#s02e17 “All In”
thankstothe · 3 months
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allelitewrestlings · 4 months
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miminmimikyu · 2 months
Prodigy episode 17-18: something something about Janeway knowing since her academy days that she’s wearing a device next to her heart that (with minimal modification) is a bomb. What even was the context for learning that trick : ‘D
Scariest thing in these two episodes might be Janeway saying she might retire to a farm in Indiana now. That's such a death flag even though I know she survives!! Then again, the back of my mind says : "we don't know what she looks like in Picard, so grievous bodily harm isn't off the table.."
Wesley noo, showing up in a room full of angry Vau N’Akat and tell them “stop!” ,that's the plan?
Oh I love it when they put the date on-screen and I can add to my mental timeline. So it's been months since the wormhole was destroyed then?
I knew we could count on young Ascencia to help everyone out!
Oh, my apologies to Wesley.. subjecting yourself to months of torture to trick the enemy into building all the technology you need!!! That was an incredible plan! Not to be a Whovian again but: Doctor coded <3
Zero and Jankom have a right to be angry though, idk if any random crew members on Voyager-A died in that attack but it seems more likely than not. Then again, Wesley did say this path was “without endless suffering” and not “no casualties”. Anyway this plan is definitely going too well…
For how much Wesley keeps talking about how “thought” is an incredibly important variable, he couldn’t predict that Gwyn would not leave her father behind. Well, I suppose that even with all those powers Wesley is still human.
(I forget how old Wesley was when his dad died. Maybe he’s so used to not having a dad that that legitimately didn’t occur to him. Because that would be a nice character thing that explains fallibility: he's been away from people too long, now there are some paths that he can't see because it gets harder to factor in other people's thoughts (feelings))
Janeway forgetting her birthday in Year of Hell and getting a present from Chakotay 🤝 Janeway forgetting the anniversary of Voyager’s departure and Chakotay giving her a present <3
How long has it been for Janeway that Chakotay’s was missing? How long has she been searching that she's considering retiring now that she's found him?
“With what you and I’ve been through, it does take patience” does it?? DOES IT??
EMH and Holo Janeway interacting!!!!! That was so sweet! (also so sad, since Holo Janeway is fated to blow herself up before she ever leaves the Protostar ;_;). But if we’re naming differences between Janeway and Holo Janeway liking all his holo novels is probably a big one. Oh, and now the role reversal has made it weird.
Doctor, you say you’re not a covert operative but I’ve seen Renaissance Man.. Notably that also was a story where Captain Janeway was so done with the doc and was veery not on board with socialising with him, so that makes Holo Janeway's admiration even funnier. At least Vice Admiral Janeway is getting along with him better now.
(btw I still don't believe he's on a first-name basis with her, like he implied to the Protostar kids in episode 1. iirc I haven't heard him do that in front of her? but it's so like the doc to play their relationship up to impress some newbies lmao)
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(i know it's the fatigue but the novel in progress probably isn't helping)
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Is this why there was a callback to Endgame two episodes ago??? Janeway you can’t use the Endgame strategy on her and offer up your brain as bait ,Ascencia probably read your file!!!!
The EMH is doing a Renaissance Man isn’t he? Fuck yeahhh he’s doing a Renaissance Man!!
I love this show, even the Loom get to be portrayed as living, feeling beings by introducing that scared and mistreated one in captivity!!!!!
Well, Ascencia didn't meet Chakotay so unless they have a final showdown I think she really is laser focusing all her Federation hate on Janeway and not giving him a second thought except when taunting Janeway
Oh my heart just grew 3 sizes:
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I can’t believe there’s only two episodes left ;_; manifesting Gwyn finally catching a break after 2 series of shouldering all that guilt. Carefree smile time carefree smile time carefree smile time
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vivisect · 2 years
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you’d think that if you were going to do a close up of an extra’s hand, you wouldn’t give it to the person with the coke nail 🤷🏻‍♀️
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bladesrunner · 1 year
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As your leader and your friend, I sort of demand that you can all speak in public as I can. We're all gonna go around the room and we're going to make toasts. And that way we will overcome our fear of public speaking.
