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nick-nellson · 2 years ago
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ourjisoo2 · 4 months ago
熱 bright ( ator & cantor ) lockscreens !
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ⁱᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵗᵒ ˢᵃᵛᵉ, ˡⁱᵏᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ ʳᵉᵇˡᵒᵍ
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jiwoonged · 9 months ago
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Great and Inn as Sarawat and Tine 😂
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waitmyturtles · 1 year ago
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lurkingshan · 2 months ago
When this show started it felt like a very knowing and intentional corrective for all the things 2gether got wrong, but as it’s gone on it’s gotten a bit weird and started making its own baffling choices so… idk
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louisapennyfeather2021 · 1 year ago
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castial · 3 months ago
I want to cry, he's SARAWATINE's child
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LOOOOOK!!!!!! he has the same smooth features as tine <3
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and the same cool look~ as sarawat
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seatawinan · 2 years ago
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bl-bracket · 11 months ago
Horny on Main Round 2: Lan Zhan (The Untamed) vs Sarawat (2gether: The Series)
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[Submitted Reasons Under Cut]
Lan Zhan: "Man realized sex with Wei Wuxian was an option and immediately thought of nothing else for over a decade, instituted an "every day means every day" policy the second he got his horny little hands on him"
Sarawat: "“Can I touch your boobs?”"
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lalarubyss · 8 months ago
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Ig acc:yaooruby
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icecoffeelesssugar · 1 year ago
ZoSan as SarawatTine
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myezblog · 6 months ago
4 minutes and Together
Someone posted saying "Love a couple that meets mouth first"...
The way Korn saw Tonkla, meeting after so long, meeting after missing him so much, and ran to kiss him....
That's when it stuck me... it was 2020, Covid time... thats why we got a high five...
A revelation to me really!
We blame them unnecessarily
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coffeebookslovegt · 2 months ago
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-Digamos que me gustan las chicas, no se si sería tan abierta al respecto como tú lo eres.
-No se trata de abrirse o no. Solo somos dos personas que se aman. Justo como otras parejas, no se trata de coraje se trata de amor.
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waitmyturtles · 2 years ago
Turtles Catches Up With Old GMMTV: 2gether and Still 2gether Edition
[What’s going on here? After joining Tumblr and discovering Thai BLs through KinnPorsche in 2022, I began watching GMMTV’s new offerings -- and realized that I had a lot of history to catch up on, to appreciate the more recent works that I was delving into. From tropes to BL frameworks, what we’re watching now hails from somewhere, and I’m learning about Thai BL's history through what I’m calling the Old GMMTV Challenge (OGMMTVC). Starting with recommendations from @absolutebl on their post regarding how GMMTV is correcting for its mistakes with its shows today, I’ve made an expansive list to get me through a condensed history of essential/classic/significant Thai BLs produced by GMMTV and many other BL studios. My watchlist, pasted below, lists what I’ve watched and what’s upcoming, along with the reviews I’ve written so far. Today, I tackle the impact of GMMTV’s biggest BL, 2gether, and its companion follow-up, Still 2gether.]
Alright! We have reached a major milestone in the Old GMMTV Challenge. This entire project started off on the backs of two now-seminal posts (for me! and I hope for you, too!). The first one was a dialogue I had with the ever-lovely @miscellar regarding how Bad Buddy had addressed BL tropes and turned those tropes around for a singular drama experience. At the time of my asking @miscellar about this, I hadn’t organized myself to do a chronological exploration of Thai BLs as a genre -- I was picking and choosing what to watch, and I knew that what I had watched in Bad Buddy was formative. I wanted to learn more.
@absolutebl had caught the scent of this discussion, as others were sending them asks of this historical nature as well, and they penned this post that listed out the three dramas that they thought best explained how GMMTV came to its current state of programming -- GMMTV’s apology tour, as we called it back then, with Love Sick, SOTUS, and 2gether listed as the three dramas one needed to watch to understand the state of GMMTV’s BL programming now.
So with that, I dove in, and publicly began building out the OGMMTVC, with major help from @absolutebl, @bengiyo, @shortpplfedup, @lurkingshan, @miscellar, @nieves-de-sugui, @solitaryandwandering, and many, MANY others along the way (@manogirl singlehandedly introduced me to MaxTul, for which I say, FUCK YEAH, FRIEND, THANK YOU!). 
And the milestone that we’re celebrating today is that I’ve crossed the 2gether and Still 2gether threshold -- 2gether being the last drama on @absolutebl‘s original list. And, of course! I have thoughts on 2G and S2G.
(Before I dive in, I just want to say that I’m saving some juicy, juicy analysis of the pain/suffering/separation type for a separate meta that I’m hoping to publish later this week, offering a comparative analysis of Still 2gether to Bad Buddy and Until We Meet Again. I don’t want to unwind this here, because I want this post to focus in large part on 2gether’s media influence, but -- stay tuned, I’m headed for more pain meta shortly, tee hee!)
So, yeah, 2gether -- wow, right? Haha. 
No, not quite, I’m just sort of joking. I’ve had EXCELLENT dialogue with the fabulous @bengiyo and @so-much-yet-to-learn​ about there being some shining spots in 2gether, which I agree with them about. (For both 2G and S2G, @bengiyo​ and @so-much-yet-to-learn​ shared with me some incredibly moving reflections on what it meant that Bright Vachirawit, in particular, was so emphatic about Sarawat being identified as gay in the show -- and how that spoke to the queer community during 2G’s prime. Thanks to you both for those timely comments.)
