#salty aro blogging
dykrophone · 4 months
i wish there was a way to filter all amatonormative bullshit off my dash
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just-aro · 2 years
y'all have no idea how much effort goes into trying to interpret and respond to some of the questions we get about aromanticism lol.
like kee does so much tonal phrasing to be nice about this, but. please. "what is aromantic?" i am not google. "i don't know if i feel romantic attraction." cool, i'm not gonna be able to tell you what it feels like either. "hi, what if I am a person and not one of the major aro stereotypes?" then you are a person who is aro and doesn't fit that stereotype.
and like, whatever, we deal with those fine. but the worst. the absolute worst. is the ones where the ask is more or less requesting me to speak for aromantic people as a whole, or - worse and more commonly - a specific subset of aro people who i may not identify with, and almost always insist they aren't trying to be bad, but have such a questionable mindset behind it that i feel like i need to start with "how to identify that you haven't unlearned shit, you just realized you have an identity and stuck your tongue out at the people who taught you that shit"
#aro#aromantic#actually aro#actually aromantic#i am trying. so hard. to answer things nicely#but also i am not google i am not representing every aro person and sometimes... you should research something#sometimes. if you listen to the group you have questions about and research questions via searches or asking for simple resources.#you will find out information without our system struggling with feeling obligated to respond nicely because we know the avg user is young#and we want to model that asking questions is good and that you can kindly say 'i'm not part of this group but here's what they've said'#and things like that#but. sometimes i get asks that make me want to delete aro-culture-is or archive it and just never open it again#and they're not even the bigots or anything#it's just that we're plural but one disabled body#and it's fucking exhausting.#but also we don't really want to go through the process of vetting new mods or anything like that#it sounds exhausting and frankly we've had enough experiences while running that blog to know#that people will find a way to be terrible and demanding#oh this is alexander btw#if you see salty takes it's probs me. protective fuckery is phoenix or axel tho#just... like bro please. please consider that i'm not hear to guide you through the baby steps of realizing you aren't actually#the anti-fascist rebel you think you are ur just queer and online. i am here because i wanted a space for aro people to be silly.#and everyone looked at my silly 'haha this is meant to be claiming silly things like games as ours' page#and was like 'oh! time to seriously discuss every experience of aromanticism i have :)'#but especially the ones against the rules :)
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saltedcaramelchaos · 7 months
Hey anyone that followed me for non-just roll with it stuff, I'm very insane about it rn! (jrwi folks, here's my progress through the various campaigns)
Hi, I'm ak! you can call me like, cara or caramel or salty though, I don't really care :D
Most reblogs are on my side blog so u should follow that too
Some relevant stuff:
I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! It's an important part of who I am, so please be nice about it at least. I'm happy to answer any questions :)
Living that sweet gillion tidestrider life (asexual!! and... either aro or demiromantic?)
talk to me please! I love making new friends :D
I don't want to offend anyone!! If I have, please let me know how to fix it!
(I think I’ve been soft-blocked a couple times? Anyways, it won’t work because I will not realize and just follow you again, sorry)
Ao3 under the same name :0 I rarely post though
Big Writing Project progress: 4/30 (I calculated word count and forgot but it was like 4.5k so far lol) (I am going to fail so badly at the math for this) (troy math troy math troy math)
Have a good day reader!! :D
this pinned post is already pretty long, so side blogs and banners under the cut !
