Sarawat and Tine FF- 2gether The Series (BL)

UGH! I love these two so much!!!!!!!! I don’t care what anyone says, but their chemistry is definitely one of a kind compared to many. Definitely in my top 3 couples. They won my heart when i watched the series and were just the cutest. So i’ve decided to make a FF about them because i’m just obsessed, no literally, i’ve rewatched the series like 3 times already
Disclaimer: I mean no disrespect to actual actors, this is pure fantasy for the series characters 🤍
Have fun reading, and enjoy my lovelies <33
Sarawat- “So when are you coming back from work?”
Sarawat turned around, looking towards Tine with a gentle smile widening on his lips. He curved his palms around Tine’s waist, digging his nose into the crevice of his neck.
Tine- “Get off of me you idiot”
Tine shoved himself off of Sarawat, which of course made him a little disheartened as his smile slouched.
It’s what happens when you delete Tine’s lawful files off of his laptop. He works as an attorney, and keeps his clients information on his laptop. And not surprisingly, with how bad Sarawat is at using technology, he accidentally deleted them when looking for his own files.
Sarawat is a solo artist, working as a musician day in and day out. He was in a group called Ctrl+S a while back, but after a couple of years being together, they disbanded due to them wanting to focus on their own careers and personal lives. They are all still very close as friends even with how busy they are.
With Sarawat and Tine having busy busy jobs, they still own a home together, still cute together, still sleep together, still go on dates together. All in all, they’re still 2gether, since Sarawat first laid his bambi eyes on his chic little bunny, Tine.
And they plan to keep it that way for the rest of their lives, ever since Sarawat found him again after bumping into him at a Scrubb concert. The endless thoughts in his mind of maybe never being able to see the one he admired ever again almost horrified him. But that day wouldn’t of come anyways.
The love he felt in his heart when he found Tine again, oh Sarawat couldn’t help but fall all over him just the same as Tine did for him.
Sarawat- “Oh Tine baby..I said i was sorry about the files..”
Tine- “You’re sorry, but i’ll never be able to get them back. I’m gonna have to re-write all of that all over again y’know?”
Sarawat- “I know..and i feel really bad about it, you know i do..”
Sarawat tugged onto Tine, even if he shoved him off a million times, he’d never let his baby go. Tine looked at him with his dark circles on the prowl after the sleepless nights he’s been having to work with.
Tine- “I’m heading to work, i’ll be back by 9pm”
Tine grabbed his satchel bag, one which carried the paper files which surprisingly didn’t get deleted. He latched onto his keys, which was hung on a rusty key ring. The mirror was the last thing Tine met as he adjusted his hair in the reflection of it so he doesn’t look like a complete mess.
Sarawat shifted towards Tine, as his heart was palpitating against his chest under his old t-shirt which was bound to be years old by now,
Sarawat- “No kiss goodbye baby?”
Tine- “Do you deserve one?”
Sarawat instantly looked down at his feet as he kicked at the carpet on the floor a little. He then looked up with a little pout on his lips
Tine couldn’t help but give into his cuddly boyfriend, as he looked like a sad little dog who wanted some love
Tine- “I’m only joking, you know i’d never deny a kiss from you, come here Wat”
Sarawat’s smile sprouted up again as he quickly went over to Tine. He put his fingers on his soft cheeks before giving him a delicate kiss on his lips. No matter how tired Tine was, he could never decline Sarawat’s sweet kisses.
Tine- “I forgive you alright? I know it was an accident, but please be careful next time okay?”
Sarawat- “Mhm, i will be as careful as possible. Thank you baby..~~”
Tine forgave Sarawat still, even if he would have to go through another sleepless night. He couldn’t go through the day with thinking about how he didn’t forgive him. Tine cared for him deeply especially when it comes to his feelings.
Sarawat let Tine go after a little while before they both said their goodbyes with Tine shutting the door behind him. And with that, Sarawat was all alone. With no work, no Tine, no nothing. Just a boring Wednesday. He figured he’d spend today writing a song for Tine, as his guitar glistened in the corner of his eye. He’s been singing Scrubb songs for years now, and maybe he could finally write his own for his darling boy.
This would also be good for Tine, as he’s been so stressed lately with his job. This could be a good way to break through that hardheadedness since he’s been so reckless with his well-being lately.
Sarawat decided to take that chance and picked up his guitar, his notebook and went on to their balcony. That’s where his brain was the most efficient. In a relaxed breeze over the city, as he sat in his chair, pondering through all of his best love lines for Tine.
Later that day
Tine shoved himself through the front door, shutting it behind him before dropping his bag on the floor. He sighed deeply before leaning against the door. His eyes filled with tears before he broke down on the floor. Tine brought his knees to his head as he sat on the floor, unable to keep himself from sobbing quietly. He didn’t even know why he was crying, it was all such a trouble to his mind as he thought of how weak he was.
Sarawat was sat on his chair, studying his lyrics as he heard the front door open and close. It must be Tine, his baby. He left his chair, as he walked out of their bedroom to see him.
Sarawat- “Hey my love, how was work-..”
Sarawat’s words soon stopped as he realised Tine was on the floor, swept up in his tears. He ducked down immediately, wanting to know why he was crying so hard.
Sarawat- “Oh baby..why are you crying?”
Tine sniffled hard as he looked up at Sarawat with his twinkling eyes filled with salty tears. He still looked so angelic, even in such a state.
Tine- “Wat..”
That’s the only thing Tine said before rushing into Sarawat’s hefty arms, forcing his warm body into a deep hug. Of course, Sarawat gave into that heartbreaking hug Tine was wanting so badly. He could tell Tine was feeling so messy and out of place.
Sarawat- “Shh..baby, relax okay? I’m here, i’m here for you Tine”
Tine- “W-Wat..”
Tine’s voice was so quiet, as he was stuttering, struggling to talk properly. He was really emotional right now, and Sarawat could only feel so sympathetic, wanting to help his love with anything
Tine- “It’s so stressful..it’s so hard..i can’t do anything.”
Sarawat’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, as he looked at Tine’s glistening face which was filled with watery tears. This wasn’t like Tine, he loved his job so much
Sarawat- “What makes you say that honey?”
Tine- “I just k-keep on messing up with files and my boss complained at me so much today. I-It was always little concerns but this time was so serious. H-He said my clients don’t deserve me as an attorney. I feel so stupid a-and idiotic and and-”
Sarawat- “Tine”
Tine was interrupted with Sarawat’s voice, as he looked at his serious sort of expression. Tine bucked down, a bit worried of his sudden attitude.
Sarawat- “Do you really think you’re not a good attorney?”
Tine- “N-No..i don’t think i am”
Sarawat- “And you believe that because your boss said it?”
Tine- “Well yeah, b-because he’s my boss and he has to be honest with his employees”
Sarawat- “Do you love your job?”
Tine- “Yeah..i love being a lawyer..”
Sarawat- “So if you love being a lawyer, why do you care if your boss believes you’re not cut out to be one?”
Tine- “B-Because-”
Sarawat- “Because you don’t believe in yourself.”
Tine looked at Sarawat with a softer expression, his lips quivering at his words. Sarawat’s heart shook harder in his chest as he stared at Tine’s pink and puffy cheeks, his saddened expression.
Sarawat- “Tine baby, you’re amazing at your job. No matter how many mistakes you make, you always find a way around them. It makes me admire you even more as a person and as your boyfriend. Your boss doesn’t realise who he’s treating wrong alright? If you love being an attorney, then you need to focus on your passion than other people’s negative opinions of you.”
Tine’s eyes filled with more tears, as Sarawat’s words tugged onto his heartstrings. Sarawat's smile formed on his soft lips, unable to not smile at his sweet Tine. Hearing words like this made Tine feel more relieved, relieved he has someone on his side. Instead of against him
Tine- “Y-You really think so Wat..?”
Sarawat- “I don’t think so, i know so”
Tine couldn’t help but smile a little, looking like a cute little bunny as his arms wrapped around Sarawat again. He sniffled his sadness away, his love for Sarawat only blooming more and more. He doesn’t even know what he’d do without his beautiful man beside him.
Sarawat- “I love you baby, so so much alright? And i don’t want you to think anything otherwise”
Tine- “Mmh..okay Wat..i-i love you too, really i do”
Sarawat- “I know my love, i know you do..”
Tine- “Im so glad i have you Wat, even when i’m so overworked and tired..there’s not a day that i don’t want you”
Sarawat- “Really?”
Tine- “Of course..”
Sarawat- “So..can i have you right now?”
Tine’s eyes widened in slight shock, as Sarawat had a playful smile on his lips. He knew exactly what he meant. His sly and dirty intentions were obvious. So, he quickly hit Sarawat’s shoulder, a sort of punishment for his words
Tine- “Ai! Wat?!”
Sarawat- “Im joking, i’m joking honey, don’t hurt me..!”
Sarawat’s smirk soon went into a pout, his mischievous expression changed into something more worried. Worried about where Tine would hit him next.
Sarawat- “But if i’m serious with you, no matter how you look or feel, i’ll always love you just the way you are Tine.”
He placed a small kiss on Tine’s temple, as he inhaled his aroma of pure sweet vanilla.
Sarawat- “And to show you how amazing you are, i wrote you a song”
Tine’s eyes widened slightly as he looked at Sarawat. He was slightly shocked he wrote a song for him. Spending all of his time to write a full blown song? Tine couldn’t even comprehend the fact Sarawat would even go all those lengths for him. He felt so appreciated.
Tine- “You wrote a song..? For me?”
Sarawat nodded; a small chuckle escaping his lips as he left a little tickle at Tine’s jaw
Sarawat- “Of course baby, why wouldn’t i? Come, jump on my lap” Tine’s smile sprouted even more, like a daffodil blooming in late spring time. He planted himself into Sarawat’s legs, as he brought a guitar and placed it in front of Tine. Tine’s eyes were glued onto Sarawat’s long fingers tuning the guitar as he couldn’t help but admire his beautiful man.
Sarawat- “You ready honey?”
Tine- “Yeah, of course i am~~”
Tine giggled cutely, as Sarawat cleared his throat. He was a little nervous, but started his pretty lyrics anyways.
(Best Part; Daniel Ceaser, H.E.R)
(Now it’s not Sarawat’s original of course, but just imagine that gorgeous voice in this song 😩)
You don't know, babe When you hold me And kiss me slowly It's the sweetest thing..
Tine’s ears were in another world as he heard Sarawat’s beautiful voice. His heart went rampant, as he couldn’t contain his own small gasp.
And it don't change If I had it my way You would know that you are..
Sarawat’s eyes closed every now and again as he focused on his tone and rhythm of his fingers slowly strumming the guitar. But he couldn’t help himself and stare at Tine’s glittery eyes.
You're the coffee that I need in the morning You're my sunshine in the rain when it's pouring Won't you give yourself to me Give it all, oh..~
I just wanna see.. I just wanna see how beautiful you are You know that I see it I know you're a star Where you go I follow No matter how far If life is a movie Oh you're the best part, oh oh oh..
Tine swore he had tears forming in his eyes, as he couldn’t see Sarawat clearly. The love and passion in his voice, oh he couldn’t help himself
It's the sunrise And those brown eyes, You're the one that I desire When we wake up And then we make love It makes me feel so nice..—
Tine was unable to hold himself back as he shoved his lips straight onto Sarawat’s already parted lips. His eyes widened at Tine’s bold move, as his singing was cut off by his plump and sweet lips attached to his.
Sarawat- “Mmh..babe..what are you doing?”
