#anywayyyyyy enjoy!
limesquares · 15 days
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back at it again with dragons made of shapes
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rowanisawriter · 1 month
wip wednesday (finally)
i found a snippet i can share without forty pages of accompanying context because of how obscure the AUs that haunt me are lol here is achilles being sad in troy from an upcoming chapter of glass slipper
He isn’t entirely sure how long they’ve been here, fighting and waiting for fighting. Sometimes it feels like he was born here on the sand, listening to the familiar crash of wave after wave on the shore. Here, the sounds of the water mix with the always chattering, running, cleaning, clamoring, drinking, laughing, crying soldiers in the camp. He can’t pull apart the sound of the waves from the sounds of the soldiers. Dimly, he knows Phthia’s waters sound the same, but the way the camp’s ambient noise has woven in with the ocean’s makes him feel as though he’s on an alien planet, that this isn’t a real ocean, that these aren’t real people.
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ravensmadreads · 6 months
What Love Means
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A/N: so remember when I said I wasn't gonna write again? Yea I'm a lying liar who lied.. anyway, this came from me screaming about my unhinged love for David York to @chronically-ghosted , who then once asked me what I thought love meant to David and the thought sent me in a spiral. It's not really so much a fic as it is a stream of my own consciousness. If anyone cares though, there definitely is a whole fic about these two and their backstory.
Warnings: uhhhh bad writing? So David is probably ooc (but this version of him is my comfort character sorry), description of a panic attack, mentions of canon violence, and like the barest hint at smut.
Taglist: @chronically-ghosted (sorry ily) @fuckyeahdindjarin (i know Dave is not really your thing, but it felt wrong not to tag you- feel free to ignore tho no pressure! )
He gasps awake. Panic creeping slowly at the edges of his consciousness until it lunges and swallows him whole. He's not even sure why. The lingering effect of a nightmare he can't remember anymore. Shadowed figures drenched in blood and violence have been a part of him for so long that it's hard to distinguish the memories from the monsters. He bites his lip to stifle a cry. Fists holding tight onto flowered sheets and jaw clenched tight as he tries to remember to breathe. In and out right? It's simple.
His eyes fall shut as he swallows the bile that threatens to choke him. He's well versed in the art of fighting alone. He's been training for years. They've drilled him so hard, for so long, that he can pick an enemy apart in the dark and not make a sound. His fight or flight has been torn down and beaten until the only option he remembers is fight and win. The voices inside him never rest. Never go quiet. The pressure in his chest tightens. Was breathing always this difficult?
And then.
A movement.
He can't make out the sounds, but he knows someone's coming. His heart is pounding. It's inching closer still. Soft, steady footsteps just on the edges of the room. And yet he can't move. Can't open his eyes. Can't breathe. The voice in his head spits venom: Coward. A thud on his nightstand. A dip as the bed shifts and the world tilts a little.
A gasp that he can't hold back; and suddenly his eyes fly open.
Deep laboured breaths. Blurred vision. Every muscle on high alert. There's someone in front of him. He can't move. Fight or flight? A blink. Fight or flight?! Another gasp. Fight, you coward! But he can't move. Fight! He can't breathe. Would it really be so bad if he stopped?
He blinks. There's another voice now. But it's outside the raging in his head. Outside the voices screaming for blood. It's soft. Softer than anything he knows. Anything he deserves. It's you. He can't make out the words but it's enough.
Another gasp.
Another blink.
A lungul of air.
Inhale. Hold. Exhale.
One more time.
One more time.
One more time.
He's well versed in the art of calming himself down on his own. He doesn't have to though. Not anymore. Not when your arms hold him like he's the most fragile thing in the universe. He'd scoff at the thought if he could breathe.
Inhale. Hold. Exhale.
He can feel again. The tingling in his skin slowly being replaced by soft warmth. Soft lips on the side of his neck. Gentle hands running through his hair. Fistfuls of cotton fabric in his hands. Strands of your hair on his cheek.
Inhale. Hold. Exhale.
Strawberry scented shampoo. Vanilla bean candles from the corner of the night stand. Something inexplicable that he can never name but that he knows is undeniably you.
Inhale. Hold. Exhale.
Whispered assurances in his ear. The gentle hum of the air con. The rain pattering on the window and the wind that's slowly settling down now.
Inhale. Hold. Exhale.
Metal in his mouth because he bit his tongue trying not to scream. The aftertaste of the last cigarette he had before bed.
He can't open his eyes. What if this is the dream? What if he wakes up alone again? Fingers clutching tighter. Nails digging into skin. You feel solid. Warm. Present.
His eyes blink open. Starry glow from the nightlight you've turned on. The pulse pounding steadily in your neck. The birthmark in the hollow of your neck.
Is this what relief feels like? What safety means to him now? Does he even deserve a taste of either after all that he has done?
He blinks, and it's you. It's all you. He's surrounded by you. Your scent, your walls, your colours, your skin, your presence. The one holding his hand. The voice in his head. Talking him out of the terror. Walking him out of the darkness. It's you. But then again, it has been you since the moment he fell off of that cliff. The only fragment of his life that remains. The only thing from before that he can hold on to.
Your hands cup his face, and he smiles. It's a small thing. Twists into a grimace far too quickly. He opens his mouth to apologize. For all that he is, all that he can never be, and all the horrors he darkens your doorstep with. For all his scars and all his pain. Even if he does deserve every single one of the demons wreaking havoc in his head and trying to tear him apart from the inside.
But you know him too well. Know what he's thinking. And you're already shushing him before the words can even form on his tongue. Pressing gentle kisses over his forehead. A warm smile and soft eyes staring back at him. He has never known quite what it is you see in him. Has tried to convince you of the monster that resides within, but you refuse to acknowledge his self flagellation anymore.
He grabs you tighter and starts to lie back down. Your heart beat against his racing one. Your arms around his neck. Inhale. Hold. Exhale. Maybe he can pretend. Just for a minute. That he's someone worth saving. That he's someone worth loving? He falls before he can finish the thought.
He wakes up in your arms. It startles him. The normalcy. The state of nothing. He's not used to silence. Not the comfortable kind anyway. If ever there's silence with him around, it either beckons death or follows it. And he's been drilled in the art of war for as long as he can remember.
He's not entirely sure what to do now. With hands on soft skin. A quiet mind. Who is he when the sun comes up? In the gentle breeze of dawn? When there's no list of names waiting to be scratched off; and when the sun filtering through the curtains chases away any shadows where monsters like him may lurk. When your breath tickles his neck and he can wake you with gentle hands and small kisses.