I think those of us who watched this 2G installment of the franchise know inherently what its major issues are, including a lack of chemistry emanating from Win Metawin, and an overabundance of pure talent and eagerness from Bright Vachirawit that wasn’t met at his level, à la Krist and Singto in SOTUS.
Besides the 2gether series itself -- which I’ll get back to in a minute -- I just want to note the external landscape of the show’s airing. We now all know that this show premiered in the very early stages of the COVID pandemic emanating out of Asia. 2gether’s popularity has long been attributed to people being at home to watch shows, many of whom likely were watching Thai BLs for the very first time. According to 2gether’s wiki, the show reached 100 million views by April 2020 on LINE TV ALONE (thank you to @lurkingshan​ for dropping the data!). Both Bright and Win have MASSIVE social media followings now, FAR outnumbering the other stableholders at GMMTV (Tay, Off, Gun, Nanon, etc.). And, 2gether’s continued success in and out of Asia is mostly attributed to the nostalgia that first-time viewers may have about 2gether being their first BL. 
I thought this was all interesting to note in a recent Instagram post that Toptap Jirakit, who plays Type in 2gether/Still 2gether, posted. He hit the streets, interviewing Thai fans on their favorite BL series. I think it’s likely convenient for his own career that most of the interviewees listed 2G in their top three lists -- but it made me think. 
I know, especially from discussions with @bengiyo and @lurkingshan, that there was a LOT of BL fan dismay about the ending of 2G. To be UTTERLY honest, I TOTALLY MISSED the ending high-five, because I was looking for, like, something BIG at the end, and, lol, the high-five totally went over my head. I guess that’s a good description for my feeling of the entire series, which I’ll dive more into in a bit.
First, I want to offer another, but supporting, theory on 2G’s popularity. Taking into account that Toptap IG video (again, acknowledging the self-promotion within it), as well as Bright and Win’s massive popularity, I want to meditate on the wider fandom of BLs vs. non-BL dramas in Asia. BLs in Japan, for instance, are often relegated to midnight-or-later airing times on television. And much of GMMTV’s content is online-based first. I don’t know, as BL fans, if we’re routinely and globally aware that the fandom for BLs -- which is big, maybe even huge -- is dwarfed by, say, the fandom of a mid-sized K-drama. The BL industries in Thailand and Korea are still relatively young and nascent, while other non-BL drama machines are well-oiled across the continent.
In other words -- yes, because of COVID did 2G find a much bigger audience. But I also want to offer that 2G’s...chastity? chasteness?...may have also HELPED this particular series gain such wider appeal. In other words: Asian audiences of a larger mass, outside of established BL fandoms within and outside of Thailand, may have responded more favorably to 2G BECAUSE of 2G’s lack of sex, a lack of innuendo, a lack of insinuation. 
(Remember: in majority cishet society, sex is judged. And queer sex? Forget about it. I’ve established in this OGMMTVC that queer sex is even fodder for creating discriminatory material WITHIN the BL genre itself. Sex AND queer attraction give many people the jibbles. Audiences going to non-BL dramas may be doing so because they want to consume specifically het content. Same-sex romance just might not be their thing. And those non-BL drama genres are GIGANTIC -- from funding to viewership, etc.)
In that Toptap video, many fans list Bad Buddy, A Tale of Thousand Stars, and others as their other favorite BLs. Putting BBS aside for a second -- because there WAS intimacy in BBS, just not an overabundance of it -- we can consider ATOTS as another example of a BL that happens to be quite popular in Thailand, demonstratively, while also being subject to similar criticism by BL fandom as 2G in having a lack of intimacy. 
While us in the BL fandom will readily make fun of 2G for not having intimacy at all, I do think, for Asian audiences not accustomed to an abundance of sex and/or same-sex sex in media -- the way that us Western viewers have in our majority media -- that 2G was accessible. It wouldn’t have to make your non-BL fan, new to the genre, uncomfortable -- especially to see same-sex intimacy. 
(The wonderful @telomeke​ made a similar point last week in a conversation about queer acceptance vis à vis Thai politics. I wonder if our devoted BL fandoms lull us to think that an ENTIRE COUNTRY might be accepting of the queer community and queer politics and policies. It’s definitely not a reality in any single nation worldwide. There are always going to be complicated dichotomies of acceptance in every single society that humans exist in.)
When I got to the end of 2G, and saw that there wasn’t going to be any kissin’ or huggin’ -- it made TOTAL sense to me WHY this show was popular OUTSIDE of the already-established BL fandom, particularly in Asia. It ain’t my cup of tea, but it was a show that I could see, like, my Asian cousins watching, as an introduction to queer revelations and engagement. And then, if they stuck with the genre, I could see them going to, say, an ATOTS, before going to a BBS, a show that really addressed the development of queer intimacy between men. Numbers-wise -- yes, COVID explains 2G’s popularity. Content-wise? Content-wise, 2G stays in people’s hearts, partly because I believe it didn’t PUSH those hearts, as a same-sex starting gun to their first exposure to BL. 