@saltedcaramelreblogs -> main sideblog for reblogging things, mostly memes and fandom stuff! is currently way more active than this main oops
@arcadian-wild-art -> my ongoing art project! YES I AM WORKING ON IT I PROMISE (go listen to the arcadian wild I dare you)
@daily-mcyt-stick-figures -> some doodles i made
@mostlydailyblinkjrwi -> some doodles im MAKING (REAL) (NOT CLICKBAIT)
@intrusive-chat-au -> genloss ask blog, half au half my headcanons, on hiatus currently
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ongoing arc thing: Mall Santas Save The World aka Holiday Semi-Hiatus (plural server post link) (some day i will actually improve this post) (i have it in drafts even)
mod info:
age 27 / she/her pronouns / autism/adhd/anxiety And More™
RP blogs followed from this account
non-RP blogs followed from @demifiendcruithne
jack frost sideblog: @unidentified-flying-heeho
boundaries: apply to all legion members + sideblogs
if sending IC hate that could be taken as OOC, please put an OOC note saying it's IC
flirting/suggestiveness OK but pre-warning that relationships/other situations won't be happening with other OCs. i allow it because it's Funny (especially if i don't understand it either lol)
magic anons/pelipper mail Encouraged, but i have a firewall IC to block things i don't want to deal with / delay things i currently can't
while i'll generally be low-stakes, i'm happy to participate in higher-stakes things in a support role, just ask :) this will most likely be in hacking skills (or reverse demon summoning for worlds that are ok with that)
Super Temporary Links to the pokeirl plural server post (ooc post) (ic post)
low(-mid?)-stakes RP with an outsider's view of rotomblr. the Legion's world is vaguely based on SMT Devil Survivor 2 mechanically, and historically there was a japanese empire instead of a roman empire so england has more japanese influences, notably using yen (and macca when demons are involved)
the Legion is an ever-shifting group of people moving in and out of one apartment due to capitalism being a heck. Known Residents of the Legion: Human: Blackthorn Legion - she/her, ace/aro - the primary poster, accountholder, the one actually renting the apartment the Legion live in. has a bad habit of revealing that she knows people's history if they're in a game she played. snarky but has a soft spot. slightly a wanted hacker but don't worry about that. yes her surname is Legion she changed it to heck with genji overwatch. her sibling/good twin is Literally madeline celeste (no her last name is not celeste) Simon - he/him, masc-leaning bi - the butt monkey castlevania stan. came up with the legion name. Blackthorn's most tolerable apartmentmate. often the voice of reason except when it comes to wall chicken. has a boring horsesona and is salty about it. TWC - any pronouns - joined as The Wiggles Cultist (<(:0)OOoo>) but changes what the initials stand for pretty often. or basically every post at this point. They Speak In All Capitalised Words Legion Resident - any other human resident.
Non-Human: Aeros - pronouns unknown - air elemental who is generally either trapped in a vacuum cleaner or chasing people (aka simon) around. Aeros' location is unknown after being sent to pokemart manglement and released somewhere Bonk - they/he - a Beldum who true to their name can and will headbonk people as a main form of communication. trained service mon :) Nickit - he/him - a Nickit slightly longer than average, who is white with black accents and green markings on their face. (art source) naive and nods off a lot, can talk to humans, name currently unknown. has gmax meowth/furret/(hisuian?) zorua ancestry (source | longcat trace) Dr. Slushy - he/him - a Jack Frost. he's in the pokeworld now but he may still send messages through here for convenience Ghost - a ghost who's basically hanging out here possessing random people. name and pronouns vary based on host body
Associates: free to ask about, may not appear much Angy - weird stripey floating dude who gave Blackthorn the base for the MVSP. knows Something about world administration. Pixie of Amala - the Uberpixie who helped Demi-fiend (aka Sir Not Currently Appearing In This Universe He's Just Vibing)
any posts without a --blackthorn or whoever don't have who posted them defined; either it doesn't matter or i forgor. assume blackthorn but may get retconned any brackets like (simon: something) are a cut-in from someone else. ooc is marked with // or ooc: or both
The MVRS.py: stands for 'MultiVersal Reverse Summoning', pronounced 'movers'. Blackthorn's method of accessing rotumblr, which she's hacked to Try and send items through. it isn't the most reliable - anything she sends with it may get... altered at receiver's will. it's a py file because python my beloved
IC: Blackthorn and Simon
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//drawn by @yewwantstobattle &lt;;3 /platonic
Blackthorn Legion - 27 - she/her (gender sucks. i just use what i'm used to) - autism/adhd/fibromyalgia - ace/aro - picrews
i live in an apartment with like 20-30 other people. any stupid comments it's probably them. or the demon internet cafe i've basically set up at this point my place is basically just. for people to come get back on their feet. why is capitalism making /me/ the best option.
if you're reading this i probably freaked you out by knowing something i 'shouldn't'. see, my universe turned a bunch of events from other worlds into games and other media, so i know more history of your world than i do mine. so that's fun
yes my surname is legally* legion. yes i changed it to heck with someone *in the sense that it's what the authorities/most wanted list etc. know me by. birth identity doesn't exist any more and civilian identity is under the radar
Simon. bi (masc-leaning) he/him. too old to have a boring horsesona are you kidding me--- picrews i guess.
okay it's basically out at this point - hecker - YES i used to have a crush on blackthorn that is Not why i am here we are still friends and honestly i prefer guys these days anyway.
i somehow get the feeling that angy is trolling me. doesn't he have anything better to do?
