#persona gen 6
symphonic-scream · 2 months
My shitty Persona 6 idea
(self indulgent)
So the main idea is, all persona users have gone missing. SEES, Investigation Team, Phantom Thieves. All disappeared one night. (In the future by a decent amount)
The story starts five years later. A teen boy living on his own is on his way to school, leaving his small apartment to take the train. Light flashes through the windows, time seems to slow, and his head aches. Then, all is normal
But. As he's walking, people are staring. Following. He gets chased into an alley, where the world seems to warp around him and the people following him become shadows. A voice calls out to him, telling him to Wake Up, and he gets his persona. He opens his eyes and they glow, and after the fight, a woman approaches him with a dog at her side, a cat on her shadows
It's Nanako! She's an adult! Koromaru barks from beside her, and Morgana, from her shoulders, explains the basics and that they need to leave
Nanako explains that this kid is the last one she's been trying to find, and asks him if he'd like to help rescue his parents and save the world. He pauses, petting Koro, but agrees
And she takes him to a private academy, owned by the Kirijo group, and he gets a dorm and reunites with younger siblings he lost track of in the system. He meets some friends and goes to the basement after school to learn about the mission and stuff and meet the team
The woman leading the program? Sae Niijima. Nanako Dojima is able to stay awake in the Slumber, which is the persona world in this, so she's their Guide. She has been tracking the kids of the old persona users down with Sae, and taking care of Koromaru and Morgana
Edit; I FORGOT TO MENTION!!! Teddie is the velvet room attendant! He's got no memories and can't leave until the protag reaches the end of his journey. All he knows is that he has to leave
That's the concept. Under the cut are my ideas for the team
So. Here are my Persona Users!
It's a team of 10. Cause I say so. Three third year students, five second years, and one first year. Then, their "mascot", a Kirijo Group ward who somehow fused with their persona. As in they're half human half cognition
I'll go down in age order, the Protag's name will be in green so it's easier to recognize which one is him
Yakuya Takeba, Third Year student. Son of Yukari and Mitsuru
[name meaning: evening, amber, to carry on]
Yakuya is the oldest of the group. He's been under a ton of stress as the defacto proprietor of the Kirijo group, but since getting the support of Sae and Nanako, he's been able to kick back a bit
He's got honey brown hair, which he keeps just long enough for a little ponytail. It's pretty straight. Dark brown eyes. He's extremely fashionable, softboy core. Cardigans, slacks, he looks good. Always.
Yakuya is their leader on the ground in the Slumber. He's a fast thinker, very intelligent, but he's extremely dense. He says things and the others just. Stare at him. Cause there is no way he doesn't get the joke there. Right?
Ukiwa Narukami, Third Year student. Daughter of Yu and Yosuke
[name meaning: love, hope, peace]
Ukiwa has been living with Nanako since her dads went missing. She's been on this mission the longest, been able to stay awake in the Slumber the longest, most in tune with her persona
Messy silver hair, she's dyed her tips orange. Just reaches her shoulders. Big grey eyes, a very squishable face. Tactical fashion. She's more worried about finding her parents than looking nice. Pockets everywhere
Ukiwa is very focused on the mission. It's all she really thinks about. She was a huge daddy's girl for Yosuke, used to smile so big. Now she's just, so desperate to get them back. She doesn't get on the others for wanting to do things and have fun, but she won't join in. If she's not working in the basement area, she's working out or looking at old photos
Shinji Sanada, Third Year student. Son of Akihiko, and Kotone and Aigis
[name meaning: named after Shinjiro Aragaki]
He's biologically Akihiko and Kotone's son, and was split custody between Aki, and Kotone and Aigis. Shinji knows about Shinjiro, and warmly refers to him as his second father
Shinji keeps his hair shaved short. Clippers with a number 3 across his whole head. The fuzz is dark brown. Grey eyes. He looks big and bulky, and wears big hoodies with anime characters on them
He's the mom friend. Loves caring for people, it's his way of showing he cares. He's the party's main healer because of this! Between a stressed out Yakuya and a too dedicated Ukiwa, he's always pulling someone out of their dorm to eat. He makes sure the second years and first year aren't being pushed too hard
Hirohide Okumura, Second Year student. Son of Makoto and Haru
[name meaning: vast, outstanding]
Our protagonist. He has two younger siblings that have been living with Sae, but he got lost in the system. He's been bouncing around homes across Japan for five years, and has been a loner. He's eager to bring his family back together. His velvet room is House of Mirrors themed
Hiro has Makoto's leather jacket, and wears it whenever it's not too hot. He even wears it with his uniform. He looks like a mini Makoto, too. Red eyes, mused up brown hair. He's got a few piercings in his ears, wears a wallet chain and dark clothes, but has a bracelet with blue, pink, purple, yellow, and grey beads to represent his family members (purple and yellow are his siblings)
Hirohide has what I'm calling "resting Makoto face". A bit of a pouty frown, always looks kinda mad or like he's thinking too hard. But he's hella snarky. All of his dialogue options are snappy or snarky or just. Sarcastic.
Satoma Kujikawa, Second Year student. Son of Rise, Naoto, and Kanji
[name meaning: wisdom, defend]
Older twin. Biologically Rise and Kanji's. There is a third Kujikawa sibling, too young to help out. Satoma goes by he/they actually, and lives for the moment cause that's what their parents would want
Satoma has wavy brown hair, sort of the short long where it barely passes his ears, and dyes blue and purple highlights in it. To represent their dads. Grey eyes, needs glasses. Bro cannot dress well. Closet of cargo shorts, graphic tees with poorly translated phrases, and the loudest collared shirts
He's a total goofball. Doesn't think before he acts, has the most fun of anyone you've ever met. Cooks really well, can sew, epic cleaner, but he's in the chat asking who wants to push him down the big hill in a giant tire cause he got bored
Meika Kujikawa, Second Year student. Daughter of Rise, Naoto, and Kanji
[name meaning: bright, beautiful]
Younger twin. Bio parents are Rise and Kanji, but she was always closest with Papa Naoto. She's the top mark holder for the second year students, but she's usually daydreaming in class, or absent for other school activities or missions reasons
Meika looks remarkably like Rise, but she wears her hair in one ponytail. Well, before she dyed her hair dark blue/black. She also needs glasses, but can't keep track of them. Overalls wearer, but baggy and one strap down. Hoodie underneath, an older Risette tour hoodie she found in her parents' room
She's a bit floaty. When it matters most, she's able to keep up and get them out of tough situations, but otherwise it's hard to tell where her head is. She's also in the most clubs, and doing something at all times. She's in band, she's on student council, she plays tennis- it's like she's trying to keep herself distracted
Momori Amagi, Second Year student. Daughter of Yukiko and Chie
[name meaning: peach, orchid]
Middle Amagi daughter, but the oldest can't assist cause she got hella hurt and is recovering in the hospital. Momori is more determined to help, to make sure she's the last of the three to have to fight
Momori has very dark hair, nearly black, kept in A very neat braid. Warm brown eyes, and a few little freckles across her face. Stompy sneaks, fun printed skirts, and soft sweaters with mock collars on them
So loud. Big personality. Explosive, even. Moving always, very physical with her friends, she's always picking people up or latching onto them in big hugs, or tackling them. She is thinking of going into nursing after her big sister got hurt
Kyoai Suzui, Second Year student. Daughter of Ann and Shiho
[name meaning: fragrance, affection]
Kyoai is somewhat lucky, she still has one of her mom's around. Shiho still has to walk with a single crutch or cane, and struggles without Ann. But she's trying, for Kyoai and her son. Kyoai doesn't want to stress her mom anymore, so she hasn't told her she's trying to find her Mama
Her hair is a dirty blonde, real silky and fluffy, in a stylish bob. Dark eyes, a lil beauty mark by the right edge of her smile. Athletic wear central. Shorts over athletic leggings, tanks and jerseys and team shirts
She's the second in command for the chaos unit. She hates to worry her mom, doesn't want to make things worse for her, but she's also the first to volunteer for Satoma's ideas. She often makes suggestions that make them worse, even
Tatsuoki Sakamoto, First Year student. Son of Joker and Ryuji
[name meaning: to achieve, heart]
The youngest of the group, born sickly, it's Tatsuoki. He's been living with Mama Sakamoto, visiting with a torn up Sojiro. He used to be very close with Sumire and Futaba, since they were his godparents. He's the Navi of the group, and more tech-aligned than the others
Messy dark brown hair, half his head is dyed red, and dark eyes. He's got Ryuji's big smile, and Joker's eye for chaos. Gamer shirts. So many gamer shirts. Leblanc themed windbreaker, a casual pants boy, paint splattered shoes
Total agent of chaos. Drinks coffee a little too much, but he's often joining in with Satoma and Kyoai, to distract himself from missing everyone. Has the most joyous laugh you've ever heard
Atsurou, Ward of the Kirijo Group.