THE OFFICE (2005–2013) S02E17: Dwight's Speech
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woodsfae · 1 year
Babylon 5 s02e17: Knives S02 Table of Contents • previous episode
They have the space for an entire baseball field, but the hydroponics is so starved for space that one single coffee plant is wildly against regulations and is a secret passed from Laurel (my beloved) to Susan (also my beloved)?
Love the scary stories of the Down Below. It's deeply weird, though, how Garibaldi continues to be a voice of reason to Sheridan. Good character work, I guess, and I like Garibaldi a bit better the further into the season I get.
There are so many strange details thrown at us about various characters, and it definitely makes them feel more real Londo and Vir are very into Centauri opera. Of course they are, hah. This Centauri has a funny 'do. Is it shorter because he's more srs? His general look seems to be of a different style than Londo, and is reminiscent of a western casual, gentleman or scholarly look of the later 19th century.
Of course Sheridan went Down Below alone right after Garibaldi said that was a bad idea, and of course he found a corpse-turned-assailant-turned-corpse-again immediately.
Corpse reviving temporarily kills comms! Interesting!
Garibaldi: "Maybe next time you'll listen when I tell you not to do something. Sir."
Dead Alien was staying in the Markab Sector, but was found in the Grey Sector, Down Below.
Fingers crossed for a Sheridan Gets Possessed By A Ghost episode.
Cute, Centauri war criminal nicknames.
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Cool and creepy eye effect! Invisible Space Dinosaur called a Grylor!! This is great.
Forensics say the murdered alien actually bashed his own skull in and died of suicide. Seems unlikely.
Awww, Londo is still hung up on Adira from season one.
Londo: "The Centauri have bowed to the whims of other races for too long. Now we will show the galaxy our true spirit. Beginning with those, those, thrice-damned Narns."
Translation: "It sucks that we reined in some of our slave-empire colonization due to pressure from races who didn't like the violent, murdering colonizing. It's good to be back at it."
Huh, old war buddy is against the war and didn't want to see the Narns forced into military conflict. And doesn't realize he's talking to the guy who helped orchestrate all of it. Londo was either the best or the worst person to come to for help when your house is about to be disgraced. Idk which way Londo's going to jump or how this is going to land. On the one hand, Londo could chuck his old friend under the bus for his own gain. Or he could really save this guy's political reputation.
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Of course Londo has a portrait of himself in his quarters. That's giving him some serious side-eye.
Susan Ivanova!!
Sheridan: "Commander. Everything in order?" Ivanova: "Remarkably so. It's beginning to worry me." Sheridan: "Do you always worry when things are going well?" Ivanova: "I don't have time to when they're not."
Sheridan gets more, fun, hallucinations! This is definitely normal and not something he should report to Dr Franklin. Anna keeps coming up which feeds my theory that she's still alive.
Oh, he did go report it to Franklin! Good move. Smartypants. Franklin is amusingly dismissive of this.
Dr Franklin: "Well, anyone wiling to command Babylon 5 has got to be slightly insane, but I don't think you're ready for the asylum just yet."
LMAO. What's a little hallucination or four compared to how nuts you have to be to take this job voluntarily?
Oh, interesting. The Markab sector is named after a people also called Markab?
Dr Franklin: "I'm also prescribing a mild sedative. I want you to relax and enjoy yourself - that is an order!"
aka, here's some oxys, go nuts?
Extremely cutthroat Centauri politics perfectly punctuated by Vir, here:
"You know, on rare occasions, I am proud to be your attache."
hah! He really is gaining in confidence.
Ahhh the Markab went through sector 14, which has been restricted since B4 disappeared and briefly re-appeared. dun dun dun!
I wonder if JMS realized that Garibaldi was wholly unlikable and shifted the writing for his character intentionally. Every time he's on screen the last few episodes, I find him easier and easier to like. Or maybe his relapse into alcoholism and subsequent recovery really shook some sense into him? He's funny and endearing now, in a way he wasn't for me since the pilot, The Gathering.
Centauri party. Always a good time to cringe out of my skin. Nothing has happened yet, but there's plenty of time left in the episode for it.
Of course the very person Londo went to for help is the one that has been trying to wreck the Laddo house. And of course Londo didn't know. He's so smug in his great political knowledge and power, but he ignored Centauri politics until something piques his interest and then he acts without knowing the details.
