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runningthegalaxies · 6 months ago
How An Experience With Failure Can Provide Hope Through The Journey Of A Dream-Chasing Life
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I have watched celebrities live the good life through social media. They always look perfect in body shape while being swaddled in luxuries. And so, so happy. Why wouldn’t they? They are living the dream life for a living after all. They don’t need to set time aside for what they love. I shake my head every time I hear a complaint about that kind of lifestyle. I know specific circumstances cause them misery we don’t know about. All the same, I would still gladly switch day jobs and cash amounts just to demonstrate I can live a comfortable life and not complain about it. Way better than being poor and stuck in a building working the 9-to-5 before finally getting your free time to work on your dream goals!
I know everyone is grinding to get by. I know they also wish they could live that life. It is human nature to feel this mesh of feelings that people might interpret as different forms of attitudes. I would lie in bed and wallow in self-destructive thoughts. I would forget God’s existence when being so distracted with daily tasks. I had to work hard to rewire my thinking with the help of a therapist. I worked on self-care, exercising, and mindfulness meditation to get to the peaceful state I am today. 
I hyper focus on lots of dreams, but the big dream in this story is acting. I never thought I would reach Hollywood-level success, but if it got me out of the 9-to-5 slavery, I would be so grateful.
Last year, I developed the urge to pursue acting instead of just dreaming about it. I took some classes in acting techniques, helped to put together a local theater group, made an acting resume, and have begun to audition for a variety of acting jobs. 
In the past, I felt really hurt when I couldn’t book gigs, even with callbacks (although anyone in the industry would know there’s a million reasons that may have nothing to do with talent as to why they picked someone else). But today, things are different. I was confident in myself. I was not ashamed nor shy nor practicing negative self-talk. I was positive. I gave myself time to practice with a newfound sense of self-worth. I rewired my brain to make the best out of the auditioning experience. I have never auditioned for multiple streams of entertainment before, but whether or not I booked anything, I was so glad I had the opportunity to do so. Like the particular experience I will describe below.
I hopped online to look for acting gigs in different places, including local theaters. I suddenly found an audition posting for the weekend, which was 3 days later. I’ve suddenly begun to feel the way I always felt: nervous, shaky, heart pounding, needing to stop what I was doing. It was overwhelming. And this would usually last for a good half hour until I forgot about the posting.
Unlike the university play audition I spotted a couple weeks before this one, I didn’t quit and leave the page feeling like I was incapable of even trying. I decided I was going to audition for this new opportunity this time. It was a casting call for the Charlie and The Chocolate Factory musical play. I thought I could play one of the kids’ moms. I screenshot the casting call page with my phone, and downloaded the audition instructions and character sheet. There was going to be a cold read for select characters during callbacks on Sunday, but on Friday and Saturday, all auditioners needed to follow a choreographed dance scene and sing their own choice of a theatrical musical song. I picked the song “Over The Rainbow” by Judy Garland from The Wizard of Oz. I made this choice because the Internet said this song qualified as a theatrical musical song. I also thought it would be the easiest song for me to learn before the audition day.
Keep this in mind. I’ve never auditioned for a musical before, so I wasn’t sure how things worked. Even so, I wanted to have fun with it. I was determined to do my best with what I got. I spent the next three days practicing the song to perfect my vocals and work on some TPR movements for specific moments. I was on fire about the song because I had taken some singing lessons a while back that showed me a better way to take breaths, which bettered my singing voice.
I was used to singing and acting in front of people, but it still made me really nervous to do it in front of the casting team. (This made anyone nervous, of course.) I sang in front of neighbors and my own family members to get used to singing in front of people to ensure I’d be okay when I sang in front of the casting crew. When I sang for them, I told myself that it was okay if people were watching. I’ve recently learned that it’s actually better to accept that people are watching you or that you are being recorded than trying to find a way to pretend that nothing around you exists. I don’t know why, but studies have shown that this method is better for your health and performance. I can tell you that that advice works because when I stood on that stage and began singing the song, I was mostly okay, which was not something I expected to be. In the past, my voice would crack and my brain would go blank.
When I entered that community theater downtown, everything looked beautiful. The professionalism was Hollywood-level compared to what I was used to. I had never set foot in another theater other than the ones in high schools, including the one I helped put together (we didn’t have our own building). It seemed intimidating, but everyone running the theater was so nice, I felt welcomed and comfortable right away.
