#please let me stress once again how unserious this fic is 😂
Live and Let Spy - Chapter Two
BuckTommy | Spy AU | WIP | Chapter Two | ao3
“I think Tommy’s cheating on me.”
There. He’d done it. Voiced the terrifying thought that had been spinning around in his brain for the last twelve hours, twenty-four minutes, and seventeen seconds. Eighteen seconds. Nineteen.
Buck held his breath, waiting for the voice of reason to weigh in.
“What?” Eddie laughed as he took a sip of his coffee. When Buck didn’t even crack a smile, he stared at him over the rim of his mug, face scrunched up in disbelief. “Tommy. Your Tommy?”
[ALTERNATE CHAPTER TITLE: HOW THE TURN TABLES - in which Buck and Tommy decide to do some espionage of their own...]
(continue reading on ao3)
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Live and Let Spy - Chapter Three
BuckTommy | Spy AU | WIP | Chapter Three | ao3
Sal had been out of the game for years. Of course it was friggin’ Tommy who pulled him back in. Somehow, losing track of who had saved the other’s life more times over the years had added up to Tommy calling in an actual lifetime’s worth of favors.
One big headache of a favor that was probably gonna get Sal killed.
Total asshole move.
And yet, Sal still answered his call.
Probably because he was an asshole too.
He was going to help, sure, but he was going to make Tommy work for said help. You don’t call a guy up out of the blue, ask him to risk his life, and get away without answering a few questions. And Sal had more than a few questions. The first and most important one being:
“Who’s the guy?”
(continue reading on ao3)
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