#scary first moves into grown up life
larphis · 1 year
The crisis continues, I still live with my parents so privacy is pretty much an illusion in many ways.
We have corporate-shit Amazon prime premium so there was never really a reason to make my own account because shipping would just be more expensive, stuff would take longer to arrive and I didn’t mind letting my parents see what I ordered anyways because it was mostly just clothes.
But - I just made my own account because I want to get out of my comfortzone.
I think I will be brave and order myself a binder, just to know what it feels like to wear one and more importantly to know how it makes me feel.
I even considered buying something else you wouldn’t want to buy via your parents’ account but then I thought that would be too much if they DID end up accidentally opening my package before I got my hands on it.
Adult life is scary but I’m trying.
(Originally put this post in the queue to force myself to make a decision asap and I did! I ordered the binder and I’m fucking terrified. So excited and curious too but first and foremost terrified, haha. We’ll see how it goes. Cross your fingers for me, homies!)
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miss-dollette · 10 months
Makarov • Baby Daddy Headcanons
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While Makarov is a psychopathic maniac without a care for anyone, he'd definitely never abandon his own. This man values loyalty above anything and will never forsake one of his own, especially his baby mama and his child.
A visit from Makarov would be rare, but when he visited, he always made sure to bring a gift for his baby, and sometimes, even for you. Nothing cheap, of course—a necklace worth thousands. See it as a reward for being an oh-so-good woman and bearing him a child.
Don't bother with work. Call in and never come back. Makarov has you covered for the rest of your life. He'd move you away from the dingy city and have you cozy with your baby in a house you'd never be able to pay off on your own. But you wouldn't need to worry about that - Makarov made sure to pay in cash to whatever sketchy realtor he knew would never reveal your location. If they did... let's just say they'd never sell another house again.
The new addition to the Makarov family would love their father. They'd cry all day in your arms, never stopping until their father's rough cheek scratched against their own, and he shushed them in his rough Russian manner.
The first time you handed over the tiny Makarov to their father would become a bittersweet memory.
"Make sure his/her neck is supported," you softly said while passing the baby into Makarov's arms, mindful of the delicate strength his/her little neck had yet to develop.
"Perfect," you said as Makarov gently held the baby in his arms, his neck crooked down as he watched his baby's eyelids flutter, their little pink cheeks, and tufts of hair on top their head. The baby tiny fist lifted into air, and Makarov placed his lips upon their tiny knuckles.
You leaned in and placed your lips on Vladimirs rough cheek.
He'd definitely pretend he wasn't obsessed with his newborn baby's scent. You'd walk into the nursery, and he'd shoot up from the crib and act like his nose wasn't all up in his baby's scalp.
He'd be fiercely protective of his family. No one, not even his closest allies, would know. Maybe Yuri, but he'd only tell him long after you gave birth.
If he had a son, he'd definitely plan to raise him in a macho-man way. Your son's fifth birthday gift would be a Russian prison knife from the Gulag. And no, he wouldn't care if you made a fuss about it being dangerous for a child.
"Now, why the hell would you give him that? What were you thinking?"
"He's nearly a grown man, and every grown man needs a knife."
"He's five!"
"I was gifted a rifle when I was five, so be grateful!"
Now, if he had a daughter, that would be a whole 'nother story. She would definitely be his little tsarina. All she would need to do is ask, and she'd have it in her little palm.
"She'll become a spoiled little brat if you keep spoiling her like that,"
"What, like you?"
"Not funny."
"Seems funny to me. Come, My Little Tsarina, let's go pick out one of your future cars."
He grew up poor and constantly surrounded by critters sneaking around in his home. He'd bring home stray cats to make sure no rats or mice would go near his baby.
Will sometimes sleep over. You'd both sleep in the same bed, and his razor-sharp training from when he was a soldier would come to good use. Any noise your baby made would wake him instantly.
He's paranoid as hell, so be ready for him to patrol the house multiple times a day. Your baby will grow up thinking it's normal for his father to have an automatic assault rifle in hand, walking around with murder in his eyes, ready to blow apart whoever dared target his family.
The baby would giggle every time their father passed by, and you'd watch boredly as he walked past. It got boring after the first ten times.
If there ever was a break in, God bless the idiot who did so. Not even his bones would be found.
Other than that, he's a cutie patootie when it comes to his baby. But like, a scary cutie patootie.
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atzloverr · 8 days
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Mafia bf!Yunho x female reader
Here are some mafia!Yunho x reader headcannons/oneshot (idrk what to call it)
includes: Yunho x reader, violence, kidnapping, mafia au, fluff
- He never intended to become a frequent customer at your small coffee shop near ateez’ underground base
- It started as a place for him to go when he needed to escape the gruesome life of the mafia, when he just wanted some peace and quiet
-He soon found himself becoming a regular, and without trying to, starting to feel at home in your small cozy cafe
- He still remembers the first time he saw you, looking so cute in your little apron, focusing on making a specific espresso art for a customer.
- You always found yourself lighting up when Yunho entered the cafe, his presence alone bringing you comfort in an odd way
- He seemed so nice and respectful, never asking too many questions or making any noise in your shop.
- He just sat down at his usual spot, with a book in hand, sipping on a coffee you made perfectly for him
- The other members teased him about his little crush on you, noticing the way the tall male had grown fond of you
- He never let any of the members accompany him though, telling them that this was his spot, and that he wanted to separate it from the mafia life
- He almost felt ashamed of his crush on you, thinking that you deserve someone better, someone who’s not a criminal mastermind
- Regardless of his will to keep you at a distance for your own good, his need to get to know you was stronger
- He tried to promise himself not to get attached…
- You eventually started sitting next to him at times, chatting about your lives and hobbies.
- You were quick to notice his secrecy, and the way he never went into detail about his life.
- It made you a little sad, but you decided not to ask, not wanting to invade his privacy
- Yunho convinced you that you were working too hard, seeing your dark circles grow as of every day.
- When you tried to tell him the same thing, noticing the way his skin looked paler than usual, he just shrugged you off
- Somehow, word had gotten out that Yunho had a special girl, and when ateez got into a twist with another gang, the opposing gang knew exactly who their target would be…
- One night, when you were just about to get home from work, the glass door was suddenly smashed open, and a group of masked men entered the small cafe.
- You crouched down, trying to hide behind the counter, putting a hand over your mouth as the men’s voices started filling the room
- You felt your legs starting to tremble as your heart beat rapidly in your chest
- A man appeared behind the counter, harshly grabbing you. Your hand was replaced by his, as a gun was pressed to your head
- Your wide eyes scanned the room for any means of escape, but only saw three other men, equally as scary as the man holding a gun to your head
- You couldn’t understand any of this, but soon another man came up to you, eyes staring you down.
- He yelled at you to not move a muscle, and you couldn’t help but obey when a sharp needle was inserted into your arm
- You wanted to squirm. You wanted to scream, but you just couldn’t.
- You felt your eyes start to roll back, as your body grew limp in a matter of seconds.
- And then, everything went black.
- When Yunho heard your name leave Wooyoung’s mouth, his body immediately became stiff
- “Where. Is. She?” Yunho asked, hand finding the gun in his waistband.
- Yunho was sure he had never felt this type of fear before
- When Wooyoung told him he didn’t know where you were, Yunho grabbed him by the collar, almost lifting his smaller body into the air
- “THEN FIND OUT!” Yunho yelled.
- Wooyoung’s eyebrows furrowed at his partner’s sudden frustration. He had never seen Yunho this angry.
- He knew that you were dear to Yunho, but not like this.
- You slowly felt your surroundings becoming clear to you as you woke up
- You felt your arms aching, the harsh rope binding them leaving a burn in your skin
- Your eyes fluttered open, revealing the scene in front of you
- You were in a dark room, the only thing giving you a whim of the figures in front of you a small lightbulb hanging from the ceiling
- You felt your breath pick up, making the heads of the men snap towards you in an instant
- You tried to move, your instincts screaming at you to flee the situation
- “Well look who’s finally awake,” one of the men snickered, placing his cards down on the small table he sat by with his three companions.
- You felt your memories come flooding back to you from the night before, reminding you of the traumatic experience you had gone through
- You tried to speak, but a cloth in your mouth stopped you from doing so, only letting muffled sounds escape you
- The men laughed evilly, making you tear up
- Why was this happening to you?
- “What do you say boys, do we keep her alive?” one of them asked, a smirk coating his lips.
- “What would make Jeong more angry? if we kill her? or—“ another man stepped closer to your form, grabbing a fist of your hair. “If we keep her as a toy?”
- You felt tears streaming from your eyes as you squirmed desperately. You didn’t understand any of this, but you could collect that these men were purely evil.
- Just as one of them were about to leave another snarky comment, a small knock was heard from upstairs.
- Their heads perked up at the sound.
- “I’ll go get it,” one of them said, picking up a gun before leaving the basement.
- Your gaze followed him as his big body made its way up to the main floor.
- The other three men averted their attention back to you, and you braced yourself for the humiliation you were about to endure.
- “Keep her alive, she’s young and all,” a man said. You felt sick.
- As they were about to continue their discussion about whether or not you should live, a loud bang was heard from upstairs.
- Everyone tensed up in the room, including you.
- You heard multiple gunshots, and many more male voices filling the room.
- The three men in the basement stood up and grabbed their weapons. You heard the sound of guns being loaded, and couldn’t even keep your eyes opened.
- You were too scared.
- Two of the men ascended the stairs, leaving you with the man who was still holding your hair in his hand.
- “Make a sound and you’re dead,” the man warned you, pushing his gun towards your head once again.
- You breathing quickened more and more as the sounds from upstairs escalated. More gunshots and screams were heard, and they only seemed to get closer.
- The man’s grip on your hair only became tighter when the sound came closer to you. You tried to stifle your small whimpers, but they went unnoticed as they exited you anyway.
- An eerie silence filled the place, making you have to choke down your sounds of fear. Was this really the day your life was going to end? Just when things had started to go your way, everything was going to be ripped from you like this?
- You barely noticed as two men came down the stairs at an unbelievable speed. You clenched your eyes shut, not even wanting to know what was going to happen, but then, the hand in your hair suddenly vanished, same with the gun pressed against your forehead.
- The sound of a gunshot made you flinch, your head lowering in submission, as a way for you to beg for your life.
- “She’s here!” a voice called out, as a man stepped closer to you. From the sound of his voice you would guess he was younger than your kidnappers.
- A hand found your head, making you retreat in fear. You still didn’t dare to look at the man in front of you, but was surprised when the hand gently took out the cloth from your mouth, making you gasp at the sudden access to air.
- Your eyes flew open, taking in the man in front of you. He had pretty long, black hair that illuminated his face well, even in the dim lighting. The man behind him stood with his hands behind his back, as if waiting for an order.
- You heard the sound of footsteps rushing down the stairs, and when you saw the man’s identity, your jaw dropped in disbelief.
- You barely noticed as the dark haired man untied your arms, too focused on the sight of the tall man in front of you.
- Yunho.
- Here he was, a panicked but somewhat relieved look on his handsome face. You let out a breath, not finding any words to say.
- Yunho sighed, a single tear dropping from his cheek.
- “Y/n,” he breathed out before rushing towards you.
- You still felt your eyes staring into nothing as his arms flew around you, his welcoming embrace making you tear up.
- You didn’t care about your questions, all that mattered was that he was here now, and you could finally cry into his warm shoulder.
- “Thank god you’re okay,” he cried. You started sobbing, letting the fear you had had to suppress wash over you.
- “I— I was so scared,” you cried, not caring about the seven men gathered around the two of you. It was like a part of you knew. Knew that you were safe with them.
- “I never wanted you to get involved in any of this…” Yunho confessed, a hand on his forehead.
- “Well, now I am, okay?” you smiled, giving him a small peck on the cheek
- Ever since that incident, Yunho had hesitantly told you about what he actually does. He was convinced you’d run away from him in fear, but you only nodded slowly as you took in the information.
- Now, here you were, in a relationship with a member of ateez, one of the strongest mafias in town.
- You still thanked Yunho every day for saving you, but he tried to assure you that it was his fault you even ended up in that situation.
- “No, it wasn’t!” you argued, pouting almost. “It’s not your fault that they decided to go after me!” you tried.
- Yunho sighed. “That’s what we do. We don’t play nice,” he tried to explain, but you only shook your head.
- “Whatever, I love you anyway,” you said, plastering a kiss on his lips. Making him smile in a way that made your heart melt.
- “I love you too, baby.”
- The gang had started becoming more of a family to you.
- They all knew you were one of them now, since you were with Yunho.
- You had to admit that the mafia life scared you still, but you were still so lucky to find ateez.
- You had made friends for life, and they were so thankful to have you with them.
- You were like a little happy pill, always making them cheer up when they could only focus on work.
- You loved cooking with Wooyoung, playing games with Yeosang or watching movies with Hongjoong.
- It truly felt like you had found your place, even if it was in a secret underground base with eight mafia members.
Heyyyyyy guys hope you enjoyed this little drabble/oneshot or whatever I should call it. Requests are opennnn!
