#queerplatonic buddie
neptune-scythe · 3 months
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aspecbuddie · 7 months
Tell Me There’s A Reason That You’re Here (2.8k)
a part 2 to Please Stay With Me Until I Close My Eyes (could probably be read as a standalone)
“Chris went down a rabbit hole on the way here.” Buck perks up immediately, the soft energy of before immediately transformed into excitement. “Ooooh nice! What was it this time?” “He… uh…” Eddie fumbles, as if it hasn’t been the only thing on his mind since Chris told him. “One of his friends came out as… something. I can’t remember what exactly, but Chris has been researching loads of LGBT stuff that I’ve never heard of before and telling me about it.” “Makes sense,” Buck says. “I bet his friend will be happy about that.” Eddie smiles. “Yeah, that’s true.” “But…?” Buck prompts. “It sounds stupid, but a couple of the things he was telling me about… they just… I don’t know.” “Something clicked?” Buck suggests gently. Eddie just nods. - Eddie learns more about the queer community - and himself
(on ao3, just in time for aro week!)
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spectres-fulcrum · 4 months
Queerplatonic Buddie+Romantic Bucktommy
(I want to write bits of this someday) Queerplatonic Buddie. Committed queerplatonic Buddie who tried stuffing their feelings into the best friends box and got frustrated by the limits society puts on best friends because they spill out of the box so easily-in one afternoon where Buck makes cookies with Eddie's son.
But they know there's no romance there. Like there's no question about that. It's not a denial thing. They just know that it's not what they feel.
And then Hen brings up alternate forms of attraction-alterous, queerplatonic, etc- and they both feel strongly for queerplatonic. They question it because neither are queer or on the aroace spectrum but what else describes their devotion with Chris in the middle but with the lack of any romantic feelings.
And falling into that ocean feels like coming back to the Diaz home after a Saturday out with Chris for Buck to make dinner and then have a movie night, Chris falling asleep between them. Feels like they were always made to find that label
And then after the disasterous dinner date with Tommy Buck spends a week reliving everything with Eddie and were they wrong? And he can admit to an early crush, but once Chris really got involved, those feelings changed to protect the love he felt instantly for Chris and he knows for certain. The romance box didn't fit what he feels for Eddie. What he ever felt after those early days and if he had tried forcing those feelings into that box, it would've been frustrating. And plus now, the idea of romance was now just for the kiss in his kitchen-just for Tommy.
And Tommy felt like freedom. Like hope. Like chances he wants to take. Tommy was chosen by Eddie, by Chris. Tommy knows to some degree from the very first kiss that he comes win a package deal.
And he doesn't know if he'll ever tell Tommy stuff Eddie knows, if Eddie will ever tell his romantic partners things Buck knows. It feels crazy to ever imagine trusting anyone the way he trusts Eddie. But when, a few weeks later, he tells Tommy he and Eddie have made commitments and have labels-that he's in Eddie's will, Tommy just smiles.
Says he knew they were partners, glad to know there was labels. He's happy to accept Eddie and Chris as family. And vice versa. When Eddie finally finds a good woman to date, within a month she knows that he has a queerplatonic partner with a husband and an infant daughter Eddie views as his own as much as Buck views Chris as his own and if she doesn't find a home in their family, their relationship can't continue. She grows to love them all as her family, and they find her their missing puzzle piece. Chris comes home from college, little siblings running amuk and remembers the days where there was three and can't imagine how there was ever just the three of them and they felt fine because their little family is so much bigger and brighter.
Just queerplatonic Buddie feat. Bucktommy inspired by me realizing that I had alterous feelings for a friend because neither the friendship nor the romantic box fit and I was so frustrated at work every day trying to fit my feelings into boxes(I am bi, and demi though. Buck is bi. Eddie is idk what Eddie is. Eddie needs mental help. That's his sexuality at the moment)
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wannabanauthor · 8 days
Other 9-1-1 Ships I'm partial to
For fanfic purposes only or abstract thoughts from my brain:
Disclaimer: I am a BuckTommy shipper. These are just my extra thoughts when I let my brain play around with fun ideas.
Queerplatonic Eddie and Buck because they are family and friends and have a deep emotionally intimate connection. I don't want to say they're co-dependent because I firmly believe in it takes a village, but maybe they're a little co-dependent, but I can't fault them for that. I have a baby niece that's not related to me through blood or marriage. She's my neighbor's niece's baby, and I am a fully involved aunt. Not that Chris is the main focus of their relationship, but them raising Chris together makes their relationship make sense in addition to all the trauma they've faced before they met. I just really like how they care for each other in a platonic way but also in a family but not familial way.
