#sal x buck x tommy
bidisasterevankinard · 3 months
Ok because some people encouraged me here is sal x buck x tommy au pre-1s au threesome fic draft (maybe it will not became bigger)
Buck wants it to be noted that when he came to that night club all his roommates were talking about for weeks in the tightest jeans possible, he didn't plan to meet both of his hot instructors. And he definitely didn't plan or even in his wildest dreams though he would actually have a chance to be sandwich between them.
But after some shots of tequila that Mr. Kinard and Mr. Deluca, or as Sal said "tonight for you, it's just Tommy and Sal, sweety" bought for them, he was carefully led to the middle of dance floor, sandwiched between two big bodies, with Sal's dick grinding in his ass more and more with every move of man's hips, and Tommy's grinding over his cock that was quick to get to excited about the attention Buck was having.
Ten minutes of dirty dancing, with his hands on Tommy's broad shoulders barely hidden by his tank top while man was holding his hips and Sal's hot hands on his waist beautifully in sync with Tommy moving Buck between them so that Buck felt like a toy for them to feel good, and he was so on edge he felt his orgasm on the tip of his tongue. That was when Tommy lean to his ear and bit it a little before whispered "don't be shy pretty boy, come for us." And Buck did, but before he could form any coherent thoughts, Sal whispered "you know, you shouldn't be shy to tell us what you want, sweety. I'm positive we want it too."
Then Buck pretty sure he begged about their cocks taking him how they want, but he was so delirious with the bliss and intoxicated with tequila some memories are blur.
But he knows that now he gags on Sal's cock, while Tommy thrust hard and deep behind him and it is the best possible outcome of the night he could ever imagine.
"Where did your pretty brain went to, huh, sweety?" Sal takes him from himself and makes eye contact Buck can barely hold because of the tears in his eyes from pleasure and the feeling of thick cock hammering his prostate. "I think we don't fuck you good enough if you have time to think about something else, don't you think so? Maybe we should be more rough with you, sweety? Train you better, huh? We can't let you be bad toy in your firehouse."
"Don't be so rude to him, Sal," Tommy says when he bottoms out faster and somehow getting deeper than before, making Buck scream from the sensation. "Don't you see how perfect he is? How good he takes us?"
Buck shivers from praise.
"Aw, sweety likes to be praised?" Sal says tugging his hair hard and pust him back on his dick, hitting his throat and making Buck gag. "You should work more like a good whore you are, if you want to have good grade, sweety."
Buck shivers again and moves his head to fuck himself on Sal's dick.
"Yeah, like that. Not bad, but you sure can be better, sweety."
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try-set-me-on-fire · 3 months
Fuck It Friday It’s Saturday what if i try to just write a whole fic right here in a tumblr post
Okay Brick from the future here after i have indeed written a fic right here in a tumblr post, warning for some homophobia (described past high school experiences from Eddie). Based on this post. Have not reread it at all before hitting post so good luck hopefully it’s more or less cohesive
Was tagged in fuck it Friday by uh somebody probably but i can’t find it in my notes. Tagging — oh it’s like 11 o clock, so this can be for seven sentence Sunday? — @bigfootsmom @iinryer @shitouttabuck @chronicowboy @eddiebabygirldiaz @queerdiazs @butchdiaz @homerforsure
The music is turned down low now, because it’s late, and even though the sprawling backyard of the ranch house is far, far away from any neighbors the event coordinators were still firm about a noise curfew and it would be a shame for such a lovely wedding to end with a visit from some of Athena’s coworkers. Most of the lights in the house are off or dimmed — beds and couches littered with the young and the old and the drunk — so the only lights out here are the strings of fairy lights and little jars with bulbs in the lid that remind Buck of sneaking out to the park with Maddie to catch lightning bugs back in Pennsylvania. The murky light and the quiet make everything feel soft as Buck stands on the porch, bare feet on creaky wood. He’s not sure where his shoes got off to, removed at some point when the dancing had started to pinch his heels. His throat burns a little from all the talking — and maybe that last vodka sour — and his eyes sort of itch from all the crying earlier. (Eddie had frowned at him, three of his fingers pressed into his elbow, as Buck had wept through the ceremony. A clear are you okay? And Buck had only nodded, because talking would have been rude, and despite everything that might make it seem otherwise, he really was.) He thinks Eddie might be the only person left here that he knows, the rest of the 118 departing in the last hour or two, though he’s not sure where he is, either. Maybe the same place as his shoes.