Vocator Laddo: "You cannot build an empire based on slaughter and deceit!"
well, actually I think that's the only way to build an empire and collect that much power, but you gotta start somewhere.
Death match!! Can't wait.
More possession and hallucinations for Sheridan!
Vir: "Disgrace is preferable to death!" Londo: "There was a time when I would agree with you! That time has passed." Vir: "Londo, this is insane!" Londo: "Insanity is part of the times! It's time to embrace the madness, let it fire you."
Maybe that really is the key. Or maybe I shouldn't take advice from Londo Mollari.
Sheridan and Garibaldi are heading to the restricted Sector 14!
Urza Laddo is much better at sword fighting than Londo is. But since I'm pretty sure Londo is in this show for the long run, this can't end with him being dead.
Garibaldi snagged Sheridan's ship, but did he get Sheridan's mind? This sector really does have some janky phenomena going on.
Damn, setting yourself up to be killed by one of your oldest friends so your family doesn't get disgraced by your political opponents is a move.
Sheridan's mind did come back with him, but he did leave behind a consciousness which wanted to be taken home. Weirdness abounds on B5!
House Laddo is no more, and its members are now House Mollari and under Londo's direct protection. That's an interesting cultural mechanism to make sure that people don't go into death matches too lightly. If you win, you get a whole fuckload of new dependents! I could also see people doing that to gain power over particular dependents, though.
Londo: "I have made many choices lately, Vir. And for the first time, I am not sure those choices were right." Vir, tired of being the Jiminy Cricket to the worlds' worst Pinocchio: "Then perhaps some good has come out of this tragedy! It's not too late to make some good choices." Londo buying into the Sunk Cost Fallacy: "No, the blood is already on my hands. Right or wrong, I must follow the path to its end."
It's a real bummer that killing one of his oldest and dearest friends isn't enough to make Londo actually change some of what he's up to or to second-guess some aspects of Centauri culture..
next episode
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Just Some of Ivanova & Sheridan’s Peak Sibling Moments in The Coming of Shadows
“You were never worried about being diplomatic before. Don’t disappoint me by starting now.”
“He’s [President Clark] on Gold Channel One; wants to speak to you. Unless you’d like me to have him call you back later—” “Ivanova.”
“Why don’t you take a break?” “Why don’t you? …Sir.”
“You got a plan?” “Just try not to get killed.” “Brilliant.”
“You know how I feel about telepaths.” “[Scoffing] Do I ever. You threw one out of a third-story window on Io.” “There was an ample pool below the window.” “I’ll assume you knew that.”
“And lastly, the party honoring Ambassador Mollari’s day of ascension is tonight. All attendees must be barefoot.” “Barefoot?” “Barefoot.”
“Were you like this when you were married?” “Huh? Yeah.” “The woman was a saint.” “Well, at least I’m an intelligent life form, according to the Minbari.”
“You snore.” “No, I don’t.” “Yes, you do.” “No, I don’t.” “Captain, either you snore or last night we had a hell of a breach in the hull.”
“If it’s true, they won’t want that information to get out.” “What information? All we have here is supposition.” “Sheridan’s rule #29: Always make your opponent think you know more than you really know.”
“Now, this is more like it.” “Now, Captain—” “Yes, Commander?” “If you continue this behavior, you’ll just make the other pilots feel inadequate.” “Spoilsport.” “What was that, Captain? You’re breaking up.” “Nothing, Commander.”
“That’s why I’m putting you in charge to oversee this gift shop— which, I might add, is only a test at this point.” “Why me? I hate this whole idea!” “Exactly! I’m counting on you to focus that hostility with your typical diligence to make sure that this station and its inhabitants are in no way, as you so correctly put it, demeaned.”
“—And the Centauri government will not tolerate such insults!” [Ivanova grabs the doll.] “Well, it’s just a doll. It wasn’t even made by us. Look at the tag, it’s probably been made by somebody down in the bazaar.” “It’s a mockery. It doesn’t even have any, uh— attributes.” “Attributes?” [Sheridan stands up and grabs the doll from Ivanova.] “Do I have to spell it out for you?” “I see, so you feel like you’re being symbolically cast… in a bad light.” “Well put. Ivanova, have all of these dolls removed at once, please.” “Yes, sir.”
