#saw a similar cute poll & i wanted to make one too :)
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#saw a similar cute poll & i wanted to make one too :)#imagine: you are a buppy#ndn#polls#native american#turtle Island#dogs
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looong Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Vesperia rambling incoming:
I was chatting with my buddy about Tales of Vesperia and Tales of Symphonia and idk by what miracle this could ever happen, but I truly wish someday Bandai Namco could make a TRUE remake of Tales of Symphonia but with Tales of Vesperia's cel shade graphics
Because so far, all "remakes" are just more or less good ports from what I read/ saw? And TOV still holds up to this day, even 20+ years after even if the animation is a liiiittle stiff it' still works, but yeah TOS could really have a fantstic revamp
I want her so bad to experiement this journey too, but I totally get it that the graphics are a turn off... Which is also so sad because to me they still feel cute and I grew up with them OTL
idk... I understand TOS isn't necessarily the most insane RPG out there, same with Baten Kaitos but they have their own identity and amazing writting and complex stories and charming characters aaa even 20+ years later and I still hold these games in my heart and still listen to their OST, it really feels like magic
It's not like today where you have to constantly play daily for grinding or worry about being tempted to buy micro items in the shop with real money, it was a one time payment and one shot story and had an end... And that's what made it great too imo... if that makes sense, idk what I'm saying anymore, I guess I just miss so much how things used to be haha
Where games had more soul and personnality and passion behind it and ofc you still have that today but i feel it's... Rarer and back then I feel it was still experimental but that's what made it so great, now there are so many copy cats and it feels like a race to which one can be the next lottery... and I know they're all companies BUT LIKE at least I could feel my money was well spent you know?!
Now it's feels like, "we have your money AND you have shitty rushed half-baked product, you're welcome"
If only Llyod could have made it into Super Smash Bros Melee at the time, I feel it could have helped the Tales of popularity even more OTL I remember reading somewhere he was considered to be added to the roaster but maybe it was rumors too... But the thought of it is so cool. I rly don't think it's for nothing TOV and TOS keep getting so high in popularity polls when it comes to general Tales Of games, those two are really memroable and beautiful.
TOS almost feels like the blueprint for TOV to me, so they are very similar but different enough as well. I must have played TOS on my gamecube at least 10 times in my whole life and everytime my gameplay reaches 60h-80h+hours, it's just so much fun everytime
aaa but yeah.. all that to say I just wish it could get the remake of a lifetime so more poeple could experiment it too OTL I don't think it'll ever happen but yeah.... If only if only if only...
and lowkey so i would have more poeple to talk and gush about it.
#delete later#tales of symphonia#tales of vesperia#why is tov always on discount at like 12$ but that one time i reaaally wanted ot finally get it i got it at the full 64$#ARE YOU KIDDING ME#but at least i played like 130h+ so that makes up for it imo hahaaa#Sheena is still my favorite#WHY DOESN'T SHE HAS A BEAUTIFUL HIGH QUALITY FIGURINE TOO#llyod colette and zelos do#ehh SHEENA IS ON THE MAIN COVER TOO#HELLOO aaa my beautiful girl OTL#if i ahd all the moeny in the world#i would finance the remake of it hahaa
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We have a tie for my Halloween poll, so it's gonna be Taejoon story..the comments had two ideas, so there's gonna be a bonus story to be posted later.
Sickie: Taejoon with bad colds (cough, fever, sniffles, a bit of vom!t towards the end.)
Caretakers: Ot7
Namjoon could see the dim light underneath the blanket of Taehyung's phone, the younger boy scrolling on the screen. It was almost midnight, but it was clear both boys couldn't sleep. "Tae?"
Taehyung pops his head from underneath the blanket. "I'm sorry. Was I keeping you up?"
"No, you're fine. I couldn't sleep. I just wanted to know if you'd want to go for a walk with me. I saw a park on our way to the hotel." Namjoon offers, relieved when he sees Taehyung getting up.
"Put on a hat and a face mask. We might be in another country, but we still don't want to be recognized." Namjoon warns, getting up to do the same. They came to America to do a collaboration, but the project kept them busy for the past two days, giving them no free time.
Taehyung nods, digging out a beige beanie from his suitcase to cover up his red hair. "I'm ready." He says with a smile, pulling his jacket over his shoulders and taking the face mask from the pocket.
Namjoon does the same, using a black beanie to cover up his blonde hair, quickly putting on his jacket and shoes.
"Are you sure that jacket is heavy enough, hyung?" Taehyung questions.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. You're gonna be sweating it that heavy trench coat." Namjoon teases. "Do you have the hotel key?"
Taehyung grabs his wallet. "I do now. What happened to yours?"
"Let's go before it gets too late." Namjoon doesn't answer his question, leaving the room.
"Hyung did you lose it already?" Taehyung whispers. "It's only been two days."
"No. It's somewhere in that room. It's just misplaced." Namjoon blushes in embarrassment to be scolded by the younger member, making Taehyung giggle.
"Shh.. people are sleeping.." Namjoon leads the way out of the building, the crisp autumn air hitting them with a cool breeze.
"Wow, even at night, all the colors are amazing.." Taehyung's eyes brighten seeing the orange and yellow trees underneath the street lamps, taking out his phone to take a picture.
"It'll be prettier at the park where there's tons of trees. Let's go, it's not that far. Namjoon pulls him by his elbow.
"It's been a while since it was only us two walking together..was the last time when we went up that mountian for losing that game?" Taehyung asks, looking around at all the different trees with amazement.
Namjoon laughs, watching his head turn every which way as they walk. "You look like a bird moving like that. It's like you never saw autumn leaves before."
"Sorry.. I'm just excited..I didn't get a good look in the car because of the tinted windows and us being rushed inside." Taehyung gives Namjoon a shy smile, earning himself a head pat from Namjoon.
"You don't have to be sorry. I just thought it was cute." Namjoon smiles. "Let's cross here."
The park was only a 15-minute walk from the hotel, the two ex roommates exchanging old memories with each other along the way.
"Look, hyung! A swing set!" Taehyung runs up to it, taking a seat on the swing."It reminds me of Hakdong park! Careful Namjoon, there are puddles under the swing."
"This one has an extra swing, but other than that, the setup is really similar." Namjoon takes the swing next to him, pulling it back to get on it without getting his feet wet. "If we have time, we should bring the others here before our flight home."
"Before we shoot run BTS?" Taehyung suggests, swinging lightly. "Ah, do you know what our challenge will be?"
"Nope. I have no idea. The only hint I got was that it's themed." Namjoon shrugs.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Taehyung tilts his head.
"Probably something like a haunted house?" Namjoon leaned back on the swing to look up at the sky. "Wow, the moon's beautiful tonight."
Taehyung mimicks Namjoon, holding tightly on the chains as he lets himself fall back, looking up at the full moon with clouds swirling around it. "Woah. I wish I had brought my camera.. my phone can't capture it." He sat up quickly when he heard a loud bang, trying to see if it was a firework or gunshot.
"What was-" Namjoon tried to quickly sit up, falling out of the seat into the water below. "Ahpa..ahpa.." he rubbed the back of his head, Taehyung rushing to him.
"Are you okay Namjoon-ah?" Taehyung brushes the wet woodchips from his back.
"Yeah, I'm fine..just wet.." Namjoon gives Taehyung a reassuring smile through the pain. "That just startled me.."
"Me too.." Taehyung helps Namjoon, getting him to his feet. "You're soaked now Hyung.. I think we should get back to the hotel."
"Yeah, but I think we should go a different way.. I don't want to go towards that sound.." Namjoon says, feeling uneasy. He takes Taehyungs hand, walking the opposite direction of the hotel.
"Don't worry, Hyung. It was probably just a firework.. there's a holiday coming up, right?" Taehyung squeezes his hand.
Namjoon gives him a half smile. He knew Halloween wasn't known for fireworks, but he didn't want to tell Taehyung that if that's really what he believed. "Yeah,you're right. But it's better to be safe than sorry."
Taehyung trusted Namjoon's judgment, but that didn't stop him from worrying about him. "Namjoon-ah, your teeth are chattering.." Taehyung takes off his trench coat, draping over Namjoon’s shoulders.
"Taehyungie no. You need your jacket." Namjoon tried to give it back, but the younger runs ahead. "Taehyung-ah!" He tried quietly, yelling to get attention.
"No, I'll be fine. I don't want to see you suffering, Hyung. If I stay moving, I'll stay warm." Taehyung tells him, refusing to touch his coat. "It's only a short walk back. I can handle cold."
"Fine..just don't run ahead.. I don't want you getting lost." Namjoon catches up to him, grabbing him by the wrist. "Stay next to me."
"Namjoon-ah, Namjoonie-hyung..we need to meet with the others soon." Taehyung's voice came out as a raspy whisper, gently rubbing Namjoon’s chest. "Do you want me to tell them you aren't feeling well?"
Namjoon coughs, eyes fluttering open."Taehyung-Ah? Mm..no..I'll be okay...what time is it...?" My throat.. it hurts to talk..
"It's 10:15. We're supposed to meet up at 10:30.." Taehyung replies, clearing his throat.
"Sh*t.. okay..okay I'm getting up.." Namjoon sits up, coughing into his fist. "Could you get me some water?"
Taehyung nods, getting up to fill a cup with water, leaning against the sink as a wave of dizziness washes over him. He woke up twenty minutes before Namjoon to the sound of the older member coughing, feeling congested, his head pounding painfully against his sinuses.
"Taehyung, are you feeling okay?" Namjoon asks, stifling another cough when he sees him doubled over the sink.
"I'll be okay. My nose is just a bit stuffy because it's cold out. No big deal. You should quickly take your shower. The steam should help you feel better." Taehyung returns with a cup of water, giving it to him. The shower helped me a bit..
"Take it easy today, okay?" Namjoon warns him. I shouldn't have invited him out last night. He was fine yesterday.
"Okay Hyung. I will." Taehyung sniffles, laying back down on his bed. "I'll just rest a bit while you get ready."
Namjoon left to shower, quickly texting a staff member.
Could you bring some cough medicine when you pick us up? I'm not feeling well.. My throat hurts, and I have a bad headache.
Namjoon sets his phone down. He turns up the water to be as hot as he could handle, using the steam to try to clear the mucus that kept draining into his throat.
The hot water made him feel dizzy, holding the wall tightly. Am I running a fever? The thought crossed his mind, but he quickly shook his head. No. No, the water is just too hot. I'm fine..
Namjoon quickly turned off the water, laying in the tub, hands over his face. "I just need some water.." When he tried to get to his feet, his vision went hazy, falling back into the tub with a loud bang.
"Namjoon-ah! Hyung are you okay?" Taehyung rushes into the bathroom when he hears it.
"Yeah, yeah I just slipped. Clumsy me, this is embarrassing.." Namjoon gives him an awkward smile, taking Taehyung's out stretched hand.
"Don't worry Hyung. I won't tell any..one." Taehyung coughs out the last word, pressing his lips together.
"I guess we both aren't doing well.." Namjoon sighs. "I'm sorry. That night walk was a bad idea."
"Don't be sorry. I liked spending time with you.." Taehyung smiles, hearing someone knock on the door. "Get dressed. I'll handle it." He goes to the door, peeking through the peep hole. "Ah, Jungkook-ah. Good morning. Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah, I slept great. How about you? You look tired." Jungkook says with a frown.
"Ah, Namjoonie-hyung kept me up...with his snoring." Taehyung quickly added.
"Oh right. He does snore really loud. I'm glad I didn't lose." Jungkook teases. "I'd offer you a sip of my coffee, but you'd hate it. I got you some cocoa though. Where's Rapmonnie-hyung? I brought him some coffee."
"Hes getting dressed. Thanks Jungukkie." Taehyung gratefully takes the hot beverage from the cup holder, sipping on it to soothe his throat.
Namjoon's coughing was heard from the bathroom, making Jungkook rush in to check on him. "Namjoonie hyung are you okay?"
"Yeah..yeah.. I'm fine. I just..choked on the tooth..paste.." Namjoon coughs in-between words
"Be careful hyungie.." Jungkook hands him the coffee. "Here, take a drink."
Namjoon takes a big swallow, sighing when the coughing stops. "Alright, I just need my shoes and I'm ready."
Namjoon leaned against the car window while they drove to the location of the shoot, trying to hold back another cough. He knew he couldn't hide it from the others for long, but as soon as he went to the car, the older members were onto him.
He was going to wait until they reached the location to take the medicine, but Yoongi was already fretting over him.
"Namjoon-ah are you coming down with a cold?" Yoongi was straight to the point, eyes darkened with concern.
"Yeah, but its just a sore throat.." Namjoon knew he couldn't brush off Yoongi like he did Jungkook.
"Namjoon-ah, if you aren't feeling well, maybe you should sit it out." Jin suggests lightly, already knowing the answer he'll give.
"No, no, I'll be fine after i take some medicine. It's just a cough. It's nothing serious." Namjoon tried to downplay how bad he felt. Talking at a normal level felt like he was screaming.
Taehyung stayed quiet, letting his nose drip down, licking his lips when the watery snot hit them. He didn't dare sniffle, not wanting to draw attention to himself, pretending to be engrossed in the comic he was reading on his phone.
"You sound like you sang two concerts back to back on your own.. you'll worry, army." Jimin tries to talk him out of it. "You should really rest."
Namjoon shakes his head, coughing into his elbow. "They'll worry either way. We can edit out of I cough too badly. It'll be fine. They said it'll only take two hours tops."
"Alright..fine..but you stop when I say so." Jin says with a serious tone, using his role as the oldest. "I don't want you completely losing your voice over one episode. We have a concert next week."
"I promise." Namjoon says, sipping some water. "I'll try to keep the talking to a minimum.."
"Woah! It's a real pumpkin patch! Like in those movies!" Jungkook excitedly looked at the vast field of orange pumpkins of all sorts of different shapes and sizes.
"What are we doing here?" J-Hope asks.
"Each of you will choose a pumpkin from the patch to carve, then we'll continue inside." Staff tells them.
"I've never carved a pumpkin before.." Jimin admits. "Is a bigger one easies or a smaller one?"
"I haven't either, but I think a bigger one would be easier to carve because it's a bigger surface, but it's more to clear out." Yoongi smiles when he sees J-hope make a face at the idea of gutting the pumpkin.
Namjoon moves out of the camera shot, coughing into his arm. The cold autumn air made it harder not to cough.
"We need to choose quickly..Namjoonie needs to get inside as soon as possible.." J-hope clenched his jaw, his chest tightening to hear his friend cough.
"HEH'HEHTICHI!" Taehyung sneezes, covering his face. "Ah, sorry, Hyung." He apologized when he saw Hobi jump,trying to sound causal.
"Bless you, Tae. You're not catching a cold, too, are you?" Jimin rubs the back of Taehyung’s neck. "You feel warm."
"Your hands are just cold from being outside." Taehyung smiles. "Let's go pick a pumpkin." He tried to keep his energy high, pulling Jimin through the patch.
"Be careful where you step. There's vines. Don't trip!" Jin warns them a little too late, watching Taehyung fall Jimin being pulled down with him, both boys stumbling over.
"I lost my shoe.." Taehyung pouts.
"Taehyungie what have I told you to wear your shoes properly!" Jimin yells at him.
Taehyung laughs, but it turns into a cough, trying to muffle it with his scarf. "Don't make me laugh.."
"You are sick.." Jimin frowns, quickly getting Taehyung's shoe, putting it properly on his foot.
"It's not as bad as Namjoonie. I just didn't want to worry you guys. I'm fine. Really, it's just my sinuses.." Taehyung reassures Jimin, sniffling.
"It doesn't matter if Namjoon is worse or not. You don't need to act like you're fine. Did you take any medicine?"
"Namjoon-ah gave me some. I'm handling it."Taehyung promises, stifling another cough. "Oh! Look at this one! It reminds me of Tata!" He picks up an oddly shaped pumpkin."No, wait.. It's a butt.. you can have that one.."
Jimin rolls his eyes, knowing what his soulmate is doing. Taehyung is trying his best to act playful so the others didn't worry. "I don't want that one. What about the one next to it?" Jimin picks up a medium-sized pumpkin, wanting to get Taehyung inside as quickly as possible."It's perfect."
"I'll give it to Namjoonie hyung." Taehyung gets to his feet, holding his hand out to Jimin. "Come on, let's go show him."
Jimin reluctantly takes it, letting Taehyung pull him to his feet. "Looks like Jungkook beat you to it. You'll have to keep my gifted pumpkin."
Taehyung looks over to Jungkook, holding two pumpkins, then to Namjoon. "I'll see if I can get Namjoon-ah to go inside with me then."
"Good idea." Taehyung carries his pumpkin to Namjoon. "Hyung, I'm cold.. Since we got our pumpkins, can we go in?"
Namjoon was relieved to have an excuse to go in without having to admit the cold air made his coughing worse. "Feeling shy to go in alone? Alright. I'll go."He takes Taehyung's hand, leading him inside, where some staff are waiting.
"Ah, Namjoon-sii, Taehyung-sii. Is everything okay?" A staff member approached them. "Do you need anything?"
"No, everything is fine. It's just cold out, I didn't want to risk getting worse. Is that..." Namjoon tried to keep his coughing under control, but the last sentence got cut off by a bout of coughing.
The woman takes the pumpkin from him, placing it on the table, and quickly digs a few cough drops out of her purse. "Here, this should help.. I don't have many. I'm sorry."
Namjoon goes to thank her, but when he tries to talk, the coughing starts up again. He fumbles with the wrapper, Taehyung taking it from him to help open it.
"Here, hyung. Open." Taehyung pops the cough drop into his brothers mouth, his voice coming out softly.
Namjoon sucks on the lozenge, feeling relief as the mentol drop coats his dry throat. "Thank you.." he bows to the staff member and turns to Taehyung, offering him one."Here, you take one too."
"There's only three.. you should keep them.. I'm not coughing much, I'll be fine." Taehyung closes Namjoon's hand. "I hear the others.."
"Jungkookie be careful, you elbowed me.. why did you have to choose the biggest pumpkin?" Jimins voice is heard in a pout.
Taehyung runs up to greet them, knowing Namjoon wouldn't force him if they were with the others. "Oh wow.. it almost takes up your whole chest."
"It's not that big..sorry, Jiminshii, it was slipping." Jungkook apologizes, quickly going to the table to set it down. Jimin puts his down next to his, Jungkook giggling. "It's tiny like you."
"You punk." Jimin pushes him. "I'm not tiny."
"You're the smallest."Jungkook taunts running as Jimin chases him, hiding behind Jin.
"I'm not a shield. Stop playing around." Jin scolds both of them. He usually didn't mind the younger boys messing around, but he wanted to get through filming as soon as possible. Even with Taehyung smiling watching his two friends play, Jin could hear his labored breathing from his stuffed nose.
"Okay, Hyung. Sorry." Jungkook bows to Jimin.
"Oh, there's a guest here.." Yoongi points out the unfamiliar face. Everyone looks around to see who he meant, a blonde haired man catching their attention.
"H-Hello everyone!" The man stammered nervously. "I'm Zach. I'm the owner of this pumpkin patch, well.. my father is.. I'm going to help you carve your pumpkins."
"1,2,3.." Namjoon counts for their introduction, but coughs before he could get more than the first part of his name.
"His name is Namjoon." Jin answers for him, going down the line for each member. "Thank you for teaching us.."
The others echoed their thanks, except Taehyung, who only mouths the words. He tried to focus on the lesson, watching Zach cut into the top of the pumpkin, but his nose kept leaking, making him have to constantly sniffle.
"Here Hyung.." Jungkook passes him a napkin discretely, whispering by his ear. "Your nose is leaking."
"Ah, thanks, Jk.." Taehyung whispers, trying to quietly blow his nose. Thankfully, the cameras were focused on Yoongi and Namjoon bickering.
Namjoon stabbed the knife into the pumpkin, trying to saw it open, lacking the strength to actually do it. He only got a few zig zags before he couldn't get deep enough, the knife slipping.
"Namjoon-ah stop. Let me do it. I don't want you to cut yourself." Yoongi takes over.
"I can do it myself." Namjoon argues, but does nothing to stop him from taking it from him. "What about your own?"
"Jimin can do it,he's almost done with his already. Right Jiminie?" Yoongi asks Jimin.
"Ah, of course. No problem." Jimin smiles. He knew helping Yoongi meant giving the deagu rapper the chance to help Namjoon. He peeks over to Taehyung to see if he is doing any better. He's struggling too..
Taehyung had to use both hands to have enough pressure to cut through, wiping his nose on his shoulder. Why is this so hard...? It's hard to breathe when I don't concentrate on breathing..
"You aren't doing it right. Let hyung do it." Jin abandoned his project to help Taehyung. He couldn't stand seeing the young member suffering.
"I'm sorry hyung.. I'm trying my best." Taehyung coughs, a twinge of guilt filling his belly. When he looks at Jin's unfinished project. "I can do it.."
"I know you can, but i dont want you to get hurt. It's fine. I'll get you do the fun part okay? You and Namjoon were never good in the kitchen." Jin kisses his forehead. He feels warm...
"Augh! Even with gloves, it's gross!" J-hope whines, pulling out the inside of the pumpkin placing the guts aside.
"Let me help Hyung.. you can help Jinnie-hyung finish opening the top." Taehyung offers, rising to his feet to go by J-hope."It isn't that hard.. Right?"
"Well, no..but I can do it. It's not too different from making kimchi, just more..clumpy..It's fine." J-hops felt his heart twinge when Taehyung shook his head and gave him a smile taking his pumpkin anyway. Jin wanted him to rest, and he ruined it.
"I got it." Taehyung puts on the gloves, finding it much easier to just stand and remove the insides.
Jin reached over to pat J-hopes back, mouthing 'it's okay'. J-hope gives the tiniest nods, watching the young vocalist with concern. His hands were shaky, but he looked determined, a serious look across his flushed cheeks.
J-hope turned his head quickly when he heard Namjoon's coughing. He tried to muffle it with the scarf he was wearing,but it made no difference.
Namjoon felt awful.. the more he moved, the worse he felt. The sound of the members talking amongst themselves made his head pound, making him want to give up, but he was already halfway through and refused to give up.
"Namjoon-ah you okay?" Yoongi asks, unable to touch him with the dirty gloves. "Do you need a break?"
"No.. no, I'm fine.. I just need some water.." Namjoon says hoarsely.
Jungkook jumps up to get him some, removing his gloves and rushing to the cooler staff brought in the room, rushing to Namjoon’s side. "Here hyung.." he tips the bottle by his lips.
Namjoon drinks slowly, feeling some energy flowing back inside him. "Thanks Jk.. I'm fine now.."
"No..you and Taehyungie are done." Yoongi uses a stern tone.
"But hyung-" Taehyung goes to argue, but Jin stops him.
"I agree. At least for now.. We'll prep the pumpkins, and then you can come back." Jin says, gently nudging him to his feet. "Go properly blow your nose, at least.."
"Okay.." Taehyung says softly.
"Come on Tae-yah.." Namjoon knew there was no arguing against it.. not when the two oldest both told them to rest. He led the younger to the bathroom, going to the sink to splash water in his face.
Taehyung went into the bathroom stall, getting some toliet paper to try to clear his nose, sitting cross legged on the floor. The tough tissue irritated his nose further. It felt like there was no end, and the more mucus he got out, the more his sinuses throbbed, making his eyes water.
The sound of Namjoon's coughing got Taehyung back to his feet, rushing over to him. "Hyung are you okay?"
Namjoon tried to talk, but all that came out were wheezing coughs. I can't breathe..it hurts..
Taehyung pulls Namjoon close, gasping when he feels the heat radiating off of him. When did he get so bad? "You're burning up. Hang on, let me get you help.."
Namjoon holds onto Taehyung with a soft whimper. "Do..Don't.." His voice came out as a wheezing cough. He didn't want to be left alone, not when his lungs burned and his head felt light with the lack of oxygen.
Taehyung quickly texted the group chat, his hands shaking, keeping his message as quick as possible.
Nam not brthing..
Taehyung puts his phone down. "They'll come help.. it's okay.. you'll be f.." His comforting words lost their impact when a bout of coughing rattles his chest, making it hard to breathe. No, no.. I need to be strong for Namjoonie-hyung..please..
He tried to hold his breath to keep his coughing under control, hugging Namjoon tightly to him, feeling Namjoon's cough on his neck.
I don't know what to do.. I need to wait for someone to check their phone..
Taehyung runs his hand through Namjoon's hair, feeling dizzy from cutting off his own air supply. His heart pounded painfully like a jack hammer in his chest,but he didn't want to worry Namjoon. Not when he was already suffering.
"It..it's okay..you..don't..have to..pretend for me.." Namjoon coughs out the words, pressing into Taehyung’s abdomen to force him to let go of the breath he was holding.
Taehyung coughed, gasping for air. "Ah, hyung th..at hu..rt.." he felt the tension ease when Namjoon spoke, his shred of hope snatched away when the coughing turned to gagging. "Namjoon..come on.. we need to move..to..the toliet." He practically dragged the rapper into the stall, lifting the seat.
Namjoon coughed up the coffee, groaning when the acidic tang rose up his throat and into the bowl. Taehyung kept his arms wrapped around Namjoon's waist to hold him up.
"Hyungie..it's okay I got you.." Tae whispers, feeling him trembling with effort to hold himself up, Namjoons hands tightly around the toliet bowl. He buried his face in Namjoon's shoulder, coughing into it.
"Namjoon-ah! Taehyung-ah!" Yoongi tuns in the bathroom, hearing the two members suffering. He goes into the stall, gently removing Tae from Namjoon to take over. "Go to Jinnie-hyung. I'll take care of him, okay?
"Vuu.. Vuu come to hyungie." Jin calls to Taehyung with open arms, Taehyung stumbling into him.
"I..I couldn't help.. he just kept getting worse." Taehyung squeezes Jin tightly, feeling tears prick the corners of his eyes.
"Shh.. it's okay.. it's okay you did all you could.. you stayed with him and that's all any of us can do. You did so good Voo. You stayed with him even if you weren't well yourself. I'm proud." Jin reassures the younger, stroking his hair. "Baby you're hot.. come on, let's find you a place to lay down."
"No.. no I want to.." Taehyung coughs,making half the sentence cut off.
"Yoongi has joon-ah under control.. it's okay.." Jin gives Taehyung no choice, picking him up. He wanted to get him away from the sound of Namjoon's retching and the sound of Namjoons sick spraying into the bowl.
"It's okay, it's okay. Don't try to fight it.. just let it run its course, and you'll feel better after.. I know it hurts.." Yoongi gently scratches Namjoon's back, taking deep breaths to keep himself from panicking. He couldn't let his anxiety take over, not when two members needed him to stay strong. "Deep breaths, Namjoon.."
Namjoon nods, trying to fill his lungs. "Yoongi it hurts to breathe.." he whimpers softly.
"I know baby, I know.. it'll be over soon.. just hang in there for me okay?" Yoongi rubs Namjoon’s stomach, feeling it churning underneath his hand, his muscles tightening as he starts to Vomit again.
Namjoon groans as he spits up foam, having nothing left in his stomach. He gagged again,another string of foamy spit comes. He had nothing left, collapsing against Yoongi's chest. "I..I think I'm done.." he coughs out the words.
"Good..good.. let's get you and Tae home.." Yoongi gently strokes Namjoon's hair. "We can finish the episode another time.. you two are more important.."
#bts sickfic#bts boys#bts fanfic#bts sickie#bts taehyung#bts namjoon#bts jhope#bts jungkook#bts jimin#bts#sick!fic#sick!namjoon#sick!taehyung
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Random Life Thoughts
-Recently read something I helped Kickstartered a while bakc, a series of six stand-length comics that reprinted Gale Allen (occasionally Gale Allen and the Girl Patrol or Gale Allen and the Girl Squadron), a feature in Planet Comics back in the Golden Age of Comics. it's your classic rockets and rayguns space opera, except the protagonist is a hot girl who usually is leader of a group of hot girls, and sometimes they don't wear very much. Also sometimes they fight and/or rescue other hot girls who sometimes don't wear very much.
It will not surprise you that it is a Good Girl Art project, although despite that, it's surprisingly unhorny. Like, yes, there's lots of pretty girls running around in outfits that show off the goods, but they don't make A Thing of it, the way, say...Gun Honey does. Or the new art made to serve as covers.
The early stories prominently feature Gale's boyfriend Jack North, who in the first couple stories is a sexist pig who insists girls shouldn't be fighting no matter how much ass Gale and her team kick. That aspect gets dropped pretty quickly, and then he disappears as well, though they still feel a need to throw in a badass dude a lot.
The continuity is a mess, BTW. Very scattershot; initially Gale is an American defending the USA from some sort of space pirate who's conquered Europe and then she's inexplicably the chief general of the Queen of Venus and then later she's piloting a pair of bickering scientists around the galaxy and no explanation is ever given for it.
She also has multiple encounters with evil Mayincatec-theemd aliens, which is weird and collar-tugging.
-Read the novelization of The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension. Is a very different experience than the movie cuz it is CHOCKFULL of exposition, whereas the movie is famously rather sparing on that front. Also philosophical technobabble. It's still a hell of a trip, just in a different way. Also some plot details here and there are different.
-I feel much, much better than I did in January. Part of that is cuz I finally saw a doctor and got prescribe a medication, part of that is the passage of time, but the important thing is that I am not spending half the day stricken by stomachaches. Which means I can go to work again.
-Both of my nieces have dresses made of this green velour material. My mom has a dress made of a similar material. I keep making jokes about this. Thus far only one has failed to land with other people, so I'm doing better than usual.
-Had both my brother who has been married longest and my brother who was married most recently over for Shabbos this week, that was fun. Also of course, their wives, and in the case of the former, his children, who of course were the main attraction; they're SO CUTE.
-M'mom threatened to make me shovel snow today despite my insistence that it was unnecessary, and lo and behold it had started melting before I got the chance. It's all gone now.
-I keep missing phone calls and decided that the problem was that the call volume on my phone was too low, so I amped it up. The problem is that I cannot decouple call and notification volume for some idiot reason, and so I ended up disabling a bunch of notifications because the sound is so frigging' irritating.
-Owing to my illness, I didn't feel like looking at the Star Trek Adventures Character Sheet collections, so it took longer than anticipated, but I have finally finished 'em and started the Army of Darkness RPG, which consists solely of the Rulebook, and even though I anticipate it taking awhile for me to finish it, I already want to start making polls to pick the next one. Is that weird?
Maybe I should do a poll about that?
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first stream: your perfect doll!


[art cr: kuroume_1024 on twt]
dom trans! streamer! scaramouche x sub fem-sex reader (no pronouns used for reader but mention of boobs for both parties)
SUMMARY = kunihiko is about to make his debut as scaramouche! hope everything goes well!
WARNINGS = please view the sucker series masterlist for the full warnings! smut, use of the word “cunt”, recording, thigh riding, hint of self-harm, scara has nipple and navel piercings, scaramouche is called kunihiko in this au, ooc scaramouche
W/C = 2k
A/N = thank you to my wonderful beta readers @boba-is-a-soup, @saikiscleansink and @artiepooh for giving me advice for this fic! Also!! Reminder there is a poll at the end that will determine the content of the next chapter!
“Good day everyone,” She says with a polite smile, hands clasped right in front of her, reminiscent of that aristocratic princess trope you see all over anime. “My name is a 06ScaraBalladeer but I’m known as Scara.”
She’s perfect. Just the way you envisioned her. Her long, straightened hair sweeps over her shoulders, the pristine appearance matching with her raven black and mulberry dress. Your eyes drift to the subtle rose in her cheeks, complementing her porcelain face and her innocuous smile. With a girl as endearing as her, it’s easy to be enraptured. The chat is already filling with comments. Good things, fortunately. Calling her cute, complimenting her gothic lolita style and princessly demeanour.
“This pretty doll has awakened, been blessed with life to walk among the mortal folk. Rejoice, for I shall purify your tainted hearts!” Scara raises her arms for dramatic effect, pausing for a moment before covering her mouth with her sleeve and giggling. “Or something like that. I saw a friend of a friend do something similar and I wanted to try it out.”
Drama; it serves as an effective juxtaposition to a modest face. It keeps viewers on their toes, riling them up with excitement.
Scara crosses her legs, returning her hands to her lap. “Now you may be wondering, why is a weak and frail doll like me on this wretched realm called the internet? You see…I couldn’t help but be curious of what lies in this nerd haven. But now I see…” She crosses her arms, furrowing her eyebrows. “You all need to be punished! Punished really thoroughly!”
Jeez, it’s only her debut and her chat is already filled with thirsty masochists.
“But it’s okay, I know you all need love too. And who better to give you both than me: the prettiest, most adorable doll in the universe?” she giggles. “I want to spread my love and punishment to as many people in the world. Which is why you all need to subscribe to me so we can all have tons of fun together. One day, I’ll see a million of you with me, and that’s a promise! I have a lot to learn but I hope to meet you all!”
As soon as the livestream ends, you switch off your phone and walk to the bedroom. The door is left open and no one is in sight, though the sound of running water gives you enough of a hint to where he’s gone. The PC is still on, its screen set to the Twitter front page. You make yourself comfortable on the chair before scrolling through the page. You lift your head upon hearing the sound of the door shutting behind you.
