houseembervale · 7 years
♥LOVE and LOATHING ♥ Dance Party!
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The Dragonlore Enclave made a last minute decision to have some fun this holiday!
Our switching theme dance party welcomes couples and singles to come dance the night away! 
Where? The Ruins of Southshore, Hillsbrad (46.83, 66.53) When? Starts at 5:00 PM and runs into the night. 
The music and the theme will change throughout the night. 
Love - Romantic banners and the hall will be filled with the sound of romance. Beats to celebrate the euphoria of romance and passion. Perhaps we will throw in a slow dance or two? 
Loathing - Banners for the lonely, the wronged and those happily showing up stag will be dropped and the DJ will boast anti love ballads and grungy techno beats. 
Requests! Our DJ’s will be well in the public eye so it will be easy to mosey on up and whisper a song request. Why not dedicate a song to your sweetheart? Maybe a song reminds you of your ex? Bring that up too!
Remember this is all in fun. Get your dance shoes on and show us your moves!
Games and prizes to be announced the night of. Raffles to win! See you there!
Whisper Vyndrallian or Erialin for a calendar invite. 
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houseembervale · 7 years
Can you play with fire...
Without getting burned?
Can you reach out and touch the flames...
Without recoiling from the heat?
Can you keep that ember burning in your heart...
Without it catching fire and leaving nothing but ash in its wake?
...I had never considered myself a pyro until I met you.
The Phoenix and the Fire Dancer
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houseembervale · 7 years
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Animal Witch Aesthetics // Raven Witch
Owl Witch | Rat Witch | Bat Witch | Bear Witch | Stingray Witch | Dog Witch | 
Whale Witch | Ferret Witch | Cockatoo Witch | Deer Witch  | Tiger Witch
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houseembervale · 7 years
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Raven And Skull - Nicklas Gustafsson
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houseembervale · 7 years
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houseembervale · 7 years
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“Well....of course I would rub off a little...you would have to be blind to deny my impeccable style...”  -Vyn 2018
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16, 18, 22
16. Is your muse a dreamer or a realist?
Er… Saerin is probably closer to a realist? But then again, he dropped off the face of sanity and hasn’t exactly been thinking clearly for some time now. So there’s that. UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES, he tries to look at things in a more realistic light, and goes for things he knows he can achieve, despite some of those goals being incredibly difficult to obtain ones. 
18. What about themselves do they usually not tell people? What are they embarrassed of?
Once upon a time, our prim and proper doctor was little more than a street scamp like his mother. While it is largely buried, there is the very rare slip-up in which he’ll default back to a less-than-collected manner of speech, and the occasional lewd joke or two. And if he’s drunk enough, pretty much all inhibitions go out the window. Which is why he’s more likely to refuse a drink than accept one. Most who know Saerin now wouldn’t ever suspect he was ever homeless, or anything other than some rich mage doctor, when the truth is, he’s lived more of his life far away from the fine comforts he’s surrounded himself with. 
22. What colors make up most of their wardrobe?
Blue and purple, without a doubt. It used to be predominantly blue, but after a time of borrowing clothes from Vyn, he adopted some of the man’s preference for rich purples and darker colors overall. Then the Void happened and it’s all dark purple and greys. 
mentions @houseembervale
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houseembervale · 7 years
=Unhappy 500 Followers, mortal fools!! *Raffle*=
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Oh what a frabjous day!! Callooh!! Callay!! The Great Nyehehe has amassed 500 mortal fools as adoring fans, fearful servants, and stupid subjects!! How positively dastardly!!
“So?” you foolish mortals may ask, “So what does it matter if The Great Nyehehe has five hundred followers? So what if there’s a raffle? What does that pertain to the average, pathetic, miserable mortal such as myself?” 
Well, shut your trap and let The Great Nyehehe tell you!! Bah!!
The Great Nyehehe is giving you lowly mortal fools a rare chance of making something of yourself in the grand scheme of things, by becoming The Great Nyehehe’s lowly apprentice, which is still a lowly position in comparison with The Great Nyehehe himself, but not as low as before, in the ways of villainy, Dark Magicks, and the true secrets of becoming an Immortal Warlock Lord!! 
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Nyeh? “But what could The Great Nyehehe ever have need for a mere mortal beside him when he could do everything perfectly nefariously by himself,” you mortals may ask?
Well, first off, stop asking questions!! Bah!! Second, it’s obvious, isn’t it!?! When The Great Nyehehe has conquered Azeroth and the rest of the universe, he’ll be so blasted busy doing evil across the cosmos to deal with all you mortal fools on this planet!! One among you will just have to do as the manager of Azeroth, overseeing the construction of all The Great Nyehehe’s magnificent statues, managing all of The Great Nyehehe’s adoring fans and their indomitable desires for his autograph, and figuring out just how many evil deeds must be committed to fufill their monthly quotas while he’s having his fiendish fun in committing dastardly deeds. All that mundane bee’s wax The Great Nyehehe shan’t push himself to bother with when he can thrust it upon you mortals. 
