#starting that tag since this album is coming in 2024
saisons-en-enfer · 10 months
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munson-blurbs · 2 months
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@corrodedcoffinfest Day 15: Let's Talk About That
Word Count: 877/Rating: T/Pairing: None/CW: mention of vomiting and getting sick (not described), stage fright, takes place in 2024, older Corroded Coffin, loosely based on Joseph Quinn's Tonight Show experience/Tags: Eddie Munson, Jeff, Grant, Gareth, talk show, flashbacks
Divider credit to @silkholland
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“Our next guests need no introduction,” Jimmy Fallon says from where he sits at his desk. “They’ve been rocking the heavy metal scene since the ‘80s, and their newest album comes out this Friday. Please welcome—Corroded Coffin!”
Eddie, Grant, Jeff, and Gareth make their way from behind the blue curtain, giving the cheering audience a polite wave. Nerves flutter in Eddie’s stomach as he takes a seat on the spot closest to the host. Talk shows have never been his strong suit; he’s not exactly known for his smooth lines. He much prefers songwriting, where he can edit and erase until each lyric is perfected. 
“Great to see you guys,” Jimmy says. “This is a busy time for you, isn’t it?”
Eddie nods, scratching at the gray stubble on his jaw. “Yeah, so, our tenth album drops on Friday, and tickets for our tour go on sale next week.”
The crowd cheers again, only quieting down as Jimmy asks the guys more questions about their upcoming shows and the creative process behind this album. 
“We’re a lot older than we were when we started out,” Grant jokes, “so there’s more stretching involved.”
“Yeah, now we warm up our vocal cords and our quads,” Jeff chimes in. 
Their banter earns a laugh from the audience, as well as one of Jimmy’s signature over-the-top cackles. 
Okay, Eddie thinks. This is good. This is fine. We’re getting through this. 
“Speaking of your younger years,” Jimmy says, “my producers found a clip from your first-ever Tonight Show appearance, way back in 1989.”
Oh, no. No. 
The host looks directly at Eddie as he grins and says, “let’s have a look.”
Eddie squeezes his eyes shut and hopes it’s all a bad dream. To his dismay, the clip is rolling when he dares to open his eyes again. 
A screen displays the guys sitting there, 35 years younger than they are now, and listening intently as Johnny Carson asks them questions. Well, three of them were listening—Eddie was as white as a sheet, sweating bullets and trying not to hurl. 
“Now, Eddie, I understand that you wrote most of the songs on this record.” Johnny leans in, forearm on his desk. “Was there something—or someone—who inspired you?”
“Well, um, th-there’s my uncle. He’s, y’know, always s-supported me.” Eddie plays with the frayed tear in his jeans. Sweat drips down his temples and pools at his collarbones. “And then some of the, um, angrier stuff is about, um, m-my dad, and, like, assholes at school—shit, can I say ‘assholes’? Oh, fuck; I probably can’t say ‘shit,’ either.”
Jimmy cuts the clip and turns back to where Jeff, Gareth, and Grant are poorly stifling their laughter. Meanwhile, Eddie is hoping the ground will open up and swallow him whole. 
“Let’s talk about that.” Jimmy grins. “You seemed a little nervous there.”
Eddie nods, willing the redness away from his cheeks. “Yeah, it was our first talk show, so…”
Gareth shakes his head. “Nah, that’s not what happened.” Ignoring Eddie’s scowl, he plunges ahead. “This idiot was complaining about a stomach ache all day and didn’t eat. We go out to dinner before the show and we finally convince him to eat something. Tell them what you chose, Ed.”
“I, um, decided to eat oysters,” Eddie mumbles, silently vowing to kill his drummer. 
Jimmy raises his eyebrows. “Why oysters?”
“That’s what we said!” Jeff speaks up. “He’d never had them before, and he chose that moment to down, like, a pound of them.”
“He can’t even look at an oyster now without getting nauseous,” Grant adds. 
Jimmy brings the focus back to a now-humiliated Eddie. “So what happened after the show?”
“Nothing.” Eddie shrugs. “Went back to the hotel room and relaxed.”
“Oh, nuh-uh.” Gareth cuts in, wearing a shit-eating grin. “Tell him what happened before that.”
Eddie has to stop himself from lunging across the couch and strangling Gareth right there. He wants to play it off as nothing, but the audience is already too invested. 
Better to hear it from me, he thinks. 
“Well, on the way back to the hotel, I bumped into a fan. Gorgeous young woman with a huge…heart.” He clears his throat. “Anyway, she asks for an autograph and invites me out for a drink. And I’m not gonna say no to that.”
Eddie rakes his fingers through his hair and continues. “So we go to this fancy bar, we’re sipping our drinks, and I’m about to close this deal. And then—”
“And then a waiter walks by with a tray of oysters, and Eddie just books it outta there!” Gareth nearly falls out of his seat trying to finish the story. “Like, Olympic sprinting.”
“I didn’t know he could run that fast,” Jeff muses. 
Jimmy shakes his head. “You guys better hope that he doesn’t tell any of your embarrassing moments.”
Eddie perks up at this. “Actually, Jimmy, that’s not a bad idea.” He glances over at Gareth, the one who started this crusade to embarrass Eddie on national television. “Have you heard about Gareth’s Explosive Diarrhea Fiasco of 1996?”
“Eddie, you wouldn’t dare—”
“It all started when someone thought it was a good idea to participate in a chili-eating contest before we played the Indiana State Fair…”
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ashnwolves · 9 months
Happy New Year! 2023 Recap, 2024 Resolutions
Seeing as my avatar for this blog is New Year Takumi, it feels fitting that I close out the year by reflecting on what's taken place. My personal circumstances this year have been challenging, and so far there isn't any sign of that changing. Fortunately, that hasn't stopped me from accomplishing a decent amount.
2023 Recap
First of all, @botwmusical was able to release our long-anticipated (by us) Highlights album! Download it here if you haven't. We worked so hard putting it together, and none of it could have been done without @dianapocalypse, @arrispect and the brilliant @wanderingnightingale. Hearing my music sung by our wonderful performers was an experience unlike any other.
I also wrote a first draft of the above's full script, and chronicled the journey at #sftwember. In hindsight, that tag would have looked better for a September project, rather than a November one... but it got written nonetheless!
