#satan soldier of fortune
saisons-en-enfer · 10 months
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drondskaath · 8 months
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Departure Chandelier | Satan Soldier of Fortune | 2024
International Black Metal
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apanthropydotorg · 8 months
Review 54: Departure Chandelier - Satan Soldier of Fortune
Departure ChandelierSatan Soldier of FortuneOccult Antiquities / Nuclear War Now! ProductionsReleased: 1/12/24 –1 – Intro (Napoleonic Battlefield Cleanup)2 – By Way of Torchlight from Parliament to Catacombs3 – Hard as a Coffin Nail4 – Accipitridae5 – Interlude (Graverobbers Profit Off the Fallen of Both Sides)6 – Hail Dark Forces7 – Satan Soldier of Fortune8 – Outro (Dragged Via Musket Straps…
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magick-knives · 3 months
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Departure Chandelier: Satan Soldier Of Fortune
Smoky Vinyl w/ Red/White/Blue Splatter.
Includes a poster.
200 Copies.
Nuclear War Now! Productions.
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triste-guillotine · 6 months
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DEPARTURE CHANDELIER "Satan Soldier of Fortune" LP 2024
1. Intro (Napoleonic Battlefield Cleanup) 2. By Way of Torchlight from Parliament to Catacombs 3. Hard as a Coffin Nail 4. Accipitridae 5. Interlude (Graverobbers Profit off the Fallen of Both Sides) 6. Hail Dark Forces 7. Satan Soldier of Fortune 8. Outro (Dragged Via Musket Straps and Set Upon Bivouac Fires)
"From dusty museums and armories arrived an equestrian sadist from the other side the last surviror of medieval Viking raids bringing haunted art to his heir with a message stamped in paraffin the imperial candle...
With your birthright study this last souvenir and when its time to die once upon the other side feel the knowledge of the elders
That loyalty is a mountain where the departed soar peaks in thin air illuminated by the departure chandelier join the candle's wild dance at the ferry's windy embarkation don't be afraid to leave your possessions behind and i'll be with you"
Satan Soldier Of Fortune | Departure Chandelier (bandcamp.com)
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
December 10th - Devil Slayer
Eric Simon Payne had served in the United States Marine Corps before becoming a soldier of fortune and later an enforcer for organized crime syndicates.  The traumas he experienced both as a marine and a mercenary led Payne to seek out solace in an unlikely place and he ended up indoctrinated into The Cult of the Harvester of Eyes.  Although initially presented as an unconventional pathway to peace and salvation, the cult was actually in the service of demonic entities and regularly practice human blood sacrifices.
Payne discovered the truth about the cult and decided it needed to be destroyed.  During a ritual, Payne stole the mystical Shadow Cloak.  Doing so unlocked latent psychic power and he was suddenly able to use the cloak to teleport and manifest weapons.  Calling himself ‘The Devil Slayer’ Payne slaughtered the cult members, yet its leader, Vera Gemini escaped.  
Gemini was actually an agent of the satanic Six Fingered Hand.  The Demon Slayer hunted her and was aided by The Defenders in taking her and The Six Fingered Hand down.  Thereafter, The Devil Slayer was offered membership in the Defenders.  He accepted and served with the team for a time.  
The guilt Payne felt over the crimes he had committed in the past became to great for him and he suffered a nervous breakdown.  He was institutionalized in an asylum yet ventured out on an occasion to aide the monstrous hero, Man-Thing.
The troubled hero first appeared in Marvel Spotlight #33 (1977).    
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mcx7demonbros · 1 year
I’m having Obey Me NB x Power Rangers/Super Sentai brainrot.
Like I can imagine The Brothers bosses (Mammon on a bird, Satan in a cat bowl, etc.) being evil generals of some sorts and when the monster of the episode dies, they just run away, angry and cursing the Rangers lol.
Lucifer would be the most plain general. He doesn’t have his personal soldiers and he uses his own wings to keep himself mid-air. When attack, Lucifer sends out his poisoned apples which also serve as bombs. The Rangers must not let the apple bombs hit the ground and explode because they would leak poison all around the city/town. So they must try to catch all & diffuse all the bombs the moment Lucifer sends them out.
Mammon’s personal mount is his most trusted crow friend. His soldiers are mechanical birds he sends out. They are annoying because they usually attack one Ranger in a group. Like 1 Ranger has to fight 10 of them at the same time. Fortunately, they are easily to deal with since they are grunts.
Levi is untouchable because he’s always in a bubble, which is surprisingly durable and hard to destroy. The Admiral’s grunts are fishes, mostly goldfish & sharks. They look funny but deadly dangerous, especially in underwater fights.
Satan is a cat-loving general. Everything about his faction screams cat. His soldiers are cat balls, which are so cute that many refuse to fight them. Even if you are not a cat person and/or can still fight, beware of cat-hair which will trigger any allergy (including non-cat related).
Asmodeus is all about himself. His soldiers are dolls modeled after him. Like him, they have the power to charm people but are weaker. Asmo & his dolls can scream & the screams are enough to make your ears burst.
Beelzebub - the gluttonous general and his hamburger companion. His grunts are hamburgers that can and always try to eat the Rangers literally.
Belphegor - always sleeping but still attacks while hugging his pillow. He mainly relies on his rams. Be careful not to get hit or you will fall into a deep sleep 😴
Book, car, sheep ball, neon horse, etc., are like a transport methods or giant robots used when three generals (either the Brothers and/or the side generals) working together. Imagine the plan fails or the monster explodes and the sheep ball rolls away while one of the generals says “I will make you pay, Rangers!”
