#samuels rambles
goaways-stuff · 2 years
Heyyy can I request some soft smut with Steven Grant?
As in this being his first time and he doesn't really know what to do and he's his usual stressed and anxious self not wanting to do anything wrong and accidentally messing up a lot like this?
Kinda him needing a lot of reassuring from the reader and him being lowkey embarrassed about feeling arousal for the reader
Yes, I love this anon! Steven is so soft and sweet and such an adorable dork.
pairing: Steven Grant x gn!reader (mentions of Jake Lock and Marc Spector x gn!reader)
warnings: smut, loss of virginity, fingering, oral (male and gender neutral receiving), unprotected sex
summary: Y/N's coming to Steven's flat for the first time. He's beyond nervous, but his nerves are settled after a good time with his lover
word count: 3k
a/n: I don't have DID myself, but tried to stay accurate to the show and real life, so if there's any harmful stereotypes/misinformation please don't hesitate to call me out. Also thank you so much for all the love on the moon knight fics recently!
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Nervous was one way to put it for Steven; you were coming over to his flat for the first time. After several dates of getting to know each other, you suggested meeting up at one of your places for a night in. You wanted a night with him of just the two of you alone, with the exception of Marc and Jake, of course. You had only met them a few times but considered yourself in a relationship with the three of them nonetheless.
Steven paced the floors and watched the clock tick, waiting for your knock on the door. The tea was being kept warm on the stove, and dinner was almost ready in the oven. What if you didn't like the food? Was his flat too messy? Doubts were running through his mind. He did try to clean up; the books were put away, but it was still cluttered as he had so many. He mentally cursed his fixation on ancient Egypt and Egyptian mythology.
A soft, rhythmic knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. "Coming!" He shouted, scrambling to the door. He struggled with the locks before smoothing his shirt out. He took a deep breath and opened the door. "Y/N- I," his breath caught in the back of his throat at the sight of you. "Wow, you look amazing," he said with a love-stricken look on his face. You sure did clean up nice. Your outfit was fancy but casual enough for a dinner and movie at home. How did you manage that?
"Oh gods, come in, love. I'm so sorry; I was just staring at you like a knob. " He apologized as he realized you were still standing outside his door.
"No worries, Steven. I mean, look at you, handsome. Love this shirt; it looks really good on you." You said, going in for a kiss on the cheek.
Steven swore his heart nearly beat out of his chest like an old cartoon. You kissed his other cheek as well; you had to make it even.
"How do you like your tea? I've got some freshly made on the stove, and dinner should be ready any minute now."
I'll take it however you take yours," You smiled, taking in his flat. It was just so...Steven. The books that had been attempted to be put neatly on the shelves, the goldfish swimming in his tank with postcards surrounding it, a cluttered table with open books next to scribbles in a notebook. Steven returned with the tea and immediately started apologizing again.
Y/N, darling, I'm so sorry, I should've offered you a seat, here- come sit down with me and I'll get a movie started, yeah? Or do you want to wait on dinner, and we can just...talk? I don't know; I've never really had anyone over before. This is so new to me," He rambled.
"It’s okay, Steven. I was just checking out your flat -"
"Yeah, sorry 'bout it - not the nicest or cleanest around. Sorry for the clutter. I just get way too ahead of myself, and I see a book on anything Ancient Egypt, then BAM! It's here at home with me. Can't help myself, ya know?"
"I was actually going to complement it. I really like it. I mean, it's cozy, and I love the goldfish. It's very you, and I like you," A blush spread across his face. He muttered to himself about how He could hardly believe anyone like you could like silly ol' him. You went to finally take your seat beside him before the oven went off, signaling that dinner was ready.
The two of you ate and struck conversations with each other. You were still curious about Marc and Jake and asked how they were doing. "They're alright; we're all still trying to adjust with being aware of each other and all, ya know? Definitely weird, and I'm actually surprised that it didn't scare you off. I mean, if it were me, I would've if I were you."
You grabbed ahold of his hand and rubbed your thumb across it. Wow, he had big hands. Long, thick fingers. No- not the time.