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jackiepackiee · 4 days
𝒟𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓃 𝒮𝓁𝒶𝓎𝑒𝓇
𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒸𝓉𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇! 𝒟𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒢𝑒𝓃𝓎𝒶
𝒲/ 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
GN! Reader expect for Tengens part
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𝒮𝒶𝓃𝑒𝓂𝒾 𝒮𝒽𝒾𝓃𝒶𝓏𝓊𝑔𝒶𝓌𝒶 - 𝒲𝒾𝓃𝒹 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Contrary to a lot of headcanons I’ve seen, Sanemi would be happy about this
Obviously not outwardly smiling and laughing, but a reserved and peaceful relief
He wants the best for his younger, and now only, brother
And he wishes for nothing more than his happiness and has always hoped for a lover for him to make happy
Family that Genya could have that wouldn’t leave or be tainted like he was
Kind and loving
Now… he wasn’t expecting this lover to be a fellow demon slayer
Especially another Hashira
Sanemi and you, before all of this, get along fine
He respects the other hashira, and obviously sees your strength and drive
But he’s not overly kind, he’s just himself and standoffish
When he does find out about this however, don’t expect a huge reaction
Because he doesn’t know how to react
It’s most likely that you wouldn’t tell him outwardly, and Genya doesn’t speak much with him
Whatever the situation may be, he looks at the two of you for a second
Genya, having grown up with him, recognizes the look in his eyes
It’s the look he’d have with their mother and younger siblings
Yet much fainter now
Sanemi is protective, and this new fire is to cradle you two with your feelings
He wants the best for his brother, and you’re perfect for him
Kind, incredibly powerful, and strong willed
Another person to look out for Genya while able to give him the affection Sanemi fails to deliver
For the sake of happiness, let’s say Sanemi and Genya speak more
Sanemi tells Genya to not be an idiot and treat you right
Before a date he’ll sometimes silently approach Genya and fix his little arrangement of flowers with a huff
“Make sure they put them in water…”
As for your relationship with Sanemi
It’s more like you two are enemies and comrades at the same time
You’re upset at his harsh behavior, talking back at him when he berates anyone
but also willing to die for Genya just like he is
Although he’ll make sure that never happens
Unbeknownst to you, you’re now on his protection radar too
How can Genya be at his best without you?
Lucky you! Dating Genya and getting his scary brother as your new bodyguard
𝒢𝒾𝓎ū 𝒯𝑜𝓂𝒾𝑜𝓀𝒶 - 𝒲𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Giyuu is, like most things, indifferent
He’s happy for you, and happy that you could find love
It’s admirable how you find time to balance work and a more domestic life
But… he’s him
And won’t pay it too much mind
Not wanting to get into your business
To add a little more to this, let’s make a scenario!
You and Giyu are on a mission
And on this mission you’ve been instructed to assist at a small village
Multiple lower rank slayers have gone missing
Sooooo, you both make the journey
Only to find out Genya is a victim to a lower moon
Along with a bunch of other lower ranks of course
You and Giyu make quick work of the smaller demons, but the lower moon obviously poses a challenge
It’s relatively normal until he sees the demon go directly for Genya
It had read your feelings and went for your most important emotional connection
Just before the sharp nails reached Genya, Giyu severed the hand off
He wasn’t sure what made his body move on its own, but seeing you happily embracing your boyfriend after the battle was enough to pull a small smile onto Giyu’s face
Willing to do anything to assist his fellow hashira
𝒦𝓎ō𝒿𝓊𝓇ō 𝑅𝑒𝓃𝑔𝑜𝓀𝓊 - 𝐹𝓁𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Despite being only slightly older than you and Genya, Rengoku acts like a big brother
Laughing (in his way, not a mocking way) while patting Genya’s back
Genya of course blushes and acts like it’s something to ignore
Rengokus enthusiastic response makes him embarrassed!
Now this man is probably one of the first to know (because Mitsuri gossiped to him and his brother over lunch)
And while his energy is over the top, he won’t share the secret
He’s a smart man, and very in tune with emotions
So he knows that it can’t be easy for you
Demons are enough of an issue, no more pressure trying to keep a secret as big as a relationship
Now he loves to talk just as much as he loves to listen
You’re like a little sibling and he’ll listen to all your rants
“The way he wore his hair today. It curled up after the rain and..!”
He won’t judge you for your blushing while recounting the events
Instead he’ll try his best to make that situation happen again
Genya happens to have his hair like that everyday now?
It’s because Rengoku told him that leaving his hair the way it is after air drying is healthy!
(He totally lied, he just knows you think it’s cutest right after it dries)
And Genya believes him, always taking the advice
Which leads to cuter and kinder Genya and more often occasions of you swooning
𝒯𝑒𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓃 𝒰𝓏𝓊𝒾 - 𝒮𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Oh boy…
You’re both in for a ride
Tengen is probably also one of the first people to know
The man has three wives, he knows what it looks like when two idiot teens are in love
Especially when one of them is you who’s never been distracted from training expect when Genya is with you
And with Genya who seems to train even harder to not only impress Sanemi but now you too
Speaking of his wives, they’re probably the reason you know they Tengen found out
It was some “secret flashy plan”
It was early in you and Genyas relationship
And Suma, Hina, and Makio suddenly snuck up on you and stanched you away into the sound hashita estate
They gave you a makeover
Makio and Suma picked out a pretty outfit while Hina gently did your hair and a little bit of makeup
The entire time you four all gossiped, which ended up in your blushing while blabbering about Genya and your early stages of dating
Genya… he wasn’t so lucky
Tengen stole him away and was on his “make over” duty
Not that Genya and Tengen are bad in their respective rights, it’s just…
Genya is a hard around the edges boy and Tengen is Tengen
But he eventually cracked and gave him some serious advice that wasn’t just “I have three wives, I’m a ladies man”
All while helping him find an outfit that isn’t his uniform
“Girls… they’re less complicated than you think. And that one, she’s in for the hell of it. So you have to treat her nice, and she’ll do the same. You’re both good kids, you’ll be fine.”
This all leads to you looking like an angel by your makeover and him blushing furiously
And… Tengens plan may have just set up the date when you two had your first kiss!
𝒮𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑜𝒷𝓊 𝒦𝑜𝒸𝒽ō - 𝐼𝓃𝓈𝑒𝒸𝓉 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Shinbou is very intelligent
She knows patterns and human behavior
And she’s familiar with Genya after his demon consumption
So it’s very obvious to her what’s going on
Especially after he’s the first to visit you and visa versa
She remembers the day she really found out though… wasn’t a good one
Genya had eaten demon flesh again, even if instructed by everyone to stop
Gyomei said it was immoral, Sanemi said it was stupid, and Shinbou said it was unhealthy
But you, you hated it the most
Seeing him become something he’s not
You loved him, not a demon
And hated the danger it proved
So when this night came, hell broke loose
He had eaten demon and transformed for the night
It’s just that you saw him right before sunrise
And we’re unsure if he had transformed back into a human before the sun
Leading you to leave the battlefield, covered in bruises and pushing past every slayer who tried to speak to you
When you met Shinbou, you started crying
Genuine tears one only cried after the loss of their life
Being herself, she hugged you
And tried to help by inquiring your emotions
“G-Genya! Sniffle Is he here? He was still a demon minutes before sunrise.”
She understands and ushers you someplace
Genya is fast asleep, making a cute face as if he was dreaming
You never outwardly told her, but she’ll never forget the fear at the thought of losing him, and the relief in your eyes and you feel to the ground in tears at his survival
𝑀𝓊𝒾𝒸𝒽𝒾𝓇ō 𝒯𝑜𝓀𝒾𝓉ō - 𝑀𝒾𝓈𝓉 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝑒𝓇
Unbothered king
Now he’s friends with Genya but both are rather reserved people
Not the type to share much about their lives and feelings
Let’s pretend this is after his memory is restored
Muichiro is a good kid, and your friend as well
But is pretty unaware of romance and honesty not that interested
Not that he won’t listen
You could talk him ear off about anything and he’d hum in acknowledgment
He just doesn’t have much input
You three do hang out together sometimes
If you’re more extroverted it works well
You pull them along to do fun things
You three really getting to act your age and mess around
If you’re more introverted this is one of the chillest groups ever
When Genya is around people he trusts (his lover and friend who are both Hashira) he never yells or acts over the top
He’s actually rather quiet just like Muichiro, especially when in his presence
The one real involvement of Mui in romance is Genya asking if the flowers he picked are good and Mui nodding even though he knows absolutely nothing about gift giving or flowers
𝑀𝒾𝓉𝓈𝓊𝓇𝒾 𝒦𝒶𝓃𝓇𝑜𝒿𝒾 - 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Either your best dream or worst nightmare
She is more enthusiastic about this relationship than you are!
Expect weekly letters inquiring your dating status
Have you had your first kiss?
He held you hand?
You had a sleepover?!?
And the second she sees you she’s bouncing in excitement
Pulling you to the nearest place to sit and interrogating you
For being the love hashira, she’s pretty clueless
She always wants to know every cute detail
“You kissed his cheek? The scar or the other side? Did he blush? He always blushes around you!”
This is what I mean by dream or nightmare
Either you get embarrassed about the question or love the gossip about your lover
She’s the more supportive, giving you amazing date ideas
Even if most of them have to do with eating
She’s the first to know about your first kiss and this girl wants the WHOLE story
She definitely tells Obanai too (if you’re okay with it)
She doesn’t talk to Genya much though :(
Especially since the first and only time she tried to ask about your relationship his face lit up bright red and he seemed to freeze
“All I did was ask about your relationship and he didn’t respond! The conversation was fine before that!”
But he is never surprised when he gets a visit from her crow with a letter of all your new favorite foods, places, and items
She’s an excellent gift giver and wants to help him
As if he didn’t already know all of that, he genuinely appreciates the effort
This girl is your biggest fan!
𝒢𝓎ō𝓂𝑒𝒾 𝐻𝒾𝓂𝑒𝒿𝒾𝓂𝒶 - 𝒮𝓉𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Gyomei knew first
He’s a wise older man and a observant mentor
And while you may be off most of the time, Genya is always training under him
And he doesn’t fail to notice Genya always hitting that much harder whenever you are gone on a long mission
I’m saying this man knew Genya had a crush before Genya knew that himself
And he was moved, brought to tears and not paying attention to Genyas huffs of embarrassment
Genya would never yell at him of course
Gyomei is a smart man
And with that he knows a lot about kids (he considers you both kids)
So he’s well aware of your dancing around your feelings
And that upsets him
Your time on this earth is very likely to be short as demon slayers, so you both shouldn’t be wasting it
That is why, as the oldest hashira, he gets some plans in motion
Why are you suddenly on more missions with Genya?
Why do you both end up at the same wisteria house?
Why is it that you both happen to have the same days off?
Gyomei Himejima is why baby
He wants what’s best for the people under his care, even you can take care of yourself
And if he has to put in some forced proximity? So be it
𝐼𝑔𝓊𝓇𝑜 𝒪𝒷𝒶𝓃𝒶𝒾 - 𝒮𝑒𝓇𝓅𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Obanai does care
Not some bullshit of him being uninterested with other people’s lives
He sees you as a child (you’re obviously around Genya’s age) and knows that only so many things could make a child in the demon slayer corps happy
He knows neither of you have had good lives
If you had, you wouldn’t be in this damn job
That being said, with how withdrawn he is you’d probably think he didn’t even know you and Genya were an item
But he’s observant
And cares for his fellow hashira just like everyone else
He won’t have much to do with anything
But best believe he listens to both Sanemi complain and Mitsuri babble about you two
Sanemi is trying to seem tough
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darlingshane · 4 months
Secret Ingredient / Part II
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Michael Berzatto x F!Reader
Summary: Things are looking up for Michael. He has great hopes of making this work, and all he wants is to spend the rest of his life with you and Rhys. While you're still apprehensive about certain aspects of your relationship, there's nothing you'd love more than to figure it all out with him.
CW: 18+, explicit, smut, vaginal sex, shower sex, fluff, friends to lovers, complicated relationships, some angst.
Word Count: 2.4k
— Links: First Part // AO3.
A/N: Richie makes a guest appearance to question all of Michael's choices.
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Six months later…
There’s nothing that hypes Michael more right now than going home after closing The Beef. Getting to hang out with you and squeeze some time with your baby when he’s awake has become the highlight of his day that he looks forward to every single night.
He still brings you food, or cooks you something when he gets home. Even if you don’t live together yet, the spark is there and has grown far brighter than he could ever imagine since you started dating, and he has no doubt it’ll happen at some point
His life was drastically changed that moment he stumbled onto you in the hallway when you moved into his building with Rhys in tow.
He didn’t know that day that you were exactly what he needed. It took him away from that familiar path that it was leading him to dangerous places and guided him toward a nice clearing instead.
Though he still struggles with a lot of shit about the business, he’s gained some leeway, and has learned there’s a better way of handling those issues. He’s also come to accept that if he wants to be in your life, he needs to follow through with his decisions. In both– business and life. Even if that means asking for help, which it doesn’t come naturally for him.
You are the biggest inspiration and supporter he has right now. He’s taken suggestions directly from you to improve the shop, like giving customers pre-order options, and offering delivery. It’s a work in progress, but he has hope it’ll work out.
