#ranma 1/2 saffron
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everythingranma · 2 months
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princesscolumbia · 6 months
Smokin' Hot
Was having an absolutely miserable night last night, so even though I was not planning on posting this one until Monday, I felt like I needed a win so I finished it up early and shot it off into the universe. I'll be posting the next chapter of Double Isekai tomorrow, so stay tuned.
Oh, and if you haven't read the two previous stories in this series (don't worry, they're one-shots), here's the links:
The Joketsuzokunichuaan Saga
What if there was a "Spring of Drowned Warrior Woman?" And what if the Amazon tribeswomen were obligate impression procreators instead of just having a silly law about marrying outsider men who managed to defeat them?
And, most importantly, what if you could write such a series without it being squicky 'bad end' fetish porn?
Like a Cat in Heat
Dragon's Lair
Kasumi doesn't want to remember
This one is...different from the other two entries in this series. If you know me at all, except for certain themes (Celestia is always Sunset's mom somehow, Ranma is always at least NB, if not transfemme, context is king, etc.) I don't like repeating things. Considering I already "repeated" Ranma's curse with Herb for "Dragon's Lair," I didn't want to give someone in the Phoenix tribe a Joketsuzokuniichuan curse and call it a day. A good part of this fic's story and structure can be laid at the feet of Tamsyn Muir and the way she told an absolutely batshit insane, totally off the wall, MAGNIFICENTLY managed Harrow the Ninth. If you haven't read The Locked Tomb yet, you won't have any idea what I'm talking about. If you have, you'll see exactly what I mean fairly quickly.
Preview below the cut:
"This," said Ku Lon to the gathered Saotome-Tendo families, "Is Plum. Yes, like the fruit. Her family have been serving as guides for Jusenkyo for as long as records of the springs have been kept. She took over from her father a couple of years ago and has been doing a far sight better a job than he did...and she's also exceptionally brave."
"Plum not know who to trust. Just know Ku Lon and Xian Pu good to Plum when mother die. So Plum come here when Jusenkyo start to dry up."
Kasumi fidgeted as surreptitiously as she could under the restaurant table. She knew she didn't really have a place at these discussions. She wasn't a martial artist, she wasn't bonded to or wed to one of the Joketsuzoku, and she didn't have any dragon blood in her family line. She was here because she was the 'matriarch,' for whatever that title was worth, of the Tendo family and so honor demanded she attend. She at least had the reassuring company of Hiroshi and Daisuke seated with her at the same table, today wearing some rather silly maid costumes in their female forms. The three of them had bonded over the fact that they had the least ability to do anything for anyone in this rarified atmosphere of condensed power and martial skill.
"Wait, the springs're drying up?" Ranma gaped, "Aint they been around for, like, thousands of years?"
Plum nodded, "Springs guarded by Joketsuzoku, kept clean by Musk, and fed by spring in Mount Phoenix. Three tribes, three legs of stool, is balancing act."
Ku Lon spoke up when confused looks spread through the non-natives to the Juusendo region, "While we don't have records of the origin of Jusenkyo, the legends of our peoples tell of the Amazons, the Musk, and the Phoenix working together in a sort of...mutually assured destruction peace treaty. The Musk would master the springs themselves, the Phoenix keeping the source of the springs safe, and the Joketsuzoku keeping the outside world from discovering the secrets of the springs. And in the middle of it all," she pointed with her cane to Plum, "The guides, only there to observe and to keep wandering visitors safe and direct them to the Joketsuzoku."
"Four months ago we got word of some serious troop movements among the Musk," Nabiki almost unconsciously put her hand on Jian's knee with a gentle squeeze, "They were positioning units in concerning ways, but once it was clear that the Joketsuzoku weren't the target, Ku Lon and I decided to take a 'wait and see' approach. We expected that if this was unprovoked Musk aggression, then the Phoenix Tribe would send someone to the Joketsuzoku to ask for help, part of the balance of power in the region. But instead...?"
"We got silence," interjected Ku Lon. "We, that is, the village sent emissaries, but they were turned away before they even got to the foot of the mountain. We then sent peace envoys to the Musk to see if they were acting on some sort of aggression from the Phoenix people, but our warriors were attacked without provocation. Fortunately, no loss of life, or else this would be a drastically different kind of meeting."
