townofcadence · 4 months
@bloodlustiing from x
There is a flash of black and red, claws sinking but not puncturing into flesh. His target is yanked away, out of the view of prying eyes and into an alley much more secluded. His prey? A short, round, green flower boy. One that owned a shop in town. A shop that he had been in and out of a few times now.  Once the other is pressed back against the wall, it is less than a moment before his other hand covers the flower boy's mouth, pressing in to make sure no sound escapes. He is close, so very close that they are nearly pressed together, forcing the shorter to look up at him and into his eyes. He has the power of suggestion, and this one seems more than weak willed enough to be able to resist him. “Do not scream, flower boy. You have information I desire and you are going to give it to me. Do you understand? Nod if you do.”
"--!!!!" The sound Saffron almost made caught in his throat as he was yanked away from the sidewalk. He'd been on his way to his shop with a bag of groceries, and all he managed in his complete lack of preparation was an alarmed squeak, one that was abruptly smothered away. His legs stumbled over themselves in a scramble to keep his balance, and he pressed flat to the bricks as he was shoved against the wall and a tangle of hanging ivy by whoever had grabbed him.
Saffron's eyes dart rapidly, between the exit, the man holding his mouth closed, the glint of a gemstone on his cravat, the claws threatening to sink into his skin-- his breath comes and goes in rapid, shallow bursts from his nose. His pulse skyrockets too, and he can feel it pounding in his ears, as the person presses close, eyes aglow in the dim lighting the curtain of their hair provided. The sound he makes when his jaw is man-handled is nothing short of a terrified whimper.
His gaze still flickered around, occasionally catching their own red eyes. "I-I-I---." He started to speak, only to feel those fingers dig just a little harder. He swallowed hard, throat bobbing a few times, before nodding instead.
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
been thinking about baby trans kiryu
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duckapus · 5 months
A couple of Annihilation's lines to get an idea of the character (aka these are literally the only two lines I actually managed to come up with for them this entire time):
When they first form: ANNIHILATION_ONLINE!
Something they say during the fight: YOUR_CHILD_SUPPORT_SHALL_BE_PAID_IN_BLOOD!!!
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tw (fictional) blood and violence mention
"He wanted to kill him, rip out his heart and watch the blood pool out of his lifeless corpse."
Draft 1 Barry, sweetheart, are you ok?
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astaticworld · 1 year
really intrigued as to why everyone in the 2021 timeline is starting to freak out again. i think we can assume that they’ve managed to live 25 years outside of the wilderness without much incident… so why now?
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lotus-duckies · 2 years
nezha is literally that meme "nezha loves. . . Friends! nezha loves. . . Mother! nezha loves. . . [sees his dad] Revolution"
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townofcadence · 3 months
🌠 A song for our muses
Song Associations
This one feels fitting for Ares and Artair, given Ares is hunting him right now. Man though, it was hard finding one that felt right xD
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oblique-lane · 4 months
Sniper tf2 mentality
Today I will be talking about Sniper's personality because I often see people portraying him DRASTICALLY different abd I wanted to understand what's going on and why all of the interpretations are correct (in my opinion)
Let's name the most prominent thesises:
Sniper is shy and introverted.
Sniper is unhinged and bloodlusty and is annoyed by people.
Why do i think that these aren't exactly contradictory?
I think at this point it's safe to assume Sniper is autistic (I mean lol this is easier to prove than to disprove). As an autistic person myself, I can see why he could be perceived like that.
Sniper doesn't talk to people and mostly observes them and the situation. Very in tune with his profession. That, however, might be perceived as being shy or very introverted or both. People love talking and expect others to share information, yet Sniper never says half of the things he's thinking about.
But let me tell you, it's NOT because he's shy. If he was shy, it would show in his body language as being stiff and rigid. He's not. His body is pretty relaxed and takes enough space. Still crosses his arms, but in a "don't bother me" way, not a "please don't judge me" way.
He's just disinterested.
I relate to it a lot in real life! People at my job think I'm too shy to talk to them, but no, I just DON'T WANT TO. I'm not scared of any if you, there's just nothing to talk about. I don't know your business, you don't know mine, our interests don't collide. If I talked to you about my interests you wouldn't listen anyway. Small talk? Ew, are y kidding me?
However, I like to listen. I'm an extrovert personally (unexpected huh) so I love being around people, but it doesn't mean I have to takk to them. I'll just sponge the information they are babbling about so I know my community better. When I meet new group of people where everyone knows eachother but me, I'm not going to feel awkward, it's perfectly fine to observe.
