#seek the power of some new teamwork-
floralflytrap · 17 days
heyyy, could you do kay/o, cypher, and maybe omen with a crush on the new agent? thank youu ^^
KAY/O, Cypher and Omen with a Crush on the New Agent
Word Count: ???
Hiya anon! Sorry for how late this reply is, but I live to see the light ToT <3 better late than never……..
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Robots don’t have crushes… right?
KAY/O genuinely thought that he couldn’t have crushes… until he did
When you first arrived and asked about his opinion on you by Cypher he responded with “They’re attractive” and when asked to elaborate he said “Scientifically speaking”
There was NO science in this romance only pure adoration
You were fascinated with KAY/O when you first joined the protocol and spent a whole day hanging out around him or asking people about him
If anyone suggested you liked him, he was quick to decline
Also dealt with personal conflicts involving his own beliefs. He thought liking you meant that he was unable to do his job
Turns out he’s even more of a robo-killer when faced with the idea that you could die
Anytime you acknowledge his selflessness he responds humbly with a good old “It’s part of my programming”
He’s a liar, Killjoy can back that fact up
But it’s okay cause he’s whipped but in denial about it
No way he’s initiating anything with you romantically, not because he doesn’t like you, because he DOES, but he’s just afraid of the consequences
You guys are totally a power duo and it’s a vibe :) good for you guys!
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The detective agency called, they want their job back.
As soon as you walk in this man is DETERMINED to know more about you, but he understands that being a new agent can be overwhelming so he kinda just… observes from a substantial distance
He really doesn’t stalk you, but he seems to perk up and become more vigilant when you walk in the room
At first he just thinks he’s trying to sus out the new agent
Until he talks to Killjoy and she’s just like “be forreal.”
Yeah maybe he does like you a little bit (a lot!)
Cypher talks to Phoenix about how he should scope out your opinion on himself. Phoenix looked amused throughout the whole discussion.
“Looks like someone’s got the hots for the newbie”
Teasing is underway
At some point Jett catches on to Cypher’s little crush too and works with Phoenix to conveniently place you two in situations where you are interacting
The two of you actually start to bond from this method
Missions together are fun, you value his ability to gather information but definitely question him because you HAVE to know if he’s caught onto your deepest, darkest secrets.
You two always have each other’s backs and compliment each other nicely in missions
You guys see the increase in missions where you are paired together as Brimstone gladly valued the teamwork
Cypher doesn’t let his emotions overwhelm him during battle when he sees you getting hurt, but when you get back to base he insists on patching you up
“You’re new, just let me help out, okay?”
He cares for you dearly and that is something very precious, even if his methods of acting on that admiration are a bit… obscure at first, you adore him anyway!
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Omen is unsure how to act at first when you arrive.
He’s unsure why he is so interested in you and it makes him uncomfortable that he can’t pinpoint why that was
After very obscure and indirect discussions with members of the protocol, particularly Fade and Cypher, the idea of Omen having a crush on you was put into his mind
He avoided you like the plague for a good week after that— not because he didn’t care, but rather that he was scared
Omen didn’t seek you out himself, but rather let you speak to him when you wanted to.
Oh boy did he speak to you!
Any agent who observed you two converse was in awe that Omen was not only going along with it, but seemingly content.
You’d definitely need to be responsible for initiating anything— Omen feels too disconnected from you to reassure himself so he’s left too scared to communicate with you.
After a few months go by though, and after a rough mission that you both were on became a near death trap, Omen finally confessed everything.
You two became an unexpected but extremely cute couple! You brought out a softer side that a lot of agents didn’t expect.
He definitely would knit you a bunch of gifts. Very cute :)
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candy8448 · 7 months
Nothing like opening my eyes to a new linked universe update
Dawn pt8
My occasional source of dopamine XD
Its very satisfying seeing how all the traveling layers are put on. You can really imagine this scene animated
So a lot of important things were discussed, stuff the fandom have noticed before but its good that jojo finally mentioned them herself:
Shadow is the only this associated with the portals (pg1)
I LOVE how so many traits and experiences of the characters are shown here!!
Wild taking the blame first, he's got one heck a guilt complex (pg2)
We are just hit with everyone's emotions right off the bat and i love that!
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I kinda like how blunt Time is
Wars talking about how "helping the wound isn't an option," things they must consider during war (pg3)
Legend trying to lighten the mood again like he always does (pg4)
I like to see how what they think of wolfie has changed now that they know it was twilight. Wars thinking its fine if the animal goes off alone cuz it doesnt understand but now making it clear that he doesn't like it
Secrets are getting in the way (such as wolfie) and hindering their process. Maybe it wouldn't have been so clunky if tgey knew exactly who wolfie is
WARS' SCARF IS BACK BABY! I got so excited when i saw it that page, dont worry guys, he has it back now!
Legend with his puzzle mind :))) my legend-centric brain is happy (pg5)
But his teasing almost boastfullness ("it just got lucky") but then turning in to actual contemplation, i love that he is also taking things seriously
Its actively seeking them out, Hyrule is wary that it will find them, like in his adventure (pg6)
They need to get better at teamwork
Four bringing in the joke about friendly fire. He definetly knows a lot about that (im reading the four swords manga for the first time and am near the begining sooo)
They need to use their arsenal
I just gotta say that i love this shot, very pleasing to my eye for some reason. But im so excited to see how everything goes with this! Im guessing in the near future, they will be taking these but to the extreme that it hinders them so they need to practice or something
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Oof poor hyrule so tired of strong monsters, his games were HARD (pg7)
The power up on the sword! Ive seen a post about it before so its cool that they are noticing it, very important too!
I like the firmness with sky and time's ideas of the sword. Even though time says nothing about her we can see it, and the fact that she still sees him as her master (obviously!) It seems like they both need to sort out this dissagreement in order to not impact them even more (Pg8)
I love this especially because i just made a fic about exploring sky's and others' relationship with the master sword
I can't help but think that sky is thinking about more than just this quest in this update and back to his own adventure and maybe ghirahim. More bits in this update also make me think that ("he wants to fight" "yeah, 'cause he wont")
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Wind being the one most eagre to fight! And Hyrule being the one most ready to go! I love that!
I was just thinking a few bays ago about what happened to those letters, i guess we get to see now! It seems like it might be one more update before we set off properly again (pg9)
Sky looking so happy about the mail at the end :)))
We really do get a piece of everyone and their personalities in this one
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Im so excited for them to be on the road again!
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witchofthesouls · 7 months
snorts another line of Dark Energon (Warning: Trauma. Lots of it.) Gods & Goddesses AU where the 13 OG Primes are stranded on Earth in the aftermath of Gaea's birth(???), & they decide to try & Claim these new toys in front of her. Primus/Rung manages to get them offworld, but the damage has already been done. The 13 are utterly mangled by the experience, physically, spiritually & mentally. Primus/Rung has to remove the vast majority of their power because they would straight-up die from their biology & Sparks being torn up otherwise, downgrading them from "Physical Gods" to "Immortality & mild superpowers, but that's it" like IDW 2005. He can't help with the trauma & rhabdophobia (fear of magic), tho. Prima never treated Megatronus badly in this timeline, Liege never plots against his siblings, & Quintus never makes the Quintessons (he got his optics permanently damaged, & is too afraid to leave Iacon) so...yay, teamwork? (If we want to tie this into the Prima's a Dragon-Fragger AU, then 1.) Prima would have to be clever about how he takes on Predaking due to the massive power difference between them & 2.) Predaking realizes he has to invent therapy for his small BF. And talk to his Dad so he can get some context for when Prima wakes up screaming.)
Hmm, this is more of a commentary route because I got really set ideas about Gaea being a sister/daughter/reflection to Unicron and Primus.
As in, Primus would never have been able to get the remaining Primes back. Not after splitting his own power to them. Yes, they are powerful gods. However, Gaea can be taken as their originator as she is of Unicron, who is of Primus, and all were once a single entity that existed before nothing.
Basically, she took advantage of their relationship to claim them. And unlike her brothers, she's not letting them go. Ever.
In this particular AU, the variables that caused their downfall went another way, so it was Quintus who left first. He ventured off to find new species to become good neighbors to a new race. Where in one world, Quintus had found the planet Quintessa; the dreamy Prime was pulled to a hungry Gaea...
