#Rise of the Guardians boyfriend scenarios
lovelywhiteroses · 10 months
🌹Requests are Open!🌹
No incest
No minor x adult
No problematic relationships they never end well.
Angst is fine but don’t go too far.
No drunk ‘acts’ if they are not able to say no it’s considered as assault.
No bully scenario’s. That isn’t romance that’s abuse and a toxic stereotypical behavior who ever said a person picks on you likes you. That is not romance and that’s final!
Smut is fine but no minor characters. If suggested a minor character I will give you a warning, if you ignore me and continue I will block you.
Do not romanticize assault. Ever.
Now onto some fandoms I’m familiar with. Some fandoms may not be deemed for children. Please understand if I do post one fandom that may seem not deemed for children, I do not intend for it towards them. I even put warnings at the very beginning.
Family friendly fandoms
❄️Rise of the Guardians❄️
🐓Stardew Valley🐓
🕸️Spider-Man across the Spiderverse🕸️
Fandoms for 18 and up!
⭐️Binary star hero 18+⭐️
😈Favor 18+😈
🍎You and Him 18+🔪
Arcane (18+?? I’m unsure..)
🎸Sally face 18+👻
🌹Picture Perfect Boyfriend 18+ (no nsfw ask yet please)🌸
📖Doki Doki Literature Club 18+📖
🦉Slay the Princess 18+🔪
😈Hazbin Hotel 18+🌈
🔪Duality VN 18+🌸
Possibly more in the future. I’ll let you all know or update this in the future. I would love to learn about more fandoms as my page will grow.
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bunnimew · 2 years
RotG Secret Santa- Prompt 85: Thrills, Chills, and Skills
Rating: G Fandom: Rise of the Guardians Relationship: Jack Frost/Pitch Black Tags: Fluff, Romance, Roller Coasters, Carnival Games, One (1) cute plushie Summary: For @rotgsecretsanta 2022: Prompt [Jack/Pitch] Jack discovers one of Pitch's favourite places to be is an amusement park, and he wants to go with Jack (can be themed/halloween, up to you). All that FEAR.
On AO3 here.
Halloween night at a theme park is the perfect time for fear and fun. ;)
Honestly it hadn’t taken much to convince Jack to go to the park. 
Theme parks were essentially concentrated landscapes of fun, with winding, funky metal tracks, cheerful music, silly games, and the smell of delicious fried food. Sometimes it was almost too much for Jack, soaking up all that fun. And it rarely ever needed a convenient snowball’s help to start a domino effect. 
But theme parks were also the perfect catalyst for fear. 
All that anticipation built up waiting in a long, winding queue, the dread of the safety apparatus locking in place when the attendant hit the green button that meant there’s no turning back, all the scenarios running through the mind of things that could go wrong as the little car climbed its way to the peak of the track… 
And then the rush that left no time for thinking, only feeling, as the car took the plunge and sped through impossible turns and dark tunnels. Sometimes it only lasted seconds but it was so potent. 
Pitch loved theme parks. Pitch especially loved theme parks around Halloween. Pitch spending time at a theme park on Halloween with his former enemy turned recent boyfriend Jack Frost? 
Sounded like a little piece of paradise to the Boogeyman. 
It was their first Halloween together and the significance was not lost on either of them. That was the day for fear and fun to join together. Instead of spreading mischief and haunting houses, however, Pitch had suggested the theme park. Jack had enthusiastically agreed, linked his arm with Pitch’s, and waited to be whisked away. 
They may have only been spirits, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t occupy an empty seat here and there to enjoy a roller coaster ride. A little frost to tamper with the mechanics and render a seat unrideable ensured they could sit next to each other, where Pitch could listen to Jack cheer and holler as they flew through all manner of loop-de-loops, bunny hills, and corkscrews. With all the ways the wind whipped him through the air, Jack felt perfectly at home on a roller coaster. 
Pitch would have been disappointed by the lack of fear in him if it weren’t for Jack’s radiant smile and infectious laughter. He was beautiful in his element, and Pitch drank it in just as much as the screams of the other passengers. 
Jack’s stance changed when they stood in front of a beast of machinery called ‘The Tower of Terror.’ 
“What’s the matter, Jack?” Pitch asked with a growing smirk, slipping an arm around Jack’s shoulders. “I thought none of these rides scared you.” 
Jack, in a true display of his maturity, stuck his tongue out for even suggesting such a thing. “They don’t. This one’s just not my favorite.” 
“Why ever not? It’s hardly any different from the other stationary rides. Surely you don’t have a fear of heights.” 
“Of course not,” Jack scoffed, playfully poking Pitch in one of those chiseled cheeks. They would have looked gaunt on anyone else but Pitch somehow managed to pull them off. “I can fly. It’s not the heights.” 
“Then…” Pitch trailed off dramatically, walking his fingers in a spidery way down Jack’s forearm and back up. “What is it? The loudest screams do seem to be coming from this one.” 
“It’s…” Jack casually shrugged off Pitch’s hand—it may have been unnerving him a bit—and turned to press himself fully against Pitch’s chest. He was all for contact that didn’t feel like spiders. “On a roller coaster, I can see the track. I know where we’re going and what’s supposed to happen. On that thing?” He gestured vaguely to the ‘terrifying tower.’ “It’s the anticipation that kills me. Kinda ruins the fun, y’know?” 
Yet it was that very anticipation that had Pitch practically salivating to get on. The fear coming off the passengers was heady, slowly rising to an absurd height with them at the mercy of the staff member’s press of a button. Sharing that moment with someone special to him sounded positively romantic. 
“I’m willing to compromise,” Pitch offered, lowering his voice to a sultry murmur, the kind that had gotten Jack into trouble in the past, and leaning in to touch their foreheads together. “Is there anything I can do to get you to go on with me?” 
Jack’s cheeks flushed a pale shade of blue at the proximity, and a smile spread across his lips. He’d never actually said he wouldn’t get on the ride, but if Pitch was going to offer… 
“Did you see the game area?”
Pitch’s smile fell a little. The game area was where the least amount of fear was generated, unless it was the fear of emptying one's pockets. Or being unable to impress a date. 
Nevertheless, “Yes I did.” 
Jack’s eyes lit up, wearing a smile that had gotten Pitch in trouble in the past. His fingers were drumming with excitement against the Boogeyman’s chest. “Win me a prize? There was a really cute bat plushie wearing a pumpkin bowtie. I think it’d be a perfect addition to our bed, don’t you?” 
Pitch… sighed, already knowing Jack would have his way, and enveloped them in the shadows to reappear in the game area. The smell of food was stronger, the music was louder, and the lights were brighter in the darkening October night. Fear and fun were not as balanced here as the rest of the park, but Pitch appreciated the scary costumes some of the staff and patrons were wandering around in. 
“You do realize I could just… snatch any prize you want, right?” Pitch pointed out, letting Jack lead him by the hand to the plushie that had caught his eye. “I could pull anything in those crane machines out through the shadows.” 
“But where’s the fun in that?” Jack whined playfully. “I mean, I know we can’t exactly play by the rules since they probably can’t see us but… At least try it? For me, your boyfriend, on this very special Halloween night?” 
Oh, Jack was laying it on thick. 
Pitch sighed again, sure the look on his face could only be described as smitten. He raised their joined hands, “Fine. For you,” and pressed his lips to the back of Jack’s. “Because it is a very special Halloween night.” 
Jack’s grin was so wide, it bordered on manic. He loved Pitch’s theatrics, especially when it resulted in kisses. Laughing, he twirled around the man and broke into a light jog, tugging Pitch along like he couldn’t stand to wait any longer. The Nightmare King, master of shadows and scary, agreeing to suffer through some rigged games just to win him a prize because it made him happy? How precious was that?
Jack felt like he had to hurry before Pitch changed his mind. 
As it turned out, Pitch had no patience for skee ball. Which was fine, because as much as Jack was snickering watching him fumble and miss the targets, it was too popular of a game for them to play long. Getting walked through that many times was going to ruin the date if they weren’t careful.  
They had more success at the balloon dart toss. Pitch would time his throws at the exact moment the person playing did, leaving everyone shocked and confused when the single dart multiplied into two or three and popped the adjacent balloons. Pitch was a great shot and he was definitely showing it off. For Jack. 
But Jack couldn’t let Pitch’s ego inflate too much. When he sat, poised and ready at the empty seat in the water gun horse race next, Jack floated over to blow on the stream coming from the nozzle of Pitch’s gun and froze it mid-air. It was quite the spectacle to the other racers and the employee running the booth, but Jack was laughing too hard at the sheer offense on Pitch’s face from his ‘betrayal’ to notice. 
The playful chase that ensued was its own brand of fun, and when Pitch eventually caught up to him, they’d ended up in front of what looked like some kind of archery game. The smirk on Pitch’s face when he realized was …confident and pretty sexy if Jack was honest, so he decided he’d behave for this one.
They had to wait until the staff member was fully distracted pulling a prize down for a customer before Pitch could even pick up the bow. And even then, it was hard for people milling about to not notice a floating bow and arrow, so Pitch had to be quick about it. 
The way he nailed the bullseye was so smooth and effortless, it took Jack a second to realize he’d taken the shot at all. Even so, he cheered with an impressed “Holy shit!” while Pitch very calmly set the bow back down. 
But the smug look on his face said everything. 
It was only made better when people around the booth began gossiping about a cursed game and a ghostly archer, which fit in all too well with the holiday festivities. Altogether it wasn’t much fear, but it was a delicious cherry on top for Pitch. 
“How’s that, Jack?” he asked, linking their arms together once more. “I think that counts as a win.” 
“Can’t argue that,” Jack chuckled, squeezing Pitch’s arm as he looked up at the hanging prizes displayed above the targets. “But the bat plushie isn’t at this one.” 
Pitch’s expression fell. 
“I’m stealing it.” 
“Yeah go ahead.” 
A quick detour, a quick entanglement with questionable morals, and a not so quick hug with the softest and squishiest bat plushie Jack had ever beheld before Pitch tucked it away in the shadows, and the pair returned to ‘The Tower of Terror.’ Mission accomplished. 
Pitch looked as excited as a puppy when they took their spots in two conveniently empty seats on the circular car. Jack was… enjoying Pitch’s enjoyment. He figured it wouldn’t hurt to play it up a bit to distract himself from the anxiousness he was about to endure. 
“You better hold me the entire time!” Jack insisted as the over the top contraption they were strapped to whirred to life. He threaded their fingers together and, since the seats allowed their legs to dangle, hooked his foot over Pitch’s ankle too. 
“Don’t worry, Darling,” Pitch cooed in a way that would give anyone plenty to worry about. “I’m just as locked in place as you are. No escape for anyone.” 
“Whyyyy must you say it like that,” Jack griped half-heartedly. He was a little preoccupied with the world below growing smaller underneath their feet and the temperature getting colder. The blissfully unaware humans around them were already whooping and screaming as they ascended to heights no mortal should while confined to a plastic chair. 
And then came the worst part. They reached the summit.
A hush fell over all the occupants of the car, just for a beat. Just enough for the realization to hit that the only direction left to go… was down. 
“It’s a lovely view, isn’t it?” Pitch asked conversationally, golden gaze scanning over the dark horizon and the glowing park beneath them. “Couldn’t have asked for a more perfect Halloween.” 
That was real sweet and all, but Jack was trying to listen or look for any cue that would indicate they were all about to take a long dive. They’d only been up here for seconds and the wait was already unbearable. 
“Ugh, why won’t he hit the button already! Let’s go!” 
Pitch laughed. “Oh relax, Jack. Savor the moment would you? Isn’t that what you’d tell me?” 
How dare Pitch have a point. Jack squeezed his hand harder like it was supposed to be some kind of retaliation, yet also took comfort in the contact. “Sure. I did that already. The moment has been savored.” 
“You’re ridiculous.” Pitch shook his head, though his remark was made fondly. Jack may not have been scared per se, but he did not know what to do with his growing anxious energy. The rest of the car was no better and it all evolved into an appetizing little prelude to the main event that would be happening… Any second now…
“Is it just me, or is this taking longer than usu—Oh SHIT!” 
The car dropped. 
The rush of sudden wind wasn’t quite enough to deafen all the screams, a beautiful background orchestra to the weightless feeling that left Pitch breathless and exhilarated. Even Jack was screaming, holding onto him with everything he had, and being so intoxicated by all the fear he was surrounded by, Pitch leaned in through the safety harness and took Jack’s lips with his own. 
It was, in Pitch’s opinion, one of the most delicious kisses they’d shared. 
Jack couldn’t quite keep up. One moment they were bantering, then they were free falling, shock and thrill blossoming into a unique kind of fun that made his center warm, and then Pitch was silencing him in the best way. 
…He had to be using his shifting powers to lean in that far. Jack wasn’t complaining. It completely stole his attention as the car barreled back down to Earth. Some part of his brain was tickled by the idea that they were somehow sharing what they were each feeling, the fear and the fun and the satisfaction it gave them. It didn’t make for the most romantic picture—Pitch’s hair was standing straight up and Jack was sure his hair was no better. There were bulky, obnoxiously yellow harness bumpers keeping them too far apart, and the speed of their fall made everything a bit blurry. Still, Jack could tell how happy Pitch was. 
It felt amazing.  
When they broke apart wearing matching smiles, the car had settled safely back on the metal platform, and people were getting off. 
That had gone…  much better than Jack expected. 
He was sure his cheeks were blue as he watched Pitch reach for the handle on his safety harness. Jack adored him, and the bat plushie had very little to do with it. 
“Hey,” he started before Pitch could get too far out of his seat, his voice low and a little gravely from all the screaming. “How ‘bout we stick around for the next one?”
Pitch …stopped. And promptly strapped himself back in with a growing, shark-like grin that made Jack’s heart pound. 
“Jack Frost, I love you.” 
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mbruben-stein · 3 years
Rise of the Guardians boyfriend scenarios
What your Center is.
-Jack Frost-
Your center is creativity.
Your center is loyalty.
Your center is peace.
-(Younger) North-
Your center is love.
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lovely-angst · 4 years
I’ve been kind of going through it a bit at home. Maybe a scenario where almost everyday fem y/n parents are fighting everyday because the dad is always coming home late from drinking and that’s when the argument starts and they put the blame on you for them arguing and Katsuki comforts you the whole night and just takes you out? Idk I just need a comfort scenario rn I hope you don’t mind doing this !! You don’t have to do it if it causes a trigger ofc <3
a/n: I’m sorry I couldn’t get to this sooner! I know it is hard, just know you’re not alone! i also changed request a bit, hope it still helps! <3
tw: broken family, arguing
genre: fluff and angst
pairing: bakugou x reader
summary: bakugou takes you to his house after a long night of your parents arguing and you get a glimpse of what a loving family looks like
word count: 1.6k
Nights like these, you’ve learned to tune them out. It sounds like a ringing in your ear as you watch your parents gesture around angrily at each other as you sat on the couch, thinking of ways you could escape to your room. 
It was always like this. Your dad would come home drunk and your mom would always get angry at him for it. You didn’t know why they always seemed to rope you into these arguments, but it wasn’t like you could stop them from keeping your name out of their mouths—they never listened to you anyway.
They always blamed you. Using you to throw all of their problems onto, acting as if it would relieve some of their problems. Deep down, you knew it wasn’t because of you, but it didn’t stop you from questioning if they were right.
Somehow, you managed to escape to your room, muffling their voices further as you shut the door. Days like these, you felt alone.
A ding beside you snapped you out of your thoughts before you reached over to grab your phone—it was Bakugou.
‘I’m at the convenience store by your house, did you want something?’
It was like Bakugou was your guardian angel. He always seemed to be there when you needed it the most, especially when you were reaching out silently. Your heart was so full of love for him, he was too good.
‘I’m not feeling great, can we hang out a bit?’ you hated being so negative with Bakugou, but right now, the only thing you wanted was him. And not even 30 seconds later, he replied.
‘I’ll be there in five minutes’ And like he said, five minutes later, he was outside. Slipping in a sweater, you made your way back into the living room, where your parents continued to argue.
“I’m going out,” you say, not bothering to check if they heard—not that it mattered.
Shutting the door behind you, you immediately press yourself against Bakugou’s chest, taking in his presence and his scent. His muscular arms wrap around you gently as you let out a heavy sigh. You never wanted to leave the safe place of his arms.
“Are your parents arguing again?” Bakugou questions and all you could do was nod. “I just needed to get out of there.” He lets out a hum, rubbing your back with his free hand before gently pulling away to reach into his bag. “I thought this would cheer you up.”
Your eyes lock onto the meat bun in his hands before you give him an embarrassed smile, “Why do you always assume food would make me feel better?” you say, taking to meat bun from his hands.
“Cause I know it does, and I know you love that shit,” Bakugou intertwines his large one with yours as the two of you walk down the street in a comfortable silence. “Can I stay the night at your place?”
“Wouldn’t your parents get upset?” he asks, but you shrug. “I’d rather get in trouble staying over at yours than to hear them arguing until the sun rises.”
Bakugou didn’t want to be the cause of trouble headed your way, but you seemed determined to get out. Letting you stay over was the least he could do.
“Do you think your parents would mind?” You ask, glancing up at him for an answer only to feel him squeeze your hand gently, “You know they love having you over.”
“Yeah, but it’s a bit late for me to be coming over and especially on such short notice,” and before you could worry any more, Bakugou leaned over to press a kiss onto your lips before facing forward once more.
“Just let it happen. You’re not a bother to us, I mean it.”
It didn’t take long before the two of you arrived at the Bakugou household. You’ve always enjoyed being around his family, even if he and his mom bickered. It was out of love and not pure hatred.
“I’m back and I brought (Name). She’s staying the night,” Bakugou announced from the door as the two of you placed your shoes neatly on the floor before walking into the living room.
“Nice to see you, (Name),” Masaru greeted with a smile from the couch as you gave him a polite bow, “Thank you for having me. I apologize for coming so suddenly.”
“Don’t be! It’s nice to have another lady in the house and we love having you over!” Mitsuki exclaimed as she walked out from the kitchen, coming over to hug you. “It’s refreshing to have you over and Katsuki’s so much calmer when you’re here!”
You give her a smile and a giggle when you hear Bakugou yelling beside you. “I think it’s the other way around. I feel so much more calm and relaxed with Katsuki,” you say, earning an embarrassing pout from him. “I don’t know what I would do without him.”
It was just past midnight and the Bakugou household was now dark and quiet, not a sound to be heard other than the soft mingled breathing of you and Bakugou.
“Close your eyes and go to sleep,” Bakugou mumbles as you stare up at him, eyes wide and very much awake. Even with his eyes closed, he could feel your eyes focused on him.
“I like looking at you,” you confess before Bakugou wrapped his arms around you, pressing you tight against his chest. Each beat of his heart brought you closer to sleep as your eyes slowly drifted shut. Bakugou rubbing your back comfortably to soothe you to sleep.
“Do you think I’m a bad person?” you question and Bakugou furrows his brows in response. “I mean, my parents always blame me for their arguments. Am I doing something wrong?”
“It’s not you who is doing anything wrong,” Bakugou continues, “your parents just don’t want to put the blame on themselves. You know it’s not you.” You nod but couldn’t help the sigh that escaped your lips, “I know, but it doesn’t help to hear it daily.”
“Thanks for bringing me here,” your soft voice tickles his chest gently, your fingers running along his arm. “I wish I could live with you,” you say quietly and Bakugou hums in response, “I know.”
“Maybe someday?”
Even in his drowsy state, Bakugou meant it. Smiling, you snuggle deeper in his arms with a content sigh. You wished every night could end like this.
The sounds of dishes rattling in the kitchen stirred you awake from your sleep as you curled into your side, hoping to meet the warm chest of your boyfriend. But, his side of the bed was cold and empty. Opening your still tired eyes, you looked around to be met with a room void of Bakugou.
Throwing your feet over the bed and onto the cold hardwood floor, Bakugou’s voice suddenly came from the doorway. “I was just about to come to wake you up,” he states, earning a pout from you.
“I would’ve liked to have been woken up with you by my side,” you whine but walk over to slump yourself against his body, already feeling the drowsiness once more.
Bakugou’s chest rumbles as he lets out a chuckle. “Hurry up and get ready so we can eat breakfast,” he finishes, kissing you on the forehead before ushering you to the bathroom.
Walking into the bathroom, you stared at your toothbrush that Bakugou had kept for you. “Because you always forget your toothbrush,” he would say, but you knew he always had a spare for you.
Cleaning up your appearance, you walked over towards the dining table where the Bakugou’s were waiting for you happily and warmly like always. “Sit down, we’re so happy that you’re able to join us for breakfast,” Mitsuki says as you take a seat beside Bakugou.