[name meaning: genuine, bright]
More info coming
Also I'll totally post more if y'all want it
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hazelplaysgames · 1 year
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and that’ll do. the Legend tournament is exactly the same as it was in Dusk, i guess not everything can have something or another change, but still. honestly gotta say, a bit disappointed with how much was the same. the Gaiomon fight could’ve been changed. oh well.
anyways, here’s the team! Puttimon couldn’t be gotten until Highlight Haven in the post-game, and i kinda always planned Elvis being King Chessmon. Fe Ar could’ve easily have been Metal Etemon as well, it was always a toss up between that and Metal Garurumon. Blend and Antares were the easy two: no DNA digivolving, no shenanigans, just straight forth. Dorugoramon is a beast.
which leaves HB and Arpeggio as the odd two. i think, after a few DNA digivolutions, it’s possible that the stats just fall behind if the “material“ mons used don’t keep up, so considering i DNA digivolved Arpeggio thrice in the end, it’s noticeable. still, it’s a fun system, but it really is something to be kept in mind. that said, HB got his in 1 DNA-volution, so it never fell behind much. Giga Seadramon is awesome.
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bitter69uk · 4 months
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“As a sexual persona, Bernhard is unique in the contemporary arts. She is completely American. No other country can produce this kind of brashly individualistic woman, harsh, aggressive, raunchy and physical, with an imagination drenched in thirty flamboyant years of popular culture … Sandra Bernhard has Lenny Bruce’s brooding menace and quick, razor-sharp mind. She re-creates the brainy neuroticism and earthy sensuality of Beatnik women, with their gloomy hipster realism. By her gutsy insistence on singing – in an ever-improving but often thin or fractured voice – Bernhard has rejoined stand-up to its origins in vaudeville, where music and comedy were brassily interwoven … she has the sophisticated worldliness of gay men and the gorgeous theatricality of drag queens … Bernhard embraces the great female personae excluded by the prudish Steinem politburo: bitch, stripper, whore, lady, fashion model …”
/ Camille Paglia’s musings from her think piece “The Female Lenny Bruce: Sandra Bernhard” in the San Francisco Examiner, 6 December 1992 /
Happy birthday to perennially fierce and in-your-face comedienne, singer, actress, authoress, conceptualist, performance artist and Playboy playmate - the divine Sandra Bernhard (born 6 June 1955)! How fitting she was born during pride month! Like so many Gen X-ers, Bernhard first came to my attention as a teenager when she was a regular anarchic (or as The Village Voice put it, “rivetingly obnoxious”) presence on Late Night with David Letterman. And seeing her 1990 film Without You I’m Nothing in a nearly empty cinema (was it The ByTowne? The Mayfair?) as a university student in Ottawa, Ontario blew my freaking mind. Pictured: portrait by Timothy White (circa late 1980s, I estimate?).
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hist-ori-a · 2 months
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Me gusta mucho Undertale y en su momento fui fan de Lovertale (lo deje luego de un rato) y como soy una persona que adora los Fanchilds. Bueno hice mis fanchild de ships de Undertale.
Los de toda la vida Sans x Frisk, Papyrus x Mettaton, Asriel x Chara, Undyne x Alphys, Grillby x Muffet y ya.
Me gusta mucho la idea de híbridos, en mi caso me imagino que un híbrido humano/monstruo tiene siempre una apariencia humana con dotes de monstruo (ya sea pelaje en caso de su padre lo tenga, colmillo, garras o alguna caracteriza del monstruo padre y/o madre) y entre más hijos ese gen monstruo va disminuyendo. Osea el primer hijo se verá con más características de monstruo, mientras que el segundo o tercer hijo va a tener menos de estas y se va a ver más como un humanos más no lo será en su totalidad.
Mientras los hijos de monstruo puro, pues ya, son monstruos! No hay más misterio.
En mi mente, aunque haya monstruo en la superficie los híbridos son una cosa tan nueva que hay muy pocos de ellos y cada que nace uno se estudia con detalle toda su fisionomía.
Los niños híbridos tienen constantemente visitas al médico para estudiarlos, pasan desde que son recién nacidos hasta los 5 o 6 años llendo a hospital de forma diaria para estudios.
Apartir de los 6 hasta los 15 las visitas solamente son dos veces al mes.
Y cuando tienen 16 en adelante, simplemente es una visita al año si ellos desean.
Eso sería más o menos, como funciona la cosa para mí :D
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anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
more cally o'pia stuff because it's my blog and i can do whatever i want forever. below the cut is a very rough broad written timeline of How Things Shake Out In Da AU. i hope you enjoy, very dry timeline notes
>20 years ago…
The Psychic 7 (namely Ford, Bob and Cassie) raid a hospital that is performing lobotomies on psychics. In the resulting scuffle, Cassie impulsively rescues-slash-kidnaps one of the patients, a 10-12 year old boy, Caligosto Loboto.
Ford and Otto eventually reach an arrangement with Cal’s birth parents, convincing them not to press charges and to release Cal into their custody. They’re secretly quite happy to be rid of their troublemaking psychic child and to not have to face the consequences of the botched lobotomy attempt.
Cal is raised collectively by the Psychic 7 (minus Lucrecia, who’s already left for Grulovia by the time he arrives), becoming a powerful psychic, voracious reader and writer, an amateur tinkerer, and very much a next-gen hippie weirdo. He’s particularly bonded with Cassie, who stepped into a maternal and teacher role for him early on, so she takes the role of his legal guardian on paper and he assumes her surname, becoming Caligosto “Cally” O’Pia.
20 years ago…
The Psychic 6 have their fateful battle with Maligula. Cal, by this point a teenager, remains behind to watch the Gulch and keep an eye on the then-ongoing construction of the modern Motherlobe. He ends up finding Ford, mind shattered, wandering through the woods one night. Cal is unaware of what happened to him but keeps watch over him until the rest of the Psychic 6 - minus Helmut, of course - return from Grulovia.
Helmut’s funeral is held. Cal is particularly affected, especially seeing Bob’s subsequent mourning and breakdown - Cal looked up to the two as a model relationship and they helped him realize his bisexuality, so the incident gives Cal significant hang-ups around emotional intimacy and relationships.
Cal becomes part of the first class of Psychonauts agent trainees after the Motherlobe’s opening, alongside Truman (who he sees as a sort of cousin-slash-honorary family member).