On a more personal note, I got to enjoy a lot of new media this year which I really enjoyed. Persona 3, the Tellius games for Fire Emblem, of course Fire Emblem Engage, and maybe most notably Genshin Impact! That's right, I'm a Neuvillette main now and always... until I pull Kazuha. (Between him and Takumi, can you tell I have a type?)
2024 Resolutions
My resolutions for the coming year are as follows:
Write more! I've been planning a series of collab fics with a friend, which I'm very excited for, and there's a big Three Houses project on the horizon that I can't wait to take off. At long last, I'm getting back into Fódlan, and so far it's looking glorious.
Finalise the @botwmusical script, and start arranging material for the full version of the show. We aren't sure what form this will take yet, but there's some incredibly strong stuff that I think people will love.
Produce a rough draft for my next musical adaptation, and write a good amount of the material. My creative Vision has never been stronger. At the very least, I think it warrants a trial period. Hydro. In all seriousness, the opening number is coming along very very well, and I'm excited to share it with you all.
Another personal note: resume playing D&D! I have a great group I was playing with last year, and I'd love to get back into it again.
TALK TO MY MUTUALS. I realised I've had my incoming messages switched off since I made my blog. This must be amended ASAP. Please be my friend.
Just as I did last year, I'm going to tag a few friends. If you feel like it, tell us about your plans for the coming year and reflect on this past one! No pressure—and this is open to anyone!
@yupuffin @circle-bircle @dianapocalypse @ptewie @wanderingnightingale @arrispect @tolstayas @blight-eyed
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cleolinda · 5 months
Weekend links, April 28, 2024
My posts
I spent the first half of the week struggling through (well-medicated) mania and the second half currently with a sinus infection! I’m not enjoying it! Not either one! 
Reblogs of interest
Pro-Gaza protests at universities in the U.S.: a solidarity Passover seder and an accidental Pulitzer photo
Canada Agrees 200 Islands Belong to the Indigenous Haida Nation
The Hot Vintage Lady Polls continue to go for the throat. I felt so bad about Dorothy Dandridge that I started posting and reblogging propaganda for her, but Ava Gardner, my beloved, went through anyway. Backing her felt like a wish on a monkey’s paw ("Not like this!!"). (See all poll results here.) I tremble to think what round 5 will look like. Like, there’s a point when your girl is gonna come up against a Hepburn, you know?
Notably gone this week: Judy Garland, Julie Andrews, Lupe Vélez, Irene Papas (who took out Vivien Leigh in the previous round), Gene Tierney, Barbara Stanwyck, Lena Horne, Jean Seberg, Anita Ekberg, Angela Lansbury, and Cyd Charisse. Like I keep saying, everybody loses. Everybody but one. Round 5 will start May 1st. 
Hozier Watch 2024: His first U.S. #1, which he’s now playing at shows! The first U.S. #1 for an Irish artist in 34 years! What?? you cry. Did “Take Me to Church” not do that ten years ago? Well, I went and looked it up: No. That was the “Blank Space” era. Say no more. 
Speaking of Taylor Swift—Paste Magazine went IN on the new album and got threats as a result. Meanwhile, Taylor’s fans are harassing the ex-boyfriend who did nothing wrong (as opposed to the racist one) because her PR is egging them on. I’ll admit: even though I’m not a fan, I found the Paste review to be overlong and not focused enough on the actual songs, proportionally. But that post about the PR saga is everything I miss about Fandom Wank. 
(“My rival dresses to display her legs, and her shoes are of an alluring fashion”)
Meanwhile, the Watcher guys issued the best apology possible, although it was still excruciating to watch. (Background.) They will remain on YouTube while introducing the streaming service. As a Patreon member, I haven’t asked for my free subscription code yet, but I’m going to. Some fans forgave them pretty easily; others have walked away. I’m curious to see if this affects the mood of anything new they film, since a segment of the fandom got really, really ugly about it. Mostly it just felt sad all around. 
Meanwhile, in Alabama: nobody wants to measure the feral hog.
Turns out Death Note had a good reason to concoct “American” names like “Bobson Dugnutt.” Also, I somehow had two posts tagged “death note” this week and I don’t even go here.
The worst brownies ever created and what Tumblr has to say about them
“You roll up to the Wizard Battle and your opponent takes out his spellbook but it’s just one of these”
I know that Loki is not Odin’s son in actual Norse mythology, but the bredlik is amazing.
TIL that Florence and Ravenna are still feuding over Dante’s remains
Maybe haunted dolls cost extra
Branch manager
Senior branch manager
“Free serotonin from Honey the Italian greyhound”
Sola learned to show love from her humans
I have seen many of jauncydev’s videos about dog personalities, but I have never seen him commit quite this hard before
I like tie-dye videos anyway, but this one is sick as hell
The sacred videos: you are not prepared for this police sketch, and neither is this news anchor
The sacred texts
Kick his ass, baby. I got yo flower.
Gold Star, You Tried: A compilation
A personal favorite: “mayhaps I TWIMST aroumd”
The origin of “By Talos this can’t be happening”
Personal tags of the week
Seasonally: cherry blossom. Also, art: an old standby, but it was really good, and also, I’m sick.
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supop · 2 years
What do you think BTS will do next as soloists? Which member has been the most impressive in Chapter 2?
