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loneveenas · 4 years ago
aaaa thanks for 50 notes on this one tooo!!!!!!!! i’m so grateful 🥺🥺
snow fight with love
pairing: iwaizumi hajime x gn!reader genre: woooo fluff summary: you reminisce the past year when you and iwaizumi got to know each other — all thanks to that one snowball and the friend of a friend of a friend. words: ~2.8k
FOR @tsukkiscookies RISSE I HOPE YOU LIKE IT <3
note: for the secret santa gift exchange with the @haikyuucreations server!!!! note2: not beta’ed or edited….womp. note3: merry belated christmas and a happy new year in advance everyone!!! may 2021 bless you with better things.
| mlist (not updated) | ss mlist (coming soon)
One winter ago. That’s when it all started. The falling snow that you saw outside your room made you remember.
The snowfall had been very heavy that year too. It was only December but the world was already drawn in a pretty white.
Outside of the university is when you got to know him first. Got to know him… well… that might be a too far-fetched word but it came close.
You had just been done with your last class and was on your way home, walking instead of taking the bus. Your friends had been long gone, having skipped the last class.
With some music ringing in your ears, you were getting a little distracted — a little too much. Not too much to get so distracted that traffic would get the better of you, but still distracted.
When suddenly you got an immense blow from the back. Air left your lungs with a shock and you had to cough to regain your posture. You had stumbled a little forward, and with nothing to hold you upwards, you nearly fell to the ground. Good balance came a long way.
You wiped off your clothes and put up a glare as you flipped your head around to stare daggers into the person who just attacked you with whatever that was. A quick glance on the ground made you notice a small heap on top of the snow—
Ah. So it had been a snowball, huh…
You broke into a sweat glaring at that person. You had to suppress your urges not to gather some snow into a snowball for yourself and attack that person.
And you failed to suppress it. In an instant, your hands flew down to the ground, making a snowball and firing it off with the person in your sight. Enough to wipe that stupid grin off his face.
Got him there.
You were so fed up with this entire situation you turned around again and left for home again.
The person didn’t engage with you again. As he should.
Keep reading
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loneveenas · 4 years ago
ahhh that made me miss writing so much. i have like 10 drafts im working on but they’re getting me nowhere... hopefully i can post something soon!!
0 notes
loneveenas · 4 years ago
thanks for 50+ notes !!!!! appreciate it sm 🥺
all the small things
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x reader genre: fluff!!!!!!!!! summary: wakatoshi finds love in the smallest things when with you. words: 1500
note: for the home sweet home collab with the @haikyuucreations server!!!! note2: not beta’ed or edited!! :(
| mlist (not updated) | collab mlist
Ever since Wakatoshi and you started taking another step in your relationship—that step being living together!—you have noticed that the smallest things will enjoy him.
You waking up next to him, walking over to ask for a big bear hug, sitting next to each other on the sofa late at night watching your favorite show, you giving him forehead kisses while standing on your tippy toes… even just asking what he wants for dinner tonight will enjoy him.
Finding it odd at first, you got used to it pretty quickly. His strong looks sure didn’t help with that, especially not in the beginning of your relationship, but you were soon enough […] to his much softer side. One that he only showed you.  
And tonight, while you were all snuggled up on the couch underneath a blanket, sipping your hot cocoa and warming your hands against it to try and ignore the colder fall weather, watching your favorite show, Wakatoshi walked over to the couch as well. He’d just taken a hot shower as he had been playing volleyball all day, and really looked like he needed a break.
So, you raised the blanket right when he wanted to sit down, opening up a seat for him. He took the blanket from your hands, plopped down next to you and moved the blankets over his bod- well, only his upper body.
Unbeknownst and automatically, he leaned into you—his broad figure nearly making up for a second blanket.
“Aren’t your feet cold?” you asked him, pointing at them.
He shook his head and wiggled his toes in a try to keep them in motion and keep them warm. It made you smile and you put your head on his.
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loneveenas · 4 years ago
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my first finished manga coloring! not completely satisfied but super proud of the outcome 💖
37 notes · View notes
loneveenas · 4 years ago
snow fight with love
pairing: iwaizumi hajime x gn!reader genre: woooo fluff summary: you reminisce the past year when you and iwaizumi got to know each other — all thanks to that one snowball and the friend of a friend of a friend. words: ~2.8k
FOR @tsukkiscookies RISSE I HOPE YOU LIKE IT <3
note: for the secret santa gift exchange with the @haikyuucreations server!!!! note2: not beta’ed or edited....womp. note3: merry belated christmas and a happy new year in advance everyone!!! may 2021 bless you with better things.
| mlist (not updated) | ss mlist (coming soon)
One winter ago. That’s when it all started. The falling snow that you saw outside your room made you remember.
