#runaways s3
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noyob · 1 year ago
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various owl house sketches :p
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cafecitoeddie · 11 months ago
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no thoughts, head empty, just 🍑
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buddyhollyscurls · 3 months ago
ATP my mental health is hanging on by a thread and that thread is dependent on whether or not the Forgers stay together as a family after the mission is complete
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lemonycranberries · 6 months ago
by the way. casually forgot to mention this but i nearly exploded when i saw them watching the runaway bride in episode 5
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motorcycleboy9 · 1 year ago
I am a robby keene apologist I am a robby keene defender robby keen truther I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
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kudzushadow · 2 months ago
got excited to see they finally added runaways s3 to prime... only to see that they?? snatched s2?? which i just started? hey this isn't funny give it back
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none-ofthisnonsense · 2 years ago
Human Nature and The Family of Blood are possibly the best episodes so far.
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3x03spring · 11 months ago
time to start dw s4 i need to decide which episodes to watch. i think ill skip partners in crime ive seen it a bunch of times
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summerpearlpen · 5 months ago
Polin Fic Recs - One Tree 🌳 & Sex Pollen 🐝🌼
Pen wants to climb Colin like a tree. However, in these fics, Colin is the one doing the tree climbing to reach Pen's bedroom. Much like the One Bed fics, we all know where this is going.
I may have gone on a sex pollen (#sex polin?) tangent when making this list 🐝🌼. The pun is right there! Gold stars to all the Polin fic writers who go hard with the puns 🌟
1. My Heart Is Thrilled By The Still Of Your Hand by ShirlyGallagher
Explicit. Regency. Complete. 6,722 words. Under 1 hour read. Classic Book!Colin climbs the tree fic with a steamy late night rendezvous in Pen's bedroom for the engaged couple.
2. Foolish One by LeighAnne_Balsdon
Mature. Regency. Complete. 43,498 words. Set in S1. This fic has got a runaway Pen and Colin & Eloise Bridgerton as the search party. Thank goodness Eloise is along for the ride because this is full force Chaos Colin. Slow burn with eventual tree climbing smut.
3. Dishonest Conquest by lilyeval
Explicit. Regency. Complete. 21,960 words. Set S3. Flirting coach Colin Bridgerton gets very jealous of his excellent student Pen's suitors. The flirting train is off the rails. Pen has no filter and may be more oblivious than Colin for once. Colin has climbed into her bedroom at night and she still thinks this is a friendly flirting lesson between friends.
4. Loudly and Fervently and canyonoflight
Explicit. Regency. Complete. 6,369 words. Under 1 hour read. Set post-S2. The whole of London are overcome by a mist of sex pollen 🐝🌼. Colin tries to be a gentleman, but Pen naughtily displays her breasts at her window towards Colin’s bedroom which gets Colin climbing that tree speedily.
5. Love Is Merely A Madness by Sea_Dragonfly
Explicit. Regency. Complete. 6,900 words (Perfect word count for the amount of smut). Set post-S2. Pen is sequestered in her bedroom because of a mystery fever (sex pollen 🐝🌼) and Colin climbs the tree to Pen's bedroom to check on her. The sex pollen debauchery is offset by lots of trust, consent and tenderness.
6. Bonus sex pollen fic with no tree climbing. Love in Bloom by LillyWhitefield
Explicit. Regency. Complete. 5,250 words. Under 1 hour read. Book!Polin get sex pollened in a greenhouse by a mysterious flower 🐝🌼. Sweet & savvy Book!Pen deserves a sex pollen shag too.
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sp0o0kylights · 2 years ago
Steve and Gareth as Cousins, no longer a warm-up and now called Lifelines, part three! I’ll throw it up on A03 when I finish the fourth part. 
Prior parts can be read here: Part One / Part Two 
First things first, the most amazing @ sereinpetrichor managed to track down the OG Twitter thread this runaway train is based off of! 
It was this thread by @gatorthots, the Tumblr version of which can be read, here.  All blame for this idea firmly rests on their brilliant, plot bunny inducing shoulders. 
The other, follow up thread I mentioned was this one by Silas, whose tumblr name I do not know. 
As always and forever, shout out to the most amazing @chalkysgarbagefire​ who helps me edit/plot/pats my head while I’m crying in their inbox bc the words aren’t wording right. 