“Would you like some tea?” Masaru offers and you nod, taking the cup politely. “Don’t be shy, dig in (Name).” He says, chopsticks already in his hands.
Glancing down, everything looked delicious. There was a bowl of miso soup beside your small bowl of rice, a plate of salmon that already had your mouth watering and a steaming meat bun beside you.
“Katsuki had told me that you loved meat buns, so we had one heat up for you,” Mitsuki comments as she saw the way you eyed the meat bun. “He tells me a lot about you.”
“Hey! Shut your trap!” Bakugou snarls and Mitsuki shoots back, “Don’t talk to your mother that way! Just say you’re in love with (Name) and go!”
That seemed to shut Bakugou up. His arms crossed with a pout on his lips, but you didn’t miss the blush that adorned his cheeks and ears. His father chuckles before turning towards you, “That boy is wrapped around your finger though, (Name).” 
Mitsuki giggles at Bakugou before they continue to banter at each other playfully. Masaru enjoying his breakfast whole heatedly with his family.
It was different, you thought as you watched them. How a family could be so loving towards each other, so full of love.
“This...This is really nice,” you say with a soft smile as your hands wrap around the bowl of miso soup. “I’ve never had a family breakfast like this before,” you confess shyly. “My family is never happy like this, so thank you for showing me what a loving family is supposed to look like.”
Bakugou’s eyes slightly widen at you from your sudden confession and before he could move or do anything, his mom spoke up. “Sweetie, know you’re always welcomed here! You’re already apart of our family!” she says and Masaru gives you an approving nod.
You couldn’t help the widening smile on your lips as you hunch in on yourself shyly, “I can’t thank Katsuki enough for giving me this. For bringing me so much happiness.”
Underneath the table, Bakugou’s hands seek out yours before giving you three firm squeezes as to silently say:
I love you.
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tangled23works · 4 years
No Time To Die
My @olicitytropes story continues. Hope you guys enjoy this update and if you’re fic writers yourselves, they have some wonderful Halloween prompts on their account that you can check out.
Read on Ao3
Or keep reading here
“Do you see them?” Sin whispered close to his ear.
 Oliver didn’t pay much attention to her question but he noticed her tone. Sin was afraid and trying to hide it.
 He was lying down on a filthy roof stalking the man rumored to have created the new drug that plagued the Glades. Sin had provided the information and insisted on accompanying him. Ever since her friend Max had died, she had been determined to bring down the man responsible for the whole operation.
 Count Vertigo was what they called him. A ridiculous name if Oliver had ever heard one.
 “Is there a way in?” Sin asked.
 “There’s always a way,” he replied, thinking once more of the island and his mentor’s teachings.
 There was only one problem. The ‘way’ was a narrow entrance on the right side. There was no cover and if the police entered, the armed men the Count had inside could take them out easily, one by one. Like the Battle of Thermopylae. Of course, since Oliver planned to crash this place alone the point was moot.
 Sin had tried to persuade him to call someone for help but he had refused with a grunt and a shake of his head. Another thing he had learned on the island; fighting alone meant no one could fail you. Relying on yourself, being the weapon was the best option.
 Even if you were facing a crazy drug lord and his minions.
 “I counted five guards while I was waiting for you,” Sin said.
 “Six,” he corrected. “There’s one on the roof.”
 Sin stared at him with admiration. The night was pitch black and the guard was barely visible. “What are you gonna do, Boss?”
 “Don’t call me that. And don’t interfere. Just stay out of my way.” His gruff order sounded harsh but the young girl must have realized that he was worried about her.
 “Head on a swivel,” Sin promised.
 Oliver gave her a short nod and started running in a low crouch across the roof. He had no intention of entering the warehouse through the front door. Ancient Greeks were masters of military tactics but they knew nothing about modern architecture. Reaching the end of the roof, he leaped across the gap and landed on the other building silently. 
 He approached the guard with stealth and precision. Snapping his neck was not difficult; making sure that the other man didn’t make any noise was the challenge. When he was certain that the guy was dead, he laid him down carefully and located the hidden skylight.
 Oliver knew that the moment he broke the glass he would bring a lot of unwanted attention to himself. And possibly Sin. That would not do.
 Thank God for ARGUS and their little tricks. Taking things from them was fun and his way of saying a big ‘Fuck you’ to Amanda Waller who had stolen a year of his life and put him back on goddamn purgatory. He pulled the round, unassuming device from his inside pocket and placed it on the glass. A strong laser beam cut through a circle just wide enough for a grown man to enter. Once it was finished, the glass didn’t fall down and make a ruckus but remained stuck on the device. You just had to hold it carefully and avoid dropping it yourself.
 Removing the glass and securing the device, he was now ready to enter. He paused only for a moment to make sure that no one was standing beneath him and then jumped into the hole.
 He landed softly and pulled his bow in one move. Someone came rushing at him in the dark but Oliver was ready. He used his shoulder to deflect and then his right fist to punch the man. His opponent fell but didn’t stay down. 
 Oliver nocked an arrow and growled, “Where’s the Count?”
 “I’m more afraid of him, than I am of you!”
 “Wrong answer.”
 Without further discussion, he shot him through the heart and sidestepped the dead body.
 Another guard heard the commotion and ran towards him, ready to shoot. This time he didn’t stop for questions. He took care of the problem quickly and reached the corridor.
 These men obviously knew who he was. And they weren’t afraid of him. Which only meant one thing. The Count was more dangerous than he had thought.
 No matter. The Hood had survived a lot worse.
 There! A door at the far wall. 
 Well, no point in trying to conceal his presence anymore. Oliver kicked it hard and calmly walked through.
 The sight he encountered was straight out of a nightmare. People were naked, dressed only in medical robes and chained together, working on a substance that he identified as the green drug both junkies and cops called Vertigo.
 “The Starling City vigilante? In my home?” The man that spoke had the gaunt look and crazy eyes he had once seen on patients in Arkham Asylum. “You humble me with your presence, you mighty avenger. Please allow me to welcome you. No need for arrows. We fight on the same side.”
 “Your side is money. We are nothing alike.” He knew better than to respond. But just the idea that he had something in common with that lunatic made bile rise in his throat.
 “You care for the Glades. You want the best for its people. You hate the rich as much as we do. We are not that different you and I.”
 “I don’t poison this city,” Oliver growled.
 The Count laughed. “Oh, Green One, the poison is just the symptom. You have no idea about the disease that is slowly killing Starling. But you’ll soon learn. When he’s ready.”
 “When who’s ready?”
 But the discussion was apparently over because the Count fired three times. Oliver shot an arrow towards the chain holding people, breaking it and jumped behind a leather couch. The men and women didn’t try to escape but moved all together like headless chickens getting in the middle of the bullets and arrows with no care in the world.
 It was horrible and as the sound of sirens signaled the police’s arrival, it only got worse. Oliver’s final coherent thought was of Sin waiting alone on that rooftop. He hoped she stayed out of trouble. And then there was no more thinking.
 Only fighting and surviving.
Felicity was pretending to sleep when her phone started ringing. Ever since she had discovered that her best friend’s brother was this city’s guardian angel, sleep had become a rarity. Needless to say, her job and nonexistent social life were suffering. She sighed and decided to ignore the call. It would probably be her mother who had no concept of the time difference between Starling and Vegas.
 The annoying ringing stopped. Promising herself to call her mother tomorrow night, Felicity punched her pillow into submission and wondered what Oliver was doing at that moment. Probably having fun kicking bad guys, jumping from buildings and shooting arrows left and right. Growling in frustration she kicked the sheets away. Would this torment never end?
 The phone rang again. Felicity gave a small scream and reached for her glasses. It was too late in the evening (or too early in the morning to be exact) to deal with her Mom’s stories about rich customers and semi-famous celebrities or - she shuddered - questions about her dating life.
 Great, now she was rambling in her head.
 She picked up without looking at the screen. “Mom I love you but 4 o’clock is not the time to discuss potential boyfriends or-”
 “Felicity Smoak?” a deep, male voice asked.
 “Who’s this? How did you get this number?” She knew she sounded angry but if there was one thing that Felicity was paranoid about, was her identity. Very few people had her phone number and even fewer would dare to call her at this hour.
 “We have a mutual friend.”
 “Are you calling from SCPD? Because I thought that Roy’s thieving days were over. Oh Google, don’t tell me you’re calling from the hospital? Who’s dying? Is it my Mom? Thea? O-” She stopped herself before uttering that last name.
 The man on the other end of the line chuckled. “Sounds like our friend was right to ask me to contact you. You’re worried about him.”
 “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she replied, even though her nerves were shot and she was biting her lip hard enough to draw blood.
 “Do you know the Queen Steel Factory in the Glades?”
 “If it’s on a map, I can find it.”
 “Good. Come as fast as you can. Try the back entrance. The code is 1141.”
 “That’s a lousy password. I could break that in my sleep,” she said and realized that the man had already hung up.
 It took her brain a few moments to freak out about everything. Possible scenario number 1: he was injured, dying on a table, hidden in an old steel factory. The agony that pierced her heart was short but hurt like the devil. Possibility number 2: the man that called was an ally and Oliver had made him call her for help. But what kind of help was she? She was not a doctor and she was definitely not a fan of pointy things. The only skills she had were her smarts and her computer knowledge. What good would that do if he was dying, dammit? 
 She didn’t know but she got dressed as fast as possible. 
 Felicity didn’t have any trouble locating the old Queen steel factory. It was deep in the Glades, on the other side of her home which was located in the gentrified part of the neighborhood. She turned right and parked as close to the back entrance as possible. Taking out her pepper spray, just in case, she pushed the buttons and the heavy metallic door opened easily.
 “Hello?” Her voice echoed in an empty stairwell.
 Pepper spray in hand, she got down the stairs carefully. Somewhere in the back there was water dripping and some kind of machine making a beeping noise. If he was actually hurt, a hospital would be a much better choice than this damp, unsafe environment.
 “You must be Felicity,” a voice said as soon as she reached the bottom. Jumping a mile high, she nearly got scared out of her skin but she was proud that she managed to swallow her instinctive scream.
 The man, staring at her with open curiosity, was built like a mountain.
 “I’m John Diggle. You can call me Dig.”
 She nodded even though she didn’t care much for introductions at the moment. 
 “Where is he?”
 Dig pointed towards the middle of the room where a long, metal table was located. A young girl, no more than 25 years old was lying on it.
 Felicity tilted her head. She had no idea who the girl was but she appeared to be seriously injured.
 “That’s Sin,” Dig explained. “She was at the wrong place, at the wrong time.”
 Curiosity appeased for the moment, Felicity repeated her earlier question. “Where is he?” It was irrational but she wanted to see him with her own eyes. Only then she would be satisfied.
 Dig sighed and led her towards the back where a half-naked Oliver Queen was performing upside down crunches. His torso was glistening with sweat, his back muscles were straining but he didn’t stop. Not even for a second. 
 “She’s here,” Dig said but Felicity would bet her new TX processor that the warning was unnecessary. Oliver had a sixth sense where she was concerned. He had probably known she was there way before Dig did. He did a hundred more repetitions without pause before acknowledging her presence.
 “Why am I here, Oliver?” she asked, deliberately using his name.
 For the first time, since she had arrived at this lonely basement he turned and looked at her.
 “The police are on my tail. Constantly. I want to know why.”
 “Can you elaborate?”
 “Did you see any patrols when you drove here?”
 “Well yes, but Lance is obsessed with the Arrow and it’s not weird that-”
 “Arrow?” Dig asked, raising both eyebrows.
 “Not the time,” Oliver snarled and grabbed a towel. Rubbing his body, he focused on Felicity. “The night of the party…”
 A sudden roaring in her ears made her miss a little bit of his speech. That night was engraved onto her memory. It was both terrible and hauntingly beautiful.
 “...Lance always seems to know where I am. No matter what I do, I can’t seem to catch a break. If I lay low, he lays low. If I’m dressed in green, he’s always behind me, nipping at my heels.” He threw the towel on the ground, viciously. “Walter always said that you’re the best. That you could hack the FBI if you wanted to. I know I’m asking a lot but today they came this close to catching me and now, someone else is paying the price.”
 His voice had dropped several octaves as he looked at the sleeping girl. And Felicity saw clearly what he had been doing earlier, hanging from the ceiling like a bat. Not exercising or trying to calm down as she had originally thought but punishing himself.
 She put her bag down and turned towards the computers.
 “Hacking the SCPD is a serious waste of my talents, Oliver. I’m not thrilled. I don’t think Batman is asking Oracle to hack GCPD, is he? She’s probably looking into the freaking NSA while I’m here-”
 She stopped suddenly and whirled around to glare at him.
 “Oliver Queen what have you done to these poor babies? This system looks like it came from the 80’s! And not the good part of the 80’s like leg warmers and Madonna… No, it looks like-”
 Placing a hand on her shoulder, he cut her before she could continue. Felicity fixed her glasses. Her cheeks were burning with embarrassment. Why did she have to go on a tangent? She had been doing so great so far! Being invited into his secret lair in the middle of the night, she had one zillion questions about him and the young girl and Dig and she had managed to keep her mouth shut and not ask anything. Then, just a look at this horrible abuse of technology and she couldn’t help herself.
 “I’ll get on it,” she whispered and focused on the task ahead.
Thirty minutes later and after the men indulged in a sparring session that provided the background music to her work, she jumped and yelled, “Yes!” so loudly that both of them came running.
 “What did you find?”
 Oliver’s voice reached her first.
 “Lance has a spy.”
 He shook his head.
 “Not possible. No one knows about this.”
 Felicity scoffed. “Your friends know. I know.”
 “I don’t have friends.”
 She threw her hands in the air. What a stubborn, stubborn man! She justified using two ‘stubborns’ because one wasn’t enough to describe him.
 Dig didn’t comment but made a motion with his hands to show that she should ignore him.
 “You said that Lance’s pursuit became worse after the mansion, right?”
 “Yeah,” he confirmed.
 “Did you happen to have any run ins with the law before the party?”
 He narrowed his eyes. “As a matter of fact, I had one just before I arrived at the mansion.”
 “Show me what you were wearing.”
 Oliver cocked his head, clearly confused.
 “You want answers? Show me what you were wearing.”
 Oh, she was enjoying this so much! It was so much better than de-spamming email addresses and pretending she was a blonde bimbo so that her stupid boss wouldn’t be offended by her intelligence.
 Oliver brought his green suit and gave it to her, albeit a bit gingerly. She patted it down and discovered several hidden pockets that held all kinds of things but not the thing she was looking for.
 “Is that all?” she asked. Frustration colored her voice but she was sure her instincts were right. She just had to prove it.
 “What about the quiver?” Dig chimed. “Didn’t you have it with you?”
 “Quiver?” Excitement returned with a vengeance.
 Oliver turned towards a glass case. Felicity rolled her eyes and whispered to Dig, “Is the glass case really practical or is it a necessary accessory to the vigilante lifestyle?”
 Oliver didn’t respond but the slight upturn of his lips indicated that he had heard her. He gave her the quiver but removed the arrows explaining that some of them were so dangerous that they could set off a minor explosion and seriously injure her.
 Felicity nodded but didn’t pay much attention. Her hands patted down the leather and admired the practical design. Whoever had built that was obviously a master of his craft.
 “His name was Yao Fei.”
 “You were mumbling about the man who made this. The quiver was his. So was the bow.”
 She was staring at him in complete surprise when Dig’s forced cough pulled her out of her reverie. Yao Fei? It was the first time she had ever heard of him. Could Oliver have met him on the island or in a totally different place? And what possessed Oliver to actually tell her about him?
 Obviously, she was not the only one surprised. Dig was looking at his friend as if he had never seen him before.
 “Yes!” she shouted and pumped her fist in the air.
 While her brain had been focusing on the riddle that was Oliver Queen, her hands had found what she had been looking for.
 “You don’t happen to have a Faraday cage in this establishment, do you?”
 “A what?” Dig asked.
 “It’s a literal cage that can block electromagnetic fields,” Oliver answered before she could. “Which means that… You found a bug?”
 The last word was said so calmly that it scared her. Growly Oliver was a sight to behold but it didn’t faze her. Calm Oliver was terrifying.
 “They must have planted it on you during the fight.”
 Dig crossed his arms and looked skeptical. “If that thing is a bug then why hasn’t Lance swarmed this place?”
 Felicity examined the small device. It gleamed in her hand.
 “This is the Sniffer 2000. It’s an old version of a very dangerous tracker that the military uses often. This baby shows a general location but not exactly where you are so after a while it became obsolete. Of course, the Starling police department is so underfunded that there’s no way Lance could get something more expensive. Or reliable. That’s probably the only reason why you aren’t wearing cuffs now.”
 “Okay,” Dig said. “I’ve heard enough. Let me get the hammer and-”
 “No. Give it to me.”
 Felicity closed her hand. “Listen, Oliver. If you’re going to do something stupid then we should discuss it first, don’t you think? The three of us might come up with a better plan.”
 He took a step forward.
 “There’s no ‘three of us’. I work alone. And my plans are never stupid.”
 Dig fake-coughed to show his disagreement.
 “Fe-li-ci-ty. Give me the bug.” 
 He was still speaking in the same self-possessed tone that was freaking her out. They were standing too close, almost touching and she could feel him. A serene front but underneath there was anger. The Hood was fighting the city’s worst criminals while the police were chasing their tails. A young girl had gotten hurt because of a man’s personal vendetta. A girl under Oliver’s watch. No. Anger was too small a word. 
 Rage fit better.
 “Promise me,” she said before she could stop herself.
 He narrowed his eyes.
 “Promise me you’ll come back.”
 Before she could berate herself for the utter stupidity of trying to exact this type of promise from him, he nodded slightly and took her hand. His gloved fingers caressed her skin, pushing her fingers open, making the hair on her arms stand up. His movements were so gentle that she felt like crying. Again.
 Watching him take the bug, put on the suit, place the arrows back in the quiver and grab his bow without speaking was one of the hardest things she had ever done.
 He walked towards the metal staircase but turned back at the last minute.
 “Dig. Take care of her.”
 Dig didn’t argue and took a step towards Felicity.
 They watched him leave, both standing in an uncomfortable silence full of tension that Felicity would have normally tried to break with a thousand-word babble. 
 Turning towards Dig, she clutched his arm harder than she meant to.
 “He’s gonna do something stupid, isn’t he?”
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serenzippity · 4 years
Words: 3324 Member: Jaebeom Pairing: Jaebeom/POC Reader Genre: Angst, Alternative Universe Warning(s): Death, blood, suggestive if you squint
Part 3 of Atrocitas
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Cotonou, Benin
It was supposed to be a regular day, one where you woke up and resumed your everyday activities of catering to those who turned their nose up at you. Those rich businessmen and women who found themselves in your port-city—either by chance or obligation—overlooking you as they checked into the nicest rooms Cotonou had to offer. You were invisible and irrelevant to them, just a passing face in the crowds as they worked on shipping deals that were worth more than you’d ever see in a lifetime.
Rising with the sun and falling with the moon, you worked diligently and quickly in your receptionist role that melted the days into agreeable blurs. Despite the monotony, you were content with the lack of color in the monochrome world you’d grown accustomed to.
Wake up. Get ready. Go to school. Go to work. Go home. Eat with your boyfriend. Go to bed. Repeat. It was bland, but you savored the lack of spice.
The slow churn of the world beneath your feet stopped when an errand rock flew through your window at 2 in the morning, waking you from a dreamless sleep. The scattered glass-coated your carpet, and you felt the rare prickle of anger creep up the back of your neck. “Fucking kids,” you muttered putting your slippers and robe on to survey the damage. Making your way to the shattered window you calculated the cost of replacing the pane and gnawed your lip at the thought of having to dip into your humble savings account.
Benin wasn’t a rich country, the lack of streetlights in your modest neighborhood failing to light up your small second-story apartment to what was happening outside. Through the jagged planes you could see shapes moving in the darkness. Squinting through the inky night you could see four people moving quickly, the sounds of cracking concrete pouring through the broken glass. Three people, all dressed in black and blending into the night, were firing off guns at a lone fourth figure. Their silencers muffled the crack of the bullets, but you could see the tell-tale flash of fire each time a trigger was pulled. The fourth figure was standing behind a rudimentary wall of rock, and you had to strain your eyes to see that the wall was in fact made up of chunks of concrete and brick in the middle of the street.
Rubbing your eyes in a bid to dispel any sleep-induced visions, you hoped that you were still dreaming as you watched the rock wall shudder and grow in front of the lone man. You weren’t watching for long, maybe only a couple of minutes in stunned silence or so, before the wall shuddered and seemed to explode from an invisible force. Pieces went flying, most of them meeting the three gunners and crushing them with a sickening crack. Each break of a bone echoed up into your apartment and felt like a needle sticking under your skin. You could hear breathless gasps and the clattering of stone, but all at once it was silent.