He asked with a small chuckle, as Tine continued to kiss Sarawat with all of his lips stuck onto his like glue. Tine couldn’t part himself from him anymore
Tine- “Wat, babe, that was so beautiful, your voice, the way you play the guitar, just everything..it just makes me so attracted to you and i can’t help but kiss you right now. I’m sorry i cut you off in between but i couldn’t hold back..You deserve the most loving kiss i can offer..”
Sarawat felt his heart race against his chest, which was tight in his shirt as he watched Tine’s eyes fill with tears. He couldn’t bare to see that as he quickly wiped them away for him. Tine’s words had him on a slight chokehold as he let out a small giggle. His lips curved into his signature smirk.
Sarawat- “Oh Tine..you’re so sweet to me. You give me too much for my heart to handle..”
Tine grabbed the guitar, placing in on the ground beside them both. Confused Sarawat watched his boy get more comfortable on his lap, as his arms were wrapped around his neck.
He soon found it relaxing as the both of them stayed in that same position, feeling each other’s warm bodies pressed against one another.
Sarawat- “I love you baby”
Tine smiled quickly, placing a kiss on his temple
Tine- “Ai love you too Wat”
Sarawat took Tine’s cheeks into his hands, pulling him closer into another one of his signature kisses. They always had Tine hung onto him. The love they both had for each other whirled it’s way through their tongues meeting quickly since the passion rose so incredibly.
Tine moaned breathlessly, it being so melodic in Sarawat’s ears, as his ears felt like they were in heaven. Sarawat brought his arms around Tine’s waist, carrying him towards their bedroom with their lips connected.
Tine already knew where this was going once he was plopped onto the bed, as Sarawat pressed butterfly kisses around his jugular vein. That was a sensitive spot of Tine’s as he shifted a bit on the blankets
Tine- “Wat..baby..please”
Sarawat- “Let me show you how much i love your body..”
Sarawat held Tine’s hands above his head as his lips continued to drag his mouth around his neck. Little love marks were placed around, as Sarawat sucked into his skin. He knew his Tine loved those hickeys around his body.
Sarawat swiftly then undressed Tine, his eyes admiring everything about him. His defined collarbone, those squishable pecs he loves touching, his fresh abs as sweat drips down his tan skin. Those gorgeously long legs of his, curves which fit his fingers perfectly. Everything about him was so perfect
Sarawat- “Oh you’re stunning baby..”
Tine blushed profusely, smiling gently as his boyfriend’s sweet words. Sarawat dipped his head straight on his nipple, tasting the latter on his tongue. His other hand softly squished the other pec, feeling it up how he liked to. Sarawat let his teeth softly sink into his skin, leaving a small love mark before givin the exact same treatment to the left pec.
Tine was groaning through his already parted lips, unable to control my lungs from letting them out. He always secretly loved Sarawat’s touch on his body.
Tine- “Please love..i want it..”
Considering they haven’t made love in a while, Tine was really expecting it. And Sarawat was ready to give it as he stripped himself down. Tine caressed his body lightly, loving the look of his musician.
Tine- “You’re so hot Wat..”
Sarawat let out a small grin and grabbed the Tine by his ass. He squeezed it roughly, pulling them both into a sloppy but meaningful kiss. Tine was in ecstasy already.
Sarawat- “Lay on your stomach then baby..and perk that ass up for me”
Tine giggled cutely before rolling onto his stomach on the mattress. His ass was lifted up a little as Sarawat brought it right to his crotch. Tine was immediately met with his hard and erect length pressing against it, as he let out a groan.
Sarawat- “You feel that? How bad it wants your perfect body?”
Tine’s eyes shut as he nodded slightly, he wanted Sarawat-expo more than ever right now..
Tine- “Oh fuck-please..i beg..i want it..”
Sarawat loved dirty talk, and hearing Tine’s responses made it all the more better. Just hearing how much Tine needs him, not even only in a sexual matter..it’s always so freeing.
Sarawat- “Let me make you a little wet first..”
Tine whimpered lightly at that response, but instantly moaned as he felt Sarawat’s tongue leave a trail of saliva across his ass. He felt his own erection wanting to spill out so badly, he was desperate. He was gonna get wet alright Sarawat let his mouth swerve around, loving how Tine was losing his composure right now
Tine- “No-No more foreplay please Wat..i just want it..”
Sarawat chuckled lightly, ruffling Tine’s hair lightly before shoving his length into his ass. That made Tine half-scream as it was impact he didn’t expect to feel so quick. His boyfriends erection covered with cold lubricant.
He began pounding into his Tine, letting his groans escape from his mouth as the heat was rushing all throughout his body and the room. It was as if nothing could be more pleasuring. And perhaps not too.
Tine- “Oh..oh..mmh..Wat~..please..right there right there for me..”
Sarawat- “Right here baby?”
His tone was deep and lustrous, making Tine growl slightly as his prostate was being satisfied to a whole new level. It was something he’s been craving and his boyfriend was finally giving it too him.
All the stress from his work was being freed by Sarawat, as he let him know how much he enjoyed it.
Tine- “So so good..you’re so good..”
Sarawat continued to thrust into Tine, until he felt a coil up in his stomach, signalling that his climax was approaching
Sarawat- “So hot..and tight..just how you’ve always been. God you’re so sexy..”
Tine loved Sarawat’s praises as his moans exceeded in volume, as he felt his boyfriend’s hands touch up his own erection. That urged him more as his body let out its climax.
Tine groaned breathlessly once more, as he came over the bed, unable to contain himself. Meanwhile, Sarawat was getting round to his finale. Tine- “Babe..it hurts..”
Sarawat- “Hold on baby..i’m nearly there..”
Sarawat continued to pound into Tine, making sure he wasn’t too overstimulated before his let his warmth simmer into Tine. He hummed breathlessly as Sarawat did so before he flopped onto the bed.
Their chests were a bit red as they were breathing fiercely. Sarawat curved into Tine, spooning him from behind. Tine, of course, snuggled into his boyfriend’s warmth.
Sarawat- “Let’s go take a shower my baby”
Tine- “I’m tired..”
Sarawat- “Do you want me to wash you with a towel instead then?”
Tine- “If you don’t mind..”
Sarawat smiled gently, getting out of the bed and putting his boxers on. His feet stepped into the bathroom and came back into the bedroom with a bowl of water in his hand.
He dipped the towel into the water, rubbing it over Tine’s sweaty body. Aftercare was something that Tine took to heart, and it was a very loving gesture from his boyfriend.
Once Sarawat was done washing his Tine off, he settled that stuff all aside before climbing back into bed. Yes he was still sweaty, but at least Tine was all cool and comforted. That’s what mattered to him, his bunny, Tine.
Sarawat- “C’mere baby, let’s sleep okay?”
Tine cuddled into Sarawat’s arms, as he leant onto his chest. His heartbeat was always a healing noise to him, his favourite to sleep too.
Tine- “Thank you Wat..for making me feel better.. for the song..all of this love making..”
Sarawat- “Mmh, don’t you worry my darling, i wanted to do all of that for you..”
Sarawat smiled, his eyes glowing at Tine’s, how dilated his pupils were. He was adorable.
Tine- “I love you baby”
He left a small kiss on Sarawat’s lips before his smile widened. Sarawat- “I love you too my sweet Tine”
Tine- “I love you more my big Wat”
Sarawat- “Yeah, i am pretty big huh?”
His smile curved into a smirk as Tine playfully hit his shoulder out of slight shock
Tine- “No! That’s not what i said”
Sarawat- “So i’m not big? You want more proof?”
Tine- “Saraleo! Fuck off”
He rolled over so his back was facing Sarawat, as Sarawat laughed a bit more loudly at Tine’s reactions.
Sarawat- “Okay okay baby, i was joking, come back to me”
Sarawat shifted back to Tine, rubbing his sides gently as they both snuggled into one another again.
Tine- “Good night sweetheart”
Sarawat- “Sweet dreams angel”
Sarawat left a kiss at his temple before their eyes closed and they fell into dreamland with their hearts intertwined.
I hope you all enjoyed that fanficccc, i apologise for not being active in a while, but it’ll do my best to put out some more work!!
Thank you all for the great amount of support and please do request any suggestions if you want to. You guys know i can do Thai BL couples, or even some anime characters if you please.
See you all later my lovelies <888
#bright vachirawit#win metawin#2gether sarawat#2gether tine#sarawatine#lgbtq#bl fanfic#thai bl#brightwin#2gether the series#tumblr fyp#fypシ
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Chrollo X Y/N FF- (Girl Y/N POV)

@y6ruu ~ This is for you hun, happy birthday girl!
Be ready for some awesome shit guys, i’ve worked super hard on this story
Chrollo- “So what if i wanna drink?! It’s my body, i’ll decide!”
Y/N- “Okay, i understand that, but you promised me you wouldn’t drink again. You know how bad it is for you!”
Y/N and Chrollo were in a very heated argument. Chrollo went out with his friends and drank some alcohol, but he promised his love he wouldn’t drink again. Y/N almost feels betrayed, and hurt, especially since Chrollo doesn’t seem care about himself or her, but he truly did.
Chrollo stepped towards her, annoyance in his eyes, but Y/N could see the tension and pure sadness well up.
Chrollo- “It was a mistake, you know it was! I would never break my promises on purpose”
Y/N- “Well, considering with how you’re acting. Maybe you did do it on purpose”
Chrollo scoffed at Y/N’s words, crossing his arms over his chest. He obviously felt bad that he had drank so much. He even felt his hungover headaches get to him like they used to.
This is the first time he’s drank since months. He’s been clean ever since, and broke it yesterday. Or..maybe even earlier?
Chrollo- “C’mon babe!”
Y/N- “Don’t you c’mon babe me. I’m done Chrollo”
Chrollo- “What’s that meant to mean..?”
Chrollo had a confused expression on his face, not understanding where Y/N was coming from.
Y/N- “This isn’t the first time you’ve drank since you stopped. Is it?”
Y/N was full of anger, how could Chrollo betray her trust? She trusted him with everything. Her heart began to uncover with hatred and sadness, the love not being able to envelope it anymore.
Chrollo had a expression of painful failure. He had no words coming out of his mouth, he knew what he’d done.
Chrollo just shook his head to her question, feeling like his heart was getting weaker and weaker as seconds went on
Y/N- “Im disappointed Chrollo.. Every time i asked if you drank, you said no. Little did i know you’ve been lying to me. I’m done. I’m leaving”
Chrollo had tears in his eyes now, his heart aching so badly. He didn’t want to believe the words coming out of Y/N’s mouth.
Chrollo- “No..no baby please..d-don’t do this to me..”
Chrollo held onto Y/N’s arm, almost begging her not to leave as his face streamed with tears like sprinkles on a cake. Once Y/N looked at his tear-filled eyes, she wanted to hug him, comfort him, give him all her love. But Chrollo needed to know she was done with his lies and him hurting himself because of it.
She couldn't experience him hurting himself like this.
He was already weak to alcohol from young, he could die too early if he carries on. Y/N could not bring herself to do anything more right now. She needed a break from it all. But she knew she’d come back. She can’t live without him.
Meanwhile, Chrollo’s mind was running with hurtful thoughts, he knew what he did. He knew what he did was wrong, but he couldn’t experience his love leaving like this
Chrollo- “Love, i was scared to tell you..please don’t leave me like this. I love you hun”
Y/N- “I just need a break, leave me alone for now”
Y/N grabbed her bag, having no sympathy at this point. She walked towards the door after throwing Chrollo’s grip away. Once the door shut, Chrollo fell to the ground, crying his eyes out. His already fragile heart felt hollow, he felt terrible for what he did.
Chrollo wanted to scream, shout, cry, do anything to let out the pain. But he couldn’t, he couldn’t get off of the ground. He was always scared of Y/N leaving him.
His worst fear came true. His lover leaving him all alone. It hurt bad. Really badly..