“Fuck, I’m shaking.” A masculine voice speaks up. “Scara finally debuted after we spent so long mulling over her. Ha, I knew keeping my trashy lolita outfits would come in handy.” He smirks as he wipes his wet face clean with a towel.
His sharp voice contrasts the sweet feminine tone of the streamer. Short indigo hair instead of Scara’s long lavender locks. Without the identical black and mulberry dress, even you wouldn’t have guessed that your boyfriend Kunihiko leads a double life as Scara.
“Your tweet received a lot of likes and retweets too,” you point out as you scroll down the timeline. “We’ve reached one thousand subscribers.”
He frowns. “It’s not enough,” Kunihiko mutters bitterly as he adjusts the long, purple wig on the mannequin head. “I want more people to fawn over– no, to worship me. I need one million of them by the end of this month…or else…”
He mumbles the rest under his breath. You tilt your head, worry starting to cloud your brain upon noticing his darkening gaze. It vanishes as soon as you notice it, replaced by a devious glimmer.
“And you,” He slams his palms on either side of the chair. Indigo hues exude seduction, inviting you in with the sweet yet musky scent of his cologne. He speaks in a whisper; his warm breath fanning your face as he draws out his words. “You’ll get me there…right? You’ll make Scara the biggest streamer in the world. Won’t you, my perfect producer?”
Enchanted, you cup his cheeks, your words coming out in a trance. “Of course. I’ll do anything to make you happy.”
“Good.” Kunihiko presses his lips against yours, guiding you to the bed. “It’s too early to sleep so let’s celebrate my debut.”
“How so?”
Kunihiko laughs as he undoes the corset of his black dress. “Oh, (Name). If you have time to act coy, you have time to take off those shorts."
At first, you couldn’t move. You stare. Only stare even as the heat rushes to your face and brain, watching him peel off each layer. Little by little, he reveals more and more of his porcelain skin. Your eyes diverge from the dried lines on his thighs to the navel piercing on his belly, the near purity of his fair body an irony, knowing the debauchery you both have and are about to commit. Your breathing ceases when he unclasps his bra, the shimmer of the silver jewellery sending your mind further into disarray.
“God, I love it when you look at me like that. I hate it as much as I love it, but I hate it more when you’re being so fucking slow.”
It’s only then do you process his order, sliding off your shorts and drifting your fingers to your pussy. The moment he tosses aside his last piece of clothing, Kunihiko pounces on you like a predator cornering his prey, immediately burrowing his face into you like a starved animal. The rough contact of his nose rubbing against your clit and his tongue moving up and down your slit forces you to curl into yourself. Your legs wrap around his neck as you moan and beg for more, only for him to stop all of sudden. His expression twists to a scampish one, eyes lifting to meet your baffled expression.
“Did you think I was going to eat you out?” Kunihiko repositions himself behind you, his arms scooping you by the inner side of your knees to keep your legs open. “I don’t mind, but didn’t you promise me something else?”
You hold your breath, feeling a lithe finger ghosting down your body. “Y-yes, Kuni. I got too excited.”
“Hm I see you’re very excited. Look," Kunihiko circles his finger around your clit, pressing on the little nub. "It's sooo swollen. You're making me jealous."
The scent of sandalwood and cherries permeates your nose, the strong yet gentle fragrance blinding your senses. His touch steals your breath away, left behind only a hungry wail as you slur your next word out. “Jealous?"
Wetness touches your ear, and you flinch. The cold metal of his nipple piercings grazes your back as he rubs his chest against you. In a split second, his finger enters your hole, eliciting a gasp out of you as he mercilessly fucks your soaked pussy.
“Jealous because you're being touched so intimately.” Kunihiko's arms trap you and you’re left squirming in his grasp as he gropes your tits and nibbles on your ear. “But it's fine, you can repay me later. I don't give a damn about getting off as long as you're telling me how good I'm making you feel."
Despite his vulgar words, his tone conveys nonchalance, like this is routine for him – well, technically it is — like he isn’t knuckle deep inside his lover’s cunt. In comparison, you have to withhold a meek whine when he inserts a second finger into your hole, stretching your thin walls through a scissoring motion.
"Fuck (Name), get my phone."
Hazily, you stretch over the bed to pick it up, intuitively flipping the camera around and pressing record. "H-haah…Kuni," You position the phone to your entrance, getting it close enough to pick up the sloppy noises before trailing the device up your body and back above your head again. "Kuni, it feels sooo good…Kuni is fucking me so well! I lo— a-ah!"
Your voice dies into helpless moans when your boyfriend slips a third finger, aggressively pumping them in and out of you. "Go on, move your hips against me. Tell the camera who's making you feel this good."
"Kuni! Kuni, Kuni, Kuni!" you scream his name, a glob of drool rolling down your chin down your neck past the valley of your breasts. "I'm Kuni's slut! I looove getting fucked by Kuni! I want to cum all over Kuni's fin— aaaah!"
In the midst of pleasure, you don’t pay attention to the phone sliding out of your grasp. Kunihiko thankfully notices it, grabbing your hand to keep it steady and moving it back down to your cunt. With his other hand, he spreads your lips open just in time for the camera to catch you squirting all over the bedsheets. He rubs the juices into your pussy even as your thighs continue to twitch, your eyes following his hand moving the phone to your face. Without giving you a moment to calm down, he stuffs his drenched digits into your mouth, forcing you to lick it up.
"Get your boobs in view," he orders, pushing your wrist back. "Smile for the camera.”
Kunihiko ends the recording and takes a couple more photos at several different angles. He grins in satisfaction before his lips morph into a frown at the mess. "Ugh, should have made you cum on the floor instead." Kunihiko lies on the bed as he swipes through the photos. "This shit is kinda hot though. If we set up an OnlyFans for you we'll probably get rich."
“You said you don’t want me to sell my body online.”
“Yeah, and you know why,” he scoffs. “You’re the normie out of the two of us. If you become a degenerate then we won’t be able to continue living in this god-forsaken society.”
“Shall I clear the bedsheets or do you want me to touch you first?”
He thinks for a moment before getting off the bed and dragging the gaming chair to the mirror. “Deal with it later. I want to ride your thigh.”
You frown but move to sit on the chair. “I’ll have to clean this up later too.”
“The pictures are worth it.” Kunihiko splays his legs before sinking onto your thigh, wasting no time in moving. “You know, (Name), you’re lucky you’re both cute and useful. Not just your body, I mean you as a whole.”
His searing heat burns your skin, staining it with his fluids. His mouth falls open, chest heaving with steady pants as he ruts against your thigh. Red blooms across his cheeks, his expression contrasting his actions when he turns the phone to the mirror and taps the record button. He captures your chin and shoves his tongue inside your mouth, shutting his eyes as he moans for dramatic effect. “Fuck, (Name)...I fuckin’ love you so damn much.”
Your heart races at his words. Your body shivers as his hands trace your body, holding onto you as if you would run away if he let go. Magnetised, you nibble on his bottom lip as you push his slender body against yours. “I love you too, Kuni.”
He stops the recording and you both part to gaze into each other's eyes. Deep indigo irises declare a yearning, a satisfaction, a fondness. An attachment. His smile displays euphoria comparable to being drugged as he tosses away his phone to focus on planting kisses all over your face. You hold him and whisper affirmations into his ear while he keens into your touch.
“(Name), you won’t leave me.”
“I would never.”
He laughs dryly. “Yeah. Of course you won’t.”
You open your mouth. Upon seeing his resentful expression, you close it again. You let him continue to roll his hips against your thigh, letting him find pleasure in your body.
“Oh yeah, some people sent me superchat money. What should I use it for?”
[Your answer]
#genshin impact x reader smut#genshin x reader smut#scaramouche x reader smut#genshin scaramouche x reader smut#scaramouche smut#genshin scaramouche smut#needy streamer overload au#needy girl overdose au#genshin smut#genshin impact smut#sucker series
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Can you write a pt.2 of "and baby makes three" with them and the baby? A cute little boy, a copy of Tony ❤️
Maybe One More
Tony Stark x Wife!reader
Tony’s ready for more
Warnings: breast-feeding, implied smut, suggestive comments, fluff, dad!Tony
WC: 1.8k
A/N: Take this poll to help me rewrite the MCU!
Minors DNI
And Baby Makes Three (Part 1)
A groan escaped Tony’s lips as the smell of coffee filled his senses. He heard a little giggle and then a small hand landed a surprisingly powerful slap to his cheek. “Dada!” A smile came over his face but he quickly hid it and pretended to sleep.
“Ma!” The little voice called out. “Go on baby, wake up dada.” Tony melted at the sound of your voice but kept up the charade. Two chubby hands buried in his black hair and pulled. “Ah! Ah!” He winced, lifting his head. Leo was sitting on the bench next to him, a huge smile behind his Iron Man pacifier, brown eyes twinkling with joy.
“Dada!” He screeched and dove forward, falling into his father’s open arms, snuggling into his hard chest not minding the arc reactor pushing into his plump cheek. “Good morning little man.” “Good morning to you too, my love.” A huge mug of coffee was placed by his computer as you delicately kissed his forehead. “Good morning beautiful wife.” He smirked, calloused hand reaching out to wrap around your neck and bring your face down to his for a passionate kiss.
Evidently his son didn’t like not being the center of attention because he whined loudly and as Tony looked down at him, he saw a lone tear fall from his big eyes and run down his s/c cheek. His heart clenched at the sight and hugged his little body closer, cooing, and rocking back and forth. “Oh no, don’t cry it’s ok.” You just chuckled beside him, perching yourself on the table.
“He can play you like a fiddle.” Tony gasped. “Don’t talk about my son like that. He’s perfect.” Leo gave you a little stink eye, scarily similar to his father’s. “Oh so he’s your son now?” You humoured him, delicate fingers tickling the baby’s chin to which he gave a perfect little baby giggle, squirming on your husband’s lap.
Since the moment you got those two pink lines on the pregnancy test, Tony stepped away from everything, no more missions, limited time at Stark Industries and only a few hours in the lab each week. He dedicated every waking moment to catering to your needs. He cried when you learned you were pregnant with a little boy and then once again when he held little Leonardo Alexander Stark who was born on the first day of spring.
You should’ve known that little Leo would take after Tony. He couldn’t stand to be away from his dada for long, loving to be in the lab with him as he worked (on non-dangerous projects of course), even adopting the cute head tilt Tony did when he was confused by something. It was definitely a strange family bonding moment, when you would come down to feed him, sitting on the couch by his favourite lab bench specifically put there so you could breast-feed in comfort.
Leo looked up at his dad, completely mesmerised by his smile. “I’m the one that carried him for 9 months and it’s like I don’t exist except for milk.” “Aw don’t say that, he’s just a smart little man that wants to be just like dada. Huh baby?” He gave a nonsensical babble in response, turning in his spot to reach for the novelty mug, fascinated by the dark liquid inside.
“No no. That’s for grown ups, bambino.” He yanked the cup away from him and brought it to his lips so he could finally get some caffeine in his system. Leo’s dark eyebrows scrunched and you could practically see the gears turning over in his mind as he studied the cup and its proximity to him. A chunky arm moved away from holding Tony’s shirt and stretched out, almost like he was testing his reach but he quickly pulled the limb back to his small body.
As soon as Tony put the mug back down on the metal table, Leo’s arm shot out once more and he grabbed the handle tightly, smiling victoriously behind his dummy. You giggled and gently pried the cup from his surprisingly strong grasp, his glare returning. “So what have you been working on dear?” You gestured to the computer in front of him.
A slight dusting of pink spread across his scruffy cheeks. “Nothing.” You smirked, he was quite obviously hiding something. “Well it has to be something big, you were down here all night.” You teased, leaning back on your hands. “You missed bath time and you hate missing bath time.” Tony’s brown eyes avoided your gaze, focusing instead on your son who looked like he was plotting your demise for taking his dada’s favourite drink away from him.
“I just lost track of time.” He muttered. “Dada!” Leo shouted, a chubby finger pointing at you, like he was trying to get you in trouble. “Alright my little scientist, you need your breakfast.” With a considerable fight, you pried him from Tony’s arms and slipped from the table, pulling your shirt off to throw at your husband’s head.
Settling on the very very expensive couch, Leo calmed down, happy at the prospect of getting fed. You unhook one side of your nursing bra and Leo happily spit out his dummy into your hand, immediately latching onto your nipple. As your milk began to flow, you gave a big sigh, the pressure on your breast lessening.
You ran your fingers through his dark whips hair, his eyes fluttering shut. Tony watched on in awe, like he always did, but today he was quiet. Usually, he’d make little comments about how good your tits looked, a compliment you received every day, or how beautiful you were. “Tones? What’s wrong?” He shook his head, rubbing his facial hair, a tell-tale sign of his anxiety. “My love, talk to me.” You reached a hand out, inviting him onto the sofa with you.
“I was just thinking about something last night.” “That’s dangerous.” He gave you a stink-eye but his shoulders relaxed, the tension having been broken. You bounced slightly as he plopped down beside you, snaking a strong arm around your thick waist, the other coming to rest on your big thigh. “He’s beautiful.” He whispered, like he didn’t want you to hear. “He is exactly like you, my love.” “I want another.” His eyes couldn’t meet yours, he seemed terrified. “Leo’s almost a year old now, and I was thinking, what if he had a little sister.”
Your heart melted. “How can you be so sure the next one will be a girl?” You teased, nudging his shoulder. “Didn’t you know, I’m a genius, I know these things.” “Of course dear.” You dismissed. “What! You don’t believe me?!” He stood, pointing a finger at you. “I didn’t say that.”
“Oh you’re gonna get it. Today I make this vow, by this time next year, we will have a little girl. I vow it!” You laughed quietly, trying not to disturb your son. He gave a little grumble, one eye cracking open to glare at you, the same look his father was giving you at the moment. “Alright my love. If you’re sure you want to go through all this again, we can start trying for another.” Tony beamed that smile you loved so much, the same one he had when Leo was first born.
He delicately took your face in his hands, kissing your lips gently. “I love you. You’ve given me so much and I have no idea how I will ever make it up to you.” “Keep being a wonderful father and husband.” You went in for another kiss but was interrupted by a small hand slapping your collarbone. You laughed and shifted Leo to your other breast, letting him continue his breakfast.
“You are a wonder.” “Organise a babysitter for this monster for this weekend and we’ll see about getting a jumpstart on making that little girl.” You had never seen Tony run so fast in your life.
One year later.
“Mama! Look at me!” Leo ran into your room, throwing himself onto the bed. Your hand shot out, catching his little head before he could face plant into your plump stomach. He scrambled back up to his knees, a huge smile on his face. “Mama! Look!” He threw his arms out in an attempt to show you what he was wearing. “Oh baby, remember, we gotta be quiet.” “Sorry mama.” He tried to whisper.
You smiled lovingly at him. “Now show me what you’re wearing.” “Like dada!” He whisper-yelled. Your little boy was wearing a small AC-DC shirt that he had gotten for Christmas with dark-wash jeans and an exact replica of the famous Tony Stark sunglasses. “Oh so handsome!” You praised, pulling the shirt down so it covered his chubby tummy. “Like dada?” “Even more handsome than dada!”
He squealed and laid a sloppy kiss to your cheek. “I resent that.” The raspy voice of your husband called out from the doorway. “Well this little man is the most handsome, smartest little boy on the planet.” You wrapped a soft arm around your boy to pull him closer to you, lathering his face with kisses that made him giggle.
Tony rounded the bed, big hand resting on Leo’s head as he pecked your forehead. “How are our girls doing?” The bundle in your arms squirmed, the noise interrupting her post-feed nap. “We’re good. She’s had a good long feed so I think she’ll be out for a while.” Leo pulled the blanket back slightly so he could get a good look at his little sister’s sleeping face. “Hi Nova.”
You and your husband stayed silent, lovingly watching Leo interact with his month old sister. Leo was utterly enamoured by her, especially since he picked out her name. “Mama, we dress up Nova too?” “Who do you wanna dress her as?” “Mama! Cause mama so pretty!” Your chest tightened with emotion. “Oh baby, you’re so sweet.”
“He’s just telling the truth.” Tony shrugged as he reached out and picked Leo up by his waist, setting him on his lap so they both could sit next to you. “We’re so lucky, mama and Nova are the most beautiful girls in the world.” Your son nodded frantically in agreement. “So pretty.”
You cupped Tony’s jaw. “And we’re lucky to have the most handsome men in the universe look after us.” “Love you mama.” “Love you too baby.” You laid a little kiss on his dark hair. “Are you tired love?” “Yeah, I could do with a nap.”
“How about we all have a little sleep together and then take this look out on the town.” “That sounds lovely.” Your voice was already slurring with the beginning of sleep. You shuffled further down your pillows so Nova could lay flat on your chest, Leo curling up in the crook of your arm and your head resting on Tony’s bicep.
Sleep overcame the three of you easily but Tony couldn’t tear his eyes away from his family. How had he denied himself this kind of joy for so long? How had he denied you this happiness? He loved you all so much, too much.
“Maybe one more wouldn’t be so bad.” He whispered to no one in particular. “I will cut off your balls.” You muttered sleepily. He looked down at you with literal heart eyes. “I know.”
Marvel Masterlist | Main Masterlist
#tony stark x you#tony stark x y/n#tony stark x reader#tony stark x plus size reader#plus size reader#female reader#fluff#reader insert#tony x you#tony x reader#request fill#requests are open#tony x plus size reader#tony stark x wife!reader#tony stark x female reader#iron man x reader#dad!tony stark#mom!reader#oc child#oc!Leo Stark#oc!Nova Stark
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Scarlet Lady Au: Two Halves of Marinette’s Heart
Author’s Note: Based on Zoe-Oneesama's Tumblr comic Scarlet Lady which is my fave Ladybug fan content or tied along with LadyBugOut. Only there and the amnesiac Adrien in the episode Oblivion do I ship Adrienette. Also happy birthday to Zoe.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was smiling as he was riding on the back of one of her boyfriends Luka Couffaine's bike as he had insisted on giving her a ride to school. He and Adrien Agreste had recently revealed their feelings to her and she was torn between them: the cute and nice Adrien and the cool but also dorky like her Luka. It was tough to think it through even after they had both assured her that they don't want to hurt their friendship with her no matter what she choose. It was Alya who stepped in after healing her dilemma had said that she can just date them both since she had two hands for the each of them. Luka and Adrien were fine with this as long as Marinette was happy and it was then their relationship happened over the weekend.
They had let their family know and they accepted it well: Anarka was quite over the top in her excitement, Marinette's parents and embarrassed her by saying that she had got them 2 sons in law; Juleka had likewise already claimed Marinette as her sister in law and Adrien's father... Marinette and Luka looked at him in sympathy when he just shook his head saying that he was too busy to get a chance to tell him. Marinette comforted him with a hug not really liking how her favourite designer was so cold to his own son. Pollen was more than happy about his Miraculous' owner's new relationship and said his queen deserved all the love that she gets.
Marinette kissed Luka on the cheek after she got off and Adrien was there to greet them as they posed together for a picture smiling which Juleka took with Adrien's photo. Luka and Adrien showed off their custom necklaces around their necks made by Marinette of two halves of a heart with "Marinette's heart" inscribed on them.
"Are you sure that you are ready for everyone to know about you three?" Juleka asked giving Adrien back his phone and they nodded without hesitation.
"I don't really care as much for father's opinion but he seems to like Marinette as an up and coming designer so I think he will give approval." Adrien said with a huffed voice which had them silent.
"I wouldn't want to hide being with Marinette at all; I would sing it with my soul." Luka said Adrien posted the picture on social media with the caption:
Me with Luka Couffaine and our amazing new girlfriend Marinette Dupain-Cheng!
They got in and as students saw the notice they began crowding Marinette and Adrien as they came in holding hands as they went to their classroom. There were students wanting to get a look at 2 3rds of the new couple as they heard the comments:
"Marinette scored herself with 2 cute guys!"
"Are you going to be modelling Marinette's designs now Adrien?"
"So are you going to be Marinette Dupain-Cheng-Agreste-Couffaine in the future?"
They ignored them and walked into class with Juleka not far behind them to see their excited classmates wanting to know the details.
"So Adrien, will you and Luka be fighting eachother to get the most out of Marinette's time?" Alix asked as Marinette glared at her while Rose was squealing about how romantic it was. Marinette was taken aback when she noticed Lila and Sabrina glaring at their direction while looking quite jealous.
She was shocked by this thinking that she was getting along with Lila and Sabrina was forming a good friendship with her while helping her start over from her toxic so called 'friendship' that she had with Chloe. Marinette's eyes widened when she noticed that Adrien went to get to his seat and their looks were going to his direction, so it was Adrien they were angry at?
"Can I please ask if Adrien has done something to anger you?" Marinette asked as they both shook their heads and there were laughter.
"Marinette, they are just jealous that Adrien and Luka got to you first!" Alya told her grinning as they ended up nodding slightly a bit embarrassed.
"You helped me be more truthful about myself and I still remember how in love that I felt when I heard you badmouth that terrible Scarlet Lady!" Lila said as Marinette was open mouthed wondering just could she possibly remember that since she was Volpina at the time. Marinette did remember that while she was telling the love struck Volpina that she hated Hawk Moth more than Scarlet Lady, that she a bit scared that Volpina was going to kidnap her as a bride for her comment alone.
"You've always been so nice to me Marinette and never held what I did for Chloe against me, even when I tried to steal your diary for her and lied my way into your room. You've been more of a friend to me than Chloe ever was and you are so amazing." Sabrina told her as Marinette didn't know what to say.
"I bet Luka and Adrien wouldn't mind if you wanted to date Marinette as well, if Marc is alright with Nathaniel wanting to go after Marinette as well." Rose suggested as Marinette, Sabrina, Lila and Nathaniel were now red in the face.
"Dupain-Cheng!" screamed an unwelcome voice as the entire class groaned in unison as they should have dreaded this reaction as Chloe came in looking angrier than they had ever saw her which was quite an accomplishment for her. "How dare you steal my Adrikins away from me! I could care less if you wanted to waste your time with that loser with the guitar as losers belong together, that do you think that I was going to sit back and let you keep them both for yourself when Adrien is mine!" Chloe thundered as the class glared at her.
"Watch what you say about Marinette or my brother!" Juleka said speaking up using courage that almost never comes to her.
"Adrien is not a prize to be won or yours to claim Chloe; it's his choice who he wants to be with!" Marinette told her as Chloe smirked getting out her phone.
"Managed to get a picture of your little notebook when you had it open and wasn't looking Dupain-Cheng." Chloe said showing off a drawing of a love heart around Chat Noir as Marinette was open mouthed at that picture being shown to the class and red in her face but while angry at Chloe, Adrien couldn't help but smile a bit at the picture. "So do you want to claim the mangy cat as well Dupain-Cheng with how pathetic you are?" Chloe snarked looking victorious but Adrien spoke up.
"Nothing wrong with having a celebrity crush Chloe, I have one on Marigold myself." Adrien said taking out his notebook and showing that it had a photo of the Bee heroine Marigold with a heart drawing around it as Marinette was redder in the face while Chloe was open mouthed.
"Nothing wrong with that dude, she is pretty much the best hero that Paris has now!" Nino said with everyone smiling and nodding in agreement besides Chloe and Marinette. Marigold has with her fighting tenacity, warm comforting words to Akuma victims after they were being freed and happy to help civilians in need made her a more popular hero. She had given interviews and how valued Chat Noir was as a partner and helped Paris realise how hard he had to fight against the Akumas.
"Excuse me but Scarlet Lady is by far Paris' best hero!" Chloe retorted by Alya got out her phone and showed the poll that the news station had made asking Paris citizens who they liked the best.
Marigold was in the lead followed by Chat Noir, Maotif the one time temporary Chat Noir was in 3rd place and in a very distant 4th place with barely 1% vote was Scarlet Lady. "Paris disagrees Chloe." Alya told her and Chloe was furious. People were being interviewed and the stories of people's interactions with Scarlet Lady were now circulating.
"Adrien, you can't seriously be okay with this! I'm your friend and we would be much better than stupid Dupain-Cheng!" Chloe told Adrien but he shook his head.
"'Were' your friend Chloe, 'were' as in we used to be and haven't really been friends for a long time but I am just making it official!" Adrien thundered and Chloe was open mouthed and this surprised the class. "Sorry Chloe, I have tried to give you some time to better yourself but you keep pulling these stunts while being a cruel bully to our classmates and treating me like a possession of yours. Calling my girlfriend and my new bro losers was me losing all patience and I can't pretend anymore. I am sorry Chloe but I can't be friends with you anymore, you are different from the friend that I used to have." Adrien said and Chloe furiously charged at Marinette.
Adrien caught her hand and glared at her hard before letting go, Chloe began ranting and shouting on the spot while kicking the desk and Ms Bustier had to tell her off and send her to the principal's office.
"Sorry about that Adrien..." Marinette said since as much bad blood as there was between her and Chloe, the bully did used to be a friend to Adrien.
"You have nothing to be sorry about, just keep being the girl that I love." Adrien told her and she smiled back.
Later in the week, after school they were at a park bench as Marinette was at Luka's lap and Adrien was in Marinette's as the three relaxed together. However they heard screaming and saw an Akuma attacking people in the streets.
Marinette jumped out of Luka's lap and helped Adrien up who was in a similar panic as her's. "Sorry guys, I hate to break up a perfect moment but... I have to get a cake to Nadja and I don't want to be earlier than I was last time since it didn't go so well..." Marinette said thinking on the spot.
"Don't worry... I just remembered an event that my dad would want me to be at..." Adrien said as they both ran off in separate directions.
Luka smiled as she dusted himself off and went home chuckling at them, after a few days of this did they really think that he would not pierce it together? No matter, this means that he could talk to Adrien about Marigold and bond over them crushing on her.
#Ml salt#luka x marinette#marinette x luka#adrien x marinette#marinette x adrien#marinette x adrien x luka#marinette x luka x adrien#also on ao3#also on fanfiction#also on fanfiction and ao3#also on fanfiction.net#bee!Marinette#bee marinette#scarlet lady comic#scarlet lady#scarlet lady au#zoe-oneesama#oneshot#drabble#adrien agreste#Marinette Dupain-Cheng#luka couffaine#lukanette#adrienette#my only adrienette fic#anti chloe#anti Chloe bourgeois#chloe bashing
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ot7 x reader || ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 9.3k || ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: smut - rated 18+
Sick of unsatisfying hookups, boring relationships or the company of your own hand? Apply today for the chance to be on bangasm.com’s very first reality show! Seven attractive young gentlemen will be vying for your choice of who is best in bed. All from different backgrounds, these men claim they’ll be able to rock your world, so don’t hesitate! Apply now!
Congratulations! You’ve been accepted as the Lady in the first season of The Gentlemen.
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ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: cursing, mentions of explicit sexual content, mentions of blood. the results of the fan favourite vote poll are at the end of this chapter.
banner designer @jamaisjoons | thank you sfhs babies i love you 3000
On the seventh Day of every Week in the game, Y/n’s elimination vote is released for 48 hours following the post of the fic. Please note, this is NOT the Fan Favourite vote, which has already happened.
Vote closed. Thank you for participating!
There’s something exciting and indulgent about sitting apart from Taehyung and Jimin, yet sharing secret glances and muffled smiles.
You’d had to leave Taehyung’s room at different times, you and Jimin sneaking back to your respective rooms to change out of his clothes so it didn’t look odd.
As the eight of you gather in the lounge, sleepily curled up with mugs of coffee or lying back against the couch for a few more moments of peace, the familiar faces of the others send a pang of guilt through you. Like you were lying to them. Omission is a type of lie, you suppose, but you try and smother the feeling. You’re allowed to be selfish.
Especially when it made Taehyung and Jimin look so happy.
Taehyung, who was almost always cheerful much like the puppy you saw last night, now looks like he can’t even contain it, his toes wiggling and eyes gleaming. Jimin, who on the other hand tended to be a little stiff and wary during these meetings, seemed more at ease than he’s ever been in front of everyone.
Could the others really blame you for wanting to see them happy?
You bite down hard on your tongue as Sejin arrives, the final piece in the puzzle. Maybe they could. You count your lucky blessings you don’t have to pick a favourite as well as someone to eliminate. Staying objective and making a decision tomorrow would be hard enough.
“Are we all ready?” Sejin checks, consulting with his watch to ensure it was in fact nine on the dot.
Catching everyone off guard, it’s Jungkook that speaks up, sitting beside you with crossed legs. “Ready, PD!”
The rest of you go still for a moment of surprised silence. When was the last time Jungkook had sounded that chipper? You’d found it strange when, being only the third one downstairs after you and Jin, Jungkook had neglected the last empty couch in favour of sitting beside you. Still half asleep, he’d exchanged pleasantries and basically face-planted into a cup of hot chocolate, inhaling the steam like his life depended on it.
Now, though, he seems more alert than most of you, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as he waited for the meeting to start.
As you glance around, everyone seems equally shocked and relieved, except Jin, who just smiles quietly. You send the eldest a questioning gaze, but he just shrugs.
“Alright, today we just need to cover the prompts, Y/n’s Bangasm Bomb, and then we’ll finish off with the audience vote for fan favourite. Sound good?”
At the mention of fan favourite, Jungkook straightens up, knee jiggling. Your heart goes out to him. Not only had he had a rough time lately, but he put so much effort in to his prompt, and you can’t help but hope he gets it. He could use some cheering up, though he seemed cheerful again all on his own. “I’ll cross my fingers for you, Doctor Jeon,” you promise with a soft smile.
He glances back at you, eyes glittering. “You will?”
“Of course.” Out of the corner of your vision, you feel two sets of eyes on you. “You did well.”
He wrings his hands, gaze dropping. “I wasn’t even top three last week.”
You shrug lightly. “Then you’ll be most improved.”
When he grins, teeth poking out cutely, your shoulders drop in relief. “If I win, I’ll take you somewhere really fun, I promise!”
“Alright,” Sejin cuts in, breaking off your conversation, “our theme was dynamics and roleplay. Just like with last week, we’ll go through each of the guys and get Y/n to guess. Should be pretty easy. And we’ll see if anyone will be taking over the bunkrooms. Namjoon and Hoseok, you’ll be returning to your rooms tonight unless you failed your prompt again.”
Namjoon and Hoseok, squished up on either side of Taehyung, lean over him to high-five after the older one cheers.
“I’ll miss it,” Hoseok confesses, “but I missed my own bed even more. Namjoon; you’re welcome for a sleepover anytime.”
“A sleepover sounds fun,” Taehyung answers quietly, but Hoseok trills and cups his cheeks, inviting him too.
Across the other side, to the left of Jin and Yoongi, Jimin stiffens and instinctively sends you a look of uncertainty. Your lips part, but of course you can’t say anything in front of everyone.
Instead, you give a minute shrug and lean back. Taehyung had already spent the past two weeks being relatively free with his affections, and it seems unfair to get upset by it now. Especially when you were still having sex with other people.
Like a bucket of cold water down your back, the decision you made last night comes into clarity. You couldn’t go out on dates. You couldn’t really kiss or hold hands in front of the others lest they find out. And you couldn’t even be faithful to them. What exactly made declaring your feelings and choosing to be together any different from how you were before?
Before you get too deep into your thoughts, you notice the room has gone silent, everyone staring at you. “Hm? Sorry?”
Sejin’s pointing to Jin expectantly. “Could you state your guess for what Seokjin’s prompt was, Y/n?”
Jin’s face is weirdly unreadable, eyes not really focusing on yours. You struggle to process enough to recall the answer. “Um, poolboy.”
Jin remains silent, making Sejin cough awkwardly. “Yes, poolboy and client was his prompt. Congratulations, Seokjin, you didn’t explicitly tell Y/n your prompt and successfully completed it.”
On the other side of the room, Taehyung’s eyes fly wide, before his shoulders slump, blushing as Hoseok quietly teases him.
You clear your throat, feeling weirdly strung-out, like your attention is in a million places at once. Get through the meeting, then you can chat with Min and Tae. Just stay focussed. “Yoongi was, like, an animal?”
“Predator and prey,” Yoongi explains smoothly, finally starting to look a little less zombie-like. “And I made sure we were in view of the cameras outside. The ones by the gazebo.”
Sejin nods, choosing to sit on the coffee table instead of just standing in front of you all. “Right. Congratulations, Yoongi, you also successfully completed your prompt within the rules. Jimin’s one?”
You’re pretty sure every person in this room could guess his without a second thought. “Stripper.”
Jimin blows you a teasing kiss with a wink, and you try not to look too endeared, heart leaping at the soft look that hides behind his flirty act. “I hope you all enjoyed the show.”
Beside you, Jungkook goes oddly stiff, face falling. But before you can ask him about it, he’s taking a deep breath and putting on a smile again, albeit a smaller one. You frown as Sejin congratulates Jimin before turning to your couch and indicating it’s Jungkook’s turn.
“Doctor and patient,” you hear yourself answer easily, but you find yourself still worried about him, remembering what he said about Jimin yesterday. Maybe he wasn’t as cheery as he was making himself seem today.
