#ryuji x joker
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junebugknight · 2 years ago
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duckdachi · 2 years ago
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This is from MARCH for kiss ryuji day 2023, I’ve been so busy with school as you can tell ;; 
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symphonic-scream · 8 months ago
My shitty Persona 6 idea
(self indulgent)
So the main idea is, all persona users have gone missing. SEES, Investigation Team, Phantom Thieves. All disappeared one night. (In the future by a decent amount)
The story starts five years later. A teen boy living on his own is on his way to school, leaving his small apartment to take the train. Light flashes through the windows, time seems to slow, and his head aches. Then, all is normal
But. As he's walking, people are staring. Following. He gets chased into an alley, where the world seems to warp around him and the people following him become shadows. A voice calls out to him, telling him to Wake Up, and he gets his persona. He opens his eyes and they glow, and after the fight, a woman approaches him with a dog at her side, a cat on her shadows
It's Nanako! She's an adult! Koromaru barks from beside her, and Morgana, from her shoulders, explains the basics and that they need to leave
Nanako explains that this kid is the last one she's been trying to find, and asks him if he'd like to help rescue his parents and save the world. He pauses, petting Koro, but agrees
And she takes him to a private academy, owned by the Kirijo group, and he gets a dorm and reunites with younger siblings he lost track of in the system. He meets some friends and goes to the basement after school to learn about the mission and stuff and meet the team
The woman leading the program? Sae Niijima. Nanako Dojima is able to stay awake in the Slumber, which is the persona world in this, so she's their Guide. She has been tracking the kids of the old persona users down with Sae, and taking care of Koromaru and Morgana
Edit; I FORGOT TO MENTION!!! Teddie is the velvet room attendant! He's got no memories and can't leave until the protag reaches the end of his journey. All he knows is that he has to leave
That's the concept. Under the cut are my ideas for the team
So. Here are my Persona Users!
It's a team of 10. Cause I say so. Three third year students, five second years, and one first year. Then, their "mascot", a Kirijo Group ward who somehow fused with their persona. As in they're half human half cognition
I'll go down in age order, the Protag's name will be in green so it's easier to recognize which one is him
Yakuya Takeba, Third Year student. Son of Yukari and Mitsuru
[name meaning: evening, amber, to carry on]
Yakuya is the oldest of the group. He's been under a ton of stress as the defacto proprietor of the Kirijo group, but since getting the support of Sae and Nanako, he's been able to kick back a bit
He's got honey brown hair, which he keeps just long enough for a little ponytail. It's pretty straight. Dark brown eyes. He's extremely fashionable, softboy core. Cardigans, slacks, he looks good. Always.
Yakuya is their leader on the ground in the Slumber. He's a fast thinker, very intelligent, but he's extremely dense. He says things and the others just. Stare at him. Cause there is no way he doesn't get the joke there. Right?
Ukiwa Narukami, Third Year student. Daughter of Yu and Yosuke
[name meaning: love, hope, peace]
Ukiwa has been living with Nanako since her dads went missing. She's been on this mission the longest, been able to stay awake in the Slumber the longest, most in tune with her persona
Messy silver hair, she's dyed her tips orange. Just reaches her shoulders. Big grey eyes, a very squishable face. Tactical fashion. She's more worried about finding her parents than looking nice. Pockets everywhere
Ukiwa is very focused on the mission. It's all she really thinks about. She was a huge daddy's girl for Yosuke, used to smile so big. Now she's just, so desperate to get them back. She doesn't get on the others for wanting to do things and have fun, but she won't join in. If she's not working in the basement area, she's working out or looking at old photos
Shinji Sanada, Third Year student. Son of Akihiko, and Kotone and Aigis
[name meaning: named after Shinjiro Aragaki]
He's biologically Akihiko and Kotone's son, and was split custody between Aki, and Kotone and Aigis. Shinji knows about Shinjiro, and warmly refers to him as his second father
Shinji keeps his hair shaved short. Clippers with a number 3 across his whole head. The fuzz is dark brown. Grey eyes. He looks big and bulky, and wears big hoodies with anime characters on them
He's the mom friend. Loves caring for people, it's his way of showing he cares. He's the party's main healer because of this! Between a stressed out Yakuya and a too dedicated Ukiwa, he's always pulling someone out of their dorm to eat. He makes sure the second years and first year aren't being pushed too hard
Hirohide Okumura, Second Year student. Son of Makoto and Haru
[name meaning: vast, outstanding]
Our protagonist. He has two younger siblings that have been living with Sae, but he got lost in the system. He's been bouncing around homes across Japan for five years, and has been a loner. He's eager to bring his family back together. His velvet room is House of Mirrors themed
Hiro has Makoto's leather jacket, and wears it whenever it's not too hot. He even wears it with his uniform. He looks like a mini Makoto, too. Red eyes, mused up brown hair. He's got a few piercings in his ears, wears a wallet chain and dark clothes, but has a bracelet with blue, pink, purple, yellow, and grey beads to represent his family members (purple and yellow are his siblings)
Hirohide has what I'm calling "resting Makoto face". A bit of a pouty frown, always looks kinda mad or like he's thinking too hard. But he's hella snarky. All of his dialogue options are snappy or snarky or just. Sarcastic.