"Hey." A hand through his hair. "You okay?"
Trust you to start worrying about him the minute you wake up. He smiles, and it's a genuine one this time. The muscles in his face ache from disuse. He's been smiling more and more now, even if it feels unreal, like a skin he's trying to put on. You've been relentless in chasing them out anyway, and he's still surprised every time he finds a reason to smile.
He doesn't really remember what happiness feels like anymore. Small echoes of it maybe. From a distant past. Of army buddies laughing in the trenches, two little girls giggling around him, a leader that felt like an anchor and a mentor who felt like family- now all gone; too quickly, too violently - he shakes his head. It doesn't matter anymore. You're all the reason he needs now.
There's a word on the tip of his tongue. It lingers there. Quiet. Subtle. Just a little bit out of reach. It comes to him in the quiet moments. When your hand is in his hand, your head on his chest. When you listen to music and he pretends that he's not watching the dimple in your cheek. When you sway as you cook a meal and he forgets to remember that he's forgotten how to smile.
It comes to him in other moments. When he's on top of you, surrounding you, clinging to you. When your eyes are on his, your nails leaving delicious marks on his back. When your hands pull his hair and the only word you speak is a quiet and reverent David. He has always hated his name, but he's learning to crave the way you say it when you're overwhelmed by him.
It comes to him in the afterglow. Lingers on the edge of his consciousness. With your hand over his heart, his arms wrapped tight around you and his lips on yours. He's sinking into sleep. The warm embrace doesn't scare him any longer because no monsters in his head could never win against the light in your soul. He reaches out to hold it, that word, the one word he never had, just as his eyes flutter shut. He smiles into the kiss. He'll tell you tomorrow. You'll understand. You probably already know. You're the reason that word exists after all. And he knows you'll keep it for him until the day he dies.
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kkulmoon · 2 years
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for @namchyoon​ 💙
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derelictheretic · 3 months
went to the alphonse mucha exhibition yesterday and god it was better than I imagined, getting to see some of his sketches and his references with grids etc. uaghhh I need to do studies of his art again it's just so fluid and detailed and makes me want to eat my hands
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suchacomet · 2 years
my requests for aloto season 2:
- action shots of the peaches practicing together now that they’re a team <3
- an important emotional conversation while playing catch (not just between pitchers/catchers. greta and jess catch conversation Please)
- esti getting OUT of a pickle! we saw her caught in one but i wanna see the speedster win
- i need to see their silly uniform tans. you don’t play ball the entire summer without looking absolutely ridiculous in a swimsuit. this is the representation i deserve
- homoerotic correcting of batting form. hands on hips. hands on chin. arms around the batter guiding the swing. chin hooked over shoulder. anyway.
- greta tying carson’s shoe while carson is in catcher’s gear. and/or helping carson into the catcher’s gear. h.
- this is so personal and silly but someone doing the undershirt/bra trick. it’s such a specific memory from playing sports as a kid i would feel so seen if they included this
- finally and most important to me specifically: a homoerotic glove oiling/re-lacing scene. bonus points if one of the girls is oiling/re-lacing someone else’s glove for them 👀
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saetoru · 1 year
HI GUYS i am back and the inbox is open again so come update me about how u all have beeeeen
it was unfortunately time to clear out my inbox completely cuz it was too filled </3 so no old asks will get answered. i apologize to the many of you who had unanswered asks sobs i try my best to get to as many as i can friends 😞
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okay but would y’all believe me if i told you that my best experience at trading friendship bracelets was actually at the 5sos show? sure, let’s take into account that i didn’t have crutches this time, but the vibes overall were simply impeccable. like… chiller? more relaxed and carefree? like a big party were all the girlies were nice, and friendly, and nobody cared about the aesthetics or about outdoing the other fans!!!!! we were all just so happy to be there and find someone to trade our silly bracelets with!!!!! as it was always supposed to be!!!!!!
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ssreeder · 2 years
dude!!!! great chapter great ending to part 2- they just love each other so much?!? im emo about it. also so glad hakoda was not a dick about sokka/zuko because i was going to fight him if that were the case.
soooooo excited for reunions (!!!!) but also excited to see the gaang's reactions to sokka being not the same. he's angrier and more violent and more emotional and it'll be SUPER interesting how he fits or tries to fit back into team avatar. (also sokka meeting iroh WITHOUT ZUKO? ooooo buddy)
if i remember correctly you were thinking about taking a break before part 3- and if that's the case you so deserve it that was a lot of words and a lot of work. you should be proud!! ♥️ hope youre having a good day! excited for the next (final??? how many parts is it?) section :)
Eyyy!! I’m glad you enjoyed!!
Yeah Hakoda’s dickishness comes from a good place, just classic miscommunication & maybe too honest inner thoughts & gossiping with Bato. (Ok yeah he yelled at Bato so that was UNCOOL HAKODA!)
HAHAHA right?!?! Sokka shows up in BSS & Katara introduces him to Iroh.
Katara: “This is Iroh, I’m sure you recognize him from our times running into Prince Zuko, and before you say anything… He has passed, so we aren’t saying anything negative about him, ok Sokka?”
Sokka: “Well Prince Zuko is a fucking self sacrificing idiot who I’m obsessed with, so why don’t we all YIP YIP our way over these walls and go get him?”
I am thinking of taking a small break!! *slides 6.5k of the next chapter I’ve already written under my bed*
I don’t think my brain will let me. So we’ll see haha.
Thanks for the ask anon!!
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imasimpforshanks · 2 months
one piece characters - how they love you
ft. Zoro, Sanji, law, ace, Sabo, shanks
A/N: I have risen from the dead to post this!!!! Inspired by a jjk version I saw (cant find it anymore though so all credit to them for the idea!!!) ANYWAYYYYYY here you go. Just some fluff and stuff.
I hope you enjoy and that you are all doing well x
Zoro loves you simply. instead of grand gestures and loud declarations of love, he whispers quiet reassurances into your head as you drift off to sleep on his chest. he’s attuned to your unspoken needs; he knows when you need space or when you need a hug after a long day. he carries your bags for you without being asked and gives you his jacket when you shiver. in his heart, your presence has become the anchor of his days; without you he feels incomplete.
Sanji loves you passionately. your favorite song, your favorite drink, your favorite meal - he remembers it all. every second of every day is entirely devoted to you and ensuring your needs are met because he’s so overwhelmed by his desire for you. his vocabulary consists of “i love you” and “whatever you say, my dear.” he worships the ground you walk on; sanji loves you like it’s all he’s ever wanted in life.
