#sad mammon
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It should’ve been me.
Very short—
Mammon angst/fluff lmao this is old? I only finished it now
“MAMMON HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!?! ACTUALLY NO! WHY DID I EVER TRUST YOU! YOU LYING SCUM!” Levi screamed relentlessly, the others glaring, some joined in.
“Leviathan, stop, I’ll punish him myself.” Lucifer said, disgusted as he looks at Mammon.
“No, he needs to know! That he doesn’t deserve to live! That- Levi screamed, “LEVIATHAN ENOUGH!” Lucifer bellowed yet Levi disobeyed.
Mammon looked at him, dead in the eye his hands shaking, his eyes glassy and red.
“YOU SHOULD’VE— “Shoulda died instead of Lilith.” Mammon muttered yet everyone heard.
Silence followed and all that was heard, were Mammon’s breathless pants.
“Mammon, don’t say that… it’s not funny.” Beel whispered tears forming in his eyes. “Why?! Because i’s true? ‘S it hurting ya?!” Mammon shouted his tears flowing freely, his grin wide and delirious.
“Don’t speak to Beel that way.” Belphie snarled embracing Beel protectively. “Why shouldn’ I? Ya guys do it allll the time, I should at least get that, right?!” Mammon laughed,
“But o’ course I don’, ‘M jus some scum of the Devildom who decided ta take care for yall! I don’ matter to any of ya so none of ya matter to me.”
“Mammon.” Lucifer glared yet inside his heart ached.
“What? Ya gonna hang me from the ceiling or are ya gonna copy Michael and lock me in a small room without food for months? Cause yer jus’ like ‘im!” Mammon howled and ripped off his shirt.
“Ya wanna know where I got these from?! Ya wanna know why my secondary win’s never sprouted?!! Cause o’ ‘im! Cause o’ Michael!”
“Ya know what? wish I stayed with Michael!!! If I did maybe I wouldn’ be stuck in this hellhole with y’a bastards!!!” He ran. Ran out of the house, slamming the door.
Vowing to never step inside the house of lamentation ever again.
He kept that promise, since from that day on the avatar of greed was reported to have been taken away, up in the sky. Away from the pain. Michael reformed and was forever making it up to Mammon. Perhaps it wasn’t all so bad for the newly appointed Angel of generosity.
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my-s0ul-1s-sunfl0wer5 · 2 years ago
This is so yummy and I’m tearing up omgg
Only Love Can Hurt Like This.
Lol hi, I just made this cuz I was feeling angsty, so have som DiaMon angst.
No part 2, cuz I'm too lazy, so interpret the aftermath however you like.
Anyways, enjoy!
Mammon had never felt love like this before, in fact, he never thought he'd ever experience such a thing in his whole life. All the love he’s ever felt were all platonic and familial, but even those types of love never lasted long for him, always seeming to leave him when he least expected it.
Maybe that’s why he's hanging on to Diavolo, the only one that’s willing to love him for who he is, the only person who wants him and his entire being. The greed in him hanging on to the love Diavolo is giving him, wanting more each second. 
But, like all relationships, there’s bumps that’s bound to appear.
— — — — — — — — — — —
“I don’t get why ya would say that?!” Mammon retorts, anger clear on his face. His voice is hard like steel as he’s in front of Diavolo.
Diavolo sighs towards Mammon. “I understand why you are mad, Love, but there was no reason for you to act out during dinner.” He reasons.
Mammon seethes, his sapphire eyes glowing in anger. “Don’tcha fucking ‘Love’ me! I had every reason to be angry at ya!” He exclaims out.
“Mammon, that was no reason for you to be disrespectful to journalists during the party.” Diavolo says, his eyes stern.
A laugh of disbelief leaves Mammon’s lips. “Are ya fucking kidding me? Those vultures asked if ya and Lucifer were dating, a fucking rumour that has been around for centuries!” Mammon exclaims out.
The white haired male takes a step towards the demon prince, making sure to keep eye contact. “And ya know what ya did? Fucking confirmed the rumours! Ya fucking confirmed ya were dating my brother when the truth is, it’s ME yer dating!”  Mammon seethes.
Mammon remembers the happenings that occurred just an hour ago. It was an event, where all the nobles of Devildom were invited for the evening, a dinner for the demons with titles, and a party with outfits that don’t feel comfortable at all.
Naturally, he and his brothers were invited, since they are the Seven Avatars of Devildom. When they arrived at the castle, it was just every fancy gathering they’ve been to for the past millenniums they’ve been in Devildom.
It was like a routine at this point, they mingled, walked around, greeted anyone who would start a conversation, and just be there for the sake of it. Mammon didn’t really care for the pish posh talks with the other demons, and just sat on his seat as he sipped on his demonus.
When his secret boyfriend, Diavolo, name’s was announced, he got excited, because that would mean that after his boyfriend’s small talk and greetings to his guest, the both of them would sneak towards the royal garden. Where they would enjoy each other’s company until the party was over.
He’s surprised no one knows of their relationship due to them sneaking around together all the time, well, except for his brothers and obviously Barbatos. But other than that, no one seemed suspicious about them.
His plans for the rest of the night were tossed out the window, when a couple of journalists who were invited to the party started asking questions to the demon prince. Mammon didn’t really pay attention to journalists, but he perked up when one of them asked his boyfriend if the rumors of Lucifer, Avatar of Pride, dating the demon prince were true. 
That rumor was hot gossip for the past few centuries, and Mammon knows that his older brother never liked Diavolo like that. In fact, Lucifer was in love with Simeon, and Mammon was the one who helped them get their shit together. 
That’s why, when Diavolo blurted out a ‘yes’, Mammon was seething in rage. His rage was so noticeable that Satan and Beel had to calm him down, but it was futile. He was going to rip the demon prince a new hole.
And that’s how they ended up here, in Diavolo’s quarters. Mammon is ready to break every piece of furniture in this room, just to ease his anger
Diavolo has the shame to look guilty, good, because he would’ve raged if he didn’t have an ounce of guilt for saying such bullshit.
“I apologize. I shouldn't have confirmed the rumors about me and Lucifer.” Diavolo says, his arms trying to capture Mammon in a hug, but the other male takes a step away.
“No, ya don’t get to hug me and think that’ll fucking fix it. Everyone in devildom would know it’s Lucifer yer dating and not me! Just why the fuck would ya say ‘yes’?!” Mammon yells, hurt clear in his eyes.
“I was stressed from the paperwork and my brain was not functioning properly, the journalists were already adding more stress and I was trying to end the conversation with short answers. I seem to have not been paying close attention to what they were saying and accidentally blurted out ‘yes’ to the rumors.” Diavolo quickly explains, guilt clear on his face.
Diavolo takes a small step towards Mammon. “I’ll tell them that I made a mistake when answering them and tell them that Lucifer is not my lover.” He says softly.
Mammon bites his bottom lip, eyebrows scrunched together. “Are ya gonna tell them about us? Tell them about the secret relationship we’ve had for the past few millenniums?” 
“Yes.” Diavolo immediately confirms. “It’s time they know who I really love.” He says softly, cupping Mammon’s cheek. 
Mammon doesn’t look at Diavolo. “I get why ya wanna keep our relationships a secret, but I don’t think I want them to know.” He whispers. 
“Why not? Sure, I may have wanted you all for myself, but I know how much you want to go on public dates. This is the perfect time to tell them.” Diavolo says, taking Mammon’s hands into his. 
The shorter male shakes his head side by side. “If they know it’s me yer dating I’ll be a fucking laughingstock.” He says, taking a step back, removing his hands from Diavolo’s grasp.
Diavolo can feel his heart sink, knowing where Mammon is going with this. He takes a step towards Mammon, but the white haired male raises a hand to stop him. 
Mammon looks up at Diavolo sadly. “I’m already seen as a fool by everyone, if they find out that my boyfriend said ‘yes’ to the rumor everyone is dying to know about. They’ll rip me apart, saying shit that ya actually want Lucifer and not me.”
“They’d paint me as a clown, a fucking goldigger who wants ya for yer riches.” Mammon explains, his voice shaking. “I don’t think I can handle that, Dia.”
Diavolo swallows thickly, eyebrows drawn together. “What are you saying, Love?” He asks softly. 
Mammon shakily lets out a breath. “I’m breaking up with ya.” He states.
The white haired male tightly clutches at his sleeves, a way of keeping himself together. “I-I can’t do this anymore. I love ya, I really do.” Mammon says, eyes starting to burn for the oncoming tears. 