The snowfall had been very heavy that year too. It was only December but the world was already drawn in a pretty white.
Outside of the university is when you got to know him first. Got to know him… well… that might be a too far-fetched word but it came close.
You had just been done with your last class and was on your way home, walking instead of taking the bus. Your friends had been long gone, having skipped the last class.
With some music ringing in your ears, you were getting a little distracted — a little too much. Not too much to get so distracted that traffic would get the better of you, but still distracted.
When suddenly you got an immense blow from the back. Air left your lungs with a shock and you had to cough to regain your posture. You had stumbled a little forward, and with nothing to hold you upwards, you nearly fell to the ground. Good balance came a long way.
You wiped off your clothes and put up a glare as you flipped your head around to stare daggers into the person who just attacked you with whatever that was. A quick glance on the ground made you notice a small heap on top of the snow—
Ah. So it had been a snowball, huh…
You broke into a sweat glaring at that person. You had to suppress your urges not to gather some snow into a snowball for yourself and attack that person.
And you failed to suppress it. In an instant, your hands flew down to the ground, making a snowball and firing it off with the person in your sight. Enough to wipe that stupid grin off his face.
Got him there.
You were so fed up with this entire situation you turned around again and left for home again.
The person didn’t engage with you again. As he should.
A few days later your 6 year old cousin had asked you to come out with them while you were visiting your grandparents, to make a snowman in the park. Of course you tagged along, who wouldn’t want to see their cute cousin trying to make a snowman.
The thing, however, was that you hadn’t brought a warmer jacket with you. You weren’t going to ask your aunt and uncle if you could wear either of their jackets… So just your thin jacket that you would wear in the car it was.
While your cousin was tugging you along to the park, it started snowing a little. Great. You withheld the urge to shiver.
The two of you started making bigger and bigger balls out of snow to make up the body of the snowman. It was not going to be that big of a snowman, since your cousin was not that tall yet. Not that you were either—but not child ——————
Time passed quickly and you were already working up a sweat and not feeling cold anymore. The snow was still holding on, but you still felt unbothered by it. The smile on your cousin’s face was more than enough.
“Hey!” A sudden voice got you out of your concentration.
You whipped your head around and immediately wish you hadn’t.
“You,” you bite out. You recognize him in an instant. It was that same dude who had hit you with a snowball a couple of days ago.
“Me?” he asked, visibly confused.
Sighing, you turned back as you heard your cousin call for your name. You answered her, helped her with some snow and turned back to face him.
“Never mind. I could help remember but that wouldn’t be worth anything.”
The boy was still confused and you couldn’t help but smile at his silly looking face.
“Can I help you with something?” The snowman wasn’t going to finish on its own, so you had gone back to collecting more snow.
“Ah,” he seemed hesitant. You didn’t look up but heard his footsteps approach closer. “I saw you from my living room window.”
“So?” That sounded kind of creepy if anything.
“I, uh, noticed you were shivering, so I got you a pair of gloves and a sweatshirt to wear.”
You stopped. Looked up. He indeed was holding a pair of gloves and a sweatshirt.
“Oh.” You didn’t know what to say. You patted your snowy hands off on your jeans. “How can I accept these? I don’t even know you.”
The boy had been taken by surprise. “Oh! Of course, sorry. My name is Iwaizumi Hajime.”
Ah, so that's Iwaizumi Hajime.
You laughed shortly, taking the items from his hands. You had forgotten about snowball event and decided to act as a reaction to this act of kindness. “Thank you, Iwaizumi-san. My name is y/n.” You slipped on the sweater, and pushed your hands into the gloves. That was so much better than shivering it out, trying to warm your own body.
“No problem. Nice to meet you, y/n. Glad I could be of any help.”
He didn’t seem like he was going to leave anytime soon, appearing rather interested in the building of the snowman.
“Do you,” you started, gesturing towards the snowman, “mayhaps want to be of more help?”
“Sure!” he said, not second guessing himself any moment.
You laughed and continued working on the snowman.
Iwaizumi and you didn’t exchange numbers or anything, so that was the last time the two of you had spoken with each other. In that conversation, it became clear that you went to the same university as he did, but was in a different department. And on the other side of the campus.
You had a mutual friend, though. Well, mutual was different. Iwaizumi’s best friend, Oikawa Tooru, was friends with your best friend that you knew from high school. So, a friend of a friend of a friend… or something like that.