With wide, glossy eyes you watched as the final pieces of stone stilled. The lone survivor stood there in silence, as the bodies before him broke under the weight of the rocks. It was obvious to you that the three people firing were dead, and a small cry of fear escaped your lips when your mind put the pieces together. This small noise carried through the broken window and out into the silent night, causing the survivor to sharply turn his head towards you.
In a flash of fear and panic you scrambled away from the window, the dark flashing eyes of the mysterious figure outside making you feel like you were dropped into a horror movie. A shard of glass embedded itself in your palm, breaking the skin and staining your carpet with crimson heat, but the pounding of your heart in your ears was drowning out every other sensation. Seconds ticked by as you huddled against the wall and out of the dull moonlight that shone through the window. You could feel the blood drip down your palm, but the terror you felt kept you from moving. It didn’t take long for any inkling of courage to get snuffed out as you tried to access what you just saw, a multitude of far-fetched scenarios making their way through your head.
You were contemplating if everything you just saw was a figment of your imagination when a loud knock echoed through your apartment. The thuds caused you to shriek in fear, heart pounding in unadulterated panic. The knocking quickly grew impatient, practically pounding through the thin door to the rhythm of your rapid heart.
Call it what you want—stupidity, curiosity, or a complete lapse in judgment—but the knocking grew in volume and you rose to your feet with trepidation seeping into your bones. The shuffling of your slippers on the dingy carpet was drowned out by the incessant pounding as you made your way to your front door.
Taking a deep breath once you stood in front of the door that seemed to be buckling right before your eyes, you gripped the knob with an uncharacteristic strength. Cradling your injured hand to your chest in apprehension—half to prepare yourself for the worst, and half to dull the pain that was starting to steep into your consciousness—you threw open the door not knowing what to expect on the other side.
It was definitely stupidity that took over at that point.
There stood a man, still shrouded by darkness but an inner light seemed to shine through his skin showing his handsome features and tattered clothes. Deep, glowing green eyes stared at you in what looked like pain and fear—two emotions you weren’t expecting to see. Another thing you weren’t expecting was the obvious iron scent of blood and the way it overpowered your nose. You thought you would open the door to see a supernatural murder ready to snuff the life out of your small body, not a handsome stranger with a pained grimace on his perfect features.
He opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was a pained groan before he collapsed in the threshold, his body meeting the ground in a harsh thud. He was half in and half f your small apartment, the blood seeping out of a clear bullet wound and onto the carpet. You were frozen in shock, mouth agape as you tried to fathom what you were seeing. A half-dead handsome stranger had just collapsed in front of you after building a wall of stone and killing three people who were firing guns at him—one of which seem to meet its mark. You were delusional and seeing things, not fully awake to truly contemplate what was happening. At least you felt delusional until the stranger let out a deep groan that shook the entire foundation of your building. The walls and floor shook like an earthquake was rolling through the city, knocking over the meager bouquet of flowers on your kitchen counter and shattering the vase. Wall dressings would have been knocked down if you had any, but the ripple of the floor beneath your feet resurged your fear coating you from head to toe.
As quickly as the tremors started they ended, leaving you vibrating in panic.
What the fuck just happened?
“Could I borrow this?” He asked, picking up your phone with a gentleness that looks uncharacteristic in his large hands.
“Uh, sure.” Turning back to your cooking you ignored the clicks on the screen as you stirred the chicken and vegetables in the searing pan. You and Jaebeom—JB as he preferred to be called—had slipped into a casual comradery ever since he fell through your door bleeding and alone. You dragged him in, spreading blood across your carpet as you tried to fell him onto your couch. Ever since that night when you gave him a rudimentary patch up job for his bullet wound you both felt a weird sense of attachment.
He was attached to you because you were the one who saved his life, and you were attached to him. After all, he was a colorful glimmer in your monochromatic world. This link made you both feel funny—neither willing to give the other up despite his secrecy and your relationship. He was essentially the best roommate you’d ever had and you were his personal guardian angel.
He hadn’t fully explained to you his genealogy or where his powers came from, but you also didn’t pressure him to explain the rock wall you saw that night. JB explained that he and his six brothers were descendants of a very old, magical race and you saw that as all the information you needed.
“Plausible deniability,” you said, a small smile coming to your face that both endeared and confused him.
Everything since that day was shared. Your couch had become his new home, while your fridge was now doubly full since you were feeding two people. It put a strain on your finances, but you picked up extra weekend shifts to make up for it. Your days were spent at the University or work in order to earn the extra income needed to feed the strange yet beautiful man living in your apartment. In addition your IUMA textbooks became a good escape for him to dive into, learning both English and Economics when you weren’t using them to study.
You both stayed out of each other’s way, showing infinite gratitude for the ease that came with living with him, but at the same time, you couldn’t imagine your small apartment without him anymore.
Once your simple dinner was ready and plated you joined JB on the couch, watching him silently as he scrolled through the internet on your phone. His jaw was ticked and you could see his tongue poking his cheek, wholly engrossed in what was on the screen.
“Ya know,” you said with a chuckle as you set down your half-eaten meal onto the coffee table, “If you’re not hungry I can always save it for later?”
That snapped him out of the screen, and he looked at you with a sheepish smile. He didn’t relinquish his hold on your phone, but he used his free hand to shovel the food into his mouth. You both ate in companionable silence, not having to say much but enjoying it nonetheless. When you were both done you took the plates and washed them for later use, choosing to return to the couch next to him to read when they were properly put away.
You were maybe four pages in before JB jolted next to you, practically causing you to drop your book in sudden fright as he quickly leaned in close and held your phone in your face. “Have you ever heard of white and black cities?” He asked eagerly, like a child asking their parent for a cookie.
“Uhhhhh,” you said squinting at the small font of the screen. Quickly scanning over the words to garner what he was all excited over. “I mean they seem pretty straight forward.”
“Exactly!” He whooped completely leaning into you closer with every passing second. The close proximity that you were used to was welcomed, but this was something entirely new. With your bodies pressed so close JB was pretty much laying on top of you causing your breath to catch and your heart to stutter. Butterflies began to take flight in your stomach as his torso touched yours and you felt like you couldn’t move. “They are cities of magic! Each city is either made up of light magic or dark magic, and they attract beings of both types to them!” His zealous rambling was accompanied by a shine in his eyes that made them glossy with emotions.
He looked at you, bringing his face within a hairsbreadth of yours. Your heart was pounding at how close he was and a small part of you realized that you only had to move of couple centimeters to close the distance and—no. You shook the thoughts out of your head before they could form, reprimanding yourself at the dangerous thought.
“W-what does that mean?” You asked, hating how you stuttered just from being this close to JB.
His mouth stretched into a dazzling smile, showing all of his perfect teeth and causing his eyes to turn into little smiles themselves. “It means I know where my brothers are!” JB was so excited that you don’t think he fully thought out his next move, but in his reverie he completely crashed into you. Winding his arms around your body he pulled you into a tight hug that had him invading all your senses.
His strong arms held you against his chest, and the fluttering in your stomach increased ten-fold. It felt natural to be in this position with him and it didn’t take much for your own arms to wind around his waist. You could feel his deep chuckle reverb through his chest and you couldn’t help but bury your head into his neck at the vibrations. The hug felt different from that of your boyfriend—you felt like you belonged there like your bodies were two puzzle pieces who had just clicked together. The thought made you both nervous and content at the same time.
“I’m happy for you Jaebeom,” you whispered into his neck, silently wishing that he would never let go and that this moment in his arms would last forever.
It may have just looked like a simple hug on the outside, but on the inside you were raging. Emotions that had you feeling like stupid schoolgirl boiled to the surface every time you simply looked at JB. And considering he was your impromptu roommate those emotions were often clouding your consciousness. You toss and turned that night coming to two conclusions: One, JB would eventually leave you so you needed to quash anything you felt for him. This meant that for the last two weeks you had limited your time at home to the bare minimum. You only came back late at night, to cook dinner for you two and immediately retired once the dishes were clean. You blamed your crazy boss for maximizing your work schedule, but in reality you asked for every shift available. You were at the point of collapse, but you held fast to the idea that you could breakdown after JB left. He had taken notice of your lack of interactions, and whenever you would reject any invitation to spend time with him his soul ached more and more. He missed your presence and he wished you would stop flitting around like a ghost he couldn’t grasp. JB’s chest constricted when he saw you and everything you did to avoid him hurt more than he knew it should.
The second conclusion was that you had to end things with your boyfriend. You were adamant about not staying with him if your emotions weren’t in it, and since JB came into your life you knew that your heart no longer beats for him. He took it relatively well and it ended quickly much to your relief. There was no animosity so you were easily able to put a checkmark next to that task.
One epiphany down, another left to deal with.
You thought you were doing well at quelling the hormones raging through you, but every synapse in your brain fired off one night when you returned home later than usual. There was a faint smell of food in the air as you unlocked the door. Peaking in, JB was nowhere to be seen which had you on edge the moment you stepped through the threshold. The apartment was silent and the hairs on the back of your neck stood up at the stillness. Creeping in you made your way to your bedroom door in a quick effort to once more limit any contact with JB.
You didn’t go far.
Eyeing the neat couch suspiciously, you didn’t notice JB silently come out of the bathroom in the hallway. You didn’t notice his bare chest until you ran into it with a small oof. Blinking in a daze, the first thing you saw was JB’s perfectly sculpted chest that was slick with water. Blinking in a daze you followed the flawless skin up and up until you were looking at his face, the distance practically nonexistent between you two.
JB was about to lose it. Your big eyes were looking at him with both innocence and fear, and he swore he could see constellations in their depths. He could vividly see every crevice and pore on your beautiful face and he savored the sight to recall later. Your dark skin was taunting him with how it seemed to glow from the inside calling him forward like a siren on the sea. If he leaned down a couple of centimeters he could claim your lips as his, and it took all his willpower to not do so without your permission.
He tested the waters, hoping to possibly move forward in some way from the awkward dichotomy between you two for the last couple of weeks. His hand reached up to cup your cheek gently, soft and delicate in his touch that felt featherlight against your heated face. The contrasting colors of your skins were so enticing to him, like day and night in the world’s foremost paradise. To him it seemed to work naturally and easily he was just hoping that you felt the same in some way.
His touch felt right. Your mind was reeling, but your heart was thrumming a rhythm that sang a song only you could hear. It told you that this was meant to happen and it was perfect. It told you everything was fine and for once in your life it was okay to not act rationally.
So in response to your singing heart you turned your head to nuzzle JBs warm palm.
He took this as an affirmation, either foolishly or not, and swiftly leaned down to connect your lips. Stealing all the air in your lungs, the forceful kiss caused you to squeak in surprise but you began to kiss him back within seconds. When he felt you reciprocating his body felt like it was floating. He’d wanted to kiss you for a couple of days now, coming to terms with his feelings for you when he began to feel the sting of distance as you avoided him. JB realized that he was falling for you when he realized he was losing you and this moment right here affirmed everything he felt in his tortured soul.
He knew he wasn’t good for you and that his life was constantly covered with a dark cloud of danger, but for one singular moment he let reality slip away. His arms wound around your waist, drawing you deeper into his naked chest. You hummed in contentment at the feel of his skin and you couldn’t help but brush your hands all over his upper body in appreciation. The air went from tentative to fiery in a matter of seconds as all of the unresolved emotions and thoughts from the last two weeks bubbled to the surface.
Pent up and frustrated after spending days walking on eggshells around each other, you and JB moved in sync to your bedroom in an effort to spend the night exploring these emotions swirling between you two. For the night JB was able to forget everything that plagued him day in and day out, whispering affirmations into your naked skin that no matter what happened to him you would now be the center of his entire world.
JB was a rock that was now floating happily within your orbit.
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A/N: JB’s is done! I kept rewriting this, trying to figure out what worked. But I felt like this one was a good way to show the extent of their powers and explain why each city was chosen for each member. Every city in each installment is a “magical” city of either Black or White magic. 
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rocksinmuffin · 5 years
Tired of having to browse through pages of posts just to figure out if I’ll write it?  Me too. I just spent hours putting it all together so you don’t have to!
The list is in alphabetical order for convenience and under the read more due to length.
EDIT: 3/9/2023 I am updating the fandoms to include a hyperlink to take you directly to the fandom tag. If you see a hyperlink in the list of fandoms I don’t write for, that’s because I wrote something before I officially decided to not take requests for a fandom. If there is no hyperlink for fandoms I do write it’s because i haven’t filled a request for that fandom yet.
I Will:
Alien (movie series)
Animal Crossing (no nsfw)
Beastars (up to season 2 of the anime)
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Bob’s Burgers (no nsfw)
Borderlands (1 + 2)
Castlevania (Netflix series)
Camp Camp
Codename Kids Next Door
Danganronpa (no nsfw)
DC Universe (Don’t know much but I have some general knowledge)
Death Note
Detroit: Become Human (But if y’all give me 50 Connor requests I will move it to the Won’t list)
Disney Movies (too many to list but if I’m familiar with it I’ll do it)
Dragon Age
Dragon Ball (original, dbz, xenoverse, gt, super, fighterz)
Fable (2 + 3)
Far Cry (5 + New Dawn)
Fallout (fo3, new vegas, fo4)
Fern Gully
Five Nights at Freddy’s (no nsfw, shitposts only, though honestly at this point i probably won’t write it just because I don’t really want to give more attention to the creator in light of not so recent events)
Friday the 13th 
Full Metal Alchemist (2003 anime only)
Gravity Falls
Greggory Horror Show
Grim Adventures of Billy and Many
Hades (video game)
Halo (including the old original episodes of Red vs Blue)
Hatoful Boyfriend
Hellboy (1st 2 movies)
Homestuck (including Hiveswap + Friendsim)
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
Inside Job
Invader Zim
Jackie Chan Adventures
Johnny Bravo
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
Kill la Kill
Knives Out (both movies)
Left 4 Dead
Legend of Zelda (ocarina of time, majora’s mask, breath of the wild)
Looney Tunes
Lost in Space (Netflix)
Mass Effect
Marvel (MCU universe, a little general knowledge here and there. Mostly Spider-Man and Venom)
Mortal Kombat (only familiar with characters from Mortal Kombat 10)
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic (sfw only and probably mostly shitposts)
Mystic Messenger
Night at the Museum
Nightmare Before Christmas
NiGHTS into Dreams
Nomad of Nowhere
Obey Me!
Okage Shadow King
Original Scenarios (Example, reader insert x random monster/merman/orc, etc.)
Osmosis Jones
Ouran High School Host Club
Our Flag Means Death
Panty and Stocking with Gaterbelt
Pirates of the Caribbean
Pokemon (games, first season of anime, pokemon mystery dungeon)
Powerpuff Girls
Predator (movie series)
Resident Evil Village (8 only. Maybe 7 if you guys don’t overload me with requests for Lucas Baker)
Rise of the Guardians
The Road to El Dorado
Saints Row (3 + 4)
Samurai Jack
Sgt. Frog
She Ra (Netflix version only)
Shovel Knight
Silent Hill (2+3)
Sonic the Hedgehog
Soul Eater
Spider-Man (including Venom, live action movies, into the spiderverse, cartoons/comics in general)
Stardew Valley
Star Wars
Super Mario Series (no specific games, just in general)
Super Smash Bros
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (don’t know any particular series but in general)
Transformers (g1, beast wars, tfa, tfp, idw, bayverse movies, rid2015, rescue bots, bumblebee movie, cyberverse, earthspark)
Trying Human
Twisted Wonderland (probably sfw only though will consider nsfw if you request characters who are over 18)
Undertale (Including some AUs and Deltarune)
The Venture Brothers
Wander Over Yonder
Watchmen (movie only)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Xiaolin Showdown
Yu-Gi-Oh! (original series, no spin-offs)
Yu Yu Hauksho
 I Won’t:
The Adventure Zone
The Amazing World of Gumball
American McGee’s Alice
Arcana (mobile game)
Archie Comics
Arthur and the Invisibles
Assassin’s Creed
Assassination Classroom
Attack on Titan
Avatar the Last Airbender
Axis Powers Hetalia
Battlestar Galactica
Ben 10
Biker Mice from Mars
The Boys
The Boy and the Beast
Boyfriend to Death
Brave Police J-Decker
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Captain Hook (2003 live action film)
CATS (the musical)
Carmen Sandiego
Chainsaw Man
Chaotic (the show and the card game)
Cookie Run
Cowboy Bebop
Craig of the Creek
Creepypasta (like, I might do Slenderman because I was very into Marble Hornets back in the day but he is the exception)
Danny Phantom
Darkest Dungeon
Darkwing Duck
Deadman Wonderland
Devilman Crybaby
Devil May Cry
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K / Saiki Kusou no Sai Nan
The Dishwasher Dead Samurai
Doctor Who
Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared
The Dragon Prince
The Evil Within
The Fate series (Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Grand Order etc.)
Final Fantasy Series
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
Future Card Buddyfight
Goblin Slayer
God of War
Golden Kamuy
The Grinch
Gurren Lagann
Harry Potter (and all related spin-offs)
A Hat in Time
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Holllow Knight (might change but haven’t played it yet)
Horizon: zero Dawn
Hyper Light Drifter
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Kid Cosmic
Kingdom Hearts
League of Legends
Legos (as in, any Lego-based TV show)
Lobotomy Corporation
Lord of the Rings
Lost Boys
Madness Combat
Mega Man
Mob Psycho 100
My Hero Academia
Neon Genesis Evangelion
One Piece
One Punch Man
Over the Garden Wall
Owl House
Phineas and Ferb
Phoenix Wright
Rainbow Six
Regular Show
Resident Evil (any game that isn’t Resident Evil Village)
Rick and Morty
SCP Foundation
Seven Deadly Sins
Shrek (all movies and shorts including spin-offs like Puss and Boots)
Slasher Movies (in general. like, i don’t do domestic stuff or the general slashers uwu shit but if I am familiar enough with a specific franchise I might be willing to write about a specific character but only if i can make them a bastard)
Starlight Express
Star Trek
Star vs the Forces of Evil
Steven Universe
Sword Art Online
Team Fortress 2
Tokyo Ghoul
Word Girl
Zero Escape
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shockwavepulsar · 4 years
And just like that, he had been dragged into this elaborate story about a struggling couple with him playing the loser of a leading male who had come here tonight to beg his girl to come back. Just about every part of this role he had been given to play annoyed him, with the only exception – maybe, just maybe – being her. There was something infuriatingly familiar, almost comfortable, about being around her, not in this particular way, however, as there was nothing familiar about the situation. Perhaps he was thinking back to those days, the days before Miss Honorary Student had become too good to contact her old friend despite promising countless times. With his lips still hungrily devouring the velvety surface of her neck, an annoyed huff escaped him albeit drowned by the subsequent passionate growls and her soft moans as well as Deling’s man’s continuous demands. Annoyed, he was quick to brush off any and all pointless memories of the past.
They had seized to exist to each other a long time ago, and the sooner this whole facade was over the better.
With his fingers still dug into the supple flesh of her thigh, he kept her firmly in his grasp. He even went as far as to return his attention to her, placing a couple more kisses on her neck and jaw; he might have even gently nibbled on the skin of her neck. There was absolutely no reason to do any of this. The goon no doubt already thought that the two were madly in love. It was more to inconvenience Celine as she spoke to the man. Only once his name was brought up, did he finally loosen his grip on her and pulled away slightly.
Quistis was surprised, of course; him, much less so. There had always been rumours about Deling, about him and his sexual appetite. Now he could only hope that everything he had heard about Deling prior was true. Still, he managed to fake surprise. The initial surprise was quickly replaced by a rather cocky smile, with only a single corner of his mouth curling up to a smile.
“Well, you always say that my looks are just about the only thing I’ve got going for myself, babe.” His Deling dialect was not quite as impressive as hers but it was passable. He had not received years of training to master all the different dialects that existed in the world. The only reason he had any idea of the dialect, to begin with, was because of his moth–…
It did not matter why he knew it.  
Sacha was not happy with the initial peck, so he was quick to cup her jaw, gently parting her painted lips with his thumb before kissing her once more, hungrily and demandingly. “For you…anything,” he whispered with the corner of his mouth twirling up to a smile once more.
Once she finally moved away from him, he posed no resistance. In fact, he waited until she had exited the room before making any kind of moves, and when he finally did he stumbled, on purpose. Flinging himself towards the door frame, he chuckled loudly as he grabbed a hold of him. The henchman huffed, seemingly annoyed, telling him to stop fooling around. “Sorry about that. Alcohol is a vicious mistress. Strikes when you least expect it.”