“Uh, Commander— how goes the Babylon 5 store?” “Most interesting.” “Aha! You know, I was thinking this might work out after all. We could use the extra money to defray operating expenses.” [Sheridan looks down at the teddy bear Ivanova is holding.] “What is that?” “Hmm. Take a look.” [Sheridan chuckles.] “Bab-bear-lon 5? Oh, he’s a cutie, isn’t he?” “Oh, yeah.” “J.S.?” “John Sheridan.” “Jo— oh. This is supposed to be me?” “Yeah.” “Ah! I want it off my station. I want them all off my station. I want the whole store yanked out, boxed up, and shipped out by 0800 tomorrow. Is that clear?” “I’ll get right on it.” “Um…” [Sheridan takes the stuffed animal back.]
KNIVES [S02E17]:
“Commander. Everything in order?” “Remarkably so. It’s beginning to worry me.” “Oh, you always worry when things are going well?” “I don’t have time to worry about them when they’re not.”
“Delta I, why are you prepping for launch? Delta I, please respond. This is Commander Ivanova.” “Ivanova, this is Sheridan.” “Captain? What are you doing?” “Just going out for a little spin. There is no need to worry. I’ll be back before you know it. [To himself] I hope.”
“Comments, anyone?” “Does the phrase ‘No way in hell,’ ring a bell?”
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anibats · 1 year
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Let's Play The Sims 2 | Pleasantview S02E17 | Benjamin Day
New Episode!  Benjamin and his wife Edith have never been wealthy by any means, but being in the latest stages of their adult lives, they have worked their way up and can finally afford a proper two-story house; just in time for their oldest son's recent birthday. But that's not all that's changing - Benjamin is also fulfilling his dream of starting up a local scouts club for kids out in the forest.
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veldeia · 2 months
Fic: Not One of Them
Oops, I unexpectedly fell into a new fandom, or a few! This is definitely among the most niche things I've written, fusing together two older shows. I entirely blame Michael Emerson, who is so compelling that after I'd finished PoI, I immediately had to watch all of Lost (having seen neither show before). This was supposed to be shorter, but as usual, once I got started with plotting, I couldn't stop!
Fandom: Lost (2004) / Person of Interest (fusion) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Word count: 17110 Pairing: Harold Finch/John Reese Characters: Harold Finch, Sayid Jarrah, Jack Shephard, John Locke, Ana Lucia Cortez, John Reese Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fusion, Timeline What Timeline, Episode: s02e14 One of Them, Episode: s02e17 Lockdown, Harold Finch Whump, Hurt Harold Finch, Torture, Canon-Typical Violence, Imprisonment, Love Confessions, Hurt/Comfort, Early in Canon (for Person of Interest), Additional Warnings In Author's Note
Rousseau takes Sayid to a man she's caught in one of her traps. She claims he's an Other, but he says his name is Harold Gull, and he's looking for his friend, John Rooney.
(Fusion between Lost and Person of Interest, because I watched both shows, craved more content with Finch in trouble, and this scenario refused to leave my brain. Fills the "Caught in a Snare" square on my @badthingshappenbingo card.)
Story on AO3
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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Metalocalypse #37: “Dethrecord” | September 1, 2008 - 12:00AM | S02E17
Fairly simple episode about Dethklok experiencing crunchtime. The deadline for their new album is approaching fast, and the world may unravel if they are not successful. So we see little vignettes of the band attempting to record, experiencing setbacks, etc.
Everyone has a little spotlight here and there, each member performing their parts and it usually going wrong to some degree. Pickles gets annoyed that the band demands perfection on his drum tracks while the rest of the band enjoy French toast. Skwisgaar has to be airborne to record is guitar parts because it’s the only way they can stop an annoying buzz coming through. Nathan Explosion does something.