Law loves you quietly. you see it in the way he’ll prepare your cup of coffee in the morning without being asked. you hear it in the way he hums in acknowledgment while you yap away about anything and everything- your voice soothes his heart. you feel it in his fleeting touches to hands, thigh and small of your back - he’s never been one for public displays of affection. laws love is lowkey and private; but you know it’s there.
Shanks loves you proudly. he takes any, and every, opportunity he can to talk about you to others. he encourages your drunken shenanigans with whistles and cheers of “that’s my girl!”. he holds your hand without hesitation in a crowded room, and challenges anyone who even dares to comment on your relationship, because shanks is fearless in the face of judgement, and certain that his love for you knows no bounds.
Ace loves you unconditionally. for richer for poorer, for better, for worse - no matter what, ace loves you. he has your back, providing you with unwavering support at all times. he would go to the ends of the earth for you. ace loves you unconditionally because that unconditional love is what you’ve shown him.
Sabo loves you effortlessly. it shocks him a little at first - how easy it is to love you. he kisses you just because he can, makes your favourite meal just because he can, gets you a gift just because he can. loving you is second nature to him; so deeply embedded in his every thought and action it’s as if your hearts are one.
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successfulgoddess333 · 5 months
Hi baby
I’m going to talk a little bit about myself
I don’t wanna reveal too much
My face and everything else will remain anonymous for safety and privacy💕
My name is Honey(yes this is my birth name lol)
You can call me by my name or honeybee
Or even honeycomb
Do NOT call me beehive 😡
Unless it’s related to Beyoncè💕
Age: 23
I discuss the void state, Law of assumption,Reality Shifting (I haven’t talked about this yet but will if you need more info)
And All kinds of Manifestation methods
How to talk to Honey!!!
Just dm me any questions I don’t take asks anymore so if you have any questions just feel free to dm me
My mom is Afro Peruvian, Indian,and Haitian
My dad is Jamaican
I’m black hehe🤟🏾
I don’t do these I’m super private it’s soooo weird omg
What do I like??
Music food animals
Did I say music because
My favorite artists
I love all kinds of music
Even death metal occasionally
I like Harry Styles,Kid Cudi,Lady Gaga The Beatles,Ice Spice and many moreeeee
I also love movies
Literally almost any kind
But anyways
Let’s talk about something more interesting!!
Now that you know me(kind of)
I want you to know about this technique I discovered
It’s not new at all
In fact ppl on here have already talked about it I’m just late
As usual 😔
There’s a technique I want you all to try
It’s called the
“Wim hof breathing”
No methods are needed But if you really want one
Then here you go pookie
(Found this on a website but it won’t let me copy the link😔)
Find a comfortable position.
Breathe in deeply through the nose or mouth and through the belly to the chest. Then let the breath go unforced.
Exhale through the mouth, then immediately breathe in again.
Take 30–40 such breaths in short bursts.
Take one final, deep inhalation then let the air out and stop inhaling. Hold the breath until you feel the urge to breathe again.
Inhale very deeply to full capacity and hold for 15 seconds, then let it go. This completes the first round.
Repeat the whole process, steps #2-6, 3-4 times.
After completion take time to meditate and enjoy the state of deep relaxation
After the very last step you should be a deep trance like state you should be really relaxed
I recommend that you let your next subliminal play
Which should be
Either a theta or epilson wave track or pink noise
Make sure your desired subliminal that plays after is Not a guided meditation you wanna still be in a trance
Start affirming in that point
And don’t stop
Just feel how relaxed you are feel that powerless body but powerful mind
Your body is at ease your soul and mind collide in such ways that allows you to breathe freely without any stress no harm
In the void state
Your main goal should be getting peace
Because if you’re entering just affirm
You’ll likely put it on a pedestal you’ll get frustrated and give up
It is not a wish granter bitch
It’s you
Baby you are powerful
Baby you are pretty
Baby you can tap in the void
And make the bring the 4D to your 3D and make it your home
Don’t use the void as a wish granter
Use it for peace
Don’t treat the 3D like the enemy
Treat it like a friend
After all it exists the way it does because of your assumptions
Whether you say this is hard or this is easy
Sugar, you’re right either way
Because if you assume something then that’s how it’ll be
If you think you’re pretty you’re pretty
But if you think you’re broke
Then you’re broke
If you think you’re rich
Then you’re rich baby
You could have wings
Be the biggest singer or rapper in the world
Star in the next Dune Movie
Be best friends with Ariana Grande
Be a Scientist
Be smarter than Albert Einstein(I mean was he actually super intelligent if he lacked common sense)
You could be get a bigger butt!!
I mean didn’t necessarily have a pancake ass
But I definitely didn’t have a Nicki Minaj
And bestie you can too!
Plastic surgery who???
Do we look like a Kardashian-Jenner?? I think the f not🙄
The void is our plastic surgeon
You wanna a smaller nose?
Got it
Tig ole biddies?
Got it
Nicki Minaj butt?
Got it
Floor length hair?
Got it?
Whatever you want to change about yourself
Got it!
And for the last time babies
Mentally just be
Physically sleep
In that moment baby
Forget the 3D and its fuck ass bob
Because the 3Ds not your enemy but its your puppet
You’re a ventriloquist CONTROL THAT MF
The 4D is you
The void is you
Quit saying what you can’t do babe
“HoNEy I StiLL didNT gET inTO tHe vOiD”
You did it
You just didn’t know
Bro the void is just recognizing you’re asleep
And getting in contact with your mind
Which is where you already go when you go to sleep
So ha
There’s your answer
When we fall asleep
That’s where we go
The mf Void State
The only thing your cute ass has to do baby
Is just be aware
When Neville Goddard says just “BE”
Bitch just BE
That’s it
Be aware
Like that SpongeBob episode
“Be the crane”
Be the Void
It’s just you love
So why you stressing
Why complicate something YOU created?!
Baby girl make it make sense
Own your power bitch
I love you My darlings
Month is almost over
Bring me my success stories
Or I’ll be your sleep paralysis demon 😈
(Just kidding)
Or am I;)
Imma keep pressuring you to listen to this(NOTE YOU DO NOT NEED SUBLIMINALS)
But I like this one🫠
Wrong emoji
I can’t find that cute one at the moment I’m rushing cuz I wanna eat my burger!
because it’s soooo peaceful
Slade is the best
I love you ⭐️💕
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evansuvamp · 6 months
Ichisen x Rudoshi parallels pt. 3
OH GOOOOD! I really liked the final for Bucchigiri. I felt a bit better about Arajin but still can't stand him completely.