Waiting for instructions and the auditioning process to begin as we sat in the audience seats… I didn’t like the alienated silence.I built up the courage to walk up to multiple people with a friendly face and asked them who they were auditioning for to break the ice and admitted that I was nervous as much as I was excited about the chance to be in the play. Talking about your fears takes the power away from them. And it truly did. I just hope those folks I chatted with felt the same way.
The most beautifully memorable thing about the experience was sitting in the back behind the curtains, quietly hanging out with other people waiting to audition. Something about the red walls and red carpeted floors and floral bathrooms made it feel like a much fancier place. My thoughts wandered about shooting a movie in that area. How fun it must be to be able to go to different locations and act as different people in a different world with different situations before coming back as yourself with the chance to explore and travel. 
During our wait for the singing portion of the musical play audition, a mother and her teen son sat next to me and my husband. We talked a lot about our theatrical and musical experience, what we would be signing, the role we were auditioning for, and our nerves. The kid was a 17 year old who was auditioning for Mike Teavee, which was funny to me because I was auditioning to be his or Charlie’s mother. He told me he was signing a musical portion from the existing play musical he saw online (something I didn’t know about). I felt a hundred times better about how the evening was going to go.
While getting ready before taking off for that theater, I dressed in a brown knitted dress with a green torn sweater and blue gym shoes. I was trying to mimic the way the mother dressed to help the director see me in the role. I also used a green pen on my application for extra memorization. I don’t think they noticed my intentions with those things. 
After I did the singing and took a deep vocal breath of relief backstage, I sat down, waited two hours for the dancing portion of the evening while I played on my phone. When the children climbed the stage and the adults dominated the halls between the audience seats to engage in the practice round, I thought the dancing was going to be a piece of cake… until the choreographer started to demonstrate the routine she wanted us to do. A lot of us got a little nervous, which was comforting because it meant I wasn’t alone. As best we could, we danced the routine several times with some flaws here and there. Funny enough, the imperfections made the audition a lot funner. Some people were called back for two more rounds of dancing.
Then finally, the casting crew announced they’d contact us for callbacks and acceptance/rejections of roles through phone and social media before we left the theater for the night. Out of the theater, on the sidewalk, on my way home, I repeated, “I DID IT!”
I gathered all my strength to audition for a musical, and it turned out to be the funnest audition I’ve ever been to! I couldn’t believe it. I was determined to not let those evening hours feel like a waste of time if I was not picked for a role. I wanted it to be a positive experience and it was.
So I was okay with being rejected, which is the hardest thing a person could go through. Was I upset? Of course I was. But then I remembered everything that happened before that made me smile. And so instead, I smiled.
Let me tell you this: I don’t want to forget this experience. That is why I think it is a great idea to write this story. It might sound like I’m a loser highlighting a failure that makes me look foolish, but trust me when I tell you that it makes me look brave and awesome. I know that it makes me look the opposite. Plus, remember, part of the purpose of writing this story involves learning not not to care what other people think. Think about it. What would have happened in my crazy head if I put all my energy into the rejection? I’d lose a day trying to accurately analyze why they didn’t like me. That doesn’t do anyone any good.
This story serves as a message to dreamers everywhere to make the best of their journey, focus on their goals, and not let anything knock them down. Are you currently going through inconveniences? This is the part where you stand up tall and strong, still believing you are good enough, and keep going.
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runningthegalaxies · 6 months ago
Real Life Dream Monologue
This video is pretty special. As you see above, it is a speech about a human being who has a dream and wants to chase after that dream despite the people around her telling her no. Going after your dream after a singular failure can be hard. Your feelings get big and you think you can't make it all of a sudden after you've spent more time feeling inspired and motivated to create the idea of your dream a and then put it to action.
I wrote this little monologue to show people that we are not alone. Whether you want to be a writer or actor like me or a cook like Remy from Ratatouille or a singer like Taylor Swift, then you need to make set time aside to chase after those dreams. Don't make the mistake of chasing after the big picture on the first day. You need to start with step 1 before moving on, or you're going to set yourself up for failure.
