#saffron rp
"Hey, you're finally awake."
× saffron yells in fear, and she starts to shake you ×
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townofcadence · 4 months
@bloodlustiing from x
There is a flash of black and red, claws sinking but not puncturing into flesh. His target is yanked away, out of the view of prying eyes and into an alley much more secluded. His prey? A short, round, green flower boy. One that owned a shop in town. A shop that he had been in and out of a few times now.  Once the other is pressed back against the wall, it is less than a moment before his other hand covers the flower boy's mouth, pressing in to make sure no sound escapes. He is close, so very close that they are nearly pressed together, forcing the shorter to look up at him and into his eyes. He has the power of suggestion, and this one seems more than weak willed enough to be able to resist him. “Do not scream, flower boy. You have information I desire and you are going to give it to me. Do you understand? Nod if you do.”
"--!!!!" The sound Saffron almost made caught in his throat as he was yanked away from the sidewalk. He'd been on his way to his shop with a bag of groceries, and all he managed in his complete lack of preparation was an alarmed squeak, one that was abruptly smothered away. His legs stumbled over themselves in a scramble to keep his balance, and he pressed flat to the bricks as he was shoved against the wall and a tangle of hanging ivy by whoever had grabbed him.
Saffron's eyes dart rapidly, between the exit, the man holding his mouth closed, the glint of a gemstone on his cravat, the claws threatening to sink into his skin-- his breath comes and goes in rapid, shallow bursts from his nose. His pulse skyrockets too, and he can feel it pounding in his ears, as the person presses close, eyes aglow in the dim lighting the curtain of their hair provided. The sound he makes when his jaw is man-handled is nothing short of a terrified whimper.
His gaze still flickered around, occasionally catching their own red eyes. "I-I-I---." He started to speak, only to feel those fingers dig just a little harder. He swallowed hard, throat bobbing a few times, before nodding instead.
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castelia-pidove · 14 hours
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// ref for Paprika and Saffron has been added to pinned :>
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Oh hey, haven't seen many trainers around here!
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Well, except for the folk over on rotomblr...
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How are you?
OH! Didn't expect to see a zeraora here, much less a shiny one!
Calm down Saffron, considering our... situations... this isn't the weirdest thing either of us have seen.
Yeah, true.
Anyways, I'd say I'm doing alright. Though I can't speak for my partner.
Yes you can, because you know the answer is that I'm exhausted but literally don't have time to stop. But like I'm fine for the most part.
How about you?
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kangaskahn · 2 months
I shouldn't be wasting my time on such mind numbing frivolities. Fortunately, I've got a day to spare in my awfully busy schedule, and I'd like to do something new for a change. You may all call me 'Saffron.'
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The Chao holds its forehead...wait...saffron was....shot in the head...why is she just feeling the pain from her death now...
She looked up in concern, looking around for something, anything. She could see what was happening, and it was terrifying. If this was Saffron, which it very clearly was, then.. She didn't want her to suffer any more than she already had. Wasn't it enough already?! She held the chao tightly in her arms, trying to do something - anything.
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thezenanna · 1 year
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If I had it my way, I would be yours.
Patreon | prints | portfolio | commission | Buy Me a Coffee
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mosaic-kazimir · 2 years
Kaz reading with his friends?
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Kaz and friends reading!
Nico (I only had one ref for him sorry if he looks off-) Saffron & Donnie (only added Donnie because, they both like plants so I think they'd get along lol)
Edit: Added the face markings
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auraguardians · 11 months
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✧ At the masquerade ball, Riley lingers near the edges of the crowd. It's a habit he has trouble shaking even at a fun event like this, rather than the sort he's usually forced to attend ---
But he can't hold back a small smile as he watches his tag-along grow bolder than usual. After all, the signs have all (jokingly or not) advertised that 'ghosts are welcome to join in!'
So, Sir Aaron is mingling with the guests, even if they can't see him, a great big grin on his face as he dances alongside guests that have come here all by themselves.
'Fair lady, might I have this dance?' 'Good sir! That is a marvelous hat!'
Riley's glad his ancestor is enjoying himself, at least. As for himself, well --- perhaps there are other ghosts that will offer him a dance?
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pokemon-ecologist · 1 year
WELL! I'm back from the Lumiose Badlands... the dry environment was surprisingly sandy for a place that's supposed to be more clay or rocky desert than dunes, sandstorms kicked up by Pokémon were much more common than I've seen in other government managed routes through arid landscapes. Although the extra sand seems to have been built up around rocks that eroded very fast, likely helped along by ground types that prefer a deeper substrate to burrow! I'm specifically thinking of the Dugtrio that find home there, while they can easily burrow through high clay content groundrock, they seem to be happy to make life easier by grinding out a level of sand in certain areas.