I was pretty underwhelmed with this episode at first. It was pretty by-the-numbers, and nothing felt too heavy stakes-wise. The humor was just okay. The best subplot in the episode wound up being Toki and Murderface’s. They are shut out of the song-writing process, so they go off and record their own song about “takin’ it easy”. As they nervously play it for the rest of the band, hoping for them to okay it’s inclusion on the record, we get a weird music video that seems to express Toki and Murderface’s warped concept of “takin’ it easy”, which somehow includes a lot of apocalyptic imagery. The scene ends with the band bickering, and Toki threatening to throw a basket of warm towels onto Murderface. This was the funniest scene in the episode by far, and it made the whole thing worth it.
They are clearly ramping up to the next episode, which is another one of their thirty minuters that they are FREAKING OBSESSED with making. But this one feels less like a good standalone episode of the show as much as it’s just an advertisement for the season finale. 
would you have sex with virginia madsen if she flew out you and a buddy out to an all-inclusive resort
I have a question: is virginia madsen a woman with a vagina. and an the buddy be my dad
lol ur definitely not easy pussy bro, never been more sure of my life
MMmmmm maybe you wanna ask virginia mastatdon about that
ACAB includes CORBS
That's why it's good when they get blasted! SEE IT'S A GOOD SKETCH
where's your favorite place to unwind that is not your home?you don't have to get too specific if you need to protect your location/idenity.
Very obvious: the video store. Or library, or thrift store or any place that has books or movies to browse. Legit was having a meltdown while I was driving the other day because I got too pissed off by mistake, and I pulled over and went into a thrift store and bought a Denls Leary DVD for a dollar and it immediately relaxed me. Also: seeing old movies at the theater, it's nice! Thank you for the NICE question
CORBS is astounding! Maybe the best summer camp piece of media ever.
MEAN. You are being mean about me calling M*A*S*H a summer camp movie on my letterboxd. It was even remade as Meatballs years later.
I think the ground just shook, and everywhere you look, all you see is CORBS
The scene in Billion Dollar Movie where Erik is jacketting off in bed next to Tim but then it cuts to a wideshot and the bed's legs collapse, momentarily jostling them in a brief freefall to the floor
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ao3feed-spirk · 11 months
ad astra cum amore (to the stars with love.)
read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51414661 by Sylvesterthecrow He enters the apartment building quietly under the light of the moon and the buzz of the street lights, heading down the hall and carefully approaching their small shared apartment. Their shared apartment: He and Spocks, no one else's. The idea would have seemed so far out of reach to the version of him that got marooned here months ago. Even though he had woken up beside the man hours prior like it was normal routine it still hadn't seemed entirely normal. But it simply was normal routine after all these months stranded here on this planet with nothing but one another. --- TLDR: Spock and Kirk 1920s domestic fluff based on a Tumblr headcanon I saw on Pinterest Words: 1089, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: The Original Series Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek) Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, If You Squint - Freeform, Cuddling & Snuggling, Sharing a Bed, "only one bed" except there isn't really, Domestic Fluff, episode: s02e17 A Piece of the Action, 1920s, Mentally Married, Subtext, Vulcan Kisses (Star Trek) read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51414661
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allelitewrestlings · 4 months
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Anna Jay AEW Collision • May 18, 2024
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ei-w · 2 years
different takes on one scenario: what if they wake up with the other not found next to them? what would they feel? worry? relief? something else?
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Take 2 -- Vlad and Maddie (the cat)
(ficlet, below 1k words)
(canon compliant, post-s02e17 - Kindred Spirits)
In most of the cases, he did not wake up to any noises -- considering that spending a few years in a hospital made him immune to hearing rushes through the nights even or that since then some loud crashes were usual when someone was dealing with ghosts in the past fifteen years. The exception was when nothing disrupted his sleeping schedule. An exception, really.
He got used to it though. When he woke up to the oddness of silence, he woke up and there was no way to return to sleep, so then he worked -- which was probably a bad habit, but who cared.
As partly ghost, he had a different metabolism. And much to his benefit, it meant he needed less sleep than anyone else.
This time though, the noise in the unusually quite night, the scratching on the closed door, and the harrowing meowing bothered him more than before. Even the pet's previous purring next to him felt nothing but an annoyance.
"Maddie!" Vlad shouted, the slimmest chance to sleep escaped from his mind.
The white cat slowly turned back to him, only for a blink regarding his rose voice then stared at the obstacle in front of her again.