"Steven, I like you, and while surprising, it doesn't scare me off. I like you, and I like Marc and Jake, too. I'm excited for what our future together holds."
Yet, another blush spread across Steven's face. How did he manage to snag you? I mean, you had been his longest relationship so far, and you wanted more with him; you wanted to have a future with him. His heart fluttered in his chest, which turned into butterflies in his stomach. He squeezed your hand and looked up at you once more with a love-stricken face. It was your turn to blush now. He didn't even have to say words to describe how much he liked you as you could see it in his eyes. His gorgeous, coffee eyes.
"I guess we should get the movie started, yeah?" He asked, interrupting the silence. You smiled. "Yeah, I guess we should."
He got up and then took your hand in his, being the gentleman he is and leading you to the couch. He turned on a movie you both agreed upon before taking his seat next to you. You leaned your head on his broad shoulder, causing him to stiffen before relaxing into your touch. Eventually, you moved your legs over his lap and, unknown to you, pressed your thigh against his dick. His heart quickened, and his breath hitched. You turned your head, looking at him with concern. He played it off as a cough and shifted his hips, but he only rubbed his dick against your thigh, which didn't help him whatsoever. He was more aware of how good you looked and how your clothes only accentuated your gorgeous body. He wrapped his arm around you, trying to return the same affection you were giving him. The feeling of you under his hands just worsened his problem. Poor, touch-starved Steven was embarrassed. He felt as though he was sullying this special moment with you. His problem just kept growing, especially as you shifted your his on top of him, and he struggled to keep an ungodly noise in.
While you didn't yet notice his arousal, you did notice his struggle and were concerned for him once again. "Steven, are you sure you're okay? Is this too much? I can move or-"
"No, you're perfect, sorry, I mean, you're fine. I mean, you are perfect. You just don't have to move, I'm fine- I just. I'm sorry, I don't want to sully the moment I just…" He trailed off and went quiet.
"Steven, you can talk to me. I know things are still new, but I won't judge. You're not ruining the moment, pinky promise." You said, holding out your pinky to him. He smiled lightly and took it in his pinky before taking a deep breath.
"I just, when you put your legs over me, your thigh kinda- was on my- your thigh was on my dick and then I tried to shift my hips so it wasn't but it only made it worse, then you shifted your hips- not that it's your fault. And I couldn't help but notice how good you look, and now I've got a whole problem," He said, gesturing to his crotch. You immediately swung your legs off of him. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't meaning to, I swear. We don't have to do anything you don't want to do-"
"No, it's not that I don't want to, I mean- unless you don't want to, I just, I've never done anything before. Nothing past a bit of making out." His face was fully blushed, and he was fully embarrassed. He had ruined the moment, and now you were worried about him, and you were worried that you had ruined the moment.
"Do you want to do it? Tonight?" You asked, you could feel arousal sparking in you at the hope of finally feeling him.
"Oh, gods yes- but only if you want to," He said shakily. You pushed yourself into his lap, your legs on either side of him.
"I want to. We can go slow if you want, and if at any point it's too much, we can stop. Okay?"
He nodded. You leaned in and kissed him gently at first. You let him get comfortable and encouraged his hands to roam your body. You moved your own hands into his hair, massaging his scalp and pushing his face into yours. He let out a soft moan as you started grinding your hips into his. You deepened the kiss further and caressed his face.
You finally pulled away for a breath, and the sight in front of you had you even more aroused than you already were. Steven's lips were slightly swollen and reddened from your kisses and light nips, and his eyes were blown with lust. His breathing was labored, and his hands were gripping into you, eager for more. You went for the buttons on his shirt, looking up at him for permission. He nodded frantically. You unbuttoned it, one by one, taking your sweet time as you slowly revealed more and more of his body. You admired his build. He was hiding all of this under his baggy clothing. His perfect abs and pecs are soft but strong. He was by no means shredded, but that didn't matter to you in the slightest. In fact, you much preferred this over some shredded guy with a huge ego and nothing else.