Not with his shoes, then. Buck watches as Eddie stumbles towards him across the lawn from wherever he’d been. Dancing, maybe. He’s sweaty, his cheeks are cheerfully pink and he’s grinning with all his teeth showing. Buck steps down into the grass to meet him. “Hey, Eds.”
“Hello,” Eddie says, soft and pleased. He looks all over Buck’s face, over his now disheveled suit with the jacket hanging on the railing behind him and down at his missing shoes. Eddie frowns at that. “Your feet’ll get cold.”
Buck wiggles his toes in the dewy lawn. “I’ll be okay.” When he looks back up Eddie has an expression on his face that he can’t quite read but has been frequently present, lately. And then there’s a laugh across the yard, and both turn to look. Tommy. Loud, and full of that kind of breathless, disbelieving joy that- well, Buck hadn’t really heard from him before recently.
“I don’t-” Eddie stops, and Buck watches out of the corner of his eye as he shakes his head, looks up at Buck. “How are you just okay with this?”
Buck tilts his head almost sideways as he turns back to look at him. “It’s true love, man. How could I be upset with that?”
Eddie doesn’t roll his eyes, but Buck can tell he wants to. “I don’t even know- if that even exists. You gotta- you work on it. Or… I don’t know. He just saw this fucking guy across a crowded bar, and, what, fucking bam, Cupid’s arrow?”
“There’s a little more history than that,” Buck protests, even though, yeah, that is kind of what happened. They’d been at a club over in WeHo and Tommy had stopped frozen-dead in his tracks on the way from the dance floor to the bar, staring with some combination of awe-fear-grief-anger-longing all over his face at some guy, around Tommy’s age or maybe a little older, sandwiched between two big jock types all grinding on each other, one of them sucking an impressive hickey onto his shoulder next to the strap of his tastefully tight tank top. Tommy had stumbled closer like a man bewitched, and had gasped out “Sal?” In a way that had made Buck think, Ah. Time’s up. He’d lingered a respectful distance back as the two of them had an intense little conversation, though the club was loud enough he probably wouldn’t have heard much if he’d come closer. And he went home with Tommy that night and sat on his bed as he’d paced around his little bedroom and talked about years shitty jokes and stupid, over performed masculinity, and wanting, and “-the last I heard he was fucking married, I’ve met Sandra, he has two kids-”, and when Tommy got a phone call the next day — an invitation to lunch, to talk — he’d looked at Buck and said “I’m so sorry- I’m so sorry, but I-” and Buck had kissed his cheek and said “Go.” And, now, not even quite three months later, a wedding. The whole 118 had been invited, and had gone mostly in solidarity to Buck, and everybody had been making a lot of meaningful eye contact over their drinks as he’d elbowed them to quit it.
“Dance with me.”
“What?” Buck blinks back to the present, feet in the grass, Eddie warm and close next to him.
“Dance with me, Buckley,” Eddie sighs, dramatic, petulant, a smile shining through his put upon attitude. He’s been cutting it up all night, spinning Karen around and around, dancing with Sal’s mostly cordial ex-wife and sisters and aunts and cousins. He even took Tommy for a turn at one point, while Buck had busied himself with downing whatever was in the glass Ravi handed him so he wouldn’t have to look at either of their faces.
“I’ll step on your toes,” Buck warns, turning fully towards him and vaguely holding up his hands for Eddie to do whatever it is that needs to happen to make the dancing start.
Eddie snorts, moves one of Buck’s hands to his shoulder and holds the other, and taps his shiny dress shoe very gently into Buck’s big toe. “Do your worst.”
Buck, historically, by any metric you care to measure by, is a terrible dancer. Bobby, who himself only manages the old man party shuffle, has looked on his lack of rhythm in abject despair. Eddie, though, Eddie can dance, and he does it so well it makes his dancing partner’s look good, too. They move through the grass halfway competently, movements kind-of smooth. Buck only feels polished leather under his feet once or twice. “You’re real good at this.”
Eddie nods as he pulls Buck into a little spin. “Took lessons, back in high school.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Mhm.” He’s staring at Buck’s shoulder. “Sophia had lessons I had to drive her to, one of the instructors mentioned classes for older kids.” He shrugs. “Seemed fun.”