Besides all that, watching you raise Rhys on your own in the past six months gave him the most courage to take that leap forward. Even if it was fucking scary. Even if there are still a few old demons he has to fight every night before closing his eyes.
It all has put him in a better mood too. People have noticed. He’s also gotten rid of a few bad habits and taken up jogging in the morning, before the city wakes up. Sometimes he takes Rhys with him. Usually in his stroller but sometimes the baby would refuse to let go of his arms and would have to use a carrier and trade his jog for a walk. He’s shown him all his favorite places around the city, the same places he’s taken you to as well. They sit at the dog park and look at the dogs play cause Rhys is completely taken away with them. It’s the first thing he’s shown a real interest in, besides mom of course. The baby would spread his arms and try calling to them with his cute unintelligible babble.
He had never seen himself as a dad until now. It was never on his plans. Figure his family was fucked enough that there was no need to bring more Berzattos into the world. But getting to know Rhys, care for him, watching grown and love him as much as he loves you has made him consider that maybe there’s still hope yet. He just has to make sure of not repeating all those same mistakes that haunt his past.
While everyone cleans up their station, Michael sits at his desk and goes over today's numbers before going home. For a change, they're not as bad as a year ago, which is something to take into account. Perhaps in a couple of months he’d be able to hire a couple of new guys to run deliveries. He keeps that pinned for when the right time comes.
Once he's done in the office, he wishes everyone goodnight as they part home.
When the lights are off and doors locked, he heads out last with Richie by his side, who needs a ride home.
Cousin lights up a cigarette before getting into the car while Michael unlocks the doors and slides into the driver's seat. On the passenger side, on the floor mat, rests a bag of groceries and a pack of diapers he left there earlier that he now moves to the backseat to make room for Richie.
“Mama's got you running errands like an asshole again,” Richie taunts, settling on his seat as Michael starts the engine.
“She ain't. I offered.” He scoffs. “What is it to you? Why are you so concerned about what I do?”
“I’m just looking out for you, Cousin.”
“How? How are you looking out for me? All you’ve done is question and ridicule everything I do since I told you about her.”
“Because she’s using you. She has no baby daddy, and she’s just latched onto the first schmuck she met cause raising a baby is expensive.”
Michael shakes that frustration with a sharp tilt of his head as he veers the car out of the lot.
It’s not the first time he’s said something like that, but it’s starting to rub him the wrong way to see Richie thinking he knows better than him.
“What? You think she’s after my money now?” he can’t help but scoff. “She probably has more saved than you and me put together. Why are you being a fucking dick about it?”
“I don’t know… I just can’t wrap my head around you settling down and raising someone else’s baby. Now look at you, you don’t smoke, you don't drink, you don’t wanna hang out… it’s like you’re a totally different person.”
“Well, maybe that’s not a bad thing. It's called growing up. You should look it up, Cousin.”
“If she’s so important to you why haven’t you introduced her to the rest of the family, huh? Are you embarrassed of us or something? The only times you’ve brought her to the shop is when I wasn’t there. She’s met Tina, and Ebra and Gary… are the rest of us not worthy of her presence?”
“It’s not like that. We’re still trying to figure out how to do this. You’ll meet her when the time is right. And this is the last time we're having this conversation. I’m tired of you busting my balls every chance you get. I know what I’m doing.”
He ends that conversation hoping that his friend won’t bring that up again. As much as Richie has tried to convince him otherwise, there’s no doubt in Michael's heart that this is what he wants– just to be a part of your life.
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After placing the bags on the counter, he goes around the apartment to find Rhys already sleeping in his crib. He has to fight the urge to pick him up and cuddle him, but he’d probably get to that in a couple of hours when he stirs awake in the middle of the night. So he just dips his head to print a gentle kiss on his forehead.
You’re taking a shower and when he sees the silhouette of your bare body behind the frosted glass he can't fight the need of having you in his hands.
He announces himself with a knock and watches your head poke out from the side of the sliding glass as he starts taking off his clothes.
“Hey, bear,” your face beams, beautifully covered on water beads.
“Hey, mind if I join you?”
“I’m almost done but come in if you want.”
He rushes out of his jeans and underwear, leaving his pile of clothes to pool by the sink to set his feet in the shower. From behind, he slides his palms along your sides to hug your torso as he prints a string of kisses along your neck and shoulders while you finish rinsing your body.
“How was your day, mama bear?”
“Good, they green-lit my project. We're starting next week.”
“That's my girl. You're gonna do great. We should do something to celebrate.”
“Aww, thank you.” Glancing over your shoulder, you tuck your arm back to caress his nape. “How's yours?”
“Same old, same old.”
“You always said that.”
“No. It was okay. It's just not as good as I'm with you.”
“Hm,” your lips curve up as they capture a soft kiss from his silver tongue.
“Say, you think we have time for a celebration quickie before the little bear wakes up?”
“He went down five minutes ago so we probably have like ten minutes tops.”
“That's more than enough for me,” his wandering hand travels down your abdomen toward your mound. “Do you wanna?”
Licking your lips, you nod your head as you wave your ass back against his dick that quickly jumps awake at the friction. It doesn't take you long to feel him swell to perfection. Same in your end. It took you a few months to get comfortable having sex with him but once you started you couldn't ever have enough of him. Feeling utterly wanted by Michael arouses you more than his fingers rounding your clit that makes your walls melt.
Once you're ready, you brace your hands on the tiled wall, bending slightly so he can properly slip into you from behind. The warm shower spray pours nicely on your back as Michael slips inside you. His hardness throbs against your walks when he’s fully sheathed inside. As he leans forwards to mouth at your neck, he blocks the spray of water. Your skin buzzes when his teeth scrape the surface of your skin as his hips start gaining some speed.
Your breath hitches, as he pounds your ass with dedicated passion. You move with him as the temperature rises, letting one of his hands tenderly massage your breasts as the other handles your clit as rough as his hips slam against you.
“You like it like that, sweetheart?” He sucks your earlobe between his lips.
“Fuck yeah.”
It’s quick, and hot, and utterly satisfying to end the day with him pushing inside you until you both come undone.
Allowing Michael to weave into your life so seamlessly fast wasn’t a decision you took lightly. Having a new little person to care for and at the same time figure out your feelings for Michael was quite challenging, to say the least. Scary comes to mind too if you really think about it. It took you a few months to warm up to the idea, but ultimately it was Michael’s unwavering attitude that put you more at ease. He was there from the get-go. He’s helped you in ways no one ever did. You never had to ask, he’d always show up, day after day. Seeing him caring for Rhys just as much really warmed you up to the idea that there might be some good guys yet. And though you’re aware he’s not perfect, he has one of the biggest hearts you’ve ever come across. He makes you feel loved and supported, always finds new ways to make you laugh but more importantly he’s won his place in your baby’s heart as well. Rhys adores him as much as you do. Sometimes it feels like even more. His little face lights up brightly when he sees Michael more than anyone. So, in a way it was watching them bond the thing that made you welcome him deeper into your life.
There are still a few things you have some reservations about, like moving in together. Though he’s been spending more and more time at your place in the past few weeks, and has been proven to be a good partner, making it official still makes you a little wary.
It doesn’t stop him from trying… Every other week, he’d suggest that maybe it is time to take the next step. It scares you how willing he is to do that, and it worries you that he might have not mulled it over enough. There are a lot of things that could potentially go wrong, and if it was just you, you’d jump right in, eyes closed. The key here is Rhys. Your son already has a deadbeat dad who went as far as signing away his parental rights. You don’t ever wanna give anyone the chance to break your baby’s heart like that ever again. No matter how much Michael loves the both of you, you need to be sure that if anything happens between you two, this is not going to affect Rhys.
Perhaps it’s the fact that you're in a good mood today or the way he’s holding the baby in his chest with both making eyes at you that you can’t resist but give in a little after dinner.
“What was that Rye Bread?” He says after the baby makes an undistinguishable noise behind his pacifier. “Oh, he says he’s taken a vote and that I should move in.”
“He didn’t say that,” you scoff, shaking your head. “He probably said– it’s time for a diaper change, and it should be you the one to deal with it for being so damn annoying.”
“Those are a lot of words for a none-talking baby.” You both laugh. “C’mon, I know you want to, sweetheart.” He changes voices to a funny pitch tone pretending it is Rhys talking then. “Yeah, mommy. Let Mikey move in. I need a buddy to play games and watch TV. Please?”
You can swear you’ve never met anyone crazier than Michael. Anyone in their right mind would take heed of a situation like this or just downright bolt in the other direction.
“Look, I have a lot of faults, but I promise if for some reason this doesn’t work, I’d never stop caring about this little guy here. I know that’s something that you’re really worried about.”
“Would you be willing to put that in writing? Officially?”
“Anytime. Where do I have to sign?”
“You’re crazy,” you shake your head, amused.
“Pretty crazy about you.” he smiles with his whole face. “This is the last time I’ll ask. What do you say? Do you want me to move in?”
It feels easy to say and hard to admit that deep down–
This is what you always wanted.
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honey-milk-depresso · 4 months
okey so it my first time writing a request T^T but i absolutely love your batboys fics so i wanted to ask about batboy x scarlet witch reader 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
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Scarlet Witch = Baddiest of the Baddies ❤️ I love her
Main 3 Batboys with a Scarlet Witch s/o (GN)
Dick Grayson
Talk about being such a total hottie! That’s what he said out loud when he saw you for the first time. But who can blame him when you’re so cool using your insane witchcraft powers? Absolutely no one.
Dick finds you so cool: when you conjure up spells and hover about in the air like a ethereal being from above (and you are to him), he can’t help but be absolutely in awe of you. In other words, he’s your biggest simp, he’s absolutely smitten for you.
You know how cartoon witches have their own evil minion beside them? Dick’s acting like that with you whenever you two are on a mission or on a patrol.
“Nightwing, hand me my spell book so I can put this demon in place.”
But… he also feels sorry for you. There were times you just couldn’t take the stress of things and when he came into your room to talk, he found himself in a completely different world you created out of your power as a form of escapism and engulf yourself in your own imaginary world to shield yourself away from the harsh realities of your life. While impressive… he sympathises.
He doesn’t have powers like you, but when he was younger he used to dream in his sleep he was still with his parents at the circus, living the life. But he’s grown from that to know when to move on. If something unfortunate or even small has happened to you, he’ll always be there in your little sphere of your imaginary world, whispering sweet things about how things will be okay to hopefully get you to open up to him and that you don’t have to always rely on your powers to feel better.
He’ll always be here for you…
…and he’s completely downbad for you. But he loves you is all that matters- <3
Jason Todd
And he probably liked you immediately because you wear red and you have a shade of red in your name. Jason won’t be a simp immediately, but as time goes on I bet you the sum of Bruce Wayne’s net worth that he’ll be on his knees for you everyday.
Your witch powers are just so cool? Hello??? He loves going on patrols or missions with you just to see you in action. I’m also very convinced that Jason has thought of asking you to join the Outlaws (either version). You’d make a perfect addition.
Like Dick, he probably sympathises on your escapism habits through using your powers to create an illusion of an imaginary world suited just only for you, and probably a lot more. He didn’t have a very good upbringing, and a lot of time while his parents were arguing and the environment of his home got too scary, he’ll shut himself out and dream of himself in his own little world to escape the situation around him. It’s just that for you, you take that to a whole new level.
Jason, while he understands your reasons for this, he knows by experience it’s not healthy. You’ve got people around you who you can confide and if you feel insecure to share your feelings, he’s there for you. You shouldn’t feel ashamed to tell him.
He’s not so good with words, but he’ll sit there and listen if you want him to. He’ll hold your hand in his and hopefully get you to open yourself up more to him and confide in him instead of relying solely on your powers.
Overall, he’s in love with you. <3
Tim Drake
Tim finds your powers really interesting (and cool). He’s always asking questions about them: “How does it feel when you use astral projection?” “Have you ever travelled across multiworlds?” “Probability manipulation? How does that work? Mathematically or…”
Yeah, he’ll be yapping a lot when he’s around you. But he does find you quite dangerous if you’re not on his side, luckily you are though so he thinks your powers are super cool but also super life threatening if you aren’t careful but he trusts that you can handle your own powers.
Tim also likes to ask about your witchcraft and magic (and maybe his D&D brain is sparking when he asks about it), he always wants to be beside you to see the kind of spell books you’re reading. You’d also be surprise of how many languages he knows if the book is in Latin or some otherworldly language, like how does he knows?? Let’s be real, he knows just to impress you-
Oof… escapism? When has he not ever try to escape reality in his life? Out of the three, this habit of yours hits him too hard to home. When he was a child and up until now, him sleeping for the very little moments he has before he needs to get to work is his own form of escapism and imagining things are okay.
He feels a bit hypocritical for saying this to you, but he knows it’s not always healthy doing that. Tim, like the rest, will sit beside you in your little bubble of illusion, hugging you close and kissing you softly, asking whether or not you want him to share your feelings to him and that you can confide in him.
He just wants you to know you’re not alone, and that he’ll always be there for you if you need him. <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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11rosebunny · 5 months
Bofurin x shishitoren guys with a forward reader? Like, a girl that makes the first move and stuff, likes to gift them with food and bouquets (men deserve flowers too!!!!), loves spoiling them… the works!
