#thg rpg
cloveswifey · 1 year
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Pairings: Cato Hadley x Fem!Reader
A/n: not exactly sure if this was what you wanted when you requested; hopefully this is good enough. Part 2 will be on its way maybe?
Type: Angst + Fluff
Warnings: blood, swearing, the hunger games, insults, arguing, fighting, medicine.
Words: 1.9k
Request: Cato × reader when he won the 74 and she won the 72 and she's younger than him and they fall in love and ppl are surprised he's soft for her
Y/n had always known that she was destined for greatness. Growing up in District 2, she had been trained from a young age to become a tribute in the Hunger Games. She had learned how to use a bow and arrow with deadly accuracy, and she was smart enough to outwit any opponent who dared to cross her.
As the day of the 72nd Hunger Games approached, Y/n felt a mixture of fear and excitement. She knew that the Games were a brutal and unforgiving competition, but she was determined to emerge victorious.
When the Games began, Y/n immediately put her skills to the test. She used her bow and arrow to take down several of her opponents, and she quickly established herself as a force to be reckoned with. She was smart enough to avoid direct confrontation whenever possible, instead using her wits and her knowledge of the arena to stay one step ahead of the other tributes.
As the days passed, Y/n continued to impress the audience with her skill and her cunning. She was one of the youngest tributes in the Games, but she was also one of the most deadly. She had a natural talent for survival, and she was able to adapt quickly to the ever-changing conditions of the arena.
Despite her success, Y/n never lost sight of her ultimate goal: to emerge victorious from the Hunger Games. She knew that there were still several formidable opponents left in the competition, and she was determined to outlast them all.
As the final showdown approached, Y/n prepared herself for the ultimate battle. She knew that she would need to be at her very best if she was going to emerge victorious, and she focused all of her energy on the task at hand.
When the final battle began, Y/n was ready. She used all of her skills and knowledge to outwit her opponents, and she fought with a fierce determination that left her adversaries reeling. In the end, it was Y/n who emerged victorious, having proven herself to be the most skilled and resourceful tribute in the entire competition.
As she stood before the cheering crowds, Y/n felt an overwhelming sense of pride and accomplishment. She had survived the Hunger Games and emerged as the ultimate victor, a testament to her strength and her courage. From that day forward, Y/n would be remembered as one of the greatest tributes in the history of the Hunger Games, a true champion who had overcome incredible odds to achieve her ultimate goal.
As Y/n emerged from the arena, she was greeted by a sea of flashing cameras and cheering fans. She had just become the youngest winner in the history of the Hunger Games, and her achievement had not gone unnoticed.
Alongside her stood Finnick Odair, the dashing and charismatic tribute from District 4. Finnick had won the 65th Hunger Games at the age of 14, and he had gone on to become one of the most beloved victors of all time. Now, he stood beside Y/n, the newest member of the exclusive club of Hunger Games champions.
As Y/n made her way through the crowds, she was praised for her incredible skill and bravery. She had faced off against some of the toughest opponents in the Games, and she had emerged victorious against all odds. Her youth had been seen as a disadvantage by many, but she had used it to her advantage, relying on her quick reflexes and her natural agility to outmaneuver her opponents.
Finnick, too, was quick to praise Y/n for her incredible achievement. He had been in her shoes once, and he knew just how difficult it was to win the Hunger Games at such a young age. He saw in Y/n a kindred spirit, a tribute who had overcome incredible odds to become a true champion.
Together, Y/n and Finnick became the talk of the Capitol. They were hailed as the brightest stars of the Hunger Games, two young tributes who had proven themselves to be the very best of the best. They were invited to all of the most exclusive parties and events, and they were showered with gifts and accolades from their adoring fans.
For Y/n, the experience was both exhilarating and overwhelming. She had never imagined that she would become a Hunger Games champion, let alone one who was celebrated alongside the legendary Finnick Odair. But as she basked in the glow of her newfound fame, she knew that she had truly achieved something remarkable. She had proven that age was just a number, and that anyone, no matter how young or inexperienced, could become a true champion if they had the courage and the determination to succeed.
2 years later
Years had passed since Y/n had won the Hunger Games, but her name was still remembered by many. She had become a living legend, a symbol of hope and resilience in a world that was often dark and cruel. So it was no surprise when she received a summons to President Snow's office, inviting her to mentor the tributes of the 74th Hunger Games.