Now it happened that a few weeks ago those two friends, Oikawa and your best friend, who were in the same dorm building, had organized a secret Santa gift exchange.
And it so happened that you got him for secret Santa. So for the past couple days, with Christmas really quickly nearing now, you had been pondering deeply on what to gift him. You couldn’t ask anyone, since no one really knew the boy aside from Oikawa Tooru. But everyone also knew Oikawa Tooru couldn’t keep his gossiping mouth shut tight.
You also didn’t want to get him anything generic, but the gifts on his list were all sold out already, and—UGH.
You just had to rake your brain around it somehow. It didn’t need to be super duper perfect, since he wasn’t even a friend or anything. (But just a friend of a friend of a friend.)
Still, something about it made you want to do your best to find something that would fit his likings.
These coming days were going to be long.
Fast forward to the day past Christmas, it was the day of Secret Santa and you were nervous.
Somehow, seeing Iwaizumi in front of you in the circle made you even more nervous.
Fidgeting with your fingers, you felt your hands becoming sweatier with the minute.
There was something about the way he was avoiding eye contact with you that just wasn’t sitting right with you.
Gifts were going around, getting exchanged and everyone had a lot of laughs. However, you were feeling strange and unable to enjoy the time to the fullest. Your friend noticed and asked if you wanted to head back to your dorm earlier.
You thought it over for a while. Although you wanted to stay for longer, it did seem like a better solution.
With your friend announcing to the group that the two of you were going to take your leave, you stood up—not without glancing over at Iwaizumi. Something about him made you look back at him, time and time again.
But this time only once.
You grabbed your and your friend’s jackets and walked ahead of them, out of the dorm room.
Not that much longer the door opened and closed it behind you.
“Here,” you didn’t look up from your phone and handed over the jacket with your other hand. “Let’s leave.”
“Actually,” a male voice said, making you look up, eyes widened. Iwaizumi. “I was wondering how you were feeling since you hadn’t been looking that good all evening.” He sheepishly placed a hand behind his head.
You smiled gently. “Thanks. I’m fine, actually. The room just felt a little suffocating.”
“You don’t like busy places like that, do you?” he said faintly.
Staring at him, you were confused at how he noticed that. He quickly answered your apparently questionable face with a, “I could tell.”
“Ah, but don’t feel weirded out by that,” he laughed nervously, “I didn’t mean it wrong.”
He seemed nervous. You laughed at his quick talk.
“Don’t worry. Thanks for caring, I think. I guess? Yes.” What you were babbling yourself you didn’t know either, but all that mattered was Iwaizumi asking for your well being.
The conversation died and neither of you were looking at each other nor at anything in particular.
“So…” Iwaizumi started.
“Right…” You were actually starting to wonder where your friend was at, making you wait like that, but Iwaizumi’s company made you less bothered.
“I actually had you for Secret Santa,” you blurt out. “Sorry if your gifts weren’t good or anything, I had a hard time picking something for you since we had only met up and talked to you that one time when I was building a snowman with my cousin.” Before you realized you had said more to him than you wanted to. “Ack, sorry. Didn’t mean to blurt it out like that.”
Unexpectedly, Iwaizumi had laughed in response. “All good. Actually,” he hesitated a little, “I’m in the same boat as you.”
For the first time since he had walked after you after leaving the group, you turned to look at him and into his eyes. “What do you mean?”
“I, uh, had you too. For Secret Santa, I mean.”
You were aghast. Not once had you noticed that the two of you were literally in the same boat.
“Oh, wow. That is strange.” You laughed and Iwaizumi joined you.
“Yeah,” he scratched the back of his head again. “So, sorry too if my gifts aren’t what you expected them to be, haha. I tried my best.”
“No! I mean, uh, they are great. Thank you. I can see you put a lot of effort into finding the right thing.”
“Same goes for you,” he quickly added. “You actually did a pretty good job.”
“Really?” Your eyes lifted up, a bright smile drawn on your face. “That’s good,” you said a bit softer.
The conversation slowed down again, but this time it didn’t bother you. The atmosphere was nice and enjoyable.
“Do you…” Iwaizumi started after maybe a minute or so, “Maybe want to go out for coffee or something? Outside of university I mean.”
You didn’t waver for one second and said “Yes, I would love to.”
“Really?” Iwaizumi didn’t seem to believe you, so you nodded to confirm it once again. “Wow, okay, cool. Do you mind exchanging numbers? Would be way easier to contact you like that instead of asking through Oikawa and your friend.
