#sandy rotg x reader
zafirosreverie · 2 years
The night I met you (Sandy x Reader)
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a/n: I have no idea where I’m going with this, but, enjoy, I guess
He smiled as he waved goodbye to one of Toothiana's little fairies, following the little colorful speck with his eyes until it was lost in the night sky. It wasn't uncommon for him to run into some fairies while delivering dreams, of all the guardians, he and Tooth were the closest. He appreciated that, it made him feel less alone.
Not that he complained, he had a good life here on earth. He liked to give children dreams, protect them, and watch over them, it was a noble purpose and he adored it. But there were nights when the children's wishes became too loud, awakening in him an ancient longing, from a past life.
He knew that he would never pilot a star again, that he would never again see space, the constellations, or his pilot brothers, and that he was trapped here until his light was extinguished. And he was fine with that, he...he swore he was.
Until the emptiness in his chest got too big and then he would have to admit that maybe he wasn't quite right. He would never give up his job as the Sandman, but he did wish he wasn’t so alone.
His fellow guardians were all friendly and just as proud of their jobs as he was, but they were always busy and he never seemed to get to see them unless there was an emergency threatening the children, and he knew those times weren't the best for a kind conversation.
The moon was good company on his darkest nights, he could always feel Manny's comforting presence wherever he went, but the Lunar Tzar was quiet, preferring to watch than talk, and although Sandy appreciated the company of the moonlight, it was not the same.
A tug on his left hand snapped him out of his thoughts, reminding him that his work wasn't done yet. The man frowned slightly as he felt a particularly faint thread of dreams. Someone was not in bed.
He rolled his eyes affectionately and directed his cloud toward the city, following the thinning thread of his dreamsand. It wasn't unusual for a child to stay up late, either out of rebellion or distraction, but it was nothing he couldn't fix.
However, there was a strange feeling in his chest as he approached one particular window. It felt like…like something else was pulling at him, not just his sand. For a moment, his heart skipped a beat, wondering if he wasn't walking into some trap. No one had seen Pitch in ages, but that didn't mean they should let their guard down.
The golden guardian stopped a few feet from the window as the sensation grew more intense. He didn't even have time to react when the thread of sand that led him there suddenly increased its size. The dreamsand flowed freely like a waterfall, strong and imposing, and Sandy didn't know what was happening. He hadn't done that.
Reassured that he couldn't be Pitch, since the sand was still golden and shiny, the little man poked his head out the window curiously. The room he saw was normal, with cute decorations, drawings on the walls, toys piled up in the corner, and a small table with crayons left carelessly on it. An ordinary children's room.
He carefully opened the window and slipped inside, feeling even more confused. There was nothing there that apparently had the power to control his sand without his consent. Sandy floated over to your bed, smiling at seeing you so soundly asleep. You looked happy, peaceful, and relaxed, even though the dream above your head didn't really have a fixed shape.
That caught his attention. Usually, he would be able to understand what children's dreams meant, he had created them after all, but…you didn't seem to be dreaming anything in particular. Carefully, he brushed his fingers across the swirling sand above you, trying to help you form a concrete image.
But as soon as the hints of a horse began to form, the dream changed again, this time to a dolphin, then a stingray, an elephant, and finally an owl, before returning to just a tangle of sand. Funny, he hadn't done that either.
Not being able to understand why his sand was behaving so strangely, Sandy lowered her gaze back to your face, you were still calm and sound asleep. However, it was your hands that amazed him.
Your fingers moved almost of their own volition, despite being asleep, and his golden sand moved between them. The older guard froze as the feeling in his chest came back stronger and then he understood. It was you who had been changing the dreams, calling the dreamsand.
You were controlling it.
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
Could we have a tooth fairy Easter bunny Jack frost and platonic north and sandy with a reader that represents Halloween(reader looks like a mix between a crow and scarecrow) that's scared that there holiday is on the decline and has become a little depressed because of it. Thank and love your stuff ::::)
Guardians《seperate》 x Halloween guardian reader who's holiday is being forgotten
Guys in back,again(probally gonna disappear again lol)
In fr trying to catch up this time.
Anyways I ty for the request!:3
Angst,fluff,hurt with comfort,readers sad :(
has not been proofread, A/N at the end
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Tooth fairy
Its early October,you know what that means, its Halloween time
The time where the vail between the spiritual world and the living is the thinnest
You and tooth usually celebrate together,she does get more work during hallowing because of all the candy but she spends the most of her time with you
She helps you hang up the decorations and spread the Halloween feels
However you havnt done that yet,not only that but you dont have that much time left you only have a month
Once tooth realizes that somethings wrong she'll immidatly do ask the other guardians if they had seen you or if they had heard something from you,the results all come back the same,you were seemingly no where
She decided to check the globe,that could have a clue right?
That's when she noticed there were many less lights then usual,and that when it started to line up..
People were forgetting about you.
The last time you had spoke before going radio silent you had mentioned that it wasnt even October and people were advertising Christmas things
She had realised that you had probally hid yourself away becuase of this
When she does eventually find you shes understandable very worried for you.
After she gets a thorough explanation she'll waste no time in helping you with preparations
However first off,she has to get you in the Halloween mood,as your current one is rather sour,and we cant have that!
She cheers you up by bringing you around and showing you places that are getting ready for Halloween
She brings you to see a small shop that has cobwebs,spiders,skeletons,ghosts the whole lot,she smiles as she sees a small one form on your lips
She then brings you to stores as parents and kids are choosing out pumpkins,baskets,sweets and costumes
When a smile finally Grace's your lips she hugs you tightly and tugs with her to get more decorations up and around
She understands what it feels like to be forgotten and she dosnt want that to happen to you
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Bunnymund/Easter bunny
Hes used to people neglecting his holidays for others
But hes surprised when there seems to be lesser lights on the globe
Things line up really quickly in his head as the cogs start working
He dosnt waste a second,immediately searching for you in fear you've disappeared
Once he finds you he tries to calm you down reassuring you that aslong as hes there he wont let you disappear
He even decorates Easter island with some Halloween decorations
He gives you Halloween styled eggs as a way to cheer you up
He will decorate pumpkins with you aswell
since halloween takes place in fall he might take you to forests where the leaves have turned orange and are starting to fall
he will help you decorate places and even though hes not the biggest sweet tooth,with a big oof bribery im sure he'll try a sweet oor two
he'll constantly be there and comforting you
easter isnt all ways widley celebrated so hes probally had a fear of fading aswell
he wont ever say it but due to the fact that your holidays is overlooked in favour for christmas,he holds a small grudge
he knows its not norths fault but hes just salty
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Jack frost
Honestly hes kind of tone deaf
hes very happy go lucky and isnt used or very good at adapting to change
id like to think that he was quite close to you even before becoming a guardian,because halloween is in the colder months of the year
it might take another guardian to point out your abscents or off behaviour
however just because hes abit tone deaf dosnt mean hes not smart
once its been pointed out to him hes going on a man hunt for you
altough he wasnt in an entirely similar situation,he still knows what its like to feel isolated,scared and alone,and as his S/o he dosnt want yuo feeling the same
once locating you the first thing he'll do is make sure your not fading away
if you are then he will moost likely panic
he will eventually calm himself down,realising that panicing wont help it at all
his first priorety is to make sure that your ok
mentally and physically
afterwards he takes you to do things to take it off your mind
some of his favorite things to do are skating and carving pumpkins,if your not good at either he'll help you
he loves decorating everywhere with fun decorations
his favorite halloween decore are those door bells that grab youor finger or smth(i hate those things with a passion,so i can imagine him loving them)
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north/santa claus
if anyones going to find out the fastest,itts north
he has to keep a keen eye on the months and probally realise that its your holliday
his first reaction is to celebrate your holiday with you,he feels alot like a father figure to you and as such he feels he needs to celebrate your holiday with you
though the smile on his face dosnt stay long as he finds that many stores,instead of having halloween decoration.have christmas things
thats not right.
at first he thinks it might just be the store,and so he checks others
thats until he becomes aware that its most stores
why are they all decroated with christmas decore,they should be deced out with sceletons and pumpkins
not snowmen and gingerbreadmen
after coming to this realisation he checks the globe before visiting you#
he gets quite anxxious once checking the globe
hes quick to find and omfort you,hes quite furious people are neglecting your holiday for his.christmas is still months away!
after calming you down he will go ALL OUT on halloween decorations,the north pole dosnt even look like what it once was,white robes with dark circles are hanging around the celeing,skeletons have been placed everywhere in different positions,fake spiders and fake spider webs have been thrown enywhere they can.
all the elves and yeti's take a day off,to decorate pumpkins.
he'll probaly also reach out to the other guardians,inviting them all over so you can all celebrate together.<3
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sandy is very intune with the going oon in the world,aswell as being extremly intuitive
hes probally seen this coming though he didnt think itd be to such an extent where it'd cause you distress
after feeling a particullary cold gust of autaum wind its clear something is wrong
after checking the globe it seems that his hypthesis had become reality
he wasnt very surprised since he had a nagging feeling it'd happen,apart of him thinks that he might have just been denieing that you had the possibility to fade,that he was in denial
either way he had to push his own thoughts away as he had more importtant things to do,such as comforting you and restoring your holiday to its former glory,or at least try to.
after locating you hes quick to alert you of his precents though he may not be the best at calming you down since,he cant really speak.
hes most likely to put you to sleep and give you good dreams whilst brainstorming ideas to help your current dilema
once your awake and calm,he'll try his best to relay his ideas and help you
cutting pumpkins is a must
he will try his best to make candy with you
if you ever need some comfort just say the word and hes hugging you and trying his best to comfort you
he makes sure you have good dreams for days
he promises that he'll try his best to help you
he'll be dammed if he ever didnt go through with that promise to you.
the other guardians will most likely notice both of your distress and end up helpping,either that or sandy asks them directly.
hope this is ok,i havnt writeen in a while,btw this was written with a keyboard and i cant be botherd to proof read it rn and just wanted to post it so here you go!,but in all seriosuness i will be working on my other requests,thank you all for being pateint with me<<33
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kur0m1sblog · 2 years
Bubble Baths.
