#russian chinese relations
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Wang Guan: So, let’s start our interview.
Vladimir Putin: Please go ahead.
Wang Guan: Mr. President!
First of all, let me thank you for agreeing to give interview to the China Media Group. I know this is the first time you give interview to a Chinese TV channel over the past two years.
In March 2023, a joint Russian-Chinese statement was adopted, which stressed that relations between the two countries were at their strongest level ever.
Indeed, you said at the recent Valdai Discussion Club that Russian-Chinese cooperation was as an important stabilizing factor in global affairs. Could you please elaborate on your assessment of Russian-Chinese relations as well as their prospects for development?
Vladimir Putin: Relations between Russia and China – you know, I am telling you what immediately comes to my mind after you asked your question – have not been shaped to suite the current global environment; nor are they the result of a short-term political opportunism. Russian-Chinese relations have been shaped for twenty years in a careful, phased-out manner. At each step, the Russian and Chinese sides have both guided themselves by their own national interests as they understood them. While encouraging the other side to take the next step, both have always taken into account each other’s opinions and interests. We have always tried to reach a compromise, even on complicated issues inherited from the old days.
Our relations have always been driven by goodwill. It helped us solve the border delimitation issues that had remained outstanding for 40 years. Our shared desire to remove all possible obstacles to our joint progress in future was so huge that we managed to compromise in a mutually acceptable way. And then we began to develop economic cooperation, also gradually, filling the niches that were once owned by other countries in our relations, but were not as effective as our mutual cooperation in a particular area. For instance, in the area of energy that has a special place in our relations. Russia now ranks first among Chinese partners in the supply, for example, of energy to China in value terms.
China progressively became Russia’s first trade partner in terms of trade turnover, and Russia gradually rose to the sixth place among China’s trade and economic partners.
What would I note? We had different ratios for exports and imports at different times. For our part, we have tried to cover the needs of the Chinese economy, and our Chinese friends have never ignored our views as regards some imbalances, particularly in trade in manufactured goods. We have been gradually, step by step and year by year increasing and improving this trade balance. That is the way we are advancing in almost every area.
Not to mention the role that Russian-Chinese relations play in ensuring stability in the world. Relation between Russia and China are a fundamental factor.
All of this together leads us to believe that we are moving in the absolutely right direction and in the interests of both the Chinese and Russian peoples.
Wang Guan: Mr. President!
You have just mentioned trade and economic cooperation between Russia and China. Earlier, a goal was put forward to reach the target of 200 billion US dollars in trade turnover by 2024. In fact, in 2022, the two parties basically approached this target and we could feel many of the changes.
This time I came to Moscow and saw that the streets and stores, including online trading platforms, were increasingly filled with Chinese brands. At the same time, Russian gas is supplied to the homes of Chinese consumers and Russian meat and dairy products, for example, are becoming more and more common in Chinese stores.
What is our assessment of the prospects for trade and economic ties between the two countries?
Vladimir Putin: Our economic relations diversify from year to year.
Indeed, as I have said, we have an extensive scope of cooperation in the field of, say, energy, and it is very diverse. This is not only the supply of oil and gas. In the field of oil, a pipeline is operating steadily, and pumping volumes are increasing.
The same goes for the Power of Siberia gas pipeline. Now we have good prospects, we have already signed an agreement on the Far Eastern route, and one more route, the Power of Siberia 2 that goes through Mongolia, is being worked out.
The amount of coal and electricity supplied is increasing and we continue to build nuclear units. And not only to build units at two plants, but we are working on a fast neutron reactor, which will provide us with an entirely new way of building relations in this high-tech energy sector as it creates conditions for a closes cycle and, in fact, there will be virtually no waste.
We do have a very good prospect in other industries. These are automobile construction, shipbuilding, aircraft construction, and electronics. I have mentioned automobile construction. Look, just yesterday I talked to some people who could well be called car enthusiasts with a great and long experience. And in all sincerity, not knowing that we were going to have an interview today, my interlocutors told me: you know, Chinese cars are settling in our market not simply because others are becoming fewer, this is not the only reason. The quality is improving. The quality of Chinese cars is getting better, so our consumers, particularly in terms of quality/price ratio, are happily turning towards products of Chinese manufacturers.
You have mentioned agriculture. Yes, our cooperation is expanding here as well. There are certain issues related to the supply of meat products and so on, but the work is continuing. We are aware of the Chinese consumers’ interest not only in agricultural products, but also in the supply of some products that the People’s Republic of China itself needs to produce there agricultural products on its own territory.
We are working on and we are developing a significant number of industries, and this number has been constantly growing, especially recently, because of our cooperation on high-tech.
Wang Guan: We are confident that we will reach the $200 billion target this year, what do you think?
Vladimir Putin: I have no doubts, or, let us be more cautious, I am almost certain. In the previous period, we had 32 per cent growth in trade, which is a very good one. There is every reason to believe that we will reach $200 billion mark by the end of the year.
Wang Guan: Mr. President, with regard to the Belt and Road Initiative, I would now like to talk about energy. We are cooperating in areas such as renewable energy, combating climate change and the UN climate agenda.
What do you think is the impact of our cooperation in these areas for the whole world, for mankind?
Vladimir Putin: You know, when we talk about the UN Sustainable Development Goals, there is more than one, two or three of them, I believe there are 17 actually. The struggle for the environment and the fight against climate change both are very important areas, but they are not the only ones.
One should not forget, for example, the fight against poverty. How can you say to people in African countries: you will get no oil, you will get no petroleum products, you will have to rely on renewable energy sources exclusively – on wind and solar energy, for example, and so on. Those are largely out of reach for developing countries. So, people are going to starve or what? So there should be a balance; all decisions should be balanced.
In this context, when we talk about President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative – I believe, it was some ten years ago when he formulated the idea – I think it was very timely and is developing well, because the focal point of this idea is an attempt to unite the capabilities of many countries to achieve common development goals.
Today, in one way or another, President Xi Jinping’s ideas have involved you know, how many? Some 147 countries, two-thirds of the world’s population. So I think this is already a success, this is a good, correct and technologically organized initiative that is developing.
Yes, we see that some people consider it an attempt by the People’s Republic of China to put someone under its thumb, but we see otherwise, we just see desire for cooperation. Our own ideas on the development of the Eurasian Economic Union, for example, on the construction of a Greater Eurasia, fully coincide with the Chinese ideas proposed within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.
Look, our countries, the Eurasian Economic Union, have received $24 billion in investments as a result of our cooperation. What is wrong with that? At the same time, each country chooses for itself, within the framework of bilateral or multilateral formats, what is favourable or unfavourable for it, no one imposes anything. But it stimulates and creates conditions for development.
The same applies to the development of logistics and infrastructure facilities. We have recently built two bridges over the Amur River with China. I think this is good for people –it increases the number of them communicating with each other, and it is good for business because it allows us to increase trade.
So we welcome this initiative by President Xi Jinping, we are working together, we are ready and we will continue to work together.
Wang Guan: Mr. President, you also said that aligning the EAEU and the Belt and Road is a very important project, the so-called integration of integrations. You are to take part in the Belt and Road Summit. What do you expect from it?
