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rustbeltjessie · 4 months ago
Petition to only have one thing go wrong with my body at a time, please and thank you.
someone who is currently having a bad flare-up of their chronic sinus issues and the worst menstrual cramps
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contremineur · 1 year ago
One I loved who sang to me in a red room & went away too soon.
Jessie Lynn McMains, from One I loved
from here
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old-hollywood-smash-or-pass · 8 months ago
Peter Lorre, pretty please?
Happy to oblige!
He's been added and will be posted in the near future.
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poppiesandpromises · 2 years ago
For the prompt swap:
What time are we upon and where do I belong? (That’s a line from Francesca Lia Block’s novel Witch Baby; I’ve used it as a prompt in the past because I find it very evocative.)
Seek a sundial, stumble out
Of these shadows, shake the
Stardust from your eyes—
Surprise, this is still earth
And yet, you are as alien
As ever, these tongues that
Tear into each other mean
Nothing to you
They wear your face but you
Feel nothing
When their lips curl around
Your mother tongue
Close the door, count to ten
Your home is not here
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chucklingpecan · 1 year ago
Tagged by @rustbeltjessie (Thanks!) This is a short poem triggered by an overhead street view of Bellevue PA in the nineties. Despite its small size it's a work-in-progress because I'm constantly messing with it.
The sun spills its magic down the canyon of Lincoln Avenue
The drivers of cars parked curbside and the shoppers strolling the sidewalks eager for entry into magnificent futures
The engine of hope enhancing the bland Now with the sanctified Then
As usual I tag anyone interested in sharing their trials!
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justfornowokaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa · 2 months ago
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the wonderful human that is @no-estoy-aqui tagged me, you have to select 10 gifs from your favorite films and post them with no title and tag 10 people. I found this slightly harder than I thought. The being said ill tag @vallensdorothy because they have the best film taste on here, @rustbeltjessie @yeahthisishappening @beastie-boys @broccoliveins @leorajames @them-witches and anyone who wants to do it. I legitimately am out of mutuals to tag.
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naptownchris · 2 months ago
A lot of @rustbeltjessie's posts make me nostalgic for experiences I didn't actually have myself. I didn't realize that was possible.
I love it.
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sweatygardengoatee · 4 months ago
Your Help Means Hope to Us: My Story with Cancer and Displacement
Hello, my name is Faraj, and I am facing significant challenges in my daily life, including battling cancer and enduring continuous displacement due to conflict. Each day for me is a new challenge, and every step forward is filled with both hope and pain.
My story is not just about me, but about my family, who lives in constant worry. My wife, who has endured so much pain over the years, and my son, who was born after nine years of waiting, is now growing up in extremely difficult conditions. In this difficult time, I am seeking your support to help provide the basic necessities for my family, especially amid the tragic situation we are living in Gaza.
I ask for your help in sharing this story and supporting us in any way you can. What may seem like a small gesture to some represents a glimmer of hope for us in the darkness we face. If you are able to help, or even just share my story, it would have a profound impact on our lives.
Thank you so much to everyone who reads this post, and to those who contribute to making this world a better place by supporting each other.
@quantumshade @questioninglogic @queenmpreg @queen-bitchiest @woven-birds @wescravns @womenintheirwebs @whatsmyfandom @wet-paiint @earthmoonlotus @eternalporcelaindoll @elviradreaminess @elizabeth-karenina @elizabeth-karenina @ankle-beez @akajustmerry @aredhels @amygdalae @aincompleta @sweatygardengoatee @sugarmint-dreams @staff @seidkonaz @slayter-kinney @sickaddiktions @dongoverlord @dorawinifredread @date-an-anarchist-suggestions @dipper-the-destructor @robin-buckely @reaperlight @rustbeltjessie @rustbeltjessie @fire-bay @fuckyeahtattoos @funnyordie @fashion @frankocean @tamamita @trainwreckgenerator @the-swift-tricker @thebroccoligoblin @thebusylilbee @girltirl @graceledomasx @gray-zelle @greerbaiting @gorey @yelyahwilliams @yesterdaysprint
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soapkaars · 10 months ago
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I was tagged by @faustiandevil for this one. 9 albums I've been listening to recently. I have a terribly random music taste, so it's a bit of a weird eclectic mix, but this seems like a good cross section of all the ones I've been listening to. I think there's something of a common element... I think? I suppose I like originality, and I definitely like to listen to music that's fast and angry/energetic.