Before Iwaizumi had finished speaking, you had actually already moved your phone into his direction. “Let’s do that.”
Iwaizumi and you had met up more than once for coffee after that exchange and in the new year. Your friend hadn’t questioned anything and just went along with it. “Nothing weird to see or talk about,” she’d say. After some interrogation, you had figured out that she had been staying back on that day on purpose and that Oikawa and her were trying to get Iwaizumi and you closer to each other.
Hence the shared Secret Santa troubles and Iwaizumi following after you instead of your friend.
Winter had dragged along for another month and more snow had fallen from the sky. The white winter wonderland was already quickly turning into a more brownish land due to the dirt on the roads mixing with the snow and university had resumed after the two week Christmas break.
You had started seeing Iwaizumi less because of the pressure university was already giving you after only one week.
One evening you were resting in your room when suddenly your roommate stormed in.
“Have you seen this?!” she yelled out—scratch that. She was screaming.
“What are you so excited for? I’m studying…”
“You have got to see this,” she exclaimed again. She was holding something in her hands. A paper kind of something, you could see that much.
“If you’d stop waving around whatever you want to show me so much I might actually be able to see it before the end of this day.” You put down your pen and leaned your arm on the back of the chair, turning your body to your friend, who had plopped down on your bed.
“You’re never going to believe this.”
“Believe what? You’re really making me wait this long, huh?”
“Okay, okay, listen up,” she coughed and sat up straight. In a rather serious tone, she started reading: “Title of the article: best winter picture competition winner has been announced—” right, that had been going around too, you thought “—Winner: Iwaizumi Hajime.”
“What? Really? He didn’t even tell me he was entering the competition. We hadn’t even talked about it.”
The way your friend was laughing at you was signing you that there was up with that.
“Let me see that,” you snatched the paper from her hands and… your mouth dropped open.
It was a picture of you. In the snow. With the snowflakes falling on your face, eyes closed. In the forest.
Titled: ‘wow you have very pretty eyes.’
That had been taken on one of your outings—not dates; you weren’t dating—to the forest while it had been snowing. Iwaizumi had taken his camera with him, but had only taken pictures of either the animals you guys saw or the flora that had looked pretty in the snow.
Or so you had thought.
Without saying anything else, you disappeared from your room, leaving your friend behind.
You had stormed off, on your way to the building Iwaizumi was residing in. You barged into his room without knocking and held up the paper.
“What is the meaning of this?” you bit at him a little harder than you had intended it to sound.
“You saw it,” he only said, avoiding eye contact.
He seemed nervous.
You lessened your temper.
“Do you like it?”
“I… I do.”
“I meant it.”
“Yup.” He popped the ‘p’.
“I see.”
You didn’t say anything else. You were starting to feel flattered instead. After another look, you had to agree. It was a pretty picture.
“Thank you,” you finally said. “It’s really pretty. I’m glad I was the model that took you to first place,” you said playfully.
He laughed and the ice was broken. “Good. Thanks for modeling for me,” he joked.
“What are you thinking about?” Iwaizumi asked you, pushing you out of your thoughts. He had just entered your room and walked up to you, placing his arms around your waist, with his head leaning on your shoulder.
“Hm? Oh, just thinking about last year’s Secret Santa and the events that followed after—” you glanced at the picture that you had cut out and hung up above your desk “—Secret Santa and the new year.”
“Can’t believe it’s already been a year.”
“Me neither.”
“I hope you had fun this year,” Iwaizumi said, pecking your cheek.
You buried yourself into his hug. “Very much. You?”
“Of course. You played a big part in it so I’m very thankful for that. How you were able to open up to me and all, I appreciate that a lot.”
You smiled and released yourself from Iwaizumi’s grip, to stand up and once again embrace yourself in his arms.
“Thank you too for allowing me to be so open and for your love towards me.”
“To another year full of great things,” Iwaizumi whispered into your hair.
“To another year full of even greater things,” you repeated soflty into his chest.
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loneveenas · 4 years ago
wow thanks for 50 notes !! didnt expect this since i never rly post anymore hehe <33 so grateful for this 
all the small things
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x reader genre: fluff!!!!!!!!! summary: wakatoshi finds love in the smallest things when with you. words: 1500
note: for the home sweet home collab with the @haikyuucreations server!!!! note2: not beta’ed or edited!! :(
| mlist (not updated) | collab mlist
Ever since Wakatoshi and you started taking another step in your relationship—that step being living together!—you have noticed that the smallest things will enjoy him.