“In high school?” Something about the question makes Eddie’s shoulders get a little tight, but he nods. “And you played baseball? Damn, I never knew how anybody could have multiple extra curriculars, I barely made every football practice as it is.”
Eddie shrugs again, eyes still fixed on rumpled cotton. “I liked it.” Step, step, step, spin. “Took Shannon a few times, but she didn’t really like the structure of it, just wanted to get to the dancing part.” A little smile. “You bet I gave her shit when she got a leg cramp line dancing one time. Shoulda stretched.”
Buck laughs. “Did you stretch before coming here?”
Buck laughs harder, throwing his head back. They’re far enough out of the city that there are stars in the sky, and he gets distracted looking up at them for a moment, finding any constellation he knows. When he looks back down Eddie’s staring at his shoulder again.
“I could dance because of the baseball,” he says, quiet. “Because… Shannon, and I played sports, and I… you know.” He looks up at Buck, eyes dark away from any bright light. “I could laugh it off. When people said it was gay. Because I wasn’t.”
“Oh,” Buck says. He doesn’t know what else to say, about the reminders of what high school was like in the aughts, or about the past tense. He thinks maybe he should apologize, but Eddie keeps talking.
“Not in like a- I wasn’t tortured about it. I didn’t even think about it. It was- that’s not- it wasn’t even a possibility.” His palm sweats against Buck’s and his other hand burning against his side, and still they keep dancing, never losing the beat of the song. “One time… Aaron Dewitt called me a… you know. And everybody just started laughing, because, like. Man. That’s Eddie, he was just making out with his girlfriend under the bleachers, what the fuck are you on about.” He smiles, all wrong, and the way his voice gets lighter isn’t very light at all. “All those guys were begging me for moves before senior prom.”
“Buck!” Tommy stumbles in from the side, not even waiting for Eddie to retreat so his arm ends up awkwardly trapped between them as he plasters himself to Buck, hands on either his side of his face. He’s had a lot of champagne tonight, as Buck thinks is his right, and it’s made him unsteady on his feet in a way he knows most other drinks don’t. It’s the sugar, he’d said once. Goes right to my head. “Buck.”
“Hi,” Buck laughs a little, smelling the drink on his breath. “Hey, Tommy.”
“I love you,” Tommy says, sincere and eyes watering. “Thank you for coming. Thank you for- for everything. I didn’t- I never thought I’d get to have this.”
Buck thinks that he’s practically glowing, has been all night, getting even more supernova bright every time his now-husband touches his arm or side or back or anywhere and smiles a private little smile at him. “I’m really glad you do, Tommy. Love you, too.”
Tommy kisses his cheek, a little slobbery. “We’re gonna leave now, but I just wanted to say bye. I hope you had a good time. Sorry for- or- thank you-”
“I had a wonderful time,” Buck says, releasing Tommy from drunkenly trying to find an end to that sentence. They’ve had some version of this conversation several times already, Tommy always guilty and happy in dizzying little circles, and Buck hopes he can bury the guilt in the soft dirt they’re standing on and go on to live with just the happiness. “Have a great night.”
“Yeah,” Tommy says, laughing and nodding. “Yeah. Bye, Buck.”
“Bye, Tommy.”
They watch him hurry back across the yard, falling into Sal’s arms with the easy confidence of someone who knows without a doubt that he’ll be caught. Eddie’s arm is still across Buck’s chest where it had been stuck.
“I know you’ve said you’re fine with it-”
“About a thousand times, yeah, to you and everybody else we know-”
“Come on, man.” Eddie shifts his arm a little, up, so he can grab and shake Buck’s shoulder. The angle they’re standing at has caught the light, and Eddie’s eyes are gold again. “It’s me. Are you okay with this?
Buck thinks about high school, and all the things he didn’t think about either right up until Tommy Kinard kissed him in the kitchen. He thinks about Hen’s sky high eyebrows when she heard the news, and her and Chimney’s stories about the bad old days and the kind of person Sal seemed to be. He thinks about change, and how much it can happen to a person and how quickly, and how you just have to trust, sometimes, that people have grown and learned. He thinks about Eddie, and things that are impossible, and dancing, and- he laughs, sudden and loud enough that Eddie startles, because, fuck. This is exactly how it happened in the club, too. Seeing someone you know like the back of your hand in a new light and- bam.