After supposedly trying to regain his balance for a while, he finally seemed to regain control of himself. It was only then that he hurried to Celine, quickly wrapping his arm around her, pulling her against his side. This stunt was accompanied by a playful, “Come here babe.” None of this was without a reason, of course. Not too long after, he leaned towards her, faking a smile as he proceeded to whisper into her ear: “There’s a guy at the fire exit downstairs and big guy over there…has an earpiece – they all probably do – and is packing more than meets the eye under that jacket.”
“What are you two whispering about?” Suddenly the goon had appeared behind them, his tone as demanding as was his presence towering over them as he tugged Vidar’s shoulder. Unshaken, Vidar glanced over his shoulder subtly before quickly turning to face him as if he actually was surprised by the man. “Woah there, big guy!” He chuckled and then glanced at Quistis’ before returning his gaze to Deling’s man. “You really don’t wanna know,” he continued to laugh. Even more suspicious, he could see the goon’s eyes narrowing. “–unless you want to hear all the sexy details of what I was going to do to my girl in that storage room?” He raised his brow, and not too long after Deling’s man became visibly more relaxed again. His shoulders no longer tensed up nor did he continue to maintain his frown.
With the situation over, Vidar swiftly turned around once more while also sliding his arm back around her waist, pulling her closer. While he could have easily gloated over his handling of the situation to her, he chose not to for once.
The loud base hit them like a wave once they emerged back in the club, and if they had not drawn attention to each other before they certainly were now, with her wild blonde locks glimmering under the bright UV lights and her dress tugged upwards, leaving even less to the imagination than it had before. Similarly, his previously covered chest was now peeking through the shirt. This was far from the subtle entrances the both of them had made previously.
Upon finally reaching Deling, his grip around Celine’s waist tightened as he pulled her even closer to him than he previously had like the assertive and caring boyfriend he was.
“You pulled quite the stunt there. I don’t generally take kindly to people interfering with my business.” Straight to the point as expected. No friendly greetings or introductions. Deling most likely assumed that his henchman had already taken care of such formalities. “Oh, I’m sure you know how it is with us guys, Sir. Something just lets itself loose when you see your girl ogling at another man.” His arm brushed the curve of her waist as he spoke.
“See, the deal with us, Sir, is that you don’t get one without the other, isn’t that right babe?” His gaze now temporarily turned to her, flashing her a smile when he did, all the while wanting to scornfully laugh at the mere fact that he had to suck up to this idiot and address him such a flattering way.
Sir. Yeah right…
( @shockwavepulsar )
As she began to form a plan for determining the configuration of Deling’s henchmen, Vidar took it upon himself to act first. Quistis lightly bit down on the inside of her lip to still her surging emotions of frustration with his method of gathering intel. It was messy, sloppy, and yet, effective. It was just difficult for her to give control to someone else when she felt she was more than capable of handling things on her own. He was proving to be too distracting, too unpredictable for her to work with seamlessly. She had expected some bumps in the road, but already focusing was difficult. This wasn’t even the hard part. They could get out now if needed. Later? He’d need her finesse. She let him take charge with only internal protest. Outwardly, she seemed as if she was a half-drunk young woman ripped away from the passionate embrace of a lover. Unfortunately, she was completely sober and still coming down from the rush of adrenaline and... he felt so good back there. It was impossible for her to feel anything other than fear back then, and she was still on edge now, but with a moment to breathe while he worked his magic on the goons, she reflected on the way her body reacted to his grip, his kisses, his-- God, she should have never done this. Even after, with his hand firmly gripping her hip, Quistis felt the hair on the back of her neck rise. It wasn’t the first time he held her like this, wasn’t the first time he had kissed her. It was the first time he had acted so ravenous and that was the part that had her feeling so conflicted. It had been such a long, long time since he had touched her in any sort of sexually charged fashion and it sent her reeling back to when she was a teenager. Unfinished business, perhaps. It just wasn’t an appropriate time for such a realization. Quistis had a knack for inappropriately interrupting missions when her judgement was clouded by a need to prove something. Thankfully, she was snapped back to reality when he let her in on his discovery. She had expected the goons would be well equipped considering who they were guarding. The extent of their arsenal was left up to her imagination, but with their ties to the Galbadian militia, she could easily guess. Any slip-up from either her or Vidar would likely be met with an adequate amount of force, but always prepared, she had a back-up plan. Guardian forces, and a wealth of para-magic that would render most traditional bullets useless. That, and a few extra SeeD hiding in nearby buildings waiting for a signal if she was really in a pinch. It was a worst-case-scenario plan, but it made her feel better about the possibility of failure. With Vidar for her partner, failure seemed to be more and more likely. However, it was a plan in itself to let him take the lead and have her clean up any messes in his wake. To step back and observe gave her more time to think of what to say and how to approach getting into Deling’s good graces. She followed him, trying her best to ignore the wall of sound crashing over them as they returned to the club and used it to reorient herself in reality. No more confusion, no more lingering sensations, just professionalism.
So, when she arrived to the man in question, Quistis held back, draped herself over Vidar while maintaining eye contact with Deling. “I’m sure Sacha here could be convinced otherwise, if he’s not to your liking. Although,” she looked up at Vidar and smiled, tracing circles on his exposed chest, “he is great at what he does. Never leaves me unsatisfied.” She watched Deling’s expression change as he mulled over what to say. She wanted to keep his options open and hoped to remove any unnecessary tension between him and Vidar had he been uninterested in the offer. There was a bit of silence as the man pulled his glass to his lips and took a small sip of amber liquid. Then, he let out a chuckle and gave Vidar a proper once-over before speaking. “Well, I can’t say I’m surprised. You look a lot like I did when I was your age,” he said, making Quistis inwardly cringe. “So it’s a two-for-one deal, eh? So why don’t we go somewhere a little more comfortable to discuss our terms?”  Quistis felt a knot forming in her stomach. His words, framed as a question, were a demand and with the way his goons began to move, it was clear there was no escaping, no getting out of going wherever he wanted them to go. Not without a fight. “You have a place nearby or something?” Quistis asked, acting intrigued. She drew away from Vidar slightly to give Deling her full attention. Leaning forward, she pressed her hands to her thighs, giving him a full view of her neckline to entice him further. “I hope you have more of what you gave me earlier. I’m not quite...loosened up.” Standing, Deling stepped closer to her, a sickening ravenous grin forming. “Heh, you liked that, huh? Well let me tell ya, I got much more I can loosen you up with upstairs.” Quistis straightened up, then slid her arm around Vidar once more. “Alright, that’s what we like to hear! Come on, love, let’s have some fun~!” She gave Vidar a look she hoped secretly conveyed her distaste for the interaction, then began to follow Deling’s henchmen to a corridor that led to an elevator. A code was punched in and Quistis tried to subtly memorize the combination before heading inside with Deling himself. The doors slid shut and Quistis felt warmth against the back of her thigh, followed by the sensation of fingers squeezing into her flesh. She tried not to let herself tense by imagining it was Vidar instead of Deling, although she had a feeling he felt something similar from the mob boss himself. She contemplated knocking everyone out in the elevator, but it would be counterproductive no matter how satisfying. The doors opened to an incredibly large penthouse. There were more people inside, men and women. Some participating in recreational drug use, some—fucking, likely while taking drugs. Out in the open. It was like a movie scene. Music was playing, although not nearly as loudly as the club beneath them. In another room, it seemed there was some sort of argument. Deling signaled to one of his boys and the man took off in the direction of the sound, hand sliding past his belt to grip onto a gun, most likely. Quistis surveyed the surroundings, noting the possible exit points. Her thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of Deling’s hand on her body, ushering her towards the bar on the far side of the living area. “Whattaya want? Misty’ll make it for ya. MISTY!” The dark-haired woman looked in their direction and smiled, nearly melting over the counter at the sight of Deling. “Fix them up something nice, will ya?” Glancing back at Vidar briefly, she pressed a finger to his torso and drew out the word ‘no���, hoping he would catch on. They could find ways to discreetly dispose of the drinks, but consuming them would likely lead to their demise. Compromising their missions at this point was much too dangerous.
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A scenario where the boys are coming back from a training camp on the bus and everyone's asleep, but nishinoya is leaning on his s/o and they're just cuddling him and teasing him in his sleep ??
Awwwww Noya~ He’s too cute!!!! Precious guardian deity!! Thanks for requesting! - Admin Satori
Nishinoya Yuu:
“Ah, Yuu, wore yourself out again…”
Nishinoya hummed and pressed his nose against your bicep, his eyes closed, just enjoying the way you felt in his arms. He had pushed himself a bit too much this time, his body ached a little more than it usually did, but he wasn’t going to admit that. Especially not to you. He had to keep being your ‘big strong boyfriend’, even at his short height. “I’m fine, _____, no worse than last weekends training.” He assured quietly, not wanting to wake the rest of the bus, knowing his senpai’s and kouhai’s would not appreciate his loud, obnoxious behavior right now. Plus, his exhaustion forced his voice into just above a whisper, most of his strength now just focused on keeping his consciousness to spend his time with you.
You stroked your fingers through his damp hair, “Let me see the damages this time…” You smiled, holding out your other hand for him to grab. When he laced his fingers through yours, you turned your hands so you could see the inside of his arms. Bruises were already starting to form beneath the bright red stinging skin. It always pained your heart to see him put his body through such rough treatment, but you knew your pleas for a break for him would fall on deaf ears. Instead, you took it upon yourself to take care of him. “Is it your personal goal to get the deepest bruises every training session?” You pulled your fingers from his hair and let your fingertips lightly stroke his red skin, feeling him smile against your shoulder.
“Only because I know you take care of me oh so well, _____.” Noya’s hand squeezed yours, and you rolled your eyes with a quiet laugh, “Will you wake me up when we get to the school?” He knew the last time he’d fallen asleep on you during the trip, you’d given Tanaka the duty of waking up the guardian deity - which had turned out to be a funny show of scaring your boyfriend awake. He didn’t want to see his best friend’s face. He didn’t want to be scared awake. Noya wanted to open his eyes and see you, first thing, as soon as possible.
Moving your arm from his hold, you wrapped it around his shoulders and pulled him to lay his head in the crook of your neck, feeling your smile brighten all the more when he wrapped his arms around you. You rubbed your hand up and down his back soothingly, pressing your cheek against the top of his head, thanking his after session shower for his hair being laid down. “Of course… I promise.” Noya smiled and gave your waist a soft squeeze before he closed his eyes and drifted into a peaceful sleep. Even after he’d fallen asleep, you continued to rub his back, feeling his muscles slowly start to relax the more you held him in your arms. “What in the world am I going to do with you, little deity….” A small smile worked it’s way around your sigh, “You’re going to work yourself into an early grave, and I’m going to have to trudge into the afterlife to pull you back….”
Noya had only recently worked up the courage to ask you to be his girlfriend, but you’d fallen in love with him months prior. Everything between the two of you worked faster than the others. While others had barely started cuddling 3 months into their relationship, you and Noya were already spending nights at each others houses and being intimate with each other. You figured that’s just how his life was, though, always in the fast lane and never taking a second to rethink his decision. You admired that about him. Doubting one’s choices wasn’t something Noya ever did - he never had time for it. You pressed a kiss to the top of his head, closing your eyes and inhaling his clean scent - knowing the cleanliness of his current state wouldn’t last for long before he was out and working on his special move receives once more.
And while you admired his self confidence… you worried about the finer details he’d miss if he kept moving so quickly. The chance to continue educating himself, the small moments between him and his friends that only had one more year with each other to create, the quiet ‘i love yous’ the two of you shared in the wee hours of the morning - such small instances, you were worried he’d over look them and focus on the big picture of just moving forward. “You need to slow down, speed racer…” Your response from him was a quiet snore, making you close your eyes with an amused smile as you leaned your head back on the bus seat. Feeling his soft breathing against your neck, the rising and falling of your hand against his back, you felt your worry pass - he was living life, and that’s all you could ask for him. If he lived solely in the moment… then so would you. “I love you, Yuu…”
This turned out a little more angsty than was originally planned… but I really like how it came out…. so I really hope you don’t mind!!!!!
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mbruben-stein · 3 years
Rise of the Guardians boyfriends scenarios
Them reacting to you speaking another language.
-Jack Frost-
When Jack found out you can speak another language, let's just say he was surprised. You learn how to speak another language from a friend of yours which was cool. The language that you knew how to speak was Swedish. After he was surprised he kept on asking you to teach him how to speak Swedish. (Which note it took you about a month to finally say yes.) Once you finally said yes it took you literally longer than you thought the help teach him since he would get distracted too easily. But in the end it was worth it since you enjoy teaching someone how to speak another language.
When he found out you could speak another language which was Italian. I don't know how he could top this, but I'm going to say he was way more surprise then Jack would be. That would include to the point he would probably faint on the floor. Rather than that he would be mostly happy to know that you could speak another language besides English.
Oh, this little bean would be so happy right now. Finding out that you can speak another language which was Russian. He was super happy, even more happy to know that you were speaking to his friend North in Russian. Since you have another person to speak Russian with now. (Which note you and North got along very well.) Other than that, most time Sandy would be very happy to know that you can speak another language and that the enjoyed you speaking it.
-(Younger) North-
Let's just say north of be super happy and excited to know that you can speak another language. He was very happy to find out that the language that you knew how to speak was icelantic. He was kind of curious why you wanted to learn how to speak it. When you told him that the language was dying he was surprised. But even so he was happy to know that you were speaking a language that you didn't, wants to die out and that also you enjoy speaking it.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Framing Britney Spears Review: FX Doc Is a Pop Horror Story
The FX docuseries The New York Times Presents takes a celebrity turn on the installment “Framing Britney.” But this is no tabloid exposé, even as the gossip rags and paparazzi become inadvertently complicit. The series provides consistently dedicated longform journalism as a matter of course. Their beat is varied. It’s covered front line workers, booted a hacking network, and chased a killer.
“Framing Britney” doesn’t present a homicide case, though legal minds might argue a life has been taken away. It is a true crime documentary, but the truth hasn’t been determined, and the crime is hard to define. There is a fiduciary element, and questionable mental health is a contributory factor. It is also a missing person’s case where the exact location of the victim-at-large is known. Well known and splashed across newsfeeds at a moment’s notice if there’s even a hint of a move. That’s part of the problem.
“Framing Britney” does a very good job of breaking down the incredibly confusing legal details. Since what has been called a very public breakdown in 2008, Spears has been under her father Jamie Spears’ conservatorship. This is also known as a guardianship and it is normally limited to people with diminished capacity who might not be capable of making decisions. Spears entered the conservatorship at age 26. She acknowledged it was necessary when it began, but at 39, wants the conditions changed.
The court documents call Britney a “high-functioning conservatee” who is still raking in the bucks. James Spears’ conservatorship may have been legally dubious, but it has been profitable, bringing the star from the depths of a bottomless spending spree to a net worth of well over $60 million. The conservatorship has done so well, even James’ initial co-guardian, the aptly named Andrew Wallet, wants a raise, and The New York Times Presents wants to know why. Britney’s attorney Samuel D. Ingham III tries to explain as much as he can, but he’s only privy to so much information. The documentary makes it seem Spears’ case is too profitable to get resolved. It’s not about health, but money. Even the Los Angeles Superior Court Judge is named Brenda Penny.
The subtext of the documentary has even saturated Spears’ song titles. “Work Bitch,” “I’m a Slave 4U,” “Overprotected,” all describe the neverland Britney inhabits, and “Framing Britney” lets you know it without stating it explicitly. Baby, she’s been hit more than one too many times. And it drives her crazy. It drives her fans mad as well. They’re only angry but they’ve been labeled insane by the opposition. Britney’s father dismisses them as “conspiracy theorists.” Some members of the #FreeBritney movement say they feel so gaslighted they sometimes doubt what they know. But they know, and are very good at getting the inside scoop.
One sequence recounts an anonymous voicemail message to the fan-produced podcast “Britney’s Gram.” It is obviously big news, and the fans who produce it do the right thing. They make all the right disclaimers. They do their due diligence, vetting as much as possible, cross-checking as much information as they can get. The self-appointed Britney-fan-journalists are organized, intelligent, and so well-informed Britney herself thanks them on record highlighting the word. They go to the hearings, take minutes and share them via google doc, insiders confess to them. They are a serious media concern, and this writer hopes when they achieve this goal, they don’t give up on their network and what it can do.
The fan/journalists dig through every conservatorship document available to the public. This may be part of a New York Times series, but they are star stringers, and director Samantha Stark is absolutely justified in treating them this way, albeit with tight editorial restrictions.
This may be the most innovative aspect of the episode. New York Times journalists Jason Stallman, Sam Dolnick, and Stephanie Preiss teamed with Left/Right’s Ken Druckerman, Banks Tarver, and Mary Robertson on this project. They enthusiastically analyze and incorporate the information they get from the grassroots fan-based press which sparked The Free Britney movement. Over the past few years, cellphone-recorded incidents and social media feeds have been changing the way news is gathered, providing first-hand accounts of harassment, protests and aggravated law enforcement tactics. The New York Times Presents produces one of the best mixes of the evolving media landscape. It is a transitional program, adhering to traditional journalistic values while vetting the upstart alternative media.
“Framing Britney” watches Spears’ followers as they scrutinize the star’s Instagram posts. Since disappearing from public view, these are the only glimpses into the megastar’s life, and she appears to be packing as much into the short clips as she can. Almost every post artfully weaves a mysterious clue, but even the fans admit, anyone can read anything into all of them. Spears’ lyrics have come under similar microscopes leading to vast and dark conspiracies. Britney could be singing about watching The Sixth Sense in “Girl in the Mirror.” The lyrics to “911” could be interpreted as a plea from a monarch-programmed sex-kitten. She never even officially released her response to a famous ex-boyfriend’s teary-eyed breakup song.
The documentary includes insightful interviews, especially with Felicia Culotta, who was with Spears from the very beginning of her career. She is to Britney what Mal Evans was to the Beatles, the one who did the day to day work. She was hand-picked by Britney’s mother and James Spears’ ex-wife Lynne Spears. Culotta stood with Britney for Times Square selfies on the first trip to New York. An early talent manager talks about how dedicated Britney was to her musical and performance studies, and the documentary shows stills of the singer on different instruments. We see the rise of a female pop phenomenon in the age of the boy band.
This is where “Framing Britney” earns its title. The directors indirectly infer not only has Spears been set up for some kind of blame, the entire picture is off-center. Sure, the #FreeBritney movement has become a cause célèbre, and the documentary shows Cher, Miley Cyrus, and others hoisting flags during concerts. But when Britney shaved her head and told people to stop touching her, she was a late-night talk show joke regurgitated on daytime game shows.
The documentary highlights how, from the moment Britney took off Mouseketeer ears and got ground through the American pop-star machine, she was a target and an easy score. “Her rise was a global phenomenon,” the FX advance press promised. “Her downfall was a cruel national sport.” One segment of the documentary shows a chorus line of well-known names making sport of Spears. The series shows Justin Timberlake treating radio interviews like locker rooms, and Us Weekly heading the cheerleading squad.
The piece sheds a completely different light on Spears’ public breakdown in 2007 and 2008. While an interview with former MTV VJ Dave Holmes reveals how professional, friendly and focused she was on set, one the paparazzi squad talks about ducking the famous umbrella attack. Even in retrospect, he doesn’t get it. He still doesn’t think his actions, chasing the pop singer around in a car while she tended intricate family business, had anything to do with her beating on his car door with an umbrella in the middle of the night. He acknowledges Britney had told him to lay off, but the cameraman assumed the requests applied to specific moments, not forever. It makes it seem Britney had to advise the paparazzi on a case-by-case photo op basis. Who does that?
One of the highlights of the documentary comes at a big announcement of her second Las Vegas residency in early 2019. Britney, who did her share of comedy acting on Saturday Night Live, does a perfectly broad impression of a Mel Brooks late-night Tonight Show appearance. She walks onto the stage and keeps walking. It is art. It is a major statement from the fabricated pop star.
One of the sad truths the documentary inadvertently points out is a series of artistic “what might have been” scenarios. Known only as a singer and dancer, we’ve never gotten to know the singer as a musician, because everyone cared about the gossip. People dismiss Britney as a dance pop artist without thinking that dance pop is an art. In spite of its intentionally static rhythms, it is often more intricate musically than rock. Britney, the artist, never stopped looking to expand the sounds. She was one of the pioneers of dubstep, taking it from the London club scene to the tops of all international charts. The documentary shows a series of unrelentingly harrowing questions about dating, boys, and the dangers of her young feminine sexuality. At one point Britney has to respond on camera to the news that some mother in the Bible Belt wants to shoot her dead. “I’m nobody’s babysitter,” the singer mouths, ad-libbing like the young professional she is, before cameras linger a little too long.