You kissed his neck, then collarbones before moving down and nipping at his chest. He arched his back into you as you got closer to his nipple. You moved your mouth onto it and sucked gently, letting your tongue flick over it. You looked up to gauge his reaction, not wanting to push things too far. Steven was overwhelmed with pleasure as you found a sensitive area of his. You continued rocking your hips, starting to feel the arousal of the both of you making wet spots on your pants.
You continued your assault on his nipples, making sure to switch between them. Steven was practically whimpering from your actions as Marc and Jake were in his head, mocking him. Steven didn't care- he couldn't care. He felt much too good to give a single shit about what they were saying. He wanted desperately to please you back, but the way you were moaning made him want to stay where he was.
You stopped your attacks on his chest, much to Steven's disappointment, but it didn't last long as you removed yourself from his lap and onto your knees in front of him.
"Can I, Steven?" You asked, giving him your best doe eyes as you went for the buckle of his belt.
"Oh, yes, please, dove," He whined, doing everything he could to not jerk his hips in the air.
You took his belt off, followed by his pants. His boxers did very little to hide his hardened cock and the stain of precum let you know exactly how much he needed this. You slowly took his boxers off, finally letting his erection free from its former confines. The sight was gorgeous. His cock jerked at the sight of you, and precum flowed from the purplish-red tip. The veins were prominent, and his pubes had been recently trimmed.
With Steven fully naked, you wanted to even out the playing field, so you stripped to your underwear, causing more precum to flow from his needy cock.
You looked up at him one last time for permission; he nodded frantically once again. You took his girth in your hands, barely able to fully close your hand around it, and started stroking using his precum as lube. You leaned in, kissing the tip before taking it in your mouth. His taste was heavenly, and you couldn't get enough. You took him in as far as you could without gagging, using your hand to stroke the rest.
"Oh my god, Y/N, darling- that feels so good. You're so good, oh my God. Please," He whined. He continued his praises to you before eventually pulling you off of him, not wanting to cum just yet.
"Please, Y/N, let me pleasure you, please. Show me how you like it, show me what to do," He begged.
He had been so embarrassed earlier, but his confidence grew with each passing minute. He wanted to explore your body and find every little tick that gets you going.
"I'll show you in bed," you replied before getting up and making your way to his bed. He followed you like a lost puppy.
"You're so gorgeous, dove," He said, admiring you as you walked to the bed. You laid down on your back, inviting him on top of you. He hurriedly accepted and began kissing you once again. He followed your action from earlier and made his way down. He kissed your neck, finding the spot that made your back arched, and paid special attention to it before moving down. He kissed your chest and stomach, testing the waters with little nips. He praised your body; he wanted to memorize every scar, stretch mark, and freckle on you. You were perfect- no- so much more than perfect to him. You were divine.
Now, it was his turn to look up at you for permission when he got to your undies, and it was your turn to nod frantically. He took them off slowly and moaned at the sight of your now bare body. The word flashed through his mind once again. Divine. Instinct, or maybe muscle memory from Marc's encounters kicked in as he buried his face between your thighs. He pleasured you with his mouth, licking and sucking. Your eyes rolled back into your head, and your hips bucked up. Steven was a natural, but he needed to use his fingers. Both for you to get off and to warm you up.
"Steven, fuck that feels so good, baby, but I need your fingers, please," you begged.
Steven was nervous to use his hands, but you wanted them, and he only wanted to pleasure you. He slowly brought them up and pulled back from you.
"I don't know what to do with them," He admitted.
"That's okay, I'll show you."
He brought his hand back up; you took his wrist and brought it to where you needed it most.
"Use your middle and ring finger, Steven."
Steven didn't respond to Marc's comment but took the advice, starting with his middle as he slid it into your waiting hole.
"Atta boy, use your fingers to get 'em ready."
Steven muttered a "shut up, Marc," to himself and continued, moving slowly before adding his mouth into the mix. The combination of his mouth and now two fingers had you teetering on the edge. Your hips were bucking into him, and Steven moaned at the sight of your pleasure. He rut his hips into the bed, trying to relieve some pressure.