< Fragment of myself. > It crooned to a dreaming Prime, fascinated by his visionary thoughts and far-flung travels to seek out his goals. Quintus dreamt of gleaming cities and massive libraries. Stars full of treasures and beautiful singing bridges that connected everything and everywhere. < Wayward Dreamer. Sky-walker. Bridge-builder. > How could it leave such a delicious, willing morsel that stolen its dark heart with such a vision?
Quintus became the bait to grab the rest. Megatronus never returned when he went to fetch their lost brother. Solus and Liege Maximo disappeared on his trail, so it wasn't a surprise it prompted the rest of the brothers to stage a rescue with Prima hot on their heels...
And they all Fell.
Besides, I doubt they would leave after finding out that Unicron hadn't been fully vanquished.
Some of the Primes sleep so deeply, unable to awaken in physical reality. They put too much of themselves into fully caging the Unmaker. Others still walk the planet, wandering and trying to find a way off the planet.
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catmarlowastrology · 1 year
☀️ The Sun Enters Leo + What It Means For Your Rising Sign
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On July 23rd, 2023, the mighty Sun is entering the brave, fiery, and creative sign of Leo, promising an exciting season of inspiration, confidence, and radiance. If you're curious about how this Leo season might affect you based on your Rising Sign, you've come to the right place.
🌼 Aries Rising - 5th House
Leo season is sure to light up your 5th house of creativity, romance, and self-expression, Aries Rising. Your creative juices are set to flow like a mighty river. It's the perfect time to embark on new artistic endeavors, seek out romantic adventures, and fully express your radiant self.
🌼 Taurus Rising - 4th House
The Sun in Leo will highlight your 4th house, Taurus Rising. This means home, family, and emotional foundations are under the limelight. You may find yourself craving a stronger connection with your roots, redesigning your living space, or dealing with family matters. Embrace these changes and make your home a sanctuary of comfort and love.
🌼 Gemini Rising - 3rd House
Gemini Rising, prepare for a bustling Leo season as the Sun shines in your 3rd house of communication, short trips, and learning. Expect fruitful conversations, opportunities to learn something new, and possibly some spontaneous local travels.
🌼 Cancer Rising - 2nd House
For Cancer Rising, the Sun's transit through Leo enlivens your 2nd house of material possessions and self-worth. This could signify a promising period for financial growth, or a time to reassess what truly holds value in your life. Stay aligned with your values and watch your self-confidence bloom.
🌼 Leo Rising - 1st House
Well, hello Leo Rising! With the Sun in your sign and your 1st house of self, it's truly your time to roar. You'll likely feel an increase in vitality, charisma, and personal power. Seize this opportunity to reinvent yourself and take on leadership roles.
🌼 Virgo Rising - 12th House
The Sun in Leo will illuminate your mystical 12th house, Virgo Rising. This is a period of introspection, dreaming, and connecting with your subconscious. Take some time out for meditation, delve into spiritual practices, or explore your hidden talents. Your inner world awaits your attention.
🌼 Libra Rising - 11th House
The Sun entering Leo's territory boosts your 11th house of friendships, goals, and group activities, Libra Rising. Expect social invitations, collaboration opportunities, and inspiration to pursue your long-term dreams. Surround yourself with positive energy and embrace the power of teamwork.
🌼 Scorpio Rising - 10th House
For Scorpio Rising, the Sun in Leo will spotlight your 10th house of career, reputation, and public image. It's a period to chase your professional ambitions, make bold moves, and increase your social status. Be courageous and follow your passion, success is within reach.
🌼 Sagittarius Rising - 9th House
With the Sun in Leo, your 9th house of higher learning, travel, and philosophy lights up, Sagittarius Rising. You might find yourself yearning to broaden your horizons, be it through a journey abroad or an intellectual pursuit. Go ahead, explore new territories and expand your worldview.
🌼 Capricorn Rising - 8th House
Capricorn Rising, the Sun in Leo will illuminate your 8th house of transformation, shared resources, and mysteries. It might bring about a phase of deep emotional bonding, joint investments, or soul-searching. Embrace this transformative period and emerge with newfound strength and wisdom.
🌼 Aquarius Rising - 7th House
Aquarius Rising, the Sun in Leo brightens your 7th house of partnerships and contracts. You might find opportunities for new business collaborations or deepen your personal relationships. Balance is key in this period, so remember to maintain harmony in all your dealings.
🌼 Pisces Rising - 6th House
Finally, Pisces Rising, the Sun's transit through Leo will light up your 6th house of health, daily routines, and work. It's an excellent time to revamp your wellness routine, tackle pending tasks, and prioritize work-life balance.
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gorogues · 1 year
Hey :o) I've been mulling for a while on a possible (possible) "Rogues play DnD" fic (where business is slow and/or dangerous and they have to lie low a while, so Piper suggests he run a campaign and helps the others make characters, because "it's good for cohesion and teamwork, Len" and also "you get to loot and have fun with no real-life consequences"). I'm going with a vague, mostly pre-52 version of Hartley, James, Len, Lisa, Mark, Mick, Roscoe and Digger, btw.
So I have my own ideas about the classes and races of the characters they'd want to play, running the gamut between "character is nothing like its player" and "character is basically a fantasy version of the player"), but I'd love to hear your thoughts about it - and your mutuals/followers! What would fit them? What wouldn't, but they'd find hilarious (and make work somehow)?
tl;dn - DnD Rogues. Go nuts :o)
(GAH I forgot Sam but he's there too!)
Hi, fun concept! I have to admit that I know very little about DnD, so am not much help in assigning classes or races, unfortunately! But I can suggest who might be more likely to play someone similar or different from themselves. Sam in particular would go with something very different; this is a guy who LARPed as a cowboy, had some lulz pretending to be a heroic Mirror Master, and thought it'd be fun to play a random joe in a leadership class. His Black Lantern incarnation -- which wasn't him, but was based on his memories -- said that he became the Mirror Master because he hated who he was. So I definitely think he'd want to be someone very different and possibly unexpected. And James likes disguising himself and playing around with different identities and gender, so he'd also be quite open to playing someone very different from himself…it'd all be part of the performance.
I think Len and Roscoe would be likely to play someone mostly like their own selves, or perhaps someone more like who they aspire to be. Roscoe has literally been other people, but he's kind of rigid in his thinking and has struggled hard to be what his parents wanted from him (and truthfully he's probably told himself that's what he wants too, even if it isn't). Mick would probably choose someone quietly steadfast, the strong and silent type, since he often seeks tranquility to escape the chaos of his own thoughts. He'd likely be open to any class/gender/race so long as it fit that archetype.
It might be a cheap `n easy answer, but I suspect Mark would want to be a wizard because he's not hugely imaginative and would enjoy the gravitas of being some kind of powerful Gandalf type. In practice he'd probably come across as an unintentional ham. And I don't know what class or race Digger would be -- he might enjoy the challenge of something unexpected or ridiculous -- but am pretty sure his character would end up a drunken lout because that's just how he rolls. No pun intended :]
With Hartley I go back and forth on whether he'd go with the obvious bard archetype he genuinely enjoys being or try something entirely different to have a new experience…not sure, really. I don't know what class Lisa would play, but I think she'd want to have a female character because she's in a crowd of guys (not that they'd all necessarily pick male characters) and I think she'd want to assert her identity amongst them.
Not sure if this helps!
Anyone else have some input?
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fruit-sy · 1 year
Hello!!! I love your art , your Stelle is delicious for sure!
Your elation Stelle specifically has got me obsessed, I think since it seems that each path the trailblazer takes will have a "catalyst" so to say(the bat of destruction doesn't have much significance compared to the flame lance ,but I suppose that sort of fits destruction, doesn't matter what you do as long as it gets the job done) I like to think that if an elation trailblazer were to ever exist the catalyst would be a mask!
And when they don the mask,they get access to elation powers,but at the same time they run the risk of going out of control when using it.
The elation powers could be anything from playing cards to dice, I also think they'd have a similar ability to Silverwolf where they'd make their attacks effective against any enemy.
Anyway,hope you have a lovely day, toodles!
HI!! Thank you so much!! <33
I'm still a bit confused by what you mean about "catalyst" though. Do you mean like Stelle having been shot by the doomsday beast or getting stabbed by cocolia and holding on to the fire sword as catalysts for Stelle getting the Destruction's/Preservation's powers?
