into music and love it, but i really don't vibe with any take where Wik is a burden on or a drag for Kim.
and a bonus ☕ because i luv u too anon: anything where Kim doesn't love his brothers or sees them as actual competition instead of the ones he wants to protect the most. this is not a surprise to anyone here, u all know how much i love brothers, but i've noticed that fandom gets kinda caught up in the chess metaphors sometimes. and to that i say: 1. Terry Pratchett yall: sin is when you treat people like things. 2. Terry Pratchett again: chess is a stupid ass metaphor for real life. 3. kp canon agrees with that. Korn is shit at playing chess. (the fucking. ep1 game. omfg. Chan is all but eating his pieces to let Korn win. i'm still howling over the scholars mate in ep5.) Korn is noticeably shit at all his hobbies that are metaphors for controlling people. which is the point! the boys fail every time they try to play his games, because you cannot play people like you would a game. every triumph is rooted in overturning the game board completely.
[ send a ☕, get a bitchy* fic opinion ]
*personal preference related, we’re not here to be mean
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darcyfangirlsfrequently · 2 months
My reactions to the finale of Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2
I can't believe we're already at the end 😭
20 minutes of lost connection. I'm sure Penelope isn't panicking at ALL
Oh yeah that doesn't look good. That looks VERY not good.
And we start off with Dave! Alive (unsurprised) but injured/trapped (unsurprised) and talking to a hallucination of Voit (UNSURPRISED)
Tara's alive my QUEEEN!! And uninjured!
Tara trying not to cry about the fact that her gf, i mean, Emily is still MIA
And Emily and Frank Church are kidnapped. Lovely!!
Yay! Church is dead!
Canon use of the nickname "Em" for Emily!!!
Hello, Peter B! Nice to finally meet you!
I'm very surprised that Jade ISN'T dead
Jade's backstory breaks my heart
And they're making me emotional about Damien and Jade. AGAIN.
Oh shit she's bringing up Cyrus and Doyle and Mr. Scratch
Collecting my garvez crumbs!! I'm sure they had a very emotional, tearful, hugs-and-kisses reunion off screen.
Luke looking so intently at her ahhhh
Oh, Pete B must hold Prentiss responsible for something? Could it be, I don't know, the death of his older brother Doug?
SHOCKER Doug is Pete's older brother.
Voit GIGGLING makes my skin crawl
"I didn't mean it like that" mean it like what??? I am so confused.
Luke the way you're always staring at her face is gonna clue someone in
Rossi telling THE DIRECTOR "if emily dies so do you, bitch"
"Can we turn down the testosterone for a second" rebecca don't make me like you
And all of a sudden the director is chill???
Help Voit has me CACKLING
"our girl" ew no you do NOT
"Your boyfriend's dead because you shot him, babe," EMILY???
the emphasis on deepfake with the glance over at luke *shudders* i know jj is watching this and feeling sick to her stomach
"but jenny i told you about this" VILE SICK DISGUSTING NO
"calm down, big guy" 😂😂😂
Tyler has me rolling with laughter
Not Penelope making Voit physically uncomfortable by just LOOKING at him. my QUEEN.
the way i get giggly when luke calls her "Penelope" and not "Garcia"
"hey did you watch BAUgate yet" shut the FUCK UP
JJ slayed that scene
i know they make it out of this. but i can't figure out how
Luke saving everyone's life on a HUNCH we stan
oh no jade still has the gold star bullet
i don't think jade is going to shoot them i think she's going to shoot herself
"will you listen to me, this time?" jade got me SOBBING
no no. do NOT tell me that after all this i'm getting a GREENCIA scene.
okay false alarm. he seems to still be down bad-ish for her but she seems neutral (maybe bc she's dating someone else currently in that room)
Luke the heart eyesssssss
and tebecca is offically back together. my temily heart is crying.
"the worst part of dating a guy, no offense," *pats luke on the shoulder* DYING
"none taken" luke knows men ain't shit
"I'm just glad someone acknowledged the height disparity" luke you and your gf have THE SAME HEIGHT DIFFERENCE
Luke comforting Tyler DAMN i am loving this blossoming bromance
luke making eyes at Pen as they toast sir I SEE YOU
and voit's maybe dead! yay!
Look. so, my secret dating garvez theory wasn't proved right. BUT it has yet to be proved WRONG, so I shall continue to believe into the next season
Honestly I'm kind of underwhelmed by the finale. It was good, but I feel like it is very complete and there's no real cliffhanger left to continue on with another season. But I am liking what's happening with the caracters so far.
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
Hello! I absolutely love your work. You’re a fantastic writer. Is it possible for you to do something based a bit off of the song London Boy by Taylor Swift? If not I understand. I just feel there’s some cool way to tie it with Jamie Tartt. Sorry if it’s a bit of a generic request
ALRIGHTY gotta preface this, I actually hate this song 😂 Lyrics aren’t bad, but the like accent thing she does makes me die a little bit. BUT. I saw what you were going for (I think)! So here it is, I suffered through listening to this song bc you asked for a fic and I am nothing if not eager to please.
This is also a response to two other requests. So if that was you, âœŒïžđŸ˜— y’all were on the same page, congratulations. This is also my first song-based fic, although all of my works are (very, very loosely) based on songs. That’s why they have such insane titles😅 ANYWAY that’s enough talking from me. Enjoy!
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i fancy you
i love my hometown as much as Motown, i love So-Cal
Richmond in London is very different from your hometown in Southern California. It’s colder, for one. And older. Things in California don’t have the same extended history as they do in England. You’re here visiting family for a couple months, although your cousins are trying to convince you to stay longer. 
“What do you really have waiting for you in California?” Holland asks.
“Uh, the beach. Sun. Great Mexican food.” you respond.
Holland isn’t buying it. “When else are you going to be able to live here? We can help you get a job and all that, not a huge problem.”
Holland is very convincing. You decide to stay for a year, single year, and see what happens.
Holland is four years older than you, and has always been the cousin you’re closest to. You’ve had a long-standing bond since being the two eldest sisters in your family. Holland takes you to clubs and introduces you to her friends, including a Miss Keeley Jones who thinks you are “abso-fuckin-lutely adorable.” 
“You have to bring her to a Richmond match, babes,” Keeley says. “Lots of fit footballers.” She winks.
You ask Keeley of she’s dating a footballer.
“Oh god no,” she shudders. “A coach.”
You don’t really see the difference.
saw the dimples first and then i heard the accent
It was a good match, even you can tell. The Richmond team played seamlessly, passing the ball back and forth without letting the other team even touch it. Their conductor of sorts, the one mediating the passes, was crazy. He never seemed to get tired, anticipating his teammates’ moves and those of the opposing team. It seemed like he was always five steps ahead of everyone. Holland notices you watching him and pokes Keeley.
“You like Jamie?” Keeley laughs. “Makes sense. Anyone with eyes likes him. He’s right fit, too. Good in bed, shit with feelings. Well, used to be. Still fucking cocky.”
That’s interesting. “You’ve been with him?” you ask.
Keeley gives you a 50/50 hand motion. “Sort of. Don’t really count it, do I? Was with him at his fucking worst. That’s why Roy fucking hates him.”
“He’s much better now,” Holland chimes in. “Something happened last season and he stopped being such a dick.”
“Holland!” you reproach, laughing. “That’s not nice!”
She and Keeley shrug. “It’s true though, innit?”
You don’t know if it is, because when you first see Jamie up close in the club later that night, he seems perfectly fine. You see a flash of a smile, a dimple, then he says something (you don’t know what) but his accent is
 something else. It’s not like Holland’s, or any of your family, but you know enough to pinpoint it to Manchester. 
“The accent got you, didn’t it?” says a voice near your ear and you yelp as Holland slides her arm around your shoulder.
“Gets the best of us,” says Keeley, grabbing your hand. “C’mon, I’ll introduce you.”
She drags you over despite your protests.
he likes my American smile, like a child when our eyes meet, ‘darling i fancy you’
Regular dinner dates are scary, but dinner dates with a Premier League footballer are downright terrifying. 
You made Holland help you figure out what to wear, and when she showed up at your aunt’s house she had Keeley in tow.
“Heard you’re in need of a bit of a makeover,” she grins. “Lucky for you, that’s my specialty.”
Keeley and Holland have brought some of Holland’s dresses and you’re in a dark green one that “does fucking wonders for your hair, babe.”
Keeley did your makeup while Holland curled your hair and just like that, you’re ready to go.
You groan, “God, I fucking hate first dates,” while shaking out your arms. 
“It’ll be fine,” Holland promises, and she’s right.
It’s more than fine. It’s fucking fantastic.
“I like your smile,” Jamie says. “Fuckin’ American, it is.”
You laugh. “What does that even mean?”
Jamie shrugs. “It’s bigger. Brits are more reserved. Like Roy. You met Roy yet? Biggest fucking twat I ever saw,” but he says it with such affection that you’re sure he means something else.
His eyes are electric, blue and dazzling. They betray his every thought and feeling and right now you feel like if you hold his gaze any longer you’re going to say something completely stupid. 
Turns out your not the one to say something stupid; he is.
You’re walking back to his car, holding hands and swinging them in between you when he stops and says, “Darling, I fancy you.”
You grin and he returns it. He asks, “Was that British enough for you? Feel like you got the whole experience?”
“Definitely,” you say. “Was I American enough for you?”
“Dunno,” he replies, “Got to test one more thing.”
His lips are very soft on yours.
met all of his best mates, so i guess all the rumors are true
“This is Isaac, Colin, Dani, and Sam.”
Jamie is introducing you to some of his team. You’ve been dating for a month now, and your first picture together just popped up in the papers the night before.
The boys of AFC Richmond were pretty sure Jamie was seeing someone, but they didn’t know who it was. Jamie had set up this dinner thing a while ago, it just so happened that the tabloids got to you first. 
It’s not even that great a picture honestly, but you’d been around Nelson Road enough that the boys were able to recognize you. 
It’s a little unnerving to meet them, what with Isaac’s intense stare and Dani’s wide, wide smile. You’re grateful Colin and Sam are acting normal.
“We have an American coach,” Colin says in an attempt to break the ice. It does, because you’re all laughing at the absurdity of his attempt. 
“We have heard very much about you,” Dani says and you wonder if he ever stops smiling. It feels so weird and so normal to be at Jamie’s house with a pile of food and FIFA queued up on the TV, ready to go. You figure that if you’re meeting his friends, Jamie must be at least a little serious. He finds your hand and squeezes it under the table as Isaac cracks his first smile of the night. It’s weird dating a footballer, but you think you can get used to it.
babes, don’t threaten me with a good time
Jamie’s house is the largest you’ve ever been in, and it used to be strange that it was only just the two of you, clattering around that big home. 
It’s a cool night after a warm day so you both decided to lay in his backyard under the stars. 
It feels so much like something you’d do as a teenager, and you tell Jamie as much.
“Used to sneak on me mum’s roof,” he tells you. “Didn’t even do dumb shit, I’d just go to look.”
You lay there in silence for a few moments until you feel something tickle your side.
“Jamie!” you shriek.
“I didn’t do nothing!” he protests. “Must’ve been a bug.”
You don’t believe him, but you don’t push it until you feel another tickle.
“Babe, it weren’t me, I swear,” he says and you really don’t believe him, especially when he tickles you again less than a minute later.
You laugh. “Fuck you, Jamie Tartt.”
He smirks. “Babe, don’t threaten me with a good time.”
“Hm, maybe I want a good time.”
Jamie’s grin widens and he sits up. “You know where the bedroom is, love.”
you know i love a London boy
“I don’t fucking get it,” Jamie says. You shrug. 
“I literally don’t either,” you say. Your dad leans over to Jamie. “So basically
” he begins.
He’s halfway through his explanation when Jamie pokes you. “Babe,” he says, “can we switch seats so I can hear your dad better?” You chuckle then wiggle your way into Jamie’s seat while he gets into yours.
“Why the fuck is it called ‘football’ if it’s with their hands?” Jamie asks.
Your dad shrugs. “Not a clue, son, not a clue.”
The game progresses and one of the teams scores a touchdown.
“Hold the fuck up,” Jamie says. “Why did their score change that much?”
“I know this one!” you exclaim. “Different types of goals get different points. And there’s something called a lateral which has to do with moving backward I think?”
You dad just shakes his head with a grin and doesn’t attempt to clarify. 
Your dad spends the second half explaining everything to a very focused Jamie, and he asks questions the entire car ride home. It’s funny have Jamie here in America, staying at your parents house and seeing where you grew up. 
When you’re finally back home and in bed, you pull him as close as you can and whisper, “I love you very, very much. You know that, right?”
You can feel Jamie smile against your hair. “I love you too, very fucking much.”