I could get well into an analysis of how sex, generally, is perceived in Asia, and ALL of the cultural nuances and biases AGAINST sex in Asia (cc @neuroticbookworm​, as we have talked about potentially writing meta together on this topic from our shared South Asian lens). But I happen to think that some of our beloved BL filmmakers -- P’Aof Noppharnach, Jojo Tichakorn, New Siwaj, Cheewin Thanamin -- have actually addressed it, and beautifully so, and continue to do so. For instance, the ending quote placards in Dark Blue Kiss touch multiple times on Thailand needing more sex education. Just to offer a personal example -- I’ve had to talk to Asian relatives well into their thirties, as an American, about their first exposure to sex, to explain that sex is not... a bad thing. It’s the cultural and social judgments that accompany sex that colors a person’s worldview on sex. 
2G didn’t challenge ANY OF THAT. In fact, in casting Win, they chose a dude who was VERY CLEARLY not INTO that -- to me, à la the casting of Krist Perawat in SOTUS.
No sex? No moral challenges, no ethical quandaries, no uncomfortable moments with a same-sex acting partner. Just two dudes dating, cute cute, holding hands at the Scrubb concert (or whatever). 
Of course, for my tastes, as y’all know, I desire something more complicated. And I understand that GMMTV HEARD the feedback that many established BL fans had about that 2G ending. And P’Aof Noppharnach, at the time of 2G’s ending, clearly said something to the effect of, not on my watch, I’m actually going to take this franchise AND FIX IT, MY WAY, which, fuck, COULD I LOVE THIS MAN MORE? No -- but YES, I found a way to love him more.
And we got Still 2gether -- a show rooted in its QUEERNESS. QUEERNESS AND INTIMACY AND INDICATIONS OF SEX. I mean, look!
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Not just rainbow shirts! Rainbow shirts on multiple people. And rainbow TABLES. P’Aof was like, WE ARE NOT MISSING A MOMENT HERE, PEOPLE. We’re going to fix this. We’re going to claim BL for the queer community who actually serve at the mercy of the audience that consumes BLs.
Before I dig further into S2G, for which I have reams of notes, as opposed to 2G (obviously) -- some quick positive notes on 2G. Wat’s romantic confession in the shelter bus in the forest was seriously heart-warming. It was romantic as fuck. And we see a NUMBER of tropes that make their way into BBS -- bringing over a beverage to someone who is joined by another potential romantic partner; how everything needs to be a competition or a “deal”; all the singing and writing of songs; make-up remover/micellar water (hi @miscellar​, ha!); the keeping of a guitar for someone else. I loved seeing those tropes in 2G. I love when shows talk to each other.
Most of all, 2G established Sarawat as committed to his pursuit. Bright was UNABASHED in his role as Sarawat. It was Win/Tine who could not meet Bright’s level -- seemingly out of, what, disinterest? Repulsion? Maybe even a lack of acting talent? It wasn’t obnoxious, per se. It just seemed like Win didn’t know HOW to respond, or even what to respond TO -- all while Bright/Wat CLEARLY SIMMERED in his role. (Like I said earlier, @bengiyo​ has shared that Bright was emphatic in interviews that Sarawat was gay, while Win was less forward about Tine and who Tine was.)
And I think S2G absolutely grabbed Bright’s talent and spotlighted it. I am deeply glad that the ending of S2G had a such a STRONG sexual insinuation, à la AePete’s SIMMERING attraction in Love By Chance, and even in moments throughout the show as well, and I loved how S2G leveraged Bright’s fabulous acting as Sarawat IN those insinuations. Because -- contrary to how my Asian parents raised me, and how many Asians are TAUGHT to THINK about sex, which is to say, to try to ignore it or laugh at it -- PEOPLE HAVE SEX. And sex, and QUEER SEX, are things to be celebrated. Sex is beautiful, and BELONGS in stories of romance and love. To have had it essentially...deleted?...from 2G removed a huge sense of reality from that piece of drama art.
S2G also focused on a thing that many in the BL fandom actually pooh-pooh: it focused on a committed, ongoing relationship. My favorite BL in the world, Kinou Nani Tabeta?/What Did You Eat Yesterday? is focused on two middle-aged guys in the middle of their years-long relationship. I’m a married mom. I want to see the struggle. I love first love in BLs, don’t get me wrong -- my Cherry Magics, my BBSs, my Old Fashion Cupcakes. But I also don’t mind the struggles. Give me a Minato’s Laundromat, season 2, any day.
I think P’Aof was offering a subversion to Thai BL expectations by showing Tine and Wat in their settled relationship, a year in, where even Sarawat admits -- the sweetness of the relationship has worn off. The guys are working together, living together, working on their relationship together, eating instant noodles together, instead of the green curry and simmered pork and eggs that Tine lovingly made for Sarawat in their early days.
I feel like I’ve said this before, but let me say it again: I CANNOT EMPHASIZE HOW IMPORTANT IT IS FOR MEDIA TO SHOW QUEER COUPLES IN LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIPS. Queer partners are FAMILY, TOO. I had ongoing FABULOUS conversation with @chickenstrangers​​ (THANK YOU, FRIEND!) during my 2G and S2G conversations, and dear @chickenstrangers​​ pointed out to me the nature of a conversation that Sarawat and Earn (FILM FILM FILM!) had, in which Earn complemented Sarawat on his courage in being in a same-sex relationship. And Wat corrects her. (Sorry for the massively bad screenshots, it’s bumbling mom hour around here):
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Like I said earlier: 2G gave potentially sex-and-queer-love-averse audiences a BL they could chew on. Win Metawin gave them enough by way of the portrayal to allow audiences to feel like they could be at arm’s-length while observing a same-sex relationship.
