#rottmnt movie aftermath
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imsoquarky · 2 years ago
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Mama O'Neil and Raph
I wasn't planning on posting again this week, and I might regret it next week butttt... I wanted to post anyways.
My 3rd piece of fanart for @happyfoxx-art's Aftermath AU Comic (using my Raph design but with the comic's injuries), I was so excited when the updates picked back up and am thrilled when I check Instagram and there's a new one. Raph needed the reassurance, they all do, and it's really heartwarming to see them get it.
I could talk about the comics & fanfics I'm reading for hours lmao ♠️ - ♣️ - ♥️ - ♦️
(Tempted to put links to my ROTTMNT designs in my Masterpost but idk if that'd be too weird... I also should probably make some kind of Masterpost on Instagram too)
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starrcrossrose · 1 year ago
UPDATE FOR THANKSGIVING! HUZZAH! I hope you guys enjoy it; happy holidays to those who celebrate. Love y'all <3
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artist-kreating-stuff · 2 years ago
Mikey’s Breakdown - “The Aftermath” Chapter 11: “Empty Shell”, AO3
I really wanted to make a comic about this scene because it’s a beautifully wholesome moment between big brother and little brother, and I love it!
If you haven’t read this story yet, I highly recommend that you do!
(I don’t have a consistent art style, I don’t know what you’re talking about…)
@starrcrossrose , I hope that I’ve done your story justice!
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reallifeorfantasy97 · 1 year ago
OMG I have just binged this entire comic and it has me SO STRESSED!!
If you haven't seen it before, DEFINITELY WORTH THE READ! <3
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Part Twenty-six
Original post date: September 17th, 2023
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happyfoxx-art · 1 year ago
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Aftermath Impact 19 | IM BACK!!! Thank you for your patience while I was on break. Let's finish this :)
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dysfunctional-doodle · 1 year ago
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For an anon who wanted to see some post-movie rottmnt Mikey designs!
After radio silence for a stupidly long time, I give you: bean.
-> Commissions | My Kofi/Tip Jar :)<-
Headcanons below the cut!
After the invasion, Mikey sustained permanent damage to his arms so they tremor all the time (worse under mystic strain). This means that Mikey does less fine art and more messy spray paint art instead as he can no longer do steady lines (hence his mask).
Started getting more spots! My chat fic (Too Many Turtles) takes place a year after the invasion for them and in that time he’s developed more spots on his face and arms.
The compression gloves were made by Donnie, and he usually has to wash them a lot due to paint stains. Otherwise he sticks stickers on them.
As mentioned in my chat fic, he suffers mystic overloads (no cure) in the form of seizures. Similar to seizures they can trigger more likely if he is under stress (physically or mentally) or if he over uses his mystic powers. Forcing himself to release all his power, rather than grow into it as you are supposed to, has caused irreversible damage as his body can’t cope with the strain and needs an outlet for when it builds up too much.
Anyway rambles over -
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reagi-df · 10 months ago
Things we do for the ones we love
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leysha-kun · 3 months ago
so. . .mini comic of Leon’s conditions :} (dw he’s fine)
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this is kinda my view of the aftermath of the movie, so. No Au related at all! (maybe just related to Leochi kids AU but idk)
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starsha-k-luna · 2 years ago
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After reading the latest pages from @happyfoxx-art ROTTMNT Aftermath Fan-Comic, I started drawing this sketch of Casey Jr with his Fluffy Hair🥰 He looks so Adorable,
I took inspiration from the Turtle’s & April’s Mystic Powers for the background, then I outlined Casey Jr with a Sliver Pen to help him stand out.
I hope you like it @happyfoxx-art
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hailstorm57 · 1 month ago
rottmnt Aftermath comic Donnie analysis rant
(long writing ahead)
(random connection) disclaimer included
so as any average person I went to watch the dub of the rottmnt aftermath movie comic and I want to talk about how beautiful written it is.
This post is not as beautiful written and is more rant like so my apologies
The page I'll be referring too <-(please check out the comic it's so good.)
So when I first read this I had no idea why Donnie seized. I thought it was just something that happened. That was till it happened to a buddy of mine.
Note I may be wrong please I'm not a doctor also I'm not completely caught up so I might be wrong but so far my thoughts are this.this is just a rant on the writing and my personal experiences
context of my prior knowledge and experience
So to add some perspective. I broke my hip and I'm nerodivergent. I don't process properly. I went straight to talking the trainer through exactly what I felt and explained exactly what I thought it was wrong and what to do to help and exactly what I needed I went into what will be referred to as fix it mode. I didn't even feel pain at first. I couldn't walk and I knew something was very wrong so I start digging for any medical knowledge I know, my brain not calming not letting me rest until I fix it. Now when I let my adrenaline die, my mind process and leave fix it mode, when I actually allowed my self to RELAX (key word is relax) I finally felt pain and started ugly crying realizing I was no longer able to wrestle. A buddy of mine was in a tournament and they process pain same as I, only their body relaxed more, and they seized where as I did not. Their issue was different than mine they had exhaustion and got half suffocated in their match. Their alright don't worry. They are also nerodivergent same as I.