You waking up next to him, walking over to ask for a big bear hug, sitting next to each other on the sofa late at night watching your favorite show, you giving him forehead kisses while standing on your tippy toes… even just asking what he wants for dinner tonight will enjoy him.
Finding it odd at first, you got used to it pretty quickly. His strong looks sure didn’t help with that, especially not in the beginning of your relationship, but you were soon enough […] to his much softer side. One that he only showed you.  
And tonight, while you were all snuggled up on the couch underneath a blanket, sipping your hot cocoa and warming your hands against it to try and ignore the colder fall weather, watching your favorite show, Wakatoshi walked over to the couch as well. He’d just taken a hot shower as he had been playing volleyball all day, and really looked like he needed a break.
So, you raised the blanket right when he wanted to sit down, opening up a seat for him. He took the blanket from your hands, plopped down next to you and moved the blankets over his bod- well, only his upper body.
Unbeknownst and automatically, he leaned into you—his broad figure nearly making up for a second blanket.
“Aren’t your feet cold?” you asked him, pointing at them.
He shook his head and wiggled his toes in a try to keep them in motion and keep them warm. It made you smile and you put your head on his.
Keep reading
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loneveenas · 4 years ago
AAAA MIMI IT’S SO CUTE <333 thank you so much !!!! 
Your Smart Ideas - Oikawa x Reader
Pairing: Oikawa x f!reader
Genres and tropes: cute fluff, pining, childhood friends
Summary: Oikawa didn't want you to call his sister Nee-san. So you had a solution.
Words: 1.2k
This is for Dyo (@loneveenas)! Surprise! I'm your Secret Santa. Merry Christmas! I hope you like it. ♥️ Even though the story isn’t Christmas themed. I really struggled to think of a story idea. lol.
"Ahh~~~," Oikawa leaned towards you with his mouth open, hoping you'd feed him with some of your lunch.
"Here you go, Tooru," you said with a giggle. But the two of you were oblivious to the stares from your classmates until one of your friends said something.
"Uh....," noted Makki. "Are you two dating or something?"
"Of course I'm dating Y/n-chan," Oikawa replied with his sweet grin, his eyes still not leaving you.
"But have you two even talked to each other?" asked Matsukawa.
The two of you turned to them, blinking in confusion. After you both looked back at each other, you came to a realization.
"Wait, we've never talked to each other at school before?!" you asked Oikawa. He didn't answer because he was shocked as well.
You swung your legs with glee as you soared into the sky. "Nee-san!" you squealed. "Push me higher!"
The little Tooru sat on the swing next to you, complaining, "You're not allowed to call her that! She's my sister."
"But nee-san said I could...," you frowned.
You stuck to Oikawa's older sister like glue because you thought she was really nice and pretty. Whenever the Oikawa siblings did anything in your neighbourhood, you peaked out of your window and ran outside whenever you saw them. You'd even chase after them while they rode their bike, not bothered by not having one of your own.
"I didn't say you could," Oikawa stated, crossing his arms and wearing a pout on his face.
"Ummm… What if your parents adopted me?" you asked.
"No way. I don't want you as my sister."
"Hmm.....," you thought out loud. "If I married you, then she'll be my sister." You grinned at him, thinking you were so smart with your idea.
Oikawa froze for a moment, not believing you even suggested that. Turning around and walking away, he said, "Ewww. No way. You're too ugly."
He was caught by surprise when you suddenly ran after him and smacked his head. When he was about to protest, you left running while crying out, "Nee-chan! Tooru called me ugly!!"
But what you didn't notice was that Oikawa’s face had been red ever since you first mentioned the thought of marrying him.
Years went by and Oikawa's crush on you only grew. But during elementary and middle school, he didn't know what he was supposed to do with his feelings. He'd get jealous when other boys got close to you at the playground, but tease you when it was just the two of you. But after school, almost every day, the two of you would be together on your own adventures.
But in your second year of middle school, Oikawa overheard you chatting with one of your friends. It was during gym class while your classmates competed against each other in track and field. While sitting in the stands, you told your friend, "What? Oikawa?"
"Yeah, isn't he cute?"
"Ummm... what?" You sat in disbelief as your friend gushed about your childhood friend. Oikawa remembered your words distinctly. "I can't imagine dating him."
Of course those words pieced through his heart, and he wasn't even quite sure why. But over the next few weeks, he tried to avoid you. You continued to insist on sticking to him like glue, just like with his sister years before, oblivious to the feelings he had for you.
So your friendship continued. You went over to his house and he went to yours. He decided to give up on you. He was fine with it. He was popular with the girls for the most part during the rest of middle school and right up to high school. Fangirls lined the stands even when he had a girlfriend.