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bengiyo · 1 year
Me, My Husband & My Husband's Boyfriend Eps 1 -5 Stray Thoughts
This is an unusual release schedule, giving us five episodes now and five more later. Still, I'm curious what TV Tokyo does with this, since they also gave me What Did You Eat Yesterday?
Episode 1
Man, Japan just really knows how to start a show. You can feel the strained optimism of this poor woman in just 30 seconds.
This has barely started and I feel claustrophobic. Misaki's friends have no idea how unhappy she is, and what is this incredibly pained look she shared only with Maki?
Oh, they may have been in lesbians with each other. This is already fraught queer angst.
Ah, it feels like it might have been just Maki.
You know someone is up to something when they fake sleep when their partner comes into the room.
That's right, girl. Blog your problems.
I tell you, I hoped I would avoid teen pregnancy when I was a teacher. I was wrong.
Poor Masaki. She and Yuki are just not in alignment when it comes to intimacy. Now she only has one day a year to look forward to for marital sex??
Nice use of Dutch angles when Masaki sees the kiss.
Episode 2
My goodness, this was an intense opening scene in how Misaki immediately starts to try to suppress everything and bargain her way into an explanation that doesn't spell the end of her marriage. Yuki doesn't lie, but he's already hurt her deeply.
I hope that's not the product placement we're throwing away.
I'm so sad about this nice dinner going to waste.
I agree with Misaki that what happens next with their relationship should be her choice, considering he's been making lots of choices without her for a while.
The coworker seems kind. She can tell that Misaki is masking.
Yo this old dude shoulder checked the fuck out of her.
I was not expecting to see Honda Kyoya again so soon after Jack o' Frost, but I'm not going to complain. However, if Shyuuhei is an artist like Ritsu was, this offers up a fascinating lens into a potentially alternative story.
It is correct of Misaki to put distance between a student who expresses romantic interest in her.
This is a lot. I feel for Misaki. Not only does she need to reckon with the fact that her husband is gay and seeing someone else. She also has to contend with it being her former student who still wants to be with her, who knows that he's been hooking up with her husband.
The transitional shot after Misaki's hyperventilating looks like it might be in the same spot as the intro for Midnight Diner.
Through sheer confidence and will alone, Shyuuhei is going to get both of them.
Misaki leaving to probably go to Maki is valid, though I feel bad for Maki, too.
Episode 3
I already like Daichi and the house dynamic Maki and he share.
I was kinda excited about what changing homes might do for Misaki, but I appreciate her wanting to clear things with Yuki first.
I wonder if Yuki might be aro-ace spectrum. Seems like he wasn't aware of his potential attraction to men before he married Misaki?
Honda Kyoya is honestly so pretty.
Look at this, TV Tokyo has me watching a man and woman kiss and such in BL when I got none of this in What Did You Eat Yesterday? They're even open mouth kissing when the men haven't done so! I'm salty!
And here I was hoping that it really was just a pregnancy scare. Now Satou hasn't been coming to school.
I'm gonna need Masaki to go out with this veteran teacher.
What is the truth with Satou!
Shyuuhei is with Satou, too? And he went in her raw? She said he was only a year older, so is he 19? GODDAMN
Someone is always spying and taking goddamn pictures! You just gonna anonymously meddle? Own your actions!
Episode 4
Trigger warnings: Discussion and prevention of suicide in this episode.
This is so messy. Shyuuhei has such a hold over Yuki, who doesn't desire his wife physically at all.
Daichi's family's apples are enormous.
What is she to do with all these apples?
Oh, Yuki, I really just can't with the continued lies. Something has to give.
Is the spy the other teacher who wanted to get a beer?
Well, Shyuuhei is way out of line, but he's not wrong about Misaki's marriage.
Ah, the spy was the other teacher, whose name is Misumi. At least she's confronting him with her qualms.
Interposing the conversation with Misumi and the interview with a woman talking about her gay husband's death makes the point loud and clear.