Other than that, I really like that idea actually! 👀👀
What I find interesting is that when Stelle gains a new path, she kinda adopts the mindset of that path as well.
Destruction vs. Preservation
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Destruction Stelle's voice lines are more eager for battle (for example like "Who's next" and "batter up"), and I wanna say more "rebellious" or taunting ("Rules are meant to be broken", "you've outstayed your welcome", "it'll take more than that")
While Preservation Stelle focuses more on persevering through an obstacle with teamwork (for example "don't lose momentum" and "to the finish"), and she seems to lean more on the defensive and protecting others ("I'm on guard", "defend the weak", "Will of preservation")
With this, I think if she were to gain Elation, she'd also gain some of the mindset Elation followers have. Which is to seek out laughter and joy through any means.
"They run the risk of going out of control when they use it"
I really like this idea because as of now, Elation is not a playable path. In this hypothetical, this gives me the impression that it's a "forbidden" path, or a path that affects the user much more than the current 7 paths would have.
I have 2 options in mind with how it could affect her in battle :
1. Maybe Stelle would be more inclined to drag out the fight with challenges and silly weapons. Destruction is focused on getting the fight done quickly, while Preservation is focused on finishing the fight while protecting her teammates. I'm imagining maybe she would focus more on the RNG aspect. For example, if she's unlucky, she might buff the enemies instead, or maybe like Qingque where her skill doesn't do a lot of damage if she gets unlucky. And if she gets lucky, I think she can place type weaknesses on the enemy like you said!
2. She'll be a lot more violent/chaotic. I'm thinking maybe she'll fight with explosives, and that she'd do a lot of damage to enemies, but might hurt herself and her own allies in her haste. This leans more on her "losing control of herself"
Anyways, that's just my thoughts on this ahsldjal-
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Thanks as well to everyone who sent me their input on Elation trailblazer as well! I find them to be really interesting to think about lol, lots of different ideas to play around with hehehksd 👀 I guess it comes with Elation itself being a path that sticks out from the norm
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emtechredijitalajans · 10 months
Emtechre Digital Agency: Your Gateway to Exceptional Web Design
Emtechre Digital Agency: Your Gateway to Exceptional Web Design Today, for your company’s online success, a professionally designed website can make a difference. We at Emtechre Digital Agency are devoted to designing websites that are visually stunning and have high functionality that enthrall the audience and yield tangible results.
We have a team of talented designers and developers who are capable of making your online presence a powerful tool for growth. After all, we realize that your site means more than just some web pages; it represents your brand as well as a vital point of contact with potential customers.
Our approach to web design is based on providing outstanding user experience. The website must be intuitive, visually beautiful and easy to navigate. Consequently, by implementing latest industry standards and best practices, we develop seamless and engaging user interfaces which will impress the visitors in an enduring way.
Emechre Digital Agency is proud to offer you customized solutions for your needs. We know every business has different goals and needs. Our team will cooperate with you in designing and deploying a solution that suits your vision whether it is a sleek informative website, a robust e-commerce platform or dynamic web application.
We are naturally built to stay ahead of the rest. We keep up with new technologies and trends so that your website remains modern, functional, and future-proof. From mobile first design that optimizes well for different devices, to incorporating interactive elements that enhance user engagement, we infuse innovation into every aspect of our web design process. Our partnership with clients is based on integrity and openness. We value your contributions and opinions, believing that a successful website is a result of teamwork. All through the web designing journey, we keep you posted by giving updates frequently and seeking for your feedback so as the final product will be beyond your expectations.
In conclusion, Emtechre Digital Agency is your go-to partner for web design excellence. Our team of experts combines artistic creativity with technical prowess to create stunningly beautiful websites that move your business forward. Employing an approach that is aimed at addressing the users’ needs, offering tailor made solutions as well as being committed to technological change leadership; we will ensure you make an impressive online footprint. Trust Emtechre Digital Agency to transform your website into a powerful asset that sets you apart from the competition and propels your business to new heights.
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jjuniewizzy · 2 months
well first off who are your wizard101 ocs o_o (im new)
also why did they become wizards
WOOOO LET'S TALK ABOUT IT!!! BEHOLD! My Wizard101 OCs! I present: THEM:tm:
Adrian Sparkstell
Adrian “Whiny-Rich-Boi-McGee” Sparkstell. Rich boy from Marleybone who inherits the family business, and then some, after his parents pass away at the end of the Empyrea story line. He holds a lot of power in the latter half of the canon story, but towards the beginning of THEM™️’s journey we see him be whiny, cocky, jealous, and a pain in Madeline’s side 98% of the time. He does have his moments of teamwork though, from the Malistaire fight to their adventures in Celestia and Avalon as well. Hell, it takes Lena hunting him down after Maddie is taken in Mirage for the gang to get back together and take down old cob with it. He uses his later gained influence to turn the tides in the favor of those pursuing the troublesome matters on the front line like Madeline and Lena, though he consistently worries about Lena’s safety. After all, they are together and he loves her dearly. Selfishly, he wants her home in Marleybone all the time, but he knows and grows to understand that her heart is in defending the universe. He lets her pursue what her heart wants, which is his ultimate lesson. The heart is stronger than any person’s will.
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Ruko Yokane
Ruko “Im-Edgier-Than-An-Emo-Teenager” Yokane. He ends up becoming the next official death professor for Ravenwood, and he is DAMN good at the job. After all, he was Malistaire’s ace back when he was a baby wizard learning how the world worked. Death magic and death energy run in his bloodline, and like tataragami spirits and energy, the energy his bloodline experiences can create insanity within those who possess it. Luckily, Ruko is a baddie ofc and has over the years managed to maintain a healthy stable control over that energy within him. Of course, that did take snapping once or twice. However, he always had loved ones to anchor him back (no not in the “this isn’t like you ” way, in the genuine support system way). This dude gets his happy ending, he’s married to his love Madeline. They have a kid together which is just so sweet, and he gets the inside scope of the arcanum from Maddie.
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Lena Raven
Lena “I love her sm she’s so sweet someone protect her-” Raven. She’s not the self-insert, she is my favorite and best crafted. She’s an adopted child of grandmother Raven, having been raised in Grizzleheim with no parents to her memory outside of the deity. She constantly strives for good, and that has led her to be the mediator of group disputes. She’s also the team’s biggest clutch, when the team needs a major push to victory, Lena is the reliable one to deliver it. She takes blows none can take, and now is a political mediator between worlds. She’s stopped wars with her mediation skills, but luck does eventually run out. However, she is the one seldom drawing a blade. Her risky work does create some slight tension in hers and Adrian’s relationship, but it’s nothing a genuine conversation cannot rectify. They both do what their heart calls them to do, and no matter how far the universe flings the two apart, they always manage to come back home to one another.
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Madeline Lumos
Madeline “Baddest bitch in THEM™️” Lumos-Yokane Yes bitch she hyphenated, LAY RESPECT ON HER MAIDEN NAME. Balance in all things Madeline is the combat queen, the one who while yes is a good mediator and wishes to protect the universe is more akin to an heat-seeking missile rather than a soft-spoken negotiator. Madeline does not pull punches, and her judgement calls are the best in the spiral. She works in the Arcanum, and her work is renowned enough to where she eventually gets to run her own international court that tries individuals who attempt to defy the laws of the universe. She’s not the executioner, but she is the judge and the jury. This makes her the more extroverted of the two in her marriage between herself and Ruko. Ruko does his teaching job well, she does her job well too.
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Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) Degree at Solamalai College of Engineering, Top Madurai Engineering College
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Technology plays a important role in today's world for shaping our lives, Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) has emerged as one of the most popular fields. Solamalai College of Engineering, one of the best Madurai Engineering College offers a comprehensive EEE degree program that prepares students for a dynamic and fulfilling career in this ever-evolving field. This blog delves into the various aspects of the EEE program at Solamalai College of Engineering, highlighting its curriculum, faculty, facilities, career prospects, and why it stands out among other programs.
EEE Degree Overview
The EEE program is structured to cover fundamental and advanced topics in electrical and electronics engineering. Here's a glimpse of the curriculum:
Core Subjects
Circuit Theory: Understanding the principles of electrical circuits, network theorems, and AC/DC analysis.
Electromagnetic Fields: Studying electromagnetic theory, wave propagation, and antenna principles.
Power Systems: Learning about generation, transmission, and distribution of electrical power, and smart grid technologies.
