#saying how I thought he was a great TP and that i picked a team to want to follow like where drivers aren’t a factor it’d be Williams
foreverfearlessred · 28 days
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oohhhh when I tell you I’m about to do something that puts me on the international news. James Vowles shut the fuck up challenge when. I hope your shitty excel spreadsheet gets corrupted x
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puckpocketed · 3 months
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30/06/2024 - The Colorado Avalanche draft Tory Pitner 185th overall.
I think that I can use my brain and really bait other players into plays that they don't want to make and then close out. Really take away time and space, and ultimately just be a prick to play against - I don't know if I can say that on this - but I think that I can defend really well.
[full draft day interview transcript + an introduction by me under the cut]
Foreword: This transcript was done by hand to the best of my ability and edited for clarity. In bold text are my highlights, parts I thought were noteworthy and interesting. I removed filler words (um's and uh's). In square brackets are where I've added words or adjusted words for clarity. In the regular parentheses are small notes for added context. Tory Pitner is a fascinating player. He does not have the high-end skill you saw go in the first round. He is foremost a shutdown d-man. But he is smart, driven, methodical in his preparation and training, and most of all a true scholar and lover of the game. If anyone has an EP Rinkside subscription, I would encourage you to read the article written about him. The bulk of it is an interview, in which he goes into vivid detail about several top draft picks from this year whom he has played against, and how he goes about shutting them down. He has their on-ice habits broken down and analysed; from their handedness to the types of shots they like to make and the dekes they like to use. He watches NHL defensemen, describing his study with the fervour of an academic, a mad scientist, and a fan all at once. He has charmed me utterly, and I think it's because we love hockey in such similar ways. I love the details of the game, I love watching good and interesting hockey above all else, and I absolutely love studying it (albeit on an amateur level). And, okay, I don't like to make bold predictions, so I won't. All I have is hope. I hope he grows and thrives, I hope everyone one day recognises how special he is, and most of all I hope he makes it. Tory Pitner, no matter who you play for and where you're playing, I will always be rooting for you!!
Q: How would you describe [your] feelings right now?
TP: It's pretty unbelievable. I mean, it's a great feeling. Colorado is a great organisation, and especially down the road from Denver [University] it's going to be really, really fun to go to a lot of games and just see the progression in the team - in my game - to hopefully one day be there.
Q: So, knowing that you were going to D.U., were you maybe kind of hopeful that it'd be the Avs?
TP: Yeah. I talked to the Avs a little bit during the year and stayed in contact with some of their scouts, so every time they picked I was kind of on the edge of my seat - but I'm happy to be here and really excited.
Q: What are the strengths in your game?
TP: I'd say that my defending is probably my biggest strength. I think that I can use my brain and really bait other players into plays that they don't want to make and then close out. Really take away time and space, and ultimately just be a prick to play against - I don't know if I can say that on this - but I think that I can defend really well.
I'd say my player comparable is John Marino; his ability to play against those top line guys and shut them down every night. I mean, you just saw him get traded so [he's] obviously a very valuable piece in the NHL, and he was a sixth round draft pick too. I'm really excited to hopefully continue that development path over at D.U. to round out all the other areas of my game to play in the NHL.
Q: So you'd say Denver is a good choice for you, for college?
TP: Yeah. I'd say, obviously, the coaching staff first of all, [David Carle] is an unbelievable coach; and then just the proven track record they have at developing NHL defensemen. Being there every day, you see all the guys that come back, and they want to be at D.U. All the guys that they've sent to the NHL, they still come back to train there - train with Matt Shaw, the strength coach, and skate on the ice. Everyone there; it's kind of a brotherhood. It's a great system for [anyone] to go through if they want to get to the NHL.
Q: Did you get a chance to speak to Jake Fisher? (Colorado draft pick #121 overall)
TP: I'm actually roommates with Fish at D.U. We moved in on Sunday and so it's kind of cool that we both got picked here.
Q: So have you talked to him since?
TP: I haven't. I gotta be honest, I put my phone down after round three and kind of tried not to go on it. But yeah, no, we'll definitely talk. I'll see Fish [on] Sunday when I land. We probably have some studying to do for our Geography class. No, it'll be good. I know he was really excited, I'm really excited, too.
Q: Have you ever been to an Avs game?
TP: I have not, no. But I heard that the D.U. guys go all the time, especially with it being right downtown, so [I'm] really looking forward to getting out there and seeing Ball Arena live. I've driven past it a few times, just heading back to campus and whatnot, but I'll be really excited to get inside and see what it's like.
Q: How did [the Youngstown Phantoms] help you develop, to get to this point? (inaudible)
TP: For sure. I mean, obviously it was great my first year, getting to experience winning the Clark Cup Championship there was super cool for me, and it was a great learning experience being able to be around great leaders like Shane Lachance and Chase Pietila - who got picked earlier today. Being able to be around those kind of guys was awesome for me. And then my second year, taking a step into a bigger role with the team, talking with [coach] Andy Contois a lot about my game, working on different areas that I need to improve, and improving on my strengths, too, [like] being hard to play against. So I think overall they helped me round out my game, and I'm looking forward to keep rounding out that game at D.U.
Q: What has your Draft Day experience been like here at the Sphere? (inaudible)
TP: Yeah, no, it was long. Woke up early, couldn't really sleep too much. Woke up, just kind of got a workout in to get moving, you know, have something to do. Then walked over here - I'm staying at a hotel that's not too far - so, walked over. Sat down after having some breakfast and then kind of just watched the draft. It's been pretty cool, though. I have my family here, my agent as well, [and] one of my coaches. It's been really nice to have everyone here supporting me.
Q: What about the way that Colorado plays defence excites you?
TP: I'd say that I love how they're pretty freeing with all their defensemen. Even down the lineup, you look at Josh Manson still getting up in the play joining as a fourth man. Sam Girard obviously loves to do that. They obviously have great defensemen like Cale Makar running their power play. [They] love being really active. I think that's something that I'm looking to add more to my game, too, and so the freedom to do that in Colorado is something I'm really looking forward to - especially at D.U. as well, having that freedom. Finding the middle in a lot of their breakouts, not a lot of off-the-glass plays or up the wall; they like to really possess the puck. I'm really looking forward to being able to hold on to the puck a little bit longer and find some middle support, which I think will ultimately help my game break down the opponent and just add another element - which will be really fun.
Q: What players did you idolise as you came up?
TP: It's kind of been a lot of different ones, but I really wanted to play defence because of Nick Lidstrom. When I was younger, one of my coaches - actually, Anže Kopitar's brother - Gašper Kopitar; he was my defense coach in LA when I played for the junior Kings when I was younger, and he told me 'If you want to be a defenseman, [go] watch Nick Lidstrom.' So I found some YouTube video - and I think I've watched it like 400 times or something like that. I've watched his NHL 36 multiple times, just to get me going or just to learn his routines. So idolising him growing up and then seeing the great person and defenseman he was; it really made me want to be [one], and I wanted to play hockey even more.
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kadetheradio · 19 days
Since so many people have a fanmade weird route variant, might as well join.
It's called SugarSong/Forced Friendship.
It's a K_K-centric route because I like tormenting my comfort characters. SCC are siblings in this AU.
To start the route, Ignore every NPC except K_K. You don't have to buy his CD bagels, you just aren't allowed to buy them from Cap'n. You can't talk to anyone who isn't K_K, so ignore the other NPCs as well, You MUST talk to K_K every time you see him. Next, when you get to the battle, have Susie constantly use rude buster on both Sweet and Cap'n. Doing this about 4 times(2 on each) will end the battle, causing this interaction:
Sweet: "I don't feel to good..."
Cap'n: "Same here man, battles done."
K_K: "Oh no! Yes, let's go home!"
Once this happens, continue as normal(Without talking to NPCs. Scripted events don't affect this.) up until you reach Sweet Cap'n Cakes shop. Enter the shop. Everything is normal aside from the fact that the Auto Axe is replaced with a new item, the DigiScarf(They don't wanna sell an Axe to a girl who beat them up with one not to long ago.). Go to the talk section and click on the new dialogue option simply labeled "Cakes," Although dialogue implys that Kris is saying "K_K is my favorite." K_K reacts very positively towards this, thanking Kris while beaming. Sweet and Cap'n, despite seeming a bit jealous, simply talk about how K_K is pretty cool, not pushing any further. Leave. afterwards everything will continue as normal until you fall into the garbage dump. There you see K_K humming a quiet tune to themself and smiling. Talking to him, he will mention how he decided to go for a walk, but now he's a little lost. Ralsei will invite him to stick with the $!$! squad(Or whatever name you picked for your team in chapter 1, I just used that because picked it.), to which K_K agrees, as he likes how kind Kris was to them back in the field. K_K will always appear in the garbage dump, but will decline the offer if you didn't follow the exact instructions. Once K_K is in your party, he gets unique dialogue when interacting certain things. Such as laughing when you interact with the Egg plant that looks like a trash bag, feeling bad for trashy when Susie and Ralsei ignore him, and stuttering when meeting Nubert(He's starstruck OK?), Etc. When Susie and Ralsei leave, K_K stays behind. "Don't worry! I'll stay! We're friends, aren't we?:)"
Some important battle info:
Default Armor: Golden Bracelet
Default Weapon: NewCD
K_K has multiple spells:
K-Action: How K_K ACTs by himself, like with all Characters. Does not cost TP.
SilkMilk: Heals the entire party. costs 16% TP, 8% with BrokenCD
RockABye: Puts TIRED enemies to sleep, similar to Pacify & SleepMist. Costs 50% TP, 25% with BrokenCD
TastyBeats: K_K's equivalent of IceShock, killing/paralyzing enemies using powerful sound waves. costs 16% TP, 8% with BrokenCD.
SugarSong: K_K's Equivalent of Snowgrave . Fatal towards target, Causes user immense physical pain while being used. Costs 200% TP, 100% with BrokenCD.
Anyways, Now that we've heard that, let's continue with the route.
Continue with K_K, using TastyBeats to kill enemies. During this, K_K's smile seems to falter. After killing 10 enemies, K_K asks Kris a question
"...Why are we doing this again?"
After the question, you are given 2 responses. "Self Defense" & "We're friends, Right?" You must click the second one to progress through the route. Upon asking that, K_K says yes, and you are given 2 more choices. "I thought so" & "Friends do what friends want." You must click the second option once again. K_K look hesitant, but agrees. The only friends he ever had were his brothers, and they always listened to him. Surely it's a normal thing. Surely friends always listen to each other. Continue killing enemies until you reach the Addison from Snowgrave. They'll mention how they have a great gift for a pair of friends. This is the CentreCD. It will always be $1 more than the party has. Consistently pressure K_K into stealing it, until he stops protesting. The screen blacks out and you get the flavor text "the music sounds uneasy." shows on screen. When the screen lights up, the CentreCD is in the inventory and the Addison is gone. The front of the shop looks like it had been burnt. K_K looks uneasy, and when the CentreCD is equipped, he's silent. Continue through the route like normal, killing all enemies you encounter. K_K is no longer smiling and walking a lot slower. His battle sprite is now almost completely still and he rarely talks. Upon killing enough enemies, walk back. The boxes where Sweet Cap'n Cakes are in the normal game is replaced by an empty room with a broken CD. Equipping this for K_K will lower his HP down to 55 and he responds will a verbal "Ow" and an uncomfortable buzzing sound. Then walk back, killing every enemy you may have missed until you get to the room where the Berdly encounter would normally happen. This time however, it's Cap'n and Sweet. The beginning of the encounter goes something like this:
Cap'n: "K_K! There you are!"
Sweet: "We've been lookin' all over for man! We need to get home.
Cap'n: "Yeah, some psycho is going 'round and killin' everyone!"
K_K: "..."
Sweet: "Hey, uhm, everything alright man?"
Kris/Player: "Friends do what Friends want."
K_K: "...What?..."
The player repeats the sentence, with K_K becoming more shaken and desperate each time. Eventually Sweet and Cap'n butt in.
Sweet: "Look... We don't know what's going on but,"
Cap'n: "No one, messes with K_K like that."
Afterwards, a battle starts, with K_K becoming panicked. Like in regular Snowgrave, you need to max out your TP to use their new ability, SugarSong. K_K will not do anything during the battle. Not listening to anyone. He's in too much pain from the CD and too much distress with the current situation. Once your TP is maxed out, click on it. K_K will look at the ground in distress. The interaction goes like this.
"...N-No, not them..."
"I don't wanna hurt them..."
Friends do what Friends want.
K_K looks at the ground, before casting the spell. The Screen blacks out and the Flavor text reads "And suddenly, there was silence."
When you can see again, Sweet and Cap'n are nothing but piles of scrap metal and K_K is down(Reread the description of SugarSong). Interacting with K_K says "Put the scrap away?" You must select yes. The screen fades out and back in, now with K_K gone. Checking your items shows an unnamed object with the description "A friend. Fast asleep."
The rest of the route continues like a normal route, mainly due to the fact that there's no reason for any major changes. A few lines will be different but most things stay the same.
In the lightworld, there is a cassette player and speaker lying on the ground. interacting with them says "Broken beyond repair."