Warnings: Steve and Robin are canon (S3) drugged. I took a slightly (kinda sorta) more realistic approach. Vomit mention, canon threat of violence/guns (the Russian guards) Mention of pantsing/past bullying, Steve and Robin’s drugged asses not understanding personal space, Dustin’s canon...Im gonna go with assholishness? but like, I think its more than he’s a young kid and doesn't quite have the emotional growth/awareness yet in this kind of insane situation to know how to react to the whole address/torture bit (really who does)/its a defense mechanism--and Gareth sort of has a panic attack. 
Whatever the hell they had been drugged with, Steve and Robin went from 'giggly happy fun time' to 'vomiting into toilet bowls while loudly wishing for death’ awfully fast. 
Gareth was not an expert on drugs. He knew Eddie wasn't either (the guy never dealt anything stronger than your average psychedelic--had some agreement with his Uncle about only selling "the 70s basics") and repeated looks towards him proved Eddie was still trying to figure out what Steve and Robin were on. 
Answers hadn't exactly been forthcoming--Eddie's gently made attempts at ferreting out information had only caused more confusion.
Like why the two of them were so freaked out about a gate, or what had made Robin gasp, and then laugh so hard she cried when Steve had made a particularly rough noise then muttered; "Even that sounds better than Tammy Thompson." 
Either way, Gareth was mostly trying to figure out what the hell they were going to do, because sobering up in a busy, public mall wasn't exactly the best idea. 
"I regret," Robin tried to say, in-between gagging. "I regret--hrk--" 
"Me too." Steve moaned, head resting against the stall wall. Gareth, still caught up in panic, had been permanently regulated to door guard while Eddie alternated between sweet talking, rubbing backs and offering quietly whispered advice. 
"Let's go back in time and ignore the whole silver cat thing." Robin continued, slumping back down onto the floor. 
"Wouldn't have mattered." Steve muttered. "Dustin would have figured it out without us. Kid’s too damn smart." 
"So?" Robin grumbled, quietly thanking Eddie as he once again brushed her hair out of her face. 
"So he would have gone down there anyway, which means I'd be down there anyway." Steve concluded. "We shouldn't have gotten you involved though." 
He shakily pushed himself up, staggering to his feet and looking like bambi on ice while doing it. 
Eddie quickly came round to offer his help, hands spread as Steve groaned out a curse and clutched his head.  
The older took a step forward right as Steve lurched back, unbalanced and shaky. 
 "Oh shit." He said, eyes wide as he crashed backwards into Eddie, the latter catching him with a grunt. 
Despite the entire situation, Gareth found himself stifling a laugh as Eddie wrapped his noodle arms around Steve's chest, trying to hold the other up without falling himself. 
"Come on big boy, why don't we just siiiit back down." Eddie said, slightly breathless as he helped guide Steve back to the floor. "There we go…"
They did so outside the bathroom stall, Eddie sinking into a kneel as Steve sort of flopped down on top of him. 
Blinked a few times, like the drop had rattled what little sense he’d managed to recover in the last few minutes. 
A pleased noise came out of his cousin's throat, and holy shit was Gareth going to have blackmail for life, because rather than vacate Eddie's lap, Steve just turned around in it. 
Reached up with one finger outstretched and proved himself to be very much still under the influence as he touched Eddie's nose.
"Boop!" He said, and then giggled as Eddie dropped onto his ass in surprise. 
Gareth watched Robin as she took the whole thing in, from Steve's snickers to Eddie's shocked expression, eyes growing wide in excitement. 
He failed entirely to cover his own amusement when Eddie abruptly found himself with two sailors invading his personal space, each taking turns to boop his nose. 
“Uh.” He managed to get out, blinking rapidly and at a loss for words. “Ah.” 
Steve caught the metalhead’s awkward, red-faced expression and proceeded to drop his head to Eddie's shoulder, muffling his laughter against the man's vest. 
The helpless look his best friend sent him was one Gareth would remember for a long time. 
“O-kay.” Eddie said, frazzled, as Steve recovered far too quickly, turning to rest his cheek against a slim shoulder as he walked two fingers up Eddie’s battle vest and towards his hair. Likewise, Robin had discovered Eddie’s wallet chain, and had begun fiddling with it. 
One finger curled around a strand of brown hair and Eddie jerked his head, removing the tempting piece away from Steve’s hands. 
“I know you’re used to getting whatever you want, your highness.” He said, his own hand smacking against his waist before Robin figured out the other end of his chain ended in a handcuff, “But you of all people should know the hair is off limits.” 
Completely undeterred, Steve just gave him a loose, easy grin. “It’s so pretty though.” He complained, fluttering his eyelashes in a blatant attempt to try and turn on the ol’ Harrington charm.  “You can touch mine if you want.” 
Yeah, Gareth’s blackmail was getting better by the second. 
