#biblical gays
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doc-davey · 6 months ago
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Need to take a moment to talk about these books I have lol.
These books about David/Jonathan, I love and hate. Idk, like, I just can’t point out exactly, it’s probably the way David/Jonathan are depicted, but it really does frustrate me a little while reading this David/Jonathan trilogy.
It’s genuinely written well, like the writing isn’t corny or overly detailed lol. But it’s written with a Christian perspective, so David and Jonathan aren’t gay in this (sigh). 😞 But in these books, usually each chapter goes back and forth from Jonathan and David’s pov, and I love that.
The first two books are in David and Jonathan’s pov, but in the third book “My Father the King”, it’s in David and Mephibosheth’s pov. I get a lot of inspo for Mephi’s story from this book, but I actually have yet to finish the book because I’m too scared to finish 😭 (it’s literally just like my situation with the Prince’s Psalm atm lmaoo)
But just from reading the first two books, it’s so obviously written for them to be in love. The books are literally about their relationship. David and Jonathan meets, they connect, they share their deepest secrets and feelings, they fight side by side, and David even saves Jonathan from dying in battle!! Jonathan gets shot by arrows, and David wouldn’t stop visiting him. And you know what, Jonathan also saves David from dying in battle! And there’s a moment where David and Jonathan finds a waterfall, and Jonathan would playfully shove David into the water, and they would swim together on a cool night, just like the Simba and Nala water scene from The Lion King with “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” playing in the background if you know what I mean 😭 like AAAABABBAAAKSK, and throughout the books, even in the third book, David won’t stop yapping about how he constantly sees Jonathan in his dreams, as well as Jonathan who can’t get David out of his mind 😭 LIKE- NAHHH ☠️ hello??? Yeah, they’re definitely not in love or something… 🤔
But you know what, reading these books frustrated me so much.. The author made sure to constantly pull out the “we’re just friends!” card, so often 💀 it honestly doesn’t make sense to me ngl, from they way wanted to depict David and Jonathan’s relationship. Let me just say- if you’re going to dedicate an entire trilogy about David and Jonathan’s relationship only… there’s no fucking way you can pull it off as them just being “friends”, idk, it’s just not possible to me. The author would do this by, of course, “giving them a wife tactic”, but literally in the book, they cared more about each other than their wives LOL.
But yeah, my little review of this trilogy that I’ve been wanting to talk about. You can always check it out for yourself, I’d say I only recommend it if you like David retellings in general and if you want some Jonathan angst. Not kidding with the Jonathan angst 😭 he is so angsty in the books and a literal punching bag because every bad thing would happen to him. Like I would read about David going on some adventure, and when I turn to the next chapter, Jonathan is absolutely doomed by something 😭
And also, if you can handle the random preaching in the books where David breaks the forth wall and says that G-d is awesome or something and Jesus is coming, y’know, then perhaps you’ll enjoy the series 👍 (or maybe not)
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doc-davey · 8 months ago
Davicherry and Jonacherry 🤭
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Special thanks to @dazaisdearest for this brilliant idea 😈 if such an idea wasn’t conceived, there would be no David and Jonathan cherry 💔
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everyone draw their fav ship like fhis
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dollopole · 3 months ago
“How’d you get in here?” “Wasn’t difficult.”
“Really? Get out.”
Thanks for changing my life forever, Merlin.
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ultrainfinitepit · 9 months ago
Pride Angels 2024 - Part I
Here are the first half of my new Pride Angels designs! Featuring the following flags:
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Abrosexual, Achillean, Agender, Ally, Aroace, Aromantic, Asexual, Bigender, Bisexual, Cupioromantic, Cupiosexual, Demiboy, Demigender, Demigirl, Demiromantic, Demisexual, Diamoric, Gay, Genderfae, Genderfaun, Genderfluid, Genderfluid (Alternate), Genderflux, Genderqueer, and Intersex.
Additional flags in Part II and Part III. You can go to each flag's post for transparent images, flat colors, and lineart. Read the FAQ and follow the campaign here: Pride Angels🌈
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vezhenart · 1 year ago
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this wretched mischief is now coursing through your souls
never to let go
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snake-and-mouse · 3 months ago
Yall think that there might be an "original" timeline that happened "first" that the Herald Viktor that saved Jayce and his mom came from? Because the logic of Viktor going back to save Jayce and give him the crystal, therefore causing them to invent hextech therefore creating himself is circular and would require lots of woowoo time travel science bullshit to not be nonsense, so that means either Jayce was Always going to get obsessed with creating magic or that originally he was supposed to be saved by a different mage, and I find the idea of baby Jayce watching his mother die and barely surviving a near death experience, which eventually leads him to obsessively searching for ways to save other people and stumbling into forbidden magical arts, more likely.