Back in castle town, Sweet Cap'n Cakes place won't be there, for obvious reason's, but entering Kris' room, K_K will be curled up in the corner, asleep. Interacting with him says "Goodnight Scrap friend"
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yesterdayiwrote · 1 year
I know it’s a bit of a controversial take, but I think if someone from a minor team gets dropped, Mick would be up for the contest too.
I am basing this purely on the facts that:
1. He has a third driver seat just like Daniel, so their roles in RB and Mercedes are at the moment very very similar
2. Not sure how strong the ties with Mercedes are in Mick’s case (ie: if he can be a free agent and go to any spot that opens up, RB associated included) but if they are loose, he’d have a chance to look at the whole grid and not only at Mercedes related teams.
3. This is a bit of a grey zone: Many of the TPs seem to openly share the opinion he would’ve still been in f1 had Michael been by his side, which could mean they want him back but could also mean they are morally supportive and no more
4. There is some obscure hints Toto has dropped last year about being confident a seat option (for Mick) would eventually open up, maybe even sooner than next season. Thought he meant Williams back then because Logan’s hiring had been on the edge until the very end, and it might still be a possibility should Logan not deliver at all (James V said between the lines he considered him a pay driver until he actually started working with him at Williams) or should Alex move to another team. Alpha tauri could be a chance as well though, IF Mick hasn’t too strong ties with Mercedes that stops him from going to a RB associated seat.
Not touching the talent area but basing on the stats only, Mick and Daniel are one the menu should a seat open up and should that team look more for an already experience driver rather than a rookie.
There are of couse lots more stuff to consider like price of the driver (Daniel on paper is 1st on the line for a reserve pick up, his problem is more his price and if he consider the team worthy enough to move into) and talent in general, but yes, I would keep an eye on them both if a seat opens up in the middle of the season. I would go more for an experienced driver to fill in the gap until next season and then consider more options.
Should the seat open next year it would be more of a challenge because rookies would definitely be more on the plate, still quite an interesting gossip subject I want to see how it turns out to develop in the end 😂
There’s a real blind spot with Mick, because he was relatively poor in the Haas, but the Haas was a relatively poor car and so it’s kind of a chicken/egg scenario and it’s not clear which was contributing more to the issues, especially adding in what we know now about how Haas were perhaps not helping him in ‘22.
I actually think the whole ‘he’d be in f1 still if his dad was in the paddock’ line of thinking is actually…not a great point in his favour? He should be in the paddock because he deserves a seat there, not because of his dad. Yes, Michael could have given him advice but he had Seb doing that pretty intensively and that didn’t help much. And they’re right, if Michael was there then teams would have been clamouring to have Mick on their team, but it wouldn’t have been for Mick, it would have been for Michael and that’s entirely the wrong reason to have someone on your team. It’s actually not a compliment imho?
I think Toto says a lot of things that aren’t always accurate and I’m not sure of any team that would immediately be interested in taking on Mick. He would be an option for AT, but equally a risk. Whilst Guenther was needlessly vile in some of the things he’s said about Mick, not all of his criticisms were without merit and would definitely work as a black mark against his name in contrast to an untested rookie (which themselves bring their own risks).
It’s funny because the cost cap has now made it so older drivers who lost their seats are actually in better positions to get them back than rookies because they’re seen as ‘safer hands’
But with Mick, who lost his seat because his team felt he caused too much damage… if you’re a TP do you take a rookie who will potentially make a lot of mistakes while they get up to speed with the car, or the driver with F1 experience who made too many mistakes… I feel like you’d take the punt on the rookie??
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blorbocedes · 2 years
If winning the WCC is a team effort, does that mean if redbull chose Mercedes at the end of the year, the whole team has to offer service? Do all redbull employees get to have fun with Merc employees or just the team principal? I don't know but the thought of grandpa Newey and one eye blind grandpa Marko double teaming Toto makes me crackle.
Are drivers included in the package? I mean drivers are a very big part of the constructers afterall. Does the winning tp get to have fun with anyone from the chosen team or does everyone from the winning team get to have fun with anyone from the chosen team?
If the drivers are included, I can already imagine Lance crying while throwing his hands up like a spoiled brat to Lawrence because he knows he ain't getting picked by his once man again. That cat with two women meme, Lance being the woman throwing tantrums for a race win or constructors win because Checo isn't going to pick his annoying his ass any time soon. While Lawrence is the cat thinking— what the fuxk is this bitch saying, is it too late to abort a 23 year old.
My personal headcanon for the winners room universe is that— George has never got picked by anyone, not even Valtteri because he knows choosing him would give the tory satisfaction. I'd like to think after his dnf in Sakhir 2020, he was literally begging to the racing gods for an Alex win because that is the only person who could theoretically pick him. Every time Maggie Thatcher' illegalized legal grandson ruins someone’s race, thinking if they win they'd pick him to defuse their rage, he's only hurting his chances because no one (expect maybe Alex) won't pick his annoying ass jus hear God save the queen/king all the time.
Another headcanon of mine is that— just like how Seb went to AM because it's like a bootleg version of his ex-wife (redbull), Lawrence employed him because he thought getting another older man would get his son to stop crying. But neither Seb or Lance got the satisfaction and now both of them are wailing at Lawrence's ears (one more directly into his ears than the other) and now he wants yeet himself through the window anytime he sees his drivers walking towards him.
at first I was like oh it's just toto, but then like . one 60 year old dude for ALL of redbull??? isn't that great a reward, so I'm revising it to merc staff -- specifically the ones toto told to have a picture of their enemy (redbull) taped to their wall for #motivation (so weird that's a real thing 😭 his lockscreen is Christian Horner isn't it), so merc employees EXCEPT drivers are fair game (cause drivers get to be picked for wcc winner's room so they can't be double booked)
but for redbull constructors, yes the rb drivers get to join in they brought in all the points!!!
vahdjns not Lawrence thinking it's too late to abort a 23 year old 😭😭😭
I LOVE George never getting picked for the winner's room 😭😭 just puffing his chest out and watching all his peers get picked (max with all his spare wins gets alex, charles wins, carlos picks landito) and he's just waiting . Waiting for that Lewis first win maybe... maybe then???
gahsjdjd lance wanting an older teammate to top him but seb is a bottom so no one's getting what they want and Lawrence has a HEADACHE 😭 so he signs the dilfest dilf on the paddock nando to throw at lance if he shuts up
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spidxysense · 4 years
Back to You | 13
Summary: He broke your heart, but you’d always love him. Two souls that not even the universe could tear apart, even if you wanted it to at times.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader x Timothee Chalamet
A/N: Yay I updated! I hope you guys like this one, I was stuck for a bit there but once I sat down and got to typing, I really finished it in one sitting. I was just planning on updating it bit by bit lol. Let me know what you guys think, Love you!!!!!!
Word count: 2,591
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13
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You were in the car with Troye, it had been a few months since you came back home from Italy, and by home you meant your shared apartment with Troye in LA. Now you were out looking for a dress to wear to the premiere for Celia. You’d tricked your manager to think that you’ve been sick the past week but it was like Troye had a no Bullshit radar. The second he stepped into your shared apartment last night from his trip to Australia he knew you were pretending to be sick so you could miss the premier.
Troye pulls down his sunglasses to the bridge of his nose, giving you a side eye as you glared at him, “Sweetie, don’t give me that look.” he rolls his eyes, “I thought everything was going great? You agreed to release that album you’d been holding onto for who even knows how long anymore. You and Timothee kissed-” You wince at the sound of his name, “Troye…”
He groans, “No! Tell me you didn’t ghost Timothee Chalamet, you asshole!”
You put your hands up in defense, “In my defense, I did not ghost him. He’s filming a movie, he’s off his phone because he’s focusing on the movie and-adn well, he’s starring in the movie with Lily-Rose Depp, he’ll forget about me.” You try to reason, finally opening up your insecurity to your best friend who probably already knew from the beginning.
His grip on the steering wheel gets tighter, “So what? You tell me you let Tom go, a week later news breaks that’s he’s dating Zendaya which by the way makes him a fucking asshole. Now you’re back to being this insecure girl who thinks some pretty french girl can steal this guy who’s like practically head over heels for you?” He pauses from his rant, “What are you two even?”
You shrug, "Which is why this situation is perfect. I have a chance to think things over and so does he… in case he realizes he made a big mistake. I don't know what we are, I mean, we just kind of agreed that we both like each other."
He groans, parking the car, "You two are cute you know? Like I want to bash your heads together cute because nobody will take the first step."
You hop out the car, slamming the door as cameras rush to your presence. Troye's hand on your back guides you through as he insults the paparazzi for hounding celebrities as their day jobs.
He passes by the aisles of clother, already picking something out for himself while ylu see a few pretty numbers tp buy for everyday use, "You are perfect, Y/N. Just like fucking insecure." He trails behind you, which you don't need to be, might I mention." He hands you a dress, pushing you to the dressing room, "I thought you might want to emulate her character so I thought this would be perfect."
You rolled your eyes, "At least Timothee won't be at the premier tonight." You sigh in relief, "He would never abandon filming just to go to some premiere. So that's one less person I have to worry about."
Troye gapes at you, "Oh honey, if you were anyone but you, I would agree, but I already know you're worrying about the fact that he's off in some european country with Lily."
You bit off a dry piece off of your bottom lip, as you changed, keeping silent because both you and Troye knew that what he was saying was right.
He sighs, “Look Y/N, at the end of the day all that matters is, is he someone you see yourself with? And if he is, then why the hell would you throw that away? Or even let anyone take from you? You need to boss the fuck up and I’m sorry if I’m hurting your feelings but I am so done with you being and feeling so sorry for yourself when you know you deserve better but aren’t taking it when it’s being handed to you.”
You open the door with a heave, “Because it feels like I don’t deserve it!” You were already wearing the dress but you slump down on one of the couches, “How can you not understand that the guy I let go, who was my first love is dating the very person he cheated on me with? How can you not understand how absolutely soul wrenching that is? That even if I want to be with Timothee, I can’t because I don’t know how to be with him properly. Because he’ll know and feel all these thoughts in my head and all these terrible feelings I have after Tom replaced me with the person he was with when he hurt me?” The tears are pouring out as you feel the flashes from the cameras outside but you didn’t care. Let them see because you were so tired of not being allowed to hurt, “I don’t know how to do this Troye, not without hurting Timothee, and I don’t want to do that… not anymore, he deserves the absolute world and where I am now, I can’t give him mine because there’s almost nothing left of it.”
Troye looks shocked as he gets on his knees next to you, hugging you with all his might, “Alright, well I guess tough love was the wrong move to use on you.” He pulls apart from you, grabbing your arms at the side and looks in your eyes, “But Y/N, have you ever wondered what Timothee wants? Based from everything you’ve told me it seems like you guys haven’t even talked about whatever the two of you are and Timothee wouldn’t be the type of person who’d tell you what he wants because he just wants you to get what you want.” He smiles sadly at you.
You sigh, “Alright, I’ll talk with Timothee when he gets back.”
He gives you a pat on the back, “That won’t even be for until a few months so you have time to think for yourself.” He grabs you by the hand, pulling you up to stand, “And that dress definitely embodies Celia. You’re wearing that tonight.”
You laugh, “I look like I’m going to prom. Is it really alright for me to wear this?”
Troye rolls his eyes, “Sweetie, this is your movie, you can wear whatever the hell you want. You could even come in a sack and nobody would have the right to tell you not to wear what you want.”
The light flashes in your eyes when the car comes to a hald and you step out, blinding lights from cameras and the ones directly pointed at the red carpet and suddenly you can’t breathe.
Troye’s hand guides you through the walkway onto the carpet but you can’t seem to get a grip on the reality in front of you. It had been so long since you last did a red carpet which was from The Greatest Showman. This was an indie movie, but given the success of the first one, it had garnered a lot more fans. Luckily you’re stopped by an interviewer.
“Y/N! You look fabulous!”
You smile shyly, “Thank you so much, you look beautiful tonight as well.”
She laughs along with what you said as she proceeds to her question, “So, how much chemistry should we be expecting from you and Timothee in this movie? You’re known to be very electric with your onscreen partners in your scenes so there’s no doubt in me that the sparks between you two will go absolutely haywire.”
You laugh, “Well, you know we did our best so hopefully the scenes are captivating and we were able to capture Luca’s intended emotions for the scenes.”
She nods, almost seeming like she wasn’t even listening, “And how about Timothee? He isn’t here tonight, will you and Armie be fine without him?”
You look around, “Oh is Armie here now?” You spot him along the carpet right as he looks over at you, waving and running over.
“Y/N!” He hugs you, as the interviewer stares at the two of you.
You wrap an arm around his back, “To answer your question, we won’t be needing Timothee.” You laugh.
Armie grabs hold of the mic in the interviewer’s hand, “This is live right?” He looks over at the interviewer who nods, “Timmy if you’re watching this, I hope you know we’re having the time of our lives here.”
He gives you a big smooch on the cheek, ruffling your hair and going back to the carpet with his wife who gives you a wave and blows a kiss towards you.
“Alright, so a few weeks ago, your team released a statement that you’ll be releasing your new album which from what we all understand has been in the making for a very long time?”
You nod, already expecting the next question out of her mouth.
