#sacred knowledge
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j0s3rsworld · 1 month ago
The Power of THOUGHT
1. Be careful of Your THOUGHTS, for They Become Your WORDS.
2. Be careful of Your WORDS, for They Become Your ACTIONS.
3. Be careful of Your ACTIONS, for They Become Your HABITS.
4. Be careful of Your HABITS, for They Become Your CHARACTER.
Be careful of Your CHARACTER, Because It Will Become Your DESTINY.
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iamwinklebottom · 9 months ago
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Legba wanted to give a message to whoever finds this.
All of my spirits have been making me give or throw things away to refresh and give out certain energies. Don’t be afraid to give or throw anything out when you’re called to.
He also said “study the greats;” this just isn’t “leaders” of the spiritual community. This could be anything.
“No, don’t be easily lead or mislead. Do not low vibrationally repurpose or low vibrationally copy, but be very inspired.”
I hope you guys are doing welllllll. Much love.
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reinhardschleining · 2 months ago
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lots of content samples on ---> https://systemicastrology.com
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wickedwitch-oftheweb · 2 months ago
Wicked Energy Forecast
Week 46
November 10 - November 16
What's up Creatrixes, Creators, and other Conceptual Creatures!
Check out the current astrology and what you can expect for the week ahead.
We have four planets and a centaur in retrograde this week and it is making for some... interesting energy currents.
Knowing what energies you have available can help you figure out the best steps forward on your path.
Remember, witchyness is mindfulness.
It is a gift to be self aware.
Keep your third eye in the sky and stay blessed, my friends.
Wicked 🌛🖤🌜
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strongermonster · 2 years ago
we must never forget that seal's "kiss from a rose" is a batman song
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neverknowsme · 2 years ago
Hark and take heed, listen well… For the Dark triad are about to speak.
Behold, the three great Evils of humanity. Poverty, War, and Hatred, they who tug ever so gently upon the threads of the human soul, the puppet masters of all ill bared will towards thy fellow man.
We blame these great principles of Darkness for the horrendous choices of which we made of our own free will, yet to learn that their influence is only but a small tug against the strings of our hearts, is enough to crush one under the enormous weight of despair for our lack of self control, and failure to emphasize with our own people.
They but need only whisper the great and terrible truths of which we all carry in the back of our minds, where no light can shine, and it is we who do all the rest of our own accord.
What is the cruelest of all jokes or the harshest of all gospels, than to know and understand that though life maybe indifferent to human existence, it is we who make living unfair for all, and unbearable to everyone else involved.
Hear now how they see us as but mere pawns in their great game of discontentment, low how feeble we are to be nothing but puppets on strings, and but pieces of a mere game, cogs in the machine of a much greater master plan.
We are but a foot not to the gods of death and distraction, each night we sleep they destroy the world through our actions, and their only involvement was but a simple whisper within our own ears which we could not ignore.
Hush now… and hear the great words of definitive truth be told from the mouth of apathy itself.
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arjunasearth · 2 years ago
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Center of the Galaxy
Heart of the Universe
Galactic Sun
Life Force.
From Quantum comes form.
When the inner eye is properly reactivated , everything is flowing accordingly .
In perfect resonance with the stream of our heartchannel
being a cosmic vessel, a planetary bridge
We are embodying Source energy ourselves.
Our pure essence of being is energetic, electric.
We are electric sentient beings
Awakening to our Higher Truth
To our Sacred Self.
Unravelling the many layers of our planetary existence
unearthing our interplanetary consciousness
realigning with the fluidity of our conscious being.
We are in this together. Interwoven into the Quantum Field.
We open the door to our third eye.
Always connected to and created by the galactic Source.
Always connected to the Wisdom of our Ancestros
who paved this road for us throughout many generations
A new time has begun.
The age of aquarius has arrived.
What are we birthing as a collective?
What are we giving to Pachamama, to Mama Gaia?
She gives us life. She nurtures us love.
What are we breathing life into? What are we nurturing with love?
How will we, as ONE  humanity properly reorganize our community structures?
How do we recreate revolution?