Ultimately, The New York Times Presents gives us a horror documentary, as scary and unfathomable as The Blair Witch Project, only more chilling because it is not fiction. Even Stephen King veers from this kind of harrowing suspense. It’s a pop-up, and you have to wait for it. They don’t reveal it until the end credits, though we’ve known it from the beginning. As the producers are thanking their contributors, they mention they reached out to Britney Spears herself. She never responded. They don’t even know if she got the message. This is dramatic brilliance. It is subtle, effective, and as the final visual burning in the mind’s eye, provocatively expansive.
“Framing Britney” is worth watching for the details, the history it tells, and the history it captures inadvertently by virtue of its hybrid journalistic filmmaking. This is Millennial Media and it is fitting the subject is Britney Spears, the most iconic figure of that generation. The full-length documentary, without ever expressly proclaiming it, shows how the star is being saved by her peers. An entire community, linked with nothing but love for their favorite singer, comes together to do right by her. It’s their prerogative. K-Pop fans showed the power of their stans as political weapons. “Framing Britney” presents entirely new possibilities.
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The New York Times Presents “Framing Britney Spears” debuts Feb. 5 on FX and FX on Hulu.
The post Framing Britney Spears Review: FX Doc Is a Pop Horror Story appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3rjH2W4
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Tragic Fools Extended Teaser. Titillating New Dark Fantasy Scifi 2021.
Chapter 1
Psychic Ex Issues
The bliss of sun-kissed skin awakened her. Twitching fingers in velvety sand as a heavenly breeze tickled her spine, Kayn peered up, grinning. Somebody gave her an immortal time out. Even with unlimited free passes to the in-between, a surprise trip was jarring until she recalled why she died. Who killed her this time? Cross-legged in pristine desert with silky granules trickling through fingers, her memory kicked in, clarifying why she was deceased. Lexy knocked on her door and took her out of the equation. Their Oracle must have caught Kevin telepathically asking her to warn him before Ankh stole the girl he had a thing for. Her attachment to him was always getting her in trouble. She shouldn’t be having conversations with an ex-boyfriend while in bed with her new one. Frost’s patience had to be wearing thin. They’d just been separated as punishment for killing Kevin at a banquet. She tossed her ex off a balcony for giving her a clover. It was still funny. Sensing a presence, Kayn got up, squinting in luminescence.
    Ankh’s Guardian Azariah sighed, “I’m beginning to think you enjoy being punished.”
    She didn’t know what to say, she kind of did.
    “Being part Guardian doesn’t mean you can bend rules to your will,” the angelic entity reprimanded.
    Brushing the sand off her short ivory in-between attire, Kayn responded, “I wasn’t going to say anything.”
    With divine angelic light attaching Clan Ankh’s Guardian to the sky, Azariah wandered off, explaining, “That’s just it, if he can tap into your mind, you have no say over what he knows.”
    Keeping pace, strolling the clean slate desert with warm silken sand underfoot, beneath an azure sky, Kayn thought of a monarch butterfly. An orange and black distraction flitted by as proof she wasn’t focusing on what the Guardian was saying.
    The angelic entity trailing radiant light, scolded, “I’m not talking to hear myself speak, child.”
    She wasn’t a child. Now, a variety of vibrant butterflies were fluttering around. She couldn’t shut her feral imagination down. Wincing, Kayn apologised, “I’m listening, I swear.”
    With a clap of her hands, distractions vanished. Smiling, Azariah carried on, “Here is the issue, Ankh needs a Venom before Immortal Testing. As you know, the Third -Tier sped up the timeline in response to the glitch your group used to get out. Currently, Triad is the only Clan with one. Your ex’s crush means nothing. Residual mortal sentiment is clouding your judgement.”
    It was, she couldn’t deny it.
    Back in the land of the living, Ankh’s Oracle voluntarily stayed with Zach to make sure Kayn remained deceased until their compromised job was finished. Relaxing on the queen-sized bed by Kayn’s corpse, Jenna mindlessly flicked channels.  
    With Kayn’s head on his lap, Zach gently stroked her hair, asking, “Do we have to keep killing her? Can’t we lock her in a tomb?”
    “The bracelet to block Kevin’s connection isn’t working. I need to tweak it. He’s psychic, they’re linked. Taking her out when we’re dealing with Triad may be our only option.”
    “We all have ties to other Clans, I used to be Triad,” Zach implored, meeting Jenna’s eyes.
    “Aren’t you glad we stole you?” Jenna baited as Kayn’s chest rose and fell. “Heads up, Handler. She’s back.”
    “Can’t we just keep her occupied? She doesn’t know where they went,” Zach bartered.
    “Azariah needs time with her, a Guardian’s word is law, take her out,” Jenna instructed.
    Looping an arm around her neck, he released his grasp as she went limp, muttering, “You’re doing it next time.”
    “Suck it up Zach, you’re immortal.” Jenna teased with a smile.
    Everything was uncomfortably white as Kayn opened her eyes with a brief flash of waking up in the hospital after her Sweet Sleep. This time, it wasn’t Kevin by her side as she clued into where she was. She remembered this place. She’d been here before.
    Radiance encompassed Ankh’s Guardian Azariah as she helped Kayn up, praising, “Impressive regeneration time.”
    “I’ve been healing faster,” Kayn admitted, grimacing as she took in where she was. A blank white cell. The word nothing described this destination. She had concentration issues. Funny, well played Azariah, bravo. It felt like their Guardian was working up to an epic punishment reveal.
    Grinning, Azariah explained, “Time runs faster in a blank cell. Your soul can’t escape or think up distractions. We’ll stay here, so your Handler doesn’t have to keep killing you each time you rise.”  
    An immortal penalty box, so she couldn’t think up butterflies or heal herself to escape the boredom, clever. Kayn had to ask. “Am I going to be punished?”
    “Do you need to be punished?” Azariah probed with a knowing twinkle in her eye.
    Damn it, she did. There was a lingering silence as it sunk in. It felt like she could stop Kevin from having access to her mind if she wanted him gone. There it was…her truth. She wanted a way to keep their friendship alive, even if they were supposed to be enemies. Even if they always would be. He was her last attachment to a mortal simplicity that was no longer. She was going to lose the trust of her Clan. It felt like she was in the Testing again, being forced to see past mortal bonds engrained in her being.
    “Calm down, we don’t want to sever the connection. The Clans join forces on occasion. We need to control the flow of information. Having two Guardian offspring in the same Clan, Ankh may require assistance as you did when Abaddon tried to force you to send a group through the Hall of Souls. My brother jumped the gun when he took the cap off your abilities. You are a spiritual anomaly, a Conduit who is part Guardian. The Third-Tier will be looking for a way to take you out of the equation to hold off the Daughters of Seth Prophecy.”
    It would be helpful if someone explained what the Daughters of Seth Prophecy was.
    Grinning, Ankh’s Guardian, replied, “Prophecies have a loose narrative. New moves come into play. It couldn’t be worse timing to train a new group for Testing, with survivors in the middle of the evolution process. Believing they’ve set us up for failure by giving us an unbeatable scenario, reveals the Third-Tier’s weakness. They underestimate us. We thrive in impossible situations. Knowing a Venom can put trapped souls into hibernation in a sleep chamber to await freedom with the next continent in gives us a way. When all is lost, all one needs is a faint glimmer of hope and courage to fight. If we find a Venom for the next Testing group, we have an insurance clause. It’s that simple.”
    Sure, they’ll just find a rare immortal being in a North American population of 346.3 million. “Do Guardian magic and point one out, I’m on it,” Kayn saucily replied.
    “Being confined to this spiritual plain has limitations. If you’ll allow me, I’d like to have another look at the basis of your connection to the Triad,” Azariah asked in shimmering light with open arms.
    As Kayn stepped into the Guardian’s divine embrace, the predatory Conduit was subdued by tranquillity in the root of her being. Beautiful memories floated through her stream of consciousness with easy smiles and magical healing kisses on wounded knees. She drifted off to sleep each night snuggling stuffed animals, feeling safe. She recalled easy laughter in carefree moments, racing siblings in the upstairs hallway to see who’d be first to slide on their tummy down carpeted stairs. Family days on the beach building sandcastles by the sea, turning over rocks to capture fleeing crabs. Salty ocean air through an open car window on the drive home and grape soda stains on her sleeping brother’s face. Childhood sleepovers using hairbrushes as microphones, jumping on beds. Snuggling under blankets watching movies devouring bowls of pink elephant popcorn on the couch. Climbing to the highest branch of the apple tree where they’d perch to eat while viewing their entire world. In every scenario, Kevin was present or referenced to tug her heart back.  
    Maturing in visions, she reached the age of Correction. Blissfully unaware of her demise, she sprinted across a finish line as a track champion with Kevin overzealously cheering. Each moment, every action, forging an unbreakable bond, maturing into love, solidifying a link created by thousands of unforgettable moments.
    Caressing her hair, Azariah summoned her out of the visions, whispering, “We can leave the connection open. I’m secure, he won’t violate your trust.”
    Part of her wanted to remain in the beautiful lucid dream with only light in her soul, void of the darkness she often found herself lost in. “I wish I could go back,” Kayn confessed, in her arms, pining for the simple bliss of childhood.
    Knowing she wasn’t ready to let go, Azariah assured, “Those memories will always be wherever you are.”
    “I’m not good at being immortal,” Kayn mumbled.
    “Who is?” Azariah taunted, stepping away to meet her eyes, lovingly tucking curls behind her ear.
    “You kept Jenna for decades,” Kayn sparred, smiling.
    Intrigued by her choice, the Guardian disclosed, “Jenna sacrificed herself for someone else’s misdeeds.”
    She hadn’t heard this story.
    Her luminescent relation explained, “We accepted an ill-advised deal believing Haley’s Testing group was destined to survive. Alas, Oracle’s predictions rarely come with a time stamp. Haley did survive twenty years later when intuition led her to you. Fortunately, Jenna was powerful enough to maintain duties through psychic connections.”
    Their Clan was soap opera. Curious, Kayn enquired, “Whose punishment did Jenna take?”  
    Azariah teased, “You’ll figure it out.”
    Why aren’t we using Haley?  
    “She’s a talented intuitionist but decades lost in a Venom-induced dream state stunted Haley’s Enlightening process. She isn’t a viable Oracle yet,” the angelic being responded to her thought.
    Psychics advertise, they can’t be that difficult to find. Fascinated, Kayn suggested, “Can’t we just make an appointment with a psychic and snag one?”
    “There are varying degrees of Clairvoyant. Only top tier has a shot at surviving Testing. The new girl Emma is top tier, but if her group can’t connect, it won’t matter,” Azariah clarified with a genuine smile.
    Standing in a blank slate room having a casual chat, Kayn forgot she was speaking to a heavenly being. Her Aunt. That was still weird. If they stole the girl, Kevin would think she didn’t care. She wasn’t supposed to. She needed to get back to Frost so she could explain. Feeling a tickle, Kayn looked at her hand as it began disintegrating into sand. Well, this isn’t supposed to happen.
    Unamused by her niece’s ability to override commands, Azariah loudly clapped her hands, scowling. Kayn solidified, the miffed majestic being, reprimanded, “I haven’t granted you permission to leave.”
    “I can’t control this shit,” Kayn lipped like an insolent teen.
    “Are you insane? Have you forgotten who you’re with?” Azariah fired back.
    What was wrong with her? Kayn said, “I’m not doing it on purpose.”
    Furious, Azariah paced back and forth, towing a beam of sparkling light in the room of nothing, muttering, “Seth, you ignorant ass. Idiot.”
    Oh, shit. She broke a Guardian. Kayn nervously apologised, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say that.”
    “I guess there’s no point in staying here. We might as well enjoy the scenery,” the luminescent being, sighed, half-assed waving her hand.
    In a flash of blinding light, the pair was in a meadow of flowers, ankle-deep in lush, fragrant grass under a splotchy blue sky. It always looked like someone tossed buckets of paint up there. They wandered in silence. With each step into the bliss-inducing experience, fragrant flowers, gentle humming of bees and whispering butterfly’s wings, reminded her of how blessed she was to be granted access to this magical world.
    Out of nowhere, Azariah coyly asked, “What powers do you have?”
    Her horrible excuse for a parental figure cautioned her about disclosing certain things.
    Stopping, Azariah laughed, “You know I can hear your thoughts, just tell me what we’re up against so we can find a way to hide it.” Making herself comfortable in the grass, she prompted, “Sit, confess all, I vow to find a way to help you.”
    Guess there was no point in attempting to hide anything. Kayn sat by her, disclosing, “I’ve created orbs of light. Blue orbs blow things up, and white ones get me in trouble, you know about that incident.”
    “Yes, accidentally sending forty demons through the hall of souls doesn’t go unnoticed. Tri-Clan will be cleaning up that mess for years, and now, you have a target on your back. You are the magical ticket to mortality for every demon out there,” Azariah chuckled, picking grass and tossed it.
    Kevin always did that. Kayn’s heart clenched as her thoughts travelled back to her mortal life. Steering her mind away, she confessed, “Conduit, Siren and I may have stopped a bullet or two.”
    “Next time, you’re here we’ll talk about that. I’m sensing our time is up,” Azariah answered. Plucking a pink flower, the Guardian tucked it behind Kayn’s ear and whispered, “Don’t worry, we’ll figure this out.”
    White light blinded her. As the glare ceased, Kayn saw Kevin’s Granny in youthful form, with freckles and flowing red hair. Winnie announced, “The job is done. Kayn is free to leave.”
    A part of her always wanted to run into Kevin’s grandmother’s arms. She’d loved Granny Winnie and missed her but knew they weren’t the same people. They weren’t even people at all, only pawns in an immortal game. It was time to go back and deal with the fallout from her secret conversation with Kevin. If the situation were reversed, and Frost was chatting with an ex next to her in bed, she’d be hurt. Her Mother’s words, sprang to mind, ‘Omitting part of the truth to protect someone’s feelings never works out how you think it will.’ She was right. She may never have the chance to say those words, but she could honour her memory by listening to her advice.
    Smiling at her inner dialogue, young Granny suggested, “Tell the truth, and let chips fall where they may. It’s a long afterlife, you have nothing but time.”
    With that telltale glint in her eyes, she’d always know it was her, no matter what age Winnie appeared. Unable to help it, Kayn asked, “Did Ankh take the girl?” Laughing, Azariah vanished.
    Used to her one-track mind, Winnie disclosed, “She was stolen by Trinity while Ankh and Triad were fighting. Kevin knows it was Trinity,” Winnie replied as the scenery flashed and they were strolling through the warm, inviting desert.
    This timeout was for nothing. Feeling strange, Kayn looked at her hand as she disintegrated into a cloud of golden dust and floated away on a gentle breeze.
    Opening her eyes, with her head on Zach’s lap in the land of the living. There was panic in his eyes. Here we go.
    “Trinity may already be here. Small talk later. Get your jacket, grab your bag, we need to run,” her Handler urged.
    “What’s going on?” Kayn said, scrambling into her boots. They sprinted down the hall, took the stairs and dashed out into the frigid Alaskan air. Oh, sweet lord, it was cold. The RV was gone. They got left behind.
    Going back inside, Zach gave her the rundown, “Trinity snuck in and stole the Venom while Ankh and Triad were fighting at the other job. Jenna had a vision and took off. Mel came in and gave me an Aries group card, saying, if the RV is gone, don’t panic, join the distractions at the pub.”
    Walking down the hall, Kayn vowed, “I wasn’t going to tell him anything.”
    “I know,” her Handler affirmed as they entered the pub and took off their jackets. “Game face, Brighton,” he teased, as they strolled up to the counter of local riffraff. Chuckling, Zach patted down her bedhead, whispering, “You’re looking recently resurrected feral this evening.”
    She’d been hoping it was Frost and Lily with Mel as distractions. She didn’t see anyone she recognised.
    Nudging her, Zach whispered, “Ten o’clock.”
    She glanced to her upper left and giggled. Ten o’clock. In an unexpected plot twist, their backup was Killian from the other continent with his massive muscular frame and wavy mane, sitting by a curvaceous black goddess so breathtaking, everyone was enamoured. With those two alluring unicorns, Mel seamlessly blended in with locals, downing shots like it was the end of the world.
    Leaning in, Zach whispered in her ear, “She is insanely hot, I’m going in.”
    That seductive being was way out of Zach’s league. He was in the minors, destined to strike out so fast, all you’d see is a blur of her blowing him off. Owing her Handler for blindly believing in her innocence, Kayn said, “Go Zach.” Snickering, as they picked up their drinks and strolled over.
    Killian raised his glass in greeting, “Guess we’re diversion buddies, our plan to be newbie protection backup was foiled by a five-minute bathroom break. Drink up, you two. Jenna says, acting like nobody is showing up until tomorrow and looking unprepared is how we’re going to buy the others enough time to get away.”
    “Emery,” the hot stranger introduced herself, extending her perfectly manicured hand to Zach.
    Awestruck, Zach shook her hand, flirting, “Your British accent is amazing.”
    Grinning, Amar’s continent’s vixen, cheekily reciprocated, “Your everything is amazing.”
    Wow. Zach didn’t usually have girls come on this strong.
    A tray of shots was placed on their table. Killian raised one, saluting, “Go hard or go home.”
    The table of immortals slammed three in a row, throwing caution to the wind. Emery seemed familiar. “Have we met?” Kayn enquired, shaking her hand.
    “I was blitzed at our last banquet, it’s possible. Either way, it’s nice to meet you coherent,” Emery toyed.
    The way Mel was slamming drinks back, their play was obvious. They were expecting Thorne. Mel was the bait.  
    “Slow down, love. I don’t want to hold your hair later while you’re parking the tiger,” Emery commented, coyly sipping wine, adjusting her seductively crossed legs.
    Parking the tiger?
    “Hurling, upchucking, technicolour yawn, ralph,” Killian deciphered British slang.
    “Praying to the porcelain god, barfing, boot and rally, blowing chunks, tossing your cookies,” Zach commentated.
    “Chilling my anxiety, it’ll sting less when he ignores me. The girl Thorne was seeing made it out of Testing with the other continent. He may be over me,” Mel disclosed, doing another shot.
    “You’re not that easy to get over, Mel,” Zach affirmed, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.
    Where did she know Emery from? It was driving her crazy. All eyes darted to the door as Trinity wandered in.
    Zach whispered, “Heads up.”
    Raking a hand through his sexy mane, Killian whispered, “Immortal lie detector in the house, get ready to pull out the big guns, Mel.”
Chapter 2
Royal Pain in Thorne’s Ass
            Some bonds can’t be broken by time. Mel’s eyes locked with the leader of Trinity’s as he came in.
Ultimately, losing him had been a choice. She’d chosen Ankh over Trinity. It was her call.
Her time with Trinity before coming to Ankh was tumultuous. She’d been a royal pain in Thorne’s ass. Guilt-ridden, she spent nearly a year trying to kill herself as penance for her family’s demise. For an immortal with a healing ability, it was pointless. She lured him in with ridiculous drama. His days were devoted to convincing her she was worthy of being saved, and hers were spent proving why she wasn’t. With an intense connection teetering on the edge of more, everyone knew they cared for each other. On her final night with Trinity, she was about to leap to her temporary demise when their feelings came to fruition in an explosion of passion on a cliffside beneath the stars. The next day, she ended up in Ankh.    
    Since becoming Ankh, whenever she found herself in the leader of Trinity’s presence, either he was aggravated by the games she was playing or cautioning her to stay away during a fight so he wouldn’t be forced to harm her. Tonight, Mel was plotting to use his feelings to distract him so her Clan could get away with their unsealed under eighteen Ankh. When he walked past her to the bar, she couldn’t help but smile. He wasn’t stupid.
    Pulling a chair up to their table, her old friend Glory, declared, “I’ll bite. Mel, Zach and Kayn, we expected. Emery and Big Sexy are a surprise. Are you here protecting Amar’s kid?”
    Big Sexy, that was funny.
    “Go ahead, take a shot for having the balls to strut in here like you stand a chance,” Killian provoked, sliding the tray over.
    “They’re in the hotel, aren’t they?” Glory grilled, looking into Mel’s eyes.
    Smiling, Mel redirected their conversation, “It’s nice to see you too.” She didn’t have to turn around, she felt him there. She did another shot before saying his name, “Thorne.”
    “Melody,” Thorne responded, pulling up a chair. “Did we get here early?”
    “I’m not saying a word,” Mel laughed, downing another.
    “You will,” Thorne boldly decreed, holding her captive with piercing blue truth-seeking eyes.
    She wanted him. Maybe she always would. Pretending to be carefree when she was freaking out inside was proving to be difficult.
    “If you keep slamming shots, you’ll tell me everything,” Thorne teased, snatching a shot of whisky off their tray.