Diavolo tries to take Mammon into his arms, but Mammon takes a step away. “Mammon—Love, we can make this work. Please let’s make this work, let’s talk.” He pleads, his eyes starting to burn as well. 
Mammon lets out a shaky laugh, not an ounce of humor was clear in it. “I don’t think we should.” He says, continuing their eye contact. “Not when ya don’t love me like ya used to.” 
Hearing that, Diavolo freezes. Confusion clear on his face as he looks at Mammon. “Wha-? I-I don’t understand. Why do you think I don’t love you like I always have? My love for you has never faded once.” He says, desperately.
“I have eyes, Dia.” Mammon says softly. “I don’t doubt how much ya loved me for the first few millenniums, but I could see ya started to love me less.” He whispers.
Mammon lets out a wet laugh, his tears starting to fall. “I wanted to keep ya to myself, for ya to only want me and only me. That may be my greed talking, but ya were the only good thing that happened when I arrived in Devildom.” He says, throat thick with tears.
“I see how ya look at Lucifer.” Mammon states, hurt clear on his glassy sapphire eyes. “I didn’t want to believe it, but ya started to keep looking for Lucifer everytime ya enter a room. I couldn’t just not see that.”
Mammon bites his lip in a way to stop himself from sobbing, but it doesn’t stop the endless stream of tears that keeps flowing. “I knew that one day, ya’d toss me aside, too, like my brothers. But, I didn’t wanna believe it.”
A sob leaves Mammon’s lips. “I deluded myself into thinking that maybe, yer gonna be the first one who’d stay and be the one who actually wants me.” A broken laugh leaves his lips. “I was stupid for asking too much. 
Diavolo tries to say something in his state of shock and realization, but Mammon starts walking away from him and opens the door to his office. The white haired male looks over his shoulder, his pretty sapphire eyes looking straight towards him. And there’s only one thought Diavolo had:
‘Why would I ever look for another, when I had you?’
A sad smile appears on Mammon’s lips. “Thanks for loving me in a way no one could, Dia. Ya really made me happy.” He whispers as he leaves the room and closes the door.
The sound of the door being shut was the last thing Diavolo heard as he stood there, grieving the most precious thing he had just lost.
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devildomwriter · 6 months ago
Mammon x MC Energy
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dynimitedyno · 3 months ago
rip obey me those boys are my ocs now and they will spin around in my head like rotisserie chickens indefinitely
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celtrist · 3 months ago
Hazbin & Helluva Vs. Aromanticism
(Aka: I have a problem with the Spindlehorse team about this, not shippers.)
(Also this is mainly about Alastor but can go for Octavia and Mammon too.)
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Alright, so I've cleaned up this uh... rant, to make things a little more clear hopefully. But to summarize here, this is about the team's lack of commitment when every other character is allowed full confirmation of their orientations but these (potentially) aromantic characters aren't.
While I have no beef with shippers (I think you can ship whoever with whoever you want, I ship Alastor too on occasion), there is some conversation about how the fandom might be a bit of a reason WHY they "can't" be confirmed as aro. But again, my main problem is more with the showrunners than the fandom at this point about this.
I'll also be getting into why it's "important" and the double standards against characters being aromantic.
This is not an attack, ship however way you wish (again, I do it myself). My intent isn't really to stop the shipping, that would be ridiculous. But more so to give my thoughts on why it's BS characters like Alastor can't be confirmed as aromantic when other characters are allowed confirmed orientations.
I will start off by saying I don't mind the shipping of Alastor. While it's NOBODY'S business but mine, I suppose it's important to clarify that I'm someone who does currently identify as aroace. I might be wrong but who cares, it's how I think of myself now at least to some degree (I do after all still have fictional crushes. Real-life romance is not an interest for me though, don't like 'em).
I'm gonna get what I don't think people talk about enough on both sides of being for and against shipping Alastor, and then I'll talk about the shippers as they're (I realized) not my main issue at this point.
A little history: So Alastor has been long time confirmed as an ace character. He hasn't been confirmed as being sex-repulsed or anything, but I can personally say I don't mind either flavor of him being repulsed or favorable (though I imagine the series will lean towards the former to counter everyone else's sex-favorable attitude and for jokes). This statement was initially taken VERY poorly by fans who, at the time, were shipping radiodust and radiobelle/charlastor, one more than the other. Care to take a guess which? The answer will not surprise you.
But then people realized "Oh, asexual doesn't mean he COULDN'T get with someone" and people even went further to "Being asexual doesn't mean he CAN'T have sex", both very true statements. So shipping was back on the menus boys! And his asexual was certainly blurred a bit (to the point where it wasn't even him being sex-favorable asexual as much as just not asexual, something that still happens but certainly not as bad). But overall, people were taking his canonicity as asexual with as much grace as a duck.
So here's where MY problem comes in. While I have some gripes with shippers, I had an epiphany that "Oh. It's not really the shippers I have a problem with. It's the people WRITING THE DAMN CHARACTER". Which, might I just say, is so much worst.
The shippers, while they got annoying at some points and certainly can be still, are just having fun. Because shipping just happens to be the way most people like to interact with characters in the media they're into. Hell, I am no different. I just have the misfortune of only really getting into rarepairs most of the time (curse you my bizarre tastes). I've even shipped with Alastor, I like AngelicSmile/radiojoy quite a bit.
Back on track. Now, what do I mean by my main problem being with the writers more than the fans with this? Well, queue this darling of a clip about the topic (this is the only clip I've found of the live stream, feel free to watch the whole video but just wanted the clip here).
This. Single. Clip. Infuriates me.
Vivzi, while I'm sure not meant to, pretty much implied "Alastor being aromantic and 'non-shippable' would ruin people's fun". I'm sure she meant it as a way to keep others from policing shippers (which didn't work, it still happens), it really just reads as "a character being aromantic is not a fun character". Like there's something wrong with being aro.
Not to mention some other things that would contradict this statement:
Viv in the past said "fans are allowed to ship outside character orientations", so... what makes that so different here with confirming Alastor as aromantic?
It being confirmed is not relevant to the plot. Great, so is every other orientation not relevant. Why can't Alastor be confirmed as aromantic but Vaggie can be confirmed as a lesbian or Vox bi? What does Vox being bisexual have to do with the plot? Neither is relevant to the plot, but one can be confirmed but not the other?
People were gonna ship him ANYWAY. Like, there's really no point in pretending. They were going to anyway because of the first point I already mentioned, but also people ship against canon orientations ALL THE TIME. It's just gonna happen and there's nothing wrong with that in of itself.
You've kind of just implied it's canon by not wanting to say specifically him being aromantic is canon or not. If Viv had just said "I don't wanna confirm his romantic orientation because...", then this statement would be fine and fair I suppose. But she had to call out him being aromantic specifically. And I mean, he COULD be something else (he was slated to be a couple with Mimzy originally after all), but the context doesn't seem like that would be the case. Plus, would she really feel the need to hold back from saying "Alastor is homoromantic" or biromantic or heteroroman- actually yes for that last one probably.
So riddle me this, with these points, why the FUCK would it be so wrong to confirm Alastor as a canonically aromantic icon and help get MORE REP for this very very very VERY underrepresented orientation? And I've thought of a few reasons to this, one of which being to avoid the same backlash that they got for Alastor being ace. Which, DID HAPPEN WHEN THE VOICE ACTOR AND SOMEONE ELSE ON THE SHOW CONFIRMED ALASTOR AS AROMANTIC BUT BACKTRACKED ON THE STATEMENT.
To which, fine. THAT'S on the fans (especially as no one would've complained if he was confirmed as homoromantic, which is a double standard VERY PRESENT in this fandom, but also many others quite honestly). But I can see another reason is to avoid others policing shippers about it.
Which, if that's the case, shit luck it's happening anyway.
To cower away from this orientation because of fans being upset says a lot, both about the fans and the creators. There is a whisper of "Alastor isn't allowed to be aromantic". That "being aro isn't allowed or appreciated".
We live in a world that at this point has a lot more lgbtq+ characters than ever before. At this point, there's just a lot of gay/lesbian and bi characters, and that's wonderful. But, there's barely a handful of aroace characters. And when they are, nobody wants to pay attention to that part of the character. So why can't the deer man be aromantic? I would imagine it would honestly make things a little better ship wise because ship wars wouldn't occur seeing as, well, there's no ship to be fought for. None of them could be canon.
So you might see where I'm leading into this, but I can only really think of one real reason Alastor being aromantic just "can't be confirmed" where as everyone else's orientations can be.
His popularity. Like, that's weird but walk with me here. Alastor is the most popular character in the fandom. There's honestly no denying it, he just is. And what do people do with the most popular character?
