#rory x emily
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gilmoregirlsedits · 2 months ago
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Gilmore Girls (2000 - 2007) s03e18 - Happy Birthday, Baby
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usergilmore · 1 month ago
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gilmore girls: emily in wonderland rory gilmore + emily gilmore
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not-with-you-but-of-you · 7 months ago
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GILMORE GIRLS | 1.06 x 6.19
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 11 months ago
History Repeats Itself
note: first jess one-shot!!! (and i'm actually proud of it???) also i say their baby is one but i don't know babies to well so if she's too advanced for a one year old, just cut me some slack
warnings: teen pregnancy, food/eating
word count: 4.7 k
♡ summary: Being a teen mom is hard but without any help it's even harder, after saving up enough she can finally move to Stars Hollow to be closer to her baby's father
♡ Jess Mariano x reader
request ✓
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The bus ride down was long, and it only got worse as 1-year-old Caroline woke up from her nap and decided to let everyone know of the inconvenience. Finally after the long months of working and saving up she had enough to move to Stars Hollow, unlike Jess who had a parent to send them and an uncle to stay with, she saved up and made it happen. She wanted Caroline to be around her father, and she wanted to be close to Jess.
And Y/n’s always loved the idea of a small town, a place where you felt safe, a place she would feel safe raising her child in, a place that wasn’t $2,500 a month for a closet. Here she could give her daughter a lot more, here she would have a support system in Jess and Luke. Unlike what her parents would give her.
By this point in the bus route it was only the mother and daughter and a couple strays, she saw the messy haired boy sitting on a park bench close to the bus stop, of course he had his nose in a book. She started packing up Caroline’s stuff, tucking her blanket and toys in the basket of the stroller.
When she got to the bus doors, Jess quickly made his way to help her lift the stroller down the steps, when the stroller was once again on the ground Jess squats down getting face to face with his little girl, “Hey, Care!” “Daddy!” He lifted her up by her armpits. When the little girl was out of her seat and in her dad’s arms, her mom stacked their bags on the seat.
“Hi! You’re so big! Really she is. She’s growing up so fast.” “Well she can walk way more stable now. No more scaring, mommy that you’ll fall if I look away for a second.” She says the last sentence in baby voice while she tickles the girl’s belly to make her giggle and their foreheads to rest on each other’s.  
“So you gonna show us around?!” “‘Around’?” They continued their walk around the gazebo area, walking towards Luke’s. 
“This is it, that's the record shop, that’s the bookstore, that's Luke’s, and that’s all you need to know.” “Well where’s the bank, I might need to rob it later.” “You’ll find a job. And if you don’t then work at Luke’s, he could do with the time off then maybe he’d get off everyone’s backs.” “He’s probably stressed with you always causing trouble.” “Me? Trouble? Nooo, I’m a peach.”
Jess had the baby today since Y/n was off to find a job, her first stop was the most promising. Luke let her know that a friend of his needed extra staff at their Inn for an event that was coming up, someone who could be an assistant of sorts. So after wearing her most capable looking top, and best fitting jeans. She kissed Caroline’s check and yelled goodbye to Luke and Jess as she began her walk.
When she walked inside she saw a man at the front desk on the phone. Waiting to ask for directions, she hung around the man’s desk, busying herself with some pamphlet. She couldn't help but listen to the man’s angry English in his french accent.
Suddenly he hung up the phone and got back to writing whatever he was writing, without looking up and with an annoyed tone said, “Yes?” “I was looking for Lorelei, I’m here for-” “The assistant job, yes.. Follow me.” He walked quickly to wherever it was they were going, mumbling along the way, “Of course, an assistant. Just what we need around here. Not like I don’t already do most of the work around here.”
He opened the door for them, it ended up being the kitchen they were now in. A tall woman holding a to-go coffee cup that said ‘Luke’s’ on it and a shorter woman in an apron fighting with a scruffy man about vegetables, which look to be parsnips. 