S2G, and Sarawat himself, strike to the HEART of queer existence and queer love. Sarawat corrects Earn: I do not love Tine because I’m courageous. I love Tine because I love Tine, because I am a human who loves another human. It’s nothing special. It’s just love that myself and my partner have, that other couples have. 
I think what P’Aof did, by way of observing what was going down in 2G -- what was being NORMALIZED in 2G -- was to pull a switch and turn the tracks around, and say, I have got to normalize ANOTHER PATH for these fans that are paying extremely close attention to Bright and Win right now. And he did it, with rainbow tablecloths and shirts; with Tine’s homies, Fong and Ohm, holding Tine down; with Sarawat’s homies, Man and Boss, exploring their OWN loves simultaneously with Sarawat and holding Sarawat down with love and support. 
Oh, and, of course. What P’Aof did with Green. Green was arguably a worst-case scenario of a gay character being misused for comedy in any of the dramas I’ve seen on the OGMMTVC in 2G. I honestly do NOT know what GMMTV was thinking when they allowed that characterization to air.
And Green just becomes... SASSY, and EQUAL, and really fun and slightly conniving towards Dim in S2G, and it was FABULOUS to watch (OMG. Guy and Guy’s chemistry and comedy? HILARIOUS. P’Aof ABSOLUTELY knew what he was doing there!).
Watching S2G was another fabulous P’Aof moment. It was like putting on warm pajamas and snuggling in for the smart ride of a drama. Every bad drama should consider having P’Aof come in to save the day (except for The Promise and Step By Step -- let’s never utter those titles ever again, ever). 
But, I do need to give 2G credit. 2G opened the door for something: it served as a misstep for GMMTV to learn from. I don’t want to be SO summarizing like that -- again, because very important experts in @bengiyo​ and @so-much-yet-to-learn​, who analyze shows from a very important queer lens, have spoken on the bright spots of 2G. 2G allowed for S2G to exist, for Sarawat to exist as an openly-in-love man with a boyfriend who he doted on. 2G allowed for fans of 2G to then walk the road in S2G, to be exposed to P’Aof’s CRITICAL and EMPATHIC eye in developing queer content, and to be exposed to a Sarawat that was much more able to LOVE and to receive love. 
I’ll giggle and laugh at the foibles of 2G. But I saw how Bright, and even Win, improved in S2G. I saw how a director in P’Aof, and his screenwriting team in Pratchaya, Bee, and Au, took a thing that wasn’t representing the queer community healthily enough, and turned it into yet another gorgeous representation, not just of queer love -- but of GLOBAL LOVE, a kind of love, between Tine and Sarawat, that all of us humans who WANT to love another person, can strive for. I will always appreciate 2G and S2G for that journey.
[Alright, we keep truckin’! If you’ve been following my blog in the late-night space, well -- you know where I’m at, psychologically, at the moment. I was ALL KINDS OF MESSSEDDDDD UPPPPPPPPPP over I Told Sunset About You. GEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZ. I am really going to enjoy my ITSAY write-up, and will definitely serve up some comparative analysis between ITSAY and other shows, as per a request from the legendary @lurkingshan, I gotchu, gurl. I see some really important moments from the OGMMTVC journey in ITSAY and cannot wait to get my pen on them.
And speaking of wild and crazy mindsets, I have started YYY -- more on THAT in the liveblogs -- and then after YYY, a return to dear MaxTul. We’ll definitely honor the end of Tul Pakorn’s career as I watch Manner of Death for the first time. Tul’s been a real homey in the space for a while, and I can’t wait to celebrate him.
Here’s the status of the watchlist -- as always, I’ll take any feedback ya got!