I think Honda Kyoya is well-cast here. He has an ethereal quality that I think works really well for Shyuuhei.
Wanting to disappear is a question I get on mental health surveys, and Shyuuhei seems way too comfortable talking about suicide.
Episode 5
Trigger warnings: Discussion and prevention of suicide in this episode.
I'm really glad we saw Honda Kyoya in Jack o' Frost first. I find myself wanting to dig into this performance just as much as I want to understand the character. Polyamory is hard; I don't think I'm built for it. I like how sympathetic they're making Shyuuhei feel through his earnestness, even if he's giving me red flags in so many other areas.
This scene of the first meet between Yuki and Shyuuhei is making me sad, because I don't think we've seen Yuki be this intent on Misaki.
Okay, taking them to a place to disconnect briefly is much better than where I thought this was going.
Misaki suggesting they all live together was an excellent scene. The way the camera pans through her dialogue from her being alone, to her and Yuki, to her and Shyuuhei, to finally all three of them works so beautifully. Then having her be nervous and struggling to crack an egg perfectly underscores her uncertainty.
I love Misaki. I'm glad we're letting her uncomfortable feelings come through clearly. This isn't the life she thought she was getting, but she's trying to make the best of a difficult situation.
Furukawa Yuki is so good. I remember again why Restart After Coming Back Home sticks with me as we see the range he's shown this episode.
I like the ground rules Misaki established. They don't realistically expect Shyuuhei to help with expenses now, but she wants to make sure he's contributing to the maintenance tasks and is at least working in his field.
Hotta Akane is also doing a great job. She completely performed the complex nervousness, relief, and bemusement she felt at seeing Yuki clearly relaxed in the house again for the first time in a while, and also the strange sense of attraction she felt at Shyuuhei expressing his feelings to her again.
Final Thoughts at the Midpoint
I think it was an excellent call to release this show in two batches. It's covering some complex emotional places that I don't think the audience would be able to take in stride each week for two months. Giving us the chance to go through this at our own pace and trying to connect with the characters feels like the right call.
I'm looking forward to the back half of this, and I find myself hoping that however they all end up, they all find what they need for their own sense of fulfillment.
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shelly-kitten · 1 year
Incase any of you haven’t met my Monkey Wrench OC, here she is!
Isabelle Funfetti (though she prefers, Izzy)
She is very bubbly and also quite the singer. She performs at clubs where she livens up the room with music and dance.
Izzy loves to eat anything sweet, salty or creamy. She is a lover of Pizza too. (Not as bad as Shrike though)
Art by cawhawhaw https://cawhawhaw.tumblr.com/
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sinterblackwell · 2 years
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I posted 5,696 times in 2022
205 posts created (4%)
5,491 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,696 of my posts in 2022
#🤍 - 1,422 posts
#🖤 - 1,292 posts
#❣️ - 1,261 posts
#text - 758 posts
#💗 - 645 posts
#art - 516 posts
#🧡 - 460 posts
#t: fanart - 389 posts
#katten - 367 posts
#words - 361 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#garfield’s words really make me think of my last read with ‘fool of death’ and how the author explored not just feyi’s grief but alim’s too
My Top Posts in 2022:
thank you @birthdaysentiment for tagging me 🤍
plants or gardens / cloud-watching or star-gazing / water or fire / paperback or hardcover / running or hiking / sleeping with socks or without socks / fruits or vegetables / hanging plants or succulents / dark wood or light wood / handwritten or typed / instagram or pinterest / dc or marvel / books or movies / oceans or meadows / forests or fields / sweet or salty / ice cream or chocolate / hoodies or sweaters / piercings or tattoos / summer or winter / spring or fall / boots or sneakers / house or apartment / cars or motorcycles / curls or straight hair / castles or cottages / sunny days or storms / reptiles or birds / strawberries or watermelon / essays or posters / phone or laptop or desktop / glass or stone / photos or paintings / circus or theater / reading or writing / dogs or cats / poetry or novels / monsters or ghosts or vampires / thrift shops or libraries / fiction or nonfiction / dark or light
i tag: @dreamingoftinystars @kritiquer and @mirroroferisedx (if you’d like)
11 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
i don’t think i can ever emphasize enough how much kevin day means to me, like i’ve read over 200 books in the last two years and of all of them, kevin’s the character that has stuck with me the most and he wasn’t even the main character so it just gets to me even more
13 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
thank you @birthdaysentiment for tagging me 🤍
rules: so shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 tracks and list 10 songs you really like, each by different artist, and then tag 10 people to do the same thing
from my “on repeat” playlist”:
summertime sadness - lana del rey
freaks - surf curse (ethan winters 🫶🏽)
despechá - rosalía (thanks, mom)
secret love song, pt. II - little mix
about damn time - lizzo
mary on a cross - ghost
falling apart - michael schulte
beat it - michael jackson (obsessed)
kiss goodnight - tyler shaw (my tal bauer era)
pirate - everglow (the only kpop song??)