Vladimir Putin: I think we will think of something…I have already said that the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union have already secured $24 billion in investments by working together on the Belt and Road Initiative. But this volume is growing because the number of mutually beneficial projects is increasing. They are not only beneficial to the countries that receive some loans under this initiative. They are also beneficial to the People’s Republic of China, because it also receives products from the implementation of these projects and gets conditions for better and greater development. All this is done on the basis of mutual benefit.
We have joint projects. Perhaps it is too early to dwell upon it, but I am sure that contracts will be signed; new contacts will be established between economic actors; heads of governments, various ministries and departments cooperating directly will meet. I am not going through all of it now. I have familiarised myself with the Russian government’s proposals in various areas. They are running over several tightly printed pages, and each project may represent something we will work on for more than a year, perhaps a decade. Thus I have the best expectations, including from contacts with my colleagues.
Wang Guan: We have also seen that the international community has different opinions about the Belt and Road Initiative. What do you think are the benefits of the Belt and Road Initiative, which in 10 years has gone from being a kind of initiative to a realistic, implemented project that brings benefits to all mankind?
Vladimir Putin: You know, it seems to me that the main advantage of the concept of cooperation proposed by the Chinese side is that nobody imposes anything on anybody in the framework of this work. Everything is done within the framework of finding not only acceptable solutions, but such projects and such ways of achieving a common goal that are acceptable to all. This is what makes China today, under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, unique in building relations with others: no one imposes anything on anyone; no one forces anything on anyone, but only gives them opportunity. And, as I said, if there are difficulties, compromises are sought and always found. In my view, this is what distinguishes the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by the Chinese President from many others that countries with a heavy colonial legacy are trying to implement in the world.
Wang Guan: Our bilateral relations also involve many interests and joint projects, including in the humanitarian sphere and sports. To cite but one example, according to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the number of Russian students taking the Unified State Examination in Chinese has doubled. More recently, Russian literature and music have undoubtedly influenced several Chinese generations.
We have also been following the young Russian skaters – Trusova, Valieva, Shcherbakova – with bated breath. They have a large fan community in the Chinese internet segment, and Chinese internet users even call them fairies who have no equal but each other.
Do you think that humanitarian and sports cooperation is of great value for our friendship?
Vladimir Putin: Indeed it is. Sports cooperation as part of humanitarian cooperation is very important because it establishes direct people-to-people contact. It is no surprise that our athletes have fans in China, because they are true stars. We also follow the success of Chinese athletes with great respect, always looking at how the work is organized.
Wang Guan: Are there any athletes or sports that you follow with special interest?
Vladimir Putin: Certainly, we know about Chinese athletes. We know about gymnasts, for example, and other sports. It is important that China has brought the work in high-performance sports to a good professional level.
No doubt, it is equally important to establish contacts at other, more modest levels. I refer to cooperation in PE, contacts between the regions, competitions between universities, and between Chinese provinces and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
I think we should think of it as well. I suppose it would be very interesting. In fact, as far as I know, this is what is being done within the interregional cooperation. My colleagues are also paying the necessary attention to this. I am sure that it will go on this way, continue in this vein.
You know what is important? That our sports cooperation is devoid of any political or economic conjuncture.
Unfortunately, modern international sport is more and more immersed in commerce. We have nothing of this sort in our sports relations and I hope we never will.
Wang Guan: Mr. President, you once said that if you had not practiced judo, your life might have taken a completely different path. Why do you say so?
Vladimir Putin: Everyone knows and it’s not a secret that I come from a simple working-class family, and in the past I had a lot of time to spend in the yard. I don’t know how my life would have turned out if I hadn’t taken an interest in sports. It doesn’t really matter what kind of sports I did, it’s important that I paid a lot of attention to it. And immediately there appeared priorities to assert myself not in the yard, not in some, let’s say, not very disciplined youth environment, but to assert myself on sports grounds, in my case, on tatami. Immediately certain views on relations with other people appeared: on how to build these relations, how to treat partners with respect, how to avoid anything that could somehow undermine relations between people, and so on. Sport is educative, and this is very important.
Therefore, the development of our cooperation in this field is extremely important, and in today’s world, where there are so many threats that come from the Internet, from the illegal spread of drugs, and so on, sports activities for young people are an extremely important thing in the formation of character and correct, strong life attitude.
Wang Guan: Mr. President, recently at the Valdai Discussion Club, you mentioned fair multipolarity, that there is a need for it. You also mentioned such a phenomenon as hegemonism in the field of morality and ethics, in the value system. You also said that rule-based order is a manifestation of colonial thinking. Why do you think so?
Vladimir Putin: You have just said “rule-based order”. Have you ever seen those rules? No, you haven’t, because no one has agreed on them with anyone. So how can one talk about order based on rules that no one has ever seen? In terms of common sense, it’s nonsense. But it is beneficial to those who promote this approach. Because if no one has seen the rules, it only means that those who talk about them are making them up themselves from time to time to their own advantage. That is the colonial approach.
Because colonial countries have always believed that they are first-rated people. After all, they have always talked about bringing enlightenment to their colonies, that they are civilized people who bring the benefits of civilization to other nations, whom they consider second-rate people. No surprise today’s political elite, say, in the United States, talks about its exceptionalism. This is the extension of this colonial mindset, meaning that when they consider themselves exceptional in the United States, it means that other people, all the people in fact, are just some second-rate people. How else could one understand it? Those are mere vestiges of colonial thinking, nothing else.
Our approach is quite different. We proceed from the fact that all people are equal, all people have the same rights; the rights and freedoms of one country and one nation end where the rights and freedoms of another person of an entire state appear. This is the way in which a multipolar world should be evolving gradually. This is exactly what we are striving for, and this is the basis of our interaction with China on the international stage.
Wang Guan: BRICS has recently expanded from five to 11 countries. What historical process do you think the BRICS expansion reflects? In addition, Russia will take presidency of BRICS in 2024. In your opinion, what role will Russia play in BRICS in the future and during its presidency?
Vladimir Putin: First of all, I want to say that the expansion itself was quite uneasy. It was a challenging, I would even say difficult dialogue. But largely due to the efforts of our Chairperson, the President of the Republic of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa (I want to emphasize his role once again), we managed to come to this consensus and to reach an agreement.
What is at the core of the expansion process? This process is based on objective reality. The multipolar world is creating by itself, as a matter of fact. We can speed up this process or someone can try to slow it down and maybe even achieve some kind of reduction in the pace of building a multipolar world. Anyway, its creation is inevitable. It is happening on its own because of the growing potential of many countries, including, not least, the growing potential of the People’s Republic of China. India is growing in Asia, Indonesia is also growing, many other nations in Latin America like Brazil, and Russia is getting back on its feet and gaining strength. Our countries do have their problems, and what countries don’t? There are always problems of some kind. But it’s not about that, it’s about growing our potential, and this growth is evident, including in the economic sphere.
As for BRICS, at the time of the Johannesburg summit, the ratio of the G7 and BRICS economies was already in favour of BRICS in terms of purchasing power parity.