Eddie x Tommy: More of an OOC FWB type thing. But legit friends with benefits. Not the romance kind where they fall in love. More of a "we're good friends, we're both attractive, we both have needs, why not have some fun and keep it simple". You know damn well Tommy would rock Eddie's world in the bedroom. It would give Eddie the space to figure himself out and what he actually wants when it comes romance and if he wants it. And Tommy is looking for love, but not from Eddie. Eddie's a great friend to him, and they just so happen to like to smash on occasion. Then Tommy meets Buck or someone else, and they remain friends and everything is all good.
Tommy x Sal: I like this one the most because it has potential for yearning and angst but in a delicious way. They worked together under Gerrard with Tommy being closeted. I didn't watch that episode fully because the drama gives me anxiety (it's a weird thing, I love the characters but the drama part of the show is not something I can handle), but I'd love to see Tommy navigate a crush on his friend while being in the closet. I'd also like to see how Sal would react and why he'd be interested in Tommy (like I said, I didn't watch the episode so I don't 100% know his behavior and temperament).
Buck x Sal: This one I just thought of literally seconds ago, and I think it has the potential to be very spicy and passionate but volatile. Imagine S1 Buck with Sal, and oh, the delicious drama I could wring from them. I feel like Buck would come on strong, and Sal would be posturing as if he's above all that, but secretly he would pin Buck against a bathroom stall and makeout with him hard then jerk him off. They would have explosive sex, and as they mature and grow, they start thinking about more than just sex, and it becomes very scary for the both of them because feelings are infinitely more scary than orgasms. It would be a slow burn for the romance portion. Sal discovering the little things about Buck that make him smile. Buck realizing that Sal wants the same thing as him, to be loved. Oh, the potential for these two are off the charts. I could write an epic love story, but that would require me to watch all the uncomfortable parts of the show, and I'm not there yet.
I think I'll stop there for now because I can't think of anything else at the moment. I swear there was one more in my brain, but I think I probably dismissed it because I didn't actually like it.
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murdockbuckley · 5 months
💉 🎧 📝
💉do you have tattoos and/or piercings
just the basic piercing in each ear ):
i have so many tattoos planned but i 1) have no money and 2) don't know any good artists near me
🎧 last song you listened too
would that i by hozier
📝 last thing you wrote
And then there was Buck. He was a handsome man, that much was obvious to Eddie. He was gorgeous and stunning and had such a kind soul. They started off on the wrong foot but it only took a couple of hours for them to become fast friends. Eddie felt like he should have been attracted to him. His friends made him feel like they should have something more than friendship. And they do. What they have, the bond between them, goes so far beyond best friends. Just not as far as everyone thought. There was a song Eddie came across once, “domestic pressures” by Jóhann Jóhannsson, the music itself was beautiful. But the title is what really got to him. Being with Shannon, raising a baby together, getting married? He loves her, and Chris and he would never go back and change what happened; But all of it felt like a chore to him. It was forced upon him with the expectation of a domesticity pertaining to romantic love. An expectation he could never live up to, for a reason he could never admit to - for fear of being known, of being shamed, of being different.
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What is Love aka queerplatonic buddie
It’s after dinner at his place, Maddie sitting at the table nursing a glass of wine while he cleans up. Chimney’s at home with Jee-yun so the Buckleys can have their weekly sibling gossip session - Maddie refuses to call it that.
“Wait,” she says as Buck is loading their plates into the dish washer. “Would you marry Eddie?” Buck shrugs, not entirely sure how they got to this point. He’d been talking about Eddie and Christopher but he always did that.
“Maybe? For the benefits,” he replies, closing the dishwasher and turning back towards her.
“For the benefits,” she repeats, deadpan. He thinks it through as he makes his way back to the table and pours himself another glass of wine.
“Yeah, you know, like if he dies I’d have legal claim to Christopher.”
“I thought he already put you in his will as Christopher’s guardian.”
“Ah,” Buck says, raising one eyebrow and pointing a finger at Maddie, “but you see, I was researching that-“
“of course you were.”
“-and I don’t actually have any claim to Christopher. It’s more of like… a suggestion than a contract.” He swirls the wine around in his glass. “If Eddie died, his parents would be much more likely to get Christopher and I know he doesn’t want that.”
“Okay,” Maddie says but he gets the feeling she’s just humoring him. “What else?” Buck brings the glass to his lips and takes a long, slow sip.
“It’d be nice to have someone to share life with and I mean we already spend so much of our time together,” he trails off as he realizes Maddie is giggling into her glass. She looks up at his silence and attempts to sober her expression.