A similar look of worry flickers across Jimin’s face at Jungkook’s odd response, and you decide that once the meeting is done, you’ll ask Jungkook about it. Maybe get him to talk to you privately, or everyone so you’re all on the same page. Anything so that you can resolve the strange upset Jungkook seems to have.
“...his prompt. Now, Namjoon?”
“Husband and wife,” you offer up reflexively, grateful of the warm albeit shy smile Namjoon sends you in response.
“Now, Namjoon and Y/n, I’m aware you spent a significant amount of time together in the rec room. Of course, you can retain your privacy, but I do need to ask if Namjoon explicitly told Y/n his prompt in there.”
Looking like a teacher’s pet being told off, Namjoon’s eyes go wide. “I didn’t!”
Sejin lets out a quick laugh, holding a calming hand up. “That’s fine, that’s all I needed. Congratulations, Namjoon, you’re out of the bunkrooms.”
Taehyung looks nervous when Sejin’s stare rests on him. His eyes keep darting around to the other men like he’s waiting for their reactions. When Sejin asks you to guess the prompt, you hesitate. Something about how uncomfortable he looks gives you pause. “She doesn’t have to guess,” Taehyung offers up, “and you don’t have to say it. I already know I lost.”
Sejin gives him a look of sympathy. “The editing team did catch you telling Y/n directly which means you’ll have to stay in the bunks for next week, but unfortunately the nature of these meetings does require each prompt to be revealed to the group.”
You can see the puppy behind Taehyung’s eyes as he rounds them, pouting up at Sejin. “Really?”
“We don’t have to give details,” Sejin offers up shortly. “And none of these prompts will ever be things anyone has on their hard limits list, so please don’t think anyone hear will be in any position to judge it.”
This seems to ease Taehyung’s worry significantly. “Pet and owner,” Taehyung offers up shortly. “And I lost because I told Y/n. Time for Hoseok.”
Even as your heart aches to jump up and go to him, Jimin also shifting in his seat restlessly, you see Hoseok quietly wrap a hand around Taehyung’s elbow and Namjoon rest his head tentatively on Tae’s shoulder. You settle back, forcing yourself to remember you and Jimin aren’t the only ones that care for Taehyung.
Sejin clears his throat and gestures to Hoseok. “Lucky last, I suppose. What’s your guess, Y/n?”
You think back to Monday night. Hoseok teasing you throughout the day and then tying you up at night in the prettiest ropes, feeling entirely under his control. You’d called him Master. “Master and sss….sub?”
Hoseok smiles sweetly, his voice honeyed. “Almost. You and Jungkook were my pretty little slaves, princess.”
In perfect synchronisation, the others turn their heads around to you and Jungkook, sharing a couch. “I remember now,” you state weakly as Jungkook shifts on his spot.
Sejin looks distinctly uncomfortable with the sudden turn, wincing at Hoseok. “Well, congratulations because you also successfully completed your prompt. Anyways, that’s that done, time for the Bangasm Bomb. As you all probably recall,” Sejin explains, sliding off his glasses and wiping the lenses with his shirt as he goes, “the requirement was that Y/n had to stay in a different bed every night otherwise she’d be in the bunkroom. Luckily, she managed to do so, so Taehyung is the only one required to stay there.”
Taehyung shrinks, bottom lip sticking out in disappointment and Jimin watches him, stricken. Against your better judgement, you call out to Sejin. “But are we able to voluntarily go there?”
Sejin shrugs. “Sure, you already did so once this week. No rules against it.”
Jimin brightens up, but before he can say anything, Hoseok’s cheering, jostling Tae’s side. “Guess the sleepover will be back in the bunkroom, Tae!” Across the side of the room, Jimin visibly holds back his irritation.
“Can we do the audience favourite now?” Jungkook pipes up in a hopeful voice.
“Oh, of course.” Sejin fumbles to slide his glasses back on, lenses still smudged at the bottom, and clears his throat dramatically. “Alright, so I’ll just say the top three again. Third place this week was Namjoon.”
Namjoon’s eyes widen comically as he croaks out a, “Really?”
“Ah, I’m so proud,” Hoseok croons, reaching across Taehyung to pat Namjoon’s knee enthusiastically. “Young grasshopper learnt well.”
Namjoon still seems in disbelief, letting out a stilted laugh. “Wow, I- Goodness, that’s so nice of them!”
Beside you, Jungkook’s practically vibrating with nervous energy. He wasn’t even in the top three last time, and you can tell he’s feeling the pressure. Yoongi seems unbothered, even as his eyes keenly focus on Sejin; Jin waits patiently, not looking like he’s expecting anything. Jimin’s more focused on Taehyung than the announcement, his eyes locked onto the boy that’s sandwiched between Namjoon and Hoseok as they celebrate. Hoseok looks relatively uncaring about the favourite, lips still spread in a heart-shaped grin at Namjoon’s victory like it’s his own.
“Second place,” Sejin continues, “was Jungkook.”
You hear and feel his reaction rather than see it. Hear the exhale as he sinks, a mix of relief and disappointment making his frame go lax on the couch. Leaning over, you send him a warm smile. “Good job, Kook, you did really well.”
“Who’s number one?” he asks instead, leaning forward with his legs tucked up under him.
Sejin gives a small smile. “The highest number of votes this week went to Yoongi.”
“Yoongi-hyung?” Jungkook questions quietly, but it’s drowned out by Hoseok’s excited woop and chirpy laughter as Yoongi’s mouth drops open, doing a double take at the news.
“Are you serious?” Yoongi exclaims, a disbelieving grin spreading across his face as Jin rubs his shoulders and Jimin congratulates him lowly. “Holy shit, who would’ve guessed?” His eyes find you suddenly, brightening with realisation. “I get to take you out tonight,” he declares.
A shock of thrill runs through you at all the possibilities of some private time with the enigmatic doctor, but you can’t help but glance over, wary of Tae and Jimin’s reactions. Though Jimin just looks a little stiff, Taehyung’s eyes are on you, sullen. Rather than jealous, it seems more like he’s disappointed he couldn’t be the one to take you out. It’s a relief he isn’t mad, but it only increases the unsettled feeling in your heart. You, Taehyung and Jimin sorely needed to talk.
“Well, then,” Sejin interrupts, breaking you out of your daze, “that’s your Sunday meeting, I’ll see you all back here tomorrow for elimination.”
Like clockwork, the seven guys turn their heads to look at you, even as Sejin bids you farewell and leaves out the front door.
“Do you know who you’re voting out?” Jin asks with a complete lack of tact, an easy smile hiding the concern in his eyes.
You cough awkwardly. “I have no clue,” you answer honestly. “I’m just… trying not to think about it until I really have to, you know? I still don’t want to vote out any of you.”
“That reminds me,” Jin speaks up, though he states it awkwardly, almost sounding rehearsed, “I think we all need to have a group talk. Set some things straight.”
Jungkook recoils like the comment was directed at him, letting out a light huff. “Can’t this wait?”
Yoongi grimaces. “With all due respect, Jungkookie, I think it would be best to just have a chat now and sort this out. If the therapist thinks we need to talk, he’s probably right.”
“It’s not like it’s urgent,” the youngest rebutts, “let’s just do it some other time.”
Jin sucks in a breath. “We’re all sitting here now, Jungkook, and clearing the air. Unless you want to go back to feeling uncomfortable.”
Jungkook’s eyes cast towards the ceiling like he can’t believe he’s stuck here. “Oh my god! I already spoke to you, just pass it on!”
“You know I can’t do that, Jungkook,” Jin says calmly, even as his eyes flare in ire. “We want you to be happy, and I’m sure you’re not the only one that has been struggling, and if we-”
“If you want me to be happy, fucking let me leave, Jesus,” Jungkook swears, and you flinch when he suddenly stands, rushing away quickly. “I’ll come back when I’m done.”
“Done?” Jin asks, looking completely lost. “Goodness, that kid gets angry at everything these days.”
“A talk does sound really helpful, Jin-hyung,” Namjoon offers up. “If you want, we can hang around and wait for Jungkook.”
Jin lets out a light sigh, smiling gratefully. “I figure it’ll be good for us. Hopefully. I just worry about everyone, you know? Just because this is a reality show doesn’t mean we need to be always fighting and throwing drinks in people’s faces and stuff. We need to communicate like adults.”
Yoongi frowns. “You don’t need to take all that burden on yourself, hyung. I’m sure they didn’t teach you to handle this kind of situation in your training.”
Jin goes to reply, but the moment his mouth opens, words are cut off by a dual ding, two phones going off.
You glance over to where Taehyung and Namjoon both instinctively check their phones, faces falling almost simultaneously.
“Oh,” Taehyung says shortly, face falling. “I should’ve remembered.”
“What is it?” Jin asks with knitted brows.
“It’s his stream,” Namjoon explains guiltily, “he normally begins it earlier than this, so he was probably trying to leave so he could start.”
“Why didn’t he just-?” Jin exhales roughly, Yoongi’s hand falling to his shoulder to anchor him. “Whatever. He’s angry now, I guess, let’s just wait for him to finish and once he goes offline someone can text him and ask him to come down. Is everyone fine with that?”
Although no one protests, the air is significantly stiff with tension; Yoongi makes another round of coffees, Taehyung opens the stream and watches it with the volume turned muted, biting at his fingernail. It feels like such a departure from the same time last week, and being tuned in just feels even more invasive than last time.
“The people in the comments aren’t happy about him being late,” Taehyung notes nervously. “He looks upset.”
“I don’t think you should be watching,” Namjoon admits, shifting in his seat as he tries to avoid looking at the screen. “Doesn’t it feel strange to you?”
“I’m just making sure he’s okay,” Taehyung insists hollowly, eyes locked onto it. “He’s trying to touch himself but he’s not getting ha-”
“Okay, that’s enough,” Yoongi spits harshly, returning with four cups of coffee balanced precariously in his grip. “Watch it if you want, but respect that we’re choosing not to.”
Taehyung frowns, but doesn’t protest, returning silently to the screen. Alone on your couch, you take a cup of coffee from Yoongi’s outstretched hands and cradle the cup, feeling the warmth seep into your bones, your heart still as cold as if it were frozen in ice.
True to Yoongi’s command, Taehyung stays silent as he watches, and the entire room sits in uncomfortable quiet until, what can only be fifteen or twenty minutes later, Taehyung lets out a defeated sigh and locks his phone, setting it on the arm of the couch.
The implication is clear, and Jin sets his jaw, looking determined albeit regretful. “Okay, can someone text Jungkook? Let’s get this over with. Just remember it’s for the best.”
Though it seems like even Jin himself is unsure of that, everyone waiting in dread as Taehyung sends him a text, and he comes down the stairs a few minutes later, cheeks flexed with irritation.
You fight the urge to reach out to him when he collapses onto the couch beside you, hair messy but clean and in the same casual clothes as earlier. He seems restless and volatile, and you can’t help but wish the lot of you weren’t having this talk now, or wish you could just jump forward in time to when everyone was happy and alright again.
“Go on, then,” Jungkook starts, snapping the silence. His arms are crossed tightly and eyes piercing as they glare at Jin. “Start the group therapy.”
Though he’s been silent for a while now, Jimin lets out a tired groan. “Fucking hell, Jungkook, he’s trying to help you! Seeing you be upset makes us feel terrible.”
Jungkook stiffens, and you can just about feel the heat radiating off his body as he fires up. “Oh, I’m sorry, next time I’ll just be miserable in private!”
Jin looks stricken, rubbing at his temple. “Jungkook, you said you were going to try and seek out the things that made you happy.”
“And you said you weren’t going to reveal what I said to you in confidence,” Jungkook replies shortly, but before Jin can protest, he’s continuing, voice strained. “But- I do want to try and make things better. I’m sorry; I’m really stressed out and it’s frustrating not being able to leave this place. I thought if I got fan favourite I’d at least get a break.”
The rest of you fall silent for a moment. Your eyes sting, so you blink to ease the ache. “We understand. We want you to be happy. Can we all agree to try our best to just stay chill and talk this through?”
As the others nod, Jungkook scoots back like he’s trying to bury himself into the corner of the couch. “But talk what through? Do you not realise how shitty it feels having all of you sitting me down for an intervention right now? I don’t know whether to be offended or humiliated.”
Taehyung’s face crumples violently, like he’s about to cry. Hoseok, unusually solemn, clears his throat lightly as he pats Tae’s back. “JK, it’s not all of us gathering to dunk on you. I for one know that there are things I’d like to get off my chest. Things that bother me and stuff. I think if we all just front up to what we’re struggling with then we can work through these issues together. But it’s gotta be all of us. If we want to be happy here.”
Jin sends Hoseok a grateful look, sitting back in his seat when Jungkook begins nodding. “I can do that,” Jungkook agrees in a small voice. “Just… someone else can start.”
The concept of owning up about your feelings is clearly as paralysing to the others as it is to you. Everyone falls silent, looking around at each other’s faces and waiting for someone else to speak up. A thread of worry niggles in the back of your brain that Taehyung or Jimin would confess your closeness, bursting the bubble that was already so fragile.
In the end, it’s Yoongi that chooses to go first, heaving a great sigh to brace himself. “If I’m perfectly honest,” Yoongi admits, “I’m a little concerned that we’re going to be cornered into conflict no matter how much we avoid it. As nice as the producers are-” he pauses to glare at one of the cameras filming the interaction with an ‘I’m watching you’ gesture, “this is a reality show and reality shows are founded on drama. And look how much effort it took to get us to sit down and actually talk to each other? It would’ve been easier in some respects to just get angry and hateful and fight every other day, and I don’t think everyone is as aware of that as hyung and I are.”
Jungkook swallows. “I do worry about that, too,” he reveals. “I mean, not in the same way, but… If we wanted to, we could just all hate each other and only interact when we had to and then never speak again when we all leave. Which is weird because for now, we can’t go anywhere. We’re all gonna be really close and then we’ll just go our separate ways. And I don’t know what to do about it… If that makes sense.”
“But you did that exact same thing to us,” Jimin protests. “If you’re scared of us all acting like strangers then why push us away?”
Jungkook frowns stiffly. “That’s what you did at the start!”
“And it sucked,” Jimin retorts immediately. “It felt awful seeing everyone socialise and feeling like I had to stay out of it to protect myself. That’s why I’m not acting like a dick anymore.”
“Well, that’s up for debate,” Hoseok quips with a scoff.
Jimin sends him a withering glare, but Jungkook pays no mind to Hoseok’s remark, eyes still on the blue-haired man. “Everyone else was ignoring me anyway!” His voice is brittle, powered only by his frustration, and it feels like a pot ready to boil over. “Yoongi and Jin always do their own thing in the kitchen and never like me helping out, Namjoon and Hoseok have their whole teacher-student thing going on, and the only people my age are so up each other’s asses that they don’t even look at me half the time! Y/n has six other guys to sleep with so it’s not like I can even hang out with her that much. Everyone’s paired up and left me out of it but you all act like you haven’t. And then it’s all, ‘oh, why is Jungkook all grouchy?’ like I’m just making your lives difficult or something.”
Jimin winces. “We never tried to-”
“It doesn’t matter if you didn’t try to, you did! You and Tae fucking drool over each other all day long and even when I try and- and- talk to either of you, it’s clear that you’re just thinking about the other person.” Jungkook stands suddenly, whirling around to face Taehyung. “I thought that day in the confessional shed, Tae, when you said it wasn’t just Y/n… I thought you were talking about me. I thought we were having a moment, you know, and then it turns out it was just Jimin. It’s always Jimin.”
“Come on, that’s not fair,” Jimin cuts in, “he can’t help his feelings.”
Taehyung sends Jimin a confused look hastily before turning back to Jungkook. “Kookie, I’m really sorry. I don’t want to exclude you anymore. I’ll do better.”
“You shouldn’t have to apologise, Tae,” Jin pipes up tiredly, and a strangled cry comes from Jungkook’s throat, the boy almost hysterical.
“Why do you want so badly for no one to be on my side, Seokjin?”
“God, it isn’t about that-”
Jungkook seems borderline hysterical, bottom lip trembling violently as he points at the eldest. “Well, what is it about? You act so fucking high and mighty, Jin, yet you’re in the same fucking situation as me.”
Your eyes widen as Jungkook turns to you, knees almost bumping yours with how close he’s standing. Behind him, Jin makes a low noise of warning. “Don’t, Jungkook…”
Jungkook’s eyes are wild, two points of red on his cheeks. “Jin has feelings for you but he won’t say anything because he thinks you just see it as sex. And he has the fucking audacity to try and give me advice on my feelings for-”
“Jeon Jungkook!” Jin bellows, standing too. Beside him, Yoongi tugs at his wrist, but the eldest shakes it off. “You have no right to-”
You’ve had enough of sitting silently, wincing at Jin’s volume, the therapist so far from the pillar of emotional stability he usually was. “Just let him get it out, Jin, he’s frustrated.”
Jungkook scoffs even as Jin shakes his head in disapproval. “Are you serious?” Jungkook asks you incredulously. “I tell you Jin has feelings for you and you’re still trying to suck up to me?”
You reel back, brows knitted. “I’m defending you, Jungkook.”
“I don’t want you to fucking defend me, Y/n, I’ve had enough of you leading everyone on and then not returning anything. You have all the power here and you just toy with us and act all innocent.”
“What are you talking about?” you cry, throat aching with the effort it takes to keep your voice steady.
Jungkook’s eyes gleam, unshed tears reflecting the light. “Jin-hyung tries to be romantic and you tell him it’s just a scene to you, instead of just doing Namjoon’s prompt you take his virginity like it’s a 90s romcom, making it “special” for him. You want every one of us to fall for you so that you can get fawned over by seven hot guys, but you aren’t willing to take any of the responsibility that comes with it. You act like things are so hard for you having to choose, but you’re breaking our fucking hearts doing it!”
You open your mouth to retort, but a crashing wave of guilt overtakes you, and your cheeks are wet before you even realise you’re crying. Intentional or not, you rue all the times you complained about elimination, knowing that the guys must have been feeling so much worse. “I’m so sorry, Kook,” you make out, covering your nose and mouth with a hand to try and contain yourself.
From the other side of the room, it’s Namjoon that speaks up next, voice flat and reserved. It’s a stark contrast to the fire in Jungkook’s voice, but he looks no less affected by everything. “That’s not fair at all,” he says shortly, “Y/n isn’t in charge of our feelings any more than we are, and you don’t have any right to judge her for what I chose. I was the one who wanted my first time to be special, Kook.”
Namjoon’s low volume seems to influence Jungkook, taking his noise level down a notch. The words just hurt more. “Maybe you shouldn’t be here then, Namjoon. This isn’t where you come to have your cherry popped by a nice, young lady you can bring home to your parents.”
“Oh, my god,” Hoseok exclaims with a groan, “are we seriously just complaining about everyone now? Is that what this is? Good going, Jin, really fucking helpful.”
A whirl of dread rushes through you as the anger continues to flit around the room in an ugly cloud, everyone having a bone to pick with each other. Jin makes a noise of outrage, hissing back at Hoseok when he speaks. “I don’t see you coming up with any suggestions. Do any of you have any fucking idea how hard it is to have everyone expecting you to magically solve their problems and shoulder their burdens and not a single one of them gives a shit about you?”
“That isn’t true,” you protest, immediately regretting drawing attention back to yourself.
Jin scoffs. “You haven’t said a fucking thing since finding out I have feelings for you. Wait, no; you haven’t said a fucking thing since I got upset with you on Tuesday. Did you really never think to ask even once how I was doing?”
Your excuse feels flat even before you say it. “I was waiting for you to-”
“Ding ding ding, we have a winner!” he sings sarcastically. “Everybody waits for me to solve things and then complains when it’s not helpful enough,” Jin spits, glaring at Hoseok with the last few words.
A shuddering sob cuts into the silence that follow his words, and in unison you all turn to Taehyung, who has his face buried in Hoseok’s shoulder, Namjoon rubbing his back as his shoulders heave.
Jimin sucks in a sharp breath at the sight, body twitching as he fights the urge to rush over, and instead raises his voice to address the room. “Alright; show’s over. This isn’t solving anything.”
“Why should you decide?” Jungkook cuts in immediately. “I’m miserable and you don’t care, Jin’s miserable and you don’t care, but the second it’s Taehyung…!”
Jimin rolls his eyes, leaning back in his seat. “Why are you so bothered by it?”
Jungkook lets out a cry of frustration that sounds closer to a sob. “Because you’re taking him away from me! I can’t compete with you! Everybody’s obsessed with you, everybody wants your approval and you just drink it up, you narcissistic, selfish piece of shit!”
Around the room, everyone sucks in a wary breath, but Jimin’s already standing, features sharpened in anger. “Why are you acting like it’s my fault he has feelings for me? Maybe he doesn’t like you because you’re a whiny fucking brat who takes everything personally.”
“That isn’t true,” Taehyung hiccups out, “Jungkookie’s nice, Min. And you’re not selfish.”
Though the tension in the room just keeps rising and rising, you can see, behind Jimin’s standing figure, Yoongi sitting stiffly on the couch. He keeps glaring at the cameras expectantly, with one hand clutching his phone and the other latched onto Jin’s wrist, keeping him from interfering further. The two exchange words quietly, shaking their heads in disapproval.
On the more emotional side of the room, Hoseok holds Taehyung closely, soothing him as Namjoon looks up hesitantly at the others. “I really think we should stop, guys…”
“Let’s all take a chill pill,” Hoseok quips as Taehyung’s tears stain his shirt.
Jimin lets out a noise of disgust. “Oh, shut the fuck up, Hoseok.”
“Is no one gonna stop this?” Namjoon asks hesitantly, glancing up at the cameras.
“What did I say?” Yoongi retorts rhetorically. “They aren’t going to interfere. They know this drama gives their show more views.”
“Good for Jimin,” Jungkook states petulantly, “the more views he gets, the better he feels.”
“Coming from you,” Jimin says over the sound of Yoongi clicking his tongue in exasperation. “Maybe the reason you hate me so much is because you and I are the exact same, Jungkook, I just do it better.”
“Again with your superiority complex,” Jungkook huffs. “How long until everyone here gets sick of you, Jimin? How long until the novelty wears off and you’re left alone on your high horse again, huh?”
Jimin flinches like he’s been hit, but takes an accusing step closer to Jungkook. Around them, everyone shrinks back in their seats, Hoseok shielding Taehyung’s ears and Yoongi and Jin with a phone sandwiched between their cheeks as they make a call. Namjoon’s begun to cry, too, but he hides his running nose with a sleeve, eyes wide and shining as they watch Jimin and Jungkook square off.
The two of them are a few steps apart, now, not even the coffee table dividing them. Jimin, although physically smaller than Jungkook, appears to tower over the other as his face darkens. “At least I’m good at my job, Jungkook. Why did you come down so soon? Blow your load too quickly like an amateur?” When it doesn’t gain any more reaction than Jungkook’s face twitching in annoyance, Jimin grins wickedly. “Or could baby not even get it up, huh? Take your dick away, you’re not much of anything, are you?”
Jungkook lunges before Jimin is even done speaking.
The thud of impact and grunt of rage from the youngest echoes through the room sickly as Jimin reels back, clutching at his nose. Already you can see the intense scarlet pooling between his fingers, dripping down as his eyes tear up with anger and pain.
The urge to jump in, do something, almost overwhelms you, but you feel yourself paralysed, shocked and barely able to process anything like it’s a bad nightmare.
On one side of Jungkook and Jimin, Taehyung wails, struggling in Hoseok and Namjoon’s hold as the two of them keep him from interfering. On the other side, Yoongi stands up in alarm, keeping his voice calm as he splays his palms. “Woah, woah, that’s enough now-”
Jimin pulls his hands away, spitting out the blood in his mouth even as more streams to fill out. “You little fucker,” he hisses. “If you broke my nose, I’ll fucking kill you.”
Jungkook lets out a bitter laugh. “Take your face away, you’re not much of anything, right?” he mocks.
Sensing things turning for the worst, Yoongi widens his eyes and jumps forward, but his hands just catch on empty air. Jimin’s already launched himself forward, taking Jungkook off-guard as he shoves him with balled fists, using the full weight of his body to send the other tripping backwards.
Jungkook curses when he lands harshly on the coffee table, empty and half-full cups of coffee flung off, some smashing directly under him. He rolls off, instinctively curling his body away from Jimin.
Passing Taehyung over to Namjoon, Hoseok leaps up to tug Jimin back as the man continues to step closer to Jungkook’s prone body. The moment he gets a hand on Jimin, however, he’s met with an elbow to the cheek, stumbling back from the impact.
For a moment, everyone goes silent. Jimin stares wide-eyed at the red mark quickly blooming on Hoseok’s cheekbone, the dom looking shocked as he rubs at it.
That second of inaction is all it takes for Jin and Yoongi to descend on Jimin at the same time, an arm firmly grasped by each man as they drag him backwards. Jimin doesn’t even fight it, though, a strange clarity and sorrow in his eyes, even brighter than the red that’s beginning to drip down to his shirt.
When Sejin bursts in and rushes over to Jungkook, it’s too late to really solve anything. The combative atmosphere has dissolved into the sick, defeated aftermath of Jimin and Jungkook’s physical alteration.
Still, he directs Jin and Yoongi to take Jimin upstairs to ‘cool off’, crouching beside Jungkook and making sure he’s okay before he tugs the boy gently up. As he leads the youngest in the opposite direction, towards the front door, Jungkook twists in his grip, trying to look back towards the group.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he wails, “please don’t hate me, I’m so so sorry!” Jungkook babbles on almost incoherently, feet stumbling as Sejin tries to shush him, pulling him out the door.
The moment the door clicks shut, it’s like the emotions of the past hour or so hit everyone at once. Namjoon has joined Taehyung in crying, Hoseok trying to rub their backs at once with a pained face, his cheek beginning to swell slightly.
With your shoulders and chest heaving violently as you sob - the silent tears finally finding their voice - you blink away your blurry vision and heave yourself off the couch. The three of them accept you with open, albeit shaky arms, and without any care about exposing your relationship, you wind your arms around Taehyung’s waist and bury your face in the crook of his neck.
“Do you think they’re okay?” Namjoon asks in a small voice, fiddling with the damp sleeve of his shirt.
As if to answer his question, you hear hurried stomps, followed by Jimin bursting briefly into your line of sight, rushing down the stairs and out the front door without even a second glance.
Even the split-second view of him you got sparks worry in your chest. He’d clearly made a minimal attempt to wipe away most of the blood, but there were still dried smears below his nostrils and down his neck, and the shirt he’s wearing looks like something out of a horror movie, likely the material he used to clean himself up.
Jin and Yoongi follow down, but not fast enough, the blue-haired man long gone by then. The two of them seem hollowed, clearly taking this on as their own burden, as their fault - especially Jin, who’s knitting his brows harshly to stop his own tears.
Taehyung’s straightening up immediately, wrapped up in the middle of the three of you on the couch as he calls out to the older men. “What did he say? Is he okay? It’s not broken, is it? His nose?”
“Tae, easy,” Jin soothes, voice thick with emotion. “Yoongi took a look at it, it’s not broken, just tender. Jungkook sure does know how to swing a punch, though. Jimin was lucky.”
“Lucky,” the masseuse repeats weakly. “I don’t know if anything about this was lucky, hyung.”
“Can we even come back from this?” Namjoon asks slowly. “If we couldn’t talk like adults without fighting, then surely we’re doomed to just-”
“Nobody is doomed,” Jin assures. “If I’m perfectly honest, it seems like Jungkook was so wound up that there was nowhere for him to go except this. He probably just needed to totally vent and get it all out. I should’ve seen it coming, I’m so sorry.”
Yoongi grimaces, a hand on Jin’s shoulder. “None of this is your fault, hyung. We’re all complicit and we can all learn from this, but let’s not play the blame game. I just hope Jimin and Jungkook don’t entirely despise each other after this. I actually thought the kid liked- Anyway. Best thing we can do now is give them some time.”
You suck in a deep breath. That whole time, you’d just sat there, too shocked or too cowardly to move, you don’t even know which one. And although it’s too late, at least there’s one thing you can do to help, rather than just waiting passively. You gently detangle yourself from Taehyung, Hoseok and Namjoon and get up off the couch.
When Yoongi - the most composed of the bunch - sees you kneel on the carpet, beginning to pick up chips and fragments of the shattered cup, he lets out a noise of concern. “Y/n, you shouldn’t-”
In your haste to help, and your shakiness from crying, it’s no surprise that your fingers are clumsy, grabbing onto a shard too harshly.
You see the blood welling before you feel it, a hot line of pain that opens up across the base of your palm and spills onto the carpet. Dumbly, you just watch it collect in the fibres. You’re sure when the showrunners rented this house, they hadn’t anticipated blood to be the fluid they’d need to be cleaning up. But in just one day, so much had been shed needlessly.
You’d probably sit there forever, numb to your own injury were it not for Yoongi rushing forward, his fingers gently prying away the sharp shard of ceramic, holding your hand so tenderly as he inspects it.
“You’re coming to my bedroom, now. Can you stand?”
Yoongi’s voice feels far away, inconsequential. You hum just to feel your throat vibrate. Letting out a sigh laden with worry, Yoongi lifts you off the floor slowly, waiting to see if you can get your feet back under you.
It seems you can stand, though it takes all of your focus. The others are talking behind you, voices fretting, but they reach your ears like you’re underwater.
It’s less than a second of eternity before you’re blinking away the cotton fog, slowly coming back to your senses.
The first thing you feel is a freezing solid surface against your legs and back. As it seeps into your bones, it wakes you up, and you fight to focus your vision, watching the colours swim sickly.
“...hear me?” The shapes and shades begin to settle like silt on a lakebed, revealing Yoongi’s round face as it crumples in contained concern. “Y/n, can you hear me?”
“I h-hear you, yes,” you slur out, coughing away the remaining thickness in your throat.
“Good, okay, stay with me,” he instructs, crouched in front of you. “What day is it?”
The more you tune back in to your surroundings, you become aware of a second person behind Yoongi. Hoseok’s long legs sprawl gracefully in front of you as he sits on the toilet seat lid, but his head is dipped back onto the tile. He looks totally devoid of any of the positive energy you’re used to seeing on him.
“Everything’s ruined,” you mumble lowly.
Yoongi sucks in a breath and tilts your face back to him, his fingers cold like ice. “I need you to not worry about that for now and stay alert. What day of the week is it?”
“Sunday,” you give after a beat.
“Good, and what’s my name?”
You frown, shifting in his grasp. “I’m not concussed, you know.”
Yoongi huffs, his hands falling from your jaw. “I’m trying to keep you distracted, you brat. What’s my name?”
“Min Yoongi. Doctor Min Yoongi I gue- Wait, why do I need to be- ow!” You automatically try to jerk your hand close to you when a searing, stinging pain explodes your nerves, but an iron grip around your wrist keeps you steady.
Glancing down, you see Yoongi deftly wrapping a bandage around the base of your palm, winding it around your thumb. Below, the burning ache of antiseptic makes you wince. “It hurts,” you whine.
“Unlike poor Hoseok, you did this to yourself,” Yoongi replies shortly.
You pout. “Do you bully all your patients?”
“Only the ones I like.” Clearing his throat with a tinge of pink in his cheeks, Yoongi finishes bandaging your wound. “You’ll live.”
Despite yourself and the events of the past few hours, your lip twitches. “Reassuring.”
Before the doctor can respond, Hoseok lifts his head and blinks down at the two of you balefully. “He hit me,” he breathes in a sullen voice.
“Jimin?” Yoongi begins to pack up his little first aid kit, slumping back against the vanity you’re propped up on. “You got in the way.”
“He didn’t just push me away, he elbowed me right in the face,” Hoseok explains meaningfully. The thought seems to bother him more than you’d expect. “I didn’t think he actually hated me like that.”
“Isn’t that your whole shtick?” you ask tiredly. All of your annoyance, frustration, anger and even your guilt seems to have been sucked away by the chill of the tile, leaving you feeling strangely hollow and detached. “Two sparring doms trying to outdo each other?”
The truth is, Jimin didn’t like to speak or hear about Hoseok, and you hadn’t actually spent that much time with the professional dom to hear his side. Hoseok shrugs with a sigh. “I know he doesn’t like me. And I think he’s an arrogant prick, but I’d never hit him. I thought it was just a bit of fun to play up the rivalry, you know? I guess not to him.”
Yoongi looks grim. “I don’t think it’s wise for us to make any judgements about each other based on any of the events of the past six hours. We all got caught up in it, and I’m sure we’ll be able to forgive and move on.”
Hoseok nibbles at a thumbnail, unassured. “Do you think they’ll send them home for aggression?”
“Who knows?” Yoongi answers honestly. “But hey; you’ll get to be the winner of your rivalry and outlast Jimin. That’s something, isn’t it? You always wanted to.”
A shiver runs up your spine at the despairing look on Hoseok’s face. “Not like this,” are the only three words he makes out before a sob bubbles up his throat. He claps a hand over his mouth, but the dam has burst.
“Hobi,” you coo, shuffling forward on your knees to avoid putting pressure on your injured hand. He lets out a shuddering breath when you take his hand and link in your fingers, providing some physical comfort. “Let’s go downstairs, maybe make some dinner, and wait for Jimin and Jungkook to come back in. We’ll say our sorries and go to bed on a warmer note, yeah?”