Satoma Kujikawa, Second Year student. Son of Rise, Naoto, and Kanji
[name meaning: wisdom, defend]
Older twin. Biologically Rise and Kanji's. There is a third Kujikawa sibling, too young to help out. Satoma goes by he/they actually, and lives for the moment cause that's what their parents would want
Satoma has wavy brown hair, sort of the short long where it barely passes his ears, and dyes blue and purple highlights in it. To represent their dads. Grey eyes, needs glasses. Bro cannot dress well. Closet of cargo shorts, graphic tees with poorly translated phrases, and the loudest collared shirts
He's a total goofball. Doesn't think before he acts, has the most fun of anyone you've ever met. Cooks really well, can sew, epic cleaner, but he's in the chat asking who wants to push him down the big hill in a giant tire cause he got bored
Meika Kujikawa, Second Year student. Daughter of Rise, Naoto, and Kanji
[name meaning: bright, beautiful]
Younger twin. Bio parents are Rise and Kanji, but she was always closest with Papa Naoto. She's the top mark holder for the second year students, but she's usually daydreaming in class, or absent for other school activities or missions reasons
Meika looks remarkably like Rise, but she wears her hair in one ponytail. Well, before she dyed her hair dark blue/black. She also needs glasses, but can't keep track of them. Overalls wearer, but baggy and one strap down. Hoodie underneath, an older Risette tour hoodie she found in her parents' room
She's a bit floaty. When it matters most, she's able to keep up and get them out of tough situations, but otherwise it's hard to tell where her head is. She's also in the most clubs, and doing something at all times. She's in band, she's on student council, she plays tennis- it's like she's trying to keep herself distracted
Momori Amagi, Second Year student. Daughter of Yukiko and Chie
[name meaning: peach, orchid]
Middle Amagi daughter, but the oldest can't assist cause she got hella hurt and is recovering in the hospital. Momori is more determined to help, to make sure she's the last of the three to have to fight
Momori has very dark hair, nearly black, kept in A very neat braid. Warm brown eyes, and a few little freckles across her face. Stompy sneaks, fun printed skirts, and soft sweaters with mock collars on them
So loud. Big personality. Explosive, even. Moving always, very physical with her friends, she's always picking people up or latching onto them in big hugs, or tackling them. She is thinking of going into nursing after her big sister got hurt
Kyoai Suzui, Second Year student. Daughter of Ann and Shiho
[name meaning: fragrance, affection]
Kyoai is somewhat lucky, she still has one of her mom's around. Shiho still has to walk with a single crutch or cane, and struggles without Ann. But she's trying, for Kyoai and her son. Kyoai doesn't want to stress her mom anymore, so she hasn't told her she's trying to find her Mama
Her hair is a dirty blonde, real silky and fluffy, in a stylish bob. Dark eyes, a lil beauty mark by the right edge of her smile. Athletic wear central. Shorts over athletic leggings, tanks and jerseys and team shirts
She's the second in command for the chaos unit. She hates to worry her mom, doesn't want to make things worse for her, but she's also the first to volunteer for Satoma's ideas. She often makes suggestions that make them worse, even
Tatsuoki Sakamoto, First Year student. Son of Joker and Ryuji
[name meaning: to achieve, heart]
The youngest of the group, born sickly, it's Tatsuoki. He's been living with Mama Sakamoto, visiting with a torn up Sojiro. He used to be very close with Sumire and Futaba, since they were his godparents. He's the Navi of the group, and more tech-aligned than the others
Messy dark brown hair, half his head is dyed red, and dark eyes. He's got Ryuji's big smile, and Joker's eye for chaos. Gamer shirts. So many gamer shirts. Leblanc themed windbreaker, a casual pants boy, paint splattered shoes
Total agent of chaos. Drinks coffee a little too much, but he's often joining in with Satoma and Kyoai, to distract himself from missing everyone. Has the most joyous laugh you've ever heard
Atsurou, Ward of the Kirijo Group.