Between then and Psychonauts 1…
Cal graduates and becomes an official agent, though by this point he’s already started becoming disillusioned with the Psychonauts mission, due to the continued breakdown of his family in the Psychic 6. He deliberately puts on an ineffective, slacker persona to avoid being put on missions, despite being a powerful and capable psychic. By the time Cassie leaves the Motherlobe, his role is primarily head janitor and semi-official steward of the Gulch. He also writes for True Psychic Tales under a pseudonym.
As his disillusionment grows and he becomes less trusting of the other Psychonauts for help and answers, he adopts the Loboto persona to go undercover unofficially. He’s especially looking for more information on Grulovia and Maligula, since he suspects he hasn’t gotten the full story from his family or the official press.
Cal befriends Oleander after the latter becomes an agent, eventually progressing to a tumultuous on-off relationship, which becomes something of an open secret around the Motherlobe. Each of their unaddressed issues, combined with assuming the worst based on the other’s unaddressed issues, makes each successive breakup worse and sabotages their secretly-mutual hopes for a serious lasting relationship. The big breaking point occurs when Oleander is badly injured on a mission (losing his eye and gaining his facial scar), making Cal panic over the idea of losing him like Bob lost Helmut; he encourages Truman to reassign him to Whispering Rock, which Oleander finds out about and takes as a tacit rejection-slash-lack of belief in him due to his own issues.
Shortly before meeting Oleander, Cal also has an extended affair with a married woman that he breaks off when she objects to him also seeing other people on the side. He remains unaware that he fathered a child through this affair.
Just before Psychonauts 1…
Oleander’s father dies, which causes him to finally snap and start up the Brain Tanks Plot. Having learned about Cal’s moonlighting while they were dating, he blackmails “Loboto” into helping. Cal agrees so he can secretly sabotage the project from the inside and attempt to keep Oleander safe.
Around the same time, Cal also gets a lead about the Delugianaries and infiltrates them as "Loboto". He begins to learn more about Maligula’s history with the royal family and the movement to reinstate the lost prince.
Psychonauts 1…
"Loboto" interferes as best he can with the Brain Tanks Plot without revealing his true identity to the other inmates, nor making it obvious to Oleander what he’s doing. He leaves massive openings on the psychic radio communications in hopes someone at Whispering Rock will catch them, stations Sheegor and Crispin to intentionally create weak points for an intruder, leaves the kidnapped brains out in the open to be recovered, and intentionally stalls debraining Lilli (to whom he’s an honorary uncle as Cal).
When Raz finally gets to the tower, Cal secretly trails him to make sure Raz can get to the top safely and unopposed. Once he does, Cal bails to return to the Rhombus of Ruin and continue his undercover work. Unfortunately, his boss there has figured out his true identity as Cally O’Pia, and blackmails him into kidnapping Truman by threatening his family (namely Cassie, Oleander and Lilli).
Rhombus of Ruin…
“Loboto” kidnaps Truman, and much like with the brain tanks, does everything he can to sabotage the plot without getting caught. This mostly entails poorly packaging Gristol’s brainless body, failing to dispose of the brain case, and capturing the Psychonauts after they crash rather than leave them to drown. Recognizing Raz and realizing he can excuse not “knowing” to put him under high-security restrictions the same as the other agents, he deliberately leaves Raz the means to navigate the facility via clairvoyance.
Raz learns of “Loboto’s” true identity from Oleander after rescuing him, and ends up using Oleander’s PSI-Portal to enter Cal’s mind. There, he sees the projected "Loboto" persona and meets Cal himself, who plots with him how to fake capturing “Loboto” and escaping in order to rescue Truman without giving away his betrayal. He will not give Raz information on his employers, however, still fearing for the others’ safety.
The Rhombus’ self-destruct auto-engages when “Truman” is released, to Cal’s horror. However, Raz and the agents are able to escape with their “captive”, though he still refuses to talk about his employers.
Psychonauts 2…
Sasha attempts to use a psychic construct to get the information out of Cal. It goes very, very poorly. However, Raz does manage to learn more about Cal’s backstory and get a glimpse of his boss and Maligula.
Sasha continues to attempt to interrogate Cal through the first part of the story, to no avail. After the Lady Lucktopus heist, Sasha’s forced to release him, and he returns to monitoring the Forgetful Forest. He drives away the psychic bees when Raz disturbs them, and Raz can talk to him about the undercover work as “Loboto”, his upbringing with the Psychic 6, and his apparent complicated relationship with Oleander. (There’s an optional sidequest where Raz can go back and forth between Cal and Oleander uncovering and pointing out their misinterpretations of each other, eventually convincing them to talk things out post-game.)
Post-reconstructing Ford, Cal discovers the three in the Gulch and is looped in by Raz. Cal still can’t help directly out of fear of his family being targeted, but gives Raz some tips for trying to talk to Cassie and Bob, and moves to the entrance of the Gulch to keep watch and feign ignorance of Raz, Ford, and Lucy’s presence. Raz can go back to him after helping either Cassie and/or Bob, and Cal is grateful for their apparent steps towards recovery, and baffled yet amazed by Compton and “Nick’s” arrival (with a hint that he already knows what’s up with the brainless Nick).
While Raz and company are doing final preparations for the Astralathe, Cal is distracted by Augustus trying to make it through the Gulch (and experiencing distress due to his repressed familiarity with it), allowing Norma to sneak by and witness the Astralathe activating. She comes back with Truman, and Cal is forced to let them by, knowing Truman is actually Gristol. He also witnesses Lilli tailing them and, realizing everyone is at risk no matter what and he has nothing left to lose, Cal instructs Lilli to distract “Truman” as long as she can and get out of dodge with Raz if the worst happens.
Cal runs back to the Motherlobe to search for the brain case just as Sasha, Milla, Hollis and Oleander are about to leave in pursuit of the mole. Cal begs Oleander to help him and he reluctantly agrees. The two find the case hidden in the mailroom and rush out to deliver it just as Maligula’s storm is released; they end up finding and protecting Lilli during the storm, and turn up just after she reunites with Raz to help with re-braining Truman.
In the post-game, if Raz either already completed or completes the sidequest with Cal and Oleander, they will be found together in the Gulch cleaning up around the Heptadome, and will confirm they’re talking things out. Cal will thank Raz with a signed copy of True Psychic Tales, though Raz doesn’t quite make the connection between Cal and the author. Cal also reveals Truman’s punished him for the kidnapping and undercover work by putting Cal back on the active agent duty he’s worked to avoid, intending for “Loboto” to start doing officially-sanctioned undercover work to clean up the remaining Deluginaries.
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yeliuxi · 3 months
In the dark, Wuxi asks about something he's been wondering for a long time. (For Qi Ye Week Day 6: Confessions/Secrets)
Rating: Gen Words: 1.4k Additional Tags: Confessions (or Not-Confessions?), Late Night Conversations, Post-Canon
Read on Ao3 (or keep reading under the cut :3)
"Sometimes..." Wuxi says, very quiet in the dark, almost not even a whisper, "Sometimes I feel like you know a lot that I don't."
Wuxi stares up at the canopy of their bed--their bed, he gets to say now, something that his ten-year-old self would have never imagined--and almost can't make out the folds of the dark curtains from everything else.
It wasn't very long ago that Wuxi finally doused the last of the lanterns and blew out the candles on the desk, and yet it's been much longer that Jing Beiyuan has been in bed. He isn't entirely certain if Jing Beiyuan is even awake to hear his small confession. He didn't even give a reaction to Wuxi joining him for the night. Sometimes if it's quiet enough and Wuxi is close enough, he can hear Jing Beiyuan's breathing, and discern if it's slow enough for him to be asleep or not.
But Wuxi isn't close enough. He didn't want to wake Jing Beiyuan if he hadn't already, and nor is it quiet enough, not with the cicadas calling outside.