Pitch Black X Fem! Love/Cupid! Guardian! Reader
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SUMMARY: Y/N and Pitch are soulmates, according to Y/N. Since she is after all the guardian of love and beauty, A.K.A Cupid. She knows who’s soulmates and not, they were in her little lair and after having some “fun”, Pitch decides to give her a nice bubble bath and treat her like the beautiful guardian she is. Without knowing, the other guardians went to visit you and instead spied on you and Pitch. Seeing how desperate he is for you and how much he loves and worships you.
WARNINGS: The guardians spying on you and Pitch, implied smut I guess? That’s all I guess! 💋
꘎♡━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ♡꘎
“Uhhh! P-pitch I-I’m gonna!” You cry out loudly as pitch presses soft kisses to you’re cheek.
“Cum for me, sweetheart.” He spoke softly, and that was it for you. That was also the end for Pitch as he started to let out ribbons of his seed into you, moaning your pretty little name.
You and Pitch take a few deep breathes as he pulls out of you, his semen spewing out of your pretty hole. “Oh god Pitch, I love you so much.” You manage to get out as Pitch picks you up over his shoulder, and lays you onto the satin pillows that are still neatly laying against your bed frame. He lays you down, after making sure your comfortable he speaks up.
“You know my beloved?” Pitch starts. “I’m surprised you do. Y’know being the Guardian of Love and Beauty..? And me of course being the boogeyman.” You blink at the words he’s saying, he’s surprised you love him..? You turn your back around to face him on the other side of your bed. “When we first met, goodness I just couldn’t take my eyes off of you..Or bring myself to even lay a finger on you. You were perfect, not just you’re looks or anything, but when we first started to actually know each other. I started longing for you,” He says looking deep into your eyes and suddenly holds your hands in his. “You’re everything I’ve ever dreamed of, but I’m still so shocked that you love me, even when you’re not supposed to. You disobeyed their rules just for me..” He says. “And I will never forgot that my darling, I love you too. Much more than you.” He purrs into your eyes as he sits up then suddenly starts tickling you.
He enjoys hearing you giggle, it’s brings him so much joy. “Okay! Baby, stop tickling me! Ahh!” You scream laughing trying to get his long fingers off of your ticklish spots.
He stops ticking you for a second and picks up by your thighs, “Let me show you how much I love you by treating you like the beautiful guardian you are darling”. Pitch says as you wrap your legs around his thin waist, and proceed to kiss him on the cheek.
He takes you to you’re bathroom decorated beautifully in hearts and colors that match you perfectly, and starts a bubble bath for you. L
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“I think we should maybe talk to Y/N again and apologize.” Toothiana speaks up.
“Why should we? She’s disobeyed us by listening to what she thinks is right and getting together with that good for nothing piece of-“ Bunnymund tries to finish but North cuts him off.
“Don’t finish that, look maybe Y/N has disobeyed us but don’t you think what they have is true love?” North asks looking at the rest of the guardians. Sandy nods rapidly, creating a silhouette of you and Pitch kissing each other and holding each other close.
“Look why don’t we go visit Y/N and talk with her about it and we’ll all be happy again!” Tooth says blissfully.
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“Okay we are here now, do you guys think she’s here?” Tooth asks.
“I know for a fact she is, whenever she here she has that waterfall of her’s running.” North says pointing to a waterfall on the side of your ‘lair’ glimmering in the light.
“Okay, okay, whatever let’s go in now.” Jack presumes, as he pushes open the heart shaped door to your ‘lair’.
“Y’know this is different from what it used to be..” Bunnymund says, somewhat hesitant to go farther into your ‘lair’.
“Oh calm down Bunny! It’s not big deal!” Tooth says flying around your ‘lair’ looking at tiny trinkets of yours.
“Guys is it me or do you feel like Pitch is here..?” Jack asks, looking around deliberately.
“Of course he is going to be here Jack, I mean cmon’ those two are dating!” North says patting Jack harshly on his back.
“I’m gonna go look in her bedroom to see if she’s there guys!” Toothiana says flying away quickly. “You guys go look around somewhere else, okay?!” Tooth shouts as she flys off.
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Pitch places you into the bubble bath, and lights a few candles and brings in a bottle of champagne with two glasses. “Ooh a little fancy for a bubble bath don’t you think baby?” You say teasing him slightly.
“Only the best for my girl.” Pitch says pouring the bubbly alcohol into the glasses. “Cheers, sweetheart.” Pitch coos as you both tap your glasses together and drink away.
“Now lay down in the bath my love and let me take care of you.” Pitch says as he now enters the bath with you and sits behind you. He grabs your shampoo, and pours it in one of his hands. Then placing down the bottle and rubbing the liquid in between his palms. Now rubbing it into your hair, massaging your pretty hair and scalp. Making you grow relaxed.
“Y’know you take the best care of me right, Pitch?” You say looking up at him tiredly, and pressing a kiss to his jaw.
“Of course I do, who wouldn’t want to treat a beautiful woman like a goddess?” Pitch says making you smile up at him.
“God your so sweet.” You say as Pitch lowers your hair into the water, getting rid of the excess shampoo in your locks. “As sweet as candy.” You speak.
He then proceeds to condition your hair and do the same process again. Once he’s done he moves onto washing your body. He pours you’re favorite body wash on your heart shaped loofa, and rubs it against your soft skin everywhere. He gets on the other side of the tub, and lifts your calve up and starts scrubbing away admiring your beauty. As he is done, you notice he didn’t even wash and clean himself this whole time. He washed you up. “My love?”
He hums yes, “Why didn’t you clean yourself?” You ask, raising an Eyebrow.
“Well because I just wanted to take care of you silly, I always do. And you come first before me sweetie.” He says wiping the bubbles off of you’re cheek and kissing it. “I’ll take a shower in a bit when you’re all cozied up.” He says lifting you out of your bath, and wrapping a towel around your figure. He then proceeds to put lotion on you, and brush your hair. Doing the normal self-care things.
“Yes darling.”
“You know I love you..right?” You speak looking up at him as he places you into you’re bed.
“Of course I do.” He says placing a kiss on the top of your forehead. “Now rest while I go take a quick shower, okay.?”
“Okay, I love you.” You speak, feeling your heart drop and blush as he stares at you the same way.
“I love you too sweetheart .”
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As Tooth enters the room, she doesn’t hear the bath running. But she did hear Y/n and Pitch having a conversation.
“Guys I found her but she’s talking to Pitch I think.” She says awkwardly.
“Well that’s fine, because we need to talk to her urgently.” North say walking to your room looking for you, the rest following his lead.
“Wow, since when did Y/n smoke..?” Bunnymund says holding up a box of ‘Eve Lights’ and looking at her glass flower cigarette tray.
“Hey atleast the girl knows those are the fancy ones.” North says chuckling.
They walk around her bedroom looking at her stuff until they stumble across the bathroom, hearing giggling.
“Maybe we shouldn’t go in there, maybe Y/n’s bathing..?” Bunnymund says as his cheeks flush.
“Oh cmon’ Bunnymund, it’s not everyday you get to see a hot chick y’know naked?” Jack says hitting his arm playfully.
“Cmon’ don’t talk about Y/n like that guys.” North says sternly as he walks into the bathroom.
The rest follow in, and they all see a sight they’d never thought they would. They spot Pitch washing Y/n’s silky hair, “God you know I spoil you like a princess right, my love?” Pitch says pecking her cheek.
“Wow, this is this some cheesy romance.” Bunnymund says faking a gag.
“Yes it is, oh em her! They are soooo cute!” Toothiana says squealing in a tiny whisper. Her wings start fluttering.
“Oh gosh this is so gooey, hey you know we can use this as blackmail~” Jack says giggling slyly.
“No we aren’t those type of guardian, Jack.” North speaks.
Sandy smiles making tiny sand images of them in the bath, Pitch blowing away the bubbles in her hair, and laughing.
“I never knew Pitch had this side to him,” North says somewhat puzzled. “Well know we know that he does” Jack says rolling his eyes.
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Sorry if this wasn’t the best, but it was the second story i’ve made! Thanks for reading babes! 💋🫶🏽
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futuristic-disaster · 2 years
ROTG x Child!Reader
(Part 2)
Jack : How... Didn't he see you..?
Y/N : *tilts head*
Jack : Not much of a talker are ya? You haven't spoken a word yet...