This may not be just a nerodivergent thing and there is always different cases, but so far I only know of this shut down pain, to fix issues, before enter shock, happening to nurodivergent people. I'm not a doctor or any kind of medical professional so don't quote me on anything this is just my ideas and how I'm connecting the dots feel free to politely correct me or share your experiences with dealing With pain. Or tell me your ideas about my analysis I'm always happy to hear. Please don't take this seriously I'm not trying to offend anyone or hurt anyone with this it's simply just my thoughts.
the analysis rant :)
To the analysis. Donnie as far as I know I believe has autism or is autism coded. He has a similar reaction as me and my buddy. He in the beginning was calm, collected , ignoring the pain or maybe not even feeling it in the moment. He sure, is in pain but he himself is not his main focus,he's in fix it mode.
He only shows pain when he gets overwhelmed and snaps. He's overstimulated and needs to leave as Leo tells him to care for himself. He pulls himself out of the situation. And when he gets bathed is when he actually focused on himself and his body. He for sure lost his adrenaline and he went into shock as he calmed and everything eased. He might have not even thought about himself but his mind might have just let his body realize it was injured then finally take action since his adrenaline was no longer going to keep his body from taking initiative. He had nothing keeping him on edge and fighting so now everything has time to catch up to him...
(I think. I am not a doctor)
... he then had a seizure after leaving the tub half passed out (sign of adrenaline leaving him and just simply exsaution) his blood no longer pumping his blood pressure lowering, and the blood loss probably taking it's toll. Not to mention he's probably been having adrenaline and high blood pressure the whole time.
He quite literally was performing medical attention on his half dead brother. Just saw Leo get pummeled and thought he died in what can best be described as an almost suicidal attempt to save his family. Whether Leo's attempt was not purposely suicidal or not. Donnie just saw his brother give his life to save him.
His blood pressure had to be undoubtedly high during all this stress. And now he's calm and it's finally going down and probably dropped so fast and tremendously lower than it was for the past hour. That may be a leading reason for the seizure in the comic.
(I think... still not a doc and not well educated in the medical field my mom and grandma do nursing though so I know my fair share I guess)
... and he was bleeding out so it's a big possibility and his blood pressure could have dropped. In this situation there can be a number of reasons.
reasons for current issues and things that can cause him more issues: adrenaline died out, calming, dehydration or low blood sugar, stress finally caught up with him, body shutting down to process, shock, bleeding out, pain, there is a number of things or something simpler such as exhaustion could be an underlying issue as well. Now these are possible not all true or right but it's just me thinking out loud
Also we dunno when he last ate and drank. Using all the mystic powers must take a huge toll on his body and controlling the krang ship with his body can't be good for him either. It's safe to assume he was physically exhausted and finally let his fix it mode mind set cease to exist in the moment and his body finally shut down. Everything coming at him and he seized.
He is clearly not as ok as he seemed in the beginning pages and the second question is how he could hold himself together and to that I say fix it mode ....oh and a shit ton of adrenaline. He can't rest till he fixes the issue. And I'm positive this guy's was still processing everything to the point he has yet to process his own body.
Now I don't know if the author knew this while writing but I like to believe they did and if so that is damn good writing and beautiful attention to detail.
I didn't really understand or connect with the reaction till I got injured and later I saw it happen to a buddy. Experiences change your perspectives it's bonkers.
Please let me know your thoughts I'll restate it again !!!IM NO DOCTOR!!! so don't quote me or take this as medicine knowledge. Do your research first if your interested in learning about said topics don't go off it by some random Tumblr post. But please feel free to correct me in the comments or list some facts or even your own experiences and ideas on your own. Def should check out the comic I absolutely love how it's written.
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drawingoddessy · 1 year ago
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mariusroyale · 2 years ago
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when u wanna look at rottmnt content and the shit that comes up is:
a) the same idea you’ve seen like 20 times in a different font
b) stuff that pushes aside other characters to beat the shit out of leo
c) stuff that makes up shit, to again: beat the shit out of leo
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what book cover should i use for my post-rottmnt the movie fanfic?
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or two:
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starrcrossrose · 2 years ago
Collection of sneak peeks for Ch. 17 of The Aftermath! If you haven’t read 16 yet, I’d keep on scrolling!! 💖
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happyfoxx-art · 2 years ago
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Aftermath Impact 18 | high time for some sillies dontcha think x3 PREV | NEXT | FIRST
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dysfunctional-doodle · 1 year ago
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For the anon prompt: “Post movie Leo design? Like the one u use in ur chat fic?”
But here take this, the lines are terrible the colours are terrible but hey this is what he looks like in my mind and will use this design for Too Many Turtles so uh here.
When I get time I swear I’ll draw proper character sheets for EVERYONE in that fic but it ain’t winter break yet so we gotta keep working, so fun.
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