But wait, if he's aromantic, he can't be on a love boat. THIS IS BS-
And then... the outcry. And we HAVE seen this happen. I mentioned before, he was stated to be aromantic on two occasions by two people who work on the show, one of which is his voice actor (which I'll be fair, I personally don't think VAs always know the characters they play the best, that's the writers). But they had to backpedal because people DID complain. People WERE upset. So it's kind of shown just aromantism isn't really welcomed, at the very least not for a character like Alastor.
And that's the key: "Not for a character like Alastor". But if it were say, Niffty or Mimzy who are either overlooked or just not very popular, THEN it's probably more than okay for a character to be aromantic. Because no one wants to ship with them much, so they can be aromantic all they want.
AKA. The aro community is allowed the scraps but not the dinner.
At this point, you've probably noticed I switched gears from the creators to the fans because I DO think they could be a reason why Alastor "can't" be confirmed as Aromantic. I'll give credit, I'm pretty sure it's mainly on twitter and wouldn't be surprised if it was a "loud minority" thing going on, but the people have spoken. They vehemently cannot STAND the idea of Alastor being aromantic.
But I don't have a problem with these people quite honestly- I mean I kinda do, but my main issue is the lack of commitment when the other characters are allowed confirmed orientations. Why can't aromantic people get confirmed rep? Because "it'll ruin people's fun?" That's such a crappy reason because it's just saying being aro is bad on some level or isn't okay. Why can't the aromantic community get the dinner this ONE TIME? It's one character in a pool of many others that are canonically gay or bi, so why can't the aro community have this ONE popular character?
I'm not even asking for people to stop shipping him, I think that's perfectly FINE. It wouldn't change the canon. I'd appreciate more LOVE given to the aromantic identity (and I'm talking about the far end of it, so absolutely NO interest in romance as many have used aro Alastor but it still comes off as just normal shipping, but that's just me). There's such a double standard to the treatment of aromantic characters to the other characters in these shows (because Octavia and Mammon are in the same boat here), and the reasons given are so crappy that they sound more like off-hand excuses.
Again, I don't MIND people shipping Alastor, or Octavia, or Mammon who is randomly shipped with Adam the most. Let me repeat:
But what I have a problem with is that these characters aren't allowed to be OFFICIALLY aromantic. How would it feel if this was a gay character? That they didn't want to confirm it but there's been indications with past statements and even in-universe stuff indicating so? I WANT Viv and her team to STICK with what route they were gonna go with.
And some might argue "what's so bad with nothing being confirmed?" Other than the fact every other character's orientations are allowed confirmation and Viv's crappy way of putting it in not confirming anything. There's, by all technicalities, nothing wrong.
However, if I may pose a counter, why is it fair for people to demand or ask for gay representation or confirmation but not aromantic? Because it's "not ruining anything"? If that's the case, I'm inclined to say that may be a bit aphobic. Because how is it that a character being aromantic can "ruin" the character or something, but a character being gay DOESN'T "ruin" the character. It's a double standard that I don't think most people realize or want to say because you don't want to be dissing on gay stuff.
But WAKE UP SHEEPLE. The gay stuff has PLENTY of things by this point. Whether through fan works or official media, it is growing and it is growing rapidly. And we should be HAPPY about that. But alternatively, Aromantic (and asexual) rep BARELY gets any attention in either fan works or official media. People would be UPSET if a ship like Angel Dust X Vaggie or Stolas X Verosika got into one of the top most popular ships. But Alastor? Nah, it's fine.
Again, while I don't mind the shipping itself, hopefully, you can understand how it might feel to see one of the most popular ships involve a character that goes against their orientation and it's YOUR orientation. It doesn't. Feel. Great.
And not everyone who ships Alastor even would LIKE him to end up with who they ship. Some people just like it staying in fanon. I have met SO MANY nice people who ship Alastor with characters that I personally don't really like him shipped with. But it's clear that I don't think THEY'D mind if he was confirmed aromantic because it doesn't change their life. They'll still keep shipping him because that's fun for them and that's FINE. People explore themselves through characters with confirmed orientations and they don't always line up with canon, and that's FINE. I don't think people should be policed on shipping with the deer man, they're just having fun. Would I appreciate a little more love for the aro identity? Sure (I mean just look at Alastor's ship weeks activeness vs. his aro week activeness), but if that's not how people have fun they shouldn't be forced to do stuff with it.
But Alastor being seemingly "not allowed" to be confirmed as aro has set a precedent that there's something wrong with being aromantic. And personally, it makes me feel a tad unwelcomed sometimes.
It's the precedents. Again, why is every other character's orientation allowed to be confirmed but Alastor's isn't? What is so wrong with him being aromantic? Hell, he might not even BE aromantic. But at least I'd KNOW instead of floundering around hoping upon a star for some aromantic representation.
A character's worth is in how shippable they are. And if they're aromantic, they're not shippable. And unfortunately, there are just enough people to throw a hissy fit about it that Viv doesn't want to confirm it.
Because apparently being aromantic would "ruin" things.
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sussysatann · 3 months ago
‼️‼️Solmare will no longer be updating Obey Me! & Obey Me! Nightbringer. ‼️‼️
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They will release the final Nightbringer chapter and final app content this December.
Text reads as follows:
“Dear Denizens,
Thank you for playing and supporting Obey Me! and Obey Me! Nightbringer.
We would like to inform you of an important notice regarding the future of the games looking forward to 2025.
As Obey Me! celebrates its fifth anniversary and we continue to work to grow the series outside of the games, we have had to make the difficult decision to make December be our final new content for the Obey Me! and Obey Me! Nightbringer apps.
In addition to events, Chapter 60 will also bring to a close the story of Obey Me! Nightbringer.
From January 2025, we will be transitioning to a new era in Obey Me! with new forms of content, in-person events and merchandise that will all further the world of Obey Me!. The cards and stories you have obtained in both will remain available to you, and past events will continue to be periodically re-released.
We have exciting plans for the future of the series and hope that you will stay tuned for upcoming announcements.
All of us here on the Obey Me! team would like to extend our deepest thanks to everyone who has been with us since day one, who sought comfort in Obey Me! during the pandemic, who came out to see us at in-person events, who tuned in to the anime, Otaku FM, Boys in the House and character songs, and who joined us on this crazy journey from Obey Me! Nightbringer.
We promise you that this will not be the end of the seven brothers, the Devildom, or of Obey Me!
Keep an eye out for our full December event schedule which will be posted in-game and on social media shortly to see everything we have planned for the end of 2024.
Again, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you.
We'll see you back in the Devildom again soon - The Obey Me! team”
They also released a second statement relating to the announcement;
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The text reads as follows;
“Thank you for enjoying Obey Me! Nightbringer.
We are sure that the previous news likely came as quite a shock, however, in order for you to fully enjoy December with the brothers, and all of the demons, angels, sorcerers, and reapers; we're bringing you the schedule of upcoming events.
We've got lots prepared, so we hope with all of our hearts that you will enjoy them.
•December Event Schedule
December 1 - December 31
Thank you all for supporting Obey Me! Nightbringer.”
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drama-glob · 1 year ago
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Although Fizz having a panic attack and saying he feels worthless if he doesn't have his fame/the contract with Mammon is absolutely heartbreaking, the amount of time Fizz brushes off or rejects Ozzie touching him makes the scene all the sadder to me. ;_; With each one, you can see Ozzie looking more and more concerned and with physical touch being a big part of their relationship and comforting one another (since as far as we've learned, Fizz's prosthetics can't feel and that's why they do so many forehead touches and nuzzles), to see Fizz push Ozzie away when he's trying to find out what's wrong, offer comfort and show he's there for Fizz, it breaks my heart too. ;_; ;_; ;_; I know Fizz didn't want to admit there was a problem or the real reason why he needed to win the competition and that pressing someone in distress doesn't always help, especially if it's something they're not ready to talk about, but Fizz was clearing doing more harm than good to himself here by keeping it bottled up along with the constant pressure and worry to be perfect. ;_; ;_; ;_;
I wouldn't be surprised if that's the main reason why Ozzie takes it slow before he tries the final time to offer comfort to Fizz, so as to first give Fizz the verbal reassurance that he is an amazing performer and that Ozzie truly does loves him in order for him to hopefully accept it. <3<3<3<3
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yume-joshi · 1 month ago
Gamgin's H-Scene!!
people wanted it, sooo I deliver!!! ;3 again, just send an ask if you want another one transcribed!! SMUT BELOW THE CUT!