After six members had joined BRICS, this ratio shifted even more in favour of the BRICS countries. Once again, this is a manifestation of the objective process of forming a multipolar world.
This means that all those who have joined BRICS support the idea and concept of forming a multipolar world. No one wants to play second fiddle to some sovereign, everyone wants equal rights. And when they join BRICS, they see that we can achieve this goal by joining efforts within the framework of expansion and strengthening of such a format.
Wang Guan: Mr. President, you are very familiar with history. In fact, you are the one who makes history. There is an opinion, you know, that some models of interstate relations, such as realism, have not helped at all to solve the problems that humanity faces in terms of development.
In your opinion, how important are Mr. Xi Jinping’s ideas about building a community of common destiny for mankind, as well as his initiatives in the field of global development, global security, global civilization initiative, and what values do they represent at such a historic crossroads?
Vladimir Putin: Thank you for bringing this up. As far as I understand, these ideas were first formulated in general terms in about 2013 during President Xi Jinping’s visit to Moscow, where he spoke at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations and brought this up for the first time.
Of course, this is a global approach to human history. For sure, everything is interconnected. And today, with the formation of a multipolar world, these ideas have become even more relevant. He spoke about it in 2013, and today these ideas are actually being realized. This is extremely important.
Once again, I want to go back to the start: we all, and Mr. Xi Jinping in particular, are not guided by opportunistic considerations of the current moment; we try to assess the situation in a comprehensive manner and look into the future. You see, he spoke here about the formation of a global world and the interconnection between the destinies of all countries on the planet in 2013, and then he launched the Belt and Road Initiative. This is the practical realization of what he talked about in theory.
It occurs to me that being consist and moving towards common goals while realizing the essence of what is going on is what distinguishes President Xi Jinping and the PRC’s policy.
Wang Guan: Mr. President, you have seen Xi Jinping 40 times. What kind of person, what kind of leader do you think Mr. Xi Jinping is? Could you share with us any stories you have in common?
Vladimir Putin: The thing is that President Xi Jinping calls me his friend, and I call him my friend, too. We have a saying here: tell me who your friend is and I’ll tell you who you are. So if I praise President Xi Jinping now, I would feel uncomfortable, as if I was praising myself. So I will try to be objective. He undoubtedly is one of the recognized world leaders.
It is good that you recalled his speech at MGIMO in 2013 and I connected it with the Belt and Road Initiative. I will repeat it for the third time, but it is very important: he is a leader who does not make momentary decisions on the basis of some current situation, but he assesses the situation, analyzes it and looks into the future. This is very important. This is exactly what distinguishes a world leader from people whom we call “timeservers” who are there for a brief moment just to show off on the international stage, and then they are gone.
Of course, President Xi Jinping is absolutely different. He is attentive to detail, cool-headed, business-minded and a reliable partner – that is what I wanted to underline. If we agree on something, we can be sure that both sides will keep their end of the bargain.
As for our meetings, yes, we have had plenty, which is good. You have probably counted, I do not remember how many exactly – maybe about 40 meetings. Once – I do not remember the year, I think it was at an APEC meeting, probably in Indonesia, – I had my birthday and we celebrated it together. Later, an event in Dushanbe coincided with his birthday, and we celebrated it in the course of our joint work.
We had a great trip during President Xi Jinping’s visit to Russia, when we went to St. Petersburg and visited the cruiser Aurora, took a boat ride down the Neva River and had a very lengthy, in-depth, absolutely neutral and friendly discussion about bilateral relations and the world situation. It was a most friendly atmosphere, where we spoke to our hearts content, went through all the issues, all the problems, discussed everything. It was very substantive, very calm and amiable, an ambiance that makes you feel at home. As you know, he most recently visited us in March. It was also a very good, business-like visit, of great significance for the future development of our relations. I hope that, with the next meeting planned in China, we will uphold this tradition.
Wang Guan: As regards the Ukrainian issue: Mr. President, what is your opinion on the prospects of a peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian crisis? When will peace prevail?
You have also mentioned the Chinese document outlining a political solution for the Ukrainian crisis settlement. What do you think about it?
Vladimir Putin: We are thankful to our Chinese friends for trying to think about ways to end this crisis. However, I would like to remind you that hostilities in Ukraine did not start with our special military operation, but way before – in 2014, when the Western countries, after having volunteered as guarantors of the agreements between President Yanukovich and the opposition, forgot about those guarantees in a matter of days and – worse still – supported a coup d’état. United States Administration officials even acknowledged spending big money on it – five billion, they said, if memory serves me, – and now we have what was bound to happen.
I am not going to dwell on whether it was a revolution or whether it was a colour revolution, but it was anyway a coup d’état. Yes, it had to do with mistakes made by the then leadership, but those mistakes needed to be remedied through democratic procedures, rather than by means of militants in the streets. But Western countries chose otherwise – to support a coup d’état. And then, essentially by proxy of the Kiev regime, they started hostilities in the south-east of Ukraine, in Donbass, and continued those hostilities for eight years, killing women and children. The West paid no attention to that or pretended not to notice.
Even when agreements were signed in Minsk, Belarus, known as the Minsk Agreements, Russia did everything to follow this path towards settling the conflict. They did not let us do that, either.
Moreover, Ukraine’s leaders ultimately said that they simply did not like those Minsk Agreements and they were not going to fulfil them.
This was aggravated by the United States’ attempts to drag Ukraine into NATO, which led to the escalation of the conflict.
Let me remind you that, when Ukraine gained independence – or proclaimed its independence – it was the Declaration of Independence that served as the fundamental document laying the basis for Ukrainian independence. The main principle enshrined in this Declaration of Independence was that Ukraine is a neutral state.
Yet in 2008, for no good reason – there was no crisis in sight – they announced that they would welcome Ukraine in NATO. Why? Still no one understands. And thus, year by year, they would heighten the tensions. Then, finally, the 2014 crisis hit, the hostilities broke out. This took the escalation to a new level. Therefore, the start of the special military operation was not the start of a war, but an attempt to end it.
As for what needs to be done and how it needs to be done in order to end the conflict by peaceful means: we have never been against this. Moreover, we reached an agreement in Istanbul confirming that we were ready for this, provided that – I emphasize – the legitimate security interests of Russia are respected. The Ukrainian side put forward very strict demands in terms of security, and we almost accepted them. However, as soon as we pulled our troops back from the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, the Ukrainian side committed all the arrangements to flames. Those same arrangements that were initialled on paper by the heads of the negotiating parties – not the package itself, but the memorandum on those arrangements. They announced that they would seek to defeat Russia and secure a victory on the battlefield, to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia. They launched an active military operation, the so-called counter-offensive. It has continued since 4 June. No results achieved so far, only massive losses. The losses are simply huge, at a ratio of one to eight.
Of course, we know the proposals of our Chinese friends. We highly value those proposals. I think they are absolutely realistic and could lay the foundation for peace arrangements. But, unfortunately, the opposing side does not want to enter into any negotiations. In fact, the President of Ukraine has even issued a decree prohibiting everyone – including himself – to conduct any negotiations with us. How can we conduct negotiations if they are not willing to and even issued a regulation prohibiting such negotiations?