When the laughter calms in his throat, Buck looks down at Eddie. “Really, I swear I’m fine with it. I had a really nice time with Tommy. He was… kind, and safe, and patient. I really liked him- I really like him. I hope I keep getting, you know, Christmas cards or whatever. I’m really happy he got his romcom ending. I mean- I kind of wish it was with a guy who doesn’t seem so much like an asshole-” Buck grins as Eddie snorts, “-but, uh, Hen says judging your exes taste in men is, like, a gay right of passage or something, so.”
Eddie nods once, twice, and then his eyes get a little wide, the way they do when he’s being brave. “So then, what does it mean if I’m judging Tommy for you?”
“He’s your friend, too,” Buck protests past the way his heart is thudding in his chest, because Tommy deserves defending here, probably. He kicks softly at Eddie’s shin. “You came to the wedding, don’t-”
“You’re not my ex,” Eddie says. He steps backward, and again, and they’re dancing again. “So. Still a right of passage?”
Buck’s palms are sweating, now. “You’ve never liked my taste in women, either.”
Eddie makes an unconvincing noise of denial. “I… thought…”
“Yeah?” Buck raises an eyebrow, and Eddie’s face twitches with how hard he’s trying not to grin.
“That… Ali… was fine.”
Buck cackles, and Eddie pulls him in closer and laughs into his collarbone. “You were so judgy when she dumped me, are you kidding, your fucking stink face every time-”
“You’re not my ex,” Eddie says again, loud, getting them back on track, standing upright but not moving any further away. They’re pressed together chest to knee. “Buck.”
They spin in a slow circle. “I’m pretty good at dancing, and- probably not so good at baseball anymore, but- well I dunno, maybe. We could go to a batting cage sometime. Anyway.” Spin and spin. “I guess I… do think about it, now. I think about- and there were a lot of things I thought were impossible, and weren’t, really. And- and I’m not in high school, and…” They slow, and stop, and Buck thinks Eddie’s hands and eyes are, probably, the warmest things on the whole entire planet. “We could go home and I could wait till tomorrow to ask you to lunch to talk about things, but we’re both already here.”
Buck laughs, and wonders if anyone listening to him would hear a kind of breathless, disbelieving joy. “You wanna take me to lunch?”
“Mhm. I was thinking we could get sandwiches.”
Buck laughs, and laughs, almost falling over with it, but that’s fine. He knows Eddie will catch him.
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honestlynervousnut · 2 months
Dear Tim Minear:
I write this to tell you that I DON'T want Buddie to be canon,I don't dislike the ship.It just feels predictible af.
BUT....in the event that they do go canon im gonna have to ask you to bring back Sal and let him and Tommy have the chance they couldn't have years ago,because one thing im not gonna tolerate is you leaving my boy Tommy alone and sad.
Reblog if you agree 👍
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librarianafterdark · 5 months
I saw someone earlier make a post about how fans who hated Abby and Buck are being “suspiciously quiet” on the age gap between him and Tommy and like. I may be wrong because I didn’t get into the fandom until s6 was airing but I don’t recall seeing anyone harping on the age gap between Abby and Buck because the age gap wasn’t the problem. Buck was 26. Abby may have been older but Buck was more than capable of saying what he wanted and he did. Despite the uncomfortable starting to their relationship Buck pretty much held the reins right until she left. Which leads me to my next point. The reason that ship is hated so much is because Abby treated Buck like crap. Months of ghosting. The plane crash. The weak ass apology. I really need people to get it out of their heads that age gaps are inherently bad. Buck is almost 30 years old. Tommy is presumably about the same age as Chimney, Maddie, and Hen. That puts them at less than a 10 year gap. But again. Buck is almost 30. Frontal lobe fully developed and everything. He’s a grown ass man and is more than capable of setting boundaries with an older partner and being firm on them. We watched him set boundaries and enforce them perfectly fine with Taylor. Anyway I blocked that person so it’s not like they’ll see it anyway but I needed to get that off my chest.
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Live and Let Spy - Chapter Two
BuckTommy | Spy AU | WIP | Chapter Two | ao3
“I think Tommy’s cheating on me.”
There. He’d done it. Voiced the terrifying thought that had been spinning around in his brain for the last twelve hours, twenty-four minutes, and seventeen seconds. Eighteen seconds. Nineteen.