Control Systems: Exploring feedback systems, stability analysis, and control strategies for various engineering applications.
Analog and Digital Electronics: Gaining insights into semiconductor devices, integrated circuits, microprocessors, and digital logic design.
Communication Systems: Understanding the fundamentals of analog and digital communication, modulation techniques, and signal processing.
Students can choose from a range of electives to specialize in areas such as renewable energy, robotics, VLSI design, embedded systems, and more. These electives allow students to tailor their education to their interests and career goals.
Career Prospects
A degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Solamalai College of Engineering opens up numerous career opportunities across various industries. Here are some potential career paths:
1. Power and Energy Sector
Graduates can work in power generation, transmission, and distribution companies. They can also contribute to the development of renewable energy solutions, smart grids, and energy management systems.
2. Electronics and Semiconductor Industry
The electronics industry offers roles in design, development, and testing of electronic devices and systems. Graduates can work in companies specializing in consumer electronics, automotive electronics, and semiconductor manufacturing.
3. Telecommunications
Telecommunications companies seek EEE graduates for roles in network planning, communication system design, and signal processing. The growing demand for 5G technology and IoT further expands career opportunities in this field.
4. Research and Development
Graduates with a passion for innovation can pursue careers in research and development. They can work in research institutions, government agencies, or private companies developing new technologies and solutions.
5. Higher Education and Academia
Those inclined towards teaching and research can pursue higher education and academic positions. They can contribute to the academic community by conducting research and mentoring the next generation of engineers.
Why Solamalai College of Engineering Stands Out
1. Holistic Development
At Solamalai College of Engineering, we believe in the holistic development of our students. The EEE program is designed to nurture not only technical skills but also soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and leadership. Students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities, clubs, and community service.
2. Industry Connections
We maintain strong connections with various industries, providing students with opportunities for internships, workshops, and industry visits. These experiences give students practical insights and enhance their employability.
3. Focus on Innovation
Innovation is at the core of our educational philosophy. We encourage students to think creatively and develop innovative solutions to real-world problems. Our research initiatives and collaboration with industry partners foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.
4. Global Perspective
Our EEE program incorporates a global perspective, preparing students to thrive in an interconnected world. Courses on global issues, international exchange programs, and collaborations with foreign universities broaden students' horizons.
The Electrical and Electronics Engineering degree at Solamalai College of Engineering offers a unique and enriching educational experience. With its cutting-edge curriculum, experienced faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and strong industry connections, the program prepares students for a wide range of career paths. Whether you aspire to work in the power sector, electronics industry, telecommunications, research, or academia, this degree equips you with the knowledge and skills to succeed. Join us at Solamalai College of Engineering and embark on a journey of intellectual and personal growth that will shape your future.
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thelostchaoswitch · 4 months
Tarot Reading Number 3 :
I guess I just want to know that I haven't been forgotten by spirit. I've been trying to get some type of income coming in but I haven't found a job yet and my etsy shop isn't making any sales. I feel down , hopeless, and stuck.
Present Situation
Card: The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man indicates a period of suspension and waiting. You might feel stuck and unable to move forward, mirroring your feelings of being down and hopeless. This card encourages looking at your situation from a different perspective, suggesting that this period of waiting is necessary for your growth and spiritual development.
Card: Five of Pentacles
The Five of Pentacles represents financial hardship and a feeling of being left out in the cold. This card directly speaks to your financial struggles and feelings of being forgotten. It highlights the challenge of maintaining faith during tough times and suggests seeking support from others.
Past Influences
Card: Ten of Swords
The Ten of Swords signifies a painful ending or a situation that has brought you a great deal of stress and hardship. This card in the past position indicates that you have recently experienced a significant setback or betrayal that has deeply affected your confidence and sense of security.
Future Influences
Card: The Star
The Star is a card of hope, inspiration, and renewal. It suggests that brighter times are ahead and that you will find a renewed sense of purpose and direction. This card brings a message of healing and encouragement, urging you to maintain hope and trust that things will improve.
Card: The Magician
The Magician represents resourcefulness, creativity, and the power to manifest your desires. This card advises you to tap into your skills and talents, utilize all the resources at your disposal, and take proactive steps to create the opportunities you seek. Focus on your strengths and believe in your ability to make things happen.
External Influences
Card: Three of Pentacles
The Three of Pentacles indicates collaboration and teamwork. This suggests that seeking help from others, networking, and possibly collaborating with others on projects could bring positive results. It emphasizes the importance of community and working together towards common goals.
Hopes and Fears
Card: Nine of Swords
The Nine of Swords reflects anxiety, worry, and fear of the worst. Your hopes and fears are deeply intertwined, as you hope for better times but fear that things might not improve. This card urges you to confront these fears and not let them paralyze you. Acknowledge your worries but focus on positive action.
Card: Ace of Pentacles
The Ace of Pentacles is a card of new beginnings, prosperity, and tangible success. This outcome suggests that a new opportunity will arise, leading to financial gain and stability. It signifies the potential for growth and the start of a new venture that will bring material rewards.
Your tarot reading acknowledges the tough period you’re currently experiencing but also provides a message of hope and renewal. The Hanged Man and Five of Pentacles reflect your current struggles, while the Ten of Swords highlights past difficulties. However, the future cards (The Star and Ace of Pentacles) indicate that better times are ahead, with new opportunities for financial stability and success.
The Magician advises you to leverage your skills and take proactive steps, while the Three of Pentacles suggests seeking support and collaboration. The Nine of Swords reminds you to confront your fears and anxieties, not letting them overwhelm you.
Overall, this reading encourages you to maintain hope, stay proactive, and seek support from your community. Trust that the universe has not forgotten you and that new opportunities are on the horizon.
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kingsonne-zedecks · 1 year
It’s not your fault the world ended, you tried your best. And it’s not like you were the best one for the job either. Just some random person who couldn’t stand by and do nothing. You didn’t really have any hope of succeeding anyway —the King’s army, the Grand Mages, the Guilds— all had fallen against the might of the Dark Lord. But doing nothing never really felt like a choice to you or the rest of the ragtag group of strangers that had become your companions.
In a way you were quite proud of yourselves. You had made it farther than you could have ever dreamed, and as your blood stains the cobbled stone floor of the Dark Lords keep, surrounded by the cooling corpses of your unexpected allies, you watch as he hesitates for a moment before completing the ritual that will grant him complete control. Part of you thinks that’s odd, but the rest of you feels very cold, and has a hard time focusing, and you are so so tired, and maybe you’ll just close your eyes for a little bit. If only that light wasn’t glowing so brightly.
You wake up, and the world is still here. Your limbs are all in their proper place and your blood is inside you where it belongs. It’s not quite clear what happened at first, but you catch on quick. After all there are only so many possible explanations for your village to suddenly be unburned and the dead unharmed. Despair and relief fill you as you realize you have time, time to convince the King and the Mages and the Guilds of the danger, time to fix things, time to save the world properly this time. 
The King will not see a lowly peasant such as you, and the Mages scoff that their mighty magic could fail to withstand any enemy. After your third time trying to force your way in to see the Guild heads you are thrown in prison, and there you wait until the world burns. It comes quicker this time, and you wonder if maybe you really had made a difference after all that first time.
You wake up again, and you seek them out, that mismatched collection of strangers bonded by blood and fire. Tears of joy run freely as you come together piece by piece and realize that you all remember. Gods or Fate must have their eyes on you, to give you these chances, and you will not fail them. You are smarter in your approach this time, you know of many of the dangers posed by the Dark Lord and his forces and the risks are lower. You are slaughtered once again, and the world ends. 
Who are you to save the world, a collection of nobodies, peasants and traders, urchins and outcasts. You have time though. Time to grow, to become more than you are. Time and time and time again. You learn to fight, you seek out strange and powerful magics, and you learn with each death to hate the Dark Lord with all your might. 
With each death a new life, and the bonds of blood and fire are surpassed by bonds of trust and true friendship. Your rabble of nobodies become a band of mighty heroes, and you are no longer slaughtered without effect. The Dark Lord’s plans are thwarted, and he adapts. You save the world, only for it to die another way. You fight and you fight, sure in the knowledge that Time is on your side, and one day, sooner or later you will win. Gods and Fate have decreed it.