Hi hey hello :) I’ve been MIA for months but I’m surprised to see I’ve still been getting lots of asks. Did you miss me? Did ya did ya did ya? Going by the number of messages in my inbox I’d say, yes :) Sorry for ghosting you guys; I simply got bored with BTS and stopped keeping up with the group as whole. Meanwhile, their solo era has been fun to observe, huh? Some things I expected, other things I did not. I’m sure you’ve all missed supop thoughts. So, without further adieu, here are my guesses for 2023-2024, in no particular order:
Truthfully, I’ve been trying to post for the past 3 days but tumblr is glitching, and none of my posts are saving. Just as I was about to say F it.... if you can read this, then the issue must be fixed, right? This post hasn’t been proofread, so ignore any grammatical errors and the weird use of punctuation. I have a flight to catch soon, so I’ll answer more asks when I land, and as always.... keep it cute~
Individual YouTube channels (starting off with this because there’s been rumors about it for months now; I doubt all members will have one, but I feel like j-hope or Jungkook may go this route. I actually started to believe it when j-hope posted about his new Leica camera a while back. I know he’s into photography, but there’s always a deeper meaning behind everything he does/posts and he’s been carrying that camera around to all the events he’s been attending; maybe it’s just me overthinking, but it’s giving vlog material at the very least. Each member has a YouTube topic channel, but this will likely be a platform for more direct professional/business use where other creatives are featured or personal use for vlogging, trips, unedited material etc. without constant company oversight; aka without every single piece of content being scheduled by bighit/hybe and distributed via weverse; I also wonder if any more of them will get solo shows like Suchwita on the BangtanTV channel)
Individual Twitter accounts (this one seems farfetched, but so were their instagrams at one point; if they do indeed go this route I can eventually see some members leaving it up to the company to handle their respective social medias while others take a more hands-on approach with their fans—since instagram alone already seems like a struggle for some; they can also repost content from instagram which would also give them more individual exposure since the two social media platforms tend to have completely different audiences; it would also be nice for collaborators/brands/media to be able to tag them directly instead of @ the group account; finally, there’s a reason why each member has stuck to uploading all personal content on their respective instagrams since Dec 2021, so expect the group Twitter to become even more desolate than it already is if this does happen)
Individual TikTok accounts (Instagram, YouTube and Twitter....then why not TikTok too? It would make more sense when it comes to promoting their solo music and once again connecting with their respective audiences/fanbases; it only makes sense for solo artists to promote their solo work on solo accounts especially when their music and personalities are all so different; that’s 7 different audiences that should be catered to instead of trying to fit everyone into one big purple-colored box. All 7 members together represent BTS, but no single member is a representation of BTS; there’s a reason why JITB is completely different from anything BTS has released as group, and it’s the same reason why Indigo is so different from JITB; someone who likes JITB may not care for 90% of BTS’s discography and the same would apply to other members’ solo albums that have yet to be released; this is the obvious truth, but armys will continue to delude themselves as if the term bias doesn’t exist.)
Individual Facebook pages (and lastly, Facebook because all artists need a Facebook page to be able to link their music to their personal Instagram accounts; the BTS official Instagram account has it but when you scroll through you only see JK and RM’s music, which to me isn’t fair to other members who have music under their official Spotify profiles; the members are artists first, right? not influencers, therefore, artistry should be respected in a similar manner)
Opening their comment section on Instagram (limited comments are boring, but i don’t blame them; I’d sure they’re well aware that a select group of their “fans” are unhinged; just look at the way those same “fans” have attacked people who they’ve deemed to be “wrongly” associated with them or people they’ve “accidentally” followed; honestly I’m also worried about the occasional wave of hate/d.threats some members would receive in their comment sections from deranged akgaes; I will never understand not liking someone, yet going out of your way to invade their public accounts or content posted related to them just to spew hateful nonsense or send d.threats about how much you don’t like them; take a breather because it’s never ever that deep. And if you ever feel the need to take it that far towards anyone (celebrity figure or not), then may your pathetic existence quickly reach its expiration date; people also seem to have a lot more balls on instagram, so it’s a good thing Instagram’s safety features are a lot better than Twitter’s—i.e., the report and block buttons def work)
Following more people on Instagram (lol honestly following 0 people isn’t anything new from the celebrity pov and we can all thank Bey for establishing that, but following only your 7 group members is just...meh; are they gonna live as 7 for the rest of their lives? No, but they probably have to keep it this way otherwise there’s a possibility that every single non-bts related account on their following list would be harassed and stalked to oblivion by deranged fans; not to mention as it is, BH/Hybe staff already do such a great job at leaking private info related to BTS, you would think their proximity to such high-profile celebrities would result in ironclad NDAs but I guess not...sigh when will we be free)
Individual brand deals/endorsements (this one is already under way and was really really obvious from the start because we all know “7 or nothing”—not necessarily their bond but the way they’ve been marketed to fans—has always been nothing more than a sales gimmick; seriously not every member will have the skillset that a specific brand is looking for, so let’s let the ones who shine, shine; instead of trying to sell the lackluster ones as a package deal; “buy one get one free” should never apply to people; for the members yet to be announced there’s been rumors of various brands so let’s just wait and see...hopefully no controversial brands are chosen.
Individual fashion global ambassadorships (similar to the above, except I think only the members interested in fashion should get involved in this, but then again, this is the k-entertainment industry we’re talking about, and as of late ambassadorships have become part of the whole “album promo” package deal; either way I’m sure the money is good for BTS, and at the end of the day it’s a win-win; interest or not, the artist gets paid and the brand gets “exposure”) **side note: ambassadorships are cool, but the real deal would be with whichever brand pursues a true partnership with the artist by creating a collaborative fashion line or collection that expresses their artistic vision through fashion and/or even a performance that speaks to the brand’s image. pretty red carpet and campaign pictures are nice, but what the world needs is a tangible piece that can be held or tangible memory that can be seen. I think that’s what truly separates the artist-turned-fashion icon/creative director/business mogul from the rest.