For the both of them.
A couple days later..
Y/N stepped into her and Chrollo’s condo, it smelling the same as when she left. If she’s honest with herself, she needed a break. But she couldn’t hide the fact she missed her husband so much. She looked at the 24 carat diamond ring on her right hand, it glistening in the dim lights.
Chrollo stepped out of the bedroom, wearing a dashing full black suit. Black blazer with a white undershirt, with buttons undone, exposing his neck so well. His sharp jawline was typically shining as his plump lips looked sweeter than usual. Glasses draped over his nose, as he usual green earrings changed to glimmering studs. His hair was full of gel, as it was cleanly slicked back, a couple strands dangling over his forehead. His black eyes filled with her world inside, as his cheeks were dusted with a cotton candy pink.
Gosh, he looked gorgeous, just absolutely stunning. Y/N gulped hard, her head in a state of just watching Chrollo, fully mesmerised in the beauty he’s capable of having. Not that he isn’t fine any other day. Just looking at her husband, Y/N realised what she had been missing for the past couple of days. Y/N felt even more bad for leaving him when she knew he needed her the most. In such a time, she shouldn’t of left him so easily. Y/N felt terrible as she saw Chrollo, looking as handsome as she left him in.
Chrollo turned his head, a smile filled with dimples appearing as his eyes filled with glitter. He ran up to Y/N, pulling her into a love-filled hug, his arms wrapped around her tight.
Chrollo- “Oh how i missed you baby..”
Y/N hugged him back, just processing everything as her heart filled with warmth. Chrollo felt so happy to see his wife once again, falling into love with her all over again.
Y/N- “I missed you too hun, i’m so sorry for leaving you..i shouldn’t have done that”
Chrollo- “Oh my love, don’t be sorry. I understand why you left. I know i’ve done some stupid shit, and i fucked up bad. I’ve realised what i did, and i want to make it up to you.”
Chrollo gave Y/N a loving smile, as she fell into his love again, smiling back at him with all the purity in that smile.
Y/N- “It’s okay, you don’t have to make it up to me at all. I fucked up too when i left you just like that. And just to let you know, i forgave you the second i left, i’ve missed you too much not to forgive you”
Chrollo- “I want to make it up to you, i want to show you how much i love you, how much you mean to me and how special you truly are. You’ve made my horrible life liveable, and i couldn’t thank you even more for doing that. You’re the love of my life Y/N, my absolute everything baby. And i want to give my wife the best birthday present today”
Y/N- “Oh darling, you remembered my birthday?”
Chrollo- “How could i not Y/N?”
Y/N- “You’re my everything Chrollo, i love you deeply. Thank you for not giving up on me”
Chrollo- “Thank you for not giving up on me Y/N. Even after i kept my drinking a secret, you came back didn’t you?”
Y/N- “That’s because i love you too much to leave you”
Chrollo- “I swear..i won’t drink again. And if i do, you can grab the 357 Magnum revolver in the back of the closet and shoot me in the head with it”
Y/N- “I won’t hesitate, but don’t make me yell at you again!”
They both laughed softly at Y/N’s words.
Chrollo- “Don’t worry, i won’t. I don’t like yelling, but the only sort of yelling i like is when you yell in bed-“
Y/N playfully hit his shoulder, as they both laughed even harder.
Y/N- “Stop with that!”
Chrollo- “Okay okay my darling girl~”
Y/N- “I love you Chrollo”
Chrollo- “Hmm..i love you too”
Y/N- “Awwh, but i love you more”
Chrollo- “No way, i love you even more”
Y/N- “No, i love you more than that”
Chrollo- “I love you most honey”
Chrollo took Y/N’s hand, his other hand caressing her cheek, as he left a soft kiss on her lips, sealing all their love and promises.
Chrollo- “How about we eat some food? I wanna celebrate my girl tonight”
He spun her around sweetly, smiling warmly at Y/N’s cute look on her face.
Y/N- “Hmm, i’d love that honey”
Chrollo- “How about you go and get dressed? I’ll set up dinner for the both of us”
Y/N nodded softly as she walked into their bedroom, leaving Chrollo to work on dinner. Once she walked in, she saw a beautifully studded crimson dress. It was laying on the bed, with some sets of jewellery beside it. She looked at the pretty dress, finding it so elegant. Absolutely stunning almost.
Chrollo- “Hey baby, you ready yet-…
..oh my fucking days.”
Y/N stepped out of their room, the dress flowing with her. The pearl jewellery hanging from her ears, and around her uncovered neck. Light makeup was covering her face, making her look so beautiful naturally as she always is.
Chrollo’s eyes filled with glitter as he looked at his beautiful wife right in front of his very eyes. She looked absolutely gorgeous, words couldn’t even express his love her Y/N.
Chrollo- “Oh my..”
Chrollo’s eyes filled with an infinite amount of love. Just looking at his wife made him feel so giddy on the inside.
Chrollo- “Damn..baby girl..you look so gorgeous”
Y/N laughed softly as she stepped towards him, tugging onto his clean black blazer. She loved the dress, and everything about it.
Y/N- “Had to play the part didn't i?”
Chrollo- “You play it beautifully darling..”
Y/N- “Thank you so much honey”
Chrollo- “I’ve prepared a special dinner for you. It’s your favourite..~”
Y/N awed at the savoury smelling food, as she sat down at their table. Chrollo sat opposite of her, his smile never leaving as he admired his wife, who was looking stunning.
Y/N- “This looks delicious baby”
Chrollo- “Dig in then, tell me how it tastes..”
Y/N grabbed her fork eagerly, taking a big ass bite from it. Her facial expression slowly changed as a salty taste overpowered her tongue, making her eyes squint slightly.
Chrollo- “So..how is it?”
Chrollo was so excited to see how Y/N was gonna react, he’d hope she would’ve loved it. However, Y/N gulped hard, swallowing the salty food. It took a lot of power to do so. Y/N have a sweet but fake smile, nodding slowly. Chrollo instantly knew, and started chuckling softly
Chrollo- “It’s bad right?”
Y/N- “Sorry…”
Chrollo- “Don’t be sorry, you know i’m not the best cook”
Y/N- “I’ll still try to finish it, i know you worked hard on it”
Chrollo blushed at Y/N’s kindness. He always loved how selfless she was.
Y/N managed to finish the food, since she didn’t want Chrollo to be upset at all. She knew he was pretty sensitive. He cleared up their plates, and took Y/N by her waist, his arms wrapped around tight.
Chrollo- “Okay darling..let’s get that gift for you alright?”
Y/N- “Awwh honey..you know i don’t need any gifts. I have everything i need right here..”
Y/N left a soft kiss on his collar bone, looking up slightly as his glowing eyes and his peachy cheeks.
Chrollo- “But..but i wanted to, so let me give it”
Chrollo opened the drawer, taking out a book. Writen on the front was, ‘My first and only love, Y/N’.
Chrollo- “Happy birthday darling..”
Chrollo handed the book over to her, as she smiled softly.
Y/N- “Thank you lovely”
Y/N took the book, flicking through the pages. It held their six years of friendship and soon, four years love. Ten years in total. Chrollo’s first look at her, their university days. Confession. First date, one month anniversary to their four year anniversary, to their birthdays. Y/N’s eyes filled with tears, as the words on there were just the most adoring thing she’s ever seen.
Y/N- “Oh baby..Chrollo i can’t..”
Y/N felt tears trickle down her cheeks, her heart beating hard against her chest as Chrollo looked at her with the most devoted eyes he’s ever given. He softly wiped the tears coming from her eyes, wiping the ones welling up in his own.
It’s like, whenever she sees Chrollo, a rush of cingulomania drills through her body. Chrollo could see it in her eyes as they shared a kitten hug, their paws surrounded one another’s, bodies intertwined like tails.
Y/N- “You really thought this of me?”
Chrollo- “Of course i did, from the moment i met you, i know you’d be the girl of my dreams. From when you tutored me back in university, to this very birthday of yours. I’ve loved you since, and i plan on doing that forever. Till the day i die and beyond that.”
Y/N- “You’re just the sweetest Chrollo, i’ll love you forever too. There’s not a day i don’t love you, miss you, or want to hug and appreciate you. Forever honey, i will give you everything my heart can give”
Chrollo- “Everything..?”
Chrollo’s eyes lit up with affection, just hearing the word everything meant so much to him. The things his wife would do for him..the risks she’ll take...just to make him feel so cared for.
Y/N- “Everything baby”
Chrollo- “Well..in that case..”
Chrollo leaned her against the countertop, his eyes glistening with pure love. His smile was so addictive to watch, his tongue slowly grazing against his teeth.
Chrollo- “That makes me want to give you everything too.”
Y/N put her hands on his hips, her eyes softening to his words
Y/N- “I’d love that”
Chrollo- “Can i..? Can we….?”
Y/N thought Chrollo was adorable. His shy tone all of a sudden. She typically liked how he asked for her permission.
Y/N- “Hmm, i wouldn’t disagree anyways”
Chrollo- “Thats my girl, come here”
He put his hand of Y/N’s cheek, leaning to give her the sweetest most passionate kiss he could give. Y/N kissed him back with that same passion and love, the deepness of it pulsing through their veins. It was addictive, their lips suffocating one another’s.
Chrollo- “My my baby, you never fail to shock me with these sweet and soft lips of yours”
Y/N laughed softly at his words, her cheeks blushing profoundly as they kissed deeply again. Her teeth softly sunk into Chrollo’s bottom lip as he let out a soft moan. He put his arms around your waist tighter, Y/N’s back arching slightly as she put the same intensity into the affectionate kiss.
Chrollo gently rocked her hips against his, as if they were dancing to the rhythms of their tongues painting each other’s mouths with saliva and the pure sweetness. Y/N put her hands around his neck, as they both shuffled towards their bedroom.
Y/N- “Why do i know where this is going?”
Chrollo- “Because you’re a smart woman, you know what comes next”
Chrollo said that with playfulness, his smirk becoming more noticeable as they closed and locked the bedroom door behind them. In those closed doors, Chrollo increased the intensity, moving his plump lips down to Y/N’s uncovered neck. He nibbled on her soft skin, tasting what he could grab almost like a rabid animal.
Y/N let out soft pants, just letting her husband go wild on her. She liked it when he was harsh with her. Chrollo began to unbuckle his belt, the noises being loud and reckless as his lips never seemed to get tired of her smooth skin.
Y/N was fully uncovered by the time they made it to the bed, Chrollo moving his eyes all around her gorgeous body. He caressed her waist, his lips softly kissing hers with the same love as lust.
Chrollo- “Darling, you know how to get me going don’t you?”
His fingers moved to her inner thighs, as he smirked with his lips curving slowly. Chrollo’s tone was so teasing, Y/N was only in ecstasy with his touch all around her.
Chrollo- “Wet enough to get me going too. Oh you’re just perfect aren’t you baby?”
Y/N’s cheeks felt a rosy tint surrounding them, as his fingers made it to her sensitive area, her hands gripping onto Chrollo’s back. Just his touch was enough to make her go crazy.
Y/N- “Darling..b-baby, please..”
Chrollo- “Please what honey? Tell me what you want?”
Only suiting Y/N’s needs would make Chrollo feel fulfilled. That’s all that mattered to him. His lovely wife. That’s all
Y/N- “Please..i need you..”
Oh her voice was so sensual, Chrollo’s eyes only filled with even more love as he grinned seductively at her.
Chrollo- “Come here then”
He hovered above her properly, taking off his boxers as his cock was revealed. The hard length only made Y/N gulp hard, wanting and needed him deep inside of her. Just the thought of it made her moan aloud, making Chrollo raise his eyebrows slightly.