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ewesless · 7 months
Quick little thing! No, I was wrong. It became a Very Long Thing...
We know that Diavolo is operating at an entirely different frequency and level of energy from Barbatos and Lucifer and it isn't just because he's a touch starved extrovert with repressed introverts for parental figures friends.* But he might be 18-21.... As a person from the early 90's this is a traumatic realization. I thought he was an early 30s year old manchild to be quite honest.
*love your takes so so so freaking much RadArchives 😭
Utilizes canon compliant relationship dynamics and Diavolo's Lucifer complex. Luke is aged up to cope with fanservice not facilitate it.
I interpreted it as Diavolo was between 10-13 when Barbatos agreed to be his Butler. OM indicates it was 800 years before Barbatos quit feeling angry at Diavolo for the incident (he was teasing). 10,000 is equal to 10 years, so based off my estimate Diavolo would be 18-21. Unless it was 800 plus years then, since Barbatos had time to cool off which would be much more comfortable to me 😂
The canon chronological ages are vague in order for players to have freedom (dads and mom coded old as dirt option through to bratty youngest brother who seems like an angsty and rebellious teen) so just for reference these are the ages I use:
Solomon - 34 (right there in the middle of adulthood and an older brother age bracket with Diavolo. Asmo is robbing his own cradle!)
Simeon - 40 (peers with Lucifer and they are only a few months apart! Perfect adoptive/group dad age of being mature and comforting without being old-old 😭)
Luke - 16 (Again, comfort level. He's a bratty tween, but I can't tolerate the fanservice with him as a 10 year old at all. 16 is a nice middle ground between emotionally charged, discovering self and independence, "I'm grown!" and the complex realities of the world. Him developing THOSE FRUSTRATING AND CONFUSING NEW FEEEEEEELINNNNNNGS are tolerable as well.)
Barbatos - 42 (the answer to life and everything. I'd place him closer to 60 as a foxy and wicked classy grandma older woman gentleman, but he looks like a pretty, young 30-something so this fits the bill. This also goes into my headcanon that Father made him before the angels and long before humanity.)
Diavolo - 33 (an out of touch with the youth and his peers, but still a youthful soul + gap moe)
Belphie and Beel - 25 (still young enough to do underdeveloped maturity and be doted upon baby brothers, but grown enough that they aren't actually immature and know better they just haven't put the effort into developing impulse control and practicing good judgement)
Asmodeus - 27 (pretty and passes easily for 23 but can hook up with the MILFs and DILFs as well as the young 20s. He's young, but not afraid of becoming older, not just because he's beauty everlasting and that skincare routine is ✚flawless✚ but because he sees the beauty and attractiveness of maturity and himself)
Satan - 23 (Personal Favorite + Occultic Number! Even though he's as old as Lucifer I feel like he was born at the age that Lucifer was created for additional headcanon reasons.)
Leviathan - 31 (*scoff* "Look at this old loser with a failure to thrive and manchild tendencies" says an old loser with a failure to thrive and the same tendencies)
Mammon - 32 (okay, this would go on for more than a paragraph or few run on sentences đŸ€Ł)
Lucifer - THE BIG 40 (caught up between older than the others brother who had to grow up too fast and never got to be young / middle aged surrogate father figure of a house full of rebellious teenaged adopted kids that never got to have his experimental young adult phase...)
Thirteen is a sensitive, trendy young woman so we DON'T ASK THESE QUESTIONS 35 I like an age gap with my ladies~ Candy is 39 (because 4 is associated with death in Japanese and I have a 4 year age gap with my sister which was a perfect combination of generational difference + ability to rebel from the older sibling, angst about idolization and knowing you aren't the same, but aren't meant to be. There's the possibility of strife caused by disappointment(s)/fallen idol for Thirteen and for Candy the pressure of the expectations of parents as first born and the care, protectiveness and responsibility of older sibling for their younger sibling. They're able to rely on each other even though Thirteen is a wild woman antisocial ambivert with a strong personality and even stronger opinions whereas Candy seems like a serious and violently antisocial introvert who conforms and does what she's expected to in all areas of life. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TELL US WHAT CAUSED THE SCHISM BETWEEN THEM. WHAT HAPPENED WRITERS? WHAT HAPPENED?)
Mephistopheles - 31/35 (I like the idea of him having an age gap of 2 years with Diavolo either as a more mature junior to senior or a senpai who won't notice him because his eyes are set on a raven haired beauty with eyes like firy rubies that is also a heavily overworked deskworker with difficult teen boys and an involuntarily in a fatherly role for Diavolo too.)
Raphael - 39 (One year the junior of Lucifer and Simeon. Because he never rebelled I thought it had something to do with him being a degree separated from Sime and Lucy to Father, but still being close enough to him to be the devoted, but the most conflicted about it, son.)
Michael - 40 (Either he was created before Simeon and Lucifer or after them. He's got something seriously suspicious going on. I feel that it parallels Diavolo's, but instead of a hopeful vision for the future and further developing what his father started Michael's is in a self-serving manner and his personal agenda is founded on the self-perception that he knows better than his Father.)
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agendabymooner · 1 year
the paddock’s lucky husband ! toto w. x ofc (hearth sister!ofc)
summary: toto wolff is a lucky man amongst other things. OR a series of tweets and clips in which tilly wolff discussed her husband and their three kids.
content warning: fictional wolff kids, tweets + video clips, use of explicit language, fluff, mentions of pregnancy, dad!Toto, established relationship, toto’s older kids being cool asf (idk their social media handles)
note: what is sleep? enjoy xx
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liked by lewishamilton, danielricciardo, loricciardo
danielricciardo i like how you didn’t post anything for a whole year since last year’s canadian gp and come back with a brand new toddler liked by tillywolff
tillywolff delmo’s grown too fast okay đŸ„Č
danielricciardo he’s no longer allowed to 😭
user1 idk what i love the most: a year old adelmo being taught how to skate by toto or toto sleeping while adelmo’s awake
user2 you would think that tia and soren are twins just looking at the second last picture
user3 i’ve been promptly fed with toto’s back. thank you tilly đŸ«¶
user4 girl 😅 that’s her husband
ben.wolff tia must have missed her brother ben đŸ„Č liked by tillywolff
tillywolff if by that you mean causing chaos in your dad’s office then yes 😂 they’re looking forward to seeing you and rosawolff 😉
rosawolff i would really prefer not to make a mess in papa’s office, thank you very much :)
rosawolff look at addie and ren :((( i miss those little stinkers liked by tillywolff
tillywolff ren’s been wondering where you’ve been so maybe this is a chance to spend some time with them!!!
lewishamilton ugh elmo’s so big now đŸ˜© how’s lottie supposed to play with him? liked by tillywolff
tillywolff delmo doesn’t like to roughhouse don’t worry 😅
user5 tilly, baby, your child is tall like his dad 😀
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[1st image: emma: you look like you came from a minimalist renaissance painting, might i add. tilly: thank you! you look amazing yourself. who're you wearing? e: i should be asking that question but louis vuitton and cartier. you? t: christian siriano. he did all of this on friday which i'm grateful for.]
[2nd: e: your husband, toto- he would normally attend the gala with you, right? t: yes. he actually couldn't right now because he's in miami with the kids in preparation for the grand prix. he was insisting that he should come along but i kept giving him the outline of his job roles that he can't skip out on.]
[3rd: e: he's just being a husband, if you think of it. t: yes but he's a husband who also happens to have a racing team that are hoping to contend for the world constructors championship. e: what did he say when you told him he couldn't go? t: he was rather cranky. he wasn't the typical toto who would radiate this intense energy. he was just upset i couldn't allow him to go.]
[4th: t: i'm a couple weeks away from surpassing my first trimester, and he doesn't seem to think i'd do perfectly fine on my own especially if he's away and we're not at home. he's still worried i would trip and everything as if i hadn't worn heels back when i was pregnant with soren and tia. e: you must be some sort of superwoman if you could do that while pregnant!]
[5th: t: i worked hard on it. sometimes mary janes wouldn't do my job outfit any justice and there'd be a pair of kitten heels calling for me. e: how did your poor feet feel? t: swollen. i cried after realizing i can't wear them unless i get a bigger size. but it's not anything that i couldn't get. it's mostly just toto that i have to deal with whenever he sees me slipping on some heels.]
[6th: e: who would have thought that the big bad wolff could feel the discomfort of a pregnant woman by simply looking at her? t: *laughs* he's an empath of some sort. i don't know. i've been with him for almost a decade and one of things that l've learned is that he's quite observant and wouldn't budge unless you admit that he was right about what he saw.]
Q&A WITH TILLY by tilly marie
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[1st image: what smell brings back good memories?]
[2nd: what could be a scent that brings back good memories? this is quite hard... i think i would say baby powder? *laughs* it sounds quite peculiar but it's something that reminds me that l've got the best things that could have happened to me. which are my children.]
[3rd: it's not really that peculiar, if i come think of it. there are people that like the smell of gasoline still to this day. i have spent years in garages and l've had my fair share of smoking experiences- those scents were addicting but the baby powder? extremely addictive. you won't have any issue with your lungs too.]
clip one — soren’s wake up call
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[1st image: the breakfast came it quite late today and my neighbour's playing the most awful songs in the morning. i absolutely thought that i was going to have the most horrendous day at the haute couture show then my husband just rang and it turned out it was soren who called me early in the morning to say hi. he stole his papa's phone from the bedside and somehow knew the passcode. or it's probably his face id that did it. who knows.]
[2nd: i was telling him about how hungry i was because my breakfast wasn't ready, so my sweet boy didn't even hesitate to run downstairs to "cook"- he began to grab pans and eggs to "cook." thankfully toto had gotten up by then otherwise soren would've gotten into some sort of accident just trying to make me an omelette from brackley. i'm in paris but my sweet boy thinks he could send the breakfast my way as soon as possible.]
clip two — tilly shows how adelmo moves
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[1st image: tilly: do you wanna see how adelmo dances to aladdin's "friend like me?" cameraman: yes of course. why not? tilly: great, this is how his little 2 year old self dances with the genie]
[2nd: *hums in adelmo torger lewis wolff*]
clip three — tia is the spoiled cub of the cubs
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[1st image: i think i should try to put tia in my purse and take her with me on a show next time because i- *laughs* i can't behave by myself anymore. tia would most likely be scolding me and she'd be so happy to see all of these clothes. then she'd probably ask it she could get a dress tailored for her from the haute couture collection.]
[2nd: now that i think of it, she's most likely to empty toto's wallet in one go. whenever she and toto goes out for some daddy-daughter time, tia would return with her papa carrying shitloads of shopping bags. the sad case is that they all came from harrods- but that's the only place we could go without being hounded by cameras. still... toto goes all out for her all the time.]
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marleyybluu · 2 years
Double Date
Pairings: Oscar x black!OC
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, use of drugs (marijuana), my smut writing skills
Word count: 4.5k
this is the longest thing I've ever written but I'm sorry I was not splitting it so if your attention span runs long enough to read this, enjoy 😂also I didn't re-read or re-edit the beginning cus I'm too high rn so sorry in advance
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ALSO some of this was inspired by Entergalactic on Netflix. If you guys haven't seen it I highly recommend that you check it out, it's a fucking masterpiece, the soundtrack is bomb, storyline is cute and it's so visually pleasing omg. Kid Cudi really did his thing.
"So, look I know you're in your post-breakup mourning period... but.." Carmen took her hoodie off her head to give a full scowl to her sister, she could already feel the question about to come out of her mouth and she was in no mood. Fresh out of a long relationship, Carmen was a weeping mess that barely saw the light of day for almost a month. The man she thought she would marry and live her life with seemed to have had enough of her and made it clear in those exact words. Harsh. And that's what really hurt the most. Not the typical "I don't think we're working out." But a gut-wrenching "I've had enough." With no explanation.
When she told her sister, Vanessa, she suggested that they burned his things before he came to collect them but she couldn't find it in herself to be that girl— her sister said that didn't have anything to do with her and decided she'd perform the act herself but Carmen did find it funny to see his reaction when he saw the pile of charred clothing on the sidewalk. She was appreciative of her sister, her built-in best friend.
Vanessa looked at her with puppy eyes. "But what?" Carmen answered. "Okay so there's this guy that I've been talking to, his name is Jose, and he wants to meet but I'm kinda nervous so I asked if it could be a double date and he said yeah that's cool-"
"Nessaaaaa." She groaned. She was in no mood to even see a man let alone go on a double date with one. "Pleeeease! Please Mini." She pouted using the nickname she gave her since she was born. Carmen rolled her eyes tossing her head back as she looked at the ceiling to weigh her options, she'd been cooped up in her apartment for a while and she was starting to miss going out for a little drink here and there but she just didn't want to see the opposite sex for a bit. But it was for her sister and her sister would do the same if the roles were switched.