So many new - and at the same actually VERY old - wisdom is embracing right now, completely changing our point of view of us as a humanity, as ONE whole, as ONE element.
I am in awe
For the things to come
and the things to go
This intense time of transformation is uplifting everything
On this spaceship Earth
Our home, GAIA
We are floating through space
together in this cosmic journey
as the multidimensional beings that we are
on our way home.
~Blessed Be.~
Cosmic Prayer.
Source: arjunasearth.tumblr.com
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shaequnx · 1 year ago
I could never be convinced astrology isn’t real when things are heating up around an eclipse
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sacredanarchy · 1 year ago
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👉🏼The Initiate’s Path requires unwavering open-mindedness, courage, and humility.
Your ego must step aside.
Your fears must be conquered.
Your crutches must be destroyed.
You must stand on your own two feet.
Higher Will is The Initiated’s badge of honor and it’s not given to every initiate — it must be earned.
The way to earn a life saturated with Higher Will is to walk the path of the Initiate.
👉🏼 This means, You can never give up.
- You can’t throw in the towel when you’re met with new information you don’t want to hear.
- You can’t resort back to your old ways and think you’re still moving forward on the path
- You can’t forfeit your own Will to appease another or because you fear the road less traveled
🚨 My work can be ALARMING because it confronts those with ‘ego attachment’
❗️Ego attachment is a symptom of “lower Egypt” enslavement — the lower chakras
The Initiate process is a discipline of staying OPEN and OPEN-MINDED.
- Open to the process
- Open to new information
- Open to challenging your beliefs
- Open to feeling uncomfortable
- Open to learning
- Open to transformation
- Open to pain
- Open to bring WHO YOU ARE
👉🏼 Being ‘who you are’ is a privilege in a world that’s gone mad.
While the majority will never embark on the path of the initiate, for those who only a small percentage will complete the rite of passage.
#theinitiation #theinitiatesjourney #pathofinitiation #initiation #magick #higherwill #openmind #truewill #thelema #occult #ceremonialmagick #magician #sacredpath
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j0s3rsworld · 1 month ago
LISTEN, but don't Attached
CARE, but don't Control
TRUST, but don't Depend
LEARN, but don't Intimidate
ENCOURAGE, but don't Push
DREAM, but don't Escape
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iamwinklebottom · 6 months ago
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“I spoke with Mother Water and she said there’s a time to be selfless and a time to be selfish. She said when opportunities come, pick wisely and to love yourself while making these divine decisions. She said there’s a lot that you know and there’s more to know. More knowledge is always on the horizon. Pay attention to days and nights.”
This is a channeled art piece that I finished quite a while ago, knowing I was channeling water, but not knowing I was channeling a specific aspect of it.
What’s callin out to you the most: shapes, colors, patterns?
I’m grateful for my connectivity and as I become more connected, my connectivity is grateful for me.
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reinhardschleining · 1 month ago
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cosmicfaeriewitch · 1 year ago
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consciouspearl · 2 years ago
Twin flame journey explained , by a twin flame that is experiencing the twin flame journey. Not to be confused with someone who has found a genuine soulmate.
Twin flames explained..
Twin flames share the same soul, before incarnation they split into two identical pairs. All souls do not divide in this manner . They have rarely expressed onto earth throughout history. Although they are still quite rare, at this time they are here in larger numbers to aid in the ascension of consciousness in humanity and of Mother Earths shift into the 5th Dimension. Some famous twin flame pairs include Isis and Osiris , Jesus and Mary Magdalene , Rumi and Sems…they choose to express in any gender. They are highly evolved old souls , coming from the angelic realms. Scientists have found that the theory of entanglement proves the bond that a pair of particles can have regardless of space, time and distance. What one particle experiences, the other will mirror. Twin flames are mirrors. In order to understand twin flames, we need to first understand how creation came to manifest. Before the Divine created anything there was nothing, it was dark and only a vibration and the sound of OM existed. Then the Divine created a fracture within itself , represented as a vesica piscis and light was manifest. Creation kept dividing and the universe and everything else came after it. In history, scientists have termed this the Big Bang theory.