Chrollo teased her with his cock, as Y/N only wanted to force him to finally give her what she wanted. His eyes only filled with playful tease, as her eyes filled with horny desperation.
Chrollo- “Okay okay, i’ll stop teasing you. I’ll give the birthday girl what she wants now”
He finally spreaded her legs, entering her, after what felt like ages. He first helped Y/N adjust to his hard length. Chrollo felt the immediate warmth of Y/N, as he groaned in such a deep tone. His head leant on her shoulder, as he thrusted slowly in and out of her.
Y/N swore she was getting wetter and wetter, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as pure pleasure ran through her body. She felt Chrollo’s hot breath on her shoulder as he planted soft kisses there.
Chrollo- “Oh-my fucking god Y/N..the things you do to me. Fuck..”
He whispered horny curses in her ear, the sound on their skin slapping and his cock pounded in and out of her making Y/N’s head spin
Y/N- “Babe..Chrollo, more more”
Chrollo only increased his pace and harshness, thrusting nice and deep inside of Y/N, his hands caressing her stomach ever so softly. He let out loud groans, his ears being blessed with his wife’s sensual moans.
Chrollo- “Fuck, fuck..you’re so warm, you feel so so good baby”
His dirty talk only got better and his harshness and pace only increased as well. He felt sweat drip down his back as he continued to rhythmically pound into Y/N.
Her eyes filled with tears, any sort of pain being completely destroyed by the pleasure of Chrollo’s cock.
Y/N- “Mmh, i love it..baby, harder for me”
Chrollo only did as Y/N wished, crashing in and out of Y/N. It only got him more rowdy as her moans only repeated in his ear. He worshipped her body, her in general.
Chrollo- “I love you honey”
Y/N- “I love you too baby”
They eyes met, as they shared sweet kisses, they lips entangled like their legs as the pleasure kept on going like a repeating music box.
Y/N- “I-I’m close darling..”
Chrollo- “Come with me baby, i’m here”
They both finished, satisfied with the pleasurable high that lasted enough to make their bodies so tired. Chrollo latched onto Y/N, his hands on her waist as he caught his breath
Chrollo- “You never fail to please me baby”
Y/N giggled a little, as she caught her breath back too, her widened legs now resting on the mattress, feeling numb.
Y/N- “God, my legs..are on fire..”
She said with a breathy tone, letting out a soft laughter as Chrollo laid beside her, letting out a little chuckle as well.
Chrollo- “That doesn’t mean there won’t be a round two”
Y/N’s eyes slightly widened, as she let out a laugh, her eyes being kept on Chrollo’s lips, perhaps wanting to kiss them again to lead into another dangerous round of sex.
Y/N leaned into his ear, her tone being really flirty as she then said..
Y/N- “Give me all you got”
Chrollo’s eyes lit up with neediness, biting his bottom lips seductively.
Chrollo- “Oh you’re so naughty..”
Later that night..
After finishing their final round of sex, Y/N laid on top of Chrollo’s body, her fingers caressing his hard abs. She then left chaste kisses on each one, Chrollo letting out little pants.
Chrollo- “You feel tired?”
Y/N- “Very..”
Chrollo- “Come honey, sleep for the rest of the night. I’ll help you bathe tomorrow morning okay?”
Y/N nodded as she cuddled into Chrollo’s warm embrace, their love being exemplified just by their loving hugs. The redamancy was evident, as they looked into each other’s mitten eyes.
Chrollo- “I love you so so much Y/N..”
Y/N- “I love you even more Chrollo”
Chrollo- “Don’t play with me Y/N, i love you most”
Y/N chuckled softly, letting him win this time around, as they kissed for the final time that night. Y/N’s eyes were shut tight, as Chrollo admired her pretty facial features.
Oh how much i fucking love her.
Her eyes when i look into them, her beautiful face when i admire her
Please don’t leave me Y/N
Chrollo closed his eyes, feeling rather safe and protected with his wife next to him in their own love nest. His mind went a little more blank, the warmth and comfort being his shield as they both slept in one another’s dreams as per usual.
And…that’s a wrap.
That was a cringey line, but nonetheless, i hope you enjoyed this FF.
Again, Happy birthday @y6ruu Have an amazing bday and i hope you loved the story
Also..shout out to @mimikinn My biggest fan, i had to include you at one point hun.
You both are my biggest fans, thank you for the support <333
ANDDD. Thank you all so so so much for all the likes and support, you’re support makes me want to write more and more so i’ll do my absolute best to provide some good shit for y’all
Please feel free to request any stories you’d like to see. I do SMUT and FLUFF. I tried to do ANGST in this one, and i hope i succeeded 😭
Anyways, goodbye my lovelies, i love you all very muchh
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Vegas and Pete FF- KinnPorsche The Series (BL)

Another VegasXPete fanfic as i cannot get enough of them recently. Their connection was off the roof in the series and it’s made me watch it over and over again.
Disclaimer: I mean no disrespect to actual actors, this is pure fantasy for the series characters 🤍
Requests open, and have fun reading my lovelies
SIGNITURE LINE AHEAD 🤭 Let me know if you can find it
Vegas took his seat at the booth, right in front of Kinn and Porsche, who were holding hands under the table, as if no one could see them doing so. Kinn raised his eyebrow at Vegas, who was giving his signature smirk at the stage beside them.
Pete gulped hard as he stepped onto the stage, smiling nervously at the same time. The big lights were off, making the whole place dark as he took his spot in the middle of the stage.
Though he was a famous idol, with many fans screaming his name, awed at the sight of his handsome self, begging to take a peek underneath his already revealing clothes, Pete was an anxious one. He was worried about what people thought and every time he stepped on stage, his little frights of his own power and ability come in to play at the same time, taking his through a never ending cycle of worrisomeness.
Pete finally made eye contact with Vegas, who had a sweet smile sprouting on his face. Though they were in close proximity, it felt they were so far away from each other. Pete just wanted to run into his arms, as they hug and kiss endlessly with the same bliss, passion and love as the first time.
Back-up dancers took the stage, assuring him that he’ll be ok. They’re very supportive with Pete’s stage fright, helping him and always by his side when they ever need him. Pete felt safer once they were around, they weren’t just back-up dancers, they were friends, best friends.
Pete sighed softly, standing in the middle of the stage in his starting pose, looking at Vegas one last time before the lights slowly started turning on. He was singing a cover of ‘Love Talk’ by WayV, which he had been working on for a while. (stan wayv btw) The lyrics really hint at specific something, which Pete typically liked (horny ass b-)
He felt the lights turn on quicker, signalling him to start off. Pete moved swiftly to the music, his voice angelic and deep as he kept a nervous smile on his face, which soon turned more confident and teasing.
i can hear it callin
loving the way you wanna talk
touch me tease me feel me up
As Pete danced the night away, Vegas couldn’t help but admire his beautiful boy, how innocent but sexy he looked. Pete was effortlessly winning everyone’s hearts.
you got me sayin you got me sayin
how you doin tell me what’s your name
what’s your sign
feeling like your into me
yeah waiting for you
i just want you to come over where i’m stayin
He heard so many awed whispers and saw many people giggling and filming him. It was completely normal to Pete, but to Vegas, it got his blood boiling
fallin for a stranger good gracious
i might even fly out to Vegas
thinking maybe you’d be down to do it
but you don’t know what i’m sayin
Even watching Kinn smile at his moves, Porsche screaming the loudest for his best friend, made Vegas feel jealousy crawl up his skin.
got me goin through the roof
really don’t care what we do
we could fly to the moon
i can see your lips movin but we ain’t got a clue
Pete kept his sweet but teasing look in his face, making Vegas sweat in his chair. He shifted around a lot, unable to feel comfortable. His jealousy and possessiveness was getting to him.
baby we’re two distant strangers
i know you don’t speak my language
but i love the way you’re talking to me..
Even the way Pete said ‘baby’ made Vegas wanna call him over and take him to where they’re staying
i can hear it callin
from where you are
loving the way you wanna talk
touch me tease me feel me up
touch me tease me feel me up
Pete smirked at Vegas’ reaction to him, making him gulp hard, bottling up all his jealous and angry emotions just so he doesn’t cause a scene. He was very possessive when it came to Pete, Vegas wanted him all for his own. He didn’t want everyone enjoying what he called his, but as expected, Vegas had no choice but to comply with Pete and his job. He supported Pete a lot when it came to it.
call me when it’s after dark
something in the way you wanna talk
touch me tease me feel me up
touch me tease me feel me up
Pete was beyond hot when he was dancing, how perfectly swift and talented he was made Vegas all giddy on the inside. He had a problem down in his trousers, biting his lip to control his body which was acting differently to his mind. Vegas’ body was desperate for Pete, wanting to run on stage and pull him into his arms, while his mind was urging him to sit still in his seat.
He didn’t want Kinn and Porsche to notice him either, so he had no choice but to act like a dog and not move and inch.
Porsche- “Wow!! My best friend is awesome! Go Pete!”
Kinn- “He’s very good, don’t you think so Vegas?”
Vegas was in his own world at this moment, admiring Pete with jealousy overflowing in his eyes, which were deepening in red.
Porsche- “Vegas..?”
Kinn tapped his hand, making Vegas look around aimlessly as if he doesn’t know anything.
Vegas- “Yeah..? What happened?”
Porsche- “Kinn asked if you think Pete is good?”
Vegas- “My boy is more than good..”
Vegas responded back, adoring Pete once more with his eyes, licking his bottom lip as he gave his signature smirk to Pete. Kinn and Porsche laughed softly at Vegas’ response.
Though Vegas was enjoying it all, something immediately caught his attention. Pete ripped half of his shirt, exposing his defined and toned abs, which Vegas wouldn’t of expected.
Porsche- “Ooh!! Pete is so saucy, damn”
Porsche let out a breath before laughing with Kinn once more, they both were watching Pete, having fun watching him perform. It was obvious Pete was very confident at this moment, as his thrusted his hips forward, grinning a little as he did so. The crowd got even wider as Vegas’ mouth hung open, unable to let out any words.
Kinn- “Woah!”
Porsche- “Pete is really taking his chances”
Kinn- “Very seriously”
Pete smirked as he met eye contact with Vegas, as Vegas was still stunned. Did he do this to get on Vegas’ nerves? Cause god it was working well, as he looked around the audience with even more envy in his eyes. You could call him a green-eyes monster.
Vegas- “Fuck, you’re killing me babe..”
Vegas whispered to himself in a soft and quiet tone, feeling a lump in his throat. As he kept his eyes on Pete, he sipped on his water, basically finishing 3 cups just to maintain his composure.
Pete- “I know you all like it”
Pete talked in a monotone voice, no melody, no rhythm either as he thrusted again. Vegas nearly spat out his water, as his eyes widened at Pete. Many people were screaming louder, their phones on the fly as they all awed at Pete’s moves.
How deep Pete’s voice was once he said that, his teasing and playful expression on his face. God it made Vegas melt in his chair
Vegas- “You better watch we get home Pete.”
He whispered quietly to himself, as he bit his own cheek, leaning forward just to see Pete even more.
Porsche- “Man, he’s really making him angry babe.. Pete is in for a wild night”
Porsche whispered to Kinn, making them look at each other. Porsche felt a little worried for Pete’s safety after this, mainly for his legs.
Kinn- “I can agree on that love, Pete better watch his steps tonight. And i don’t know about you, but i find his jealousy highly entertaining”
Kinn let out a louder laugh, Porsche playfully punching his shoulder
Porsche- “Kinn stop that!”
Porsche couldn’t help but laugh as well. The green eyed monster was doing his job very well, and they even grinned at each other, knowing Pete was in for a treat.
oh tell me babe, tell me how you like it babe
i don’t even know your name
i love the way you’re talking to me..