songs i really like:
angel by the wings - sia
haide - helena paparizou
medusa - dirty heads
pporappippam - sunmi
dreams - the cranberries (this is a recent fav)
mi corazoncito - aventura
starlight - taylor swift
je me casse - destiny
perfume - lovejoy (an aro anthem)
for the first time in forever - frozen cast
i tag: @tawmlinsun @butternaan @dreamingoftinystars @kritiquer @milfmas @flying-elliska + four more people who might possibly want to do this?? who? i have no idea :’)
20 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
hi @kritiquer , remember that music tag you tagged me in where you post your top five on repeat songs at the moment? that was back in june and here i am doing it…three months later. i’m really sorry about that but thank you for the tag 💜
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listed: brave by twice, alien superstar by beyoncé, spillways by ghost, babydoll (speed) by ari abdul, and summertime sadness by lana del ray
i tag: @butternaan @dreamingoftinystars and @andrewjosephminyard
and again…very sorry.
27 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
sometimes you just know right away what your rating for a book would be. like if not by reading the first chapter alone, it’s the next chapter after, there’s just this immediate feeling in your gut that you know how the story might end up holding up for you
42 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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toytulini · 3 years
new lucifer eps are great so far but i do quickly tire of this framing about love
lucifer be like oh, God cant love us thats his problem
and then being like oh, i cant love chloe, time for that to be a Whole Big Thing and im just sitting here like for fucks sake its obvious he cares about her deeply does it really, really, Have to be Twue Wuv? do you have to say the words? I mean i think hes proven over and over through his actions that he clearly Cares About Her A Lot is that not fucking enough?
#toy txt post#lucifer spoilers#salty aro blogging#lucifer#im sure my opinion is unpopular in the fandom or whatever idc i dont want to hear it just keep scrolling#man imagine if luci and maze were aro and they learned to accept that and be chill with it and everyone else also was chill with it#wouldnt that be fucking Neato#listen i enjoy the show just not parts of it#im Tired about the will they wont they bullshit and also about the soulmate shit guh#is it not enough? for lucifer to be like i like chloe a lot and i want to be close to her all the time and be around her and for her to be#safe and happy? is that not enough? it has to be like fucking romo love? im specifying romo cos thats implied. cos like he clearly has smth#he very clearly Gives A Large Number Of Fucks About Her. like that has been shown over and over again with how upset he gets#when she is in danger or when he doesnt get to hang out with her. Is That Not Enough? Does He Have To Say The Stupid Words?#like he even seems willing to go through rship motions with her and shit ??? i literally Dont understand the Problem im sorry and im Annoyed#about it like damn. and then! chloe being like i dont believe u about not being able to love. which i get to some degree bc he has Shown It.#even if thats not romantic? (but i feel like there is implication that not having any kind of love would be Bad and shit#and im not a loveless aro but i find that pretty shitty. im tired of the trope. its annoying and overdone. and im tired of it.)#but then okay even if whatever Lucifer feels Isnt Love like not even a Platonic Friendship Love ok then What#idk what you want to Call that. but theres Something. hes making the choice over and over again. that he wants Chloe in his life#that he wants to hang out with her and solve mysteries with her by projecting all of his personal problems onto the case#thats Something. if its not Love well okay fine. does it need to be? he wants to be around chloe. he wants chloe alive and safe and happy.#Is That Not Fucking Enough? also. i miss when Maze was hanging out with ppl and being friends with them a bunch. i miss the Maze and Linda#dynamic i miss Maze and Chloe and Trixie i want Maze and Ella to hang out. i genuinely think so much of Maze's problems could be addressed#if like. someone fucking prioritized her once in awhile but all her friends are focusing on other things all the time. and brushing her off#Maze is yet another victim of amanormativity is what I'm saying. she is frequently sidelined by their romo rships#her friendship is frequently treated as something. less important than everyone elses (often) romo rships with each other#she deserves better than that. i want one of her friends to prioritize her. once. idk. maybe im just too salty again#and idk how it ends i havent watched all of them yet. so maybe its not going to be as upsetting as i fear#but historical precedent of handling of these topics in media by allorom ppl leads me to believe press x to doubt#there are things i Like about the new eps for sure dont get me wrong but im being salty on this post
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aro-eli · 4 years
Which aros are excited for all those "love is love" posts this June!!! /s
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aroacettorney · 4 years
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my thrilling conclusion for saeran AE.