Angels (Satan included here) , Jinns and aliens are the first aspect and creation of the Divine. The Divine created the Angels, Aliens and jinns before humans. The Divine created the angelic realms before humans. Humans were created in the likeness of the Divine, incarnated on earth into the free will experiment, carrying the divine spark. Human beings are the regular offspring souls of the prime divine source. Twin Flames are comprised of 144,000 , 44 of which are Angels (that are termed Elohim and prime source )and the remainder are millennials, the millennial offspring originating from prime source.Twin flames are the old souls ,(Angels and millennials/star seeds ) who have contracted and agreed to express into human form for a greater purpose to help lift human consciousness and evolution at this time. Twin flames from the divine realms agree to express as humans and are subject to the same free will experiment and must awaken to their souls truth just like other human souls. Humans are incarnated into the free will experiment , and continue to reincarnate over and over until such a lifetime when enlightenment of the soul is accomplished. Humans have 12 strands of DNA .The Divine has only allowed limited use of two to three strands until such time of evolution. This evolution is achieved through the individual enlightenment of human subjects reaching a predetermined quota and the imprint or template within the DNA is then activated throughout the genes of all human souls. The Divine spark within lights up the soul and the soul graduates the school of third dimensional life. The human soul is then allowed access to the dimensions of heaven again after its many lifetimes of compromised limited consciousness. This raising of consciousness opens up the soul to multidimensional life while living in the physical body . Once this Nirvana or Nur is experienced, the soul has completed its free will contract and a new contract will be made with the divine, based on the souls consciousness and level of growth.
Twin flames incarnate go through a spiritual initiation, initiated by spirit under the direct supervision and protection of the Divine. The union of a pair of twin flames is the pure manifest of GOD and GODDESS and is the underlying proof of the DIVINE in manifest. It represents the wholly trinity. Twin flames experience the illumination of the soul through a kundalini awakening and the meeting of their Divine counterpart. Over time they integrate all of their original soul gifts, these are psychic abilities. They carry a direct connection to the Divine realm. Working to master life in a physical vessel while experiencing the higher dimensions. Their gifts vary, some capable of perceiving higher dimensions and other beings that reside in those dimensions. They move from homosapien, to homoluminous and eventually become homogalactic. Homogalactic , meaning their consciousness has risen to perceive dimensions within the galaxies. This evolution of consciousness is the natural cycle of life,every soul has the free will to access this should they wish to in this lifetime. Twin flames are the forerunners of evolution along with light workers and other star seeds. They also gradually come into the awareness of previous lives and original existence through experiences synchronised by the Divine in the spiritual and physical realms.
As for the twin flame union, it is quite a challenge. The feminine aspect is the spiritual twin. It is her job to awaken and help illuminate the pair. Both the masculine and feminine may have the subtle awareness of their counterpart many years before they come into any physical contact. However, they will not be fully aware of the connection until such time of illumination . Twin flames and regular souls who have not awakened their kundalini are termed asleep, functioning with limited consciousness and connection to their soul . Until such time of illumination. The feminine twin is illumined first , and because they share the one soul through the ethereal cord , the spiritual growth then feeds into the counterparts soul eventually assisting him to illumination as well. The masculine is the matrix twin, he is heavily grounded into the earthly plane so the feminine can work freely in the spiritual plane while he helps keep her grounded. The masculine twins awakening is generally more difficult than the feminine’s , as he is more grounded and logical in his approach to life and does not have the same intuitiveness that the feminine has. The process of twin flame pair awakening and illumination can take years. During this process their connection remains strong in the spiritual realm , however the masculine twin will not experience this connection as she does until he illuminates his soul. This process is challenging and can be devastating to the female counterpart , as she has a strong relationship with her masculine’s soul but he may not be conscious of it. Once they both are illumined and balanced , then a physical reunion is possible.
I hope this has shed some valuable insight into the journey of twin flames 🔥🔥❤️.
Pearl inci
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philosophybits · 2 years ago
Poetry and art and knowledge are sacred and pure.
George Eliot, The Mill on the Floss
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