He might even get a new piece for his drum kit out of it, if this kept up. 
Free weed too, considering Eddie’s blush was now fire-engine red. 
“Man,” Eddie said in a clear bid to deflect the entire situation (and Steve’s fingers) away from his hair, “the last time someone called me pretty was right before I got pantsed—-is Tommy H hiding in one of the stalls again?” 
Steve picked his head up, confusion crashing down his face. 
“Did he do that?” He asked. 
Then, with growing horror; “Do you think I’d do that?” 
Eddie raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t that your whole little court’s M.O.?” 
Steve sucked in a breath, looking downright hurt. "I wouldn’t do that." He insisted, eyes wheeling from Eddie to Gareth and back, as though hoping Gareth would back him up. 
“I’m not--I’m not friends with Tommy anymore.” Steve continued, voice growing smaller as he spoke. “I’m not friends with anybody anymore, except maybe Dustin.” 
It sounded so defeated; trodden on and subdued that Gareth stepped forward automatically, to do--something. 
Provide the fucking comfort his cousin was oft denied and hug the guy. 
As always, it turned out to be the wrong move. 
"Oh thank god." A kid said, seconds after bulldozing through the main door and nearly bowling Gareth over in the process. "I found them!" He shouted over his shoulder as swept into the room. 
“Speak of the devil.” Steve said flatly, and even drugged, he managed to pull himself back together from distressed to stoic in mere seconds. 
The curly-haired kid--Dustin apparently--stormed right up to the pile of humans splayed on the floor, hands on his hips. "What the hell. We told you two to stay put!" 
Steve rolled his eyes as Robin booed him. 
“Have you forgotten what’s happening? Or how we’re kinda in a Red Dawn situation?” Dustin continued, looking like he’d just escaped from a summer camp. 
The kid even had a walkie talkie clutched in one hand, of all things. 
“We know.” Steve and Robin deadpanned at once, before looking at each other; Steve pointing a finger towards Robin and Robin pointing one back. 
This caused the kids to trade their own long suffering, “can you believe this shit” faces. 
"We need to go, and the only way we’re gonna get out of here unnoticed is if we blend in with the crowd." Dustin said impatiently.  “Now come on Steve, get up already, you've had worse.”
"I really don't think I have." Steve muttered, but moved to push himself to his feet anyway. 
Eddie beat him to it, and he and Gareth both hovered nearby in case Steve was still unsteady. 
Thankfully, the kids' presence seemed to sober up Robin and Steve both. 
Not actually sober, that wasn't how drugs worked, but whatever was left of the fun was sucked right out of the bathroom, replaced by two teenagers who were sort of functional on whatever they'd been drugged with. 
Stress and adrenaline, Gareth knew, could overcome a lot of things. Including Russian "truth serum" apparently. 
“Yeah well you're lucky you got found by these guys and not anyone else. " Dustin continued pointedly, before turning his attention towards Gareth and Eddie both. "Thanks for watching our friends, but we've got them from here." 
Gareth made a sort of unhinged, disbelieving noise. 
 “No, no you do not.” He declared, anxiety clawing at his gut at the mere thought of abandoning Steve to two children. 
"I don't think you heard him." The girl stepped forward, braids swinging about her face as she lifted her chin and nailed him with a cold glare. 
 As if this entire situation couldn’t possibly get weirder, Gareth suddenly realized she had a helmet in her hands and knee pads on.
 "He said we got this. So scram." She flicked her fingers out in a dismissive sort of "shoo" gesture.
"And leave my drugged cousin with his new girlfriend behind!?" Gareth challenged right back, emotions far too raw and frayed to care he was snarling at a little girl. "I don’t think so!”
"Cousin!?" Dustin bit out, sounding almost betrayed for some reason, at the same time Robin who'd been climbing to her feet with Eddie’s help, shouted; "I am not his girlfriend!" 
Steve, clearly unwilling to entertain whatever fight was brewing, clapped his hands together. 
"Yes cousin, Dustin. It's a type of family member." Steve said, after they all flinched and looked to him. He at least looked steadier on his feet this time, though Gareth still lingered nearby in case he took a wrong step. 
"I know what a cousin is, Steve!" Dustin shot back. 
“Then why are you acting like a lunatic?” Steve complained, and Gareth got to watch in real time as Steve pulled on the persona he often wore in high school down around him. “You said it yourself, we don’t have a lot of time. Worse, I don't know if anyone saw Gareth and Munson here with us.” 
He jerked a thumb sideways in Eddie’s direction, not that anyone couldn’t figure out who “Munson” was. 