ASK: Anonymous says, "YES PLEASE do Gamigin's one next please please please please please"
NOTES: if there is any text which differs slightly from the game, just ignore it!! OCR's do not do well with the mass amount of whb punctuation..
WARNINGS: smut with a little but of funny character interactions, dragon-fucking, shower sex, double penetration
EXTRA: want the visual? scroll to the bottom and click on the link!
Descending the endlessly repeating staircase was as much of a struggle as climbing it. Despite the structure being reversed, it was still called a 'tower,' so there should be a top... meaning an end, but you couldn't tell when it would finally come.
MC: Hah... hah... hah...
Foras: MC, are you alright? Your breathing is pretty heavy... Would you like to get on my back?
MC: I'm... fine... They say it's harder going downhill than uphill... and it's really true..
As you continued descending the spiral staircase, you started to feel a little dizzy. Meanwhile, Leviathan had confidently said, "I'll go ahead and scout," and quickly disappeared down below.
MC: (Right, we're not here for fun, right? Ineed to pul myself together or I'll holdback the devils...)
Just then, while your mind briefly wandered, your foot slipped, causing you to lose your balance.
MC: Ah...?!
But instead of the sound of a fall, you heard a pleasant jingling sound, like a bell.
Gamigin: Are you okay, MC?
With a pure, boyish look in his eyes, Gamigin, now fully in his grown body, pulled you into a hug from behind and asked. In that moment, a cool breeze, like a refreshing northern wind on a summer day, blew from behind, and your peripheral vision was filled with his blue hair and clear, sharp features. Though it was just a few seconds, you felt that fleeting moment as if it were in slow motion.
Thump, thump, thump...!
With Gamigin holding you from behind, his broad chest pressed against your back. You hurriedly tried to hide your flushed ears and quickly expressed your thanks.
MC: Mmm, thanks, Gamigin. If it weren't for you, I would've fallen over!
Gamigin: I knew it! I was just waiting to see when you'd trip!
MC: Ah... I see... Anyway, I owe you one. I'm alive because of you.
Gamigin: Saving people? That's my job.
At the perfect moment, the sound of a bell ringing softly blended with his smile, as if it was echoing in tune with him.
MC: (Wow.. he's really handsome..)
From any angle, whether up close or from afar, this flawless young man was a bundle of charm, and his easygoing nature only made him more perfect.
MC: (I wonder.. does even someone like Gamigin have any weaknesses?)
As you idly thought that, your group started moving again after briefly pausing when you stopped.
Barbatos: Does anyone know how far we've come down?
Glasyal La Bolas: You should ask that devil who moonlights as a debt collector. He must be used to counting and calculating things.
Bimet: What did you say? Are you saying there's another devil like me?
Glasyal La Bolas: I mean you, of course. The chancellor of Tartaros.
Bimet, realizing that Glasyal La Bolas had been mocking him, shot aterrifying glare at him.
Bimet: I don't have any hobbies related to counting things that aren't money.
Glasyal La Bolas: Oh, really? What a shame.
Bimet: All I know is that we've probably descended about 34,280 steps so far.
Glasyal La Bolas: ...You said you didn't have any hobbies?
Glasyal La Bolas reacts with a look of disbelief, releasing a long sigh as if theair itself had been deflated from him.
Buer: To be exact, since I joined, we've descended 34,000 steps, plus another 13. Counting the steps we're on right now, that's 14, 15..16 more.
Glasyal La Bolas: ...Are all Tartaros devils like this?
Valefor: Hopefully not.
As Glasyal La Bolas glances at Valefor, who now seems to radiate an aura of normalcy, his previously frustrated expression softens.
Glasyal La Bolas: How long has it been since you moved to Paradise Lost, and yet you're still acting like a Tartaros devil?
Buer: Hmm.. It's been about.. today marks roughly..
Glasyal La Bolas: No, no. That's not what lasked for.
Gamigin: Well, since Paradise Lost doesn't really have any specific rules, I suppose it's hard to shake off habits from where you came from, right?
Gamigin, stil walking closely beside you, interjects with his calm voice. At that, Barbatos lights up with curiosity.
Barbatos: No rules? What do you mean by that?
Gamigin: Exactly what I said! We're here because we like Lucifer Hyung, nothing more. There's no real set of rules.
Gamigin: Well, of course, there are the nine virtues you need to follow when greeting Lucifer Hyung, the thirteen unwritten rules for meeting him, and of course, the thirty-six taboos in his room... And then...
Bimet: ...I thought you said no rules? What do you mean by that?
Bimet hesitantly asked the exact same question Barbatos had asked earlier, but Gamigin brushed it off with a light laugh.
Because he was walking so closely, you could feel his laughter and the slight tremor in his body, both pleasant and comforting.
Buer: Many of the devils in Paradise Lost are from different lands. Each of them has their own circumstances, and since they've been in their original countries for so long, we tend to avoid touching on those things.
Gamigin: Exactly! That's why Buer still counts prescriptions like money!
Buer: Gamigin, stop saying things you're not asked to.
Gamigin: Sure thing, Buer!
Gamigin nodded eagerly, like an obedient dog with sparkling eyes. However, it didn't take more than a few seconds before he stared intently at Buer with a look that screamed, "I'm dying to say something!
Buer: ...If it's really necessary, then speak... I swear, how does His Majesty Lucifer put up with you...
Gamigin: MC looks like she's about to die!
Buer: What?
Foras: What did you just say?
The sudden and dramatic declaration stopped everyone in their tracks. You were just as shocked as the others.
MC: No, I'm just... Hahhh... I'm a bit winded... feeling dizzy, that's all...
Gamigin: No, it's not that. There's something you're missing right now, MC. Something really crucial.
Foras: Ah...! Could it be that you're running low on demonic energy...?
At Foras' words, the other devils' faces shifted into expressions of realization. Even Buer and Gamigin, who had no clue what was going on, paused for a moment to listen to Foras' explanation before their faces mirrored the same understanding. As if on cue, every devil in the room simultaneously had a sharp glint in their eyes.
Foras: I think it would be best for someone experienced to help you, MC. So come here...
Glasyal La Bolas: Experienced, huh? You're not the only one, Foras. Trying to make it sound like you're the only one who knows what's going on... You really are a sly one, aren't you? Just like your looks.
Barbatos: That's true! I can help MC anytime. It may not be our secret garden, but if it's to lift the mood, I'm more than wiling...
As the devils from Hades continued to chatter, Bimet and Valefor exchanged an incredulous glance.
Bimet: They have no idea they've already lost.
Valefor: Well, maybe it's better that way.
Buer: I'd rather they keep fussing like this until those two get back.
Buer quietly glanced back. The stairs they'd already passed were swallowed by the deep darkness. And 'those two' were now climbing back up against the shadows. As the Hades devils continued their meaningless argument, you had already leapt into Gamigin's arms, quickly escaping the scene. The place you arrived at was one of the 'lounge' Kesi had mentioned earlier.
Kesi: [We couldn't go too far down, but still, this place and I have set up some conveniences here and there to make it our base. Feel free to use them if you need.]
MC: (I didn't think I'd actually end up using it.!)
You swallowed nervously as you eyed the neatly prepared shower room inside.
MC: So.. Gamigin, why did you bring me here?
Gamigin: For a patient, cleanliness is crucial. If you wash well, eat well, and sleep well, you'll get better. That's the basic rule.
MC: ???? Huh???? Wait, hold on. I'm not that kind of patient...?!
Despite your confusion, Gamigin, clearly unwiling to bend on his healing philosophy, turned on the water and adjusted the temperature. Soon, the shower room was filled with thick steam.
Gamigin: MC, come here.
His large hand gestured toward you. The thick, cold steam filled the room, making his figure seem almost otherworldly, even though he was just a few steps away.
As if under a spell, you walked toward him, only to suddenly realize something crucial.
MC: ...Aren't you going to leave?
Gamigin: I was taught that a responsible healer should never leave their patient's side, from beginning to end.
His clear eyes, free from any hidden agenda, made you feel guilty for doubting him earlier.
MC: ...I understand. But... are you really sure you know what kind of 'treatment' I need?
Despite being one of the 72 devils, Gamigin was certainly hundreds of years older than you— an experienced and wise figure. Yet, his innocent expression and youthful behavior made you wonder if he truly understood the complexities of adult matters.
MC: If you're not sure, I can always bring someone else in to help..
Gamigin: MC, you don't know anything about me.
His words could've sounded sharp, but the gleam in his eyes, paired with the playful curve of his lips, seemed almost like an invitation to a secret, unspoken game.