But then Jing Beiyuan shifts a little, turning over to lay on his back. Wuxi looks over to where he might imagine Jing Beiyuan's face to be, in the dark void where he's only just started to make out the outline of Jing Beiyuan in the bed. 
"Well, I do know a lot," Jing Beiyuan eventually replies.
Wuxi can't see his expression like this, and his voice gives nothing away. His tone might be pleased just as well as it might be annoyed.
Wuxi sighs. "That's not what I meant." Wuxi isn't talking about poetry or the classics or the politics in Da Qing. 
Wuxi lets his head rest fully against the pillow, arms slackening at his sides. Beside him, he can feel Jing Beiyuan almost absently moving his foot left and right, his heel rubbing against the silk bed linen.
"What do you mean, then?" Jing Beiyuan asks. He isn't whispering, but his voice is hushed. It's deep and low like this, very close to Wuxi's own head, making the heat rise to his face. Wuxi doesn't miss the playful note in his tone, even when speaking this quietly. Wuxi turns his head toward him, eyes searching in the dark to make out anything of his facial features.
Wuxi isn't sure if Jing Beiyuan is turned toward him, too, or if he's just facing the ceiling.
"I feel like you know a big secret that I don't," Wuxi explains softly.
He isn't sure what exactly makes him feel this way, but when he does, the suspicion settles between his shoulder blades, impossible to shake off for the rest of the day. When Jing Beiyuan smiles at him, something unreadable flashing behind his eyes, when Wuxi mentions things about the underworld, or Helian Yi, or random things from their time in Da Qing.
It feels like he's being left out of a private conversation, involved and yet not. Like peering into murky water, unable to tell the depth of it, what might lay within it, just from a glance. Jing Beiyuan might have explained that there's nothing more to the nonsense he spews than simply being nonsense, but sometimes it feels more than that.
It used to piss him off to no end. Wuxi bore his heart to Jing Beiyuan to describe the way Jing Beiyuan makes him feel. Do you have anyone who makes you feel like this? he had asked, half hopeful and half reluctant.
What kind of person are they?
Dead, Jing Beiyuan had replied. As simply as that. I no longer remember them clearly.
Though it was clearly a lie, a made-up piece of backstory for his made-up diviner persona, it still made him upset. But that was the problem. Though the bullshit Jing Beiyuan spews must be lies, but there are times that it doesn't feel like it is. It just feels like he's admitted things that he doesn't expect to be taken seriously.
Impossible, of course, but...
"Just sometimes," Wuxi adds after another beat of silence. "Like you're being genuine, but don't want other people to know it."
As his eyes start to adjust to the dark, he can make out Jing Beiyuan turning his head toward Wuxi. His fine black hair spills down from the pillow, mapping small rivers onto the bed.
He can't see Jing Beiyuan's eyes, but he knows he's looking at his face.
"You're unusually talkative tonight," Jing Beiyuan observes.
The change of topic makes something like disappointment well in Wuxi's chest. He swallows it back, hoping that Jing Beiyuan can't see his frown in the dark.
"But do you?" Wuxi can't help but ask, voice a bit louder. He can't imagine himself ever asking something like this during the day. He thinks the dark is helping.
He can hear Jing Beiyuan suck in a brief breath, letting it out in a soft sigh. The movement of his foot beneath the blanket ceases. From what Wuxi can see, he grows still.
"Would it bother you if I did?"
Wuxi hums, considering. This response was much more serious than the others, requiring at least a more serious thought. It used to bother him a lot. He was upset about it, thinking that it was just another way Jing Beiyuan was being to treat him like a child. But Wuxi has seen Jing Beiyuan with his servants, with his friends in Da Qing. He never seems to stop being this way.
Wuxi doesn't think Jing Beiyuan would be keeping some big secret from him simply because he didn't think Wuxi could handle it. At least, not anymore. He doesn't think Jing Beiyuan has been as genuine as he could be with anyone in his life, but he's always most genuine with Wuxi. Or he tries to be. Whatever that's worth.
"Not anymore," Wuxi answers. When Jing Beiyuan's face still hasn't become visible beyond the barest hint of a nose, Wuxi returns his gaze upward.
"Really?" Jing Beiyuan asks after a beat.
Wuxi nods with his head still resting on the pillow. "Really. I think... you would have your reasons."
He hears rustling in the bed once more--Jing Beiyuan shifting in some kind of way again.
"What if my reasons for keeping a secret were selfish?"
Wuxi realizes, belatedly, that he can distinguish the bed's curtains from the rest of the wide dark; make out the curtains as separate from the bed's supports. "Then I wouldn't mind," Wuxi says. He took Jing Beiyuan back to his country; Jing Beiyuan gave up his entire life to follow him here, even if it was also for his own benefit, or to repay the debt he owed Wuxi. He seems much lighter here than he ever did in Da Qing. If keeping a secret would help Jing Beiyuan be able to remain this light, this happy, then...
Then why would Wuxi ask him to ruin that?
"Maybe you could be a little more selfish." Wuxi doesn't mean to say it out loud, but the thought escapes his lips regardless. He almost breathes them out, more air than voice. But Jing Beiyuan must hear, because he scoots even closer to Wuxi in the bed, continuing until he can settle his head on Wuxi's chest, draping one warm arm across him.
"I will be, then," Jing Beiyuan murmurs against him. And this, Wuxi thinks, is a confession of itself. It's genuine, and vulnerable.
Wuxi is unreasonably pleased at this thought.
For reasons Wuxi can't properly articulate, the promise of this makes him feel relieved, too. Maybe Jing Beiyuan knows something that Wuxi doesn't, or shouldn't, or isn't supposed to, and maybe Jing Beiyuan keeps it to himself not to protect Wuxi, but to protect himself. Or maybe both.
When Jing Beiyuan grasps the front of his sleeping robes with a tight grip, Wuxi simply smiles. He shifts lightly in the grip, only enough to free his arm to wrap around Jing Beiyuan's shoulders.
Perhaps he was unusually talkative tonight. Perhaps Jing Beiyuan was unusually serious.
Wuxi thinks it's just the dark that gentles the reality of their words, lifts some weight off of them. Now, eyes almost fully adjusted, he can make out the pattern on the blankets. He can make out the crown of Jing Beiyuan's head, his face still not visible only because he's tucked against Wuxi.
He knows he and Jing Beiyuan must have met in a previous life. There's no doubt in his mind about this. Wuxi knows he must have loved him as he does now.
He doesn't have to know anything else, really, because of this he is certain: he does love him now.
If Jing Beiyuan has been keeping something from him and everyone else, then he can keep it a bit longer. Or forever.
Whatever will make him happiest.
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pancitmousse · 2 years
Thoughts on XSOLEIL(y)
Individual Members:
Zaion Lanza: She has a surprisingly nice and cool voice considering the model. Very good VA. Seems to fall into the category of “shorties that can and will roast the shit out if you” which I like. I’m not sure what her genshin streams would be like considering she’s an explorer AND completionist (maybe it will be a gambling stream). Subbed.
Doppio Dropscythe: The one I was looking forward to most during pre-debut. This is probably the first time we’ve seen a RPer in NijiEn technically there was fulgur with his legatus persona but he dropped it almost immediately. His lore vid and character are very anime. Knows or is at least learning a lot of languages, which is cool and will definitely help with communicating with fans. Overall a wholesome boy that hypes you up! Not subbed due to timezones.
Meloco Kyoran: Manga style lore is cool, also it’s angsty AF. Her voice was something of a slowburn for me but it sounds very nice also yay JP accent. It’s funny as hell finally seeing an exorcist after 6 straight waves of supernatural beings and mystics. Her intro screen is cute and helped me appreciate the model more. Asia-friendly times, SUBBED.