At first, Y/n was hesitant. She had left the world of the Hunger Games behind, and she had no desire to return to it. But something in Snow's voice had piqued her curiosity, and she found herself accepting the invitation despite her misgivings.
Y/n pov
I soon returned to my home district, after being at the Capitol to fulfil President snows wishes.
As I arrived, Brutus was preparing to announce this year's tributes. She watched from the sidelines as Brutus approached the bowl of names.
But just as he was about to draw a slip of paper, a voice rang out from the crowd. "I volunteer as tribute!" My eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on a small, tough-looking girl.
She had dark brown hair and freckles scattered across her face. With a proud smirk, she strode up to the stage.
"What's your name?" Brutus asked into the microphone.
"Clove Kentwell," she replied with a smirk.
"Congratulations, Clove!" Brutus exclaimed, applauding. "Now, Y/n, would you do the honors and select our male tribute?"
I nodded and walked up to the bowl, but before I could pick a paper, another voice cried out, "I volunteer for the Games!"
A muscular blonde man stepped out of his aged-group line and began walking towards the stage.
"What's your name?" I asked into the microphone.
"Cato. Cato Hadley," he replied with a smirk, looking out at his district. He then turned to me and winked before taking his place beside Clove.
As they rode the train to the Capitol, Cato began making fun of Y/n for being younger than him. "How is a younger person gonna teach me anything?" he taunted.
"Age doesn't matter, Hadley," Y/n scoffed.
"Why's that?" Clove sarcastically laughed, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Hey, now. Let's not be rude," Brutus said, trying to diffuse the situation.
But Cato wasn't having it. "You're just a kid. What could you possibly teach us?" she sneered.
Y/n took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "I may be young, but I have experience," she said firmly.
"Experience in what? Tying knots?" Clove scoffed.
"Shut it, Freckles. I could easily put one of my arrows into your thick skull and send you flying across this room," Y/n spat at the small girl.
Clove rolled her eyes, but Y/n could see a glimmer of respect in her gaze. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to prove herself to these tributes.
Y/n, Brutus, Clove, and Cato arrived in the Capitol, ready for the 74th Hunger Games.
As they waited for the parade to begin, Y/n noticed that Cato looked nervous. She walked over to him and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
"Hey, you okay?" she asked.
Cato nodded, but Y/n could see the fear in his eyes. "I'm just nervous," he admitted.
‘Nervous? I don’t do nervous’ Thought Cato.
Y/n smiled. "I know, but you're going to do great. Just remember to stay focused and don't let your emotions get the best of you."
Cato nodded again, and Y/n could see that her words had helped calm him down. As the parade began, Cato and Clove climbed onto their chariot and rode through the streets of the Capitol.
The crowd roared as they passed by, and Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. They were representing their district, and she was determined to make them proud.
As they made their way back to the training center, Y/n pulled Cato aside. "Listen, I know you're a great fighter, but you need to be careful. Don't let your anger get the best of you. Stay focused, and don't make any unnecessary moves."
Cato nodded, and Y/n could see the determination in his eyes. She knew he was going to be a tough competitor, but she also knew that he had what it took to win.
As the days passed, Y/n continued to give Cato and Clove advice and support. She knew that they were all in this together, and that they needed to work as a team if they wanted to survive.
Cato was confident as he entered the arena for the 74th Hunger Games. He knew that he was a strong fighter, but he also knew that he had a lot to prove. Luckily, he had Y/n as his mentor, and she had been a great help to him throughout his training.
As the games began, Cato fought hard, taking down his opponents one by one. But when he came up against Thresh, things took a turn for the worse. Thresh was a tough opponent, and he managed to injure Cato's leg.
Cato was in pain, but he knew he couldn't give up. He thought of Y/n, who had sent him medicine to help with the pain. He knew he had to keep fighting, for her.
As the days passed, Cato continued to fight, but he found himself thinking more and more about Y/n. She had been there for him from the beginning, and he had come to rely on her for support.
As he made it to the final battle, Cato knew that he had to win. He thought of Y/n, and all of the help she had given him. He knew that he couldn't let her down.
In the end, Cato emerged victorious. As he stood on the podium, he looked out into the crowd, searching for Y/n. When he found her, he mumbled the words "I love you Y/n" under his breath.