Sandy : *just passing by*
Jack : *ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble*
Y/N : *sees Sandy... And glittering sand*
Y/N : *sparkling eyes*... *follows Sandy*
Jack : ...and so I assume that you might be a gua-
Jack : Kid? Where did-
(Meanwhile with Sandy and Y/N)
Sandy : 📍❓👶👇⁉️
[Translation : Where did you come from!?]
Y/N : *understands what he's saying*
Y/N : *Makes hand gestures showing water waves* ✋〰️
Sandy : *Thinks*
Sandy : !!!
Sandy : 👇👶📍🌊🌊🌊❓
[Translation : You came from the ocean?]
Y/N : *tilts head*
Y/N : *nods*
Sandy : 👶👇🧜❓
[Translation : Like a mermaid?]
Y/N : *adorable baby pout*
Y/N : *shakes head*
Sandy : 😯
[ Guess this one ;) ]
Y/N : *making hand gestures* 🌊⛰️🌸💥💀
Y/N : 😟
Sandy : 😱
Sandy : 👩👨☠️🌊⛰️💥⁉️
[ Translation : Did your parents die when your island exploded!?]
Y/N : *nods hesitantly*
Sandy : *hugs them*
Y/N : *shocked but hugged back*
Jack was looking for the little sorta invincible toddler. Really worried about their safety. When he finally found them.Playing with the all famous and everyone's favourite Sandman.
Jack : Hey Kiiiiiii...d..? Sandy? You can see them?
Sandy : *Raises brow*
Sandy : *nods*
Sandy : *points to Jack* 👨🏼👇👶❓
[Translation : How do you know them?]
Jack : Well...Who else would have the audacity to bring a child here?
Sandy : *facepalm*
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Jack : Hey! Don't look at me like that!!! SANDY!!
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zoethespiritwolf · 2 years
Chapter 4 - Shadows rise with the sun
Crossroads - Jack Frost x autumn spirit!reader
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[<- Previous chapter]
Chapter summary: As a new chapter begins, the old darkness of the mind seeps through the carefully patched-up cracks.
It almost felt like slightly wet clothes clinging to my skin. Not wet enough to feel suffocated by the weight but damp enough to feel it spread across the fabric and skin.
And as much as it would've been pleasant to think that it was just melted snow or mist, I knew better. For water isn't usually as black as night.
"Well?" my voice rang in the air. I could feel my body trembling. From fear, the cold, or the other thing, I had yet to decide. "I believe if I am going to be forced to go somewhere, I would prefer to walk on my own two legs."
The large and burly man slowly stepped through the shadows, and as more of his figure started to show in the light, the more I could see how much he had changed.
As the dark moistness crawled further up my back, I could feel the skin beneath my eyes straining as I looked at the man in front of me.
His joints are more exposed. Strike!
The sharp intake of cold air burned my nostrils, and my eyes stopped darting from one weak point to another and finally rest on the old man's face.
"What? You don't like my idea?" North's voice was still as deep as I remember. The type of deepness, that brought warmth, but, if you listen closely enough, you can hear the thunder in his voice that is waiting to strike at a moment's notice.
No one must know. Not now, not ever. It will only make things worse.
"Not particularly, no," It felt like vomiting out a rock from my throat, that was blocking my airways. But after a few words, at least it became easier to breathe, "As an autumn spirit and by extension a wind spirit, I like having some freedom of my own."
If only that freedom can be applied to the darkness spreading within me. If only I could rid myself of this disease.
"Fair enough," The burly man's brows rised in a gesture of complience, his posture becoming less tense, "But I'm sure you know why you must come, don't you?"
"I can think of a few reasons," I replied calmly.
Don't trust him.
H̷e̴'̸l̸l̷ ̷u̸s̷e̸ ̸y̸o̵u̵ ̸f̷o̷r̸ ̷h̶i̵s̷ ̷o̶w̴n̵ ̷g̶a̵i̵n̶,̵ ̵j̶u̵s̷t̴ ̴l̶i̶k̷e̶ ̴P̸i̶t̶c̸h̸.̶ḯ̸̝͘t̷̳́c̴̊ͅĥ̵̫̙.̷̖̥̋
S̵̡͔̫͈̲̙̭̗̈́̔̄͆́̈͒͋̅̍̂̀̔͝͝Ṫ̷̢̧͓̼͕̞̙̰̯̣̜͂́̈́̍͑̎̌̈́̕Ȑ̷̡̢̧̬̬̣̣͙̈́̂̂I̶̡̡̮̜͈͎̺͉͕̖̘̼̞̽ͅK̷̥̠͓̈̌̏È̷̞̦̠̲̤͔̮̮̳̼̲̯͗̾̑͜͜͠ͅ ̸̪̩͓̪͒̈́͆͐̓H̴̨̫̬̗͓̜͙͛̍Į̸̼̜̯͈̹̮̆̑̓́̽̄̔̕͘͝M̷̛͇̏̃̄̂̑̈́̓͌̓͝!̴̧͓͕̥͇̥̻̥̼͖͇͉͆̈́̈́͝ ̸̡̛̫̖̰̦̰̥̙͎͍͖̗̖̭̉̈́̋̈́̓̚͜͝B̸̨̧̢̟̙̯͙̪̣̗͕̼̪͋͋̀͆̆E̴̲͗F̵̧͇͎̠͇͆̌̍̂̑̑Ò̷̫̱̞͕̮̭̿̂̾ͅͅR̴̨̨̝͎̭͙̥̺̍͊̎̈́̅̓́͆̄̇͆͗̒͐́È̴̬̭͇͇̙̮̈́̅̎̋̈̽͒̄͂̎̐͒̚̚ ̷̠̳͙̲͕̪̃̔̐͂̉͠͝I̸̧̛̺̠̘͙̺̮̪͖̳̠̋͛͌̓̇̽̄̂̊̂̓͜͜͜͠͝T̷̨̛͎̎'̷̖͔͚̤͕̰̏͑͗͗̅̕S̷̨̛̽͌̅̋̓̈́̃͗̊̄̈́ ̸̢̡͇̩̗͈̙̦̤͈͚͚̜̦͒T̷̨͔̘̩́̎̀̾̓̏͛́̈́͊̉͑̌͑͝Ọ̸̡̯̜̤̟͖̼͉͙̮̲̼̏̌̊̓̆̋̋̄̿͆̾̿̿́̚O̷̧͇͇͚͖̝̦̝̣͎̠͈͋͒̍͌̓̈ͅ ̵̪͈͙̫͚̩̣̜̅̉́͑̇͂́͘̕L̶̨̛͖̺͕̣͇͍͔̰͖͖̖̇̾͆̉͌̀͝Ą̷̫̞̬̻͍̯̲̘͓̻͓̩͕͂́͂͠T̴̫͉̈͑̈́̔̈̉́́͂͒̔E̶̖̺̻̣̳͓͕̲͚̿́͊̕!̶̥̏̆͆̏̓̚͝!̶̢̮̲̪̘͓̩̝̟̱̯̦̆́́̽͗͜!̴̟͓͔͕̂͆̇̎̌̽̑͗͋͘͝
The corners of my mouth tugged up and I felt a bittersweet lightness rise from my chest to my head. It felt like taking just enough alcohol to feel tipsy but being far from drunk.
No one must know.
"Perhaps I'll finally have to pay for my sins. Perhaps you'll... keep me under lock and key in a dungeon, so I would never escape or, OR, even more blasphemous!" I jested, desperately hoping that he wouldn't see the distress within me, the weakness, "You like my company!"
"You... are much more amusing than when we last met," I could see his brows furrowing in confusion before once again relaxing. I quietly let out a small sigh. He doesn't know. Thank the Spirits. "But you know as much as I do that none of those things you've said are true. At least most of them"
"I know," I sighed in defeat. And strangely, it almost felt... nice. Being trusted again. "And I suppose I don't have the option to refuse your summons, do I?"
"Nope!" North chuckled and I felt a broad smile overcome my features.
How long has it been since I last felt such happiness? Since I let my guard down around others?
"Fiiiiiiine," I groaned out before my face once again turned calm with a hint of a smirk on my lips as I teased, "As long as I will be spared from any welcoming celebrations."
"Oh come on!" The man asked in disappointment, a hint of amusement present in his deep soothing voice. "The least you could do is grant me the pleasure of hosting your welcoming party"
While uttering his last words, North reached into one of the pockets of his jacket and procured his signature snowball. A tiny image of a frozen landscape in a blizzard appeared in the globe before it was thrown in front of us.
A large swirling portal appeared before us and I could already see snow-covered mountains and buildings at the North Pole. And as we stepped through it, I felt the heavy darkness recede to somewhere unknown to me.
No one must ever know.
A/n: Welp.... Many months have passed since I last posted a chapter for this story. Or posted anything really.
I truly didn't mean to disappear from all of you. You've all been patiently waiting for new updates for this story. But now it is here.
I have a few things that I have to talk to you all about:
I'm not sure when I'll be able to post. Currently, I am in my final year at school so I must focus on many things - my major scientific project, exams, studies overall, and what I'm planning to do in the future. Thus, I have little free time to write.
I don't have much inspiration at the moment. It's both from the stress, the lack of free time, and just the good-old writer's block. That is also a huge contributing factor for my recent and from what I can tell, possibly my future disappearances.