“So is it safe to say songs from these past months since you last released an album will be in there.” You smile, nodding, “Then is it safe to assume we’ll be hearing some songs inspired by Tom?”
And there it was, “Well, you know this album will be a double release so it comes from all these beautiful moments since my last album, whether that be me in love, me falling out of love, hurting, laughing. I just think it’s gonna be such an important album for me since it captures so many beautiful moments in my life that I’m just very glad to be treasuring and emulating in my songs.” 
“And you aren’t nervous at all for any backlash? Since it has been a while since we last heard a song from you and since you last performed live, especially considering how your last tour ended up.”
You nod along, not taking offense to the questions, “Yeah, well you know, I have been writing songs and they’ve been given to other artists so there’s not too much worry in me that these songs won’t be well liked, and in terms of tour I just don’t think that’s something I can really handle still since the last one had me in a really bad place mentally, and this is something I really want my fans to understand, that mental illness isn’t something we can ignore until we pop. We have to handle it the best way we can and sometimes that just means we have to avoid things that might bring us bad feelings.”
Suddenly the crowd goes wild as a car comes to a stop, the person inside stepping out. You crane your neck trying to get a good look at who it was, but the amount of people was too much so you decide against it. It was probably a celebrity that wasn’t in the movie and is going to the premier or a close friend of Armie’s or Timothee’s, maybe it was Saoirse Ronan.
You look back at the interviewer who had spotted another up and coming celebrity, “And here we have George Mackay!” He waves towards the camera, giving you a grin and standing next to you after the interviewer called him over.
“I don’t quite know why I’m here for the interview seeing as it’s not my premier.” He laughs, “But I am very excited to watch this movie.” He gestured towards you, “This is our first time meeting but I am a very big fan.”
You cover your mouth, “You were so great in Marrowbone.”
“So, here we have another up and coming actor, George Mackay at the premier. Many of our viewers have said that you two should do a movie together soon.”
You giggle, “Well I don’t know, only if George is up for it.” 
He laughs, “I’ll have my agent call yours.” He jokes, “I’m quite excited for this one, You don’t really star in too many movies anymore so seeing Y/N in a movie is quite a treat.” He scratched the back of his head.
“Aren’t these two just adorable?” The interviewer laughs.
Suddenly an arm snakes around your back, and you turn only to see brown curly hair.
“Oh my! What a surprise, Timothee Chalamet has just arrived at the premier!”
Somehow George had made his way back to the carpet, Timothee now moving over to where George stood just moments ago.
You laugh nervously, “We thought you were still in Europe.” 
He looks at you, a light in his eyes, “I would never miss the premier for our movie, are you kidding me?!”
She gestured towards you, “What can you say about Y/N? How is she looking tonight?”
He takes a look at you up and down, “Well you know, that isn’t really in my line to say but she looks great, absolutely stunning. I think Y/N and I are the same in the regard that we pick our own clothes for these things, right?”
You nod, “Totally, and I only really wanted to look good because I knew if you somehow ended up here tonight you’d outshine me.”
He laughs, “No way! How could I outshine you, I mean come on!” He looks at the camera gesturing towards you, “Look how beautiful she looks!” You blush at that.
The interviewer laughs, “Well, we just got a first hand look at the chemistry we were just talking about, Y/N. You two look like you’re on a date night.” She pauses, “Now Timothee, now that you’re back how was Europe, what did you miss most in the States?”
He grins, “Well it’s pretty cold there, and what did I miss, well not really too much. Who I missed though is a whole different question.”
You laugh nervously, realizing you weren’t ready for the whole freaking world to know you and Timothee had confessed mutual attraction.
The interviewer points at Timothee’s arm around you, “Now that’s been going on for a while now, do you have anything to tell us?”
Timothee opens his mouth, but you beat him to it, “Well you know Timmy, always comfortable with everyone he meets. He’s just such a goofball that’s very easy to get comfortable with him.” You laugh.
He somehow gets the point and laughs along, “Yeah yeah, exactly. One night during the filming I hopped in bed with Armie and his wife.”
“So do you have any words for this movie, Timothee?”
He nods, “Of course, well Armie and I are just so lucky that Luca didn’t realize we were two of the biggest idiots he’s ever met, and I’m just so thankful that this movie brought me to Y/N here, who is just so lovely and was the only sensible one among Armie and I. I really hope we stay in touch since a lot of these movies you know, once the filming is done, the same goes for the relationships and friendships you build with everyone here.” He takes a breath, “I’m very proud of what we’ve made and I really hope nobody has any regrets with the movie.”
“Alright, well, I’ll let you two get to it. Thanks for giving us your time guys.” You wave at the interviewer and spot Luca along the carpet who was giving you hand signals to stick by Timothee the whole night.
You stand next to Timothee as pictures of the two of you were taken, “We need to talk.” You look up at him, right as he looks down at you.
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wolf-mask · 5 years
Why Borderlands 3 is Disappointing
Borderlands 3 is a fun game mechanically. I’ve spent almost 6 plus DAYS worth of hours playing the game. I finished every side quest and every collectible. The only thing I haven’t done is collect all the echo logs, but I’ve listened to all of them. The only complaint I have with the game is the story. I’ve ranted to my friend about this and, like they said, 
“it feels like great writers set up a world and cast with a ton of potential and plans laid out, and then halfway through a different team of writers took over and there was 0 communication between the two groups.” 
There was so much potential for Borderlands 3 to be good, but instead it came out “Meh.” and that seems to be what everyone thinks. After watching multiple reviews, there are 4 points of BL3’s story that people pick out as detrimental to the story.
If I’ve forgotten anything, or something sticks out to you that can be explained away by canon, please let me know.
More under the read more
1. The Calypso Twins
I have 2 complaints about the Calypso twins: their unexplained motivations and the writers’ choice of focus.
This is my own personal complaint, but why do the Calypso’s have these motivations? Sure, I get it. Tyreen wants to open the Great Vault because she thinks its her birthright as the daughter of the first vault hunter. But why become a God? I understand the whole wanting to be the most famous person thing but she could’ve just opened the vault to do that, look at Lilith and the other Vault Hunters. So why become a God? How did she come to that conclusion? Why build up an army? Why cause galaxy wide pandemonium when you could just become a Vault Hunter like the current and past playable characters? She even says herself they came to Pandora to be Vault Hunters! So why start a CULT? None of that is really answered by the game. Instead we’re given surface level villains with a surface level backstory. We never find out how their mother died.
The main complaint I’ve seen in these reviews is the story’s focus on the villains. Tyreen is never given screen time. We never learn more about her nor does she undergo any kind of character growth to become a good villain, yet she becomes the Final Boss. Instead, Troy gets most of the character development. Troy is the main focus out of the two villains, he gets the character growth after taking Maya’s powers. Troy is the more compelling villain out of the twins. He starts from the bottom, forced to rely on his sister to live but she sees him as nothing more than a parasite. He’s constantly forced into the background, be a follower, kept under his sister’s heel as she gets what she wants.
After taking Maya’s powers, however, he figures out he doesn’t have to depend on Tyreen. He starts crawling away from Tyreen’s shadow to stand by himself. The cultists start to worship him just as much as Tyreen, he starts hijacking the echo calls, he starts disagreeing with Tyreen’s leadership. The scene in Jakobs mansion makes it seem like Troy is scheming on his own. All of this focus, compounded with Tyreen’s comments during Troy’s boss fight, hints that TROY will become the Final Boss. But instead of having a compelling villain who’s crawled out from under his sister’s shadow, we kill Troy and we’re left with the less interesting villain. If they HAD to go with Tyreen as the main villain, they should’ve given her character growth to make her more compelling. You’d think she’d show some sort of growth after having her brother killed and killing her father, but nothing ever from that. She just stays a one dimensional character throughout the main plot.
2. Maya’s Death
Maya’s death was severely mishandled in Borderlands 3. In the context of the story, Maya had to die eventually, but that doesn’t mean her death couldn’t have been pushed back though. 
Compare Maya’s death in Borderlands 3 to Roland’s death in Borderlands 2. In BL2, Roland’s death had more impact because we spent more time with him (Over half the game to be exact, 11 out of 20 story missions), he spent most of the game guiding the player, and we got to see him interact with other characters as well as see how his death affected other characters.
With Maya we spend less than a fourth of the game with her (4 out of 23 missions. She should’ve been introduced earlier and killed off later), we barely interact with her and we don’t see her interact with any other characters aside from Ava and Lilith. One of the things I loved about BL2 was being able to see the old Vault Hunters interact with each other in Sanctuary. When Maya dies, her funeral is played off as a joke, Lilith is blamed by Ava, and that’s as far as acknowledgement goes. No one besides Ava ever acknowledges Maya’s death. It’s as if her death is totally ignored.
Did Maya have to die though? Yes, but not immediately. When Tyreen drained Lilith, Lilith didn’t die. But when Troy drained Maya, why did she die? She didn’t have to at that moment. Throughout the story, Maya’s powers are an important plot point. Her powers are what allow Troy to experience some independence for the first time in his life. When Troy drained Maya he could’ve just stolen her powers and left her alive. This would have left her the potential for character growth. 
So why did Maya have to die? Because Ava had to become a Siren eventually. I don’t mind Ava, I think she’s fine as a character, but if her purpose was to show how Siren powers are transferred, we already have Tannis for that. They practically shove in Ava to replace Maya as soon as she dies. It’s like taking a child’s favorite toy and shoving a new one in their arms, expecting them to like the new toy immediately. They should’ve let Ava become a Siren later down the line instead. 
3. Ava’s Characterization
As I previously said, I don’t mind Ava. I think she’s an alright character as she is right now. Most people don’t think that though, and I can see why. Ava is directly responsible for Maya’s death. She disobeyed Maya’s directions and came to the Promethea Vault on her own. Due to her disobeying orders, Maya is forced to put Ava’s well being above hers. Ava further escalated the situation, leading to Maya needing to save her. This ends in Maya’s death. 
Instead of taking responsibility for her actions, Ava blames Lilith for Maya’s death and claims that they need to rush in without thinking. And later on she’s praised as being right for the same thought process! When Lilith goes to sacrifice herself, she basically tells Ava she’s right. Not only that, she gives leadership of the Crimson Raiders over to a 13 year old child with no experience who got her mentor killed. At no point is she forced to face the consequences of her actions, she never goes through a character arc. Ava has the potential to be a likable character but her characterization was so botched that most people hate her now. They player should’ve been allowed to slowly learn more about Ava and watch her grow before taking over Maya’s role. Hopefully the DLC that focuses on her will do her better.
4. Ignoring the Player
The BIGGEST sin of BL3 is how it treats the player character. The achievements of the player are constantly undercut and we are consistently ignored by the narrative. 
The whole game made me feel like I was the side character to the Sirens. All the other Borderlands games have focused on the Player as the main character. In BL1 the Vault Hunters killed the Destroyer, in BL2 the six vault hunters defeated the Warrior and defeated Handsome Jack, in TPS those six beat the Sentinel and helped Jack rise to power. In BL3, it feels like none of our achievements matter. As soon as we accomplish one thing, something bigger happens and that needs to be focused on. You got to Tannis after that pain in the ass fight with the Agonizer? Welp looks like Tannis is a Siren and you practically did that shit for nothing! We defeated Tyreen the Destroyer? Welp looks like Elpis is going to crash into Pandora and now Lilith has to go stop that. The only times I really felt like I was making an impact was when I wasn’t doing missions for the Sirens. 
At the end of the game Ava is more acknowledged than the player and given command of an entire army. This should’ve gone to the player! The character who’s busted their ass off to bring the Raiders back from the brink of disbandment, who’s done all the heavy lifting! Hell, before going down to Promethea Lilith asks YOU to take over field operations while she’s powerless. 
But what ticks me off the most is how the narrative ignores the player. Unlike the cut scenes in other Borderlands games, you are ignored. Nearly all of the cut scenes are in third person and you are NOWHERE to be seen. Maya being killed by Troy, Tyreen absorbing Troy and trying to crush the other Sirens, Tyreen killing Typhon, and Lilith’s sacrifice. We’re NEVER seen in those cut scenes. Compare this to the cut scenes in previous games, which are almost always in 1st person and if they aren’t, the 3rd person view is used when the cut scene isn’t important. In BL3, almost all the cut scenes are in 3rd person. The only time the player is acknowledged is when Troy phaselocks the player in the Jakobs Mansion, which makes this issue all the more frustrating.
Borderlands 3 is a graveyard of missed potential. The story could have been so much better than it came out as. I love the game from a gameplay standpoint, it’s so fun to play, but the main story is a drag to get through at this point. I don’t think it’s worth re-playing at this point and I’m going to wait for DLC to come out before playing more of it. Again, if I missed anything or you think something could be can be explained by Canon, please let me know! I have other little nitpicks I might talk about later but for now these are the main things that I think are wrong with the main story of Borderlands 3.