But the main thing is, don't let others tell you how to accomplish that dream. Yes, I just told you not to focus on the big picture. I am just warning you not to get ahead of yourself like I have. It is different to start small and then grow versus, "You can't fulfill your dream this way." You need to shut those voices (either in real life or inside your head) and scream, "YES, I CAN!"
I hope the above speech (besides this writing) speaks to you. My examples involves writing and these silly little characters I created when I was a little girl. I looked and looked and looked for ways of bringing them out into the real world. I never set the right amount of time or learned anything new to get them out there. If you're reading this, then you probably don't know who they are either, but I am here to tell you that I am finally working on my stuff, but I am doing things my way and in the best way I know how. So... soon they will be ready. and so will your own dreams!
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runningthegalaxies · 6 months ago
A Skit About Battling Your Own Mind Across Time
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Here is a skit. A skit about battling your own mind across time. It doesn't matter how old we get, there is still something in your heart and brain tugging at each other. They just won't align. the heck is up with that? We always think we aren't good enough. We always think we come up short with anything we do, even if we know we are really good at that type of thing. I don't know why our brain is out to get us, nor why it feels natural to hate ourselves.
I wrote this skit because of those reasons. I want people to know they are not alone when we struggle trying to make our dreams come true. It totally sucks to look at others through social media and seeing that they are doing such a good job living their dreams where everything seems so perfect. It must be so nice to live your dream as your alternative 9 to 5 job. We get in trouble when we compare ourselves to other people and covet what they have, though. Compare and despair rhyme, so it must be true. What I want to accomplish for readers looking at this skit is this: I hope that with a skit like this, I could bring out the awareness that we are all good enough and we will find our way as we try to follow our dreams.
Check out RTG's other stuff here: https://runningthegalaxies.square.site/
Future Self Meets Past Self
An emotional story about comfort in the present... INT. HOUSE - DINING ROOM
(FUTURE SELF walks into the room and sees PAST SELF sitting at the dining table and quietly goes to sit down.)
(shocked to see F.S.) Hello. Who are you?
Don’t you know? I’m you from the future. 
What are you doing here?
You’re struggling right now, which is why I wanted to talk to you.
What do you have to say? That it’s all going to be okay?
Yeah. That pretty much sums it up.
Why should I believe you?
Because I’m you from the future.
(choked up) That’s not good enough.
I can see why you think that.
Am I happy and a huge success in the future? Are you going to tell me how exactly I can change my actions now so I could reach that point in my life where everything is okay?
(sympathetic) I can’t.
(angrily) Then what is the point of you?
(doesn’t know what to answer)
You’re from my future. I would think you could tell me. 
Funny, I was just thinking the same thing.
(rolls eyes) You’re here for a reason. So, come on, what should I do? What would make things okay?
I don’t know if it would be wise of me to tell you what to do. Actually, I’m kind of debating whether or not it’s better to just leave things as they are so that we can get here now.
Oh, thanks.
You don’t know what to tell me to make things better, but you came here because you wanted to make things better.
A freaking good job you’re doing.
Hey, I’m trying my best. It’s all I ever did, but nothing I’ve ever done was ever good enough for anyone, not even you.
Talk about being your own worst enemy.
Yeah, that war never stops.
I wish it did. I would have accomplished so much more in my life.
I still feel that way. 
Oh great. So, basically, you’re telling me I haven’t even done anything I wanted with my life yet.
I didn’t say that.
I’m so worthless.
No, you’re not worthless. If I’ve come to have the opportunity to say anything to you right now, it would be to not give up. To love yourself. To not settle on your dreams. To stop listening to what others say your life should be.
That’s easier said than done!
I know.
I don’t know how to do that.
You’ll figure it out. You’re good enough as you are.
I hope so…
You are. Believe me, you are.
Okay, but how do I do this? I don’t know the first thing. And it seems like everyone else has everything figured out.
You gotta remember, they started somewhere. You’ll figure it out too. In a way that works for you. 
Thank you. For being kind to me for once.
Yeah, it feels good, doesn’t it?
I’d like to feel that way more often.
(smiles) Good.
Well, I gotta go.
Wait, now?
Will I ever see you again?
You’re going to be okay.
(smiles) Thanks to you.
(FUTURE SELF smiles back, gets up, and walks away.)