More fashion week appearances (so far we’ve gotten Louis Vuitton, Dior, Hermès. I’m glad j-hope didn’t/hasn’t yet? signed with LV otherwise we never would’ve gotten 3 completely different, yet ultimately iconic looks from him in the span of just 3 days; Jimin for Dior; Suga for Valentino; other members may also attend shows for the brands they will be announced as Global/House Ambassadors) **another side note: Hobi wore clothes from LV’s unreleased collection which is rare feat in itself and he was also invited behind the scenes, shown the collection prior to the show, and he entered and exited the venue via a private entrance that was reserved for VIPs. I also saw a photo of Hobi with the Arnaults. Do you know how difficult it is to meet them? You can’t just meet them lol, they’d first have to want to meet you. And Hoseok did that with not 1, but 3 (maybe 4 because 2 of the brothers attended the Dior show) members of the family, including the LVMH CEO himself. It’s not even enough to be a high-profile celebrity; You usually have to have a long-standing working relationship with them or with one of their brands which means their connection with Hoseok must run pretty deep, and they have plenty of trust in him as a global representative. The same thing applies to Hermès. They do no care how rich or famous you are. Before you’re even able to purchase one of their bags directly, you’d have to be a longtime/VIP shopper. Even then getting a bag isn’t guaranteed. You’ll forever be on a waitlist, it could even take years, until you’re invited to purchase one. You also can’t pick and choose which model or color of bag you want lol. Everyone knows about the Birkin, but most are lucky to even be offered a Kelly for purchase. And not only did Hoseok meet with their executives, they also gifted him a Haut à courroies 50 bag (the one in his airport photos upon arrival from Paris) which is one of their largest bags, and is more difficult to secure than a regular Birkin. In short, he got the full VVIP treatment from both rival brands. Who else can relate? With that said, more than an ambassadorship, there could be a j-hope fashion line or a collection of some sort in the works; or perhaps he was doing field research to decide which brand will be in charge of designing his world tour outfits....who knows, only time will tell; as for fashion week there’s still New York, London, Milan, more in Paris, and even Seoul; appearances and shows will depend on the brand)
More solo magazine covers (this also isn’t anything new but even Hybe’s nugu groups with zero impact and lots of payola are already getting solo covers in top magazines, attending fashion week, and having brand ambassadorships under their belts, so it’s ridiculous it took BigHit/Hybe almost a decade to allow bts members the same opportunity)
Vogue, GQ, Hot Ones? video interviews (as much as I love a good magazine interview, there’s nothing better than being able to observe body language; I was surprised when we got GQ’s ‘10 things Jin’, but it only proves that more spontaneous less unscripted interviews where the gp can easily tune in are no longer beyond the realm of possibilities; which means I’m expecting Vogue to come through with any of the following: Life in Looks, 24 Hours with, 73 Questions, Get Ready with, Beauty Routine, etc; more 10 things with GQ; and Hot Ones would be great)
More solo interviews (see tv appearances)
More solo TV appearances w/Korean media (I know that new Mnet program is currently in the works; and I’m kind of hoping for more popular variety shows and broadcasts; anything that would promote their music domestically vs. the fan-targeted content posted on BangtanTV)
More solo TV appearances w/Western media (it’s no secret that Korean media can be restrictive when it comes to artistic expression, so similar appearances at tv programs like late night shows for an interview and performance would be great; just like they’ve done for many years as a group, so it’s ridiculous how they’re not getting a similar promotional rollout for their solo careers)
More solo red carpet appearances (this one technically isn’t a stand alone event, but you can include any activities here that aren’t necessarily centered around them or any of the other ones I’ve listed; like them getting invited to a movie premiere of a friend of a friend’s)
More solo performances (probably minor ones because I really don’t think any of them will put on a performance as major or as lengthy as the scale of Hobipalooza’s headliner setlist and preparation; unless of course its j-hope himself; as for festival performances, there’s of course Lollapalooza, but we also have Coachella, Rolling Loud, Something in the Water, Wireless Festival, Splash Festival, Made in America, The Governors Ball; most of these festivals have a primarily hip-hop/rap-centric audience, so don’t expect vocal line to make any appearances. I can’t speak for Yoongi or Namjoon, but I doubt Hoseok will be interested in doing anything less than a headlining stage. Otherwise expect performances at the usual Western music award shows, year-end Asian music award shows, and South Korea’s music bank/inkigayo)
Solo world tour announcement (we can dream right?)
More solo music collaborations (there’s been many rumors on this one so let’s way and see; hopefully collabs involving actual good music and more collabs with artists that don’t cater to the demographic of bubblegum pop music lovers; seriously enough is enough with the abysmal lyrics and the lack of good production on some of these collabs)
More solo albums (duh! and emphasis on the solo part; as much as I love a good feature or collab, there’s no good reason for those featured artists to be eating you up on your own song, much less album; features should add to the album, not make the album itself—especially when you’re a musician who aims to establish an individual identity and move away from the idea that you’re nothing without bts/without other people propping you up; next: jimin -> suga -> jungkook -> v ; in that order of album release is my guess)
More solo singles/EPs (the 94s; Namjoon has been hinting a lot at releasing new music, so likely an EP; I think Hoseok will also release another album before he enlists, if not an EP; I think they both have more options than other members since they’ve already officially debuted as soloists)
Subunit singles/EPs (once all of vocal line have released their solo albums, i can see BH trying to push for subunits; don’t expect full on albums with only 2 or 3 members on it, but I can definitely see a single or two or more happening; again likely with vocal line)
More OSTs (original soundtracks; again with vocal line)
More individual enlistments (they all technically have until early/mid 2024 to enlist if the tentative 2025 BTS reunion is supposed to happen, but once you taste the high life of individual freedom can you ever really go back to the mundane days of group work? Yoongi has until the end of 2023, Hoseok and Namjoon both have until the end of 2024, Jimin and Taehyung 2025, Jungkook 2027; I’m curious to see—to the absolute horror of armys—if anyone, especially maknae line, will put off their enlistment past 2024....I think Hybe was foolish to announce a “comeback” date; only doing so to calm investors and give themselves an additional 2 years to “ease their dependency on BTS” by bridging the profit gap between them and all their other groups; well if all else fails, i guess they’ll have the company stans to rely on)
or Paired enlistments (again? I really doubt a 2025 reunion will happen simply because a lot of things aren’t adding up at the moment, but if they enlist in pairs it may be a sure sign otherwise. It still makes me laugh how this time last year armys were so sure they’d be getting a bts world tour announcement only for it to be a hiatus + enlistment announcement instead. The signs of exhaustion from the members and lack of effort with the group in all aspects were way too obvious. I will never understand why fans keep deluding themselves. Seriously what group at the peak of success releases an anthology as an album? With only 3 new songs? And the purple warriors ate it right up. They could’ve at least put the demos on streaming platforms. Don’t even get me started on the 3 english songs that took over a year of “convincing” before the members agreed. Lmao my point is bts have never 100% been open about their plans, yet we all know they plan and settle things months in advance. Which means enlistment had likely already been decided on prior to the second leg of the ptd concerts. And yet, they showed no signs of it and acted like everything was swell. Even RM said the 2025 date was tentative; there’s also the Expo 2035 to consider, but after all those infrastructure problems, I’m pretty sure Busan won’t win the bid. People should accept that if the members want to keep doing their thing solo after 2025, then that’s okay. If they come back as a group, then that’s okay too. These days most of them seem happier and lighter being able to do their own thing without being tied down to the rigorous schedules that come with being “7”. So, why pressure them to do anything more as a group just to fulfill the selfish desires and needs of fans?)