"When is this?"
"For fuck sake Nessa."
"Sorry. But please?"
Carmen sighed. "Fine."
"Yes!" Vanessa cheered. "What does he look like?"
The older sister scrolled through her conversation finally coming across a picture of the two men, pointing to Jose and the other guy who'd be joining them. Carmen took the phone to get a closer look. He wore a completely shaved head, moustache and goatee which suited him well in her opinion— her eyes darted between the two men noticing the matching tattoos on their neck, and her date with a teardrop one under his eye.
Her sister grimaced. "Yeah?"
"Are they in a fucking gang?"
She mentally cussed her sister out, she should've known that this was what she was getting into since Vanessa always had a type, but she already agreed to this predictable catastrophe.
The time for the date came quickly and Carmen was thoroughly underwhelmed as she got ready, already planning out what could go wrong in terms of her lack of social skills— she felt like she was already lucky enough to get a boyfriend the first time around due to her awkwardness and now she was being launched back into the dating pool. Sort of.
The sisters arrived at Dwayne's Joint, it was a new spot in town that they had talked about trying out and Vanessa figured tonight would be a good night as any. They sat inside a booth waiting for the boys to arrive, the two sisters giving off very different energies. Vanessa was excited while Carmen sulked ready to get this over with so she could go home, light a blunt, and go to sleep. "You look pretty." Vanessa complimented. Carmen tried her best to make the most of it, she did dress up in a casual black halter top and paired it with a brown skirt, around her waist were her regular waist beads with one sitting above her belly button and the other below it so her belly piercing could be seen. She threw a white knitted cardigan over it but would most likely take it off soon because she was getting a bit hot already.
Her locs, that haven't been retwisted in the month, had been brushed and put up in a ponytail so they'd be out of her face and look somewhat neat. If she had to say so herself, and she did, she looked good.
"Thanks. You look pretty too girly." Carmen smiled. Her expression soon faded when the bell above the door rang signalling a customer had walked in, her heart fell to her stomach when it was the two men they were meeting with. "Here come your boys." She mumbled. "Hush." Vanessa scooted out of the booth and opened her arms to Jose, her sister stood almost stunned that the man almost ran to her scooping her up in his arms and off the floor.
She grumbled at them. Is this what she was going to endure all night?
She and his friend stood awkwardly not knowing if to introduce themselves to each other or wait for their counterparts to do it. The two broke the hug and Vanessa smiled. "José, Spooky, this is my sister Carmen. Carmen this is Jose and Spooky."
Carmen delivered a small wave only to receive a nod from Spooky, he looked like he wanted to be there as much as she did. The four sat down, Vanessa sitting beside her date and Carmen with hers. For the first few minutes it felt like a normal double date as far as those go, Jose did ask Carmen a few questions and made conversation with the two girls but soon all his attention went to Vaness which was fine because that's who he came for anyway.
She didn't know what to say to this "Spooky" guy, every time she looked over at him he was just staring at everything else not even making the gesture to look at her plus he didn't look like he wanted to be bothered anyway so she just went on her phone until their food arrived.
There was constant giggling across the table and consistent compliments and it made her miss her relationship even more-- she used to be like that too and she wished she still was. Her thumb hovered over his contact name, she knew she should've gotten rid of it by now but she didn't want to, she contemplated texting him even if it was to have a conversation for the moment but she didn't so instead she put her phone down on the table and placed her hands in her lap.
"So..." A shockingly deep voice said next to her, she was surprised he could speak at all. "So... you don't say much."
Spooky chuckled. "Neither do you. Guess we have something in common."
"That and friends who drag us to blind dates I guess."
"That too."
Saving the tension in the air was the waitress holding their tray of food, Carmen was grateful for the interruption plus she was mad hungry. The group ate and chatted a bit. She was enjoying her food until her eyes wandered off to the door, she gasped and slid down in her chair causing all eyes from the table to be on her. "What? What's wrong?" Her sister asked. "Damien." She whispered.
Vanessa turned around spotting the ex-boyfriend with a new girl on his arm, she looked over at her sister. "Who's Damien?" Jose asked. "Um, he's someone she used to date."
"What are you scared of him?" He joked. Carmen shook her head, she sat up straight frowning at the new girl. It'd only been a month out of a four-year relationship, how come he had someone already? Was she always there?
She couldn't see it but Spooky saw her expression and the way her mood changed especially when she saw that they were walking toward them to get to a table behind them. "Of all the places." He heard her mumble. He sighed and decided to do her a favour. "Come closer."
"Come closer." Carmen listened and shuffled as close as she could, Spooky swung his arm over her shoulder catching her by surprise but she wasn't so stiff anymore she kind of relaxed under him. Damien and his date were getting closer, his smile turning into a frown once he saw her and Spooky.
They stopped in front of her table. "Carmen?" She looked up and fake smiled. "Damien, hey. What's up?"
His eyes shifted over to Spooky who was giving him a death stare. "Nothing, just hanging out, decided to try this new spot."
The air was thick once again, he nodded at the boys who didn't even blink at him, he cleared his throat mustering "See you around." Before going about his business. Carmen let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding, her eyes stung as tears that she didn't want threatened to break their barrier. "You okay?" Spooky asked, she nodded going back to her food only able to take one bite before she knew that her tears were about to embarrass her.
She snatched her sister's car keys off the table and said. "I'll be back." Spooky got out so that she could, he watched her walk out of the establishment the last thing he heard was her whimpers.
"Aww, what's her problem?"
Vanessa's ears found that snarky tone. "Maybe she didn't wanna smell your funky asses sitting right behind her."
Damien's date turned around. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me dog tits." She laughed. The girl gasped. "Are you gonna let her talk to me like that?"
Before Damian could answer he looked up at Spooky who was still giving him a look of disdain. He closed his mouth and asked her to sit down before anything got worse. Spooky took it upon himself to go check on her, he wandered off into the parking lot and not too far from the door did he see her with her head down with fog around her and smoke coming from the windows with the smell of weed in the air.
Inside, Carmen's eyes were red from both the Indica and her tears, she sniffled closing her eyes and rested her head back. She knew coming out tonight would be a mistake. Willing to Trust by Kid Cudi played while the weed took over she felt herself being carried off somewhere else, floating around in her head until a small tap on the window disrupted her peace, she looked over to the passenger's side and to her surprise it was Spooky.
She unlocked the door inviting him inside, she turned down the music taking another hit of her blunt. Carmen sighed putting her feet up on the dashboard. Spooky noticed her Scooby-Doo socks and laughed, she scrunched up her nose stifling her laugh too but she couldn't help it. "Shut up."
"I didn't say anything." He snorted. She looked over at him, her eyes falling on the details of the tattoo on his neck-- the crucifix that you'd more so see in Catholic churches but instead of Jesus and them on it the word Santos was etched into his skin, she scanned him until she landed on the other tattoo of the teardrop under his eye. "Something you wanna ask me?"
Spooky watched as she took another puff, checking her out just as much as she did him. She handed him her blunt and he gladly took it. "What's your real name?"
A dimple poked out when he smiled. "Oscar,"
"Hm, what caused Jose to drag you out of the house Oscar?"
He licked his lips and she didn't know if it was the weed but it made her tingle when he did that. "Eh, he's my hermano, just trynna be his wingman so he could get some pussy you know?"
He handed it back to her. "Gross." She giggled taking a hit. "Yeah? Like you're not helping your sister get some dick?"
"Fair enough."
The two sat in the car and talked for a surprisingly long time as if they were on their own separate date. It was a nice conversation and it helped take her mind off of her troubles for a bit, they hadn't even noticed how long they'd been gone until Jose and Vanessa came out hand in hand with containers sitting in a plastic bag.
Oscar saw them making their way to the car and if he was being honest it was a bit disappointing, he was enjoying Carmen's company she was a fun person to talk to, she was funny, she had some pretty crazy stories to tell and he liked getting to know her. She rolled down the window to greet her sister. "Thanks for dining and dashing."
"No problem." Carmen winked. "Alright let's get you home girl."
She looked over at Oscar and back at her sister and whispered. "Are you and Jose not... you know?"
"I want to but I mean I can just take you home."
She lightly shook her head, her sister getting the hint and smirking. "Um, Spooky do you mind taking my sister home? I mean if that's okay with you, Carmen?"
"Yeah, that's cool with me." She looked over at Oscar with hopeful eyes and he agreed to take her so they switched cars and were left in the parking lot watching the other pair get into the car and drive off. He walked her over to his Red Impala and she was sort of impressed by it, it was a beautiful vehicle and the interior was just as nice.
They wasted no time falling back into the conversation they were having before, leaving the venue and driving around with no destination in particular until Carmen suggested ice cream-- her munchies were kicking in and she was craving something sweet. They pulled up to an ice cream parlour that wasn't too far from her apartment complex, it was sort of empty except for maybe a group of drunks who were in the same predicament as they were.
"So, this Damien guy..." He started. Carmen saw that he was asking for permission to talk about and she nodded granting it. "How long was that?"
"Four years."
She laughed, that was almost everyone's reaction, assuming it was because that was getting rare nowadays. "I know. Hm, I thought everything was fine and perfect and one day it wasn't." She sighed drawing circles on the table with her nails. "You know, you plan your life together, everything is we and ours and us...  then it's not and you're being told how they've had enough."
Oscar half smiled. "Well, that guy's fucking stupid for letting you go ma. Stop dating these square-ass bitches."
Carmen burst out at his attempt to console her, it was funny and it was cute and maybe he was right, maybe she needed someone who wasn't so uptight she did find that being with Damien sometimes required treading lightly on things and it could be annoying but she just accepted it, maybe now she needed someone who was more like... Oscar. So far she found him to be fun, and he sounded like he was down for anything as long as it was amusing.
A text came in on her phone lighting the screen, instead of reading the text she read the time and her eyes widened. It was almost 2 am. "Everything okay?" He asked. "Uh, yeah, just Nessa asking if I got home okay."
He slowly nodded looking at her lips, her septum piercing sitting just above her Cupid's bow another piercing planted on her right nostril, the light freckles scattered across her pretty brown skin, the subtle makeup on her face and her pretty natural lashes coated in mascara— he felt like he was staring at an angel. She started to blush and looked down at her lap.
"You ready to call it a night?"
She wasn't, but it was already late as hell. "Yeah, guess we should go."
They left the shop and once again entered the car, the ride was kind of silent aside from her giving him directions to her place but it wasn't a weird silence like how the night started, they were officially comfortable with each other. The ride was short considering she did live by the ice cream place. Oscar turned off the car and opened his door, Carmen sat a bit confused.
"What? You thought I was letting you go up there by yourself? Come on, ma."
She beamed, the little nickname growing on her, she trailed behind him like a lost puppy into the building and inside the elevator, she clicked for the fifth floor and leaned against the handrail. She looked at him noticing one of the buttons on his flannel shirt was unbuttoned, without processing it she reached over and fixed it for him. Oscar thought the minor detail was sweet, made his heart jump a little when she got close, close enough for him to really smell her perfume that didn't fade away for the whole night— sweet like mangoes.
The doors parted and she went ahead of him to find her place. Apartment 504. He made a mental note, you know... just in case.
She fumbled with her keys and unlocked the door swinging it open and turning to face him.
Invite him in. Invite. Him. In.
"I-I had fun tonight. Really."
"Me too." He agreed. The two stood looking at each other not sure what to say or do, not knowing if they would be on the same page if action took place.
Kiss him. Just fucking grab him and drag him inside and just fuck the sh-
"I... um... I'll see you around?" He nodded wishing her goodnight before he crept down the hall and disappeared back into the elevator. Carmen closed her door and banged her fist against it. "So fucking stupid."
It was a nice and breezy afternoon in Freeridge but Carmen couldn't take notice, the events from two nights ago, though small, were playing through her mind, their conversations and laughter going on like a broken record. Vanessa sat across from her younger sister still in a bit of disbelief at what she was told earlier.
"So... no kiss?"
"No." She murmured. "No, dick?"
Carmen glared. "Bitch if we didn't kiss what makes you think we fucked?" Vanessa put her hands up in defence. "People fuck without kissing."
"Yeah, weirdos."
There was a moment of silence before she asked another question. "Not even a hug!?"
"For fuck sake Ness, no!" She completely folded over resting her forehead on the park table, she was frustrated at herself for not bringing him inside that night even if they didn't end up getting intimate she would've enjoyed just talking or even smoking until the sun rose. Doubts played in her head that maybe she was only feeling this way because she just got out of a relationship and he was the first guy in her line of sight, but last night felt so nice and relaxing, they got along so easily once it was just to the two of them.