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It felt like that time when Shiva noticed Rudra in the crowd supporting him!
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I'm so glad they could return together after all <3.
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theloveinc · 2 years
bf deku who's a little creepy with his love for u..
in a good way ... or a bad way?👁️👁️
Anywayyyyyy yeah. Yeah. You think it's just the honeymoon stage at first, cuz I mean, you feel the same and think it's all very sweet... but suddenly it's your year and six month anniversary and you realize none of his """"wacky"""" behavior has ever really stopped or changed.
But it is... cute? Sweet, at least, the way he's a lil overbearing about things. Always trying to feed you, whether at home or out in public... little bits of his lunch he breaks off to give you when you're sitting on his lap, to watch you eat and make sure you smile about.
(Or the ones he comes into the room just to give you, like he was specifically thinking about you when he ordered a bento at the cafe, spoon in hand loaded with all your favorite things. you glare, cheekily, cuz you always tell him to order what HE wants, but no, never. he'd rather split everything with you than have anything of his own, and if he had his way, he always would.)
Even shower time, cuz if he's not in the water with you (big hands always peeling the soap and loofa and shampoo out of your grasp so he can wash you for you, big hands doing other things to your body that you enjoy but definitely do not include what you're supposed to be doing)... he's sitting on the toilet right next to you, playing on his phone while he waits for you to get out, OR even sitting against the door outside, after jiggling the handle and whining about you not letting him in.
(i saw a funny tik tok that was like, "whenever they say they're showering" and it was the guy running across the house naked LMFAO to get in with her... that's deku.)
And when you get mad at him, lock him out of the bedroom cuz he won't stop weeping and apologizing... he'll lay down on the floor outside and stick his fingers underneath the door to wiggle them at you, his nose too, like it will make you less angry, like he couldn't just bust the whole thing down if he REALLY wanted to (which he doesn't really, not unless you were in danger, not including the time you accidentally locked him out and he came home from patrol so exhausted that he popped the knob right off it's handle accidentally slamming it into the wall trying to get into bed with you).
LOOOOL and you go to his agency one day for some reason (he always wants to see you, his favorite days are when you visit for any reason), and while he's packing up to take a break with you, his computer backgrounds and screensavers are literally all just pictures of you. literally. every single one you've ever taken practically, even the gag photos you send your friends, with your hair all done for bed and face shiny from moisturizer...
It's almost like he snuck onto your phone once or twice to download everything onto his... which like. hmmmmmmmm. LOL. okay. Not to mention the fact that he has locations on and texts you whenever you go ANYWHERE. Even to the konbini across the street. Like he's constantly looking.
Bakugo def adores u for keeping deku out of his hair, but lowkey also has a little beef with you, too, for being practically the only other thing he talks about aside from work and business lksdfjadksljf.
and tbh? i'd feel bad for him, too.
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seenoversundown · 2 months
Amongst The Stars: Chapter One
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Josh x Quinn (Nonbinary OC)
Warnings: People who are disgustingly in love, mentions of secret relationships, questionable midday PDA, brotherly taunting, Sam, atrocious ex partners.
Word Count: 4k
Summary: Josh has always loved love, and he's finally found it. Buuuut, he can't exactly tell anyone. Join him as he navigates the ins and outs of his sweet, secret romance.
Author's Note: *pounds fists on table* JOSHUA. MICHAEL. MONDAY.
Sorry this is a bit late... they've been too active today and it distracted me Anywayyyyyy. I hope you all enjoy this. I have been obsessed with writing Josh and Quinn and I hope you love them as much as I do (plus, you get a little peek at some other familiar faces).
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I Think We’re Alone Now - Tommy James & The Shondells
“I think we're alone now. There doesn't seem to be anyone around. I think we're alone now. The beating of our hearts is the only sound.”
Present Day
“Thanks, Chuck,” I shout after the older gentleman heading out the front door, “Always a pleasure to see you in here!”  I sigh in relief, wiping down the area he just vacated and placing his used pint glass in the sink beneath the bar as the door closes behind him. It’s midday, and Old Man Chuck is typically our only customer until the after-work rush.  I swear Jake only opens this early to accommodate him, I think as I toss my towel back into the fresh Sani-Water bucket, He could probably save so much money if he stopped. But he loves that old man. 
I dry my hands off and lean my elbows against the bar top. I survey the area and let my eyes fall on the only occupied booth.  Quinn.  A small smile creeps its way up my face while I watch them. 
I take in their intentionally disheveled, curly pixie cut. I take in the way their glasses slide down their nose as they lean over the iPad, sketching away at something with their apple pencil.  Three, Two, One. I mentally count down, and then they push their glasses back up, and my smile widens.  There we go.
The thought of knowing their mannerisms well enough to be able to guess exactly when they’ll adjust their glasses makes my heart soar.  I let my eyes rake over their vintage brown and orange striped sweater and down their charcoal gray cigarette pants, stopping to admire the bit of ankle peeking out between the top of their boots and the cuff of their pants. 
How did I get so lucky? 
I press myself back up off the bar, stopping to pay a small tribute to the small Blackbeard shrine that Jake insisted on setting up behind the bar, and slowly walk around to the jukebox in the corner, ensuring I don't draw attention to my movements. I perused the options, smirking to myself as I keyed in A-23.
I turn around, leaning against the jukebox, as the opening chords to “I Think We’re Alone Now” by Tommy James and the Shondells ring out from the speakers.  I wait a beat to see if Quinn will recognize the song, our song, but they’re so engrossed in their art that they don’t even look up. With that, I walk over to their booth and sit beside them. I quietly sing along to the chorus, grabbing their chin and tilting their head to face me.  “Sorry to interrupt, Bug,” I start, kissing their lips gently, “but I think we’re alone now.”  Giggling, they set their apple pencil down on the table.  “Mhm, there doesn't seem to be anyone around.” 
I wrap my arm around their shoulders, pulling them closer to my side. “What are you working on?”  “Just a new coloring sheet for the kids, nothing important.”  “How many times do I have to tell you? Your work is never nothing important,” I squeeze their shoulder, “those kids love you, and I won't stand for you minimizing that.” 
They breathe a small sigh through their nose and lean deeper against me. I bend down and press a kiss to the crown of their head.  I try to give them some grace, knowing they aren't used to having a supportive partner who believes in them. 