So if the Ukrainian side is willing to, I guess the first thing to do is to revoke the decree and express the readiness for the negotiations. We are ready, including on the basis of the proposals by our Chinese friends.
Wang Guan: Mr. President, China has always articulated its interest in building shared, common and indivisible security. Is there any chance to reconcile the positions on the Ukrainian issue?
Vladimir Putin: Yes, we have always said that, too. We said that security of one group of states cannot be built at the expense of security of other states. Security needs to be the same for everyone.
In this context, it is extremely important for us that Ukraine stays outside any blocs. We were told as far back as 1991 – by the then US Administration – that NATO would not expand further east. Since then, there have been five waves of NATO expansion, and every time we expressed our concerns. Every time we were told: yes, we promised you not to expand NATO eastwards, but those were verbal promises – is there any paper with our signature on it? No paper? Good-bye.
You see, it is very difficult to engage in a dialogue with people like that. I have already cited the example of the Iranian nuclear programme. The negotiations on the Iranian nuclear programme were very, very lengthy. An agreement was reached, a compromise found, and documents signed. Then came a new Administration and threw everything in the trash, as if those arrangements never existed. How can we agree on anything if every new Administration starts from scratch – begin each time from the centre of the playing field?
The same goes for any issue, any topic, including the one we are discussing. That is why one of the key points is to ensure equal security for everyone, and Russia is entitled to that, just as any other state. If we believe that NATO poses threats to us through Ukraine, we want our concerns to be heard.
Wang Guan: Thank you very much for the interview. Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: It was a pleasure for me to do this for Chinese viewers, listeners. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart and extend my best wishes to the citizens of our friendly neighbour, the People’s Republic of China.
Thank you.
#vladimir putin#belt and road initiative#economics#nato#brics#multipolarity#valdai discussion club#xi jinping#russian chinese relations#ukraine conflict
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Engaging in small talk with a conservative white man is like being interrogated by the gestapo I’m not kidding
#this man unprompted asked me about my parents’ country of origin#and then asked me if Russians and Chinese like each other bc they’re both communist countries????????#as if I am the preeminent expert on russo-chinese international relations?????#I was half convinced he was going to ask me for ‘my papers’
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تأثير تطور العلاقات (الروسية-الصينية) في الأزمات الدولية - الأزمة السورية نموذجاً
تأثير تطور العلاقات (الروسية-الصينية) في الأزمات الدولية – الأزمة السورية نموذجاً تأثير تطور العلاقات (الروسية-الصينية) في الأزمات الدولية – الأزمة السورية نموذجاً الكاتب : الخزاعلة محمد خلف عاصي ملخص: تحددت مشكلة الدراسة في التعرف على تأثيرتطور العلاقات الروسية-الصينية على الأزمة السورية. وقد هدفت الدراسة إلى التعرف على طبيعة العلاقات الروسية-الصينية ومجالات تطورها. كذلك التعرف على طبيعة تأثير…
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#Russian-Chinese relations. International Relations. Syrian crisis#العلاقات الروسية-الصينية. العلاقات الدولية. الأزمة السورية.
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تأثير تطور العلاقات (الروسية-الصينية) في الأزمات الدولية - الأزمة السورية نموذجاً
تأثير تطور العلاقات (الروسية-الصينية) في الأزمات الدولية – الأزمة السورية نموذجاً تأثير تطور العلاقات (الروسية-الصينية) في الأزمات الدولية – الأزمة السورية نموذجاً الكاتب : الخزاعلة محمد خلف عاصي ملخص: تحددت مشكلة الدراسة في التعرف على تأثيرتطور العلاقات الروسية-الصينية على الأزمة السورية. وقد هدفت الدراسة إلى التعرف على طبيعة العلاقات الروسية-الصينية ومجالات تطورها. كذلك التعرف على طبيعة تأثير…
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#Russian-Chinese relations. International Relations. Syrian crisis#العلاقات الروسية-الصينية. العلاقات الدولية. الأزمة السورية.
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✌The Geopolitical Perspective of China: A Comprehensive Overview
China’s geopolitical strategy is a blend of historical legacy, economic ambition, and modern global aspirations. As the world’s most populous nation and the second-largest economy, China plays a pivotal role in shaping international power dynamics. Below is a detailed exploration of China’s geopolitical perspective, touching on its key principles, regional focus, and global strategy. 1. Core…
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China urged Ukraine to negotiate, fearing conflict escalation
Although the military conflict in Ukraine is in its third year, the risks of its escalation still exist, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said at a meeting in Guangzhou with his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba.
The crisis in Ukraine has entered its third year, the conflict is ongoing and the risk of escalation and spillover remains, Wang said. The Chinese foreign minister recalled that Beijing has always been firmly committed to promoting a political solution to the crisis and believes that everything eventually ends with sitting down at the negotiating table.
He also drew attention to the signals from Kyiv and Moscow about their readiness to negotiate and supported the efforts of all sides. Wang Yi also added:
“Recently, both Ukraine and Russia have been sending signals to varying degrees about their willingness to negotiate. Although the conditions and time are not yet ripe, we support all efforts that promote peace.”
Kuleba said at the same meeting that Ukraine is willing and ready to engage in dialogue with Russia. He emphasised:
“Of course, negotiations should be rational and have practical significance, be aimed at achieving a just and lasting peace.”
Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky also recently spoke about the need to end the conflict as soon as possible and readiness for talks with President Vladimir Putin.
The Kremlin responded that talking in one tone or another about dialogue is much better than talking about the intention to fight to the last Ukrainian. Moscow also said it was waiting for concrete actions from Ukraine.
Meloni’s going to China
Meanwhile, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni will visit China this weekend, Beijing said on Thursday.
Meloni will be in China from Saturday until the end of the month at the invitation of Premier Li Qiang, Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said in a statement.
During the trip, the Italian premier is expected to meet Chinese leader Xi Jinping as trade between the two countries has surpassed $80 billion.
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u/Evangelion2004 on Reddit has been working on translating Dogra Magra (an epic feat given how notoriously long and complicated the original is). I hope they finish it, I'd love to read it all one day.
I know there's a recently published translation of the novel as a translation of a translation from Japanese -> French -> English. I'm not sure if it'll get reprints, though, so I don't think I'll be reading that translation any time soon.
Translation is hard, and inevitably, some details will be lost in translation. I wish I was more proficient in Japanese or at least Chinese so I could read it without being dependent on a translator. For now, I'm thankful to the people who do TL work. There are so many stories I'd never get a chance to know without help crossing the language barrier.