“They stay with us until we’re out of this mall.” Steve finished, before he started towards the door.
One step he was Gareth’s cousin, drugged and vulnerable because of it. 
The next he stood taller, talked smoother, took charge with an aurora that said he expected everyone to listen to him. 
It was fake as hell, but it worked. 
“I know you’ve got a plan Dustin, so spill it.” He commanded as he walked.  
 Dustin, despite all the squawking, did just that. 
Of all the things Gareth had expected to see upon escorting their little ragtag crew out of the bathroom, groups of intimidating, mean looking assholes wasn’t on the list. 
He found himself repeatedly nudging Eddie in the ribs, unable to take his eyes off what was clearly a checkpoint as he staggered to a halt. 
It was one thing to be told people were after Steve and the “Scoop’s Troop” As Robin had jokingly named them. 
It was another entirely to see the security guard directly in front of him look over a woman’s ID before apologizing to her, a sleazy grin matching his oily pony-tail as he waved her on. 
They really were looking for someone. 
Not someone, Gareth realized in dawning horror.
Robin apparently, came to the same conclusion seconds later, because she snatched Steve and Dustin’s arms both, hauling them backwards. 
“Argue about Dustin’s address later, we need to find a different way out.” She hissed quietly as she tried to slowly reversed direction, movements still a bit sloppy. 
She might have even gotten away with it, had Sleazy Pony-Tail not turned and made eye contact with Gareth right after she spoke. 
His eyes swept over him, then to the rest of the group, freezing like a cat that had spotted its prey.
“Abort, abort!” Dustin sputtered, wheeling about on his heel. 
Erica, whose name Gareth had learned when she kicked him in the shin after he asked why an actual infant was running around with Steve and Robin, pointed towards the escalators before she beelined over to it, ducking into the center and riding it down like a slide. 
Something Eddied was downright delighted to copy. 
Gareth might have enjoyed it himself, had he not been looking over his shoulder to see not one, not two, but four security guards giving chase--and gaining. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuckikity fuck.” He heard Robin chant as she shot past, Steve planting himself at the top as he made sure everyone got down to the next level before sliding down himself. 
"Do not let them leave!" One of the guards yelled to the others, accent clear as a bell. 
"Holy shit that guy's actually Russian." Gareth found himself saying as he skidded across the floor and bolted after the others, Steve hot on his heels. 
He had kinda expected the Russian thing to be some sort of drug influenced inside joke and not an actual, honest-to-God Soviet. 
Which led to the question of why the fuck adult men in security uniforms had drugged random teenage retail workers.
Food workers.
Whatever the fuck one called a two people who scooped ice-cream in sailor costumes. 
"There's another group up ahead!" Eddie yelped, swerving sideways and nearly taking Erica out while doing it. 
Noise erupted ahead of them in the form of foreign shouting and loud, harshly barked commands to “Freeze!”  
‘Oh hell no.’ Gareth thought wildly, as he caught the form of the giant fricken gun the guard closest to him held. 
“Split up!” Dustin howled, and before anyone could comment about how bad an idea that was, Gareth found himself being yanked sideways. 
Steve swore loudly behind him as Robin, who’d crashed backwards, pulled him in the opposite direction and in a second their group broke in two. Gareth, Eddie and Dustin going one way, Steve, Robin and Erica another. 
"This isn’t happening." Gareth muttered, words made in a sort of pleading denial as he and Eddie turned the corner and immediately vaulted over the counter of an Orange Julius. “I smoked or drank or did something and this is a hallucination that is not. Actually. Happening.” 
Dustin at least, was smart enough to dive around the counter instead of over it, sliding towards them on his knees. 
Eddie quickly yanked him down to the floor in-between himself and Gareth once he was close enough to grab, one hand going over the hat to shove the kids head down. 
Annoying or not, he was at least several years younger than them, and Gareth could practically feel Eddie’s protective instinct kick in as he kept his hand on Dustin’s head. 
Together they tried to silence their breathing as the guards’ shouting continued on behind them. 
What was worse than their noises though, was when they unexpectedly and suddenly, went silent. 
Gareth’s breath felt far too loud as the stillness gained a suppressive weight, pressing down harshly against him and making it harder and harder to inhale. 
‘Panic attack.’ He realized, thoughts a touch detached. ‘You can’t afford to have a panic attack right now.’ 
Not when it had a high chance of getting them all killed. 
Slowly he moved his own free hand, placing it atop of Eddie’s, fingers gripping down in a way that was no doubt painful. 