1) Love Sick and Love Sick 2 (2014 and 2015) (review here) 2) Make It Right (2016) (review here) 3) SOTUS (2016-2017) (review here) 4) Make It Right 2 (2017) (review here) 5) Together With Me (2017) (review here) 6) SOTUS S/Our Skyy x SOTUS (2017-2018) (review here) 7) Love By Chance (2018) (review here) 8) Kiss Me Again: PeteKao cuts (2018) (no review) 9) He’s Coming To Me (2019) (review here) 10) Dark Blue Kiss (2019) and Our Skyy x Kiss Me Again (2018) (review here) 11) TharnType (2019-2020) (review here) 12) Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey (BL cuts) (2016 and 2017) (I’m watching this out of order just to get familiar with OffGun before Theory of Love -- will likely not review) 13) Theory of Love (2019) (review here) 14) 3 Will Be Free (2019) (not a BL or an official part of the OGMMTVC watchlist, but an important harbinger of things to come in 2019 and beyond re: Jojo Tichakorn pushing queer content in non-BLs) (review here) 15) Dew the Movie (2019) (review here) 16) Until We Meet Again (2019-2020) (review here) 17) 2gether (2020) and Still 2gether (2020)  18) I Told Sunset About You (2020) (review coming) 19) YYY (2020, out of chronological order) (watching) 20) Manner of Death (2020-2021) (not a true BL, but a MaxTul queer/gay romance set within a genre-based show that likely influenced Not Me and KinnPorsche) 21) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) (review here) 22) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake Of Rewatching Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS 23) Lovely Writer (2021) 24) Last Twilight in Phuket (2021) (the mini-special before IPYTM) 25) I Promised You the Moon (2021) 26) Not Me (2021-2022) 27) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) (thesis here) 28) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) and Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (2023) OGMMTVC Rewatch 29) Secret Crush On You (2022) [watching for Cheewin’s trajectory of studying queer joy from Make It Right (high school), to SCOY (college), to Bed Friend (working adults)] 30) KinnPorsche (2022) (tag here) 31) KinnPorsche (2022) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake of Re-Analyzing the KP Cultural Zeitgeist 32) The Eclipse (2022) (tag here) 33) GAP (2022-2023) (Thailand’s first GL) 34) My School President (2022-2023) and Our Skyy 2 x My School President (2023) 35) Moonlight Chicken (2023) (tag here) 36) Bed Friend (2023) (tag here) (Cheewin’s latest show, depicting a queer joy journey among working adults)]
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jkfanfr · 10 months ago
Sarawat and Tine FF- 2gether The Series (BL)
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UGH! I love these two so much!!!!!!!! I don’t care what anyone says, but their chemistry is definitely one of a kind compared to many. Definitely in my top 3 couples. They won my heart when i watched the series and were just the cutest. So i’ve decided to make a FF about them because i’m just obsessed, no literally, i’ve rewatched the series like 3 times already
Disclaimer: I mean no disrespect to actual actors, this is pure fantasy for the series characters 🤍
Have fun reading, and enjoy my lovelies <33
Sarawat- “So when are you coming back from work?”
Sarawat turned around, looking towards Tine with a gentle smile widening on his lips. He curved his palms around Tine’s waist, digging his nose into the crevice of his neck.
Tine- “Get off of me you idiot”
Tine shoved himself off of Sarawat, which of course made him a little disheartened as his smile slouched.
It’s what happens when you delete Tine’s lawful files off of his laptop. He works as an attorney, and keeps his clients information on his laptop. And not surprisingly, with how bad Sarawat is at using technology, he accidentally deleted them when looking for his own files.
Sarawat is a solo artist, working as a musician day in and day out. He was in a group called Ctrl+S a while back, but after a couple of years being together, they disbanded due to them wanting to focus on their own careers and personal lives. They are all still very close as friends even with how busy they are.
With Sarawat and Tine having busy busy jobs, they still own a home together, still cute together, still sleep together, still go on dates together. All in all, they’re still 2gether, since Sarawat first laid his bambi eyes on his chic little bunny, Tine.
And they plan to keep it that way for the rest of their lives, ever since Sarawat found him again after bumping into him at a Scrubb concert. The endless thoughts in his mind of maybe never being able to see the one he admired ever again almost horrified him. But that day wouldn’t of come anyways.
The love he felt in his heart when he found Tine again, oh Sarawat couldn’t help but fall all over him just the same as Tine did for him.
Sarawat- “Oh Tine baby..I said i was sorry about the files..”
Tine- “You’re sorry, but i’ll never be able to get them back. I’m gonna have to re-write all of that all over again y’know?”
Sarawat- “I know..and i feel really bad about it, you know i do..”
Sarawat tugged onto Tine, even if he shoved him off a million times, he’d never let his baby go. Tine looked at him with his dark circles on the prowl after the sleepless nights he’s been having to work with.
Tine- “I’m heading to work, i’ll be back by 9pm”
Tine grabbed his satchel bag, one which carried the paper files which surprisingly didn’t get deleted. He latched onto his keys, which was hung on a rusty key ring. The mirror was the last thing Tine met as he adjusted his hair in the reflection of it so he doesn’t look like a complete mess.
Sarawat shifted towards Tine, as his heart was palpitating against his chest under his old t-shirt which was bound to be years old by now,
Sarawat- “No kiss goodbye baby?”
Tine- “Do you deserve one?”
Sarawat instantly looked down at his feet as he kicked at the carpet on the floor a little. He then looked up with a little pout on his lips
Tine couldn’t help but give into his cuddly boyfriend, as he looked like a sad little dog who wanted some love
Tine- “I’m only joking, you know i’d never deny a kiss from you, come here Wat”
Sarawat’s smile sprouted up again as he quickly went over to Tine. He put his fingers on his soft cheeks before giving him a delicate kiss on his lips. No matter how tired Tine was, he could never decline Sarawat’s sweet kisses.
Tine- “I forgive you alright? I know it was an accident, but please be careful next time okay?”
Sarawat- “Mhm, i will be as careful as possible. Thank you baby..~~”
Tine forgave Sarawat still, even if he would have to go through another sleepless night. He couldn’t go through the day with thinking about how he didn’t forgive him. Tine cared for him deeply especially when it comes to his feelings.
Sarawat let Tine go after a little while before they both said their goodbyes with Tine shutting the door behind him. And with that, Sarawat was all alone. With no work, no Tine, no nothing. Just a boring Wednesday. He figured he’d spend today writing a song for Tine, as his guitar glistened in the corner of his eye. He’s been singing Scrubb songs for years now, and maybe he could finally write his own for his darling boy.
This would also be good for Tine, as he’s been so stressed lately with his job. This could be a good way to break through that hardheadedness since he’s been so reckless with his well-being lately.