It has been countless lives. Countless deaths. This time is different, your plan is without flaw, your teamwork without error. You move together as if by one mind. The keep is stormed and the ritual disrupted, and this time, it is the Dark Lord whose blood stains the stones of the keep. He laughs despite the mortal blow and a shiver runs up your spine. He speaks and oh how you hate the sound of his voice. 
“Thank you all so very much.” he says. “I’ve had so much fun.” 
He coughs, and blood stains his chin. 
“You cannot imagine what it felt like to stand on the precipice of victory after years of planning and preparation. To see everything fall into place without fault, every contingency accounted for, every resistance preemptively countered. Success guaranteed.”
He stares into your eyes and you glare back. 
“Empty. It felt so empty. My whole life I dedicated to this fight, to this goal. What would I have once I won? Nothing. And there you were, so young, so foolish, so… unexpected. A fun little diversion, perhaps the most fun I had in the entire ordeal. And why shouldn’t I have a little fun? Victory would always be mine if I wanted it. I had time.
“So let’s play this game again one last time, and please do try your hardest. Make it count.”
You thrust with your sword a second too late, and golden light blinds you.
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leresq · 5 months
I know it's not going to happen because Gunn has his own plans for the rebooted DCEU, but I found some ideas I had come up with a while ago.
The Green Lanterns: Hal Jordan mentors Jessica Cruz in the use of the last Green Lantern ring, obtained after defeating Sinestro who seeks revenge. Sinestro, now host to Parallax, aims to reclaim the ring to control the entity. Jessica overcomes fear, transforming Sinestro's yellow ring into a Green Lantern one, but becomes Parallax's new host, requiring her to wear the yellow ring to control it.
Son of Krypton: Superman accidentally kills Lex Luthor's parents in a battle with General Zod which happens in a flashback, leading Lex to seek revenge under Brainiac's influence. Lex, empowered by Brainiac's knowledge, plans Superman's demise. Superman, grappling with guilt, faces off against foes while Lex's vendetta escalates with newfound intelligence.
Wonder Woman Axis: Diana hunts Nazi agent Circe, Ares' protégé, with the help of her love interest Kaisa. Circe, posing as Baroness Von Gunther, seeks to aid the Nazis. Diana reunites with Kaisa to strategize against Circe, blending wartime action with personal stakes.
Cyborg: Victor Stone teams up with J'onn the Manhunter to combat Brainiac's influenced soldiers manipulating world governments. Together, they uncover Brainiac's sinister plans of Earth’s domination. Victor's journey intertwines with familial reconciliation, global defence, and the uselessness of existing systems to bring justice.
The Justice League: Superman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Martian Manhunter, and Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and Jessica Cruz unite to defend Earth from Brainiac. They protect humanity and each other. Their teamwork and individual heroism ensure justice prevails against formidable odds, but Hal Jordan dies. When Brainiac is defeated he reveals he is the only one who can defeat a newcoming force that plans to destroy the universe; Brainiac believes him in charge is the only way to protect reality. Superman, refusing to believe this and becoming distraught after Brainiac has killed his mother, leaves Earth. 
Cyborg 2: Victor Stone delves into his past, seeking answers behind the emergence of new villains Anomaly and Shrapnel. His quest for truth leads him to confrontations with his father and a deeper understanding of his own abilities. As he battles these foes, Victor's identity as Cyborg is tested.
Flash: Barry Allen confronts his arch-nemesis, Reverse Flash, in a bid to end their ongoing conflict. The speedsters engage in a high-stakes battle, testing Barry's resolve and abilities. Flash's journey intertwines personal growth with the pursuit of justice.
Wonder Woman Kismet: Diana faces internal and external conflicts as civil war erupts on Themyscira. Amidst chaos, she reunites with her love, Kaisa, and confronts the manipulative forces driving the conflict. Diana's resolve is tested as she fights to restore peace to her homeland.
Son of Krypton 2: Superman dons a Yellow Solar suit to explore other planets after losing hope on Earth. He confronts formidable foes like Mongul, and teams up with Lobo. His interstellar adventures test his limits and ideals, showcasing his commitment to protecting the universe. Superman's journey of discovery leads him to confront new threats beyond Earth's borders.
The New Lantern: Jessica Cruz learns to control Parallax while aiding the new Green Lantern John Stewart. Parallax's possession of Jessica prompts a showdown, requiring John's intervention. Together, they defeat Parallax, restoring the yellow power ring to its original green state.
The Justice League: Blackest Night: The Justice League battles the Black Lantern Corps and their leader, Black Hand, threatening Earth's existence; it appears Brainiac was right. J'onn sacrifices himself to protect his teammates, leaving the League reeling from the loss. Amidst grief and devastation, they rally to thwart the Black Lanterns' genocidal rampage. Flash tries to go back in time, but it fails, fracturing reality.
The Justice League: Flashpoint: Flash attempts to rectify a distorted timeline caused by his actions, enlisting allies from alternate realities to aid him. As he races to restore order, he confronts Black Hand's relentless pursuit across the multiverse. Flash's journey through time and space tests his resolve and reshapes the fate of the Justice League. The new heroes he recruits are: Thomas Wayne’s Batman, DCEU’s Aquaman, and White Lantern Hal Jordan. They team up with a returned Superman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Jessica Cruz, John Stewart, and Flash.
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New RWBY OCs- Twilight Twins
Skjolda Twilight
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Age: 22
Height: 6'0"
Home region: Solitas somewhere between Atlas and Mantle
Race: Wolf Faunus
Sexuality: Straight (preference for faunus)
Affiliations: Night Guard second degree Captain
Personality: driven and ambitious, always seeking to push her limits and excel in combat. She has a fiery spirit and experiences intense emotions, slightly short tempered. She values teamwork but can be fiercely independent and assertive.
Aura color: Orange
Background: Skjolda and her twin sister Hatvi were born in a secluded village in Solitas and while they weren’t well off, they weren’t helpless either. They learned at an early age how to fight but they were close to a few people from the village. During a fight against an unexpected Grimm attack Skjolda was injured but was saved by a member of the Night Guards and seeing their prowess they offered to let them join the group, Skjolda was quick to accept seeing how strong the fighters were. To her this was an opportunity to test her limits and surpass them to become the strongest. To do this she and Hatvi had to move to Menagerie. They both have strong views on Faunus equality and sometimes agree with the White Fang on some of their points, but due to their affiliation to the Night Guards they were forbidden from being active in that regard. Skjolda wanted to climb the ranks and eventually become the head of the organization to possibly help push for a bit more activism. However, this hope was quickly shot down given the hierarchy of the group and that there was already an heir to the leadership named Tora Nocturnis. From then on, Skjolda declared Tora to be her main rival and usually sought to fight her on many occasions, only to lose every time. It wasn’t long after that when she and her twin decided to work in an independent cell of the organization. Since then she’s been wandering around with Hatvi and continuing to push beyond her limits to eventually beat her rival and become the leader of the Night Guards. 
Weapon: Solar Fangs- a pair of retractable, dual-bladed gauntlets that can transform into clawed blades. The blades are imbued with flame dust enabling her to strike with searing hot slashes and launch fire-powered projectiles.
Semblance: Solar Pursuit- Her aura becomes more visible and her abilities are incredibly enhanced. Her speed, endurance, and power are all increased to allow her to close distances quickly and the fire damage her weapons produce are enhanced even more. Even when not armed her semblance grants her attacks a bit more fire damage to them. This ability is greatly enhanced in daylight to the point where even a tough brawler such as Yang would have trouble inflicting damage to her. 
Hatvi Twilight
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Age: 22
Height: 6'0"
Home region: Solitas somewhere between Atlas and Mantle
Race: Wolf Faunus
Sexuality: Straight
Affiliations: Night Guard third degree Captain
Personality: calm and calculated, often preferring to observe and strategize before engaging in combat. She has a mysterious aura and a stoic demeanor. Despite her reserved nature, she is fiercely loyal to her allies and will go to great lengths to protect them. 