Hoseok pauses, bites his lip to cease his tears, and nods shakily. “Yeah, let’s do that. Even if he hates me, I… I want to apologise if I’ve contributed in taking things too far.”
You hum, standing up. Though you wobble for a bit, you feel far more stable than before, and you use your links hands to tug Hoseok to his feet too. “And I want to apologise for not being fairer with you all. But we can’t do anything until Jungkook and Jimin are ready to come back.”
Yoongi pushes himself off the floor with a grunt. “And Hoseok, I’m getting you an icepack for that cheek of yours.”
Though Hoseok protests, five minutes passing sees you in the kitchen, Hoseok slumped at the breakfast bar with a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a paper towel pressed to his face. You busy yourself with putting some rice on to cook and Yoongi and Jin work in their usual companionable silence, preparing a basic beef broth.
Both uninjured and not much help in the kitchen, Taehyung and Namjoon occupy their hands and minds with cleaning, following YouTube tutorials on how to get coffee and blood out of the carpet. They haven’t made all that much progress by the time dinner is served, but nobody comments on the dark patches, huddling on two couches in the lounge instead of the dining table. Though no one admits it, you need the extra physical comfort.
As you eat, you find yourself glancing back and forth between the two full bowls waiting on the kitchen countertop, and the front door. “Should someone go out and check on them?” you ask eventually, snapping the silence.
“I texted Sejin asking if they needed any medical attention,” Yoongi offers. “He just said no.”
“Minnie took his phone,” Taehyung said in a low voice. He’s barely touched his food, staring blankly into space. “But he only sent one text saying he was okay and he won’t reply to any of my other ones.”
“We wait,” Jin decides resolutely. “We’ll just sit here and wait for them to come back, and then hopefully we can all agree to put this past us. It was awful, yes, but I think it needed to happen. And hopefully nobody feels like they have anything weighing on their conscience anymore.”
Nobody protests and so, you wait.
The leftovers - god, when was the last time you’d had leftovers in this house? - are wrapped up and put in the fridge, the pots cleaned. As the sky dims, you turn the lights on inside. Nobody dares leave long enough to have a shower, but Taehyung darts upstairs to grab some blankets so that you can tuck up in two groups - Taehyung stays by your side with Hoseok, and the two eldest sandwich Namjoon.
Time passes stiffly, but it does pass. When the sun goes down, there are still only six of you in the house. Everyone’s so emotionally exhausted from the fight, and strung out from the anxiety of listening out for the door, that when it suddenly opens you all jump, Hoseok even cursing as he gets a fright.
The sudden spike of hope in your chest tanks violently when it’s Sejin that rounds the corner, a grim look on his face.
Taehyung frowns, his frame trembling as it leans into you. “Where are they?”
Sejin gestures back the way he came. “They’re in the production van.” Taehyung stands up immediately, but Sejin steps in front of him, hands splayed. “They just want to have some space, Taehyung,” he explains.
“There’s more space in here than there is in the van,” Taehyung protests weakly, even as he settles back down between you and Hoseok. “When are they gonna come back inside? It’s getting late.”
Sejin’s eyes flit around the six of you as he shifts, uncomfortable. “I’ve told them they’re welcome to stay the night there and use my bed. I came in to tell you that I’m going to go home now. Please don’t go out and disturb them. I’ve talked to them, but now they need some time to chat to each other and think about what they’d like to do.” The older man adjusts his glasses and gives you a pained smile. “Try and get some rest.”
A cold bolt of fear runs down your spine. “What they’d like to do?”
Taehyung swallows hard, hands beginning to tremble. “They aren’t going to leave the show, are they?”
Sejin’s mouth opens, closes, opens again. “Please try and get some rest,” he repeats, rather than answering. Taehyung shivers, and you feel the pressure of his forehead on your shoulder as he wraps his arms around your waist.
The producer turns to leave, making Yoongi frown. “Hey!” he calls sharply. Sejin turns around to face him. “I was meant to be taking Y/n out as my reward for fan favourite.”
You bite your lip anxiously. Truth be told, the thought had slipped your mind, and you don’t fancy leaving the others now, certainly not Taehyung who was clinging to you like a frightened puppy.
Sejin curses under his breath, rubbing his temple. “I’ll call an Uber.”
Yoongi steps back a little like the response surprises him. “No, I- This isn’t really the time, is it? I want to ask if we can do it tomorrow night instead, or something? I’m staying here with my friends tonight. We’re staying together.”
“That’s fine,” Sejin allows, a weak smile gracing his tired features before he gasps. “Oh! That reminds me…” He turns so that he’s addressing the group. “I don’t think anyone is in the emotional headspace for eliminations, so… I’m pushing the Monday meeting to Tuesday. Nine in the morning like usual. Just rest up tomorrow.”
“Good to hear you care now,” Yoongi mutters bitterly.
Sejin winces. “I think we’ve had enough conflict today, Yoongi-”
“Something you could have solved,” the doctor accuses harshly, “if you’d answered my texts or my calls and come down when we were asking you for help. I won’t forget that.”
“It’s done. There’s nothing more for me to do beyond apologising.”
“Which you haven’t done,” Yoongi fires back immediately.
“I’m sorry.” The producer gives a stiff wave of farewell to the group. “My girlfriend is waiting outside. I’ll be back first thing tomorrow.”
When Sejin leaves the villa, the group heave out a unanimous sigh of exhaustion. It’s been a long day, but the thought of splitting apart, of being alone with your thoughts, is more than you can bear.
“Could we…” You swallow down the croakiness in your throat as everyone turns to look at you. “Could we maybe all stay down here tonight? Together?”
Namjoon’s eyes soften. “I’d like that. I could grab some blankets?”
Taehyung looks up. “I’ll get pillows.”
One by one, four of you run upstairs, Yoongi and Hoseok wanting to get into some more comfortable clothes for sleeping. Before you do the same, you turn to Jin.
He’s starting to push the coffee table towards the television, leaving more room in the middle of the couches. Stubbornly keeping himself busy.
“Jin,” you call out hesitantly, making him glance up in the midst of straightening the table against the wall. “I want to apologise. For relying on you for everything and not taking responsibility of the situation.”
His eyes soften, a pained smile. “You don’t have to.”
“I do and I am,” you counter, “I’m sorry. And for what it’s worth… Me calling it a scene, I… It wasn’t a grand statement. It was just a slip of the tongue. You mean more to me than just this game, than just sex, and I feel terrible that you’ve gone the whole week thinking that was the case.”
Behind you, you can hear footsteps descending the stairs. Jin glances up, then back at you quickly with a shake of his head. “To be honest, I’ve gotten over it. I’m fine; you don’t have to worry about me. I think it’s better just to keep it about sex.” He makes a vague gesture, indicating the day’s events. “Less messy.”
You blink, not expecting that. Had he gotten over being upset? Or gotten over his feelings for you? “Oh.” But Hoseok and Taehyung are stumbling down the steps, hesitating in the doorway, and you know you can’t dig deeper. For now, you’ll have to just be happy he doesn’t seem to be still bothered by it. “No worries. I’ll- I should go get into some pyjamas.”
That night, none of you really sleep the night. You lie tucked between Yoongi’s reassuring mass on one side, and Taehyung’s comforting warmth on the other, and try to steal whatever moments of respite you can. But a restless night shared with five guys who mean far more to you than they should is far preferable to a night spent alone, and you count your blessings for it. Although you’re all a little broken, you have each other’s support to stop from shattering completely, and hopefully you can stay together long enough to heal.
On the seventh Day of every Week in the game, Y/n’s elimination vote is released for 48 hours following the post of the fic. Please note, this is NOT the Fan Favourite vote, which has already happened.
Vote closed. Thank you for participating.
Below is the screenshot taken after 48 hours of the fan favourite vote being open.
#ficswithluv#bts smut#bts x reader#jungkook x reader#taehyung x reader#jimin x reader#namjoon x reader#hoseok x reader#yoongi x reader#jin x re#bts fanfic#bts series#ot7 x reader#bts angst
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Heartbreak Weather
Genre: Weatherman!Jin, Metropolis/loosely based off comic books, Rivalry, soft Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Jin/Male Reader
Warnings: all the sexual tension lol, hurricanes
Synopsis: The rival weatherman at Channel 5 just so happens to be Kim Seokjin who you just so happened to have had a thing with in college. Sort of. When a hurricane brings the two of you back together again, the forecast calls for love and dredged up feelings.
"Will you please turn that off?" you asked, taking a sip of your coffee. Normally, you took it with a little vanilla-flavored creamer, but much like that morning's coffee, you were bitter.
"Aw, why? Seokjin looks so cute in his turtleneck this morning," one of the writers said, fawning over the Channel 5 weatherman. "Maybe you should start wearing turtlenecks. It might boost our ratings."
You rolled your eyes as the red light came on indicating that you would soon be on camera. You set your coffee to the side and stepped in front of the green screen.
"Good morning, Metropolis," you said. "You can expect some light rain on your commute today. It should clear up by lunchtime though and it will be partly cloudy for the rest of the day. You watched as the map viewers saw at home shifted as you shifted the topic. "As you know, a hurricane is forming a few hundred miles off the coast. We are currently predicting landfall early next week. I will be traveling to Diamond Beach as the storm approaches to give you the most recent updates. Thanks for watching Channel 4 News, now here's Andrea with traffic."
The red light switched from you and onto Andrea's camera on the other side of the studio. You let out a sigh and walked back to your desk away from the main set.
"You went to school with him, right?" the same writer asked, still watching Seokjin on the screen. His station gave him more screentime because he was so well loved in the city, often they pan to him coming back from commercial breaks and whenever there was a view question or poll.
"Yeah," you said. There was only one university near Metropolis that offered a robust meteorology program and most of the city's weather people came from it. You and Seokjin had gone through together, even graduating at the same ceremony.
"Wow, was he still so stunning in college? Like, I don't think I could've focused if he was in my classes."
"Depends on who you ask."
5 Years Earlier
"Having trouble focusing?" you asked Seokjin as you noticed his dark eyes were no longer looking down at the computer screen.
"Hmm, it's a bit hard when you look at the screen like that," he said, smirking and turning around to lean against the desk. "Tell me, what's a guy gotta do to get you to look at him like that?"
"Be a warm front." You watched as a warm front moved towards the city while a cold one moved simultaneously from the other direction.
"What if I'm a hot front?" He turned to face you, his hip still leaning against the desk, but his body was close enough that it brushed yours as he moved.
"Seokjin, stop." You clicked a few more times and turned to flip through your textbook. "It's a storm for sure. A thunderstorm or tornado. Shit, it could be anything, how are we supposed to figure this out."
"Its the weather, not heart surgery. We can be wrong fifty percent of the time and still good at our job."
"But, if we're wrong fifty percent of the time, we'll fail this class."
Jin sighed and crossed his arms as his eyes lingered down your body. "Listen, Y/N. We both know that you're going to stress about this for twenty minutes and then figure it out like you always do. Now, come on, let's take a break."
"And do what?" you asked, letting out a breath between your teeth, not tearing your eyes away from the screen.
"I don't know. I have a few ideas though" His breath was against your ear and his body heat radiated against your own.
"Seokjin, this can't happen."
"Why not?"
"Cause I need to focus on school. I'm here on a scholarship. I can't risk distractions."
Jin sighed and looked down at the weather map on the screen. "It's a thunderstorm," he said. "The currents aren't strong enough for a tornado and based on the patterns, its the most logical."
You quickly wrote down the answer and his reasoning, realizing that he was right. How he surmised the answer so quickly, especially when he was barely paying attention baffled you.
"All right, now, come on," he said. "I'm taking you out for lunch and you can't deny me that. I know you're hungry."
"Fine," you said, shutting your textbooks and allowing the computer's screensaver to come on.
Just hours later that same night, you found yourself looking up at the ceiling of Jin's bedroom. Soft cotton sheets wrapped around your torso and they felt softer than even the best sheets you'd ever owned. His shirtless form was turned away from you and you resisted the urge to reach up and run a hand through his dark hair. He'd let it grow long recently, the ends of his hair beginning to grow onto his neck.
"Stop staring at me," Seokjin said, you could hear the smirk in his voice. He turned around to face you. His eyes were calm and soft like the sheets, but you couldn't help but feel the sadness. The knowing.
"How'd you know?" Your voice was small.
"I could feel it. Your eyes hurt, you know?"
You did know. You knew how much it hurt Jin to see your eyes wander down the shape of his torso. That the way you always reached to push his ill-fitting glasses up the bridge of his nose hurt. That knowing he couldn't reach out and sneak his fingertips underneath the hem of your sweater.
"I'm sorry."
"I know, it's okay."
"It's not, Seokjin. We need to move on. Forget about each other. It's best for our futures."
"You know that's not true."
"Seokjin, we both want the same things in life. We'd be competing with each other for every job. We'd rush to get the story before the other. It wouldn't last."
"We don't know that unless we try."
"Seokjin, I don't want to give myself the chance to hate you."
You got up from the bed and buttoned your shirt, pulled on your trousers, and tied your shoes. Seokjin watched you, didn't try to stop you as you headed towards the door. Gripping the doorknob, you walked out and back down to the sidewalk below.
Following that day, you didn't see Seokjin again. Sure, he still sat a few rows in front of you, he still presented in class, you glanced over his name in the paper when it was announced he was taking over the weather position for Channel 5. You saw him on billboards and on Reddit posts. Yet, you never met allowed your eyes to meet his again. Unless it was through the warm, freshly printed Metropolis Daily.
Nearly no one was heading east towards Diamond Beach. Westbound traffic was full of cars heading into the city to weather the storm, while eastbound only consisted of a few cars. Mostly media and others who couldn't drop everything and run from the hurricane.
You could just make out the Channel 5 van ahead of you. Focusing down on your laptop which was tracking the conditions minute by minute, you tried not to focus on the fact you would likely run into Seokjin.
This certainly wasn't the first time a hurricane or tropical storm caused you and Seokjin to collide like convergent fronts. Every year you found yourself at Diamond Beach trying not to watch his broadcast from a few meters down the beach.
Two Hours Later
"Hello, this Y/N Y/L/N reporting for Channel 4 news. Hurricane Roke is expected to make landfall later tonight. Most of Diamond Beach and the surrounding areas have been evacuated as Roke is currently a category four storm. I will be monitoring the storm and providing updates through Twitter throughout the night and I'll be back on the beach at 5am. This has been Y/N Y/L/N covering Hurricane Roke. Now, back to the studio."
You felt Jin's eyes on you as you gave your report. He was about two hundred feet down the beach. He wore a similar coat to your own and even with his hood pulled up you could feel the way his eyes cut through you.
Once the red light on your camera went off, the one on Seokjin's came on and he began his report. It was nearly identical to yours, Seokjin adding his own flair and charm. Like you wished you could.
Seokjin finished his broadcast and your filmographer began to pack up. "I'll see you bright and early in the morning?" she asked, her hair catching in the wind and obscuring her face.
You nodded and helped her pack up the camera and other supplies, working quickly to prevent it from getting damaged from the wind or rain. Walking up the beach and back to the hotel felt like it took forever, especially with the heavy filming equipment.
Your filmographer had already checked in earlier and headed to her room, carrying the camera and filming equipment. You kept the portable meteorological tools, already anxious to set it up in your room. Jin and his filmographer came in just as you got to the front desk.
Giving them your name, you handed them your ID and the company credit card. The receptionist furrowed her brow and glanced up at you.
"It looks like your room was accidentally double booked," she said. "I apologize, but due to the current situation, would you mind sharing?"
"Uh, sure, that's no problem. Who am I sharing with?"
The woman squinted at her computer. "Kim Seokjin."
"You're not even going to look at me?" Seokjin asked as the two of you set up your computers. He'd let you have the desk while he took the counter of the kitchenette.
"Not until I get this setup."
Seokjin sighed and pulled out his phone. Service was already finicky, but he managed to pull up Spotify and got music to play. It was soft, as not to disturb your neighbors in the packed hotel.
You smiled as you heard the familiar tune "Dancing Queen". Jin was a fan of older music and the two of you used to listen to ABBA's Greatest Hits when studying together.
"You still listen to this?"
"Of course," he said. "It makes me happy."
It made you happy too and when you finished setting up your computer you peaked out the window. The storm was still a couple of hours from landfall, but the trees were already swaying wildly.
"It's going to be a big one," Jin said, glancing at you and catching your eye. It was the first time you'd truly looked at each other since the day you'd left him on his own. It felt like a lightning bolt skewered you in half.
"Yeah," you said, sitting down on the bed. "It is."
You traced the seams of the comforter with your index finger. The song switched and this time it was "Can't Help Falling In Love With You".
Jin finished setting up his computer. Your screen and his looked nearly identical showing a map of the coastline and the storm approaching. He sat down beside you, closer than you would've thought an acquaintance would sit.
"We should go to bed. Early start tomorrow." His voice commanded you to look at him. "Let's not fight over the bed." Placing down the two extra pillows down the center of the bed, he went to the bathroom to change.
The storm was in full force when you made your way outside. The four of you: you, Jin, and your two filmographers tried to get onto the beach, but the sand cut your skin. Various debris already littered the beach. Mostly seaweed and tree branches, although you noticed a few shoes and patio furniture from the nearby condos.
"The hotel said we could report from outside," you said. "It'd be safer."
Jin chewed on his cheek and glanced out at the beach. The two filmographers began to set up their cameras and you did you best to ensure your hair didn't fall into your face. You stood away from the wind, finding it hard to breath with it blowing onto your face.
"Seokjin! Stop!" His filmographer yelled, abandoning his equipment, he rushed towards the other man. You turned to see that Seokjin had taken off towards the beach, seemingly want to report from there no matter the circumstances.
You looked over at your coworker and she gave you a curt nod, ensuring that she would watch over the equipment. She dragged both cameras inside the lobby one at a time. Giving her an empathetic look, you took off running towards the beach, hoping to catch up with Seokjin before he got entirely soaked.
When you came to the edge of the beach, you saw that Seokjin was already halfway out, his filmographer not far behind. You sighed and continued out, knowing he was determined to give the report from as close to the middle of the storm as he could.
The filmographer neared the middle of the beach, fearing going any further. When you caught up to him, you stopped to catch your breath, even though it was nearly impossible with the wind. Your breath was swept away as soon as you drew it in.
"He's crazy," the other man said. "I have no idea why he's doing this."
"He always has to go the extra mile," you said, rolling your eyes. "Even if it's stupid and dangerous."
Seokjin turned back to look for his camera operator, only to see him halted halfway up the beach. Seokjin was three-quarters of the way up the beach now, reaching dangerously close to the rough tide. He noticed you still running towards him and smiled before a gust of wind knocked him off his feet.
Your chest constricted when you saw Jin get thrown off his feet. He landed a few feet away in the sand. You ran as quickly as you could, falling to your knees beside him.
"Are you okay?" you asked, looking him over.
His eyes looked up at you, obviously taking in your features. Yet, his lips said nothing.
"You crazy bastard! What the hell were you thinking? Rushing out here like that? You of all people should know how dangerous that is." You could barely catch your breath between words as you placed your hands on his arms to help him sit up. He didn't budge, however, his eyes just locked on your face.
"What are you doing?" you asked, sighing and dropping your hands from his hands, looking down to meet his eyes for the first time.
He smiled when you finally met his eyes and leaned up to connect his lips to yours. It was brief due to the circumstances, but it felt like lightning coursing through your veins.
"I ran cause I knew you would chase me."
#bts#fanfiction#bts imagines#fan fiction#bts fan fiction#bts fanfic#bts fanfction#btsimagines#btsfanfic#farfromsuga#Jin#jin fanfic#kim seokjin#seokjin fanfic#kim seokjin fanfic#originally posted on wattpad#seokjin#btsfanficmalereader#male reader#bts male reader#Jin fan fiction
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cats and their neighbors
for day @blkjackals!! a gift for the sfe!! hope u enjoy it bb <3
pairing: iwaizumi x gn!reder
words: 1120
summary: our cats meow a lot whenever they’re apart and mine keeps tricking me into letting her meet your cat every time. glad to hear that you’re not that angry either with our cats being literal soul mates.
warnings: none unless you find cat fluff a warning :)
note: inspired by the cute neighbor cat and its owner who’re always taking a stroll together around my neighborhood uwu I LOVE CATS SM THIS WAS FUN note2: also shout out to tamaki @nixhinoya for the cat vs dog poll hehe note3: i hope this makes any sense it’s 1am and i’ll edit later today <333
“oh not again,” you muttered, listening to your cat meow in front of the door of your apartment. you fell back into your sofa. “not this.”
it had been two weeks since she started meowing. and you knew exactly what for.
you clicked your tongue and didn’t even bother moving. you damn well knew that the meowing in front of the door was absolutely not for another round of your daily trip around the neighborhood from five minutes ago. it was for being apart from the neighbor’s cat that joined you guys on your trek today.
that happened vice versa, too. so that luckily wasn’t on you all the time. and on other days you would both be walking around the neighborhood, having had similar plans, and your cats would spot and smell each other and ditch all their good behaviors just to see each other.
stupid affectionate cats.
“stop it,” you told her, but you weren’t putting in much effort either. you slammed one of the loose pillows that were lying next to you. you voiced a muffled scream into it, slowly turning crazy from all the meowing.
even when she was slowing down on the meowing you still knew it would start all over again the minute you started moving from your seat.
“i can’t believe this. are you in love with the cat from next door or something?”
now, you should have known better in not even mentioning ‘the cat from next door’ when being close to her.
something inside her just knew.
she immediately brightened up and started wagging her tail in excitement. you cursed under your breath, but could only hate yourself as you were the one who had done it now.
“okay, fine!” you exclaimed, throwing the pillow off your face and grabbing the leash that you had thrown on the floor. “if you’re misbehaving i’ll put you on the leash again.”
she wouldn’t misbehave, you knew that. but bringing the leash was just a way to make sure she wouldn’t actually run off with the neighbor’s cat on her way making cute cat babies. (even though she was spayed, you never knew if she still longed for a simple family of two with that cute male cat.)
“let’s go then,” you whispered.
you opened the door, trying to keep your cat on the down low before she could sprint outside. however, you were too slow and she rushed outside the door within the first two seconds. she ran over to the neighbor’s door and started meowing frantically, trying to gain the attention she needed.
you realized you had never actually seen your next door neighbor from up close before. it had been some ‘hellos’ and nods directed at each other from across the street, but that was about it. (not that you had, um, lost your cat once or twice in the process, but that’s beside the point.)
somehow your heart started banging in your chest. oh god. you could hear him come closer and closer, reaching that damned front door. you were debating whether or not to jump back into your own apartment, but the switch of the key in the keyhole told you you were too late already.
the door creaked open and, before you could greet him, your cat raced inside, on her way to see the love of her life.
you clicked your tongue for the nth time and slapped yourself on your forehead.
“uh, are you okay?” the very kind voice asked you.
you sighed, too embarrassed to meet his eyes. “yeah. it’s just that my cat just has been meowing about seeing your cat the entire day, you know the drill.”
“haha, yep.” the laugh was sweet and kind, and you were actually curious to see your neighbor from up close.
so you did. curiosity killed the cat.
nearly quite literally.
the neighbor — a man — was broad and lean, and honestly so perfect. he was so breathtakingly beautiful you nearly forgot how to speak.
“i’m sorry if it brought you any inconvenience,” he told you, scratching the back of his head.
“ah,” you quickly said, not really knowing how to follow up from that. that was the exact same thing you had been wanting to tell him. all that meowing must have been very annoying to him. “yeah, no, i mean, i wasn’t going crazy yet, but i was getting close to it, you know?” you laughed nervously. “what about you?”
“it’s not super busy for my studies as of right now anyways, but it’s been worse, to be honest,” he admitted.
you crunched your face. “i am so sorry this is happening. i honestly don’t know what came over her one day, and how i haven’t been able to stop it.”
“i guess you can’t stop love, huh?” he said, grinning wildly.
you noticed he was looking back into his apartment, eyeing something that made his eyes shine with adoration. he then saw you looking at him with your brows furrowed, and stepped aside, making room for you to look. he motioned two fingers in front of his lips, hinting that you needed to stay still. you peeked around the corner and there you saw the prettiest and cutest of views ever.
in the light of the sun falling down in the living room, the two cats were huddled together in the warm spot on the floor. their tails were intertwined and twirling around each other. even the outside noises could not dim their loud purring.
you cooed at the sight, not too loudly, though! you didn’t want to scare those two away from you.
“do you want to leave them alone for a short while?” your neighbor had leaned into you, whispering into your ear. his soft but hoarse voice made the hairs in your neck stand up straight. you gulped. that had been the closest any guy had come up to you in recent times.
“absolutely,” you finally returned. you grinned as you backed away from the door, as your neighbor slowly closed it.
you mentioned you wouldn’t mind it if the two of you spent their waiting them in your apartment, which he happily agreed on. you suddenly realized you had forgotten his name in the passing, which he confessed to having had the same problem happening. the two of you laughed about it as you entered your apartment, and you made him some tea for the wait.
iwaizumi hajime was very cute as he was waiting on his tea, you just couldn’t lie about that.
maybe you and iwaizumi hajime would need to share some more time together if your cats were too.
that didn’t sound like a bad idea at all.
#DAY I RLY HOPE YOU LIKE THIS UWU#MWAH#haikyuuwritersnet#hqwn secret summer#iwaizumi x reader#iwaizumi x gn reader#iwaizumi x you#iwaizumi scenarios#iwaizumi imagine#iwaizumi#iwaizumi hajime#iwaizumi fluff#haikyuu#haikyuu fic#haikyuu fanfic#haikyuu imagine#haikyuu scenarios#hq!! imagines#dyo's fic
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flowers, maybe daisies, might relieve the gloom. - an a.i blurb
a/n: i lowkey blame @sexgodashton for starting this whole mini series of boomer!ash things, but i also adore this because boomer!ash is soft as hell. and also a lil d*ddy but we don’t need to talk about that. title is from wait by sweeney todd bc i love it. alternative title was gonna be from L.G. FUAD by motion city soundtrack
word count:
warnings: ashton irwin being a thirst trapping, lemon stealing whore. i’m kidding it’s just a solo ash fic w no smut but some mild ash thirst trapping.
‘ashtonirwin started a live video.’
Ashton didn’t often go live on Instagram, but this shelter in place order had left him ultimately bored - writing a song every day before noon, sure, but anything after that was a blur. Occasionally he would have interviews or live-streams with the band, but on days without that he was left alone with his thoughts, and his thoughts weren’t always the safest place to be; so talking to fans it was.
It was going well so far, simply asking fans how their quarantine was going - bringing some of them into the livestream so he could talk to some face to face. One girl in particular had caught his attention when they began to discuss hobbies she had picked up during the time she’d spent at home.
“Yeah, I’m learning to garden. I have a tomato plant that is just starting to sprout actual tomatoes, so that’s kind of exciting,” She had said, a nervous laugh escaping.
“Well, I would hope that your tomato plant is sprouting tomatoes, it would be a little concerning if it was growing something else,” Ashton replied with a chuckle, the girl giving a small shrug but still laughing along with him.
“You should look into it if you’ve got the room at your house, I bet it would feel rather rewarding to be able to cook something with your own fresh vegetables.”
“Would save me quite a bit of money too. Can I grow yeast? I’d like to learn how to make my own bread but here in L.A. you can’t find yeast anywhere.”
The conversation continued like that for a few minutes more, Ashton taking only a couple more fans into the livestream after that to talk to before he decided he should probably do something else productive with his day. Something like learning to garden.
It surprised Ashton the things you were able to order online during this time - soil being the main thing. He also read that saving coffee grounds would help, and he was excited at the idea of his insane coffee habit wouldn’t be completely useless. He ended up buying seeds for tomatoes, mint, sunflowers, lemongrass, and zucchini. The lemongrass and mint was specifically for Calum, realizing he would be able to dry the plants out once he had harvested them so he could make the man his very own tea.
When his package finally arrived, Ashton spread the packages out, sliding them across the table as though he was some card dealer in Las Vegas. Thinking the fans would find it amusing, he took a picture of the spread and added it to his story with the caption of ‘pick a card, any card…’. Maybe it would only be funny to him, but it did prompt a fire reaction from Michael.
It seemed as though the reaction from fans were positive though, them taking to Twitter to let him know their excitement about his new endeavour. That’s where his weekly livestreams began. He would show everyone the progress he was making with his plants, and just in general him chatting with fans. Ashton never really thought of how refreshing it could be to just talk to the fans, without the worry of time restrictions or anyone’s personal safety in the way; in fact, it left him rather inspired, loving their fans even more if it were at all possible.
A particularly warm day in L.A. left Ashton wondering if he should go out to the garden that day - but it was the day he would normally livestream, and he was excited to show what he was up to that day. Ashton wanted to plant another tomato plant, and also the lemons on his infamous tree had enough for him to make some lemonade so he was going to go through that as well.
Clad in some cut off jeans, or as Calum so affectionately called them his jorts, and a white tank top, he pulled up the live option on Instagram and waited for the people to begin to filter in before he started to speak.
“Hey guys! Just gonna wait for more of you to filter in before I actually head outside, but I thought that since you guys love my lemon tree so much, I’d make some lemonade. Fuck, I sound like a YouTuber. Is that gonna be my next career, is just YouTube tutorials on how to make shitty lemonade?” Ashton laughed to himself, slicing the lemon so he could juice it, ignoring the comments he saw about murdering his lemon children.
It didn’t take him long to make the lemonade, making mild conversation with the fans while he stirred in a little bit of sugar and some cheat mint he had ordered while waiting for his own to grow.
“Alright, now that I’m waiting for that to cool, probably best we go outside and check on those tomatoes, hm?”
It had been weird at first, talking to himself; but he quickly realized that he talked to himself anyways, even without the phone in front of him, so it couldn’t have been too weird for anyone who could overhear him.
“So I wanted to plant another tomato plant today, because everyone can use a friend right now, you know?” He looked into the camera, a smile spreading across his face when he saw the flood of cute little emojis that followed. “M’gonna be like the Bob Ross of gardening. No mistakes, only happy accidents or whatever it was he said.”
Ashton began to work away at his garden, building up a sweat in the process. It wasn’t until he leaned back, glancing at his phone did he see a text from Michael flash across the top.
‘Mate, Crystal said stop thirst trapping the fans.’
Ashton’s brow furrowed, unsure of what the text was saying, “Okay so I just got a text from Michael - what’s thirst trapping? And am I currently doing it?”
Of all the comments that followed, he noticed one that said ‘I mean… I’m not gonna say either way but take a look at yourself and get back to us’. Another one told him that it was when someone wears something in order to provoke risque texts, or gain attention from someone.
Ashton pouted, looking down at his appearance. He was kind of sweaty, but he didn’t think that the fans would mind him being covered in dirt and sweat, it’s not as though they had to smell him. Though, he would admit that he needed a shower.
“Well, since my tomato plant has been… planted next to its’ friend, and I’m apparently thirst trapping you all, I should probably go shower and clean up. Is me mentioning a shower thirst trapping as well?” Ashton rubbed his face over his hands, a small huff leaving his lips, “I don’t know… Fellow youths, tweet me and lemme know. Also, may hold a poll later on what to name these guys.” He flipped the camera around, struggling for a moment, to show the sunflowers that were starting to sprout, “M’thinking of naming one Denise. Just seems like a Denise.”
After his small speech was over, he ended the stream, grinning to himself. He hadn’t meant to show off his body in such a way, but it was funny to know that even with him hardly doing anything but be himself they still lost their shit.
Glancing around at his garden, he felt himself swell with a mild sense of pride. He was still a ways off from seeing any fruits of his labour (literally), but it made him feel good knowing he did something with his time at home, instead of slipping further into his mind which wasn’t always the kindest to him.
Ashton realized that when he was gardening, it was similar to songwriting in a way where all of his self doubts and fears went away and he could just pour himself into it - the reward being well worth the risk in the end.
Once his shower was done, he sat outside in his backyard, sipping his lemonade and enjoying the sunshine - realizing that having to stay home wasn’t all too bad, if it meant he could reset his mind, and do some small part to help how he could during that time.
tag list: @haikucal @talkfastromance4 @softbabiestan @boyfriend-cal @calum-uncrowned @wildflowerirwin @irwindoll @gosh-im-short @thesubtweeter @heavenisapeach @ridingcthood @loveroflrh @mantlereid @inlovehoodx @irwinkitten @n-ctarinenga @g-l-pierce @thecurlsofgod
#ashton irwin#ashton irwin blurb#ashton irwin fluff#ashton irwin fanfiction#5 seconds of summer fanfiction#boomer!ash
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Filled It With My Feelings Text Translation
Sorry it took so long, but I finished the text translation of Filled It With My Feelings, the Senyuu 10th anniversary book! I didn’t translate the Season 1 Episode 1 redraw though because I’m sure we can all recite what happens in there by heart at this point.
As it’s an illustration book, the translation is meant to be read along with the pictures - you can purchase the digital PDF of the book at hiaruron.booth.pm/items/2329424. You should be able to purchase it through PayPal or some international credit cards.
I’ve included the text under the cut, but you can also read it on the Google Docs here.
Please note I do not give permission to anyone to use this translation for scanlations. There’s a reason why I’m posting this as a text translation rather than as a scanlation - it reads perfectly fine along with the raw book.