Y/n heard him, and she smiled. She had grown to care for Cato as well, and she was proud of him for winning the games. She knew that they had a long road ahead of them, but she was ready to face it with him by her side.
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katniss’ immediate reaction when someone disrespects her man…oh she doesn’t play around when it comes to peeta mellark
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maytheoddshq · 1 month
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Helios Cannon
30 - 33 (he is the second-born Cannon child)
UTP, but M and Virginia would suggest: Skylar Astin, Andy Samberg, Penn Badgley, Jonathan Bailey, or Andrew Garfield.
Current canon is he's a clerk for a judge in Two, with aspirations of running for political office. He's also currently arrested by the Vox.
Montgomery Cannon's younger brother; Everett Cannon's older brother
Helios was not raised for the Games, though is likely a staunch loyalist and supporter of the Games. He's been described as "not a fighting type." He would have benefitted from Monty's (and Everett's eventual) Victory.
Contact M (Montgomery Cannon) or Virginia (Everett Cannon) for more details.
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morganwrites12672 · 2 years
Finnick Odair x Reader
Request from my friend, @sakuraazharuno
"We will be fine," Finnick assures. He always tried to make sure you didn't worry. If you started worrying, then Finnick worried about you worrying. But you would try not to worry, for your lovers sake.
"Yeah, it's just the Quarter Quell interviews for this stupid fucking game that we were supposed to of gotten out for because we won," you rant.
Finnick sighs. There was no point. You were going to worry. The best he could do was comfort you. He could never make you stop worrying. It didn't work like that. He could, however make it easier.
"It's going to be okay," he says. It wouldn't. He was lying. Nothing was okay if the capitol was involved.
"No it's not. Fin, one of us is going to die. And honestly, its going to be of us. If you did I'm giving up, and I know if I die. You won't make it," you say again.
"No, if anything happens to me, you win," he says and pulls you in for a hug.
It was a nice hug. You felt the soft fabric of his sweater burns against your partially bare chest.
You pull away as your names are announced.
Finnick grabs your hand and squeezes it reassuringly.
You walk on stage and see Caesar, Caesar 'makes death of children seem fun' Flickerman.
"Yn! Finnick! Always a joy," Caesar says. His arms wide as you both give him a saide hug. "sit sit," Caesar encourages.
"Well! I believe there is actually a surprise," he says. To happy for the fact you and Fin were going to die.
"That is correct,* Finnick says. Why is he so nervous? What new disaster for the tributes has been discovered?
Katniss watches with interest as Finnick reads some shitty love poem. What catches her off guard is that he proposes!
He pulls out a ring. He copies them?!
Katniss whispers to Peeta," They copied us. They're probably trying to be the new star crossed lovers,"
Peeta just squeezes her hand a bit harder.
It would be fine, I mean who would buy this?
I mean, the fake tears? Really and that hug with the kiss. Stupid. Fake.
Who did they think they were? A stupid lover of his, what number 100? And probably first former victor. It was a horrible plan.
So fake, she scoffs as yn says something stupid and emotional to finnick before the fake lovers leave the stage.
"FINNICK, HELP HELP, FIN," Katniss and Finnick hear yn scream, but she's no where to be found.
Katniss tries to calm finnick, they had just done the same thing with Prim.
He was faking it pretty hard as he ran through the jungle screaming for her.
Her painful screams filled their ears, "Finny please," she would sob. It sounded so real.
"YN, YN. YN, PLEASE," he sobs as he hears her scream again. Where was she? How could he of let this happen?
"ITS NOT REAL," Katniss yells over the screaming mutts. He wasn't listening. Of course he wasn't. He had to fake it for the cameras. Or maybe he wasn't...
Finnick finally sees the campsite you were swimming with your knife. Looking for fish. You were safe.
Finnick took off after you and full body tackles you, "Yn, I thought," he sobs into your shoulder as you move to knee deep water.
You hold him as he cries.
It was then, Katniss realized. Finnick wasn't faking it. Neither was YN. She wasn't a capitol lover. They genuinely loved each other.
It shocked her. They were in love. Real love.
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theoldtherebeforehq · 6 months
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Panem - June, Year 25
A quarter century after the failed rebellion and the nation's darkest days, change is in the air. Developments and progress. But not all is as it seems.
