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rafeyssugar · 15 days ago
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🐇 . bunny moves through life like she’s stuck in a dream, floating rather than walking, blinking rather than reacting, always just a little behind. it’s not that she doesn’t try to keep up—she does, in her own way—but the world moves too fast, conversations slipping past her like waves she can’t quite catch. her wide, doe-like eyes blink slow, round with wonder, confusion, or both, as if she’s constantly piecing together a joke that was told minutes ago. her lips part, a question on the tip of her tongue, only for her to decide it’s not worth asking. maybe she’ll understand later. maybe she won’t. either way, it doesn’t really matter.
🐇 . she looks soft, everything about her designed for comfort. oversized sweaters swallow her frame, hanging loose around her shoulders and slipping past her hands so that her fingers barely peek out. her hoodies are always big enough to hide in, their pastel colors making her seem even smaller. shirts that could be dresses, sleeves that cover her knuckles, fabric that pools around her when she sits—every outfit she wears is like a cocoon, something to tuck herself into. and then there are her shoes. platform sneakers, every single time, giving her a little extra height, a little extra presence in a world that often feels too big for her.
🐇 . but the shoes don’t stop her from tripping. bunny is clumsy in a way that feels almost impossible, like gravity has a personal vendetta against her. she stumbles over absolutely nothing, bumping into walls, knocking over cups, catching the edge of a doorway because she miscalculated the space. and when she falls—which happens often—she doesn’t just get back up. she apologizes. to the floor. as if it has feelings.
and then there’s rafe.
🐇 . rafe, who has to stop himself from laughing when she mutters a soft, “sorry, mr. floor,” after tripping over nothing. rafe, who catches her by the wrist before she can walk straight into a glass door. rafe, who doesn’t even blink when she blinks up at him, dazed and confused, and asks, “wait… what’s happening?” in the middle of a conversation she should’ve been paying attention to.
she doesn’t have to ask for his help. he’s already giving it.
“bunny,” rafe murmurs, voice thick with amusement, as he reaches out to brush a strand of hair from her face. “how are you this slow?”
she blinks up at him, long and lazy, like she’s buffering. “huh?”
his lips twitch. he leans in, tilting his head. “i said—”
but before he can repeat himself, she frowns, her brows furrowing in the softest way. “wait… no, i got it.” a pause. then, “…never mind.”
rafe huffs out a quiet laugh, tilting her chin up with two fingers. “dumb little bunny,” he teases, but his voice is gentle, the words laced with something almost affectionate.
she pouts, lips forming the smallest of frowns. “’m not dumb…”
“mm.” he hums, noncommittal, brushing his thumb over the corner of her mouth. “but you’re mine.”
and bunny, slow as she is, gets that.
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voiceemporium · 26 days ago
Dale Cooper in Twin Peaks played by Kyle Machlachlan
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everydaylovejourney · 1 month ago
💫 The love meant for you will come when your heart is ready to receive it, in a way that feels like home. It won’t rush, it won’t falter, and it won’t leave. Trust that the right love always knows the way. 💙
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crmsndragonwngss · 4 months ago
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hardjoshua2000 · 20 days ago
Always up for a good and naughty chat 🥰
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lilacwine4lifee · 2 months ago
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#1 life inspo
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voiceemporium · 7 months ago
Gina in Porco Rosso voiced by Susan Egan
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crmsndragonwngss · 1 year ago
I don't mind, I don't mind to sink Out of sight, out of mind I'll be
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voiceemporium · 7 months ago
Wynne from Dragon Age Origins voiced by Susan Boyd Joyce
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soleilanips · 12 days ago
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you were like a ray of sunlight slowly slipping through the cracks in the walls i had built so high, not even my shadow can be seen. your presence gave warmth to the places i thought i had forgotten, seeping into spaces i thought i had already sealed. i stand at the edge of wanting or fearing because i had never once experienced love so alluring. tell me, is it fate that i must burn just so i can feel what it's like to be held by light? if so, then take my heart and break it for all i care. i'd do what it takes even if it meant crumbling in your hands. my love—for you, i would bleed.
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catatanyulan · 2 months ago
Matematika = Susah?
Let's be real, belajar matematika tuh kadang bikin vibe-nya tegang banget, especially pas ngomongin trigonometri. Rumusnya banyak, konsepnya njelimet, dan murid sering banget kelihatan kayak udah give up before they even try. Tapi aku yakin kalau suasana belajar itu penting banget buat nge-boost confidence mereka.
Waktu itu, aku lagi ngejelasin soal sinus, cosinus, dan gengnya. Kelas kelihatan agak dead vibe, jadi aku bilang, “Nggak apa-apa kalau bingung, kita coba bareng-bareng, ya. Kalau ada yang mau nanya, silakan.” Suasana mulai chill, terus tiba-tiba ada murid yang nyeletuk, “Miss soft spoken banget, deh!” Aku cuma senyum, tapi dalam hati lega. Mereka merasa cukup nyaman buat ngomong hal kayak gitu di tengah materi yang berat.
Turns out, pendekatan chill itu bikin mereka lebih open buat belajar. Setelah itu, beberapa murid mulai aktif nanya, bahkan ada yang akhirnya bilang, “Oh, ternyata kayak gini ya, Miss. Gampang kalau pelan-pelan.”
Kadang tuh, yang bikin belajar terasa overwhelming itu bukan materinya, tapi the pressure buat langsung ngerti semuanya. Aku sadar kalau voice yang calm dan vibe yang nggak ngintimidasi bisa bikin mereka lebih engage.
At the end of the class, aku liat beberapa murid yang tadinya clueless mulai ngerti konsepnya. Buat aku, itu proof kalau belajar itu bukan cuma soal rumus, tapi juga soal create safe space buat mereka ngerasa cukup berani untuk nge-explore, trial, and error tanpa fear. 🤗
Trigonometri tetap jadi pelajaran yang rumit, tapi melihat mereka mulai memahami konsep yang aku ajarin adalah momen yang bikin hati hangat. 🥰
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owlcassettes · 2 months ago
Here is my super shy cover of Come As You Are by Nirvana
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summernightskyzjr · 4 months ago
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Soft spoken words.
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crmsndragonwngss · 10 months ago
Cause I've been
Dragged out. Thrown away.
My glass house shattering.
A dead inside destiny.
Trade my carnage for peace,
Torn at the seams
Burning up in a fever dream.
It's I against me.
I against me.
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adastra47 · 10 months ago
If The Weeknd Went Post-Hardcore!
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dekaythepunk · 2 years ago
Song of the Day
Alone by Softspoken
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