Hex Haywire: Has the angstiest lore out of this gen. I swear, blue boys ALWAYS have the angstiest lores. Apparently, the deep voice is real; I was gullible and fell for his pre-debut trolling. Seemed like a sweet and chill guy; ik everyone is thirsty for him and his voice and i can’t blame them but tbh i just wanna protect him. That said, I’m very worried for him bc the Vtuber fanbase is absolute trash and he legitimately doesn’t seem to be doing well in the mental health department. Not subbed due to timezones.
Kotoka Torahime: Her lore vid was simple, but effective the lore gears in my brain are spinning. Introverted gamer girl with weird food takes. Design is cool but unfortunately I’m not really that interested in her based on debut. Not sure if I should sub, her schedule seems to be all over the place when it comes to timezones.
Ver Vermillion: I wasn’t that interested in him during predebut but so far he’s actually very interesting! After hearing his voice and seeing how he acts I can finally understand why everyone on twt was thirsting for him (even if I don’t do so personally). I don’t really have any experience with Korean stuff so can’t comment on his lore but his voice sounds very soothing and fits his model. Might put on his radio show in the BG every week. Might sub despite the timezone differences.
As a Whole:
I felt very hyped for this wave. The tweets were funny and interesting (shoutout to Doppio and Zaion), the debut song is a banger (and yes I am very biased towards the songs of the “dark” waves), and the concept for this wave is probably the coolest IMO. The hype was definitely deserved, as I ended up liking most of them; I’m sure I will end up liking Kotoka too eventually. I hope they are as close as they seemed to be during the debut program. The lores are becoming progressively angstier with each wave and while I appreciate the production values I’m not sure how to feel about it, especially since there weren’t really any “breathers” this time around. After the NA-fest that was iLun@ I appreciate being able to catch some of their streams live. Overall, this wave had a great start and I’m confident things will only become better in the future.
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0pawprint0 · 16 days
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Decided to start posting my doodle dumps here, too!
Doodle 1: my Mekakucity Actors/Kagerou Project OC, Kia.
Doodle 2: my OC for a game I wanna make one day. Their name is Chel (pronounced: shell).
Doodle 3: a character I considered making my Supernatural OC. They’re based on the wisps or dead lights in various folklores.
Doodle 4: character from an MV I hope to put out eventually!
Doodle 5: Fiona, my OC for Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs. She’s based on the frog prince/princess and the frog. She is not a princess, so when the frog prince asked her to kiss him, he ended up cursing her as well. Now she turns into a frog at night.
Doodle 6: another OC from another game I wanna make one day! Her name is Maya! She’s an experiment and a streamer!
Doodle 7: me/my persona Pawprint with hair down
Doodle 8: maid Paw!
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Btw, the dots and arrows are because I had to download them off Instagram oops. This is the second set of doodles I’ve posted.
Doodle 1: my main Twst OC, Ciel! He’s twisted from Captain Hook! You can’t really tell, but it’s more his lifestyle than appearance. Lowkey I designed him before I knew who I wanted to base him on and was too attached to the design to change it. But y’know what? If Riddle can have red hair, Ciel can have blue. Also, yes, his name is Ciel because, again, before I fully decided his whole thing, I thought it’d be funny to name my MC Ciel because Yana made the game. For context, Yana made Black Butler and the MC in that is Ciel Phantomhive. Then the name stuck because it’s cute. And it fits Octavinelle’s color themed names lol!
Doodle 2: very early design of my Yuusona. They look WAY different now.
Doodle 3: a character I saw in a dream once. Their name is Siu.
Doodle 4: a reaper OC of mine, Piko. Idk what to use her for yet tbh.
Doodle 5: My magical girl OC, Violet. She finds that outfit to be very impractical.
Doodle 6: Twst hates me and I needed to express it.
Doodle 7: another character I saw in a dream. I think his name was Tamaki. I hope to use him for something one day cause I love him.
Doodle 8: my OC’s Io and Lin in middle school!
Doodle 9: Angel Sebastian! He is my precious boy (OC).
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Doodle dump number three! Four and five will have to be on a separate post.
Doodle 1: the monster girl I saw hammering away in a dream. She’s actually my Villainous OC now and her name is Gambit! She’s an ex sidekick who was fired because the hero she worked for is a dick. Gambit didn’t match their aesthetic enough anymore.
Doodle 2: Viper, a second gen character I made for Helluva Boss. She’s Striker’s kid. Clearly.
Doodle 3: Shinen, the living porcelain doll!
Doodles 4-6: a drag look I wanna put together (the split dye is how it’ll look irl and the other two are just variations it’d be if I use him as an oc)
Doodle 7: Modrá, another second gen character. The kid of Azul Ashengrotto and my Twst OC, Ciel. Modrá is going to see Barbie hehe <3 They dye their hair depending on the outfit (it’s temporary dye) because she finds it fun.
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a-c-perez · 2 months
Numerologia d'en Salvador Illa (alies "Isla"), candidat a President de la Generalitat.
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Un personatge fosc aquest candidat: acusacions de malversació, de provocar un sobrecost d’infraestructures, de fer compres a dit sense concurs, d’inflar els costos ... deixat anar per la "Justícia" Espanyola i observat per l’Europea ... no m'estranya gens el malnom de "enterramorts" que li apliquen a les Xarxes!!!
Anem a la seva numerologia ... tenim un personatge que es mostra als altres molt Dogmàtic i controlador (5) però que també ho és internament, és el que veus. De mena té facilitat pel treball dur i constant (4). No es pas un personatge creatiu, dons es deixa portar per "el de sempre", la força del costum (5) ... i és el que vota el públic sociata i possiblement els ex-Ciudadanos: Llei i Ordre (5) !!!
Estructura la seva vida d’una forma bàsica, es considera un líder (1) que prenc ell sol la iniciativa i les decisions ... el qual l’allunya dels altres i mostra una mancança total d’empatia, alhora que no suporta que res ni ningú el faci ombra (1).
La seva vocació (81) s’escau amb manar, organitzar, el lideratge de mà dura ... té la disposició per fer la feina bruta on no importa l’altre i prima la manca total d’empatia.
Nascut al 1966, s’arrela en els valors tradicionals i la família (6), amb tendència a dubtar, variar de parer ... per finalment quedar-se amb el dolent conegut (66) abans que allò desconegut però que pot ser millor.
Molt lluny de ser el líder que dona directrius i deixa fer del s. XXI ... les seves aspiracions professionals i polítiques es fonamenten en l’ordre i el control (85), mantenir-lo tot ben agafat, amb molta por als canvis (13) i ja no dic pas les revolucions!!!
Si alguna vegada va haver un veritable desig de canvis per la via política, aquests es van esmicolar per la manca d’espiritualitat (22), tot degenerant en una meta de perpetuar (20) la situació heretada.
La gent és atreta per la seva introspecció, aspecte de persona culta (32) la serietat (5) que emana i que representa els valors "de sempre" ... resta clar que el seu votant és abans no res molt conservador (4) ... han enterrat el Socialisme i l’auto-determinació dels Pobles de la que tan es vantaven !!!
La seva forma d’actuar amb (95) carisma d’autoritat, d’aquell que sap controlar els resolts del poder (5), que es situa tot sol dalt el pedestal (9) on no el puguin fer ombra i tot ho pot veure venir. Tot plegat és caut, sospesa molt les seves accions (14) per mantenir-les dintre l'ortodòxia.
El seu posat transmet un missatge (32) d’introspecció i professionalitat, sempre orgullós dels seus estudis, que se sàpiga les escoles i els seus títols ... però alhora defuig mostrar els seus sentiments tot centrant-se en els seus èxits i guanys professionals i polítics (5).