And the reason I think any of this matters is because I am SO HEARTBROKEN over the idea of a Viktor who met a damaged and traumatised orphan Jayce at the academy, and believed in him with no evidence he could be right, only for them to create the hex core together, and all the following horror together, and the reason the dead Jayce is actually kneeling isn't the same as our Jayce surrendering to Viktor hoping he could get through to him, it was because he wasn't fighting him at all and was his partner in the evolution and that Viktor still looked human because a Jayce who was helping him with his cult wouldn't have killed him and been the catalyst for his final trnsformation. And that Jayce knelt before his partner, simply accepted being consumed at the end, along with the rest of the world. And then Viktor realised the mistake they made, and made the choice to go back and save his partner from ever being that broken child who would help him end the world, out of all the events he could have changed, because he was sure that Jayce's heart was the one that could save them.
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dapper-lil-arts · 2 months ago
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Tryin out a shot at drawing a stained glass window. These are TOUGH to draw, let me tell ya.
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sandwichsapphic · 3 months ago
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he’s receding from his posish
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dragons1re · 4 months ago
*Walking up to a gay couple* “So which one of you is the messiah and which one of you does the betrayal?”
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doc-davey · 6 months ago
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How David and Jonathan’s relationship is going
I’m sorry if you’re a philistine but someone is about to chop off your dick just letting you know
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liusia-piu · 9 months ago
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"And the Lord also said to Raphael: 'Bind Azâzal hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: make a hole in the desert in Dûdâel, and throw him in. Place upon him rough and jagged rocks, cover him with darkness, and let him remain there forever, and cover his face so he may not see light." Enoch 10:4, 5
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ultrainfinitepit · 1 year ago
Pride Angels 2024
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All my planned Pride Angels for this year's upcoming pin campaign. I will spend the next few months leading up to the campaign polishing these designs, adding shading and so on. Minor edits to be expected. Subscribe to the pre-launch page to be notified when the campaign is live!
Since the polls were close on a few designs, the following alternate designs will be made available as well.
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Below the cut is the list of flags and FAQ.
Here are all the flags.
Rainbow/Progress Pride
Pride Angels FAQ
What is Pride Angels?
It is my series of angel designs in the colors of different Pride flags. I am planning to make the Pride Angels into stickers, pins, keychains, patches, and lanyards. The campaign is planned for June 2024, after Angelology IV. You can follow the pre-launch page to be notified when the campaign launches.
Can you draw X for the Pride Angels series?
Before inquiring, please check that your request is not already complete! I am not taking requests for any new flags at this time, but read on for how you can request a Pride Angel during the pin campaign. After I complete this series this year, I am not planning to make any more Pride Angels.
About the Pride Angels design request pledge tier:
If you would like to request a Pride Angel, I will have a pledge tier available in the pin campaign to pay to request one. Outside these pledge tiers I will not be accepting any requests. Please save your requests for the pin campaign!
If you nab one of the design request pledges, you can request a flag and optionally suggest a theme or inspiration. If I shared a design you liked that I ended up not going with, you could request that too.
Where can I find the 2022 Pride Angels merch?
Most of the past Pride Angels have been discontinued in my main shops, but you can still find them as pins, stickers, keychains, and patches with my stockists.
I liked an old design better. Will the old designs be available during the campaign?
Depending on order quantity I will make the 2022 Pride Angels available as stickers, keychains, pins, and patches. If they don’t meet the order threshold they will not be funded.
Can I draw a Pride Angel too?
Of course, I don’t own angels or Pride flags! If I inspired you I would love to be tagged to see and share your design.
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Me: hey brain, can we think normal things tonight?
Me: *quietly* ...what the fuck
Brain: Dean is working on an excavation in a cave system when he uncovers this. fcking HUMAN BEING WITH *WINGS* AND *TOO MANY EYES*. PRESERVED IN ROCK IN THE SAME STRATA AS THE DINOSAURS. And ofc Dean is really freaked out and scared of this thing, but then he notices that the figure is curled forward over something, and as he looks closer he sees the skeletons of a nest of baby raptors that the "human" figure was holding tight to its chest, like it was trying to shield them from something. And he realizes that this... Thing... died protecting them.
Except the "human" figure isnt a skeleton, its preserved fully in the rock. Or perhaps...
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outromoony · 6 months ago
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Ac: sophithil
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leatherjacketsanddreams · 2 years ago
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probably the most accurate thing i’ve ever seen /silly
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queen-of-hawkins-why-ler · 6 months ago
The real enemy of season 5 is going to be small-town Protestant fundamentalist Christian values but some of y’all aren’t ready for that conversation.
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