“Sorry, sorry, it’s just that’s usually why you get into a relationship with someone.”
“Yeah, we’ve seen how well that works out for me,” he mutters darkly.”
“Fair point,” Maddie responds but there’s something more sympathetic to her expression. She pauses, her own fingers playing with the stem of the wine glass. “Hey, do you think-“ she trails off, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. She starts again. “Maybe, hmm how do I want to ask this?”
“Do I want to fuck him?” Buck asks, mimicking her deadpan from earlier. Maddie lets out a surprised laugh. “I was going to ask if you were in love with him.” Buck thinks about Eddie, his smile, his laugh, his quick cutting remarks, and his over exaggerated facial expressions. The way they move in the same space like they had been doing it their whole lives. Something warm blooms in his chest but it doesn’t feel like the passionate, all consuming love that he had been told it would feel like his entire life. It feels like comfort and home and being settled.
“I don’t think so,” he says and then, quieter, “I don’t know if I’ve ever been in love with anyone.” “Oh, Buck,” Maddie smiles softly at him, reaching a hand out. Buck takes it. “I just know that whatever my future looks like, I want Eddie in it.”
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gaydinosaurrr · 6 months
If buddie doesn't become canon I want them to platonically love each other in a way that straight people would find disturbing
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
Now that Buddy Daddies is finished, I’m gonna say it: SPOILERS!
Buddy Daddies really is for the aces, aros, queerplatonic partners, and platonic life partners out there. 
I know, 100%  that there are going to be some people out there that are going to say, “See! It really was just queerbait all along” or some who are going to bemoan the fact that there were no declarations of romantic love or kiss or whatever. I’m sure this part right here:
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Miri: “Didn’t you slip out yesterday to go drinking with a girl again?” 
Caused some frowns and I do get it. Because of this, the queerbait and Kazuki and Rei are just friends dialogue will continue and follow the series around. But, this episode has made it clear that Kazuki and Rei love not only Miri, but each other as well.
They are a work partners (相棒 - aibou)
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They are partners raising a child together. (相方 - aikata).
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They’ve moved (I’m pretty sure their diner is in Okinawa for reasons I’ll get to in another post), they’ve opened a business together, one which has a part of Kazuki’s last name in it (来栖 - Kurusu is his last name, the 栖 (su) part of his name means “nest.”), and Rei’s words to his father: Miri, Kazuki, and I share a bond stronger than blood. 
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They are a family. They love each other.
Of course, friends can be a part of a family. Friends can love each other, but there are also reasons why people who are in situations like co-parenting, queerplatonic relationships, platonic life partnerships, and etc. don’t refer to their bonds as friendships and the people they are co-parenting or in a partnership with as their friends, but as words that give some space for those grey areas in-between.
Friendships are strong, deep, and beautiful. Platonic love is love and is powerful.
But, there are definitely still different sets of expectations and boundaries that come with friendships vs. other relationship dynamics. 
Kazuki and Rei’s situation falls outside of the usual friendship expectations and boundaries and sits somewhere between that, family and partnership.
I know this topic has been talked to death about. But, I felt like I needed to write about and address it one final time since Buddy Daddies has come to an end (though, who knows about a potential Daughter Daddies!) Especially after Miri’s line to Kazuki. (I feel I could also go into open relationship dynamics, polyamorous relationships, and etc. but that feels like it would be derailing). 
Basically, I just wanted to get one final post out on this. I was very pleased with this ending episode. It made my heart so happy and warm, and I know I’ve said it before, but this series really speaks to me as someone who is aroace. Aroace characters and our relationship dynamics have basically no rep, so even if this series wasn’t intended to be written with a queerplatonic relationship dynamic in mind, they ended up writing a beautiful depiction of one that makes me and what I would want from a relationship of some kind, finally feel seen.
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neptune-scythe · 3 months
I've had this buddie post in my drafts for over a week that started as one of these tehe imagine this scenario type deals and then low-key turned into a full on fanfiction
and the thing is I was all like I'll just write a fanfic
but then i
didn't do that
but that draft is still there all written up and everything and I could just hit post and that'd be that
but if I post it then I'll never actually write the fanfiction, but if I do the fanfiction instead then I'll never do either because let's face it if the fanfic doesn't write itself it doesn't get written
so now the public will just never know my wholesome fluffy queerplatonic buddie thoughts I guess
it's a loose loose scenario
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lovelystarship · 1 month
★ : i think you'd agree that, if your f/o possesses a tail, it's just so fun to imagine how it would act around you. how it starts a slow wag once you enter the room and speeds up after you say hi. maybe they try their best to suppress it, but ultimately fail and turn red just in time with your gasp of realization.
if it's long enough, their tail hangs around your form often as if to indicate "frequently seen together. do not separate". it wraps around you sometimes — your legs, arms, wherever you're most comfortable. if you don't want that kind of contact, f/o just keeps it next to you like some kind of barrier between your surroundings and the little space bubble you two share.
and if their tail is really short, you can just coo at how cute it is and watch them get flustered. is it sensitive ¿ would they allow touching ¿ so many possibilities !