In no particular order:
Demon Days, by Gorillaz
Barbarella, the movie soundtrack, by Bob Crew and The Glitterhouse
American Idiot, by Green Day
Addicted to Bad Ideas: Peter Lorre's 20th Century, by the World Inferno Friendship Society (this seems like such an obvious choice if you know me lol)
Azel, by Bombino
Danger, by the Lijabu Sisters
Right Thoughts Right Words Right Action, by Franz Ferdinand
Ultraviolence, by Lana del Rey (thanks @faustiandevil for helping me pass my gay civics exam)
Mokum, by Amsterdam Klezmer Band
For the ones who want to join in, but no pressure if you don't, I'm tagging @annaglover , @juicedsumo , @peterlorres21stcentury , @peterlorrefanpage (I forgot what your personal blog was, sorry!) @rustbeltjessie , @stillwaitin76
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sea-lestial-dream-witch · 1 year ago
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"Mercury Retrograde passes smoothly with grace and without mishaps and miscommunications" sigil for @rustbeltjessie
I suggest using the color green as it pertains to Mercury.
Requests are open! 1 sigil for $7 or two for $10.
•my sigils•
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rustbeltjessie · 6 months ago
Yesterday was one of the craziest and best days/nights I’ve had in ages. I have a lot to say about it, but here’s my main takeaway:
I often reblog positivity posts that say something along the lines of: “people remember you fondly, old friends miss you and still care, etc.” I do that because ten years ago a whole bunch of my oldest/(what I thought were my) closest friends basically dropped out of my life all at once. It’s a long story that I’ve told snippets of many times over, and I don���t wanna dredge it all up again right now. I reblog those posts because part of me believes that they’re true for everyone but me.
But last night… I saw so many people I haven’t seen or talked to in years (some well over a decade!), and others who I see more often but always worried that they were like secretly annoyed or upset by me and didn’t really care about me as much as I cared about them.
And from all of them I got hugs or fist bumps, “I love you”s or “it’s so great to see you”s. And so so many “I was just thinking of you the other week because xyz reminded me of you”s. And no one from ye olde days was mad about us losing touch—they all understood that we all have our various careers and families and significant others and other friends, etc.—but we somehow managed to pick up right where we left off. And no one that I see more often was like “ugh, you,” they were like: “we should hang out more, we should collaborate on such and such project, I love you.”
I’m literally crying tears of joy typing this because I don’t think I’ve known this clearly in so long that people outside my immediate family and the three closest friends I still talk to really do care and think as much about me as I do about them.
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contremineur · 2 years ago
Inside the pockets of her tweed coat, they found two condoms, a half-empty pack of Marlboro menthol lights and a half-used tube of frosted pink lipstick. They found a matchbook from the Blue Angel Diner and a plastic wedding ring from a gumball machine. They found her wallet, which contained a torn photograph of her little sister, bank receipts (at least fifty) which showed that she’d overdrawn her account by two hundred dollars, three dollar bills, sixty-two cents in change, a Blockbuster membership card and a fortune cookie fortune, which read You will never step on the soil of other countries.
Rust Belt Jessie, Pockets (from Sad and Beautiful World #6, late 2004/early 2005)
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via rustbeltjessie
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old-hollywood-smash-or-pass · 7 months ago
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Requested by @rustbeltjessie
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belialjones · 13 days ago
need a patron saint candle with a picture of diner wait staff pouring a cup of coffee @rustbeltjessie knows what I'm talking about lol
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livefromphilly · 2 years ago
I was tagged by @rustbeltjessie to name five things that make me smile:
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Video Games!
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thechillseekr · 5 months ago
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First time I've ever brought gifts for the artists to a show but, hey, there's a first time for everything. One more sleep til Zheani & The Buttress! (Madeline Darby cassette, a @rustbeltjessie zine, NYC architecture card deck, The Four Agreements, & The Castle of Otranto).
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