Vanessa smirked taking a sip of her drink. "Okay, I'll be serious, why didn't you invite him in?"
She shrugged sitting up straight, she played with the straw in her cup. "Are you scared of him?"
"Do you think he's ugly?" Vanessa teased. "I don't."
"Girl, I know you haven't been in the streets for a long time but it's okay to think with your punani sometimes. No disrespect you've come to me complaining about your sex life sometimes, so if this is an opportunity to get some good dick, you better jump on it. Pun intended." Carmen ran her hands over her face letting out the longest groan knowing her sister was kind of right, she hadn't had to think with her punani in so long because if she wanted dick it was right there. She sighed. "Can you ask Jose for his number?"
A devilish smile spread across Vanessa's face. "I sure can."
The sun set as quickly as it rose and Carmen was back in her apartment after spending the day with her sibling, she was successful in getting Spooky's number but had yet to text him, every time she opened the empty thread her thumbs would ghost over the keyboard and she'd chicken out turning off her phone. She decided to leave her phone alone and took a quick shower to cool her down but it wasn't helping.
After her shower, she doused herself in cocoa butter and sprayed a little perfume to feel extra good before putting on her oversized grey sweater with the Space Jam characters scattered over it.
"Alexa, play Angel by Kid Cudi." It had recently become her favourite song to smoke to.
"Playing... Angel by Kid Cudi."
She lit a spliff she had rolled earlier and made a mental note to hit her plug for some more loud since this was her last. A moment to herself in this big-ass apartment, she was getting used to being by herself and in some way found peace in it. Her phone buzzed and she looked down at a text from her sister.
LochNess🐍: Did you text him yet?
Carmen put her phone down telling herself she'd answer once she was done having her moment, until another interruption came, this time it was a knock on her door. She was confused, no one really came to see her unless it was her sister. She sighed outing the last bit of her spliff in the ashtray and trotted to the door, she looked through the people and gasped when she saw who was on the other side. She quickly unlocked her entrance revealing Spooky on the other side.
"Spooky... hi."
She didn't know it but Spooky was nervous, he came over after Jose told him he gave Carmen his number he didn't have much of a plan or a script of what he was going to say to her. On the other hand, she was thinking about what her sister had said earlier, it was okay to think with her pussy for once and she did. It took both of them by surprise when she pulled him down by his black shirt connecting their lips, like a scene straight out of a book she tugged him inside and he reached back closing the door behind him.
He glided his palms across her lower back and down her bum grabbing a handful of her bare supple skin, she was soft and smelled so sweet. Carmen giggled feeling her feet leave the floor, legs soon wrapped around his waist. He slid off his shoes and walked over to her couch. Surprisingly none of this affected their kiss, chasing each other in desperate neediness. He sat with her in his lap, hands resting on her hips. They pulled apart for less than a second before he began to nibble at her neck, she smiled lazily letting out a hazy laugh at his facial hair tickling her skin.
Oscar gave her one last kiss on the neck before leaning back on the couch, she caught his eyes running down her body. "What?"
He shrugged. "Nothing. Heard you been thinking about me." Carmen groaned and buried her face in her hands, he chuckled at her sudden shyness. "I'm gonna kill that woman." She whined. Oscar moved her hands away and held them in his own. "Don't. I been thinking about you too." He said before cupping her chin, pulling her down this time.
Clothes were in a rush to be removed, tossing every piece on the floor until the cool breeze came in touch with their bare skin. Carmen hummed feeling his teeth graze against her sweet brown skin, his thick fingers padding down her torso and dipping between her legs. Oscar groaned at the feeling of her slickness coating his fingers, a light gasp followed by a whimper graced him as he pushed his fingers inside her cove. Her nails lightly dug at his biceps. If she was being honest, she just was willing to skip the foreplay, she wanted him and she wanted him now.
She whined wrapping her legs around his hips, he laughed breathlessly knowing what she was asking for so he stopped playing and gave it to her. He removed his fingers and lifted his head from the crook of her neck, his chain dangled in her face as he hovered over her his eyes gracing her every feature. A slick remark was about to come out of her mouth but was quickly shut down and replaced with a quiet moan feeling him fill her up completely.
Their chests pressed together as he returned to his position, his lips back on her neck adding to the feeling below. She whimpered feeling that first stroke, the second one so slow and delicate he wanted her to feel him against her walls, the third really hit-- it was a hard thrust, an erotic groan sounding from both of them. Carmen held him close, with every collision a new sound spilled from her plump lips, sounds she didn't even know she could make.
"Feels so fucking good, oh yes!"
He left sloppy kisses on her skin. "How are you so fucking wet? Hm?" His tone was cocky and she couldn't lie, the pleasure he was giving her had earned him that right. Her trembling legs never left from around his waist, using her body to beg him to go deeper. His hand collided with her hip squeezing her tattooed flesh in his grip. "Where's my answer mama?"
"You made me so wet." Carmen whimpered. "Shit! Right there!"
Oscar was pounding into her soft spot so hard her eyes disappeared to the back of her head, her legs came loose as she tried to push him off but he wasn't budging, he smirked ignoring her plea for him to ease up, she was close anyway he could feel it. Her pussy gripping him like she owned him and from now on it did. He was hooked, he was dizzy, he was ready for round after round— he never wanted to leave inside her.
He leaned down capturing her shivering lips in a slow kiss, tongues sliding past each other. He groaned when she would struggle to kiss back. "Spooky... fuck I'm cumming!"
Her nails clawed up his sides and dug into his skin once her hands reached his back. "Cum for me princesa." The words barely left his mouth when her back arched, her nails dragging down his back until her hands were right above his cheeks, she was pulsating around him. He slowed down his thrusts dragging out her orgasm for as long as he could and until she tapped out. They lay there out of breath and in a lustful aura. Carmen had finally started to breathe normally before Oscar picked her up and carried her off to an open room that he assumed was hers. She laughed when he tossed her onto the mattress. 
"I'm not done with you yet, hm, I want you to always think about me." 
I know I promised Rio but i finished this first so boooo
if you liked this fic feel free to like this fic. comments and reblogs help and are deeply appreciated
be cool as alwaysđŸ€™đŸŸ
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changbinsboobs · 1 month
dw for being honest. and yes I get the same ick feeling sometimes when reading certain idols nsfw posts but its still inruiging because in a way it reflect how he performs on stage. same i dont know if id get along with seungmin or lee know even as a scorpio i find them a bit too hit or miss like ur not quite sure what version u would get if u were going to meet them. but im sure theyre nice just to have a conversation with and i bet theyve got loads of thoughts on varying topics that they maybe are unable to discuss with others and such yh i love chans talent and his producing skills is amazing just maybe not in the sexual producing sense haha.
i also kinda get the feeling that he is much more comfortable or skilled with performing but u would kind of have to teach him things outside of what he does in the idol world cause i think idols in general rely so much on staff that they might not know much else besides what they do they might have an interest in something else but u would have to instruct them a lot bc in the idol world they kinda kept in their own bubble so to speak. for instance maybe cooking or yknow domestic stuff like that. i think the same about mingi and how he would suit someone whos wealthy yet skilled enough to take care of him.
if possible can u do only for the older members of skz would they want kids if so how many? cause I cant imagine basicslly having to lead 7 other kids then later on bangchan would still want his own but i still think he would be a great father maybe just not right now in this current time period cause he would still want to do his idol activities as long as he can.
Yeah i get what you mean with that hit or miss with lee know and Seungmin. Even tho Lee Knows my second bias after Changbin😂
And the thing about the idols needing teaching and assistance/guidances is actually very on point i have noticed that before in some idols. Not necessarily with skz but just in general. It must have its effect being closed up in a very limited world from your teen or even childhood years and having so much of your life being watched snd controlled and having things done and given to you etc. Im not necessarily getting that feeling with chan but im getting it a bit with Changbin, i think this may also be because of him growing so filthy rich, i remember him saying recently that he has NEVER went grocery shopping alone. Excuse me what?!đŸ„Č
Anyways here's the reading, it was very fun and interesting actually i love having a look into such topicsđŸ„° i hope you enjoy it too.
Deck used is the 3rd Eye TarotđŸŒŒđŸŒž
*for entertainment purposes only!
Skz Hyung-Line do they want Kids? How many?
Chan - Knight of Cups, Page of Swords, The Empress, 5 of Pentacles
Wow ok so chan does want kids and he wants to have kids a lot and he wants many at that! His poor, poor wife. Im seeing like 4-5 little buggers😂
Lee Know - Page of Cups, The Hierophant, Ace of Wands
Lee know doesn't seem too eager and wants to keep him and his wife (partner) and their love young. The decision would be probably more in the hands of his wife (im just gonna use that as im seeing very clearly a woman being presented in the energy) as he doesn't mind having a childless mariage. As i said he would love having the extra time with his wife to keep themselves young and explore new hobbies and the world and themselves. But if it came up to it and his wife made a conscious choice of having a child they they would probably have just one.
Changbin - 3 of Pentacles, 8 of Wands
Changbin wants 3 and he wants them quick. I feel like he would love to have girls, probably all 3 of them being girls. I think he would find it really cool if they were triplets or something. Or their first being twins and the third little one being their little sis or brothers and so everyone of their children feels supported and protected among themselves too with the oldest ones having each other and the younger one having their sisters. I also get the feeling that his swimmers are also very potent🌝 so a pregnancy might come unexpected actually. He would love to keep it tho. He really really want to have children quick and fast (if its with the person he loves). Its like he can't wait to already settle down in his family life. I might just be picking on his soul tho, idk if his conscious self is currently on the same wavelenght😅 Oh and i think he would be a very devoted father and want to spend lots of time with his kids and teach them things, and go explore and have adventures with them and have them teach him new things like slang, and what happened at school and how Amanda got pink highlights or whatever😂 like middle school tea yk. He would love that!
Hyunjin - 6 of Cups, Ace of Pentacles
For hyunjin im seeing just one kid. He doesn't seem too eager for kids but he's open to it and sees it as something thats just part of life and being an adult. I think he would be good with his child too, but it will be more of a calmer dynamic and i think it might be a bit of a struggle to actually get that kid. Maybe it would be a while or the acquiring of the child will be a long and tiring process, like maybe something like adoption. I actually see him with an older child too, like him giving something to an older child thats already like 3-7ish. And i also feel the vibe of him being alone with that kid, as in his partner isn't there with him. Kind of explains the calm, devote of excitement energy. I don't feel very comfortable getting into that to be honest so im just gonna leave it as it is and not get any confirmation on anything.
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romanarose · 1 year
To the Rescue
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Pre-Outbreak!Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Summary: Sarah gets her period, and Joel is a bit lost.
Warnings: So much period talk. so much. Thats about it.
EDIT Gotdamn two requests for part two already and it’s been up a few hours 😂 part two it is! Maybe with smut 👀
Let’s see. Comment if you’d like to be tagged!
You didn’t wanna assume anything
 maybe he knew what he was doing. Maybe he was just trying to find a particular kind. 
Or maybe the 30-something-year-old man was wandering lost around the feminine hygiene aisle overwhelmed because his wife, daughter, or sister sent him to buy some, and he had no idea what he was doing.
“Excuse me, sir?” You gently approach the nervous man. When he turns to you, wide-eyed and red faced, you can’t help but notice how handsome he is, soft brown curls framing a strong jaw and curved nose.
“Oh, ‘scuse me, ma’am.” He nods his head to you, and steps back, presumably to get out of your way.
You smile softly at him, trying to put him at ease. “No, no, you’re alright, I was just gonna ask if you needed any help?”
The man blushes harder at that, dodging your attempts to catch his eyes. He looks like he’s about to refuse, but reconsiders. Looking at the floor and shoving his hands in his pockets, he answers. “My daughter, she started
 yeah. For the first time today
 the nice cashier boy is an older brother of her friend so he let her in the employee bathroom, since apparently, they don’t have a public one.” The annoyance laced his voice, and it’s obvious it had taken a moment to get the poor young girl to privacy. He finally looks at you, not so much embarrassed, but more ashamed. “I should’a been prepared for this, but I thought
 I thought I had more time, you know? She’s still a little girl to me, I guess I didn’t see it coming. So. Here we are.”
You nod, listening. “Are you able to contact her mom?”
Shaking his head, he looks away again. “She left when Sarah- uh, my daughter- when Sarah was two, I gave up tryna involve her in Sarah's life by Kindergarden- I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be dumping all this shit-I Mean, crap- on you.”
He was a southern gentleman, it seemed, not keen on swearing around women. You felt for him, you did. A single dad in this position wasn’t ease. 
“I see, well, I’m happy to help, if that’s alright.”