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aspecbuddie · 3 months
Hiiiii I want to hear about your aroace Eddie and the qpr fics!
Hi Artemis!!!
Have a snippet from the big aroace eddie/romantic buddie fic, that follows directly on from this snippet in my previous ask
“That doesn’t mean it is,” she says. “Honestly it’s more my fault.” He raises his eyebrow in question. He can’t figure out how this could possibly be Maddie’s fault. “He came to me, and I told him that you felt the same, that it was clear to me and he just couldn’t see because he was too close to it. I shouldn’t have, I didn’t have any actual evidence that you felt that way, I just… I saw the way you two are and I made an assumption. A bad one, apparently.” She studies him. “You really don’t love him?” “I don’t… I don’t know.” It’s the most honest he’s been with anyone in weeks.
For QPR fic pt 3, I was going to explain the premise, but I think the snippet does it quite well so here xD
“Oh,” Eddie says as he realises. “Is this about… do you want a kid?” Buck is tense under his arm as he answers. “I mean… yeah.” It’s not like this should be a surprise to Eddie, but somehow it is. They’ve been living together for three years now, officially in a queerplatonic relationship for one. He thought they talk about everything, but apparently he’s mistaken. “Buck, I—” “Look can we talk about this at home,” Buck interrupts. “Please?”
WIP tag game
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hollis-art · 1 year
to celebrate pride month, here are a few of my favorite queer star trek couples!!!!
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i had a lot more in the sketch stage, but they didn't fit well on the page together, so i am very sorry to spock+kirk, garak+bashir, Q+picard and kim+paris people because i did not draw those silly little guys <3 <3
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vero-niche · 1 year
for anyone else who doesnt have twitter like myself, i was reading the final episode's Anime Trending review and this part i found very reassuring about That Kazuki Scene and wanted to share:
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so it really truly seems that any added ambiguity was only to get past the censors (whom i wanna take down kazurei style) - the creators themselves are with us in this. 👨‍👨‍👧💕
(update: the producer is @michi1020 on twitter, post with screenshots by @hubbydaddies)
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hippolotamus · 2 months
Hi my love, I've got quite the order for you so I'll do them one at a time
Hello, dearest, your words have at long last arrived. Like Etta James but not at all. Also asked by @wikiangela @eddiebabygirldiaz @stereopticons @daffi-990 🫶
“Are you expecting anyone?” Lucy asks. She sets down her early afternoon coffee, looking curiously in the direction of the front door.   Buck shakes his head, unable to verbally answer around the large bite of pastry in his mouth. It’s Sunday, so it’s possible someone’s come to call, but no one mentioned dropping by.  “I’ll go see who it is.” He starts to push his chair back.  “No, stay here,” Lucy insists, motioning for him to sit down again. “I’m sure it’s no one.” Her boots click across the floor and echo in the hallway, the sound growing more faint as she nears the door.  Buck strains to hear any bit of conversation once he hears the handle turn. He’s completely given up trying to concentrate on his book anyway. The answering voice is masculine, not clear enough for him to understand what’s being said. There’s something familiar about the cadence, though. Like hearing the notes of a song without the vocals, or played on a different instrument. His brain stirs excitedly, but can’t seem to place it correctly.  At any rate he should check on Lucy. She’s been talking too long for their caller to be insignificant, though she hasn’t invited them in, either. He picks up his coffee, not wanting it to get any colder than it has, and carries it with him.  “Luce?” He calls. She’s standing in the doorway, obscuring his view of whoever it is. “Who is… it?” Lucy turns to face him and several things happen at once. Time stops, speeds up, slows down. Buck is standing in his foyer, sitting at a bar in Virginia, laying in a field under the cover of millions of stars, stepping onto a cold unforgiving train platform. The porcelain cup drops from his fingertips, splintering when it crashes.  His mouth opens to say something or scream or cry, he’s not exactly sure. Eventually a single word, broken and foreign on his tongue from disuse, escapes. “Eddie?”
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yaddoriart · 2 years
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Episode 8 absolutely fucking killed me, I am NOT okay, so have something soft
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the-music-maniac · 2 years
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i screech, you screech, we all screech
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