#Rise of the Guardians fanfiction
mbruben-stein · 4 months
If you still doing request and raise of the guardians how would the guardians react to swapping powers with Halloween s/o like and example of bunny swapping his with his S/I to which there a pooka while he's human?
Rise of the Guardians reaction to swiping holidays/powers with Halloween Fem Guardian S/O.
Jack Frost:
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Jack Frost and his Halloween female Guardian s/o found themselves in a bit of a predicament after accidentally swapping powers. It all started when Jack, being his usual curious self, touched something in North's workshop that he shouldn't have. The moment he made contact, a bright light enveloped both him and his s/o, causing them to fall to the ground in a daze.
S/o, now possessing Jack's winter magic, found herself accidentally freezing everything she touched in a panic. Jack, on the other hand, discovered that he could bring spooky Halloween creatures to life with a simple touch. As they both tried to navigate their new powers, s/o couldn't help but freak out upon realizing her hair was now white instead of her usual h/c color.
"Jack, what the hell did you just touch?" s/o exclaimed, her voice filled with both panic and frustration. Jack, always quick on his feet, tried to calm her down and reassure her that they would figure out a way to switch back with North's help.
As they worked together to find a solution, Jack couldn't help but notice his reflection in the mirror. His hair was now brown, the color it had been when he was once human. It was a strange sight for him to see, but he knew that they needed to focus on finding a way to reverse the power swap.
With determination and teamwork, Jack and his s/o set out on a mission to undo the switch and restore their powers to their rightful owners. It would be a challenge, but with their combined strengths and the help of their fellow Guardians, they were confident they could overcome this unexpected hurdle.
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Bunnymund and his Halloween S/o were in North's workshop when a mishap caused them to swap powers. Bunnymund found himself transformed into a human man with long gray hair, while his S/o became a pooka with fur matching her hair color. Bunnymund tried to reassure his panicking S/o, telling her they would find a way to reverse the transformation.
As they tried to navigate their new abilities, Bunnymund struggled to control his S/o's Halloween powers. It was a challenge for him to handle the unfamiliar abilities, but he remained determined to find a solution. Meanwhile, his S/o was overwhelmed by the sudden change and had a panic attack, unable to accept her new form as a pooka.
"Please calm down, Sheila," Bunnymund said, trying to soothe his distressed S/o. "We will figure this out together. I know it's difficult, but we will find a way to fix this."
Despite the chaos and uncertainty, Bunnymund remained calm and level-headed, determined to help his S/o and return to their original forms. Together, they faced the challenge head-on, relying on each other's strengths to navigate the unexpected situation. And as they worked together to unravel the mystery of the swapped powers, their bond only grew stronger, proving that they could overcome any obstacle as a team.
 (Younger) North:
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North was in the middle of working on a new gadget in his workshop when his Halloween female s/o walked in to check on him. As she approached, a mishap occurred, causing electric sparks to fly out of the toy. Both North and his s/o fell to the floor, dazed and confused.
As they tried to gather their bearings, North realized that something had gone terribly wrong. He could feel a strange power coursing through him, one that he couldn't control. Suddenly, he found himself creating little Halloween creatures out of thin air, monsters that his s/o had the power to summon.
His s/o, on the other hand, was shocked to discover that she could now speak to yetis, which was one of North's Abilities that he had. Panic set in as they both tried to figure out what had happened and how to undo it.
"Ow, that hurt! North, love, are you okay?" his s/o exclaimed, rushing over to him. "What just happened? Why am I wearing winter clothes? You're wearing Halloween clothes, and your hair is now black."
North was at a loss for words, trying to come to terms with his newfound abilities and the chaos that had ensued. Together, they scrambled to find a solution, hoping to reverse the accidental swap of powers before it caused any more havoc.
In the midst of the confusion, North and his s/o found themselves relying on each other more than ever, their bond growing stronger as they navigated through the unexpected turn of events. And through it all, North's warrior spirit and heart of gold shone brightly, guiding them towards a resolution and a deeper understanding of each other. In the end, North and s/o were able to figure it out and undo what had happened.
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xshimaeraxx · 2 months
“I’m sorry, so you’re saying there’s an entire online underground community of spirits?”
“… Yes, vhat is so.”
“And you didn’t tell me this just why, exactly?”
“Bunny was afraid you’d prank half of the servers into oblivion,” Tooth chirps, cheery as anything. Sandy’s already got out the popcorn, Jack notes out of the corner of his eyes from where he’s standing opposite from the liar-liar-tail-on-fire, living cottontail in front of him.
“… C’mon, mate, y’gotta admit that it was a valid fear at th’time —”
“It was, I’ll give you that, but I’ve also been a Guardian for over 150 years now. You cannot tell me you still didn’t trust me to not immediately shut down half of the spirit world’s online communities as soon as I was given the damn passwords after we’d gotten past the five-year frienemyship mark, Cottontail.”