Aura color: Dark Blue
Background: Hatvi and her twin sister Skjolda were born in a secluded village in Solitas and while they weren’t well off, they weren’t helpless either. They learned at an early age how to fight but they were close to a few people from the village. During a fight against an unexpected Grimm attack Hatvi was struggling to save her sister after she was injured, but luckily someone from the Night Guards arrived in time to save her sister as well as herself. They were both offered to join the group after seeing their potential, but while Skjolda was gung-ho about joining, Hatvi was a bit hesitant to join. There wasn’t much known about them as they tended to be somewhat secretive about the details on how they operate. Though since she knew there wasn’t any point in trying to talk Skjolda out of it so Hatvi agreed if only to remain near her sister to bail her out of trouble. She had come to respect the members of the group for their strength and sense of comradery, even among the human members. She was a strong advocate for Faunus equality like Skjolda, but she found herself to agree more with how the Night Guards handled it. Rather than being active in changing minds, they preferred to just have members to just do their job in protecting what villages need it regardless of their views. Still she knew her sister’s ambitions better than anyone so she worked to keep up and act as her shadow. Supporting her from behind the scenes and even if she took the credit for some of Hatvi’s work without realizing it, she let’s her do so to allow a boost in confidence, but she is quick to inform Skjolda when something is wrong with the situation and is not afraid to call her out when needed. Her ultimate goal for herself is unknown and she keeps it that way. Very few try to get close to her, or even to attempt to understand her, but those who do will have a great friend, perhaps more if she has an interest. 
Weapon: Umbral Crescent- a weaponized scythe that can transform into a dual-bladed spear. It is infused with Ice dust to slow her enemies and stop them in their tracks. it can also transform into a chained harpoon launcher to draw distant enemies closer or pin them down.
Semblance: Lunar Shadow- the ability to manipulate shadows, granting her enhanced stealth and control over darkness. She can create illusions, conceal herself from sight, and move swiftly through shadowy areas. She can even summon darkness to an area in which she has the upper hand. Even other faunus with night vision have trouble seeing in this darkness while Hatvi can see within this field perfectly. During Night time, she also gains physical enhancements similar to Skjolda, but her other semblance abilities are made that much stronger. Allowing her to cover a wider area, make partially solidified illusions and allowing her near teleportation and stealth capabilities. 
@ofdarkestdesires hope you like them
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random-conspiracy · 1 year
The Extraordinary Oracle
Oh, well. Here's the actualized (5 minutes ago) list of cards. Remember, the deck has NO names but I need to keep track of them in some way so here we are :]
Consultant 1
Consultant 2 (the partner in couple readings, optional)
Young person 1
Young person 2
Adult 1
Adult 2
Old person (age, pass of time, wisdom, grandparents)
Baby (innocence, begginings, novelty, children)
House (comfort, privacy, family [found one or blood one])
Field house (optional for extended family)
Dandelions in concrete (constance, stability over everything, grow)
Peace (reconciliation, rest, tranquility)
Medal (fame, improvement, high honours)
Desires (dreams, ambitions, ilusions)
4 leaf clover (small luck, odds at your favor, some money, good omen)
Party (celebration, fun)
Bouquet (gift)
Doctor (educated person, who brings you help and advice)
Fortune (Big luck. Sudden success)
Date (flirting, meeting)
Energy (enthusiasm, motivation)
Fire (passion, horniness, out of control)
Crossroads (decisions, possibilities, taking different paths)
Bootlicker (SIMP [I doon't like the term but you understand])
Garden (an awful lot of people, town, city, social circles)
Ring (compromise, romantic couple, formal bound)
Butterfly (lightness, inconstancy, short duration)
Work (occupation, effort)
What's coming (news, visits, novelty, someone in the way)
What goes away (someone running away, lost things)
Curiosity (desire to know, meddling, spy)
Clown (ridicule, clown of the class, 🤡)
I don't see, I don't hear, I don't talk (wisdom, negation)
Wall (obstacles, boundaries)
Judgment (legal or social)
Boredom (disinterest)
Shrimp (time's running out, laziness, lack of attention)
A long road
Private room
Mesage (phone, computer, letters, documents, texts)
Lunatics (dellusions, madness, being very high)
Autorithy (someone in power, institution, order, building)
Key (solution, answer, "get free of jail" card)
Repentant (guilt, one who seeks forgiveness)
Plant pot (conformism, limited grow, superficiality)
Rat (thief, parasite)
Fear (doubts, anxiety, uncertany)
Rage (anger, fights)
Siren (seduction, tramp, under someone else's control)
Dark clouds (small bad luck, odds against you, bad mood, bad omen)
Mask (false appearances, lies, deceit)
Sighs (nostalgia, miss something)
Misfortune (big bad luck, disaster)
Prision (loneliness, chained, no options)
Snake (hate, enemy, bad intentions, rotten environment)
Death (ends, funerals)
Thin ice (danger, tension)
Broken heart (treason, disappointment, pain)
Cop (oppression, authority abuse, orders)
"That person" (third wheel, ex, the other woman/man)
Handshake (teamwork, what changes hands)
The weight of the world (a lot of stuff going on, unespected complexity, stress, speed)
Past (memories, ghosts talking)
Alley (what is done in secret or under the table)
Broom (putting things in order, domestic duties)
Shield (protection, strenght)
Artist (hobbies and projects, creations, sensibility)
FLYING PIG (the extraordinary, miracle, anomaly, what shouldn't be but is)
I'm not sure if 93 (and counting) cards are a good idea but who cares hashasa. If you wish to prove this I'll let this here. Ask a question, pick 3 "cards"
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magnimoon · 2 years
Chapter 14: The Bet (Part 2 of Jealousy) - A Cullevelyan fic
You can read it on AO3, as well as the rest of the episodes!
Leliana will finally reveal what she and Josephine are betting about. It may involve the Herald of Andraste and her new… "closer" allies. Cullen, meanwhile, cannot get over the fact he is falling slowly for Bryony and this bet the ladies are having, is not helping his mood. Or at least he thinks so.
The rest of the episode under the cut
Cullen didn’t want to admit what just happened a few moments prior to the war meeting. He remained calm and uptight like always, thinking about the topic of discussion the Herald needs to address with the advisors.
The road through Haven, however, felt like an eternity. Both remained quiet while walking together. Bryony seemed nervous for some reason and the Commander was trying to avoid her gaze. Moreover, Leliana was nowhere to be seen, the Herald had hoped she would’ve joined them while passing nearby her tent.
Cullen thought, momentarily, about breaking the ice, maybe asking why she has been training so strenuously with Bull. Yet again, words never escaped his zipped mouth. Whether he felt nervous, hurt or apathetic, he couldn’t decipher why there was a knot in his throat.
Well, he actually knew, but he wouldn’t admit in a million years that he was burning in jealousy. How he dreamed of switching places with the qunari, being him the one who pined her down to the floor, even if it was some sort of inexplicable training. The thought itself made his cheeks and ears burn in fire. He discreetly glanced towards the Herald, she was walking at her normal pace, a bit agitated and occasionally peeking at the ground absentmindedly.
Upon entering the Chantry, they found both Leliana and Josephine gossiping about some delicate materials.
They are clearly not talking about Inquisition related affairs, both Cullen and Bryony thought at the same time while looking grimly at the ladies.
Leliana especially, hold a wry smile while looking at the Commander. She knew something which made Cullen’s stomach clench a bit.
“Well then, we should start the meeting.” The Herald interrupted the group, taking the lead while entering first towards the war room. All three advisors began to acknowledge her initiative.
“So, you want to talk with Grand Enchanter Fiona?” Josephine asked while taking some notes in her clipboard.
The Ambassador wanted to look unbiased, yet she showed a relieved smile behind the candle mounted on her elaborate piece of wood. A few weeks ago, the five of them, Cassandra included, discussed which side they should seek help from.
The Orlesian elf requested help from them, however, at the time they didn’t have enough power nor teamwork experience in order to reach Redcliffe. Now that Bryony has gathered many allies, both for her personal team and agents for the Inquisition, it was possible to do so.
“Or, we could still seek help from the templars.” Cullen insisted.
The same reaction happened weeks ago, none of the three advisors reached to a decision and even Bryony had to reprimand them for their difference in opinions. Cassandra even agreed and approved that someone pointed out that.
“I know, Cullen. However, it isn’t fair to disregard their option. This meeting doesn’t establish an already alliance with the mages, only to know their situation since they are still approachable, contrary to the templars.” Bryony answered, decisive for a start while leaning towards the table, gazing upon the spot in map that read Redcliffe.
Josephine and Leliana were surprised by the Herald’s response, wondering since when her leadership took a step forward. Even Cullen couldn’t counterattack her argument, since it wasn’t a definitive decision, just inquiring about their options. Not to mention that their current power and influence was due to her alone. Without Bryony, even reaching the Templars would’ve been impossible in their present. At least he should allow her this.