Sniper seems to fit into this kind of behaviour too. So he's not shy in a social anxiety sense".
Yeah you all know his in-game voicelines. You feel either horny or assaulted after he rolls these sadistic words on his tongue. Yes I said sadistic, are you gonna argue?
"We professionals don't give speeches we just take a shot" he says in the comics. OH YEAH? IS THAT WHY YOU HAVE THE MOST FUCKING VOICELINES OF ALL OF THEM??
Have you ever noticed how much attention he puts into saying how 'professional' he is? Like, yeah no shit, they all kinda are. But why, unlike other mercs, he insists on calling himself a professional with standards and morals, detached from emotions and feelings, so much???
There's literally no reason to be ashamed of being a killer and to admit that you enjoy killing people, you were hired to Mann Co. for that specifically!!!
My assumption: it's a personal disgust towards himself and his anger issues. I've said it before already and I will again.
His so called 'shadow side' that he suppresses so much. It loves to cause people pain, it loves releasing the inner anger, it is being feral and impulsive in nature. Sniper cannot let himself be like that for whatever reason. He's already built a clear picture of what he is in his head and he doesn't want to destroy that.
The only time he allows himself to be a monster is in the battle because it comes naturally. However, when it's not a situation of adrenaline rush, when people want to talk about his persona face to face, he starts to defend himself and bury his face under the lies he believes in.
And THIS is anxiety. To be scared to be truly perceived. Not like many people tried, but I assume he wouldn't like it.
Bro really thinks he doesn't have feelings lmaoooo imagine being so emotionally immature the only way to process your emotions is to shot a human dead.
So, is Sniper anxious? Yes. Is this social anxiety? No, he's not shy. Is he an unhinged murderer? Yes. Does he identify as one? No. It's really a little bit more complicated than the two thesises from the beginning.
He's a person. Obviously not mentally healthy. High dimensional. Can be potentially broken or healed in terms of a good character study.
I might be very wrong though and most of the assumptions are simply guessing by grasping the patterns, but usually when I analyze someone like thus, it turns out mostly right. But correct me if you feel like it.
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saphushia · 2 years
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haii!!! time to be tortured by another comic for @shepscapades DBHC AU!!
i need to point out, this scene is ✨~NONCANON~✨ to the au, and is kinda just. well i really wanted to create a hypothetical 'what if' scenario to torture shep, honestly. That scenario being, in this case, "hey, what if when Doc and X reboot etho on s9 after the moon crash and he wakes up Wrong and Angry and Bloodlusty, he gets loose on the server before they can shut him down?"
so uh. yeah ^_^ also, look below the cut for ✨fun bonus facts!!✨ (because they got too long to put in the tags)
NUMBER 1!! it got hidden by the text bubble, but in the first panel bdubs is holding his phone. this is because, well, when etho gets out, doc and x immediately start warning ppl. sending messages in chat basically saying 'etho awake, he got out of the lab, something's wrong, he's glitched, he's dangerous, if you see him tell one of us immediately, and BE CAREFUL' and bdubs, of course, processes up to "etho's awake" before dropping everything and going to look everywhere for him. because that's his buddy! etho's been down for repairs for a while he misses him!! he's going to go see his buddy!
2!! in dbh (the actual game), when an android's stress level gets too high, they pretty much start looking for a way to terminate themselves. of course, i'm sure this holds no bearing to the comic! definitely no relation with etho throwing himself into pvp as his stress level skyrockets...
and 3! there's a couple of ways this can end. either, doc and x arriving and one of them having to hold bdubs back as the other deactivates etho, or, option 2, well... at least bdubs will respawn far away and not have to watch :) i'm sure this won't be traumatizing for either of them ^_^
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chemdisaster · 1 year
3l fanfic about scar being all wired and bloodlusty after going red and grian giving him a bath to make him feel better
heading somewhere far away
"I'm going to kill you," Scar utters and he looks up into Grian's eyes, searching for some kind of reaction, some sign that Grian is as afraid of him and this thing between them as he is, that he understands—
Grian waits to be let go and continues rubbing soap suds into his hair. 