The Elder Emeritus sighed and sipped at her tea, "At least we have an idea why the Musk reacted now, if the Phoenix are interfering with the flow of the water from Juusendo, then the Musk, who use the springs regularly for their...barbaric purposes, would have noticed first. Why they didn't come to us..."
"Because my father is a fool," snapped Jianren. "He believes that men, and specifically the Beast Warriors of the Musk, are all that anyone needs for true power. He will see this as a personal attack against him, specifically, and everyone else is complicit in the crimes he imagines are being committed against him."
"Idiotic old lizard," grumbled Ku Lon, "What is more distressing is the news that the Kaisufuu has been found." At the expected blank looks, she explained, "There are two artifacts that were created to work in tandem with the Springs of Jusenkyo. The Chiisuiton, or Locking Ladle, and the Kaisufuu, or Pot of Liberation. When a silly young prince," Ku Lon nudged Jianren gently with the head of her staff, "So foolishly thought the best way to acclimate himself to the sight of a naked woman was to use his people's traditions to make a mistress of a monkey," Jian had turned beet red and was clasping her free hand over her eyes, her other hand held by an impishly smiling Nabiki, "He, now she, fell victim to the Locking Ladle, which was then lost when Ha Bu fled rather than deal with the ongoing shame of being a princess in a land where women were considered to be barely above animals."
"Legend said that the two artifacts will point the way to each other," Jian interjected, "I thought to take the ladle and pail with me to find the kettle, but then I was ambushed by some highwaymen in the deep backwoods of China. I overpowered them, but the pail and ladle were lost in the battle. That...that was the moment I swore off my birth name and became Jianren."
Kasumi watched as Nabiki leaned into her wife and the two cuddled for a bit. To her left, Hiroshi and Daisuke looked on as well, satisfied smiles like book-ends on their faces.
"Given the kettle was lost centuries ago," continued Ku Lon when it became clear that Jian wasn't going to say anything further, "It is only reasonable to conclude that the pail and ladle were recovered somehow and then used to track down the Kaisufuu. If only one artifact was the possession of either the Phoenix or the Musk, it would be bad. But given the Musk have been behaving defensively and the Phoenix have halted the flow of the springs, we have to assume that the Phoenix tribe has both artifacts and are preparing to use them for some reason we cannot know without more information."
The more experienced warriors, politicians, and martial artists began speculating, though it was clear they were going to be talking in circles. Kasumi looked over to the other two girls at the table and reached out, clasping Hiroshi's hand, "You don't have to do it, you know."
They both turned to her with confusion etched on their faces. In a bit of the puckish karmic humor Jusenkyo was known for among those who studied the magics of the springs, where Daisuke had the more common dark black hair of most Japanese men and Hiroshi had lighter, shaggier brown, almost blond hair as a man, as women their hair colors were nearly exactly reversed, though Daisuke's girl-form hair was closer to dirty blond than light brown. They had similar builds to each other, which had led to some interesting clothing swaps on occasion. Of course, they both had a masculine sense of feminine modesty, which is to say nearly non-existent, a fact for which Nabiki and Jianren had taken shameless advantage of over the years.
"What're you talking about, Kas-chan?" asked Daisuke innocently.
Kasumi just swept Hiroshi's hand into a two-handed grip and bore into the part-time woman's eyes with her own, "You know Jian is capable of taking care of herself, even against her father. Please, you know how much it will hurt Jianren, and Daisuke and Nabiki will be heartbroken."
The two boys-turned-girls looked at each other with sad, defeated expressions. "C'mon, Kas-chan," drolled Hiroshi as she turned to the older woman, "You know that's not how this conversation went."
(Read the whole thing on AO3)
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lizalfosbokoblinus · 5 months
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Name : Monichi Saotome
Gender : female
Age : 16
Family : Ranma (mother/father),Saffron (father), nodoka &genma (Grandparents).
Personality :Monichi is a calm and friendly person who will help those in trouble. But don't lie to her or take her friendship for granted. She will be revengeful if crossed or wrongfully accused. Really smart. So it's difficult to pull the wool over her eyes. Or put her in Really terrible situations. Does not like people who uses other.Thus had difficulty trusting her Grandparents. Or rather genma who always has an interior motive.Will not let others use or control her as some sort as pawn.