In the tense silence between you two, unable to make a move or speak, Gamigin took a step forward as if to demonstrate, boldly walking into the stream of water.
In an instant, his entire body was drenched, from head to toe, the water dripping off him, and once again, his large hand reached out toward you, compelling you closer.
Gamigin: MC, come here.
A delicate, almost ethereal chime seemed to echo in the distance, like the sound of a bell ringing somewhere far away, as everything around you started to blur.
The overwhelming presence of Gamigin and his handsome face consumed your senses, making everything else fade into the background. You were left with only him, his energy, and the magnetic pull he exerted. The sound of the shower's water, once so crisp, began to fade, and the thick steam that filled the room slowly cleared. The walls, floor, and ceiling seemed to disappear as if erased by an invisible hand. Leaving only Gamigin standing in the center.
Gamigin: Ah, so you really are human, after all..
His voice held a faint trace of self-reproach. You tilted your head in confusion, unable to grasp the meaning behind his words.
The sound of the rushing water grew louder, and suddenly everything snapped back into focus— the sound, the steam, the surroundings— everything was once again vivid.
MC: ...Wait, what was that just now...?
Gamigin: Sorry, I got a bit too... 'eager' with my words.
He apologized in a way that seemed almost flippant, puling you closer. Before you even realized it, your hand had instinctively reached out and rested on his.
MC: (When did I...?)
Pulling you so close that your toes almost touched, Gamigin couldn't help but laugh mischievously, taking in the sight of you, drenched from head to toe just like him.
Gamigin: If you keep those wet clothes on, you're going to catch a cold, MC.
MC: Haha,nI didn't get wet on my own! You're the one who dragged me here andnmade me like this. I haven't even taken my clothes off yet.
Gamigin: True, I did get you into this situation. So, I'm the one who should help, right?
MC: (I thought he wouldn't know about adult matters.. How could I have everbmistaken him for someone innocent...?)
He skillfully created an arousing situation and reached out to your waist without hesitation. Soon, his large hands invaded your clothes.
Gamigin: Raise your arms, MC.
Maybe it was because he was wearing a blazer that reminded you of a school uniform, but Gamigin's skillful attitude and actual age clearly showed that he was much older, but somehow you couldn't shake the feeling that you were being manipulated by a younger man.
MC: (Of course, that in itself made you get turned on!)
You obediently raised both your arms as he told you to. He rolled up your wet top from the bottom.
Whenever your waist, belly button, upper stomach, chest, and collarbonebwere exposed one by one, Gamigin looked at the exposed skin as if he was going to warm it. It was clear that the dizziness and shortness of breath were no longer due to poor condition or the heat of the steam.
MC: I hope you don't catch a cold either.
Gamigin: ...How kind of you.
When Gamigin, who had stopped for a moment, opened his mouth, the voice that had been refreshing before came out, but instead it was an unfamiliar voice that had become husky and feverish.
MC: (...Just now, the bottom is definitely wet. It's already soaking wet, so it won't show..)
With his permission, you started to take off Gamigin's clothes just like how he did. Taking off clothes that were heavy from soaking up water wasn't as easy asyou thought, but your hands were just as skilled as Gamigin's.
When you came to your senses, Gamigin's upper body was already soaking wet without a single shirt on.
MC: (Wow... The skin soaked in water... It's so beautiful, like it's wrapped in transparent cloth...)
Who said that a man's body is expressed as a straight line and a woman's body as a curve! Gamigin's body muscles were firm but soft and flexible, so it was hard to resist the urge to touch them and lean against them. The water streams flowing down between his split abs were clearly just regular shower water, but if you licked them, it felt like your life would increase.
Gamigin: Now, you should take them off too. Are you going to catch a cold?
You smiled slightly because Gamigin was still cute complaining about his cold, but as soon as you realized that his expression wasn't cute at all, you had to bite your lip to keep your pounding heart from jumping out. Finally, the clothes that had risen up to your neck and chin were caught in your nose, and your eyes were about to be covered next.
Gamigin: Turn around, MC.
MC: ..!
As soon as your eyes were covered, his order was given. Your eyes were covered by wet clothes, and as you groped your way around you ended up facing the other way. Then, as if he had been waiting, two large hands grabbed your waist and pulled you tightly.
MC: (It, touched... it's touching...)
A hard thing that you could tell was pressing against your butt without even looking.
MC: G, Gamigin?
Gamigin: Yeah. I'll take the rest off.
MC: (That wasn't what I meant?!)
Gamigin said calmly and took off your bottom and lowered it. When the wet, heavy clothes got caught around your ankles, they felt like shackles that Gamigin had given you.
As Gamigin's excitement rubbed hard against your very thin, even wet, meaningless underwear, you felt your strength draining from your body due to the excitement that had been transferred to you. As you were staggering, unable to hold on, you bent down and barely held on by supporting yourself on both knees, you heard the sound of Gamigin's pants buckle coming off behind you. And a moment later, your wet butt no, your panties were rubbed by a surprisingly hot, firm, huge pillar. You glanced back and looked at Gamigin. And immediately, you regretted it. Even without that, you were lying face down in the heat, so blood was rushing to your face, but because of his appearance, you really thought you would get a nose bleed. He leaned his back against the cold tile wall, thrusting his waist toward your butt and moving back and forth slightly.
MC: (How can he make such an expression...?!)
Gamigin, who exuded a masculine aura, frowned slightly as he felt his excitement rising. The tight, manly muscles that were covered by his slightly loose clothes swelled up solidly as if showing his excitement.
Gamigin: Haa.. MC, the sound of the water falling on your body, the water droplets splashing everywhere, it's so erotic that I can't stand it...
Now that you look at it, Gamigin's penis, which was rubbing against your butt, was feeling the ticklish, continuous stimulation from where the water was falling the strongest.
MC: (Ah, is this Gamigin's fetish?)
Only then did you realize why Gamigin had brought you to the shower room, and you secretly reached behind him with one hand and turned the water on harder.
The water stream grew stronger and immediately hit Gamigin's pillar so hard that it hurt a little.
Gamigin: K, kagh...!
MC: Do you like getting wet or getting hit more?
As you secretly moved your waist back and forth and bumped your body against his center, Gamigin lifted his chin and tilted his head back as if he couldn't hold it in any longer.
Then, a shiny and foreign part of his neck, different from the rest of his skin, was clearly revealed.
MC: ...Scale?
The moment you muttered, Gamigin lowered his head, which he had been tilting down, and smirked at you with slightly creepy eyes.
Gamigin: Did I get caught?
MC: .......?!
You didn't even know what he meant, but just because of Gamigin's scary sexy expression, you got goosebumps.
Gamigin's pillar slowly began to enter your wet panties, finding its place.
MC: Agh...?! Gami...gin...! W-wait...! This position...!
Gamigin: MC, I just found out about a very important weakness of yours.
Gamigin: What should I do about this?Gamigin continued to ruthlessly dig inside you while talking nonsense. Soon, even the place you thought you couldn't go in anymore was filled with his stuff.
MC: No... don't... ugh..
In this position.. you're going too deep...!
Gamigin: That's what I wanted.
Gamigin grabbed your waist while you were lying face down and started to move slowly. He moved very slowly, whether to give you a way out or to be considerate. But even so, because of the volume and pleasure that filled your stomach, you felt as if your whole body and internal organs were moving together with his waist movements. Your skin, which was already feeling a sting from the strong water stream that continued to hit them, became more and more sensitive, and everytime your soaking wet skin hit each other, a dirty sound of slapping echoed in the shower room.
MC: No, no, no, this is too much...! Haghh...
Gamigin: That thing on my neck that you found. It's called the dragon's 'reverse scale'.
MC: ...Dragon, then are you really...? Agh...!
When the tip of Gamigin's glans kissed your deepest part once again, you couldn't continue your question properly. No matter how much you curled your toes, you couldn't disperse the pleasure that dully pushed up your inner wall and lower abdomen, so your face, where the blood was rushing to you, felt like it was going to burst from excitement.
Gamigin: Yes, I'm a dragon. A mysterious being called a god in some worlds. It's an open secret. But right now, I'm definitely [Gamigin]. You couldn't understand what Gamigin was saying. All you could tell was that he could make you orgasm right away with just a few slow, intense piston strokes. You flinched like a child because of the dull, enormous pleasure that made your body tremble every time he pressed.
MC: Secret, I'l keep it, I'l keep it, ugh, ugh...! Hagh...! No, rather! If it's an open secret, then it's not really a secret, righ-right hagh...?!