Sarawat decided to take that chance and picked up his guitar, his notebook and went on to their balcony. That’s where his brain was the most efficient. In a relaxed breeze over the city, as he sat in his chair, pondering through all of his best love lines for Tine.
Later that day
Tine shoved himself through the front door, shutting it behind him before dropping his bag on the floor. He sighed deeply before leaning against the door. His eyes filled with tears before he broke down on the floor. Tine brought his knees to his head as he sat on the floor, unable to keep himself from sobbing quietly. He didn’t even know why he was crying, it was all such a trouble to his mind as he thought of how weak he was.
Sarawat was sat on his chair, studying his lyrics as he heard the front door open and close. It must be Tine, his baby. He left his chair, as he walked out of their bedroom to see him.
Sarawat- “Hey my love, how was work-..”
Sarawat’s words soon stopped as he realised Tine was on the floor, swept up in his tears. He ducked down immediately, wanting to know why he was crying so hard.
Sarawat- “Oh baby..why are you crying?”
Tine sniffled hard as he looked up at Sarawat with his twinkling eyes filled with salty tears. He still looked so angelic, even in such a state.
Tine- “Wat..”
That’s the only thing Tine said before rushing into Sarawat’s hefty arms, forcing his warm body into a deep hug. Of course, Sarawat gave into that heartbreaking hug Tine was wanting so badly. He could tell Tine was feeling so messy and out of place.
Sarawat- “Shh..baby, relax okay? I’m here, i’m here for you Tine”
Tine- “W-Wat..”
Tine’s voice was so quiet, as he was stuttering, struggling to talk properly. He was really emotional right now, and Sarawat could only feel so sympathetic, wanting to help his love with anything
Tine- “It’s so stressful..it’s so hard..i can’t do anything.”
Sarawat’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, as he looked at Tine’s glistening face which was filled with watery tears. This wasn’t like Tine, he loved his job so much
Sarawat- “What makes you say that honey?”
Tine- “I just k-keep on messing up with files and my boss complained at me so much today. I-It was always little concerns but this time was so serious. H-He said my clients don’t deserve me as an attorney. I feel so stupid a-and idiotic and and-”
Sarawat- “Tine”
Tine was interrupted with Sarawat’s voice, as he looked at his serious sort of expression. Tine bucked down, a bit worried of his sudden attitude.
Sarawat- “Do you really think you’re not a good attorney?”
Tine- “N-No..i don’t think i am”
Sarawat- “And you believe that because your boss said it?”
Tine- “Well yeah, b-because he’s my boss and he has to be honest with his employees”
Sarawat- “Do you love your job?”
Tine- “Yeah..i love being a lawyer..”
Sarawat- “So if you love being a lawyer, why do you care if your boss believes you’re not cut out to be one?”
Tine- “B-Because-”
Sarawat- “Because you don’t believe in yourself.”
Tine looked at Sarawat with a softer expression, his lips quivering at his words. Sarawat’s heart shook harder in his chest as he stared at Tine’s pink and puffy cheeks, his saddened expression.
Sarawat- “Tine baby, you’re amazing at your job. No matter how many mistakes you make, you always find a way around them. It makes me admire you even more as a person and as your boyfriend. Your boss doesn’t realise who he’s treating wrong alright? If you love being an attorney, then you need to focus on your passion than other people’s negative opinions of you.”
Tine’s eyes filled with more tears, as Sarawat’s words tugged onto his heartstrings. Sarawat's smile formed on his soft lips, unable to not smile at his sweet Tine. Hearing words like this made Tine feel more relieved, relieved he has someone on his side. Instead of against him
Tine- “Y-You really think so Wat..?”
Sarawat- “I don’t think so, i know so”
Tine couldn’t help but smile a little, looking like a cute little bunny as his arms wrapped around Sarawat again. He sniffled his sadness away, his love for Sarawat only blooming more and more. He doesn’t even know what he’d do without his beautiful man beside him.
Sarawat- “I love you baby, so so much alright? And i don’t want you to think anything otherwise”
Tine- “Mmh..okay Wat..i-i love you too, really i do”
Sarawat- “I know my love, i know you do..”
Tine- “Im so glad i have you Wat, even when i’m so overworked and tired..there’s not a day that i don’t want you”
Sarawat- “Really?”
Tine- “Of course..”
Sarawat- “So..can i have you right now?”
Tine’s eyes widened in slight shock, as Sarawat had a playful smile on his lips. He knew exactly what he meant. His sly and dirty intentions were obvious. So, he quickly hit Sarawat’s shoulder, a sort of punishment for his words
Tine- “Ai! Wat?!”
Sarawat- “Im joking, i’m joking honey, don’t hurt me..!”
Sarawat’s smirk soon went into a pout, his mischievous expression changed into something more worried. Worried about where Tine would hit him next.
Sarawat- “But if i’m serious with you, no matter how you look or feel, i’ll always love you just the way you are Tine.”
He placed a small kiss on Tine’s temple, as he inhaled his aroma of pure sweet vanilla.
Sarawat- “And to show you how amazing you are, i wrote you a song”
Tine’s eyes widened slightly as he looked at Sarawat. He was slightly shocked he wrote a song for him. Spending all of his time to write a full blown song? Tine couldn’t even comprehend the fact Sarawat would even go all those lengths for him. He felt so appreciated.