“… Y’know, I hate it when ya get all logical.”
“You mean it turns you on?”
Bunny chokes, the red of his ears brightening in what Jack had learned was the Pooka’s version of blushing, and then says, rather abruptly:
The over-grown not-rabbit then stamps one foot against the ground rather too harder then what Jack knows is necessary, and jumps into the rabbit hole as soon as it opens, the insides of his ears just as red as they’d been when Jack had said that stupid, stupid little “joke” of his, damn his too-loose tongue.
A single, lone snowdrop flower is left in its place.
a short extract from a silly rotg/rise of the guardians crack (but with ✨pining✨) fic im working on :winkwink:
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ivorydragoness44 · 1 year
Jack Frost x Reader: Forecast
Word Count: 356 Warnings: Reader being nervous about wind/approaching storm and accidental jump scare provided by Jack. Can be read as platonic or otherwise. Summary: A storm is approaching, making the Reader a little uneasy. The unexpected visit from Jack Frost comes at a greater surprise.
~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~
   Hearing a significant breeze outside, you grabbed your phone. It had been longer than you cared to admit since you had last checked the weather. You frowned as you saw the small radar show a band of rain. A cold front was on its way, and with it, thunderstorms. At least it was going to result in a stretch of cold weather. Unseasonably cold, but you would gladly take it. The weather outside had become warm rather quickly. So of course it had you missing longer sleeves, blankets, and perhaps a particular person.    The wind picked up outside. It was starting to sound like a pat of a movie that you did not want to be involved in. There was something about it that was bringing about your nerves and, subsequently, your blood pressure.    While your senses hyper-fixated on the wind, a loud noise and rush of air from another room made you jump. Running to shut the window, lest the nearing rain find its way into your home, you skidded to a stop.
   “Ahh!”    “What?” Jack Frost leapt up onto the nearest surface to search around the vicinity.    “You!” You threw a pillow at him.    “Hey. What’d I do?” He looked at you with a face twisted in confusion.    “You startled me,” you panted briefly, trying to regain composure.    “Oh.” His face fell at your words. “I’m sorry.”    Slowly, Jack hopped back down to the floor. As he inched closer to you, he raised hands. “May I come closer?”    A small smiled made its way onto your face. “Yeah,” you sighed.    Hesitantly at first, Jack reached around you in a delicate hug. At least until you coiled your arms around him as if he would disappear at any given moment.    “You just couldn’t stay away, could you?” You teased quietly.    “Hah, I—” he began, but was cut off by a loud drumming of thunder. Jack felt as you tensed up and hugged you tighter. “Sorry about all of this. I just wanted to see you.”    “It’s alright,” you nuzzled your face into his blue hoodie. “Nature works in miraculous ways, huh?”    “It sure does.”
~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~
Wow, my first Jack Frost fanfiction posted not during a holiday season hahah.
I hope you enjoyed reading, and thank you! Reblog maybe?
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
I believe;
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Summary; Hannah Hook meets North/Santa Claus.
Trigger warnings; the isle sucking, Auardon sucking, children fearing being sent to jail (that's basically what the isle is), injury, swearing, threats, crimimal acts, attempted sororicide, sneaking out, lack of parental supervision, inappropriate clothing for cold weather, very minor self harm in the form of nails pressing into palms, and lack of belief in beings like Santa. This is super angsty.
13 year old, Hannah Hook didn't believe in Santa Claus. Why would she? She hadn't even known who he was until December hit in Auardon.
Not to mention that he had never visited her or any of the other isle kids during Christmas before.
So the conclusion that he wasn't real came fairly easily to her, even if all the Auardon kids seemed baffled by her firm belief in that matter.
He had to not be real. Otherwise why wouldn't he have visited Dizzy or Hadie or the wee Smees or her kids (her younger crew mates) who were never anything but good and left them gifts like Ben insisted he did.
So no, she didn't believe in Santa Claus.
Until she did.
Hannah tossed and turned in her bed, mind racing. Ears throbbing and feeling as if she was being boiled alive from the inside as she held a pillow over her head firmly, clenching her teeth, trying to block out Luke's snoring and ignore Skia's staring.
The three of them and the core four where the ones in the whole school minus a couple of teachers. So Hannah had reluctantly unshruken Luke and allowed him to stay at his full height and Skia in her human form the entire break even though it caused her anxiety and paranoia to spike.
Even though her fingers had been twitching to shrink him back down and to snap at Skia to turn back into her raven/crow self.
She just bite her tongue. Knowing that doing that would be unfair to both of them since none of them had any idea when they'd be able to safely do either again. For all they knew, they might never be able to do so freely.
The idea made her angry.
It wasn't fair that she had to hide her bestfriends.
It wasn't fair that she didn't know where her older sister was or that she had a scar on her arm from her.
It wasn't fair that her other older sister had sliced her leg and caused her to fall into the polluted water of the isle or that she still had the limp from when the crocodiles decided to use her leg as a chew toy.