You refuted as your faint sense of reason shouted, but you were startled when Gamigin's waist started moving a little faster, and you changed your words.
MC: Secret, I'l keep it, I'll keep it...! Hagh...!Gamigin: Really? Everyone tells me not to trust humans.
MC: Really, I me-mean it, ugh, hagh, I-I promis...! Hagh...!
Gamigin: Hmm.. Isn't it too risky to silence someone with just a verbal promise? Somehow, you felt a chill down your spine, and when you were about to turn around, Gamigin gently covered your eyes with his large palm and turned his head away again.
MC: ????
Gamigin: It would be better not to see it.
The laughter, tinged with excitement, felt oddly unsettling. At that moment, just as your hole was finally getting used to Gamigin... a familiar sensation of discomfort came from the hole above it.
MC: (......??????? A finger...? No, no. This is too big to call it a finger...)
Your instincts blared a deafening alarm, but the moment you heard the creaking sound of the hole widening, that warning signal abruptly stopped, as if it had broken down.
MC: Ga, Mi... Ugh... What is this...?
Gamigin: Remember, MC. Even if I can't block your upper mouth, I can block your lower mouth without any gaps.
The next moment, it was clearly not a finger, but a hot and hard pillar that was almost the same as the one that already filled your hole and inner walls, squeezing into the narrow hole that only knew how to spit out.
MC: Haghh...!
You trembled, your body stiffening as if you had been pierced by a skewer.
Gamigin: Hahh... it's so hot... inside of you...
Gamigin paused for a moment and let out a hot sigh of satisfaction. On the other hand, you were trembling with your whole body filled with his. If you spoke, it felt like one of his things would pop out of your mouth through your throat.
MC: How, how can this...?
Gamigin: Dragons, we have two of them.
MC: ......?!
He whispered sweetly and started to move as if he had waited long enough. A pitiful uncontrollable moan and scream flowed out of your mouth thatyou couldn't stop.
MC: Ahh, haghh, ahh, agh...
Gamigin: This isn't a threat, ha... It's a request to keep a secret, MC.
MC: (What are you talking about...! It's completely a threat!)
You screamed inwardly, feeling the pressure that made you suffocate. However, after Gamigin bent down exactly three more times, you completely changed that thought.
MC: (I feel like I'm going to die...! Ahh...! Down there...! It feels like it's going to melt... burn... and disappear...!)
The two penises he was thrusting into were definitely different from those of ordinary devils. They filled your insides flexibly as if they had a will, and then hardened at the crucial spot, making you dizzy. And after two of them, you were so ecstatic that you couldn't come to your senses, and you almost screamed. The hole and the inner wall that were tight at first, as if they would tear apart, were now completely loose and sucking in his things on their own. Gamigin, who didn't miss that change, gradually increased his speed. The sound of the water splashing became faster and more urgent, and Gamigin's low moans flowed thicker and clearer. Gamigin: If you don't keep the secret, this is what's going to happen from now on...
MC: Eeeeek...! I'll keep it, absolutely, definitely, I'l keep it...!! Please, keep going...!! Keep going, keep going like this...!! Don't stop...!!
You couldn't wait for Gamigin to speak and started crying, pleading first. Then Gamigin laughed and caressed the hollow part of your back and waist in a creepy way.
Gamigin: Yes, it's a secret and promise between the two of us?
Even though your mouth was clearly empty, you couldn't speak because ofthe pressure that felt like even that hole was full, so you nodded like crazy.
At that moment, you felt Gamigin's lower abdomen tightening more than before. In your vision that had already turned white from excessive excitement, like shooting stars were flashing, but you could feel that the 'real thing' was coming soon.
Gamigin: Ah... Now that I think about it... Can I come inside... I'm not a devil, so if l get you pregnant with this...
The moment he muttered to himself, you squeezed your insides as if you were squeezing them and thrust your butt back!
MC: If you don't give it all to me... I won't forgive you...!
Gamigin: ..........!! Kagh....?!
As Gamigin's tip was thrust deep inside, somewhere deeper, embarrassment and excitement that he couldn't hide burst out from his mouth. On the other hand, you were shaking with your mouth and eyes wide open due to the violent pleasure that was more intense than you had expected.
MC: Ah......Ahhhh.....!!!
Woosh, whoosh, woosh......!!
More than twice the usual amount of semen poured out inside you. The feeling of your lower abdomen bulging was strange, but you were satisfied when you thought that it was all because of Gamigin's spilling out.
Gamigin slowly turned of the shower. After a long time, only your and Gamigin's heavy breathing echoed in the quiet place. Soon, with a hug, the two pillars that had filled you slowly withdrew. Then, like a spilled saucepan with the lid open, his semen flowed out inside уоu. As the part connected to him withdrew, your body, which had barely held on while supporting his weight, swayed once again. But this time, Gamigin held you securely and hugged you. But...
MC: ...? Why are you making that face?
Gamigin: ...Were you scared?
MC: (After everything he's done, he asks this now?! Ugh...! This dragon definitely knows...! He knows that the more shameless he acts, the more unbearably adorable I find him...!)
You reached out and gently ruffled Gamigin's damp hair. Even though you were still trembling slightly from the lingering rush, you managed to push through the embarrassment.
MC: ...I wasn't scared. (Though it was so overwhelming, it might as well have been fear.) But it does feel a little unfair that you don't trust me. (Not that I'd trade it for missing out on that incredible moment.) From now on, try trusting me more, okay? (And keep those moments coming!)
You carefully navigated your words, making sure not to let your inner thoughts slip through. Gamigin's expression brightened again, his usual dazzling smile spreading across his face.
Gamigin: Got it! I'll trust you, MC!
MC: Ugh.. If you're going to smile like that, looking so good, could you at least do it from a little farther away?
You squeezed your eyes shut, half-worried that his striking looks might drain all the strength you'd just managed to recover.
And so, one day, after some time had passed, Gamigin and Buer found themselves alone together.
Buer: ...? W-What? What did you say MC found out?
Gamigin: That I'm a dragon! And even that my reverse scale is right here, near my neck!
Buer: No, no. Everyone among the 72 Devils knows you're a dragon! And honestly, anyone with eyes could spot the reverse scale on your neck!
Gamigin: Hmm? Really? As expected of you, Buer- you're so smart!
Buer: That's not the point...! What's shocking is... that you have two of those.
At that moment, someone called out, "Gamigin." Lucifer's voice interrupted Buer. A few steps away, Lucifer gestured toward Gamigin, signaling that he had something to say. Gamigin gave Buer a cheerful wave.
Buer: ...Honestly... Does that dragon really not understand what's supposed to be a secret?
Buer scratched the back of his head a few times, muttering to himself, before quietly walking away. Unseen, Gamigin glanced back at the now-empty spot and narrowed his eyes, a sly grin spreading across his face.
Gamigin: (Whatever the case, what matters most is that MC and I now share a secret.)
The playful young dragon, who wasn't as innocent as he seemed, harbored a mischievous thought.
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5mary5 · 1 year ago
I need to see the obey me characters dealing with a socially anxious mc that gets anxiety attacks when meeting new people or when going to new places in order to soothe the sadness within me right now
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sweetbrier2908 · 1 year ago
you never say "i love you" but it almost slips out of your mouth sometimes
nightbringer timeline, angst, gn!mc, no proofread
you never say "i love you".
you can't.
to them.
it almost slips out of your mouth sometimes.
like when lucifer gives you a kiss on the forehead while saying goodbye to you at the front door.
like when mammon drags you to his bed after a long long day and gosh, his hug is a little too familiar for you to not push him away and cruelly tell him that you have to go home, this is not your home.
like when levi shows you his newest merch with a sparkling eyes and you just sit here watching him screaming non-stop about how hard to get this merch and how much he wants you to be the first one to see it.
like when you and satan wander around the town and he introduces you to every stray cat you two meet on the way with such an enthusiastic and loving voice and it never fail to surprise you how quick he gets along with all the cats.
like when asmo takes you out for shopping and keeps holding your hand like he was scared that you're going to get lost, i am much more familiar with devildom than you, you tease. but i can't risk losing my favorite jewel in the crowds, can i?, he replies when intertwining his fingers with yours.
like when beel tries to restrain his hunger just to save you the last bite of his favourite dessert and happily splits it into two only after you reassure him that you're not hungry, but still, he wants to share it with you.
like when belphie asks you to watch the astronomy show with him and falls asleep half way and uses your laps as his pillow while you're caressing his hair.
like all the damn time they whisper "i love you" to you.
do you love them? even it's a different timeline, even when you don't belong here, even maybe that they're not your demons? you love them.
but you can't say that. you can't say that when you are going to leave them sooner or later. you can't say that when you only accepted to be their attendant and spend time with them in order for you to return to your world. you can't say that when you know all too well that they're going to get mad, they're going to lock you and maybe kill you because the only thing that you did up until now is using them and hurting them. you can't.
because there are the demons who desperately waiting for you to come back to them as much as you desperately waiting for time to come back.
because you love the demons in your own world a little too much for you to say that you love any different version of them.
because maybe you love those demons whose voices and faces and personalities are so familiar that you don't want them to dive deeper in this.
because you're going to hurt them again and again until their hearts bleeding and their souls dead.
so you can't say "i love you".
but it almost slips out of your mouth sometimes.