An audible sigh of relief escapes him. “That would be great, thank you. I don’t wanna
 well she’s already very embarrassed. The cashier was nice, but he definitely saw the blood on her shorts, and she’s pretty humiliated. You know, teenage boy she knows and all that
 I don’t wanna make it worse.” He shuffles his feet. “I don’t wanna make her feel like this is something to be ashamed of, or that I’m grossed out. I’m not.” He glances at you before sighing again but keeping eye contact. “I just feel out of my depth that’s all.”
“I understand. This sort of thing can be confusing for adult women do. We learn new things all the time, what works better and what doesn’t. I don’t think anyone expects you to be an expert.”
With a shy smile, the young man extends his hand. “Joel Miller, pleasure to meet yuh, miss.”
You tell him your name, and get to work, not wanting to leave that poor girl waiting. “Any known allergies, Mr. Miller?”
“Please, you can call me Joel. And yeah, she’s allergic to latex.”
Nodding again, you move to a particular section. “Okay, good think I asked because some have latex. Here.” You give him a box of basic Kotex pads and a box of tampons. “This brand is latex free, and they are a good brand. Just make sure you check any new products if you get 'em. She probably won’t want to use tampons for a few years yet, but let’s get 'em just in case” You grab a box of larger ones. “And these are overnight pads, but the first day or two are always the heaviest each month, and if I’m being honest, I just use these the first day, even with a tampon.” Your face suddenly matches Joel’s blush. “Sorry, that’s probably TMI”
“No!” He reassures, wide-eyed. “I don’t mind, any information is helpful- uh- if you’re comfortable, of course.”
You can’t seem to stop smiling at him. “Yeah. I’m pretty open. Well, for me, my first two days are insanely heavy, and the tampons bleed through really quick, so if I’m at work it's better just to have a big pad on to prevent leaks. I think it’s safe to say she’s gonna like these while she is figuring things out.”
Joel nods, and you can tell he’s trying very hard to take in this information. He grabs another box of the over night pads, then looks at you. “Just in case”
“Okay, now, you said she bleed through her clothes right?”
Joel scrubbed his face. “Oh god, yeah, and they don’t sell clothes here, huh.” He sighs, before coming up with a plan. “That's okay” I’ll just wrap my jacket around her.”
“Here.” You toss him some baby wipes. “You go check out, I got some sweats in my car, I’ll grab them and meet you at the employee bathroom.”
His eyes go wide at that. “Oh! Oh no, miss, thank you but you don't have to-”
But you hold out a hand to quiet the handsome single dad. “I want to. And they are just shitty sweats, don’t worry for one minute.” Before he could argue, you leave him, and soon you return to the front where Joel is trying to get his daughter to open the door
 but she’s refusing.
“Sarah, honey, it’s okay, it’s okay I’m just gonna hand you what you need-”
“No!” You can hear her yell from the bathroom, and you can’t imagine she’s older than 10.
You step up to the door. “Hey, Sarah? I’m a friend of your dads. I got some clean clothes for you, if you crack open the door I have a towel you can cover yourself with, and I can help you, or if they you think got it-”
The door unlocked, and Joel looked visibly relieved as you handed her the beach towel through the cracked door. 
“Is this alright? I’ll keep the door unlocked and be in and out.” You assure him, and he agrees.
“I really appreciate all your help; I can’t say thank you enough.” 
Sarah calls that you can come in, and with a towel covering her you show her the products and explain how to use them. You slip out again and lean against the wall looking at an anxious Joel.
“She okay? She good?” He asks you, the worry evident on his face.
You were quick to reassure him. “She’s alright, just embarrassed, but I managed to slip in that you were absolutely not weirded out and not nervous at all.”
“Already lying for me, huh darl’n?”  He chuckles a bit, finally seeming to relax. “You really came to my rescue.”
You could stare at his soft brown eyes all day
 “It’s alright. No one really prepares you for this as a dad.”
The smile on his face falls. “But I should’ve prepared myself, you know?” his large hand goes to rub the back of his neck. “I don’t want you to think I didn’t try, really. When her mom left I really tried to
 you know
 learn how to do both, the mom stuff and dad stuff.” Joel chuckled a bit. “I can throw a mean tea party.”
Smiling softly, you hope your face doesn’t show one of judgment. "I bet you can."
“But then she just got older so fast
“How old is she?”
“Well, in your defense, that is a little earlier than expected.” You can see his eyes widen, so you’re quick to assure him. “Not too early! Any time between 9 and 16 I think is normal and healthy. 12-13 is the average though.”
He wouldn’t stop beating himself up about it. “I should’ve been prepared, but my ma died before Sarah was born and I work with all men so I just
 didn’t have anyone to ask, and then I know I could probably look it up but I didn’t even know what I’m looking for, plus it’s the internet so I wasn’t really sure what I’d see-”
“Joel!” You stop him, laughing and putting a hand on him, hoping to cool his anxious over-explaining
 he relaxes into your touch. “I have been getting mine for ages, and I still find myself getting caught off guard without products. You’re a good dad, okay? You’re trying your best, and from what I’ve seen, you’ve raised a lovely, polite young lady. You’re not gonna traumatize her because you didn’t have pads.”
When he smiles at you, you can’t help but fall into those puppy-dog eyes just a little bit more.
Sarah emerges from the bathroom, looking at the floor but trying to put on a brave face. You decide to leave them be, let them go home so the poor girl could rest and Joel could calm down.
“I’m going to finish my shopping, any more questions before I go, sweetie?”
She gives a light smile. “No ma’am, thank you.”
“You’re very welcome. Joel?” You ask the girls dad, and he laughs as he shakes his head.
“Got about a thousand, but I’ll figure it out.”
“Dad” Sarah urges him to stop talking, so Joel does. 
“Thank you, miss. I appreciate it.”
You say goodbye to both, and go to retrieve your shopping cart. 
Meanwhile, Joel watches you leave, before Sarah speaks up.
“Who was that? She said she was a friend of yours, but you don’t have friends other than Uncle Tommy.”
“Hey now, little lady.” Joel looks down at her, but Sarah just gives him a look. “Fine, you got me. Just a nice lady helping a hopeless old man.”
“Well, she was nice. Can we go home? I think I deserve some of that candy you keep hidden away.”
“How do you know about that?”
“You fall asleep watching TV with your mouth full of chocolate.” Sarah then flops her head back, mouth open, imitating a loud snore. 
Joel gently bonks her head, making the pre-teen giggle. “Alright I get your point, fine. Let’s go home.” Joel put his arm around his daughter, walking her outside as he carried the back of products and her dirty shorts.
When Sarah stuffed her hands into your large sweatpants, she felt something in the pocket. “Oh I hope he doesn’t need this.”
“What is it?” Joel hoped it was important so he had an excuse to find you and talk to you again. 
Sarah handed him a business card. It had your name, and business and cellphone number printed on it, but it was the back that caught his attention. Written in blue ink, it said: “Call me, cowboy <3”
First Joel with no smut XD
I was debating writing this or a dark!joel one shot, but christ, my dark joel series is *dark* so i needed to lighten myself up a bit.
IDK who else is reading none smutty joel so i guess im just tagging fen bc they read all my nonsense XD
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theshelbyclan · 1 year
A Sisterly Bond
Summary: Ada and Teddy don’t have much in common, but that doesn’t mean that they couldn’t make a good team
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A/N: I just felt like writing again, and for Ada and Teddy in particular. I always imagine them getting on better and better as Teddy gets older. She’s still young in this one, so it’s a rocky relationship still 😂 anyways, hope you enjoy to whoever still is reading my stuff!
Words: 2630
“Teddy, would you be so kind as to give me my coat?”
“For fuck’s sake,” Ada sighed, “why do you always have to be difficult?”
“Am not,” Teddy grumbled.” I just don’t see why I have to be your lady’s maid, just because you’re my sister.”
“Ooh, there’s a big word!” the older sister replied sarcastically.
“Tommy says all fancy rich ladies have a lady’s maid.”
“ ‘Tommy says’
” Ada rolled her eyes and Teddy stuck out her tongue at her.
In many ways, Ada and Teddy were nothing alike. There was the age gap, of course, but they also just seemed to have very little in common. Ada didn’t care much for family business, while Teddy wanted to know everything about everything. Ada tried her best to live her own life without her brothers interfering at every turn, whereas Teddy wanted to be like her brothers in every way. Ada made an effort to never care too much, unlike Teddy, who cared so much and didn’t have a problem showing it. Also, Ada wanted to go out in her fancy coat and high heels, and Teddy wanted to run free in her brother’s trousers and shirt.
Polly watched the two sisters and followed Teddy with her eyes as she stormed out the door in a huff. She then turned to Ada and said, “Would it kill you to just say a kind word to her every now and then?”
Ada had her nose back in the papers and shrugged, “I don’t know, Pol. Would it kill her to practise some good manners?”
“You know what she’s like.”
“Oh, I do,” she sighed, “I remember when she was born and you told me how nice it would be for me to have another girl in the family. Instead we got
Nine-year-old Teddy Shelby was walking through the muddy streets and pretended she was a pirate. With a stick in hand, she fought off the assailants only she could see and shouted out battle cries. But in the chaos of Small Heath, no one really noticed her. And if they did, they simply thought: there goes Teddy Shelby

Her playing was suddenly interrupted though by her youngest brother. “Aunt Polly says she wants you to go with Ada!” Finn shouted out, as he ran towards her.
“Why?” she sighed, exasperated.
“I don’t know. She needs help carrying things from the market?”
Teddy kicked a rock, “Can’t you do it?”
Finn shrugged again, “It’s a woman’s job, isn’t it.”
“Oh fuck off!” As Finn pouted a little, she added, “Please can you go? Ada doesn’t even like me
If there was one thing Finn couldn’t stand, it was seeing his little sister upset, so he agreed. “You know, Arthur is always with John. Ada likes me, but you’re Tommy’s favourite.”
“I know.”
“So it’s not that bad, right?” Finn tried hopefully.
“I suppose not.” But Teddy couldn’t help but feel a little sadness over it.
“Aunt Pol says I’m to get you ready for church.”
“I am ready,” Teddy motioned to her dress, which she hated so intensely.
Ada sighed, “What have you done to your knees now? They look like you’ve become the chimney sweep’s latest apprentice.”
“Why do you always have to badger me?” Teddy called out, full of frustration.
 clean your knees before Polly sees,” she waved a hand and put on a hat.
Teddy started scrubbing furiously at her legs. Ada watched her and decided that maybe she should make an effort. So she asked, “What do you think of this hat? Does is suit me?”
“I don’t know,” the little girl shrugged, “it stays on so I’m guessing it fits your head?”
“Bloody hell, I don’t know why I even bother. Let’s go.”
In the late afternoon sun, Tommy was talking to a man about a horse. Next to him, a small girl was following the conversation intensely, trying to learn as much from the interaction as she could.
“I’ll give you four for her, but no more.”
“Can’t do less than six, mister Shelby,” the man slapped her brother’s hand, “She’s a good horse, that one. Strong.”
“She’s no war horse and I could have fucking five of her for that price. Four and a half.”
“I have a family to feed, sir. Five?”
Tommy shook his hand and that was that.
After he’d left, Teddy looked up and, like she’d been in the business for twenty years, said, “She’s worth at least ten, Tommy.”
“Is she?” he took a drag on his cigarette, but inside felt like he could burst with pride. Then he lifted Teddy up and planted her up onto the horse, “Go on, tell me what she’s like.”
As Teddy rode around the yard, Ada joined her brother. With her usual air of indifference, she commented, “Well, if it isn’t the big brother and his pride and joy.”
“Hello, Ada
“Did she persuade you into spending more money once again?”
“Look at her,” Tommy pointed, “She might be the best rider in all of Small Heath.”
Ada raised her eyebrows and mumbled, “High praise
” In truth, Ada was impressed. She’d always been the odd one out in the family when it came to horses. She never much cared for them and riding them had always been more of a chore than a pleasure.
“Why don’t you tell her how good she looks up on that horse, eh?”
“Me? Why the hell would I tell her?”
Tommy locked eyes with Ada, “Because it’s you she wants to hear it from.”
She laughed a little at that, “No, Tommy, it’s you she wants to hear it from. Everything she wants to hear from you.”
As Ada walked off again, Tommy called after her, “She is your only sister, Ada.”
“And what a joy she is,” but it didn’t come out that sarcastic this time.
After a few more minutes or riding, Teddy hopped down from the horse again. Her brother asked her some questions about the horse and she answered to the best of her abilities. But in between, Teddy carefully asked, “Was that Ada?”
“Yes, just on her way home from the Bullring.”
“Did she watch me ride?” Teddy asked in a small voice.