MC is the true evil who acts behind the scenes to accomplish their own mysterious personal goals XD
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affableboar-zero · 1 year
No one really asked for this but I went through the Major Arcana Tarot deck and basically assigned the cards to Between The Crayon Lines and here's my thought process (And maybe I'll draw these one day oop--)
0-The Fool: Wesley
Perhaps one of the easier ones, The Fool is usually a card that means Innocence and New Beginnings and reversely those that are taken advantage of and recklessness. Innocence and Being Taken Advantage Of are perhaps two qualities that are very accurate towards Wesley in the story. Plus no one else in the story really fits this as well as Wesley does, other than maybe Creed.
1-The Magician: Crystal
Who else could this one be lol the mother who tricked Heaven and Hell in the first place. Much like the Reverse side of this card, Crystal is pretty much this series' main trickster, plus I feel like she has the most will power and desire in the show.
2-The High Priestess: Asmodeus (Modey)
Now this one took a bit of thinking, but I feel like as the Lord of Lust and Hell's biggest (and only) Singer and Star, they would have a pretty big internal and external voice. Plus, the Reverse of this card also means repressed feelings and...yeah I feel like they fit that
3-The Empress: Fae
Fae and Satan ended up being tied for Emperor but I thought Satan fit it slightly more than her. Mostly why she's this card is mostly because it's a cool Parallel to Satan, but I feel like it also works because Fae presents herself as the upright version of this card (nature, soft, caring, guiding like a parent to the Apocalypse Children) when she's more accurately the Reverse of this card (Emptiness, Nosiness, wanting to be involved in everything, etc.)
4-The Emperor: Satan
I almost ended up being boring and made Satan The Devil Card but The Emperor fits him much better; authority and control in upright and tyranny and coldness in reverse? Literally him. Plus, having him and Fae share Emperor/Empress is hella ironic and fits well with the story so
5-The Hierophant: Belphegor (Gore)
The Hierophant being all about tradition and conformity in the upright and rebellion in the reverse fits hella well for the Lord of Fraud that is a literal factory. It is a textbook definition for a wealthy owner of a factory, all about keeping "tradition" and wanting workers to conform while hating/dreading rebellion. Though in this case, rebellions are very swiftly taken care of.
6-The Lovers: Eve and Jo
Who else? Eve and Jo are practically the main couple of this show. It couldn't be anyone else. Plus the upright fits when their relationship is in good standing and the reverse fits when their relationship isn't.
7-The Chariot: Leviathan (Levi)
Levi is the Lord of Wrath, so of course he's going to be super in control and have a lot of will power, such as a commander of a fleet of ships should be. But, reversely, he also has a severe lack of control and has anger issues. Plus, I thought strength better fitted someone else.
8-Strength: War
The First Horseman of the Apocalypse. The first of her siblings to be cast out from Heaven and Hell. She represents the raging battlefield, and yet the loyalty and the bravery of soldiers. She fits every part of the Strength card, both upright and reversely. She's brave, compassionate, and yet she has self-doubt, insecurities. Perhaps the best fitting card for her.
9-The Hermit: Famine (Fami)
The Second Horseman of the Apocalypse. The first of his siblings to leave of his own accord. Fami in this story after completing his training in Heaven, practically disappears off the map. He fits the Reverse of this card really well, as he is almost completely isolated the entire story. He's on a search of self-discovery, of trying to find himself again after losing someone close to him, but he can't. At least, not until some drastic measures are taken.
10-The Wheel of Fortune: The Horsemen of the Apocalypse
I thought these guys fit because...well, all of them are constantly trying to break the cycle they believe is the problem. They all think it's different things, but in trying to break out of their cycle and make a change, they end up going down the path that continues the cycle. All of them are clinging to any sense of control they can have (War does this by refusing to listen to her family, Fami does it by leaving entirely, Pestle accepts his role, and Dea tries to prevent it) but then after it's all said and done you realize *none of them were in control anyways.* And that's what The Wheel of Fortune really is, a feeling of cycles and change and never being in control anyways
11-Justice: Archie
Basic as hell to have the Justice Angel be the Justice Card, but Archie really fits this card. On the upside of it, clarity and truth and cause and effect...all of those are pretty much Archie. Constantly seeking out the truth from everyone, wanting to know how he died, what happened, why things are the way they are and he *questions.* Now, obviously that leads down some dangerous roads as an angel, so the reverse of this card isn't really him, but rather what happens because of this path. He's going to be lied to and have to lie, the real villains won't be held accountable but he will for their mistakes, and everything about his fate in this story is just...unjust. How ironic is that?
(Part 2 coming tomorrow! Or sometime soon lol)
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voidsentprinces · 2 years
For my European and Asian followers who don’t know why Americans are so fucking rabid for a weird sounding Holiday in October. Let me break it down for you: America is a melting pot of a variety of immigrated cultures. Despite what any conservative Republican will tell you, immigrates actually make our culture stronger by bringing their own culture in and influencing or transforming it to fit the United State’s culture. Sort of like climbing a tall mountain and leaving your flag on it. For example, did you know tomatoes were an Americas only plant? Meaning when Italians began immigrating here in the early 1900s, they suddenly had access to it as well as a huge plethora selections of richer meats. Transforming their pita into pizza by adding tomato sauce, pepperoni, sausage, and the like to their once mediterrean diet.
Now take that concept and consider Halloween. Now this is a very, VERY loose explanation but a somewhat lengthy one. You see, it really begins with the Church trying to bring pagans into Christianity (ironically) by taking their folklore and legends and putting a Christian color paint job over it. Like the Romans did to Greek Mythology. In Spring, there was a particular celebration of the dead call Lamora, which the Church decided to blunt the effects of what they saw was an “unholy” ritual by moving it to November 1st and dubbing it All Hallows’ Day. This also served the function of blunting any Samhain rituals around that time. As Samhain landed round abouts October 31st. And was transformed into All Hallow’s Evening and then All Hallow’s Eve and then just dropping it for the slurred sounding Halloween.