Dating news ??? (this isn’t a big deal either and it’s none of our business but all it really takes is one member to open the floodgates of deranged hyperventilated tears; although it’d probably be in their best interests to continue to keep their personal lives private for that very obvious reason)
Grammys attendance (BTS has several nominations, but I doubt all 6 members will attend; j-hope’s Equal Sign was submitted for “Best Song for Social Change”; there’s been hints of a Pharrell collab involving RM; I doubt the Recording Academy will want to miss out on that BTS viewership clout so I expect at least one or two members to attend and maybe we’ll even get a performance from them)
Met Gala attendance !!!!!! (first comes FW....then comes....seriously, j-hope is just wow and this has to be said. I’ve seen the photos/videos from PFW and modeling/posing aside, not only does his entire aura change, but even his etiquette and mannerisms change depending on where he’s at and what he has on. It’s like the outfit and environment molds itself to him. It’s almost as if cameras were created for the sole purpose of capturing his presence. You know how Koreans have this thing of calling someone “Human [insert brand name here]” j-hope is like that but with every brand. As a longtime lover of fashion, it’s rare to see someone be able to digest every style so well. I can actually count on one hand the number of celebrities who are able to pull it off. He fits perfectly in everywhere he goes, and it’s no wonder why every show gave him the best seat in the house next to all their executives and other notable figures in the fashion industry. It’s amazing, not only do brands love him but so did all the photographers/journalists. He gives you something to write about just by simply existing. So it wouldn’t be a stretch to expect the star of this year’s Paris Fashion Week to finally make his Met Gala debut this May, right? Imagine j-hope attends, goes all out and does one of those behind the scenes ‘get ready with me’ videos with Vogue. Do you see the vision? He’s the only member who has a genuine passion for fashion, does his research, looks good in everything he wears, and isn’t just content with wearing whatever a stylist hands him. He’s also the only member who I’ve seen several designers go out of their way to praise. This year’s Met theme is super flexible too and I’m sure there’s lots of brands that would absolutely love to see j-hope ‘The MVP of Fashion Week’ dressed in their designs)
Hope On The Street Comeback (putting this out there just because there’s rumors that people saw him filming something dance related in Paris; what could it be? maybe for his YouTube channel? a MV? maybe LV ad campaigns or commercials of him dancing? one of the models danced at their recent show so i’m sure they’re open to incorporating more of that type of creative expression in their marketing; either way, if the rumors are true, then naturally we’ll find out soon enough because it’s j-hope)
Drama/Movie roles (lead, second lead, or guest appearances; I don’t think any of them will go this route until they’ve at least released a solo album because if they’re actually serious about their solo music careers, it’s much easier to take an established artist-turned-actor seriously, than it is to take an amateur actor-turned-artist seriously—especially in these fragile times of solo uncertainty for many)
Contract renewal announcement (their contracts expire in 2024?, but I don’t think all of them will renew with BigHit/Hybe; I doubt there’ll be any news on this until later this year at the earliest...although there may be leaks and speculation here and there; since solo activities are in full force—besides re-releasing BTS’s entire catalog as vinyls and repackaged special editions—I’m curious to know what other ways hybe plans to milk them during their hiatus in order to keep pumping that BTS money into their new groups and push a BTS successor. Gotta keep those investors happy, right? Hybe has always had a lot of internal issues with their staff and the way things are handled. Hybe has also spent the last two years promoting their plans to “reduce dependency on BTS”, and have been investing in any and every venture, to the point that their slogan “we believe in money” should be changed to “we believe in profit”. If you notice any positive deviations in the company’s usual behavior regarding how the members are being managed, then they’re likely trying to butter them up behind the scenes to get them to renew. I’m also curious about the current status of their contracts, and if any new conditions were added regarding their solo work; I feel like some may have already renewed but, again, I could be wrong; half the members have already sold a portion of their 1.2% in collective hybe shares; all it really takes is for one member to leave the company and I’m pretty sure at least half would follow suit; there’s power in solidarity)
That’s all that comes to mind for now. As for your second question (which member has been the most impressive in chapter 2) if it wasn’t already obvious, the answer is: j-hope. It’s only been 6 months, and between his solo debut, critically-acclaimed album, multiple iconic performances, being the star of Paris Fashion Week, documentary on the way. Who else is doing it like him? He’s been booked and busy since the group’s hiatus was announced, accomplishing all that in just 6 months. He set the bar high for himself and continues to raise it. 2022 was the year of HOPE and there’s no signs of him slowing down in 2023. He deserves all the recognition he’s getting because not only is he the most impressive, he’s also produced the most impressive results overall. Let’s put bias aside and face the facts because anyone who says otherwise is a l-i-a-r.