Character with a direct!reader (BOFURIN + SHISHITOREN)
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Haruka Sakura
He really wants to beat the shit out of you. Normally speaking, you two are still generally friends that get along very nicely with each other and when you two decided to make it official, sometimes he regrets dating his best friend.
The overdoing of flowers, new white shirts (even though he has 5 of the same pair), hair products, anything like that, it makes him forget how much of a sweetheart he knew you as when he first started talking to you. He's not saying he's forgotten about your bubbly personality, but when you greeted him out in public with a loving kiss on his cheek, he stared back at his friends as if they just shot him.
Nirei and Tsugeura were the first ones to break the silence and yell out loud in utter shock when they saw Sakura's girlfriend for the first time. The white and black-haired boy didn't bother to tell anyone about your existence—let alone his love life. What made is worse was that many assumed he's never experienced any love due to how anxious and shy he gets whenever romance is brought up. All of their assumptions immediately disappeared when they watched you start talking to Sakura and asking if he ate.
"Maybe she's the reason why he's so shy?" Suo blinked at you from afar when Sakura had dragged you away and began to yell at you to not do that again.
"Y-you think?" Nirei watched you reply back in a lucky-go manner not understanding what you did wrong. All you did was greet your boyfriend.
Hajime Umemiya
Meeting you years ago and making it official, he didn't expect any less from you.
He's grown accustomed to they way your personality is like. The first time he met you, he was shocked to see a girl come around him at an easygoing pace and soon learned about the different qualities of your person.
Bubbly, buoyant, lively, and cheeky. It wasn't until you two started dating, then he noticed how much farther your personality runs. Toma has witnessed it all, you've come to school with gardening seeds for him, bought random t-shirts with idiotic designs which he happily took, wanting to hold hands all the time even in public, and even trying to pay for your own meal while being on a date with him. He was surprised you were still able to keep up your animated behaviour and it may have even worsened when you became his girlfriend.
It's now a running competition to him. When he realized you were the first one to make a move and nearly one upped him on every single gift he's ever given you, he's not going to lie—he started to get annoyed. So in return, he now sees it at how much better you can treat one another.
Toma Hiragi
It's like having another Umemiya to look after but instead it's a girl that's not afraid to show affection and that likes him.
Some have a hard time trying to process how you even managed to get ahold of the scary guard dog looking boy on a leash. Based on how all over the place you are, forward with compliments and romance, some wonder how he's still alive.
At first, you were just another person he treasured right next to his guy best friend. He's known you since middle school and you two ended up growing beside each other. But during in his High school era, that's when he grew feelings for you and is also when he thought it was the biggest mistake in his life to fall for someone like you.
Right off the bat, the way you'd wrap your arms around him, hold him close, and steal his very first kiss, he wants to shrink you into a ball of cheese and squeeze you to death. Luckily, he's very good at hiding his shyness whenever you make him blush. It's even worse if you kiss him out in public otherwise he might grab your head and shove you into the closest tree.
As much as it may seem like he despises you and acts like he doesn't like it, there would be nothing in this world he'd replace you with.
Taiga Tsugeura
It's really not bad. He doesn't get as shy or nervous, instead he actually much enjoys it because of how you're able to match himself.
He didn't think he was able to find someone that is equally as chaotic as him. He ended up confessing first by saying how much he loved the way you were disarranged (you don't know if that was a compliment or not?) and the way you made him feel. Doing so, the two of decided to date.
He wasn't even concerned with the way you kept showering him with affection, kisses, gifts like protein powder, new elastic headbands, and sandals until Kiryu had pointed it out how it seems like he's the girl in the relationship (he was joking).
He questioned what he meant and the boy explained that normally it's supposed to be the guy doing that. He blinked and thought about it for a few hours. Eventually, the next day he showed up to your house with a basket full of your favourite snacks, figurines, plushies, and gift cards.
You gave him his first kiss that day.
Mitsuki Kiryu
Weirdly, he doesn't really like those eccentric girls.
The way you two met was an accident. At first he found you very annoying but he never had the heart to tell you that, so instead he just lets you swarm around him hoping you'd go away one day.
Turns out you didn't and now he found himself dating the girl he didn't even want to like in the first place.
He's okay with you now, instead of getting annoyed he finds it funny with the way you conjure up gifts right out of you ass in the middle of no where. You two could be out walking in public and you could somehow pull out a keychain from one of his favourite mobile games and he's wondering what else can fit in that tiny pocket of yours.
He really enjoys it when you hold his hand in public, kiss him even, and shower him with love. It's very rare he gets shy and so normally, it looks like he appreciates it with the way you act.
Hayato Suo
He's the type of person to love these types of girls.
He really finds the way how kind you are and buoyant to be extremely adorable. He has a soft spot for things he finds cute, (he even said he finds it cute when children throw tantrums!) so it wasn't a surprise that he's thought about dating you more than once.
Eventually, he does.
He underestimated you a bit too much when he started to take note of how often you weren't afraid to show affection.
The scale: way too many times than he can count.
He loves to see how you will pull up your next move on him either it being compliments, gifts, or acts of service. He calculates this habit of yours purely because he wants to give back the same amount of affection at the same time.
It always freaks you out whenever you thought you did him better only for him to pull out something similar like already pre-paying for your lunch together.
Jo Togame
He finds it funny. Upon meeting each other for the first time, he genuinely thought you were stupid for trying to help a person like him. That was until he realized you weren't joking and you weren't afraid of his persona.
It made him eat his words and never wants to think that lowly of you again. But, he never tells you that.
He kept you around purely for his entertainment, until he accidentally found himself growing feelings that were a little too real. Even when you two got together for the first time, it sounded like you didn't have a choice to begin with regardless.
"Who said you could hangout with them?"
"What is this? Are we in a relationship now?"
"Yes. Now answer my question woman."
That was the first time he took you aback and the first time he's ever seen you act differently from your usual personality. Afterwards, you two continued like how you usually were plus more intimate activities.
It took him by surprise in a way that he's shocked that you're not shy around him. He digs the way you hold his hand, give him massages, play with his hair, and kiss him on his cheeks on a daily basis. He finds it cute with the way you're not afraid to do those things with him, even makes him feel more manlier.
Tomiyama Choji
He was surprised when he first came to acknowledge your weird behaviour. Normally speaking, he's the most eccentric person anyone has ever met. So when he finds someone that one ups him in those aspects, he's confused.
At first, he's almost a whole different person when he hangs out with you for the first few days. He's trying to understand how you can be so care free while remaining happy even when you have everything you need.
He thinks he hates you for the first few days till he starts to warm up around you.
Once you started dating, even with your loudness, you still managed to stop him from possibly burning down a car.
He knew that you were bubbly and cheeky as soon as he met you, so the kisses and constant hugs didn't really catch him off guard. However, when he realized it was becoming a daily thing, a tiny part of him began to panic because now you made it seem like he wasn't putting in any effort.
In return, he'll show you as much physical contact as he can.
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tarjapearce · 1 year
soccer family
how did miguel propose 👀💍
The serious questions yo ❤️✨
Hope you like 🥹✨
Time and life were funny. Sometimes funny in the good kind of way, sometimes in the oddest sorts. If someone would have told Miguel those three years ago, in that evening at Peter's carneada that he would meet his future wife, he'd surely would've just rolled his precious mahogany eyes at cuss in spanish at whoever speaking such nonsense.
He wasn't in the look for someone, yet there you were, his serendipity. Coming into his life like an unforgiving hurricane of things and emotions he had never had the time nor the interest in experiencing at their fullest.
Yet, there you were.
Blatant, not giving two shits on his scary nature, fascinated by him through and through and brazen for making a move. That had surely sealed the deal for him.
He wasn't one for backing away from difficulties, he knew much the challenge he represented to others. And still, you did not only pass it with flying colors, but had actually enjoyed it. Enjoyed him; and in all truth, he enjoyed you too.
Enjoyed the push and pull you offered, the demented moments that certainly earned his brain another wrinkle since he was learning so much from you. Enjoyed your attention and how willingly you'd bask him into it. You were his nepenthe.
How gentle and patient you were with him, when everyone expected so much out of him. Of course he was a genius, or else he wouldn't be into the Lab's head division back in Alchemax. But the way you made him experience things felt surreal, and the feeling increased ten times fold when you shared your first kiss.
The way your lips had tasted and devoured each other was engraved into his core memories. The way you both had explored and shared your emotions was exciting, thrilling yet oh so scary for him.
He wasn't one used to be taken care of. He was the caretaker. A self imposed role he always seemed invested in. But your little ways of weaving into his heart and mind showed him a new perspective of the world he often ignored.
He'd never forget how gentle and careful your tiny fingers were, when helping him patching up in that dirty soccer game. How shameless you were enjoying his reactions. How gorgeous you looked when your eyes wrinkled when laughing your ass off at his suffering. Cruel, but so so hypnotizing.
You'd soon become his wonderwall. His obsession and the only reason he'd go to social gatherings really. If you were there, everything was as it should be. Wonderful, the world would keep spinning normally, but in the few times your absence said present, he'd go home early. Bored out of his mind, the rest was too simple and unworthy of his attention.
Of course, women threw themselves at him. Appearance wasn't something he indulged too much neither care. He was aware of his looks, specially on his little pair of abnormal fangs you loved to feel, for whatever reasons.
"I just do." You'd tell him. And that was more than enough motive to stop worrying over them. You loved them. You loved him.
Every bit of his unwanted self, you made sure he'd know how much you enjoyed it, how much you cherished that certain part he had grown uncomfortable with through his younger years and he'd do the same for you.
After you had shared your bodies, there was no turning back for him. He gave everything of himself into you. His flesh, his scent, his energy and love to you. Something so raw yet pure that turned you into his inspiration, his muse.
You always strived to be better, for yourself mostly.
"How can one be the best version of oneself if we don't grow ourselves as individuals? I want you to have the best of me."
You'd shared in between giggles and drunken thoughts.
He adored your drunk self but would never admit it out loud. You'd come up with the most random yet brain eater questions you could imagine.
He'd fear that day that nearly lost you completely over his stupid pride. A fight ignited by your family. A reason to rarely and never visit them.
He loved your mind. And as months passed on you both, he learned how to love your flaws as well.
And now, three years after, you had given him one of his most precious gifts. His firstborn. His daughter. His child. The result of his unbridled love towards you.
You were his. But of course you had no ways to prove it to the world.
He'd spend hours if possible, watching you through loving yet stoic eyes, feed his little bundle of love, that was overjoyed whenever he held her.
A little Gabriella that was now deep asleep into her crib, in her own room, under his roof. Of course you'd move in with him when Gabi was born. It was the right thing to you.
Six months had passed since her birth, and three years with six months had passed since he met you.
You crawled under the sheets, quanked, yet with the little bits of energy you had left, curled into his chest. Seeking his blanketing warmth. His chest your safe space.
"Took me longer this time to make her fall asleep"
"Yeah. Maybe we should take her to the doctor."
His brows knitted together briefly before kissing your forehead.
"I'm pretty sure she'll be fine."
Silence crawled on you both as you just relished into each other's company. His heartbeat kept pounding in his ears.
The past year and a half had gone through but a certain question was always present. Why hadn't he ask you sooner? It didn't matter.
You remained at his side. So ever loyal, so brave, so rident and brisk. You were exactly what the hypothetical cupid delivered him after his secret longings.
"Mi reina?" (My queen)
An endearing term he only used when discussing serious matters. Despite the exhaustion taking your body hostage, you inquired him with a small and sleepy 'Hm?'
"Would you marry me?"
Eyes looked up at him, a mix of surprise and anger. Surprise that he'd ask such thing out of the blue and anger for the question to be so... powerful and simple that left you speechless. And still, you couldn't help but chuckle out of nervousness.
"It's not a laughing matter corazón. I mean it. Would you marry me?"
You felt your left ring finger being adorned with a golden band that against all odds was perfect in your finger. Like he had forseen this for quite the time.
But it also made sense. All those little moments of him touching and examining your hands resumed into this moment.
"Of course I wanna marry you, tontito" (dummy)
He chuckled as he caressed your hair in his own self grounding and reassuring touch.
"Good. Good."
"Te amo."
His heart wasn't raging anymore, but soaring into this quiet and maddening joy. You had said yes. The words he so yearned for you to say , finally spoken to his heart.
"También te amo, preciosa."
Your own heart soared in bliss at the words you had been secretly practicing over and over. You no longer had to practice, since one of your secret and wildest dreams had came true.
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Solar return chart observations (2019)
Scorpio rising at 29 degrees
🌪️That year was my most traumatic year.
🌪️There were countless transformations (mostly endings and also new life-changing beginnings) in that year.
🌪️I lost many friends. I got gossiped by the whole class. The whole class didn’t talk to me. I was slut-shamed and they even spread rumors about me being pregnant while I was just gaining some weight. I was notorious with bad reputation in my school. My first love left me. I tried to run away with my first love. My parents caught me and grounded me for several months. I was literally in solitude. I had no one by my side. Both emotionally and physically. I can even write a whole damn book about this year.😭
🌪️However, I learned how to stay alone happily in that year. (It was not an option. The universe was like BAM you need to encounter THIS to achieve THIS success or whatsoever😃).