Next up, came England’s turn to leave their mark on it. It just so happens a Catholic Terrorist named Guy Fawkes decided that around this time a year (November 5th). He was going to blow up Parliament. But he failed and in the following years to mock his memory children took to the streets to mock him. Sometimes wearing masks and costumes to go along with Bonfire Night.
Okay, Void, thats a lot of European Traditions, what the fuck does this have to do with the land of eagles, cheeseburgers, and my gun and truck is a measurement of my dick? Good question, hypothetical reader.
Well, the Puritans were one of the first to immigrate to the Americas as they were ousted from the Church for their strange way of following through with their beliefs. Fortunately, despite the name, not all Puritans were hard on their values and some just came to find new opportunity in a new land. Bringing with them All Hallow’s Day and Guy Fawkes Day. There are a few tid bits here and there about Guy Fawkes celebrations not in the grand celebratory way but in a sort of kicking back and enjoying some drinks with your fellows.
Fast forward a little ways to in the aftermath of the Civil War and after experiencing a war that wasn’t on a distant shore but on their doorsteps. Americans began to bring in child during Autumn and tell ghost stories. The first few ghost stories told by Statesmen were about how soldiers who had gone unidentified or missing during the War. Had begun to come back home. This ignited the mind of folklorists and artists alike who began to print Halloween as a sort of even that mixed all things horror together. Taking ideas from the Witch Trials, medieval artistic representations of Satan, spiders, ghosts (corpses who float with the winding shroud), and many other iconic imagery and painting them in orange and black.
Around the turn of the 1900s, Irish immigrants began to move over to the States. Bringing with them stories of boogie men and Jack-o-Lantern. Jack-o-Lantern was an image of legend. One of the tellings spread speaks about how Jack was such a trickster and SO mischevious that he was going to get thrown out of Hell. To wander the Earth alone as a spirit for the rest of eternity as his punishment. However, Satan took pity on the soul and granted him a heated coal from the pits of Hell, to help light his way through the dark. Jack then took the coal and placed it in a carved out turnip. Before handing it from a shepherd’s cane. Thus was born Jack’s Lantern or Jack-o-Lantern. Naturally, the injection of this in a still industrializing and thus somewhat still an agricultural America found the States taking the idea of the carved turnip and replacing it with pumpkins. Which also grew around that time of year and were softer, still hardy and easier to carve. Thus was born the iconic symbol of Halloween, the Jack-o-Lantern.
But lets fastforward a bit more to the Great Depression, it is well documented that this economic collapse was so destructive. Families were forced to sell their children or send them away to afford the next meal. So we get this period of time, where a large group of children, unsupervised, forced into the world pre-maturely due to economic collapse. Are allowed to run rampant during spooky time. These rambunckous individuals decided to occupy their time by playing pranks. Throwing stones through windows, taking Jack-o-Lanterns putting them on sticks and putting a sheet over them to scare people by the window, stealing people’s stairs, and letting out livestock from their pens at night. Thus some dubbed this period of time as “Gate Night” or “Hell Night”. One recorded incident was called “Black Halloween” because some kids were said to of committed arson, lighting a number of buildings on fire.
At this point, however, things had begun to settle down and even out as the economy was limping along instead of crawling. Allowing civil groups, land/homeowners and neighborhoods to begin discussing ways to occupy kids and keep them from destroying property and letting livestock loose. Whereby a few crafty women decided to start bribing kids with treats such as popcorn balls and home made candies if they’d just take the sweets and go away. And, funnily enough, it actually worked. It worked so well, a magazine and newspaper published the idea and it was quickly adopted by many.
So, even kids who had not been kicked out of their homes began to show up to random houses and technically threaten the place. Give us candy or we’ll fuck up your yard. Or, more simply, “trick or treat”. To rein in even these individuals people began to start throwing costume parties to keep kids from even bothering other neighbors. Companies began to take notice and companies and like Hershey’s and Sear’s began to realize there was a market. Dennison’s (yes the Chili producer) figured it out earlier in the 1910s but Halloween didn’t really get going till later. Anyway, Hershey’s naturally began to manufacture candy, no need to prep and go to the store for items. You candy is prepacked and ready to be handed out so you can relax! And those Dennison flammable paper costumes? Thing of a past, some to Sear’s and get durable plastic and cotton outfits for your kid on All Hallow’s Eve! Capitalism even in the midsts of a depression and looming second world war, still going forward.
Fastforward a little further and in a Post-War Economic “miracle”. Charlie Brown has a Halloween special to bring Halloween back to the mainstream after hundreds of soldiers come back from War and are in no real mood for celebration after witnessing horrors. Halloween provides everyone with a means to relax and take their children around to households, mingle, and live it up a little. Even later, a man is approached by a studio. The man’s name? John Carpenter. How do you bring Halloween to a further market of not just kids, but teenagers and young adults? Make a slasher film with the same name. Thus schlocky horror films are brought into the main stream and the horror genre really starts exploding as the cinema booms from drive in movie theatres and so forth. And Halloween just goes from there.
So, like many things in the United States. The melting pot of cultures from the reconfigured beliefs of Ancient Greeks to Puritans bringing over Guy Fawkes, to Irish Settlers bringing over Samhain, an economic collapse, a Civil War, and a few other scenarios. Halloween just sort of cropped up here in the States through a series of coincidences that gave birth to our horror centric holiday.
This is still a very loose explanation, there was a number of other things involved but I am trying to explain not, like, write a fucking novel.
Anyway, thats why people here in the States tend to just go absolutely feral beginning at very least in September and the most extreme lovers of the holiday, direction on July 5th. Ghosts, Witches, Vampires, Werewolfs, Monsters in the night, spirits haunting fields, and Jack-o-Lanterns leading loan shark children/teenagers and adults alike to our doors in costumes. Some adults brought nostalgic people back into the fold by making haunted houses for adults to line up and get scared in elaboratedly made attractions meant to spook them all.