If you’re interested, these videos helped me in pinpointing what felt so wrong about BL3. They’re good videos to watch.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-ws6VRYEDw&t=431s (Tina vs Ava)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nO2qmhaRmcc (Main problem with BL3)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lL0fAxjZnc (Wasting Maya)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibOPCU2adkE (Why Borderlands 3 is Disappointing)
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jedivszombie · 3 years
15, 16, 27, 32
JC! Thank you so much for these questions, I really enjoyed answering them and sort of wrote mini essays so it’s all going below the cut!
it’s hump day: let’s talk about F1 baybee
15. Is there a driver that you disliked in the beginning but now like?
Yes there is! I really disliked Sebastian Vettel back in the day but now I love him (as a quick look through my blog will tell you). Part of why I disliked Seb is being brought up watching F1 with British comms (who heard him being referred to as Baby Schumi and it triggered Martin’s inferiority complex). British commentary would have had you believe that at the age of 20 Seb was regularly eating Martin’s children or something.
I always thought he was talented as a driver but between Martin and DC being so far up M*rk’s arse and the inferiority complex, plus the way they would have you believe Red Bull were totally and completely in control of the 4 seasons they won made me really not like him. Interestingly, it wasn’t until about 2017/2018 and he started to make a few more mistakes at crucial points in the championship that I was like ‘wait I like you’ so I dunno what that says about me.  
16. Is there a driver who made you drastically change your opinion of him?
Yes! There are like three drivers: Kimi Raikkonen, Lewis Hamilton and Fernando Alonso. I used to like Kimi (I thought he was funny and a decent driver) - still think he was a good driver but no longer like his whole Thing™️, and I say was a good driver because I don’t quite think he’s got the pace he used to.
I didn’t used to like Lewis (as a personality) even though I thought he was a very good driver but he has done a lot of growing and learning over the past 5 years or so and seems to be more comfy in himself so you love to see it - will also be blaming the British media and commentators for making me dislike him when I was growing up.
Fernando, Fernando, Fernando. We have a very complicated relationship. I loved him when he started in F1, cried when he won his championships, I have a Fernando t-shirt from back in the day when I was a kid. I wanted to loathe him when Spygate and Crashgate happened but still loved him (less so for Crashgate though). Ferrari Fernando happened and we were still on good terms and then I just did not love the McHonda of it all and didn’t love his attitude or comments (and I still don’t from that era). BUT now he’s like a mellow vibed out Fernando (like he still has his personality but there’s obvious growth there) and he’s gone away and learned about teamwork in WEC and he was always a great driver but I feel like he has shown he has grown up a little bit, or has become more realistic about how things happen (without losing his fight or competitiveness which we all love about him).
27. Do you have a favourite team? Which one and why?
Like most other things I have a hard time just picking one so I have three fave teams! Here is where I out myself as a tifosi because Ferrari is my favourite team. My earliest F1 memories are of Ferrari Schumi winning and Ferrari have forever been hardwired into my brain as the Sexy Evil Ones and I love them so dearly. Oh how they make me suffer so for loving them so dearly. I hate them, I love them and I hate them again. I am the President of the Ferrari Suffering Squad and I wear the biggest clown crown. I just love these messy bitches.
Second up is Renault (yes they are now Alpine, no I do not care to name them as such). As you can see from my answer above I am clearly insane and I love a messy team. My Renault love comes from Fernando and I just never lost my love for them, especially when Robert went to drive for them and then they were Lotus and Rogro kicked ass for them and then they became Renault again and Cyril happened. Also they have Alain and they were yellow and black and very sexy and I just really love them. This is really incoherent but I just really love pain I think.
My third fave team is Sauber! They are a very funky little team, my Swiss Grandpa Peter Sauber is truly a very groovy dude and the fact that his team still exists in F1 is incredible. They have helped launch the career of like so many talented people and so many faves. They are also the first team to have a female CEO and then TP in F1, which is pretty damn groovy to me. I am in the middle of doing a project about my fave little midfield team who could, so watch this space.
32. Which one is your favourite team principle and why?
I really rate both Andreas Seidl and Toto Wolff as Team Principals. Andreas is very focused and determined and has a really good relationship and way with the drivers - it’s very clear that the whole team feels very comfortable and confident in a way we haven’t seen for a very long time (not comfortable in a complacent way but it seems less like there is a constant internal war at McLaren than we have previously seen and the new management structure has played a big part in that in my opinion).
Toto is the most successful Team Principal on the grid and it has been really interesting to watch Mercedes grow into the team it is today and watch Toto and his crew take the good foundations that Ross Brawn, Norbert Haug, Schumi and Nico laid and develop it into the dominating Mercedes we have today. Toto and Niki Lauda as a duo truly killed the game in terms of playing the F1 game in all aspects and it’s really interesting to see the way Toto’s relationship with his drivers have developed. It’s also really interesting to hear how Toto himself has developed over the years (I highly recommend listening to this episode of Nico’s podcast).
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alright alright alright it’s long overdue, but here’s my “Angel returns” theory from way back when her actress posted an image of her on twitter.
tl;dr: Angel is back and we see her getting digistructed in the dev trailer in the giant electricity machine thing
There’s some Commander Lilith spoilers below (main story and side quests) so if you haven’t beaten the whole dlc yet, don’t read!!
Alright so this obviously was kickstarted by the Sirentology quest lol 
I didn’t wanna say anything above the cut about that cause that’d be a dick move
let’s start with the thing I first noticed as soon as I walked into the prototype chamber!
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ahahhaha yeah.
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and if you’ve been following me since I replayed tales, then you might see where this is going
we see something similar here
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this is from TFTBL, in the biodome where you find one of Gortys’s pieces (chassis? i don’t remember lol. the big ring one). It’s holding it up, like it’s being suspended in the air. I imagine this is the same technology Jack used to build Control Core Angel, keeping Angel suspended above the Vault Key. So this was built by Atlas, just keep that in mind, I’ll bring it back in a second.
You can see when Jack brings Lilith to the Vault itself, it keeps her stuck in the air, charging the Key
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so obviously jack needed to improvise because he wasn’t about to bring Angel to the Vault with him, he wanted to wait until the key was fully charged.
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I think Angel definitely got a little bit of leeway compared to Lily, though. I also think, since we don’t see any wires, the Vault key is sorta pulling the Eridium through Angel to process it and absorb it? and the thing above her is a pump/shield generator/suspension. As i understand it, in the new dlc we’ve seen Lilith actually flying with her wings in the final battle, and I do think Angel is using hers to move around (above), but I do think the Vault Key/machine thing is holding her suspended in the air. 
Anyway, the reason I’m bringing all this up is because of how Tannis acts in this DLC. @humphreyhornbeam commented on one of my interview posts with a great point and that is that “[Tannis] may or may not have blueprints and/or information that Jack used to create the Siren Collars and she may be the only one alive that has this info”. Which, oh fuck
Lemme point out some lines that are very suspicious from her just to let that sink in for a bit
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we know Tannis has been studying Lilith for some time now, since the Assassinate the Assassins quest, and she has apparently dubbed such studies as “Sirentology”, hence the name of the quest.
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so she wants to know exactly where Siren powers come from and how they act/appear over time (Understandably, we’ve seen Lilith’s exposure to Eridium allowed her to start teleporting)
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we end up sending her the data through a console hooked up to the chamber
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we don’t exactly get a choice.
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normal reused console from other areas, with a little projection coming out of it (I’ll get to that soon)
Lilith comments this:
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which… y’know… “she could have been so much more”. im not saying the devs are regretting killing Angel, but… that very well may be foreshadowing. Yeah, I’m getting there.
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and Tannis is pleased (don’t think she quite cares about Angel).
so… i imagine Tannis is going to have some sorta hold on the story in the next game (”Tannis is not what she seems” is still relevant). Interviews have already confirmed this next game is focusing HARD on Sirens. This quest was 100% put in because of that. There’s no way they’d throw this in otherwise, it doesn’t make sense. 
This entire DLC was the devs’ way of ensuring we were prepared for bl3, and that means for (7? I’m pretty sure this dlc takes place about a year after the end of bl2) approximately 6 years, Tannis has access to some of the most in-depth Siren information. Ever. Remember, before BL2, Jack was smashed in the face with a Vault symbol and apparently got a shitload of information from it before that. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he learned some stuff about Sirens through that. He’s even the one who first confirms there are only 6 Sirens in the universe(s) afaik.
so what’s going on here? What’s Tannis going to do with all this information? We don’t really know a lot in regards to what she’s trying to study. As I understand it, she’s mainly focusing on Eridians in general, so her study of Sirens makes sense. We know she had a large stake in what happened to the Vault Key in the DLC (she’s very upset Mordy is just leaving his drinks in it). We know she’s extremely interested in what happened to Typhon Deleon (which I don’t think is coincidence considering what her focus is).
I want to believe she’s trying to use this information to simply discover more about the Eridians. I don’t wanna believe she’s going to use it for evil. Her introduction as a Dahl scientist stranded on Pandora seems super legit, so I can’t see her being of alien origin. I suppose I could see her teaming up with something of alien origin trying to find out where the Eridian homeworld is, since she’s wildly smart and I imagine would have at least 1 or 2 leads (concerning the Vault Symbol on a slab/floor tile we see in her infirmary on Sanc-III). 
Also, I know it is largely assumed the CoV thing is a broadcast from the twins to their cult, but that just… doesn’t make sense to me. I’m gonna go wildly crazy here and suggest that the broadcast wasn’t from the CoV, but instead the Children of the Vault are another entity and the cult picked up the name after hearing said Broadcast. I mean, seriously, do you really think a bunch of crazed lunatics are going to want to call themselves “Children of the Vault” without a larger influence?
okay, I do not play battleborn. at all. so idk what the deal is, but looking at videos that show the morse code easter egg shows this
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now i did a little looking, not a lot because I am not a fan of battleborn and my disinterest made me terribly bored BUT
this is what i think a “Varelsi” (the enemy faction of Battleborn) portal is SUPPOSED to look like: 
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so, you know, there’s a difference. probably the reason it’s called “anomaly”.
And we know the code we get from those anomalies is in morse code
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which translates to this (thanks reddit. It’s been 2 years since I upvoted stuff on that post, btw. time sure does fly.)
And y’know, I JUST did a analysis trailer of We are Mayhem, and you know what was in that trailer? Maya’s Phaselock.
let’s take a look at that, shall we?
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so we know that Maya’s ability “allows her to lock an enemy in another dimension, preventing the desired target from fighting back for a short while”. Do you see where I’m going with this, yet?
Compare the phaselock to the easter egg “anomalies”, they’re both cracks in our dimension, though Maya’s is white, and they’re both cast against a space-like/starry background which I think is our look into the “other dimension” her description mentions.
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in fact, let’s look at some other Sirens we know of, more specifically, let’s take a look at Amara’s arms
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I think that’s all the same “stuff”. idk what to call it. just… “STUFF”. yeaaaahhhh.
Anyway, this is all a convoluted way for me to say that I think that morse code message we hear is coming from that dimension that Maya can open a rip to. She uses it to imprison people? yeah. Probably the same dimension Lilith can phasewalk through. idk the deal with Amara’s arms but I assume they take their power from that dimension as well. I imagine that dimension is also tied to the Vaults. We know the Traveller “teleports” places, I imagine he’s doing something similar to Lilith: jumping into the other dimension then quickly jumping out. (okay yes i just likened Lilith to Kurt Wagner, whatcha gonna do?).
Consider the idea that Sirens are this dimension’s connection with the other dimension we see within their powers, and that’s where this message is coming from. I think that’s why Sirens can be used to charge the Vault Keys. But wait, there’s more.
(Sorry i totally lost my train of thought, i got SUPER distracted.)
I think Eleseer (the inside of Elpis in TPS) is connected to this dimension as well, or traveled to through this dimension.
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the holograms of planets, the stars- I mean the whole thing looks like a giant void, and I get it, the moon is HUGE, but you think at some point you’d see the outside crust or something. You’d think at some point the mines would’ve caused the planet to cave in or something. Fuck, even the Crackening, which we all kinda know was caused by the Eridians, you think that would have shown this GIANT cavern inside the moon.
I think the whole above bit, Tycho’s Ribs, the huge Eridian base thing, is powering a large rift or something into another dimension, the dimension that the TPS VHs drop into on that giant platform with the cutscene and everything. I mean…
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COME ON. is all that seriously inside a MOON?
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there is even a bubble shield surrounding the platform they get off on, something very similar to the shields Axton has around his turrets. I think that may be to prevent the atmosphere from escaping, anything visiting from getting out, or, possibly, things from getting in. If this actually is somewhere out in space/another dimension, then it would make sense that they’d wanna keep their magical floating future-seeing platform from getting knocked by asteroids or raided by other aliens
Okay, and I know the “planets” all appear as holograms, but look at that galaxy. the nebulas. Those aren’t holograms. 
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Eridian writing on the outside ring there? Oh boy bl3 theories here i come. That’s looking very familiar right about now after my We are Mayhem analysis.
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cloud/nebula. clearly not a hologram
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there’s even a fucking galaxy down here like… Yeah guys I don’t think we’re on Elpis anymore
Even the entrance to the Vault which… y’know isn’t that normal Vault-y shape is a giant hunk of eridium with a huge crack in it. 
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and when you touch it, what happens??
You teleport inside, and it even plays the same animation as when Lilith teleports you during the Hunting the Firehawk quest. 