Eddie glanced over to him and Gareth thanked every single time he’d smoked way too much weed, because his best friend immediately clocked what was wrong. 
Turned his hand over, so that Gareth could hold onto it atop Dustin’s hat. 
It didn’t help with the knowledge that his very much still drugged cousin and his equally drugged not-girlfriend were also hiding somewhere, or that there was significantly more Russians than there where terrified teenagers (and one--whatever age Erica was.)  
Flashlights cut shapes into the wall overheard, trailing along the Orange Julius menu. Quiet voices covered even quieter footsteps and Gareth had the sudden realization the probability of there being more than one guard carrying a huge gun, was very, very high. 
This part of the mall wasn’t that big. There were only so many places to hide, and as such, only so many places to look. 
Death comes for everyone eventually, but Gareth hadn’t exactly expected it to show up before he hit twenty.
Not that they could do anything but wait. Pray to God and the universe and any other higher power he could think of to intervene, head pressed hard against the wood behind him as the small noises drew nearer.
What he hadn’t expected was for said prayers to get answered in the form of a of a fucking car being thrown into the Russian’s like bowling balls. 
“Run!” Dustin shouted, and Gareth wasted absolutely no time in doing just that. 
The only goal on his mind was to find Steve, get out, and then have a very long discussion about what the hell this all was, in that exact order. 
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months ago
Could I request, what dating sparrow!ben hargreeves would be living a peaceful life possible after season 4 (let’s pretend like it never happened) preference or one shot (you decide)
Peaceful life- like the plans he said to Jennifer in the car, moving away, etcetera
P.s I loveeeeeee your tua and descendants writing keep up the amazing work 🫶🏻🫶🏻
aweee stop this is so cute 💔💔💔 ; also yes went for hc cause no way am I figuring out how to oneshot that shit ; also thank you 🫶🫶 I appreciate it lol ; also if there's supposed to be an anon emoji down there I can't see it 💀💀 it's just an [obj] box, prob cause I have an android and we don't have the same emojis as iphones n shit lmao ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy! ; ps idk why I couldn't find that scene so I just kinda made some shit up lmfao
SPARROW! BEN ; runaways
summary ; your perfect life after running away with Ben except it doesn't end the world
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; no jail time for Ben / no s4 at all ig, reader isn't a brellie but refers to them as siblings + as kind of like an add on to them like lila
word count ; 363
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you and ben, after falling in love during the s3 era, decided you should just run away together
he'd taken a fond liking of you considering you were both so oddly peaceful when it came to just the two of you
the wedding at the end of the world really solidified it
and then you made out!
but after resetting the timeline and losing your powers, there was nothing to really stick around for
considering you wiped out all the marigold and sloane had disappeared (considering she would've never been born or was erased somehow) and your siblings had all gone off to live their lives, it was time you did too
you only knew Ben for like two weeks before you actually fell for each other so learning about one another was really fun
you packed up your bags (or what remained of them) and headed to wherever the back roads could take you
in the car you learned about each other's music taste and your hobbies, and all the sights you wanted to see around the world
the road took you to south carolina
you stayed on the beach for a week and it was honestly really nice
thank god you were able to steal thousands from sparrow-reggies secret stash lol
there you discovered Ben's hatred for water...
but after a week or so you packed up again and headed west
you drove around the country for about three years just sightseeing and living the most you could considering the two of you never really saw anything outside of home
but after a while, you had to settle down somewhere and make a proper life for yourselves
you both craved to be normal people, to pay bills and taxes and hold down jobs, maybe even make a family, as fucked as it was
I mean, trillionaires son moves to the middle of nowhere to live like a normal person? kinda crazy
you built a house on some old farmland on the outskirts of a little town, surrounded by forest and acres of empty land
you call around the family every once in a while, wanting to know how they're doing and what they're up to
ben couldn't really care tho, he only rlly cares for you, the others weirded him out
you couldn't blame him tho since he barely knew them and they knew a different version of him
when you're on the phone, head tilted as both hands are occupied by biscuit mix that you were mixing up, he stands by you with a soft smile on his face, helping you morph them into balls and put them on the tray
think a 90s type of house, very brown, window seats, etc
you live such a sweet ass life man
you sit on the front porch swing and drink coffee while you watch the sunrise
and in winter you cuddle up by the fireplace and watch shitty hallmark movies
you even started a YouTube channel for shits and giggles where you watch awful movies on cable TV and commentate over them because it's funny
you have a calico cat named sorbet
you have a strawberry garden in the backyard that surrounds the porch
and you go out to eat every friday
so many hugs from behind from the other when one is cooking
sweet kisses on the temple as well
so cavity causing sweet
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atopvisenyashill · 7 months ago
What are your thoughts on GRRM’s new notablog post on HOTD S2?
omg i'm sorry so i did not get notified that i had a few new asks, i didn't even see this until i logged in on desktop. tumblr eat shit smh.