🌪️My whole personality before and after that year was so different that no one couldn’t recognize me after that year when I went back to school.
Moon in 1st house conjuncts ascendant (in Sagittarius at 0 degrees)
🌪️Maybe due to these traumatic events, my emotions were running high all the time.
🌪️Even though I tried to hide my pain and act like a typical scary silent scorpio rising, people still attacked me because I looked so vulnerable.
🌪️I cried almost everyday in that year.
**I also notice that I gained weight so easily last year when I had scorpio rising even though my moon was in 7th house in Taurus. Might be because of Taurus moon but Idk, scorpio rising year scares me hell a lot now.😺**
Jupiter in 1st house (in Sagittarius at 18 degrees)
🌪️I gained tons of weight because of my only coping mechanism : binge eating and also due to covid and quarantine.
🌪️I felt like food was the only escape in my life and I gained like 60 lbs.🤦🏻‍♀️
🌪️However, I had lucky academic opportunities.
🌪️I had to change my tuition because everyone including the teachers slut-shamed me and only because of that transformation, I finished high school with high marks and now I’m in medical school.
🌪️Thanks to my new teachers from new tuition and also those stupid bitches who believed everything they heard without clearly thinking as grown-up adults.😍
Saturn conjunct Pluto in 2nd house (in Capricorn)
🌪️My self-esteem declined so low that I rarely even went out in that year.
🌪️I felt like no one wanted me and I questioned about my worth like thousand times.
🌪️Throughout the year, transformations related to self-worth and self-love questioned my existence.
🌪️I was always thinking like “do I even deserve to eat this or go to this or be friends with them?” every damn time my mom asked me what I needed and every time someone approached me.
Neptune and Lilith in 4th house (in Pisces)
🌪️My whole family was very confused about me.
🌪️They even thought I was possessed by some ghost because I acted very unusual eg I couldn’t control my anger and I kinda self-sabotaged and I just bursted out and cried so suddenly when I was at home (that was just my trauma response I mean I don’t really know how they expected me to act after all those punishment they gave me and personal attacks received from my ex-mates)😺.
🌪️My parents kept really close eyes on me because they were worried that I would commit su-ici-de and they also had their respective assumptions about me but at the same time, they also outcasted me and thought I was really a slut who slept with lots of men because I did many reckless things without thinking about consequences.
🌪️I also often had intense vivid dreams and nightmares.
🌪️I was addicted to vapes and used them secretly in my room in that year.
🌪️So effed up🔫
Chiron in 5th house (in Aries)
🌪️My first love broke my heart.
🌪️My first serious heartbreak.
🌪️I had to take about 9 months to fully move on from him.
🌪️My inner child got hurt and my creativity and self-expression left my soul in that year.
🌪️I lost my silly child-like spirit in that year.
Uranus in 6th house (in Taurus at 5 degrees)
🌪️At first I was planning to study really hard to prepare for my matriculation exam but due to covid, there were huge unexpected changes in my routines and habits.
🌪️My plans got ruined.
Venus in 7th house conjuncts Amor (in Gemini)
🌪️Amor asteroid represents soulmate.
🌪️I met my first love and fell in love with him like a fool.
🌪️Everyone warned me because they saw red flags🚩🚩🚩🚩but I was blindly in love and was like “I’m gonna marry him”😭😭.*dies of embarrassment*
🌪️That was my first time that I gave actual commitment to someone and I felt like he was my soulmate.
🌪️I couldn’t let go of him for so long.
🌪️I wrote songs about him.
🌪️I wrote short stories about him.
🌪️It was bitter-sweet but now it’s just a memory.🌌
Sun in 7th house (in Gemini)
🌪️My main focus was on relationships relationships RELATIONSHIPS and I strongly desired to build meaningful social connections rather than superficial ones in that year.
🌪️My hidden enemies also pulled their masks off lmao I had to deal with them the whole year because they kept saying things about me that I didn’t even know I did.😩
Mercury conjunct mars in 8th house (in Cancer)
🌪️I remember that I was fully in my hermit mode the year I had this placement.
🌪️I searched articles about how to attack those arseholes spiritually but didn’t really take an action because I believed in karma.🧘🏻‍♀️
🌪️I was always reading books about magic, detective, occult and death and I even thought about committing a su-ici-de because I was severely depressed.
🌪️I was alone but also so blunt (I think I was just trying to protect myself) every time someone tried to befriend me.
🌪️I cursed a lot and my anger issues were like high up in the sky that one time, the wall cracked because I punched while I was angry and I’m just A GIRL🎀💕🥰).
Vertex in 9th house (in Leo at 15 degrees)
🌪️Maybe because of all of this, I started to pray to Buddha every single day in that year.
🌪️I suddenly became so religious and I felt like I only had him by my side.
🌪️My beliefs about religion expanded and I started to learn about other religions too in that year.
🌪️Also fated events occurred at my school so yeah vertex can say a lot about your upcoming year.
My scorpio ascendant was in my natal 5th house
🌪️My main focus was on relationships and dating as I’ve already said.
🌪️I also think I was so fertile in that year or maybe horny?
🌪️I wanted to get pregnant with my first love and I was only 14 at that time💀💀💀 (I know I was so silly but I was just a kid so I forgive myself for that *dies of embarrassment again*).
🌪️Sex education and vapes and drugs might be normal for teenagers in western countries but in my country, they’re like really taboo topics and parents biggest nightmare was their drug addict children getting pregnant😭.
🌪️Almost everyone did not dare to discuss about those openly in those days.
🌪️Also I was just 14 at that time so it’s not my parents’ fault that they stopped me and restricted me too much but however, their punishment was directed in a wrong way and that’s why I had to find other ways to suppress my pain. I don’t know who to blame, myself or those so-called friends or my parents😭.
So in conclusion, it was a very hard year and very life-changing and unforgettable but it shaped me into who I am today so I’m really happy to receive all of those new experiences. English is not my first language so please bear with me if I made some mistakes.🫰🏼💕
Also you can ask me about two placements (maximum) you want from your solar return chart. I’ll answer them as soon as I get free time.❤️
My mood in 2019 as GIF be like:
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lowkeyerror · 1 year
A New Victim
Sam Carpenter x Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Notes: 1st part of a lil mini-series, had to post something for Halloween, will contain suspected Scream warnings eventually
Summary: You knew something of the rumors surround your classmate, Tara but you never took them seriously. However you find yourself wrapped up in the real life horror story.
Pt2 | Pt3 | Masterlist
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You had heard the rumors about Tara Carpenter and her sister circulating around campus. The rumors didn’t bother you much. Or rather they didn’t persuade you to treat your classmate, Tara, any differently than you would treat anyone else.
Some people were afraid to interact with her in fear of pissing her off. They were more afraid that getting on Tara’s bad side would alert her sister, Sam.
Now Sam was a little scary. You had seen her with Tara a few times. The woman looked like her primary state of being was upset. She looked like a very serious figure.
You didn’t blame her. Their whole group of friends had almost been murdered. Instead of sympathy and compassion the public offered accusations and scrutiny. So much so that they moved away from their hometown to escape the media.
“You’re friends with my sister, right?”
You were sat under a tree on campus the first time you heard Sam speak. Looking at her this close made your heart flutter. She was an attractive woman and that was enough to make you sweat a bit.
Unable to speak for a moment, you nod dumbly.
Sam ignores it and continues with her questioning,” Have you seen her today? I’ve been looking for her everywhere and I can’t find her.”
“She left class a bit early today. I think she said something about Chad needing her help with something.”
Sam rolls her eyes, “Of course she did. I’m Sam by the way, sorry to interrupt you."
Before you can say your own name, the younger Carpenter sister is shouting it as she approaches the tree with Chad trailing behind her.
“Y/n! Don’t mind my overprotective and obsessive sister. What ever she threatened you with, I can promise she won’t do.”
“Where have you been? Y/n told me you left class to meet Chad.”
Tara glares at the girl sitting,” You told her I skipped.”
You shrug,” She seemed worried, so I just told her you left with Chad.”
“Where I am is none of her business. She has my number if she’s looking for me.”
Sam scoffs, “Having your number doesn’t mean shit if you don’t answer your fucking phone.”
“I think we should all just calm down for a second, okay. Tara is safe and everything is fine,” Chad tries to de-escalate the situation.
“No, it’s not fine Chad. Why is my sister skipping classes to meet up with you? And why isn’t she answering my text or calls?”
Y/n had no place in this conversation, but she felt like moving away would only cause a bigger fuss.
“Because we were fucking. Is that what you want to hear Sam?”
Sam runs a hand through her hair,” I don’t care that you’re fucking. I care that I can’t get in contact with you when I’m worried about you.”
“What are you worried about?”
Sam looks at the girl as if she’s grown two heads,” Are you fucking serious Tara?”
Tara groans,” We aren’t there anymore, Sam. We left Woodsboro. No one is coming after us. So why should I have to live my life in paranoia because you can’t move on?”
“Fine, you know what I'm done. Don't pretend you don't have that feeling like someone is always fucking watching us. Don't pretend like what happened back there doesn’t fucking traumatize you and make it hard to live your day-to-day life. But most of all don’t act like there aren’t psychos out there willing to try to fucking replicate that shit because it happens every fucking time, Tara.”
Sam storms off after that. Tara’s eyes soften for a moment before her mask comes back on. Chad goes to rest his hand on her shoulder, but she shakes him off.
It’s only then that her eyes land on you, “You must feel like it’s your lucky day getting front row tickets to the freak show.”
You shook your head, “It’s none of my business, so I don’t really care.”
Chad senses that there’s more you want to say, “But…”
“But your sister kind of has a point. There’s a lot of sick fucks out there that have a weird obsession over him and over y’all. Entire internet communities are filled with those kinds of people. It’s a little naïve to think that just because you moved away that you’re safe.”
Neither Tara nor Chad like the way the last sentence sounds in your voice. They both eye you suspiciously. That’s when you realize what you said could come off wrong.
You began to sputter and put your hands up in surrender, “I’m just agreeing with Sam.”
Chad wasn’t convinced, but Tara had known you a little better. She knew that your awkward demeanor was tried and true.
“Anything else you want to pile on, Y/n?”
You look between the standing pair,” You left class to fuck your boyfriend?”
That leaves them both blushing rapidly. Tara quickly spews out, “He’s not my boyfriend.”
While Chad opts for, “We did not hook up.”
You laugh at their response. Unfortunately for you, this brought you a step to close to the kids from Woodsboro in the eyes of Ghostface.
The killer had watched the entire interaction from start to finish. From the moment Sam approached you, the killer began analyzing you.
They saw the potential interest you had in Sam and your budding friendship with Tara as enough reason to add you to their list.
Tara and Chad eventually left you alone. Shortly after their departure you decided that it was time for you to leave as well.
It was still daylight when you decided to make your way to your apartment. There was a pit in your stomach as you walked. Though the streets were crowded, it felt like someone was staring at you.
You wanted to dismiss the feeling, but you checked your surroundings first. It was almost as if the crowd had faded away and the sounds of the bustling New York streets came to a halt.
Staring at you from across the street, was Ghostface. In your mind this wasn’t real. It couldn’t have been. You had stopped walking, almost paralyzed in your spot.
The killer sent a wave your way, before dragging their finger across their neck. You shut your eyes as you stood still. You were trying to convince yourself that when you opened them, you’d wake up from a dream.
When you feel a body collide with yours, you shriek and push the person away. Your eyes shoot open instantly.
You don’t know if it’s lucky or unlucky that Samantha Carpenter was on the ground in front of you.
The woman wanted to yell at you, but the look of terror on your face stopped her. It was like you were in a trance, your eyes were glued to a spot across the street. Sam looks in that direction but doesn’t see anything.
She slowly picks herself off of the floor. She’s hesitant to touch you, so instead she just calls your name, “Y/n, what was that about?”
You turn your attention to the woman, but you look physically ill, and she takes note of that.
“I saw- He’s going to kill me. Oh fuck, I’m going to throw up.”
The bile quickly rises up your throat. You rush to the end of the street and hunch over.
Sam is instantly by your side. She holds your hair with one hand and rubs your back with the other. The Carpenter sister couldn’t really make out what you said the first time.
Once you finish vomiting, she wants to question you again, but refrains from doing so. Though it is against her own set of strict rules, you look unwell, and she can’t leave you like this in good conscious.
The apartment is close by, so she helps you stand and guides you to her apartment. You don’t say anything during the walk, you barely have even the cognizance to pick up your feet.
The only image that keeps replaying in your head is the cloaked figure dragging their finger across their throat. It makes you want to puke all over again.
When she enters the apartment it’s a full house. Tara, Chad, Anika, Mindy, Ethan, and Quinn; were all congregated in the living room.
Sam motions the people on the couch to move out of the way. She sits you up straight and everyone is silent.
“Who is that? I thought we strictly had a no one, except Quinn's hook ups and us, in this apartment rules.” Mindy is the first to speak up.
“Why is Y/n here and why does she look like that?” Tara gives her sister a pointed look.