"I'd like to see you try."
credit for the idea goes to @stiffyck (hi <3)
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pharlapcartoonist · 1 year
I love how S01 of OFMD begins with
"Stede Bonnet is the worst pirate captain! If only we could work for the genuine pirate like Blackbeard. Bloodlusty with no mercy."
and S02 begins with
"We keep going and care for each other because of Stede Bonnet. Because we remember the gold times when he and Blackbeard captained The Revenge. It was the best. Not like working for bloodlusty and mad Blackbeard now."
It's so beautiful and important to me
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confusedgoldenflower · 5 months
Overlord woulda been so much more interesting if the skeleton fuck’s morals had sekai-ed with him and he spent the story wrestling with his previous gamer’s mentality of “NPC’s don’t matter” to “FUCK FUCK FUCK THESE ARE HUMANS! THESE ARE PEOPLE! THEY HAVE THEIR OWN LIVES AND FEELINGS AND EXPERIENCES!” And needing to wrestle with all his bloodlusty subordinates along with his new undead’s “people are pests” feelings.
It would be an AWESOME internal and external struggle!!!!
And, hm… what have I neglected saying?… Oh, yes, the above SANS not being able to write fucking female characters!
Which would also fold into intersectional feminism (aka: having actual fem characters bc “cool fights” is an excuse only shitty people use, no specie-ism, have a specified goal for the LEAST life lost possible, least torment, and want actual lives for everyone, and justice, etc).
Yknow what, fuck the creator and y’all weirdo fans, I’ll do it myself. It’s the twentieth fucking century, we deserve actual stories for Ma’at’s sake.
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obsessive bpd culture is lowkey relating to every possessive, yandere, stalker song you listen to. you kinda feel bad about relating to them but then also not really :/
songs like Stalkers Tango, The Things I do for Love, Lovesick in Public, Yandere, An Unhealthy Obsession, The Red Means I Love You, etc
[this totally wasn't also an excuse to share some of my favourite bloodlusty insane stalker songs tehee]
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tarrynightss · 2 years
𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝒹𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒽
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Pairing: Miles Quaritch x fem!reader
Warnings: Angst (like ALOT), graphic descriptions of violence and death, no happy ending
Summary: Had you and Miles ever been build to last? You certainly thought so, proudly wearing his ring on your finger. But when the tensions rise, and it becomes time to choose sides, will he stand with you? (read the inspo post for some spoilers)
A/N: Damn maybe I am evil. This fic is based on this idea I had. There will be a part two with Recom Miles
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A laugh resonates throughout the room, the soft yellow light from outside pouring in through a small window. It’s so warm as you shift under the blankets, laying on your side as you stare at your lover. His hand runs over your bare waist, the adoration in his blue eyes clear. Miles could not remember the last time he had laughed like this. It was as if you had brought color back to his life, your warm smile seared into his mind. 
“Don’t tell me you are going soft on me, Colonel.”
Your voice is smooth like honey, and he stares at your lips as you speak. Soft? He scoffs. Perhaps you were right. You had him wound around your little finger, the man growing anxious whenever he wasn’t near you. It was supposed to be a one night stand, some fooling around to blow off steam, but it had grown into so much more these past few months. Never had he thought he would fall for some science nut.
Miles moves some hair out of your face, stroking his fingers over your soft skin. Touching you feels natural, feels right, and the face of content you make has his own lips curling up into a smile. 
“I love you.” 
The words come out so easily it frightens him, never having been the type of man to say it out loud. He knows he’s no easy man to love, and the situation you both are in isn’t ideal either. But you don’t point out any of that. Instead, your eyes sparkle as you place your hand over his, cupping it against your cheek. 
“I love you too, Miles.”
Miles marches down the hallway with quick steps, his hands balled into fists as he curses under his breath. You had lost your damn mind, undermining him in front of everyone to defend some savages. He had known you would not be pleased with his proposal, but you are his fiancé, for crying out loud! You were the last person he wanted to hear call him a bloodlusty fool. He should’ve gotten you taken out of that Avatar program as soon as you started rambling about Pandora’s native population and how you were going to learn their ways, but he didn’t. He loved you, and seeing your passion for it had foolishly blinded him. 
You run after him, fumbling with the device you’re holding as you bring forward the same holographic screen you had shown him and the others at the meeting. You should not have said what you did in the heat of the moment, but this is far more important than any of that. 
“Miles! Please! I’m sorry! Please listen!”
He stops so suddenly that you almost crash into him, staring down at you with furious eyes. It makes your stomach drop, but you press the screen under his nose regardless. 