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lowekey-art · 6 months ago
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The one soul that remains out of reach…
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cloudsandpaws · 6 months ago
What if MC used the Night Dagger on themselves?
I've always wondered about what would happen if Simeon showed up a second too late? An AU.
Rest assured that I will make a happy ending 🥲
Spoilers: Lessons 35, 37-38
Warnings: intense emotions, bleeding, death
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan
A/N: This pained me so much to write 😭
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Lucifer was right there when the dagger was thrusted into your chest.
He froze, shocked and saddened. He felt his memory returning, but at what cost? MC's life?
He stared down at your lifeless form at his feet, the floor spattered with red.
Luci collapsed onto his knees next to you. Tears started forming as he fought to keep them in. He looked at you and gave up, tears pouring like rain down his cheeks.
How long had it been since he cried? Why was it after MC's death?
Lucifer returned to his room after a while, eyes red from crying. MC was gone. You were gone.
He could never forgive himself. He was right there, holding your hand, but why didn't he stop you? "This is all my fault..."
The Morning Star, Avatar of Pride, Diavolo's right-hand man, Lucifer, had lost his one and only pride; you.
He couldn't bear face his brothers after what had happened, although no demon blamed him.
Lucifer buried himself in work, so he could focus on something else other than you. Or so he hoped.
He visits the underground tomb every single day, praying with all his heart that you could forgive him, and for you to find happiness wherever you go, just like Lilith.
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Mammon rushed over to your room after hearing the news.
His heart stopped when he saw you lying on the floor, red stained floor and all.
He could barely process everything. Just yesterday they were playing cards and having fun, now you were gone from his life.
"MC... MC!! No...no, nononono! This can't be happenin'! Ya can't leave me now! Ya can't! Ya just CAN'T!!"
No being in the three realms had ever heard Mammon scream so loudly. His whole body was shaking as he tried to shake you awake. As if some miracle would happen and you'd come back to life...
Nothing, you were gone.
He was devastated. He had no reason to keep making money if you weren't around. Who could he show Goldie to now? How could he be the Avatar of Greed?
Mammon locked himself in his room, the door never opened during the daytime since that faithful day.
Only at night would that very door be opened, silently making his way to the underground tomb.
He had taken your favorite flowers, and placed them beside your resting place.
"MC... I miss ya so much..."
He whispered those words every time he was leaving, after he told you about his day. Mammon puts a note in every bouquet of flowers he gives you, each one saying a similar sentence; "Please come back to me..."
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Once Levi saw in the group chat that you were gone, he immediately froze.
What happened to you? How? What? Why?!
Why did it have to be you? His Henry, his Player Two, his Normie! It isn't fair!
He went over to Henry 2.0, whispering about what happened to the little goldfish.
"Henry, MC... You know them? That human who comes over sometimes. They're, gone..."
Leviathan sighs, and stares at his monitor. The script for "With Me" is on the screen. A photo of the one he gave you.
He hurries over to your room, picks up the script, and displays it on his favorite shelf.
Placing Ruri-chan figurines next to it, he sighs once more.
"I'm just a worthless shut-in otaku, MC wasn't. Why did it have to be them?!"
It takes Levi a lot of self-control not to summon Lotan, but he leaves a short remark on the script.
"To my Henry, my Player Two, my Normie. This one's dedicated to you."
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classic-snake · 5 months ago
do you think our guys are aware of how much we rip into them, absolutely flame them, clown on them, for dressing most ugly clothes ever, RIP THEM OFF NOW!!!!!!! Ugly . like. they have this thing amongst them 'did we pass. did we pass the test. did we pass MC's test' and either they are so happy for some days or week(s) if they did indeed '''''pass'''' or so crushed after they learned they have """failed""", feeling like they failed MC, head in hands. that long suffering sigh of a pet
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cobwebbedcat · 10 months ago
Warnings: top dom(ish) amab gn reader, sub bottom trans male Mammon, puppy play, piss!, weed/drug use, anal, daddy kink, light breeding kink, mams goes nonverbal for a hot sec 
Terms used for mammon: tits, chest, pussy, cunt, clit, reader talks about his womb 
"I have'ta pee."  
"Okay? Go then?" You're not sure what the big deal is, or why Mammon is sharing this information with you.  
If you were sober you’d catch the underlying attempt at an invitation that seeps through his tone, if you were sober you’d actually witness the way he batted his eyelashes at you while he said it. You’re not sober, but you’re not as far gone as he is. Just gone enough to be thoroughly entertained and entranced with Mammon’s hand. His brows furrow at your response.  
"Yeah okay,” he huffs, yanking his hand away from you and getting out of the bed. He hesitates, “s’not like I want you there, or anything, but if you wanna come,” he pauses for a definitive moment, shifting his weight from one leg to the other, “if you wanna come, you can.” Now that he’s better verbalized that he so obviously wants you to join him—despite his claims not to—you catch his drift. You’ll never give up the chance to watch him piss.  
"Cute," you hum, and hoist yourself out of the bed and take his hand in yours once again. The two of you walk to the bathroom connected to his room, and sooner than later he's standing in front of the toilet. He finally lets go of your hand in favor of shimmying out of his sweatpants. You watch, confusion slowly building as he kicks his pants fully off and stands in front of the toilet.  
"Aren't you going to sit?" You finally ask, and Mammon blinks before laughing. 
"Fuck. Forgot I don't have a dick," he explains. You bark out a laugh, and Mammon flushes, beginning to pout now that you’re laughing along with him. 
"I mean,” you recover your composure much quicker than you’d thought was possible for you right now, “there is a way for you to piss standing up.” 
Mammon squints at you, trying to figure out what you’re insinuating. You can practically hear him thinking; just when you’re about to tell him exactly what you mean, his eyes widen and he licks his lips.  
"Yeah," he breathes your name, "please, I wanna," and he doesn't even have to beg, but it sure does add to the warmth that’s been slowly growing in your loins ever since Mammon invited you to the bathroom with him.  
You lead a pantless, very excited Mammon back to his room, and take out the pee pad you have. Considering how things normally play out when he uses the pee pad, you pocket some lube for good measure.  
You set it up on the floor for him and Mammon's breathing quickens as he eagerly stands atop it.  
He worldlessly reaches out to hold your hand, and you let him take it.  
"Gonna pee here for me, little puppy?" You ask softly. Mammon whines at your words, again shifting from leg to leg, out of eagerness or a full bladder you can't tell.  
It only takes a moment and then he starts to relieve himself, completely wetting his inner thighs as a puddle forms beneath him. Mammon looks down, watching himself with glazed over eyes. Your cock twitches in your pants, your thoughts racing with imagining eating him out after this, or making him sit in his mess.  
Mammon eventually steps his legs open and reaches down with his free hand, spreading his pussy open so his stream flows uninterrupted onto the pad.  
Letting go of his hand, you step behind him, holding onto his hips and rubbing your cock against his ass as you watch over his shoulder. Mammon's legs shake a bit, and then he's grinding back against you as his stream dies down.  
“Want me to fuck you?” you ask softly, bringing your hands from his hips to his chest, squeezing his tits and rolling his slowly hardening nipples under your thumbs. 
“Yeah,” Mammon breathes, “in my ass.” 
"Seriously?" you ask, feeling your cock throb at his words. You know better to question him, it always makes him doubt himself.  
“No. Or I mean yeah, only if you wanna. Y’don’t have to,” he mumbles, “but if you wanted to, ‘m already clean.” You don't need to be told twice.  
“Shit puppy, I’ll fuck your ass.” 
Mammon practically falls to his hands and knees, at that. You know, at best, he’s actively turned on by the fact that he’s sitting in his own puddle of piss, at worst he is clearly unbothered by it. He raises his ass enticing—inviting you to touch him.  