Pete ended his performance, sweating his life away, but satisfied with his work. On the other hand, Vegas was in war with his own mind and body. He looked at Kinn and Porsche who were clapping with the rest of the audience.
It took a lot of work for Vegas to not go and question Pete, or even ruin him deliriously, for that hot and sweaty performance. He wanted Pete all for himself at times like this.
Kinn- “Uhh..Vegas..?”
Vegas- “What is it Kinn?!”
Vegas talked in a stern and serious tone, the green eyed monster taking an effect on everyone around him. Kinn and Porsche already got their answers from Vegas’ reaction.
They knew Vegas was a bit possessive when it came to Pete. He loved him deeply, he was too scared to lose someone so important to him. His past lover did so, and left Vegas alone till he met Pete, who made his life liveable. No one talks about Vegas’ past lover, they have nothing to do with his or anyone else’s mind anymore. Both Kinn and Porsche knew Vegas was scared he’d lose Pete to one of those fans, which is why he was so protective of him. He didn’t wanna loose the most important person to him. He couldn’t.
Porsche- “Calm down Vegas, what’s wrong?”
Vegas- “Nothing is wrong Porsche”
Kinn- “There is Vegas, just tell us”
Vegas- “I’ll tell him instead”
Vegas pointed at Pete who was now going off stage. Little did Vegas know, Pete knew just how he was. He knew Vegas would be struggling with his jealousy.
Vegas scratched the back of his nape, standing up from his seat. He walked down heaps of stairs making his way towards Pete, who seemed to be making twists and turns around there corridors. It seemed he was trying to run away from Vegas’s might
Pete seemed to know what was coming, and what’s the harm of a good ol’ chase hmm?
Vegas- “Pete. I see you”
Pete heard Vegas’ voice as he seemed to get closer, as he was swerving past many people just to get by. Vegas was so close to pulling him into his embrace. Just when too many people got in the way, causing him too lose Pete in the crowd of make-up artists.
They were opposite of each other, looking at one another from the sides of the crowd. Pete smirked at Vegas, sticking his tongue out.
Pete- “Come get me then”
Pete replied back to his words in a louder tone, as Vegas laughed softly, pulling out one of his signature smirks.
Vegas- “Just you wait babyboy, daddy’s coming..”
Pete started running away, escaping the crowd and Vegas too, well..as it seemed to be. As Pete turned the corner, he was met with a tall, well-built chest, shirt unbuttoned a little. He knew what he collided with instantly.
Vegas- “Seems you came to me instead baby..”
Pete- “Im getting changed, wait”
Pete tried to escape, but Vegas pulled him back towards him, now both of their chest colliding. Vegas looked down at Pete’s ripped shirt, and smirked once more
Vegas- “You won’t be getting changed anymore love”
Pete- “Im sweaty hun, i need to change”
Vegas- “Don’t make excuses to run away from me. You know what you were doing on that stage”
Pete- “What was i doing?”
Pete asked so innocently, it made Vegas wanna pin him to the wall and explain it through actions. Vegas kept his cool, looking at Pete with the same smirk as always.
Vegas- “I don’t care what you were doing anymore. Just know that.. i will consume you.”
Vegas stepped closer to Pete, making their thighs touch. Pete gulped hard, looking at Vegas with playfulness but a bit of worry for his sanity.
Pete- “Im never listening to Porsche’s ideas ever again..”
Vegas- “What was that love?”
Pete- “Nothing”
Seems like Porsche decided to pickpocket an idea from his mind and innocently hand it over to Pete.
Vegas- “Are you ready?”
Pete- “For what?”
Pete looked at him all confused, like he didn’t hear Vegas’ words from before.
Vegas- “You’re in for a treat babyboy, come with me”
Pete- “But i’m not ready to leave-“
Vegas- “Ah ah ah..”
Vegas put his finger on Pete’s lips, settling him down and keeping him quiet
Vegas- “You caused this, so you’ll fix it for me right?”
He asked, looking down at the bulge in his trousers, Pete followed his eyes looking down as well. His eyes widened slightly, as he then stood back.
Pete- “No!”
Pete declined instantly, his face delicately flushed with flowery pink. His sweet vanilla aroma flourishing their close proximity. His shirt ripped in half still, his abs dripping in deep but salty looking sweat, making Vegas bite his lips to control the urge to lick it all off.
Vegas- “You’re coming with me”
And with that, Pete was dragged through back stage, apologising to anyone he runs into by accident. His hand was held tight, locked with super glue as Vegas’ horny and jealous mood was really showing. Pete wanted to laugh so hard, but he knew it wouldn’t end how he wanted to if he did that.
Pete- “Vegas calm down”
Vegas- “How about no?”
He replied in a strict and monotone voice, making Pete chuckle softly. Vegas heard him and looked at him for a second
Vegas- “What are you laughing at hun?”
Pete- “Nothing”
Pete tried to hold in his laughter, but couldn’t. Looking at Pete laugh, his cute and beautiful smile as his teeth showed. Pete looked like a little bunny, and that thought made Vegas smile himself. He’d kill to see his smile all day, his happy and sweet boy.
And although Vegas was getting manipulated by Pete’s smile, he continued to take his little rascal to their car. He threw him in the backseat, crawling on top of him immediately. No time was to be wasted.
Pete- “Vegas? Are you sure you want to do this here?”
Pete asked a little nervous, though he wanted Vegas to wreck him badly, take away his sanity as he begs for mercy underneath him. All that was getting him riled up, his trousers feeling tighter against his skin.
Vegas started playing with his ripped shirt, unbuttoning the leftover buttons slowly just to tease Pete.
Vegas- “I’ll do you whenever i please baby”
Pete- “Thats not how it works love”
Pete laughed softly, making Vegas’ eyebrows raise at his confidence.
Vegas- “I don’t need to question you about it, i know you’d agree straight away”
That made Pete gulp hard, pulling Vegas close to him. Pete made the first move, shoving his lips onto Vegas’, moving passionately and harshly against his lips. Pete’s lips were plump and sweet, as Vegas’ honey lips tried its hardest to devour every inch of them.
Vegas- “Fuck-the things you make me wanna do..”
Vegas muttered under his breath, his tone being as deep as ever, his signature smirk plastered across his face. Pete’s lips curved into a smile, getting pulled closer by Vegas. Their chests collided straight away, as Vegas looked around the car. He was searching for something, as Pete stayed still, laying down like a good boy.
Vegas- “Oh fucking hell..there’s none in the car..we have to go home..get in the front seat”
Pete did as he was told, quickly getting up and climbing into the front seat, Vegas hastily getting into the one next to him and revving up the engine.
Time Skip-
Vegas grabbed a condom, opening the packet as Pete did the honours of undoing his belt and trousers. They quickly undressed, excited for what’s to come, both falling on the bed.
Vegas- “Your body is beautiful baby..no wonder they all want it”
Vegas curses at himself for basically allowing those fans to admire his boy. He loved Pete’s curves, how smooth and warm they felt in his palms.
Pete- “But only one person can have it”
Vegas suddenly smirked, looking at him with interest again. His fingers twirled around in his soft and silky hair, he other free hand stroking his already hard cock
Vegas- “And who’s that?”
Pete- “Vegas Theerapanyakul”
Vegas- “You tease”
Vegas replied with his eyebrows raised, as Pete suddenly flipped him over, climbing onto his crotch and settling on top of his hard cock. Vegas looked at his boy seductively, his hands caressing his waist. Vegas bucked his hips and pushed upwards just to play with Pete, who groaned softly at the hard hit.
Pete- “Stop that Vegas”
Pete looked at his seriously but playfully, as Vegas laughed in a deep tone.
Vegas- “Why? Aren’t these games fun to you?”
Vegas pushed upwards again, Pete bouncing slightly as his groans became louder. Vegas continued to do his sinful actions, making Pete impatient.
Pete stopped him in his tracks, holding his shoulders down to the bed
Pete- “I said stop Vegas”
He said with a slight chuckle, as he grabbed Vegas’ cock, and shoved it up himself, making himself moan loudly. Vegas stared at him in shock, mouth open in the shape of an ‘O’.
Though Pete was struggling to help himself, Vegas was still stuck in the middle. Either to watch Pete enjoy his own cock, or to pound into him like a wild beast. Vegas loved his naughty boy when he wanted him so badly.
Vegas- “You’re one of a kind love, i’ve never seen anything like it..”
Pete- “You couldn’t seen anything like it before, i was the first one to offer you an ass”
Pete talks in a flirtatious tone, his fingers grazing Vegas’ chin sedulously. Vegas’ eyes fixated on Pete, unable to break their eye-contact.
Vegas- “But..you came to me first, it’s not my fault you couldn’t wait for it”
Vegas fights back with a credulous tone, his eyebrows raised slightly as he thrusts his hips up. Pete moaned softly at the short pleasure he experienced. But that was just the start of the ride.
Pete- “Don’t you mean, you couldn’t wait for it?”
Vegas- “Wait for what?”
Pete- “Me”
Vegas- “You’re such a fuckboy”
Pete- “What a nickname…”
Pete smirked as he started to bounce on Vegas’ crotch, his cock going in and out of his ass. His prostate was taking all that pain and pleasure, well..moreover that pain which he called pleasure. Pete began to moan louder and louder, taking Vegas’ hard length well, like he always does.
Vegas started to help him, the hot pleasure becoming overwhelming already. Their bodies started to become sweaty and warm, the sound of their skin slapping against each other mixed with their loud moans and graphic actions were so entertaining to watch and hear.
Vegas- “Fuck babe, c’mon, faster for me”
Pete bounced faster and harder, getting tired from the quick pace but not of the undeniable and sensual satisfaction of Vegas’ cock smashing into him.
Vegas- “You know how to do me babe. Be a slut and work for what you want”
Pete was obsessed with Vegas’ dirty sex talk, as it was such a bliss he enjoyed. He loved hearing it loud and clear, complying to whatever he says. He knew he was a slut for Vegas, one which he himself liked the taste of.
Pete- “Augh..~ I..It’s so good, more, more love”
Vegas continuously thrusted into Pete, hearing his heavenly moans in his ear was just what he desired. Vegas’ lips were all over Pete’s neck, tasting and devouring every inch he could get. Pete deliriously bounced upon him, unable to stop himself from letting out his moans.
Pete- “Im..i’m close Vegas, please!”
Vegas didn’t stop, suiting his boyfriend’s needs just how he liked it. Vegas recklessly thrusted into Pete, taking his time to view how much he appreciated his boy. Pete opened his eyes for the first time, looking at Vegas with content and love. They kissed a little as they both came upon each other.
It wasn’t just lust between the two of them, it was infatuation and deep affection. Both Vegas and Pete shard that tender intimacy which couldn’t be compared to. They were the most important person in each other’s lives.
As they both finished off with the night, the clock turning around to 4am, they laid in each other’s embrace, unable to escape from the warmth of the night. Pete faced the window, looked beyond at the city, as Vegas put his arms around his bare waist, keeping him close.
Vegas- “You ok love?”
Pete- “Except for my legs being in pain, my ass feeling numb and my abdomen wanting to kill itself, i’m doing just fine”
Pete talked in a sarcastic tone, serious but also joking. He was in a lot of pain though.
Vegas- “I’ll give you a nice massage and bath tomorrow ok?”
Pete- “Hmm, thank you. I love you Vegas baby”
Vegas- “I love you more my fuckboy”
Pete- “Why am i a fuckboy?”
Vegas- “You love being fucked-”
Pete- “Shut up and sleep”
Vegas laughed softly as Pete rolled his eyes, being sassy. They both closed their eyes, sleeping the night away in each other's dreams.
Thank you so much for reading my fanfiction! I’ll be back soon with another story for you to enjoy.