I’m sure the haters are gonna say “he only accomplished all those things because he was the first one to release his album”. Well, any of the other 6 could’ve released theirs first, yet here we are 6 months later where some of them still have nothing close to a finished album and are busy idling their time away. Any reason they give for not being in the studio working is an excuse. Not to mention j-hope was working on his solo debut and preparing solo performances while BTS was still active as a group, meanwhile others were what? Taking vacations? Partying? Playing video games? Not that there’s anything wrong with doing any of that. If you want to rest, then by all means rest, but don’t expect to be on the same level or have the same results as someone who consistently works hard like j-hope. Even with the group being inactive it was only j-hope showing up to every award show in the name of BTS (Jin enlisted, but what were the other 5 busy doing)? Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
“Effort plays an important role in trying to stay where I am now. I will always try my best because efforts will never betray me.” — j-hope, 2018; “Efforts never betray you....All my efforts have never betrayed me....Looking back, the efforts I made didn’t betray me, in the end.” — j-hope, 2023
And “j-hope always has a plan”, so it’s only natural for him to never miss out on a golden opportunity to show the world who he is and what he’s capable of doing. It’s one thing to be talented, it’s another thing to have excellent work ethic, strong social skills, the confidence and charisma to pull off anything. Not to mention he’s always super genuine, humble and polite with everyone he meets—and we can’t forget that heart-shaped smile. These attributes go a long way and are invaluable especially when you work in industries as cutthroat as music or fashion where first impressions are always a make or break. That sort of discipline and awareness isn’t built overnight. I’ve seen some videos of j-hope’s PFW interactions (with executives, photographers, and just recently, his bodyguards) and it always makes me go: “wow I want to meet him, I want to talk to him, he seems like a really nice guy, he’s a natural model, he’s super good-looking, I can’t help but smile too”. So, imagine how all those people on the receiving end of his affections feel? Exactly. Hence why j-hope will continue to be invited into those exclusive spaces. His body language is always warm and inviting, he’s good at connecting with people from all walks of life. Even something as simple as a smile or wave is enough to make someone’s day and j-hope gets that. The more time passes, the more obvious it becomes that he’s the main reason BTS even lasted this long as a group. Other members don’t call him “갓이홉” (god j-hope) for nothing. **final side note: even the way j-hope reposted all those photos from local photographers on his IG story is so ¡wow! Lots of celebrities wouldn’t even bother. Not only is he giving them more exposure in such a competitive industry, he’s also letting them know how much he appreciates their work. And some of these photographers often run around FW for free in order to build up their portfolios. Now, you never know who could’ve watched his story, saw those photos he reposted, and offered them a job. It’s little things like that, that go a long way, because guess what? The next time he comes back to Paris the same photographers will be happy and ready to capture him on their cameras. In fact, notice how some of them posted even more photos of him after that repost? Exactly. j-hope should really teach a masterclass on networking and building connections; the first thing on the agenda? Making the best first impressions. The second thing? The subtle art of personal branding. Don’t try to give Bighit/Hybe any credit either because as we’ve seen from some lackluster solo activities and the incredibly botched debut solo album rollouts (especially j-hope’s and especially when compared to the debut of other groups under the same company), thus far, BH/H does not give enough fvcks about BTS as soloists to invest money into them individually. the same way they’re currently doing for their other groups; they might care for some members more than others so a sponsored opportunity or two may come in the realm of that possibility, but they definitely value “OT7” above all because that’s where they believe the money lies. Ultimately, how each member’s solo career will turn out relies heavily on their ambition, respective goals, personal initiative, the drive to want more and to be more in their own right. They may be at the top as a group, but as soloists they’re just getting started.
I wrote this post about a year ago, and it seems that Hoseok has finally given us an answer. He’s clearly in it for the long haul and plans to have a very long and very flourishing career in both music and fashion; chess, not checkers~
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grace-williams-xo · 2 months
Rating a selection of the (main) fandoms I’ve been in over the years. This is just for shits and giggles, please don’t start a war. I truly sincerely don’t care that much. Peace and love. [my current level of engagement with these fandoms varies]
One Direction 7/10 (fandom since 2013)
Absolutely cooked, but looking back, not that bad
Very powerful. Live in fear if we ever properly reunite again (the last big thing was July 2020 iykyk) bc we have reach everywhere and it never leaves our souls
Ahead of its time, but also an exact summary of 2012–2014
The solos who fight are the worst please fucking chill
The best fandom ever when it comes to tagging fics I won’t be debating this
Larries still exist in 2024 I can’t believe it either and they are the blueprint for all toxic shipping culture. Larries get a 1/10 and that 1 is for the good au fics only
5SOS 8/10 (fan since 2013, fandom since 2018)
Lots of overlap with directioners so have always kind of just been the smaller version of that fandom
Smaller fandoms can be less toxic but also sometimes 5sos fam is/was an absolute mess for no reason at all
Has been much more toxic since 2020 onwards because the guys have lives and people get way too bored
Some fans with directioner roots can’t comprehend that the band actually like each other and that’s just funny to me
Fletcher 6/10 (fan since 2017, fandom since 2020)
It was a great fandom until the first album cycle started, and then it got bad, and then Becky’s so hot made it worse, and then last year Fletcher herself joined a cult and drove it off a cliff
Currently it’s a mess of fans either forgiving her entirely, stanning Chappell Roan and Renee Rapp instead but continuing to tweet about her problems once a month, or—my favourite—forgiving her when she tours near them
Taylor Swift 4/10 (fan since 2009, fandom since 2015)
Gets worse with every passing second. Rep era? Great. Lover era? Good. Folklore/evermore? Alright. Fearless/Red TV? Tolerable. Midnights/Eras onwards? Abhorrent.
Gaylors will either save the world or end it
Some of the most insane dick riding for a fave I’ve ever seen in a fandom in my life please have some perspective
Hawaii Five-0 10/10 (since 2017)
The most active fandom for a dead tv show, I feel like I’m clout farming every time I post a fic
Never seen a more headcannoned ship in my life than mcdanno
No controversial debates
Overall very chill, but we all give the people writing genuine Steve/Lynn or Danny/Amberlissa fics side eye
Glee 9/10 (since 2018)
If you watched glee, it will come as no surprise that no one in this fandom is mentally okay
Way too passionate about ranking the seasons
Entirely cooked, but very self aware so we’re having fun
Bridgerton 7/10 (since Apr 2024)
The shipper fights take years off my life PLEASE relax I am begging you
Some of the fandom think rich straight white women are the most oppressed class of society
Good fics but you do not know how to tag smh
White Collar 19/10 (since Jan 2024)
The best!!!
No drama the only debate is about what happened in/after the finale, but it isn’t toxic
I lied the debate is are Peter/Neal romantic
Speaking of, no one protects spoilers like this fandom. We will go to battle to make sure new watchers don’t get the big reveals spoiled
Would’ve gotten a 20 but y’all, respectfully, mostly suck ass at tagging fics it’s maybe the worst fandom I’ve ever come across
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kimseokjin2024 · 2 years
Just before his enlistment, #Jin occupies the Top 5 of Worldwide Twitter trends
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On December 13 KST, Jin is going to enlist in the military after canceling the postponement. The artist surprised everyone with his decision since the Korean government was doing everything to postpone the date of his enlistment despite Jin wanting to do it long ago. Jin is scheduled to be discharged on June 12, 2024.
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Jin's surprise song for fans, 'The Astronaut,' became the most successful K-pop solo debut to this day. The artist said that after coming back, he is going to release a solo album that he has been writing for a long time. These 1.5 years will pass fast, so fans are excited about the new era that will start for Jin after his military duty. The artist is going to have even more creative freedom and will give us more of his beautiful music.