However, should it fall to her hands the moment they settle this issue once and for all, he would take a step forward once more and defend the Order.
“I will send some of my agents to Redcliffe, and others to the Order. I’ll see if we can gather more information.” Leliana leaned forward while taking out her report.
The four of them then proceeded to continue with their usual tasks. Bryony was discussing with each one of them about their missions across Thedas. Josephine managed to calm down the noisy Trevelyans, much to Bryony’s delight.
“Alright, since there is nothing else, let’s dismiss the meeting until next time. I need to prepare for the next exploration.” Bryony had spoken while stretching her arms, even if she was getting used to the meetings, exhaustion would still linger in her body.
“Already, Herald? You should take some rest for a day at least.” Josephine intervened, looking a bit preoccupied the same way she is towards Cullen. She really despises how the both of them can be very workaholic some times.
There isn’t much to say when the four of them in the room are workaholics in their own way.
“Don’t worry, Josephine,” she chuckled while trying to calm her down, “I will depart tomorrow. I want to rest and eat properly today.”
“Do you already know whom will you take with you for this mission?” Leliana asked Bryony while she was arranging her bangs.
“Yes, I do. I’ll take Vivienne, Varric and the Iron Bull for this mission.” Bryony answered, a huge smile on her face. There was some enthusiasm from her grim, looking forward to this exploration even.
There was a minor sound from Cullen’s place. The three ladies looked towards the ex-templar; the reports he was about to carry fell over the war table once again. He only coughed as to signal his apologies and proceeded to gather them again.
“Ah, I mean!” Bryony intercepted the silence; words were escaping her mouth without even thinking. “Vivienne used to talk with Fiona, she could help us. I need Varric for support, since he has been inside the mage-templar war for a while, against his will. And I wanted to ask Cassandra, but she asked me to give her some time alone since she is helping me with some training.” She gazed away, looking a bit nervous. “I should go.” She shyly looked at the ground while dismissing herself from the room.
Leliana made a deadly, yet faint smile while her hood darkened her eyes. None of the other two were looking at her, even less had an idea of what she was scheming. The Spymaster was the only one to notice the shift in the Herald’s mood, as well as the clear discomfort Cullen showed whenever the Iron Bull is mentioned.
“So, Josie. I think that it has passed quite some time since we discussed… you know.” Sister Nightingale approached the so ever naïve Ambassador, whom immediately left her duty behind the moment she heard the magic words.
“Oh, absolutely!” Josephine eagerly answered while closing the gap between her and Leliana.
Cullen acted as if he wasn’t listening, focusing in only gathering his reports and prepare himself for the next training session. He hopes Bryony won’t have any other weird fraternization techniques with the qunari, at least not close to his training area. It is very distracting for his soldiers and can’t afford to lose precious time in some sort of vulgar entertainment. At least that’s what he is trying to picture in his mind as to why the previous spectacle sicken him.
Leliana noticed that Cullen was speeding up his hand movements so that he could depart as soon as possible. “So, have you decided on anyone?” She made sure her question was loud enough so that even the Commander could hear, but not too much as to arise suspicion.
“Oh, yes! So, will it be 20 sovereigns just like last time?” Josephine was taking out a small purple velvet bag. A golden string kept it close, but the movement itself revealed the clings and clangs of the golden coins inside.
“But of course.” Leliana agreed while taking out her black leather pouch, she placed it over the table and Josephine followed.
“Wonderful. My bet will be then for the Iron Bull.” Josephine assured, quite confident. Cullen flinched immediately while grabbing his reports, not sure of what the ladies might be talking about.
“The Iron Bull?” Leliana repeated intentionally, almost like teasing the poor Commander, she managed to caught his face, quite the troubled expression, before focusing on Josephine again.
“Yes, I think he’ll might win her heart.” Yet again, Cullen was no longer focused on leaving the room, his head lingered between reading the names of some cities in the map and listening to the conversation. He wasn’t sure how to stay there without them noticing him.
“I see, well they have seemed closer these days.” Leliana put on the show, giving Josephine a bit of confidence in her choice.
“That’s what I think, besides the Herald and him have shown to share many similarities. Besides the passion for physical combat, both are energetic for exploring and...” Josephine was cut.
“Maker’s Breath. What are you two going on about?” Cullen couldn’t resist barging in after Bryony’s title was mentioned.
Josephine turned immediately towards Cullen after hearing his grumpy tone, realizing that he hadn’t left the room. Her gossip side made her forget about the situation she was. Of course, this is something Leliana knows quite well and took advantage from it momentarily. Even when the she looked towards Cullen, the Spymaster gave such innocent yet sinister eyes, even Warden Alistair would’ve known something was amiss.
“Oh! Forgive me, Commander, I didn’t know you were still here.” Josephine apologized while a reddish color was spotted on her cheeks, is unusual for her to show her improper demeanor, as she would call it, in front of strangers.
For Josephine, Cullen was still an unknown person since both have dedicated their time to the Inquisition. She has thought of planning some tea parties for the three of them; however, said idea is still far from becoming a reality due to Haven’s condition. She also needs to find a way to convince the Commander.
“Our apologies, Commander, we didn’t mean to reveal you our little game.” Leliana pursued the conversation by adding more information that Josephine wanted to contain.
Josephine looked at Leliana quite confused, after all they usually act as if they weren’t betting about other people. In Orlais, the ladies would dismiss the prying ears by changing the topic to shoes and clothing. She wasn’t expecting Leliana to come clean in front of Cullen. Maybe because he would be a close ally and frivolous secrets like these could cause distrust?
“I’m afraid to know more about your… game.” Cullen, frowning his expression, tried to ignore the whole situation. The day itself just gets even more annoying for him whom tries to deny what he feels.
Now, hearing that the Iron Bull may “win” the heart of the Herald, just tickled his bad side.
This is not an official matter, I don’t know why I’m getting angry at it, I’m not a child anymore, thought Cullen for himself as a way to reprimand his foolish attitude. He doesn’t want to acknowledge his frustration, mostly since it can compromise his duties as Commander. He doesn’t want to let his feelings get the worst of him, not again.
“It is nothing harmful, we can assure you,” Leliana had to intervene if she wanted to help the Commander… in her own way. She remained calm and collected, as a way to prove that their game was inoffensive at most, “when I met Josie years ago in Orlais, we used to have these bets between us. We would observe the single nobles around us, usually the ones that would likely inherit their family titles.” She paused, allowing Josephine to continue.
“Yes, we would bet whom the noble would marry, or if they would take someone as their lover.” She giggled while remembering some certain duke, both of them had chosen two ladies, one from Orlais, the other from Nevarra. At the end, it was revealed that the noble already had an affair with his elven servant. To be fair, he was a handsome and delicate elf. Josephine blushed just by thinking how would Bryony end up with the Iron Bull.
“You would bet… on that?” Cullen felt dumbfounded, not sure how to react. His tone even sounded raspy as he was surprised by their pastime.
“Of course, Commander, it is actually a common thing to do in Orlais and Antiva.” Leliana added.
“Although in Antiva it is mostly about how much time the regent candidate will stay alive.” Josephine finished, feeling a bit embarrassed about her homeland tradition.
“So, you’re saying that you’re betting to see whom Trevelyan will choose as partner?” He felt disappointed, and it showed a bit in his mild pressed lips. Leliana was the only one to notice the faint clench in one of his hands, thanks to the squeak of his glove.
“Exactly, Commander! Would you like to join us? It is only 20 sovereigns.” Josephine asked without reading the mood of the room. Leliana was doing her best job to remain calm once more, she couldn’t thank Josie enough for asking the right questions.
“Wh-what. No! I-I wouldn’t do that to the Herald, that would be inappropriate. Please excuse me.” He flinched before answering, a few drops of sweat falling down from his temples. He couldn’t grab his reports any faster before surrounding the war table, heading towards the door.
Josephine seemed a bit confused about his sudden change in his attitude, maybe he wasn’t feeling well, or just his usual disdain towards Orlesian activities, he is Fereldan after all.
“Well, Josie, I haven’t really told you who I’m betting for.” Meanwhile, Leliana calm, hands behind her, like a soldier posture who is ready to counterattack. The shadow glooming her eyes made them shine like a cat.