Going forward, I truly hope that all of you can be as patient as you have been thus far. I'm truly trying my best, and I hope you can understand that.
I thank you all for your support during this journey! May you all have blessed days and happy holidays!
P.s. I've also created a taglist as per the request of some of my wonderful readers. If you also want to join the taglist, then you can either comment on one of my posts at any time or simply go to my inbox and ask there.
Taglist: @lacunaanonymoused @darkenwolfie
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short-black-diamond · 2 years
Part 2 of Christmas gone downhill...? Please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😘
Okayyy, since you asked so nicelyyy<3
Um, this is a very long part, so get yourself a comfy place plus food and something to drink :D
[First part]
Warnings:  a little bit of Angst, Death, Death is a cute and shy dorky mess-but only around you, Jealous Jack, Jack goes thirdwheeling, awkwardness, Halloween makes you happy
Word count:  3. 939
Long ass chapter, and not proofread!!!
[Last time : ]
“Please, he’s the grim reaper!“
“And??? Why do you care so much?“, you asked, fed up with jack. Seriously, what’s his deal?
He just stared at you angrily, you looking at him with a confused expression. He looked at your left eye, then your lips, and switched over to your right eye, repeating the process a few times before groaning in frustration and storming off.
You had no idea as to why Jack was behaving like that, but oh well.
As long as he left you alone...
It was eerily calm without Pitch attacking, now that he was gone. But you learned.
You found out that the tooth fairy and her little helpers would loose their ability to fly once the children stopped believing in her.
When seeing your great-something-grandfather not being able to even stand on his feet let alone hold his swords, you could only fantasize about what would happen to you once children would start-and then stop believing in you.
You saw Bunny in a normal bunny sized form, but it scared you. How could something so cute spit such harsh words? You guessed that his size decreased, the less kids believed in him.
But...you didn't really feel bad for him, when looking back to what Bunny said when he met Jack for the first time.
You didn't know what would happen to Jack once the kids would stop believing in him, considering they haven't even known him before, other than that they couldn't see him nor aknowledge his existence.
They'd just... walk through him. He'd just be an invisible ghost to them.
What you didn't know though, you craved to find out.
What would happen to Sandy once the children would stop believing in him? Would he loose his abilities?
Use his power against himself in a way to flee from the depression he'd feel when his sole purpose would be taken away from him?
Would he...become like Pitch?
Because...when you can't do anymore good...you do evil.
You could only hope for Sandy to never loose his smile and motivation to give the youngest population of the earth enough sleep and trust in the sandman.
You also had a high suspicion that Sandy wasn’t actually mute and was just fucking around with y’all because you could oftentimes hear some voice in sleeping hours and it wasn’t a noise you recognized. But it was also always when you were sleepy drunk and couldn’t difference reality from dream.
you, on the other hand, were new to everything. Halloween was around the corner, and then your first christmas, where you'd spread joy and fun all over the world. And your great..grandfather would watch you with a fond smile.
Since it was your first chirstmas this year, you chose the steampunk aesthetic. Whatever the kid wished for, you made it look vintage, savage, romantic and cool.
you were simply a steampunk sucker. It was such a cool genre of style!!!
once you'd put your own designed toys under the christmas tree, you'd make a graffiti painting on a cardboard, which would say:
The greatest granddaughter of Santa has arrived, and delivered. If you want an encore, be nice! Your Eva &lt;3
But now, Halloween was more important. You still had to get over the fact that your overly great grandfather thought that you had feelings for Jack.
Too bad that you liked romaticists like Death himself.
And speaking of the hot devil, he asked you out on halloween. How?
It was a rather snowy day- no shit- in the north pole, but nevertheless, you got a pleasant surprise visit from your crush.
Gosh, even hearing his name caused your knees to wobble, and your smile to shake. Your heart beat faster when you heard his soft deep voice, quietly talking to you, as to not attract unwanted attention from the elves, yetis, or worst, Santa himself.
"Hey.", he whispered, taking off his skull mask, putting his scythe next to your guitar as he climbed into your room through the big windows of your room. they fit perfectly next to each other.
And if it wasn't for your perfected self control and coolness, you would've fainted by now. I mean, who wouldn't when somebody as hot as Death himself found himself rubbing his neck shyly, just because he couldn't bring himself to look you in the eye.
A tall man, probably with a muscular body-the one of a greek god, to be exact- big biceps and visible veins in his forarms and hot big hands. and he smirked up at you with cheeky eyes and sharp canines. 
Dimples on the cheeks...
Oh, he's so going to kill you. (but not with his powers 😏)
“Hey,“, you whispered back, allowing yourself to smile at him. “What brings you here?”, you asked quietly, turning on some soft music. 
Again, he averted his eyes, a blush spreading from his cheeks to his ears and down his neck, making you snicker quietly. “I uh...”
Death looked around your room, one where he has been one too many times to count. And it was yours, to say the least. He found himself staring at one of your selfies with him and satisfied with how good the camera got him. 
“I um, I just wanted to uh...”, he trailed off, coming to your pretty doe eyes and sweet smile in the picture. 
“..gosh you look cute...”, he mumbled, but it was too incoherent for you to understand.
“What?”, you asked, hoping that he’d repeat himself. 
Death flinched before chuckling nervously. “I-uh, ahah, well, um...”
‘Jeez, get it together, Death! Just--ask her out already!!’
“Would you...be free on Halloween?”, he whispered, just loud enough for you to hear over the lofi-hiphop music. But you understood it loud and clear. 
You were also taken aback by the question, because you and him always did something on Halloween, like going on parties or going trick or treating in either ridiculous or slutty outfits. 
“Um, sure. What would you like to do?”, you questioned, working on one of your many toys for another special kid. 
Death was glad that your back was towards him, because he found himself sweating like crazy at your question. He was actually surprised that you accepted his proposal. 
“Oh uh, well, why, nO! NO, no.“, he exclaimed loudly, embarrassed of himself for being so loud when you and him always used to talk quietly to each other. Like it was only you two in this big world. 
He mentally kicked himself millions of times when he got to see the shocked look you gave him. He liked it even less when you placed the doll down, the needle for stitching the arm to the shoulder placed in the middle of where should be a heart, and rushed towards him.
Now, he could feel your warm hands on his cold forehead, but he still felt like a burning sun inside. What was obvious though was his fast and loud beating heart and his red face.
That was one of the rare times that you’ve seen your pretty reaper in a flustered state, but you’ve only asked him what he would like to do. So why was he so nervous?
“it, it is um, it’s a-- a surprise...!”, he stuttered, nodding down at you assuringly, his lips cracking a wobbly smile. 
You nodded slowly, as to let him know that you were okay with it. “Of course, at surprise. But...could you give me a hint on what to wear on this special occasion?”, you asked innocently. 
But, since Death was a closet pervert and you were his crush, he thought that you were flirting with him in his delusional state. 
Sweat running down his back like a waterfall, he subtly took a few steps back and turned to the side as to look at the details of your room again-but he was screaming internally. 
Gosh, your voice was so seductive right now-- a-and the question?!
“Uhm, y-you could like, wear comfy clothes? A-and just, warm? And because it’s gonna be October and then N-November, and night, yo-you should wear warm clothes..! Yes, w-warm clothes...! Haha-he...ha...”
‘What the heck was that?! How stupid can you sound, Death!?’
You found his little rambling very cute, to be honest, and you cherished the way he kept looking back and forth nervously between you and the room’s objects. 
‘Could it be...? Nah~, not little old me, what to I even have to offer?’
You just nodded again at his suggestion and a knock made Death leap out of the window like a frog, taking his mask and scythe while doing so. And just as the door opened, revealing a sour looking Sandy as you closed the window. 
Sandy sat down on your bed and had a cute little frown and pout on his face. Somehow you were the only one who always understood him, even though he was mute, so he always seeked your presence for comfort, advice and help. 
And you always let him, considering the fact that there might be a chance of him becoming like Pitch when he doesn’t get taken care of as well-at least in your ideology, it made sense.
“Hello Sandman, how can I help you? Fruit tea?”, cue to him nodding firmly, still having his arms crossed. And what he wanted, you provided. 
(It was just him and Bunny playing a board game and Bunny cheated the whole time, and Sandy of course noticed, but since Sandy couldn’t say anything, Bunny used that to his advantage.)
As you were stuck between putting on a warm sweater and a big hoodie, Jack stormed in again. “You’re going out?”, he panted, as if he ran a hundred miles. 
You only frowned at him before looking at yourself in the mirror, making sure you were looking edgy but still cute. You felt the cheeky boy’s eyes on you, and you turned around sassily and telling him to fuck off. 
“Don’t want to.”
“Why not.”
“I don’t want you to go to Death.”
‘Shit, did uncle Sandy tell him about us?!’
“What are you, my older brother, my dad, or the police?”, you started, making your way over to him. “Who do you even think you are, bossing me around, huh?”
Jack frowned at you, trying to defend himself, but he didn’t really have any other argument besides being jealous and heartbroken. “What if he doesn’t treat you right?”, he muttered, but you could catch him. 
“What if you meet him for once? He’s a nice guy, unlike you...”, you trailed off, putting all the stuff you needed into a nice bag of yours. You didn’t catch the mischievous smirk of the Ice guardian, because you gave him an idea. 