It wasn't fair that she couldn't safely spend Christmas with Ally within exposing her as a vk or go to Neverland to celebrate without causing trouble for Peter.
And it certainly wasn't fair that the rest of her family and crew were still trapped on the isle.
Or that they'd been forcibly born into a prison while the Auardon kids got to eat fresh food, sleep in clean beds and wear clean clothes, and get toys from a mystical old man that the isle kids never even heard of.
None of it was fair and she hated Auardon for it with every fiber of her being.
She hated them for all the abuse and sorrow and pain her friends and her had been through.
She hated them for damning her biological parents to death and for causing her disabilities by default.
She hated them for knowing putting a magical being like her adoptive mother on a place that would kill her and any kids she had.
And she hated that if anyone where to catch Skia and Luke here, that all three of them would get a one way ticket back to the isle simply because they didn't want to be separated.
Her bed creaked as the brunette sat up and she tossed her pillow to the side, quietly getting out of the bed. Doing her best not to wake Luke despite how much his snoring annoyed her. Knowing that having to live in a dollhouse and sleep in a fake wooden bed with fake cloth covers and pillows and no mattress for months on end couldn't be comfortable. He deserved to be able to rest in a real bed for once.
"Where are you going?" Skia asked curiously from where she sat ontop the wardrobe, unblinking. Not breaking her stare for even a second--her blue hair illuminating the room.
"For a walk" Hannah replied half-truthly. Not wanting to admit that Skia's nightly staring and Luke's nonstop, heavy snores atop of the pressure of keeping them safe and hidden along with the thoughts of everyone back home were driving her nuts.
"Alright then. Be back before breakfast or I'll burn this place to the ground"
The brunette really hopped she was joking, though she knew that that was highly unlikely knowing her. Her fingers twitched as she pressed them into her plams-- desperately trying to calm herself. She took a deep breath, then slowly let it out.
She'd have to pay attention to the time during her walk then instead of just letting herself get lost in her head again like she usually did. Hannah was wondering if she'd ever be able to breath freely again without worrying about whether her friend would commit arson without her.
"Alrighty first matey of mine."
Hannah shivered as she made her way through the snowy woods barefoot, hugging her self. She had been mistaken when she thought that her Rudolph pajama pants and reindeer lead pirate ship sweater were warm enough on their own for the weather and now her teeth just wouldn't stop chattering.
"Damn cold weather. Damn lost boys' kids running my jacket. Damn everything" the brunette scowled, shaking. "Damn Auardon rules making my fucking eye twich every five minutes. Damn Auardon snotty princess breaking my googles and leaving me mostly blind. Damn Maleficent forcing me to come to stupid Auardon on threat of my friends' lives--"
Jingle Jingle Jingle...
The pirate captain whirled around in the direction of the sound and narrowed her eyes. Gripping the fork in her pocket tightly, ready to fight off an attacker if need be. She let down her guard slightly when she spotted a tiny figure in the distance, and followed. Worried that it must be a lost pet or child that needed help getting back home.
The figure bolted and Hannah followed slowly, worrying her lip. Wondering if this was a trap.
Hannah sped off towards the terror filled scream, fearful for the child, pet, or creature's safety-- and secretly her own.
When Hannah finally arrived at the source of the sound, her jaw dropped. Almost not able to believe the strange sight was in front of her.
Because there in front of her was undoubtedly a small, triangular shaped creature with pinkish skin, sharp teeth, and pointy ears that was about as tall as her boot. It was dressed in an odd, hat like outfit that had a bell at the top. Just like the elfs that Ben and the others had described.
And it was trapped in what looked like a rabbit trap, unable to free itself.
Without hesitation, Hannah raced over and dropped to her knees beside the trap.
Startling the poor elf, who started to flail unhappily. Hissing at her like a cat.
Hannah blinked, baffled. Wondering if this was really what made the mysterious Santa Claus' toys.
She quickly shook the thought off, telling herself that she could come back to that later as she raised her hands up. Hopefully showing the critter that she wasn't a threat.
"Hey little fella. It's okay. I'm here to help. I promise I'm not gonna hurt you--" she slowly lowered one hand, not taking her eyes off of the trap as she searched through her pocket . "I'm gonna get you out of there. You just gotta stay calm. "
The elf hissed again.
Hannah knew that it must have been terrified. She was alot bigger than it after all.
"Are you hungry?" She asked softly, brows furrowed.
The elf perked up before giving her a face splitting grin. Nodding eagerly.
Hannah, not sure whether or not meat would hurt the elf, gave him Graham crackers instead. He quickly snagged them from her, practically inhaling them.
Hannah quickly grabbed her pair of mini bolt cutters (that she may or may not have burrowed from the school) from her pocket. Slowly but surely breaking through the darrated trap.
"Wal-la! There you go little guy! You're free now!"