I actually agree with Xiran Jay Zhao, here, where they said this was a warning shot. It feels like a warning shot. Like a "hey I'm being nitpicky and pedantic now but if you think I won't go scroched earth you got another thing coming." I've seen so much "this is unprofessional" "this is annoying" "why is he complaining" and I think it is not only mind boggling to side with a corporation and the idiots running these shows (and we know I mostly like Condal and Hess, but come on Condal was the mastermind of Sansa Bolton why are we defending him right now!!), I think everyone is blowing his comments wildly out of proportion. He didn't take a dig at anyone but the writer's room and more specifically Ryan Condal, who he has had a working relationship with for well over a decade. He didn't shittalk any casting, he didn't shittalk any specific writers or directors except one of the main showrunners, he compliments the special effects, he has consistently had (and imo is careful) nothing but praise for the actors, even minor roles like Blood & Cheese. This was an incredibly milqtoast "please remember that every change has huge affects on the narrative later" critique and the people handwringing over his behavior are absolute losers, I'm sorry.
And beyond the fact that he didn't make any huge digs, I think this conversation also wildly ignores the way authors have no control over their own characters once they sign the rights over. They can be completely bamboozled by changes and they have no recourse to go "what the hell are you doing." And yet, signing your book's rights away (even if the production sits in developmental hell for decades) is usually what nets these author's the most money - GRRM surely makes a shitton off his books, but most authors get paid absolutely nothing even when they're wildly popular because of how book deals work now. Take, again, Xiran for example - Iron Widow was a huge runaway hit, a good and fresh take on this new boom of culturally based sff. And yet Xiran has talked about how they immediately set to work writing a middle grade novel because they desperately needed the money because they got paid 16k over two years for their runaway hit that made their publishers significantly more than 16k. I think George is not only mad for authors with less control than he has but also, obviously, for himself - I've said time and again, but I do think Dark Daenerys is where we are headed, and the fact that they completely botched showing it has got to smart. And if the ending for Dany is anything other than Jon killing her, that has got to smart too. So he watched these people fuck up his original series and push him completely out of that writer's room as they made more and more changes, and now he's watching s2 of HOTD and seeing some changes and getting some real bad vibes. It's not doomerism to think s3 is going to go massively off the rails when we have seasons 6-8 of the main show to show us just how off the rails it can go!
So anyways, that part of my rant over (and please believe me when I say I checked myself here because I could rant for hours about how it's genuinely so upsetting to see people call him unprofessional over this when not only did he write the fucking series, but he's lived in this series for three decades!!!!! this is his whole life, this is his legacy, of course he's feeling some type of way about how it's handled jesus christ on a cracker, there's people who have said worse about their mediocre nyt pushed bestsellers getting adapted badly!), when it comes to the actual meat of his post....I'm sorry idk how anyone is annoyed by this post because it was hilarious to me. He spent a whole blog post whinging about how Dead Baby #4 and Kingsguard Man #12 are gonna get cut out of the show. I think he framed it in that goofy way on purpose to hide how annoyed he is but you can see where the real annoyance lies - the changes to Helaena, losing one of his grisly death scenes, and being willfully mislead about potential changes to the plot. I think a lot of people missed those points but EYE am not a goofy ass like those people and I can guarantee you that Condal and HBO got the point too.
Of course, I do think he is also irked about Maelor and Ser Rickard's scenes being cut out. He wrote a long ass, highly meticulous, near unadaptable work, and I think when he handed the IP over he assumed he was giving it to people who would rise to the challenge and only make cuts when absolutely necessary. And that just clearly hasn't happened. Incredibly important characters get cut, main characters get their plots wildly changed for no reason, and people get personality transplants on a near constant basis for no other reason than D&D and Condal thought it would look cooler. I think if there was more dedication to keeping him in the loop and keeping true to the story, he wouldn't have bitched so much. But Hess is on record saying she doesn't feel loyal to the story and at a certain point, you reach your breaking point there and I think he has finally reached his. AND GOOD FOR HIM. LET THAT OLD MAN GO APESHIT THEY'VE COMPLETLEY FUCKED HIS WORLD UP!!!
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Absolutely insane how much emotional/physical pain Ten suffered in S3, there's everything to do with the loss of Rose which is a repeating theme throughout but also...