#intraventing thoughts#bungou stray dogs#bsd#bsd yumeno#well. not exactly bsd related#dogra magra is hailed as one of Japan's Three Great Mysteries#I'd like to read all three of them one day!#rn I am slowly working my way through Chinese classics#namely Journey To The West#as that's the one I'm most familiar with#Chinese -> English translations are much more accessible imo#might try to pick up bits of Russian too#wanna read Nikolai Gogol (Mykola Hohol)'s works#and have heard his prose is more difficult to translate#maybe I'll learn all the different ways to say cat in Russian? who knows
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2023: A Russian Perspective on China-Russia Relations
Sampling domestic opinion pieces in foreign language press is interesting since you get an internal perspective rather than the foreign propaganda bias in pieces intended for a foreign audience. Recent improvements in machine translation — the DeepL Chrome browser plugin/extension, DeepL, ChatGPT or Google Translate are all useful tools — make it much easier to do extensive reading in foreign…
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#bilateral#Bilateral Relations#China#Chinese#DeepL#emigration#foreign relations#machine translation#multilateral#politics#PRC#Putin#Russia#Russian Federation#Sino-Russian#Xi#中国#中俄
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So we all saw the MIT sukkah and how bad that was.
Are you ready for NYU’s?
Because not only is it bad, but the persons behind it are either Jews with no connection whatsoever to their culture and can’t be bothered to do a basic fact check or it’s goyim who can’t be bothered to do a basic fact check.
That’s right. It says “l’chaim intifada” on their post. Yes, the structure is made out of wood. Good job for not using an event tent as the base like MIT. But you've built it under a tree, a no-no, and just said “To life intifada” on your “solidarity” sukkah poster.
That’s as bad as the backwards Hebrew.
It’s a nonsense phrase and makes no sense.
So what else is in the post?
Points 1 through 3 are standard for these organizations. Others that have more experience regarding the legalities of these asks have broken down why it won't happen for 1 and 2.
Point 3 is just xenophobic and discriminatory, and shows the hypocrisy of these orgs. I hate whataboutisms, but this same academic boycott is not being held for other countries that have committed or are committing comparable or worse actions. I have not seen calls to boycott Russian, Chinese, or Iranian academics and condemn research alliances or remote campuses.
Why is it only Israel?
(we know why)
Points 4 and 5 are what we expect as well. But here's the thing. Point 4? So much research and innovation comes through military contracts and funding. Medical entomology alone is reliant on massive funding from the military and was actually established by the US Military as well. The break throughs in treatments for vectored diseases typically come from their projects.
This is going to piss people off. But cutting funding projects that are associated with our military industrial complex is actually really bad for innovation, research, and scientific advancement.
"They can get the funds elsewhere".
No the fuck they cannot. Tell me you know nothing about research in academia without telling me.
But sure, cut funding to things associated with the MI-complex. I'm sure the DHS and DOD projects that are working on medical innovations will definitely help "Free Palestine".
Point 5 states it is "No Normalization", but the text reads more that they want to undo the Find Out portion of the Fuck Around they've been doing all year. As well as redefine antisemitism the way they want so that their dog whistles can be allowed and then it gets to the normalization thing. Which is just a way of saying they don't want peace. I'm not surprised as normalization processes lead to peace, and these groups don't want that. We've seen them eschew peace repeatedly and endorse violence.
But they'll tell you they're a peace movement.
Point 6 is just odd to include. 1 through 5 are standard, but 6 gets into the academic pay scale and structure and that just feels tacked on. It's trying to put a rider to ban abortion at the back end of the agricultural bill. It's trying to say "while I have you attention, also this."
I'll be the first one to say the academic pay structure is fucked and needs to be overhauled (The Cali University system has had multiple protests because Professors can't afford to even live in the cities they teach in). But putting pay structure issues onto this is just "everything relates to Gaza!" nonsense. We've seen countless occurrences of these activists trying to link any and every movement and concern to I/P throughout the year and it's just ridiculous.
Also note the text "expanding further into the city and across the globe" makes it seem like they view the university they are attending as a colonizer as well. If such is the case, and they're against colonization as vehemently as they attest to, then why are they still attending as their tuition is funding colonization? Yes, this is a "why don't you leave" argument, but they have the option to drop out or transfer. It's not leaving the USA, it's leaving or changing schools (and that's much more doable).
Point 7 isn't really a point. It's the same thing we've seen from anti-Israel groups across college campuses in the USA a long time. The problem is that they deny Zionism/Zionist has become a major dog whistle that has a history of being one ever since the Soviet era. Is every instance of anti-Zionism antisemitism? Of course not. But because major antisemitism groups, militias, and governments have used it for decades as a cover it is often viewed as such.
There's no denying that.
The problem is that you have college kids who are earnest in their beliefs that they don't see how they're being manipulated to use said dog whistles. It's especially worse when it comes to anti-Zionist Jews because they will say/endorse absolutely horrendous antisemitic rhetoric while justifying it through "Don't worry, I'm a Jew".
Unfortunately the sukkah they've built and the "L'chaim Intifada" brings in to question how Jewish they are. Even secular Jews would know that L'chaim means "To Life" by simply existing within our culture. So they're either extremely detached and didn't fact check, they're religious Jews who don't know enough Hebrew and didn't fact check, or they're goyim who are cosplaying as Jews and didn't fact check.
Initially I was leaning towards the detached as being behind this as I personally know several detached Jews who are using their ethnicity to defend antisemitism in NYC and by these groups. And because this is NYU it's more than likely that detached Leftist Jews are behind this with support from goyim than simply goyim alone. Which shows how little is know of our culture in general and means they really shouldn't be relied upon as arbiters of what is offensive to Jews and what isn't.
However, there is nothing Jewish about what they post. They even have photos of them in the sukkah and there's not a single kippah in sight. It's all keffiyehs. You'd think that if they wanted to show solidarity there'd be some variation in garb. You'd think that if they wanted to show that Jewish religious traditions and culture are welcoming that you'd have some visibly Jewish persons in your sukkah sitting side by side with keffiyeh wearing activists in this "solidarity sukkah"
But there's not.
Now this isn't to say I know who is behind this group, who the members are, or what the agenda is.
But this organization has only existed since November 2023, regularly cross posts with NYU SJP, and endorsed/justified 10/7 as well as the anniversary events celebrating it.
Come to your own conclusions as you will, but I know what I think.
#antisemitism#leftist antisemitism#jumblr#i/p#intersectional antisemitism#NYU Anti-Israel Activists#NYU SJP#The activists are at it again#L'chaim Intifada is one of the funniest and dumbest things I've read from the (((anti-Israel))) crowd#Tell me your cosplaying as Jews without telling me
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A breakdown of the “Current Cold War” alliances/allegiance structures.
This is including formalized military alliances, partnerships and coalitions as well as informal security relations as well.
by powerfulcountries
With the six primary “blocs” showcased above, we have split the blocs into two primary overarching blocs. We are fully aware that this is an oversimplified breakdown of alliance and allegiance structures, however this is what we felt was the easiest means to showcase such.
“Wild Card” countries are those who have increased complex statuses and/or have strong security ties ‘with powers in multiple competing blocs.
While the Indian and Saudi blocs are not necessarily aligned on their own, we placed them in the same overarching bloc due to them having increased overlap with the western bloc compared to other blocs.
The same premise as above goes for the Russian and Chinese blocs. Russia and China have distinct foreign policy and grand strategy goals (that may even put them at odds on occasion) but their overlapping goals against the western blocs have placed them into the same primary category alongside the Iran bloc.
