#season one episode four
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archinomaly · 11 months ago
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Ep. 4 - Oeuf
I know it took an eternity, but it is finally time for dinner.
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all-natural-super · 3 months ago
Episode four and still going
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lokismusings · 1 year ago
I did a thing. But please, if anyone has another idea for a fic where Malcolm finds out about the alien life form earlier in the episode, go ahead and write it!! I want all the fics of this because it’s under appreciated. Also, I’m excited to delve into the scientific and health-related process of this fic because the fetus being attached to Trip’s pericardium?! That could be so dangerous! I wish the episode would have focused on that, too, but I get that they were going for a more humorous approach.
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axelwolf8109 · 1 year ago
The scene after the plane crash where Abby plays the audio for the woman who lost her husband hurts like hell
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twinstxrs · 1 year ago
fabian’s insistence on calling someone to tell them about lucy & yolanda because he thought people just deserved to know, out of respect. both deeply sweet & incredibly gutting. (bill seacaster move over that’s MY darling boy)
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clarasghosts · 8 months ago
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Evil - intro threats (seasons three & four)
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magicandmundane · 6 months ago
Something something Clone Force 99 breaking binders in every season finale
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bocadelinfierno · 10 months ago
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dollopole · 7 months ago
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Have we taken into consideration that perhaps, the reason Merlin does not die, it’s because the Gods don’t want him to? They’ve been playing with him this entire time, and The Cailleach made it clear that even if Merlin wants to die, he can’t, and he cannot change the course of his life. Merlin does not say, “yes” willingly, but rather tests to see if the goddess in front of him knows about his destiny, and her answer proves him right. It’s not because she sees Lancelot going into the veil. It’s because she knows deep down Merlin cannot do anything now. Merlin is more powerful than Gods, and to prevent him to come to this knowledge, they constantly stop him from achieving his destiny.
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emwallas176 · 1 month ago
Just gonna put this here to showcase how badly the Smallville writers fumbled the bag with this one.
I aM tHe ViLlAiN oF tHiS sToRy.... yeah okay. You messed up a perfectly good character is what you did.
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t0ast-ghost · 3 days ago
I’m in tears I can’t believe that Shawn fucking Spencer just so casually dropped the sentence “alright come on babygirl” to Gus before they were about to pettily fight in someone’s house
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meanderfall · 21 days ago
it's been weeks since i watched the episode but im still thinking about I, Monster, and how Raphael stopped Michelangelo and Donatello from interfering in that fight because Leonardo has "got more than one monster to work out of his system."
Raph is honestly just so good at reading and understanding Leo when he's not doing good, and is pretty much always there to support him with his actions.
So this moment is both so sweet to me bc Raph, in this moment, got the closest to understanding the shape of what Leo is struggling with and is trying so hard to support him and help him work through it, but it's also heartbreaking to me bc it isn't enough. In any other season before this, this moment probably would've been what Leo needed to shake off what's troubling him, but it isn't bc what's happening goes much deeper than any of them know how to deal with or help.
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oddly-casual · 2 months ago
Homura Hc’s (or a mini appreciation post tbh)
Homura is one of those characters we see only a handful a times. I think we see her maybe three times in the show, and a couple times in the merch. Mostly Hesokuri wars.
But despite the fact that she has about two speaking roles in between three seasons and a movie, the writers try to keep her personality in tact and I like that they do that.
Most of this comes from Jyushimatsu Dolphin (season 3 Ep. 8). Where Homura sticks her neck out to help Jyushimatsu follow his dream of being a dolphin.
We don’t know exactly how cannon these skits are, but certain characters are chosen for a reason and I think we can take away a lot from some of Homura’s decisions and actions.
Like the fact that she even agrees to help Jyushimatsu at all despite not knowing him (in this skit at least). She tells us directly that it was because she was moved by his passion, but staking your job on something as flaky as passion would be- what some people call- a dumb risk.
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Despite being the only one in his corner, Homura gives her all into training him. In her first appearance in season one, Todomatsu call her “Weird” And I think this skit goes into depth about how weird she actually is. Homura hardcore trains him in the ways of being a dolphin that she is familiar with, even if that means nearly drowning him.
This girl that we met in season one, who we knew as soft and sad, is in fact a weirdo.
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Like just look at how everyone reacts to her! Go off queen!
I really like how this skit gets rid of any assumptions about Homura’s character. From her first appearance alone you would think maybe she’s weak willed or fragile- but she really puts her all into the things she cares about and doesn’t let anyone slow her down.
Homura doesn’t even call it out or try to explain herself, it’s just how she is and I love that for her.
We also see pretty consistently how she handles conflict, or failing.
In season 1 she calls off ever seeing Jyushimatsu again because she has to go home, and you can tell it hurts her to just outright reject him like the that.
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The fact that we possibly know her background also adds context to her decision.
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It’s possible she just wants to get away from that industry and the people, maybe too many people know her from the porn dvds and she just needed a fresh start somewhere else. Maybe she felt like she was lying to Jyushimatsu because she couldn’t tell him all she’d done- who knows?
There’s a lot of ways you can look at it but I think most of all, the skit in season 2 could reshape how we looked at her reaction to conflict in season 1.
When faced with failure, Homura gives up.
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She gave it her all, and it still didn’t happen. Homura is grounded in reality to an extent. While the Matsuno’s live by their own rules and do whatever they want- it feels like Homura found a way to work within the rules. To try everything she can, but not to exhaust herself with something that’s not baring fruits.
She doesn’t seem disappointed that Jyushimatsu will keep trying, she’s angry. Homura yells at him and calls him a block head because he’s being stubborn- but why try so hard to get him to give up when it’s his dream? Why does she want him to quit? He will continue with it without her so why?
There’s a possibly that she doesn’t want to see him hurt. Like season 1, Homura distances herself from Jyushimatsu specifically after he confesses.
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We can assume it’s because she would be in a whole other city, and with the past attached to her, she didn’t want to hold him back. Either that, or she didn’t want to face rejection if things didn’t end up working out.
But I also think it’s important to note that Homura was moments away from ending her own life. In the end, she chooses to take herself to a familiar place rather than to attempt again- showing signs of gaining some perspective or some motivation to keep going.
My main take away from Homura as a character, and outside of her potential relationship with Jyushimatsu, is that Homura is a character ground in reality who is a little silly.
Homura takes things seriously, no matter how goofy they are (like wanting to be a dolphin- like an actual dolphin), but she also likes to laugh and have fun like everyone else.
Homura knows not to spend time on something that possibly won’t work out, and this could be because she’s been beaten down before and knows the prolonged pain of hope. She also has a past we know nothing about that could’ve shaped the person she is today.
Homura is a silly weird girl, but unfortunately life got to her first. That doesn’t stop her from being weird and silly though.
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archinomaly · 9 months ago
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Ep.8 - Fromage
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freckleslikestars · 1 year ago
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JohnAeryn moments of physical contact {4/5}
FARSCAPE | Season Four
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lordofthesoups · 15 days ago
The speed at which i listen to podcasts doubles when i learn what episode the silly man in a suit appears in.
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