    Without his fib extracting eyes leaving hers, he licked a droplet off his bottom lip, and her mind went blank. What was she supposed to be doing? About to match his shot, Mel put it down. He was right. She needed to buy time, good thing she had a million things to confess. If it wasn’t what he was here for, why not? Shaking her head, Mel switched topics, “I’m glad the girl you were seeing made it out with the other continent.”
    “That was nothing,” Thorne confessed, sliding his hand over hers like they were alone in the room. “I was just trying to stop myself from doing something reckless at a banquet.”
    “Me?” Mel baited with a charming, dimpled grin.
    “You,” Thorne disclosed. “In retrospect, we should have spent the night together for closure.” Caressing her palm, he whispered, “I still miss you.” Getting back on task, Trinity’s leader compelled, “Is it just the five of you at the bar?”
    Checking for witnesses, Mel said, “Yes.” Bringing up the elephant in the room, she whispered, “You’re here to steal our unsealed Ankh.”
    Tucking her shoulder-length brown hair behind her ears, like she usually wore it, Thorne answered, “Obviously.”
    He thought her nervous tick was a style choice, cute. “You won’t,” Mel confidently stated, sliding him another whisky.
    “Trinity doesn’t participate in drunk fight club,” Thorne teased, downing the drink.
    Grinning, Mel provoked, “What about pillow fight club? You used to love pillow fight club.”
    He mic dropped reality, “There were no pillows on our cliff.”
    Our cliff. Tears filled her eyes as the passionate encounter on a cliff beneath the stars surfaced. She whispered, “I spent a year trying to kill myself, knowing it wouldn’t work because I’m immortal. How did you have the patience to deal with me? How are you so optimistic and understanding when our afterlives are this hard?”
    “Because there were people like you, along the way,” he admitted with a sheen of tears.
    She was going to have to confess everything else to stop herself from telling him what she wasn’t supposed to say. Pulling it together, Mel said, “I tuck my hair behind my ears when I’m nervous.”
    Playing with her hair, Thorne probed, “Do I still make you nervous?”
    Mel nodded, lost in his steel blue lie extracting eyes. No matter what she did, her heart wouldn’t let go of that beautiful night. They had to get over each other this wasn’t healthy.
    Tenderly kissing her hand, he admitted, “You make me nervous too. Whenever we run into each other, it aches like we lost each other yesterday. I try to stay away. I’ll be arguing with myself, then you smile with those dimples and I can’t.”
    “Thorne,” she whispered as he slid a hand onto her knee.
    Caressing it, he whispered, “Mel.”
    She wanted to tear his clothes off.
    Making it clear he caught her thought, Thorne leaned in and whispered, “Right here?”
    “Come to my room, so we can be alone. You foiled the job and stole the girl. You know where our backup is,” Mel persuaded. She needed to prove her heart wrong.
    Thorne suggested, “Let’s go to my room where we won’t be interrupted.”
    Worrying she was the one being played, she put it to rest knowing who he was. In this scenario, she was the bad guy. Leaving their coats on the rack, they slipped out, speed-walked down the hall, hitting nearly a jog as they scooted into the elevator, laughing. As the elevator door slid shut, their mouths met in passionate persuasion.
    Breathless as their lips parted, Thorne gazed into her eyes, confessing, “I do love you.”
    “I’ve never stopped. I wish…” Her declaration of love was interrupted as the elevator door slid open, revealing a Trinity poised with bow drawn. He’d set her up. An arrow whooshed into her heart. Stunned, Melody dropped. Thorne cradled her in his arms as the light flickered and went out.
Chapter 3
Big Sexy Snacks
The rest of Ankh’s distractions were three sheets to the wind dancing when Ankh symbols heated beneath their fingerless gloves, letting them know one of their own was dead. They sprinted out of the pub into the hall. The elevator opened as they approached. Mel’s body was on the floor with a gaping chest wound and blood pooling behind her.
    Killian commented, “Taking out our only Healer, smart. Emery, there’s a camera. If the footage is stored online, we’ll need to call the Aries group. Zach, go with her, watch her back.” They slipped out as the door closed.
    “An arrow to the heart?” Killian questioned as he broke the camera and pressed garage.
    Focused on willing energy into Mel, Kayn didn’t reply. Mel gasped as her eyes opened.
    “Impressive, you’re a Healer too,” Killian remarked, as he held out a hand to help her up.
    Dizzy, Kayn held his gaze and said, “Trust me,” as she siphoned enough energy to stay on her feet through their joined hands. Confused, the burly Adonis swayed, quickly regaining his bearings. While helping Mel up, Kayn looked at her snack and asked, “You good?”
    “All good, energy thief,” he chuckled, shaking his head.
    His energy made her feel like she could bench press a Buick. Kayn directed, “Mel, take off your shirt and sop up as much blood as you can. Killian, give Mel your shirt so she isn’t topless.” They dressed, and cleaned with the elevator open, thankful for the heated landing.
    Reading a text, Killian announced, “They have our bags and jackets from the bar. Trinity’s coats were still in the pub. I bet they’re searching the hotel. We’ll have to run out to the truck without jackets. Let’s go!”
    Darting out into frigid two am Alaskan air through icy crackling snow, they got into the truck. Emery casually drove away from the hotel with the biggest grin as they put coats on and noticed there were too many.
    Killian chuckled, “Did you take everyone’s jackets?”
    “I did,” Emery laughed. “Zach also may have flattened the tires of every vehicle in the parking lot.”
    Everyone was celebrating their escape. Kayn dug through her bag praying her cell was in there. The light was blinking. There was a message. Afraid to read it, she stared at the flashing light. Reality was a buzz kill. She’d been the cause of their separation again. He had to be getting sick and tired of her shit. Hell, she was getting tired of her shit. Nobody uttered a syllable until they hit smooth highway. They started talking, avoiding the topic of ex-boyfriend’s arrows. Strength shifted to fatigue as Kayn’s brain recalled bringing Mel back to life. She needed to close her eyes.
    Nudging her, Zach prompted, “Look at the message.”
    “So, I can see how ticked off he is? No thanks. I’ll wait for the live show,” Kayn said, yawning.
    Zach instantly yawned. Yawning loudly, Killian scolded, “Stop that crap. I don’t need to be yawning for hours.”
    He’d mentioned yawning. They all yawned again triggering each other in a ridiculous chain, except for Emery, which struck her as peculiar.
    Snatching Kayn’s phone, Mel read it, and gave it back, saying, “Yeah, he’s pissed. At least he didn’t seduce you into an elevator, tell you he loved you and get a Trinity to shoot an arrow into your heart when the door opened.”
    “Shit Mel, that’s brutal, I’m sorry, hun,” Zach consoled, caressing her shoulder.
    “Why are you sorry? You didn’t shoot an arrow into my heart?” Mel sparred, lightening the tension. Meeting Kayn’s eyes, she assured, “It’s not that bad. He just says you need to talk.”
    When though? How long would she have to wait? All Dragon excuses aside, if she wanted their relationship to last longer than five minutes, she had to start thinking about how her actions affected him. Ripping off the band-aid, Kayn texted Frost. Full disclosure, Kevin has a thing for the Venom girl everyone wants. He must have had a vision. He asked me not to take her. You were asleep. She gave it to Zach to read over. He looked at it and pressed send. “What in the hell, Zach? I just wanted you to read it.”
    He chuckled, “You’ll thank me later. It would be silly for him to be ticked off after reading that. You didn’t really do anything wrong, Brighton. You just omitted the truth so he wouldn’t be ticked you were in bed with him, mind chatting with your ex.”
    Everyone else started laughing as Killian glanced back, asking, “Is Brighton American slang?”
    “That’s her mortal last name, Kayn’s Canadian,” Zach explained, grinning.
    “I love that, Brighton,” Killian stated. “Were you really in bed with Frost mind chatting with an ex? I’d be choked.”
    With her eyes on the snowy road ahead, as tires crunched over gravel-strewn icy highway, Emery shared, “If memory serves a night with Frost is many hours of cardio. I think it’s badass that you bedded him and chatted with an ex. He’s been a player for eight hundred years. He deserves that Karma.”
    Great, she wasn’t going to be able to unhear that. Emery and Frost slept together.
    Catching her reaction, Emery backtracked, “Sorry about just blurting that out, it was a long time ago. No big deal.”
    If you’re going to get ticked off every time you bump into someone Frost slept with, you’re going to be pissed off a lot,” Killian chuckled, changing the music. Emery slapped his hand. Giggling, he playfully swatted back.
    Mel changed the subject, “Where are we going?”
    “We’re driving east through northern B.C into Alberta to meet up with Markus’ crew,” Killian explained. “Who can drive? We should break this up into four-hour shifts.”
    Zach and Melody volunteered, Kayn admitted, “I drove once in a parking lot.”
    “I’ll teach you how to drive,” Emery laughed as the tail end of the truck swerved on black ice and recovered.
    Unaffected by the drama, Killian suggested, “Pull over, I’m switching seats with Zach. Brighton stole my energy.”
    They stopped, leapt out into snow much deeper than it looked and comically switched up the seating arrangement. Kayn grinned as the mountainous Viking looking guy made himself comfortable, taking up a humorous amount of the backseat.
    “Wake me up when it’s my turn,” Killian mumbled as he conked out.
    She’d never seen anyone go to sleep like that. The musclebound Adonis had a breathy coo as a snore. It was kind of adorable. Sleep was doable. Closing her eyes, Kayn slipped into a dream, listening to Zach and Emery chatting like long lost friends.
    Waking up, stiff and sore, Kayn stretched as she sat up. They were parked at a rest stop with a convenience store. What time is it? It smelled like greasy burgers. There was a gross amount of garbage in the back. How long was she asleep? She gathered up the trash into a bag. They must have let her sleep. She couldn’t go inside and leave the engine running. Groggily, she searched for her cell. There was another message from Frost. Her growling tummy took precedence as she texted Zach. I can’t get out of the truck, please bring snacks and juice. Her phone vibrated with Zach’s response. Already on it. Grinning, she read Frost’s message. You can make it up to me today when you get here. Joy flooded her senses. Forgetting her relationship paranoid boyfriend filter, she wrote, love you. She pressed send. Oh, crap. Mortified, Kayn stared at her phone. Why did she do that? Her cell vibrated. She read his response. Ditto, Queen of mixed signals. Giggling, she relaxed. She hadn’t wrecked it yet. She wasn’t meaning to give him mixed signals. This wasn’t how she imagined love would be. Loving him felt like she was always about to lose something. Things were much simpler when she was blissfully ignorant relationship-wise. The love she had for Kevin was pristine childlike certainty. Loving Frost felt like jumping out of a plane with a chute that may not open. What she felt for him terrified her. He must feel the same way. She’d been all over the place mentally since surviving the Testing, rarely in control of which ability surfaced. Only the Siren ability came easily. She thought back to that night in Mexico when Frost tried explaining how hard it was going be with the complications of their abilities. He’d vowed to keep trying, so had she, but hadn’t understood what he meant. She did now. Trying, was all they could promise each other. Her road trip buddies were on their way back to the truck with bags of snacks, chatting. Kayn silenced her inner dialogue as Emery fumbled with the keypad.
    As everyone got in, Killian commented, “Sleeping Beauty has awakened and summoned the backseat cleaning elves. I’ll run this to the garbage. Sorry, I knew it was gross back here. You’ve been out cold for a day and a half.” He hopped out and sprinted to the trash can with the bag.
    A day and a half? She wasn’t a napper. That was strange.
    Killian got back in and shut the door as Mel passed her a takeout bag. Yes. She was starving. Kayn peeked in. “You got me a burrito, you’re amazing, thanks Mel.” As they pulled away, she quietly observed Zach, riding up front flirting with Emery. Mel was pretending she wasn’t devastated. Killian was trying to lift her spirits. Being murdered by your ex dampens one’s mood. She’d experienced that heartbreak. She barely knew Thorne, but the guy radiated goodness, what he’d done was hard to believe. It felt like there must be way more to the story. On the bright side, maybe Mel would finally be able to move on from the fantasy of what might have been. A flicker of memory brought her back to Kevin slitting her throat in Immortal Testing, solidifying the truth of where they stood with him in Triad and her, in Ankh. Yes, being murdered by someone you were devoted to made the situation crystal clear. She’d gone on an unhinged murder spree in the Testing. Melody wasn’t like her though. Her friend was rational, calm, and innately good to her core. Naughty, on occasion, but those lines between right and wrong always seemed finite for her. Unwrapping her burrito, Kayn dumped a disgusting amount of hot sauce on and devoured it.
    Watching with morbid fascination, Killian commented, “You do the hot sauce thing like Lexy. Amar does that too you know. I’ve always been curious as to why?”
    Shrugging, Kayn downed a jug of juice. She was still hungry. Ravenous, she dug through bags. Nothing was appealing. Killian smelled good though. She’d brought Mel back from the dead, fed off his energy and he’d stayed on his feet. It was rather impressive. She didn’t know him well enough to ask him for the kind of snack she suspected, she needed. Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Kayn, and I eat supernatural energy. Yours is rather addictive, I’d like more. Her inner dialogue was getting crazy. Oh, fantastic. More immortal brain growing pains, when was this bullshit going to stop? Her stomach went off like a whale’s mating call.
    Eyes wide, Killian chuckled, “You alright, kid?”
    Scowling, Kayn nodded, knowing it was a lie. The burly immortal carried on chatting with Mel about being Orin’s daughter. Broiling, she wiped the perspiration off her brow. The crackling tires were echoing. She should ask them to pull over, something was happening to her. She’d had this sense of ability related foreboding before, it rarely went well. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Be calm. Her peripheral vision flickered ominously. Her heart was thudding like she ran a marathon. She’d been asleep for a day and a half. She needed to feed her ability but didn’t want these new people to know she fed off immortal energy. It might make things awkward. Killian smelled amazing. He had sweet, tasty, potent pheromones. She needed to get out of here. She wiped her brow. Her throat was so dry, she could barely swallow. If she ate them all, they’d have a nice long nap. Usually, someone called her out on her feral inner commentary by now. Maybe they couldn’t hear it? That was unfortunate, survival of the fittest wise. What was that? It felt like spiders were running around under her jacket. She didn’t like it. Imaginary arachnids scurried down her arms into her palms, making every hair stand on end. Oh, no. There were dark veins on her hands. Something was bubbling up under her skin. If spiders exploded from the boils on her hands, she was going to lose her shit! Struggling to remain calm, she cautioned, “Guys, I’m having an issue.” Nervously, Kayn watched sparks glittering on her fingertips. Shit. This was new. She nervously warned, “Guys.” Flames lit from the boils.
    Nudging Mel, Killian declared, “Your friend is on fire.”
    Panicking, Mel barked, “Pull over! Quick!”
    Looking back, her Handler cursed, “Shit! Calm down, Brighton. Breathe. Deep breaths.”
    Emery looked in the rear-view, the vehicle swerved to the side of the road. “I’m trying! Out! Get Away!” Kayn freaked, with her hands going off like sparklers on the Fourth of July. Everyone scrambled out, bailing into a snowbank as flames shot out her hands, igniting the interior. Power was coursing through her, it felt amazing. This is so cool. “Holy crap, I’m fireproof!” Kayn giggled as her flesh melted, laughing.
    “Get out!” Zach shouted, running at her as everyone else frantically pitched snow at the fire.
    Blistered, charred, engulfed in flames, Kayn hopped out. Zach leapt on her, smothering the blaze in a snowdrift. She giggled beneath her Handler. Her back stung. Maybe she wasn’t fireproof? That was stupid.
    Looking at her ash-covered face, Zach chuckled, “If you keep laughing like this, they’ll think you’re crazy.”  
    Everyone was fighting to put out the fire. They should help.  
    Zach wiped her cheek, and beneath the layer of ash, her skin was pristine. Shaking his head as he got up, he reached out a hand and urged, “Come on, Brighton.” With a peculiar grin, Zach enquired, “Feeling chilly?”
    Not really. Kayn looked down at the dangling shards of burnt material. Shit, her clothes were not fireproof.
    Emery shouted, “Run!”
    Everyone sprang into action as fluorescent orange winter jackets and a nearly naked girl covered in ash sprinted away from the engulfed vehicle. They stopped to watch like it wasn’t a big deal as it exploded.
    Covering her with his jacket as they stood, watching it burn, Zach quietly teased, “Nobody can see anything, you’re covered in ashes.”
    Her head was tingling. Kayn winced as she touched it and felt patches of stubble. Crap. Seriously? She sighed, “Am I bald?”
    Grinning, her Handler confessed, “You’re a little patchy. I wouldn’t worry, it’s visibly growing.”
    Launching a snowball, Killian announced, “Everyone left their phones in the truck, didn’t they?”
    “Mine was in my pocket,” Kayn answered casually.
    “A heads up on the pyrokinesis would have been nice,” romance novel Viking looking Adonis, baited.
    “Yeah, it sure would have. Am I still burned or is it the temperature on my ass?” Kayn saucily countered, winking at Killian. Almost cool for a split second, she tripped over her own feet. Zach caught her before she faceplanted.
    “You’re hilarious,” Killian chuckled as they trudged away from the flame gutted truck through knee-high drifts, with nothing but snow-covered farmland for miles.
    Everyone’s auras were a trippy light show. Nobody was too concerned. If their symbols went off so did the rest of their Clan’s. They were coming. She was toasty warm. So much heat was radiating from her, snow was conveniently melting, making her hike much easier but her head was crazy itchy. Zach was trembling in his t-shirt. She unzipped his jacket and suggested trading it for his shirt.
    “I’m fine,” Zach replied, shivering.
    Feeling guilty, Kayn pressed, “My healing ability has me toasty warm. Take the jacket. I did this, not you.”
    Smiling, Zach said, “You only got to that point because I was so busy flirting, I didn’t notice you were in trouble.”
    “She’s hot, it’s understandable,” Kayn sparred, as they wandered down the deserted road. She took Zach’s hand. His fingers were so frozen. She stopped, urging, “Trade me for the jacket, you are being ridiculous.”
    “Fine,” Zach chuckled. “Now that I’ve felt how warm your hands are, I’ll take it.” The others stopped as Kayn and Zach swapped clothing.
    They’d been trekking through the snow for a good hour when Kayn realised she’d drained her energy reserves. If she fed on anyone, they’d go down. Having faith, she could keep going until help arrived, she was a second from passing out when their ride showed up.
    Markus rolled down the window and laughed as he saw Kayn staggering like she was drunk in a t-shirt with a melted trail of snow behind her. He commented, “Rough day?”  
    Oh, thank god. Kayn teetered over and was out cold before she landed in the snow.
    Picking her up like she was as light as a feather, Killian placed Kayn in the back as exhausted Ankh squeezed in. Nobody spoke until Ankh’s leader pointed out, “Wouldn’t it have made more sense to walk in the melted snow behind her?”
    “Behind the surprise Firestarter, you failed to mention?” Killian ribbed, laughing.
    “Yes, the unconscious one,” Markus replied with a grin.
    “She’s tuckered out,” Mel decreed, lovingly stroking her hair. “Her Healing ability shorted out. She’s been melting snow for hours.”
    Markus pressed, “I need the whole story, to figure out how to pre-empt this. What happened, Zach?”
    “I was up front, I didn’t notice she was in trouble,” Zach admitted. “Mel started yelling for us to pull over. I tried to get her to breathe but she was already shooting flames from her hands. We all jumped out, except for Brighton, who thought she was fireproof.”
    “Our symbols went off, Zach started screaming at her to get out. He ran back, leapt on her, and smothered the flames in the snow. She was burnt to a crisp, but healed remarkably fast, and didn’t seem to be feeling any pain,” Mel disclosed, making sure their leader knew Zach acted heroically.
    “Go back further, something happened after you three were left at the hotel,” Markus prompted with his eyes on the road ahead. “Our symbols went off, one of you went down.”
    Mel confessed, “I thought I was playing Thorne, but he was playing me. He convinced me to go to his room, and when the elevator opened, I took an arrow in the heart.”
    With soft eyes, Markus asked, “Are you alright?”
    “Yeah, I’m okay,” Mel replied, avoiding his gaze.
    Markus quizzed, “Whose energy did Kayn use to heal?”
    Raising his hand like a child in elementary school, Killian confessed, “I thought we were going to have to hide a body. When I looked down, Kayn was done healing Mel. I didn’t even know she was a Healer. When I took her hand to help her up, she apologised and siphoned my energy. She only took a hair of what Amar’s Healers usually take.”
    “So, she brought Melody back without an energy transfer and fed from Killian after. Where were you, Zach?” Markus questioned.
    “I went with Emery to disable the security. I wasn’t with her in the elevator,” Zach admitted.  