We are aware that other countries can potentially be added to a bloc that otherwise weren't, so be sure to let us know what countries should have been included and why.
Remember, the governments and grand strategies of a country may not necessarily align with the people of said country. Alliances and allegiances can simply be for economic and/or strategic reasonings rather than cultural and/or historic reasonings.
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Musk may have torpedoed the original House bipartisan continuing resolution last week because it would have regulated his business dealings in China.
House Democrats Jim McGovern of Massachusetts and Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut say their Republican colleagues in Congress caved to the demands of Elon Musk, sinking a bipartisan government funding bill that would have regulated U.S. investments in China. Congress passed a separate stopgap funding bill over the weekend, averting a government shutdown. In a series of posts on X, McGovern said more could have been accomplished. The scrapped provision “would have made it easier to keep cutting-edge AI and quantum computing tech — as well as jobs — in America,” he wrote. “But Elon had a problem.” Tesla, run by Musk, is the only foreign automaker to operate a factory in China without a local joint venture. Tesla also built a battery plant down the street from its Shanghai car factory this year, and aims to develop and sell self-driving vehicle technology in China. “His bottom line depends on staying in China’s good graces,” McGovern wrote about Musk. “He wants to build an AI data center there too — which could endanger U.S. security. He’s been bending over backwards to ingratiate himself with Chinese leaders.” SpaceX, Musk’s aerospace and defense contractor, has reportedly withheld its Starlink satellite internet service over Taiwan at the request of Chinese and Russian leaders. Taiwan is a self-ruling democracy that Beijing claims as its territory. Taiwan’s status is one of the biggest flashpoints in U.S.-China relations.
There's an obvious conflict of interest here. Musk doesn't want to offend China because he's worried that it may hurt his bottom line.
Musk contributed $277 million to the Trump campaign and other Republican causes during the 2024 cycle, according to Federal Election Commission filings. Since the election in November, Musk has become a nearly constant presence at Trump’s side, including in meetings with foreign leaders. Trump appointed Musk to co-lead a group that’s not yet formed, but will be tasked with finding ways to cut regulations, personnel and budgets.
At least part of the reason Musk contributed heavily to Trump and other Republicans may be to get them to go soft on China for the sake of his business interests.
#elon musk#oligarchs#tesla#china#conflict of interest#donald trump#republicans#government funding bill#continuing resolution#us house of representatives#starlink#taiwan#jim mcgovern#rosa delauro#lora kolodny
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This was written by Eric Hoffer in 1968. Amazing how some things never change.
"The Jews are a peculiar people: things permitted to other nations are forbidden to the Jews.
Other nations drive out thousands, even millions of people and there is no refugee problem. Russia did it, Poland and Czechoslovakia did it, Turkey threw out a million Greeks, and Algeria a million Frenchmen. Indonesia threw out heaven knows how many Chinese-and no one says a word about refugees. But in the case of Israel the displaced Arabs have become eternal refugees. Everyone insists that Israel must take back every single Arab. Arnold Toynbee calls the displacement of the Arabs an atrocity greater than any committed by the Nazis.
Other nations when victorious on the battlefield dictate peace terms. But when Israel is victorious it must sue for peace. Everyone expects the Jews to be the only real Christians in this world.
Other nations when they are defeated survive and recover but should Israel be defeated it would be destroyed. Had Nasser triumphed last June he would have wiped Israel off the map, and no one would have lifted a finger to save the Jews.
No commitment to the Jews by any government, including our own, is worth the paper it is written on. There is a cry of outrage all over the world when people die in Vietnam or when two Negroes are executed in Rhodesia. But when Hitler slaughtered Jews no one remonstrated with him.
The Swedes, who are ready to break of diplomatic relations with America because of what we do in Vietnam, did not let out a peep when Hitler was slaughtering Jews. They sent Hitler choice iron ore, and ball bearings, and serviced his troop trains to Norway.
The Jews are alone in the world. If Israel survives, it will be solely because of Jewish efforts. And Jewish resources. Yet at this moment Israel is our only reliable and unconditional ally. We can rely more on Israel than Israel can rely on us. And one has only to imagine what would have happened last summer had the Arabs and their Russian backers won the war to realize how vital the survival of Israel is to America and the West in general.
I have a premonition that will not leave me; as it goes with Israel so will it go with all of us. Should Israel perish the holocaust will be upon us."
Uri Kurlianchik
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do you have pictures of all of kyo's tattoos you could make into a master post?
Judging by how long it took me to reply to this (57 days), I didn't hahah.
While compiling all of it into a sort of encyclopedia of each tattoo would have been possible, I just felt that it was slightly cringe? Sure, it's obviously all skin that he has shown us, but... There's something too uncomfortable about it, until he actually does another full-body photoshoot on his own. I opted for a list instead, and I'll give you links to some posts that show examples:
Dum Spiro Spero statue
Chrysanthemum flower(s)
Barbed wire
Eye fresque (?)
(Nape) Enneagram (nine points, astrology-related)
Uranus symbol
Handwritten "Vanitas" (?)
Small x at external corner of right eye
Blended female heads (reminescent of Ochita koto no aru sora cover art)
H.R. Giger art
Handwritten "truth"
"Damned" with skulls
Skull with crown
Noh mask with string
Scribbled-over blue butterfly with the Russian word for "To be born"
White/negative space flames
White flower/leaf
Spider with skull etched on back
Queen crown
Skeletal queen with black censor bars over eyes and mouth "GOD KILL THE QUEEN MAD STALIN"
Leathery gauntlet patch (?) that quickly covered up the Russian words for: "Eternal" "Sleep" "Mind" "Freedom" "Happiness" and a blue star
Chinese-style dragon
Handwritten "Vice" & "Virtue"
"S A V E"
Christian cross covered by longer black triangle
Skull holes (knuckles)
Norse runes (Mannaz, Laguz, Hagalaz) & upside-down Russian orthodox cross
"God" and "Pain" in Russian
Flame tribal mark (?)
Anarchist "A" in circle symbol (right palm)
"The Emperor Is Dead"
Thorny ring
Ankh cross (with loop) meaning eternal life, with a Noh mask/face inside it
Inner forearms bound at the wrists, palms facing up with at least one showing a lucky square, a W/M of fortune and a long, straight vertical Life line (re: palmistry, or the characters on the second palm form a word)
Tiger with red flames
Handwritten "triginta duo" (32 in Latin) (?)
Yokai with two pairs of eyes
White heron or phoenix
Skull ghoul
Oni mask/head with horn and jewelry
Eye surrounded by illumination lines near nape
Sanjusangendo Kannon
Black smoke swirls
"To live and die with a sense of inferiority is all I know."
Flames, waves, clouds
Large sakura flower (?)
Geisha with burnt left side of the face
Large chrysanthemum flower
White spider web (?)
Duplicated Noh masks (art by _suzani on instagram)
Large chrysanthemum flower
Negative/black space
Flames, waves, clouds
Noh mask in a triangle (art by dualflow on intagram)
Honeycomb (?)
Koi fish
Symbols for Mercury, Sun, Jupiter & Venus (toes)
Handwritten "the reckless love"
Most of Kyo's tattoos were credited to nobuisobe666 (Instagram), while Sezuni did his back tattoo and the anarchist A in his palm.