Tommy observed her for a second, “Now, why do you ask that?”
She shrugged her shoulders and turned away to brush off the horse, “Just curious.”
Polly was a modern woman in many ways, but not in every way. She might’ve even been insulted if you called her that. So, when it was time for the spring cleaning of the house, she asked the girls to help. Well, she didn’t really ask.
“Ada, you start on sweeping and Teddy you can follow her with the bucket.”
Both girls rolled their eyes so hard it had to hurt and Polly couldn’t help but notice how in those few seconds, they looked exactly alike.
“I’ll be in the back with the washing,” their aunt continued, leaving no room for arguments.
Cigarette in hand, Ada started sweeping the floors at her own leisurely pace.
“Hurry up, will you?” Teddy grumbled, “I have to wait on you to mop and I do have other things to do, you know.”
“Oh? And what important appointments might you have, you strange little idiot?”
“Don’t call me an idiot!” Teddy stomped down het foot, “and hurry the fuck up!”
“Swear again and I’ll give you a slap!”
“Go on then!”
Ada huffed and swung her broom, aiming for her annoying sister. Teddy ducked and laughed, “You’re too slow.”
” she sighed, “I don’t want to do this either and I don’t have the energy to fight you as well. Just shut up and get this done.”
“Fine. Go on then, work, unless you’re afraid you’ll break a fucking nail or something.”
That earned Teddy a firm smack around the head. Angrily, she picked up her bucket and threw its contents in Ada’s direction, instantly soaking her sister.
Aunt Polly came barging in the house after hearing Ada scream. Inside, she found a furious Teddy with one red cheek and an even more furious Ada, completely wet and dripping.
“I left you two alone for five fucking minutes,” she glared daggers, “and you can’t even behave for that long?”
Ada seemed to have found her composure again and grabbed another, dry, cigarette. “That’s what happens when you leave me with an actual fucking savage, Pol.”
“It’s not my fault! She started it!” Teddy fumed, “She called me an idiot and she does that all the time because she hates me!”
“Jesus Christ,” Polly lit a cigarette of her own, “Ada, go get changed and then you can continue the work outside. Teddy, you take over the sweeping. Probably my own fucking fault for thinking you could get along for half a day
With all the dignity she could muster in a soaked dress, Ada stalked off. Teddy picked up the broom and tried to avoid Polly’s eyes.
“I’ll have a word with her,” Polly said eventually, not without sympathy.
“Which is more than I’ll ever fucking have again,” Teddy spit.
“God,” Polly whispered to herself, “Why did you have to make them both so fucking stubborn?”
It was the evening after pay day, so all the pubs in Small Heath were filled to the brim. Normally, they didn’t serve women on their own, but Ada Shelby was the exception to the rule. Harry wouldn’t dare to refuse her.
“Here you go, Miss Shelby,” he said, as he handed her a drink.
She took it gratefully and went to sit down. The truth was, she was hoping to catch a glimpse of Freddie Thorne, but he hadn’t been in yet.
After fifteen minutes, she wanted another one and made her way over to the bar again. But the place was packed and it took too long for her liking. So, Ada went behind the bar and poured her own drink. Teddy watched her and smirked slightly. Deep down, she did admire her sister, simply because she wasn’t impressed by anything or anyone really.
At the same time, an older gentlemen strolled into the Garrison. He was dressed differently, looked like money, and had the confidence to match. Short as he was, he made up for it in attitude. Teddy didn’t know him and eyed him carefully.
Then he spotted Ada and made his way over. Leaning on the bar, he started talking to her, but Teddy couldn’t hear. She stood up and walked a little closer, while remaining invisible in the crowd.
“Come on, sweetheart, pretty girl like you all alone without a man?”
“Who says I am?” Ada shrugged, and Teddy could tell she was uncomfortable.
He smiled at her without humour, “How about I take you for a good time. You don’t want to be difficult, do you?”
Teddy frowned and felt the urge to spit at him. But instead she noticed how he was standing up on the little ledge of the bar, just a few inches off the ground. Cockily, he balanced on one leg, presumably to make up for the inches he lacked.
So the little girl grinned and just as he was telling Ada about all the things he had and could offer her, Teddy walked up to him and kicked him in the back of his knees. At once, he lost his balance and his legs buckled. And in one swift motion, he collapsed onto the bar and then fell flat on his arse.
The pub erupted in laughter.
Teddy joined in, but only got to celebrate her triumph for a few seconds. The man became furious and grabbed her, raising his hand to strike her. But before he could, Ada had grabbed a bottle and smashed it over his head. Afterwards, she calmly brushed the glass off her own coat and bit, “Now, piss off.”
“Yeah!” Teddy added, “Piss off!”
Ada looked down at her and grabbed her hand. She didn’t feel like waiting for what was to happen next, so she marched her little sister out of the pub.
Outside, neither said a word for a long time. Eventually, Ada was the first one to speak, “Would you mind explain what the bloody hell that was?”
Teddy shrugged, a little winded from having to run after Ada in her four inch heels, “I thought he was a bad man, so I didn’t want him to talk to you.”
Ada looked down at her strange little sister and felt a sudden surge of love for her, “He was a bad man. And I didn’t want him to talk to me.”
 there are some good men out there
“Are there?”
but most of them are just bastards.”
Teddy pondered on that for a second, “How do you know which one is the not-bastard?”
Ada smiled, “Well, apparently, you already do. This one was not one of them.”
“So, you’re not mad at me for kicking him?” She tried carefully.
“Mad?” She laughed, “I thought it was bloody brilliant!”
Teddy smiled back up at Ada, beaming with pride.
“Thank you, Teddy, because for a moment, I did get scared.”
“I can come with you all the time, if you like!” her little sister quipped happily, “Keep watch for you?”
“That won’t be necessary, sweetheart, but I appreciate the offer.”
Casting her eyes down again, “Yeah, I know you don’t want me around
And quite abruptly, Ada stopped her in the streets, “Now wait a second, you strange little
” she quickly swallowed her words, “Teddy. Just because I don’t always like you, doesn’t mean I don’t love you. Do you understand?”
“No. That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Maybe not,” Ada marched on again and Teddy once again struggled to keep up, “but it will as soon as you find your own not-bastard!”
Teddy looked a little too pensive for Ada’s liking, so she said in her version of being comforting, “I’ll look out for you too and kick any man that gets to close, don’t worry.”
“What happened to you two?” Polly demanded, as her two nieces walked through the door.
“Nothing,” they both replied in unison.
Thomas looked from one to the other, “Tell me what happened.”
“We told you, Thomas, nothing happened,” Ada replied airily, while taking off her gloves.
“Teddy, you fucking tell me now.”
But even Teddy didn’t crumble under her brother’s piercing eyes this time. Instead, she looked up to Ada and said, “It’s nothing, Tommy. Just women’s business. Nothing for you to worry about.” She was now directly quoting her other female role model and Polly had no choice but to bend her head to hide her smile.
Ada smiled back at Teddy and left the room, with her little sister in tow.
“What the fuck was that?” Tommy sighed.
Polly replied, not without some smugness, “I believe that was a sisterly bond in action.”
“Should I be worried?”
“Fucking hell,” he breathed, as he lit another cigarette.
Polly turned around to continue her work, “You’re outnumbered now, Thomas!”
Tommy tried to make a dismissive hand gesture, “There’s four of us, only two of them.”
“Yes, but they’re women, sweetheart, and women count for at least two men. Besides, they’re together now.”
This was all too much for the great leader of the Peaky Blinders to understand. There were some things, ‘women’s business’ as Teddy so elegantly had put it, that he tried to steer clear of. Still, he felt a pang of sadness over his little sister growing up. Maybe he was losing her.
“You won’t,” his aunt read his mind, “but you can’t protect her forever either.”
“If I can’t, who will?”
Polly smiled gently, “We will.”
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recurring-polynya · 8 months
Izakaya Kamenoya
I am re-watching the Captain Amagai arc, which I love because it has just a shit-ton of Seireitei slice-of-life worldbuilding. Early in the arc, Kira goes to the bar with Renji and Iba to sob about how his new Third Seat is better than him, and it made me wonder-- do the lieutenants always go to the same bar, or does the anime just make up a new one every time? Episode 172 had a nice shot of the exterior:
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I immediately went to Episode 355 (the second New Year's episode), because I'm always thinking about Rukia shotgunning that beer while Renji gazes on lovingly, and it certainly *looks* like same place, but again, maybe that's just a very standard-looking izakaya.
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I decided that trying to translate the kanji might help. They're more visible in the first image. The ones on the paper lantern, 酒懩 were easy, because they just say izakaya (literally, "alcohol" and "place"). That just supported the idea that this was just some generic bar. For the kanji on the wooden lantern, which appeared to be the same as the ones on the sign above the door, I managed to puzzle out the bottommost one, 汋, which means "shop" or "restaurant." Hmm.
At this point, I was feeling a little stumped, so I went looking for other screen shots.
Other bar scenes I could remember took place in: Episode 179 (Ukitake and Kyouraku try to angle Amagai into a threesome). This had a clearer shot of the sign, and it's definitely the same as the lantern.
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Ep 305 (Kira and Hisagi go for drinks after work and run into Unohana having "Ladies' Night" with Soi Fon, the Kotetsu sisters, and Yachiru ????)
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And finally, Episode 265 (the end of the Sword Beasts arc, Ladies' Night again, I guess, this time with zanpakutou)
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and bingo, they actually translated it for me, this time!!
In, the only one that didn't turn out to take place at Izakaya Kamenoya was from Ep. 303, the first New Year's episode. The SWA holds their holiday luncheon here (the sign says èŒ¶ć±‹, or "tea house") .
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It is also not the place where Rukia and Renji announce their engagement in WDKALY, that place is called Safflower, and it's fancier and it's specifically mentioned that it's way classier than everyone's usual digs.
That's neither here nor there, let's get back to Izakaya Kamenoya!
Later on, like when I was 90% of the way through writing this post, I realized there was an earlier shot of the sign in episode 172 that was also translated (which I thought I remembered and then assumed I had hallucinated when I couldn't find it, but it was from a separate trip to bar with Kibune and Kira's shitty subordinates). Conveniently, it's also probably the most readable out of all of them. EDIT: I didn't notice when I pasted this in here, but they translate it as Kamegameya here, which seems like a mistake? B3 suggests they might have read the second character as a repetition (with the k turning into a g, which I don't know all the details of, but I assume it's that thing that happens in Japanese when a word is in the interior of another word and it gets a harder consonant, the same way the s in "sakura" in Senbonzakura becomes a z). Google also tells me that the name of Yugi's grandfather's game shop in Yu-Gi-Oh is called Kame Game, so I wonder if the subtitler here was just working on muscle memory 😂. I'm sticking with Kamenoya, although Turtle Turtle Bar has its own charm)
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The three characters in the upper left are 汅酒汋, which is just a different way to spell izakaya.
"Kame" was easy to translate, it's the leftmost large character on the sign, äș€. It means "turtle", but the second meaning is "heavy drinker," so I'm guessing this might be a bit of a pun. Unfortunately, googling didn't turn up any further detail on this.
I puzzled a little over the middle character, until I realized that it might be äč‹, which is an older version of た. Oh, says me, who only speaks the Japanese I picked up from anime, it's Kame no ya, the way all the inns in Kakuriyo end in "ya." It just means "House of the Turtle", or "Turtle's Pub."
Turtle's Pub. Can we just take a moment to reflect on the fact that the lieutenants (and sometimes captains) like to hang out at someplace called Turtle's? I am so charmed by this. I have not been so excited since the time I realized that Renji was wearing the koi hoodie in the Bount Arc OP.
It's possible that it was just named by a guy who has "kame" as part of his name or who likes turtles, or as I said, maybe it's a pun, but there are two other possibilities I thought of:
In line with this post on the naming scheme for the Seireitei Gates, perhaps it's in the north part of the city, and named after Genbu the Black Tortoise-Snake
When I am making up business names in my fanfic, I often like to associate them with the squads they are near-- dragons for stuff near Squad 10, fish for 13, firebirds for things that are more city-wide. It's partially trying to tap into squad solidarity, and partially so people have a clue where your place is located in this stupid maze city. I love the idea of some former captain with a turtle-themed zanpakutou, whose is fondly remembered because someone happened to name a good bar after them.
I looked up that extremely questionable Blood War era Seireitei map, wondering if maybe Squad 3 was near the north gate:
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It turns out it is not (assuming the unlabeled squads just go in order), but you know what is? Squad 10. So if Kamenoya is named after the North Gate, I assume everyone drinks there because it's close to Matsumoto.
(thank you very much to @kaicko for checking my work)
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sassy-radio-hazbin-queen · 10 months
This is my version of Loonatics unleashed. I decided to do my own version. So some major differences are.
