#scott boreton
ohmerricat · 2 years
a rebellious teenager becomes trapped through devious magics within the body of a small animal every season of this show it seems
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clockworkcheetah · 2 months
im not particularly big fan of scott boreton but i do feel a little bad when he admitted he thought suzie didnt love/want him and hes like completely right
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goatyoat · 2 years
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gourmetpanic · 3 years
At the end of season 2, we see Scott and Bob Boreton playing with their dog after Francis fixes everything.
Considering that the hypnotised Bob was made to kill the dog earlier in season 2, does that mean everyone who was killed by Suzie Boreton (specifically at the hospital) was restored to life again?
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surlydruid · 6 years
Tbh I feel really bad for Scott Boreton. Suzie is clearly not a good parent, and Bob seems like he’s always working or checked out when he is at home. No wonder Scott acts out and gets into fights with his mom, she’s not giving him the attention, the guidance, or the love that he needs.
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nocontextdirkgently · 6 years
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osmundspriest-blog · 6 years
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This came to me in a dream
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setmeatopthepyre · 7 years
S02E06 “GIRL POWER” thoughts
OH man okay what an episode. I have a LOT OF THOUGHTS so I added a Read More somewhere down there for you. Once again it’s a ton of observations mixed with mental notes and a lot of half-thought theories.
- We know what the Bergsberg sign says! “Once you’re here... you’ll never want to be gone”. --> because everyone somehow finds what they need there?
- I was waiting for the scene where Friedkin finds out the Rowdy 3 are gone. It was fantastic. Lieutenant AssistEnt?! Mental note, teleportation is linked with water and an electrical surge that also manages to interrupt surveillance.
- Ken is just so freakin’ happy with this new living quarters. I wish I could go through those files he has there. Also the only bit of color in the room is in the shower - a red soap thingie and a yellow soap thingie and a blue and a red loofa. What’s going on with that? They remind me of the buttons on Vogel’s jacket.
- Nice leopard print tights, Todd. Also Todd is wearing Dirk’s glowsticks. And they’re red and blue which is a THING because a TON of things in this episode are red and blue (just like the Dengdamor sigil?).
- Pink-coated Dirk vs. Bart in blue! “Are you back to being scared of me?” sounds to me like Dirk wasn’t when he was high on a love spell. I wish we could see what went on there.
- The Mage’s little speech is super interesting and there’s lots to unpack there. The world he conquered was supposed to be different and he was supposed to lose. What changed? If it’s the boy in the murals that’s supposed to defeat the Mage every time, he’s been missing for a long time. Why are we only looking for The Boy now?
- Odd thing I noticed: the boy is dressed the same in every instance of him defeating the mage (same kind of shirt, either yellow or green, blue pants, and a crown) but his hair is a different color nearly every time. It’s black or brown in one, red in one, blond in another.
- Suzie’s “Do you think I’m gonna let other people make me feel small again?” makes me feel like something happened to turn her into the horrible person she was even before the accident. “I won’t let your negative attitude drag me down” --> okay, sounds like a good quote from a self-help book. And then boom. “I will cover myself in your blood”. 0-10 REAL FAST. Also who in the world is she channeling when her voice goes scary at the end?!
- So the project Alpha emblem on Ken’s bathrobe is yellow. Is that important? Probably not but MAYBE IT IS. His jumpsuit is blue + yellow too! (just like the Trost sigil. Coincidence?)
- When Ken says “You know I’m going to need higher clearance for that.” you can just see a plan unfolding in his mind. What are you going to do, Ken?
- THE ROWDY 3 SCENE THOUGH. There’s tons to unpack there. First of all, the cubes say ‘Canadian Made’ apparently, which means they come from (near) Bergsberg too? Which makes sense since the Kellum Knights are supplied by the Mage. Cross does some 4th wall breaking too because he points out that they’re in Canada (and parts were filmed in Canada). He also mentions that he doesn’t trust cubes because they have too many dimensions and it’s confusing. Which honestly sounds like the plot of the show at this point.
  - Martin mentions he’s been around for a long  time and sort of makes it sounds like it’s longer than we’d expect? I’m not sure. They are vampires, after all.