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Today, fans are writing sweet messages to Jin, confessing love and telling him how much they are going to miss the artist. Millions of people are sending their love messages to him across all platforms. At the same time, Jin's songs are being re-charted on iTunes around the world. The songs Jin has written are very meaningful to millions of fans who resonate with them and love the artist's soulful voice.
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Today, fans are writing sweet messages to Jin, confessing love and telling him how much they are going to miss the artist. Millions of people are sending their love messages to him across all platforms. At the same time, Jin's songs are being re-charted on iTunes around the world. The songs Jin has written are very meaningful to millions of fans who resonate with them and love the artist's soulful voice.
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Right now, Jin is occupying the Top 5 of Twitter Worldwide trends with these tags: #SafeFlightOurAstronaut, #석진이없어도울지않고_기다릴게, #FarewellJin,#WeWillWaitForYouJin. It's also trending #1 in South Korea. So many people will be waiting for Jin to come back! The artist is going to be serving, knowing that many hearts are with him.
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Source: allkpop
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bronovatwelvemore · 6 years
Sho Wara
Satoshi Sho Wara (サトシ翔ワーア) is an english singer-songwriter, record producer, multi-instrumentalist, poet and painter under Asylum Records. Dubbed as “The Poet Of Rock And Roll”, he has enjoyed consistent critical and popular success and is widely credited as one of the key artists in the rock genre. Besides music, Sho has released poem books and paintings. He is also one of the only artists of asian ethnicity to win a Grammy Award.
Full name: Satoshi Sho Wara (サトシ翔ワーア). Stage name: Sho Wara (翔ワーア). Birth date: June 1st 1984 (33). Birth place: London, England. Nationality: English. Zodiac sign: Gemini. Chinese zodiac sign: Wood rat. Height: 1.93cm. Weight: 86kg. Blood type: O. Voice type: Bass. Vocal analysis: A-.
Positive traits: Adventurous, charming, communicative, creative, dynamic, energetic, enthusiastic, independent, lively, loving, self-confident, sociable, strong sense of teamwork, virtuous, talented, warmhearted and witty. Negative traits: Changeable, competitive, daredevil, flirtatious, foolhardy, greedy, impatient, impulsive, inquisitive, jealous, obsessive, possessive, quick-tempered, resentful, self-indulgent, selfish and unfaithful.
Physical appearance
Dark brown and straight hair. Brown eyes. Tanned skin. Athletic. Dimples. One piercing on the left ear and one piercing on the right ear. Eighteen tattoos.
Critic Of Music
Vocal type: Bass. Positives: Robust, clear lower register that is projected well. Bass is achieved with great technique and support down to F#2. A highlight of the voice. Slightly brightening as he ascends, the middle register still maintains ease and displays a warm, masculine tone. Though he gains a slight (pushed) rasp above E4, his voice remains open, projecting well. Well-developed mixed voice, allowing him to access a clean, head-dominant C5 belt. A light, warm falsetto that Sho has no issues staying in for extended periods. This area possesses a soft vibrato and is reached with ease until around Eb5 when he needs more volume to phonate. Solid understanding of musical phrasing, being considerate to the music by changing vocal colors, texture and dynamics. Negatives: The upper extremes of the falsetto are unstable and undeveloped and the chest register thins as he ascends. Though he mixes at the extremes of his chest voice, the rest of the belting range could use a more even mix.
Albums and singles
Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not (2002) I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor When The Sun Goes Down
Favorite Worst Nightmare (2004) Brianstorm Fluorescent Adolescent Teddy Picker
The Things We Do To Find People Who Feel Like Us (2006) Bad Art & Weirdo Ideas Dirty Lights Noisy Heaven
Gumboot Soup and Polygondwanaland (2007) All Is Known Beginner’s Luck Greenhouse Heat Death The Last Oasis
Ok Computer (2010) Airbag Karma Police Lucky No Surprises Paranoid Android Plug In Baby
In Rainbows (2012) All I Need Bodysnatchers House Of Cards Jigsaw Falling Into Place Nude Reckoner
The Underside Of Power (2014) Cleveland The Underside Of Power Walk Like A Panther
Boarding House Reach (2016) Connected By Love Corporation Ice Station Zebra Over And Over And Over Seven Nation Army Supermassive Black Hole
Thin Black Duke (2018) Come As You Are Locked Out Of Heaven Roxanne Smoke On The Water
Science Fiction (2020) Happy Together Hold On We’re Going Home Sex And Candy Time Of The Season
Virtue (2022) ALieNNatioN All Wordz Are Made Up Leave It In My Dreams Pointlessness QYURRYUS
For Nina, Forever Ago (2024) Lover, You Should’ve Come Over Since I’ve Been Loving You Skinny Love Slow Dancing In A Burning Room You Are My Sunshine
Hug Of Thunder (2026) 1979 Hug Of Thunder Losing My Religion Viva La Vida
Sleep Well Beast (2028) Carin At The Liquor Store Day I Die Guilty Party I’ll Still Destroy You The System Only Dreams In Total Darkness
Kid A (2031) Burning For You Don’t Fear The Reaper Kid A True Love Waits
Skeleton Tree (2033) I Need You Jesus Alone O’Children Skeleton Tree
Is This The Life We Really Want? (2035) Dejà Vu Smell The Roses The Last Refugee Wait For Her
Relatives In Descent (2037) All Along The Watchtower A Private Understanding Don’t Go To Anacita Whole Lotta Love
No Cities To Love (2040) Babe I’m Gonna Leave You Hallelujah Stairway To Heaven
Twin Fantasy (2043) Bodys My Boy Say It Ain’t So Twin Fantasy
To Be Kind (2045) Oxygen Screen Shot
Snares Like A Haircut (2047) I Want You Just Like A Woman One Of Us Most Know Snares Like A Haircut
Sleeping Tapes (2053) A Glass Of Water Goodmorning, Sweetheart The Raven
Grace (2060) Eternal Life Forget Her Grace Last Goodbye So Real
Albums and non-title tracks
Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not (2002) A Certain Romance Dancing Shoes Fake Tales Of San Francisco From The Ritz To The Rubble Mardy Bum Perhaps Vampires Is a Bit Strong But Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secured Riot Van Still Take You Home The View From The Afternoon You Probably Couldn’t See For The Lights
Favorite Worst Nightmare (2004) 505 Balaclava D Is For Dangerous Do Me A Favour If You Were There, Beware Old Yellow Bricks Only Ones Who Know The Bad Thing This House Is A Circus
The Things We Do To Find People Who Feel Like Us (2006) Hard Luck Kid I Break Guitars Porno Love Ride The Wild Haze Throwaways Too Late To Die Young Young & Alive
Gumboot Soup and Polygondwanaland (2007) Barefoot Desert Down In The Sink I’m Sleeping In Muddy Water Superposition The Great Chain Of Being The Wheel
Ok Computer (2010) Climbing Up The Walls Electioneering Exit Music (For A Film) Filter Happier Let Down Subterranean Homesick Alien The Tourist
In Rainbows (2012) 15 Step All I’ve Ever Known Faust Arp Pain Videotape Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
The Underside Of Power (2014) A Hymn For An Average Man A Murmur, A Sign Animals Bury Me Standing Death March Cry Of The Martyrs Mme Rieux Plague Years The Cycle/The Spiral: Time to Go Down Slowly
Boarding House Reach (2016) Abulia And Akrasia Ball And Biscuit Everything You’ve Ever Learned Ezmerelda Steals the Show Get In The Mind Shaft Humoresque Hypermisophoniac Respect Commander What’s Done Is Done Why Walk A Dog?