“Well… that is true, but…” Josephine looked towards Cullen, not wishing to disturb him any further.
“As for me,” Leliana continued, “my bet will go for our Commander.” She answered while slowly gazing at Cullen.
The Commander, upon hearing her, froze immediately, almost exiting the room. His glove lingered in the air, he had just finished pushing the door, and one step outside already. He didn’t know how to react, or if he should say anything at all. Should he turn and confront Leliana? No, that would reveal his increasingly red cheeks. Should he feel flattered? Probably, although the confusion is mainly clouding his good judgement.
“Wait, but… oh!” And that’s when Josephine’s mental cogs understood the situation. She covered her mouth in surprise, a bit flustered with a rosy color flourishing over her cheeks.
“That’s not…!” Cullen aggressively faced the ladies, then again, his mind got blank and didn’t know how to react upon Josephine’s eagerness. She was faintly clapping her fingertips in front of her mouse as a gesture of excitement. And, right beside her, was Leliana, looking at him with a glare that reveled her knowledge about his feelings.
He got busted.
“I, uh, I must get going. Please excuse me.” With the little dignity he had left, he exited the room, not running as his younger self would do so. It was a quick paced and violent walk through the hallway.
“Since when…” Josephine asked Leliana.
“Details for later, Josie. How about we discuss it over some tea? Besides, I still need to figure out if our Herald feels anything for someone, especially the Iron Bull or the Commander.” Leliana wanted to give the benefit of the doubt to Bryony, however, some of her reactions were giving some hints already.
The Spymaster was already thinking on how to test the Herald, she needed more information.
“Should we put a stop to our bet then? I don’t mind keep betting.” Josephine asked while looking over her small purse. Maybe losing 20 sovereigns for this bet wouldn’t be too bad.
Good luck, Commander Cullen! Thought Josephine for herself.
Meanwhile, the Commander exited the Chantry almost sprinting and avoiding the gazes from the sisters, mothers and Vivienne. Although most of them were minding their own business. Once outside from the fumes and small heat from the candles, he could calmly breathe the cold Fereldan air. He missed that cold; it would help him to focus whenever he was on duty.
Cullen massaged his temples, he believed that if he massaged enough, he could forget the embarrassing moment he had minutes ago. His hope for now was that the Spymaster and Ambassador will stay professional while in the presence of the Herald and Inquisition duties.
Speaking of the Herald, when Cullen finally managed to get a grip and focus his sight, he took some steps forwards and looked over Leliana’s tent. Just a few inches to the right, there was Bryony speaking with Threnn.
The quartermaster didn’t look so much enthusiastic about their conversation, in fact she wanted to get rid of the Herald as soon as possible. Maybe because Bryony stated in a previous talk that she didn’t agree with Threnn’s opinion about Loghain.
Bryony looked pensive, gazing at the pending list of materials that were required for some missions. Her unamused look blurred away the moment she coincidentally turned her eyes towards the Chantry, finding Cullen whom just exited the building.
Was she purposedly looking this way? Thought Cullen.
There was a faint smile on her lips before she dismissed the quartermaster and left the spot. Bryony walked towards the Commander, her steps were between running and skipping. “Ah, Commander, I was waiting for you.”
“I…” Cullen lingered, unsure on how to answer, “yes?” he made quite the effort to pronounce one word.
“Ah, yes.” Bryony cleared her throat. “I was hoping we could have some time to talk. I was heading towards the tavern and thought that, maybe, you would like to come with us.” Bryony pointed with her finger towards the tavern, her usual warm smile was present.
“Us?” As much as Cullen can’t resist her beautiful lips curling into a soft, pleased smile, the memory of her body being pinned down against the floor lingered. This made this interaction quite sour flavored. The fact that Cullen had to ask ‘us’ proved it, since he was worried that Bryony had invited the Bull as well.
“Yes, Varric wanted to mingle a bit before I head out again. Since we didn’t have that much talking outside of Inquisition’s duties, I was hoping we could… well, last time we invited you, you couldn’t assist since you were busy.” Bryony asked, trying to figure out how to ask out of the blue such invitation. Her intense purple eyes were locked on his honey ones.
“I would, I would lo… like that!” Cullen spoke without realizing, falling short on his common sense.
A part of him wanted to reject the invitation since it happened almost immediately after her encounter with the Bull. Cullen didn’t think she was playing with him, instead he couldn’t shake off the feeling that, if he doesn’t act or do something, she might go to the arms of another man… or qunari in this case.
The question is, how could he even flirt in the first place, he has no knowledge of wooing someone. The last time he fell in love, he ran away, trying to avoid those feelings.
“Ah, perfect! I believe Varric is already there, would you mind heading out first? I want to change my clothing first.” Bryony looked at her armor, all dusty with some areas covered in dirt. She couldn’t believe she went to the War meeting like that, even a part of her boots was missing and her leather coat was worn out beyond salvation.
Cullen only agreed in silence and bowed his head as to say his goodbyes. Both separated ways, Cullen to the tavern and Bryony to her cabin. Part of the Commander still hesitated about his decision. After all, admitting that he was feeling jealous, was admitting that he envied the closeness Bull had developed with Bryony. Doing so would imply that he has finally fallen for the Herald of Andraste.
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erorentalsz · 13 days
A Deep Dive into Christian and Timbers C&T: A Legacy of Quality and Innovation
Christian and Timbers (C&T) is a renowned name in the industry, synonymous with quality, innovation, and a commitment to excellence. With a rich history spanning decades, C&T has established itself as a leading provider of [industry-specific products or services]. This blog post delves into the various facets of C&T, exploring its history, core values, product offerings, customer testimonials, community involvement, and future outlook.
A Brief History of Christian and Timbers
Founded in [year], C&T has a deep-rooted heritage that dates back to [location]. The company's journey began with [founders' names], who shared a vision of creating a business that would [mission statement]. Over the years, C&T has grown and evolved, adapting to changing market dynamics while remaining true to its core principles.
Core Values: The Foundation of Success
C&T's success can be attributed to its unwavering commitment to a set of core values that guide its operations. These values include:
Quality: C&T is dedicated to delivering products and services that meet or exceed industry standards, ensuring customer satisfaction.
Innovation: The company fosters a culture of innovation, continuously seeking new ways to improve its offerings and stay ahead of the competition.
Customer Focus: C&T prioritizes customer needs and strives to build long-lasting relationships based on trust and mutual respect.
Integrity: The company operates with honesty and transparency, upholding the highest ethical standards.
Teamwork: C&T believes in the power of collaboration and teamwork, fostering a positive and supportive work environment.
Product Offerings: A Diverse Range
C&T offers a wide range of products and services that cater to the diverse needs of its customers. Some of its key offerings include:
[Product 1]
[Product 2]
[Product 3]
[Product 4]
[Product 5]
Each product is meticulously crafted using the latest technology and high-quality materials, ensuring durability, reliability, and performance. C&T's commitment to innovation is evident in its continuous development of new products that address emerging market trends.
Customer Testimonials: A Voice of Satisfaction
C&T's reputation for excellence is reflected in the positive testimonials from its satisfied customers. Here are a few examples:
"I've been using C&T's [product] for years, and I've always been impressed with its quality and performance. Their customer service is top-notch as well." - [Customer Name]
"C&T's team went above and beyond to ensure that our project was completed on time and to our exact specifications. Their attention to detail is unmatched." - [Customer Name]
"I've been a loyal customer of C&T for many years, and I've always been impressed with their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. They are a company that I can trust." - [Customer Name]
Community Involvement: Giving Back
C&T believes in giving back to the communities it serves. The company is actively involved in various philanthropic initiatives, including:
[Initiative 1]
[Initiative 2]
[Initiative 3]
Through these initiatives, C&T aims to make a positive impact on the lives of others and contribute to the overall well-being of the community.
Future Outlook: A Bright Horizon
C&T is poised for continued growth and success in the years to come. The company is investing in research and development, exploring new markets, and expanding its product offerings. By staying true to its core values and adapting to the evolving needs of its customers, C&T is confident in its ability to maintain its leadership position in the industry.
Christian and Timbers C&T is a company that has earned a reputation for excellence through its commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. With a rich history, strong core values, and a diverse range of product offerings, C&T is well-positioned to continue its success in the years to come. As the company looks to the future, it remains dedicated to its mission of providing exceptional products and services that exceed customer expectations.
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