Tine- “You wrote a song..? For me?”
Sarawat nodded; a small chuckle escaping his lips as he left a little tickle at Tine’s jaw
Sarawat- “Of course baby, why wouldn’t i? Come, jump on my lap” Tine’s smile sprouted even more, like a daffodil blooming in late spring time. He planted himself into Sarawat’s legs, as he brought a guitar and placed it in front of Tine. Tine’s eyes were glued onto Sarawat’s long fingers tuning the guitar as he couldn’t help but admire his beautiful man.
Sarawat- “You ready honey?”
Tine- “Yeah, of course i am~~”
Tine giggled cutely, as Sarawat cleared his throat. He was a little nervous, but started his pretty lyrics anyways.
(Best Part; Daniel Ceaser, H.E.R)
(Now it’s not Sarawat’s original of course, but just imagine that gorgeous voice in this song 😩)
You don't know, babe When you hold me And kiss me slowly It's the sweetest thing..
Tine’s ears were in another world as he heard Sarawat’s beautiful voice. His heart went rampant, as he couldn’t contain his own small gasp.
And it don't change If I had it my way You would know that you are..
Sarawat’s eyes closed every now and again as he focused on his tone and rhythm of his fingers slowly strumming the guitar. But he couldn’t help himself and stare at Tine’s glittery eyes.
You're the coffee that I need in the morning You're my sunshine in the rain when it's pouring Won't you give yourself to me Give it all, oh..~
I just wanna see.. I just wanna see how beautiful you are You know that I see it I know you're a star Where you go I follow No matter how far If life is a movie Oh you're the best part, oh oh oh..
Tine swore he had tears forming in his eyes, as he couldn’t see Sarawat clearly. The love and passion in his voice, oh he couldn’t help himself
It's the sunrise And those brown eyes, You're the one that I desire When we wake up And then we make love It makes me feel so nice..—
Tine was unable to hold himself back as he shoved his lips straight onto Sarawat’s already parted lips. His eyes widened at Tine’s bold move, as his singing was cut off by his plump and sweet lips attached to his.
Sarawat- “Mmh..babe..what are you doing?”
He asked with a small chuckle, as Tine continued to kiss Sarawat with all of his lips stuck onto his like glue. Tine couldn’t part himself from him anymore
Tine- “Wat, babe, that was so beautiful, your voice, the way you play the guitar, just everything..it just makes me so attracted to you and i can’t help but kiss you right now. I’m sorry i cut you off in between but i couldn’t hold back..You deserve the most loving kiss i can offer..”
Sarawat felt his heart race against his chest, which was tight in his shirt as he watched Tine’s eyes fill with tears. He couldn’t bare to see that as he quickly wiped them away for him. Tine’s words had him on a slight chokehold as he let out a small giggle. His lips curved into his signature smirk.
Sarawat- “Oh Tine..you’re so sweet to me. You give me too much for my heart to handle..”
Tine grabbed the guitar, placing in on the ground beside them both. Confused Sarawat watched his boy get more comfortable on his lap, as his arms were wrapped around his neck.
He soon found it relaxing as the both of them stayed in that same position, feeling each other’s warm bodies pressed against one another.
Sarawat- “I love you baby”
Tine smiled quickly, placing a kiss on his temple
Tine- “Ai love you too Wat”
Sarawat took Tine’s cheeks into his hands, pulling him closer into another one of his signature kisses. They always had Tine hung onto him. The love they both had for each other whirled it’s way through their tongues meeting quickly since the passion rose so incredibly.
Tine moaned breathlessly, it being so melodic in Sarawat’s ears, as his ears felt like they were in heaven. Sarawat brought his arms around Tine’s waist, carrying him towards their bedroom with their lips connected.
Tine already knew where this was going once he was plopped onto the bed, as Sarawat pressed butterfly kisses around his jugular vein. That was a sensitive spot of Tine’s as he shifted a bit on the blankets
Tine- “Wat..baby..please”
Sarawat- “Let me show you how much i love your body..”
Sarawat held Tine’s hands above his head as his lips continued to drag his mouth around his neck. Little love marks were placed around, as Sarawat sucked into his skin. He knew his Tine loved those hickeys around his body.
Sarawat swiftly then undressed Tine, his eyes admiring everything about him. His defined collarbone, those squishable pecs he loves touching, his fresh abs as sweat drips down his tan skin. Those gorgeously long legs of his, curves which fit his fingers perfectly. Everything about him was so perfect
Sarawat- “Oh you’re stunning baby..”
Tine blushed profusely, smiling gently as his boyfriend’s sweet words. Sarawat dipped his head straight on his nipple, tasting the latter on his tongue. His other hand softly squished the other pec, feeling it up how he liked to. Sarawat let his teeth softly sink into his skin, leaving a small love mark before givin the exact same treatment to the left pec.
Tine was groaning through his already parted lips, unable to control my lungs from letting them out. He always secretly loved Sarawat’s touch on his body.
Tine- “Please love..i want it..”
Considering they haven’t made love in a while, Tine was really expecting it. And Sarawat was ready to give it as he stripped himself down. Tine caressed his body lightly, loving the look of his musician.
Tine- “You’re so hot Wat..”
Sarawat let out a small grin and grabbed the Tine by his ass. He squeezed it roughly, pulling them both into a sloppy but meaningful kiss. Tine was in ecstasy already.