However, feel free to use this for text-only translations to different languages, just send me a message about it.
Page 1
Title: Filled It With My Feelings 10th. senyu.
Page 2
<no text>
Page 3
[Panel 1] SFX (Slime): *squeak* SFX (sword): *slam*
[Text Paragraph]
The story of Senyu first arrived on Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010 at 12:39 PM. Naturally, at that point, the name “Senyu” didn’t yet exist - a email was sent to my inbox entitled “A discussion about a new project.”
It was a rather vague email with few details, but at the time, I was working as a day labourer in a certain distribution centre in Tokyo’s Ota Ward. As I hauled around boxes, my days were filled with uneasy thoughts of my future- I gave up on becoming a mangaka, I started work at an anime company but I quit there too, what am I going to do from now on? So I pounced on that vague email- Maybe this will shine some clarity into my life!
Senyu. was the product borne out of that email, and to my great appreciation, it really did shine clarity into my life. My future, which had been dark and uneasy, was illuminated bright by the light of Senyu. I would like to say that was why I made the protagonist’s name “Alba” - which means dawn - but unfortunately, that isn’t the case. I only learned the meaning of Alba’s name later - it was a total coincidence.
Anyways, a lot has happened, but it’s now Senyu’s tenth anniversary.
Thank you very much. I never thought that I could continue for this long. This is all thanks to all of you, for supporting me all this way.
Senyu. is a part of my life at this point - I don’t plan to end it any time soon, so I will be counting on everyone for their continued support.
Haruhara Robinson.
Page 4
While this may be obvious, the character I’ve spent the most time with in this work no longer feels like a mere “character” to me.
He had a beta design with bangs. But since I thought he might seem more cheerful with his forehead showing, I settled on his current design. I intended to give him a haircut that was similar to characters like Kirimaru, but my lack of artistic skills at the time ended up giving him a hairstyle with a bizarre composition.
I struggle now with how to draw his hair well.
Hero Symbol
I’ve always liked the idea of accessories that had the symbol of a hero, so wanting to have the same concept in my own work, I did my best to think up a design. I was really happy when it came out as merch.
Page 5
His backstory is really something!
I feel like he carried the entirety of Senyu’s serious plotlines on his back. I thought of Senyu. as like a story that uses the protagonist Alba to give the completed story of Hero Sion a happy ending?
There were times when I was drawing things out that I thought, He feels kinda pitiful? But then in the story, Ros says, “Don’t judge people as pitiful by your own standards,” so then I thought, I-I’m sorry.
His equipment at the start was supposed to be like a machine that let him whip around his heavy sword like it was nothing, but everything ended before I explained any of that.
Page 6
At the start, I just thought of her as a cute little girl. But gradually, she grew darker and darker, and by now, the dark aspects of her personality are a part of what makes her unique as a character.
Her hair accessory often disappears. Near the start, there was the explanation that it was confiscated when they were arrested, but beyond that it’s just because I forgot to draw it.
There was an explanation for why she was naked under her cloak during her first appearance, but I’ve forgotten it. I believe it was because since she was camping outside, she washed herself outside as well but her clothes were blown away by the wind - so she wrapped an old cloth around herself…?
Page 7
The name “Foyfoy” was decided by an audience poll. At first, I was planning to make him Chinese-inspired, but before I realized it that concept had disappeared. His mark is leftover from that original idea.
Foyfoy’s hairstyle is one I drew often when I was a student. I often gave rivals or secondary main characters this hairstyle.
I’m glad I could draw a design like this in an official work.
Page 8
A character drawn specifically with boobs that a Haruhara who was too embarrassed to draw boobs drew because “I can’t run from boobs!” The reason why I stopped drawing her midway through isn’t because of my embarrassment, but because I wasn’t used to drawing them, so since I never practiced it, I forgot how to.
TL: This is written with the kanji for “Princess” rather than the katakana for “Hime” as her name is usually written.
She was meant to be a cute, elegant girl, so it shocked me when she immediately ended up as a violent character from her first appearance.
Since I hadn’t decided on a name for her, in the anime her name was listed as ???. I caused trouble for the anime staff.
Page 9
I can’t help but feel that eldery soldiers are cool. When I was doodling for fun, I often drew eldery soldiers.
I thought of a development where a cute girl pops out from a nice big suit of armour, so I created the Himendam.
At the time, I thought, “This is a pretty unusual development, it’s great!” but now that I think back on it, it’s actually pretty common.
The first monster to appear. The first monster you fight should be a slime! Slimes should be blue! I’ve been influenced by Dragon Quest in that way.
I had this child of mine show up as your standard old monster in order to increase the impact of the panda who would show up right after.
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While I honestly have no idea why the minister is always standing next to the king, usually that’s the case in RPGs, right?
So I had him stand next to the king in the same way. I feel as though his overall image is influenced by Magical Circle Guru Guru’s Kaya. While I hadn’t realized it while designing him, Kaya’s design affected me unconsciously.
The King
His whole thing was “a super serious old man that makes a stupid face during funny scenes,” but before I realized it, his stupid face became his default expression.
He just may be the nastiest character in the series, considering he wrapped up the entire world in his schemes for his own personal desires.
Mob Characters
The mob characters in my work tend to have this face. I like how they tend to make cutting comments while having non-descript faces.
Page 11
When Ros’ design went from complicated equipment to this thing, I was shocked at how much easier it was to draw.
I think this thing was what triggered me striving for easiness in my work. Can I blame everything on this thing instead of me?
Just kidding, it’s all my fault.
Fake Foyfoy
If you don’t make careful enough observations, you can’t make a perfect disguise, and you end up in an idiotic costumed-character-like disguise. I wanted to use this plot device a few times more after this, but I didn’t have any chance to use it at all.
Haruhara happens to have had a stuffed animal for as long as he can remember, and he still has it since he’s never been able to throw it away. I feel as though that stuffed animal served as the model for Mii-chan. In terms of his colour and overall atmosphere.
But my stuffed animal isn’t a pervert like him!
Page 12
A delinquent overflowing with manliness. What’s with his hairstyle, I wonder. It’s actually pretty easy to draw.
He just might never lose against anyone so long as he thinks, “There’s no way I can lose.”
I stuffed in everything my little sister likes into his appearance. “Straight-cut bangs, black-haired, one-eyed, droopy eyes.” But it isn’t as though I went and got her feedback directly so she might just tell me, “He’s not my type at all.”
I chose his personality based on my tastes- “A kind idiot.”
Page 13
I thought of a “butler who doesn’t obey orders” around the same time as a “soldier who doesn’t listen to what you say.”
I wanted to have him appear at some point in the future, but then I saw a book called The After-Dinner Mysteries in a book store, which made me think- “M-m-m-m-maybe this book has a butler who doesn’t obey orders as well?!” So I panicked, ran back home, and drew out the head butler’s story.
That’s why the head butler’s story was shoved in out of nowhere.
I read The After-Dinner Mysteries after I wrote in all the butler plot devices I wanted to use, and it was interesting.
At the start, Ros had his three burrs hairstyle so his design was differentiated from Teufel’s, but from Season 2 forwards I struggled with differentiating them.
So Teuf-kun has been going through some small design changes, a bit at a time.
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Before Dwango reached out to me, there was a manga I thought up with the plot “a zoo with an easily deceived curator.”
I planned to have a nisepanda appear in that work. The plot device was, “They thought it was a panda, but they were given a mysterious lifeform instead.”
Death Hot Dog-kun
A character that was born during the enthusiastic atmosphere during a meeting with my editor.
We happened to be eating hot dogs during the meeting.
I barely ever have these meetings for my other works, but for Senyu, I’ve been having meetings like this for years. So through sheer enthusiasm and cheer, things like mysterious characters and plot devices end up being created during the meetings.
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Page 16
Mysterious characters in manga often show up with their face cast in shadows. Dezember was born because I thought, “Why not make those shadows real?” But he ended up as a cooler character than I expected, using his shadows to attack and such.
I wanted to base him off of a toy for future plot developments, but I’m really glad I decided to based him off of dice. He became a really good character.
I think he’s actually a really nice person.
My editor for Main Quest really liked August, so whenever they got the chance they tried to push for more August.
A character that’s rather rare for Senyuu - one that just genuinely does bad things for bad reasons. I planned to draw her as really evil so you could tell she was a bad person, but she ended up just casually munching on bread - it really surprised me.
Back when his only appearance was a silhouette, I just wanted to make people think of that character at first. But now that I really think about the design I thought up for him after - isn’t he pretty cute?
Just like Foyfoy, I often drew characters with this hairstyle back when I was a student. I usually gave it to trustworthy ally characters. I like his design and personality quite a bit - sorry I haven’t used you much…
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The Shadows
It’s super cool to be able to split your body for each die face. I also feel like it’s a great character setting that each split has his own personality. A thought just crossed my mind - couldn’t I draw a manga just based around the Dezembers’ home life?
...I guess it would end up like Osomatsu-san...?
Page 18
I wanted to use the concept that she was old despite her looks because she was a demon, so I had her dentures fly out - but now that I think about it, there’s other old demon characters, including some characters older than Zwei. So that would make her dentures a result of her own problematic lifestyle, not because of her old age…
Wanna Stab~
A mob among mobs, who ranked high in a popularity poll. I shall now grant him a name - “Phoenix the Rich”.
The stuff on his shoulder does some mysterious things, preventing his body from turning as well when the drill turns.
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The Great Mage
The cape he wears is very warm. His research assistants gifted him the cape as a present for his birthday sometime in his later years of life, as they were worried about his health. That’s why Alba always wears the cape.
He’s meant to be someone who knows the secrets of the world - but I can’t count the number of times I considered whether it would be better to just make him a regular old funny character. Good on you for surviving through all that, Elf!
While I did want there to be a “Elf’s best friend” character, I hadn’t thought about his name at all. So when it came time for him to appear, I really struggled with it. I wanted to make his name like Alba and Ros (Albatross) or Salt and Lake (Salt Lake)…
I may have struggled the most with Alf’s name among all my characters, considering I usually just pick names on instinct.
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Salt and Lake and Lym
The Hero Academy trio. At first, I planned for Salt to become the Demon Lord, but when I sat down to draw everything out, Lake ended up in that role - it really shocked me.
I had always planned for the story to shift from the adventure setting of Seasons 1 and 2 to the school setting of Season 3. Though the end result is completely different from what I imagined.
Season 3 was really fun to draw since it defied my expectations at every turn.
Page 21
I wanted to draw a pathetic older man. I also want his scar to be because of some pathetic reason like “He tripped at a bar.”
I reused the soldier design I thought up prior to thinking up Alba and Ros. He’s a little older than Rchi.
Justice is her ally. In other words, I wanted to make a character where no matter what she does, “I’m doing it, so it’s just!”
But it was too difficult to figure out how to deal with a character like that, so I ended up just making a regular old hotheaded reckless character.
In the end though, she ended up as a character I quite like.
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A character who loves money. Since I love characters who love money, he’s a character that’s fun to use. It doesn’t actually have to be money, I like characters true to their own desires in general.
He was originally meant to be a silent character, but I got the urge to make him talk right before I was going to send in the manuscript. Since I wouldn’t make it if I typesetted his speech, I wrote his lines myself. By writing his lines in a way that can only be expressed through handwriting, I made it seem like I planned that from the start.
I made his speech typesetted again after I did that plot where he speaks super eloquently.
Rib Man
He requires no explanation!
It was funny when he moved in the anime.
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Sochi and Co.
There’s a game called Medabots - in that game, a character called Samantha leads a three-person team called the Screws. I’ve always liked that team since I was a kid. And then, I learned that my editor for Senyu was close with people who were involved with creating the original Medabots. So I had my editor tell them, “I want to put in characters I respect! Please leave it be!”
Please google the Screws that I respect, I respect them.
I had vaguely thought up what was going to happen until the end of season 4 of Senyu. But since I’ve done everything I originally thought up, F5 - which I’m drawing now - is all based on plot developments I thought up in +.
-I’ve been saying that for a while now. Lucop as well was just a throwaway joke at first. But as I started moving him around, amazing developments like “Huh? No way… you had a past like this…?” burst out of him, and so he became the current Lucop.
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A travelling doctor. As he treats his patients, he’s also searching for a cure to Mom’s mysterious disease. He’s a completely normal person with no special powers. He wanted Alba to become strong through his own power, not through familial connections.
A mother who adores her children. I think it’s pretty amazing that she managed to raise Lake up herself and send him off to school despite being blown off to a mysterious place out of nowhere.
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Rchimedes the Second and his wife
Rchimedes the Second and his wife. (T/N: Yes, it’s written twice.)
Daromeon-san, who’s currently illustrating Kengan Ashura, was the one to draw the ridiculously beautiful backgrounds in the flashback arc in Season 2 when the Second was imprisoned. When I complained that I couldn’t draw it, he drew me amazingly beautiful.backgrounds.
The Second’s design is based off of a mysterious preconception I have that “Demon Lords should wear raggedy capes.” Mama’s design is based on those soothing, kind moms you often see in anime.
The Mana Maker that he holds in this picture isn’t any particular Mana Maker. I just wanted to let a Mana Maker show up in a group picture.
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While he’s tremendously evil, he ended up being quite loved. The Senyu characters I designed near the start wear clothes that I would never design now - I really think it’s amazing. Why did I dress him up in a jumpsuit when I decided to draw a Demon Lord?
On a side note, I imagined that the white part of his clothes peels off smoothly like tape if you pull at it from his neck.
Since he took back his body from Rchimedes, his height shouldn’t have changed, but for some reason he mysteriously shrunk.
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In a way, the story of these three marks the start of Senyu. Originia comes from me messing around with the the word “Original”.
Rchimedes' scariest era just might be when he was living alone with Sion in Originia. Even though at first glance, it seems like he was living a peaceful, cheerful life with Sion, though occasionally getting beat up by him. But in reality, just what was he thinking deep inside, as he lived out his life, watching Crea and Sion?
Since I’m the author, I can generally imagine what my characters think just by thinking about it. But when it comes to Rchimedes during this time, all that comes to mind is “Scary scary scary”, and I can’t really think any further in detail.
I’m often asked “What’s Rchimedes’ original eye colour?”, but I think it was probably blue. I feel like I drew his eyes as blue somewhere, but I can’t remember…
Crea’s clothes slung around his shoulders that don’t fall off for whatever reason are actually sewn on - that’s why they don’t fall off. Crea sewed it on himself. While his threadwork is rough, it’s very sturdy. I think it’s wild and cool.
I showed a bit of what Sion did in the main story, but he generally did things like hauling supplies for hunting, looking far in the distance since his eyes are good, and going shopping in far-off cities for the village. Things like that.
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The two from Season 4 Episode 0
The two from Elf and Alf’s universe. Since Rchimedes’ magic research hasn’t progressed that much, they mostly fight with brute force. Since Crea never had his body stolen, he’s doing well. (He’s not doing well at all.)
Page 30
When I was a kid, I read in a manga, “‘Hero’ isn’t something you call yourself - it’s a title you’re granted by others.” I remember thinking, “I see, that certainly makes sense,” and agreeing with it. I also thought, “While you generally think of heroes as being brave and splendid, the person who’s actually adventuring might not be able to stand expectations like that sometimes.”
Creasion may be a character borne out of those feelings of mine.
Ros, please have tons of sweets and smile tons as well.
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When I thought of the name “Sleepiez” in Senyu+, I didn’t think much of it except “There’s an anti-Alba organization”. I also planned for Boss to be a new character. But after I took the time to think about it properly, the Sleepiez in their current form were born.
Thanks to the current Sleepiez being created, F5 was able to start even though I thought before “I’ve already done everything I want to do with Senyu, I can’t make another proper season.”
If there was no Sleepiez, I feel like + would’ve lazily continued, then at some good cut-off point, I feel like I would’ve been told, “Do you think it’s about time to end it?”
A tenth anniversary for example… it would’ve been a good cut-off point… how scary!
I can’t write about most of the Sleepiez members just yet, so I’ll be talking about Boss as their representative.
Boss is an alternate universe’s Alba, so despite being Boss, he’s still Alba, and so I want to make him feel like Alba still. But since he’s Boss he can’t retort or make jokes, since it would ruin his dignity. So at the very least, I gave him Alba’s fashion sense to keep his Alba feel. Since his heart stained black and he became evil, his fashion sense naturally became eviller as well, but he’s still Alba, the base is still Alba. He’s wearing clothes that kinda feel like a middle schooler who just discovered fashion for the first time, like he hasn’t managed to go full evil in terms of clothes just yet.
Now I can keep Boss as Boss while still giving him an Alba feel! ...is what I thought, but… does he actually still have that feel…?
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Alba with Mana
It made me happy that my wish for my protagonist to become the strongest at the end was granted. I thought up a lot of reasons for why only one of his eyes is red, like how it’s because his awakening is still incomplete, etc., but the number one reason is “it’s cool.”
A single red eye is cool, right?! It’s cool right?!
Now that he can use his mana to some extent, he controls his overwhelming mana to hold it back, so his eyes are both back to black now.
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SQ Senyuu.
I had this conversation once-
Y-san from Dwango told me, “I want to take Senyu to a magazine to have it serialized!”
I thought it would be awesome if it actually happened, so I approved it. Then I was like, “If you do take it to a magazine, where would you take it?”
Then Y-san responded, “Well, if you say ‘magazine’, you think Jump.”
And I was like, “Nah nah, Jump would be impossible, ahahaha.”
I never thought that Y-san would actually bring me an offer for serialization in Jump - Y-san was way too capable. Since my personal experience with Jump all started from there, I’m really grateful!
Pages 36-43
<Season 1 Episode 1 redraw>
Page 44
Since I’ve remade Senyu Episode 1 many times before, I thought that I would never remake it again. But then I thought- why don’t I remake Episode 1 at the exact time it was originally released ten years ago, as celebration! So I ended up remaking it again.
But I think it may be my first time remaking it without changing any of the jokes or content.
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black butterflies [colby brock]
fandom: sam and colby/traphouse
pairing: colby x self
word count: 1,864
part(s): one two
summary: after a prank gone wrong, colby and his friends meet another youtuber during her meet and greet in hopes it will cheer her up
A/N: this is a self-insert because it’s a fic that was started for my own personal pleasure. it was supposed to be shared last year on my fan account after a poll was done but never was bc i ended up not feeling ready to do so. i figured since i‘m ready to share it now, it would be best to do it here since it’s pretty detailed
She was going to be okay, right? She didn't need Casey to be there every step of the way. The redhead wasn't even needed for the business over in California. She always did perfectly fine without her longtime friend in all the solo videos. Casey was only there for a fraction of the recorded moments. Besides, the argument that night made it clear that she only ever pretended to enjoy the spooks that came with being a part of the channel. There was never any pure joy or thrill that usually came with experiencing such things with your friend. Yet those were half of the best memories Kirsy had with her since the beginning of the channel. They'd been best friends since eighth grade, and yet one prank likely destroyed a friendship of seven years. It was a sad fact that she had to suck up and admit so it wouldn't ruin the trip. So far the only bright side was that her best friend since her sophomore year of high school was going to be keeping her company.
“Please don't tell me you're sulking.” She blinked, realizing she was thoughtfully staring at the half packed suitcase on her bed. She turned her head to the doorway that had a twenty-four year old leaning against it.
Aiden met Kirsy during a school talent show that she was chosen to film. He was one of those viewers always looking for new people to subscribe to, and he found her page only weeks before the show when she had around 1,000 subscribers. He helped a lot with photos and editing, and was the only person who was a real friend for her out of the new ones she made after her channel became widely known. After Casey left, he stepped up as what he described as the 'better best friend’.
She sighed at the raised eyebrow adorning his face and sat on the bed, crossing her legs. “I have a right to sulk, jerkface.”
“Jerkface? You've had better insults than that.” He straightened his posture and walked over to the girl, sitting on the other side of the suitcase. “Was it fair to spring a horror movie on her less than a week after her return from vacation? No- no it was not. But she was in the wrong to just leave you like that. You apologized several times, and has she responded at all? No. And why?”
“I really don't want to have one of your sometimes vulgar speeches right now-”
“Why hasn't she replied?”
Kirsy sighed and hung her head back, letting silence sink in for a brief moment. “Because she’s a jealous supporting character who only stayed because I ended up making money from my videos?”
Aiden raised his eyebrows and leaned back against the mattress, “That wasn't a statement.”
“Well what is it that you want me to say?!” She lifted her arms in exasperation, throwing herself back only to realize that the half empty trunk was still there. She groaned, hiding her face in the side of the object as the young man beside her rolled his eyes.
Once he became familiar with the ginger himself, he was an eyewitness to all fights and disagreements between the pair, as well as the resolutions that came along with them. After the second or third time, he started to observe the way they interacted with one another. Kirsy used to have a tendency of going too far with what she said or did but stopped when she saw how it affected people, which is why this last prank really surprised him. On the other hand, Casey was someone who held grudges and would say the opposite of what she meant when she was upset by something. Her temper raised more than others he knew, and after such a long vacation from the type of content his friend makes, it probably pushed her off the edge. It wasn’t right to pull a stunt like that but it was less right to refuse to resolve issues or just be civil after the other party puts in so much effort to fix a wrong.
They may have become friends when he was a senior and they were sophomores, but he considered Kirsy his closest. She was the type to either not be fazed by other people or bottle things up if she was; there was never an in-between. He watched her bemused as she kept her face on the side of the suitcase, reaching for a pillow to throw on top of her head. “I don’t want you to say anything. I want you to stop being so depressing.”
“Depressed is my default.”
There was a beat of silence after her muffled reply, then laughter broke out in the empty room. She lifted her head from underneath the pillow to see Aiden trying to keep himself from laughing too hard. He didn’t know if it was because of how she sounded or because of the fact she said it so casually, but he couldn’t help himself. Seeing her friend enjoy himself over something she said did make her feel better. So - she threw the object back at him and sat up. He dialed it down immediately, chuckling when they made eye contact. “I’m sorry but while that wasn’t the thing I was looking for, it was something. And you need to realize that you can’t control what other people do and how they handle things. You can, however, control how you handle shit. Now I say you finish packing so we can get our asses to fucking California and you can show me off to all of your west coast kids.”
She stared at him for a short moment before pointing at him, “See? Vulgar speech.” He rolled his eyes and she grinned, hopping off her bed to go to her closet.
The young man followed suit, staring at the mostly black attire. “Alright- you better pick the cutest alternative clothes you have if we’re going to be meeting cute boys.”
Kirsy rolled her eyes immediately, not surprised at all with her friend’s judgement and eagerness for them to find boyfriends. Or even just someone for each of them only for the time they would be over there for the trip. “We’re going to Los Angeles, Aiden. Where is there going to be a cute guy who’s also not going to end up being a jerk?”
The former blonde eyed the boy going over how they could approach the vlogger when the time comes.
Colby didn’t want to come off cocky or dismissive by bringing up their channels. He also didn’t want to seem too eager since they all now watched her videos just as much as she did theirs. It felt like there was a lot riding on this. It was different than if they would run into each other at a convention somewhere, and he didn’t fully know why. At least, he would always tell himself he didn’t know. “Her meet up isn’t for another two days- why are you freaking out?”
He slumped over the counter, planting his head down into his folded arms. His roommates and closest friends all watched him with knowing looks as he tried several times to brush off the subject. He met each of their gazes, “I’m not freaking out. I just want her to meet some nice people.”
“Her fans are nice people.” Corey cut in, jumping up to sit on the counter across from the kitchen’s island.
The dark brunette only attempted the same trivial action, waving a hand to dismiss the sentence as if it wasn’t a fact. He knew how great a community the girl built up. She always talked about wanting to grow her own family and have that connection with so many people; not one based off of fandoms she was in but based on her own content and genuine following. He was one of those members, only he kept it more low-key than his friends in order to let her have that part of her dream. What Corey said rang, yet at the same time- “Ones she can talk to. I’m sure she would love to meet someone who understands.”
“And this has nothing to do with the fact that you like her.” Jake stated, raising an eyebrow at his friend, daring for him to deny it. It was something he was ready to do the moment the words left his roommate’s lips.
It just didn’t make sense to develop feelings of any kind for something you’d never met or even spoken to - did it? They were two YouTubers who started at different times, somehow never ran into one another at conventions, and she was a fan of his and his roommates long before she started launching her own career in this industry. He never followed the account she had that was mostly dedicated to him but he remembered liking countless posts and reading some of the captions directed at him that he never replied to.
He did notice how similar they were - sense of style, music taste, outlook on life and the many hair color changes - but it couldn’t have stirred anything up. Maybe he just knew that they would get along well if they met in real life versus just knowing that the other existed. There didn’t have to be a whole situation where he developed a crush on a girl who made a fan account for him and showed up in his mentions a lot. Someone who was a fan of him and his content for years before he even acknowledged her; and that was before she started her own channel and brand. At the same time though, before she stopped tagging him in edits and posts, every time she would respond to his posts and such were done without sounding like an actual fan. From the few times he would catch her comments, she made it seem as if they were friends. And her replies always matched his own feeling and hope of someone understanding what he would mean.
The self proclaimed ‘emo god’ of the group could only voice his denial before announcing his leave of the kitchen. After so long, his closest friends knew exactly how their comrade behaved when he was attracted to or was beginning to like someone. They knew he was going to be in denial for at least the two days leading up to all of them seeing the twenty-two year old off screen.
When Colby reached his bedroom, he threw himself on top of the large covers on his bed, placing his hands behind his head as he stared at the ceiling. The ding that indicated a Twitter notification sounded in the silence, and he fished his phone out of his pocket. He saw that he’d been tagged in another post and decided to check it out, expecting it to be art or some selfies for the trend his fans started. It was the latter, although it ended up being a tag from Kirsy’s account. He looked at the photos thoughtfully before pressing the heart on the screen.
Maybe there was another reason for going to her meet up.
#colby#colby and sam#colby brock#colbybrockimagines#corey scherer#jake webber#sam and colby#traphouse#youtuber#youtubers#cole robert brock#colby brock imagines#sam golbach imagines#jake webber imagines#corey scherer imagines#self insert#fandom#fanfic#fanfiction#youtube#Fam5#xplr#katrina stuart#tara yummy#devyn lundy#brennen taylor#brennen#mikes dead
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SnK Chapter 120 Poll Results
The chapter 120 poll closed with 1,375 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,314 Responses
This chapter is less popular than most, possibly due to its abrupt ending and feeling of incompletion. Still, 86.5% of the fandom rated it a four or five making it another solid contribution to the series as a whole.
PATHS are awesome, but I hope there's a satisfying narrative payoff to its inclusion
A lot of mixed opinions on this chapter from everybody, but I personally loved it. It went by fast but it's something you gotta read a few times just to get a good feel on it.
Best chapter since Attack on Liberio
I LOVED this chapter. Paths explained! Baby Eren! Little Mikasa! The OG Levi Squad! School caste Armin and Mikasa!!! I literally began to cackle when Eren straight up told Zeke his plan was stupid. I loved it, I've been waiting for that moment ever since ch114.
Character expressions were beautiful. Isayama's art keeps improving.
Easily one of my top 5 favorite chapters. The artwork was fantastic, the double crossings had me shook, & the Paths converging at the Coordinate is Yggdrasil. Love it!
Felt way too short and paths just got more confusing
I actually had to count the number of pages because I couldn't believe it was over yet. Seemed so short! But at the same time, many questions were answered.
Timeloop theory is out, multiverse theory is in! :)
This chapter was a gift from Isayama to all the Jaeger fans. Thanks Isayama.
18% of the fandom was thrilled to see Eren reiterate his “born into this world” sentiment as he rejected Zeke’s ideology. 16% found themselves moved by Zeke hearing Grisha apologize to him in his dreamstate. 14.6% were excited to see Eren rejecting Zeke’s plan, and at a near-tie 9.9% most enjoyed Zeke pulling a double betrayal on Eren, while 9.8% loved the moment when Eren woke up to see the Coordinate in front of him.
It was a meme, and now it’s canon. What did you all think of the resolution to last month’s cliffhanger? 42.2% felt it was a bit goofy but still worked, 29.5% thought it was amazing, 16.5% liked the moment but wish it had flowed better and not cut up over chapters, and only 7% thought it was absolutely ridiculous.
All those times playing catch with Mr Xaver really paid off!
It wasn't bad but just hilarious how memes have predicted it
I guessed it would happen after finishing reading chapter 119. In AoT nothing goes the way the characters want it, except for the Yeager bros.
I thought it was really heartbreaking and absolutely traumatizing.
I was very sad for Zeke at that moment, he seems in deep despair, there was no way to know that it would work to make Eren's survive. It was obviously more instinctive like Colt wanting to hug with his brother while he knows it will cause his death than reflexive
I totally called it and was thrilled it really happened
It was expected, but I believe we can't fully know how to feel because it's still a moment in development. I mean, it makes sense, it was the only move. We all saw it coming but it doesn't take anything from the awesomeness
Great payoff to Zeke's obsession with baseball
Eren could have given him a heads up... Zeke almost didn't catch him
When the action returns to the battle, the majority of the fandom are eager to see “Armin and Mikasa vs. The Cart” (27.4%) and “The aftermath of Gabi’s shot” (26.7%) play out. On a more lighthearted note, was “that one bird” (3.7%) received more votes than “Niccolo and the Braus family” (1.6%).
“Mikasa from chapter 1” was not only the largest memory shard, but also the moment we were most excited to see (24.3%). “Present day Historia” was our second choice (19.9%) and “The mysterious dark haired boy” was third (12.4%). At the other end of the spectrum, once again “those birds” rule, beating out “the horse” (0.4%), “the ocean” (0.8%), “that bowl of food” (0.2%), “the colossal titan peering over the wall” (1.1%) and “that one person in the bottom left (1.1%) Faye (0.6%), the blimp (0.1%), the basement key (0.4%), Jean’s horse face (0.9%) and even Hange (0.5%).
“A child from the Mid East Alliance” has taken the majority (31.8%) with Rod Reiss and Tom Xaver following, each with about a quarter of the vote. Eren Kruger was fourth with 11.5%. We also had plenty of write ins.
A child from the Mid-East Alliance, as he's wearing a Fez. It's probably a memory from Lady Tybur's youth, as we know the Tybur Family had connections with nations all across the world.
All the memories here have been from either te Attack Titan or the Founding Titan. Thus I don’t think this is a boy from Warhammer Titan’s memories. Possibly it is Eren Kruger’s memories, in which case this cannot he Tom Xaver as it’s much too young for them to meet. Eren met Tom when Tom was a doctor and able to falsify his blood documents is he could join the Marley police. This is a new character.
At this point i really don't know it could be fucking king fritz himself isayama would probably do it
Eren's future son
Frieda’s brother
I think he's ms. Tybur's friend, eren's memories in here kinda mixed up so it makes sense he sees tybur's memories
It’s rod. You can tell by the vest he’s got on. But I do like the few people calling him the Arumika lovechild.
Probably Eren Kruger's friend / brother / child idk, or a future character that we don't know yet.
Someone from Ymir Fritz's time
The child from the last рanel
Let’s be real… The manga has had a depressing tone for quite a while now, and some humor (assuming that’s what this was!) is probably good for us. 72% of poll respondents agree with this notion, and loved the inclusion of Armin and Mikasa from the high school AU. 18.3% weren’t quite so keen to see this easter egg, however.
I knew Isayama said something along the lines of incorporating this AU in the canon so it was nice to see that. Whether he plans to make a reincarnation AU out of this or just an easter egg is up to him.
I think it's cute. It's small and out of the way so it's not like it's disturbing the story.
Idk I'm confused. Isayama really likes to play with us
If you mean Nerd!Armin and Goth!Mikasa, yes I did like it. Could you PLEASE call it Highschool AU or similar, I spent like five minutes trying to understand what 'Caste on Titan' meant!
Well over half of the fandom agree that the inclusion of Caste on Titan (AKA the high school AU fake previews) in the memory shatter was merely an easter egg for the fans to enjoy, rather than Isayama canonizing anything. 20.9% feel differently, feeling that Isayama has canonized Caste on Titan as an alternate universe. 10.7% feel that it is a possible future or reincarnation.
Above Ymir Fritz, in a dimension higher than PATHS, lies the one true God and Creator Isayama-sama, who casually screws His people's minds on a monthly basis with images like these.
It is the actual reality
Canon?? FUTURE?? WHO?? WHAT??
Reincarnation AU is canon, baby
I have never heard of Caste on Titan.
Really it's probably just an easter egg, but it also kind of canonizes AUs which is fine by me.
What did the fandom think of a whole chapter focused on paths? 80.2% loved the deep dive into them, 15.3% liked the information but don’t love paths as a story mechanic, and 2.1% dislike paths immensely and just want to go back to the battle.
Being someone who loves time-travelling stuff, I'm intrigued. I see a lot of theories around and the loop seems a little weird to me. I believe Isayama has a great, unique concept and I'm excited to fully comprehend it.
Enjoyed it a fair bit, but we need to know more! Especially about how this dimension came to be in the first place.
I can't wait to see this in the anime!