El seu poder (95) es fonamenta en tenir a les seves mans les claus del Partit i en mantenir-se per sobre de tothom (9) i és aquí on els propers poden veure la seva part emocional; si la té, d’home dur (1), treballador, exigent (5) ... que fa mans i mànigues per manegar els seus sentiments i no mostrar-los (14).
Finalment, el seu punt feble (60) passa per la presa de decisions, actua amb massa precaució, sens visió de futur ... tot plegat sempre triarà allò segur i conegut sens arriscar, el qual no el fa la persona adient en temps dinàmics.
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rosenfieids · 1 year
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my sister is obsessed with the party sprites in pre gen 6 pokemon, so i asked her what kind of "minisprite party" i should put on my stream layout if i do that. she said my persona, and suggested treecko as an example for what kind of dance she wanted to see!
i eyeballed the treecko dancing on my phone and a gen 3 trainer inspired sprite of my persona i made some months ago.
autism moment
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thiefbracket · 1 year
Thanks again for everyone's submissions! some of you were very passionate and it was great to learn about all these characters, I received 92 characters over 119 submissions and from that there was only 4 that I couldn't justify as thieves so apologies to those who didn't get in, with some from me and friends we have a final roster of 96. And so without further ado here are your competitors!
Raphael/ Phantom R: Rhythm thief and the Emperors Treasure
Daroach: Kirby Squeak Squad
Bilbo Baggins: The Hobbit
The Hamburglar: McDonalds Cinematic Universe
Ron DeLite/Mask☆DeMasque: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations
Kaitou Kid: Detective Conan
Swiper: Dora the Explorer
Chilli Pepper Cookie: Cookie Run
Carmen Sandiego: Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego
Vriska Serket: Homestuck
Sly Cooper: Sly Cooper
Garrett: Thief
The Phantom Thieves: Persona 5
Ms. Mows: Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door
Ms. Fortune: SKullgirls
Scipio Fortunato (Piscio): The Thief Lord
Therion: Octopath Traveller
Roguefort Cookie: Cookie Run
Kaz Brekker: Shadow and Bones/ Six of Crows
Catwoman: Batman
Gru: Despicable Me
Jeets Shimis: Dungeons & Dragons Online
Parker: Leverage
Artemis Fowl: Artemis Fowl
Nött the Brave/Veth Brenatto: Critical Role
The Beagle Boys: Ducktales
Rosé: Drawtectives
Dorapin: Doraemon
Wario: Super Mario Bros
Magalor: Kirby's Return to Dreamland
Loba Andrade: Apex Legends
Nami: One Piece
“Thief King” Bakura: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Sal Leon: Mask of Shadows
The Collector: Hollow Knight
Astotheles: Bug Fables
Gaius: Fire Emblem Awakening
Burglar: The Sims 
Kokichi Oma: Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony
Lifty and Shifty: Happy Tree Friends
Long John Silver: Black Sails
The Brickster: Lego Island
Some Sneaky Sim: The Sims
Danny Ocean: Ocean’s 11
Indiana Jones: Indiana Jones
Magpie: Real Life
Dean Domino: Fall out New Vegas
Cassian Andor: rogue one
Luke Castellan: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Popple: Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga
Mulch Diggums: Artemis Fowl
RJ Racoon: Over The Hedge
Beni Gabor: The Mummy
Sonny Wortzik: Dog Day Afternoon
A.J. Raffles: A.J. Raffles Short Stories
Team Rocket: Pokémon
Locke Cole: Final Fantasy 6
Yuffie Kisaragi: Final Fantasy 7
Edmund "Ned" Kelly Fuckin' Danger Discretion Aloysius Superstar Butterfly Nimbly Ninja Pacifist Black Diamond Friendly Trustworthy Pissed Off [Redacted] Vamoose Su-Sussudio Middle Name Chicane Jr.: Taz Amnesty
The Beachcomber: Cultist Simulator
Erin: Thief
Delilah Bard: Shades of Magic Series
Herbert Percival Bear, Esquire: Club Penguin
Arsène Lupin: Arsène Lupin
Rouge The Bat: Sonic The Hedgehog
Grovyle: PMD Explorers of Time/Darknes/Sky
Camicazi: How to Train Your Dragon Books
Mick Rory/ Heatwave: The Flash/DC Legends of Tomorrow
Hermes: Greek Mythology
Zidane Tribal: Final Fantasy IX
Duster: Mother 3
Glendale: Centaurworld
Ada Wong: Resident Evil
Nickit: Pokemon Sword and Shield
Purrloin: Pokemon Black and White
Gokaigers: Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
Zox Goldtsuiker / Twokaiser: Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger
Kitty Softpaws: Puss in Boots
Deep Cut: Splatoon 3
Meenah Peixes: Homestuck
D.J. Octavio: Splatoon
Ratbeard: Pirate 101
Gen AKA Eugenides: The Queen's Thief
Lupinrangers (and Noel): Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger
Chester "Snake" Turley AKA Snake Jailbird AKA Albert Knickerbocker Aloysius Snake AKA Professor Jailbird AKA Detention Bird: The Simpsons
Cain: the Binding of Isaac
Robin hood: English Mythology
Erik: Dragon quest 11
The Artful Dodger: Oliver Twist
Kamen Rider Lupin: Kamen Rider Drive
Lupin III: Lupin The Third
Pumpkin and Honey Bunny: Pulp Fiction
Niles: Fire Emblem Fates
Daiki Kaito/ Kamen rider Diend: Kamen Rider Decade
Doug Judy (The Pontiac Bandit): Brooklyn 99
Prometheus: Greek Mythology
Seeding will begin tomorrow and the first part of round 1 will hopefully be posted in the next few days. Thanks again for all your patience!
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symphonic-scream · 2 months
oh im curious about the second gen kids arcana and personas! is nanako still the justice or has her arcana changed?
I have that list I literally just made it ajfhfjfnf
Edit: I forgot Momori. She's now here
Fool - Hirohide Okumura
Magician - Satoma Kujikawa
Priestess -
Empress - Jyuhana Okumura
Emperor - Shinji Sanada
Hierophant - Sae Niijima
Lovers - Momori Amagi
Chariot - Kyoai Suzui
Justice - Ukiwa Narukami
Hermit - Tatsuoki Sakamoto
Fortune - Meika Kujikawa
Strength - Koromaru
Hanged Man - Morgana
Death -
Temperance - Nanako Dojima
Devil - Teddie
Tower -
Star - Yakuya Takeba
Moon - Kaita Okumura
Sun -
Judgement - Atsurou
Some notes about this list
Kaita Okumura and Jyuhana Okumura are the younger siblings mentioned in the post! They've been living with Sae for the past five years while Hiro was lost in foster systems, and their social links are mainly bonding again. Kaita, second son, is 12 and Jyuhana, youngest daughter, is 9
Teddie is the velvet room attendant!! He can't remember anything and he's stuck there, all he knows is he needs to leave, but his contract with Igor keeps him there until Hiro reaches the end of his journey
Nanako is the Temperance, since she's more of a guardian figure to the team this time. She's Yu's Justice, but Hiro's Temperance, that's how I see it.
Plus, Justice fits Ukiwa more in this context, to me
Thanks for much for asking!
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Hello, I've recently started reading your blog and am enjoying it so far. I'm curious on your thoughts about a few things. What is your overall opinion on Jared? I've been noticing lately that Jared has been looking more miserable lately and looks a good bit thinner than he did a couple years ago. I also noticed his hair doesn't look as soft and shiny as it used to.
I watched the Mens Health video of an interview with him on what he eats and his workout routine. I noticed there was relatively little protein outside of him mentioning chicken, cheese and sometimes eggs and bacon. I also recall him mentioning he doesn't really eat carbs either. Do you think Gen is perhaps trying to control his diet and that it's possibly impacting his health mentally and physically? I know of people who do keto right and are healthy but I'm wondering if Jared is really doing that right, especially with what I've noticed and also tends to get sick a lot. I'm also wondering why he had to use a hyperbaric chamber to get more oxygen to his brain at one point.