Buck held his breath, waiting for the voice of reason to weigh in.
“What?” Eddie laughed as he took a sip of his coffee. When Buck didn’t even crack a smile, he stared at him over the rim of his mug, face scrunched up in disbelief. “Tommy. Your Tommy?”
[ALTERNATE CHAPTER TITLE: HOW THE TURN TABLES - in which Buck and Tommy decide to do some espionage of their own...]
(continue reading on ao3)
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cosyvelvetorchid · 2 months
Someone sent an anonymous prompt yesterday with "say it again.. " (I won't share the rest until I post it) But you didn't specify if it was for saltommy or bucktommy. I will probably default to bucktommy but if its about Sal can you let me know. I dont want to write something you've suggested that you won't like. Thank you 🩶
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perfectlysunny02 · 3 months
For the make you write: 🎬💍🫡🥺
Thank you in advance
🎬- “I don’t think I have to explain how much you hurt him,” Sal says quietly. “How I had to put him together again. How you’ve never even offered an apology.”
“I wasn’t ready yet,” Eddie says, his voice tight.
“Not being ready yet doesn’t give you the right to keep him in the closet.”
💍- “Evan, we didn’t-“ Margaret says, turning her crocodile tears to Evan.
“I think you should leave,” Tommy cuts in quietly. “Evan deserves one meal where you’re not insulting him.”
🫡- “You going home?” The woman across from him asks.
“Yeah,” Buck says, a smile gracing his face. “I’m going home.”
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swiftietartt · 4 months
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now i get forever to see where you end (see where you end) series by afterafternoons / swiftietartt
something ‘bout a boat
completed • 9.8k • explicit • bucktommy
Tommy introduces Evan to his friends.
Read on Ao3
when forever was a sentence, sentence to death
completed • 1.8k • no warnings • bobby & tommy
Tommy is lost. Bobby helps him find his way.
Read on Ao3
honey, don’t walk out, i’m too drunk to follow
completed • 2k • dubcon / drunk sex • sal/tommy
Sal has a bad hookup, and bets Tommy can’t do any better.
Tommy rises to the challenge (and gets his feelings hurt along the way).
Read on Ao3
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buddiekinard · 1 day
thinking of buddie as a right person wrong time story thinking of buddie having a conversation about how if they'd realized all of these things about their sexuality and their feelings years ago they could have been something but they've settled into what they are now and they've found new people to love and who love them and they don't necessarily need to move backwards because the love they have for each other is stronger than anything they may have missed out on thinking of buddie as soulmates who could have been romantic but missed their chance and how that doesn't make them less to each other and in fact maybe it makes them more, makes them stronger thinking of buddie as family and how anyone who dates either of them, who wants to marry either of one of them, will have to accept the fact that they have a bond that's a little indestructible and a little indefinable and they're never gonna sleep together or kiss each other or anything but they're always gonna be there fore each other and it's just an indisputable fact and they don't hide it
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idealuk · 7 months
Bobby Nash is a soulmate sensor, Buck is Eddie's co-parent, and THEY BOTH NEED MORE THERAPY REGARDLESS OF WHAT EVER HAPPENS in canon for the clowns in the back.
(This is the last time that I'll try to post this)
Having just re-watched some of Lou Ferrigno Jr.'s scenes, I'm not saying that Tommy Kinard (who Buck replaced) (again, with my Thomas/Mitchell/Charles/variations-of-those-names theory, as we also see Captain Thomas in two of Lou's episodes as well as "Kids Today") isn't a self-inflicting homophobe/latent homosexual himself, because he didn't understand the implications of being Team Jacob vs. being in to Kristen Stewart (can you say irony?) until he gave Sal Deluca (who Eddie replaced) an air kiss, but the one picture that I have ever seen of my biological father is of him air-kissing with an other guy he was enlisted with whilst my biological mother was also literally in the picture. Self-aware queer men don't do that unless they're teasing some one.
My actual “DAD” could have DEFINITELY used some therapy before he died and my actual “Mum” is only just now started to accept that they shouldn't have gotten married in the first place after finally going into therapy over a decade ago.
#EddiesTHINKSThatHeKnows, A.K.A. #NataliaSEESBuck and #MyGutFeelingIsThatMyBioDadWasJustHomophobic
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honestlynervousnut · 2 months
Okey hear me out Tumblr....