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It probably looks less organic than the one in bl2 because this is powered by Eridian machinery, but it’s definitely the same concept- you fade back in all purple and shit
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then this asshole shows up out of an actual Vault symbol, which makes me wonder why we traveled all this way and if Vault symbols are actually gateways somewhere and by walking inside one (unlike every other VH), Rhys and Fiona really DID get teleported somewhere
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also, a little off-topic but does anyone else think this is what the eridians are gonna look like?
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just… the face after u shoot the mask off.
how did i get to this topic…??
oh yeah Tannis LMAO SORRY
I think that the easter egg message is coming from whatever dimension all of THIS is. If it IS the Eridians, then maybe humans (or the Vault Hunters- the Crimson Raiders?) are the “Children of the Vault” and the Cult took the name because they heard the broadcast. Because as it stands, “Do not open the Vaults” just doesn’t make sense coming from the Calypsos’s perspective. They WANT the Vaults opened. You know who doesn’t? The Eridians.
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So the line: “Tannis is not what she seems” then wouldn’t be coming from the CoV, but instead from an outsider watching us. You know… someone getting info to whoever is in that dimension… like the Watcher maybe? Or maybe the Eridians are just watching us in general, like they can see things from their dimension or homeworld or whatever. They had the Elpis Vault that could see the future, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they could see the present anywhere. 
I don’t want her to be evil is what I’m trying to say. but you know what? I didn’t even get into the MEAT AND POTATOES of this post yet
here we go
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you know this thing? It’s from the dev trailer for bl3. looks pretty similar to the above stuff, doesn’t it? And it’s powered by electricity, because if you watch the tubes get filled up/emptied out in the video. I’m still trying to determine if the footage was reversed or not because the lava (?? I think???) outside the window is falling upwards when it’s playing normally.
So you might be wondering? Why bring this up?
Cause I think it’s possible Tannis has built this using the blueprints she got from Angel’s prototype room. and why is THAT important? 
Well, hear me out.
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this is what a digistructer looks like. Imagine 2 of those facing opposite each other, supercharged by electricity
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Now we know Tannis has built Digistruct peak to create fake enemies for us, but maybe those don’t last long/aren’t stable enough
and yeah I think you know where I’m going with this
I think it’s possible Tannis has somehow created a machine to digistruct Angel for us.
and you might be wondering
“why the fuck would she do that”
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which only ever happened while she was speaking using her powers!!! I don’t even think you actually could “record” that because that’s her using her Siren powers to talk in your brain!! It’s not a part of your ECHO or a tv screen, that’s literally part of her powers
so what if Angel uploaded herself into Helios, then when AI Jack came barging in she had to hide somewhere she wouldn’t be found/overwritten by him
and please tell me if I’m wrong, i’ve been staring at a computer screen all day/night
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but that looks like a body to me. You can see the left arm on the right, then a torso, then another arm slightly behind that
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even the electric bursts coming out of them create the shape of a body standing there. I can very clearly see the hand/thigh/waist on the bottom and the shoulders/opening to a shirt? on top there
idk lmao. I’m trying my best to explain why her actress would tweet a picture of her with no context and then PIN it to her twitter page
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why britanni. whyyy
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lyesera-thoughts · 5 years
Therapy - Living in a pandemic
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So I thought I had been handling it well. But I think I either am past all the planning and preparations (which I’m strangely very good at focusing on?) and now sinking into the “what ifs” side of my brain which is always a pit of anxiety and, in some places, a panic trap.
Careful where you step...
A month ago, I was at PAXEast 2020 having fun with my fiance, my roommate, and a friend of ours. We were half laughing (the other half nervous) as Sony straight up refused to come. We gave strained smiles at the sheer amount of disinfecting, mask wearing, and glove wearing that was going on. But we were all actually quite relieved. Or I was at least.
Then I came back. Literally first day back, after being gone for a week, and my co-worker walked into our office an hour before we closed, having spent all day with a client, to “jokingly” say “I’m no longer on the coronavirus watch list”.
The client was small, maybe 15 people. Their owner had been on the list due to being in the same room with a confirmed case. I don’t have the whole back story on when he learned he was on the list and why he thought this was a great idea, but had pulled my co-worker and all of the employees into a small conference room WITH HIM to announce that he was on the list and now, by proxy, they were too.
They never contacted my office.
Thankfully it turned out he missed the person with the positive test by a few hours (being ahead of him). He hadn’t been exposed at all and they found out the same day.
But what a fucking scare that turned into.
We’re also a small company, our owner was on a much overdo vacation (the man works very hard). And no one else in my office was stepping up about it. So I started to be the voice.
My reasoning? My fiance.
He’s immune-suppressed due to a medical transplant when he was younger.
We’re always going on about the elderly. I almost never hear about this demographic. Or really any demographic with a weakened immune system (like the elderly). He’s just as much of a high-risk as the elderly are!
So for a week I’m writing up policies, corralling the rest of the management team into talking with people. My boss comes back and asked for an action plan that I also draft up for his review. It isn’t until HE HIMSELF is in a 14 day self quarantine because he had been on planes that he realizes that we need to take this seriously.
By this point, the whole nation is in ramp up. My state is reporting their first positive tests, two in serious condition in hospitals. Other states, which have it worse, are talking about lock downs and so our state is starting to consider it to try and get ahead of a bad situation.
I’m in it, I’m helping my boss lay everything out. We decide to drop the office to skeleton crew and organize it so that none of the three people we leave there are anywhere near one another. They are in separate offices on different ends of the building. 
Everyone else goes home. My fiance was on a work-from-home status three days before me.
We’re both fortunate enough to work in fields where we CAN work from home. Where we can receiving a paycheck. So we’re fine.
I go into lock down. Not crazy, not doomsday prepping, but thinking about how to protect my fiance and not let us go crazy or get worried. Now, because of my own mental health issues, I’ve had things in the house like gloves, reusable masks with N95 filters, lysol wipes, already. I don’t have an abundance of TP. I don’t think about that until after the shortage.
Alright, well cheap tissues are the same thing. Buy that and find some flush-able wet wipes. Good, stocked up on that, have even more in the basement on the off chance the TP situation remains dire.
Then I stock up on food. Which did cause an anxiety attack. My usual store, at this point, wiped clean. No produce, no frozen foods, no chicken (I have a red meat intolerance but pick up some for my fiance and roommate), and I get the last gallon of milk.
Luckily, with some shopping around the next day, I find everything I need. I have an air vacuum sealer and I divide everything up and put into the freezer. All set.
Help plan the office’s remote work, help plan my fiance’s remote work. Check and check.
Day 4 of my work from home status...and I’m starting to just feel the fear. We’re looking at high, high, HIGH, numbers of infection. Of death. We’re thinking there will not be a vaccine in 12 months, maybe longer. Local businesses are shutting down and my boss is already talking to my team about things we can do to postpone any economic hit we might take. And now it’s all festering in my head with no place for me to put that energy.
We can’t work from home forever. And I’m terrified of putting my fiance back into high exposure without a vaccine. One that I’m not even sure he CAN take right now. Being that he’s immune-suppressed. I’m hoping best case scenario, that it’s like the flu vaccine which he can have.
I’m worried I won’t have a job in several months. I’m worried that my savings will be drained. I’m worried we won’t have access to food, or housing.
I’m also baffled about this world we live in right now. Like, I know it isn’t impossible for a pandemic, that it’s even very likely (here we are). But I just remember growing up with this naive thought of pandemics and plagues, and whatever other bad medical things don’t happen where I live. Mostly also thought of them as a thing of the past and not a thing of now. But it’s here and there was never a point in my life where I thought, I’m going to have to be ready for that, and that scares me.
I don’t have any solutions right now, I’m mostly just scared and trying not to linger on it. Trying to stay strong for my fiance because while he’s always putting on a brave front, I know he’s also very worried about the what ifs too.
I hope everyone out there stays safe. And remember to step outside, even on your porch, once in a while. The house will drive you insane.
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lynxgriffin · 6 years
Straight Outta Monster Narnia
Here we GOOOOOOO~!
Survey Program! Nice! Ominous!
I am here yes!
Truly excellent dude
OH MAKING A VESSEL NOW what are we Xehanort
NEATO I can pick Chara or Frisk heads or others…
Let’s do someone new. This kinda longish hair head.
STRIPES FOR DAYS! Longish sleeves, methinks
The legs are almost all the same LMAO
This is so friggin creepy I l OVE IT
Favorite food is PAIN nah it’s soft
You have been gifted with kindness, not-XionFrisk
Pain AND seizure. Kinda wonder what happens if you say no tho…
But I don’t want to start over so let’s go with yes
Hi Toriel, you’re looking nice!
That’s a lot of friggin trophies over there
Also Kris, you need some eyes
So we have overachieving perfect child and sad boring child, okay
Awww Gerson wrote a book! How neat
It’s only you…..FOR NOW!!!!
It just isn’t home without white fur stuck in the drain, is it
Also there’s some weird graphical flicker going on when I move and I wonder if it’s not because I’m playing full screen here
“Spray For The Boys, Flamin’ Hot Pizza Flavor” Damn Toby I missed your incredible sense of humor
DAMN who do I pick as my partner
Like…I really want Temmie…but also Snowdrake…
Random snake is also very good…
Ahhh I see this is gonna be pre-determined
Thank you cool snake I love your origin story
Oh this reindeer girl is very cute
I instantly love her, goodbye
Oh Alphys you’re so not good at putting anyone in trouble
Susie are you eating chalk
Oh sheet I like Susie less now
Susie, Kris doesn’t even HAVE a face
Haha totally cut off my answer there
Hmm. I sense…a theme here.
Wow this really is putting on the restrictive aspects here
Now that’s a spooky face
Oh it ain’t gonna be that simple, mean girls
Well, this sure seems like an underground! Also…Kris is green now, okay
Hi there creepy waving things!
To reiterate: this is soooo creepy AND I LOVE IT
Puzzles! We got puzzles again! CREEPY PUZZLES
Whelp, we found Susie, just kinda hiding out in a…dead dust bunny thingie
LOL so much for a party member following you around
Well this is a new and interesting take on the bullet hell mechanics
Such interesting and different architecture
Yes let’s take a sudden HARD SHIFT into Final Fantasy
THE QUEST OF THE DELTA KNIGHTS that was an MST3K ep you know
About like…Leonardo da Vinci actually. Except he was a whiny bitch
LMAO Susie just “nah destroying the world sounds neat”
“Dunno how I got an ax but like, that’s cool”
Dunno if there’s a pacifist version of this game but I stick to tradition so I’m gonna try it
The heckin heck Ralsei is so cute
Yup yup we gonna try pacifist this first time!
“If you’re reading this…I guess you’re dead.” Fair enough.
Gaster noises when trying to use the cell phone, hmmmm…
It’s an inverse papou fruit!
Susie just up and attacks this cake, all right
Battle is cool but it’s gonna take some getting used to, think I accidentally used both of my items
“It’s like a dinner made out of three glasses of milk” Ralsei you’re SO CUTE
Now to see if TP stays leveled between battles…
“I thought you were running away.” / “Yeah, I finished.”
Fugdamn I want —pictures of Spiderman— remixes of this music ON MY DESK TODAY
Damn that puzzle still is tricky
Gah damn that was hilarious but also terrifying
We have the power of FLUFFY BOYS and MEAN GIRLS we are UNSTOPPABLE
Ohhh so that’s what the heart outline does!
Now that is a coooool cat and I like him already
Awww I don’t have enough money for the spooky sword
Susie just roastin’ everybody left and right
These mechanics continue to be interesting and a bit more complex
“Damn, didn’t get to impale myself” I’m sure you’ll get your chance Susie
It’s really interesting how we’re basically group-battling to PREVENT the tank from beating the crap out of everyone
Oh now that light trick is weird
They keep throwing the usual chess and playing card guys at us and somehow I’m Suspicious
LMAO did Susie call us the Fuckboys or something
Oh, the Shit Squad, I guess!
“I, Mr. Society, am far too intelligent to ever bow down to such a tyrant!” Hmmm.
Oh, it’s Sir Lion Plateface again
Well Ralsei got kinda junked there but WE DEFEATED SIR LION PLATEFACE
Cakes…are also my enemy…
Yeeeeah kinda saw that one coming
Susie I get the feeling you’re not going to enjoy being a bad guy either
Dang son I have no clue what’s going on anymore WE JUST HAD SOME SALSA IN A TREE STUMP
This jack’s got my number
That sure is a three-eyed three-headed cat thingamajig
Awww I like Clover
“All proceeds go to kicking your ass” CAN I USE THIS LINE IN REAL LIFE PLEASE
Hot damn we just squeaky hammered our broken cake into ULTIMATE CAKE
Why does a sweet little boy have a mustache indeed.
Create a machine to thrash your own ass, nice
It’s my beautiful death laser duck! Tops in GUN’S
Man Susie and Lancer are just having the time of their lives here
Finally, respect for pinecone-eaters!
Awww Susie, are you actually starting to worry about someone who respects your eating of chalk and pinecones
Oh thank goodness, got through that maze thing
Yes, finally, it’s our DUCK TANK LASER
Why does it say Tuna on it
“Your design sucked so we blew it up” This is like that one Berlin tour guide I had
Whelp, back to telling enemies that Susie will kick them in the shins I guess!