Also, I saw a post of yours where you mentioned your first disdain of Gen is much stronger than it is towards Danneel. Would you be kind enough to tell me why you hate Gen a lot more than Danneel?
Thank you for your time in reading and hopefully answering this all.
Oh man, I’ve been super busy for the past several weeks, then sick, and haven’t gotten around to responding to asks in any particular order. But I’ve also been hesitant to touch this one because anyone that comes anywhere close to Jared critical content is immediately chased with pitchforks around here. It is so divided and therefore people are defending their faves to the death. Especially since Prequelgate, Jared, and thus Gen, are the current Prom King and Queen in the areas of fandom I most often see. And let me be clear that I’m not a Heller nor am I anti-Jared but I’m just also not a stan…of anyone. Honestly, I’m an “eat the rich” leftist at heart who believes anyone’s choices can be looked at with a critical eye.
(Long post under the cut)
To answer the easy stuff first, I don’t feel as strongly about Danneel because, except for a few appearances here and there, she keeps to herself lately and doesn’t give me a reason to really analyze her behaviors. I wasn’t deep into fandom during the early days of her and Jensen getting married and all of her territorial behaviors, so I don’t bring all of that with me to the present day. I do hate the way Danneel panders to Hellers and I did pick up on some irritating comments in her most recent OTH podcast appearance. The response from a fan question at HonCon about how Jensen can never impress her makes me roll my eyes and is part of their schtick that feels very tired. I don’t think we would be friends, but Danneel doesn’t get under my skin quite the same way Gen does. I think in some ways, Danneel has been more openly who she is (even if it was bitchy and unlikeable) whereas Gen has hidden behind a Mary Sue persona of golly-gee-whiz perfection…and I just respect that authenticity more.
Describing why I am anti Gen is…honestly difficult to summarize. I will link some of my other posts to help. Right away, it’s not because I’m jealous and she gets to be married to Jared. Overall, it lies in all the inconsistencies and hypocrisies which, honestly, I wouldn’t even be aware of if she wasn’t so set on proving her worth to herself by building a platform to manipulate her fans with sales pitches. She preaches sustainability while also jet-setting constantly. And she’s more of a flip-flopper than a preacher, so understanding what she even stands for is difficult. She wants to sell you 6 different supplements for the almighty gut health while also being seen drinking alcohol regularly. And when she laments about being stressed I lose my entire mind because most of us could only dream of having her version of stress. In one of her most recent IG story ads she complained that 2 trips out of the country (and away from her children) were just SO HARD to deal with! To me, instead of the relatable vibe she’s going for, she regularly comes off as entirely ungrateful and unaware of all of her privileges.
When I look at Gen, don’t see the same “goofy, light-hearted mom who is altruistically trying gosh darn hard to save the world with recycling and kindness” that her fans see. I see an uptight yet insecure grifter who skates by in this fandom by doing the bare minimum while being praised like a saint. And I think that it is her connection to Jared that affords her all the fandom grace. When people still refer to this grown man as one of their “boys” and liken him to “literal sunshine,” puppies, and sunflowers…well, imagine the positive assumptions we make about a partner that person chooses.
(I hate referring to either J as a boy, don’t come for me…and I’ve seen Jensen receiving the same stanning that also makes me gag lol)
While I hope Jared is not struggling with any other underlying health issue, his frame has appeared to change in recent years. But I’m definitely not here to say that this is due to Gen “controlling” him in any way. I do think Gen has/has had her own issues with eating (she admitted to having history of an eating disorder in a podcast once) and excessive exercise, but Jared is a grown man who makes his own decisions. Jared himself has alluded to insecurities in his body image over the years, praised what I would call disordered eating practices like fasting, and his bulked up frame as Soulless Sam was suspected of having anabolic help at the time. I do think he dabbles in manipulating diet and exercise in different ways like every one else in The Biz and I think he has a naturally lanky frame. So if he doesn’t want to work out constantly in order to stay swole, then I fully respect that. There is also the issue of his knee that no doubt impacts his capabilities as well.
As for the hyperbaric chamber (mentioned during Jared’s appearance on the Inside of You podcast on 5/24/22): he didn’t need it and the evidence that it even fixes anything just isn’t there. That doctor is a known quack, and he sucked Jared right in. At these clinics they take specialized (and not widely accepted in the field of actual neuroscience) scans of your brain and present you with scary results in order to sell these expensive chambers and their own supplements. It’s a racket. Now, how did he find his way to an Amen Clinic in Costa Mesa, CA? I really couldn’t tell you, but it does sound like the shifty, woo woo alternative medicine that Gen has also been pursuing for her “brain fog.” But then again, his supposed buddy and co-star Keegan Allen is also a health and wellness wackadoo, and we’ve seen Jared get sucked in by the likes of that young lady with the boutique IV drip clinic too. Jared has also shouted out Joe Rogan multiple times. He’s got multiple influences.
If Gen and/or Jared is concerned about their cognitive functioning, as a person with connection to the world of eating disorders, my opinion is that they invest in less oxygen chambers and instead at least consider more carbohydrates and overall calories. You’d be amazed at how much less foggy your brain feels when it’s properly nourished. And no, I’m not diagnosing anyone here, but I am saying that people with access to these expensive specialists are sometimes overlooking an answer that is right in front of their faces simply because eating a wider variety of nutrients would betray their brand. And sometimes people are scared to eat more when they can no longer workout like they use to and have an image to maintain.
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dozzlegramcracker · 2 months
ok so rant abt monster high
im gonna rant about so many things that went wrong with the new monster high gen. there is. many.
lagoona isnt even blue anymore
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why. why is she pink. WHAT HAPPENED TO HER CURLY HAIR and gil. he's...
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2. Draculaura's face marking, and her hair.
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bangs, on fleek, slay girl. but...the colors. what happened to her stripes? it looked so cool. and the heart birthmark is supposed to be PINK. because its a BIRTHMARK and her skin is PINK ಠ_ಠ and her overbite is gone, no more fangs showing 3. frankie.
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shes/they're....blue. so they made frankie blue and lagoona pink??? ... im guessing the metal leg is supposed to represent people with missing limbs so i wont say anything abt it
but her bolts are gone too?? now she has blue in her hair..okay? 4. ABBEY. (i am LIVID) WHAT. DID. THEY. DO.
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one of the worst redesigns, in my opinion. I also heard she doesn't have her accent anymore?? way to take away every sense of individuality these characters ever had.
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6. The breakup of Cleo and Deuce (and their designs) completely unnecessary, should've just let sleeping dogs lie really. i feel like they just wanted more LGBTQ characters. Cleo could've stayed with Deuce AND able to be bisexual. Cleo: Blue. INSTEAD OF GOLD? She's rich as hell, her hair is suppose to have gold in it for her richy-bitchy persona while still having good redeeming qualities that makes her a good character.
Deuce: he's green, okay, because he's a gorgon. That's fair, i suppose. His snakes are...mischievous now? I mean, they never used to be. They were always a bit goofy. His sunglasses are see-through..and he's a gorgon..everyone is turned to stone (you're not supposed to look into the eyes of a gorgon period..see-through sunglasses will NOT stop it.) Also, he has two mothers, great that's cool we love lesbian mamas. But one of them is a harpy..so..why doesn't deuce have harpy traits like Avea Trotter? Unless Lyra is a stepmom?
7. The outfits. What was once cool, has become really bad and modern. Literally. They don't appeal to me anymore. It looks like bright colors strewn haphazardly all over, they use the worst combinations as well. Not just with the outfits! I mean, look.