“If you don’t believe me nor Grace, fine, but we have proof. Solid data that shows that there is more at play here,” you plead with him. 
Miles looks at what the Na’vi call Hometree, perfectly mapped out with a thousand or million little connections running through it. At the moment it only fuels his anger. 
“Because of the connections between trees?” he fumes in a way that makes you feel foolish when you nod. 
He hums, looking you over as he pretends to consider it for a moment before sharply turning around, nearly knocking the device out of your hand. You stand there, nailed to the ground in shock. He had never been a big science guy, but he had never disregarded you in this way. You hope it’s just payback for what you had said. 
Miles continued walking towards his room, and just as he feared, you chased after him. He did not try to stop you as you walked in after him, the door sliding closed behind you with a hiss. The quarters are pretty much as much his as they are yours, not having slept in your own bunk for months. 
He puts his hand over his face, as unsure as to what to do as you are. It’s hard to be mad at you, but god, what the hell did you expect?!
“The decisions has been made. I will follow my orders, and so should you,” he tells you stiffly and turns towards the wall, praying this will be the end of it. 
You shake your head, slamming the device in your hand down on the metal table next to you, the loud ringing noise it emanates making his muscles tense. 
“That’s bullshit!” you curse and move to look at him, his hand still concealing his facial expression. “This is not just a mission, Miles, we are talking about taking dozens of lives!” 
His hand drops from his face and he looks at you with exhaustion. “Newsflash sweetheart, but that’s what most military missions boil down to.”
You go silent for a second before scoffing, unable to tell him he’s wrong. “That does not mean it’s right.”
Your eyes meet his, and they beg Miles to show mercy. “There are children there, babies. Defenseless creatures who have no idea that there’s any conflict going on.” 
His jaw tightens. Babies. An image flashes through his mind of you holding your own little bundle of joy, your face radiating as you smile. He almost grimaces, realizing his brain truly has been turned into mush by you. 
A chair scrapes over the ground as he pulls it back to sit down, the screen of your device still flickering on the table. He braces himself. “Well, then at least they won’t know what hits them.”
Disgust washes over you at Miles’s words. You try to convince yourself he doesn’t mean it, that he’s just bluffing. You have been with him for over half a year now, he couldn’t be like this. 
You find the ring around your finger, anxiously twisting it around as you once again reassure yourself. He may not be a kind man, but he’s not this either. 
“Don’t be like that,” your voice comes out just above a whisper. “What if it was our child?”
His gaze flicks from your face to your stomach briefly before he painfully balls his hand into a fist, putting it on the table in front of him. “We don’t have one.”
“For god's sake, Miles!” you hiss and move closer to him, staring down at him with panicked eyes. “But what if we did? What if it was our child in there?!”
You want him to say something, anything that shows that he would care. He swallows, throat bobbing.
“Then I would them to get the fuck of there before they get nuked.”
The last bit of hope on your face disappears. As you look into his hard, cold eyes, you see that he is not bluffing, and you wonder how you ever saw any warmth in them at all. 
You do not want to cry, but at the prospect of losing everything you love in a matter of days, your resolve stands no chance. 
Hot tears stream down your face as you shake your head, desperation washing over you. “Don’t do this, Miles. I will beg you if that pleases you. I will get on my knees and beg till my voice is gone if that means you won’t go through with this.” 
Your hand finds his face, reaching out to that man who cuddled you when you couldn’t sleep, to the one who would laugh with you, the one you love. 
“You are asking me to betray humankind,” Miles says, his voice strained. 
“No,” you reply quickly, eyes flicking over his expression and trying to read the hint of something in his voice. “I am asking you to at the very least be neutral. You would neither fight the Na’vi nor support them. We could go away until this is all over.”
You smile weakly at him, the corners of your mouth twitching under the stress. “We could go back to earth, get married, start a family. We’ll leave all this behind.”
It’s a tempting offer, his throat feeling closed up as he takes it in. Just the two of you, a normal, simple life. No more fighting, no more danger. He’d get the family that he never thought he’d have. 
Your hand falls as his answer hits you, betrayal written all over your face. 
Miles loves you, but he can’t do it. He is not the type to pull back, can’t betray the military he has served for so many years. Sempre fi. The words have to bring him strength, comfort, but they pale at the sight of pure hurt on your face. 
“No,” he says again, both to you and himself.