“Don’t look at me I found her on the street like this. She shoved me to the ground and vomited in the street.”
“Poor thing,” Quinn reacts to Sam’s words.
“Did she say anything? Because it looks like she’s a walking zombie,” Ethan adds.
Sam nods, “She did, but I didn’t understand her and seconds later she was puking.”
Anika nudges Tara,” She’s your friend, try to get through to her.”
Tara slowly approaches Y/n. She gets eye level with the girl who seems to be in a catatonic state.
“Y/n, what happened? Talk to me,” Tara’s voice is gentle when she speaks. A side of her that no one in the house is used to seeing emerges.
You begin to tremble, and your eyes suddenly come alive. Your voice is shaky,” He’s going to kill me."
It was a whisper, but Tara heard you perfectly clear. Sam notices her sister’s body tense after the words left your lips.
You begin to shake your head as tears start to stream down your face. Your head buries itself in your hands.
“I saw him, across the street,” your throat burns as you spoke.
Sam hears that part and interjects herself in the conversation,” Who did you see Y/n?”
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onlyhereforthestories · 7 months
Bumpy History - Part 1 (Aitana x Reader)
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I have just finished a placement for UNI and the first thing I wanted to do was relax and write and so I did. Here is something that I started ages ago and finally finished. Two more parts of this to come!
Being a dual citizen wasn’t easy in the profession you were in, being born in the US to a Spanish mother and an American father also made life a little complicated. You had grown up moving back and forth between the two countries and so you never really felt like one was home over the other. The problem was you were being called up to the under-18s of both national team squads right now due to your performances for your college team.
Deciding that you felt more comfortable in Spanish culture and knowing that you had no plans to go to university in the US after you finished college you decided Spain was the country you were going to commit yourself to. This is where you met Aitana.
She was one of the best players playing for the team when you joined and for some reason you both just couldn’t get on, you were convinced she hated you. It was like she saw you and decided that you were someone who wasn’t worth the time of day. This meant that you didn’t fit in, everyone else looked up to the girl and you were seen as an issue.
This didn’t stop you from playing and playing well. You scored a goal on your debut and got a couple of assists on your first start for the team, one of those assists was for an Aitana goal. It was the first time you both went within arm’s length of each other. It was brief and you could see the realisation dawn on her face when she registered who she was hugging.
After that first time, you went back to the States and continued with your studies. You only ever thought of the woman when camps were coming up and even then it was a fleeting thought, you wanted to make sure you kept her out of your mind. She obviously didn’t think about you.
Two years later you had been signed by Barcelona straight out of college, you got the call the day you graduated to confirm your place for the next season and you moved back over to Spain the following week. What you didn’t know was that Aitana had also been promoted from the Barca B team to the first team at the same time, a fact that you only found out when you stepped into the coach’s office on your first training session of the season.
“Y/n, thank you for coming in slightly early for this. I want you to meet Aitana, I believe you might already know her from both your Spanish youth team days but as you are both new to the team this year I thought it would be a good idea to have you paired up coming into today. I know joining a new team can be scary so I want you two to look out for each other.” He gave you both a pat on the back as he left the office.
“Hola. It’s good to see you.” As you were now going to be teammates you decided it was time to be a bigger person and offer that metaphorical olive branch. You were adults now, the petty youth nature of ignoring each other surely couldn’t happen anymore.
“Hola” She didn’t look at you but at least she replied. You took this as a good sign, maybe you could get on this time around.
“Shall we go get our new stuff? I don’t want us to be late on our first day.” The smaller woman nodded and followed you into the hall and towards the training room. You couldn’t tell if her quiet nature was due to nerves about being on the team or not wanting to speak to you. You were leaning more towards the latter based on your history.
You both got introduced to the players that you would now call your teammates and started training. By the end of the session, you had spoken confidently to a few of the other women on the team and was happy with how you had settled yourself in. You were worried about this the most when accepting the contract, you had not lived in Spain since you were 13. This meant you felt a disconnect from the culture and the people, a disconnect that you were happy was all in your head. Aitana on the other hand had been quiet and reserved and you didn’t know if you could help her, you didn’t know if you wanted to help her.
It shocked you when you thought about it later that night at home, the woman who had been the top dog, the woman who was so confident in her obvious ability was shy and reserved now even though she had made it. You spent that night thinking about what you should do in this situation, you were torn on whether you should try and help the smaller woman or not.
It had been a good year for you, your debut season had been perfect. You were a starter now and got a good amount of game time, you were the joint top scorer in the league and you had made some wonderful friends on the team. You only had one issue, Aitana. The woman wasn’t necessarily mean to you anymore, she hadn’t been the whole season. Well, not like she was back in your youth days anyway. The shorter woman just didn’t speak to you even when you tried to speak to her. She would avoid being in the same room as you if she could, didn’t pair up with you unless asked to and would always steer clear of you if you were on the same team during training games.
After trying to engage her with your new friends at the beginning of the season, she retreated away even more. It was like she was scared to be around you and that seemed to extend to some of the girls you were closest with.
You just didn’t understand what you had done to make her hate you that much, this is what you were currently explaining to Leila and Patri, two of your best friends on the team. She really must hate you to treat you the way she had back in your youth days and to then go on to ignore you now.
“I just don’t get it, when we first met it was like she hated me just for what I looked like or something because she was horrible before we even really spoke. She was so good and everyone looked up to her so I was just on my own, the little American who shouldn’t be there. Now she just doesn’t say anything, I’m confused. I want to get on with her for the sake of the team at the very least, I see her laughing with some of the other girls and I just don’t know why she can’t do that with me?” It was honestly starting to get to you, you just wanted to know what you did wrong so you could fix it.
“She might just not know how to talk to you because of the fact you have a past. You have two options really, you corner her and make her speak to you or you carry on crushing on her from afar.” Your head whipped to the older woman at that.
“I don’t have a crush, what? I. Shut up.” The two women laughed at you. The fact that you found the midfielder a little attractive was the best thing the two of them had heard in weeks. “I hate you both.”
You walked out onto the balcony of Leila’s apartment where you were currently having a girl's evening. The sun was setting in the distance and you could just about make out a group of girls kicking a ball in the park over the road. You don’t know when it happened and you don’t know why it happened but at some point over the last year, your dislike for the woman from your past had turned into affection.
You were screwed.
366 notes · View notes
skelliko · 5 months
Tokyo revengers |°-context: you visit your grandparents at the country side and he willingly taged along
๑-featuring: kazutora, chifuyu, baji
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°- Kazutora Hanemiya
• he had to get used to it for a while but afterwards he'd actually kinda enjoyed it
• would stroll around and admire the wide fields bigger than a football stadium in awe, he'd also lean against a tree or something and have a peaceful moment for himself while enjoying the birds chirping
• would give random scary looking spiders the most basic names like Dave and think it's funny (it's actually pretty funny)
• liked sitting by the furnace to put wood in to heat up the house, even if he did burn himself by accidentally touching the hot metal by the sides, he still liked being taught how to use it and be in charge of it
• got distracted for some time by sitting on the grass and watching a snail slowly move it's small body over a large rock, he was there for 7 minutes before he realised what he was doing, and the snail still hasn't gone over the rock since it decided to go in multiple random directions in the same spot- he was tempted in flicking it off with his finger but chose not to
• hated waking up in the morning tho, he was way too tired to keep his eyes open for more than a few seconds
• would he come back? it's not exactly his thing but if he were to pass by the area then he'd happily wonder about a little while
°- chifuyu matsuno
• he'd be enthusiastic about the amount of cows that are on the fields, the second he saw one cow he yelled out "cow! :o" but then when he saw a whole field of em he yelled out again "more cows! :D"
• beautiful sunsets over here and would take multiple photos of the sky
• would crouch down and inspect an odd insect that he's never seen before and think that he discovered an undiscovered bug and give it a whole scientific name that just consists of random phrases conjoined together and is hard to pronounce the second time
• at first he liked being given a job that included a lot of physical work but after a while he grew to dislike it, he still tried to finish it so that your grandparents wouldn't hate him for it - but the naps afterwards were delectable
• got woken up in the middle of the night and just sat there in bed for a while almost mesmerized by how dark it was, like- pitch black
• enjoyed the home grown fruits and vegetables, there was a clear difference between store bought compared to grown in the garden/field - he took a liking to the yellow apple tree most due to how sweet and semi soft the apples are
• would he come back? potentially if he wouldn't be put to do heavy work, he enjoys most of the other stuff tho
°- Baji Keisuke
• would pet the neighbours cats that are wondering about and try and feed them ham or something
• sits outside somewhere enjoying the breeze and the chirping birds in the distance, usually you wouldn't be able to hear this many birds all at the same time anywhere else other than the country side, not even in a nearby forest
• he'd be pretty chill at staying the night and enjoy looking at the stars since you can't see them clearly in the city
• mosquitos love him for some reason and he hates that he gets bit easily, only thing he hates about being here
• enjoyed chopping the wood with an axe to later use to heat the house up, he was pretty good at it as well but he was only allowed to do it a few times before the axe got taken away cause he nearly hurt himself. got kinda disappointed by that.
• would he come back? definitely, it's not a life style he'd want to commit to but for a short while he'd be chill with it
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gremlingottoosilly · 1 year
[If you need to be mean] chapter 7
You are trying to think about future with Konig TW for the work: Konig being a huge pervert, Canon-Typical violence, Dub-Con, Innocence kink, Age difference(Konig in his yearly 40, Reader in her early 20)
Pairing: Konig x fem!Reader Tags: Fluff, Power Imbalance, Hurt/Comfort, Size Kink, Possessive Konig, Yandere Konig, Creepy scary stalker Konig, written mostly from Konig's perspective TW for this chapter: kidnapping
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Chapter Text
He fixed the sink. 
It’s so dumb actually, even to think about it – pun not intended, you are not happy or energetic enough to ever attempt puns right now, not in your drained emotional state. He came to your house, uninvited as always – you thought about giving him a spare key just so he would stop barging inside at every giving moment, but then understood that it would only make matters worse – it would feel like you are inviting him. Like you’re okay with him being here, invading your space just like a foreign soldier he is. 
You stare at the sink – and it’s in perfect condition. No water droplets splashing from various screws, no rust on the metal – it looks like it just got out of the store, and it was never that perfect even when you first moved into this apartment. 
He didn’t even say anything about it – you don’t even remember him coming to your apartment with a bunch of instruments, with anything that can help a grown-up man burst into the apartment of his so-called girlfriend so he could fix her sink without her knowing. 
It’s nice of him, you think. You can wash your hands and brush your teeth without water spilling everywhere, and you don’t have to worry about mold slowly building inside the narrow space of your bathroom. You can even place some of the expensive skin care he bought on the ceramic surface without feeling disgusted every time you touch the white material. You don’t even use that much skincare, you don’t know why he bought it and where he got it. Quite frankly, judging by his ever-cold stare and complete emotional absence of everything connected to the gifts, you think he doesn’t know why he gives you so much either. 
Maybe, he thinks that your relationships are purely transactional. Maybe he always wanted a sugar baby but was too busy to get a specific one. Maybe he is so hideous under his hood, that the only way he knows how to get women is through gifts. 
You don’t even want to like him, you are always on the receiving end of his affection, almost never initiating anything. He is too hot to handle – not in a good way. Being nice to him feels like being nice to a stray dog - thin, malnourished, that type who would return to you even after a few good kicks in the curb. He is attached to you like hot glue and you can’t get him off without breaking the skin – and you are scared of him almost as much as your body is attracted to him. There is something nice about allowing him to love you – even though you feel like he is simply too fucking damaged to love properly. 
But he fixed your sink, he gave you a bunch of gifts and he gently advances over you without feeling overbearing. You don’t know how much you could bear without him wanting to actually put something in you, besides his fingers and various dry-humping sessions but, at least for now, he feels safe. 
König leaves you money in places you are not looking at first – almost like he is ashamed of paying you. Acknowledging how artificial your “relationships” are too much for him, but he still wants you to feel the best life possible. He is soft, and gentle with you, almost too much – even though you have various bruises when his grasp became too much on the softness of your limbs. 
Dating him – as much as you couldn’t even call it dating, more like receiving his advances and accepting the way he likes you like an obedient dog – made you actually read the news. Carefully watch through the reports, seeing all the accomplishments this small army is receiving here – how mercs are saving you, helping you, being a bunch of fucking saints even though their commander spends too many hours harassing an adorable little civilian in her house, doing nothing but making you hot and bothered and uncomfortable at the same time. 
You want him to leave. 
You want him to stay here, with you. 
He fixed your sink and now you can do your skincare routine with actual time put in. Everything that stands on the white ceramic is bought by him and you would rather throw up than rely so much on someone you don’t really know, but you don’t have a choice. The cafe is closed, and every other job opportunity is either worse or not going to make any difference in your situation – and with how often König shows up, demanding attention and immediate acceptance of his gifts, you don’t want to know what he will do if he finds out you are trying to run away from him again. 
You don’t anymore, of course. You’re a smart girl, you’re a good girl, the best ever. You don’t understand your own feelings, nothing you experience feels right, but you do know that having him around is comfortable. It’s nice, really, you want to like him so much, but you are too tired to feel anymore. Luckily, his feelings are intense enough not to demand anything from you – his love is big enough for the two of you. 