Hey we’ve got a full Final Fantasy team now! Neat
I like how Lancer just sliiiiiides around outside the party instead of walking with
Hmmm well that friendship feeling didn’t last long
You done got locked in the dungeon
Yup sure did eat that jail moss two minutes in
HUH, we’re controlling Susie now
In which choices do not matter…
And we can’t control her actions…but why controlling the human soul?
A pair of eyes got arrested?! What IS the world coming to?!!
Oh dear, we found a bunch of kings in baby jail
Why are these filthy cages so happy-looking
Awwww Susie joined the party for realizes!
So, this about final boss point for this business?
Why are you guys just sitting on a pile of loot
And just who is this sassy lost child?
I am now BED INSPECTOR yes
Hello again fancy blue boy
“Can…can we see it” / “No.”
This sure is a jammin party with CLUB MUSIC OH HO HO HO
Awww he put his bicycle to bed
‘Welcome to my shop, you ungrateful worms” HELL YEAH
I do not wisheth to hear your MP3s! I would rather listen to the sweet song of Death!
Prepare for a battle with…WHATEVER THIS IS!!!!
Six dollars, for all of that?! Geez
WHELP this looks like final boss time…
Hiiiii there Lancer
Oh dang is gettin serious now
Oh woooow that’s…someone’s fetish right there
HOKAY that was tricky but! Having the defense abilities certainly helped with pacifism through that…
Despite ending this peacefully, I don’t think this scene is gonna end on a happy note…
DAYUM that face from Susie!!
Awwww poor Ralsei
We only have BAD-byes WUAH WUAH WUAAAH
DAWWW lil’ Asriel-lookin dude with glasses (and YES I see that anagram there)
LMAO Susie’s face
Also I’ve really been enjoying the color effects
Awww look at this epic adventure you two had in the closet
So basically we went to Monster Narnia, neat
Awww Susie likes Monster Narnia
Oh no we worried Toriel! THE WORST
Hiiii Toby you busy makin’ something!
I like reindeer girl’s rowdy hospitalized dad
I like how there’s just a poster on the wall in this room that reads PAIN
The police tape simply reads NGGAAAAAHHHHH!
Snowdrakes don’t have arms, oh no!!!
“Does it hurt to be made of blood??” ….Yes. Yes it does.
Woah woah woah WOAH WOAH SANS
Everyone is here! Even Ice Wolf!
Yes I’ll take a Double Ice Pizza you weirdos
That was brilliant, Burgerpants, thank you for existing
Catty!!! Hey where’s Bratty!
Noooo you gotta be besties with Bratty!
Brother Doug…?
Oh no, Mettaton, come out and talk to us!
OMG Asgore hugs
Soul flowers….???
Awwww got some flowers for Toriel
It’s so late but I can’t stop until I’ve talked to LITERALLY EVERYONE
Thaaaat’s politics! …Rarely.
Comes to church for the fruit juice, sounds about right
Let’s go into the woods…what could go wrong…
Why can’t I get into the creepy shed…
Well, I think I got everything, so let’s go home now…
Awwww Toriel is not big on Asgore’s bouquet!
OKAY decided to go to sleep here.
…Well that didn’t work out great
No really Toby please WHAAAAAAATTT
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elejah-wonderland · 6 years
An Officer and A Gentleman/1
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Part 1
AU TVD/TO story 
Elijah Mikaelson x reader/Elena Gilbert
ft. Angel and Buffy
and other pairings 
a/n: this was inspired by this - when I watched Seals Team
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but then remembered Dg being in NCIS, and since I love old movies, got to watch Top Gun, which then inspired me some more to write this -and well- here is a crossover of sorts- also, since I am a gothic girl - as you know looove vampires and all that genre, I loved Angel and Buffyverse (Angel being my no1 vampire, till he got knocked down by Elijah Mikaelson. LOL), and David Boreanaz is starring in Seals Team, so I borrowed those two characters and put them in this story. 
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Well, I hope you like it. Thanks for all your support and likes and what can I say - you are great, guys!!! xoxo
P.S. I don’t know who these gifs belong to anymore, so credit to gifmakers. The one in the story is mine. Lol. 
and - doesn’t Dg look so dashing in uniform?! LOL
tags @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @captainshurley @hides2000 @cassienoble2000 @goddessofthunder112 @elejahforever 
Returning from the Special OP, friends and fellow Seals Special Operatives, Elijah Mikaelson and Angel S. Booth were summoned by their Commanding Officer.
"This must be about Yemen."- Angel said-"they didn't like our alternative method of rescue."
"Well, if it suspension, I am ok" - Elijah said-"I can do with a few days or a week of going down New Orleans." - Elijah said.
"To see your girl, ha?!" - Angel said-"What was her name?"
"Hayley" -Elijah said, continuing-"Talking of women, did you sort things out with Brennan?"
Angel sighed now, remembering the divorce papers he got as he landed back in the US.
"Divorce is still on. And I signed the papers and sent them off earlier. It's over. I have to face it."
"I am sorry, man" - Elijah said.
"It's ok. I have no energy anymore to wallow in it." - Angel said. He now wanted to add something, but they were called in the office.
"At ease, gentleman" - the Commander said-" Lieutenants, I will get straight tp the point. Due to your very imaginative rescue missions, of which we had a few, you were chosen  to be part of a Special Hybrid Unit and will be taking a special training course at US Navy Struke Fighter Tactics Instructor Program. Best known to us as Top Gun."
Angel and Elijah looked stunned at the commander.
"Only the best of the best go there. Continue to make us proud."
"When do we report, Sir?"
"You have three days off. You have to report Monday morning. 6:00 sharp. Dismissed, gentleman"
Angel and Elijah saluted and went out.
They were extremely surprised and they could not believe that they were called up for something so extraordinary.
"The best of the best?!" - Angel now said in disbelief sort of.
"Did you ever doubt that we are anything else, not that I am bragging, but we deserved it. Hard work, ingenuity paid off." - Elijah said-"and we got three days-whoooohooo."
"Which means that we will not see any free days for a very long time." - Angel said.
"So I will make sure I got three glorious days with my girl. Ahm - and - I know it's not really appropriate as you just signed your divorce papers, but will you be my best man?" - Elijah asked his friend.
"You proposed to her? When? You didn't tell me. "
"I haven't yet. I am going now to buy a ring and go down there and propose. Get a special licence, if not, then, we can get married the first free day I get. I want her with me."
"Right. I will be your best man." - Angel said.
And so, the men got the first plane out to New Orleans.
And down in New Orleans, Elijah got the same blow as Angel. Well, sort of the same.
Coming down to Hayley's house, he found a man opening the door. And when Elijah asked if he could speak to Hayley, the man said-
"What is it about? My wife is not at home. Can I help you? "
"Your wife?" - Elijah was gobsmacked.
"Yes, my wife. Hayley Marshall-Kenner. I am Jackson Kenner, her husband."
"Come on, man" - Angel, who stood next to Elijah now put his hand on his friend's shoulder and said-"Let's go."
"Yeah. Ahm- nothing-Sorry, I bothered you." - Elijah said feeling like someone punched him really hard in the gut.
Angel now kind of nudged again to his friend to leave and they both got in the car. Angel sat in the driver's seat as Elijah was completely lost.
"Keys!" - Angel said.
Elijah got the keys out of his picket, still kind of numb, like he was not able to process what just had happened.
"Bourbon Street?" - Angel suggested.
Elijah just nodded looking straight, trying to make his heart not explode from pain. After a night of a lot of Bourbon to totally numb the heartache and let out steam, both men flew to their new station to San Diego, a two days before planned.
Getting out of the plane, Angel asked Elijah-
"Ready for new adventure? New life? Letting go of the past?!"
"So fucking ready."- Elijah said.
As they still didn't have to report for duty, and having settled in their new abode, they went to have two more days of fun.
Elijah and Angel had no problem making friends or making the party going on, and ending up at a bar, they quickly got the crowd going.
Trying hard to get on and quick the heartbreak, goofying around a bit with the karaoke, Elijah took the microphone and Angel always knew which song to find.
As the song started, Elijah got ready, and getting into the song, seeing a woman at the bar turn catching his eye he now went to her.
Angel rolled his eyes a bit, but he just let him go for it. 
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💖Listen baby, ain't no mountain high
Ain't no valley low, ain't no river wide enough baby
If you need me call me no matter where you are No matter how far don't worry baby Just call my name I'll be there in a hurry You don't have to worry 'Cause baby there ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough Ain't no river wide enough To keep me from getting to you babe
Remember the day I set you free I told you you could always count on me girl From that day on, I made a vow I'll be there when you want me                
Y/N/E  laughed, feeling embarrased but flattered in a way. Elijah continued, fully in the role.
Some way, some how 'Cause baby there ain't no mountain high enough Ain't no valley low enough Ain't no river wide enough To keep me from getting to you babe Oh no darling
No wind, no rain Or winters cold can stop me baby, na na baby 'Cause you are my goal If you're ever in trouble I'll be there on the double Just send for me, oh baby, ha
My love is alive Way down in my heart Although we are miles apart If you ever need a helping hand I'll be there on the double Just as fast as I can Don't you know that there
Ain't no mountain high enough Ain't no valley low enough Ain't no river wide enough To keep me from getting to you babe
As Elijah finished and everyone in the bar clapped, Y/N/E said-
"Well, you picked a good one. It’s actually one of my favs.”
"Ahh, can't take credit for this one. Angel picks them."- Elijah now showed to his friend who was talking to a woman.
"Angel? Interesting name.”- Y/N/E said.
"I am Maverick." - Elijah said.
"You're kidding, right?"
"Nah, well, it's my cool name. I am Elijah."
"Two guys with two cool names. Pilots, right?"
"No. Seals, actually. Can I buy you a drink."
"Maybe some other time." - Y/N/E said as a man now approached them.
"Ready?" - the man said.
"Yeah" - Y/N/E replied, turning to Elijah saying-"See you around, ‘Maverick -Elijah'
“Hey and your name?”
The brunette/blonde then went with the guy, and Elijah looked after them. As Angel joined him, he said -
"If I didn't know better, I'd say you're lost your heart already."
"Nah. No more falling in love."- Elijah said.
"Right. Just casual stuff then? Well, it looks like she has a boyfriend."
"Yeah" - Elijah said, his heart flattering unusually at the thought of Y/N/E.
"Who did you talk to? '
" It' s Commander Salvatore's wife. We are invited to a barbecue thing tomorrow night at his house. "
"Ok. Game of darts?" - Elijah sugfested.
"Yeah, go on."
"What's up, you're a bit weird" - Elijah said as the got a couple of beers and went to the darts board area.
"I just found out that the tactics instructor is Buffy Summers." - Angel said.
"You're kidding me? Your Buffy? Buffy, the one you broke up with when you went to Washington?
" The one. "- Angel replied.
" Oh, man. So much about new life, new leaf. "- Elijah said.
Angel sighed and took a swag of beer.
The past seemed to came rolling back in at least when he was concerned.
In the car, Y/NE thought of the Seals Officer she had just met.
"Who was that?" - Damon asked.
"The new Seals guys."- Y/N/E answered.
"Ok. So, shall we go and eat something before we go to the cemetery?"
"Yeah, sure." - Y/N/E said-"Also need to get flowers for it. I can't  believe it's been two years since his death."
"Yeah" - Damon said. 
Not longer after Y/N/E and Damon put the flowers down on the grave of Stefan Salvatore.
"Hey you" - Y/N/E said placing a kiss on the name-"crazy to say it- but happy birthday. Miss you still so much."
Damon sighed a little. His brother was gone two years and a month now, and it seemed like it was yesterday, and at times it felt like it was eternity.
Arranging the flowers a bit, Y/N/E now flashed back
Two years previously
Damon knocked a little at the door frame of Y/N/E and Stefan's bedroom of the Salvatore house, before he entered.
"Hey" - Damon said.
Y/N/E was going through her clothes in obvious total distress.
"I don't have anything to wear for the funeral. Nothing black - damn -" she now burst out crying and turning to Damon continued- "I was supposed to be wearing a wedding dress. We were supposed to get married in August.                 
Damon stood there feeling her sister-in-law to be, sharing her pain.
"I know. He was so -"
"How will I go on? I can't - I just - don't want to - hate the army- hate everything- I want him back, Damon. Please, bring him back-"
"Oh, Y/N/E -" 
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                 "Bye" - Y/N/E slipped as she placed a kiss with her hand on the stone.
Damon and her now walked back to the car.
"So, how does it feel to be back, in general?"
"Kind of weird. It's like I've been gone a hundred years. Ok. Can we talk about you and Kai and how did it happen?"
"It's a long story."- Damon said.
"I want to hear it. Everything. Especially about the rain kiss! "- Y/N/E said.
"Caroline told you!"
"Yep! Come on. I want to hear everything."
Damon now told her some, but this was Caroline's version as she saw Damon  finally his feelings to Kai. 
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                 "I am so happy for you, Damon."- Y/N/E said-"Kai is a great guy. How did you dad take it?"
"He didn't. There is no change. The idea that I am with a man still repulses him. He wished I was dead and not Stefan. "- Damon said.
"Oh, Damon. I am sorry. That means that Lily is still between the hard and the rock place?!" - Y/N/E remarked.