Your mind reels. Does he not even care that all you had will be over? And for what? Honor? Duty? All a heap of shit in your eyes. 
The deep breath you’ve been holding comes out shaky, more tears falling from your eyes. Your fingers fumble with taking his ring off, and you glance down at it one more time. Your heart throbs painfully in your chest, the tension inside you rising as you realize you will be on opposing sides. It all builds and sears before something snaps, and you let out a strangled cry, throwing the now useless piece of metal in his lap. 
“I won’t need this anymore then!” you yell, but all he does is watch, not even bothering to catch the ring as it slips down the front of his shirt and clatters to the ground. 
He had never been meant for marriage, he thinks. Perhaps it was better if it crashed and burned now. 
You heave at his lack of response. “Say something you fucking bastard!”
The muscles in Miles’s neck tense as he cocks his head to the side, producing a forced grin. “It’s been fun, sweetheart.”
The patronizing tone of his voice has your cheeks burning, feeling like an absolute fool. He had strung you along, used you. He would’ve never done anything for you that didn’t benefit him. 
You storm off without another word. Miles Quaritch had turned out to be exactly the man everyone thought he was, you had just been too blinded by love to see it.
Blood slowly trickles down into Miles’s eye, his teeth grinding down on one another as he balls his fists. Jake Sully. The man stands in front of him in his Avatar form, hissing ferally. Jake had taken you with him, flown off with you to god knows where and dragged you into this war. Quaritch’s blood boils at the notion. Whether you wear his ring or not, you are his, and he had locked you away for your own good. Sully had no right to interfere with that. 
“Where is she?” Miles shouts, the knife of his AMP suit raised up in defense. 
Jake shakes his head, teeth bared. “Gone. Shot down by one of your soldiers.”
No. Miles growls in anger at the lie. He had given orders to take you in alive, had spread both your human and Avatar picture out to every soldier he could reach. He glances back to the unit placed nearby. If your Avatar did get shot, you’d be in there, in pain, but very much alive. You wouldn’t have been foolish enough to run back out as a human, right? 
“Come on old man.”
You had beckoned him towards you with your hand, your knuckles covered with hand wraps. You barely ever worked out, but had not hesitated to accept his challenge. Land one hit on him and he’d agree to take a little trip on Pandora with you. You were bold, Miles would give you that, but your skills were lacking. There were dozens of holes in your defense as you stood, and before you could even react, he had knocked you to the ground. 
But you didn’t give up, oh no, using any measures to work your way out from under him and get back in the fight, yelling ‘again!’. You would not give up until you couldn’t go anymore.
The waver in Miles’s attention allows Jake an opening, grabbing a discarded metal piece with a knife-like end from the ground and charging his enemy with it. It pierced right through the front of  Miles’s AMP suit, the sharp end only an inch removed from his face. His mind shifts to full on survival mode as he tears the hunk of metal out of his suit, the suffocating air of Pandora quickly starting to seep in. The glass in front of him is useless now, barely anything visible through the scattered pieces, and so he presses a button to eject it out of its frame. He scrambles to put on the emergency oxygen mask as his heart beats fast in his chest from the lack of air.
Sully won’t give up without a fight either, uncaring that he possesses no weapons as he charges the Colonel. He puts up one hell of a fight too, the mechanic suit struggling to withstand his blows and pulls, the metal creaking when Jake attempts to rip pieces of it off. When he’s purged on top of the AMP suit, Miles sees an opportunity, grabbing him by the braid that protects his queque. 
Jake groans in pain as he’s smashed down to the ground, the grip on his braid unwavering as he’s dragged around. Miles raises Jake up, intending to crush his throat till it’s mush in the suit’s fingers. He would pay for what he had done. 
The voice rings loud through Miles’s head. 
“Stop! Miles!”
His eyes snap away from his enemy, widening as he sees you. Your Avatar form is bloodied but not gravely wounded, the warpaint on your face matching those of the rest of the Na’vi he’s seen. You move towards him, slow but agile, your long tail sweeping behind you. The way your big, yellow eyes watch him disturbs him. There’s something so familiar in them, carrying that same twinkle as your own, but the rest of you is completely alien. 
“Miles.” Your voice beckons him, makes him forget for just a moment where he is. 
He doesn’t let go of Jake as you come closer, in fact he makes no move at all. Miles realizes that even in this odd form, he’s relieved to see you. These days without you had been torture, the Colonel laying awake every night, kicking and hitting walls out of frustration as he could find no way to get to you. 