THE HUNGER GAMES face their biggest milestone yet. Twenty-five years since their founding, life without this Capitol made invention is but a faint memory in people's minds. With newly appointed Head Gamemaker Coriolanus Snow pulling all strings at his disposal with unequivocal mastery, Capitolites await the first Quarter Quell with eagerness. District citizens are left to wonder if there is yet another new way they'll learn to fear their government.
THE CAPITOL celebrates twenty-five years of uninterrupted peace. The victors that emerged from those long days of war have all reason to be joyful, but satisfaction was never something taught to Capitol children growing up. And there is always a price for greed, though when it comes to the truly wealthy, there's always someone less fortunate who will have to pay. For the likes of the Cosmas family, who lord over Panem's transportation business, and the Ploutos family, who have a number of prominent factories in many Districts to their name, anything is a small sacrifice for their goal of coming out on top.
THE DISTRICTS feel the noose around their necks loosen for the first time in many, many years. Travel routes are broadened and District citizens are now permitted to travel outside their District's borders - provided they can afford it. President Ravinstill looks towards these changes with optimism, but there is a clear warning in his announcement speech. This generous opportunity should not be misused to cause discord. Surveillance is stricter than ever before, the Capitol's watchful eye on all its citizens. Anyone who dances out of line will be punished—strictly, swiftly, mercilessly.
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Welcome to Panem!
THEOLDTHEREBEFOREHQ is a new, semi-appless AU Hunger Games / TBOSAS RP.
We strive to build a robust world in this universe with Capitol characters and District citizens alike. With the 25th Hunger Games right around the corner, we have many exciting things in store for tribute characters as well as more permanent muses.
We're beyond excited to be opening for Apps today! Interactions will begin on Friday the 12th of April with our very first Panem-wide Plot Drop.
If we've piqued your interest, click here to find out more about the RP.
If you have any questions at all, feel free to shoot us an ask or a message. We look forward to having you here with us!
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iwanturkidneys · 2 days
heres a few low quality wips (that will likely never be finished)
i keep starting things and then never finishing them rip
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mtopromo · 4 months
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Two tributes from each District shall be offered up in penance for what was done in our nation's darkest days.
The rebels have failed and the Mockingjay is dead. Another Snow ascends to power to seal a dynasty. The Hunger Games continue uninterrupted.
In retribution for the insubordination of the rebellion following the 75th Hunger Games, the Games now occur biannually. Whispers of another rebellion calling itself the Vox Populi stir a quarter of a century later, leaving every citizen faced with a difficult choice.
The Hunger Games carry on...
*** MaytheOdds is a Hunger Games AU original character roleplay following the Hunger Games in a universe where the Mockingjay rebellion failed. We focus on character development of permanent characters and simulate the Games in a combination of luck, strategy, and plotting with tributes. Click the source link to learn more, find wanted connections, and join. Applications for permanent characters are always being accepted, and applications for tributes for the 136th Hunger Games are now open.
The 136th Games will have a special twist, read more in the pinned post on our main!
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theoddshq · 10 months
So are people making tributes for them to die? Or is there a plan? I'm just curious!
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there are definitely some people who are down and willing to kill their tributes! and while we definitely have a plan in place, not every tribute can survive. as we are halfway to full tribute capacity, and people continue to fill out those slots, i strongly strongly advise not to bring a tribute you're going to be too passionate about. we will never ever ever kill your character without your consent, but also know there's only so much we can do! this is a hunger games rp and unfortunately not everyone can live! we will, of course, be killing off all unapplied tributes/npc tributes first ((:
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roleplayerrr98 · 1 year
F 24 Hello friends! Happy friend looking for someone to roleplay as Peeta Mellark for me if interested message me!
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ignitehqs · 2 years
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flames fill up my lungs burning everything I've become
8 months ago katniss everdeen unknowingly sparked a revolution. sending a single arrow flying into the air shattering the arena of the 75th hunger games, the third annual quarter quell. the destruction surrounding her caused havoc across the the nation of panem and the capitol.
the rebels had a plan, to rescue the victors and bring them to safety, however the plans went sideways when katniss everdeen was captured.
the rebels tried to use peeta mallark as the mockingjay, but the traction of the revolution was slowly slipping away from them. the citizens were in more fear than ever. they knew they needed katniss in order to shift the tides of the war.
it has been 2 months since her rescue, the war needs the mockingjay now more than ever, but will she be able to live up to the name?
will you join the fight to free yourself from the grip of the capitol?