[name meaning: genuine, bright]
More info coming
Also I'll totally post more if y'all want it
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swordsfaires · 6 months ago
no cats left behind
rating: T
pairings: Ryuji Sakamoto/Persona 5 Protagonist, Ryuji Sakamoto & Morgana friendship, Persona 5 Protagonist & Ryuji Sakamoto & Morgana friendship
characters: Ryuji Sakamoto, Morgana, Persona 5 Protagonist, Sojiro Sakura, Futaba Sakura, Haru Okumura, Toshiro Kasukabe, Eri Natsuhara (mentioned), Makoto Niijima (mentioned)
tags: Humor, Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Team as Family, Sakamoto Ryuji & Morgana Friendship, Amamiya Ren & Sakamoto Ryuji & Morgana Friendship, Misunderstandings, Team Bonding, Bonding, Friendship, Developing Friendships, Set Post-Tactica but Pre-Strikers, makoharu if you squint, eritoshi if you squint, Persona 5 Protagonist is from Inaba
When Ren finds out he isn’t able to take Morgana with him and the Sakuras on their vacation to his hometown, Ryuji offers to watch Morgana and take care of Leblanc in his absence. Though concerned about their ability to get along, Ren agrees, under one condition: he has to take a picture of himself and Morgana every day to make sure they’re still alive.
What happens over the ensuing four days sees Ryuji and Morgana becoming closer than either of them could have imagined.
Written for Ryuji Sakamoto Reverse Bonk 2024 featuring collaborative art by Alison (@alisonbeemer on Twitter)!
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kai-strophics · 2 years ago
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I remembered this fic of mine existed and decided that sometimes my old fics ARE actually pretty good <3
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twilitedawn · 8 months ago
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Shuujin Trio
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persona-game-info · 1 year ago
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P5 cast P5X chat icons
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lubi4412 · 2 months ago
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knnichs · 9 months ago
if you could be mine, if we could be us
— wherein he realizes that he's fallen in love with you.
c. akira, akechi, ryuji, yusuke
t. fluff, gn!reader, reader is a member of the phantom thieves and is a persona user, joker & akira have incredibly opposite personalities (tad bit exaggerated), kamoshida & madarame mention (sorry), yusuke forgives madarame, minor spoilers for akechi & yusuke, no/very little dialogue, wc: 1.5k
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The mementos may not be the best time to think about it, but Akira can’t help but blush. He finally noticed that he has feelings for his best friend.
After hearing the rest of the group tease him about having a soft spot for you—you would expect the leader of the Phantom Thieves to be a little smart, but he’s surprisingly unfazed that they realized it before he did.
Recently, you saw how Joker had been more of a show-off during battle. With flashy moves and unnecessary very cliche lines when interrogating a shadow, (which you are very sure he practiced in front of the bathroom mirror in Leblanc) all while having the energy to have a signature finishing move when defeating an opponent. He becomes more chatty, more confident—more cocky. You love seeing Joker enjoying his time, but in all honesty it’s a bit unsettling. The usually quiet-but-snarky leader is suddenly talkative. What happened?