"Fuck, Steven- so good. You're doing so good. Please don't stop, ohmygod." You fought to keep your eyes open as the sight of Steven, blissed out between your legs, was enough to nearly throw you off the edge. "Steven, I'm close- please. I need you to fuck me- please Steven."
He was hesitant to stop, but the knowledge that you wanted him- no needed him had him pouncing on you. You lined his cock up to your entrance, letting him slowly push in. The noises the two of you made were unholy- noises that neither of you would admit to later, but there was no shame between the two of you now. You both wanted to explore each other's bodies, a nearly primal need.
He moved slowly at first, getting a feel for it. He paid special attention to your face, your sounds, and how your body reacted. He wanted to make you feel as good as he was able to.
"Steven, you're doing so good, but I need more. Don't hold yourself back. Faster, deeper, harder, please Steven," You whined.
"Yeah, Steven, give it all you've got."
Steven moved your legs over his hips and let himself go. He pounded into you. He thought your mouth was heaven- this was far beyond that. Your tight warmth surrounded his cock and squeezed like a vice. He let his thumbs brush over your nipples, causing your back to arch into him. The only words that you could form were Steven's name and praises to him; your praises fueled him. He took your hand in his and held it, as a way to show his care for you. You leaned up and connected your mouth to his. He continued his assault on your hole but was gentle with his kisses. They were soft but deep. Your other hand was wrapped around his back, holding on to him and pulling him impossibly closer. The rubber band that had built in your stomach was about to break, and judging by Steven's sounds and more jerky movements, he was right there with you.
"Steven, baby, I'm close. Want to come with you. Cum inside me, please. Wanna feel you cum inside me," you all but screamed as you fell over the edge. The sight of you releasing all over his cock sent him spiraling into his release as well. His hips stuttered into you as he felt your walls milk his cock for all it was worth. "Y/N, shit, dove- you're squeezing me so effing tight. Feels so good- so fucking good."
You felt his warm release coat your walls as you came down from your high, your breaths labored. Steven did his best to keep his weight off of you as he came down from his own high. Eventually, he rolled beside you, nuzzling his head into your neck. He muttered sweet praises to you, still on cloud nine. You returned them as he got up to draw a bath for you. You let him carry you to the bathroom, but you got in the tub yourself, not wanting to have an accident. You bathed each other off and exchanged compliments. Steven's ego was boosted as he had finally lost his virginity to someone he held so dear to him.
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gothboyboogie · 2 months
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terapsina · 9 months
Random Discworld Question!
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since theres a lot of discussions about shipwrecks and deep sea submersibles happening right now, im just gonna quickly recommend this video which details how caladan oceanic found the samuel b roberts.
the samuel b roberts was a destroyer escort sank during the battle off samar during ww2. the wreck was found last year and is 22,621 feet/6885 metres deep which is almost 10,000 feet or 3000 metres deeper than the titanic and is currently the deepest wreck ever found.
in the video, you see a deep sea submersible (which can go down to 36,000 feet/10,973 metres) that isnt a tin can finished up with duct tape, super glue and glittery gel pens. it is piloted by an expert and they swap out pilots every day to avoid exertion or fatigue, and they have a very complex sonar system for finding wrecks. the longest they can go down is 16 hours and they keep in contact with their ship above and have to get clearance just for half an hour more.
when they find the wreck, they look around it to ensure they can identify it and map it out as well as they can, and then head back up to shore. they then hold a funeral service for those who died and leave a wreath on the ocean surface above where the wreck lays.
while im somewhat sketched out by the founder victor vescovo, the company does important work in terms of furthering our understanding of the ocean and finding wrecks which are the gravesites of those who passed. and they are not disrespectful to those whose graves lay 22,000 feet/6700 metres down on the seabed.
and what i would like to point out is how the samuel b roberts is protected against unauthorised disturbance by the sunken military craft act. you would need a permit from the naval history and heritage command (and a submarine that can withstand all the pressure) to go see it.
which, as ive said many times in the last two days, is something that the titanic should also have protection against. there should be laws in place that do not allow people to treat a mass fucking gravesite as a tourist spot.