Usually, she was let free to roam around in the mansion, letting him sleep but he was not in the mood to start a search for her in the morning -- or remove the white fur from every piece of furniture she could brush herself against in her boredom.
The furball yowled again and Vlad tiredly pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing.
"Why? Why can't you stay still for a few hours?" He murmured under his nose, reluctantly standing up then and once stopping at the door, he stared at the cat. "I really hope, you have a good reason for this, Madeline," he looked at her. "And, no. If I let you out now, you'll cry to let you back, so decide it now: in or out."
Hardly, she could understand him. She was just a stupid cat after all. But Vlad was sure his tone said enough to her. He had no patience to deal with her tonight -- or, in the coming few days until he would get over what had happened.
"So?" He glared at the self-willed pet, expecting that she would turn reasonable and return to the other side of his blanket that she claimed as hers before.
But -- much to his surprise -- she meowed back at the door.
"I should have gotten a dog instead. Dogs can be taught," Vlad commented, neglecting the twitch of the fluffy tail. Then, along with a groan, he slightly opened the door for her. "I expect a 'thank you', you ungrateful," he cleared as she slipped out like a snake. "But who am I talking to... to the most stubborn animal in the existence."
There was no chance for resting now. She had wakened him up, unchangably, but the strange thing was, for once, he had no idea what to do with his hours awake. He did not wish to go down to his lab, see the wrecks, and...
"Maddie! For god's--" Vlad whirled out from his bedroom, scolding the cat in the hallway for the renewed, high crying-out, but then shut his mouth.
She stared at the closed bedroom door, next to his.
"She is not here," he whispered out, unsure that his words let him or he just muted those. "Danielle is not here," he said. And Maddie, the partner in the small mischiefs, planned by the two being within the building to entertain themselves much to his annoyance, tilted her triangle head to the side, glaring at him for an explanation.
"No, she will not come back," Vlad said, then the bitterness gathered in him, burning unpleasantly his inside again. "And I highly doubt a nuisance like you can grasp what turning to be a traitor mean. It's time to accept that she betrayed us, Madeline. Ruined everything that weeks of hard work nearly managed to accomplish and--"
Vlad blinked at the closed door what behind the small girl's room was. Her creation was still a mystery, happening too soon and...
She was disposable from the beginning, nothing else. A model to follow then for the final aim, and...
The sourness was still within him and he was unwilling to think about the mess in his lab that remained. She couldn't understand, nor Daniel could understand that--No, he did not want to think about this failure now...
Yet, the numerous sleepless nights lately when he had had to soothe the child from her recurring haunting nightmares... The way she had looked at him sometimes with those bright blue eyes, and...
"Bah!" Vlad cursed and harshly shut behind him the door. Maddie could screw it on the hallway, he would not answer her calls from now.
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sh17poster187 · 1 year
Anyone ever think about the psychological ramifications of the shit that happens in Futurama on its characters?
TW: mention of suicide, survivor's guilt, psychology, war, hostage situations, mental illness, blood, violence
Anyone ever think about all of the psychological ramifications of the shit that happens in Futurama on its characters? I'll use the example of S04E12 "The Sting": Fry fucking dies because of something Leela does, and she effectively tries to kill herself because, not only does she feel insanely guilty and blame herself for his death, she also loved him, and keeps hallucinating that he's still alive (which also ties into the pseudo-suicide plan, in which she would consume three spoonfuls of royal jelly, which would put her into a permanent sleep state in which she could dream that she was together with Fry and that he was alive). And after *all of that*, it turns out that *Leela* was the one that got stung, and it was all a coma dream, and that Fry had been by her side the entire time doing whatever he could to make sure she pulled through. Like, that's some *deeply* traumatic shit.
There's plenty of other examples too:
S02E09 "A Bicyclops Built for Two" (Leela thinks she's found the last living member of her alien race and then it turns into a Married... with Children parody and it eventually turns out he's just a shapeshifting con man who's been gaslighting her and multiple others).
S02E17 "War is the H-Word" (Fry and Bender enlist in the Army as part of a scheme to get 5% off gum, and instead get drafted into a war on an alien planet where they both almost end up KIA and Bender specifically is horribly wounded and gets a bomb planted in his chest by his own military in order to subjugate the planet).