“I love seeing your work, Bug,” I kiss their forehead, “You’re passionate about it, and you're good at it.”  “You do know you’ve already won me over,” they laugh, “right? You don't have to keep unnecessarily complimenting me.”  “They're not unnecessary compliments,” I entwined our fingers together, “and, actually, I hold back most of the time.” I raise our clasped hands to my lips and kiss the back of their palm. “Oh, hush.”  “I don't think I will. In fact, I don't think I can. I could praise you day in and day out, and it still would never be enough.” 
I watch, grinning, as their face heats at my words. I reach out and cradle their face in my free hand, gently rubbing a thumb over the apple of their cheek.  
“Hmm, Cute,” I whisper out.  “Aghhhhh,” they let out a small groan, flopping their head back against the booth behind them, “You’re gonna kill me. You know I’m traumatized.” “I’m trying to fix that, dear,” I giggle, poking at their side. 
My phone buzzes in my pocket, interrupting our moment. 
Of course. Even when we’re alone, we’re not really. There’s always someone waiting to interrupt us. 
I sigh as I pull it out and see three new texts from Jake
Kiddo 🥸: Hey Bub, heading to the Farmer’s Market.  Kiddo 🥸: Do we need anything for the bar?  Kiddo 🥸: I have a list, but maybe I forgot something.  Me: The bar is fine.  Me: Wait, is this a thinly veiled attempt to check on me? Kiddo 🥸: :) Me: You’re getting better at hiding it.  Kiddo 🥸: Gotta keep you on your toes. 
He’s insane. You’d think this bar is his living, breathing child. I mean, shit, it may as well be.
Me: Well, put me in a tutu and call me a ballerina, boss.  Kiddo 🥸: [Picture] Kiddo 🥸: Eat shit
Bark out a laugh, looking at the photo Jake sent me of his middle finger facing the camera. 
Me: Leave me alone. Someone has to run this place while you’re galavanting around town. Me: Tell Lin I said hello. 
I slide my phone back into my pocket and pat Quinn’s thigh under the booth, then begin to slip out of the booth.  
“Unfortunately, Captain’s on my ass. I better go clean something before he accuses me of ‘Ruining All My Hard Work’ when he gets back from The farmer’s market.” Damn, fine Jake impression. 
Before I can get too far, Quinn grabs my wrist, effectively stopping me, and pulls me closer.  I watch their eyes dart back and forth between mine and my lips. “You sure?” they ask, batting their eyelashes.  I groan internally.  “Mhmmmm, yep. I need to —” They cut me off, tugging my arm the extra inch or two needed to connect our lips before pulling back and looking into my eyes.  “You need to what?”  I groan externally.  “I need to work. You need to work,” I gesture wildly at the forgotten iPad in front of them.  “We don't need to do anything, Starlight.”
They're a monster. An ethereal monster. They know I can't resist them when they call me that name. 
I pop my head out of the booth, searching for the open sign lit up at the front entrance.  I could turn it off and take Quinn up to the apartment for a little bit. Jake would never know. We aren’t going to get any more customers for at least an hour.  I lean back in, connecting our lips again.  “Okay, 20 minutes. I can lock the doors for 20 minutes.”  A pleased smirk makes its way to their face, and they let me go, practically shoving me out of the booth.  “I can work with 20 minutes,” they shout after me, laughing.  “Trust me, I know you —“
The fucking door opens as I’m reaching to lock it. 
“OH! Hi, I didn’t see you there!” I practically shout, scrambling to let Quinn know that our plans have been foiled.  Why the fuck did I say that? Of all the things I could have said. Why that?  “Didn’t really expect you to, man,” the man mutters as he shoves past me and makes his way to a seat at the far end of the bar, near the piano. 
His voice sounds familiar. That’s interesting. 
He walked past me too quickly for me to get a good look at him, and a Boston Red Sox cap partially obscured his face, so I chalked it up as me being paranoid about almost getting caught with Quinn in the bar. 
I wish I didn’t have to be paranoid, but the timeline is still too murky for Quinn and me to be open about our relationship. Jake is the only one who technically knows.  Oh, I can’t wait for the day we decide to tell the others. It’s eating me alive. I want to scream my love from the highest rooftop. I want to walk down the cobblestone streets hand in hand. I need everyone to know that I am in a soul-consuming relationship, and I couldn’t be happier. 
I quickly walk back behind the bar, stopping in front of him.
He couldn’t have chosen a closer seat; had to make me walk all the way back over here? Okay, Josh, no need to be bitchy over a customer. You do work in a customer service establishment. It comes with the territory. 
“Sorry about that. I just wasn't anticipating any customers. It's usually a ghost town around this time of the day,” I rush out, setting a coaster and a menu in front of him.  “Perfectly fine, man,” he responds, removing his baseball cap to make eye contact. 
I suck in a breath, eyes widening as I realize that I do know this man. He smiles as he takes in my recognition of him.  Craig, Quinn’s absolute douchebag of an ex-boyfriend. The reason Quinn and I aren't open about our relationship.  I open and close my mouth a few times, apparently having forgotten how to say, “What can I get you to drink?” and his smile widens. 
He's like a fucking shark, and he can smell blood in the water. 
“Whenever you’ve finished cosplaying a goldfish, I’ll take a Miller Lite.”  My mouth snaps shut, and I give him the fakest smile I can muster. “Of course, sir. I’ll have that right up for you, just have to go grab a fresh case from the cooler.” 
I turn on my heel and practically jog from behind the bar and down the hallway beside the jukebox, past Jake’s office and the bathrooms. I don't stop until I turn the back corner to our stock area.  I lean against the wall and rip my phone from my pocket.  I take several deep breaths in through my nose and out through my mouth and pull up my texts to Quinn, seeing that they were clearly a step ahead of me. 
Bug 🐛 : is that Craig?  Me: YES, HIDE  Bug 🐛 : How?! I can't just walk past him.  Me: No, you're right.  Me: When I come back, I’ll distract him and you sneak into Jake’s office.  Bug 🐛 : Do you want the bad news or the bad news?  Me: NO NEWS  Bug 🐛 : well  Bug 🐛 : Childish Sambino and the larger one just walked in.  Me: beautiful! 
I let out a muffled wail before clicking into Jake’s texts. 
Me: Code Red
I walk into the cooler and grab a case of Miller, that I definitely did not need. I need to learn to lie better, while I wait for a response from Jake. 
Kiddo 🥸: The ex? Do you need me? I can be there in 5.  Me: No, it's okay. I just wanted you to know.  Kiddo 🥸: you sure?  Me: yeah, Sam and Danny just got here, so I have backup.  Kiddo 🥸: Okay  Kiddo 🥸: If Quinn is still there, send them to my office.  Me: That's the plan.  Kiddo 🥸: Love you, bub  Kiddo 🥸: You got this. 