I sort of wish it was more alluded to and not shown too much
I wish isayama was good enough a writer so that he wouldnt have to rely on this bullshit for long-term, grand-scheme storytelling
It's awesome, we need a break from battle, right? I can't wait it'll be animated beautifully just like Ymir one back in the season 2
The most fascinating aspect of the story by far. I just want every single one of their mysteries to be revealed.
I really want to know more about the PATHS. But not from Zeke. I think he is definitely lying about some things here. And I loved that double betrayal.
I didn’t know what the heck was going on
A part of the in-depth look at paths this chapter was a visualization of the coordinate itself. Just over half of the fandom are excited that the theories of Norse Mythology influences might have paid off with the coordinate appearing similar to the mythological tree Yggdrasil. 18.2% of you are unsure what Yggdrasil is and how it relates to the story, 16.5% think the coordinate is supposed to look like a tree but Yggdrasil isn’t a direct influence, and 13.1% think it’s just a beam of light that branches off.
I just thought back to most of the depictions in books of Ymir and the Devil. A good number of them had an object behind Ymir, that being a tree. Coincidence? I think not!
It really does have Yggdrasil vibes, and sorta looks like a tree branching off, but for now I can’t quite put it anywhere. Looks dope though.
It symbolizes a tree, and I hope it in turn connects to the tree Eren sat against in Chapter 1
Yes! more norse mythology references! Yggdrasil baby!
I loved how the trails in the path sky were the expanding branches of the Yggdrasil tree from SnK. Different space, different rules of time and matter...
It's shiny, glowy and pretty, and gives rise to loads of amazing fan colorings. Seriously, that full-page panel with Eren standing in front on it is a work of art.
It's the Tree of Life, Yggdrasil but also the Sephirot, among others. Norse Mythology confirmed with the name Ymir, the Norse proto-giant whose body was used to create the nine realms.
Maybe it's Yggdrasil, maybe not. I like the symbolism, but I can't confirm it actually is Yggdrasil.
Tree of life, much original, v cultured
PATHS converging as ROOTS.
Who doesn’t love a predictable but good betrayal? 70.5% of respondents were more than happy to see that Eren didn’t agree with Zeke’s ideals, even going so far as to support the demeanor in which Eren delivered the blow. 20.9% are happy he doesn’t agree with Zeke, but feel he could have gone a little easier on him. A small percentage feel he should have sided with Zeke…
Expected but still immensely satisfying. Kinda felt a little bummed for Zeke getting rejected like that.
I loved the twist which was made even better with a double-twist!
Assuming Eren wants to go through with the Rumbling, then both plans are crazy
Eren revealed his cards too early. Although, I can see Eren making that mistake.
It was what I'd hoped would happen eventually, however, it's still another example of Eren doing whatever the fuck he wants without consulting his plans with anyone and hurting people as a consequence
Harsh, but Zeke had it coming and it felt kind of great on an emotional level in terms of a true loss to Zeke, who has done some pretty shitty stuff.
Eren’s plan is stupid, you could’ve told Armin and Mikasa about this but nooooo you gotta be an ass.
I knew Eren wouldn't go through with Zeke's plan. But Zeke also deserves to see the errors in his plans, that he has no right to euthanise his fellow Eldians!
I'm not surprised about Eren's betrayel, it was obvious from the start that he would never agree with Zeke's ideology. But currently I feel very bad for Zeke. For first his parents only want to used him for their plans, because of his royal blood and Eren only used him for the same thing. Poor Zeke ;___;
Zeke had a lot of time the overthink everything that has happened in the timeless paths realm. Even if Zeke did not realize before, he definitely thought about the betrayal during said time.
Zeke assumes, along with 76.5% of readers that the girl we see roaming paths is Ymir Fritz. However, 19.5% of readers disagree with Zeke on this one.
I was but, after reading a theory posted days after the release, it makes sense that she's actually the OG Christa.
I think it’s Ymir, I don’t think ymir is who they think she is
I think she is indeed Ymir... But could also be the Earth devil.
Hearing all these theories about Eren asking Zeke how he could know, and Zeke just responding with (while logical) a not for sure answer makes me mixed
It seems wierd to me that the Founder has no will or personality of her own, it seems to me that shouldn't be the case, but well... I was hoping she would have some more additions to the story of the titans but she seems like a walking corpse
It's the most likely answer, but the fact he's just assuming makes me not want to claim for sure. Yams likes to seize on assumptions.
Kind of, it's the person they call Ymir but it's really the character of Christa
No. At least not fully, many characters have claimed what happened in the past, but none of them have been entirely right. I don't see why I should see Zeke as entirely correct either.
An empty shell of ymir caused by King Fritz messing with the cordinate
I think Zeke, Eren, Historia and this girl (I think it's Eren's daughter) are all Ymir.
WHY DID YMIR PASS BY EREN? 1,328 Responses
Over half of the fandom (57.7%) agree with Zeke’s theory on this one - Ymir gave Eren the brush off because the Founding Titan is basically a pawn of the royal family. 28.1% are suspicious and believe that she’s got other plans we’ve yet to be clued in on.
Nepotism over cronyism, I guess
She's being controlled by Zeke due to his royal blood so she probably got no choice. Maybe if she gets released she'll cooperate with Eren
The grown woman-child doesn't like boring edgy teens, maybe?
In his time in the paths, Zeke gained enough control over them to make since illusions for eren. This chick is just as illusory as his chains. Zeke is using her to manipulate Eren because he needs Eren to control the founder.
Zeke is technically alive. Eren isn’t. She’s going for the living shifter.
Eren is too hot for her, she can't handle the Yeager
That’s not not Ymir.
She really dosnt have a free will and is being controlled by an even higher power
Zeke has created those chains and that girl to trick Eren
Ymir herself is a slave to the royal family. The royal blood in Zeke calls out to her.
With lots of heartwarming moments to choose from this chapter, 32.7% most enjoyed seeing Grisha turn away from the Reiss chapel and choosing instead to focus on being a good husband and father to his family. 28.8% enjoyed seeing how Grisha spent his time in the basement and the possibility of him seeing Zeke from the future. 19.7% got the dokis over seeing Grisha be there for Eren’s baby milestones.
Loved baby Eren and it was really nice seeing Grisha so caring for his family (I missed Carla too, so good to see her again)
Baby Eren is the cutest baby in the whole universe and if you disagree you need glasses
Nearly half of the fandom (47.2%) admire Grisha’s ability to change and work to become a better father and husband after learning from his mistakes. 21.1% are glad that he was much better with Eren, but still can’t look past the way he treated Zeke as a child. 19.3% have always had faith in Grisha and enjoyed his character.
One of the reasons why SnK is as good as it is. The way goodness and horribleness exists within him at the same time, the way it makes him so imperfect, so deplorable, so sympathetic and so human, it's a testament to how well he is written. I love him. I love him so much.
I didn't like him before, but now I have a little more sympathy. I felt like crying when he was dreaming about Zeke and wanted to see him badly. I hope they will have a chance to talk in paths.
I'm amazed by the forgiveness other readers are giving him. It's as if they're ignoring what he actually believed and did. I don't believe many people are beyond redemption, and the fact that Grisha managed to get caught before he could actually murder anyone works in his favour, but I hold him to the exact same standard I would any real person who tried to bring back a regime he himself believed was exceptionally violent and bloodthirsty (before the Owl delivered the 'nice' history of Eldia). Overall he *could* be forgiven, but so far...holding your cute chubby son and choosing not to commit your original sin *again* is not it.
No matter how much he learned from Zeke he still cursed them both with 13 years at the end, so it doesn't really make a difference for me.
For the longest time I didn't know how to feel about him but this chapter cleared up a lot of things and I absolutely love him now
While he ultimately failed at parenting twice, it is good to see he learned from some of his mistakes and that his actions here reflected that. In the end, he still went for the royal family before the breach of the Wall and treated Eren to the serum instead of spending his time looking for a better, less 'child' host for his titan.
While it may not impact the story, the vast majority of the fandom (70.9%) feel confident that baby Eren was able to see his future self. Only 2.8% selected “No” for this question.
We don’t really know how it happened, but it sure does seem like Grisha saw Zeke at the end of the chapter when he noted his aged appearance. 79.1% agree that this appears to be the case. 2.7% disagree, chalking this up to nothing more than a coincidence. Eren and/or Zeke being able to interact with the past in any way has some striking implications, so hopefully we get some answers soon!
46.3% of respondents feel that the narrative is pushing Zeke to forgive his father and let go of what happened in the past. 38.6% see the potential for him to forgive Grisha, but don’t want to say with confidence that he definitely will. 11.5% believe that there is nothing that will ever cause Zeke to forgive his father.
At his core, Zeke wants his father to love him and treat him as a son instead of a tool. Knowing that Grisha still thinks of him and feels guilty about the way he raised him must have stirred something in him.
Partially. Yes, Grisha grew from that. But it just meant that Eren got the childhood he wishes he had and that in his eyes Eren got preferential treatment.
If anything I think he's mostly going to be jealous of Eren and regrets not being born at the right time. That being said they haven't reached the memory where Grisha passed his titan to Eren.
Might lean more towards him not changing because of his very single-minded way of looking at things. Maybe a smaller chance, don't know how I'd feel about it, though in terms of storytelling.
I hope. I am so ready for a Zeke redemption to take place even if the chances of it happening are low. I want to see the Yeagerbros working together.
I don't think so. If Eren shows him the next memory in which Grisha gave his titan powers to Eren and forced him to end his mission by going to the cellar and learning to control that power, Zeke would think that he was right about his father that he brainwashed him. Maybe Grisha was a good father in Eren's younger years but at the end he shouldered his burden to his second son and gave Eren a new reason to continue the cycle of hatred, to avenge his mother. I don't think that Zeke will change his mind so easily...I have the feeling that Eren has to convince his Brother otherwise, but I could be wrong.
While his opinion about Grisha May change slightly, that won’t change his opinion about euthanasia.
I love how that in the midst of all the plot development and the PATHS, it still boils down to the characters and their relationships in the end. The Zeke/Grisha parts make this chapter, imo. The boy who wants so much to be loved by his father, who vilifies his father as some sort of coping mechanism, realizing that his father loves him, misses him and regrets the way he treated him, realizing his father is only human... it never fails to tug at my heartstrings. I can't wait to see where Zeke will go from here.
As we step away from the action-centric battle, we move into a battle of philosophies, outlooks, and plans. Zeke has attempted to sway Eren, but will Eren be able to convince Zeke to change his mind about what to do with the power they now possess? 38.8% think he will in fact be able to do just that; and only at about 1% behind, 37.9% don’t know what the outcome will be, and 20.3% don’t think Zeke’s plan will change.
Zeke's mind is already made up. What may change is his motivation. He just may lose all will to execute his plan and let Eren do his thing.
His euthanasia plan is instilled into him primarily by Xaver, his father-figure, someone whom he holds very much in high esteem. So if Zeke should change his mind about that plan, it has to be through changing his current opinion on Xaver.
It will seem he agrees with Eren. And then, out of rage and despair of his ideals being broken and Eren getting the life he wishes he always had, he'll cause the Rumbling to lash out at the world for how cruel it was to him.
No, he's far too stubborn for that. But he still needs to return the powers of the Founder to Eren somehow. So I can see him being cornered in a way that makes him realize there's no happy ending.
Probably, but it shouldn't be because of some Grisha shit, it should be because Eren has a better plan
Yes but he‘s still an ass who had fun in killing. Maybe he‘ll redeem himself by showing remorse but whatever, he just rubs me the wrong way.
I sure hope so, because eugenics really doesn't make sense even if you support the reasoning. If it can be done by a royal titan then it can be undone, and they're literally planning to keep a pack of royals as spares.
I hope so, because I really want to see the brothers work together. Zeke has done a lot of terrible thing (including what he did to poor Levi) but I want to see his redemption arc
I think that Zeke will come to the realization that he is doing to same thing to Ymir as Grisha has done to him.
This chapter ended abruptly with Eren about to lead Zeke into “The next memory.” But what could that be? 36.3% think he’s going to show Zeke scenes from his own life, 32.1% believe there will be an even deeper dive into Grisha’s past, 19.7% think it will involve Tom Xaver, and 8.6% think Eren Kruger will get more time to shine.
A mix of all of them: More of Grisha's memories up to his death, his own life and experiences (Attack on Titan greatest hits coming for the 10th anniversary chapter), and then finish off with some Xaver reveals if he indeed worked with Kruger.
Bit of Kruger's, Eren's memories, and little bit of Grisha's. Maybe Ymir's or Karl Fritz
Definitely something involving Xaver, probably him in cahoots with Kruger to fool Zeke.
Don't feel like he wants to show Zeke something, just telling Zeke to move it along
His true motives and what lead him down the path he’s been taking since chapter 91
That one exchange between Grisha and Frieda in the cave we still didn't get to see when Eren kissed Historia's hand.
The memory where Grisha turns Eren into a mindless with added dialogue to hit us all in the feels.
Warhammer memories
I hope it could be something around Kruger and Xaver, and finally enlightening Zeke view of his "dad" and their plan. From here they could move around some really interesting scenarios, there are so many possibilities and I AM HERE FOR IT! ("If you want to save Mikasa and Armin..." quote for example idk).
Fall of wall Maria, Dina eating Carla
Some hype ass shit.
The majority (77.8%) are confident that Eren will find a way to make it out of the paths dimension alive, while 11.5% are much less optimistic about Eren’s fate. A smaller percentage believe that he’s already dead without any chance of coming back.
I have this weird theory: since a shifter's consciousness can be transferred into the spine or in the Paths dimension in some capacity, what if the consciousnesses of two shifters can be "exchanged" in the Paths dimension? Zeke may end up dying (willingly or not) while Eren lives.
I don't know. I think he'll either come back alive, or find a way to communicate with at least Mikasa and/or Armin before he dies.
Zeke promised that he will never abandon his little brother. Even if their ways differ in the end and Zeke’s mind isn’t changed, I don’t think he would leave his brother to die. He has already stated that he will command Ymir to reconstruct Eren’s body. No way he would treat Eren like that
No. Eren recovered in paths just like Zeke did so there's no reason for him to be dead
It would be a fresh plot twist and I would like him to stay dead because of it but I doubt Isayama has courage to do it.
i think it would be weird for eren to die right now, especially before seeing Armin & Mikasa again
Zeke was in pretty good shape when he went into the PATHS dimension, so it only makes sense he would make it out alive - or at least that’s what most of us (81.9%) think! A minority (18.5%) think (or hope?) he will not be so lucky.
More than half the fandom wants chapter 121 to be the continuation of A Zekemas Carol. 18.9% would rather take a break from the PATHS dimension to see what’s happening with Levi and Hange.
Been wanting to see Annie, Levi, Historia for many chapters. Now just want these amazing memories to continue! This part of the story is incredibly powerful.
I know this paths fuckery will continue for another chapter or two but after that yams pls gib annie i beg
A moment of silence for the amount of hope I had to see Hanji and Levi, if you will. It will be missed.
All I'm asking for is one panel with Levi and Hange... Is that too much?
Annie in paths Annie in paths Annie in paths Annie in-
Eren in the next chapter is going to open a door from Eren Krugers past showing interactions with Tom Xaver
Heh, as much as I want to see Hanji & Levi, I'm 99% certain we're staying in PATHS zone :)
I feel bad that I didn’t choose Annie for any of these answers, but this moment in the story is literally the only thing I’ve wanted to see for years
I just want to know Levi is alive
I want to know who Ymir really is and what her motivation is! I want to see the story through her eyes!
I don't care about Zeke. Please show me the Present Day Historia memory. I beg you OG Ymir. Amen.
whatever it is im gonna pee myself regardless
While Reddit and Tumblr continue to make up the majority of our respondents, the Attack on Titan fandom is everywhere. Wherever you choose to discuss the series, we appreciate your support of the chapter poll!
"Where's the rest of it?" - Zuko
I liked Eren's "surprised Pikachu" face when Zeke broke the chains.
Great fucking chapter, Eren and Zeke are a riot as a brothers duo.
Why is Grisha so attractive
Boy am I glad Xaver trained Zeke in baseball instead of football.
Grisha Redemption Arc, let's go!
a chapter without reiner is automatically a bad chapter
At the beginning I thought it’d end up being boring but the ending showed me otherwise. Attack on titan never disappoints
Awesome, beyond my expectation. We get more info about PATHS and yeager moments that i nearly don't care about others lol. The cliffhanger is more painful than previous chapter tho
Chapter in a nutshell: "I have more resolve!" "No, just kidding. By doing this I have MORE resolve!" "Well guess what? I have a piano. End of discussion, I have the most resolve."
I kind of dislike the whole concept of the Paths. I really dislike the "enslaved little girl builds Titans out of sand" angle when there was so much potential for a science fantasy explanation instead. At least Eren's acting like Eren again, that's all I'm asking of this manga at this point.
How did Ymir have three daughters when she looks 13 years old and presumably died 13 years old?
I put a 2/5 due to how empty and anticlimatic this chapter was. I'm more than okay to explore the pathverse but I didn't expect 10 pages of filler and recollection, 10 pages where the brotherly betrayal gets quickly resolved with both Eren and Zeke's emotions being turned down (Zeke just told Eren he had no freedom in his decisions ffs) and the rest being Daddy Issues TM.
Dope. Loved it. Answered so many questions. So, the PATHS meme is a little less true now. It'll probably become even less so with the next chapter and so on.
Eren and Zeke this chapter were basically that one spiderman meme you know the one.
Glad the memory manipulation theory was wrong, didn't expect this walk through memory lane however. I'm excited to see if and how Zeke's outlook on his father and whole ideology will change.
Eren out here playing 5D chess against Zeke when he was playing 4D chess and thinking Eren was playing 3D chess. Eren a legend
Eren’s sarcastic attempt at convincing Zeke was a welcome reprieve from the “excuse-me-what” nature of this chapter
Every time Eren appears in a panel I stare in awe at how beautiful he is. Shaven face + Hobo hair = Peak Eren.
I love how abrupt the ending is, specially if Isayama's going for what I'm thinking. I suspect chapters 120, 121, and 122 will all feel connected as one single big chapter, with action outside paths only unfreezing at the end of 122. The main issue is how some parts of this chapter feel like stalling for the inevitable anniversary chapter next month, but I believe it's gonna pay off.
I was laughing like a maniac by the end of the chapter. Eren is truly an incredible little sh*t, and I'm super excited to learn more about his actual motivations. Interestingly enough, Zeke won't shut up about Grisha the father, and seems to have conveniently forgotten (which I did as well) that one of Eren's biggest motivations in his life has come from his mother, who told Shadis all those years ago that Eren was special BECAUSE "he was born into this world". As much as I reeeeeeally wanna see an update on Levi and Hanji (IT'S BEEN SIX MONTHS, ISAYAMA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO US), this walk down memory lane is turning out to be the most entertaining part of the arc so far
I'm SO HAPPY to see Eren talking again and to see that fiery determination and his snarky attitude! Go Eren!
Just . . . I'm really tired. Now Grisha's father of the year all of sudden. I'm still waiting for Eren to like, suffer real consequences for his war crimes and his shitty treatment of his "friends." And Annie is probably never going to be relevant, Historia is going to stay stuck in her chair. Like, the whole point of this series was that it's hard to tell what the truth is, right? And now there's MAGIC and Eren can literally take Zeke into his memories to show Zeke EXACTLY what happened with Grisha as if that's the real truth? Isayama's gone soft or given up, I dunno. I'm just tired.
Anyone else expect Isayama to just carry on with these flashbacks for four chapters just like the basement.
This chapter hurt me. In fact, this whole arc has. I think the point where I started being really confused was when Zeke got resurrected. I get the point of it. You wanna show what PATHS is? Ok. You wanna show how titans are built! Sure! You wanna explain that this is a pocket dimension and time moves by super slow? Perfect. You wanna show the person making the titans? Cool. But the mechanics with the royal family are so inconsistent. IF ZEKE CAN BREAK THE WILL, WHY CAN’T FRIEDA OR URI OR LITERALLY ANYBODY. Is it because he isn’t the direct founding Titan? Is he bluffing?? I don’t know. I want Armin and Mikasa please.
One redemption for the monky boi, please.
So Eren did all he did, sacrificed so many lives, hurt his friends etc. just because he only hoped he’ll be able to use the Coordinate? Seriously that was his plan? Give me a break please. I’m very disappointed Erwin was not there in the ‘important moments’ page - he was one of Eren’s childhood heroes after all and the person without whom Eren would’ve never gotten this far.
55 notes
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The poll was opened on January 6th, 2019 and closed on January 13th, 2019. It got a total of 403 responses and the main focus was to explore the shipper’s thoughts and feelings, especially after Chapter 112.
It consisted of five sections:
General questions
On chapter 112 and current feels
On eremika content
Content creators
General demographics
I’ll present the results’ interpretation by section and in almost the same order the questions were asked to make all the information a bit easier to follow. This way if you aren’t interested in one of the sections you can just scroll down until you see the title of the next one. I recommend using the shortcut CTRL+F to look up for the section results you’re more eager to read or to just jump to general result key words faster.
I want to thank Selena and Heidi again for proofreading the poll back then and suggesting some questions. Big thanks to EVERYONE who participated and took their time to write their thoughts down ❤
Most of the respondents answers will be shared, and I mean “most” since I had to group up similar worded replies. For example, short answers like “chapter 50”, “ch 50”, “in manga chapter 50” got summed up. However, even if I tried to summarize things, there were too many answers that I’ll be sharing with you all anyway.
I apologize in advance for any grammar mistake or error in the presentation of the info. This turned out longer and required more time than I thought it would. Besides I’m tired and I don’t have as much free time as before.
I hope you enjoy digging in the results of the EM focused poll~
1.1) Regarding when did the respondents started to ship Eren and Mikasa, over 65% of them does since 2013-2014 (35.2%) or 2017-2018 (30%), concurring with the years when we got Season 1 and Season 2 of the anime, respectively. Then, 24% of the respondents said to ship it since 2015-2016. About 11% of the respondents started liking the pairing before we even got the anime adaptation: 5.5% since 2011-2012 and 5.2% since 2009-2010.
1.2) Eremika is the main SnK ship of 66.5% of the total respondents. 12% (33 responses) of that 66.5% have other OTPs besides Eren and Mikasa. More than half of these shippers (19 of 33) support another hetero pairing as well.
1.3) When it comes to the people that don’t consider EM as their main ship, over 50% of them have another hetero ship as their main. Around 30% have a M/M ship as main, almost 10% a F/F ship and 6% an OT3 / trio.
1.4) Almost 70% of the respondents started shipping Eren and Mikasa while watching the anime. Besides the manga (27.3%), some of the shippers started liking the pairing because of fanart (including a “rather steamy NSFW” one, lol), fanfiction or because of some people in the fandom, like someone they follow that influenced their shipping feels or because of an enthusiastic friend.
1.5) 65% of the total respondents has NEVER stopped shipping eremika (y’all good), while 35% has stopped doing so at some point only to jump back on the ship again (I declare myself guilty of this, I’m a damn traitor), though a small part of that 35% never really jumped back on it and just drowned in the waters of their full betrayal.
1.6) On which character of the ship is their favorite, more than half of the respondents prefer Mikasa over Eren, who got 18.4% of the votes. 28.5% like both characters equally.
1.7) On canon looks of the characters:
The thirst for manbun Eren won this time and got a bit more than 37% of the votes. Our traditional short-haired Eren follows with 22%. There’s a tie between hobo Eren and middle-short haired (?) Eren at 12.4%. Almost 16% of the respondents don’t have a preferred look for our boy.
In Mikasa’s case, the responses were more even between all her looks. There’s a tie in first place with 22.6% of the votes between ponytail Mikasa and traditional bob Mikasa. Short-haired Mikasa and long-haired Mikasa got 21.3% and 20% respectively. 13% of the respondents couldn’t choose a specific look for her as their preferred one.
1.8) Now, time to share the shippers’ answers and the results about the specific moment of the manga or anime that sold eremika to them. There was a total of 289 written responses to the question. I tried to organize them in quantity of mentions of certain scenes or chapter/episodes. Some replies mentioned more than one moment.
The first place was taken by S2 Episode 12 / Chapter 50 from the Clash of Titans arc, since about a hundred people mentioned it as the moment where they started shipping Eren and Mikasa.
Trost Arc got second, third and fourth place: S1 Episode 6 / Chapter 6 got almost eighty mentions, while S1 Episode 8 got around fifty mentions and S1 Episode 7, with a bit more than twenty mentions.
Eight times people mentioned they started shipping EM since they were introduced in S1 Episode 1/ Chapter 1. Some don’t identify a specific moment but talk about their appreciation toward their general relationship, dynamic or scenes together.
S1 Episode 14 / Manga Chapter 19 trial scene got mentioned about seven times.
The final episode of season one got mentioned five times.
S1 Episode 12 / Manga Chapter 13 and Chapter 51 got both mentioned at least four times.
[ Answers to 1.8 ]
~ S1 Episode 1 / Manga Chapter 1
Literally the first scene Eren dreaming abt Mikasa with that scarf and asking why her hair got longer and when he gave the scarf to her
Her tossing his ass into the side of a building, spilling the firewood everywhere
When Mikasa threw Eren against the wall in episode 1 season 1
In the first op when they're surrounded by dead comrades and mikasa looks at eren. The shipping feels started. The scarf scene (entire backstory of Mikasa and Eren's meet strengthened my feels)
Mikasa taking care of him since day 1
~ Unspecified
No specific moment. I just knew they were meant to be together from everything they did!
I don't remember exactly. It just felt naturally that they have to be together.
The very first time their dynamic was truly shown. It's so rare and interesting to see a het pairing where the girl is the cool, stoic protector and the guy is the reckless but good-hearted damsel in distress!
It grew on me over time - they just seem to both really care for and look out for each other.
All eremika scenes 💕💕💕
Idk....it just kinda happened.
No specific scene, it was just that her desperation wore me down over time
just their bond and dependence on each other through hard times and how resilient their unspoken trust and faith in one another is
Tbh I was originally an Ereannie shipper and don’t really pay too much attention to other characters at least in that aspect of going to ship them but after rewatching the anime series for who knows how many times I came to realize that Eren and Mikasa were just a ship that I can’t deny in which I think it’s only natural for them to be together.
I had watched all of season 1 without focusing on shipping. It wasn’t until I reflected later on and rewatched that I started shipping Eremika very much <3
~ S1 Episode 6 / Manga Chapter 6
When for the first time they slain evil, love at first kill.
The World the Girl Saw! I had this inkling feeling that I was going to ship them ever since the beginning, but this really did it for me.
Eren saving Mikasa from kidnappers / Mikasa losing her parents / Eren wrapping his scarf on Mikasa
I think it was the scene in the anime (as I watched the anime before reading the manga) when Eren wrapped his scarf around Mikasa and her face softens because of his kindness to her.
Episode 6 of the anime, when we got the backstory of Mikasa, but also, while reading the manga chapter 50 killed me.
Episode 6 of the anime; the scarf scene melted my heart
When Eren saved Mikasa from the thugs and told her to fight. Also the scarf scene really got me.
Episode 6 of the anime when Eren wrapped his scarf around Mikasa sealed the deal for me. ❤
The chapter/episode show Mikasa's past and especially when Eren pull Mikasa's hand while blushing, I knew that my whole life is for these two.
Their first meeting. It left an impression on me.
Mikasa's memory of Eren wrapping the scarf around her and grabbing her hand. Mikasa looked so grateful and happy in that moment.
Mikasa's tragic backstory and being saved by Eren who then gave her the scarf. And the moment she finds out he's still alive inside the attack titan and cries while hugging him.
Eren saving her when he didn't have to. (Kidnappers)
Episode 6 - when Eren wrapped the scarf around Mikasa when they were kids. It made me realize how strong Mikasa's feelings were for Eren, and how their bond was sealed the moment he gave her the scarf.
Mikasa's backstory episode earlier in Season 1. It only took that scene to validate me the fact that these two are meant to be always together. Call it string of fate or whatever. She is attached to the boy that saved her life. Chapter 50 of the manga also further validated my point.
The moment Eren gave Mikasa his scarf. It's a heartwarming moment as it gives Mikasa new hope to live and a home together with Eren.
I fell in love with Eremika the first moment I saw them when Mikasa was staring at sleeping Eren in the first episode, but I started shipping them when Eren wrapped the scarf around Mikasa and gave her a home. And one of my favorite scenes if not my favorite is when Mikasa started crying when she heard Eren’s heartbeat in S1E8 after he came out of his Titan form the first time. God that’s a lot to say :D
Since retrospection of their adventure in stabbin cabin
The moment I found out they are not blood related
Scarf scene (bet everyone's gonna put that though) but also their constant care and concern for each other throughout the series
I started watching the anime before fully reading the manga. I always thought Eren and Mikasa would be cute together from episode one. I didn’t really have a reason I felt that way, it was more of an instinct. However I didn’t fully ship them until Mikasa’s backstory in episode 6. I enjoy how their relationship is “tough love” instead of a in-your-face sap show. They just belong together. Their relationship matches the world they are in, and I always had a thing for ships that take a long time to come together. The end result is more satisfying.
Seeing their backstory of how they met because before reading/watching I saw people saying they were siblings. But that's not actually true so it expelled my worries about the ship.
When Eren wrapped his scarf to Mikasa and said "let's go home…"
When eren saved mikasa as kids and also the end scene of season 1 when eren picks up the scarf and says "that thing has seen it's best days, ill just get you a new one" and mikasa is like but it's special :c
“As long as you’re alive I can do anything” scene after her back story
~ S1 Episode 7 / Manga Chapter
Ep 7 of season 1 where Mikasa is about to get grabbed by a titan and in her last moments she thinks of Eren, and she's just like "If I die, I won't be able to remember your face". And decides if she goes down, she's gonna go down fighting, the way she knows Eren would want her too. ;_;
Scarf scene. Also when Mikasa remembers smiling down at a sleeping Eren and regains the will to fight, then Eren's titan shows up and protects her
First Attack Titan appearance and Eren saving Mikasa
when titan!eren came to smash the titan as mikasa was about to stand for herself after her pomegranate speech
When Mikasa thought Eren had died, and her reaction to that, that's when I REALLY started to ship them.
This is too difficult to answer lol. But if I choose one scene that charmed my heart with them it's would be that scene in ep.7 (s1) when Mikasa gave up to live. She remembered the words that Eren said to her in the past to keep fighting! TATAKAE! and the emotion that trigger in her the streght to protect the last memories that she had of him... MAN, I always get goosebumps at remember her speech! "If I die, your memories will die with me, that why I will fight! No matter what! I will live!"
Mikasa's being suicidal and hopeless after Eren's supposed death at the Battle of Trost District made me realize how much Eren means to Mikasa, and so I was sold on this ship.
ep 7, "I'll never give up again. If I died, I won't be able to remember you"
The episode where Eren dies and it flashes to Mikasa thinking about him, I knew I shipped them. I was a bit concerned because the anime wasn't clear on their relationship if they were brother or sister at that point, but the next episode was Mikasa's backstory and I knew it was safe to ship them!!
pomegranate scene was just too good :')
CH7, related to CH6, but seeing her find her resolve so quickly after losing him was sobering. I interpret this moment as a big precursor to CH50, but that's another moment
When Mikasa decides to live, because if she died she would not be able to remember Eren. And also when she sees that Eren is alive and runs to and embrace he.
~ S1 Episode 8 / Manga Chapter
In the anime when Eren emerged from the titan form and Mikasa ran to see it's Eren.
When mikasa cried holding eren after his first transformation as a titan
When Mikasa found out Eren was alive in trost
It wasn’t anyone thing. It was a lot of moments, but mostly the scene where Eren is revealed to be a titan shifter and Mikasa holds on to him and cries. That or the reveal of their backstory. Mikasa's clinginess suddenly made a lot of sense.
Mikasa being openly emotional for the first time while embracing Eren in ep 8
Definitely the scene where Eren comes out of the nape of his titan and Mikasa sees him.
The moment when Mikasa clutches Eren and tries to hear his heartbeat after they see him emerging from his Titan the first time. And when Eren defends Mikasa from the cannon and then at his trial, that's when it changed from one-sided to full-on Eremika for me.
Episode 8 of Season 1 when Mikasa found out Eren was still alive and started crying
Episode 8 Mikasa crying whilst hugging Eren after he comes out of his titan form. Chapter 50. Chapter 51 Eren worrying about Mikasa and apologising.
When Eren appeared for the first time out of his Titan form and Mikasa run to him, when she started crying while listening his heart beat I was sold.
"I can hear his heartbeat"...I cried when Mikasa ran to hug him and heard his heart beat, and then cried and cried. Like...she's so strong and brave all the time - that really hit me. You could feel the amount of love she has for him. Either that one or the scarf scene where Eren wrapped his scarf around her and welcomed her into his family!
Hugging eren when he first emerged from the attack titan
when she found out he was alive again and started crying
when eren appeared out of the titan and mikasa hugged him
I first bit when Eren wrapped the scarf but they reeled me in when Mikasa finds out he wasn't really dead and first comes out of his titan
Cap 8 anime, Eren sale del titan y Mikasa corre hacia él y lo abraza y llora
The manga equivalent of episode 8. Forgive me I can’t remember chapter numbers for the life of me.
When Mikasa ran to Eren after he first emerged from his Titan corpse and cried as she embraced him.