Requests are open! (BL’s are preferred for character development)
P.S- Thank you so much for all the support on my FF’s, i’ll continue to make many more!
See you soon my lovelies <88
#vegaspete fic#vegaspete#kinnporche the series#lgbtq#gay romance#vegas x pete#bl smut#pete saengtham#vegas theerapanyakul
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Vegas and Pete FF- KinnPorche The Series (BL)

Let me tell you something real quick, this couple won my heart once i watched the series. Their partnership was incredible and i recommend watching it (sexual content warning, maybe not the first bl you should watch but amazing nonetheless)
It’s my first work on Alpha and Omega stories, so i’m sorry if there is any mistakes, but have fun my lovelies!
Disclaimer: I mean no disrespect to actual actors, this is pure fantasy for the series characters 🤍
Let me know if you can see the signature line~ 😏
Italics are thoughts
What does an omega do when he’s in heat, but attending an important meeting with his alpha who is the CEO?
Well, Pete is an omega and his alpha is Vegas.
Vegas is serious, talented, smug, and always gets his way. Very handsome, with a muscular and toned body
Pete is a caring, introverted sweetheart. Seems weak, but is actually so skilful, strong and athletic
People were head over heels for that type. When it comes to Pete and Vegas, you’d think people will be awed and obsessed with such a physic and man like Vegas, but no no no. It was true that many were interested in Pete.
His quiet and blunt soul was one which caught many eyes, him being an omega was just a treat in addition to all of that goodness.
Vegas was not happy about that at all, i mean.. who would want many guys and girls falling over their lover? No one. Vegas wasn’t into sharing either, never was, and never will.
The omega was all his, belonged to him, devoted to him. Even if they’ve only been dating for a couple of months, his handsome alpha knew he was the one. The one he loved, was whipped for, and wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Pete felt the exact same, not wanting to end the beautiful love they shared with each other. It was golden, maybe even magical, and truly never-ending.
In the meeting room, Kinn was at one end of the table with Porsche beside him. Arm and Pol sat down on one side with Tankhun on the other side. There was an empty seat next to him which Pete made his way to sit in.
On the way, he saw Kinn’s tail caressing Porsche at the back, making Porsche turn red. Pete laughed quietly to himself, as he sat next to Tankhun, to which, he smiled and bowed to him out of respect.
Vegas was sat at the other end, giving a small smirk to Pete as he sipped on his coffee, his ears looking as fluffy as ever as his tail wagging behind him.
Kinn- “So Vegas..why are we here?”
Vegas- “Right. I wanted to inform you all on my new business plan for the company. As the CEO, and you as my buisness partner, i have to let you know the changes right?”
Kinn- “Right, so, what’s your idea”
Porsche- “It better not be stupid like that time when you were making Arm and Pol dress up like inflatable balloons.”
Vegas- “Actually, that was was Tankhun’s idea”
Tankhun- “Well, jokes on you Porsche, it worked. Entertainment wise, and sales wise”
Arm- “Not gonna lie, it was fun to do”
Pol- “Baby don’t lie, it wasn’t”
Arm- “Only because you tripped and fell down a block of stairs in front of everyone”
Porsche- “Wait?! You fell?!”
Arm- “Yeah! He did, Pete has the video”
Porsche- “No way..! Pete you better send me that!”
Arm and Porsche burst out laughing, Tankhun laughing too. Pol crossed his arms over his chest, giving Arm an annoyed look. Pete brought out his phone, showing them all the video as he laughed happily with them, Pol sulking a little, but couldn’t stop himself from laughing too.
Vegas couldn’t help but laugh too, as his omega sat there, turning a little red. He suddenly was feeling uncomforted for some reason, his body rising up in heat.
Pete smiled it off though, trying not to make it obvious that he wasn’t feeling his best.
Vegas- “Ok ok, enough of that, let me show you all my plan then.”
Pete changed his focus to Vegas, his body playing with itself and the heat. He didn’t know what it was, it just wasn’t normal.
Vegas had eyes of a hawk, he easily could tell something was off about his omega. He didn’t look this red when he entered, that’s because he always looked at the little things when it came to Pete. Vegas loved every part of him.
Vegas- “Ok, so, to get business booming, i think we should focus on celebrities, maybe them becoming a partner in our company.”
Pete- “Hold up.”
Everyone took an eye on Pete, who was still a bit red, but looked up a Vegas
Arm- “What’s up Pete?”
Pete- “May I add something Vegas?”
Vegas- “It’s Mr Theerapanyakul to you”
Vegas gave his signature smirk, as Kinn scoffed a little with Porsche.
Porsche- “God you’re so extra Vegas”
Vegas- “Shush, let me hear you Pete”
Everyone shushed up at Vegas’ request as Pete stood up from his chair.
Pete- “Vegas, let me add something”
Vegas- “Call me Mr Theerapanyakul Pete.”
Vegas’ tail swished side to side, as Pete grinned. Pete decided to walk up to where Vegas was. He physically pulled him by the arm, making him sit down in his own chair next to Tankhun. The rest of them laughed softly, as Pete controlled his alpha, something which wasn’t so common.
Tankhun- “Well done my Pete”
Pol- “It’s the fact that Vegas wouldn’t let anyone else do this”
They all laughed at that, even Vegas himself as he looked at Pete with playful eyes, his smirk sprouting again.
Pete- “Let me bring an idea to the table”
Kinn- “Show us what you got then.”
Pete stood infront of the table, bringing some of his files with him.
Pete- “Alright, so Kinn, i think instead of celebrities, influencers would be a better choice.”
Kinn raised his eyebrows, Porsche giving Pete a smile of admiration. Pete was an intelligent man for his kind. As an omega, he has wits and a smart brain, some others were a bit brainless and clumsy, aka Porsche.
Pete- “The reason for this is because influencers have many followers, with many viewers. They upload daily, with many taking an interest in what they do in their life. Celebrities don’t always have this kind of popularity. If this would be possible, our company should reach out to these influencers, so they could advertise our products we provide, and they could give a good rating to possibly thousands of viewers.”
Tankhun stood up, giving Pete an applaud as he smiled nervously. They all gave an applaud, except for his stubborn alpha, who was looking a little salty, but still giving Pete a smirk
Tankhun- “Awh! Pete, you’re brilliant!”
Kinn- “I must say Pete, you’re more smart than you think”
Porsche- “Mhm, i’m fully in with the idea”
Kinn- “Me too, i agree with it all, i think it’s really good”
Arm- “We both agree as well, what about you Vegas?”
Vegas kept quiet, sipping on some coffee as he looked at Pete. His omega leaned over the table, looking at Vegas directly in the eyes, his ears kept high as always.
Pete- “How was it Mr Theerapanyakul?”
Vegas- “Ok ok, it wasn’t bad. I agree with it”
Pete grinned as he looked at Vegas, becoming a little more red as he sat in his normal seat, Vegas going back to his own.
Tankhun- “Wow Pete, you should come up with the business ideas more often”
Pete- “Haha, thank you Tankhun”
Vegas- “Yeah yeah, alright, let’s go over the people we already have now”
As Vegas, Kinn, Porsche and Tankhun went over some files, Arm and Pol talking amongst themselves, Pete was sitting down quietly. He felt some heat pulse through him, so much to a point it hurt. His abdomen hurt really badly after some time, making him breath heavily and turn red.
He held into his stomach a little with his hand, feeling like his gonna burst with pain. Tankhun was the first to notice and put his hand on Pete’s shoulder for support.
Tankhun- “Are you alright Pete?”
Pete- “Oh, i’m alright don’t worry”
The omega smiled the pain away, but as everyone continued to talk and as his alpha, Vegas instantly knew something was wrong. His senses kicked in and it was very strong, something he couldn’t ignore. He sniffed a little, and was instantly caught in a sweet scent.. like Pete?
Pete was breathing heavily, his heart palpitating. He tried to hide it as much as possible, by re-reading files over and over again, hoping Tankhun wouldn’t see and question him again.
Vegas continued to sniff around, the sweet scent getting better and better, to a point it’s intoxicating.
Kinn- “You alright Vegas? Why are you sniffing nothing?”
Vegas- “I’m not sniffing nothing you idiot. Don’t you smell that?”
Kinn, Porsche and Tankhun started smelling the air a little, shaking their heads, pretty puzzled.
Porsche- “There’s nothing”
Tankhun- “Yeah, what are you smelling Vegas?”
Vegas stayed quiet, the sweet smell of what was the exact same as Pete getting stronger, making him desire something. He looked over towards Pete, noticing he’s covering up his face a little, but had a gut feeling that it was coming from Pete.
Vegas- No..is Pete in? Heat?! It can’t be..
Arm- “Are you guys done yet?!”
Pol- “What’s the point of us being here if you’re not gonna talk to us?”
Tankhun- “Ai! Shut up Pol, i’m trying to focus”
Arm- “Hey! Leave my baby alone”
Arm put his arms around Pol, holding him sweetly. Pol gave him a weirded out expression, but then smiled warmly at him
Pol- “I’m not your baby Arm”
Arm- “Then what are you? My honeybun?~”
Pol- “If i’m your honeybun, then you’re my cutie pie~”
Arm blushed profoundly as they both sweetly smiled at each other. Tankhun looked at them with disgust
Tankhun- “Ugh, you guys are so in love..”
Pete- “Khun.. Love is a beautiful thing, forever and always devoted to one another”
Arm and Pol nodded appealingly, as Kinn and Porsche’s ears straightened up, meaning he was satisfied. Vegas smirked at Pete’s words, admiring the omega. He was an interesting mixture of things, but all in all, he was perfect.
Tankhun- “As if! I hear Kinn and Porsche moaning at each other all the time.”
Porsche- “Huh?!”
Porches and Pete nearly chocked on the coffee they were drinking. As omega’s, they were beyond shocked at Tankhun’s sudden words. The alpha’s grinned a bit as the rest of them looked at each other, still stunned at Tankhun’s words
Vegas- “What do you mean by that?”
Tankhun- “They’re always complaining at each other.”
Pete- “Oh.. i see..”
Pete and Vegas made suspicious but playful eye contact at one another before giggling softly. They all burst out laughing expect for Tankhun
Tankhun- “Guys? What are you laughing at? Pete?”
He tapped Pete’s shoulder, as Pete attempted to stop laughing.
Pete- “It’s nothing, don’t worry”
The omega let out a soft groan out of pain from his abdomen again. This time the pain worsened. Tankhun put his hand on Pete’s arm out of support. Vegas immediately picked up that sweet scent again, becoming attracted to it once more.
Porsche- “You alright Pete?”
Pete- “I’m ok, don’t worry. I just have a stomach ache”
Porsche- “Are you sure that’s all?”
Vegas- “Mhm, if you’re not well Pete, i can take you home.”
Pete was going to decline, but as the pain deepened in harshness and heaviness, he felt his face go red again, his mind filling with desire. His alpha continued to sniff that sweet smell, which seemed to be coming from Pete.
Vegas- i knew it was heat, oh my baby..you’ll be ok, i promise
Pete- “Actually.. that would be better if that’s ok with you all?”
Kinn- “It’s totally fine Pete, take it easy”
Porsche- “Yeah, let me know when you’re better”
Pete- “Thank you guys”
Vegas stood up from his chair, his tail swishing from side to side as he took his omega’s hand, slowly taking him through the office door and into the hallway, which they walked through to get to their car.
Vegas- “What’s up with you baby?”
Pete- “Nothing, it’s just my abdomen hurts really bad”
Vegas- “Does it?” he’s in heat, his first heat. that’s why he doesn’t know if it is or not. i’ll treat you well Pete, my love
Pete- “Yeah..i feel really hot babe”
Vegas- “Do you want some water?”