“Okay, have fun~!”, he chirped happily before dissappearing again, leaving you with a strange feeling in your stomach. One look at your watch and you noted that you could come late to your little da-meet up! with Death.
As you bid goodbye to everyone, you went over to where Santa’s sleigh was. There, you took out a dark, edgy, an cool looking, steampunk designed motorcycle, which had some futuristic objects on it like drones did when they fly, just much bigger. 
Starting the motor, you started driving into the night, unaware of a person following you. As you drove, you turned on some nice music and enjoyed the cool night  air. You had to smile at the memory of Death stuttering about you having to be kept warm and to wear warm clothes. But since you radiated high body heat already, you only used your hoodie, no need for a jacket. 
As you noticed the moon, you waved your hands at it, hoping the man on it would see it. “Wish me luck. Happy Halloween. I hope it’s not too cold, Mister.”, you whispered as you smiled sadly. 
Thinking about the man on the moon, you got depressed. He probably has nobody around him, always watching the earth, the kids, the dangers, and you guys the whole time, year after year. 
He must be cold. Probably not warm, fuzzy blanket, ot even a roof over his head. Does he even eat? what if he has nobody he can share his life with? No partner? No love?
A warm, utterly sad tear ran down your cheek, and you took a shaky breath. “I will visit you, once my spaceship is done. I promise.”, you croaked before more tears ran down your face. 
You hated being so emotional, but hey, at least it’s not in front of anyone you know. Also, these thoughts affected your mind everyday ever since North told you about the man on the moon. 
Sniffing quietly, you drove a little faster over the clouds, avoiding approaching planes as much as you could.
Jack flew a few hundred feet behind you, and he frowned when the wind echoed your words to the man directed to the moon. your tears came to contact with his hands, because the wind blew the sad water which emerged from your orbs right to the etheral nightsky. Jack looked at the drop with a sorrowful expression, and then to the moon. 
He regretted being so unthankful for getting another chance at life. Through the man in the moon, he was able to fight Pitch and win, and meet North, the elves and Yetis, the tooth fairy and her sweet little helpers, Sandy and Bunny. 
And of course, you.
You, who always knew what to say whenever somebody needed help, comfort or advice. You, who had his back when Pitch was about to strike his back with his scythe. You, you baked some muffins whenever Jack was depressed over being grounded because he hurt the kids though his shenanigans. 
You, who is so nice an-and sweet to everyone, about to have your first christmas in which you are the one designing and making all the toys for the children. You, who always looked out for him when he was away for too long and the scolded him right after. 
You, who was such a badass, you helped him land the final strike to pitch after all, before he got chased by his own horses and vanished for good. 
You, who is so, so beautiful when you’re not frowning or pouting cutely at him, who, when doing the most mundane things, can make anything look amazing. 
Yeah, I think Jack fell in love with you. And no way some emo reaper like Death would be taking you away from him. He couldn’t and wouldn’t allow that. 
So, he followed you to your date-No-meet up, yes, just a nice meet up with your friend. Before he could think of a plan, you already reached your destination. 
As you were making sure you looked good and pretty enough by fixing your outfit and hair in front of a car window, Jack looked around the area. It was just another neighbourhood, except that there were more teens than children. 
Jack thought that teens would also believe in him, but as he relived the nightmare of somebondy just walking through him right now, he felt defeated. 
Only children would believe in Jack Frost. 
Teenagers don’t.
“Death!”, you called, he scared you by teleporting behind your back and just watching you with hooded eyes as you made yourself ready for him. Jack jumped into a nearby dumpster as to not get caught.
Death had a little smile on his face and took a small bouquet of dried roses from his back. “I got you a little something...”, he mumbled, looking to the side bashfully. 
Jack caught a glimpse of the trashy bouquet and heard your shy, happy giggles. “Thanks Death, they’re beautiful.”, you said softly, relishing the way his eyes scanned over your face quickly for any discomfort or dissatisfaction before finding none and allowing himself to smile shyly. 
Jack wanted to puke. All that lovely-dovey shit Death pulled made him sick to his cold bones and heart. But, he should’ve thought before he acted- 
woops, there he stood, in front of Death. 
You stared at Jack in shock, questioning how he even got here. then it dawned to you. As you called his name, he introduced himself to the reaper.
“Jack Frost is my name. Who’re you.“, he sputtered proudly and cockily, although he had to look up to the giant who stood in front of him. 
The cute and shy, romantic Death from 30 seconds ago was long gone, and the stereotypical Death came to light. He put on his mask, covering his face and his eyes glowed red. 
“The name’s Death. Also known as the grim- or soul reaper. What brings you here?”, the man standing in front of the guardian asked, his sexy deep voice making you swoon. 
But, you didn’t want this to lead to an escalation, so you stepped in. “Yeah Jack, why the hell are you here?”
Jack stood there for a moment before he laughed nervously. “Well, um- uh, N-North wanted me to come look for you, in- in case you might get into trouble! Yep, he wanted me to come look after you-”
“So you were stalking me the whole time?”, you interrupted him with an angry look on your face. Your great ... grandfather may be overprotective of you, but he'd never step in when you were doing something with your friends.
North is fond of cupid and your other mystic friends, but Death and his guys...not so much. Sure, Headless, who's carrying his head on his hands is not the best talking partner, considering that you have to talk to him while looking at his decaptivated head in his hands, and not where a head should normally be located in.
missy-ghost (my OC) is weird around the edges, yes, but once North would meet her how she normally is, and not her being on the most respectful level with him because 1. he is santa and her favourite person in the whole world, 2. because he is related to you, and Missy-Ghost is just so infuriated with you being her best friend it's...scary. But, despite being able to walk through walls and making herself invisible, she respects every single of your boundaries. Maybe because she's had a little crush on you, but you're more like an older sister to her, so that phase quickly vanished. And maybe North is still recovering from seeing her eat cookies with toothpaste and beans. Well, everyone's kind of weird in the head, right?
Of course, Death has many other friends, but he himself is who your great-something-grandfather wants to protect you from. Death, who is so whipped for you it's crazy. And North knows that Death has fallen for you, so he can only hope that you didn't fall for the "bad guy" either.
You don't know that every little present you gave the reaper, whether it'd be a christmas-, easter-, or birthday gift- heck, even a small note which said 'baby shark doo doo doo ', (even when he grew annoyed of that song), he'd keep it.
You have no idea how many times your crush has beaten himself up for not being able to text you back like a normal person, only replying with 'cool', or for thinking that he didn't look good enough for you, or for thinking if he'd ever have a chance with you.
I mean, look at you, and then look at him:
You, Eva Moroz, who is about to have her first, and very own christmas, and has already toys for nearly the whole globe.
You, Eva, who is riding on a sick, cool motorcycle, driving out in the night sky and looking hella awesome.
You, who is amazing with kids, making them new toys out of scratch whenever they ask for it.
You, who has come into his life so fucking easily, that he doesn't even dare to imagine what it was before or what it would've been without you. Sure, he might've caught a crush on this person or the other, but he believes that he'd never feel anything like you giving him even a grain of your attention to be an expierence of a lifetime like he'd do with other people.
You, who is so nice and sweet, always willing to help his stupid car, of which he thinks likes you more than him, even though it can't be helped. It's you who we're talking about!!!
You, who looks so hot no matter what, but when it came to going to the beach with the other guys and Death would see you in your swimming outfit, which hugged your figure nicely and let the world see some of your many tattoos, he'd always have to excuse himself to take care of something, his guy friends snickering at his quick retreat.
Or when you'd touch his cold hand one night. Of course, it was an accident, you and him were never meant to brush hands, it just happened- and then you felt a chill run up your arm, starting from where your and his hands came into contact. "What the fuck, Death?!", you'd yelled, scaring the flustered boy next to you. Death thought that you hated him when you yelled and wanted to apologize for touching your hand, even though it was a fucking accident you fucking dipshit- "The fuck are your hands so cold!? Ad dai mnye!", you called, grabbing the hand next to you and stuffing his cold ass hand into your hot pocket, your lava-warm hand included, interlacing your fingers with his. Death's mouth was open, apology ready to shoot, but not neccesary, as he felt his enveloped hand get warmer by the minute. He only looked to the side, hiding his blush which you couldn't see anyways because of the mask he wore. "Thanks..", was all he mustered up that day.
And you, who has no idea how much he's smitten for you. and it's a surprise that you haven't even caught up on it yet...
And now, let's look at him.
Sure, he's got a great built over the years or kiiling of rebellous souls, fighting for another chance at life with the surprising lot of power they had. He also started training because of you but you didn't need to know.
Death felt more alive the more you two got into contact, and well, he fell for you.
Death had a deep, calm voice, but it could break easily around you.
Death never thought of himself as a romanticist, thinking that he'd end up alone or becoming a man whore. But because of you, he stayed a virgin, ignoring the many women that reached out to him whenever he wanted to bring you a gift in his human disguise.
Death, who tried to cook your favourite food and halfway did it, but you had ot give him 5/10 because it didn't look that appetizing and it tasted rather boring. But, it wasn't so bad when you offered to help him cook it and it either ended with you two on the ground ringing for air and the whole kitchen becoming dirty or you two brushing against each other subtly, with longing touches and lots of eye contact.