I slide my phone back into my pocket and sigh in relief. 
Everything will be fine. It'll work out. If I can't distract Craig, I know that Sam and Danny can. Quinn will be safe. 
I pick up the Miller and walk back to the bar, decidedly calmer. 
I hear Sam before I see him. Though I can't quite make out what he’s saying, I can tell he’s upset about something.  Sucks for him, but by the sounds of it, it should be easy enough to distract everyone long enough for Quinn to slip out. 
I finally round the corner and go to the storage cooler under the bar to put the fresh beer in. 
I pour one beer into a glass and set it on the coaster I placed in front of Craig earlier.  “Sorry bout that, bud,” I shrug and offer him a half smile, “I'm sure you know how it goes.”  He rolls his eyes but pulls out his cell phone and begins browsing through apps. 
Satisfied that Craig is content, I finally turn to Sam and Danny and level them with a fake glare. 
“Why are you two in here harassing my customer?”  Sam opens his mouth to speak, but Danny beats him to it,  “Dude, I cannot speak Kiszka when you all get like this,” he gestures to a distressed Sam, “Please fix your brother.”  Sam says nothing but slowly lowers his head to the bartop and lets out a feeble groan. 
Oh, Sammy, what happened?  My heart lurches at seeing my youngest brother in such a state, but I can’t let him know that right up front. 
“What did you do, Sam?”  He mumbles his answer into the floor beneath him. “C’mon, man. Speak up.” He flings his head back up, meeting my eye. 
Fuck, he looks like he’s about to cry. I can’t do this right now. I’ll cry with him. 
“I need advice, Josh,” he starts.  “Okay,” I stare at him, realizing that was the end of his sentence, “Care to elaborate on that?”  “Girladvice,” he breathes under his breath. ”Come again?” I ask, teasing him a little bit.  “GIRL ADVICE,” he whisper-shouts back at me.  “Ahhhhh. Well, don’t really know why you’re asking me,” I pause, carefully choosing my next words, “I mean, have you seen me with a partner in the last decade?”
Craig huffs out a humorless laugh from the other end of the bar, and I shoot a glare at him Don’t need your commentary right now, bud. But thanks anyway. 
“But, I can try to help.”  “GOD, we’re all helpless, aren’t we? You’re a perpetual bachelor. Jake is married to this bar and then we have One-Date-Daniel over here.”“Hey, you don’t have to be mean to me because you caused a problem,” Danny snaps back.  “I’m just being hooooonest,” Sam groans, tossing his head back again.  “Can we get back on topic,” I interject, stopping an entirely different spiral. 
Sam and Danny are the absolute best friends, and they love each other deeply. But… That also means they sometimes bicker like an old married couple, and no one has time for that right now. 
“You’re right,” Sam acknowledges before recounting his entire work trip to California with Willa Clarke, the bane of his existence (the love of his life, to anyone with eyeballs). 
I glance around the bar and find that everyone, including Quinn, is engrossed in his story. I try to get their attention a few times, and when their eyes finally lock on mine, I entirely naturally, thank you very much, stretch my arms back toward Jake’s office, signaling them to go. 
They shoot an annoyed glance back at me, seemingly angry about having to leave in the middle of the story.  It’s not like Willa won’t tell you everything later, I think as I watch them slide their way back into the hallway next to the Jukebox. I know that Sam and Danny won’t see anything, but I keep an eye on Craig to make sure Quinn doesn’t catch his eye. 
I vaguely hear Jake’s office door swing shut, and I sigh in relief.
”Sorry, Sam,” I turn my attention back to my rambling brother, “Can you please give me the TLDR version of this? I don’t have the Brain Power to sift through your word vomit right now.” “Did you just admit to being stupid? Proud of you,” Sam laughs for the first time since he stormed in from the airport, and I have to try my hardest not to laugh with him.  “All I admitted to was not understanding the raving ramblings of a love-sick fool.”
Sam rests his head back on the bar top and lets out a damn near bone-weary breath.  I fucking hate seeing him like this. Please, I just want to help my baby brother. 
“That’s me, isn’t it? Love-sick fool,” he lifts his head to make eye contact with me, and I reach out, patting my hand on his shoulder for comfort.  “Unfortunately for you, yes.” “I think Josh is right this time,” Danny adds in.  “Thank you for seeing reason, Danny,” I laugh, “But seriously, Sam, TLDR Me. I can’t help if I don’t know what’s happening, but I don’t need to know every single detail of your trip.”
Sam rolls his eyes but sits back up. I move to make him his favorite cocktail, a Clover Club with extra garnish, as a consolation prize for having to relive what is, clearly, a Traumatic Event. 
He recounts the parts of his story that he deems essential: one bed in the hotel room, drunk girl, sleeping together. I piece together the rest of it as I finish pouring his cocktail. 
“So, if I understand correctly, you got trapped in some Romance Novel level situation with a coworker you hate. And you slept with her?”
God, what an idiot. Everyone knows you never sleep with your coworkers. Poor little shit is just a hopeless romantic, though. 
“That’s the thing, Josh,” he takes a sip of his cocktail, “I don’t think I hate her. I never have. We just butt heads.”
Craig lets out another chuckle from his seat.  If he doesn’t stop eavesdropping… 
“So you decided to work out that tension in the stupidest way imaginable?” “Hey! The heart wants what the heart wants.” “Sure. But, clearly, her’s doesn’t want you if she’s ghosting you now. What else did you do to her?” “I legitimately don’t know,” he lets his head fall into his hands, “From where I was standing, everything went well, and we were finally starting to get along.” “So, when you’re finally getting along with a coworker, your first response is, ‘Wow, maybe I should dick them down!’” I have to laugh, “You realize how unhinged that is, right?” 
I see Danny just nodding along out of the corner of my eye. 
“Yes, Josh. I know it was stupid. But Willa and I are like magnets. I don’t think we could have stayed away from each other if we tried.”“Except, now she is staying away from you…” “Well, yeah, NOW.”  “And you want her to stop that?” “Yes? That’s the whole reason I’m here, so PUH-LEASE take pity on me.”
I take a moment to think about how my dumb brother can get himself out of this situation. It’d be nice if they could get their shit together; I’d love to eventually be able to go to Quinn’s apartment openly. But I’ll kill Sam if he makes it awkward for me. 