1- The Loonatics take place in 2017 which makes it's a bit more relatable to us. I love the designs of the future but I have to admit I found it weird with all the new technology the phones still look very early 2000s 😂.
2- The looney tunes are there Great Grandparents not 300th Great grandparent.
3- Duck and Rev are Girls. I wonder how come there was only one girl in the team. There supposed to be descendants not carbon copies 😒. I mean we're they saying girls can't be descendants from boys.
4- Ace and Lexi are Fraternal twins. Guys I'm sorry I just can't seem to ship them. They are descendants of Lola and Bugs bunny who are in a canonical relationship. It's a cute ship don't get me wrong. But for me it's just weird.
5- The Loonatics are young adults. Wikipedia says there teenagers but these guys are in universitys?? There ages are. Slam and Tech 22, Ace and Lexi 20 , Rev and Danger 18.
6- Zadalvia is NICE to Danger.
7- There backstories. Starting with Slam Tasmanian.
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First off he can Talk. I never understood why they gave Wiles and Roadrunner descendants talking abilities but not him.
He lived in Tasmania and has an Australian accent kinda like Hugh Jackman. Some humans said they were going to take there home unless Slam comes up with 100,000,000,000,000,000 dollars. ( Which is impossible) so he signs up for American wrestling. He goes to America but finds out it's not what he thought. However a meteor changes his life forever. He has a younger kid sister who is his biggest supporter and lived with his mom after there father walked out on the family. Loves to cook. His birthday is May 4th and yes the others do joke and say May the 4th be with you much to his annoyance. Zodiac is Taurus ♉
Next up Tech e Coyote
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His backstory is kinda complicated. He was diagnosed with Asperger's when he was 4 and was often bullied to the point where he is TERRIFIED of public speaking. He has lots of stim toys and sometimes didn't feel like talking. During college he befriended a shy bullied girl names Mallory and eventually fell in love with her. Unfortunately there was an accident he caused by mistake and she ended up becoming the Mastermind. He tried with inventing again but after several accidents he was kicked out of the university. However a meteor changes his life forever. Birthday Dec 30. Zodiac Capricorn ♑.
Next up Ace and Lexi
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I decided to do these two together since there twins so they basically lived the same lives. Ace is the older twin and is a daredevil who got in trouble with his parents alot. As for Lexi she was a very sweet girl who everyone liked. She was definitely the angel to aces devil personality. However this came at the cost of her getting bullied and Ace getting detention alot in high school. ( Because no one messes with a guy's younger sister especially if she is your twin) at college though he seemed to mature a bit and Lexi learned how to deal with bullies with her one passion Dancing. She loves Ballet. And Ace wanted to be a Actor like his Great Grandpa Bugs bunny. Unfortunately try outs didn't go well for either. But a Meteor changes there lives forever. There birthday is Oct. 13 making them Libras ♎
And now for everyone favorite talkative roadrunner Rev Runner.
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Ok so like I said Rev is a girl runner. She had a pretty standard life. However her parents never believed she had ADHD just thinking she was faster than normal or not paying attention to them. Her younger brother Rip is 10 in this world and as far as she is concerned. She is more his mother than there own. Harriet and Ralph are pretty rich and practically use there kids to help make money. Rev being the oldest was put under a lot of pressure growing up. Ralph often would push Rev to her limits. To make things worse he was Willing to Marry her to some Creep to get more money. Luckily she got away. Unfortunately she couldn't take her brother with her. Something that still crushes her. She started work at a diner as a waitress. She was miserable until a certain meteor struck earth changing her life forever. Her birthday is Feb 1. Her Zodiac is Aquarius ♒
For the Final loonatic. My personal favorite Danger Duck
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( this is the only gif of him are you kidding me 😂)
Anyway like Rev she is a Girl. And the youngest of the team. Her life wasn't exactly easy at all. Her parents were murdered in front of her by psycho clowns at age 5. Then she went through several foster homes with all of them sending her back cause she was a ' problem child'. None of them realized she was lashing out in grief. She practically grew up in the system. She had only one friend. Pinkster Pig. However when he got adopted he started changing and bullied her throughout high school. When she hit 18 she was kicked out of the orphanage and was homeless taking off jobs just so she can sleep somewhere. Her latest job and place was at a pool place. After a hard day of work. A meteor changes her life forever. Her birthday is July 25. Her Zodiac is Leo ♌
As for Zadalvia. Since she is an alien I decided to make her more like avatar. She has a striped tail. And is green skin. Her outfit is Blue. And she has Orange hair. She is 35 years old. Her backstory is pretty much the same. Except I decided to have Optimus ( I dont know how to spell his name) is possessed by the robo stuff he wears. There parents died when she was young and he became an adult. After years of ruling freleng he found a robot costume and put it on. Unfortunately it possessed him. He imprisoned his sister but she escaped with the help of a rocket. Resulting in the meteor. Her birthday is September 3. Her Zodiac is Virgo ♍.
And that's basically my version of the Loonatics hope you like them 😊
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Pain Makes You Human - Peter Hale x Reader
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Pairing: Peter x Reader
Prompt: Requested by ANON
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Warning: mentions of self harm, a bit of angst and self loathing ALSO SMUT because you guys wants me to take cold showers everyday...even in winter 😂
Thank you to my lovely Beta as always! @lets-imagine-fanfics
Being a teacher is the only thing you ever wanted to do. Even when you had a rough patch in your teens and ended up homeless, it was still your dream. So when you came to Beacon Hills, after finally getting your teaching degree, you couldn’t have been more ecstatic... Except you soon found out why there were so many openings to jobs in this town.     
Being startled by a giant beast that oozes black smoke can seriously make a person question their life choices. According to a few rumours, this wasn’t the first strange thing that had happened. However, as a teacher for some reason, your only concern was that a bunch of kids seemed to be at the centre of all of it.    
Soon enough you’d manage to find yourself in the pack, as their favourite go-to teacher when they need to leave for a supernatural crisis. You soon became quite close to everyone, even Stiles. Who quite naturally didn’t trust you at all when you came to town.    
However, after La BĂȘte you and he were quite close. A lot like a brother and sister but that didn’t stop the boy sending you flirty comments as a joke.     
“Come on, Y/N, you know you love me!” Stiles whined as he wrapped his arms around your waist and started to sway you back and forth.     
“Mieczyslaw Stilinski, I suggest you get your hands off Y/N before I shoved this spatula up your god damn ass.” Derek snapped as he pointed the spatula directly at Stiles.     
“Aww, don’t be jealous, Der Bear! I love you more!” Stiles chuckled sarcastically as he pranced over to Derek. You let out a snort before continuing to get out a bowl for your cereal.     
It was pack night the previous night so you were all cramped in Derek’s loft, that didn’t seem to bother anyone. It was now Monday and everyone was rushing to get ready. You usually drove Scott or Stiles to school depending on if Stiles bring his jeep.     
“Oh, have you two finally got your act together?” Peter chuckled as he strolled into the kitchen with a smirk.    
You let out a sigh before shaking your head at him letting him know the two were just flirting and nothing more. He rolled his eyes before pressing a kiss to your temple which caused you to smile down at your cereal.     
“Dad, can you please not kiss in front of me. It’s gross.” Malia groaned as she walked into the room with a disgusted face.     
“Malia, it was hardly explicit. I kissed my lover on the head it’s hardly anything to cringe about.” Peter sighed his fatherly tone shining through.     
“Ew. Don’t say the word 'lover' either. What century do you live in?” Malia gagged as Stiles laughed into Derek back.     
“I quite like the fact your father calls me lover. It feels more mature and intimate.” You snorted playfully earning a chuckle from Scott who was dragging a very sleepy Liam and Mason behind him.     
“Lover is a term a lot of older wolfs use.” Derek laughed as Stiles pulled away to look at him with wide eyes. Suddenly every wolf in the room sniffed the room and started groaning minus Peter who looked a little smug whereas Derek just looked shocked.     
“Oh, come on, can we at least try and pretend we didn’t just smell that!” Stiles huffed his cheeks flushing softly.     
“Did you just pop a boner from Derek saying the word lover?” You laughed as you placed your now empty bowl in the sink.     
“Oh, come on! Am I that obvious!?” Stiles huffed before pouring some coffee into a flask and storming out of the loft with a pout.     
You watched as the seniors poured into your class. Scott, Stiles, Lydia and Malia were already sat down which made you laugh because every teacher in the school never understood why they came early to your class, that is +until you carefully explained that you were close to the Sheriff and were also dating the uncle of Stiles’ boyfriend. Though Stiles didn’t know that you’d told the teachers that.     
You slipped your cardigan off before making your way to your desk. Before you could open your mouth a student spoke up causing you to groan.     
“Yes, Luke?” You huffed, your hands coming to rest on your hips as you impatiently waited for his question.     
“Teach, either your seriously one kinky bitch or you need to join the emo clique because those are beyond gross.” He snorted as he stared at your arms.     
Before you could retaliate or even think about his words, Stiles was out his seat and throwing Luke against a wall, holding him there by his throat. You ran over to the pair careful not to trip over in your heels before hitting Stiles’ back. Scott was out his seat and holding you back in seconds.     
“Stiles, let him go!” You snapped as you tried to struggle against Scott’s grip.     
“If you EVER talk to her like that again I will find you and I will beat you so bad you’ll be begging for death! Do you understand!?” Stiles screamed, the deepness of his voice shocking a few of the other classmates.     
“Why, did I upset your little girlfriend?” Stiles laughed at the boy’s response before looking into the boy's eyes, so coldly it sent visible shivers down his spine.     
“I SAID! Do. YOU. Understand?” Stiles growled causing the boy's eyes to widen.     
“Y-Yes!” Luke stuttered softly before Stiles finally let him go. You looked at Stiles as he turned around ignoring the boy who was now sitting on the floor catching his breath.     
“If a little brother can’t protect his sister what kind of man would I be?” Stiles laughed before ruffling your hair gently.     
“I-Idiot. I’m gonna have to give you detention now
” You sniffled as you wiped away the tears that had fallen.     
You sat in your car outside of your apartment, staring down at the scars with hatred. You wished they were gone. You hated that you always had to hide your arms like some sort of innocent girl who goes to an all-girls Catholic school.     
Luke’s words kept running through your head. Despite the fact that his words were childish, they still hit a nerve within you. Peter knew and had seen your scars but he had always told you to never cover them because it was a reminder that I was stronger than some. That I had gotten through something most people couldn’t even dream of. However, that didn’t stop your tears that began falling down your face.     
You weren’t sure how long you sat there crying but when someone opened the door and you got hit with the scent of Peter’s favourite cologne. You knew you had to of been sat there for at least an hour.     
“Woah, baby, what’s the matter?” Peter asked softly as he picked you up and locked your car.     
“N-Nothing.” You sobbed as you clung to him tightly.     
“Sweetheart, you finished school over an hour ago and you look like you haven’t moved in at least that long. Your make up is all over your face and most of all you’re crying.” Peter sighed sadly as he carried you into your apartment with ease.     
“Oh, j-just another thing that makes me l-look gross.” You cried out as you wiped at your face furiously.     
“Who the hell said you were gross!?” Peter asked angrily, his eyes flashing blue as he stared down at you.     
“N-No one.” You knew even if he wasn’t supernatural he’d know that was a lie but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.     
“I’m calling Stiles.” Peter huffed angrily.     
You shot out your seat and tried to grab his phone but he held you back as gently as he could. The phone rang twice before Stiles picked up, his voice calm as if he knew why Peter was calling. Peter glanced at you as he asked what happened today.     
‘A student said something about her scars.’ Stiles answered sadly.    
“What did they say?!” Peter growled viciously.     
‘That she must either be a kinky bitch or belonged in the emo clique because her scars were gross.’ Stile huffed his anger matching Peter’s     
“What’s his name?” Peter snarled    
‘I handled it, don’t worry.’ Stiles replied calmly.     
“Thank you, Stiles.” Peter muttered in a soft tone that he only ever reserved for you before hanging up.     
He turned to you with a frown before picking you up and carrying you to the bathroom. His body was warm and inviting as usual, but for some reason, you couldn't bring yourself to relax into it. You felt like you didn't deserve it.    
He placed you on the counter next to the sink before walking to the bathtub and turning the taps on. He was quiet which wasn't alarming because as much as Peter was sarcastic he enjoyed the quiet.    
He put one of the many lush bath bombs he’d bought you into the water before turning to the small makeup area you had on the opposite side of the sink.    
He picked up the packet of makeup removal wipes and moved back towards you, whilst taking one out. He reached towards your makeup smeared face and began wiping away the evidence of your minor break down.    