But now here you were, during your last year of high school together, with your socks on the floor and cross-legged on his couch, eating a tub of ice cream you pulled out of the fridge.
"Umm... I may have eaten too much," you told him sheepishly. "You might have to buy some more."
"What the heck, Y/n!" he complained. "That was my favourite flavour too!"
"But I like it too...," you noted, averting your gaze from him.
Oikawa groaned and plopped onto the seat beside you. He flipped through the various movies, not finding anything interesting to watch. He didn't notice when he had placed his arm behind you – not until you scooted over to snuggle up to his side.
He felt his heart beat faster. Perhaps his feelings for you never left. As his body felt like it was turning up the heat ever so slightly, he bit his lip, wondering why he had to deal with this now.
After his last girlfriend broke up with him, he planned to focus on volleyball, especially since he wanted to go abroad. He couldn't do this to you. So instead of wrapping his arm around your shoulders or removing it from behind you, his arm went stiff, not knowing what to do.
"I'm going to Argentina," he said to himself, words slipping out of his mouth before he realized it.
You turned to him, a little perplexed as to why he would mention that now. "I know that," you told him with a gentle smile.
"Then what's this?" he dramatically gestured towards how close you were to him. The two of you had always been comfortable around each other, but the air around this moment was different. You both knew it.
You let out a deep sigh before you told him, "I like you Tooru."
"But I'm leaving Japan."
You gave him a smirk, now understanding his concerns. "And... I can come with you."
Oikawa blinked for a few moments before he opened his mouth to try to say something. Nothing came out, so he closed it again. His scrunched eyebrows relaxed as the grin on his face grew. "Y/n~~~!" Oikawa sobbed, touched by your feelings for him.
Just when he was about to crush you in a hug, you slipped right out of his arms – only to tease him for a bit. Knowing him for the majority of your life, you saw it coming.
"Y/n, you're so mean," Oikawa pouted. You laughed at him when he was finally able to catch you in his arms.
With chopsticks in your hand, about to feed Oikawa another piece of your lunch, you turned to Makki and Matsukawa. “I guess we always hung out outside of school.”
Oikawa happily munched on your food while your other classmates continued to ask questions. “Since when have you two liked each other?”
“I think I started liking him a month ago,” you replied.
“Liar! You said you wanted to marry me when we were six-years-old!” complained Oikawa.
“What? I think you’re not remembering it right,” you retorted. “It was because you didn’t want me to call your sister Nee-san.”
“You remembered that?” A sly grin started to grow on your face. Oikawa, realizing he may have given a hint about his feelings for you then, started to have red cheeks. “Wait a minute,” you said. “When did you start liking me?”
“Not telling you.”
“Alright then. I can always dump you.”
“Nooo~. Y/n~~!”
I hope you enjoyed this. :) This "Y/n" goes for the simple solutions. lol.
Here's my masterlist if you want to check out my other stories and here's my taglist form (Google forms) if you want to be added or removed from my taglist. Info about what is a taglist is on the form as well.
Taglist: @whootwhoot @charmingchikara @megumiisee @babythotshq
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loneveenas · 4 years ago
hi dyo! im your secret santa ☺️. i hope i can write a story that you'll enjoy. i started brainstorming a bit. i might try writing for oikawa. too bad i don't know fire force. 🙁 are there any tropes or scenario ideas that you like?
omg hello !!! i never saw this ask i hate it here !!! i hope you enjoy writing for me aaaa and dw about the ff !!! ohh i like a lot of tropes and genres but something fluff will always do well :O 
0 notes
loneveenas · 4 years ago
How it started:
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How it's going:
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897 notes · View notes
loneveenas · 4 years ago
all the small things
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x reader genre: fluff!!!!!!!!! summary: wakatoshi finds love in the smallest things when with you. words: 1500
note: for the home sweet home collab with the @haikyuucreations server!!!! note2: not beta’ed or edited!! :(
| mlist (not updated) | collab mlist
Ever since Wakatoshi and you started taking another step in your relationship—that step being living together!—you have noticed that the smallest things will enjoy him.
You waking up next to him, walking over to ask for a big bear hug, sitting next to each other on the sofa late at night watching your favorite show, you giving him forehead kisses while standing on your tippy toes… even just asking what he wants for dinner tonight will enjoy him.
Finding it odd at first, you got used to it pretty quickly. His strong looks sure didn’t help with that, especially not in the beginning of your relationship, but you were soon enough […] to his much softer side. One that he only showed you.  