- Amanda says she’s trying to ‘go with the flow’ which is funny because she’s using water for her visions and stuff.
- Where you go, we go + the hug + everyone just doting on Vogel = what happiness is made of.
- Dirk just losing it as soon as he realizes Blackwing is in the vicinity. “You are all now actively in danger and that’s my fault.” Because they were already passively in danger just by associating with him but now that Blackwing is here..
- The information in the corner of Priest’s goggle vision thing is what looks like the CSS for a stock photo website. Just thought I’d throw that out there.
- Where does Wakti’s knowledge of punk come from? Just wondering. She knows exactly how to motivate Amanda and that’s either awesome or a little terrifying.
- The hospital is full of paintings/pictures of water. Like literally. They’re everywhere, just like in the sheriff’s department. In the intro, Mrs. Cardenas says there’s no water for miles. SO WHY. Also a ton of pamphlets that say ‘STOP’ on them in the waiting room. Nice foreshadowing. (and a blue and a pink jacket hanging from the coat rack. those colors. again.)
- “Wendimoor can’t be real. If it is, I can never be forgiven.” By who? Why?
- Kellum wanted to buy the Cardenas’ farm. Why? Is this the place where the digsite is now? What were they digging for?
- Mrs. Cardenas stabbed her husband with the scissors? But Arnold lost both his parents that night. What happened to her?
- Someone promised Arnold that he would be taken to Wendimoor, that it would a safe haven. But Arnold says Wendimoor can’t exist. At the same time, he knows how to get there. So it’s not like he can’t believe it exists but maybe it should be impossible or it’s bad that it does.
- Todd’s  jacket has a blue and a pink/red stripe on it. Farah’s all in blue. Dirk’s in pink. It’s those colors again but what do they mean.
- So is Suzie’s spell straight up summoning glowing hot metal shapes?
- Where was Arnold running off to before he became a hexa-goner? Also Dirk is so caught up with Arnold’s death that he doesn’t even notice Priest arrive and Priest is doing as he’s told, which is protect the subject.
- Priest laughing while gunning down Suzie. I’m not sure if I love him for it or if I’m just extra terrified. Then he says ‘Goddammit baby, I miss(ed) Blackwing.’ I’m not sure if he says miss or missed, but I feel like it’s ‘missed’ because Priest has said before that working for Blackwing was the most fun he ever had. He is enjoying this immensely. It’s all a puzzle to him. Which makes me think he’s special in some way too. He has the air of someone who knows it’s all going to work out for him and the ease with which he takes down Farah later reminds me of Bart. My theory is that Priest is/was Project Cheron - the mythological ferryman who takes those who pay him across the river Styx into the underworld.
- I forgot that those creepy figures in Wakti’s hut are still there, listening, watching. They seemed to react when Amanda mentioned her brother.
- Wakti is using Mona to see  - CONFIRMED. She calls Mona a friend, but what is Mona getting out of this?
- Panto’s talk about how Bart should forget fate, forget the universe sounds like a really bad idea to me. When Panto says that he’s fighting for a happily ever after there’s recognition in Bart’s eyes. Is she thinking of the commercial with the princess?
- I love how the Rowdies immediately notice something’s up with Amanda. Interestingly, Farson is the first to notice her and head over. He’s got the ‘notice when something’s up thing’ down fast and he was quick to notice her powers when they were in the cage and he was already hanging out with Wakti Wapnasi. What if Farson’s special too?
- The moment when Amanda tells them she needs them to see if the visions are real or a metaphor and Martin and Cross both quickly explain to Vogel & Gripps what a metaphor is. Aw man my heart. Also apparently the way to turn anything into a Rowdy outfit is to make it really dirty and add leather. Perfect.
- When Priest & Farah meet, Farah says she knows who he his. Did she find out about who Priest is when she was looking for information on Blackwing? How much does she know?
- Holy what? Priest just straight up knocks out Farah without flinching. Farah. Who injured Bart and defeated Panto Trost, greatest swordsman in Wendimoor? The only two people who were able to injure/capture Bart had a split-second showdown and Priest won. Crap.