I think I've always loved the idea of them being together romantically since Eren saved Mikasa as a kid. However, the scene of Eren first coming out of his titan and Mikasa holding him while crying will forever be a highlight from the show/manga that I won't forget.
when Eren comes back to life in season 1 & Mikasa sobs while clutching him hard against her chest, uncaring about everyone watching/hearing around.
When mikasa started crying after she found out that eren was alive, when she said “If i die, i won’t be able to remember you” and the scene from season 2 episode 12, “I’ll wrap that around you as many times as you want. Now and forever... as much as you want!” that line makes me cry every time.
The scene when Mikasa hugged Eren and cried in relief that he’s alive.
When mikasa hugged eren tightly after he came out of his titan form on episode 8
MIkasa crying into erens chest after she pulls eren out of his tian for the fist time in Trost, season 1, plus the last episode of second season had me bawling on the floor tbh it was such a great scene
When Mikasa realizes the person emerging from the Attack Titan is Eren, and she immediately goes to him, holds him, and cries.
~ S1 Episode 12 / Manga Chapter 13
When Ian pointed out Mikasa’s feelings about Eren during the Trost battle
When Ian called Eren Mikasa’s boyfriend - and she blushed.
Cliché haha but: when she blushed when Riko said that Eren is her boyfriend I was like ohhhHHHHH girl
~ S1 Episode 14 / Manga Chapter 19
When Eren defended Mikasa during his judgement
The court trail scene where Eren stood up for Mikasa
The scene in the anime in the courtroom where Eren defends Mikasa after the bystanders accuse her of being like him
It was when Eren was at the court house he said it was all his fault and not to blame Mikasa
Either it'd be the scene in chapter 51 or the moment Eren stood up for Mikasa during the court trial back in season 1
~ S2 Episode 12 / Manga Chapter 50
Chapter 50 10000%
the "I'll wrap this scarf around you as many time you need" scene
The anime scene at the end of season 2 where Eden unlocks the power of the coordinate to save mikasa
when she encouraged him right before meeting Dina.
Chapter 50 “I’ll wrap that around you now and forever, as much as you want”
When she confesses while they are surrounded by titans about to die, and then Eren declares “I’ll wrap it around you as many times as i need to-“
Season 2 when Mikasa says thank you.
Cuando Mikasa le da la gracias la Eren por enseñarle a vivir, y colocarle la bunfanda, y él señala que siempre lo hará.
Season 2 almost kiss scene - you know it bro, and her falling asleep by his bed
the scene... "I’ll wrap it around you again, again and again, forever" bruh...
When mikasa talked about how eren saved her and gave her the red scarf.
Had been there for a while but chapter 50 solidified it for me. Mikasa's heartfelt words giving a broken Eren the strength to fight.
Eren saying “ill wrap that scarf around you as many times as you want”
In the chapter 50 of the manga (scene from the SnK S2's finale) when Mikasa confessed her feelings to Eren
Season 2 episode 12, when mikasa confessed to eren, and him promising to her.
Chapter 50 had the best EreMika scene so far because Mikasa really went heart-to-heart about her feelings to Eren (in the anime, we see her leaning in)
When Eren activated the Coordinate for the first time when saving Mikasa.
There was a lot of stuff in the earlier chapters but chapter 50 took the cake
Although their relationship has always been meaningful to me, I first began shipping them romantically after I read the scene where they’re sitting in front of the smiling titan, and Eren promises to wrap her up in her scarf over and over again, before unlocking the power of the coordinate when he contacts the smiling titan.
The scene when Mikasa almost kissed Eren
La escena en la que Mikasa casi besa a Eren y el se levanta y dice: "Te la pondre las veces que quieras" siempre veo esa escena cuando hay tambaleo en el ship
There is too much but I would say chapter 50 (like a lot)
I think that the first one, was the one in chapter 50. I discovered Snk too late, and I fell in love for them since this chapter :)
Chapter 50, Mikasa worrying over the post-experiment Eren in Chapter 54.
Eren and Mikasa second confrontation with the Smiling Titan/Dina's Titan
I think it was THE eremika scene in the manga, aka the infamous chapter 50 scene, but idk anymore
The Eremika shipper's Bible, of course! Ch. 50. Specially when Eren basically says he's always gonna be there for her. Also, when Eren apologizes to her right after the whole thing and she's recovering from her injuries. And that panel when he's thinking about everything's he's lost during their journey to end this for good, but he looks back at her and says "No, not everything" or something along those lines. And when Mikasa is sitting next to him when he's unconcious and Armin leaves and he has this fucking little smile and he just k n o w s and Mikasa knows he does. Oh, and when Eren, Mikasa, Hanji and Levi finally get in the basement and they're both looking at the things down there together and when they open the book together, their hands barely touching. Oooh, and when Eren tells everyone they're special to him and Mikasa's blushing and looks up to him and kind of smiles and he looks away?? Gold. Oh and of course, Ch.112's cover! The soft and tender look in their eyes while looking at each other is just so painful !! And soft !!
~ Post time-skip. Chapter 101 onwards
I started to ship them when they both blushed at each other in ch. 108
Flashback of Mikasa Chapter 108
Manga 108 when Eren and Mikasa have their own panel and both of them were blushing at each other
I started shipping them a longggggg time ago, but i think it was chapter 108 in the manga, (i think) when Eren says that he cares about them all, but hajime gave Eren and Mikasa those two seperate panels of them blushi,g at eachother. That one really chained my heart to this ship, and i will stay with it whether it sails or sinks.
I started shipping them after post-time skip. There wasn't a specific scene, but rather, both matured and their relationship would be more balanced.
Eren talking to Mikasa in ch 112- it was so obviously a contradiction to their relationship that it actually proved (imo) mutual feelings
The moment in Marley Arc when Eren is looking at her before the WH comes to
I became interested in their romantic dynamic after Mikasa's, "Come home," line in the Marley arc. I'd always loved content with both of them, but I hadn't found their relationship very interesting, so I just hadn't thought about it much. The recent developments have changed that.
Nothing in particular. Maybe when Eren attack Marley and Mikasa looked at him tearful. It’s not romantic but I appreciate the heaping amounts of angst of the ship.
Liberio reunion
~ Other responses
Eren looking up at Mikasa and then transforming into Rogue Titan when fighting Female Titan.
When mikasa tries to save eren from annie
When Mikasa put a blanked over Eren in RTS
Anime episode 13
When mikasa picks up eren
When Mikasa announced that she'd join the scouts with Eren.
they breathed and i was like ‘otp’ joking— the moment eren was out here pushing her away using his forehead and mikasa said ‘please don’t die’ because that scene spoke to me and then the history of them (childhood, eren saving her you know the drill) kicked me and my feelings.
[After a dream]: “It was a straight up fanfic in my sleep. I woke and was like "I guess I ship them now?" I used to not be so into Eremika but since then I've been a bit more accepting of it.”
Either when Eren first turned into a titan and wounded her/left the scar on her cheek or the courtroom scene, most likely the first one
The last episode of season 1, Eren and Mikasa in the room, she holded his hands, I found this scene intense, and started to ship them even more.
The hand hold when Eren was lying on the bed
2.1) The 403 respondents’ got multiple choices to check that could fit their first thoughts and feels about the alternative cover for Volume 27.
38.7% of them simply appreciated Mikasa, Armin and Eren being cute in it. 36% called Isayama a bitch, 34% reacted with Queen’s “IS THIS REAL LIFE? IS THIS JUST FANTASY???” because yeah, no one was expecting such a blessed cover, and 33.3% reacted with Backstreet Boys’ “Quit playing games with my heart~” because Isayama loves hurting us all and has probably been plotting to do so since the 90′s. 31.5% of the respondents saw the cover as a shippy exchange between EM, as they considered they’re staring at each other in a flirty way, and 31% checked the keysmash and cry choice... (I understand)
13.2% considered Eren was looking at both Armin and Mikasa, without anything explicitly eremika going on and a bit more than 7% are so dead inside they felt nothing with such a wonderful cover (RIP their miserable souls).
~ Added answers:
Let them have babies please ;^;
I think this cover gave me the strongest dose of Eremika feels ever. I can't look at it without grinning from ear to ear~
It's beautiful. Nothing to freak out about tho.
How dare I get taunted with this blessed image when I know shit's about to go down between the three! 😭
It's so peaceful and beautiful. I wish it happened in the manga.
I have a theory actually for this...
Armin is cute
It is actually the first time I see this cover and it's very cute and nice but after the chapter I can't feel nothing about it. Only hate for Eren and his words.
I can see how it can be interpreted in both ways and if we lean towards eremika then: cute!!!!!!!! so sweet!! but it makes me cry!!
Both Eren and Mikasa sees each other as their most important person in the world
they just look happy and looks like eremika actually canon but isayama try to cover it.
Mikasa clearly looks super in love with Eren. Eren may be looking at either mikasa or both mikasa & armin. I’m not sure...
My soul left my body.
Id say they're all three looking at one anoth another tbh
I love the Eye to Eye contact of eremika
Must protect
crap i think eremika is dying, BUT I DON'T WANT IT TO DIE, so i hope that this scene was just a build-up for their relationship (otherwise i'm knocking on Isayama's doorstep at 3am)
The hurtful words will save Mikasa's spirit, so Eremika shippers should support Eren's efforts in freeing her.
Is this foreshadowing that Eremika will become canon?
How cute and pure the way Eren look at his Mikasa XD
Poor Armin gets ignored by the two lovey-doveys 😠
You trynna fuck
Armin: okaaay, I will be going...
I knew by just seeing that cover that it was gonna hurt lol
I just liked that they were all together just like the old days
OMG are they finally canon? Please isayama sensei make them canon *.*
I thought it was nice but I knew it was ironic.
There’s a dagger hidden under the cover.
2.2) When it comes to analyze the cover in relation to future manga developments, most respondents (47%) see it as a glimpse on Eren's authentic feelings toward his friends, around 39% see it as a symbolic image, 36% see it as a trap meant to make us hurt more after what happened in chapter 112 (we know you, Isayama), 25.6% consider it foreshadowing, 20% a somewhat alternate reality / timeline, almost 19% see it as an utter lie or that Isayama is just trolling, 13.6% only see it as a blessed cute cover and 5.7% think it’s irrelevant story-wise.
~ Added answers:
Im torred between a foreshadow or just a cover…
What it could have been
This isn't teasing or trolling; its Isayama's way of telling us to have hope/showing Eren's feelings.
An ironic and nostalgic cover
A mix of possible 'alternate‘, maybe end-game, but for me mostly a CLUE to something...
Mikasa's hopes for the future
Honestly I don't know what to think after all that happened. But I hope it's foreshadowing toward his true feelings about Mikasa and Armin. Especially Mikasa. Maybe Isayama gave us a hint that Eren loves his friends and so we shouldn't buy all his words.
It's all Eren wants but it's something he'll never have again
how things could be if differences didn't stand in their way
Eren and Mikasa fucking
That was Eren's real feelings, but I believe he is partly hurt by believing that everything Mikasa has ever done for him is because of Ackerman's blood. Eren is also blinded by the idea that he is free and that he can make his own choices without being manipulated by his blood or the personality of someone in his head.
2.3) What was your initial reaction to Chapter 112 regarding all the things Eren said to Mikasa?
In this other multiple choice question, 55.6% of the respondents said they wanted to hug Mikasa so badly after what Eren said to her, 44.7% checked the “Eren: why the fuck you lying, why you always lying?” option, 40% wanted to punch Eren so hard and felt so proud when Armin did it, 37.7% were shocked, almost 29% called it bullshit / laughed / pfft-ed at Eren’s “I’ve always hated you”, around 25% just reacted with an “Eren, pls”, 22% were just as heartbroken as Mikasa and cried their eyeballs out, almost 13% have been crying ever since so not very “initial reaction” only, 11.4% checked the “Chapter 112? I don’t know her” option and 9.4% checked the “Uhh.. I didn't feel much because everything was too odd...” option.
~ Added answers:
I was kinda thrown off guard for a sec there when I first saw the conversation between them but then I think abt how this could actually leads to a better development in both Eren’s and Miaksa’s characters (romantically) I mean their feelings for each other have been a constant which I think this would hopefully trigger something between them.
Eren is lying
Shocked at first, but I think it's an interesting development.
I laughed
I actually felt encouraged! No way it was true, Eren was obviously lying/being controlled.
Immediately knew that Eren was only doing this to protect Mikasa
Carla, your son's gone rogue again...
Was angry and felt Mikasa should‘ve retorted back aggressively. But honestly, I‘m more intrigued by his words.
I want to go there and kidnap Mikasa immediately, then Eren gonna suffer til the rest of his life
Cried multiple times bc of it.
I tought that his words couldn't be true
the first real step between Mikasa's and Eren's romantic relationship
Eren is cancelled
Enjoyed the drama and didnt get sad over it. Since it happened so suddenly it took me by surprise and the conversation was nothing like what I expected it to be. Barely a glimpse of emotion from Eren and Armin being the one to start a fight? I was dumbfounded.
It feels like a huge giant misunderstanding and Eren sucks with words. I can't believe Isayama builded the deep of their relationship just to end into this bs. If everything is going to end badly for Eren and Mikasa then Isayama doesn't know how to write.
I feel all of that
Had a bad feeling something like this would happen so I wasn't horribly shocked
I actually love it, mainly for the angst. Love the drama, love the feels n im such a sucker for angst lol
Eren seems to at least partly mean what he said, but maybe not as strongly as he said it. I also think he’s being influenced by memories/zeke/wht so I’m not too concerned.
I already know that's not the same Eren so I was just shocked by his wording more or less but that's it.
It needed to be said
I enjoyed it
I was expecting Eren to have a moment like this, tbh. Not because I believe he really hates either of them, but because he is clearly spiraling and isolating himself.
fight between mikasa and eren similar to sasuke and Naruto
eren can do no wrong in my eyes so idk
Conflicted. What he said was hurtful but I also felt like it wasn’t completely untrue. Mikasa has been having major doubts recently and this thing in Eren she won’t face. The Ackerman instincts don’t have comelktely grip over her but they do contribute majorly to a lot of things. It’s awful but at the same time I feel like if it was all nonsense then why did it trigger those memories and why did Mikasa just keep shrinking into herself. Mikasa doesn’t shrink away from things.
OMG, Eremika has become so exciting, dramatic and awesome!
I think I kind of expected the outburst
There is no way he hates her really
I was glad Armin punched him and I hated Eren more than I ever have before.
2.4) "You only cling to me because of your instincts as an Ackerman." If he truly believes the information he got and said about the Ackermans, could Eren be hurt because he thinks his relationship with Mikasa was never authentic?
Around 69% ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) of the people think Eren is indeed hurt or that there’s a possibility of him being hurt because of what he nowadays thinks (?) is the true nature of his relationship with Mikasa. The rest of the respondents have really no idea what to think about it or just plainly discard Eren hurting because of Mikasa and her cursed Ackerinstincts.
2.5) From 1 being "influenced by the Ackerbond" to 5 being "of her own", how do you see Mikasa's feelings for Eren?
Most of the respondents (over 77%) think her feelings are mostly determined by her own person and not the Ackerbond. Only 6.7% consider Mikasa’s feelings are fully or very influenced by the Ackerbond and 16.1% think there’s a 50/50 situation.
2.6) Around 160 people decided to share their thoughts in relation to what happened in chapter 112, focusing on Eren and Mikasa of course:
Even if he won’t admit it, I think Eren still cares/loves Mikasa. His eyes seem tired and dead, but I noticed that they glimmered differently right before he told Mikasa he always hated her, and then they changed again when Armin asked if hurting Mikasa is the “freedom” he sought/had. If there is one thing that hasn’t changed about Eren, it’s his inability to hide what he truly feels. It’s obvious that he’s upset and perhaps feels betrayed, but i definitely think he still cares.
Yeah I believe the Ackerman stuff influences it *a little bit*. But her emotions are mainly real and she truly does care for Eren.
Eren deserves a good Ackerpunch to be honest.
Mikasa needs to realise that all her feelings are her own, and Eren needs to know, too.
His facial expression through the whole confrontation was CONFUSING like you can't tell if he is ANGRY or if he is HURT or if he really just have genuine hatred toward his old friends? Like I am confused about his facially expression when Armin told him "does freedom means hurting mikasa feelings" his expression was completely different than the rest of the panels. His expression had more emotion for some reason.
I hope that people didn’t forget abt the scene where Mikasa punched Eren in the face when he was being mean and venting off his anger towards Armin when the were at the refugee camp after the fall of Shiganshina.
Look at his face: this poor boy is as broken as us. There's a reason behind his actions.
I'm sure eren want mikasa to get away from him in order to keep her safe, this was the only way to broke the acker spell
I think Eren was rejecting Mikasa to free her from the ackerbond. I wrote an analysis about eremika due to ch.112 incidents here : https://nhamstory.tumblr.com/post/181741856688/eren-and-mikasa-relationship-from-now-onwards
I hope Mikasa leaves his ass
I don’t think she’ll give up on him easily, but I think she needs to let go, for her own well-being
Eren is only partly right. Mikasa's instinct to always be near him and protect him (incidentally the things that irritated him) come from the Ackerbond impulses. Her life and affection for him are her own. Eren obviously doesn't hate Mikasa and he wouldn't treat her this way without a very good reason. They both have genuine care for each other.
Eren is a bitch and Mikasa didn’t deserve that bullshit
I think Eren is genuinely mad (his morals and arguments consistent with his character from the very start) and, if anything, is deeply wounded. I wouldn’t be surprised if those emotions inspired him to act out, even though it’s wrong. He also has 3 titans inside of him, so I’m sure his brain is super jumbled and loud.
Its interesting how Eren never hurt Armin until the Yaegerists entered the room...
I think the Ackerbond brought them together but they stayed together for love
Mikasa deserves the world. Eren
I really don't believe a happy ending is in store for them, but I want to be wrong so badly. My biggest fear is that Mikasa will have to be the one to bring Eren down, or that the Ackerbond is exactly as Eren says.
i really hope that when he said that he hated mikasa that it was all a lie
It is just really confusing.
Eren still cares about Mikasa. It wouldn't be like Isayama to just pull a complete 180 out of the blue like that and not have a reason for it. I remember he said a while back that the thought of Mikasa having nothing else to cling to but Eren was sad and that she'll have to grow apart from him in order to get development, which I believe will happen soon. That doesn't mean that she can't still be happy with him though, so I'm sure this conflict will be resolved in some way near the end.
I think that Eren doesn't hate her but wants to make her free from her ackerbond. He would like to see her real self.
It's weird, but I think the extra attention Isa gave to Eren and Mikasa's relationship is actually a good thing, despite the negative context. As readers we're supposed to obviously know that Eren allegedly hating her is a white lie. Could he harbor resentment for a particular aspect of her character? Maybe. But it's already been blatant that he truly cared about her. I don't know if we're headed towards a tragic or satisfying ending from a shippers perspective, but I do believe that it indicates that we will get some sort of mutual acknowledgement of their real relationship. For starters though, we really need Isa to tell us what the hell's going on inside Eren's head.
I believe we need to get more info about Eren’s thoughts and intentions before assuming anything either good or bad about Eremika for now
We just need to wait for more chapters everyone. I still have faith💜✨💕 No one should go berserk or riot, not even later.💖✨🌅
"Only know you love her when you let her go", Eren gonna suffer because of this, one day.
I pity Eren for not being able to tell the truth about his feelings. It must hurt him to hurt Mikasa.
I hoping that the theory about eren being controlled by the will of the attack Titan is true and chapter 112 eren wasn't really "our" eren. Also, eren never hated Mikasa. The will of the attackTitan hates Mikasa. It even tried to kill her way back in season 1 while eren's consciousness was trapped in some fantasy where his parents were alive and he even saw Mikasa in it. If Mikasa can be so dear to him that she becomes an element of fantasy of security and family, then I'm sure our Eren never hated mikasa. So yeah. I'm hoping our Eren is still in there somewhere and will regain control of his consciousness and thus EMA will be a family again. Hoping. Fingers crossed.
There's a river called the Nile, I am in denial! (About what happened in chapter 112)
Eren doesn't hate Mikasa at all. Look at the court scene in chapter 19 when Eren defends her when they accuse her of being a monster and threatened to dissect her. Chapter 50 when he promises to wrap her up in her scarf again and again forever. As well as chapter 51 when Eren looks concerned as Mikasa lies down with broken ribs.
fuck you eren fuck youeren
That scene just hurt too much
Their relationship didn't ruined
I hate Eren now, though I really liked him very much before time skip. I don't know what I want more now: all of it to be a mistake/some cunning plan of Eren to save friends or I want Mikasa to be free from the feelings for this bastard and be happy on her own, without need to always protect and care about this stupid child Eren. Maybe still I like the first option more.
Sinceramente no creo que esto sea el final entre ellos, sino que es un preludio para que en un futuro cercano Eren se de cuenta de lo importante y de lo que tanto ama a Mikasa.
Mikasa will realize that she truly love Eren in a romantic way
I honestly think that their relationship is not going to end like this. I have a strong feeling that Isayama is going to make everything work out in the end for Eren and Mikasa, slowly but surely.
Chapter was powerful, yes, it hurt my shipper emotion, but powerful hands down. Isayama is genius.
Eren is cancelled
I think Eren has a goal in alienating his friends like this, he isn't just 100% apathetic toward them all of a sudden. He might be trying to keep them out of something BIG that's going to happen soon. Maybe his entire plan with Zeke is doomed to failure but for a greater goal, and he wants to keep them away from the losing side?
eren and mikasa’s bond is the only beautiful thing in this cruel world sO PLS STOP YOU GUYS DONT BE LIKE THIS 😭
Not need, but Eren is such a hoe. But I love him.. But he's still a bitch.. But I lo-
Eren is controlled by others so I believe he is kinda lying. He love Mikasa and Armin so much but now he has to hide it
Mikasa should move on
Et tu Isayama
"stop being a bitch, eren." -- armin.
I mean what else would I have expected from this depressing af series
They still love each other regardless of what Eren says and how hurt Mikasa is. They're bond is too strong to be broken and thrown under the rug after 1 chapter.
Bless Armin for standing up for my girl.
2019 is our year, guys. Just wait.
Wouldn't be satisfied if they reconcile without Eren heavily kissing Mikasa ass tbh.
He seems hurt by the thought of hurting her.
The attack titan "always pushes forward" plus he's probably seen things via the paths hense Krugers whopping out the EMA
why you can't just be honest with each other guys? honesty is one of the important things in realationship
I have no idea what Eren's true objective is and I really want to know WHY he'd do that to his best friends. I mean I'm hella biased so I'll still be on his side even if it turns out he had no real excuse but...
I just wonder if he said that for mikasas own good,so she could have a life apart from him.
When Eren said that he hated Mikasa and was 'bullying' Armin around, I think he was really just lying to keep them away from him and not hurt them as a consequence of his future actions. I remember in a chapter where the new Levi Squad were building train tracks and Eren saying he cared about all of them. I bring this up because I truly believe that he still sticks to his words from that day, and is trying to push them away including Mikasa so they don't get killed like Sasha did.
Eren is playing 4D chess. Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt though.
we need another eren flashback okay
It was a (good) highly emotional chapter
Mikasa’s ackergene may have activated because of Eren, but she fell in love when he wrapped the scarf around her and extended friendship to her. Her love is true. Eren is just cray cray right now because he is influenced by memories/has spotty information.
I just want Eren to get hurt back by Mikasa herself
Eren truly is shocked from hurting Mikasa, he doesn't enjoy what he is doing.
Still wondering what is really going on in Eren's mind and his plan
Eren just want to keep safe her
per question above: Mikasa had protective feelings for him before he was a Titan which would still influence her feelings in the present, so I feel they have a genuine bond that's developed.
Isayama is just trying to make us hate Eren, and he knew this would hurt like a bitch! I have faith in our boi
It's pretty clear the truth isn't being spoken by Eren
It was both shocked and saddened to see them falling apart.
Mikasa is a strong character with potential. At this point I only want her to develop into the best strong girl boss she can be. As her own person with or without Eren.
I want to punch eren in the fucking face i want to dress him up like a cabbage and feed him to the snails
"Eren don’t you ever make my baby cry ever again or else
Mikasa is a little bit obsessed with Eren, so I understand why Eren used such cruel words, because they would get through her tick skull.
I think he lied to them (or at least told them half-truths), for what purpose I do not know. But if he really meant it he wouldn't look so hurt in that panel where Armin called him on his bullshit. Plus, I believe that if really believed in what he said, it would make his character irredeemable, and I don't think Isayama would ever do that (but that's just a guess though).
Sad babes
I feel like in this chapter that Eren is protecting Mikasa so she doesn't have to get hurt and Eren have to do that and I feel that Eren doesn't really mean all of that.
he’s definitely doing this to protect his friends
Fuck Eren in this chapter, but fuck Zeke more.
At this point Mikasa deserves better
I no longer ship them because Mikasa deserves so much better after everything she’s done to care for him. His words were too horrible, and therefore, they can never be a dignified ship again :(
Please wake up, Mikasa.
I await for a good Mikasa development arc and a tender Eremika and EMA reunion.
I want them to be back together again
They have'nt chemistry and common things.
It was cute and predictable
"just kiss already you two!" lol 1/2 jk
Eren is acting way too controversial recently. What he said isn't really what he truly feels, in my opinion.
I think, even though there was still emotional devastation on my part because of Mikasa and Armin’s reactions, it took a long time for me to evaluate the possibility that these were actually Eren’s words, since the whole thing was so bizarre and the degree to which he’s being controlled still hasn’t been clarified. I still believe that Zeke or Kruger may be influencing him, just because this is so antithetical to the Eren we know.
I think what Eren said is Isayama's way of setting up the inevitable confession of Eren's true romantic feelings for Mikasa somewhere along the way. I think Eren's pushing Mikasa (and the others) away so they won't get involved and be hurt on his future decisions, lest something bad happen to them. I've seen this thing happen before in other shonen stories, where the protagonist pushes away their potential romantic interest only to come back to them to apologize and confess. Idk I could be wrong though. I could never know what Isayama's really planning lmao
It's rewind time
it will give mikasa good character development
The ship is dead
If they were to mend back their bond, it wouldn't be the same as before. This is not a playground where they will all be happy. This is reality and they are bound to hurt each other whether they like it or not.
Eren is pulling the oldest trick in the trope book to try and force his friends away to protect them from his own fate
La ignorancia de Eren y el apego de Mikasa
Ok first of all Isayama himself said the Ackerbond is a CHOICE. Also even for Eren, that was an impressive amount of bullshit that came out of his mouth.
Eren looks so affected for Armin saying he made Mikasa suffer and we can appreciate he is truly hurt when he proves true that Mikasa is under influence of the Ackerbond while pushing Armin against the table. Plus, his reaction when Mikasa cries because she is disappointed of him in Liberio... thus it’s pretty obvious he DOESN’t HATE HER in my humble opinion.
I need to see the story through Eren's eyes again for me to have a solid opinion.
I think that deep down Eren is doing everything to make him see Mikasa as a woman and not as a second mother. Deep down I think he loves her as she loves her
Well, someone previously mentioned before the contradiction found between Eren declaring that Armin is becoming soft and the fact that Armin suggested to have a titan devour and inherit Eren's powers back at chapter 108 which i totally agree with. Thus, i believe that the full truth has not yet surfaced and that it is still too early to judge on things that happened in chapter 112.
I really want to what he has in mind currently.
Mikasa's bond to Eren seems way stronger than Levi's to Erwin or Kenny's to Uri, so I feel that it's half Ackerbond and half lust
Eren lied to protect his friends
I think it's funny how a whole fandom can just totally overlook every moment between the pairing because of one chapter🤷♀️
The chances for EreMika to become canon has increased and we might get a kiss and a sex scene between the two
I believe Eren is lying and Mikasa is really love Eren not because her ackerbond
I didn't expect this development so I still feel confused. I have a small hope Eren at least admits to himself he loves Mikasa.
I think Eren is brainwashed by Zeke. Also clearly hurt by the thought of his relationship/friendship with Mikasa being fabricated by her Ackerman genes since IMO he confessed back to her when he said he’d wrap her scarf as many times as she wants.. when she was about to kiss him cause she thought it was the end of both of their lives. Furthermore, whatever his plan is I think he wanted to keep Mikasa & Armin out of it to protect them cause i do not believe he could just start to hate them overnight. I hope this situation is temporary.
He doesn't hate her. How could he? I only hope her not to forgive him too soon (for herself, I mean). And I hope her to express her feelings just to, maybe, feel better.
@ eren why you gotta hurt her like that, MAMA DIDN’T RAISE YOU LIKE THIS!
Eren is obviously hurt for hurting his friends
I'll just wait for future chapters. Don't wanna make early conclusion
Lmao Yams is trolling
I have faith in eremika
I know mikasa won't end up with eren, but I just wish eren has same feeling like her.
I REALLY FUCKING HOPE eren is going to feel sorry for what he said to her, and that they‘re going to make up!
Eren is so blantantly obviously lying. Maybe Mikasas Ackerman genes have a bit to do with her protective nature, but not her feelings for Eren. There may have been times where Eren was frustrated with Mikasa, but he never has hated her. There is so much canon evidence he cares about her. For example him showing concern about her widget loss, the blushing scene, and him standing by her when she was injured. Much more where that came from. Maybe he said he hated her because he thought her Ackerman genes have control over all her feelings (which I don’t believe to be true, but perhaps he does.) Thus, sets her free because he cares about her that much.
it hurts eren to hurt his friends but he's got limited options here.
Eren better apologize to mikasa
I honestly think Eren's lying. We all know he's never been a good bullshitter, and he's transparent as HELL im 112, so tbh, i think he's partially being controlled be zeke who probably forced Eren to do what he did, and that he didn't mean what he said to Armin and Mikasa, and that he's doing it to keep them out of danger. Relationships like that don't just break off because someone said something hurtful. There's history behind the EMA friendship, and considering the type of person Eren is, he wouldn't just backstab them like that and tell them all those things, especially if he knew they'd cut deep. Eren's just a really, REALLLLYYYY terrible ass liar. (Wow i wrote a book here)
Something is up with Eren. While I think what he said seems harsh and unfair, I think what he’s expressing is true but the reasoning is off. I dunno how to explain its like... Eren isn’t the kind of person to say something like this for dramatic effect or do I see how pointless drama serves this kind of story at all. That and Mikasa’s reaction to what he said and her own doubts I can’t ignore that as much as I want to. Something is up but I think there’s is some truth in there
As much as I like Eremika I want Mikasa to get rid of Eren.
Eren you bastard... why are you like this
It hurt Eren when Armin said that, his face says it all .. just that Eren got mad because he got a reaction out of it
Fuck u eren
The points he makes are quite logical, but the bond between them and the strong development of their relationship throughout the years just make every harsh thing he said sound really really odd and although sounding like a truth - give the feeling of an utter lie
bitch i was ready to swing this edgy hobo boi is on some dumb shit obviously lying out of his ass to keep them safe or make them hate him for their own well being but he went too far with mikasa >:c
I believe Eren is simply way too aware of his and everyone's on the island deadly position/situation (Sarah's death definitely triggered him,too) hence his harsh words towards Mikasa and Armin in order to push them away and making whatever Eren has to do in order to safe them easier (i strongly believe Eren will die by the end of the series)
I wanna see more pain. (I’m sorry, I like the angst)
Just makes me sad that their relationship has always & seemingly will always be based around tragedy
Im scared and excited at the same time
Zeke's a liar and must die for giving Eren this bogus intel. Also, this scene is really similar to that anime only one from EP2, isn't it? It's the scene where Mikasa punches Eren after he implies Armin is a parasite, has to be canon now that Isayama is approving changes. If there's anything to call a smoking gun over disproving supposed genetic influences, this would be it.
Mikasa is most likely a key character in understanding Eren's behavior and general goal. For me this dark turn clearly paves the way to some juicy development in the future.
He might just be pushing her away so that when he dies she can more easily move on.
Maybe he purposely wanted to hurt her because he thought it was best for her for some reason. Maybe he’ll do something dangerous and he didn’t want her to be involved so he tried to push her away (don’t know, I’m just hoping so much that this will turn out to be positive)
I'm so sad y'all
Bull *wait for it* shit
I'm more confused, baffled and kind of amused at Eren than sad or even angry. It's just... what the fuck? Like, yeah, he's been all mysterious and shady for a while now, but this??? wth
Eren and Mikasa forever ! Seriously 112 was tough but we all know that Eren never hated Mikasa , what he did was because he had to .
There will be world war against eldians and eren tries to break his bond with mikasa cuz she should go to hiruzu far away from war. She is no eldian and eren thinks it's not her war.
Feel like Eren thought the only way to make mikasa free was to try and cut the “ackerbond”
chapter 50 exists and shows Eren's real feelings!! all's good!!
Eren might have memories from previous titans overlapping with his own memories and feelings - hence the change of attitude
Eren doesn’t hate Mikasa and doesn’t hate the fact that she’s an Ackerman. He was and always will be her family before anything, I know that he wants to set her free from her ackerbond and I know that he’s hurt from the inside cause he’s causing so much pain to his only family left but I know deep down that he still loves her and cares for her. I was never affected by the whole ‘Eren hates mikasa she should forget him he’s ungrateful and blah blah’ cause eventually he’s doing everything for his friends just like what he told them in CH108 I know I’m not the only one who believes this. In the end it’s up to isayama to decide everything and I hope that Eremika will end up together due to many factors that I can’t explain but clear in both the manga and the anime <3
I think Eren’s just going through some shit right now/is being manipulated by Zeile and hopefully Mikasa will help him come to his senses soon.