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izzyfishii · 1 year
i want to stomp his stupid face in and then boil him and his goons for antagonist crimes
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petz5 · 6 months
Mixing up the standard "how would you change ranma 1/2 if you could do a modern version" question by asking if you would change shampoo and if so how. Beyond like making her character more respectful of Chinese people
I apologize if u intended for me to give my take on shampoo as a good person 😭 bc i actually really would adore her if it were the opposite. I want her to really lean in on being a yandere. Like she can still kind of be on the line between good and bad for most of the series, but I want her, over time, to become more and more aware that akane is a threat she needs to take seriously. Its kind of written like this already, if you squint lol, but I think by the arc with pink and link she should be getting more desperate for ranma to pay attention to her, and akane saving him (esp after her own grandmother gave akane the tools she used to fight her) should be what really gets the ball rolling on her becoming a more blatant villain, being especially exacerbated by ranma’s “proposal” to akane, and then culminating more or less in the same scene as in the final volume where she’s threatening to snap akane’s neck if ranma doesn’t agree to be not her husband but her slave
Like its pretty clear she doesn’t take akane very seriously already- why would she? She can’t cook, she’s not very feminine, she has a short temper, she doesn’t have much of a figure, ranma argues with her constantly anyway. Better to focus on REAL threats like ukyo, who can actually rival her in Wifely Skill TM. Ranma has to play nice so he won’t be on the streets, he’s not taking her fiancee status seriously. ….But he’s always hanging around her, even when visiting shampoo, and in fact maybe because he’s visiting shampoo and wants someone to be a buffer between them. He only comes to shampoo when he wants something, and she only gets his attention when she’s offering up another phony cure. She hates akane, and, deep down, she hates ranma even more. She can’t go back to her village without him without consequence, and he won’t even look her way! She’s owed him, that’s what her village’s law says! He thinks he gets to choose, but there is no choice, he’s hers, and the sooner he accepts that the better
Kiima doesn’t have to brainwash her, she willingly agrees when she’s presented with the opportunity to get rid of akane once and for all. Sure, there’s the caveat that she’s also supposed to kill ranma, but she doesn’t actually plan on being loyal to these dumb phoenix people. When ranma tricks her after agreeing to her terms and attacks her, she fights him for real, ready to actually kill him, especially when he seems almost willing to just let her so he can join akane in death. When mousse steps in between them she relents and lies about being brainwashed, but she can tell ranma doesn’t really buy it even if he lets it go in the moment for the sake of getting to saffron faster. When she bombs his wedding at the end she cements herself on his shit list for so purposefully endangering akane twice
Idk how exactly i’d end it but she wouldn’t just get off scot-free lol. She’d be SO FUN AS A REAL VILLAIN. i want her to get worse <3 i guess u could argue kodachi kind of fills this role but she’s not really a yandere…. like she’s just Like That even before meeting him. Shampoo’s like that specifically bc of her obsession with ranma and thats the driving force in her malicious behavior. Its sometimes lightly implied in canon but I want the line between her love and hate for ranma to be razor thin
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russelldworld · 2 months
1st - It'll be big, Like at least as big as Netflix's other big anime shows (this is partially more based on hope than anything though I do think it breaks into the top ten) and will manage to get four seasons that adapt the manga with minimal trimming. (that last parts more a wish, but if this anime gets TWO unfinished adaptations I will kill a man) 2nd - Invest in Hibiki, guy's already popular in the fan circles but I wholly expect new fans will latch onto him like. If he dose not spawn at least one meme I will be sourly disapointed
3rd - While the dub will largely skirt the issue of Ranma's gender identity (which is good, don't try and force LGBT narratives where their aren't any) expect at least a few puns about eggs or something and some winks to the LGBT fans. If we reach the ending of the manga, expect the dub to veer closer to the lines of the popular fan translation than the official (the former has Ranma accept his curs and 'part of him' the latter has him admit saving Akane was more important) Fin be me, the joke hits harder with the other. 4th - conversely though if the anime gets to Konotsu, and the official Japanese uses male pronouns or exclusively gender neutral, and the dub uses female pronouns, prepare for a shit storm. 5th - Happosai will be surprisingly popular as a manifestation of anime fan's perverted lust for characters. The fact he's supposed to be unlikable and is feared by much of the cast will absolve him of the complications characters like Rosh and Minnet get, and the internet will mostly embrace him as a love to hate him pervert.