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sugar-and-spite · 5 years
catch me, an actual aro, just like unfollowing all of the aro blogs i follow bc the aro community makes me so uncomfortable lmao
the ace community is allowed to exist, soulmate aus are literally not hurting anyone, and humans are social creatures that need meaningful interaction and relationships and it's not fucking arophobic to acknowledge our literal biology holy shit
#like just @ literally all aro pride blogs#leave aces and fan content creators alone#and like good luck with not having any friends i guess?? like??#if you wanna fuck up your mental health i aint gonna stop you#but p l e a s e dont make this an aro thing or drag all aros into it lmfao#just like god it took me so long to realize i was even aro bc of amatonormativity bs#but now that i have realized it im wishing i hadnt#bc ive yet to see an aro pride blog thats not just like... this shit#like can we talk about how i honest to god didnt think i could be lith bc amatonormativity fucked me up?#no? were talking about how its arophobic to say humans literally biologically need social interaction?#ok then............#rey rambles#if you fucking discourse on this post i will personally eat your spleen#ok actually i was abt to post this but im still salty so im back in the tags#literally like can you imagine if aces were telling ppl they couldnt write smut bc its acephobic???#or if gay ppl harassed straight authors saying writing het couples is homophobic#like im sure that shit happens bc i have 0 faith in humanity#but its at least few and far between#like literally every aro blog i followed has been doing this shit re: soulmate aus#as if writing a romantic story is somehow arophobic#'if i dont experience romantic attraction then no one should!!!'#plus like everyone bashing soulmate aus seems to fundamentally misunderstand soulmate aus#like not everyone in a soulmate au has a soulmate??#some ppl have multiple? some are platonic? like#i genuinely dont get how its arophobic#tldr talking abt amatonormativity: fine and good#bashing romantic fiction/romantic fiction tropes: bad and nasty#thanks for coming to my ted talk#its like i came here for positivity not for ppl to just incessantly bash shit i like & my identity
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saltyaro · 6 years
I wish alloro aces people understood that acknowledging an issue once is not enough to take care of it. Like. We’re going to make a lot of posts, tag blogs, encourage discussion, and maybe one (1) thing will be reblogged by one blog, and it feels like...they think their job is over. Like no, this is not a one-time thing. Aro antagonism/amatonormativity is something you’re supposed to question and deconstruct everyday, like any other kind of bigotry.
But instead, I feel like we’re somehow forcing their hands just to they can acknowledge the issue exists. Like it’s really difficult for them to do so, they don’t want to.
I’ve been mostly inactive for...a number of weeks, I was just riding on my queue, hoping it wouldn’t run out (it did), and, I come back, scroll my dash, and big ace blogs just. Didn’t change their ways at all, didn’t even try to actively spread the issue. The last time it happened, was...the last time I got salty about it and other aro blogs got with me. It shouldn’t have to be this way, they should think about it themselves, and not make us feel like we somehow coerced them into saying something. 
Well, I’m obviously not following all ace blogs in existence, so I’m just pointing out a tendency I’m salty about. I feel like at least there are some individual alloro aces who are becoming more aware though. I guess we’ll have to be patient and not give up until they get more numerous.
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junietuesday · 5 years
hhhhh if i had the time and energy i’d totally start and alloaro wlw blog bc there are literally. None
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acilykos · 2 years
You're just salty people ship him with the male characters so clearly you're homophobic.