“The mini-you is here.” “One little comment, Micheal. I’m not saying you’re incapable. I just want more help with organising events so I focus on planning!” “Whatever.” Turning on his heels, Micheal walked out the doors making his way back to his desk. 
“So you’ve met Micheal! Sorry, we usually don’t let him around the new people but we're a little short-staffed. Let’s head to the dining room.”
They sat down at a table in the dining room, Lorelei asked all the important questions, and Y/n was perfect, now she was just asking the things she’ll tell Sookie later when the woman asks about the new hire.
Taking a sip of her sixth coffee this morning Lorelei asked, “So, are you new to town? I haven’t seen you around before.” The girl was stirring milk into her second coffee as she responded, “Yeah, I am. I just moved here with my um- my daughter, closer to her dad so…” 
Since it was of course the time most adults got horrified, thought she was a bad kid, and though she didn’t get that vibe from Lorelei, it was at least bound to shock her. “You’re daughter? How old are you? Wait- I know, it’s on your resume. I mean- I’m, deja vu y’know? Abba did say ‘the history books on the shelf are always repeating themselves’.” 
She must have seen the confused look on the young girl and explained, “I had my daughter when I was sixteen.. And came here to get a job, so just getting major deja vu. Well then, since I know what you’re going through, I won’t put you through the short mental torture of waiting for a call I was gonna do and just tell you you got the job.” “Oh, thank you! I really need this, I can’t thank you enough.” “Just change her name to Lorelei and we’ll call it even.” “deal.” Those two would get along great, much to Luke’s misfortune.
Y/n sat at the counter with Caroline in front of her sitting on the counter while she played with her mother’s hair. Jess was filling up cups of coffee and serving customers while he listened to Y/n’s words.
“So until you go back to school, you’ll have Caroline during the day here and when I’m done work I’ll take her.” “No, you’ll never have a break. After work you go to your house, relax then grab her after dinner.” 
Jess may have this ‘I only care about myself’ attitude but that never included Caroline and Y/n, he’d kill for either of them at any given moment. He always put them first. If thought Y/n needed a break, she was getting a break whether she wanted it or not. 
Just as the girl was going to thank him she was interrupted by another girl around their age coming to sit down at the counter, two over from her. 
“I have the book you lent me.” She said, unknowingly interrupting the conversation since Jess was facing the coffee machine to make a new batch when she sat down. “Oh, thanks.” He muttered, notably not turning to face her.
On the inside Jess felt guilty. Why did he feel guilty? He didn’t do anything, he and Y/n weren’t together, nevermind the fact that all he did was lend Rory a book. As friends. Because they’re friends. But nonetheless it almost felt like cheating. Jess and Y/n may not be together officially but that didn’t mean that they both didn’t love each other. And not just because they were the parents to a beautiful little girl. Jess had always wanted more, he’d let the girl know that more than a handful of times, and she let him know it wasn’t unrequited, yet something always came between them.
You’d think having a baby together would bring them closer, and in some ways it did; they trusted each other more. But they also fought more and being the dumb teenagers they were, they didn’t have the emotional ability to move past that and build the relationship they both wanted. And then when they felt they were ready to, Jess was sent to live with his uncle. Just another fork in the road. But now they were living in the same town and had a good system, and people to support them. It was the perfect time, everything was going right, they could feel all the feelings that never really left resurfacing.
“Okay, I have to get to work. You’ve got her?” “Yeah.” “Bye, baby, I love you. I’ll see you in a little bit, but you get to spend all day with daddy.” “Bye-bye, mommy!” 
She said bye to Jess after she walked around the counter and handed him Caroline, muttering a small ‘go see, daddy’ that Rory most definitely heard.
When the door finally chimed shut Rory shot up to follow Jess to the table he was now setting Caroline up at. She watched his gentle movements as he readjusts her shirt and places crayons and paper in front of her, which she got right into scriballing away. 
“She’s yours?” “Yeah.” “.. So that girl is your girlfri-" "I’ve got work to do.” 