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shazzyv · 5 months
Been rereading the Discworld City Watch series coz those books are like crack laced with serotonin and I think Carrot is simultaneously one of the best and most terrifying characters in Discworld.
Best because yes he's the goodest boi and he's got a werewolf gf and he's unfailingly honest and decent to pretty much everyone and is so earnest and sweet people just can't disappointment him. Except...
One thing that sticks in my head is that last scene in Men at Arms
SPOILERS for most of the City Watch books:
When, right at the end Cruces is telling Carrot he's a long lost king and has the documentation to prove. Carrot walks over to it, takes a read and while Cruces is doing his villain monologue, stabs him through the chest. It's quick and clean and Carrot doesn't even bat an eye that he just took a man's life on purpose.
I say on purpose because my boi literally committed manslaughter in the previous book when he threw the Law and Ordinances at Wonse. He didn't seem to miffed then either, aside from the fact he just misunderstood an order from a superior.
Granted it's a funny joke and Wonse was a bastard but Carrot doesn't seem to react to it.
Like, throughout the books Vimes constantly struggles with the urge to just go ham and remove all the people causing the problems. He's constantly faced with the cynicism and cruelty and just the sheer stupidity of the world and always tries to do the moral thing, to do it by the book because as he says, "if you can do it for a good reason, you can do it for a bad reason." He's in the grey between black and white.
Carrot on the other hand doesn't really seem to mind. We never really see what Carrot is thinking (probably because he's so honest he just flat out says it) so it's hard to parcel how he feels about things.
My headcanon is he killed Wonse by accident, never thought about it again and then killed Cruces when he realized Cruces was a greater threat than he realized plus was about to kill Vimes. You could say the same about him skewering a werewolf later on in Fifth Element, but that was a survival situation I feel. Granted he never really kills again but I like to think if Carrot was face to face with Carcer or Stratford it would've been a very short conversation.
I think that's another reason why Vimes keeps a close eye on Carrot. Imagine doing your best to live life by a strict set of moral principles only to have your charismatic, well beloved second-in-command simply kill a man in front of you then tell you without blinking you had a wedding to go to.
Carrot even says "Personal doesn't mean important" which kind of tells me that no matter what his feelings on the subject, he's going to try to do the right thing.
And he killed Cruces for, I feel, a good reason.
He's a good man who'll kill you without a word and Vimes is a good man who'll kill you when there's no other acceptable option.
Vimes is the grey and Carrot is the white that gets dirty.
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rad-hound · 3 months
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Here are more polcos I ordered, all by shoujodiary on Etsy!
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cherish--these--times · 5 months
I love the entire show so much but I keep coming back to the last episode of series 04. There’s just so much repression and grief and love coming out of every pore of these two.
She knows he wants her to be happy. She sees Siegfried’s efforts to make her departure as painless as possible for what they are. He’s trying so so hard to not show her how utterly devastated he is. She sees right through it, as she always does.
And I love-LOOOOOVE that Audrey thinks immediately of Mr. Farnon when Helen fears for her baby’s life. Though she might not know why yet, she only has eyes for him. The minute he finds the unborn child’s beating heart, Mrs. Hall finds her own.
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queerdisagreeable · 23 days
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FLY AWAY BITCH!!! (lyrics are from starchild by ghost quartet. banger.)
(textless version under the cut because i couldn't decide which i preferred)
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querulousmegapode · 2 months
Hello. Please, tell me what do you think about Angua. I'm personally struggling to like her after her words to Carrot, something about "why you are so supportive!?", when he didn't start a fuss about her being the werewolf.
It would be nice to see another point of view for the character. I hope it helps me to understand her better.
Thank you
Hi!! Firstly thank you so much for this ask! It’s a really fun one and I’ve been thinking over how best to answer it and figuring out what exactly I like about Angua so much, so I appreciate it a lot!
There are a few different reasons why I like her. Some of them are pretty superficial, so I think I’ll get those out of the way first.