Sarawat- “Lay on your stomach then baby..and perk that ass up for me”
Tine giggled cutely before rolling onto his stomach on the mattress. His ass was lifted up a little as Sarawat brought it right to his crotch. Tine was immediately met with his hard and erect length pressing against it, as he let out a groan.
Sarawat- “You feel that? How bad it wants your perfect body?”
Tine’s eyes shut as he nodded slightly, he wanted Sarawat-expo more than ever right now..
Tine- “Oh fuck-please..i beg..i want it..”
Sarawat loved dirty talk, and hearing Tine’s responses made it all the more better. Just hearing how much Tine needs him, not even only in a sexual matter..it’s always so freeing.
Sarawat- “Let me make you a little wet first..”
Tine whimpered lightly at that response, but instantly moaned as he felt Sarawat’s tongue leave a trail of saliva across his ass. He felt his own erection wanting to spill out so badly, he was desperate. He was gonna get wet alright Sarawat let his mouth swerve around, loving how Tine was losing his composure right now
Tine- “No-No more foreplay please Wat..i just want it..”
Sarawat chuckled lightly, ruffling Tine’s hair lightly before shoving his length into his ass. That made Tine half-scream as it was impact he didn’t expect to feel so quick. His boyfriends erection covered with cold lubricant.
He began pounding into his Tine, letting his groans escape from his mouth as the heat was rushing all throughout his body and the room. It was as if nothing could be more pleasuring. And perhaps not too.
Tine- “Oh..oh..mmh..Wat~..please..right there right there for me..”
Sarawat- “Right here baby?”
His tone was deep and lustrous, making Tine growl slightly as his prostate was being satisfied to a whole new level. It was something he’s been craving and his boyfriend was finally giving it too him.
All the stress from his work was being freed by Sarawat, as he let him know how much he enjoyed it.
Tine- “So so good..you’re so good..”
Sarawat continued to thrust into Tine, until he felt a coil up in his stomach, signalling that his climax was approaching
Sarawat- “So hot..and tight..just how you’ve always been. God you’re so sexy..”
Tine loved Sarawat’s praises as his moans exceeded in volume, as he felt his boyfriend’s hands touch up his own erection. That urged him more as his body let out its climax.
Tine groaned breathlessly once more, as he came over the bed, unable to contain himself. Meanwhile, Sarawat was getting round to his finale. Tine- “Babe..it hurts..”
Sarawat- “Hold on baby..i’m nearly there..”
Sarawat continued to pound into Tine, making sure he wasn’t too overstimulated before his let his warmth simmer into Tine. He hummed breathlessly as Sarawat did so before he flopped onto the bed.
Their chests were a bit red as they were breathing fiercely. Sarawat curved into Tine, spooning him from behind. Tine, of course, snuggled into his boyfriend’s warmth.
Sarawat- “Let’s go take a shower my baby”
Tine- “I’m tired..”
Sarawat- “Do you want me to wash you with a towel instead then?”
Tine- “If you don’t mind..”
Sarawat smiled gently, getting out of the bed and putting his boxers on. His feet stepped into the bathroom and came back into the bedroom with a bowl of water in his hand.
He dipped the towel into the water, rubbing it over Tine’s sweaty body. Aftercare was something that Tine took to heart, and it was a very loving gesture from his boyfriend.
Once Sarawat was done washing his Tine off, he settled that stuff all aside before climbing back into bed. Yes he was still sweaty, but at least Tine was all cool and comforted. That’s what mattered to him, his bunny, Tine.
Sarawat- “C’mere baby, let’s sleep okay?”
Tine cuddled into Sarawat’s arms, as he leant onto his chest. His heartbeat was always a healing noise to him, his favourite to sleep too.
Tine- “Thank you Wat..for making me feel better.. for the song..all of this love making..”
Sarawat- “Mmh, don’t you worry my darling, i wanted to do all of that for you..”
Sarawat smiled, his eyes glowing at Tine’s, how dilated his pupils were. He was adorable.
Tine- “I love you baby”
He left a small kiss on Sarawat’s lips before his smile widened. Sarawat- “I love you too my sweet Tine”
Tine- “I love you more my big Wat”
Sarawat- “Yeah, i am pretty big huh?”
His smile curved into a smirk as Tine playfully hit his shoulder out of slight shock
Tine- “No! That’s not what i said”
Sarawat- “So i’m not big? You want more proof?”
Tine- “Saraleo! Fuck off”
He rolled over so his back was facing Sarawat, as Sarawat laughed a bit more loudly at Tine’s reactions.
Sarawat- “Okay okay baby, i was joking, come back to me”
Sarawat shifted back to Tine, rubbing his sides gently as they both snuggled into one another again.
Tine- “Good night sweetheart”
Sarawat- “Sweet dreams angel”
Sarawat left a kiss at his temple before their eyes closed and they fell into dreamland with their hearts intertwined.
I hope you all enjoyed that fanficccc, i apologise for not being active in a while, but it’ll do my best to put out some more work!!
Thank you all for the great amount of support and please do request any suggestions if you want to. You guys know i can do Thai BL couples, or even some anime characters if you please.
See you all later my lovelies <888
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ourjisoo2 · 4 months ago
熱 milli ( rapper & cantora ) lockscreens !
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