"Yep."- Damon said-"I am happy, but she is not and I hate that she has to juggle between us. She left him for a while, but then she got back when he ended up in hospital with the heart scare."
"I wish things got better." - Y/N/E said.
"Anyway, you are kind of a big shot now if Pentagon sent you to do this new program" - Damon said.
"I am not. I am just an instructor really."- Y/NE said.
"Just an instructor? This is Top Gun! Only the best are here."
"The program is unique and kind of experimental. I hope it works."
"Did you see the F-18?"
"I helped construct it Damon! Of course I've seen it. Working on a better improved version. " - Y/N/E said.
"Like I said, you are a real big shot."- Damon said.
His phone rang and seeing it was Kai, he swiped the call answering-
"Hey, babe, where are you?"
"I got pizza. When are you home?" - Kai asked.
"Heading home. Y/N/E is with me. I kinda invited her to eat with us. Say hi" - Damon now put the loudspeaker on.
Kai and Y/N/E now exchanged heys.
Soon, as they got to Damon's apartment, Kai gave Y/N/E a warm hug hello.
"It's good to have you back." - Kai said to the brunette.
"I am glad to be back. Seeing you two together, really makes it worth being back. Love conquers all." - Y/N/E’s eyes watered a bit-"ok, I won't be sad."
"You are allowed. We miss him, too."- Kai said.
"Yeah - ok-" - Damon said-"let's toast to Stefan and love. May Y/N/E find love again."- Damon said.
"Oh, Damon please." - Y/N/E said taking the glass of Tequila he had poured.
"Stefan would wanted you to find love again."- Kai said taking a glass of the drink from his boyfriend.
"I know, but - I just - can't think about that-got a new plane to think about"
Kai didn't quite understand.
"Y/N/E is working on a new Fighter plane." - Damon explained.
"Wow!" - Kai said.
"Told you. She is not jus a pretty face." - Damon said.
"Enough you guys. Ok. To Stefan."- Y/N/E raised her glass and so did Kai and Damon. 🚫
Elijah and Angel had dinner at a small diner. And later headed back to the dorms. Both went to their respective rooms, both still very much in thoughts about the past.
Elijah trying to get the grips of how Hayley just went and got married. He now thought of the last time he was with her before he was deployed to the Middle East. And no matter how much he tried to find answers, nothing made sense. Did she ever loved him? He asked himself now. But like Angel had said - can't wallow in it, she obviously chose another guy, and married him- Elijah closed his eyes and his mind wondered to the woman he had sort of sang to.
"Y/N/E" - he slipped and smiled a little.
💕In the room next door, Angel revisited his heart. Eversince he heard that Buffy Summers, his first love was onw of the instructors of the program, he could not stop thinking about her, taking him back ten years previously, when he came to her the night before leaving to Washington to join the FBI. But the break up was not as simple as he had told Elijah. He had not told him that he had gone to Buffy's wedding to tell her that he had made a huge mistake to have let her go.
🚫 At the same time, Buffy Summers now entered the house she has rented.
Putting her bag on the chair, she went straight in the kitchen and got a bottle of red wine out and poured herself a glass. Earlier at a briefing, she has found out that Angel Seeley Booth was chosen for the program.
She thought she didn't care anymore. She thought that it would not stir her, but driving back home, strangely the smallest of butterflies bubbled up.
Buffy slumped down on the sofa, and flashed back to the past.                        
Monday morning came and all respective parties were in the classroom. The Seargent now introduced two instructors -
"Now you will also be trained and evaluated by a few civial specialist as well as military instructors. One of them is our tech rep, code name Sunny. She has PhD in astrophysics, aerospace engineering.  She is a civilian contractor and you don't need to salute her, but you better listen to her, because the Pentangon does. And if you don't pass her evaluation, you can lose your post. Sunny, was one of the constructors of the hybrid F-18. She will tell you all about the fighter plane. Sunny, it's all yours."
Y/N/E now came in from the side room, and Elijah looked at the brunette like he had just entered a strange kind of dream world.
Y/N/E greeted everyone present now immediately going into the presentation mode. She was serious, eloquent, and it was very clear to everyone that she knew what she was talking about.
Finishing the lecture for the day, on her way out, Elijah followed her and catching up with her said-
"You could have given me a fair warning."
"About what, Lieutenant Mikaelson?" - Y/N/E said raising an eyebrow.
"You could have told me that you are - who you are"
"You didn't give me much time."- Y/N/E said-"But if you can fly as good as you can sing, I just might give you a good evaluation."
"Oh, I can fly. I flew Mig 40. out of Afghanistan."-Elijah now said.
"That was you?" - Y/N/E was now surprised to hear it.
"Yep. That was me."- Elijah confirmed.
"Really? This is not one of those things to splash your charm out again?"
"No. But, all the info is classified." - Elijah said.
"You are kidding me, right?" - Y/N/E now showed Elijah one of the badges that showed him that she had access to all classified information-"I read all about the intel on it. But - I have questions about it."
"Ok. I can tell you about it first hand, but - if you agree to -  coffee?"
"I knew this was one of those things."
"One of what things? It's just a harmless invitaton to have a cup of coffee." - Elijah said.
"Harmless?" - Y/N/E said with a smirk saying yeah, right.
"Completely." - Elijah replied with a charming smile.
Y/N/E's phone now rang and she said this to Elijah before picking up -
"I will get back to you, Lt."
She answered the call and walked away.
Elijah smiled dreamily looking at her until she got into her 1963 Porsche, and drove off. 
Oh, man, what did he do to deserve this. Why did she have to be his instructor. This is going to be so complicated, his heart murmured.
Marvin Gaye song fading in the background as he watches her leave
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ges-sa · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://ges-sa.com/borderlands-game-of-the-year-enhanced-review/
Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced Review
Almost a decade ago we first got introduced to the world of Borderlands and many gamers were hooked. Now with the anticipation of Borderlands 3 we had the opportunity to look at Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition and how it stacks up after almost ten years.
Any gamer by now should know the Borderlands name and the loveable little robot Claptrap or CL4P-TP if you don’t here is a little synopsis. The first Borderlands takes place on the planet Pandora, the planet is rich with minerals but once mega-corporations land they find very little value and abandoned the planet leaving behind workforce and former prisoners which now became bandits. After deciphering some alien artefacts mythical vaults were discovered that is presumably filled with untold treasure. Now Corporations, the military and Vault Hunter return to the planet in search of these riches themselves. You take the role of a Vault Hunter looking to unfold these mysteries and to find a vault, but things go astray and along your path you have to do quests and defeat bandits for the good of the planet.
Differences in Borderlands: GOTY edition
The first question on your mind will be why a remaster version of the first Borderlands game now? This is a great question and the best answer will probably be, because they can ;p
But to be serious, the first Borderlands game was epic, it brought to life a whole new universe and a game style and graphics unique to anything that was available at the time. With the Game of the Year edition the first notable difference is the graphics. The graphics has been improved to support 4K resolutions and even if you do not own 4K yet there are still great texture and shading improvements done that support the game’s cel-shaded style. The game does looks great and you will not even think that the first version is ten years old.
Some of the gameplay has also been improved with better managing of inventory and a revised mini-map to assist with your journey. The inventory is now more similar to that of Borderlands 2 which also makes it better for console owners. You can also do some more customization on your character and loads more weapons have been added. 4 player local co-op is also possible now with the only drag being that every local player needs to have an online-enabled account. Another great setting that is added is the ability to change the field of view. The last change that is also introduced is that health and ammo pick-ups are now automatic meaning for more running and gunning than stopping and looting.
For performance, the game was designed to try and deliver 60 frames per second all the time. To deliver this dynamic resolution is in place on all systems. On the PS4 you might see slight drops of the resolutions every now and then but nothing drastic.
I’m an avid Borderlands fan and have played every version available on different systems as well. This is a great way to experience the first game if you haven’t already and even for the gamers who have enjoyed the first version this is a great nostalgic trip down memory lane to have and to prepare us all for Borderlands 3.
A review from the perspective of somebody that hasn’t ever played Borderlands(any of them)…
To the shock of Leon(and the rest of the team and maybe the world), I have never actually played any of the Borderlands games(Yes I know, shock, horror). So when the opportunity came up to give it a go(and it was on PC) I took it(and a motion sickness pill, not a big FPS player).
I was bombarded by the unique graphics of the game, gone was the super photorealistic graphics and it was replaced by Cel Shaded models(almost thought it was a JRPG). I did pick up a bit of a dip in the frame rate, but I see that is a common problem with a very quick fix for the problem.
My favourite character to play with at the moment is Mordecai, long range with a hint of melee. I also fell in love with Claptrap, the things that he says. What really intrigues me is the story of Borderlands and I am busy making space so that I can play Borderlands 2 and the Prequel. I still need to try the 4 player Co-Op feature but as of now I really just love to play the single player game(might even try the 3rd person Mod).
Overall I must say that I really missed out on an awesome game and I would re-recommend it to any Co-Op FPS players. It’s fun to play, has a really good soundtrack, the graphics have been upgraded to 4k and it’s the Game of The Year Enhanced edition! This is your local mad scientist signing out….Now I wonder what claptrap would say here…
Reviewed on: PS4 and PC
Available on: PS4, XBox One, PC, OSX
Price: PS4 – R475, PC – R429
Publisher: 2K/Gearbox
Love the Cell Shaded Effect
Some frame rate drops(but can be fixed)
Personal dislike is that I need pills for the FPS game play(not a game fault, but human error)
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kingjem · 6 years
Thor was perfectly aware of what he was doing. He was perfectly aware that he wasn't making the situation better by making his pain communicate via a thunderstorm but he just couldn't help it.
The sun was beginning to set on the Wakandan horizon and his brother’s last words rang like a church bell in his head.
‘‘The sun will shine on us again’‘ Loki had said, he had said before the life was choked out of him by the mad titan.
They say your life flashes in front of your eyes as you die. Thor wasn’t dying but he could vividly hear the voices inside his head, getting louder by the second.
‘‘I’ll never tell you’‘
‘‘I love you, my sons’‘
‘‘You’ll never be a God’‘
‘‘You can’t defeat me!’‘
‘‘Let the dark magic flow through me one last time’‘
His thought were interrupted by someone putting their hand on his shoulder. He glanced behind him, where Bruce was looking at him, extreme pity in his eyes.
‘‘Yes, Banner?’‘
‘‘Y-you’re scaring them’‘ He said quietly.
Thor turned around and was faced with the Wakandan general, staring at the sky.
‘‘I-I’m sorry... i-didn't I didn’t mean for that... to...’‘
‘‘Did you do that?’‘ Okoye asked, looking at him with red eyes.
He nodded ‘’Yes...’’
She didn’t respond ‘’I have to check on the princess, tp  make sure she’s okay. All of you don’t go far’’ She said, picking up her spear and sprinting to the laboratory.
The rest of the team nodded, most of them running in different directions to help in whatever way they can.
He wasn’t of no help like this so he sat himself down against a large tree, he felt something slide next to him.
‘‘They’re not mad at you, y’know?’‘
He chuckled dryly ‘’How could they not? I caused all this pain for everyone...’’
Bruce ran his fingers through his hair ‘’Come now Thor, none of us thought this would be easy. None of us really thought this battle with him would end quickly’’
‘‘I could’ve ended it’‘
‘‘No, you couldn’t have. Not without killing yourself and I- I mean and we wouldn’t have let that happen’‘
Banner meant well, Thor knew that but he couldn’t forgive himself and Loki’s taunting voice kept ringing in his head, getting louder and louder.
‘‘Truly pathetic brother. Letting your own sentiments cloud your ability to save the grief for everyone else? What happened to the great God of Thunder?’‘
‘‘Hey,’‘ Bruce said, gently grabbing Thor’s hand that wasn't holding Stormbreaker ‘‘Be kind to yourself, we’ll save everyone, like we always do’‘
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funnynewsheadlines · 4 years
145 Stupid Things Kids Did That Adults Just Had To Share
We all used to be kids at some point, but child logic still remains largely a mystery. Even when we grow up and become parents ourselves. Imagine stuffing your backpack with "beautiful cube rocks" or bathing in paint containers after your parents spend $150.00 on a pool.
A subreddit r/KidsAreF***ingStupid offers a priceless collection of clueless little ones, both adorable and hilariously funny. “Like what, you seriously can't hula hoop? Jesus Christ,” says the description of the group with a whopping 1.7 million members. All that you're gonna see below will make you wonder whether you too were like this, and the answer is most likely positive.