In general I just think that she’s pretty cool! From a purely superficial standpoint she’s pretty and gets to be badass and a werewolf and that’s just kind of fun. The whole circumstances around people finding out she’s a werewolf are also just pretty funny to me.
I also really like her in terms of the way that she’s written.
I really like how Pterry writes women in general because he manages to write them in a way that doesn’t feel like it’s fitting into stereotypes about women? They’re all real people with nuances and I feel like Angua is a good example of that. Yes, she does get to be badass, but also she’s a person and has a lot going on internally. She’s got a constant struggle with trying to fit in around people and trying to be human which is something that I haven’t often seen around werewolf characters and I think Pterry explores it well.
Werewolves in media seem to go in a couple of pretty predictable ways. You get the general horror of someone turning into a werewolf and then it either seems to go in the direction of oh no the werewolf is a monster!1!1! Or oh, the werewolf has a pack and learns to live that way. For me Angua is interesting because Pterry goes okay, but what if a werewolf doesn’t have a pack?? Angua is pretty much estranged from her family; she doesn’t have anyone to help her with the experience and is generally met with fear and hostility when people find out that she’s a werewolf. She has to deal with a LOT, even people who mean well and actively like her (Cheery) inadvertently hurt her with comments about werewolves and that’s someone who doesn’t know she’s a werewolf!! I can’t imagine that other Ankh Morpork citizens are somehow kinder or more understanding. And in amongst that you get to see the inner conflict that Angua has. She comes to this environment and she doesn’t just magically adjust - she struggles with trying to maintain control when she turns and she struggles with maintaining humanity and seeming human, because that’s what people around her will accept.
I think that, for the most part, is why I can understand the way she reacts to Carrot, as it’s pretty unusual for someone to be completely supportive. I’m segueing slightly, but I do really like how her relationship with Carrot develops because it’s nice that she has someone there who accepts her without question. Carrot is just *nice*, with no ulterior motives or strings attached and that’s something she doesn’t seem to encounter too often.
The other main reason that I like Angua is how comedic her perspective is. She’s quite a funny character and consistently plays the straight man to the rest of the watch’s insanity and that’s really fun.
Her internal monologue is great for this because despite being a werewolf she’s somehow the most normal person in the watch.
I love those watch guys but Dear God none of them are normal about their job. I love Vimes’ POV very much and he’s one of my all time favourite characters, but sometimes it feels nice to just take a step back and view the watch through the eyes of someone who isn’t used to it. Angua is pretty great for this.
I also quite like seeing her go from incredulous to understanding about Carrot - she’s quite perceptive and figures out pretty quickly that he’s deceptively simple. She can also be quite dry in terms of humour, which I personally really like.
Overall I just think that she’s pretty neat! I hope that this has been helpful!
Ultimately though, if you still don’t really like her then that’s fine too!! Discworld is full of wonderful characters and the best part is that there’s no right answers about which ones resonate, even if one is particularly popular or well liked.
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goaways-stuff · 2 years
Hey! I was wondering if you could do moon knight headcanons about the boys w a mutant!y/n, w some sort of power that means the boys don't have to worry over safety all the time plz :)
ooo I love this idea
Steven Grant x gn! reader, Marc Spector x gn! reader, Jake Lockley x gn! reader
warnings: some fighting, mentions of trauma, slight angst, mostly fluff, reader with powers
a/n: I don't have DID, so if there's any harmful stereotypes/misinformation please let me know and I'll fix it :)
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Spanish translation(s):
•mi amor= my love
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Steven is absolutely obsessed with your powers. He loves watching you use them in combat as a golden light emits for your hands and slight up your arms. You can bend and move objects to your will and even attack enemies with the energy itself. You'll use your powers for everyday tasks like cooking and cleaning, so you can multi task. Sometimes, you'll hold the couch up so you can vacuum under it or stir the pot with your powers while chopping vegetables on the counter. Whatever it was, Steven was absolutely mesmerized. You'd even just let the energy emit from you hands so he could just watch it. He knew you could handle yourself much better than he ever could.