— Why are you so quiet, Schatz? 
He hugs you from behind, hands on your waist pulling you closer to him. He is warm, body temperature is almost unhealthily hot. In full gear, as always, you never ever saw him without it – even when you’re more intimate together, the only thing you can see is either the lower half of his face, scars on his mouth, and clearly shaved jaw with multiple razor cuts, or his dick – and you prefer not to look at it. 
— You fixed my sink. When? 
Hands are keeping you securely in place, not allowing you to move even for an inch. He isn’t wandering, at least, not leaning under your clothes. You’d feel ashamed for wearing washed-put shorts and some weird T-shirt you pulled out of the laundry, but you don’t want to turn each of his visits into a special occasion, especially considering how chaotic it is. You want to wear that really nice lingerie he brought to you – all soft and expensive fabrics, laces, and too much open skin – but you are too creeped out by the fact that he knows your exact size. At least with homely clothes, you don’t have to worry about being too seductive, too inviting and provocative. 
His hands are still squeezing and playing with your tummy. It feels like he relishes in every aspect of your body, no matter how perfect or imperfect it is – and his touches, hungry and almost agonizing in their desperation and greediness, are flattering. You never had anyone so utterly into you – never had any romantic partner who would treat you like their greatest possession. You want to feel like a real person, not just a romantic interest or object of obsession, but…god, his hands are warm and he treats you right and the loneliness of your life is worse than anything you could handle. 
— Few days ago. Had free time after a mission. 
He has an awful lot of free time for someone his rank. Sometimes he disappears for a few days straight and comes back only to be even more hungry with your body. He never spends the night, but always finds some time to burst into your apartment, look at what else he can change to make your life a bit easier – he broke one of your favorite tea cups and bought you a set of new ones, he threw away every old dish plate you had from the previous tenant and bought you a bunch of shiny silvery ones – things that made you feel even worse about yourself because oh god, why do you need to rely on him to but you the most basic fucking stuff. 
— You shouldn’t have done it. I can take care of it. 
Your mouth tells lies that even you don’t believe in. 
— It was leaking. Wanted to do something nice for you, Liebe. 
My love – you read the translations of a few phrases he is using towards you. German is hard and unforgiving, you are screaming at that damn owl for fucking up your pronunciation again as you desperately try to find something to fill your day without a job or worries about money. You are going to the store multiple times a day, buying milk, cookies and salt – all separately, just to do something. It fells like lockdown again, a desperate attempt not to go crazy by being stuck in 4 walls. 
You think – this is what drives housewives from American sitcoms to use recreational drugs and too many antidepressants. 
König thinks – you look so perfect like this. Almost like his perfect little housewife, hands are clinging to the kitchen counter and eyes desperately darting from side to side. He can practically smell your fear and it makes him go feral – he was a good fucking person, his mutter taight him to be a good boy and his father beated how a real man should behave into him. Yet he relishes in the fact that his weak, fragile girlfriend is shaking in his hold, like a kitten almost. He wants you to feel safe with him, but…well, he can indulge in himself a bit. After all, he does sacrifices everything for his service, right? And deserves a bit of pleasure after a hard day of killing terrorists. 
— Thank you, but…please, tell me before you are doing anything in my apartment. I would have just called my landlord. 
You wouldn’t because even when all of your rent debts is paid off and you don’t have anything else that you owe to the owner of the apartment, you still don’t have to see her disappointed and angry face. You had this leaking sin for three months already and just started to live around it – it was normal, there was some comfort in that brokenness. Now there isn’t one, and you just feel guilty for being scared of a man just because he probably stole your second set of keys and decided to fix it.
— When we’ll move to our own home, you won’t have to worry about asking permission from some Arschloch. You could change the sink or a couch every other day if you want to. 
“When we’ll move to our own home”
Such a simple phrase, really. König’s hands are slowly caressing your lower tummy, his erection already thrists into your ass through the fabric of your shorts and you immediately feel the heat rising in your body. You might not understand if you like him or not, but your body certainly craves his touch – craves the comfort and pleasure that being his provides. 
Such a simple phrase that fills you with dread. Living with him, under one roof – living in his country even though you never been to Austria and can barely learn the language. Living with him even though you don’t know what to answer if someone asks you about your relationship. 
Such a simple phrase that König wants to turn into reality. You, barefoot because of course he would build a house with floor heating, he won’t have his wife slipping on some slippers while he is away and hurting herself, in the kitchen that he would made for your desires and height – he isn’t much for cooking and if you are not also, he’d search for a housekeeper – looking at some weird Austrian dish that you can made for him when he comes home. Perfect family, just like his mother told him he has to make – just like his father was never able to. 
He is a simple man and if you won’t want to play along with his little housewife fantasy then, well, you’d have to eventually. König hates the thought of hurting you – but he also hates a lot of things about himself and a bit of pain won’t add to much. He could handle you being upset, easily. He could handle whatever you’d throw at him – literally. 
— I don’t think I can move in with you. 
— Why? 
— I’m not even Austrian. Don’t think I can just go and live in your country like this. 
— You can get a visa through marriage. It would be easy, soldiers have privileges. 
He still was a part of Austrian special forces – even if his service was long ago paid to KorTac, it doesn’t mean that he just gave away all of his documents and privileges that it gave him. There are a bit of things he can do without looking at the law too much – and giving you proper citizenship is one of them. 
Of course, it would also mean you can’t possibly leave him without destroying your new life once again, but…he likes it as a feature. Insurance that you won’t just run away as soon as the opportunity strikes. 
— Marriage is too fast, no? I mean…
— You don’t want to be with me! — No. Yes. I…I mean, we can’t get married right now. 
— We are not doing it right now, Schatz. I still yet to find a good ring around here. 
— I don’t want a ring. I…I can’t marry you, even in a couple of months! We barely know each other, we…we talked about it, you promised that we would go slow…
And now you’re crying in his hold, tears smearing your face as you are trying to make him let go of you. He can’t have that, he won’t have that – he just got out of his office. countless hours spent in searching for the biggest hideout in this city. Horangi fed him with reports of various sightings, Hutch is already halfway on breaking another data package they got from the last mission and, if anything, it felt like another week or two in here – and he could finally get that sweet, sweet leave. 
Come to think of it, he hadn’t had any breaks in a year already – only a week when he got shot in the side and spent a couple of days laying in the medical, still screaming at the recruits for being so fucking unprofessional – so much, in fact, that he had to get out of the bed early and spend two weeks as an instructor for any of those useless fuckers. Maybe, after this mission, he could take a month or so off – just so he could spend more time with you. Honeymoon and a future wedding do sound fun if he could make you come around before the end of his deployment here. He wouldn’t want to kidnap his future wife like some asshole, after all. 
— How slow do you want me to go, meine Mädchen? 
There isn’t a right answer to this question. He doesn’t ask whether or not you even want to marry him – just when. Your perfect answer would be no, I don’t know, give me a break and let me figure myself out for at least a dozen months so you could come to your senses and move to some distant country on the other side of the globe. 
But he holds you close, his erection is mere inches away from penetrating your body – he is grinding into your ass shamelessly, using the softness of your thighs as his own sex toy – and your mind becomes dizzy. Every time he touches you, his fingers trail on your delicate skin, and you feel dumb. No thought, head empty, only desire to back your hips against his crotch and move a little. 
— I don’t know. Just not…not like this. 
— Then like what? How long should I wait? 
A month won’t be enough. 
Even half a year won’t be enough to process your feelings. 
— I don’t know. 
You want to say yes, but you don’t want to be the one to decide. Having responsibility is too much, and being the one in charge of yourself isn’t something you really want. Maybe, you should just agree. Maybe, you don’t have enough energy to process this. 
— We don’t have much time here, Liebe. I’m not supposed to tell you this, but…
His hands are gripping you even closer – his fingers are shaking almost, and you’re scared of seeing this man being so weak for you, but there isn’t anything you can do to help him. Your fingers are softly caressing his – you doubt that he can feel much under his gloves, but you want to be at least attentive. You don’t want him to feel bad, to think that you are ungrateful for everything he has done to help you. Maybe you’re afraid of making him mad – or, maybe, you want him to be closer to you. Maybe, you want him to like you more. Maybe…
— I will probably be there for another week or two. Mission will be over sooner than we thought. 
— You will leave? 
König wants to lie to himself that you feel sad about it. He can hear the pain in your voice, the way your fingers are shaking on top of his. He hates being weak, scared, he purged everything that was liable in his body before he even became the colonel – but he stays here, in this run-down kitchen corner of your apartment, looks at your delicate body in his hands and feels weak. 
Not that you will say no, that you can run away. He is terrified of himself because he knows that he won’t take no for an answer. He will get you out of here, haul you on his shoulder like some sort of trophy, and make you his no matter the kicking and screaming he will receive. And he doesn’t want to let himself go around you – to lose control. 
— Not without you. 
— I don’t want to leave. 
He squeezes your waist one more time, letting go of your body. He can be patient – he needs to concentrate on the mission at hand anyway, not being all lovey and romantic with you. He may give you space – a few centimeters at best, maybe, if you would a good girl and give him everything he asks for. 
— You can have a week to think. But I will be back, verstehen? 
You nod and he turns your head to the side, kissing you. He has to lean down to reach your lips, he is too fucking desperate to taste you on his tongue when he moves it further down your throat. It’s sloppy, unexperienced, the technique is basically non-existent but you clung to the counter and moan as he slides his hands down your shorts, finding your center. It’s moist, slippery, welcoming two of his fingers with ease – and then he withdraws it immediately. 
You whine when he stops moving, and your pussy is clenching around nothing when he chuckles. You’re weak, fragile, desperate and delicate – he isn’t used to handling stuff like you, but he will make sure to find all the bubble wrap in the world to use on you. He’ll be your perfect husband – if only you would give him a chance. 
— Gather your things, lamm. Don’t bring too much, you’ll find better things in Austria. 
— But…
— You’ll like it, I promise. Do you trust me? 
— N…no. 
— You will. 
He leaves you in your apartment after a few minutes of just…looking at you. Eyes wandering on your shaking body, fear and desire mixing on your face – he is soft with you, but you know that this softness comes with a responsibility that you could not handle. 
You went to the bathroom to wash your face and calm down a little bit – everything in your body begged you to run after him and scream for him to take you right here and then – and you look at the sink. That fucking sink. 
*** Maybe, you shouldn’t have had this conversation with him so late in the evening – you decided to go out of your apartment to clean your head. 
Maybe, he shouldn’t have fixed your sink because when you didn’t have to think about problems in your apartment, you actually had time and energy to go out at night again. 
Maybe, he shouldn’t have left you here is such disarray – maybe, if you had actually fuck that night, you wouldn’t have the strength to venture into creepy alleys and pass through crowds of weird, scary people. 
— Stand right here, missy. 
— Saw you with that asshole in the hood a while ago. How does it feel to betray your country? 
— I thought our women knew better than whoring themselves with foreign scum. 
— She can have him to come to us. 
— Think he would come to get his slut? 
— He’d have to. All hostages are good in our situation. 
Maybe, if you won’t tell him to at least wait before making you his, you wouldn’t get into the hands of terrorists that he was supposed to fight.
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sunnytotherescue · 17 days
Obey me boys with chubby! Reader w/ the most thickest fat ass who is definitely a power bottom
(My English is not my first language)
Ouh lawd anon save me from the sweltering pits of hell I'm going to start BARKING..
cw: dom!bot mc
Thinking about Lucifer desperately thrusting up into the air and gaining nothing from it. Lucifer who loves getting suffocated and crushed as he eats you out, swollen cock twitching with every slow grind against his tongue. The feeling of losing all control of the situation for once makes him painfully hard. His mind is already a haze, drooling mouth trying to keep up with you whenever you move but he's grown sluggish with the lack of oxygen. Of course, he wouldn't have it any other way, obnoxious slurping filling up the room while the lucky demon silently begs for you to stay there forever.
Thinking about Mammon who's quickly turned into your very own dog. He'd lick the sweat off your chest, squeeze and grope every inch you allowed him access to, decorate you in jewels and treasures only he could snatch. Put that mutt on a leash and have him fuck you, desperate pleads spilling from his mouth the second he slams in. Let him drool over how every golden chain and shiny diamond he's decorated you with jingles with every thrust. Tug on pup's collar hard enough and he'll cum from that alone, sobbing when he spills deep inside your hole. But even then he won't stop, not until you let him, not until you've had your fill and he's passing out! But how could such a greedy demon be ungrateful when every ripple of skin and shiny glint of gold is just for him?
Thinking about Leviathan who has trouble just approaching you because of the threatening (in his words) aura you give off. You're so scary he knows you'll bully him- you gave him a look at lunch he's never going to recover- he's rocking back in forth in his tub bed to try and forget how much you must hate him- he gets out his laptop to watch his favorites to help the process- he's never jerked off to that much porn in his life. ..It's not long after he gets the real thing. Or, at least, as much as he's allowed. Levi sits at the end of your bed, panting feverishly while one hand massages your ass and the other fists his dick like his life depends on it. It a mess, milky white cum already staining your skin, but he just can't stop. Not when he's so good at imagining how you'd use him like a toy.. but don't actually!! he doesn't deserve it...yet.