The warm atmosphere of the dinner is a stark contrast to the cold winter air. Noticing Jess and Caroline are nowhere to be seen she assumes they were upstairs and makes her way up the stairs. Half-way up the flight of stairs she could hear her little girl’s loud giggles. She quietly opens the door to see Jess holding Caroline above his head, as if she was flying.
When she first got pregnant everyone told her Jess wouldn’t be a good dad, that she can’t rely on him for anything. God were they wrong. She doesn’t think it’s possible for her baby to have a better person as a dad. She sadly doesn’t get to watch the scene for much longer as she’s spotted by little Caroline.
“Mommy! I see daddy ‘morrow?” “Yes, you get to be with daddy all day tomorrow too.” “Yay!”
As the conversation between them goes on, Jess lets his little girl plant her feet back on the ground and starts collecting some things she’ll need during the night before she comes back here tomorrow, he then starts getting Caroline’s shoes on her feet. While Y/n sits on the couch next to their little girl.
“So who was that girl this morning?” “Who?” 
Jess always did this, it was a tell tale sign that he didn’t want to talk about it, but that’s never stopped Y/n before. “You know who.” Of course having to be difficult, Jess gives her a fake confused look, as if he’s never met another girl in his life. 
“The one returning your book.” “Oh, that girl.” “Yeah, that girl.” “She’s nobody.” “So you just lend books to ‘nobody’s now?” “Care, where’s Mr.Wiggle?” The girl lets out a gasp and reaches out for Jess to help her off the couch, when he does she runs into the closet where she previously hid while playing hide and seek a couple hours earlier. 
“What? Don’t want Care to hear about her new step-mom?” “Don’t call her that.” “What? Care? Only you can call her that?” “No, don’t call Rory Care’s ‘step-mom’.” “Rory! I get her name!” 
Jess was a quiet guy, but not this quiet, especially not with Y/n. He didn’t want to talk about Rory, maybe because it was weird talking about another girl with your baby momma. And yes it was weird for Y/n too, but for a completely different reason, she assumes. She liked Jess, and has since before she even knew about Caroline.
“C’mon, Jess, it’s me. I want you to be happy.” Sure Rory made him happy, but only because she was the only friend he had here, it wasn’t the way Y/n made him happy. Before he could deny for words again Caroline came back running into the room with her stuffie in her hands. Having already said her goodbyes, she opened the door and walked out.
“Caroline, wait hun! I think you should go for it Jess.”
She walked out the door, closing it behind her, leaving Jess to stare at where she disappeared. He decided to take her advice, just maybe not the way she meant it
Y/n helped Caroline pack more snow onto their snowman. Caroline wanted to do it after she heard Luke complaining about town events again, he stopped complaining when he saw how excited the girl was. They had Mr.Wiggles off the side learning against the tree, using him as a reference. 
“Mommy, no. Mr.Wiggles has more hair.” 
Caroline was getting very comfortable ordering her mother around, but in this instance Y/n let it slide, poking more sticks on the top of the snowman’s head to mimic Mr.Wiggle’s spiky hair. 
“That’s good!”
Lorelei and Rory were just one snowman down, both told Caroline they thought she would win and encouraged her before she even started. Since they were so close, they could hear the scene that had just played out. 
“Tough age, wait till you get to the terrible twos. ‘No’ is all you’ll hear.” Lorelei said, kindly as her and her own daughter walked past them. Y/n let out a laugh at the comment before she asks, “You guys done already?” “No, but after Michelangelo over there busted out the power buffer, and when Caroline busts out her cuteness, what chance do we have?” “I see your point.” “So off to Luke’s we go.” “We’ll see you there in a bit.”
Y/n was standing talking to one of the decorators when she saw Lorelei and Sookie step out of the kitchen, quickly finishing her directions she wrote down a note on her clipboard then made her way to meet them at the entrance of the dining room.
When Sookie sees her, she asks, “What’re we looking at today?” Sookie was really fun to work with, like Lorelei she was very chill as a boss, but Sookie was also so kind and always took it upon herself to make sure Y/n has eaten and that her and Caroline are taken care of. She could tell the woman was going to make an amazing mother.