And tonight, while you were all snuggled up on the couch underneath a blanket, sipping your hot cocoa and warming your hands against it to try and ignore the colder fall weather, watching your favorite show, Wakatoshi walked over to the couch as well. He’d just taken a hot shower as he had been playing volleyball all day, and really looked like he needed a break.
So, you raised the blanket right when he wanted to sit down, opening up a seat for him. He took the blanket from your hands, plopped down next to you and moved the blankets over his bod- well, only his upper body.
Unbeknownst and automatically, he leaned into you—his broad figure nearly making up for a second blanket.
“Aren’t your feet cold?” you asked him, pointing at them.
He shook his head and wiggled his toes in a try to keep them in motion and keep them warm. It made you smile and you put your head on his.
“Was your practice match tough today?” Your voice sounded a little muffled and smaller because of your cheek that was pressed up against his head.
“Not really. It wasn’t as hard as an official match, but it was fun.”
“That’s good,” you mumbled back, followed by a small kiss on his head. “I’m glad you had fun. I can’t wait to watch you again.”
“Me neither.”
And while having started with your favorite show, before the two of you actually went to bed and actually wanted to untangle your bodies from the most comfortable cuddle ever, you ended up a show that was neither hilarious nor boring, but just a moment of easy-going TV watching.
And that was enough for Wakatoshi to feel at ease again.
Other times can be when Wakatoshi is preparing to go to his volleyball match. More important ones require more time for getting ready in the mornings, but today it wasn’t that intense (?).
Except for you it was. Starting your new job today, you woke up with a stressed feeling. You hadn’t slept well and Wakatoshi knew. While he was a deep sleeper, it was impossible to remain a deep slumber with a stressed you next to him. And that wasn’t about you rolling around constantly, no. It was more that he felt your stress and that he wanted to make sure you were able to catch a better sleep.
And he tried to do so by hugging you (and falling asleep after).
Most of the times it worked, but because you were starting your new job today, you just couldn’t find sleep.
Wakatoshi decided to calm you down. He woke up the time he normally would when he got an important match scheduled. Instead of spending his time doing extra morning stretches, he decided to surprise you with a good breakfast. One that would make you feel energized and excited, and hopefully calm you down.
The smell of your favorite breakfast flies into the bedroom and instantly woke you up. You’re puzzled because you didn’t know Wakatoshi had plans like this. You got up and decided to make your way to the kitchen.
Peeking inside, you see your boyfriend, Ushijima Wakatoshi, wearing your apron and cooking breakfast.
“Good morning,” you hesitantly started with.
His suddenly tensed up posture told you he got startled. You giggle as you see how quickly he tried to regain his relaxed one.
“Morning,” he mumbled in return and continued baking the egg. “Did you sleep well?” You hummed, knowing very well that he knew how badly you had slept. Hence the detailed breakfast.
You watched him finish the breakfast and thanked him when he put it out in front of you. You noticed that there was only one plate… “Don’t you want anything?”
“I’ve already eaten something and watching you eat is enough.”
The way he says something that can be so cringey say it so effortlessly is making your heart beat more.
What you didn’t know, is that he really meant it. The way your eyes would soften and sparkle when eating was enough.
Although it was always good to be back home.
Wakatoshi didn’t really like visiting his family. One of the most foremost reasons was his mom taking out his photo album every single time and showing you pictures of a baby-‘toshi.
It didn’t bother you in the slightest. You actively enjoyed the many photo albums his mom had kept over the years—until the end of middle school. She then would always go on about how she was sad she didn’t keep it during his high school years (because “You would have loved how big he suddenly had gotten.”).
You enjoyed seeing them because Wakatoshi refused to take any selfies of have you take sudden pictures of him.
He absolutely did not like it if he got a picture taken of him when he was either laughing or making weird faces.
He did, however, like watching you laugh at him whether or not it was at his baby pictures with him being a big baby with his mother, or at pictures of his current self that you took out of the blue in your home.
Nights out with the two of you were rare. Especially because Wakatoshi was one of the country’s star players and not that unknown to the world.
But when you did, the two of you would pull every string to make it perfect. From doing your hair to him shaving his stubble, and from you playfully bumping your elbow in his sides and your hip against his.
At the restaurant Wakatoshi got a lot of attention in the beginning. The restaurant knew he was coming together with you, and the two of you aren’t unfamiliar to that restaurant. The night was amazing, and you would still be amazed by how expensive the restaurant looked and actually was.
Wakatoshi loved seeing you look at the lights and how you looked in the lights too.