The elf scurried into her lap, alot more friendly now that he (at least she thought it was a he) knew that she had treats.
"Okay then. Let's go find your ...boss?" Hannah said unsurely, not sure whether or not that was the correct term anymore.
The elf just babbled at her.
Hannah was seriously starting to doubt that he and his friends were the ones making the toys.
Hannah carried the elf through the force, her shivering getting worse the longer she stayed out in the cold.
Teeth chattering.
Her feet, face, ears, and fingers were starting to feel numb, and her lip was getting worse.
She was starting to see why her dad wanted her to where gloves and boots everywhere.
"Are you sure this is the direction he was heading?" It was so cold out that she could see her breath-- which she found odd. Probably because it rarely got this cold on the isle and never snowed.
The elf just nodded eagerly.
Hannah was slowly growing frustrated, wondering if the elf even knew what it was talking--gesturing-- about. But she did her best not to let that show, not wanting to scare the little guy since she got the impression that he was alot like a small child. Unable to talk or completely understand/help her in the way she wanted.
So, instead of yelling or swearing like she felt like doing, she settled for sighing and continuing forth "if you're sure."
"DINGLE! DINGLE! Where'd you go?!" a booming, Russian accented voice called out from a little ahead. Nearly causing Hannah to jump out of her skin and exciting the elf.
The 13 year old looked down at the elf, confused "is that your boss?"
The elf nodded, confusing her more.
The stories didn't mention Santa being Russian.
But then again, they never really said where he had come from before he moved to the North pole.
And people weren't really supposed to be awake to talk to the guy. So maybe no one knew he was.
Hannah shrugged and decided to just go with it, taking a deep breath before loudly calling out to the far off man who she couldn't see.
She heard leaves scrunching and what sounded like someone slipping as the loud, booming voice from before exclaimed "SWEET MAN IN MOON!"
Which was quickly followed by a loud thud and groaning.
Hannah winced "oooh... welp. If I wasn't on the naughty list before, than I definitely am now."
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hollybell51 · 2 years
Heyyyy bestie 👀
just read your jack frost series (so good btw) and have been reading some of your other work *cough* smut *cough* and i was wondering if you'd venture into the spicier stuff with him? ik some people think its a bit weird bc rotg is a kids movie and all, so obv your choice, but just thought i'd put it out there xx
yknow now that you mention it...
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jamielucafan01 · 1 year
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This is a really great ROTG sequel idea, right here. No crossovers, no unnecessary shipping... just a little something that DreamWorks Animation could do... especially since it has topics that are as strong as Puss in Boots: The Last Wish.
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mahoganyrust · 27 days
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I was watching Wall-E when it hit me. Very very Hijack coded. Anyways aaaaaaaaaaa. They’re so in loveeee. Just two robotssssss. (And a cat) AU fic coming soon.
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alkalinefrog · 2 years
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The Lights of Avalon
The Legend of King Arthur is Jackson Overland’s favourite fairytale to tell the children in his village—and he wishes it had stayed just that. But Jack’s world is changed forever when he is deemed worthy of the Legendary Sword Excalibur, should he choose to accept it. Darkness threatens the land, and its people will need a hero. And although Excalibur’s powers are great, so too is the cost of wielding it—so much so that Jack would rather become a traveling bard who spends his days running as far away as possible. Little does he know, on the road to avoiding his destiny, Jack will only meet it—or rather, him.
WOOOO hi everyone, long time no see! I’m super stoked to say that I’ve been writing a Hijack Arthuriana AU and the first two chapters are up now! This is the prologue comic!
Special thanks to @jjackfrost for beta-ing and @twiafom for clowning! This wouldn't have been possible without you guys cheering me on the whole way!
The link’s in the title or you can click over here!
I hope you guys have as much fun reading it as I am writing it! More to come!
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maluuustrawberry · 2 months
I saw that you are accepting fic requests. Do you write about some DreamWork's characters too? I wanted to request a Pitch Black from the rise of the guardians.
And I wanted to say that I love your work, your fanfiction are very good and I love the way you manage to write the characters so well!!!😭❤️❤️❤️
“My Dear Cupid.”
(Pitch Black X Fem!Reader)
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Synopsis: Pitch, better known as the boogeyman, ended up developing a new feeling that he had never felt in all his years, feeling for the new guardian who was your total opposite, for you the guardian of love, the cupid.
A/N: By great coincidence I was watching this film recently. Of course I'm going to write about Dreamworks characters too!! You can ask me, but it will take me a while to make some fanfiction because there are already a lot of requests in front. The next one will be Clopin Trouillefou and Hades from Hercules.
He hadn't imagined that this could happen, no one had, least of all her, who he thought had deliberately made the enchantment so powerful that it affected the king of nightmares.
That flame and that heat disturbed him. Pitch had never felt that burning in all his millennia of life, but everything changed after his first encounter with the guardian of love, Cupid.