Marc was much more hesitant to believe that you could fully handle yourself until he challenged you to a 1v1 where you absolutely beat his ass. Okay, you didn’t actually bang him.up that much, but you did get him to believe you. "Okay, Y/N, show me what you got," He said, starting to charge at you. You just used your powers to suspend him in mid air. You faked a yawn as he struggled to get put of your power's grip. "Y/N, let me down now," He grunted. "Now why would I do that? If you were an enemy and I let you down, you could just come charging at me again," You replied, now pretending to file your nails. "Fine, sweetheart, you win, you can handle yourself. Just please let me down," He continued his struggle. "Well, since you asked so nicely," You immediately ceased your power's grip on him, causing him to fall belly down onto the ground. He groaned in pain and rolled over onto his back. You stood over him, reaching out your hand. And ever since then, Marc is the least worried about you out of the three. Of Steven or Jake start to worry, he reminds them of that story, even if it's embarrassing to him. He'll take the teasing comments from Jake if it meant he was a little less worried about you.
Jake was always the most worried of the three. He was the protector after all, and he felt completely responsible for your safety and well-being. You had proved to him on multiple occasions that you could handle more than yourself. Hell, you even saved his ass a couple of times. He would still try to constantly protect you, so when he did, you would do the same as you did with Marc. You held him suspended in mid air, sometimes upside down if you were particularly annoyed until he would promise not to worry about you so much. "Okay, I promise, mi amor, I swear," He begged. "Promise what, Jakey?"
"I promise that I'll stop trying to protect you all the time and let you handle yourself," He said unenthusiasticly. You let him down gently, which Marc would grumble about later, and kissed the tip of his nose. Then gently kissed his lips. "I love you, Jake. You spend far too much time worrying about others. Worry about yourself sometimes, please."
"I'll try, I'll try," He said before kissing you again. He did start to back off on his protectiveness of you. Whenever he did start to get nervous, Marc and Steven were there to comfort him, even though he often denied their comfort. It was his job to protect them. However, he always let you comfort him. You were the first person he actually felt protected by, and it was an amazing new feeling.
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dougielombax · 9 months
Waiting for Godot fans when Godot actually turns up:
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Bottom text.
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acrossthewavesoftime · 5 months
Please tell me if you're seeing this, too. Today I found out that the Archives of Ontario digitised more of the pictorial material in their Simcoe family fonds collection, and among tons of sketches and watercolours by the lifelong prolific Elizabeth and some that weren't in her style, but may have been works by friends or her children, there are these three silhouettes:
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To state the obvious, the sitters seem to have been portrayed by the same artist, and were a group of two women and a gentleman.
The two women, wearing a simlar bun-like hairstyle, also share similar facial features; both have the same chin and nose. Only the volume of the hair, the softer line between chin and neck in the first woman and the suggestion of a sheer shawl imply that she may be older than the second lady.
The gentleman is rather portly with more than a hint of a double chin and wears a queued wig.
Now, I was curious as to who these people could be, and...
Could they be Samuel Graves, Margaret Graves and Elizabeth Simcoe?
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The hairline of the wig rising from the forehead at an almost right angle and chin seem very similar. I'm not quite sure about the nose, but that might have to do with the shadows in the portrait.
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Same pointy chin, same rather remarkable nose.
Sadly I have, save for an almost cartoonishly exaggerated doodle of her as an old woman, never seen another portrait of any sort of Margaret Graves.
However, assuming that I could be correct and these are Samuel and his adoptive niece, then it would only make sense for the second woman to be Margaret. Besides, Elisabeth had, save for two paternal aunts, no female relatives of whom you'd expect any sort of facial resemblance. Why would any of the two paternal aunts be depicted with Elizabeth's maternal aunt's husband?
If I'm correct here, and the three are The Three, then these silhouettes were probably made by Mary Anne Burges during one of her extended stays with the Graves' whenever she needed to escape her somewhat troublesome home life. If Mary Anne is the artist, these would have had to have been made prior to 30 December 1782, when Elizabeth (then still Gwillim) married her uncle's godson, a certain John Graves Simcoe. In that case, the Archives of Ontario would be wrong by a full decade, having dated the silhouettes to the 1790s.