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capitol-chronicle · 2 years
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Fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes, she could do this. Sneaking out to the Capitol, getting more than a little tipsy, swaggering around the training center as if she knew everything was all coming down to this. Fifteen minutes to prove her worth. Fifteen minutes to prove she was capable.
She stepped into the training center when her name was called, pausing only a minute as her eyes scanned everything she could do. So much of life on a farm was survival related - knot tying (gotta keep the cows in the pasture when a link of the fence breaks down), trap making (gotta keep the vermin from making snacks of your animals), making a fire (for keeping warm in the winter months or when outside far after dark when making camp just seems preferable), knowing what plants one could and couldn’t eat….
She blew her cheeks out, her usual bravado gone, and moved across the training center to an array of ropes. Penny gathered a few different ropes and set about setting her trap. One rope was thrown over, knots were tied. She worked diligently and with the precision years of practice ensured. It took longer than she would have liked, but she got it done and when she did, she stepped back to admire her work before turning to retrieve one of the dummies from across the room. The figure was hefted over her shoulder and carried back to the trap where she sat it back down, feet within the circle that snapped up and had the dummy hanging upside down from the trap.
“You know,” she called loud enough to be heard from where the game makers sat perched high above, “human anatomy and pig anatomy is very similar.” She’d made her way over to the knives display as she spoke and plucked one that looked fairly close to what she’d use at home before returning to the strung up dummy.
In one smooth, swift move she cut an incision downwards from groin to where the ribs met. A sticky red substance began to spill out and Penny recognized it as a substitute for blood. Human blood. She tried to ignore that notion. “One difference though is that pigs’ ribs are made of cartridge. Ours aren’t.” She shrugged as if it meant nothing, cutting through the simulated skin and pulling skin back to reveal the ribs. “Regardless, the heart should be,” she tried to ignore the feeling that pulling the ribs apart caused in her, “right about, here.” She reached her hand into the space she’d created and pulled out a bloodied hand with what was made to mimic an actual muscle. “Sorry buttercup,” she commented as she dropped the heart back into the abdominal cavity.
She dropped the knife to the ground haphazardly and wiped her hands on the pants of her training uniform. She didn’t have much time left, her butchery having taken another handful of minutes. She made her way over to the axes and grabbed one up, giving it a quick throw just before her time was up. “Seven’s not the only one who knows how to use axes.” She called over her shoulder as she made towards the exit.
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pyrrhicvictoryhq · 1 year
hello, tag lurkers! we're working on our opening event and the tributes for the 72nd hunger games here at pyrrhic victory, but we would love to answer some asks, give some faceclaim suggestions, or maybe even accept some apps! we only need four more before we can set our opening date, which is so exciting! we're a canon divergent, pre-canon group that focuses on victors and capitolites, found family and rebellion, and we have plenty of room for original characters too! we even have some wanted connections open, so come check us out!
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maytheoddshq · 1 month
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Liliana Cannon
UTP, but M might recommend: Alexandra Daddario or Claudia Jessie. Virginia might recommend: Alva Bratt, Diana Silvers, Sophie Skelton
UTP; Liliana is a middle child of the Cannon family, a wealthy Peacekeeping family. Each child had a role to play; Liliana's was to study to take over the family business in small-scale arms manufacturing from her father, Lionel. While not the biggest name in the business in Two, they have power and sway. With the current switch-up in government from the Snow regime to the rebel Vox, Liliana may have to get creative as her brothers have in order to stay alive — and on the right side.
Montgomery Cannon's younger sister; Everett Cannon's older sister
She is likely pro-Games / loyalist. She was not expected to enter the Games.
Contact M (Montgomery Cannon) or Virginia (Everett Cannon) for more details.
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morganwrites12672 · 2 years
*Kicks down the door*
Eeek Congrats on the 300 followers! It felt like you had 200 just yesterday. You deserve every single on of them. Can I request a story of Peeta and Katniss daughter falling for Finnicks ( and Mine, duh 🙄) son and Peeta is totally concerned and supports his daughter but Katniss is just so overprotective. Idk where this idea came from, but I have Maladaptive daydreaming, so yeah just vibes with my insomnia . CONGRATS BITCH WHO STEALS MY HUSBAND, LOVE U 😘
*sighs and orders a new door*
Also thx!
I did the names according to a website that gave names based off of districts!