You’re a bit clumsy with getting out of your pants, but who could blame you, with him looking so good in front of you. Settling between his legs, you keep the lube you’d grabbed earlier within reaching distance. You place your hands on Mammon’s ass and he whines, arching into your touch. Blood rushes to your cock; you feel lightheaded as you spread his cheeks and reveal his hole to you.  
“You-” you pause, letting a finger circle his hole. Cotton mouth is getting to you, and you audibly swallow before continuing. “You prepped yourself already?” 
“Lil’ bit, need more,” he hums softly, wiggling his hips. Despite feeling like your mouth is dry, you manage to gather a glob of saliva in your mouth and promptly spit it on his entrance.  
You won’t use your spit as lube, you do it just because it’s filthy, because you can, and because Mammon keens—high and long—when you rub your spit against and into his hole. You’re aching to be inside of him.  
“Fuck-- fuckin’ come on,” he begs, his voice cracking and straining with need. You spank him, quick and sharp; his back arches further as he melts into the pad.  
“Calm down pup” you chide, grabbing the lube nearby and coating your fingers in it. “Gonna have to muzzle you if you keep rushing me,” you think about that, gagging him with something, but you know you’ll want to hear whatever mindless babbles will fall from his lips once you start fucking him.  
Mammon doesn’t say anything, just moans when you ever-so-slowly sink your finger into his ass. It must be agonizing for him, to hold himself up on his hands and knees, to lay in his own piss, to be as wet as he is right now (thoroughly drenched), and to be opened up so carefully and slowly.  
You rub your finger against his insides, then press in another finger slowly. Mammon takes it like a champ, twitching and squeezing around your digits as he humps his hips back against your hand.  
“Greedy little thing,” you groan. Mammon giggles but it’s cut off when you curl your fingers.  
“Oh, ’m just,” he hiccups, “I need it daddy, I need ya, need your cock—shit!” He gasps when you take your free hand and spank his ass. His hole clenches like a vice around you. Your cock throbs.  
Your patience is running thin, but you make him wait just a bit longer, scissoring your fingers open, feeling him loosen up for you. 
“Gotta grab a condom,” you mutter, easing your fingers out of him ever so slowly. Mammon whines, but doesn’t protest more than that. He knows better.  
Standing on shaky legs, you stumble to the bedside table, grabbing a condom before making yourself comfortable once again behind him. u
Mammon’s busied himself by pressing his face into his mess, lazily licking at his piss, a hand between his legs slowly circling his fingers around his hard clit.  
You watch him for a moment, your cock leaking pre and twitching at the sight of him, while you try your best to open the condom with shaky, sticky fingers.  
Once you’ve got it on, you slick yourself with lube, and drape yourself over Mammon’s body.  
He pulls his head up, licking his lips, then mumbling something.  
“What was that, pup?” you ask, pressing the head of your cock against his hole. 
“Want ya—” he huffs, averting eye contact, “want ya t’mount me, daddy.” Involuntarily, your hips jerk forward, and your cockhead ruts against his hole.  
“God damn,” you hiss, taking yourself into your hand, “relax,” you say, unsure if it’s for yourself or Mammon to hear.   
Ever so slowly, you press yourself into him. He gasps and moans, shuddering from the intensity of the sensation and stretch.  
“Fuck, puppy,” you moan, feeling breathless and close already. “Taking daddy’s cock so well, baby. Feel so fucking good,” Mammon whines at your words, still playing with his clit. 
“Full,” you hear him mumble. You rock your hips, gently starting to fuck him into the pee pad. “Oh,” Mammon gasps.  
“Feelin’ good?” you ask, leaning over him to kiss his back tenderly.  
“Uh-uh huh,” you know him well enough to know he sounds close already. 
“Taking me so well,” you repeat yourself, because your brain is hazy with lust and weed and the beautiful man beneath you, and shit, he really does open up nicely for you. Still fucking his ass nice and slow, you bring one of your hands down to his pussy—bypassing his clit because Mammon’s fingers are preoccupied with it—and easily slip two fingers into his hole.  
“Fuck!” Mammon cries, trembling. 
“Feel me, baby?” you tease, rubbing your fingers against your own cock from within his insides. Mammon gushes and twitches violently around you.  
“Daddy--” he gurgles, trailing off and mumbling something incoherent. 
“It’s okay puppy, hah, you can cum if you want to.” Being the ever submissive demon that he is, it’s not until he’s granted permission that he does; crying out your name and coming completely undone under you. It takes everything in you to not fill the condom then and there. Instead, you ever so slowly fuck him through it, finding it difficult to move with just how tightly he clenches down on you.  
“God damn,” you groan again, easing yourself ever so slowly out of him once he slowly returns to himself. 
“Can I cum in your pussy, puppy?” you roll off the condom and toss it carelessly elsewhere.  
Mammon doesn’t respond with a verbal go ahead, but he raises his hips for you and whines pathetically, looking back at you with his red and dilated eyes giving you a pleading look.  
“Mhm, thank you pup,” you coo, pulling out your fingers and easing your cock raw into his cunt. Mammon groans, then lets out a pleased sigh. You know his masochistic self would have loved you to fuck his ass roughly, but you just can’t bring yourself to doing it just yet. Instead, you fuck his pussy hard and deep, selfishly chasing your orgasm.  
Mammon babbles under you, mostly unintelligible, but you pick up the stray moan of your name and “please.” You’re not any more composed, vocalizing every thought that enters your mind. 
“My puppy, hah, sweet thing, my—ah—my  sweet puppy, love you, feel so-oh good, puppy, gonna breed you pup, fuck,” he’s so hot and tight around you, the weed makes it hard to focus on what feels best, “gotta fill your womb with my cum, hah, you’ll take it all won’t you puppy?” He nods his head, which surprises you, because you can barely follow your own train of thought. “Fuck, that’s right, shit, gonna cum,” you warn. You feel dizzy, hot, and rabid, the sound of your hips slapping against Mammon’s skin echoes throughout the room as you pound him into the floor.  
“Mammon,” you gasp softly as you find your peak, burying your cock deep inside him and pumping your cum into him. He can’t speak at all now, just whines and keens softly, his overstimulated pussy spasming around your dick.  
You keep yourself lodged in him for a good minute, until you’re soft and your body aches. 
Mammon is thoroughly fucked and still stoned, so as soon as you’re not there to hold him up he slumps into the mess that’s been soaking into the pee pad.  
“C’mon baby, up we go,” you mumble softly, taking him into your arms. He lazily drapes his arms around you, sighing contently, and nuzzling into your touch.  
Mammon nods at the suggestion, so you rise to your feet and shakily make your way to the bathroom. You’ll deal with the mess later.  
“Hungry?” you check, setting him down in the tub as you fill it with water. Mammon shakes his head no. “You hurting at all?” He rolls his eyes at that. You pinch his thigh, “shut up, I know you’re the all powerful and great demon Mammon, but I get to ask anyways,” you pout. He smiles, his fangs poking against his teeth, before he pulls you in for a kiss.  
When you pull away his stomach growls. “Liar,” you tease, kissing him again quickly before rising to your feet. 
“No, no,” he gasps, holding onto you, “s’fine, don’t leave t’feed me.” You coo, entering the tub with him and rewarding your greedy man by smothering him with kisses and cuddles. You want to kick yourself for even imagining leaving him in this state. 
“Of course sweetheart, we’ll keep this short, then get something to eat, how’s that sound?” he nods at that, letting you wrap yourself around him.  
“I wanna eat, and I wanna watch a movie, and maybe fuck again,” he huffs, leaving no room for negotiation.  
“Yeah,” you laugh, kissing his skin, hoping to convey your endless love through such a mundane action, “yeah, we can do that puppy.”  
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kplays · 3 months ago
Mod Jumin: Its been a while since I played Obey Me! I missed my dumbasses. Have to smooch Mammon and Lucifer the most as an apology.
But I wasn't prepared to hear the news that the game was to be finished and this will be our last event with the boys. So to anyone who wants to reboot their game do so now to enjoy the last event with them.
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Simon looking fine as ever
Never change.
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Free rolls
Surprised to see the amount of Devil points needed declined from 300 to 200 now.
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odhdhs · 3 months ago
When I opened up Obey Me nightbringer, there was a special where i can ask Lucifer/mammon a date and saw a smexy photo of them and I want to ask them out so I check what I need to get it, and turns out it requires me to spent 40 dollars or so to get it for one date. 😭😭
Even with the inclusion of the devil's points in that special, it will never be worth it to me. 😭 I can't spend 40 dollars of irl money for a virtual fictional date. 😭😭
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