Pete- “No..i don’t want water Vegas..”
Vegas stopped for a second, putting one hand around Pete’s waist as he put his hand to his forehead.
Vegas- “Goodness love, you’re sweating”
Pete- “It hurts..”
Pete held his abdomen again, feeling sweat drip down his forehead and hit his nose. He didn’t know what it was. His ears dropped down out of the pain he was in.
Vegas- “Baby, i..i think you’re in your first heat”
Pete- “Huh?”
For a smart omega like Pete, he was a little clueless when in came to things like this. Even Pete thought for a bit and realised it as well.
Pete- “Baby..i-What do i do?”
Vegas- “What do you want baby?”
Pete- “I want..”
Pete looked at Vegas’ red eyes, getting a little heated and giddy on the inside. He desires something, or someone perhaps..
Pete- “You”
Pete looked at him, his frosty eyes deepening in red as his ears were pointed upwards, still. His tail swished excitedly but lustily, hoping Vegas would give him what he wants. He’s always wanted Vegas to pound into him as he curled his fingers around his ears, his tail linked with his as they continuously moan at the deep and pure pleasure.
God those horny thoughts tortured the omega, making him growl, and nearly cum in his boxers. He looked at Vegas with desperation, praying that he’d agree. As an omega, he was a pretty horny one, not like Porsche. He’d always masturbate when he needed too, of course, without his alpha knowing, otherwise he’d get spanked. He shivered a little remembering that. Pete would though imagine his first time with Vegas, and it being the best he’s ever had.
Pete- “P-Please baby?~ Na?”
Vegas was lost for words, Pete’s actions and words just made him wanna melt like ice on fire. But damn was Pete hot when he was all desperate and horny, he’d never seen anything like it, but was gonna make sure that it was always seen. Of course, just for himself, he’s not gonna share such perfection with someone else. God he’d never. Vegas would never get enough of Pete, and especially not this side of him.
Pete- “Can you do it for me na?~”
Vegas- God help me..…
Pete brought his mouth close to Vegas’ ear, making him lean back against the wall. Pete kept his hands on the back of his neck as he whispered in a deep and breathy tone, his hot breath hitting the alpha’s ear.
Pete- “Oh please hun?~ I want you so badly, so badly i’m in pain.~”
Vegas growled at Pete, making him grin in victory. Vegas smirked deafeningly, pulling Pete along with him by his hand. They reached the car, as Vegas threw him inside the front passenger seat. He sat in the drivers seat, going to rev up the engine as he hastily put his seatbelt on
Pete- “What’s the rush babes?~”
Vegas- Damn it Pete, you’ve got to stop before i lose my mind
The omega kept on teasing him, having the most amount of fun while doing so. The man loved making Vegas groan with much heat and desperation inside of him. Though the alpha said nothing, his eyes were turning to a deeper red than before as his ears stood proud on his head, you could tell he was impatient and horny, wanting to do the most to his devilish omega.
Pete put his seatbelt on, as he grinned once more, declaring victory again as his alpha looked at his expression. Vegas just wanted to kiss him so much, make him fall deeper in love with him as he begs for mercy under him as his cock is crashing against his prostate.
The alpha felt pre cum swirl around in his boxers as he felt his legs twitching, his trousers tightening against his skin. Pete kept that innocent tone and expression on his face, driving Vegas absolutely mental.
Pete- “Don’t drive so quick hun, otherwise you won’t make it home, well, we won’t make it home”
Pete giggled a little, keeping that innocence on the prowl, making Vegas groan softly, continuing to drive at a higher speed. Right beside him, was Pete, taking his shirt off, which made Vegas’ eyes widen.
Vegas- “What are you doing Pete?!”
Pete- “I’m hot baby..~”
Vegas- Which hot do you mean? Both seem correct to me, fuck i’m getting hot inside. Pete you have to stop before i lose my shit.
Vegas nodded at him, placing his hand on Pete’s thigh as he took his shirt off, feeling the cool breeze of the ac hit his body, as he sighed, satisfied.
Time skip
(i can’t wait)
The alpha grabbed some handcuffs, and a blindfold, throwing it on the bed as he pushed his omega further back, making him lean on the headboard.
Vegas- “Choose a safe word baby”
Pete- “Umm.. Green”
Vegas- “Lovely, whenever you wanna stop, just say it to me, and i’ll end it immediately”
Vegas talked in a assured tone, putting his deep needy and horny self to the side for a second. He was so infatuated with Pete, wanting to keep him safe and protected at all costs, never wanting to let him go.
Vegas- “Understood baby?”
Pete- “Mhm, i got it”
Vegas- “Now, i was thinking of taking some chances with you tonight, but only if you’re ok with it”
Pete- “I’m ok with it Vegas”
Pete replied swiftly, making Vegas a little unsure. He didn’t want Pete to regret anything tonight, even if he had a safe word. He wanted to make sure Pete knew what he was getting into
Vegas- “Are you sure baby?”
Pete- “Give me all you got daddy~”
Vegas’ eyes widened, as he growled a bit, his tail caressing Pete’s legs as he stood on his knees in front of him, getting closer and closer. The omega winked at him, his cheeks dusted in a florescent pinkish colour. Vegas gave his signature smirk, grazing his chin with his fingertips, looking at him with love and lustful passion.
Vegas- daddy huh Pete?
Vegas looked at him, keeping that same smirk on his face the whole time.
Vegas- “What did you just call me?”
Pete- “Daddy, why?”
Vegas was surprised at Pete’s confidence, but god he was obsessed already.
Vegas- “If you keep calling me that, i can’t guarantee you can walk tomorrow”
Pete- “I wasn’t expecting to be able to anyways”
Pete already had this all planned in his head, his wet dreams, sinful fantasies and stories were all coming true.
Vegas- “You’re just what i desire, come here hun”
And with that, the alpha pulled Pete close to him, smashing his lips on his, giving force and thrash in the kiss. Though it was intense, it truly showed how much they wanted this, how much they waited for such a moment. Vegas’ hands scrolled down to Pete’s tail, helping them both rock their bodies against each other. Pete moaned in between the harsh kisses they were so devoted too, sending Vegas shivers down his spine. He hadn’t heard anything like it, but god it was gonna be his new obsession
Vegas’ mind was completely full of infinite things and ideas, as he nonstop kissed his lover, shoving his tongue deep within his warm cavern, sending Pete to heaven already. The heat pulsed through their body, as they kept nice and close to each other, basically sharing that burning passion they had alit.
The alpha spreaded out Pete’s legs, after throwing his trousers to the ground. His eyes glistened with that red glow, showing how ready he was to just obliterate his omega with that pleasure he’s been longing for.
Vegas- “Let me put those cuffs on you darling”
Pete raised his hands up in the air, allowing Vegas to cuff them to the headboard, not to tight, enough for them to wiggle around a bit.
Vegas- “That ok?”
Pete- “Mhm, it feels nice, but i wanna touch you”
Vegas- “You will love, i’ll let you in a bit, but for now..”
Vegas pushed him down onto the bed, laying him down as he rested his chin on Pete’s, making them seal eye contact for a couple seconds.
Vegas- “Let me pleasure my sweet and delectable Pete”
Vegas growled a bit, licking his lips as his ears stood proud and ready. Pete chuckled softly at his words, but it was soon silenced as Vegas immediately started sucking his sweet spot
Pete- damn it feels so good
Pete’s eyes were shut, consuming all of the pleasure Vegas was giving him.
Pete- “Love, you’re so quick”
Vegas- “I know you well honey”
Pete- “Maybe a bit too will Vegas~”
Vegas- “I wouldn’t use it to my advantage baby, don’t you worry”
Pete smiled a little, letting out soft moans from Vegas’ touch.
Vegas- “Now, here comes the fun bit”
The alpha brought out his blindfold, brushing it across Pete’s chest, outlining his pecs with the straps of it
Pete- “Are you gonna make me wear it”
Vegas- “You don’t have a choice hun”
Pete groaned a little, laughing softly as Vegas put the blindfold on. All he saw was the darkness, and could only guess where his lover was by his scent, and movements.
Pete sniffed until he could perfectly tell where Vegas was, he had that musky rose scent, one which was flavourful and deeply coated around the man.
Pete- “Come back here baby~ D-Don’t leave me alone..”
Pete was super desperate, the pain inside his abdomen was returning, he needed Vegas to give him his medicine. Not pills, not liquid, but his hard cock deep inside of him
Vegas- “Give me a sec love”
Vegas took his clothes off, a smirk sprouting on his face as he crawled on the bed, pouncing on the man with a growl as he shoved his lips onto his, grabbing his nape as he pulled him closer. Pete was stunned for a second, but immediately gave back into it, the same strength, harshness and intensity, though filled with an immaculate amount of love and passion for each other. It seemed no one would be able to get them off of each other, they were glued together tightly, forever.
Vegas- “You taste like candy baby”
Pete gave a flushed smile, as he continued to kiss his alpha, obsessed with the way he talked, moved and kissed him. Everything about him was addicting, like a full on drug. The best kind.
Vegas- “Let me prep you, otherwise it’ll hurt real bad”
Pete- “How bad?”
Vegas- “Worse than the pain you have right now”
Pete have a cracked smile with a little worry, he was a bit scared that it would hurt. Of course, the omega knew Vegas wouldn’t purposefully hurt him. His alpha could read the anxiousness on his smile, as he held his cheek assuringly and adoringly.
Vegas- “It won’t hurt baby, and if it does, you have a safe word.”
Pete- “It’s ok, i’m fine. I trust you, it’s just i’m scared it’ll hurt nonetheless. I’ve never done this before”
Vegas- “Don’t worry my love, i promised i would always take good care of you, so i won’t break that promise”
Pete gave a warm smile, as he lifted his head up to give him a sweet kiss. Vegas’ red eyes, which seemed to be a bit more calmer than before, stared at the blinded sweetheart.
Vegas- “Sit nicely for me”
Pete sat up properly, his arms wriggling in the handcuffs. His eyes were seeing pitch black, though his nose sniffing Vegas’ scent and his ears stood up tall and proud. Vegas then put two fingers in Pete’s mouth, making him suck on them. His tongue swirled around his fingers, gasping for breath every couple of seconds.
Vegas- “Good boy, just a little more for me”
Pete continued to let his mouth play around, especially his tongue. His saliva covered Vegas’ fingers as he took them out of his mouth. Vegas played around with his cock, stroking it and getting it prepped with that pre-cum. He then stuffed his fingers up Pete’s hole, as Pete himself half screamed
Pete- “Ah!~ Ow-Oh!~”
Vegas continued to finger him, adding not 1, not 2, but 3 of his long fingers, till they hit his prostate, sending him to heaven.
Pete- “Oh god~ That’s so good, fuck!~”
Vegas- “Ready for daddy?”
Pete- “Mmh~ I-I’m ready for daddy”
Vegas- “You sure kitten?”
God Pete nearly growled at that name, though he was a wolf, being called that made him feel some things inside his heart and through heated body like warm blood.
Pete- “Mhm, your kitten is ready”
Vegas- “Good boy, flip over for me”
Pete did as he was told, having a little struggle as he couldn’t see and move his hands properly. He made sure he did it just right for Vegas. He didn’t wanna wait any longer and deal with the pain, which was getting worse.
Pete- “Hurry up baby!”
He complained, making Vegas kiss his cheek, ruffling his soft hair adoringly. The alpha knew his omega was in much pain, he also knew the first heat would be the worse with pain and harm to the body.
Vegas- “I’m here honey, i won’t make you wait for too long.”
Vegas spread out Pete’s legs even further, luckily, he was quite flexible. Who knew it would be so handy when it came to sex?