Thinking of Satan who's on the verge of sobbing. His poor sensitive cock so overstimulated it almost hurts, but he's taking it like a good boy. The night started out in a fight and ended with you bouncing on his dick like an animal, taking all you could want while he curls sharp claws into the sheets, trying desperately to muffle his sounds. He's usually so clever, but underneath of you? He turns into such a dumb little kitty. Moans get punched from his mouth with every harsh slam of your hips, a sticky slick mess squelching with every movement. He can't feel anything else besides burning, painful pleasure. Not like he would want to anyway.
Thinking of Asmodeus who begs you to let him play dress-up. He has so many ideas that he's never gotten to try out because none of the outfits look right on him. but you? they look perfect. By the end of it, you're dressed in a silky-smooth robe, the color matching your eyes almost exactly. it's perfect, drapes over your curves just right and has Asmo at your knees with a drunk look in his eyes. He kisses the inside of your thighs like you're the finest diamond in all of Devildom. Asmodeus, the prized and loved avatar of lust, at your feet and pulling every trick in the book to try n seduce you. Telling you how pretty you look, how good he'll make you feel, how he well he can worship you.
Thinking about Beelzebub who can't help but look at you and get hungry. It absolutely sinful and he feels guilty about it, but who else could satisfy him? He fucks into you like a bull, lips wrapped firmly around you chest and sucking like you'd actually be able to produce milk.. he's so hungry :( Poor starving Beel has no idea how fucked out you are, choking out praises while your eyes roll back into your head. He plays with your chest in a way that should be embarrassing, but you'll let him believe it's just like a pair of tits if he keeps fucking you like this.
Thinking of Belphegor who uses your ass n thighs like pillows every chance he gets. Sitting on the couch? He's there. Late for breakfast and sitting alone? He's under the table with his head on your lap. Settling down in bed for the night? Idiot's whining until you let him climb under your sheets and sleep between your thighs. But don't worry, he repays you kindly. Jerking you off in the dead of knight, humping the curve of your ass while using his own spit to slick up ur cock.. he promises not to cum. to put your pleasure above his own, edging himself until your thick spend is soaking his fist and he can't take it anymore. Too bad he always passes out right after... hopefully he'll make up for it in the morning..
hiiiiiii I hate how this turned out ok baiiiii
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 8 months
Drama abounds when you're attacked by monstrous bats after an argument with Eddie and Steve Harrington comes to your rescue...
Warnings: Complicated feelings, unrequited love, angst, mentions of blood.
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This week had officially sucked.
Eddie was too busy following around his new girlfriend like a lovesick puppy to care what you were up to.
You wish it didn't bother you, but it did. All Eddie talked about was her and it drove you mad, jealously that began as small thing had grown and grown the last week or so. It was an awful feeling.
Shouldn't you be happy Eddie had found someone? Someone kind, pretty and who had so much in common with him. That's what a good friend should feel. Right now, this reaction made you feel guilty as hell.
"I don't know what your problem is. Why can't you just be happy that I'm happy! Maybe if you found someone yourself you wouldn't be like this?" Eddie had snapped at you earlier and the crushing feeling in your chest doubled.
It was dark now in Hawkins, Autumn was in full swing, the chilly wind nipping at you as you walked home.
Technically, you should be at Hellfire but after earlier you were in no mood tonight, you just wanted your bed and maybe a good binge of some of your favorite movies.
Anything that would help you forget about your feelings right now. Maybe scary movie, no romance whatsoever.
It was ironic you spoke about scary movies because the next minute you found yourself in one.
Hawkins was creepy after dark and you had heard enough tales from your relatives about the strange shit that went down here. At first you didn't believe it, Hawkins looked like any other picturesque small town... Well, until you looked closer and discovered the rot underneath the perfect facade.
Your friend Robin told you that spooky monsters roamed the woods, the rumours that freaky bat creatures hid in the shadows looking for prey. Not vampires, no actual bats that would rip you apart.
At first you thought it was some kind of old urban legend, that's until the bodies began the pile up and the legend grew and grew.
Now no one went into the woods, not even in groups. No one would risk it. Even walking past the woods to get home creeped you out, even if someone deep inside you were itching to know more about these bats.
Devil bats people called them. The side of you that was a big fan of mystery and investigating had researched as much as you could about these creatures but most of it was flimsy at best.
You're so lost in your thoughts that you miss the screeching sound the first time. The second time however chills you to the bone.
Screams fill the air, a man shouting for help and you freeze for a second before running to help. It's the stupidest thing you've done going straight into a frenzy of bats, but you can't just leave the guy to die.
When you reach the clearing into the woods you find your too late. The man is dead, blood seeping into the ground and bites on his neck.
Hawkins police station isn't far away. Maybe you could find Sheriff Hopper? You're about to run when you hear that screech again and one of the bats swoop down at you.
The tail is long and sharp and it lashes across your stomach before you can even move. Then the second bat is flying at you and you begin to run back out the forest and through the streets.
The bats are following you, four or them whipped up into a frenzy at the smell of your blood. They're smart to and dive down whipping their tails across your legs so you stumble and fall, your head smacks across the gravel on the road and dizziness makes your head spin.
You kick out at one of the bats and it hits the sucker right in the face, the other one uses its tail to wrap around your legs tightly, so hard that the sharpness of its tail cuts into you.
Two of them then work at ripping open your shirt and sinking their teeth into your side. The scream that leaves you is full of terror and pain, no fucking way are you dying now, theres still so much you want to do in life.
Wriggling around you try to throw one of the bats off you and it works but the second little bastard uses its wings and tiny, fierce claws to pierce into your skin to slow down your moments.
Just when it seems all hope is losr something slams into the bat and knocks it off you, you're so grateful for this and peer up to see Steve Harrington wielding a baseball bat covered in nails.
He slams it down on the bats head that has its tail wrapped around your leg and kills it instantly, freeing you. Dazed you stsnd up and Steve tosses you a crowbar.
"Take their heads off"
You don't have to be told twice and make quick work of the bats as more begin to fly your way. Pissed off, you swing the crowbar and tear off one of their tails.
Steve's hiss of pain captures your attention and you rush towards him and pull it away from Steve by its tail, Steve recovers and smashes the bat into its face.
His shirt is torn and you see a small trickle of blood seep through. The screeching stops as the last creature dies.
Tires squeal on the pavement and you hear your name being shouted. Eddie is running towards you, he looks as pale as a ghost when he reaches you and checks you for wounds.
"Eddie, what are you doing here?" Steve steadies you as you stumble. Eddie is still terribly pale as he answers.
"I heard you screaming, I was out looking for you because you didn't turn up at Hellfire and I felt like shit about earlier and then I heard you scream... I couldn't find you and I was terrified"
He's shaking as he takes in your appearance, his eyes wild.
"What the fuck were those things? Sweetheart?" you smile faintly, the adrenaline from fighting the bats wears off and you wince in pain and your head feels like it's spinning.
"I'm fine Ed's... I, woah" you faint and strong arms catch you before you fall.
When you come to you're at your house and resting on the sofa. Eddie is beside you looking extremely anxious.
"Thank fuck you're awake" his eyes are red and it looks like he's been crying, he won't admit it but you wonder if he was.
"You could have died... Those bats, shit if Steve hadn't found you when he did" His voice trails off and you gently squeeze his hand.
"I'm okay Ed's. Sore as shit but fine" he nods and kisses your cheek gently, then goes to help Steve with the bandages and antiseptic cream.
Gingerly you lift up your shirt and wince, it's soaked in blood which makes you feel nauseated. Eddie gently cleans the blood away as Steve cuts the bandages.
"Shit, these bastards got you good princess" he whispers worriedly. His nickname makes you ache.
"Don't call me that Ed's. Stacy, she doesn't like it" you whisper and he freezes.
"You're my best friend" he murmurs and the tension in the air deepens.
"Another thing she doesn't like Eddie. Maybe you're right and I should find someone. Would stop all this drama with Stacy" Eddie swallows and Steve steps forward.
"Munson, can you get more bandages incase these get bloodied up quickly" Eddie nods and hurries away.
The tension disappears, Steve gives you a sympathetic smile. Yeah, you were sick of the drama with all of this.
Steve gently patches you up and you feel yourself calm down for the first time tonight as you watch him work.
"Let me do yours, just take your shirt off and I'll help" he looks hesitant but nods and slips off his shirt.
You might have complicated feelings for Eddie but that didn't stop you from admiring Steve, he was handsome and now he was here in your house half naked. Georgia would have a field day if she knew about this.
When did he get so hairy? The thought pops into your head unbidden and it flusters you so much that you almost drop the antiseptic cream.
The bites draw you in again, a fresh one from tonight but also old ones. Bites that have left scars, marks from the bats tails that haven't faded.
You reach out to touch one gently, Steve watches you intently, there's a lot of tension in the air and the fact you could have died has you feeling rattled and in need of comfort.
Steve must be feeling the same thing as he dips his head down and his lips hover over yours.
He hesitates then his lips meet yours before he pulls away again. "Shit, I'm sorry. Shouldn't have done that" he mutters.
"It's okay. It was nice and kinda freeing not to think of Eddie every five minutes" he softens and you patch up the rest of him.
"Tell me about it. Felt the exact same with Nancy, it's better now but I still haven't found the right girl I want to be with, who isn't after me for just sex" you peer up at Steve, eager to say something comforting.
"You're awesome Steve, a badass monster fighter to boot. You'll find someone amazing"
Steve smiles and kisses your cheek, lingering just for a moment.
"Thank you sweetheart"
The door slams shut and you jump apart as Eddie comes in. He looks between the two of you with a blank expression on his face, eyes trailing to Steve who is shirtless and then your flustered look.
"Am I interrupting something here or..." Steve barely looks flustered as he shrugs on his shirt.
"Thanks for helping me patch up honey, call me if you need anything okay?" he smiles and squeezes your hand.
He leaves and your filled with a rush of jumbled feelings.
Could be an Eddie or Steve story :) Your choice.
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muxshwriting · 5 months
slipping through my fingers
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Obi-Wan Kenobi x platonic!padawan!reader
summary: obi wan has to let go of his padawan as you grows up and out of his protection and teachings || warnings: i cried writing this, mentions of death || word count: 605 || masterlist
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Obi-Wan can't help but to feel guilty as he watches his padawan interact with the other Jedi knights. He can't shake the feeling that he's letting her go out into the world woefully unprepared. You've changed so much from the young girl he first met.
He supposes these are the fears all parents feel as their child grows up. Because that's what you are to him. He raised you since you were a child to the adult you are now. You were his child, in everything but blood.
He’s watched other masters let go of their padawans and move on with life. But he wonders how they can move on without glancing back at the person they’re leaving behind. Do they not feel guilty about taking new padawans? Or are they desensitised to the whole system? Maybe the first is always the hardest, maybe it’s the first that sticks with you, maybe the sudden ache in his heart will ease when you smile.
“Are you alright Master?”
He’s been lost in thought for a while, longer than usual. Obi-Wan simply nods, taking in the time he has with you know and fondly remembering everything you had done together. These moments will not happen again, nothing ever will. Life is made of fleeting moments you don’t truly appreciate until they’re over. But you must hold tightly to those moments and cherish them so they don’t go forgotten.
It’s a duty as a parent, or pseudo-parent, to come to a stop and let their children continue on their own. It’s scary. It’s terrifying actually, but all birds leave the nest, all seeds float away in the wind.
“Are you sure Master?”
Obi-Wan placed a hand on our shoulder, “You’ve grown up so fast.”
“Master-“ Words fail you. “I’ll never be too grown up for your teachings.”
“I’m very proud of you.”
You pull him into a hug, burying your face in his chest. “I can’t cry. Don’t make me cry.”
He chuckles, sounding slightly watery.
Becoming a Jedi Knight was very important to you. It had been what you were working toward for most of your life. Somewhere along the way, you realised that being a knight meant leaving the safety net you had relied on most of your life. Obi-Wan Kenobi was your safety net.
At one point, you would be away from him for the longest time, be the furthest away from him you had ever been and see him for the final time.
It was nice to be grown but there was something to be said for youth. There was no shame in not wanting to grow up but we all do it, we all move on. A new chapter begins because the previous one ended.
Time would separate you and your Master but he would always be your master. Eventually, death would call for him and you would be left without a source of advice and comfort. Death was such a small word for a big thing. But death is only the end if you assume the story is about you.
Your story would not end at your death, the same way Obi-Wan’s story did not end at his. His story did not end because of you, his padawan, his child. Your story would not end for the same reason. Everything Obi-Wan taught you, you taught to your padawan. The chain continues on and stretches back as long as time goes on.
You could trace teachings through time, from master to padawan, as padawan becomes master and teaches a new generation.
Every Jedi carries the legacy of a hundred others on their back.
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Boy, oh, boy. I’m looking at future uni destinations right now and this song hits hard. I’m sobbing into my pillow at 1am after finishing writing this
Taglist: @aoi-targaryen
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