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its just so...watered down. Blue on blue/Pink on pink..really??
8. The animation, and overall. Let's look at the difference between G1/2 and G3
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excusing a few characters, but my question is, why? I really didn't see any reason to change the original. If it was 'to make it more appealing' then you failed at that, in my book. I've actually heard that one reason was sexualization of characters. None of these original characters were sexualized, remember, they are in HIGHSCHOOL. The patrons of Monster High range from 14-18 years old (save for the vampires) and the main cast is 15-16 years old. If anything, giving Abbey larger hips is sexualization. I get that most characters in the original are abnormally skinny but it is the art style that makes them that way. No, it isn't wrong to make them less skinny and give them some actual fat. There was little to no plus-size representation in the older shows/movies. It IS wrong to change their designs completely! I respect what they did with Catty Noir because they did change her body type but almost completely left her design alone. Rethink about what happened with this, ask yourselves what you did wrong.
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pamprinninja · 1 year
Movie Tag Game
Tagged in by @owlrageousjones! List seven favorite films, and then seven mutuals. (I'm going to whiff on the latter; sans the spouse, I don't have many movie buffs in my orbit.)
Favorite Movies
1. The Godfather (1972, dir. Francis Ford Coppola); 2. Batman Begins (2005, dir. Christopher Nolan); 3. The Dark Knight (2008, dir. Christopher Nolan); 4. Die Hard (1998, dir. John McTiernan).
There's a reason these four are grouped together! There was a time when my spouse struggled with falling asleep; and so we employed the above films as a soothing soundtrack, against which they could peacefully nod off.
(At least, as soothing as one might expect from a chorus of Chicago typewriters, eagerly punctuating Sonny Corleone; or John McClane, yelling intensely as he improvisationally repels down the side of Nakatomi Plaza.)
5. Grosse Pointe Blank (1997, dir. George Armitage).
An unusual blend of dark comedy, romance, and the occasional action set-piece; all set to a Gen X soundtrack. The premise sounds like high-concept word salad ("An ailing assassin in the midst of a midlife crisis rekindles an old relationship and battles fellow death-dealing competitors while attending his high school reunion"); and yet it somehow just works in the hands of the superbly capable cast.
(As a personal aside: there is a scene in which the protagonist finds himself staring into the wide eyes of a newborn infant, as Queen and David Bowie's Under Pressure swells in the background. I found this moment particularly touching; not least of which because it spurred me to the realization that I wanted to become a parent.)
6. John Wick (2014, dir. Chad Stahelski).
A fantastic example of a modestly-budgeted action film succeeding wildly on the strength of its compelling premise, intriguing world-building, and marriage of breathtaking choreography and stylish cinematography.
(Honorable mentions: Drive (1997); Dredd (2012); and The Raid: Redemption (2011) and it's follow-up, The Raid 2: Berandal (2014).)
7. Transformers: The Movie (1986, dir. Nelson Shin).
My god; there is so much I can (and will!) say about this movie.
For starters: it is not, conventionally-speaking, good.
Toy manufacturer Hasbro demanded that the dramatis personae of the first two seasons of the Transformers cartoon be written off; to make room for a new cast (and by extension, new toys). The producers gleefully complied by slaying beloved characters in an orgy of robot-on-robot violence that traumatized a generation of movie-going children.
(I should know; I was one of them!)
The narrative is nonsensical; and bounces frantically from one hair metal-accompanied set piece to the next without pause - until our protagonist (who has grown in literal height, if not as a person) unleashes the power of a previously undocumented McGuffin to save the day.
(In this respect, I harbor the belief that the producers cribbed significantly from 1981's Heavy Metal; which, respectfully, should probably not be the first choice of inspiration for a children's movie.)
Despite these deficiencies, however: it is a very, very watchable film!
The characters are likeable; the dialog, eminently quotable; and the voice cast perform their utmost.* The animation is spectacularly frenetic; and the soundtrack is surprisingly catchy (featuring the work of Stan Bush and Vince DiCola - notable for their contributions to Bloodsport and Rocky IV, respectively; and even "Weird Al" Yankovic)!
More than anything: this is a movie that trades in Rule Of Cool™ with childlike glee:
"What if we had a fully-operational battlestation; but instead of blowing planets up with a laser, it ate them?"
"...The two of them are out of ammo, and there's hundreds of enemies. So they hold a destruction derby - only it's underwater, right?"
"So the barbarian trash robots turn into motorcycles, and take turns riding each other, and they chase the good guys and then the good guy leader is exploded but it's okay, because the other good guys use the power of nonsense words to convince the trash robots to make him better; and then they have a dance-off..."
You won't learn anything from watching Transformers: The Movie; but it's fun, and strange, and surprisingly creative (while still operating within the unexplained requirement that everything and everyone turn into a robot, sooner or later)!
* There is a persistent rumor that Orson Welles was displeased to have starred in what was effectively a glorified toy commercial; exacerbated by both his self-professed lack of understanding of the movie's premise and plot, and his passing just five days after completing recording. This was not the case, however; as his grandchildren were fans, and he was enthused to have contributed to a franchise they loved.
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mushroom-sunn · 7 months
Mañana le diré por fin a mi madre religiosa, homo/transfobica que soy pansexual, me tomo 6 años tomar esa decisión, y sé que muy probablemente destrozara nuestra """increíblemente sana relación""" entre ella y yo.
Lo reflexioné un montón, intenté darle pequeñas pistas como: "esa chica es linda", "no se qual es su género pero amo a esa persona" etc. Hasta pinté una parte de mis Converse blancas con los colores de la bandera pan y mi hice una pulsera también. Pero creo que no lo pillo.
Hace tiempo, algo como un año, descubrió mis conversaciones con mi mejor "amiga" (es género fluido pero como sé mi madre no acepta esas cosas, tengo que decir que es chica :'( ) y malinterpreto una parte donde decía que me iba a confesar a mi crush (no mencioné su nombre en el mensaje, ya que elle ya sabe quien es) así que me quito el cel pensando que estaba saliendo con mi mjr amigi y que era lesbiana (soy género fluido tmb😭)👁️👄👁️. Así que después de convencerla de que no estaba saliendo con elle (tardé más de un mes en convencer a mi madre) entendí que no le importaba mucho ocultar su homofobia y transfobia.
Hoy, no se como, llegamos a hablar de los homofobicxs del Facebook y dijé que, para mi, es muy tonto y gay ser homofobicx, peor aún si ni siquiera crees en dios (no digo que creer en dios perdone o sea una excusa eh?) en que te molesta que dos parejas del mismo sexo/ género se amen? Y ella me sacó lo de: "incluso si no eres religios@, hay gente con principios. Eso es anti natural, a vuestra generación (gen z) os hacen creer que es algo normal, pero no lo es. No deberían enseñar cosas tan asquerosas (tomando sus mismas palabras) a niñ@s etcetcetc. Lo peor de TODO, es que dijo eso muy tranquilamente, delante de mi hermanita de 6 años, osea quiere que se vuelva una completa imbécil que no sabe aceptar las vidas de personas que ni conocen como lo hace ella. Y de verdad me da asco la idea de que se vuelva como ella algún día...
En fin, yo ya he tomado mi decisión, y sé perfectamente que no lo va a aceptar, pero por fin me siento listo en salir del closet con mi madre (literalmente medio Internet sabe que soy pansexual y género fluido excepto mi madre, padre, hermana, y todos los tíos, tías, abuelos, abuelas... El único que lo sabe de mi familia "biológica" es mi hermano menor). La próxima etapa es decirlo a mi padre, pero creo que si lo hago, me va a matar o algo del estilo 😭👍. Tengo miedo de que sea una mala pero buena idea al mismo tiempo, ayudaaaaaa😭
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