Anyway, Happy Halloween. We’re the only thing stopping you from hearing “All I Want For Christmas” after July 4th.
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so-journeying · 6 days
Introduction: Redemptive Reversals
This book is about the notion GOD deals with humans in primarily ironic ways. The Bible is a record of how GOD has so dealt with humans. There are two kinds of biblical or theological irony.
[1] There is retributive irony: Where GOD punishes people by the very means of their own sin. We will see this in CH 1&2.
[2] There is also redemptive irony: Where the faithful appear to be cursed, but as they persevere in faith, they are really in the midst of being blessed. We will see this in CH3-6
Warren Austin Gage formulated these kinds of theological irony.
Both kinds of theological ironies are true of humans in general. Everyone is ultimately caught in the matrix of one of these two ironic patterns of living. Christians need to be aware of the ironic nature of life in order that they not become discouraged at bad events in their lives. In fact, we will see that the ironic nature of Christian living is necessary in order that faith be given opportunity to grow.
This book explains how Scripture depicts these two kinds of irony in the lives of people. And how these two ironies reach their zenith points in:
[a] Satan, through retributive irony & [b] CHRIST, through redemptive irony.
I must talk briefly about the various kinds of literary ironies. At its core, “irony is saying one thing & meaning another.”
All ironies are composed of three basic elements:
[1] Multiple layers of meaning, one to the observer + one to the victim.
[2] One opposite meaning to another layer, what is apparent is the opposite of what is reality.
[3] Either the observer or victim is unaware of this tension or surprised by it
Generally, three kinds of ironies have traditionally been recognized in literary studies.
[1] Verbal irony, which is saying one thing & meaning its opposite. Verbal statement is aimed at a particular person.
[2] Dramatic irony or irony of narrated events, where narrated events are turned to the opposite of the way they appeared to be heading.
[3] Character irony, part of dramatic irony, where one’s true character stands in contrast with what he appears to be.
Luke’s narrative of the rejection of the Gospel by the Jews is saturated with irony. In particular, the rejection of JESUS is
[a] mirrored by the depiction in Acts, where every effort to stand against GOD’s plan only fulfills it in every prophetic detail
(e.g., see Acts 2:23 and 13:27).
In Luke, the rejection of JESUS by the Jews is the catalyst for HIS redeeming death, whereas in Acts the persecution of the Church becomes the catalyst for saving evangelism.
Luke also develops the principle that “some are last who will be first & some are first who will be last” [Luke 13:30]
These programmatic ironies run throughout Luke-Acts. Thus, some of the highest forms of biblical irony are where there is narrated an “unexpected reversal of fate and fortune,”
which is “the jolting turn of events” wherein “the mighty are brought low & humble exalted.”
In John 19 the Roman soldiers mock a bleeding JESUS by saying their “Hail to the King!” The soldiers do not believe JESUS is any kind of King, and they intend their sarcastic words to be a direct attack on JESUS, WHOM they believe is an imposter.
A reader perceives that the “lower” level of the mocking is false, whereas the irony becomes apparent at the “higher” level, where it is evident that the soldiers are the real victims of their own mocking, as they're crucifying the ONE WHO is, in fact, the true divine KING of the Universe. [John 19:1-3]
Another example of this kind of irony is Paul’s claim in 2 Corinthians 12:10: “When I am weak, then I am strong.”
So now we turn to the substance of the book.
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saisons-en-enfer · 5 months
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maypoleman1 · 9 months
25th December
Christmas Day
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Merry Old Santa Claus by Thomas Nast. Sources: Harper’s Weekly (1881) and The German Way website
Today is Christmas Day, a day that held spiritual significance long before it was designated Jesus Christ’s birthday by the early Church. Christianity’s chief rival to become the official religion of the Roman Empire was Mithraism. The Persian sun-god Mithras, worshipped by large numbers of soldiers in the Roman army, was allegedly born of a virgin in lowly circumstances; rose from the dead; promoted fraternalism and good works amongst his devotees and was born on December 25th. Although the Church eventually decreed Mithraism to be a satanic cult, they first adopted many of the tenets of Mithras’ own character and rituals and incorporated them into their own, new, religion.
The modern Christmas also borrows from other, darker and northern roots. At the heart of this is the ambiguous figure of Father Christmas, who more recently became conflated with the Dutch gift-giving winter spirit, Santa Claus, who was himself a distant descendant of the Anatolian bishop, Saint Nicholas. Father Christmas was originally a character in the British Christmas medieval mumming plays, and with his crimson robe and long white beard, was the embodiment of a winter season that appeared completely dominant in late December. The parallel figure of Saint Nicholas, who via Dutch setters, became established in North America, fused with a much older pagan tradition of sky-travelling beneficence associated with the Germanic god Wotan, who rode the night sky during the feast of Yule, rewarding the good with gifts and good fortune on his six legged steed Sleipnir, and punishing the wicked. Followed by hordes of malevolent elves who visited ill on the undeserving, Wotan and St Nicholas merged into the slightly sinister chimney-descending gift giver, Santa Claus, in Northern Europe. Eventually, the homegrown figure of the British Father Christmas fused with his European cousin making all three characters almost indistinguishable. However formative nineteenth century contributions such as A Visit From St Nicholas (which portrayed the saint as a nocturnal elfin visitor, riding a small sleigh pulled by reindeer and entering houses via their chimneys) by Clement Clarke Moore in 1823; the Bacchus-like Father Christmas figure of the Ghost of Christmas Present in Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, published in 1843, and the illustrations of Santa Claus in the 1860s by Thomas Nast all pulled together the essential elements of this rotund representation of seasonal jollity.