S03E11 "Insane in the Mainframe" (Bender and Fry get forced by an insane robot to aid him in robbing a bank, and are then committed to a robot mental institution where Fry ends up being conditioned to believe that he's a robot. Fry fully believes this with every fiber of his being by the end of their stay in the institution, and only snaps out of it when he gets cut by aforementioned robot in a hostage situation and finds out that he bleeds blood and not oil).
Hell, even S01E01 "Space Pilot 3000" (Fry "accidentally" ends up ~1000 years in the future, where everyone he ever knew is dead, *which he's overjoyed about*). There's still multiple other examples I could list. Like, *a lot*.
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Season 1 DISC 1 S01E01 Andy and Helen Get Married 1960 S01E02 The Harvest Ball 1960 S01E03 The Race Horse 1960 S01E04 Help on the Farm 1960 S01E05 The Copy Machine 1960 S01E06 The Panel Show 1960 S01E07 Youth Takes Over 1960 DISC 2 S01E08 The Church Play 1960 S01E09 Mike's Losing Streak 1960 S01E10 Sam Gets a Ticket 1960 S01E11 Emmet's 50th Birthday Party 1960 S01E12 Miss Farmerette 1960 S01E13 Sam and the Teenager 1960 S01E14 New Couple in Town 1960 DISC 3 S01E15 Aunt Bee's Cruise 1960 S01E16 aunt bee and the captain 1961 S01E17 Driver Education 1960 S01E18 Howard's Hobby 1960 S01E19 The Camper 1960 S01E20 Sam the Expert Farmer 1960 S01E21 The Pet Shop 1960 DISC 4 S01E22 An Efficient Service Station 1960 S01E23 Emmett's Retirement 1960 S01E24 Millie's Girlfriend 1960 S01E25 The Church Bell 1960 S01E26 Sister Cities 1960 Season 2 DISC 1 S02E01 Andy's Baby 1960 S02E02 Saving Morelli's 1960 S02E03 Howard the Poet 1960 S02E04 Goober and the Telephone Girl 1960 S02E05 Millie the Model 1960 S02E06 Mike's Birthday Party 1960 DISC 2 S02E07 The Farmer Exchange Project 1960 S02E08 The Caper 1960 S02E09 The New Farmhand 1960 S02E10 Palm Springs, Here We Come 1960 S02E11 Palm Springs, Here We Are 1960 S02E12 Millie and the Palm Springs Golf Pro 1960 S02E13 Palm Springs Cowboy 1960 DISC 3 S02E14 Goober's Niece 1970 S02E15 Emmett Takes a Fall 1970 S02E16 The New Well 1970 S02E17 Emmett and the Ring 1970 S02E18 Goober's Brother 1970 S02E19 The Mayberry Road 1970 S02E20 Millie and the Great Outdoors 1970 DISC 4 S02E21 The Sculptor 1970 S02E22 The Health Fund 1970 S02E23 The Mayberry Float 1970 S02E24 Aloha Goober 1970 S02E25 Millie the Secretary 1970 S02E26 The Mynah Bird 1970 Season 3 DISC 1 S03E01 Emmett's Domestic Problem 1970 S03E02 Sensitivity Training 1970 S03E03 Goober's New Gas Station 1970 S03E04 The New Housekeeper 1970 S03E05 All for Charity 1970 S03E06 Hair 1970 DISC 2 S03E07 Millie the Best-Dressed Woman 1970 S03E08 Howard's Nephew 1970 S03E09 Goober the Housekeeper 1970 S03E10 Millie's Dream 1970 S03E11 Community Spirit 1970 S03E12 The Harp 1970 S03E13 The Bicycle Club 1970 DISC 3 S03E14 Mike's Project 1970 S03E15 Howard the Dream Spinner 1970 S03E16 Millie's Egg Farm 1970 S03E17 The Kid from Hong Kong 1970 S03E18 The Moon Rocks 1970 S03E19 The World Traveler 1970 S03E20 Goober the Elder 1970 DISC 4 S03E21 Alice and the Professor 1970 S03E22 Howard the Swinger 1970 S03E23 Mike's Car 1970 S03E24 Goober the Hero 1970 S03E25 The City Planner 1970 S03E26 Emmett's Invention 1970
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