#1 I Love Him Tho
Image credits: jungleland
#2 Lemme Go Take A Quick Nap So I Can Understand You
Image credits: WhiskeyMeAway-
#3 Kid Just Wanted To Be Sure
Image credits: mirielmargaret
#4 My Son's Latest Attempt At “Hide And Seek”
Image credits: smazarpay
#5 My GF Teaches 1st Graders. Her School's "No Tag" Policy Is Working Great
Image credits: jaywill808
#6 Speaks For Itself
Image credits: GoodishIntent
#7 Straight Out Of The Fantasy Book
Image credits: JulieMannell
#8 Phrasing
Image credits: someboysmother
#9 Another After Another
Image credits: MattWalshBlog
#10 Kids Are Bigbrain
Image credits: ginad129
#11 He’ll Never Have Get It Back
Image credits: TedCruzIsMe
#12 Words Can’t Explain Their Stupidity
Image credits: kansa04
#13 Incorrect
Image credits: EllieReedHayden
#14 Kid Describes Colour To A Blind Person
Image credits: Jammiedodger2000
#15 Dad Of The Year
Image credits: TwinzerDad
#16 It’s The Same Dog
Image credits: mollypriddy
#17 Was Asked To Grab A Screwdriver
Image credits: rosesvts
#18 The Next Picasso
Image credits: sphiaalln
#19 Oh No. Not The Tomato
Image credits: XplodingUnicorn
#20 One Time My Uncle Put A Wig On My Cousin's Head And Told Him It Was Permanent
Image credits: nyzoran
#21 Kid Buys Farts From Amazon
Image credits: kittydetonator
#22 Deception: 100
Image credits: DisneyHipsters
#23 2020 Vision
Image credits: jessemodz
#24 Blaming On A Doggo. Heckin Bamboozled
Image credits: Buff_52
#25 Close One, Kiddo
Image credits: kunachikun
#26 Friend Thought His Dog Wouldn’t Like Him Anymore
Image credits: Trev97
#27 You Telling Me There's Someone Else In This House That Draws Like A 4-Year-Old?
Image credits: yeager.bezuidenhout
#28 The Other Team
Image credits: DanielGAlarcon
#29 Mashed Potatoes
Image credits: Jazzicots
#30 150.00$ On A Pool For This Kid To Rather Be On A Paint Container
Image credits: kirktucci
#31 Oh Dear
Image credits: lauren_hovekamp
#32 Wholesome Stupidity
Image credits: Horrors-Angel
#33 They’re Identical, How Did Their Mom Notice?
Image credits: kbiegel
#34 Just Like We Practiced
Image credits: JannaKillHimNik
#35 Some Siblings Love
Image credits: youneverknowwhatyouregoingtoget
#36 It Wasn’t Even Double Stuffed Smh
Image credits: littlebluekid
#37 Found My Old Diary Entry From 2000
Image credits: malissatran
#38 Kid Thought He Was Sneaky
Image credits: LucTheCookie
#39 Parenting
Image credits: om_eye_goodness
#40 The Kid Decided She Doesn’t Like Squash Anymore. Big Fan Of Yellow Cucumbers Though
Image credits: hsr6374
#41 Smashed It With A Hammer
Image credits: bloodpilots
#42 Seems Like A Good Trade
Image credits: HenpeckedHal
#43 Ya Gotta Check
Image credits: mommajessiec
#44 I Was A Stupid Kid
Image credits: D4m1tB0bby
#45 Child Sacrifice
Image credits: jacaristar
#46 I Mean, He’s Not Wrong
Image credits: TallWafer
#47 While The World Is Fighting Over TP, My Toddler Is Giving Ours A Bath
Image credits: dmclb
#48 My Kid Swallowed A Penny While Showing His Little Brother How He Accidentally Swallowed A Sim Key The Day Before
Image credits: StumpedatUserName
#49 How Do You Lose A Cello?
Image credits: lesterkk
#50 I Believe I Can Lie
Image credits: YagamiRyuzaki
#51 My Girlfriend’s 10-Year-Old Sister Packed Her Backpack With “Beautiful Cube Rocks”, Which She Picked Because They Were So Unique
Image credits: Soothingwinds
#52 Well, It's Better Than Being Asked "Are We There Yet?"
Image credits: bradley163
#53 When Life Gives You Lemon Loaf, Call It Lemonade Cake
Image credits: anne_theriault
#54 Legendary
Image credits: BaseballBros
#55 My Daughter Just Turned 5 And Got A 5 Dollar Bill. She Wanted To Share Her 5 Dollars With Her Little Brother
Image credits: ThreeCherrios
#56 That’s A Stellar Deal
Image credits: samnewberyy
#57 Sam By Day, Captain Ravioli By Night
Image credits: samlymatters
#58 They’re Pretty Wholesome At The Same Time
Image credits: CursedKisses
#59 Joe Jonas Wished He Had A Chance
Image credits: Emily_Runnels
#60 Mathematic Genius
Image credits: Lorde_Farquad
#61 Wait A Sec, There Are Real Bats?
Image credits: TragicAllyHere
#62 Makes It Easier To Predict A Child’s Future
Image credits: randypaint
#63 "Bears Don't Live Here!"
Image credits: CharacterFood9
#64 The Things You Deal With As A Waiter
Image credits: nickbossbat
#65 6-Year-Old Me Was Very Worried
Image credits: duelingo
#66 If It Fits, It Goes In The Drain
Image credits: ladyjriggs
#67 He Didn't Do It
Image credits: HenpeckedHal
#68 Ah, My Favorite Letter
Image credits: iwearaonesie
#69 The Day My Sister Tried To Kill Me (Or So I Thought)
Image credits: FourRomeoAlpha
#70 Solid Plan
Image credits: JoeyDarcyy
#71 Why Are Kids So Damn Crazy
Image credits: SeauxCocoa
#72 Worked A Treat
Image credits: hxrvn_
#73 “They Don’t Do That”
Image credits: kaangzz
#74 Donkeyyy
Image credits: petrichor1300
#75 This Is My 5-Year-Old Son's Art Project. He Whispered "They Look Like Boy Weiners"
Image credits: dafreak999
#76 A Letter From My Daughter
Image credits: Str8upbored
#77 Great Idea, Poor Execution
Image credits: NedHartley
#78 Imagine That
Image credits: bloodpilots
#79 Everyday Child Antics
Image credits: papaneedscoffee
#80 I Love Playdoh
Image credits: trinadahlgren
#81 Mystery Of The Wine Bottles
Image credits: azedi
#82 Plot Twist: He Lives At The School
Image credits: NachNach16
#83 Crack Smack
Image credits: Ganeos96
#84 “But That Is My Real Age!”
Image credits: hilaryk25
#85 Ah Yes, Youth
Image credits: DrPhilsSlut001
#86 Reaction To Almost Getting Hit By A Car
Image credits: ultr4nima
#87 Doesn't Expect To Get Kicked When Wearing A Shirt Saying “Kick Me” To School
Image credits: coastguardkid
#88 They Were Arguing Over Who Got To Be My Foot Rest. So We Compromised And They Each Got One Foot
Image credits: the_tickleMONSTER
#89 Texts From The Babysitter Never Surprise Me Anymore
Image credits: eazye06
#90 It Also Works With Sea Bears
Image credits: spdrman8
#91 My 4-Year-Old Son's Search History
Image credits: barbadizzy
#92 Lmao
Image credits: ynalu_UK
#93 My Little Sister Wondered Why Her Screen Didn't Work
Image credits: Annoying_chicken_69
#94 What's The Dumbest Thing You Believed As A Kid
Image credits: reddit.com
#95 Snoop Dogg Approves
Image credits: azgrunt
#96 My Brother-In-Law Got This Email Today
Image credits: reddit.com
#97 Famous Kids Are Also Stupid
Image credits: chrissyteigen
#98 The Wonders Of Childhood
Image credits: DaddyDev166
#99 You Learn Something New Every Day
Image credits: life_of_cal
#100 But She Ate It Anyway
Image credits: TheModernRedditor
#101 My Nephew’s Latest Artwork. Teacher Is Shook. Parents Are Shook. Horse Couldn’t Be More Proud
Image credits: ruinedchildhood87
#102 Daughter Decided To Toast Her Crackers In The Heater And Not Tell Me About It For A Couple Of Years
Image credits: yesyoucantouchthat
#103 But Is It?
Image credits: femrostt
#104 An Interesting Title
Image credits: heyjaredhey
#105 Kids Are Special Beings
Image credits: ramzy
#106 Kid Kills His Fish
Image credits: ShaRoyal
#107 My Son After Trying To Get Back Down From Washing His Hands. Just Hanging There. Helpless
Image credits: fiteMILK
#108 Like When You Can't Find Your Glasses And There On Your Head
Image credits: XplodingUnicorn
#109 Bird Is The Word
Image credits: Nintenfoxy1983
#110 Me When I Was Like 6
Image credits: donmedrano
#111 Not Anymore
Image credits: CounterclockwiseHusk
#112 He's Crying Because He Bit His Own Arm
Image credits: k90de
#113 Kid Actually Thought She Was Going To Disney World For A Field Trip Without Parents
Image credits: acquaman831
#114 Son Brought A Stranger Into Our Beach House While We Were Sleeping
Image credits: emilyrosep
#115 My Pre-K Rebellious Phase
Image credits: SoulMallow
#116 Aah, The Young Mind Of A Young Child
Image credits: bartdw01
#117 Power Move
Image credits: LurkAtHomeMom
#118 Now This Is A Commitment
Image credits: BoopBoop20
#119 Where’s The Money At?
Image credits: starvingpixelpainter
#120 Harvard Wants To Speak With This Kid
Image credits: jmy918
#121 So My Kid Asked Me, "Why Is That Lady So Small?"
Image credits: OINOU
#122 Toddlers Are Goldmines For Silly Situations
Image credits: twisteddoodles
#123 Play Along, Silly
Image credits: JOSH_BENNY
#124 Friend Went Though An Emo Phase. Meant To Say "Don't Label Me" But She Didn't Know How To Spell It
Image credits: fortheloveofvoltron
#125 My Little Brother Tried To Block The Lens
Image credits: Teebeutel94
#126 I Would’ve Gone
Image credits: Dustinkcouch
#127 Solid Question
Image credits: RonuhJamos
#128 Well Done
Image credits: andykesson
#129 5-Year-Old Niece Wants A Bunny, So She Made This Trap On The Driveway
Image credits: snikrepab_
#130 Someone Come Get This Kid
Image credits: Jerricompany
#131 He Runs Full Blast Into Counters, Walls, People Like This But He's Laughing And Having A Grand Ol' Time
Image credits: Clojo520
#132 A Thrilling Turn Of Events
Image credits: MattWalshBlog
#133 2-Year-Old Scared To Go Into The Room Because “Bad Yoda Was Watching Her”. Turns Out It’s Just The Backside Of This Powerpuff Girl Toy
Image credits: nobad_nomad
#134 Floating. It's Called Floating
Image credits: MadWino
#135 The Tape That Had My Mom’s First Ultrasound Of Me, Until I Taped Reruns Of The Simpsons Over It When I Was 7
Image credits: Slap-Happy
#136 That Bath Mat Came Out Of Nowhere
Image credits: BJoy92
#137 My Poor Mom
Image credits: MinaSmakesamess
#138 A Perfect Betrayal
Image credits: kanm03
#139 I Felt Inferior
Image credits: Loreknox
#140 Coffee The Destroyer Of The Young
Image credits: VA2M
#141 I'm Sure No One Will Know Who's Son He Is
Image credits: bggims
#142 Took Me Years To Realize
Image credits: life_of_cal
#143 This Is A Trick That Only Works Once
Image credits: XplodingUnicorn
#144 Misguided Altruism
Image credits: chrisramsay52
#145 Kids Are Just
Image credits: NiallSnipars
from Funny – Bored Panda https://ift.tt/2Ydss5v via IFTTT from Blogger https://ift.tt/2UlJjCg
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repeatsfate · 7 years
SPLATOON. jk jk how about... Legend of Zelda series?
chii’s bad at picking faves!
you know what screw it i’ll do both–
❤ Favorite Male: dj octavio!! his boss fight in sploon 1 is great… and i admittedly still haven’t gotten around to beating story mode of sploon 2 yet but lbr it’s gonna be him and it’s gonna be GREAT.❤ Favorite Female: marie!!!! my… my sweet darling… i love her so much. for eel. team marie for life. ❤ Favorite Pairing: hmmm. i dont really ship anything in splatoon but i guess marina and one of the squid sisters would be ADORABLE. give me gay squids thanks.❤ Least Favorite Character: i mean… i like the new hat shopkeeper… but i miss annie. so her?❤ who’s most like me: i guess marina? maybe? or maybe annie. not sure.❤ most attractive: er… the squid sisters and marina, objectively? idk i never really thought about it.❤ three more characters that I like: pearl, cap’n cuttlefish, and callie!
❤ Favorite Male: if link doesn’t count, revali. or groose. or sidon. no, ravio! wait no, i also love the happy mask salesman! all of them are so great. wait no, ganondorf! ALWAYS GANONDORF.❤ Favorite Female: oh god i love all the ladies– if i had to narrow it down to 3… zelda herself, aryll, and agitha?❤ Favorite Pairing: um oh geez i do not know how to narrow this one down. i’ll just be basic af and say ravio and hilda. really, it depends on the game…❤ Least Favorite Character: tingle………. but i don’t hate him THAT much either. he’s just. tingle. oooh wait no what’s his name– malo! malo from twilight princess! that baby scares me. :c❤ who’s most like me: um…. i’m really bad at questions like this. ❤ most attractive: oh god um. okay. i really like tp and botw link…. and have you SEEN adult zeldas in general because holY SHIT????????? AND URBOSA?????????? IS SO BEAUTIFUL????????? all the ladies t b h !!!!!!!!!!❤ three more characters that I like: i really like medli, fi, and darunia!
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