Thin Black Duke (2018) A Gentleman’s Gentleman Cold & Well-Lit Place Ecce Homo Host Letter Of Note Other People The Finished Line The Upper
Science Fiction (2020) 137 451 Batter Up Can’t Get It Out Could Never Be Heaven Damn Desert Everybody Here Wants You In The Water Lit Me Up No Control Out Of Mana Same Logic/Teeth Waste
Virtue (2022) Black Hole Lazy Boy My Friend The Walls One Of The Ones Permanent High School Pink Ocean Pyramid Of Bones Think Before You Drink To Fall In Love With You We’re Where We Were Wink
For Nina, Forever Ago (2024) Can’t Get Started Edge Of Desire Give Me Love I Don’t Trust Myself With Loving You I Know It’s Over In The Blood I Still Feel Like Your Man Little Lion Man Nina Please Don’t Fall In Love With Someone New The Girl The Night We Met White Blank Page You Should Know Where I’m Coming From
Hug Of Thunder (2026) Gonna Get Better Halfway Home Mouth Guards Of The Apocalypse Please Take Me With You Protest Song Skyline Sol Luna Stay Happy Towers And Masons Vanity Pail Kids Victim Lover Violet Hill
Sleep Well Beast (2028) Born To Beg Cheers, Darling Coconut Skins Dark Side Of The Gym Empire Line Helpless Moving On And Getting Over New Light Nobody Else Will Be There Sleep Well Beast Turtleneck Walk It Back
Kid A (2031) Eskimo Everything In Its Right Place How To Disappear Completely Idioteque In Limbo Morning Bell Motion Picture Soundtrack Optimistic The National Anthem Treefingers
Skeleton Tree (2033) Anthrocene Distant Sky Girl In Amber Magneto Ring Of Saturn
Is This The Life We Really Want? (2035) Bird In A Gale Broken Bones Is This The Life We Really Want? Oceans Apart Part Of Me Died Picture That The Most Beautiful Girl When We Were Young
Relatives In Descent (2037) Caitriona Corpses in Regalia Elephant Half Sister Here Is The Thing Male Pleague My Children Night-Blooming Cereus The Chuckler Up The Tower Windsor Hum
No Cities To Love (2040) A New Wave Bury Our Friends Fangless Gimme Love Hey Darling No Anthems No Cities To Love Price Tag Surface Envy Wave
Twin Fantasy (2043) Beach Life-In-Death Cute Thing Famous Prophets High To Death Nervous Young Inhumans Never On The Day You Leave Sober To Death Stop Smoking
To Be Kind (2045) A Little God In Your Hands Bring The Sun Just A Little Boy Kirsten Supine Nathalie Neal She Loves Us Some Things We Do To Be Kind
Snares Like A Haircut (2047) Cruise Control Drippy Popper Primitive Plus Send Me Secret Swamp Soft Collar Fad Squashed Stuck In The Changer Third Grave Rave Tidal
Sleeping Tapes (2053) Chimes For Dreams Feeling Good Good Evening Hummmmmm IKEA Seeing With My Eyes Closed See You At The Dreaming Tree Sleep. Dream. Wakeup. Temescal Canyon The Hen The Sea We’re All In This Together (Goodnight)
Grace (2060) Corpus Christi Carol Dream Brother Lilac Wine Mojo Pin You’re Gonna Live Forever In Me
Shraddha Kapoor (1999) Caryn Marjorie (2001) Adeline Rudo (2002) Yovanna Ventura (2002) Seryna Seo (2003) Caitlin Beadles (2004) Dina Denoire (2004) Lily He (2004-2010) Koleen Diaz (2006-2011) Jessica Vu (2005) Dollicia Bryan (2005) Mishti Rahman (2007-2009) Jasmine Villegas (2007) Érika Januza (2008) Yes Liv Can (2008) Blue Cantrell (2009) Tammy Torres (2009) Rosario Dawson (2010) Bria Myles (2010) Karrine Steffans (2011) Alyssa Arce (2011) Vanessa Vargas (2011) Mikaela Long (2012-2015) Krista Santiago (2012) Maika Monroe (2012) Cindy Kimberly (2012) Shenelle Scott (2013) Nicola Peltz (2013) Cydney Christine (2014) Marie Avgeropoulos (2014) Jasmine Sanders (2014) Draya Michele (2015) Bernice Burgos (2015) Cyn Santana (2015) Ammika Harris (2016) India Westbrook (2016) Lily Collins (2016) Baskin Champion (2017) Audreyana Michelle (2017) Cailin Russo (2017) Jordan Ozuna (2017) Alexandra Daddario (2018) Olivia Holt (2018) Raina Lawson (2018) Nina (2018-2023) *married in 2022, divorced in 2023 Rachel Roy (2021-2023) Karisma Ramir (2021) Jasmine Rose (2022) Maya James (2022) Lani Blair (2022) Marie Nova (2023) Stephanie Woods (2023) Brenda Lowe (2023)
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