After another wipe was used your face was clear if makeup and the bath was done running. He stripped off the rest of your clothes along with his before picking you up and placing you in the bath.    
You moved forward silently so he could get in behind you. Once he was sat down he gathered up your hair and tied it into a messy bun so it wouldn’t get wet. It was amazing how he knew your daily routine. How he knew you didn’t wash your hair every day or how you used makeup removal wipes to remove your makeup but you still washed your face.    
He was beyond the perfect partner which is why you knew now that you were settled into the bath a conversation was about to happen. Whether you liked it or not.   
“You know your scars are not ‘gross’ right?” Peter muttered against your shoulder before pressing a soft kiss against your skin.    
‘No, I don’t know that.’ You thought bitterly.   
“Y-Yeah.” You lied despite knowing lying to a werewolf was useless.    
“Why don’t we try that again?” Peter sighed sadly as he picked up your exfoliating gloves. Usually, you would’ve laughed at the sight of the great Peter Hale wearing baby pink exfoliating gloves but right now you couldn’t bring yourself to laugh.   
“You are not gross. Your scars are not gross. Nothing about you is gross.” Peter muttered as he rubbed your usual body wash into the gloves.    
He began rubbing the gloves over your body with just the right amount of pressure so it didn’t hurt, yet still left a slight tingling feeling on your skin. After finishing your arms he moved onto your back when finally he spoke up again.    
“I will tell you again. Your scars are proof  that you are a survivor.” He muttered as he continued scrubbing your back.    
“They’re self-inflicted.” You hissed bitterly causing him to stop all movements.    
“That means nothing to me.” He scolded before continuing his circular motions.    
“What do werewolves do to regain control if they can’t anchor it?” Peter asked gently.    
“T-That depends o-”   
“What do they do, Y/N?” Peter interrupted his tone leaving no room for avoidance.    
“T-They hurt themselves
” You muttered quietly.    
“Pain makes you human. Self-harm is different for everyone. Some do it for release, others for it to ground them. But
” Peter muttered as he began scrubbing your chest with slightly lighter circles this time.    
Everyone deals with things differently self-harm involved or not.” He sighed quietly as he started on your legs.   
“Some go insane and kill their niece to enact vengeance.” Peter.   
“Some bury it until they become sour and hateful towards everyone.” Derek.   
“And others lean on friends and move on in a healthy way.” Scott.   
By the time he’d made his point your whole body had been washed leaving you clean and feeling slightly better about the day’s events. You knew this conversation wasn’t over by a long shot but at least now you felt willing to listen.   
After Peter washed himself with his own sponge he rinsed you both off and picked you up to help you out the bath. Once he set you on your feet you wobbled a little before righting yourself. He walked towards your makeup area and picked up your toner and moisturizer before moving back to you once again.    
He used a cotton pad to apply the toner gently all over your face. You almost laughed at how sweetly domestic the scene was but you couldn’t quite bring yourself to just yet, instead you settled for a sad smile as he waited for the toner to dry.    
Once he finished putting your moisturizer on, he dried you off then wrapped the towel around you. You followed him to the bedroom silently waiting for his next words but as you came to a stop in front of him, words were clearly not how he was going to proceed.    
You let you towel fall as he picked you up and placed you on the end of the bed carefully, before kneeling down in front of you and proceeding to kiss up your smooth legs.    
His movements were slow and loving causing your breath to stutter. Your eyes never left his, until he finally reached the scars on your thighs which evidently made you avert your eyes.   
Most people didn't know about the scars on your thighs. Mostly because after a 'conversation' with your parents about how they'd force you to get help if they saw anymore, you'd decided to switch to a less noticeable place.   
When his lips finally pressed against your scars your breathing stop for a second before you finally forced yourself to look. When your eyes looked down Peter's were staring straight back at you with so much love and affection it almost made you whimper.   
As he continued kissing up your body you let out a soft moan. He skipped past your core which usually would be a form of playful torment. However, right now, you knew this wasn't about pleasure. It was about reassurance that no matter what, this man would love you.   
As he moved to your arms his eyes flicked back to yours making sure your eyes had not once again averted. When he was happy they hadn't he continued placing soft wet kisses against the scars.   
You finally released the breathless whimper you'd been holding back causing Peter’s eyes to search your face for any signs of sadness. You knew he could use his wolf senses to tell how you were feeling but he didn't like intruding on your personal emotions.    
As he kissed you shoulder you finally gave in and cupped his face gently before pressing a soft chaste kiss on his lips. His lips were soft yet slightly swollen from all the kisses but you didn't care.   
When you pulled away your eyes searched his to see if any pity was reflected but all you saw was determination, love and the slightest bit of lust.    
“You are beautiful inside and out. And I would not change one thing about you.” He whispered against your lips.   
Your E/C eyes teared up as they stared into the ocean blue ones that were your lover’s. This was the man who had his entire family ripped away from him. The man that went insane and came back from the dead.   
But most of all...   
This was the man you loved.   
“Make love to me.” You whispered brokenly. He gave you a small nod before standing up and moving you further onto the bed. You laid down opening your arms and separating your legs so he could situate between them.   
Once he was within reach you wrapped your arms around him tightly. He leant down at the same time pressing his lips to yours in a slow yet passionate kiss.    
He licked along your bottom lip before pushing his tongue past your lips and twisting it with yours. Unlike most of your kisses this one wasn’t a fight for dominance it was a fight for understanding. His hands caressed your body so desperately yet tenderly it was like it was the last thing he'd ever do. You were panting against his lips as he pulled away slightly, his eyes boring into yours.    
His hand made it to your sex which you knew despite the lack of your usual heavy foreplay was dripping wet. He brushed his middle finger down the centre of it causing you to gasp and him to groan in satisfaction at the wetness he felt.   
When he pushed two fingers into you, you couldn't help the filthy moan that escaped your lips. As his finger began thrusting in and out of your heat.    
The steady string of moans leaving your mouth was causing Peter’s breathing to deepen as he kept his steady pace. He scissored his fingers inside of you gently stretching you out.    
After a few minutes, he pulled out his fingers and slid three in this time. You clung to his shoulders your light pink nails digging into his back as you attempted to ground yourself. When you couldn't take it anymore you clenched around him letting him know you were close. He pulled his fingers out earning himself a whimper from you.   
“Please, Peter...I-I need you inside me.” You pleaded desperately as he let you catch your breath.    
“Okay, my love.” He replied, his voice tender as he caressed your cheek with his other hand.   
He lined himself up with your entrance before giving you a careful look. His eyes stared into your as he pushed inside of you slowly.   
In your younger years before you met Peter, you always found staring into your partner's eyes awkward and uncomfortable but after you fell in love with Peter that changed. Yet suddenly it was no longer awkward but a way to convey your love for the other person. It made you feel closer to Peter than you had anyone in your entire life. And to you that meant something.    
“Peter..” You moaned as your back arched causing your breasts to push against his chest.   
“I've got you, baby.” He whispered as he started moving in and out of your tight heat. His thrusts calculated and slow as his forearm supported his weight next to the right side of your head, his hand entangled in your hair as the other cupped your face gently.   
Every thrust he made had you panting a moaning against his lips. His hot breathe mingling with yours as he finally started letting out husky groans of pleasure.    
Every sound of ecstasy he made only served to push you closer to the edge. Your body pressed so close to his as you cling to him for dear life.   
“P-Peter... ‘M close.” You stuttered against his lips.   
“Me t-too, my love.” He groaned as his eyes flashed blue and his thrust became uncalculated.    
He moved the hand from your cheek between you and proceeded to press a finger to your clit. He barely circled the bundle of nerves twice before you were moaning out his name in release. He thrust a few more times as you clenched around him before he poured his seed inside you. Your name slipping past his lips as he came.   
After a minute he pulled out and moved to the bathroom. He came back with a washcloth and a hairbrush which caused you to chuckle softly, your voice still wrecked from all the moaning. He wiped you down before sitting you up and untying you hair. He brushed through the waves before sitting behind you and concentrating on braiding your hair so it would be wavy for tomorrow as well.   
Once he was done, he pulled you both under the covers able you lay on his chest.    
“I love you.” You mumbled against his right peck before pressing a soft kiss there.   
“I love you too, Y/N.”   
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thisbuildinghasfeelings · 5 months
Anne! Another ask for Nice Ask Week -
What are TK & Carlos' favorite shows and movies? The only one (I think) they've mentioned is Grand Designs. Do they watch any non-reality TV shows? Or do they watch a lot of trash reality TV to decompress from the stress of their daily lives?
I think Carlos is the one who got them started watching Grand Designs. Carlos clearly enjoys interior design and he sits there reading his Woodsman & Craft magazine. (I'm assuming this is supposed to be some kind of woodworking magazine but I don't think it's real)
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I imagine it's supposed to be something like this:
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(Does Carlos build things?? Interesting.)
ANYWAY...it seems like a design show is the kind of show he would like. I imagine that he got TK into Grand Designs when they were first dating and now it's something they watch together. It's clear that Carlos isn't going to watch the new episodes without TK because in 3x15, if TK didn't want to watch that night, Carlos was going to stick with his magazines.
I bet Carlos wouldn't like typical police procedurals. I think all the inaccuracies would irritate him. But maybe he would watch shows that are more detective focused and less about how the police force operates. He's definitely a detective at heart, whether or not he ever actually becomes one. Would he like Miss Marple? I think he would.
And for movies, I could see Carlos as a secret rom com/romance lover. He would have first seen the genre growing up with older sisters, but he would have pretended not to like them because it would have been expected for him to not like that kind of thing as a boy. I see Carlos as someone who has always loved the idea of love and soulmates--a secret romantic at heart--but he just assumed it would never happen for him. Of course, then he met TK and got to live his very own romance! đŸ„ș
As for TK, I can definitely see him watching a lot of trashy reality tv to unwind. And Carlos sometimes watches it with him when they're together, but I don't think it's the kind of thing TK has to save to watch with Carlos. I see TK watching it on his own when Carlos has a shift. I don't actually watch any reality tv, so I don't know what specific shows TK would be most likely to watch. Just something mindless and silly to take his mind off all the drama of his own life.
We also know that TK loves Brad Pitt movies. He's specifically referenced at least Benjamin Button and Seven. Seeing as he's been known to lament that Benjamin Button was underrated and appears to like it specifically for Brad Pitt ("Brad is magic even as a baby"), I'm sure he's watched every Brad Pitt movie. He definitely makes Carlos watch the movies with him. Is TK weird about Brad Pitt like his dad is about Matthew McConaughey? Like if Carlos didn't like Brad Pitt, would that have been a deal breaker for him?? 😂 I think Carlos likes the Brad Pitt movies well enough, but not as much as TK does.
I've also seen the head canon that TK likes horror movies and Carlos doesn't. That feels right to me.
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 months
hi its me the one that sent the long ass post on the new malec fic, and tbh i dont really mind the diff a lot (unlike what it seemed in the post .. uh i read it again and it comes off like i do, it really was just a prefernce like you said) BUT i am just so glad that you were able to write a malec based fic (or will write) after the traumatic TLND experience (which since i was there when it was all happening i would have understood if you would have wanted even a longer break to write them again) , that i would take anything. and tbh i imagine alec as mathew daddario (like with his face) in all alec fics but with his sister's eyes (like have you seen alexandra daddario she is really gorgeous - imagine my surprise when i found out matt is her younger brother) but i totally got sebastian stan as well as a fancast, (but like i imagine him for a older ver of alec u know, anyways)
aside from this, about the hieght diff, and eyes, i think its just because i read them when i was teen, like literally when i was growing up that i just prefer more fics with them but there were sooo less fics with book malec or atleast ones that did get it right that i was sooooo happy when i read your malec fics!! srsly like it was a dream come true considering i have been in this fandom for so long like completely unrelated but the way i silent-screamed (bc otherwise my parents would have thought me crazy 😂) when i found out malec got married in the books ... BUT i have read a lot of show!malec fics, i cannot tell you how obsessed i was and am with matt daddario , like his humor his range amazing all of it but so less fics got them right like none of them like you do, so either works for me as long as you are writing the fics.
that previous post was just me babbling and putting my two cents about the show vs book thing that has been going on in the fandom, but i am just sooooooo excited that you are able to write malec again, i just ugggghhh , i love your writing and i love them (also mavid too) eeeee i am just too excited !đŸ„° thank you srsly for being willing to write malec again
it's always soooo nice to see people gushing about malec so much (show or book!!) because they are honestly THAT couple and it's what they deserve!!!
i am very excited that i can write malec again too and honestly it's really just about inspiration and finding a story that you really want to share with the rest of the world. There is a LOT of work to be done in terms of characterisations but i am looking forward to it. i think we might get started in august so fingers crossed x
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