As a joke, you confronted him about it in a teasing manner. “Joker, somethin’ good happen?” You would say. All you will get is a smile as he waves off the question, “Nothing specific happened.”
Unfortunately, as soon as you return to reality, he will continue back to his usual self. It’s as if a shift happened to his entire personality as soon as he had the mask on. The truth is, being in the metaverse does somewhat help with how he is feeling. It gives him the confidence boost he needs to be just the tiniest bit more like a guy you could only read in books. He still acts like a proper gentleman, even in reality, but his metaverse self—Joker, is exactly the kind of person who would unironically steal your heart. Being on television and having fangirls of his own, you would at least expect him to take advantage of his charm just to impress you, no?
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Akechi isn’t surprised. Not the slightest bit.
You were always willing to help him with academics—despite him already being smart to handle his studies and detective work. You say it’s so that he doesn’t go home so tired all the time. Each time he smiles and refuses your offer, saying he’s able to perfectly balance his work life with his school curriculars. Though this does lead to him being over exhausted one too many times.
You end up visiting Akechi in his apartment when you find the time, inviting him to a night out to destress. There is a slim chance you will find him in a vulnerable state; Drowsy and tired, heavy eyebags from another night of staying up. Maybe he hasn’t slept at all and has to decline your offer to take time to rest. Sometimes he is in a good mood, having free time after accomplishing another case and telling you about it as he invites you to his room. Other times he is incredibly busy, schedule packed with deadlines racking up. He’s exhausted and doesn’t have enough social battery to hang out with someone for the whole day, and you completely understand that. Being a student, a detective, and a celebrity all at once is overwhelming.
You do your best to show that you care about him with those little gestures. Copying notes he might’ve missed, saving presentations, and making reviewers for him to easily study when finals are near. He’s incredibly thankful for that, and in turn, he shows that he notices those gestures of yours by doing the same thing to you. He’s never had anyone that cared about him this much, and that alone is enough reason for him to slowly fall in love with you. Akechi would pick up little details and your small quirks and keep them in mind—your go-to drink, favorite restaurant, how you act when you’re especially stressed, he takes lots of mental notes on your behavior so he is well prepared to handle your little emotional outbursts.
He finds it easy to charm people with his looks and very outgoing personality, he has used this to try and woo you to like him—maybe your actions towards him had some sort of meaning and that you liked him. Unfortunately, it completely backfired. He ended up catching feelings for you in the process as soon as he saw you as someone who liked him for who he was. For some odd reason, this detective is not exactly good with love.
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Ryuji gets nervous around you. Sweaty palms and stuttering sentences—you have this effect on him and he can’t break out of it.
You outshone the sun with your presence alone. He is very much so affected by it, Ryuji has never noticed this before with anyone else he’s been with. You were kind, compassionate, you loved helping people around you. Seeing how you were as eager to take Kamoshida down with him—with the rest of the Thieves—made him think that the two of you were on the same page when it came to thinking.
Ryuji is… Not the best person to rely on for academics, but he surely makes up for it with other things. With his (pretty much) outgoing personality, he does find it easier to invite you out to little “friendly” dates, he’d say. Having Ryuji as your food buddy is a good experience, and having him as a friend is an even better one. When you’re in an especially rough slump, he’s willing to be there by your side as a personal hype man. He would say he delivers the best pep talks and speeches, putting corny jokes into them to lighten the mood, and it’s safe to say that you laugh easier with him too.
He’s good at cheering you up, he doesn’t like seeing you in a tough spot. He loves your company too—so to see or even hear that anything bad happened to you is a no-go for him. It takes a while for it to register that he started having feelings for you, he’s pretty oblivious, even to himself. So you may need to initiate the first move at times. Once it’s hit him, he’ll be a little bit more extra clingy, but a little distant at the same time. He’s a bit overwhelmed with the butterflies you give him, but give it time and he’ll do his best to make a move on you too.
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Yusuke wonders if you’re sick of him yet.