Unknown tattoos:
Hip area
Rest of feet
Some pictures:
Rock And Read 115 - Petit Brabançon
Rock And Read 098 - sukekiyo 1 2 3
Rock And Read 087
MadaraNingen x Milkboy photoshoot
Instagram 1 2 3 4 5
Tour24 Psychonnect screenshots
Tour22 FROM DEPRESSION TO________ 25th Anniversary screenshots
Graphic from Twitter
PHY vol.14
Tattoo Tribal vol.65
The World You Live In gifs
Natalie.mu Petit Brabançon
Barks Petit Brabançon
Don't Forget by Petit Brabançon promotional photo 2 3
sukekiyo Tour24 Tsumetai Chinmoku screenshot
#京#Kyo#Dir en grey#sukekiyo#Petit Brabancon#ink#tattoos#masterpost#compilation#ask#anon#tattoo#description#list
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2P!Lithuania Info
(og by @j0jorocity , only the arts are drawn by me)
Human Name: Kęstutis Laurinaitis
Name Meaning: “To endure” in Lithuanian
Physical Age: 26
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Weight: 130 lbs (59 kg)
Height: 5’8
Eye Color: Dark green
Hair Color: Brown
Outfit: He wears a gray shirt with a black tie, dark green pants and black leather oxford shoes.
It’s hard to believe that at some point, he wasn’t the rebel and closed off person he is now. Sometimes, Kęstutis doesn’t remember those times either.
He was found by Nicholas, and while at first, he didn’t necessarily like or hate him, after being sent to a work camp in Siberia (for dropping a few plates), he grew to resent the Russian and now actively tries to escape him. It never really works, and the only thing that’s come out of it is beatings and stints in his basement like the rest of the 2p Baltics, but he swears one day he’ll escape that wretched palace of his. Sometimes he gets hit so hard he starts forgetting…
He’s quite close to the 2P Baltics, and is somewhat of an older brother figure to them. Though, he’s more than suspicious of Maksim…
Czesław just wished he wasn’t so reckless at times. They’re practically attached to the hip, but Kęstutis is more than annoyed Czesław refuses to go outside sometimes when all he wants is to savour his moments with him.
- soon -
• Kęstutis smokes cigarettes but he's not addicted to it, more like for a stress relief and to relax.
• Kęstutis has a serious coffee addiction, he drank an unhealthy amount of black coffee to keep him up for work (and to avoid the punishments as much as possible) back then when he worked for Nicholas, he then grew really fond into drinking coffee as soon as he finds the taste unique and special.
Kęstutis likes black coffee, the bitter the greater. He doesn't like milk in his coffee, just pure black coffee.
• Kęstutis used to be Maksim's childhood best friend, but as soon as he found out Maksim betrayed him for Nicholas commands, he changed his attitude towards Maksim.
The relationship between Kęstutis and Maksim are complicated and unstable, it's mostly based on country benefits instead of friendship.
• Kęstutis sees Aleksandr like a little brother in his eyes. Although they aren't blood-related, they still grew to have an interesting sibling dynamic. Kęstutis humour Aleksandr at times, especially when they were under Nicholas' control. (One of it was calling Aleksandr a prince and stuff to make him feel better about himself.)
• Kęstutis stills hangs around Liliya despite knowing she's obsessed with himself. Because Kęstutis figured Liliya knows a lot about Nicholas, something about his weaknesses and probably knows other exits and entrances to Nicholas' palace. Kęstutis was using her even though he feels bad about it.
#2ptalia#hetalia lithuania#2p hetalia#aph lithuania#hws lithuania#2p lithuania#jojo's 2ptalia#2p lietpol#Kęstutis Laurinaitis
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我会保护你,保护你一辈子。无论是你的一辈子,还是我的一辈子。 ARCS OF THE SPIREALM 致命游戏 (2024) [in/sp]
@userdramas event 15 something new: a new show from 2024 @asiandramanet mar creator bingo board ⎈ typography ➻ notes for translations and motifs (spoilers!) used below the cut
Arc 1: 雪村 Snow Village
Quote: 一人不如庙,二人不观井,三人不抱树,独自莫凭栏 One person shall not enter the temple, two people shall not look into the well, three people shall not hug a tree, one shall not lean against the balustrade alone. - the death rules of this door
Motifs: a circle meant to represent the well, split into two to represent (what are assumed to be) the "real world" (top half) and "virtual world" (bottom half). note where rnz is placed
Arc 2: 菲尔夏鸟 Fitcher's Bird
Quote: 小老鼠搬鸡蛋,鸡蛋太大怎么办?一只老鼠地上躺,紧紧抱住大鸡蛋。一只老鼠拉尾巴,拉呀拉呀拉回家。小老鼠搬鸡蛋,鸡蛋太大怎么办?一只老鼠地上跑,紧紧抱住大鸡蛋。一只老鼠拉尾巴,拉呀拉呀拉回家。Little Mouse, carrying an egg, what shall it do if the egg is too big? Little Mouse, lying on the ground, tightly hugging the big egg. Little Mouse, pulling its tail, pulling and pulling and pulling it home. Little Mouse, carrying an egg, what shall it do if the egg is too big? Little Mouse, running on the ground, tightly hugging the big egg. Little Mouse, pulling its tail, pulling and pulling and pulling it home. - the creepy as hell nursery rhyme recited by the three girls
Motifs: broken egg, clock ticking backwards that's formed by the staircase that's rotating clockwise (which I realised was a neat little trick to hint that they were travelling forward in time) and the cut birthday cake
Arc 3: 阿姐鼓 Sister Drum
Quote: 她不见了,找不到她了 She's gone, I can't find her - the words written by the older sister in her diary
Motifs: top view of a Chinese drum, bamboo
Arc 4: 佐子 Zuozi
Quote: 我的腿没有了,你的给我好吗?My leg is gone, can you give me yours? - the death line of this door
Motifs: ripped pieces of paper, handwriting, slowly appearing words
Arc 5: 威福利山疗养院 Waverly Hills Sanatorium
Quote: 已经过了八点了,你们为什么不睡觉?It's already past 8pm, why are you still not asleep? - what the nurse says right before she starts chasing after the players who are outside their rooms
Motifs: room 502, overlapping but non-concentric circles representing a Russian doll
Arc 6: 雨中女郎 Woman in the Rain
Quote: 总不能是你一直保护我们吧 It can't always be you protecting us - what lqs says to convince rnz to let him go into the painting world
Motifs: picture frames shifting from scenes of the players to scenes of the door god and painting world, and back again
Arc 7: 哭儿郎 Crying Baby
Quote: 天惶惶,地惶惶,我家有个哭儿郎,过往恩客念三遍,一觉睡到大天光 Panic in the skies, panic on the earth, I have a crying baby at home, when the kind guest who passes by recites three times, they will sleep till the next morning - the line that will save you in this door. Interesting to note that there's actually a similar line that exists, except one of the changes is instead of 恩客 (ēn kè "kind guest"), it's 君子 (jūn zǐ "gentleman"), and while I translated 恩客 literally as "kind guest" here (what each of the individual characters means), the word itself actually in the past, used to refer to "benefactors" - the customers whom prostitutes fell in love with