“Okay, so, my advice is, replay the whole situation in your head. Everything from the few moments before you slept with each other all the way to the flight home.” “Oh, I’ll have no trouble doing that,” a sly grin forms on Sam’s face. “Gross, dude,” Danny adds.  “Yeah, I can’t imagine why anyone would want to let you get away,” I plaster a sarcastic smile on my face, “anyway, Make a list of things you could have done to potentially piss her off between sleeping together and coming home.”
Sam already begins tallying things off on his fingers. 
“Really, man?” Danny watches as he keeps counting.  “She thinks I’m really annoying, Daniel.” “She’snottheonlyone,” Danny whispers under his breath as Sam keeps counting.  “I resent that, Daniel,” Sam starts, “Do you have a piece of paper, Josh?”
I press the button on the receipt machine, tearing off a length of paper, and I hand it to Sam along with a pen.  I watch him begin to scribble down a list of things and hold in my laughter as I see realization dawn on his face every time he thinks of a new thing. 
While he’s busy, I grab Craig another beer, sneering at him as I place it in front of him. I do a quick lap around the bar, ensuring that all tables are wiped down and Quinn didn’t leave any of their items for anyone to find. Satisfied with the state of things, I head back behind the bar just as Sam sets his pen down. 
I wordlessly extend my hand, asking for Sam’s list, and start to read it. 
“Sam, you can’t be serious,” I say, setting the list face down on the bar top.  “What?” “You have ‘breathed too loudly’ listed here THREE times.” “Well, yes. Willa doesn’t like it when people breathe too loudly before she’s had her morning caffeine.” “Buddy, I don’t think it’s ‘Breathing’ that you need to apologize for. Why don’t you look a little deeper and try to find something more meaningful that you fucked up.”
I see the little wheels start turning in his head, and he quickly stands up from his stool, nearly knocking it over in his haste. 
“You’re a genius, Josh.” “Alright, well, you can thank me later,” I shoo him away, “Always lovely to see you, Danny. But please get Sam out of here. Some of us actually have work to do.” 
I grab Sam’s empty glass and put it in the sink, then wipe down the bar top before finally turning back to Craig. 
“Willa’s going to hate that, you know,” he chuckles, “So, good job potentially dooming your brother.” “Willa is going to hate being apologized to?” “No, Willa is going to hate being apologized to by him. He doesn’t even know what he did wrong, and she has minimal patience for stupid men,” he shoots back.  “Oh, well, I’m sure you’d know about that,” I smirk at him.  “Good one, bud.” "I did think it was kind of funny.” 
I grab the empty from in front of him and toss it in the trash. 
“Speaking of stupid men,” Craig starts, “Are you still trying to hide your relationship with my ex?”
Jesus Christ, can I get one single moment to breathe?
“I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.” “So, Quinn didn’t run to the back while your idiot brother had a mental breakdown?” “Mmm, no. I think I’d know if someone ran back there.”
He turns around and looks toward the booth that Quinn had previously occupied.
“So, that’s not their's?” I follow his eyes down to the floor beneath the table. 
Fucking Apple Pencil. 
“Nah, dude, that could be anyone’s. Do you know how many people are in and out of here every day?”  “Josh, it’s fine,” he stretches his arms behind his head, “You can tell them to come out. I’m not stupid.”  “I’d beg to differ,” I let out a small puff of breath from my nose. 
This might actually be the only time he’s correct about not being stupid. Fuck. 
“It’s not that hard to piece together. Quinn meets you, Quinn breaks up with me. Seems pretty straightforward.” “Did you consider that Quinn left you because you were a lazy prick?” 
I see a look of determination flash across his face as he takes in my words. 
Don’t love whatever that means.
“Okay, Josh,” he fixes me with a sarcastic smile, “You can keep your little secrets. But just know that you’ll see more of me around here.”
He slaps a $20 bill on the counter and stands up. 
“Keep the change.” 
Once the chime on the door stops tinkling and I’m confident Craig won’t return, I lock the door and scurry back to Jake’s office. 
I shove the door open, almost knocking Quinn over in the process. My little eavesdropper.  I let out a manic giggle, “Not to alarm you, dear.. but I think we have a problem.”
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thewritingofamadwoman · 10 months
Bet’s On
Okay, last post of the day. Love when the creative juices are flowing and the stories just come to me. Please enjoy & feel free to request!
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Sickeningly sweet fluff, Eddie and Robin being chaotic at the end. We love them
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“I love you, Lisa. I’ve always loved you. Will you be my girlfriend?”
My heart soared at the sound of Steve’s voice, deep and smooth like honey. His brown eyes stared into mine with such adoration that my legs felt weak.
“I love you too, Steve. So much.” I said back, as Steve’s hand reached up to cup my cheek. His palm was warm and I nuzzled gently into his hand. Steve’s eyes sparkled with joy as he leaned forward.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered and at this point I was sure my heart could be seen thundering through my sweater. My breath caught as nodded and as he leaned in closer, my eyes shut instinctively. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I couldn’t believe that Steve was finally going to kiss me. I couldn’t believe that—
“Lark. LARK. Are you even listening to me?”
I blinked a few times as the sounds of lockers slamming left and right and suddenly I was brought back to reality. Eddie Munson leaned against his locker in front of me, waving a ring clad hand in-front of my face.
“Have you gone comatose? Do I need to get the school nurse?”
I actually shook my head to clear my thoughts and looked back at Eddie.
Eddie turn to see where my gaze was initially and groaned out loud.
“For fucks sake Lark, when are you going to tell Harrington that you’re in love with him?”
I shut my locker loudly to block out the sound of Eddie’s voice in case anyone around us heard him.
“Shut up, Munson! I am not in love with him. He’s my best friend, that’s all.”
Eddie let out an unattractive snort and looked at me in disbelief.
“Please. The way you look at him is so sickeningly sweet, but also like you’re about to rip his clothes off. And the way he looks at you? Get a fucking room,” Eddie began making obscene gestures with his tongue and I shouldered past him to get to class. He laughed and followed along.
“Anywayyyyyy, are you coming to D&D after class? I need Lady Lark to join me on the quest to defeat the m-IGHTY VECNA!” The last part of the sentence was shouted unnecessarily loud as we walked by a group of cheerleaders who waved at me and gave Eddie disgusted looks. ‘Lady Lark’ was the name of my Druid Princess and the nickname was one only Eddie used when speaking to me.
“I’d love to but I’ve got cheer practice with Chrissy and then I’m pretty sure I have a tutoring session scheduled with YOU. There’s no D&D today bud, just you, me and Trigonometry.”
Eddie grabbed his heart, pretending to have been stabbed. I giggled at his dramatics and turned to face him, hugging my books to my chest.