Death, who wrote you many poems and delarations of love in different languages, forms of paper, in gifts, as a riddle and other things imaginable, but never showed any of that to you, because he thought that you'd think of him as a simp.
Death, who's dying to tell you everythinkg about the lord of the seven rings and star wars like the huge nerd he is but he still fears that you wouldn't like smartasses.
Death, who fantazises about you in the most unholy hours of the night and day, of you stepping on him, calling him names, choking him, pulling his hair, having him on a leash, but under the condition of him being inside you.
Death, who is so fucking submissive around you that he can't help but whimper quietly when you're even in the same room as him, or who does what you've asked for in lightening speed, only for his praise kink to go brrrrrrr when you thank him and call him "my good boy". A bold-very bold- move of you, but when it works...
So, all in all, Death would be the biggest, nerdiest, submissive loser, and he'd be your loser <3
But still,
(Because I said so,)
you two were still not fucking together.
And why?
I'm so sorry for stopping mid-story, because I had no idea on how to move on, so uh, yeah.
I hope that you guys would still like another part, even when It's going to be super late again...
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Can we get some cuddling HCs with Bunny plz?
of course baby!
⭐𝐁𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬⭐
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🐇💖ok. let's be honest, cuddling with this guy will be 𝓗𝓔𝓐𝓥𝓔𝓝.
🐇💖with all that fur and that big chest that he has, GOD it will be the best experience in winter.
🐇💖you'll sleep in his chest while he reads a book and pets your head.
🐇💖he sometimes carries you when you are being lazy or you are just really tired.
🐇💖he loves your hugs, whenever situation you guys are he'll let you hug him no matter what.
🐇💖sometimes he gets really anxious and stressed so some massaging on his shoulders would be amazing. he'll do the same for you if you want.
🐇💖scraching on his head and ears, it's like a dream for him! he loves when you sit on his lap and do that all the time.
🐇💖he has noticed and loves when you scratch his ears when you're on his lap while jack's around because he can see the jealousy in his eyes.
🐇💖your tights are now his personal pillows it doesn't matter if they are small big or whatever.
hope you liked this darling!
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mbruben-stein · 3 years
Rise of the Guardians boyfriend scenarios
What your Center is.
-Jack Frost-
Your center is creativity.
Your center is loyalty.
Your center is peace.
-(Younger) North-
Your center is love.
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ne0n-n1ghtm4res · 3 years
Just a comfort drabble
Sanderson Mansnoozie x GN!Reader
A/N: so, this is far from my best writing, but I needed a comfort fic and there seems to be a lack of Sandy ones, soo... it's also quite short, but yknow.
'It's alright now.. I'm here. You are safe.' It wasn't often that The Sandman used his voice, in fact, it was almost never. But he spoke to you quietly, holding you gently as you trembled. His voice seemed smoother than silk, and rather than being outloud, was spoken through your mind. Him simply talking was comforting, and a nice change from the nightmares you had woken from.
You silently cried as he pressed a small kiss to the top of your head, trying his best to calm you down. You were wrapped up in a warm golden blanket, holding tightly to your lover's robes. It was late, and Sandy had been out doing his job before checking in and finding you panicked, which had led to now.
The tears that had been streaming from your eyes slowed, eventually being replaced by quiet sniffles. Sandy ran his fingers through your hair, leaving traces of golden dreamsand. It was just enough to calm you, but not enough to make you fall asleep. 
"I'm sorry.." You whispered, not looking up to meet his frown. 
'You do not need to apologize, y/n.. this is not your fault.' He gently guided your face to meet his eyes. 'Please be kinder to yourself..'
"..You should be working.."  You felt bad, distracting him from an important job because of some bad dream.
'I have time enough to care for you.' He wiped away the remaining tears from your cheeks, giving you a soft smile. 'Do you want to sleep again?'
You silently nod in response. You were exhausted, and despite fearing the nightmares, you knew your lover would not let them come again this night. He smiled gently as he formed a stream of dreamsand, letting it float towards you.
Quietly, you drifted off, into a now peaceful sleep. Sandy remained by your side for awhile, before giving you a soft kiss on the forehead and heading back to work. He didn't have much left, only a few more cities. Soon, he would return to you, and keep you comfort through anything else that may occur during this or any night.
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zafirosreverie · 3 years
The best tree (Guardians & Reader)
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a/n: there’s a NorthxReaderxSandy relationship, but there’s nothing too explicit so you can ignore it if you want. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You rolled your eyes affectionately when you heard Bunny and Jack arguing. Again. You should have known that those two couldn't stay away from each other's throats for more than a few minutes, not even at Christmas (Well, technically it wasn't Christmas yet, but pretty close).
You had gathered the guardians at the pole to help you decorate. North was up to his neck with work, and with Yetis coming and going and troublesome elves everywhere, he really didn't have time to participate in his own decorations.
You, on the other hand, have always loved decorating the Christmas tree, since you were little. So you offered to help, even when technically it was always Christmas in this place. But when you saw the size of the huge tree in the center of the workshop, you had to call in reinforcements.
Although watching Tooth intervene in Jack and Bunny’s fight, causing an even bigger argument, you thought that maybe you should have just called the Sandman.
"Remind me why I let you invite them" you said to Sandy.
The little man simply raised an eyebrow, letting his dream sand create an image of you asking everyone for help.
"Yes, yes, I know that I was the one who brought them, but sharing the blame with you makes me feel better" you winked at him, earning you a mischievous smile from the guardian.
The two of you jumped when you heard a decoration fall and smash on the ground, followed by more grunting and fighting from the other three. It was the third in less than an hour.
"At this rate, we will run out of decorations and only our side will be decorated" you sighed.
Sandy gave you a sympathetic look and a quick kiss on the forehead before taking the little angel you offered to him and floating above your head to hang it from one of the highest branches. Having a boyfriend who could float was a huge help when you were decorating a tree nearly 32 feet tall and you didn't have a ladder.
"We are not going to hang a carrot on the tree!"
You stifled a laugh at Tooth's voice and Bunny's offended growl as you shook your head. You loved those three, you really did, but maybe you and Sandy could do more without their help.
You looked out the window, into the snowy forest at the foot of the mountain. The pines greeted you and an idea quickly formed in your mind. You waved Sandy down and whispered your plan in his ear. The guardian smiled before nodding and quickly flying for the decorations.
This was going to be fun.
An hour later, North finally left his office, ready to take a well-deserved break with you and the others. He arrived just in time to see Sandy placing the last sphere.
"Oh, hi North" you smiled "what do you think?"
The man looked in amazement at the gigantic and imposing tree, dressed in colorful lights. The ribbons of different sizes perfectly complemented the spheres and small figures that you had hung, Sandy had even created small chains of dream sand that looked like little fireflies, an elegant and beautiful detail. And circling the center of the tree was an old but cute toy train that Phil had helped you put together.
North smiled when he recognized it. It was one of the first gifts he had given you when you were still a child...when you were still mortal.
"This is amazing" he laughed "it must have been a lot of work"
"Meh, Sandy, and I managed. And it was a lot quicker when we managed to keep the others occupied."
North frowned in confusion when you and Sandy shared THAT look. Having spent the last 50 years dating the two of you, he was more than capable of recognizing when his partners had done some mischief.
"...where are the others?" he asked slowly.
You just shrugged as Sandy created an arrow of dream sand, pointing to the window. North walked over to it and looked out.
It was only a few seconds of surprise before the loud laugh of the great Santa Claus filled the workshop. Outside, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and Jack Frost were having a fierce and increasingly intense competition to see who best-decorated their tree.
You could see how they sabotaged each other, yelling at each other and throwing snowballs or spheres at each other.
"We told them we would put the best-decorated tree in the center of the workshop" you explained "I honestly didn't think Tooth was going to fall for it"
North only laughed louder as the three of you continued to watch the competition. You and Sandy had a high five. You couldn't wait to see their faces when they returned and saw that, in fact, the best tree was already in the center of the workshop.
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canislupus-exe · 5 years
Just Frozen Water | jack frost
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fandom | Rise of the Guardians
character | Jack Frost
reader | no pronouns used
requested | Anonymous, @wolfhard-tozier, @wukindly
warnings | None
word count | 702
keys | (Y/n) = Your name, (g/n) = guardian’s noun (mom, dad, grandma... etc.), (s/h/t) = she, he, or they
summary | What about Jack Frost with a really shy s/o who doesn't like ice skating? How would things go?
>> back to prev <<
Keep reading
You watched as the delicate snowflakes fell onto the concrete. The air was cold and the earth was covered in snow. You had your heater cranked up and a sweater wrapped flush against your body. Your nose was red from the chill in the air.
You brought your cup of hot chocolate to your lips, sipping slowly as to not burn your tongue. You frowned as you realized you forgot to add mini marshmallows to your drink. You stood slowly, setting your mug on your desk and walking towards your door. You pulled it open and walked to the kitchen, your socks causing you to slide slightly on the wood floor.
You opened the cabinets, shuffling through bags and cans in search of the marshmallows. You pushed everything aside, scanning all the nooks and crannies possible. You sighed before rubbing your arms, the cold seeming worse in the rest of your house than in your room. You turned, seeing your living room window open and letting the freezing air inside your house. You sighed and walked over, assuming your (g/n) had left it open before (s/h/t) went to work. You pulled it down, latching the locks before turning around, jumping slightly as you saw your boyfriend sitting on the chair.