Willow Everdeen x Tyde Odair
Willow Everdeen catches herself staring at him. It didn't help that there weren't a ton of other people around. But he was so cute. Who didn't like Tyde Odair?
Both of their parents had moved close together into a more secluded part of Panem. The trauma from the games and taking down the Capitol had given most of them at least some form of PTSD.
Willow continues running her fingers through the dandelions. She had always loved them, they were so pretty.
She picks one that is especially yellow and places it in her hair. She stands up and brushes off her pants. She looks up and sees Tyde is sitting on the beach facing away from her.
Willow decides to go and see him. Her long black hair trailing behind her as she walks to the beach. She sits a foot or so away from him in the sand.
"Hello," she says kind of awkwardly. She looks at him with a smile. He continues running sand through his fingers before looking at her it return the smile.
He thought she was so cute. I mean, who didn't think Willie Everdeen was cute?
"Hello," he replies and runs his thumb over a pretty shell. It has a nice pale/grey color and almost gold stripes on half of it. He hands the shell to Willow before getting up to leave.
Willow looks at it in shock before she gets up and walks to her house. She thinks it's beautiful. The gold nicely complements the paleness of the shell.
It had been three months. Willow and Tyde were in love. The only issue; everybody knew but them.
"No, absolutely not. She is to young," katniss exclaims lacing around the kitchen. Johanna watches with amusement as peeta and katniss argue.
"She's 17!" Peeta exclaims. Katniss glares. Peeta and Katniss were 16 when they were dating. They were supposed to of gotten married at 17.
"Peeta's right, she's going to do whatever the hell she wants, might as well let her." Johanna stands up and walks toward the door.
"What are you doing here?!?" Katniss exclaims and Peeta just sighs. Johanna shrugs and walks out.
"She's going to be allowed to date him or she will do it anyway," Peeta reminds and Katniss just grumbles and takes a jte if the cheese bun.
Rye cones running in with his dirty blonde hair and emerald green eyes. He was younger; only 14. Katniss sighs in relief; he couldn't date yet.
He grabs a cheese bun and runs back to his room. Peeta groans as he starts another batch of the treats. The amount of those stupid buns he makes.
Willow rushes through the kitchen and out the door ignoring the questions from her parents.
She was going to do it. She was going to tell Tyde she was in love.
She goes outside and sees Tyde waiting on the log where they usually meet.
She runs up to him, "I like you," she blurts. He looks shocked. But, his reply is to kiss her.
Katniss leaves the house and ses the Odair boy with his lips pressed to Willows .
"WILLOW PRIMROSE EVER SEEN," Katniss yells as she I followed by a terrified looking Peeta.
"I didn't do it," she replies as Katniss drags her away. Tyde and Willows faces were a nice cherry red. Finnick and Annie watched with interest.
Seeing Katniss drag off her almost adult daughter was more then funny.
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theoldtherebeforehq · 3 months
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The application count has been updated with +1 new application.
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iwanturkidneys · 4 days
uhmmm idk what to post but uh, heres the map for the hunger games rp im working on
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ik its off center ignore that, also the scale makes very little sense but u get what im going for right? the houses have a little bit of food and supplies in them and the hospital has some medical supplies, nothing too useful just like basic stuff.
the school bell rings every hour from 7-3 and every night it tolls the amount of tributes remaining, as well as the scoreboard on the football field having the number displayed. all this because i imagine they still havent upgraded to the level of the 74th games with the sky projections yet.
the manholes do provide access to the sewers but down there are murderous little rat mutts with venom thats supposed to mimic the plague 🙏 (might be a little too crazy im still playing around with ideas)
the houses are all unstable so if you want supplies you have to brave the rotting flooring a dipping ceilings.
the reservoir is fenced in but its not hard to climb it 💀
lore wise this is one of the gamemakers first attempts at an arena thats different from the one previously used in the games, and rather than building a whole new arena, like they start doing later on, they just wall off a neighborhood from the 21st century. big brick walls built by avoxes going up 20 feet around the whole thing as well as going down deep enough to block off sewer tunnels.
idk if this makes sense or is a logical thing to do but im just rolling with it 🙏
as a colorado citizen i forgot that the average suburban town does not have mountains in it but ykw? thats okay 🎀
ik its a long shot but we still have a bunch of tributes available in the rp so if anyone wants to join hmu :3
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