“You wound me, sweet lady. But fine, I’ll see you later,” Eddie looked passed me to something behind me before a mischievous smile appeared on his face. “Oh shit, you’re gonna thank me for this later,” I didn’t even get a chance to react before Eddie gave me a sloppy, wet kiss on my cheek and winked before walking away.
“Ewww! Fuck off Munson!” I shouted, laughing and wiping my cheek. Eddie responded by sticking his tongue out and giving me the middle finger with both hands as he walked backwards before turning around and barking playfully at a group of freshmen who looked petrified of him.
Still wiping my cheek, I barely registered an arm being tossed over my shoulders. I turned my head to find Steve looking at me, eyes bright and wide.
“I don’t know why you hang out with that Munson kid, Lees. He’s a freak. And did he just kiss your cheek?” Steve looked back down the hallway, glaring.
“He’s my best friend Steve, second only to you. He means well. And don’t call him a freak please,” I roll my eyes and nudged Steve with my shoulder. He sighed and smiled at me, a beautiful smile that made my breath hitch.
“Fine, I won’t call him a freak. I don’t know what you and Dustin see in him. Anyway, are you going to Tina’s annual Halloween party this Friday?” We continued to walk towards our last class of the day, his arm still around my shoulders, squeezing me closer. Whether unconsciously or not, I wasn’t sure. Maybe Eddie’s smooch made him a little more possessive.
“I don’t know, I have a few tutoring sessions and then I’ve got babysitting duty with the kids. What about you, I thought you swore off parties after Tina’s last Halloween shit show?”
I hated to remind him of the heartbreak he faced a few years ago at Tina’s party but after everything with the demo dogs, demogorgans, Russian’s and worst of all, his girlfriend leaving him for someone else, I figured Steve would avoid all Halloween parties from there on out.
“Meh it’s whatever. Time heals all wounds like they say. And besides, Robin won’t shut up if I don’t ask you to come with us. So will you? I promise to dress up as whatever you want me to dress up as.” Steve gave me his best puppy dog eyes, smiling sweetly as we stopped outside of my chemistry. He looked so handsome, staring at me with the sweetest expression I had ever seen. Even if I had plans and wanted to say no, I didn’t stand a chance.
“Fine, I’ll go. But what about the kids? I’ll have to bring them with me to the party,” Steve rolled his eyes teasingly. “Those mongrels are highschool freshmen, they’re 14. They don’t need a babysitter,” Steve paused for a second before giving me a quick once over.
“Actually, if I had you as my babysitter then maybe I wouldn’t complain,” He gave me a playful wink and a sweet smile that had me blushing. I nudged his ribs since his arm was still on my shoulder.
“Oh stop it. And you’re right, they ARE freshmen, meaning they’ll love going to a senior party. They deserve a bit of fun after all the shit they’ve been through.” I smiled at Steve and for a second it looked like he was dazed, his returning smile small and his eyes glazed over.
“Alright, alright fine. They can come. But if any one of them gets my car dirty they’re walking home,” Steve laughed. I scoffed playfully, knowing full well that he would never leave those children without a ride.
“Oh yeah, and what if I was the one who got your car dirty? Gonna make me walk home at night?” I teased. Steve looked at me again with that softened gaze that had me blushing.
“You? Never. I’d never let you walk alone at night. You’re too precious for that. But I thought you’d want to go with Munson,” Steve grumbled, before realizing what he said. His face turned red and he coughed as if he was clearing his throat, pulling his arm off from around my shoulders. He was jealous and embarrassed, and it was so incredibly endearing.
“Nah, parties aren’t really Eddie’s scene. And I want to go with you anyway,” I said sweetly. I looked back down the hall and realized I was going to be late to chemistry. “Hey so I’ve got to head to class, but I can’t wait for Friday. Am I gonna have to fight the kids or Robin for shotgun?” I teased, hugging my books tightly to me to control the way my heart was racing. Steve smiled back at me and shook his head.
“Uhh nope, that spot is reserved only for you.” It was my turn to blush and I decided to take a quick leap of faith and leaned up and gave Steve a quick peck on the cheek. His face instantly blushed and he seemed dazed. His hand came up to touch his cheek and he smiled down at me. Before he could say anything I turned around and quickly made my way down then hallway. I rounded the corner and bumped into both Robin and Eddie.
“Pay up Buckley, told you my girl would make the first move,” Eddie grinned. “Atta girl!” I felt my cheeks heat up as I pushed passed them, but not before I heard Robin’s response.
“No way Munson. Ten bucks says my boy is gonna kiss her by the end of the party.”
“You’re on.”
I laughed to myself and walked into chemistry class right before the final bell rang. As I sat down and pulled out my notes, only one thought crossed my mind:
God, I hope Robin’s right.
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Hi I love your headcannons <3 what bachelors do you think would have pet play kinks? 😳
Thank you! I’m glad y’all enjoy them!! 💙 Time change got me fucked up yall 😂 I know it’s only an hour but yeesh with a tiny child to get adjusted to it it’s a time lol
Anywayyyyyy smut under the cut babes 💙 as always with these MINORS DO NOT INTERACT PLEASEE I DONT WANNA BE THE ONE TO RUIN YOUR EYES 😂, gender neutral reader and I only did the three main ones I thought would be into pet play! Sorry it’s a bit short!
Bachelors with a pet play kink
The most likely to have a pet play kink
Look at this man and tell me he doesn’t want you to wear cat ears and a collar
Absolutely loves calling you daddies little kitten
High key will have you walking around on all fours around the farm house
Tail butt plug? Tail butt plug
This mans gonna praise the shit out of you though ofcourse
“Being such a good kitten for me baby” “that’s right, take my cock just like that”
Definitely also a pleasure dom
Listen, I think this one took a bit of exploring for him to get into but once he tried it out?
He enjoys it quite a bit
Loves having you collard, if your not comfortable wearing an actual collar out in public he 100% gets one of those jewelry pieces for subtle collaring
But in the house? Baby blue leather collar, he has a matching leash
The collar has “property of Shane” engraved on it
“Awe what’s wrong puppy? Someone want to play?”
Loves teasing you
“Just a little bitch in heat arnt you? Slutty puppy”
Will walk you around the farm on the leash
He likes to be your puppy
A very obedient pet for you honestly
Loves to be praised so he will do whatever it takes to hear you praise him
“Being such a good boy for me puppy, just like that, sit there and take it”
He’s whimpering in overstimulation but he wouldn’t dare disobey instructions
“Does puppy wanna cum? Then beg”
And god does he beg
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