6th - Conversely Moose will be villanized by the fandom as a stocker who can't take a hint. And since unlike say Kuno, where his lack of ability to take a hint is part of a joke, fan works will have a tendency to treat him very harsh.
7th - Genma/Soun will be a surprisingly popular ship. It's basically a less messed up version of Willam/Henery, and people are far more interested in seeing two old men bone now that in the early 00s
8th - the one off male characters (Ryu, Shinnosuke, Herb, and Saffron) Will be surprisingly popular alongside Taro if we get to em. Expect at least one gender flip Au where Ranma's herem is made of these guys.
9th - A Male Akane Au, be it cis or Trans, will be popularized by a one off comic that catches on on twitter. 10th - P*rn, so much P**rn, even if it's less horny than both the original anime or the manga just... so much p**n of theses idiots.
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ao3feed-superbat · 1 month
Ranma in Gotham
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/CnKQLbV by HOnney78, Wizibirb Ranma has just defeated Saffron, and he is slowly coming to terms with the fact he has killed someone. He is sick of what his life has become, sick of the escalation, of the strain on his honor. He can't do it anymore, so he decides enough is enough. That is the day that Ranma Satome Man-amongst-men died. It is also the same day that Eiko begins to live, now years later she is in her new home living her new life, blending into the city she now calls home. A city where a super powered martial artist doesn't really stand out. The city of Gotham, however the craziness of her past life is done with her yet, and she finds herself dealing with over zealous Robins and very gay villains. Words: 21405, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Ranmalicious, Part 20 of Gremlin Squad Fandoms: Ranma 1/2, Batman - All Media Types, ストップ!! ひばりくん! | Stop!! Hibari-kun! (Manga) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Saotome Ranma, Oozora Hibari, Harleen Quinzel, Pamela Isley, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake (DCU), Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Edward Nygma Relationships: Oozora Hibari/Saotome Ranma, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, Oozora Hibari/Saotome Ranma/Pamela Isley/Harleen Qinzel, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne and his kids, Harleena and Pamela and their friends. Additional Tags: Heeeeey guess who tried to do a nice small one shot, we did a long nice one shot, Trans Female Saotome Ranma, Modelocked ranma, Mentions of past self harm, Panic Attacks, Neko ken is DID, we decided so, Her name is Keiko because she's cat eiko, Polyamory, did, Very Gay TM, Damian is prone to violence, Damian has an ego problem, the Wayne had a tendency to jump to conclusion, poor doc freeze has been forgotten in an ice cube., fluff we promise, Bruce has a boyfriend and a girlfriend, Barbara is done with this shit, We were going to add a whole fucking thing about Ranma adopting Orphan because she's cool, Eiko and her polycule adopting her, but - Freeform, we already wrote so much, so just, imagine it happened until we work on the sequel, france doesnt have normalized clim, i'm dying here, Jason likes to hit on people who can injure him read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/CnKQLbV
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regnigt · 2 years
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[I can no longer find this final post on Tumblr so I decided to repost it from my mirror copy on Dreamwidth. ]
Art runs from left to right. Final volume of Ranma 1/2. Spoilers galore.
Hours earlier, when Ranma incorrectly thought Akane had been killed (when she'd actually shrank down to a tiny non-responsive doll, the result of dehydration in the odd physics of Ranmaverse), he'd become pretty much catatonic, needing Ryoga to pull him out of mortal danger. He didn't respond to anyone or anything until the Jusenkyo Guide explained that Akane was still alive but must be rehydrated by the cold water of Jusendo, which meant taking down Saffron (the set-up is a bit complicated, but easy to follow in the actual story).
Now, though, that doesn't happen again. Ranma is in a more subtle shock now, and is aware enough that he can talk to Akane, can thank her, give her what he thinks are words of goodbye... sort of take responsibility in an utterly heartbreaking way.
She will, of course, turn out to be still alive after all - "too stupid to die", as Shampoo remarks in the Viz translation - and perhaps it's even her hearing Ranma's words and sensing the meaning behind them that revives her. Akane's a tough girl, and the story wouldn't have let her die here. But I'm still picking this one page. I just feel for Ranma so much here, including his moment of angry frustration with himself for always saying the wrong thing in the fourth panel.