He’s constantly asking you to model for his paintings, constantly bugging you to go with him to visit parks and shrines. Museum trips are definitely a must when you meet with him, and you most likely have to pay for the entrance fee as well. And the food, and the little souvenirs they have. (Well, the souvenirs were your choice. You thought he would appreciate the gift.) With him being short on money because of his passion, he understands if you ever stop wanting to respond to his messages. Surprisingly, you do not. You plan some of those hangouts yourself—and Yusuke is, well… Touched, you could say.
He shows his appreciation by being a little more open with you, trusting you with more of his feelings; ranting to you about certain missions you did in the mementos or how Joker is a bad driver, maybe how his art block is eating him alive and it's frustrating how he can’t find the proper inspiration. One topic about Madarame, how he still found the will to forgive him even after all he did to him and his mother. You listened, of course, and you’re glad he openly trusts you with these kinds of things.
Another way he shows that he is appreciative of what you do is with gifts. Traditional boxes of chocolates or handmade letters (made to look like calling cards) for holiday greetings, portraits of you, sketches of you, doodles of you… Suddenly everything about his life has been about you. He doesn’t dare show his sketchbook to everyone, god forbid. But you do notice him excessively asking you to pose in front of a gorgeous scenery in the park as he scribbles on a notepad. Weeks later, you never really see him make a painting of it despite saying so. He says it’s only to gain motivation, or to get himself warmed up to draw again—but truth be told; You just looked as gorgeous as the flowers that bloom in the bushes behind you, the clear, blue lake, and the sunny weather itself. Everything started to remind him of you, and he can’t help but pull up his contacts on his phone and call you again to have an “inspiration” walk.
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this was absolutely adorable to write. can you tell who my favorite character is sob... anyway! this is my official debut to being a persona author too,, erm requests are open heart for persona 5! maybe not 3 yet. because i am in the very early stages.. ignore how i tagged this like an ao3 fi
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the-crim-rat · 4 months ago
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what is this, some kinda persona? FIVE?
anyway i couldn’t stop thinking abt them and really wanted to draw them… they mean so much to me.
also they all made out after this canon real not clickbait
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sienrasis · 6 months ago
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another yuri bites the dust
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assistantlobster · 2 years ago
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So I started playing Persona 5 and ….🥺💓
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frickingnerd · 8 months ago
love triangle with ren & ryuji
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pairing: ren amamiya / akira kurusu / joker x gn!reader x ryuji sakamoto / skull
tags: friendly rivalry, supportive friends, ryuji is bad at flirting, charming!ren, mentions of food, giving gifts to reader
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ren and ryuji have a friendly rivalry over you!
neither of them want to ruin their friendship over their crush on you, but they both don't want to resign and let the other one win
when ren confessed to ryuji that he liked you, the two boys actually talked about it and decided there wouldn't be any hard feelings, no matter who you choose!
they can't force you to love them, but they certainly can try to win you over with gifts, charming words and other things!
ryuji is rather awkward and blunt when it comes to flirting with you. he'll blurt out “you've got a new haircut–!” before actually complimenting you on it
meanwhile ren is pretty smooth and knows just what to say to compliment your looks and personality, without seeming too ingratiating
ren isn't above teaching ryuji some smooth flirt lines either! though occasionally he sneaks in some bad ones, just for his own amusement…
ryuji always has food on him for you! he read once in some magazine that food is the way to a person's heart, so he keeps snacks on him and always invites you to lunch with him!
ren is more the type to buy you pretty things. a necklace, bracelet or anything else that would look good on you!
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cheeseballcheeto · 1 year ago
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noodlyz · 9 months ago
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Day 3: Free Day
Happy Narumitsu Day y’all! (I got caught up doing studies so instead of the crossover fanart with Persona 5 it will have to be merged with tomorrows prompt. Take a narumitsu sticker doodle for today)
Plussssss HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYUJI (I’m spreading the Joker x Ryuji x Yusuke rhetoric + Joker def baked Ryuji’s cake!)
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kai-strophics · 2 years ago
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Those are her PAPAS, BABY!!!!
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