Festive greenery, originally a wish to remind people of the lost vegetation of summer, became ritualised within the Roman winter festival of Saturnalia. This household greenery later formed the basis of many Christmas decorations. These evergreens, who refused to die off in the winter, were thought to be endowed with magical powers, holly and ivy being viewed as particularly potent. Holly tended to be associated with male characteristics and ivy with the female: both were locked in timeless combat. The winter plant of greatest significance to the ancients was mistletoe, held by the Celts to hold the essence of the woodland gods in its berries. Mistletoe, unafraid of winter, was believed to be a cure-all, particularly if harvested at the time of the winter solstice. In the U.K., the most prevalent piece of greenery to be erected in family homes is the Christmas Tree - a relatively recent import from Germany thanks to Prince Albert, but which can probably trace its origins to the pagan Yule Log and the Norse Tree of Life, Yggdrasil.
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nijjhar · 10 months
Enter the Fold of Christ Jesus and you will be protected by the MIGHTY H... Enter the Fold of Christ Jesus and you will be protected by the MIGHTY HAND OF GOD and survive. There would be PEACE among the tribal Semitic sons of Abraham. Fake circumcised people of Aryan and Negro https://youtu.be/2irZKSY-4nA Holy Gospel of our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc., delivered by the First Anointed Christ, which in Punjabi we call Satguru Jesus of the highest living God Elohim that dwells within His Most Beautiful Living Temple of God created by the greatest artist demiurge Potter, the Lord of the Nature Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. and it is called Harmandir or “Emmanuel” according to Saint Luke 21,12-19. Jesus said to the crowd: “They will seize and persecute you, they will hand you over to the synagogues and to prisons, and they will have you led before kings and governors because of my name. So, was Saint Paul who exposed the corruption in their written Torah such as Gen 17 on circumcision, the tribal mark of Abraham to Isaac, his real son that stands for their covenant in flesh. No one else can have circumcision except born of the seed of Isaac. Angel Stephen told them that our father Abraham was a nobleman. Do not make fake sons of Isaac through circumcision. Today, the fake circumcised sons of Isaac will kill them. It will lead to your giving testimony. Remember, you are not to prepare your defense beforehand, for I myself, God within you shall give you wisdom in speaking that all your adversaries will be powerless to resist or refute because we will explain things logically such as not a single Jew, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, etc. died during the sectarian riots but the tribal people in Adam that were born and died. You will even be handed over by parents, brothers, relatives, and friends, and they will put some of you to death. You will be hated by all the super bastard fanatic Jew, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, etc. fanatic devils because of my name, but not a hair on your head will be destroyed because the MIGHTY HAND OF OUR SUPERNATURAL FATHER IS PROTECTING YOU. In 1947 Partition of India on a religious sectarian basis, 2000 strong Mohammedans of the Arian tribe came to attack our village in Pakistan that we are Sikhs and fortunately, my uncle was a friend of the attacking party head, who sent a messenger to our house to bring him out to explain why we had people gathered in our village? My father accompanied him and when he told the attacking party head, a Zaildar, that we tribal people are bor and will die in the fight and if there is any grudge against us of the Jatt tribe, let us settle now otherwise do not earn a bad name in the House of Allah. We were tribal friends and so, he told the 2000 his tribal people to look after us as their guests, which they did. This is an example of the Power of His Mighty Hand on his Apostles. By your perseverance, you will secure your lives. Even today, the tribal sons of Abraham have no enmity between them but these Fake sons of Abraham of the Aryan and Negro races are super bastard fanatic devils killing each other." SATPURAKH JINN JANAYIA; SATGURU TISS KAA NAO. Punjabi - Giani ooh jo aap vichare.Satpurakh Jinn janiya, Satguru = Christ tiss kaa Naao. So, First, know the first Satguru Jesus, then Satguru Nanak would be known to you. https://youtu.be/6ukA_9ZEie8 A Testimony by an American Soldier:- Youtube channel - Truthsoldier I served in the satanic Iraq war. I openly am shamed for that and I asked for forgiveness for taking part in that war. I actually had my awakening while over in Iraq. My eyes were opened to the injustice of that war. The Iraqi people loved Saddam; they had whole stories with nothing but Saddam’s face on everything. Since then I have been speaking out against the US and ISRAEL on my Youtube channel. Here is my contribution:- Holy spirit, common sense, shatters the fetters of the dead letters, the Holy Books. If we have One God, our Supernatural Father of our souls, then there should be one Faith. In Christianity, Jesus said One Fold called the Church of God headed by One Shepherd, our Bridegroom Christ Jesus/Christ = Satguru Nanak Dev Ji, the Second coming of Jesus. Greatest Blasphemers and Killers Blair and Bush:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qHdTpTXHvE&list=PL0C8AFaJhsWz7HtQEhV91eAKugUw73PW1 Sikhism is the continuation of Christianity. PAWANN (REVELATION) ARANBHH (BEGINNING) SATGUR (SAT = THE BOTTOM LINE GOSPEL TRUTH, THE ROCK OVER WHICH THE TEMPLE OF GOD STANDS AND GUR MEANS TARIKA = FORMULA, WHICH IS LOGICAL REASONING THAT YOU YOURSELF HAVE TO DO) MATT (WISDOM OR WAY OF LIFE) WAILA (TIME); SHABD (END PRODUCT = NECTAR OF THE LOGICAL REASONING CALLED LOGO = HIS WORD) GURU = TEACHER; SURAT (COMMON SENSE) DHUNN CHAELA (A DEVOTED STUDENT). Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-  www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf Very informative Channel:- Punjab Siyan. John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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shinmiyovvi · 2 years
So I researched the oni mask based on the wip I made with Ultimis Val where she's holding a lower part of the mask. Now I have some ideas for her past being represented as the demon or "oni" to the IJA and went on to research the yokai and the famous mask.