    “Zach, her abilities are unstable. What happened to Mel could have hit too close to home and triggered the Dragon. Moving Killian’s body would have been an ordeal. It’s your job to keep her on an even keel,” Markus reprimanded, scowling in the rear-view.
    “I ordered him to go with Emery as backup,” Killian explained.
    Markus clarified, “We have no idea what she’s capable of. You’ve heard about her Guardian paternity but she’s also a Conduit. We haven’t dealt with this ability before. She can siphon and replicate our powers. She’s figured out how to summon Healing and Siren abilities but hasn’t been taught how to shut them down. She must have fed off Grey to have pyrokinesis on the menu. Now, she may have your strength, Killian. It’s my fault for not disclosing everything about the situation.”
    “How’s Lexy doing with everything?” Emery enquired, looking out the window.
    Watching the road as they hit the outskirts of the city, their leader answered, “Lexy rarely has deep chats with me about feelings. Normally, I’d tell you to ask Grey, but do us all a favour, don’t open that can of worms.” Noticing Zach’s silence, Markus met his eyes in the rear-view, reassuring, “Don’t beat yourself up about it, kid. I get it, someone more experienced gave you orders, and you obeyed. I know you’ve had a lot on your plate. The Handler job is relatively new. Shit happens. I’m sure you’ve heard about Trinity sneaking in and stealing the girl we were after while we were fighting Triad. Thanks to you guys, we didn’t lose our new Ankh. They’re safe because you five distracted Trinity.”
    “Personal drama aside, Trinity was on the ball this week,” Mel admitted, stroking Kayn’s restored hair. She looked at Killian and questioned, “She brought me back and didn’t go overboard feeding from you?”
    “I was dizzy,” Killian admitted, watching Mel playing with her hair. “She doesn’t look dangerous now, she looks like a soot dusted angel. She’s going to be freezing when she wakes up in nothing but that t-shirt. She’s clearly chilly.”
    It took Mel a second to figure out, Killian was referring to her sleeping friend’s headlights on high beam. She swatted him as he giggled.
Chapter 4
Enlightening Brain Growth Spurts
Groggily listening to crackling tires on gravel winterized road, Kayn questioned, “How long have I been asleep?”
    “For future reference, you’re not fireproof,” Mel teased, with city traffic outside the window.
    Confused by the tall buildings, Kayn sat up, wrapping her arms around her chest. She was losing a concerning amount of time during these Enlightening brain growth spurts. Zach took off his jacket and gave it to her, grinning as they pulled into the parking lot of a fancy hotel. She wasn’t dressed for this. She wasn’t dressed at all. Awkward.
    Everyone got out. Markus looked back, asking, “Feeling better?”
    It came back to her in an embarrassing whoosh of ability induced crazy behaviour. “I’m good,” Kayn answered, doing up the jacket. Her bottom half felt breezy. Oh, yes. She lit the truck on fire and burned her clothes off. She must have summoned up Grey’s ability, Killian smelled like a snack. She should keep that to herself.
    “You can’t eat anyone, Brighton. This is Lampir territory. We’re here under the pretence of mending fences. After that unfortunate incident with part of Lucien’s crew in Mexico, we’ve been sent to check the northern Hives for suspicious activity,” Markus lectured as he got out into the snow.
    Shit. She wasn’t wearing boots.
    Crouching, Killian offered, “Your chariot, my lady?”
    “Thanks for not leaving me to run over there barefoot,” Kayn giggled, climbing on his back, feeling like a kid as he jogged to catch up with the others.  
    Squatting in the covered area, Killian announced, “Front door service, my lady.”
    Knowing the jacket covered her, she didn’t give her chilly toosh a second thought as they walked into the classy beige lobby, like worn-out tourists who’d been on the road for days. Handing out key cards, Markus directed, “Clean up, order room service and stay on your floor until morning.”
    Hearing Frost’s laughter amidst humming voices, Kayn noticed the trendy bar and tried to look.
    Picking her up to shift her position, Killian chuckled, “Nothing to see here, energy thief. You aren’t going into a bar full of Lampir. We don’t need an international incident.”
    She wasn’t a moron. She knew what he did for the Clan. Hearing Frost’s musical laughter again, she wanted to sneak a peek. Everyone was deliberately blocking her line of sight like kids. Kayn laughed, “Come on, I’m not going in there to attack whoever he’s flirting with.”
    Staring into the bar, Zach cautioned, “Don’t look.”
    Well, she had to now. Kayn giggled, “I just need to use the washroom.” Manoeuvring past, she stopped cold as she saw what they were trying to prevent her from seeing. Frost was whispering in a scantily clad blonde’s ear. He noticed her watching and didn’t miss a beat pretending she wasn’t there.    
    Putting his arm around her, Grey walked her out, saying, “He’s trying to get information. Don’t make a scene. Come on, let’s go find you something to wear.”
    Crap. She forgot she was half-naked wearing a fluorescent orange parka. Squirming out of Grey’s grasp, Kayn asserted, “I’m fine. I know what his job is, I’m not going to eat a bunch of Lampir.” Embarrassed, she strutted adorably past the group, barelegged in a parka covered in soot, beckoning, “Zach! Come!” She didn’t even know what floor they were on.
    She was standing by the elevator stubbornly waiting as Zach wandered up, teasing, “What floor are we on?”
    “I don’t know,” Kayn curtly replied in awkward silence. Trying to keep a straight face as it opened, she marched into the elevator.
    As the door slid shut, he leaned against the mirrored wall, stating, “That was ridiculous.”
    “I know,” she admitted, giggling.
    “Let’s go, half-naked weirdo,” Zach chuckled as they wandered out of the elevator to a room conveniently across the hall. Opening the door, he stepped aside, grinning.
    This week sucked. She was genuinely bad at her job. Going directly to the minibar to get herself a tiny bottle of vodka, Kayn tried opening it. Oh, come on. She was a frigging superhero. She passed it to Zach, he couldn’t open it either. That was strange. “I give up, I’ll go shower,” she mumbled, shutting herself in the bathroom. Sighing, Kayn leaned against the door, reflecting on her behaviour. It was silly to be upset. She’d used her mirrored ability many times for the sake of the Clan with no self-control at all. If she got pissy about this, he’d just come back at her with the half dozen times she’d done the same thing since coming out of the Testing. She was acting like a headcase. She stuck her head back out, apologising, “I’m sorry, Zach.”
    With a smile, her Handler prompted, “I know, have your shower, so I can have mine.”
    Undoing the ugly parka, she grinned at her reflection in the mirror. There were black veins on her chest. It looked like she needed an exorcism more than a snack. Before Immortal Testing, nobody thought she could hurt a fly, and now, everyone assumed she was an inconvenient emotion away from a murder spree. Looking at her Conduit anxiety response veiny situation, they may have a point. They were blocking her from seeing Frost because if she got pissed off, they were on the menu. It was hilarious. Her inner commentary was getting weird again. Be calm. Be Zen. Be chill. She got into the shower, but there was no rushing the amount of soot she had to wash off. Zach should have showered first. Shit, she didn’t have clothes. Wrapped in a towel, Kayn wandered out. Her Handler wasn’t there, just Arrianna.    
    Lugging her backpack, Arrianna explained, “Markus told me what happened. Come on, let’s go back in the washroom, I’m sure we can find you something of mine to wear.”
    How? She felt like a big oafish giant, who ate small children and lived at the top of a beanstalk next to her.
    Shutting the door, the petite blonde made it clear she’d heard her inner commentary, taunting, “Shut that negative self-talk down before I chop down your beanstalk., you are beautiful.” Inspecting her hungry Conduit ability situation, Arrianna explained, “Emotions are the trigger, that’s why seeing Frost working wasn’t a great idea when you were already having issues. Feed from me, Healers are the safest dish on the menu.” Arrianna held out her hand.
    She didn’t know Arrianna well, but she seemed to know what she was talking about. Taking her hand, the soothing warmth of her energy travelled up her arm into her chest. Fearing she’d take too much, Kayn quickly let go, saying, “Thank you.” Metaphorical demons exorcized, she began sorting through options in the bag, opting for yoga pants and a t-shirt. It was going to be a stretch. Prying wideset hips into tiny pants giggling, she squeezed into an obscenely tight top next. Raking fingers through her curly damp mane, Kayn announced, “I can’t believe I got into your pants.” Music was playing in the other room. Arrianna laughed as they walked out. The party started while they were in the bathroom. There was a mountain of snacks from the vending machine on the counter. Zach was dancing with Mel, drinking from the minibar. Shimmying over, her Handler gave her a mini vodka. “You did it! You opened it!” Kayn praised, giggling.
    Towing Arrianna to the fridge, Zach tempted, “Pick your poison.”
    Shaking her head, taking in the crammed minifridge and overflowing mountain of snacks on the counter, Arrianna toyed, “Which one of you stole liquor out of all of the fridges in the empty rooms and used telekinesis to steal everything from the vending machines?”
    “They were all in there?” Zach fibbed, grinning. “Are you telling Daddy or joining us?”
    Giggling, Arrianna swatted Zach, scolding, “You jerk that’s going to be stuck in my head.”
    Rattling boxes of junior mints like maracas, Mel chanted, “Join us, join us.”
    Cracking a whisky, Arrianna drank it, strode over to the adjoining door, and loudly pounded on it, yelling, “Join us!”
    Opening the door bare-chested with a shit-eating grin and crinkled happy eyes, Grey flirted, “Hello trouble.” Lured into their web of fun, he pissed himself laughing as he saw their mountain of stolen snacks. “This is a lecture waiting to happen.”
    “Look in the minifridge,” Arrianna dared, grinning.
    Following Grey into the room, Orin playfully shoved Arrianna, taunting, “I hope there’s a Snickers in that pile. I recall Markus saying something about behaving ourselves.”
    Digging in the snacks, Grey pestered, “No, it was, stay upstairs and don’t let Brighton eat anybody. I’ll save him one just in case.” Putting it in a drawer, he found another, wound up and called out, “Heads up, Brighton!”
    Turning as the Snickers sailed at her, Kayn caught it, and declared, “I’m eating you first.” Chasing her sister’s Handler out of the suite, Grey raced down the hall, cackling. Ducking behind a housekeeping trolly, he rifled toilet paper rolls at her as Kayn superhero blocked each one with a wave of her arm. The elevator opened. They turned to see who it was.
    Walking out, Killian saw the mess, warning, “Markus is going to lose his shit.”
    They chased Big Sexy rifling rolls as he ran for the room, laughing, “Stop! I surrender!”
    Gathering armloads of toilet paper ammo, they busted into the room, pitched rolls at everyone and left the mess to do shots.
    Looking out into the hall, Arrianna sighed, “Seriously?” She went to go pick them up.
    Flinging her over his shoulder, Killian strode across the room and tossed her on the bed. As Arrianna bounced, Big Sexy pointed, comically reprimanding, “These assholes feed on our Siren. Nobody is cleaning up shit.”
    Now, she knew where Frost was. She didn’t need that visual.
    “Here,” Zach said, passing her a whisky.
    She drank it, shaking her head. Three vodkas, a whisky, and a, your boyfriend is having sexy Lampir feeding time reveal. It must be Christmas.
    Putting an arm around her, Mel gave her a tiny bottle of tequila, whispering, “How are you doing?”
    Downing it, Kayn teased, “Drinking vodka, whisky and tequila in the same night is the trifecta of stupidity, but I’m having fun.” Thorne shot an arrow through Mel’s heart. She hadn’t even given her a chance to vent. Feeling horrible, she hugged Mel tightly, whispering, “Want me to kill Thorne?”
    “Yes, make it hurt,” Mel sniffled, giggling.
    Swaying to the music embracing, Mel’s chest shuddered. Kayn offered, “Let’s order pizza and get you a Snickers.”
    Joining in their group hug dance, the trio swayed as Zach whispered, “I ordered pizza half an hour ago.”
    Giggling, Mel whispered back, “You’re awesome, Zach.”
    “I have my moments,” Zach chuckled, wildly rocking the trio back and forth as a fast song came on.
    Tears ended, pizza came, and pointless talk of romantic entanglements ended as the endearing troop of joy junkies revelled in their unbreakable bond. When the rest of Ankh showed up, they were three sheets to the wind, leaping on the bed dancing and singing along to the music. The allure of mindless shenanigans was no match for the pull Kayn felt as Frost walked in. He’d changed his clothes. Far too tipsy to be coy, she ceased jumping. He grinned, sauntering over in a black fitted shirt and jeans. Heaven help her. The motion of everyone still leaping made her topple backwards. She fell between the bed and wall with a thud. Mortified, she decided to stay there.
    Mischievously peering over the side of the bed, Grey baited, “Markus is shutting this down, if you stay there for a minute, we’ll all be gone but I’d just own it.”
    Guru Grey was right. She got up and curtsied. The room of immortals cracked up.
    Everyone’s eyes turned to the door as Markus declared, “Who was the asshole that threw toilet paper everywhere?” They all raised their hands. Amused by their solidarity, he shut the party down, “My room is beneath this one, I need sleep.”
    Turning the tunes off, Zach pressed a finger against his lips, drunkenly motioning, “Shhh.”
    Giggles silenced as Emery rushed in, calling out, “Jenna!” Their eyes met in a movie worthy moment.
    “Emery?” Jenna gasped, “How are you here?”
    It always felt like a psychic shouldn’t be able to be surprised.
    Overcome by joy, they raced into each other’s arms and seductively kissed. Everyone’s jaws dropped. Fascinated as they left together, Orin just stood there.
    With a supportive pat, Grey put his arm around Orin, saying, ‘Digest it. Let’s go, buddy. Time to move on.”
    Shrugging as they went into the adjoining room, Orin asked, “Where’s Lexy?”
    “Don’t get him started,” Markus scolded, pitching a toilet paper roll at him.  
    Sauntering over to Markus, Arrianna gave him a Snickers, toying, “Don’t be grumpy.”
    Laughing, their leader hugged her, teasing, “It looks like you had fun.”
    “I did,” Arrianna stated, strutting away, summoning him to follow with a finger.
    As witnesses left, their eyes met. Placing a hand on the wall behind her, Frost whispered, “Hi.”
    “Hi,” Kayn whispered as every hair prickled in response to his pheromones.
    Pressing his body against hers, he whispered his breathy intentions, “I want to take you to bed and kiss every inch of you.”
    Caressing his dark hair, gazing into his seductive eyes, she leapt from a plane with no parachute, “Let’s go.”
    They straight face walked past the Clan lingering in the hall. He swiped his card. As the light turned green, Kayn flashed back to a night in Vegas, when her attempt to sneak up to his room was foiled by their Clan’s Oracle. He tugged her in and slammed the door as she laughed.
    Flirtatiously walking her backwards to the bed, Frost chuckled, “I wanted you so bad when I saw you standing there in nothing but that parka. After I’m done making you scream, you’ll have to tell me what happened.” She lifted her arms over her head as he tugged her shirt off and tossed it with a cheeky grin.
    Siren were creatures with volatile sensual energy hidden beneath the surface, ready to release incapacitating pheromones, able to change the rules of anyone’s game. Neither was capable of G-rated behaviour, once their fuses were lit. The self-destructive Dragon in her yearned for the reckless way he made her feel like air to breathe.
BUY IT NOW  books2read.com/tragicfools
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missingharmonykins · 6 years
hi, could I please get positivity for a hanayo koizumi who is dealing with serious bullying? I only get support from my boyfriend and some of my friends.
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Hey there Hanayo. I hope things have gotten better for you over the past week, but if not, your positivity is under the keep reading. ^^
–> Mod Pocci♡
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I can’t imagine the world of pain you must be in, and I’m sorry I didn’t respond sooner. I wanted to think out my response and take in as many circumstances as I can. And before I continue I would like to let you know, everything I say is only suggestion in an attempt to help; you don’t need to feel obligated to listen to me at all, I wouldn’t want you wondering out of your comfort zone, ok? I just wish to help, because bullying is truly a horrid and vile thing that shouldn’t exist...
I’m sorry you don’t get much support on the matter as well, It’s a difficult thing to deal with for everyone involved, but especially the victim of the abuse. I assume you’ve already tried to take action, so I guess talking to a trusted adult (whether it be a teacher, guardian, cousin, sibling or therapist/counselor) is out of the question? (Even if you express how desperate you are for the intell to remain anonymous?)  But I don’t know the adults that surround you, so it’s your call to make. And while asking for help seems like it’ll only make things worse, sometimes getting help for someone with more power is the answer to avoid further and potentially harsher abuse. And I would hate the bullying become so intensely unbearable that you start to consider the unimaginable. Please Hanayo, I know things may not seem the most amazing now, but you don’t know how happy you can be in your future when you take control. Things will get better, they always do eventually.And may I propose, if you do seek help from a person with authority and things don’t improve or even become worse, take screenshots and recordings of any abuse you can and take it to the authorities/police. I don’t think will get to that extent, I’m just offering methods to keep you safe in any scenario...
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But on a lighter note, You’re doing exceptionally well doing your best to get through this, for putting up with this sort of treatment is exhausting. You’re being incredibly strong! It’s a challenge putting up with the stuff bullies can dish out, so I’m very proud of you! ^^ And while it’s not a very nice scenario, it proves just how strong and capable you are! And no body can take that away from you!
I’m unsure of how bad the bullying must be but as of now, but have you tried staying in crowds of people? i highly doubt anyone would hurt you in a crowd of bystanders, but maybe even just staying with your friends could help. Or try staying near someone with power in the situation (like a teacher or security guard). And while hiding isn’t the most ideal thing, if you want to avoid the bullies badly have you tried hiding in the restrooms or a library?
If it gets any worse or puts your health in danger please talk to someone and seek help. Bullying (including cyber) is against the law so someone must rise up to help you. You’re not alone in this battle, you have help around you, I’m sorry if you’re scared and I know it won’t be easy but as long as it’s to keep you safe I think it’s the best option.
You don’t deserve to be treated this way Hanayo and you have the right to speak up about it. It’ll be okay. You’ll be alright. I highly doubt these bullies are crazy enough to harm you to the point of serious danger, but if they get angry and throw any death threats at you, tell someone immediately and seek protection. I’m sure your carers and friends also wish to keep you safe.
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Just do your best to keep going for now, in a few years this won’t be a problem to you and the chances of seeing these bullies again are pretty slim. But like I said, I know it can be difficult but if you’re in any danger at all, please inform someone, start small with a trusted friend, if you’re really scared, open up to a relative you trust and know cares for you. I’m sure they’ll be able to support you further by helping you take the following necessary steps.
I’m sorry Hanayo I really don’t know what to say, things like this are beyond our control and I’m sorry these knuckleheads have chosen you as their prey…
If it helps, try learning some self defense techniques if things ever get too serious. And they don’t have to be used to fight, the idea is that you stun your attacker long enough for you to get to safety. This site I found seems pretty helpful. (And don’t mind the assumption of males being less victimized then female, guys can get attacked by females and males alike, and females can attack females as well etc etc = abuse doesn’t have a gender. It’s all still bullying and abuse and wrong) I just hope it doesn’t have to come down to violence, but if things do get physical try one of these techniques if you’re unable to make an escape or persuade them not to do anything rash with your words first.
I know this is hard Hanayo, and I’m sure it’s been an awful experience thus far. But you’re doing absolutely amazing dealing with everything. Just be careful and do your best, it’s all anyone can ever ask for.
Stay strong sweetie, I know you’re going to get out of this. You got this!
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rivetgoth · 6 years
Since you’re on a Scream Park kick, I’m gonna ask; what do you think is the nature of Iggy’s relationship with Ogre? Buddies? Lovers? Brothers? I almost kinda lean toward Ogre being the younger, though larger, brother and that Iggy has been “looking after”/manipulating him his whole life. Despite Ogre’s strength he seems very submissive to Iggy and never questions (well, if he can talk lol) anything he asks of him. Thoughts? :D
So, firstly anyone who’s ever had the *honor* of watching Scream Park with me knows I’ll make stupid jokes about Iggy and Ogre being boyfriends/husbands cuz it’s low hanging fruit and I’m gay, but in seriousness I don’t ship them at all and I actually have no solid certain headcanon. I really wish we got some more backstory on Ogre and Iggy and got to see their interactions more cuz what we do see is really funny and like… cute in a way too and I wish I knew what that dynamic was on nights when they aren’t being paid to murder.
So here is what I do know: I read an article on Scream Park once that said that they were based on George and Lennie from Of Mice and Men, with Iggy obviously being the George of the duo. I don’t know if this was confirmed by a creator or if it’s just the writer’s analysis, but that’s here if you’re curious. I haven’t read the book in like nearly a decade now lol but it sounded kinda accurate from what I do remember, and at the very least I can really see it from Wikipedia’s character descriptions:
“George Milton: A quick-witted man who is Lennie’s guardian and best friend. His friendship with Lennie helps sustain his dream of a better future. He was bound in teasing Lennie since he was young. He is described by Steinbeck in the novel as ‘small and quick,’ every part of him being ‘defined,’ with small strong hands on slender arms. He has a dark face and ‘restless eyes’ and ‘sharp, strong features’ including a ‘thin, bony nose.’