She deserves better
Eren is trying to cut off the ties he has to people important in his life.
bless Armin for saying: this is what you wanted??: the "frEed0m" to hurt Mikasa? fuck Eren, ackerbond or not what the motherfucking fuck are you thinking??
Pues creo q Eren solo dijo eso para proteger a sus amigos
There has to be a plan up his sleeves. A plan that temporarily had to sacrifice his relationship with the closest two people in his life but in turn it will protect them and they will one day realise this fact. I am just petrified that by then Eren could be dead. Isayama will finish me off if this turns out to be his plan all along.
2.7) Did Chapter 112 affect the shippers’ feels for eremika?
A bit less than 8% of the respondents are thinking about stopping shipping Eren and Mikasa or they don’t ship them anymore (74% of the people that checked this option have another hetero ship as their OTP and around 19% have a male/male ship as their OTP. None of the pickers of this option has eremika as their main ship, they either dropped it already or they never actually had it as a main)
Chapter 112 didn’t actually affect the feels for the pairing for 33% of the shippers, while it made 21.3% of the respondents to ship eremika even harder.
There’s also the people (27%) that got affected by what happened in 112 but are trying to remain positive about the future of the ship and, on the other hand, less than 11% of the respondents are feeling down about it.
2.8) Despite everything going on in the manga, 53.4% of the respondents still have high to very high feelings toward the ship, while 19.9% have very low to low feels toward it. The remaining 26.8% are in some sort of shipping limbo, they don’t ship them too hard nor too little.
2.9) "I'll wrap you up in it again... Again and again. Forever." Will Eren's promise be ever brought up again?
The majority of the respondents (70.2%) consider Eren’s promise to Mikasa has to be addressed again in the manga, while 24.3% are not so sure about it happening and 5.5% think it won’t be brought up again.
2.10) Considering everything that's going on in the manga, do you think Eren and Mikasa will become a canon couple at the end?
47.1% of the respondents think there’s a high chance for the ship to become canon by the end of the manga - almost 9% of them claim to have always been sure about it happening. 23.6% don’t know what to think anymore due to confusion or other reasons (Ereh, pls) and almost 14% don’t mind if the ship become canon or not.
15.4% don’t think the ship will become canon or that it sunk already. From this percentage of people, about 76% of them don’t have eremika as their main ship. Something similar happens with the ones that don’t mind the ship becoming canon or not.
Regarding the last four questions of this section, and to no one’s surprise, the more you ship a pairing the more positive you are about thinking it may become an official thing one day, meaning you consider the characters can overcome the obstacles or see these obstacles as chances.
The less you ship a pairing, the less you care about it becoming canon or you are more prone to interprete any obstacle between the characters as a signal of a doomed ship. This doesn’t surprise anyone either.
3.1) Around 46% of the respondents look for eremika content often to very often while 32% never or almost never does. 22% do it sometimes.
3.2) The favorite type of content that the shippers look for is Fanart with 47.6% of the preferences, followed by Fanfiction (24.6%) and written analysis or discussions about the ship (21.6%). Edits or memes and videos only got 4% and 2.2% of the preferences, respectively. No one chose cosplay as their favorite type of content.
3.3) With 399 responses, the frequency that the shippers reblog, retweet or like fanarts / edits 41.4% often to very often, 34.5% almost never or never do it and sometimes 24.1% of them do.
3.4) With 371 responses, around 44% of the shippers say they never (29.4%) or almost never give some sort of feedback to EM Fanfiction writers… which, sadly, isn’t unforeseen. A bit more than 17% claim to do it very often and about 39% do it sometimes or often.
3.5) 39% of the respondents have at least once made content for eremika and 31% still create content for the ship.
This section was optional and 73 content creators responded to it.
4.1) Around 60% of them are Fanfiction writers, 37% are fanartists, 20.5% are graphic makers and/or analysis writers, 8% of them make videos and almost 3% do cosplay. Other responses included writing headcanons, EM Facebook page and group admin, sewing EM plushies plus photographing and editing the pictures to add dialogue and effects, animations and someone will try their best at fanart.
4.2) Their favorite kind of content to create is Angst with 20.5% of the preferences, followed by Fluff (13.7%) and Smut (8.2%). 35.6% of the respondents stated to like all the types of content listed: Fluff, Angst, Smut and Humorous. A bit more than 12% claim to not really have a favorite kind of content. Other responses included “Fluffy and Humorous”, “a mix of angst yet powerful”, “canon compliant stuff”, “angsty, fluff”, “[...] all eremika content is GOOD FOR THE SOUL” and “I like to write rated M stories that don't just focus on the smut factor of the rating.”
4.3) On how often they create and publish their content, about 29% rarely do, over 27% do it once every a couple of months, 15% do it monthly and less than 10% do it at least once a week. Other responses included whenever they feel like it or are inspired and have time to do so, someone “create a fair bit but rarely publish anything”, someone else tries everyday to do something even if it’s not EM related, a writer used to update their fanfic monthly but nowadays barely writes, someone never publishes what they make but gives it to their close friends, a fanartist draw eremika all the time but never publishes it because they “know no one will like it”, someone else talk about EM with a friend everyday and they theorize together, and a writer used to write often but they rarely do anymore and it seems it’s been more than a year since they did.
4.4) Most of the respondents rate the support of the eremika fandom toward their content as regular (31.5%), a bit more than 23% rate it as very high, almost 25% as high and 20.6% as very low or low.
4.5) 42.5% of the respondents consider they help circulate other people’s creations very often while around 58% do it sometimes or often. Less than 3% said they never help to do so.
5.1) This section was optional, except for the fandom and social media question, in which 72.3% of the respondents said to participate on Tumblr, almost 35% of them on Reddit, around 23% on Twitter and 17.7% on Discord. There are mentions of other social medias like Instagram (less than 8%), Facebook (a bit more than 2%), Youtube (1%) and Amino, Pinterest, a French forum, 4chan, DeviantArt, Fanfiction.net, Archiveofourown, Wattpad and real life. 5.5% of the respondents stated they don’t participate in Fandom.
5.2) In terms of geographical location, 47.5% of the 398 respondents to this question are from the American continent, almost 35% are from Europe, 13.6% from Asia, 2.3% from Oceania and 2% from Africa.
5.3) The native language of the respondents, considering 390 responses:
English 43.8%
Spanish 13.8%
French 5.1%
Italian 4.4%
German 4.1%
Russian 3.6%
Arabic 3.1%
Filipino / Tagalog 2.5%
Portuguese 2.3%
1.8% Hindi, Indonesian
1.5% Greek, Polish
1.3% Mandarin Chinese
1% Dutch
0.8% Swedish (one of them also speaks Thai),
0.5% Thai, Malay / Malayalam, Finnish, Romanian, Vietnamese, Japanese, Serbian, Bulgarian,
At least one of the respondents speaks either Hebrew, Tamil, Welsh, Ukrainian, Urdu, Danish, Hungarian, Cebuano, Turkish, Bengali, Cantonese, Bisaya and Sami.
5.4) When it comes to age ranges, almost 62% of the 398 EM shippers that responded to this question are between 18 and 24 years-old, 21.6% are between 13 and 17 years-old, 15.1% are between 25 and 34 years-old and only 1.5% are between 35 and 44 years-old.
5.5) 396 people responded to the gender question and the majority of them identify themselves as Female (70.5%), 24.5% as Male and 3.8% as Non-binary. One person identified themselves as demi-girl and someone else stated they didn’t want to say it.
5.6) Finally, regarding the sexual orientation of the 388 respondents to this question, 64.2% are Heterosexual / Straight while 35.8% are among the LGBTQ+ spectrum: 13.7% are Bisexual, 9% don’t know or aren’t sure about their sexuality, almost 4% are Asexual, 3.4% are Pansexual, 2.3% are Demisexual, almost 2% are Gay / Lesbian and less than 1% are Queer. Other replies include Pan-Demiromantic and Lesbian/Asexual.
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Evil Overlords Have Feelings Too - Part 1
Evil Overlords Have Feelings Too by Jenifer Irwin **** This is a fanfic based off of my own version of the Sonic the Hedgehog Universe, which is a combination of a lot of stuff that happened in Sonic Adventure 2, and some amusing things that I threw in to flesh the characters out (such as my theory that Robotnik's favorite drink would be Dr Pepper.) Various footnotes are included throughout for those who may not understand things I make references to. See the very last page for details on which characters and things are property of who. Mentioning them all here might ruin surprises. Many thanks goes out to people who answered polls on the GameTalk forums to give me ideas, and also to my good friend Ian (ShadowNinja/Bob) for helping me come up with ideas throughout the series. Thanks also goes out to readers and those who have given me comments of any sort to help me make it better. I warn you now, this story is intentionally corny in many places for humor purposes. Just sit back and enjoy... don’t analyze too much... it is a cartoon, after all! ****
Part One *WHACK!* "You piece of junk! Why aren't you working right?!" the doctor growled, pounding angrily on the control panel. "Because you installed Windows on me, you cruel beast," the computer responded, drives whirring and clicking frantically. "AGH! ANOTHER ONE! A fatal exception 0E has--*zrrmmm*" It made a small whining noise as Robotnik pulled the plug. "You're obsolete anyway. I built you a whole month ago. You'll be good metal for the next Egg Walker I build," Robotnik said, pulling the entire machine apart and tossing the pieces into the 'Spare Parts' container nearby--one of about 50 similar containers in his home base. Wandering arrogantly through the halls as he did on a regular basis, Robotnik basked in the personal glory gained from having built the entire 200-room base with nothing but his hands, several tons of spare parts and a broken screwdriver. It was the greatest of his personal achievements, and an extension of that achievement was the fact that nobody had ever broken into it to this day. Floating above a secluded mountain range, it was the perfect place to build and scheme. He grabbed a Snickers bar out of one of the several candy dispensers he had installed throughout the base as he headed to the chao room. He'd never admit it to anyone, but he loved the little creatures he'd raised. As long as they were fit, anyway. Chao that weren't up to par in terms of ability potential were promptly sent away. Those that were fit enough, however, were quite literally doted on by their owner. He always pet them when they ran up to him, and he installed lots of neat high-tech stuff in the chamber for them to play with. It was probably the only time he ever showed that a softer side (other than that giant stomach of his) even existed in him, because Evil Scheming Overlords most certainly can't let their archenemies know that. As the chamber opened up, 4 little chao looked up with eyes wide in anticipation. The familiar figure stepped into the room and was swarmed by the creatures, all of them begging to be pet. He bent down, chuckling, and pet each of them in turn, then headed around the room to check on all of the equipment. A broken screen here, a frayed wire there, all were fixed or replaced in minutes. The oldest and most powerful chao, Devlin the Devil Chao, hopped in the mini-Egg Walker and started moving around, clapping his little fiery hands in glee. He was 20 years old, going on about 1. Balor, one of the chao in 'Project SSSSS,' Robotnik's project to develop an ultra-elite chao, skipped about kicking a ball around, and Cade sat down at a small computer to program something. Darken got a crayon and started drawing on the wall. Robotnik grinned at the antics of the chao and threw a few packs of candy to them from a dispenser. Arashi was speechless as she watched all this through a very small hole in the wall, drilled there the night before when she exploited an easily overlooked but very critical flaw in the security system of the base. Nobody else, even one of her primary employers, Tails, could spot the flaw. Of course, he and Robotnik were also more into mechanical things--Arashi was a dedicated master of computer programming, debugging... and hacking. Particularly security systems. Tails had met her at her job in a bank and offered her a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity--in exchange for regular transportation back and forth from the base and the ability to speak with one of the greatest geniuses of all time, she would keep an eye on him and make sure that any plans he had for world takeover were somehow thwarted before he could even try to enact them. The way she could find out just how to do this would be to be on the inside of his plots, then either distract him to another project or alert any who would be affected so that they could change their position or what they were doing in order to make him change his plans. Of course... she didn't plan on following this at all. With all her expertise, she was able to quietly hack the base and disable the alarms. They appeared to be still working, but if something actually happened, the alarm simply wouldn't produce any sound. And now she was within the heart of the stronghold of the only person she respected as much as she did herself, the only person she figured she could ever carry on an interesting conversation with. Nobody else knew as much about computers and other technology, except Tails, but he wasn't evil and nasty, so he wasn't interesting. Robotnik, however, was. ...and he was playing gleefully with his pet chao. Something had to be seriously wrong with the multiverse. This was just not right. The Evil Overlord Robotnik... playing with tiny pet creatures? Nooo, noo, wait a second here. She closed her eyes, then opened them again. He was still there, grinning down at the chao in the mini-egg-walker. Wasn't there at least a hint of evilness in that look? She had to look hard... to find nothing evil about it. The cute devil chao looked more evil than Robotnik did at this moment! Arashi's eyes glazed over at the sight, and she went into a minor state of shock. What was this... thing, that was her evil genius hero? He liked cute creatures! He kept them as pets! He gave them candy and toys! This wasn't evil! It didn't make sense at all! She fainted. Thud. ** The sensation of a hand shaking her shoulder woke Arashi up and she found herself strapped to a chair. The first thing she saw was Robotnik glaring down at her. Yes. Just like he should look. That was him. Not the smiling jolly man she saw in the chao chamber earlier. "You have no idea how relieved I am to see this," Arashi said dramatically, causing Robotnik to get a totally confused look on his face. Usually his prisoners screamed or at least whined upon seeing him. "Um... ok. Well, anyway, first of all. I'm impressed. You hacked my alarms," he said, holding up her laptop. "Now, if you tell me how you did it... I won't kill you," he threatened, his favorite laser gun in hand. Arashi smiled calmly. "Top compartment on the front of my backpack," she said simply, a little smugly. Robotnik tilted his head slightly in curiosity, then picked up the small pack that he'd taken from her before she woke, and dug around in the aforementioned compartment. The only thing he managed to produce other than some coins and a drink or two was a sheet of paper with some code printed on it. He read over it for a moment, recognizing his own security code, and his mouth opened slightly as he came to the section where she had written in the few missing lines that would have prevented the hack had they been there. Raising a brow as he peered at Arashi, Robotnik asked, "Who are you?" Nobody gets into his base. Surely, this pale-skinned woman with light blue, slightly spiked-up hair wouldn't be any different... She couldn't be any older than 23. No way she could have done this. Could she? "Arashi Codiv," the young woman replied, managing to squeeze a hand through the straps enough to offer him a handshake. He accepted it, though it was obvious he was deep in thought, seeming to look through her instead of at her. He turned abruptly, leaving her in the chair as he walked up to a computer that was installed in the wall, and logged into his coding program. A little searching for the particular section and about 10 seconds of typing later, he put a special key into a lock that turned the alarm system off. The computer quickly recompiled the program and he implemented it, then pressed a button to turn on the alarm system (much easier than the process for turning it off), and several floodlights in the room instantly trained themselves on the woman in the chair as alarms screamed all over the base and the location of the intruder flashed up on the screen. Robotnik hit a few keys and the blaring stopped, the system having accepted her presence at his command. "You're good. Really good," he said, glancing over at her oddly. She grinned smugly, responding with, "I know." A slight, wry smirk appeared on Robotnik's face as he thought to himself, "She reminds me of me..." ** "So... I know you must be here for more than just to offer a helpful correction in my code," the doctor said, gesturing as he ambled down a corridor with Arashi, his laser gun drawn, but held casually down at his side, just in case she tried anything funny. "I've always wanted to meet you. And build things. Maybe even rule the world. You're the only person who I think I could ever identify with," she said truthfully, adjusting her backpack so it sat better on her shoulders. "Nobody else understands me," she said with a slight sigh. Robotnik glanced over at the girl with a look that said he knew exactly what she meant, and put the laser gun back in its holster. "Yes. I could never figure out what's so hard to understand about the physics required to reverse gravity. The last time I tried to explain it to someone, his head exploded. Come to think, maybe I should do that the next time I see Sonic..." He thought about it for a moment, a hint of irritation entering his eyes. "Not that it would work. I wish Sega would let me win for once... I'm hungry," he said mostly to himself, opening a door and walking in, straight to a very advanced refrigerator. His mind was certainly one-track at times, Arashi could tell that already. He proceeded to pull an entire turkey out of the refrigerator, instant-cook it in a high-tech oven, and sit down at the table with the whole thing on his plate. Ripping a drumstick off, he started eating like a total pig, much to Arashi's amusement. "So... D'you think I could program and build things around here?" she asked hopefully. "Ah thin' we cou' arrangh shm'fn, yah," Robotnik managed to say around a mouthful of food. "Whu' y'shtar'n at?" "Oh, nothing," Arashi said, snickering. She took a seat at the table and brought out one of her drinks, thinking to herself, "This is funny. I thought for some reason he had more class than this... Well, I guess when you're alone all the time, manners aren't exactly top priority." She thoughtfully took a few drinks and looked around the kitchen, which was devoid of any decoration whatsoever, but it was a nice kitchen nonetheless. The entire base seemed quite well-kept, and she knew there had to be cleaning robots all over the place, because Robotnik was a slob and nobody would be able to keep such a large base clean by themselves anyway. Before long, all that was left of the turkey were bones. The large man picked contentedly at his teeth with a toothpick for a while, then said, "I suppose it's too late to ask you if you want any," with a snicker. Arashi laughed and shook her head. This guy really was much different in private and when his immediate goal in mind wasn't to take over the world. Pressing a button that was on the underside of the table, Robotnik watched as a hidden alcove opened up and a robot walked out, cleaning the bones off the plate and table, then quickly washing the plate and setting it back in the dish rack. Arashi smiled slightly as she said to herself, "I knew it." "Well then, shall we get to work? I've got something particularly nice I've been working on," he said, standing up from the table as he wiped his hands off on the towel that the robot held out. Arashi grinned and stood up, following him. "This isn't the ultimate of all my creations, simply because if I said that, it'd be so cliché. Let's just say I really like it and it rocks," Robotnik said arrogantly as he pushed a button and tapped something into a small terminal on the wall, causing a heavily reinforced door to open up. He and Arashi stepped into a dim and -very- large room, where a huge coil of some sort of strong metal lay, taking up most of the room. The coil was at least 10 feet in diameter, and it was a strange silvery color with odd scales all over it... it looked just like... Arashi took a step back, alarmed as a giant robotic snake's head rose up from behind some of the coil, staring down at the two humans with cold, metallic eyes and flicking a flexible steel tongue. "I'm testing a new type of forging for the metals I use... and it seems to be working. I've managed to make steel that's as flexible as rubber," Robotnik said as he grinned evilly. Arashi stared at him in awe. He glanced at her and said in a lower voice, "And that's not even the best part." Robotnik turned his gaze back to the giant snake and closed his eyes, folding his arms over his chest and saying, "Take something out of your backpack." The girl looked at him confusedly, but took off her backpack and drew out some random item. The snake tilted its head slightly, and the doctor said a bit amusedly, "A portable hard drive. Women keep anything in their purses and packs..." Arashi looked at him. He was still facing away from her, and had never turned around. The surface of the snake wasn't reflective, and there were no mirrors anywhere, and he wasn't holding anything to look at... She looked up at the snake. It grinned at her. "...uh... holy crap," were the only words she could find for a stunned moment. "You can control that thing with your MIND? And see through its eyes!?" Opening his own eyes again, Robotnik said in a quiet but triumphant tone, "It was one of the most difficult things I've ever managed. I mean, I had the chip all nice and ready pretty quickly, but drilling into my skull to put it there was hard. It broke most of my best drill bits." Arashi started laughing uncontrollably. ** After some fun with the robotic snake and a few random transformations of harmless objects into Death Machines, the two decided to turn in for the night, Arashi allowed to sleep in the best guest bedroom in the base. She got out her radio and quietly started talking. "Sonic... You there?" "Yeah. Didja get any info? Is he working on anything big?" "No," she lied through her teeth. "He actually suffered a few setbacks lately. See, I just got into that job at the bank lately and they used my security code for all the other banks in the world. He can't hack for money anymore, so he has had to resort to older machines. Getting him is going to be a breeze." "Awesome! When should we attack?" "I'll let you know tomorrow." "Alright. Keep watching him!" the hedgehog replied. "You bet," Arashi said, grinning. The radio beeped, and an evil little giggle of, "...gullible..." came from in the room. Robotnik took the sound-amplifying device away from the surface of the door, grinning evilly. "So... she exploited my enemy to get in here and help me out... I love it!" He turned and headed toward his room, laughing quietly. ** Arashi woke up and yawned, sitting up to find Robotnik standing right beside her bed, arms folded over his chest. "I heard you talking to Sonic last night," he said in a solemn tone. Thinking he only heard part of the conversation, she paled and stuttered, "Wait, let me explain, I--" "And it's going to be a pleasure luring him into a trap like you've planned," he said, grinning suddenly. She blinked and stopped for a moment before the both of them burst into diabolical laughter. "C'mon, let's go make some more intricate battle plans," he said, turning and walking from the room. Arashi stood up and followed, grabbing her backpack and putting it on as she went. When they got to the battle room, Robotnik got out a pile of maps and rifled through them until he found a particular one that he put on the table. It was uncooperative at first and kept trying to roll back up until he dropped an old hard drive, a video card and two floppy drives, grabbed randomly from some shelves, at the corners. The map depicted his mountain range and the city 100 miles away where Sonic and Tails lived. He pointed to a spot that was roughly between the two points. "Right here is an area with a bunker that would be perfect to hide the Steel Snake in. What I want you to do is to tell Sonic to meet you there for some creative reason. That is where we will launch the attack--he'll never see it coming!" Arashi nodded. "That's an excellent plan. And it's pretty simple. When do we do it?" "After breakfast." ** 5 gallons of 'Death by Chocolate' ice cream later, the two stood up and walked out of the kitchen, leaving the cleaning robot to its job. They walked quietly through the corridors until they came to the door that concealed the Steel Snake's room. The large door opened up after the password was entered, revealing the snake in its eerie, motionless slumber. Suddenly, it rose up, wide awake, blinking silently as it flicked its tongue. "We've got a hedgehog to catch," it hissed menacingly in a metallic voice, grinning. Its back opened up, and a large pod with two comfortable seats rose out of the opening, the heavily armored clear top flipping open. Robotnik jumped up in one of the seats, grinning evilly as he asked, "Care for a ride?" Arashi climbed up into the pod, marveling at the nice interior, the bucket seats, and the really big rocket launchers protruding out of it, triggers at the two mad scientists' hands. This, to her, was like taking a ride in a brand new Corvette convertible to anyone else. The top flipped down and snapped into place and the snake stretched slightly. "I've wanted to give this a test ride for the longest time," Robotnik said, and the machine darted out of the room at a speed unbelievable for such a large thing. Slithering along the ground at a rate of at least 100 miles an hour, the snake very quickly made its way toward the bunker. "Wow! This is the coolest thing I've ever seen!" Arashi exclaimed, giggling as the snake slipped up a hill and quickly down the other side, doing the same odd thing to her stomach that an unexpected, sudden downward hill in a car does. "You think this is neat... I can do better," Robotnik said, snickering, and a great deal of energy could be felt in the air. The sides of the snake opened up and a few clanking noises were heard. Arashi looked into the conveniently placed rear-view mirror and saw several huge jets extend from the openings, blasting fire as the snake rose off the ground thanks to gravity reversal. Without ground to push from, however, it wouldn't be able to go very far without the jets, which began to push it along, steering it effortlessly. Robotnik let loose a brief, evil laugh from deep in his chest. "Excellent..." This really was the ultimate of his creations. Never before had he made rubber-flexible steel, and he also hadn't made something able to be controlled with his mind alone. Its unusual shape made it hard to detect on radar, and its top speed in the air was about 1000 miles an hour. It had bomb compartments and guns. Simply, it rocked. Keeping the snake low to the ground to avoid being seen in the air by anyone, Robotnik sent it blazing over the plains and eventually twisting through hills and valleys. Both geniuses were in a continual state of euphoria as they watched the landscape hurtle past them at high speed. They got to the bunker a little faster than they really wanted to, and the giant snake stopped outside, peering down at the small control panel that was installed next to the door. A plated scale slid back on the snake's side and out extended a robotic arm, tapping some things onto the panel, and the bunker door slid open. The inside of the bunker was huge. It appeared to be a weapons storage facility in the case of desperate emergency. It doubled as a testing lab, and was big enough to house 5 Steel Snakes comfortably. The ceiling was 100 feet above, with spare parts and weapons stacked all the way up on every wall. The majority of the bunker, the center, was completely devoid of anything. Perfect testing grounds... or an ambush point. The two began to organize their attack plan. ** Robotnik looked over at Arashi and nodded expectantly, watching as she pulled out her radio and motioned for him to be silent. "Sonic?" "Yeah, Arashi? Got battle plans?" "Yes, I do. Robotnik's sleeping. But he found a way to fix his security system--the only way we're going to get past it is to get a few special computer chips from a bunker that's about 50 miles southwest of his base. Just come on over, the door is open. It's in the Silent Hills." Turning the radio off, Arashi looked over at Robotnik. "How was that?" "Perfect." They exchanged diabolical grins, and waited. ** 15 minutes later, Sonic and Tails stood outside the open door. Sonic yelled, "Arashi?" No answer. "Guess she didn't hear us," he said, unconcerned, and headed into the doorway, Tails close behind. "Nice place," he said, admiring the stacks and stacks of weapons... until they heard a loud slam of the door behind them and felt something very large above them moving toward them at very high speed. Tails barely had time to gasp and scream. *SNAP!* The robotic snake swallowed loudly and spit out a single, severed tail. Sonic stared down at it in horror for a moment, then looked back up at the snake slowly. "You're going to PAY FOR THAT!" the hedgehog screamed angrily, and promptly turned around and started running. The snake remained motionless. Around the bunker Sonic went, looking frantically along the walls for something... but he couldn't find it... "Looking for these, Sonic?" an all too familiar voice asked as a shadow fell over him during a brief, motionless second of thought. He turned around and looked up at Robotnik, who stood about 10 feet away gripping a handful of rings and grinning. "What have you done with Arashi!? How did you find out!?" Sonic asked, unable to mask his terror. Never before had Robotnik been smart enough to strike so quickly... or to kill Tails... or to collect all the rings prior to battle... "What have I done with her? Oh, no, it's not 'what have I done with her.' More like... 'what has she done with me.'" The doctor grinned evilly as Sonic looked at him in confused terror. "I know you're a strong believer in the motto, 'Live and Learn.' But apparently, Sonic, you haven't lived enough to learn that I'm not the only person in the world who can't be trusted..." Robotnik glanced back over his shoulder as Arashi stepped out from behind one of the large shelves, walking up to his side with an evil grin. Sonic nearly went into shock as he watched his trusted spy put a hand on Robotnik's shoulder and give it an encouraging... almost... affectionate... squeeze... Managing to regain his presence of mind, the hedgehog screamed, raging over the loss of Tails, "Prepare to DIE, BOTH OF YOU!" and started charging up a spin-dash, ignoring the fact that he had no rings. The snake darted across the bunker instantly and whipped its tail around at Sonic, smacking him into a shelf suddenly and causing about 200 pounds of spare parts to fall on him, pinning him. Robotnik chuckled evilly and wandered over towards Sonic, who struggled hard to get out from underneath the pile of metal and plastic. The doctor waited amusedly, taunting Sonic as he squirmed his way out and crawled to the floor, glaring up at his enemy before he stood up into a crouched position. The camera panned out and revolved around the two as they slowly, instinctively, moved out to the middle of the floor. "So, Sonic... it's come to this. A final showdown. More final than any other. I have rings... you don't. Sega has never put you in a position quite like this before, have they? I like whoever wrote this plot," Robotnik said, grinning evilly as he tucked the handful of rings in his pocket. Sonic decided there was enough talk. The battle was now. It was the battle of all battles... one that only real men could win at. Childish Insults! "You're a big poo-head!" he yelled viciously. Robotnik fell down from the force of the insult, rings bouncing out of his pocket. He managed to grab a few, but Sonic swiped some himself, too. "Oh, yeah? You're ugly!" Robotnik growled, pointing at Sonic, who twitched as the rings fell out of his hand. He managed to get all but one before the doctor did. "You smell!" the hedgehog yelled in a classic kindergarten-whiny-kid tone. Robotnik stumbled backwards, dropping a few rings. Again, both picked up a couple. "You're dumb!" "Your mom's fat!" "At least my mom didn't have a retard for a kid!" "Come here, I want to check out my reflection on your head!" "At least my head isn't bigger than the whole rest of my body!" Over and over, they slung insults back and forth. Sonic got knocked back so far by some of them that Robotnik was able to get most of the rings before he did. The insults didn't send the gluttonous doctor flying very far due to his weight. Eventually, Robotnik had all the rings and he flung his insult. "Your shoes suck!" That was it. Sonic had no rings left. Rings were his lifeblood... his confidence... He sat down and started crying. Robotnik laughed and walked towards Sonic. "Hah! Weakling fool! You thought you could defeat -me- in a battle of wits!? I have an IQ of 300, you idiot!" Sonic twitched violently from the further insults. "Why are you kicking me while I'm down!? Have you no honor?" "Honor is what makes Evil Overlords -lose.- I'll have none of that!" Robotnik grinned evilly as he drew his laser gun. "It's the end of the road for you, Sonic! You've taken your last step! Eaten your last chilidog! Charged your last spin dash! Jumped your last jump!" He got louder and louder with each statement, waving the gun around. "Run your last mile! Smashed your last badnik! Pulled your last loop--" Arashi walked up and shook his shoulder gently. "Ivo, shut up and shoot him." "She called me by my first name... nobody ever does that," Robotnik thought to himself, blinking at her. She gave him a look, still urging him to shoot, and he nodded. "Right." He turned towards Sonic again and raised the laser gun, grinning at the weakened hedgehog who pleaded for mercy with his eyes, raising a hand defensively. As he watched the horror on his archenemy's face grow, he very slowly began to pull the trigger. "Farewell... Sonic the Hedgehog!" ...*click* Robotnik looked at the gun incredulously. "Oh, bother, I had the blasted safety on." He flipped a small switch, held up the gun again and pulled the trigger unceremoniously, sending a high-powered laser beam burning through Sonic's head, killing him instantly. As the blue hedgehog slumped to the floor, lifeless, Robotnik stood motionless for a moment, in shock. He had really done it. Finally, he had destroyed his enemy, and it was no longer in the way. There was nothing standing between him and world domination. He turned and traded grins with Arashi. And she hugged him gleefully. He staggered back, flailing his arms madly in confusion, stuttering, "That--that was uncalled for! Whatever it was! It made me feel all... warm and fuzzy inside! What did you do!? And how can your arms be long enough to get around me!?" He blinked at Arashi, who was laughing by now. She knew good and well that he knew what a hug was, he just didn't want to admit he liked it. He'd never turned a deeper shade of red even in his worst moment of anger. "Come on. Let's go home and take over the world," she said, giggling slightly. "After lunch!" ** Arashi hacked the mainframes of the world, sending everything linked the internet into total chaos. Communications systems were obliterated by viruses and the world was thrown into a panic. From there on out, it was simply a joyride around the world in the Steel Snake destroying everyone that resisted takeover. Under a week later, the last bit of resistance was vanquished. All others bowed to the will of the usurpers. Dr. Ivo Robotnik and Arashi Codiv were now the rulers of the world. So, the day had finally come. The bad guys won. And the two lived happily ever after... for the next few days or so. ** Robotnik tore off a drumstick from the turkey and bit into it, chewing glumly. After swallowing, he asked for the 300th time, "So... what are we going to do now?" "I dunno," Arashi said, picking at a piece of food. "We've already done it all... Killed Sonic... Conquered the world... amassed all the money there is... got all 180 emblems..." "Hey, let's brainwash the entire population!" "We did that yesterday, remember?" "Oh, yeah..." Robotnik sighed and leaned back in his chair, staring at the table. He took out his laser gun and started toying with it, dismantling and reconstructing it several times, but it just didn't seem as fun anymore. "Blast... mum, you were right," he mumbled to himself. "Yeah, mine was too," Arashi said absently. "'Why do you want to take over the world so much?' she'd say. 'Once you have it all, there's nothing else to do...'" A small computer terminal in the kitchen brought up a screen, with a special news report starting. The same reporter that spoke of Shadow the Hedgehog robbing the bank during the last failed campaign to take over the world began to report, "Up-to-the-minute sources claim that several unidentified flying objects are attacking all of the major cities in the world. Research groups have received word from whoever is controlling these objects that Earth is to be taken over for its resources--and there is nothing we can do unless Emperor Robotnik decides to take action." The two rulers traded slight, calm smiles and Robotnik pushed his goggles down over his eyes. "A mad scientist's work is never done," he proclaimed, and they both stood up and headed for the Steel Snake's lair.
#eggman#robotnik#arashi#arashi codiv#jen irwin#fanfiction#fanfiction Evil Overlords Have Feelings Too
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