An oni is a type of yokai where that manifests evil and wickedness. They are the ones who punish and torture humans for being wicked during their past life.
For the mask, the oni mask represents fear, deception, vengeance, and hatred, which represents Val in some parts. In Noh theatre, the mask is used to portray evil entities as the redder the mask, the evil they appear. Samurais also used it to protect their faces and bring fear to their enemies, an example is the men-yoroi. In recent times, the mask is often used for warding off evil spirits and bad luck, bringing fortune, festivals, and marches.
Aside from the oni mask, I also went to search for a hannya mask, which shows a jealous female demon. The mask represents anger, pain, and also sadness, and sorrow. I prefer the oni mask instead of the hannya since Val punishes her enemies out of hatred and vengeance, unlike the hannya mask where the woman becomes jealous, thus making her angry and turn into a demon. I am using the old representation of the oni. So I made an idea of Val For her nickname, I have "Sensou no Akuma/戦争 の 悪魔" which means Devil of War, but her holding an oni mask is quite different from the word "akuma". Akuma means "devil" as it associates with demon/evil spirits/fiend/Satan while Oni means "demon"/"troll"/"orge", which is connected with the oni's appearance. It also depends on the kanji of the two:
Oni = 鬼, Akuma = 悪魔
So I changed the kanji and got "Sensou no Oni/戦争 の 鬼" (Demon of War). Then I again made another one which is "Oni no Shujin/鬼 の 囚人" (Demon prisoner) which I liked how it sounds cool for her among the three since she is a captive during the war and tries to escape once with her killing a lot of soldiers throughout the process. With her murderous intent to kill, her hatred and vengeance running through her veins as she wants to torture them to death for doing the same thing to her family, friends, and countrymen, this just begins to connect the dots for her.
If you read this far, thank you for your time, and sorry if this is kinda long 😅
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annebelle93 · 3 years
OM - The demon brothers and their armies (2/7)
As being said a few times in the game, the brothers are part of the principality of hell, meaning each one have other demons under their control. And being someone who has studied some demonology I thought it would be fun to come up with some HC of their army’s.
TW: Terror Content; description of terror troupes; a lil bit of gore I guess(?)
The Avatar of Avarice. A sin of desire. The greed desires to possess always more. And Mammon is going for it all. Some say Mammon came to be when the value of gold was learned, since his name can mean “money” in some languages, but he is so much older. The embodiment of greed roamed the earth under other names and many looks. He can present to you as an old beggar on the streets, as a wolf-like demon, devouring everything he lay eyes upon, or as a child bearing a cornucopia. The miser demon answered to different names since his fall, going as far as to be confused with Beelzebub, given their similar devouring nature. But make no mistake, Mammon would never stop at food. You can also find him as Plutus, the son of fortune, Tyche. As a ruler, the second brother reigns over the fourth circle, where the souls are condemn to battle one another for the treasures scattered around, until they become hollow shadows of the being they once were.
When it comes to Mammon’s army his soldiers are:
• Possession Demons: there is a moment in the forth circle when the battle is not enough for the hollow soul and they begin to wander. That’s when Mammon find his soldiers. It’s not common for them to actually scape from the circle, but when they do you will soon know. They are not smart and they do not think. They feel. And they act.
Possession demons are attracted by our own greediness. The more you hoard, the closer they get. The reason why Mammon disguises himself as an old bagger is to evaluate your soul. If you help him, well, shame for him, you’re not his yet. But, If you’re too concerned about your possession…. It begins with a feeling of uncertainty, you can feel something desiring your belongs, but you can’t quite grasp it. You have to hoard more, you have to show them you are superior. But they will get one think or two, things you wouldn’t even notice, but they are yours and how dare they? Condemned by God to always have their faces turned to the ground, you will feel when they get close enough to touch you, as the climb your body. It begins with so much exhaustion. Maybe you are working too much, right? Or is it just all this tension? They begin by you feet and bury their long sharp nails in you skin as they climb up. Now your back hurts. Your shoulders. You carry so much with you, don’t you? By the end, your neck. It just hurts so much, like something is hanging on it. Well, something does. And something is battling you over the only possession they actually crave: Your life. A heads up, by then is not really a battle, for you don’t stand a chance. They will posses you and its now your turn to become one of them. Dragging your face to the ground until is so distorted it hardly human…
• Crows: Once Noah though the water begun to subdue, he released a crow to check. The poor creature never returned. Why should the humans have such an interesting bird? Mammon took the crow for himself, deciding they would be his eyes. They look for possible demons for his army and search for the runaways hollows. For most of them, at least. Eh, What’s the big deal if a few get loose? It’s all good fun, ain’t it?
I definitely am enjoying making these, it is a very good reason for me to go back to my study of myths and I was a bit blow away by the response since this basically my first “serious” post! Thank you to everyone who interacted and I’ll be post Levi’s army on Friday! Can’t wait!
The Brothers Army’s HC Lucifer /  Mammon / Levi / Satan / Asmo / Beel / Belphie
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xtrashmammalstefx · 4 years
Stubborn Asshole (A Zak Bagans x Reader SMUT)
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WARNINGS: Smut, language, possession
Special Thanks: To @xcazzax​ for being an awsome reader and source of inspiration. I couldn’t do this without you girly. 🥰
I love Aaron like a brother, don’t get me wrong, but DAMN HIM FOR BRINGING SUCH AN ASSHOLE INTO MY LIFE!
Douchey McGee: Hey Aaron said to message u.
He said: Get the fuck up Y/N!
Me: Tell him I said thnx and
and 2 not have the douche do
his dirty work.
Douchey McGee: Well fuck u 2 Y/N.