The Runaway Bride: Turn Left tells us he would have died at this point if not for Donna
Smith and Jones: plasmavore sucks his blood and he has to be resuscitated
The Shakespeare code: the Carrionite stops one of his hearts, luckily he has two!
Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks: the Doctor gets hurt with the lightning strike, tempts the Daleks to kill him
42: the sun possesses him, he's in such a great deal of pain he actually thinks he's going to regenerate
Human Nature/The Family of Blood: experiences great pain when using the Chameleon Arch as he changes his biology in a similar way as when he regenerates
I think it's probably the only series where he's seen to be in actual pain/hurt/very close to death for most of the episodes, I genuinely can't think of many from S1/S2 except maybe Dalek when Van Statten has captured him...it's a good thing he had Martha who was studying to be a doctor because 😲😲😲 and it's such a testament as to how affected he was by losing Rose that he really seemed to lose sense of himself, he became far more reckless to the point that Martha called him out on it in Evolution of the Daleks even though she hadn't known him for long then, and he genuinely did not seem to value his own life as much as before, he kept putting himself in incredibly dangerous situations that he wouldn't have survived had it not been for Martha and Donna
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silkieluv · 2 days ago
I always love agreeing when people say a certain character in a show is overrated.
Kai being overrated? Sure. Morro being overrated? Old news. But when people claim that a main character is overrated…..
A character can’t be overrated in their own show.
I don’t know how to break the news to some of you, but Lloyd is Ninjago’s main character. He isn’t overrated.
Despite him being the character to gain the most attention, works, edit, etc, he’s still not overrated.
A main character can’t be overrated when the show is about that, it only shows the main character is either super beautiful, well written, or both.
And yes, I know you’re thinking “That’s not true, Kai was the main character of S1, and Nya was of S14! S12 and S6 are obviously about Jay.” And you’ll only be right about your third argument.
And let me hit you with one argument to counter yours.
But have you noticed that no matter what, Lloyd as not the main focus, would still gain the most screen time? And his own arc for that screen time?
S7, is supposedly about Kai and Nya, and yet Lloyd has this whole ‘master-in-training’ arc.
S4, is supposedly about Kai, and yet whose powers are exclusively saved for last?
S10, I think it’s supposedly about Cole? Who dies? Whose father needs to be released from prison? Who is apparently the one of two people who can walk through the darkness as if Wu doesn’t exist? (Lmao maybe it’s a Lloyd season after all)
S3, is supposedly about love (Pixane/Cojaya), who is targeted by The Overlord and has to runaway with his papa?
AND in the few Jay season where he didn’t get that special of an arc, he was somehow the one to last longest without us knowing he will. LET ME EXPLAIN LMAO, we all knew when watching that Nya was gonna make it with Jay in S6 & S12, but in both of these, before Nya ‘disappears’, it’s Lloyd who dies/gets sucked into the sword
Also, just think about who we know most stuff about and who’s enemies & relatives have the most screen time. I’ll do you a solid and yes, you can not count Wu as Lloyd’s relative and only count close family, cause Lloyd is still moping the floor!!
I lost track so in conclusion: Lloyd’s the main character of Ninjago, main characters can’t be overrated when it’s their show, and I shouldn’t make points I might not believe in tomorrow when I wake up
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erikiara80 · 2 months ago
I talked about how September 8 could be a Fringe Easter Egg
September is the Observer from the future who saves Walter and Peter from a frozen lake, where Walter opened the portal to the parallel universe. When he tells Walter that "The boy is important, he must live," Walter thinks he's talking about Peter, but September is actually talking about his own son, Michael. Saving Walter and Peter makes him remember that he loves his son. The love for Michael is the key...
I'm sure there's a parallel here, one of the reasons the name Mike is so often mentioned in ST. Because he's involved in whatever happened in 1976. Maybe he's the one who saw what happened to Will. Wrong place, wrong time, like Hopper says in 1x03 (Interestingly, the memory of the day they met includes a playground. We see Sarah and Alice in a playgroung, and they both look terrified. And in S2, when Jon and Nancy are waiting for Barb's mother in a playground, to talk about Barb's death, they realize it's all staged and they're taken to the lab. Basically, playgrounds are associated with dead animals (people?), scared kids and abduction, so, I think something bad also happened in 1976)
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I noticed that the few bald people we see in ST are always in scenes connected to Hopper, Will, Eleven, and Mike.
It starts with Sarah, of course.