After a meeting of the guardians at the North Pole on the subject of the new guardian, The Man in the Moon determined that the new guardian should destroy Pitch and protect the children, along with the duty of bringing joy to them.
Knowing this information for himself, Pitch decided to face the chosen one personally, after all, a simple cupid couldn't do anything against him; or so he thought.
The blizzard and the intense cold dominated the place, but that didn't bother the bogeyman at all, because everyone knows that cold and fear combine perfectly with each other; leaving only agony and suffering. When he saw a silhouette in the middle of all that snow, he deduced that it might be you and sneaked up from behind to destroy you with just one blow from his scythe, and you wouldn't even know who hit you.
That's when he saw your face. The moment you sensed that you were being pursued, you quickly turned around and aimed your bow and arrow, surprising him and leaving him static in that position holding his scythe.
The two of you stood in silence, staring deeply into each other's eyes. Pitch seemed awestruck by your appearance, not imagining that you looked so angelic and delicate. Seeing you pointing your arrow and looking deeply at him, while the snow from the blizzard stuck to your hair, was a sight worthy of a painting.
It was hard to say what kind of look he was looking at and where the flame that was coming from him was coming from. Pitch wasn't as expressive, but his gaze showed that he had never been as perplexed as he was at that moment; it was one of admiration, and therefore full of disturbance and turmoil.
And you looked at him confused, but also wary. "Why doesn't he just attack me?" You asked yourself, and you couldn't attack him either, you were overcome with trembling and the cause of this was the intense cold. Before you could shoot your arrow, he quickly disappeared, using your shadow, to his advantage, which was close to him. That was so fast that a small gasp of fright escaped his lips. You lost sight of him, but looked around, still holding your arrow and bow tightly in case he appeared by surprise, but no, he was really gone.
That was your little encounter. After that day, his thoughts were dominated by you, appearing in such strong colors that this unknown feeling and the desire to tear you apart grew more and more. Your wings were so delicate, your neck so fragile and graceful that he wanted to squeeze and twist it using just one of his hands.
He removed all the hatred and evil from his heart and recognized that this hatred and evil was only love, which had become terrible things in the heart of the bogeyman, a poisonous, hateful and vicious love that seemed more like an obsession. In all these years it never occurred to him that the guardian of the nightmare, the terror of every child, could fall in love with such a fragile, angelic creature, the complete opposite of him, and therefore one of his enemies, but unfortunately it did.
That's when a thought came to him: you were a cupid, the guardian of love, and you made people fall in love with each other. Could that be? It had to be, there was a great possibility that you had put a spell on him. The fixed idea kept coming back and torturing him, he had to get rid of this doubt in his mind by going to you and putting an end to this agony once and for all.
You were flying to your temple after several hours of work. Of course bringing couples together was your specialty, but you also worked on preserving the sympathy, innocence and gentleness of children, because love was related to all that too, and your work only worked with the power contained in the substances you put in your arrows.
On the way there, you sensed that something was wrong, and unfortunately your intuition was right. Your temple was being invaded by Pitch's "horses", but they quickly left as a figure, and when you looked a little further, you noticed that they were stealing your arrows and the vials containing the substances. This made you extremely worried because your arrows and those vials were your most important things, they were what made you the cupid and guardian.
When the last creature left your temple as fast as a shadow, you followed it trying to catch up with it as it flew, it was hard to keep up as the nightmare was fast, but you didn't give up for anything, you weren't so focused on catching up with the nightmare that you didn't even remember to call the other guardians to help you.
With that chase, the nightmare took you into a forest and disappeared among the trees, you landed and looked around. The place was totally dark and gray with a certain evil malice, as if there was no life, only melancholy, which made you immediately become defensive and walk among those trees and hold your bow and arrow.
You looked around for that smoky black creature as you entered the forest, until your ears caught the sound of a neigh and you knew it wasn't just any horse. The cupid ran quickly to where the sound was coming from and stopped at the sight of a broken, old bed in a deep hole, getting closer cautiously, a bad energy taking you over more and more and you were slightly startled to hear the neighing again, but this time inside that hole. You had no choice, had to get back what had been stolen from you. So you entered that deep, dark hole, using your wings to land gently without hurting yourself.
As you stepped into the room, you looked around. It was a poorly lit cave, the lights were just a few rays of sunlight that invaded the deep cavern, who knows how many meters you were underground, the cold dominated the place, but it was bearable. You managed to discover Pitch's hideout, but you also wondered whether you would make it out alive or sane. You gathered your courage and decided to explore the place while your guard was still up, but even so, your fear was palpable, and he loved it, little did you know that he savored your fear.
You stood out in that dark, gray place, with your angelic appearance, lively and so delicate, it was obvious that you shouldn't be there, that environment didn't suit you. The negative energy in that place was so strong that it gave you the creeps, and you also felt the sensation of being watched. You just wanted to take what was yours and leave.