Vegas aimed his long and hard cock at Pete’s tight looking hole, as he entered him slowly. Pete half-screamed at the pain and suddenness of him entering.
Pete- “Ah~ V-Vegas!”
Vegas entered him halfway, giving him time to adjust to his size. Pete breathed heavily, his heart racing against his chest as he took the pain.
Vegas- “You ok baby?”
Pete- “Mmh~ Y-Yeah..Can you move now?”
Vegas nodded, kissing his cheek as he thrusted inside of Pete, careful to go slowly so his omega doesn’t feel much pain. His tail encircled Pete’s foot, his ears low as the pleasure got to him quick. He continued thrusting into Pete, hearing the heavenly moans coming from his mouth. Pete rustled in his handcuffs, only seeing darkness but knowing Vegas was behind it, enjoying it as much as him.
Pete- “Uh~ Fuck Vegas!~ M-More honey~”
Vegas- “Can you take it kitten?”
Pete- “Yeah~ I can take it all my alpha”
Vegas smirked a little, excited to play around with Pete’s desires and fantasies. He bend down towards his lips, sucking on his bottom lip as he pounded into him. Pete was obsessed by now, his moans getting louder and louder, truly showing how much he loved this.
Vegas- “Good Pete?”
Pete- “Mhm~ So good~”
Vegas kept on pleasuring his omega, feeling the warmth of him get better and better as he continued to pound against his prostate. Their moans, sounds of their skin slapping against each other filled the room with fire-like heat. But damn it was one that they never wanted to put out.
Pete- “Please Vegas..let me see you”
Without hesitating, Vegas took off the blindfold, revealing Pete’s twinkling eyes, little tears streaming down on his cheeks. Vegas melted a little on the inside as he kissed those tears away. He’s never want to experience Pete in tears, it would hurt his fragile heart too much.
Pete- “I..I~ I’m c-close honey..~”
Vegas- “Cum for me baby, i’m here”
Vegas caressed his cheek, kissing his soft lips as Pete came all over his abs. He groaned at the smoothing and soothing pleasure coming to him as he filled Pete with his cum. Pete felt comforted at Vegas’ words of affection, knowing Vegas was here for him made him feel so cared for.
Pete- “Mh..that was so good honey”
Pete laid down on the bed, as Vegas took his handcuffs off. Vegas sat opposite of him, their heads close to each other.
Vegas- “Do you know how sexy you are?”
Pete- “Sexy enough for you”
Vegas- “You’re such a tease, who knew you’d be this good in bed huh?”
Vegas gave his signature smirk, caressing his cheek as he laid a kiss on his lips.
Vegas- “Sleep honey, you must be tired”
Pete- “Mhm, my legs are about to fall off”
Vegas- “You’re welcome Pete”
Pete rolled his eyes, though entertained. He rested in Vegas’ embrace, feeling the love taking over the lust that was once in the room. The devotion they had for each other, the passion and admiration was limitless. It’s something that couldn’t be compared too.
Later that night..
Pete- “Vegas..”
Vegas groaned a little as he heard Pete, he stretched slightly, talking in a groggy and tired voice.
Vegas- “What happened love..?”
Pete- “I’m hurting again..”
Vegas- “Need me again?”
Pete- “I know it’s the third time tonight..but..”
Vegas- “I don’t care how many time we do it, as long as you’re well and satisfied, i’m happy”
Pete- “Awh..i love you..”
Pete caressed his cheek, kissing his sweet lips softly.
Vegas- “I love you too Pete~”
Pete- “So..can we..”
Vegas- “Get on my lap and ride the shit out of me babyboy”
Pete widened his eyes a little and the sudden switch up of Vegas. There was two sides of him, one which he loved and one which he desired
Pete climbed onto his lap, Vegas’ hands gripping his waist tightly as they kissed each other’s plump and sweet lips, their bodies against each other and their tongues dancing the night away..
Gosh, a whirlwind, i hope Pete survived that night..
Thank you for reading! Hopefully i’ll be back soon to be able to supply you with many fanfics! <8
P.S- Feel free to request anything you’d like. I do SMUT and FLUFF. BL’s would be preferred though as i’ve watched many, so i’d be able to work on character depth and development better! :D
Thank you once more my lovelies~
#kinnporche the series#vegaspete#yaoi#kinnporsche#armpol#gay romance#lgbtq#smut#bl smut#vegas x pete#vegaspete fanfiction#vegaspete fic#alpha omega
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Scaramouche X Y/n (Gender Neutral) FF-

Scara and Y/n were going on a date today and they couldn’t be more excited. They missed each others presence because of how much work they have to do with each other. Even if they couldn’t be in the same room day and night, their love for each other was indescribably perfect and both were so intimately devoted to one another.
Scara was already ready for their date, and was now waiting for Y/n to get ready. He was wearing a clean, black suit, including a belt which went around his waist and wore clear glasses for the special occasion.
Y/n- “I’ll get ready now Scara, wait for me.”
Scara nodded happily, and was very excited to see what Y/n would be wearing.
After some time, Y/n walked out in their outfit. It was classy, chic and so in style with today’s vibe. Scara couldn’t take his eyes off of Y/n. His gaze followed their every move and every feature.
Scara’s glistening eyes moved from Y/n’s black locks, to their eyes, shining from the light above, to Y/n’s glossy and perfectly plump lips. Scara’s eyes moved further down to Y/n’s body, which suited the outfit they were wearing. His eyes followed every action as Y/n adjusted their jacket, ruffling up their hair and checking themselves out in the mirror.
God how perfect Y/n looked, everything they did was so indescribably good. Y/n was elegantly flawless, as always. Scara couldn’t explain, or even talk. He was lost for words at how Y/n looked.
His love for Y/n boosted up by so much, so much, that his love was infinite. Too bad Y/n was no one else’s but Scaramouche’s. He wasn’t into sharing, he never was and never will be, especially when it comes to Y/n.
Y/n- “How’s this?”
Scara- “You look beautiful my love..~”
Scaramouche gave a little smirk as he got up from the bed and caressed Y/n’s waist.
Scara- “Can we not go outside..?”
Y/n- “Why?”
Scara- “Are you kidding me? I can’t let anyone see you like this?!”
Y/n rolled their eyes and smiled a bit as Scara chuckled a bit at Y/n’s reaction
Y/n- “You’re so childish Scara!”
Y/n playfully hit his shoulder as they both broke into laughter.
Scara- “But no seriously..we shouldn’t when you look like this..”
Y/n faked an annoyed look and crossed their arms a little. They leaned back on the wall, and stared at Scara.
Y/n- “What’s that meant to mean?”
Scara immediately took Y/n into his arms, comfortably and patted their back.
Scara- “Not in that way darling..i mean you look too good to go out..i don’t want others to see you like this”
Y/n- “You’re so jealous Scara!”
Scara- “For you..yes i am.”
Y/n gave a surprised look to Scara, and nodded their head.
Y/n- “Im surprised you confessed it so quick..”
Scara- “Why wouldn’t it?”
Y/n- “Im not sure..maybe because you’re always so nervous.”
Scara- “Im never nervous..i’m a free guy!”
Y/n- “Huh?”
Y/n broke into laughter and Scara laughed with them. They both walked back into their bedroom and Scara sat back down on the bed. He pulled Y/n onto his lap, and smirked a little. He wrapped his arms around their waist as Y/n blushed a little.
Scara- “So..do you want still want to go outside?”
Y/n- “Actually..i think i have a better idea..”
Y/n got off of his lap and kneeled to the floor, facing him. Y/n placed their hands on his thighs, squeezing it slightly. Scaramouche smirked once more, and was quite skeptical at what Y/n was up to.
Scara- “What are you up too love?”
Y/n- “Nothing Scara..”
And with that, Y/n slowly unbuckled his belt, making his lean back a little. It was unexpected, but he didn’t hate it. In fact..he absolutely loved it. He loved the excitement and intimacy they were sharing at this moment. Y/n thought the same, they adored with Scara’s pleased but wondering reaction.
Y/n- “I think you’ll like it better than any dinner..”
Scara- “Will i now?”
Y/n- “Of course you will..”
Scara loved how daring Y/n was being. He had never witnessed such a sight, but boy was he obsessed with it now. Scara was sure he would be for a very long time anyways. Y/n pulled his trousers down, after unzipping it. Y/n leaned closer and sat up a bit, while their hands were trailing to his crotch.
Y/n sealed their lips together, taking them both into a loving and passionate kiss. Little did Scara know, Y/n’s hands were now dragging towards his clothed cock. Y/n touched it slightly, as Scara made a little noise from the suddenness. Y/n touched it even more, grazing their finger up and down it.
Scara broke the kiss, looking into Y/n’s heavenly eyes, which were still glistening from earlier.
Scara- “So this was your plan?”
Y/n- “Why? Don’t you want it?”
Scara- “No..i do want it, no actually..i need it Y/n~”
He said it in such a deep and seductive voice in Y/n’s ear, that it sent shivers down their spine. Y/n pulled his boxers down, leaving it hanging by his knees. His hard and erect length sprung out, creating a big grin on Scara’s face. He thought that Y/n was so nervous, but he was so wrong because Y/n leaned down and took his cock into their mouth, simply warming it.
Y/n took half of it in, and closed their eyes to take the rest of it. It hit the back of their throat as they slightly chocked on it. Scara closed his eyes as well, the pleasure got to him quick, as he groaned in a low tone. Y/n bobbed their head up and down, sucking his cock and licking all the pre-cum off of it.
Scaramouche leaned his head back and moaned loudly, the pleasure and pressure was almost to much to handle. How perfect Y/n was at this, who knew?
Scara- “Fuck Y/n..that’s so good~”
Y/n hummed at his gratified words, vibrating his cock, which made it even better. Y/n was delighted that Scara was so infatuated with the feeling. Scara was so overwhelmed, he didn’t even realise he was already thrusting inside Y/n’s mouth, making them choke even more.
Y/n- “A-ah fuck!”
Scara- “Take my cock like how you wanted it earlier darling.”
Y/n had no words but they wanted to pleasure Scara so much. Y/n swallowed his hard cock whole once more, as he thrusted inside of Y/n’s mouth, grabbing onto their hair to support.
Scara pulled their hair a bit because of all of the uproar going down below in between his muscular thighs. He seemed to never skip leg day when it came to it.
Scara- “C’mon baby..show me how it’s done- Oh..oh my~ oh my fucking god~”
Y/n certainly hit his sweet spot, squeezing his balls to add that extra pleasure within the whole thing. Scara clearly couldn’t hold it in anymore, and neither his moans.
Scara- “B-baby..i-i’m close.”
Y/n took those words seriously, sucking it harder, making him go absolutely crazy. The pure sensations were unimaginably perfect and Scaramouche felt so loved. He suddenly came in Y/n’s mouth as they licked his cock clean, tasting the salty liquid which spilled out.
Scara- “Shit baby..that was so good..i can’t believe how good you are”
Y/n chuckled a bit as they pulled this trousers back up for him. Y/n gave a small peck on his lips and left the room without saying a word, just to annoy him a little.
Scara- “Wow..so you’re not gonna say anything?!”
Scara giggled a bit and ran after Y/n who was also running away from him. The love they shared was following them, it was in the air and all they could inhale.
Author’s Note- Woah, what a rollercoaster of emotions for Scaramouche..and for you too i bet.
Feel free to request any fanfics you’d like to read, and i’ll try my best to write for you.
I also like writing for BL’s as seen through my previous posts so feel free to request any more series you’d like to see in a story
I hope you enjoyed, see you next time my lovelies~
#scaramouche#genshin impact#genshin smut#scara x reader#scaramouche fanfic#scaramouche smut#genshin impact smut
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