The Great Nyehehe shall train this mortal for upwards of FIVE training sessions of scheming, executing, and perfecting the art of being the best bad guy a mortal can be!! Progress shall be recorded here, as shall all their inevitable mistakes and any improbable successes!! 
Nyes, but The Great Nyehehe is most definitely not a benevolent god!! His demands must be met, which are as thus follows!! Nyehehe!!:
Be following @thegreatnyehehe!! Obviously!!
Reblog this post, keep in mind that only one reblog counts per person!!
Have a presence on Azeroth!! That means no visions or hallucinations!! The Great Nyehehe isn’t going through that again!!
Have a presence on Tumblr!! The Great Nyehehe may not know what this “Tumblig” thingamajig is,but he requires it nevertheless!! Bah!!
Don’t doubt The Great Nyehehe’s dastardliness or limitless power!! It is strictly prohibited and extremely foolish!! Bah!!
All re-bloogs or whatever you call them must be submitted by November 16th, 2017 (11/16/17). The winner shall be chosen randomly out of The Great Nyehehe’s brewfest hat from last month, of which he never plans to don in a nyehehillion years. The winner shall be announced on November 17th, 2017!! And keep that in mind, only the winner!! No participation trophies!! Bah!!
Nyehehe!! Bad luck to you all, mortal fools!! 
= OOC Info =
((A quick, small raffle to celebrate 500 followers! The randomly chosen winner will be included in a short series of posts of Nyeh here trying to teach them of his specific, allegedly superior brand of villainy. We would also likely RP a decent amount of time in-game for the lessons themselves, which isn’t as much as a gift as it is a curse, but nevertheless will likely be necessary. I wanted to do something as a celebration, and with a limited budget, i hope it is satisfying to both the winner and the readers. As stated, reblogs are due 11/16/17 and will be announced 11/17/17. Thank you, and good luck))
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houseembervale · 7 years
Rest no longer came for the fallen doctor. The void brought nothing but nightmares in its wake, rooting deeply into the mage, until very little of his true self shone through. Day after day, he was haunted by one image, the sight of Eri succumbing to weakness, sprawled unconscious upon the floor of their home, and Saerin had only looked on as others came between him and his beloved. Day after day, he fretted over whether he truly had done the right thing, then, leaving her in the hands of Visneya.
It drove him to leave the cave more and more. He should have been more concerned with the whereabouts of Vyn and Zaerith’s escaped soul fragments, focused on retrieving them. But he paced, feet beginning to wear a dirt path in the dark grasses of Darkshore where he’d taken refuge with the others. They suffered with his own inability to do what he’d set out to.
He felt lost. Hopeless. The Void hooked into his fears, feeding on them, feeding into his power, driving him ever closer to the Madness that eventually claimed all who dared delve too deeply into its power. Only one thing kept him grounded in reality.
He stared up at the sky, marred by heavy clouds that warned of chilled rain, and a distant rumble promised lightning. It would drive the youngest of them into a fearful panic, he knew. Keriona, the little one that loved flowers, and was afraid of thunder, a meek and shy creature that, without a heavy hand guiding her, seemed altogether uncertain of anything.
Back home, he knew Winter Veil would be keeping everyone busy. Parties, celebration, and the seasonal exchanging of gifts. He’d wanted nothing more than to spend it at Eri’s side. Their first Winter Veil together. Or, that was how it was supposed to be. Instead, he sulked in a cave, angry that he had allowed the one thing that would fix this all slip through his fingers. He sank to the ground, pulling his knees up and hugging them as the light pattering of rain began.
Even having Aerimell and Ana at his side did little to soothe the unrest that boiled within him. They were his dear friends. Family, even. But they did not soothe the painful ache in his chest. As the rains began to fall in earnest, bitter sobs rose up from the man. He was weak, and they were all paying the cost. He knew he needed to formulate a new plan, but for the moment, he simply clung to the last shred of his humanity left untouched by the Void that had overtaken him.
( @houseruneara, @thecleverbard, @aerimell, @visneya @houseembervale )
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houseembervale · 7 years
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Fantasy concept by snod snow  
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houseembervale · 7 years
Doctor Zen. X)
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houseembervale · 7 years
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Common Raven (Corvus corax) - photo by Tom Post
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houseembervale · 7 years
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houseembervale · 7 years
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houseembervale · 7 years
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나만 고양이 없어🐱
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houseembervale · 7 years
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houseembervale · 7 years
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houseembervale · 7 years
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