As you walked around the place, you could see the large globe with the little lights on, and you came closer to look at it. You knew that each light was a child who believed in you, but how could he have that in his cave? Your thoughts were interrupted by a voice:
“Looking for something?”
When you looked back, you saw only his shadow on the wall and wasted no time in shooting your arrow, but the shadow quickly disappeared, slipping into one of the corridors of that cave and you followed him, but lost sight of him when you reached that dimly lit corridor:
“Put the arrow down, dear. Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you.” His voice echoed around, in that calm tone of his that could put a child to sleep.
“Afraid? I'm not afraid of you.” You said, still holding your bow and arrow, looking around and turning quickly to look for any sign of him.
“Don't lie cupid, my specialty is understanding people's fears...” Then he stepped out of the shadows, standing in front of you with that smile on his face as he looked you up and down. “...just as you can understand love, but don't seem to understand when it comes from a certain person...”
The bogeyman walked quietly around you, and you couldn't take your eyes off him as aimed the arrow. Both of your hearts were beating fast at the presence of the other, but for different reasons, yours being of fear, but his being of love and eagerness to put his hands on you, if only for the slightest touch.
“Give me back what you stole from me.” You said commandingly. “You don't need my things.”
“Don't you see that I did this just to bring you to me?” He asked seriously and stopped walking.
“And what do you want from me?”
As you asked this, a small smile formed on his lips and he disappeared back into the darkness behind him. You quickly followed him and as you passed through the darkness you felt like you had been teleported to another corner of the cave. He was toying with you, you were desperate, feeling lost and wondering how you got there. You dropped your guard and felt the bow being quickly taken from your hands, one of his horses had picked it up and carried it away, now leaving you unarmed:
“I just need some answers on a specific matter that's been bothering me for days.” You heard his voice echoing again and his shadow walked around the corners of the wall as he explained. “I've never felt a feeling like this in all these years, I feel weak and anxious when it comes to you, but at the same time it's such a pleasant warmth and delicious anxiety when you're around.... Oh! My cupid... What have you done?”
He asked with a sigh. You were confused and stunned by this information, you knew exactly what he was describing and what that feeling was. He was in love with you? But how?...
“My spell doesn't work on myself, I can't make someone fall in love with me. I didn't even know you could fall in love...”
You said as you took slow steps backwards, suddenly you felt a presence at your back and a shiver ran through your body as you felt two icy hands on your shoulders and a whisper close to your ear:
“We seem to have discovered something together. So why would I, the bogeyman, be in love with you, such a delicate cupid who is the complete opposite of me?”
The sensation of the king of nightmares' icy touch on your warm skin brought a small thermal shock to both of them, his presence so close exuded a very strong negative energy, but at the same time transformed it into a pleasurable adrenaline and fear. His question made you quiet and also thoughtful:
“Did that leave you speechless, love?” he asked, speaking close to your ear while his hands rubbed your shoulders and squeezed them lightly, making him inhale deeply as he felt satisfied and relaxed at finally being able to feel you and satisfy his curiosity about what it was like to touch your soft skin.
“I don't know what to say... I can only say that we don't decide who we fall in love with, it's impossible to control the desires of the heart. And I can't undo that since it wasn't my spell, it was natural.”
“I confess I wanted you to undo that...” He explained as one of his hands left your shoulder and went to your waist, bringing you closer to him until your back and wings brushed against his chest. “It made me so weak, but I changed my mind when I realized how good this feeling was, but also how torturous... It's an almost addictive sensation, and so new.”
As he spoke close to your neck with the sensation of his lips almost touching your sensitive skin, your attention went to his hand, which was on your shoulder and slowly descending, tracing its way down your skin, to your elbow and arriving at your small and delicate hand. His long, slender fingers intertwined with yours, and the energy of that touch gave you a different sensation, of course there was no good energy coming from Pitch, but somehow you felt a warm, protective feeling, therefore of great danger and you felt the same anxiety.
Your gaze shifted from your entwined hands to his face, your heart softening as you saw the way he looked at you, revealing the deep burning desire in his eyes. For the first time you discovered that there was love in the eyes of the king of nightmares. But you were uncertain, he was your enemy, you couldn't trust the man who was as treacherous as a snake, and besides, what would your friends think of that? You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a small laugh from him:
“I don't understand love, but there's something that leads me to believe that we were meant for each other. It's evident from the mere contact of our hands.” He spoke in a calm, enveloping voice as he lightly squeezed your waist and caressed your hand. That's when you pulled away and faced him, and he felt an emptiness at that.
“I can't.” You said thoughtfully and with a hint of sadness, this couldn't happen, you were a guardian and you were supposed to protect the children from the bogeyman. Unfortunately he was right, however wrong it was, it seemed certain that you were soul mates. That smile wouldn't leave his face.
“You're afraid of giving yourself to me, afraid of finding out what the other guardians will think, afraid of disappointing them.” The taller man approached you and grabbed your chin, lifting your face, forcing you to face him once more. “Am I right, my cupid?”