I honestly expected the Pokémon to be more along the lines of Spike Mountain, and honestly I'd expect the ecological spheres of the two routes to be swapped typically. But the Pokémon seem determined to make their niche work, as they always do!
I'd hoped to break a few rocks that slid down from the cliffs to see if I could find a Slugma. I know they're supposed to be around the area, and I wanted to see if the ones native to Kalos had adopted any specific strategies to make themselves comfortable in the Badlands. Unfortunately, Saffron is the Pokémon I have to do that, and they really didn't like being so close to the powerplant, bad memories from their past, and I didn't want to push them to stick around too long.
Maybe next time! For now, we're spending the night in Lumiose and then catching a flight from the city airport all the way to Sinnoh! The Pokémon don't like spending that long in their Pokeballs, but they like seeing new places and Sinnoh is the only place I haven't done environment studies in before, so we'll be sticking around for a good while. I've enjoyed the vacation, but honestly I feel like getting back to work will be more restful than the tourism has...
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maytheoddshq · 1 year
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Saffron Bellshire (she/her). Bar back. D11. Twenty-four. Geraldine Viswanathan.
Saffron Bellshire was four years old when her brother Cyrus won the Hunger Games. He was sixteen, an underdog, but the Careers were divided that year and the Arena itself was fierce. He’d won by biding his time. Then the Bellshires moved into a mansion, and Saffron got to live an easy life with parents who adored her and who gave her ghost of a brother down the hall the space he claimed to need. Saffron had been so young, though, that she’d adapted quickly to her brother’s moods, and learned to love the haunted boy. He was the one whose room she ran to when she had nightmares, and even sometimes when she didn’t, because she knew that he did, and they’d sleep better next to each other.
It was strange for Saffron to grow up surrounded and yet untouchable by the poverty that ran rampant throughout the District. It was years before she learned to recognize it, but even once she did she had no idea what to do with that information. She couldn’t take her brother’s money. It felt like there was nothing that she could do to help. As a result, she ended up isolating herself from the other kids - they probably thought that it was because she thought she was too good for them, and she knew that, but she never figured out how to break away from her cycle of discomfort. Instead, she spent quiet evenings in her family’s mansion, reading books and updating her stoic, silent brother on what she’d learned that week.
Once Saffron got to high school, things became easier in that regard. Her class size was small, made up of less than a handful of kids who had the means to not have to drop out to help support their families. She never made friends, per se, but she got used to being friendly, and she felt less alone. 
After high school, Saffron didn’t really know what to do with herself. Her parents didn’t seem to have a clue, either. They never had to go through this with Cyrus, and it wasn’t as though there was a wealth of parents of District Eleven victors and victors’ siblings to give advice. There was a shame that began to settle in Saffron, a desire to retreat into herself and never come out. But as content as Cyrus was to lock himself away in his room for years, he wasn’t about to let Saffron suffer a similar fate. To the shock of their parents, Cyrus took Saffron traveling. He made a deal with the Capitol, agreed to be somewhat of a diplomat, going to speak to leaders in communities and remind them of the good of Panem, or simply of his existence, of the experience of a Victor seemingly better for his Games. Cyrus visited all of the Districts, only depositing his sister back home for the two weeks of each Games season. They saw all of Panem - the good, the bad, the ugly, and even an amusement park that managed to be all three of those things at once - and Saffron was fascinated. 
They never stayed in Victor’s Villages. Saffron had initially suggested it, but Cyrus immediately shut it down. He wouldn’t borrow someone else’s misery for his own gain, he said. So instead, they’d both have to learn how to make friends. Saffron and Cyrus sought out and spoke to as many people who weren’t in leadership as they could as they went between Districts over the next few years. Saffron watched her brother open up until he was no longer a ghost and he looked forward to nearly every day. He loved planning their adventures. He loved meeting people and getting them to tell their stories, and Saffron would listen and follow along with awe and pride and admiration for her brother.
In getting to learn truly just how many different lives existed in the world, Saffron discovered where her passion lay. Surprising herself, just as such a passion surprised her brother, Saffron’s passion was in people. She’d collect the stories they’d tell, filing details away for later to add to journals that she never showed a soul. She and Cyrus would spend hours afterwards discussing ideas of how to assist without anyone thinking it was out of pity, and Cyrus would use his Victor’s earnings to make small donations, appreciated without raising any flags, anywhere he could.
When the Vox Populi took over District Eleven, Saffron and Cyrus returned home just briefly, long enough to ensure that their parents were safe and protected in what was now being called Free Eleven. But Cyrus was adamant that Saffron not stay there, not even for the Games. Instead, he had Saffron stay with another Victor’s family in a different District. She kept her head down until Mason Brick was declared to have won and Cyrus came back to collect her. 