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✨wlw bucktommy ✨
+ Eddie
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And Sal
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My obsessions include but are not limited to (be prepared for this page to be chaotic):
Tevan (Tommy Kinard x Evan "Buck" Buckley)
Salommy (Sal Deluca x Tommy Kinard)
Saddie (Sal Deluca x Eddie Diaz)
Henren (Hen x Karen)
911 Lone Star
Tarlos (TK x Carlos)
911 x SWAT
Rockley (Donovan Rocker x Evan "Buck" Buckley)
Stuckley ( Jim Street x Evan "Buck" Buckley)
Chicago PD x 911
Buckstead (Jay Halstead x Evan "Buck" Buckley)
Chicago fire x 911
Buckeride ( Evan "Buck" Buckley x Kelly Severide)
Chicago Med x 911
Covan (Connor Rhodes x Evan "Buck" Buckley)
Chicago Med
Rhodestead (Connor Rhodes x Will Halstead)
(Ethan Choi x Crockett Marcel)
Red White and Royal Blue
911 x911 Lonestar x SWAT
Reckley (Carlos Reyes, Donovan Rocker, Evan "Buck" Buckley)
>>Working on a multiparter fic of these three
Nonship obsessions
Anything and everything Bones
Criminal Minds Penelope and Derek
Lou Ferrigno JR in practically anything
Oliver Stark in practically anything
Anything Chicago uverse
All things Hawaii 5-0 (2010 version)
My username will stay the same. My content will become chaotic because I'm a chaos goblin 🤷‍♀️
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Live and Let Spy - Chapter Three
BuckTommy | Spy AU | WIP | Chapter Three | ao3
Sal had been out of the game for years. Of course it was friggin’ Tommy who pulled him back in. Somehow, losing track of who had saved the other’s life more times over the years had added up to Tommy calling in an actual lifetime’s worth of favors.
One big headache of a favor that was probably gonna get Sal killed.
Total asshole move.
And yet, Sal still answered his call.
Probably because he was an asshole too.
He was going to help, sure, but he was going to make Tommy work for said help. You don’t call a guy up out of the blue, ask him to risk his life, and get away without answering a few questions. And Sal had more than a few questions. The first and most important one being:
“Who’s the guy?”
(continue reading on ao3)
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cosyvelvetorchid · 3 months
Wide awake and bored so send me your bucktommy or saltommy prompts.
Use my ask so I can reply directly.
Can be fluff or smut or fluff AND smut. Whatever ye wishes!
Give it to me! 🩶
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rdng1230 · 1 month
writing patterns
tagged by @herrmannhalsteadproduction @desert--moonchild
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns!
lol I don't even have 5 (I'm just a lil fanfic author baby) but here ya go!:
“Whose genius idea was it to have a backyard ceremony in July?
Ain't That A Kick In The Head (Saltommy big ole Italian American Friends to Lovers Romcom)
“Have I told you lately that your Nonna is one of my favorite people on this planet?”
You Saw The Whole Of The Moon (A Drunken Sal crashes a Bucktommy date night in. It leads to some surprising conversations. Platonic Saltommy only btw)
“Who’s this?” Buck leaned in to look at one of the photos on Tommy’s wall.
In Bocca Al Lupo (Good Luck) (Prequel to prev, Buck meets Tommy's Nonna, Chim and Tommy form the Buckley Parents Support Group)
Dunno if we have any Young Royals fans in the house but here's my little August future fic. Next time I re-binge the series I think I might try and write that August x Sara follow up but who knows.
“I think you were right, Wille.”
That's The Last Time Anyone's Calling Me That
Ok I definitely knew I tended to start with dialogue. I've always preferred starting the story kind of in the middle of a conversation. Didn't realize how often that dialogue was a question though!
I love how every single one of the 911 ones are either about somebody's Nonna or spoken to somebody's Nonna. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I fucking love my old lady characters and you can pry them out of my cold dead hands. I gotta write something for Toni one of these days because I LOVE Marsha Warfield. Mrs. Lee too she's awesome.
I just checked my WIP's and all the rest of the first lines are dialogue too, but not questions.
NP tagging: @evansboyfriend @racerchix21 @cliophilyra
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bidisasterevankinard · 3 months
If someone want to write me some bucktommy setting up Eddie and Sal (successfully) I'd kiss you in the mouth
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