I sighed and crawled out of my hotel bed. We’d flown in late the previous night and I was still exhausted. I showered and got dressed in my ripped black skinny jeans, my black GAC shirt, and combat boots. I grabbed my hoodie and purse on the way out. Downstairs in the attached restaurant the rest of the crew were gathered for breakfast and much needed coffee.
“Morning gorgeous,” Aaron greeted.
“Fuck off Goodwin, I haven’t even had my coffee yet,” I said taking my seat beside him. “And by the way since when is boss man your own personal secretary.”
“And here I thought you didn’t know me as anything but Douche McGee, douche, or my personal favorite: Stubborn asshole son of a bitch.” Zak chimed in.
“Good morning to you too Satan,” I rolled my eyes.
I swear ever since we met Zak has made it his life mission to push my buttons in any way he can. But unfortunately for this psychotic fuck, two can play that game.
“Huh that’s original,” Zak continued.
I rolled my eyes and ordered an omelet with coffee. “So you gonna tell me when you decided to make boss man your bitch?” I asked Aaron.
“Well I figured I’ve been the bitch long enough so…” Aaron said.
“Dude, since when have I ever treated you like a bitch?” Zak asked.
“Every time you forced him to stay in a fucked up room by himself during an investigation like a fucking sadist?” I pointed out.
“Oh...right…” Zak said looking like he felt a tinge of guilt.
“Does that mean I’m a bitch too since he’s been doing the same thing to me lately?” Billy chimed in.
“Unfortunately,” I said just as my breakfast arrived arrived. “Oh, thanks.” I said to the waitress.
“Only you can go from bitchy to bubbly in zero seconds flat,” Zak said.
“Fuck you too, Bagans,” I muttered taking a bite of my omelet.
“Not in this life babe,” Zak muttered taking a sip of his coffee.
It continued like that even in the car on the way to the days location: Bly Manor. According to our sources Bly Manor was built in the 1800’s by Charles Bly, an Irish immigrant who made a fortune selling liquor and tobacco. By the time of the Civil War he decided to try his hand at weapons manufacturing which earned him enough to break ground on his dream house. He lived in the manor with his family. His wife Athena, and his daughter Josephine.
It said that on a sunny afternoon while do work in the Manor’s yard a man by the name of Bishop Wiley showed up and shot him dead. Supposedly Wiley’s son Robert was a soldier in the war and was killed by the very guns Charles helped build.
Charles has since been purported sighted walking the manor grounds. His wife Athena has been seen playing the piano, and wandering the halls. As for Josephine well… she was the most famous spirit of all.
“Josephine has been seen on the balcony of the Red Room,” explained our tour guide as we interviewed her. “The story goes that Josephine had met and fallen in love with a man at a nearby farm. And just before they were due to be married he left to fight in the war. She promised to wait for him there until his return. Hopeful that they could still marry and have a family. Sadly the man lost his life in Gettysburg. Charles felt so horrible he felt the need to keep it from her. So she continued to wait. And continues to wait to this very day.”
My heart ached for Josephine. It’s a whole other level of hell to lose someone so dear… I damn near jumped when I felt his hand on my shoulder.
“Hey, you okay?” Zak asked.
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine,” I said before following the tour guide.
We eventually took a break for lunch and then got ready for the investigation. Unlike most of the crew I made it a habit of carrying a small black backpack. I was just stuffing a recorder, spirit box, and MEL Meter when someone pat my shoulder.
“Hey are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Zak asked again.
“Yeah,” I said. “I’m good, um, why the niceties?”
“I may be an asshole sometimes but I do feel for people now and then,” he said.
“Even me?” I arched an eyebrow at him. Before he could answer Aaron barged in needing to grab a spare lens for the camera.
We continued prepping in silence and then slowly but eventually the sun went down and moon shined bright.
Aaron, Zak, and I went in together. We worked together as a group for a while before (in true Zak Bagans fashion) we split up.
“Y/N I want you to stay up here for a while and see if Josephine will communicate with you,” Zak said.
“Alright,” I said stepping out onto Josephine’s balcony. Zak and Aaron disappeared through the Red Room door and I took out my recorder. “Josephine, are you here?” I started. “If so do you think you could answer a few questions for me? I promise you I mean no harm. Just speak into this little device for me.”
I felt a chill in the air but continued. “Why are you still waiting for him?” I asked. “Don’t you think he’s waiting for you on the other side?”
I suddenly felt an overwhelming feeling of sadness and anxiety. I slid down to the ground and then... He promised me. I kept thinking for some odd reason. He promised...he promised we’d go...he promised on the stars...he promised we’d be together.
The thoughts kept coming, and I don’t know when it started but I only realized I was crying when I felt someone shake me violently. “Y/N TALK TO ME DAMMIT!!!”
Zak knelt in front of me looking freaked. “D-Don’t ever leave me,” I cried. “Please don’t ever leave me.”
“Josephine leave her alone, please,” Zak asked. “I know what happened to you was cruel and unfair but that doesn’t mean she should suffer like this.” Call me crazy but Zak actually sounded kind of pissed. There was another chill and he knelt beside me again. “I’m here  sweetheart…” He whispered brushing my cheek with his hand. “I’m here.”
I looked up at him and saw a face that was not his. His hair was chocolate brown and barely touched his shoulders, his eyes the same. My heart took off in joy and I threw my arms around him. He squeezed me before pulling back and taking my face in his hands. “Promise not to disappear on me again?” I asked.
“I promise,” he muttered before bringing his lips to mine. We kissed passionately as though it was a long time coming. After a while it felt like a weight lifted off me and my legs became limp. “WHOA!”
Zak caught me. It was for sure him this time. I was suddenly more aware of things...more awake. “Zak...what? What happened?”
“I dunno,” he said. “But I’m getting you the fuck out of here.”