Hey, want to see some art I've made of my favourite gay ships? :)
Also wow, you are defending the gay ships, but not the straight ones? Sounds kinda like you're fetishizing gay mlm ships to me tbh.
Anyways! Before that, here is a pride post! At the end I also included my headcanons for all the Asexual and Aromantic characters in Dr. Stone!
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Back to it, here are two of my favourite gay ships I drew art for!! You can see my progress over the years too, isn’t that exciting?
RyuGen is such a cool ship too, it's sad how slept on it is in the fandom tbh.
And HyoMoz, Gods I love this ship too, I headcanon both Hyōga and Moz to also be on the Aromantic spectrum and them having a sort of friends with benefits situation. Hyoga also a gives me a bit of Ace spec vibes. Alternatively MozHyoMura because you gotta admit, they'd be a power throuple.
XenoStan is absolutely canon. They’re literally soulmates, I need to make more art of them.
And Matsukaze with his old lord and finding new love in Ginro! It's such a tragically beautiful ship
I could ramble on more, but I want to show you my art!
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CaeJose is one of my all time OTPs, I love them 😩
You can find more on my art blog :)
And just because we’re on the topic, here some Senku with the AroAce flags! We stan loveless AroAces!
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And as promised, here are some of my headcanons for who else is on the asexual/aromantic spectrum in Dr. Stone!
Hyoga (Greyaromantic and possibly aceflux, he could also just be allosexual, doesn’t really have a preference, but he enjoys Homura’s and Moz’ company)
Moz (Aromantic, but romance-favourable, definitely a bisexual)
Ukyo (Demiromantic and Demisexual, he gives me gay man vibes)
Sai (loveless AroAce)
Kinro (loveless AroAce)
Kohaku (Demiromantic and Demisexual if not Aceflux)
Kirisame (loveless AroAce)
Xeno (Demiromantic to Greyaromantic, homosexual, he clearly is married to Stanley tho and Stan is very supportive of his gay aro-spec husband!)
Taiju (Demisexual and Demiromantic)
Gen (Aroflux, and definitely bisexual)
Francois (loveless AroAce)
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scary-senpai · 2 years
Salty ask - 14, 19
Hello, Wonderful Anon! Thank you so much for dropping me a note <3 I always get ridiculously happy when I have something in my ask box. Perhaps you've figured out the theme by now, which is "if I hate something, it's probably a Me thing."
Salty Asks Done Nicely
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
90% of the OPM subreddit needs to quietly sit in time out until they learn to play nicely with other kids. Although I don't think that counts as an unpopular opinion.
As an avid consumer of meta and fan-made content, I think that having disparate interpretations of characters/scenes/events is usually a Two Cakes problem.
[[redacted/Blorbo]] is Ace/Aro? Love it. I'll be in my bunk.
[[redacted/Blorbo]] is a Sex God? 100%. Fabulous. I am curled up with my tablet and covered in cracker crumbs as we speak.
Do I sometimes catch myself giving the side-eye when someone portrays a character differently than I normally imagine? Yes--I am human and my opinions are strong. But at the same time, I try to remember that this person is giving their time/effort/energy/love to create something--almost certainly for free--and then has the courage/gumption to release their baby out into the aether for others to enjoy (because formatting for ao3/tumblr/etc is its own other beast!)... seriously, I'm figuratively kissing y'all on the mouth right now, and/or handing you a proverbial soup bowl with a side of undying admiration. I think it's fantastic that I have different types of content to choose from, in addition to canon, and that I have diverse options depending on my mood. Or, who knows! You might even change my mind :) To be honest, I did not understand Mumarou at first, and while it's not my OTP it is one of the ships in my armada. :) I'm grateful for any content that features my faves.
That being said... on Reddit in particular, I noticed some (actually a lot) of readers reacting in a strongly negative way to the relationship between Saitama and Genos, or just outright being mean to Garou or hating on Genos... I don't really understand that. I mean, I do, but... I've largely curated my fandom experience to avoid those people. Life's too short, you know? I'm really grateful to the Tumblr community for being such a chill and supportive place.
19. What's the thing you hate most about your fandom?
Writing for a small fandom is really hard.