“But my goal is to destroy you.”
Holding your chin firmly, he moved even closer, and you stared into the deep golden eyes that were fixed on your lips. That man's ability to bewitch you and influence you to give in was remarkable, and it was practically impossible to resist after so many looks, touches and closeness... He was bewitching you like a snake that grabs its prey so cautiously to strike next:
“You already destroy me completely just by your presence... Don't you see that I'm totally at your mercy, darling? You have me in the palm of your hand.”
Cupid, which was you, felt almost as if you were being seduced into opening Pandora's box, about to unlock the doors to dangerous territory with no turning back. It was slowly turning into a game of pride and hesitation. Their faces were so close that you could feel them both breathing, a chill went through his stomach and he felt his cheeks start to heat up. Before you could say anything, you were surprised by his kiss on your red lips, breaking the distance and forcing you to give in to your hidden desires. Your eyes widened in surprise at the bogeyman's audacity, but you returned the kiss after closing your eyes.
While you were kissing with such fervor, Pitch slid his hand around your waist, drawing you close to him, joining your bodies, while his other hand went up to the back of your neck, gently pulling your hair. This made you moan involuntarily during the kiss, at which point he took the opportunity to explore your mouth with his tongue. Pitch held you so close to his body that he seemed to have waited years for this moment, he was desperate to feel you, your body, your lips and hear your sweet moans. You had never experienced a kiss like this, it was so needy, possessive and deep, you felt as if you were the only creature that mattered to him and his most valuable possession, and indeed, you were.
He interrupted the kiss, both of you panting, trying to catch your breath, you realized you were wrong that it was over when he started kissing your neck, distributing light bites and sucking on the sensitive, soft skin of the cupid, marking it like an animal marking territory. Your wings fluttered softly as you felt his cool fingers caressing them and his knee sliding between your legs, teasing you. Knowing he wanted to push the limits, you pushed him away from your neck, and your hands rested on his chest as your eyes met:
“That can't happen again...” He laughed when you said this and gradually let go of your arms and pulled away, feeling the flaming trail of your palm on his chest.
“Deny it all you want, I know you'll come back again and we'll have lots of dates like this, love.” The taller man removed the small lock of hair from your face. “You know where my hideout is, just visit me.”
That man knew very well how to manipulate someone, especially a creature as sentimental and romantic as you. He magically took your little bow and arrow from his back and handed it to you, and as soon as you took it you looked at him doubtfully:
“Until another day, my cupid.”
As he said this he snapped his fingers and suddenly you no longer felt the ground around your feet and you fell into that darkness, desperately trying to find a position to fly to, but as soon as you did you were teleported back to your temple, specifically into your bedroom and fell onto your bed. You were breathing heavily from the adrenaline and the unexpected fright, so you sat on the bed thinking about what had happened and running your hand through your hair.
Your enemy had just declared his feelings to you, given himself to you completely, and then kissed you and you gave in to that temptation. Taking a deep breath, you wrapped your arms around yourself, feeling empty for having stopped such bold caresses.
When you got out of bed, confused by your feelings, you wondered what your next meeting would be like, if it would be the same and if you should give in next time, or if there would be a next time. And as you looked in the mirror you also wondered how you were going to hide those marks on your neck from your guardian friends...
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da-awesom-one · 9 months
At All Costs (Snowflake Version) - Chris Pine & Idina Menzel
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Art I commissioned from Frost_Art on Instagram.
*DISCLAIMER: These lyrics are fan-made lyrics of a song created and owned by Disney for characters that are owned by both Disney and Dreamworks respectively . No money is being made off of this. This was solely written for recreational purposes.*
Context: This is set during Frozen II, in the middle of the Dark Sea scene. They’ve barely survived the Nokk, and Jack is the most upset he’s ever been. Elsa left him behind not once, but twice. The first when they left Kristoff and Sven behind, and the second when she sent Olaf and Anna away. Not only that, she recklessly runs into the Dark Sea, and that’s not mentioning his fear of water. Coupled with the fear of being sent away, and not feeling like he has a place in Arendelle, he’s really struggling to prove his worth without being selfish.
Love is selflessness, and he has taken that to heart since the events of Frozen 1, where he abandoned Elsa before her parents died, and he did everything in his power to make up for it when she finally sees him again. However, it doesn't always work in the right way. So he’s desperately trying to not be what he perceives to be selfish, for being selfish is what almost lost him his best friend in the first place, and he is deeply afraid of losing his new family. Of losing Elsa.
But somewhere along the way, whether he understands or want to admit it or not, things changed. Jack sees Elsa differently, just as she started to in her late teens, but kept quiet due to what happened and out of respect to her friend, also because she's not sure she understands it either.
They argue in the Dark Sea, telling her he doesn't want to lose her, but right as Jack’s about to say what he actually wants, he relents, saying what he wants doesn’t matter. Elsa doesn’t accept that. Once they get to safety, she tells him what he wants matters to HER.