- Dirk is so freaking terrified. What did Priest do? I’m more and more convinced that the ‘Diamond Incident’ has something to do with child Dirk.
- Toad Scott is just sitting there, listening to everything. He has been listening to every single conversation the Mage and Suzie have had this episode and he’s listening to the Mage talk to Bob. You just know someone is going to have to kiss the toad and have it turn into Scott, who just happens to know everything the Mage has done and everything he’s been plotting. Find the boy. Defeat the Mage. Because the Mage told the boy EVERYTHING.
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star-catcher · 7 years
Okay, so Wendimoorians have now given Todd and Dirk amazing nicknames. Toad and Bibbit respectively. Which sound like the title of a children's book/names of titular characters in a kid's story. Also Bibbit and Toad are the newest frog editions to the story. I was kind of hoping that once Panto and Silas got married (after Suzie was defeated ofc) they would adopt Scott and give him the love and appreciation he deserves. But I'm also down for Brotzly-esque parent relationships. Still curious to see if true loves kiss makes an appearance in Wendimoor.
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gala000085 · 7 years
I haven’t seen this discussed anywhere, but the Purple People Eater’s hands are knitted:
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as was this...thing...in the Boreton house:
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The Brotzmann siblings dead ass had a slapping fight... Honestly same
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well... that was a doozy of an episode.
i’m getting really concerned abut ken. i could see how he could go down the riggins route, but i can also see him working to reign in priest. i mean, in the hospital, priest only tried to kill one person.
not that it worked, of course.
bart, however, i’m fucking terrified for, because panto does not understand that bart is a subject of a cold, unfeeling, indifferent universe. its only so good to do what you want when you know you wont receive a cosmic punishment for it. the last time bart followed what she thought was right, she got stabbed in the leg. whats it going to be this time?   
im not going to lie. i feel really, really sorry for scott boreton. he deserved better and i really hope hes not a frog at the end of the season.
okay, so in ep 2, hobbs says that the Infant Male Polluck Francis arrived ten years before the surge which coincided with the disappearance of the Cardinas’s. When it dropped in front of them, i defo heard baby cries. I’m calling it; Arnold Cardinas was not the Cardinas’s biological son, and (probably) from Wendimoor. 
Also- if Hobbs knew about the Cardinas case, why did he not know they had a child? Unless no-one but the Cardinas’s knew- its harder to hide a pregnancy than an abandoned flying boat baby.
i really didnt like amandas face when she told the r3 to go south. she knows something else, and i dont like it. 
dirk. dirk dirk dirk. im so sorry.
just... dirk has every right to just sit in a corner and be quiet. but no. the universe is an inhuman, apathetic void which cares not for rest, or trauma, of personal need- just irrelevances. what’s worse is that because of the nature of the investigation, dirk’s success is an inevitability. however, the universe doesnt care how it gets there, and how many people have to die, as long as dirk stays alive. 
but if dirk and bart do deliberately stray away from the universe? theyre human. theyre replaceable. once they stop working- the universe will just make different agents. and the previous ones can be disposed of.
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janjan-the-ninth · 7 years
Weird Night/Day switches
I don’t know if I missed it but I don’t think I saw anyone talking about the weird switches between day and night in Bergsberg.
The first time it happened after the car fell out of the tree at night, but when Todd and Farah went to open the trunk it was day. Judging from their conversation no time passed between day and night… but they also didn’t mention that suddenly it wasn’t dark anymore.
The next time it happened to Scott. He nearly ran over Pantos at night, but when he called Tine it was day. Of course he could have been scared to call the police so it took him a few hours to get the courage to make this call… if it wasn’t for the fact that he was still at the crash site and the fact that Pantos was also still there when Tina and Farah arrived.
I don’t know if it’s planned or coincidence that those cuts always happen between episodes. I also have no idea what they mean at all.
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What if Scott Boreton is the boy?
Yeah, he started out as a complete jerk, but now he’s a frog.  And if that doesn’t scream fairy tale trope, I don’t know what does.  (And Wendimoor is absolutely a fairy-tale place.)
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Is.... Susie throwing her son under the bus?! Yikes
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nocontextdirkgently · 6 years
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