Now, I could be wrong of course, because naturally I want my theory to be true, but if I were correct, that would be quite exciting.
Please do tell me what you think!
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thespookybean14 · 2 months
I think about Alien a lot, especially recently. This evening I’m specifically thinking about how in the Alien Isolation novel (and maybe other Alien novels) it mentions how Ripley would send video messages to Amanda before the freighter ship would lose contact, and how one of those times a message was from Dallas.
It made me think about the crew a lot. Like, did Amanda ever ask about them? Did any of them sometimes stop by while Ripley was talking to Amanda on the video message just to check in and say hi as another parental/family friend figure? Did Ripley ever tell the crew about her daughter? Did any of the other Nostromo Crew have kids?
Would Amanda have met the other crew member’s kids at some point in her childhood or teenage years and have no clue they were related to people who her mom worked with? If she did know them, would they have become a close friend group just trying to figure out what happened to their parents? Did the others try to stay optimistic that maybe their parents were okay? Did they give up on them after a few years?
I don’t know, but I think it’s interesting to ponder.
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beedreamscape · 2 months
On the bad side, I've lost FCG, on the good side I'll have another Sam character to fall for.
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phoenix--flying · 3 months
my ta nemesis kids are a silly lil bunch
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Swan Upon Leda
Summary: You really wanted to give the family an heir, but...
Pairing: Sam Lafferty x afab!Reader
Content Warnings: Dead Dove Do Not Eat 18+!, Mentions Of A Miscarriage, Lots Of Blood, Forcefully Trying Again...18+!, Non-Con Vibes
A/N: Please have mercy with me, this little drabble is purely based upon a dream I had. Plus, I thought my Rory hyperfixation was dead and gone.
Massive thank you to @angelsanarchy for the screen caps 🖤
Tagging the horde:@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @cc-lover @milaeth @roryculkinsgf @spookyorchid @arch1viste @whoareyoi @angelsanarchy @blueberrypancakesworld @rocketqueen-world @lifelessvessel @doddernix @svgarcaine @amayalul @basementgrl222 @kristennero-wallacewellsver @iiheartsai @fan-goddess @shady-the-simp
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But the gateway to the world
Was still outside the reach of him
What never belonged to angels
Had never belonged to men
The swan upon Leda
Empire upon Jerusalem
- Swan Upon Leda By Hozier
"No...", It fell from your trembling lips, "No, no!"
"Are you okay?" Samuel inquired from the bedroom.
"Yeah, uhuh, just give me a moment." You answered to him, slowly daring to look at the mess amidst your thighs. Your fingertips were painted in red, just like the hem of your cotton night gown.
Without so much as a single coherent thought forming inside of your mind, you turned towards the sink to, at least, wash your hands clean.
"I'm good, don't worry!" You uttered loudly enough for Sam to hear.
You watched the stains of red gradually washing from your fingertips, the realisation slowly settling in alongside a wash of tears, threatening to gush over your lower lash line.
"Fuck...", You scolded yourself, "Fuck, not again..."
As much as you would’ve wanted to shove it aside, you knew what had happened yet again. For the 3rd time now.
"Fucking useless infertile bitch!" Your own thoughts screamed at you, your body quivering.
With your face contorted in a pained expression, you stepped out of the bathroom, eagerly sliding right underneath the duvet next to your husband.
"What going on?" Samuel uttered to you in a soft tone.
"I'm so sorry..." It rolled over your tongue.
"Again?", You nodded shamefully.
"Then we try again." He stated, shoving himself upon you, his hips pressing down between your legs.
"No, please..." But it was to no avail, you felt Samuel drilling into you, stretching you out to accommodate him.
"I can't do this again, Sam. Please." You whined, your hands clasping at the sheets beneath.
"I don't care!", He groaned, his breath breezing along your throat, "We're gonna try and do this again until I knocked you up for good!"
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