They kept traveling, but this time with a different purpose. Cyrus spoke to crowds and promoted the glory of Panem. He condemned the Vox to the cheering masses, and Saffron said nothing. They stuck to the Career Districts, to the Capitol, and to areas where you’d be hard pressed to find any rebels, which was why Saffron was shocked when Cyrus suggested a quiet visit to District Ten in the spring. No promotion, no hand shaking, no fake smiles. He was adamant that he could use a break from the cities after nearly an entire year of nothing but, and he knew Saffron had always loved horses - all animals, really. So the two of them headed over to the ranch of some friends they’d made along their travels a few years back, and offered to help them around their home for a few weeks in exchange for use of their guest room. Saffron spent most of her time with the horses, and tried not to worry too much about her brother. He, meanwhile, spent most of his time cooking for the family, teaching the youngest kids how to flip pancakes and even indulging them with the purchase of dessert. Their hosts chided Cyrus, but were clearly very pleased.
One night, Saffron was woken up by the sound of Cyrus sneaking through the window - she hadn’t heard him leave the guest room they were sharing, but here he was, smelling of smoke and covered in mud. She’d have assumed he’d been by a fireside with a lover if he’d ever shown any interest in that sort of thing before, but he hadn’t, so instead of sitting up to tease him, Saffron kept her breath as even as possible, feigning sleep. The next morning, when reports crossed Panem of burning crops, of fields and even entire farms going up in flames, Saffron had the two of them packed up and ready to leave the District before Cyrus had finished washing the breakfast dishes.
Saffron had never told Cyrus that her sympathies were with the Vox, but he had far more than sympathies he’d been keeping from her. It was a rough argument between the two of them, and both of them cried, but the takeaway was clear - Cyrus was part of the Vox Populi, and Saffron wanted in.
It had taken some finagling on both their parts, and Saffron had to learn her way around a clandestine meeting. They were told no several times, that it was too risky for the both of them to be a part of the movement when Cyrus was, on purpose, so high profile these days. But then Cyrus had shown them her journals, filled with the details she’d written from memory. The journals that she’d never breathed a word of. The journals that Saffron hadn’t even known that Cyrus knew about. And suddenly, Saffron was useful.
Cyrus, on the orders of the Vox, got Saffron a job in the Tower. It couldn’t be flashy or even all that enjoyable, because no one would trust a girl from Free Eleven, especially a new one, even if she was a victor’s sister. It would take time, but the Vox were in this for the long haul, so Saffron agreed to the long con. She took a position as a bar back. For now, she would do nothing. She’d do her job and make friends. She would gain trust from the ground up. Eventually, maybe by the 135th or 136th Games, voices would stop instinctively quieting around her. With trust came access, and with access came information, information which she would memorize, write down later, and pass onto the Vox. 
It was a waiting game, ultimately, but luckily, Saffron had grown up with a ghost of a brother, a far cry from the man she had seen him become over the past few years. She knew what it was to be patient, to gain trust before she could be let in. She could play a waiting game. And if it worked, she would finally be able to make a difference.
+ dedicated, generous, thoughtful
- naive, self-conscious, reserved
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townofcadence · 3 months
@as-above-rp continued from here!
Kairi bent her knees a little so Saffron could place the crown on her head. Once the ring of flora was in place, she straightened back up with a meek, shy smile on her face.
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"Thank you! How's it look...?"
Saffron beamed, taking just one last moment to adjust the crown. There! Now it sat on her hair with more stability. He'd chosen blue, to match her eyes. A pretty crown of blue irises were woven together in braided stems, a deep navy with pops of yellow. Sprigs of forget-me-nots were interwoven, a brighter, lighter blue, a similar hue to her irises.
"You look very pretty!" He nodded, a grin on his face and a singular thumb raised in approval. Then he blinked. "N-not that you didn't already! But ah---sorry it-- it looks nice on you." Now his face was turning red, and he puffed his cheeks, adjusting his glasses. The last few words wobbled near as much as his mouth.
Clearing his throat, Saffron tried again. "Ah-- um. The irises-- the blue irises are-- they mean hope. Optimism for the future? So-- So I hope that you have a lot of good things happen for you after today!"
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castelia-pidove · 2 days
tried moving Paprika and Saffron's box from my desk cuz more desk space would be nice. but Paprika got all mad and tried to pull it back to the desk
do i get a new desk??
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You are the best thing that has happened to this world. I will not specify as to who I am referring to.
What? What’s up?
Y’know… I think I know who they’re referring too.
I think I do as well Rosa.
What the hell is happening here-
They’ve got to be talking about Saffron.
Must be.
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