And he tells her he wants to stay with her forever. That he sees her the way Kristoff does to Anna. But time, fate, what have you, makes it seem like no matter what he does, he can’t. But still, he wants to be with her regardless. Because she is his destiny. And being with her makes him feel better, and whole.
So then he starts singing. And so does she. And for the first time since entering the Enchanted Forest, they're on the same page. Better now than ever before.
Sing = Siiing
J: If destiny is a set-in-stone thing,
Mine would be you.
If you'd have told me the feelings you'd bring,
I'd think them untrue.
Yet I never thought I’d meet someone like you.
Not in this life.
You still amaze me after all this time.
You… pull me in like some kind of wind,
Steer me through all the doubts within,
Make me brave enough to tell ya...
…That I…
Love you as one does.
I, I would protect you 
At all costs.
Face the storm, and all the odds.
I, I will protect you 
At all costs.
At all costs.
E: How to say… the words that I wish to convey?
That I want this, too. Even if I tried to,
I can’t go back to life before you.
If someone tried to stop us, I don't
See how that could happen.
I'd fight for us in ways you can't imagine.
I’ve felt this once before, so I hope
It would be alright to stand right here and tell you…
B: I love you as one does.
I, I will protect you 
At all costs.
Hold you right here in my heart.
I, I will protect you 
At all costs!
At all costs!
If you're ever feeling like you're lost,
I’ll come find you!
Man all fronts! There's no ocean I won't swim across
To be right by you!
And not just once. Here and now, I swear on my response,
I'll remind you…
I love you as one does.
I, I will protect you 
At all costs!
Keep you safe here in my arms!
I, I will protect you 
At all costs!
At all costs.
Debated whether or not to do this after posting the Jack Frost This Is The Thanks I Get?!, and finally hearing this for the first time. I got giddy, as this is definitely one of the top songs from the Wish soundtrack, and it struck me as odd that the villain, who in the movie was married, and the protagonist would sing something that sounded... well, romantic.
After seeing Wish for the context of it, and later discovering the Demo Version, learning that it WAS originally written as a love song, well... I had to go back and tweak my original draft.
@doodlemel's Animatic of them singing this song definitely didn't help, either. XD
I had to tweak bits that weren't making sense for Jack to say, especially parts that Magnifico said in the movie that kinda hinted to his more sinister persona. Because Jack is a good guy, but also someone who has never experienced these kinda feelings before, as well as also dealing with a lot of mistakes and trauma that influence his perception of whether or not his feelings are genuine, and whether he has a right to feel these feelings.
Elsa, for her part. is more straightforward, remarkably. Because I headcanon that she fell in love first, but Jack was being Shonen Protagonist oblivious to it. And by the time he started feeling a spark of something similar, stuff had already happened between them that they needed to clear up. But her feelings for him never really went away, even if she got better at hiding them. So when she hears him FINALLY admit that he feels the same way, she doesn't have to hide anymore. She lets him say his piece, and responds in kind.
Ultimately, I didn't really change much but the first parts where they sing, and parts of the choruses. Especially the “love” parts, as I just HAD to incorporate the original Demo Version into it. It's telling a sort of story. Of them slowly synchronizing once more, and finally ending with them being of one mind and heart.
For to love on a spectrum that has both beings as one, in my opinion, is truly a beautiful thing.
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voided-peach · 10 months
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In honor of the completion of Shattered Pieces by @gilly-moon. I wanted to draw Jack's Christmas outfit. Thank you Gilly for the wonderful fic! Congrats on it finally being finished!!
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xshimaeraxx · 30 days
have a tag preview of a fic im working on (yes im writing on ao3 itself bc im a freakin’ maniac, shush /silly)
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9haharharley1 · 5 months
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Rise of the Guardians (2012), Guardians of Childhood - William Joyce Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jack Frost/Pitch Black, Jack Frost/Kozmotis Pitchiner, Nightlight/Pitch Black, Nightlight/Kozmotis Pitchiner Characters: Nightlight (Guardians of Childhood), Kozmotis Pitchiner, Pitch Black (Guardians of Childhood), Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood) Additional Tags: How do you even tag this ship, I'm tired of looking at this, Not me taking liberties with Nightlight's powers, Pining, Mutual Pining, Nightlight being a bit of a voyeur, he has no idea what that is, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
Before Jack Frost, there was Nightlight.
Before Pitch Black, there was Kozmotis.
Before they were enemies, they were friends.
Before they were friends, Nightlight was just a Nightlight.
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pandas01 · 1 year
Wanting to rewatch the original series but then you start comparing it to your favorite fanfic and wishing you can watch the fanfic story line
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jamielucafan01 · 2 years
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Inseparable is a good fanfic. You’re welcome...
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mahoganyrust · 5 months
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Happy Mermay everyone
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