As you inch towards him, he wonders if you’re going to try to convince him to come with you again. Though he did not want to admit it, this battle was finished, so if there was ever a moment to give into your request, it was now, his own harsh breathing signaling he could not go on for much longer. 
You glance from him to Jake, watching your friend struggle in his grip. Miles notices how your pupils dilate when they flick back to him. A sign of affection as you once told him. You still love him, even after all he did. 
Maybe- Maybe he should go with you, perhaps it wasn’t -
Within the blink of an eye, you have jumped onto his suit, crying out as you drive a dagger through his chest. 
-too late. 
Miles’s eyes open wide in shock as he stumbles back, letting go of Jake in the process. His mind is unable to catch up with what just happened. You had stabbed him, and he shakes his head weakly in disbelief as you stare at him. You wouldn’t do that, you wouldn’t… he feels his brain fogging up as blood seeps from his wound, blurring everything. 
Your mouth opens to reveal your fangs as you pull your dagger back out of Miles with a wet squelch, causing him to stutter as he coughs up blood. You aren’t hissing, no, instead your face has warped into a pained grimace. Your weapon instantly drops to the ground, tears forming in your eyes. He’s confused as to why you look so sad, his grip on reality slipping as he bleeds out. The harsh sunlight blurs your surroundings, and for a moment he thinks you are back in his room, your human face framed so beautifully by your hair as you smile at him. 
An attempt at your name leaves his lips as his knees give in, the suit going down with him. There’s too much blood and spit flowing from his mouth for you to understand what he’s saying, his face quickly becoming stained with it as it flows through his mask. In his mind he said it. He said your name, said that he loves you, that he’s sorry.  
Your shaky hand cups the back of Miles’s neck, propping him up slightly. Your tears drip down on his mask as you silently weep, watching as the color in his face continues draining until his eyes go vacant. His body sputters in your grasp once more, a last impulse from the nervous system, and then he hangs limp, the Colonel long gone.
You tell yourself you had no choice as you stare into his empty, blue eyes. He would not have stopped. You had given him a way out and instead he destroyed and killed everything in his way. He would’ve fought for the humans till his last breath. This had to happen. Didn’t it? Didn’t it?! You pull his lifeless body up, holding it against yours as a choked scream leaves your throat. You had never felt pain this sharp. 
It’s not until you feel Jake’s hand shaking you by the shoulder that you realize that you’ve been holding Miles’s lifeless body for god knows how long, your throat sore from weeping. Your body feels cold and stiff, shaking as Jake helps you put down Miles.
You know you have to leave, but before you do, you start searching for his dog tags, patting down his uniform. What you find instead is something that makes your blood run cold, your fingers tracing the outline of a ring in the chest pocket of his jacket. It’s so tiny in your hands as you pull it out, holding it as if it were made of glass. He had carried it around on his heart ever since you gave it back to him. 
A sad smile forms on your trembling lips and you press the ring against them. 
I love you too, Miles. I’m sorry. 
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gaecoo · 1 year
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@blo0dshott @vampgottic @bloodlusties
@vannhelsiing @gloomvamp @vampdrkness
@_vampiires @draculagirll @thvampp
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hedwig221b · 10 months
I just gotta say I love the way you write Derek's obsession with Stiles. Like in the real world that would be incredibly unhealthy and insane but i just love it so much. Like yeah Stiles is strong and powerful and a smart ass but he's Derek's little love. And Derek just snarling and on the verge of killing anyone who even looks at his stiles. I'm obsessed with their unhealthy obsession
You're sooooooo right!!! Like, whether Stiles is a soft omega or a dark bloodlusty creature, he's still Derek’s kitten 💕 he would find any excuse, be delusional to the point of outright blindness but he'll love Stiles in any universe I put them in.
They're always made for each other, always obsessed. I can never write them with other people like it makes me ill.
Derek is a walking red flag 🚩🚩🚩 lmao like I'm sorry some people write him like a basic human that just grows fangs sometimes but he's a wolf! Come on! He'll have instincts and reactions that are weird and creepy by human standards, and he's waaaaaayyy too possessive but also so fucking soft 🥵 Derek is not human, and I'll use that excuse every damn time.
Also adsfjdglgdgkzsmg thank you so much!!! And just know that I always got you if you ever want obsessive sterek. I am unable to write them any other way. Every fic is going to have them like that 🔥
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