Motifs: a lamp with lqs as the flames (vague hint at what rnz always tells lqs) and rnz as the base (note the orientation and negative colours), swirls meant to mimic water as in the book, this door was slightly more strongly related to the river god
Arc 8: 扫晴娘 Rain Doll
Quote: 如果这样,明天还是阴沉下雨的话,我就砍掉你的头 If it's still gloomy and rainy tomorrow, I will chop off your head - the line to recite in this door in order to make it rain
Motifs: umbrellas in the corners, a window (there's this one beautifully framed scene in this arc where they both open the windows of their room at the same time) showing the iconic nanqiu umbrella scene (each of them coloured differently on purpose) vs. the outside of the window with the rain dolls and additional rain overlay layer
Arc 9: 箱妖 Box Demon
Quote: 别看那个箱子,看我 Don't look at that box, look at me - what lqs tells rnz when he gets "hypnotised" to open the box
Motifs: diamonds forming 3d boxes
Full list of scenes used since this gif moves too quickly: rnz waking up from his "hypnosis", rnz and lqs staring at each other after rnz returns from his "death", cyx turning around to look at lqs when they thought rnz was dead, cql being pulled into the box, juxtaposition of rnz (upright) and ybl (upside down) in front of the stained glass windows, one of the box people in the box rnz nearly opened when he was "hypnotised", rnz being full of shit in front of everyone else (as usual)
Arc 10: 无解 Insoluble
Quote: 二人去一人归 Two people go, one person returns - the hint that appears consistently for the 11th door
Motifs: kaleidoscope of the final scene before rnz walks away
I put the two final doors (百鬼夜行 "Night Parade of Hundreds of Ghosts" and the "real" "12th" door) together because I really like how the hint applies for both the 11th door as well as the ending of the show
I also used 无解 "unsolvable" (the original name of the final chapter in the novel) for the name of this arc because of how short and simple it is, but also how it just summarises the 意难平 (idrk how to translate this, but sort of like the bittersweet feelings, being unable to let go of the past) of this arc and the entire show. Just like how there was no way to solve the 11th door with a happy ending for both people (assuming only two people went in lol), there was no way to solve the 12th door and the entire game with a happy ending for both rnz and lqs
However, instead of translating 无解 as "unsolvable", I used "insoluble" instead as it sounds just a little more poetic and is more symmetrical, and also hints at how lqs's memories of and feelings for rnz, whether his whole experience was a dream or otherwise, never dissolved with time 🥲
#userdramas#asiandramanet#cdramaedit#cdramasource#usergif#致命游戏#死亡万花筒#the spirealm#kodedit#kaleidoscope of death#thespirealmedit#dailycolorfulgifs#danmeiedit#danmei#*gfx#*a#xia zhiguang#huang junjie#userinahochi#userkimchi#tuserjade#seamayweed#this took me an entire damn week#but i'm so happy i finished it#it's about the ✨ motifs ✨ !!!!!#also did i overthink and make myself upset again especially for gif 10#yes#yes i did
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I have a question
What does BEAST!BSD cast call GL? If you don't have an idea set for that yet, feel free to ignore.
- 🃏 anon
BEAST! Cast's nicknames (and comparison with OG! BSD nicknames)
Universal - Light of hope/Guiding Light (Guiding Light)
Reason: Self-awareness and Reader helped BEAST! Dazai (because now he was sure, that Oda won't die). So, he demanded for Port Mafia calling Reader that. Others equally use Light of hope and Guiding Light.
For OG! BSD Cast Guiding Light were explained here (in point 2).
And to characters nicknames.
Armed Detective Agency
BEAST! Akutagawa - Sunshine (Sparkle)
Reason: Both Akutagawas will deny it, but they adored Little Light, so they choose light related nicknames.
BEAST! Oda - Muse (Novel Luck)
Reason: Writer-themed nicknames.
BEAST! Kunikida - Perfection (Ideal)
Reason: Reader became a Perfection/Reachable Ideal for both Kunikidas, while they tried to deal with the fact, that they were fictional.
BEAST! Yosano - Suama (Dango)
Reason: Both Suama and Dango are Japanese desserts/sweets. And both Yosanos think that Reader are sweet and nice.
BEAST! Tanizaki - Mystic (Rice Cracker)
Reason: For BEAST! - from Tanizaki's Illusion. For OG- from Tanizaki's love of Chinese food. With a bit of "me" lore, ever since I was little I loved Chinese rice crackers. I still love them.
BEAST! Ranpo - Trusted Assistant (Best Assistant)
Reason: Both Ranpos see Reader as their future assistant.
BEAST! Fukuzawa - Purrfect (Kitten)
Reason: Cat lovers
Port Mafia
BEAST! Dazai - Eranthis Flower (Iris Flower)
Reason: here and here
BEAST! Chuuya - Melody (Symphony)
Reason: From Chuuyas' love of music.
BEAST! Atsushi - Chamy (Beacon)
Reason: For BEAST! - From Atsushi's love of chameleons.
For OG! - The first week of self-awareness, that OG! Atsushi has to live alone in a fictional world, surrounded by empty husks of his friends were a pure torture for Atsushi. But, when he learned, that Reader were here, despite him not feeling their gaze, Reader immediately became a "beacon" for him. Because, he wasn't really alone.
BEAST! Gin - Cloud (Tea Leave)
Reason: Came from the fact, that Reader's presence is calming for Ryunosuke. While BEAST! Gin simply use something soft, OG! Gin use her and her brother's favorite drink.
BEAST! Higuchi - Pumpkin (Honey)
Reason: Higuchis are more "traditionally romantic" and picked up traditional nicknames.
BEAST! Tachihara - Pencil Prodigy (Hyacinth)
Reason: From Tachihara's likes (pencils and hyacinths).
BEAST! Ango - Butterfly (Almond blossom)
Reason: Both Butterfly and Almond blossoms are symbols of hope.
Angos were in hacker teams, reason for BSD Cast having an access to Reader's phone. For BEAST! Ango Reader became a symbol of hope for a new world. For OG! Ango Reader became a hope for a new life and repairing of old friendship.
BEAST! Fyodor - Myshka (Myshonok)
Reason: BEAST! also called Reader Myshonok, but, after a long talk/near fight with OG, he agreed to call Reader Myshka instead. The difference:
Myshonok is baby mouse in Russian.
Myshka is an "affectionate" form of the word "mouse".
BEAST! Shibusawa - Green peridot (dragon's jewel)
Reason: Green Peridot stone is a symbol of strength, creativity, vibrance, energy, and a naturally curious nature. BEAST! Shibusawa, who didn't become a singularity, saw Reader as someone interesting.
OG! Shibusawa view Reader not only as interesting, but the most valuable jewel in his "collection" [of people he knew].
BEAST! Mori - Helping Heart (Sweet Bean)
Reason: For BEAST! - medical themed
For OG! - from him liking sweet red bean chazuke
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