The Ranma 1/2 manga has often been criticised for not moving much beyond status quo even in the finale. And sure, there is a good amount of backsliding so that the comedy can continue like usual in the remaining pages. (Personally I'm glad that I'd been spoiled ahead that there wouldn't be much obvious change before I got to the finale - my expectations might have been too high otherwise.) But it certainly feels to me that after this adventure, Ranma and Akane are very solidly certain of their own feelings and a lot more certain of the other one's feelings than they used to be. (Though even in many previous volumes it feels like they often quietly assume/understand their basic relationship.) They still need to work on their communication, on their respective jealousies, learn to respect one another better, learn to mature and all -- they might well both benefit from spending some time apart in fact. But there's no way you're splitting them up.
And Ranma's no longer desperate to get rid of the curse. Shortly after Akane revives, the gang goes to Jusenkyo and finds out the springs have been flooded so they can't get rid of their curses. Ranma's a little sad, but also composed and calm -- the curse is no longer such an important thing for him in his mind. His mother has accepted him in spite of it, after all. And it doesn't really make any difference in his relationship to Akane. They are who they are. ♥
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 month
Ranma in Gotham
by HOnney78, Wizibirb Ranma has just defeated Saffron, and he is slowly coming to terms with the fact he has killed someone. He is sick of what his life has become, sick of the escalation, of the strain on his honor. He can't do it anymore, so he decides enough is enough. That is the day that Ranma Satome Man-amongst-men died. It is also the same day that Eiko begins to live, now years later she is in her new home living her new life, blending into the city she now calls home. A city where a super powered martial artist doesn't really stand out. The city of Gotham, however the craziness of her past life is done with her yet, and she finds herself dealing with over zealous Robins and very gay villains. Words: 21405, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Ranmalicious, Part 20 of Gremlin Squad Fandoms: Ranma 1/2, Batman - All Media Types, ストップ!! ひばりくん! | Stop!! Hibari-kun! (Manga) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Saotome Ranma, Oozora Hibari, Harleen Quinzel, Pamela Isley, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake (DCU), Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Edward Nygma Relationships: Oozora Hibari/Saotome Ranma, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, Oozora Hibari/Saotome Ranma/Pamela Isley/Harleen Qinzel, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne and his kids, Harleena and Pamela and their friends. Additional Tags: Heeeeey guess who tried to do a nice small one shot, we did a long nice one shot, Trans Female Saotome Ranma, Modelocked ranma, Mentions of past self harm, Panic Attacks, Neko ken is DID, we decided so, Her name is Keiko because she's cat eiko, Polyamory, did, Very Gay TM, Damian is prone to violence, Damian has an ego problem, the Wayne had a tendency to jump to conclusion, poor doc freeze has been forgotten in an ice cube., fluff we promise, Bruce has a boyfriend and a girlfriend, Barbara is done with this shit, We were going to add a whole fucking thing about Ranma adopting Orphan because she's cool, Eiko and her polycule adopting her, but - Freeform, we already wrote so much, so just, imagine it happened until we work on the sequel, france doesnt have normalized clim, i'm dying here, Jason likes to hit on people who can injure him via https://ift.tt/crpXbtm
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ao3feed-harleyquinn · 1 month
Ranma in Gotham
by HOnney78, Wizibirb Ranma has just defeated Saffron, and he is slowly coming to terms with the fact he has killed someone. He is sick of what his life has become, sick of the escalation, of the strain on his honor. He can't do it anymore, so he decides enough is enough. That is the day that Ranma Satome Man-amongst-men died. It is also the same day that Eiko begins to live, now years later she is in her new home living her new life, blending into the city she now calls home. A city where a super powered martial artist doesn't really stand out. The city of Gotham, however the craziness of her past life is done with her yet, and she finds herself dealing with over zealous Robins and very gay villains. Words: 21405, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Ranmalicious, Part 20 of Gremlin Squad Fandoms: Ranma 1/2, Batman - All Media Types, ストップ!! ひばりくん! | Stop!! Hibari-kun! (Manga) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Saotome Ranma, Oozora Hibari, Harleen Quinzel, Pamela Isley, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake (DCU), Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Edward Nygma Relationships: Oozora Hibari/Saotome Ranma, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, Oozora Hibari/Saotome Ranma/Pamela Isley/Harleen Qinzel, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne and his kids, Harleena and Pamela and their friends. Additional Tags: Heeeeey guess who tried to do a nice small one shot, we did a long nice one shot, Trans Female Saotome Ranma, Modelocked ranma, Mentions of past self harm, Panic Attacks, Neko ken is DID, we decided so, Her name is Keiko because she's cat eiko, Polyamory, did, Very Gay TM, Damian is prone to violence, Damian has an ego problem, the Wayne had a tendency to jump to conclusion, poor doc freeze has been forgotten in an ice cube., fluff we promise, Bruce has a boyfriend and a girlfriend, Barbara is done with this shit, We were going to add a whole fucking thing about Ranma adopting Orphan because she's cool, Eiko and her polycule adopting her, but - Freeform, we already wrote so much, so just, imagine it happened until we work on the sequel, france doesnt have normalized clim, i'm dying here, Jason likes to hit on people who can injure him via https://ift.tt/CuX3dWb
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everythingranma · 3 months
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bicokun · 5 months
Thinking about the old fanfic I wrote that was a Ranma 1/2 x Dragonball crossover where Trunks and Ranma were secretly half brothers born around the same time (Vegeta also did not know this—I wrote a sort of backstory to this after the reveal where he basically got accidentally engaged to Nodoka and got roped into doing the do before he could basically manipulate her into marrying Genma instead). I wanted to rewrite it for the longest time after I ended up going on permanent hiatus on the sequel series that followed Pan and Saffron—who ended up adopted by Ranma and Akane after he was reborn from his egg, and also got the same curse as Ranma because why not—but I also had so many ideas for something a bit more fusion-y. I explored it a bit in that one by having stuff like Happōsai being Rōshi’s student before Gohan and Ox King, but I wanted to keep all the canon material as-is, so always made reasons why there was never greater impact (or built the impact into the canon as backstory for why canon played out that way).
Anyway, I’ve definitely been thinking about it again more lately, and doing something more along the lines of an actual fusion of the series starting with, like, the initial concept of Happosai and Lukkosai being Rōshi’s students that end up having to be beaten by their replacements, Gohan and Ox King. Perhaps even Happy and Lucky get poached by the Crane Hermit to give that rivalry some more depth. Then just have them get sealed away like Piccolo was and released around the same time as Piccolo. Genma and Soun could be young competitors in the 22nd Budōkai tournament, themselves, of no consequence at first as they’re beaten very early, perhaps even not making it past the preliminaries. But they could be a way that the Crane School continues to be relevant, in a way, as Happōsai comes back as a Crane School “student” and now master once Tien and Chiaotzu defect. Maybe he shows himself to be stronger than Tsurusennin and overthrows him, recreating the Crane School as his own Anything Goes Martial Arts School. It would also be cool to incorporate the Musk Dynasty and Heroine Tribe (I like the direct translation of Shampoo’s tribe, btw). I also have a fun thought on how to incorporate Saiyans into the main cast of Ranma 1/2 without even requiring Vegeta to get it on with multiple ladies during the timeskip between Freeza and Android Arcs.
I don’t even think it would affect the main plot of Dragonball that much until maybe the Buu or Super timeframes, but the knock-on effects of the Ranma 1/2 characters even being side characters in the Dragon World would definitely spice things up there. I may play with the idea a bit more. I haven’t done more than write some outlines of fanfic for years now, but I’m very tempted to actually do a thing, even if I don’t have a lot of time for it.
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danykha · 4 years
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petz5 · 10 months
HEYY JORDAN HOPE YOU ARE HAVING AN AMAZING DAYY just really out of curiosity but I wanna hear your thoughts on a ranma 1/2 magical girl au (of your choice!) I always have ranma + magical au thoughts but I wanna hear your thoughts aswell teheee!
OOOHHH OMG. I love magical girls so keep ur eyes open for potential art of this……. unrelated but i think its funny ranma is TEEECHNICALLY already a magical girl if u stretch the definition enough to include magically transforming into a girl as being a magical girl
First i wouldn’t want it to be a crossover of any kind, i’d want it to be its own original thing. I think the curse would work the same except when ranma gets splashed w cold water she also turns into a magical girl. Probably very light on actual magic powers and all the fighting would be more physical and martial arts based like in futari wa precure. I also think it’d be funny if ryoga was locked into pig form and had to act as the mascot companion and help guide ranma to defeat the Big Bad (probably still saffron) to get his human form back
I don’t have a lot of other thoughts atm but ID LUV TO HEAR URS
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