Seeing you all done up is nice and all. But to Wakatoshi, that’s more than enough for an evening out.
You opened the door to your apartment, a long time after you were supposed to eat dinner.
There was something about coming home after a long day of work that makes it all a little easier.
The familiar smell of home that you breathed in right away, Wakatoshi walking up to you, his arms wide open and ready to catch you. And he did as you fell into his embrace. That warm feeling home home amplified even more and you couldn’t help but instantly fall at ease.
Still wrapped in his arms, the two of you walk over to the kitchen, where it became clear that Wakatoshi had been busying himself with cooking dinner again.
“You didn’t have to do that,” you pouted and look up at him.
“But I did.” He didn’t bother taking you out of his embrace and continued stirring in the pan.
“Hmm. It smells good. Thank you,” you mumbled, your face now stuffed into his warm sweater and he hummed in return.
You looked at his face as he was concentrating on preparing the food. His brow was slightly furrowed, with his mouth a little opened. In full concentration.
Laughing softly, you moved up one of your hands that you had latched together on his back to his head, moving your fingers along his scalp. The soft scratches made Wakatoshi relax visibly. His features became softer and he went to rest his head on the top of your head. Your other hand, in the meantime, started leaving scratches over his spine. He was unable to suppress a small shiver and you giggled.
“Thank you for doing all of this for me even though you have worked hard today too,” you mentioned out of nowhere. It sounded muffled because his head was still on top of yours, your face pressed into his sweater again.
It’s all in these small moments when Ushijima Wakatoshi can’t help but all for you more and more. And these moments prove it to Wakatoshi more and more and living together with you was one of his best decisions in life.
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loneveenas · 4 years ago
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It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! HQC is hosting another exchange this year for all artists, editors, and writers in the fandom. We hope you’ll all enjoy this event and let us know if you have any questions or need help with the form!
❆˚⋆:✧。           『   FORM OPEN UNTIL NOV 22   』           。✧:⋆˚❆
❆˚⋆:✧。       『   EXCHANGE POSTED DEC 25-31   』      。✧:⋆˚❆
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loneveenas · 4 years ago
i havent been writing lately and i hate it 
i want to find a dialy challenge so that i’m writing again !!!!! ugh
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loneveenas · 4 years ago
Discord Server for Haikyuu!! Content Creators
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The HQC Server is a 17+ English server open to all Haikyuu artists, editors, writers, and theme makers to expand their creativity and meet others! 
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Make friends
Share creative tips
Participate in server collabs, events, giveaways, raffles, etc
Choose your own roles and volleyball teams
Weekly creative prompts and daily questions
Interact with bots like Terushima, Bokuto, Kiyoko, and more
Shop at the Sakanoshita Store
Stream and sprint together with Nishinoya
Play games and practice serving with Ukai
And… tons more that you can learn about by joining!
You don’t have to do anything to join the server! We would appreciate sharing this post, though. Upon joining, you will be asked to verify with our Server Team Staff to get access to the rest of the channels. Staff is available 24/7 to help out with anything!
If you want to join a Tumblr masterpage with all HQ!!creators, go check out our directory and apply to join so we know what kind of content you make! We’d love to have you there!
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Otherwise, we’ll see you in the server~
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loneveenas · 4 years ago
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loneveenas · 4 years ago
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banana fish (1985-1994)
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loneveenas · 4 years ago
thank u for tagging me @vventure!!!!! i havent posted a tag game in forever and i rly liked this one !!
rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to; put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. no skipping!
my recent most favorite playlist is a kpop girl(group) playlist that i put together, which holds a bunch of older + newer songs. let’s see what’ll come out! i’ll put the playlist (and the bg equivalent :D) up at the bottom!
1. yunhway - what do you know about me
2. mamamoo - good luck (aoa queendom cover)
3. hellovenus - mysterious
4. f(x) - diamond
5. wjsn - as you wish
6. miss a - i dont need a man
7. taeyeon - something new
8. oh my girl - guerilla
9. itzy - dalla dalla
10. gwsn - bazooka
as u can see a lot of exciting songs lolol i love jamming to them when im driving to or back from work. pls give these songs a listen if you want to theyre all so good !!!!! 
here is the girls playlist and here is the boys playlist & i update them pretty frequently !!!
tagging: @writeiolite @shinsotired @estherwritess @ushijimahayashi @nixhinoya @blkjackals @settersloveletters @dorkyama aaaand anyone else who feels like it mwah xoxo
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loneveenas · 4 years ago
🍃🌺🌙If you receive this you make somebody happy. Go and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get it back even better 🌙🌺🍃
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