Check out RTG's other stuff here: https://runningthegalaxies.square.site/
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runningthegalaxies · 7 months ago
Nighttime Walking Is Spending Time In Another World by Running The Galaxies
To learn more about what Running The Galaxies has to offer, go to https://runningthegalaxies.square.site.
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Am I the only one who thinks that walking at night looks much different than walking during the day? What about you? I think walking at night is like being transported to another world. 
There are so many sorrows of this busy life that we live that we forget how beautiful the natural world is whether it is day time or night time. Yes, there is beautiful plantlife all around me, but walking at night, though… When family is cozied up inside their home and I am outside, there is something about the atmosphere that changes.
I walk along the sidewalk in my converse shoes, jeans and T-shirt. Every house and pathway looks alien now. There are lights on at different angles, most of them come from the front of homes and the remaining few come from the street lights. Normally, I am afraid of bad people popping out of the thin air of the darkness, but not tonight. This night, every twinkle of a light and the setup of the front of the houses on either side of the street bring me a joy I can’t shake.
I wonder things like, why would my life be like if life was different? What if I could have this kind of house or that kind of house and was able to turn it into a magical land of my own? What if I walked through the night forever before the morning came? What if my imagination running wild would come true if all I did was stare into the dimly lit darkness?
When reality overshadowed these thoughts and daydreams, that thing was like killer bees striking at my heart. I couldn’t bear to let these small moments get smashed into pieces. I shake reality aside and keep walking. Until I know my walk has to come to an end at some point, of course. I can’t stop myself from pausing at a distance away from my shelter where I’d soon open the door and re-enter reality. I savored the sight of the dimly lit night with a stretch of my arms, and then went inside, where I slept for the rest of the night. 
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runningthegalaxies · 4 years ago
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Soon enough, a strange roleplay video is going to come out including an apple and a banana. It had came out pretty good.
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runningthegalaxies · 4 years ago
I ruled the Universe the minute I stopped caring about what other people thought of me.
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runningthegalaxies · 4 years ago
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One of the most memorable tweets I have ever gotten. <3 
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runningthegalaxies · 4 years ago
Follow your dreams and do it the way you would. Always! ❤🚀🌌
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runningthegalaxies · 4 years ago
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In this episode of the unusual comedy sock puppet shows, you can find the puppets telling Running how to run a proper puppet show. 
YOU CAN FIND THE NEW VIDEO COMING OUT HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfSdTTrqyF0GR9vMVkHnR7w
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runningthegalaxies · 4 years ago
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My name is Running The Galaxies and I am taking over the entire space of the Universe. I write books, create artwork and make entertaining videos about random doings, inspiration/motivation, ASMR, sock puppets and music. Visit my website: runningthegalaxies.com ( https://www.runningthegalaxies.com/ ) or my YouTube channel by searching: Running The Galaxies ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfSdTTrqyF0GR9vMVkHnR7w?view_as=subscriber ).
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runningthegalaxies · 3 years ago
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Here are a few stories I have read on my channel! =) #runningthegalaxies #asmr #reading #achristmascarol #acharliebrownchristmas #howthegrinchstolechristmas https://www.instagram.com/p/CX3892ap9cx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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runningthegalaxies · 3 years ago
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Something new this way comes. ❤ #runningthegalaxies https://www.instagram.com/p/CXjBirZlR3K/?utm_medium=tumblr
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runningthegalaxies · 3 years ago
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I love the make up for the scarecrow I created for a video. 🥰 #runningthegalaxies #youtube #sunflower #asmr #field #video #softspoken https://www.instagram.com/p/CWookftPR4K/?utm_medium=tumblr
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runningthegalaxies · 3 years ago
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Doctor Who Roleplay!!! #runningthegalaxies #asmr #doctorwho #roleplay https://www.instagram.com/p/CWZjv-0JmE0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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runningthegalaxies · 3 years ago
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I got a new podcast and a new channel to go right with it! Podcast on Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts! New youtube channel is called Running The Galaxies Storytime! #runningthegalaxies #podcast #youtubechannel #newcontent #love #storytime #author https://www.instagram.com/p/CWPiITULt9-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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runningthegalaxies · 3 years ago
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For Veteran's Day, I made a Painting for my grandpa! The process is also a video! =) #runningthegalaxies #asmr #veteransday #patriotic https://www.instagram.com/p/CWJRraNPEkF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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