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In 2x07, a bald man tells El that she's dead, they're all dead. This, after she sees a cop and we hear these lyrics of Runaway
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Hopper was in a graveyard... And Mike also needs to get (a message) through. That's it's a trap (staged)
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Code name for Joyce, Hop and Murray in S3, Bald Eagle, and one of the soldiers asks Joyce and Hopper if Mikhail sent for them
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This parallel. The bald russian puts out his cigarette and then he looks at the gate
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And Sarah's photo is in the shot when the Mind Flayer (William) puts out his cigarette
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Also, after the scene of the gate in Russia, we see Mike, El and Hopper, and locks, time and closing doors are mentioned
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In S4, Dimitri says that his son Mikhail would call Hopper the bald American. And in another scene, Hopper says this about Mikhail and his papa: "Your son is not your son. And your wife..."
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At end of the season, Hopper says that he stole El's haircut, so she's "bald" too
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And I think we can also count Mr Baldo, the clown. We know Will was afraid of clowns when he was five, and clowns seem connected to (Lonnie) something bad that happened on a frozen lake (Argyle says that it could've been an ice skate, and then "bliping" the circus music) We also see clowns in Jane's room and on Sarah's pajamas and when Alexei is killed. Imo, all hints at the tragic event in 1976 that involves the kids, guns, and a frozen lake
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ectomoog · 4 months ago
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How to Get Your Friends into Doctor Who (2005)
Doctor Who is an incredibly popular show that no-one has seen, so I often eagerly recommend it to people, and sometimes I make the mistake of actually watching it *with* them. It's easy to forget how randomly terrible and/or cringy and/or uncomfortably Moffat-esque some of the episodes are, *especially* when you're watching it with someone who has no idea what to expect, SO I made a list of nine episodes to watch with a complete newcomer (NOT a "best episodes" list), based on exactly how keen they really are:
If they say "fine, just this once"
Blink (S3, E10)
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This is a classic, a no-brainer really. A tense, creepy, tightly-written piece of horror TV with twists and turns and solid drama, it's considered the best episode of Doctor Who for a reason, and it's very accessible for a one-off viewer.
Silence in the Library & Forest of the Dead (S4, E8-9)
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If you're looking for a two-parter, I think this one is super easy to put on. It's fantastic and it's got horror, action, sci-fi and mystery elements, and it all ties together very neatly.
The Runaway Bride (S3, E0)
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I like to include a Christmas episode for the rapidly approaching holiday season- this one is very funny and mostly very light, along with some good sci-fi monsters and some bonus exposition for the general show.
If they say "alright, prove I should watch it"
Midnight (S4, E10)
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If they like horror, this one is a heavy-hitter. A really tight script, with excellent drama and a really great concept. It's a great introduction to the Tenth Doctor with minimal lore. If this doesn't impress your person, I don't know what will.
Vincent and the Doctor (S5, E10)
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If they want something more heart-felt, this is the one. The monster of the week is a bit cheap but all the scenes with Van Gogh really utilise the opportunties that the classic historical figure story provides- plus that ending is undeniable. A good intro to Eleven, and a nice, contained story.
A Christmas Carol (S6, E0)
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This one is just a fun Christmas story, it has the funny floating fish and the time travel and all that. If they enjoy this, they'll love all Moffat's stuff lucky them.
If they say "I'm keen! Where do I start?"
Rose (S1, E1)
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I think Rose (and then the rest of Series 1) is the perfect episode of Doctor Who to properly start on. It's campy, it's fun and weird and it sets up basically everything you need to know for the Revival Era. You get the companion, the Doctor, regular Doctor Who tropes and themes, etc. Plus, if they can't get past the Mickey bin scene, this show probably isn't for them anyway.
The Eleventh Hour (S5, E1)
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I think the only other reasonble place to start is Series 5- it's the only other clean break in the show that doesn't suck (sorry, TWWFTE is just Not Good). It seemed to work for Jeje from Twitter, you get some unexplained things but generally it's easy to follow, and if they're Sherlock fans or something similar they'll love this era in particular.
The Church on Ruby Road (S1/14, E0)
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If they're desperate to be up to date, get them to start on Series 14/Season 1 first. I think so far it's a bad place to jump in IMO IMO, but just one season is far easier to manage than all 14, and the promise of a special and another season coming out within the next 6 months is an easy sell.
So there you go, there is my REVISED version of this list. if they don't like any of these episodes, kill me.
Also, yeah there's a lot of RTD era episodes in here and no Chibnall ones or Capaldi ones. That's not because I hate Chibnall or 12 RTD was just a better writer than back then SORRY.
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