I have yet to fully uncouple my desire to create with my desire for attention (it's an ongoing struggle). And because I mostly write genfics (no romance), that makes it really, really hard. And when I do write something that features a romantic relationship, I do so for an OTP that runs counter to the two most popular fandom ships, that makes it really, really, really hard.
Sure, I write meta stuff too, but I haven't been blogging very long, and I don't have much of a following so I don't get much engagement/asks/etc. I'm always a little surprised when people want my opinion on things.
I put a lot of work into everything I write, particularly my fics, so it's hard not to get down about the near-radio-silence sometimes. I accidentally wrote 100 words of Batarou for Wanpanmas 2020 and it was easily the most popular thing I'd ever done... until I briefly stepped into the Jujutsu Kaisen fandom with a Gojo x Reader sickfic. But that was better, because I did it on purpose--specifically, I did it for a friend who (like me) laments the lack of SFW/smut-free x reader stuff. Same writing style, similar character (white-haired & insufferable pretty boy), but very, very different experience. I do have some JJK fics drafted and occasionally I fantasize about switching over because maybe I wouldn't feel so left out. Then I take a deep breath, check my feelings, and close out my Sukuna x Reader drafts. (don't worry, I'm not planning to switch fandoms any time soon. I have enough OPM stuff to keep me busy for years... and if i hesitate to share my fannish work with IRL friends now, imagine having to explain "canon-typical cannibalism" to people.) There's a saying song from the musical [title of show] and it goes like this: "I'd rather be nine people's favorite thing than 100 people's ninth favorite thing" and that's sort of my mantra when it comes to creating these days. I wouldn't be as confident in my work if I hadn't had this little fandom detour on my writing journey--it's pretty much necessitated that I dig deep into my motivations and confirm, "yes, I'm doing this because I love it," and "yes, I am 100% at peace with this finished product even though nobody's actively patting me on the shoulder right now," and actually I do have quite a few people that regularly interact with/entertain my ideas (I've jokingly used the term "emotional support mutual" but I feel weird assigning titles without consent... but if you have to ask, you probably are <3).
I may not have hundreds of followers--I'm, at best, midway through the double digits slightly over 100 but I'm grateful for everyone who's ever commented on/hearted/reblogged anything I have written, even if it’s a silly one-liner. Quantitatively, I don't get much interaction but qualitatively my heart is overflowing when I consider some of the exchanges I have had... Like it really tickled me that enough people actually wanted to play OPM bingo which started out as a silly joke, or joined in my Toaster Prayer Circle… any time the ship name I made gets used, my soul leaves my body (that’s only happened three times, but when your soul escapes your physical form, it’s a real bear to make it go back in…) little things like that seriously means a lot to my ADHD/Autistic Chaos Brain, which has always struggled to connect with people.
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1dkreally · 2 years
welcome to my blog!
hi, im 1dkreally! i mostly use this acc to post non-fandom artwork as well as lil bits of things happening in my life (if you want to see my fandom stuff, check out my sideblog @1dklikesthings). :]
not really comfy with stating my age atm, but i am a minor. i use any pronouns except for she/her, including any neos. im half irish/half scottish but have lived in scotland for the vast majority of my life. im a gay angled aroace (greyace/full aro) and have no idea how tf to explain my gender other than "literally anything but girl" <333
dni if you are an nsfw blog, are pro-ana, actively post about any former sad milk members (ie iilluminaughtii, oz media, one topic at a time, the click, wonderstruck guy, salty the alien or flinders) or are a harry potter fan blog (with exceptions, dm me about these if you want) (also if youre a pedo/zoo/necro and/or a bigot/exclus but that should go without saying; no exceptions). if we are mutuals then feel free to ask me to tag posts with certain triggers, though i dont and likely will not tag swearing or caps as i use these often (once again, dm for exceptions).
read more for tags + linktree + my most recent meet-the-artist!
my personal tags for sorting on this acc are:
#1dk asks - answering asks
#1dk arts - art tag
#1dk rambles - textpost tag
#1dk reblogs - reblog tag (if youre not such a fan of seeing rbed stuff then id suggest blocking this tag as my blog is vv reblog heavy)
#1dk reblogs rambles - adding onto textposts (mostly my own, but may use for other peoples posts in the future)
check out my linktree for more on my pronouns and my other socials (tho tumblr is already my most active)!
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