Lennie Small: A mentally disabled, but gigantic and physically strong man who travels with George and is his constant companion. He dreams of ‘“living off the fatta’ the lan”’ and being able to tend to rabbits. His love for soft things conspires against him, mostly because he does not know his own strength, and eventually becomes his undoing. Steinbeck defines his appearance as George's ‘opposite,’ writing that he is a ‘huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes’ and ‘wide, sloping shoulders.’ Lennie walks heavily, dragging his feet a little, “the way a bear drags his paws,” adding that his arms do not swing at his sides, but hang loosely.”
I don’t really have anything too wildly deep to add to that, I guess I just read that and go “Oh yeah, I can see that” and move on LOL. Although I think you could extract a kind of interesting character analysis and headcanons if you’re looking at them as George and Lennie archetypes and you know that Iggy has taken on the job as much for money as for enjoyment (”I’m workin!”), but that’s kind of out there and probably a theory for another day. ANYWAY.
Interestingly I watched Scream Park like a day after rewatching Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, and with that still fresh on my mind I got HUGE Chop Top & Leatherface vibes from Iggy & Ogre that I’d never really even thought about before. I love Chop Top and Leatherface’s interactions, I think they’re really funny and endearing, I always got the impression that Chop Top cares about Leatherface and likes his company but since the whole family is fucked up beyond belief the way he shows that can also sometimes be fucked up, y’know. But the fact that they’re always together and the way they team up and work together to kill and Chop Top’s high fiving Leatherface after was always really funny and cute to me and I kinda got that vibe a little from Iggy and Ogre this time around too I think.
Iggy is very very clearly in charge and the “brains” of the whole thing, he’s orchestrating the murder and he’s doing the talking and he’s getting caught up taunting and toying with his victims, so realistically Ogre would be the brawn in the scenario, but I always thought that was kind of interesting cuz Iggy doesn’t really NEED a “brawn.” Iggy is, assuming he’s Kevin Ogilvie’s height, over six feet tall. He’s clearly pretty strong and he’s got weapons. He’s clever and he takes out a good number of the victims all on his own. If Iggy wasn’t so keen on toying with his victims he coulda taken everyone out really quickly imo. He purposely lets Allison live to continue to mess with her. Ogre is kind of there as like… backup. He comes in handy when Iggy is attacked by the one punk kid whose name is escaping me and Ogre charges in and rescues him, so there’s a very obvious logical reason. Iggy knows people are gonna fight back - He’s planning on it, even, considering how much he fucking loves toying with them. Having backup is important. In fact, doesn’t Iggy explicitly at one point call Ogre over to “help him take out this last one,” something to that effect?
I just kind of get the vibe that Ogre and Iggy are a duo and Iggy wouldn’t WANT to do this without Ogre despite his frequent reprimanding, and they have a closer bond than we’re presented with on the screen. Like, they’re pals. Iggy is probably generally not fucking easy to get along with, so the insults can’t be helped. No one probably even knows he exists, he probably lives in the backwoods of Pennsylvania where there’s no laws to stop him from murdering whatever he wants and he’s clearly aggressive and lacking any sort of empathy or consideration for human life and I get the feeling that Ogre may very well be Iggy’s ONLY relationship, whatever it is. Iggy talks to him like he’s really familiar with him- “You dented can, I should leave your ass in here!” like he’s threatening to punish a child LOL. Iggy can be seen sorta directing him where to go early in the film (when he’s first revealed, in his plague doctor mask), and I love how he grabs Ogre by the chin and forcefully directs him to look at something at one point which is a funny little intimate gesture that I think also implies they have an established bond of some sort if that makes any sense at all. Like, there’s just little interactions that although aggressive on Iggy’s end also are just handled with enough familiarity that you can extract a little bit of affection there as well. There’s also the fact that both come to each other’s aid in times of need; Ogre, like I mentioned, defends Iggy and saves his life when one of the victims attacks him, and when Jennifer kills Ogre at the end Iggy is visibly angry and his voice rises in octave and he sounds genuinely surprised. It doesn’t sound like they were just, like, single-night business partners. Iggy doesn’t fucking care about human life enough that he’d react that way if it wasn’t someone he was familiar with on a deeper level.
So I GUESS….. this is all pretty long winded, but in seriousness, with the little bit about them that we do know, I’m leaning a lot towards your initial suggestion. I feel like Ogre and Iggy probably have a brotherly relationship. There’s no way to guess if they ARE brothers or if that’s just the type of connection they have, though (I kinda lean towards them not being biological brothers due to one specific line of dialogue I’m not gonna get into here). Either way, Iggy is definitely in a caretaker role here, and… although I think he’s pretty capable of taking care of himself, I think he also does depend on Ogre’s strength for protection and I think he… likes having his company. After all, he did choose to bring him along in the first place, and despite his threats he didn’t leave him locked in the cupboard LOL.
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barbecuedphoenix · 7 years
How would Ezarel react to Gardinne/Erika touching his hair?
I hope you don’t mind a scenario, Anon,and if I refer to the MC as Guardian/they/their. Your request wasn’t quite specificon how you wanted to see this situation.
That’s why I also gave you two different paths. ;)
1.)    Notromantically-involved = Ez blows a gasket
He will react morestrongly than if they just tried to pat him on the shoulder. 
To Ezarel, touchinghis hair is downright lewd if done by a casual acquaintance; it’s a veryintimate gesture, more so than just touching his hand. Among elves, spouses andbed-partners are the ones who play with, comb, and wash each other’s hair asshows of affection. So if the other party isn’t a paid for the job,romantically involved with him, or an infant, then tousling his hair is theequivalent of groping him. In public.
He definitely won’texpect the Guardian to try that if they’re just friends (or less). And he won’treact well at all.
At feeling theslightest pressure of their hand up there, he jumps a couple ofinches as though a wisp just shocked him, his sharp shoulders bunched high.Then he whips around in a blink and smacks their hand away, with force. Hisexpression has all the calculated murder of an affronted noble, sharpenedfurther by genuine dismay and outrage. They just sort-of groped himafter all. His mouth, never at aloss for words, even when his lips are pale with mortification, opens toskewer them on the spot.  
How dare they try to touch him with theirfilthy little paws?! Are all humans this lewd andunprofessional? He’s going to report them when they get backto HQ! They better enjoy living out the next six months in a cage!
But at seeing theirexpression (especially at his last threat), the little force known asconscience tugs at the forefront of Ezarel’s mind and whispers at him to take agood look at the Guardian: they’re alarmed, and there isn’t even a hint ofshame or regret on their face. Just raw cluelessness.  
The one thing thatalways checks Ezarel’s anger is pure ignorance. Being a logical man at heart,he knows the other party is never guilty, nor able to make amends, if theynever knew better. Ignorance is the default state in life. The best solutionmust be to teach them.
So he forces himselfto calm down: taking a long breath in, holding it for four seconds, and thenreleasing it in four seconds, as he was taught. With an effort, he schools hisexpression into something less severe, but firm; to the Guardian, his lividexpression suddenly closes like the surface of a flash-frozen pond. Only hiseyes give away his deep irritation. Ezarel tries to slip into the mindset of ateacher, imagining that it’s a complete novice he’s talking to (who justflooded the lab with vapors).
Honestly, he couldn’tbelieve that he has to give this kind of explanation. But this is ahuman he’s talking to. (And not a bright one, at that.)
In a flat voice,Ezarel finally tells the Guardian that he is simply… not all right with otherstouching his hair. To him, it’s indecent. They better not do that again, nomatter their reasons. Not even if a beehive is descending on his head. Hedoesn’t bother explain the full romantic/sexual connotations behind thatgesture; they’re both mortified as they are.
When the Guardianagrees meekly, he sighs again through his nose, turns around, and walks away toplace some distance between them. On the outside, he looks like a walkingicicle. But inside… his embarrassment and indignation haven’t quite lifted. Hisscalp is still on fire from that light touch. It’ll take anywhere between ahalf hour to an hour for him to recover his breezy humor while looking at theGuardian in the eye.  
2.)    Romantically-involved= Red-faced boyfriend  
Because touching hishair is a very intimate gesture and he has no romanticexperience whatsoever, Ezarel turns asbashful as a bunny rabbit when his s/o starts stroking it.
Once he feels their hand move deliberately to his hair, smoothing it down,running through his locks, he stiffens instinctively, a blush prickling hischeeks. But he doesn’t deny or stop them. It’s their right by now considering all the otherthings they’ve done as a couple. Not to mention that it feels good.
Still, he’s not Nevra; he has standards. And his infamous tongue will neverpass up the chance to rib his partner. So he’ll twist his expression, huff, andask flippantly what the Guardian is up to, this Beriflore of his; if they’realready getting “ideas” just by looking at him, and if it’s going to take him agood quarter hour to make his hair presentable again after they ruin it. Allthe while, his eyes dart around to see if anyone else is watching them.
It’s only when theygive him the all-clear that he starts to relax, by increments. His shoulderssag slightly, then the lines of his wry expression. And when the Guardiancontinues to be gentle and reassuring, rising above his smart comments andinsisting on working with his hair, his mouth finally quits the façade. 
Ezarel closes his eyesand passively lets his partner do what they want with his hair, not touching oreven looking at them at all, his face still pink, his arms still stiff, tryingto preserve some element of poise in this… compromising situation. They’re in public,for spirits’ sake. But every porefrom the neck up is soaking up all the sensuousness of this rare moment oftouch, of total trust.  
He will never say so to the Guardian, but he loves the way it feels when theyrun their hands through his hair, circling his temples and lightly massaginghis scalp. This is becoming one of his favorite routines as a couple. In fact,if they compliment his hair, kiss his forehead, and lightly massage his earswhile doing this, it becomes foreplay (and he turns as red as a tomato when itstarts heading down that direction).  
If someone walks in onhim and the Guardian though, Ezarel’s face will approach puce. One eye willtwitch no joke, and he’ll burst outsharply at the intruder if they’ve ever heard of something called ‘knocking’.The romantic mood will be thoroughly spoiled for him, and a mortified Ezarelwill avoid all eye-contact and insist on tying his hair himself afterwards, partiallyblaming his partner at heart for lowering his guard outside the bedroom.  
This… went a little further than I expected.  >_>
I was working off of this trope in Old Norse sagas of wiveswashing their husbands’ hair before they head off to battle. With barbershopsbeing pretty much unheard of among the elves we’ve seen in the game (just look at allthat long hair), and with elves being featured in Scandinavian folklore, I wonderedif I could combine them.
Also, I see Ezarel as a twitchy little twat. You don’t touch those gorgeous locks unless you have a really good reason. 
Either way, I hope you like this, Anon. And I hope you don’t mind the cultural headcanon. If you celebrate it, then happyEaster!
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Transformer X OC scenarios: It’s an earthling thing.
Sleep: Drift/Yuki :this was before they got together
The first time Drift ever saw an organic sleep was quite a nerve wracking one, he walked into his hab suite and noticed it was eerily silent "Yuki?" he called usually she greets him or is sitting on her makeshift bed reading. but, not today...he scanned the room cautiously; keeping his hand on his sword in case something happened, when a tiny form laying on his berth caught his optic, Drift felt his spark sink when he realized it was Yuki.
He rush over to his berth reached for his small friend; only to freeze when she suddenly whimpered and rolled over, he watched the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest every time she took a breath; she looked very calm almost like she were meditating , he frowned before comming Ratchet who said she was napping or Micro-charging, When Yuki woke up she nearly had a heart attack seeing Drift staring at her.
"D-Drift, what are you doing?"
" watching you sleep, you looked very tranquil."
"I noticed, why were you watching me?"
"Because you weren't moving and I thought you were hurt."
The brunette felt flattered that he was worried about her, though Drift was curious about something else "But, here's a question for you," the white swords-mech said watch her stretch "Why in my berth?" he smirk as he watched her ears turn pink.
Rodimus & Kid!Amber: Lose teeth
(this takes place when Rodimus was still on earth and acted Amber's guardian/foster parent.)
Rodimus frowned from his desk as he watched his little charge stare morosely at her apple slices, "Sweetspark are you alright?" he asked, the little girl nodded staring down at her plate "Amber Rose-Roderick, don't lie to me." the 7 year old flinched when he full-named her.
"I know something's bothering you haven't spoken a word today and barely eaten anything" he pointed out her odd behavior then narrowed his eyes "...is someone bullying you?" the blue eyed girl shook her head he got up went to her little area.
"Are you sick?" he put a digit to her forehead only for the little girl to swat it away, shook her head again, and muttered something, he hummed then leaned "Come again?" Amber growled "I sthed em Phine!" she lisped before the flame colored mech could say anything she grabbed one of the slices shoved into her mouth; then started chewing then froze when she felt her gums hurt and something hard in her mouth.
"Amber?" he heard something crunch that didn't sound like a an apple, she spat into her plate and Rodimus's optics widened when he saw a tooth laying in the tiny puddle of saliva,energon and chewed up apple he looked back at his charge then,
back at the tooth, Amber, tooth, Amber, tooth, {Computer dial up sounds,,,}*Bing* "Ratchet?!?!..." in the end Rodimus ran into Carly on the way to the med bay; who explained it was normal for children to start losing their baby teeth at Amber's age he skeptical, but took her word for it.
Present day
19 year old Amber cringed as her boyfriend told the story of how she lost her first tooth, her face a lovely shade of dark magenta as the bots giggled; "I still have a few of her baby teeth." he said causing her to look at him mortified. "Why?" he shrugged "Carly gave me a little box and said should keep a memento of the occasion." then he remember something "Oh speaking of which you seen when she got chicken pox, it was adorable!~" as the bots snickered at her as she screamed in horror and ran out of Swerve's "Babe where you going?"
Brainstorm&Sybil: Cracking Joints
It was a pretty quiet day on the lost light, very slow to, when Brainstorm decided to visit his favorite, little E-type, well he got to her room, she answered looking frustrated and tired her mismatched eyes found and lit up when she saw him when she but, it seemed forced as she let him in.
"Hi stormy! what brings you here?"
"Oh, just a slow day on the Lost light, figured I'd see how you were doing?"
"I'm fine except for this damn kink in my damn back..."
He walked up to her, curiously and Sybil awkwardly told him were to put hands, and she inhaled held her breath "Okay push!" he pushed into her spine as the sandy haired girl exhaled, Brainstorm nearly jumped out of his armor when these loud pops came from Sybil's back causing her yelp then sigh contently before the mech grabbed her shoulders,
"What was that sound? did I hurt you?" he asked panicking looking for any signs of pain. "Nope, just popped my back in the right place.~" she said rubbing her neck then stretched, Brainstorm's  worry was suddenly replaced, Need  watching her body tighten up, and the fact she wearing nothing but a sports bra and tiny shorts probably on her way to the training room before he got there. "You since you're dressed for it, I have a work out we can do,~" he said slyly bringing his servo up to one of her butt cheeks and squeezed as Sybil's face turned bright pink.  
Prowl and Janis: sight
"Gah!" Prowl jumped back in shock as he was his mate remove some weird clear thing from her optic, "What's wrong?" she asked in shock, as he looked at the odd covering then at his mate "What is that?" he frowned she looked at the cover on her finger tip, "My contact lenses?" she said as the police mech tilted his head incredulously, "They help me with my vision." she explained blinking a few times as she took the other one out.
"I'm near sighted."
"No,not like that! Everything within 39 inches of my face is blurry, it worse in my right eye."
"How long have you had these... contact lens?"
She blushed rummaged around one of her boxes and showed him a photo, Prowl tilted his helm as he looked at the younger girl in the photo she had longer hair and wore glasses "is this you?" he asked she nodded think I just about to graduate middle school and Ai Lin and Ryann dragged me the eye doctors and told to try them," she flinched at the memory...
"But I like my glasses..." Janis said looking at her friends as they stood in front of the optometrist, "come of Janis it'll be fine, you been wearing glasses since elementary, wouldn't you like to change?" Ryann said the blonde shuffled nervously as Ai butted in,
"And you don't have to risk them being stolen or broken and wiping them off every time you walk into a warm building." Janis went to protest about what if she lost them or forgot to take them out, but the two girls had already dragged her inside. Janis was escorted into the exam room.
while her two friend sat in the waiting room, then heard Janis freaking out the exam room opened and a whimpering crying Janis came out wiping her eyes, as the doctors handed her prescription, as Ryann and Ai Lin nodded and thanked the staff before walking to a coffee shop, when they got inside;
Janis's glasses fogged up and she took them off to clean someone knocked into her back causing her to drop them, the hazel eyed girl heard Ai Lin and Ryann yelling at someone before finding her glasses and winced he right lens had a perfectly round pea sized chip in the bottom corner.
"Guys I think I'll reconsider those contacts...."
"Had them since," she said putting on her reading glasses as Prowl faced turned neutral she looked at up at him, "Though I'll freaked out that forget to take the out that's stupid, eh?" her bot still didn't say anything, Janis stared at him concerned "Prowl?" the police mech fans kicked on, :: | By Primus she's hot! :: | he mentally screamed before glitching out.
Megatron & Temperance: hair
"augh...I need to cut my hair." Temperance mumbled it was getting too long, and was becoming a hindrance to take care of, she walked down the street and into a hair dressers about ten minutes later one of the vehicons pulled up, to building and a man with a purple buzz-cut red sun-glasses and black suit, got out he walked in,
"Miss Monroe? Lord Megatron has...what?" he awkwardly stared as Temperance finished paying the hairdresser, then looked at Steve who looked at her shock "what happened to that stringy stuff on your head?" he asked looked at her now shoulder length hair.
"I cut it off, What does Megs need?" she asked the vehicon looked sick awkwardly as gestured to his alt-mode still staring at her shorter hair oddly, needles to say Temperance did turned a few helms as she followed Steve to megaton's quarters, then they got there Megatron nodded at them then did a double take when he saw Temperance and mass displaced.
"What happened?"
"What do you mean?"
"Your hair! it's short!"
"Oh, I had it cut."
The warlord gave her the same look Steve gave her, "why? why would you do something like that?" he demanded as he awkwardly used one of his claws to examined her side swept bangs, "Because it was bothering me, and expensive to take care of?" she said with shrug while Megatron seemed to be looking, for something,
"I just don't understand why you would mutilate yourself like this?" he said running he claws through it carefully Temperance was floored Mutilate, why would he think...oh; they all must've thought her hair was literally a body part and she just amputated it "Oh, no no! It's didn't hurt."
Megatron looked very confused. "besides it'll grow back." his red optics widened, "It grows?!" six months later, sure enough her hair was almost back to it's original length, thought Temperance still trimmed it from time to time to the war-lord dismay as he was still a little skeptical about it.      
Lambo twins x Witwicky twins: Heartbeats
It was a slow day for the lambo twins they were in holo-forms sat on the bleachers watching watching Kendra's track meet, a few people cheered as the runners made passed the finish line. Kenny nearly fell over before being picked up by Sideswiped,
who gave her a sly grin "Good job. Kenny" the out of breath girl gave him a tired smile and hugged him to her before he could protest about her being sweaty, "whoa!" the bi-color eyed girl blinked and pulled away thinking she hurt him,
only for Sides to hug her tightly to him causing her to wrap her legs around him from the sudden action "Side-duh Sydney!? what are you d-doing? she said as people giving them odd looks, and sly grins and few jealous glances, he just purred as Sunstreaker and and Billie came up behind them
"Bro? what are you doing?"
"Her spark...."
"Huh? she doesn't have... what about it."
"It's making a sound...a nice sound..."
Kendra's face started to heat up"It's getting faster..." the red haired twin said as""Sunder"" saw her ears starting to change color, and threw a towel over her before anyone saw her true colors(1), while Billie did crowd control "yeah, yeah nothing to see here.." just a Sides put Kendra down "hey I'm gonna go shower real, quick see out front" she kissed Sideswipe on the cheek, Billie followed her as Sides look at his brother curiously "what?" Sunny hissed "aren't you little bit curious, to hear it?" the blonde avatar tsk'd and walked back to his alt-mode.
A few hours later
the Lambo's now massed displaced sat in the Witwicky's basement Sides and Kenny were playing video games while Billie was working on an art project, before taking a break to get a drink when heard a growl of protest then, she vaguely remembered a weight on her and though it was Mojo or Frankie, But nope it was a shrunk down Sunstreaker with his helm to her chest, the older Witwicky twin felt her face heat up, as the marigold mech purred cuddling closer to her chest, Sideswipe was right it is a nice sound...
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