“Jack, you have to stop doing that!” You shouted. He gave a small smirk.
“Well, it’s good to see you too, snow-angel.” He replied. You gave a bashful smile, your cheeks turning as red as your nose at the sound of your nickname. He stood up and walked towards you, grabbing your hand and kissing it. You looked down, the red hue on your face now surpassing what could be blamed on the cold.
“Aw look at you. You’re so adorable.” He whispered, grabbing your cheeks and moving your face to look at him. You averted your eyes, much too shy and embarrassed to maintain eye contact. He laughed before dropping your face and grabbing your hand.
“Let’s go on a date.” He said. You looked at him, your eyebrows raised.
“W… That’s a bit out of the blue, don’t you think?” You asked quietly. He shrugged, the smile still on his face.
“Maybe. But it’ll be fun, I swear.” He said. You sighed.
“Fine fine. I’ll go get dressed.” You replied. His smile grew before he placed a quick kiss on your forehead.
>> timeskip <<
You held Jack’s hand as he led you through the woods. The frozen branches cracked underneath your feet as you snuggled closer to Jack. You had on five layers but even still the cold nipped at your body.
“Jack, please. Tell me where we’re going.” You said. Jack laughed.
“Just a few more minutes. We’re almost there.” He said.
Jack was true to his word and you were where you were meant to be within minutes. He brought you to a small pond that had frozen over in the winter months. It was deep into the woods and would be hard to find if you didn’t know your way around. Luckily, Jack did and he seemed keen on showing you everything he could. He walked towards a tree, bending over and picking something up.
“I know how much you love winter activities so, I thought we could ice skate.” He said a large smile on his lips and a pair of ice skates in his hand. Your face dropped, which he didn’t fail to notice.
“What… What’s wrong?” He asked. You cleared your throat.
“Ice skating is actually… The only winter activity I don’t like.” You replied. Jack stood still, unaware of what to do.
“I’m sorry. It’s just frozen water to me. I don’t find it fun. The one time I tried it I ended up so bruised. I could’ve sworn I told you.” You replied. Jack set the skates down before giving a small smile.
“I can’t say I’m not surprised. You seem like the type to love it. I don’t even like it that much myself, I just thought I’d give it a go with you.” He replied. You raised your eyebrows.
“Really? The guardian of winter doesn’t like ice skating?” You asked. Jack shrugged.
“Long story for another time. How about we just head back to your place. Put on a movie.” He suggested. You gave a small smile.
“Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
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kur0m1sblog · 2 years
A series I’ve been wanting to make!
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Okay so for some reason, I rewatched ROTG (Rise of The Guardians) and my childhood crush for Pitch Black has of course came back for him. And for Jack Frost, North, Bunnymund, and sandy… Don’t ask I simped for some strange characters as a kid okay- 😭
Anyways I’m my mind I’ve been thinking about making a series of the Reader (Y/N), being like Cupid and the guardian of beauty. I had gotten inspiration from Aphrodite, cause she’s like the Goddess of Love and Beauty. And Reader (Y/N) can be just like that, since this movie was made in the year of 2012. I wanted to give Reader (Y/N) that Y2K style, and how she’s obsessed with love and how’s she’s just like Cupid. She would set people up to fall in love and wouldn’t get the slightest bit of credit for it. Definitely gonna put some 2000s music or music that feels like the 2000s, to fit her vibe better.
Anyways help me get some opinions about it, thank you!! 💋💌
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futuristic-disaster · 2 years
ROTG x Child!Reader
After many two hours of theorizing theories as to why Sandy could see you and bunny couldn't, Jack came to conclusion.
Jack : Aha!
Sandy : ❓❓❓
Jack : Sandy! You spend time around children every day so you can give them accurate dreams, right?
Sandy : *nods*
Jack : And I spend time with Jamie and his pack almost everyday, riiight..?
Sandy : *nods*
Jack : Therefore, the only people who can see this almost-as-amazing-as-me-kid are the people who spend most of their time around kids!!!
Sandy : 🤷🏼
Jack : Oh c'mon!! That's gotta make sen-
Jack : *got hit by a snow ball* OW!!
Y/N : *was the one who hit it*
Y/N : *giggle* 🤭🤭
Jack : 😶
Jack : 😐
Jack : OH, YOU'RE ON KID!!!
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(Imagine this, but instead of Calvin and Hobbes, it's Y/N and Jack)
Sandy : 🥶
That one SpongeBob Voice: 1 hour latorr
Jack and Y/N : *laughing to death on a HUUGE pile of snow*
Jack : *in between laughs* Damn kid...you...got some...skills..!!!
Y/N : *laughs with him*
Meanwhile with Sandy
Sandy : *in a very very fluffy blanket*
Sandy : 🥶💀☠️
Jack : *holding Y/N in his arms and flying towards Toothiana's...uh...Castle..? HQ? Whatever that place is?*
Jack : So. We are going to research your past. Well...at this age, you should have teeth that fell out...
Y/N : *Shrugs*
Jack : Here we are!
Baby tooth Bibble : *notices him*
Baby tooth : *also notices the child he's holding*
Baby tooth : *cute Bibble fairy gasp*
Baby Tooth : *calls Toothiana*
Toothiana : What's wrong ba-
Toothiana : *smiles* Oh hey Jack!! What brings you here..? *hasn't noticed Y/N yet*
Jack : Oh..uhm.. this is going to sound absurd but uhh... I met this kid who can use magic and I need to check their memories to see from where they are. Because apparently they don't talk much and live alone in a cabin in the woods. Atleast, thats what they showed me. And can you beli-
Toothiana : * smile drops* A child that can use magic?
Toothiana : *Feels a presence* Have you...have you brought them with you?
Jack : *feels hesitant* Oh yeah!! Their right here!!
Jack : *crouches* You can get down now, kid.
Tooth : *gasps as she sees Y/N*
Y/N : *eyes widen as they see her*
Y/N : Tinkerbell..?
Jack : Wait- You can talk..?
Y/N : *nods, but doesn't remove their gaze from Toothiana*
Tooth : You...
Tooth : Jack...What have you done..?
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zoethespiritwolf · 3 years
Chapter 3 - Questions unanswered
Crossroads - Jack Frost x autumn spirit!reader
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[<- Previous chapter] [Next chapter ->]
Ever since that day, when Jack had last spoken to me, my mind hasn't known peace.
The conflicting emotions in me clashed with each other like waves against a steep cliff. On one hand, the small spark of hope that glimmered within me suggested that, perhaps, my interactions with the famed and troublesome winter spirit weren't so bad.
He seemed genuine in his joy of being near me. Jack even at times seemed bashful or worried when conversing with me, something that I have seen only the living doing near their closest friends or even lovers.
However, on the other hand, the thoughts about him being like Pitch seemed far too great. Like a cliff, it stood against the pleasant thoughts of Jack actually liking me for who I was.
Even as the seasons passed when my period of working for the year had ended and thick blankets of white and glimmering snow-covered parts of the world, the conflict hadn't been resolved.
And like the shadows, they seemed to follow wherever I go. Even in the realm that Sandman rules.
And so, when the doubts and uncertainty plagued my mind, I did what I did best - wander around, enjoying the silence of the world around me, somewhere deep into the forests where I wouldn't be found and be forgotten.
Even though coldness and darkness weren't pleasant most of the time, oftentimes making me recall memories and worries I wished to forget, the general silence, even with the crunching of snow beneath my shoes, was calming.
And this silence on the dark and cold night, in the middle of the forest, reminded me of the first time I had awaken. The same full moon that had shined that fateful night was in the starless sky, looking down at the world with its watchful gaze.
At some point, after breaking from my thoughts, I noticed that I had stopped walking. I felt the cold moist seep through my shoes and freeze my feet as I looked through the pines of the fir-trees that surrounded me like a thick and large green blanket, welcoming me into its embrace.
And through those pines, I saw the moon. The same moon that had brought me back centuries ago. Like then, the Man in the Moon was comforting and welcoming, as I stared up at it, less with the wonder and fear I had, but with a calming sort of sadness, silently lamenting what my life has become so far.
"What did you see in me that was worth bringing back from the dead?" I whispered to the wind, being sure that it would carry my inquires to the Man in the Moon, "What reason do you have to keep me alive any longer?"
And at that moment I wondered whether or not I was a fool.
What if he didn't listen? What if he didn't want to hear me?
Was I wrong, in putting my faith in the one who resurrected me? Was I foolish enough to think, that he has a grander destiny for me now?
But what if there wasn't a great destiny for me at all?
The questions ran through my mind like a racing stream, like the pellets of rain that fell with the speed of light and managed to cut into the faces of those who weren't able to escape it.
The unanswered questions only added to the pile that's been stacking up for years.
And yet, even when I wanted to be angry at the moon for putting me in a harsh and cruel world, for allowing me to fall from the little grace I had, for not answering my questions I felt I was entitled to get an answer to - I couldn't be.
I remembered I once was screaming at the moon, cursing it, pleading, begging it to say something, anything to me. To answer me and guide me on the path to salvation.