He scooped me up in his arms and carried me all the way to the GAC van.
“You know you didn’t have to carry me right?”
“Says the girl who just nearly passed out on me,” Zak said setting me down in the back of the van.
“Um Zak did you want us to edit out the last bit of her footage or..?” Billy asked awkwardly.
“Edit it out? Why?” Zak asked. Blushing furiously Billy replayed the footage from the night vision cam we had facing the balcony. It showed me slowly crumbling and then…
“Oh sweet fucking Jesus,” I groaned as Zak and I started making out on screen.
“Uh...yeah I don’t think we need to uh-*cough*-show that,” Zak said turning back to me. “Are you, uh, gonna be okay?”
“Um...yeah I think so,” I said not entirely meeting his eye. “You-uh-you go ahead. I’m just gonna chill with Billy the rest of the night.”
“You sure?”
“Yes. Now go before I drag you back in by your balls,” I threatened.
“Oh yeah you’re gonna be fine,” he said turning his back on me.
“You know you two are actually kinda hot together,” Billy said.
“What? Are you high? Zak and I can barely stand each other,” I said.
“Bull-fucking-shit Y/N,” Billy laughed. “We all can see there is insane tension going on between you. We just don’t get why you guys haven’t done anything about it.”
“What are we the hot gossip going around the office or something?”
“I mean, if this almost-porno is anything to go by...then yeah.”
“Billy I swear to God if I catching you jerking off to that—.”
“You’ll cut my nuts off I know,” he finished for me. “Besides I would never in hell jerk off to my best friend and his girl. It’s too weird.”
“I’m not his girl,” I snapped at him.
“Whatever you say Y/N,” Billy laughed. “Now did you wanna review this evidence with me or..?”
And so I did.
Once the investigation ended we packed up, caught a few minutes sleep then made our way back to Vegas.
Billy, Jay, and Aaron were dropped off first. Then it was just me and Zak.
Aaron: Try not to kill Zak please.
Me: No promises.
Zak then pulled up to my place.
“Are we never gonna talk about it?” I asked as he parked.
“What’s there to say?” he asked. “It-It was a freak incident. We-we weren’t ourselves.”
“True you were actually nice for once,” I said sarcastically.
Zak glared at me. “Go fuck yourself, Y/N.”
“Fuck me yourself you coward,” I blurted out. “I mean...um...fuck!” I sighed and stepped out of the car. I had just unlocked my door when…
“Y/N!” I turned around and saw Zak running up to me.
“Wha―” I was cut off by Zak slamming his lips to mine.
He kissed me hard, as though he was relieving an ache deep within his heart. I kissed back and clumsily opened my door. Zak picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and carried me to my bedroom. He placed me on the bed and I reached up to pull his shirt off. I tossed it aside and eventually more articles of clothing followed.
Zak laid me back on the bed and started pecking a trail of kisses all the way down to my heat. A moan escaped my lips as he kissed and sucked on me. “HO-HOLY SHIT!”
To say Zak knew what he was doing would be an understatement. He didn’t stop eating me until I was writhing beneath him. “Z-ZAK!” My back arched and my toes curled up in the most powerful orgasm of my life.
He crawled back up to me, smirking. “Not much of an asshole anymore, am I?”
“Oh shut up,” I brought my lips back to his as I ran my hand up and down his length which like the rest of him was thick and hard. I suddenly felt him move my hand before he reached down and placed himself at my entrance. He kissed me once more before pushing in. “FUCK! How the fuck have you been single this long?”
“Demons tends to be excellent cock blocks,” Zak said as he started to thrust. “Lucky for us, they tend to stay away from you.”
He grunted then nodded. Despite his big, tough, persona Zak was actually really sensual and passionate in bed. He kept his thrusts gentle (probably because he knew his above average size could inflict some damage if he wasn’t careful) until I urged him to go faster and harder. After a while he flipped us over so that I was on top. I rode him hard, and Zak, being a gentleman, helped me out by thrusting up into me as I did.
The tension began building up inside me. “Fuck...Zak I-I think I’m gonna…” It hit me like a wave. I tightened around him, arching my back, and damn near screaming his name.
Zak flipped us over again and continued thrusting until he grew sloppy. I suddenly felt him twitch inside me as he cursed and groaned. His body shuttered as he painted my womb with his seed. Finally he collapsed beside me, both of us breathless.
“Wow,” I said.
“I know,” Zak said.
Once my breathing was under control I turned to him. “So...what now?”
He looked over at me.
“I guess we just be together,” he said. “It’s kind of what you do when you’re insanely in love with someone.”
“You’re in love with me?” I asked.
“I’ve always been in love with you,” he smiled. “Ever since we met...I just didn’t want the spirits in my life to hurt you so I decided to keep you away.”
“What changed?”
“Besides that they for some reason stay away from you?” I nodded. “I was tired of letting them get in the way of what I want. I was tired of being away from you.” He draped his arm over my waist. “I love you.” He muttered.
“I love you too,” I said pecking him on his swollen lips.
We spent almost every day together after that. It’s been a year and we are still together. Life was the same for the most part. We still investigated places, while not in bed or spending time with each other. The guys were relieved to see us together (at last) until our PDA became a little too much for them to handle. Oh and there was one other difference as well…
“Y/N BAGANS COME GET YOUR MAN HE’S BEING FUCKING TERRIFYING AGAIN!” Aaron shouted at me through the walkie.
“What happened to having the preggo investigator hang back all night?” I asked rubbing my stomach. Zak made everyone swear not to let me into the buildings with malicious spirits and demons.
“Y/N please,” Aaron begged.
I sighed and looked down. “Aaron Nicholas Bagans for the love of god don’t be a stubborn asshole like your daddy.”
With that I exited the van and went to save the love of my life.
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