But after a time, I was tired. I stopped begging, pleading, cursing, and screaming at the Man in the Moon. Even when a small voice at the back of my head insisted on fighting, that I was entitled to an answer. I stopped caring about it and accepted my fate.
Yet, despite my apathy, I continued to gaze at the lonely moon, hoping that it would answer, even if I knew that it never would.
Only then, as I gazed at the starless sky did I notice the golden and grainy whisps floating through the air, clashing with the dark sky, yet complimenting the white and blue glow of the moon on the forest.
A small smile appeared on my lips and for a moment the growing darkness in my mind seemed to dissipate.
"Hello to you too, Sandy!" I said, still gazing fondly at the golden dream sand.
Soon enough, from the same direction where the dream sand came, I saw the Guardian of Dreams himself appear before me. He looked at me with a wide and comforting smile, something I wasn't entirely used to, especially from one of the Guardians. And yet, despite all that I had done while being in an alliance with Pitch, he seemed understanding and kind, far more kind than the other Guardians.
Sandy waved his hand at me as a form of a greeting and started showing images out of dream sand on top of his head. Even if he had a habit of showing his thoughts far too quickly, I could see glimpses of the images to understand what he was thinking.
First, he showed the number 4 above his head. Four silhouettes of humans in a group followed it. Then a crescent moon.
"You and the other Guardians were summoned by the Man in the Moon?" I asked the Guardian of Dreams. He nodded quickly, a smile appearing on his face, from what I guessed, that I had understood him correctly.
He then started showing me the second sequence of apparitions. First, there was a cristal, then there seemed to be an apparition of two people, and then an arrow pointing at me.
My brows furrowed as I tried to decipher what Sandy meant by them.
In my mind, I thought that perhaps the crystal was the same crystal that the Man in the Moon used to choose the Guardians when they first were chosen to fight against..... me and Pitch. A bitter taste entered my mouth at the recollection, yet, with the shake of my head, I dispelled the memory and focused on what the answer could be.
If it indeed was the same crystal I had imagined, then it would mean that two new Guardians were chosen. And one of those Guardians was......no!
"I don't think I understood you that time, Sandy," I said to him, dragging a palm across my face in stress, "There's no way that I was chosen by Him to become a Guardian."
And yet, when I looked at the Guardian of Dreams, he seemed enthusiastic and made an image of a checkmark appear above his head.
I felt the coldness seeing in me and my body freeze. There is no way this can be real!
Even though I knew that my eyes were still trained on Sandy, I felt myself slip into the darkness of my mind again.
Why would He choose me as a new Guardian? Doesn't he remember what I had done? Does He not care, how others might react?
Before I knew it, I felt myself being grabbed by my armpits and hoisted up. At that moment, I felt myself snap out of my thoughts and enter a sort of autopilot mode.
I bent my knee, twisted it so that my leg was raised 90 degrees, and extended it, striking directly in my captor's stomach and making them release me. I then managed to twist my body to the right and with my free hand summon a strong gust of wind to blow a nearby fallen log towards my other captor.
The log managed to knock my opponent's body to the ground, and, the second I fell in the snow, I started summoning my power, making the wind swirl around me and small specks of snow flow around me.
From the corner of my eye, I could see Sandy creating a ball of sand and aiming it at me. I poured more of my power into my spell, concentrated on where I wanted to go and felt the world around me dissolve like sugar in warm tea.
I imagine the rooftops of a nearby city, the yellowed lights from the streetlamps, and the few people walking below on the iced streets at night. And just as I had managed to formulate a clear picture as to where I wanted to go, I felt my body painfully skid against the rough and sharp texture of the roof of a building.
I felt a yell rip through my throat as I cradled my bruised side and raised my eyes to look around.
"Thank the Gods," I sighed in relief, seeing that I had managed to teleport exactly to where I had imagined, "I didn't think I could make it that time."
I brought my legs steadily under myself before hauling myself up and raking a hand through my hair. Even though there was light everywhere and the surrounding area was clearly lit, I felt the large, fierce and muscular, almost bearlike presence standing within the shadows, waiting.
"Is it too much to ask, that I wouldn't be kidnapped and dragged away against my will," I called out to the person in the shadows, turning around to where I had sensed them and starting to feel the long-forgotten glee that I would have when battling against him and his partners, "Or do you all hate me that much, North?"
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blacknight1230 · 5 years
Masterlist - UPDATED - 8/5/20
One Shots
Honeysweet - Hvitserk Imagine
Cool for the Summer: UNFINISHED
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Sex Education
Inexperienced: UNFINISHED
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
DC Universe
One Shots
The Truth Will Out - Jason Todd Imagine
Snake! - Nightwing Imagine
Big Hero 6 One Shots
Burning Love - Tadashi Hamada Imagine
Damsel - Hiro Hamada Imagine
One Shots
Queen of Pranks - John Egbert Imagine
Of Handcuffs & Pranks - John Egbert Imagine - NSFW
Black Butler
One Shots
A Vampire’s Kiss - Sebastian Michaelis Imagine
Night at the Museum
One Shots
Unfortunate Souls - Ahkmenrah Imagine
Devil May Cry
One Shots
What the Hell Are You? - Dante Imagine
Naruto & Naruto Shippuden
One Shots
My Best Friend - Naruto Uzumaki Imagine
Danny Phantom
One Shots
Stay - Danny Phantom Imagine
Miraculous Ladybug
One Shots
A Night Under the Stars - Chat Noir Imagine
Peter Pan
Second Star to the Right: UNFINISHED
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Rise of the Guardians
Jack Frost - He catches you doing your beauty routine
Dolan Twins
One Shots
That’s My Girlfriend! - Ethan Dolan x Reader
The Outsiders
One Shots
Dreaming of You - Ponyboy Curtis Imagine
Horns Like the Devil: UNFINISHED
Part 1
The Traphouse
One Shots
Rude Awakening - Colby Brock Imagine (NSFW)
Character Pokémon List
Sandy the Sandman (ROTG)
Toothiana the Tooth Fairy (ROTG)
Nicholas St. North/ North (ROTG)
Brianna Flames (ROTG OC)
Jack Frost (ROTG)
Pitch Black (ROTG)
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murder-senpai · 4 years
Oh, hello there!! My name is Murder-senpai! I’m new here to tumblr sooooo don’t mind me being awkward n’ stuff. So this is gonna be like, what fandoms and characters I write for sOoooOoOo
AU’s and other stuff I’ll do: ABO, genderbend, hanahaki, soulmate, supernatural/power, soft yandere/ stockholm syndrome, coffee shop, modern, fantasy, baby/kid versions of characters, babysitter, neko, inu, kitsune, post apocalyptic, zombie, flower shop, book store, dragon, fairy tale, high school/college, mafia, pregnant, steampunk, merpeople, pirate, pirate/merperson, prison, reincarnation, famous, vampire, werewolf
There is more shit I’ll do but I can’t really think anymore so just request
(reader insert crap)
I will NOT do nsfw. This is a christian minecraft sever 
You CAN request multiple character/poly and platonic stuff
If your not specific, I will choose between headcanons or a fic/drabble
If you request angst, I will give it a fluffy ending unless requested otherwise
Please be specific in your request   ex: reader gender (fem, male, gender neutral)
Edit: I will now take character x character, character + character platonic stuff, aus (like, medevil bnha, or a story about friendship or enemies to friends or adoption, anything really), and stuff like that
Current hyperfixation (aka, what I will probably write better for/ do more): dream smp
Will probably put the scenario in a non specific arc
Fairy Tail:
ty lee
sir nighteye
Harry potter:
Black Butler:
real ciel (I refer to him as astre tho)
charles grey
charles phipps
adrien/chat noir
AU’s- underfell, mafiatale, mafiafell, underswap, swapfell
Gravity falls:
AU-reverse falls, monster falls
angle dust
literally any pokemon but those are my fave(and human versions ofc either is fine)
tom nook
dr. strange
The hobbit:
literally JUST smaug
apple jack
Maid sama:
the three idiots
aoi (totaly gives off a ciel/lizzy vibe don’t even lie)
both twins
Cells at work:
white blood cell
red blood cell
killer t cell
Little witch academia:
Glitter force:
Glitter force doki doki:
aster bunnymund
Soul eater:
death the kid
black star
bowers gang
losers club
kamisama kiss:
The outsiders:
Diabolik lovers:
king george
george washington
Tokyo mew mew:
Fran bow
mr. midnight
Steven universe
Haven't you heard i'm sakamoto
Gargantia on the verdurous planet
Over the garden wall
Snow white with the red hair
The sacrificial princess and the king of beasts(manga)
Jeff the killer
ticci toby
BEN drowned 
eyeless jack
laughing jack
homicidal liu
Jason the toymaker
Seto Kaiba
golden freddy
toy freddy
toy bonnie
toy chica
mangle (male and female ver pls specify)
marionette ^
william afton/ purple guy
funtime freddy
nightmare freddy
nightmare bonnie
nightmare chica
nightmare foxy
nightmare mangle
nightmare fredbear
king dice
Bendy and the ink machine
Duck tales
Scrooge (aged down tho)
Dream smp
everyone (all platonic. Will do reader stuff, but would prefer more character +character interactions, specifically, SBI. PLSSS give me sbi stuff, ill marry you)
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