“This is last on the list.” She replied, after she took a quick glance at her clipboard, then continued, “We’ve got trumpets, the madrigal singers-” “Sorry to interrupt, but I’m not playing squire of Bracebridge.” 
Sookie and Lorelei must have finally told Jackson to play the squire, they told her earlier in the week that they were playing to ask at the last moments so he had to. It was a flawless plan, especially when Jackson can’t say no to Sookie.
She saw that Lorelei and Sookie were just ignoring him, so she played along and continued down her list, “All the servers are lined up. This is just for the recorder players and harpists.” She stopped at the recorder players and let Lorelei talk to them, “Hi. Lay some on us, guys.” 
The two recorder players played the soft tube they were going to come accustomed to in the next few days. The three of them shared positive looks and when their playing came to an end, Sookie said, “Hey, you cats really know how to blow those things.” Lorelei continued Sookie’s comment by saying, “You’ve got the gig. Y/n here will call you later with the details. Thanks.” 
Recorder players started packing their things, Jackson started again on the fact that he wouldn’t play the squire, and the three women continued to ignore him.
“When do the quests arrive?” “Thursday at four on their own jet.” “After buying out the whole inn.”
“Must be nice to have money.” Y/n added, checking off and writing down more notes on her clipboard.
“You know what struck me today?” “-Was it the fact that I am not the squire?-""We’re crazy for doing this.” “We’re beyond crazy.” It did feel crazy, Lorelei told her they’d never done a function this big before and that’s the reason they hired more help. Like her, but also that they were planning to do a lot more big things like this, more weddings, and such. 
“We’re ‘Anne Heche speaking her secret language to god and looking for the spaceship in Fresno’ kinda crazy.” “Oquinis no-goodo noto.” Sookie said, causing Y/n add, “Il ecnatra dos guidan.”
Their nonsense was once again interrupted by Jackson, “And spring this on me at the last minute too. I mean, that’s just manipulative.” Suddenly a cook pops his head out of the kitchen, saying calmly, “Sookie- fire!”
Sookie rolled her eyes softly, this happened far too often, before saying, “I gotta get back in the kitchen. You guys handle the harps?” Both women nodded and replied in unison, “You got it.” 
“Alright. I’ll do it. I’ll play squire Bracebridge if that’s what you want.” Everyone knew he would cave eventually. Sookie patted his arm and said a quick, “Thanks, sweetie.” before walking back into the kitchen to hopefully deal with the fire. “As long as it’s not just because I fit the costume.” Jackson looked back at Lorelei and Y/n, Lorelei had a grin on her face while Y/n wore a tight-lipped smile. “It’s because I fit the costume, isn’t it?” He followed after Sookie.
Lorelei put her arm around Y/n and led them to the harpist, “Go ahead.” The harpist played the same tune as the two recorder players. But just as the woman started, Lorelei got a call. She patted Y/n’s arm, “I have to take this, you handle the harpist.”
The girl tried to stay calm, nodding her head and going back to listening to the music. Lorelei trusted her, yes it wasn’t a big job by any means, but still it was a step into a bigger role down the line.
The next day, Sookie and Y/n had all the waiters/performers in the dining room going over what their job was. And teaching them the old English words to use for things.
Sookie was just telling Rune that he couldn’t just talk like an old man whe Lorelei came in with a disappointed look on her face, and let them know the dinner was off.
The three women, as well as Rory and Caroline were now sitting at a table at Luke’s, Caroline was happily eating her pancakes, plain just as she liked and completely unaware of the collective disappointment of the group.
Lorelei has really welcomed Y/n into her life. She may not be Jess’s biggest fan, but she would always help another teen mom out. Especially since she sees so much of herself in Y/n. She’s grown to really love the girl in the short time they’ve known each other. And aftering hearing Y/n didn’t have her family in her life she was more than happy to help and maybe become that family for her one day. Just like Mia did for her.
“I’ve got 30 pounds of aged beef, trays and trays of trout, mountains of prune tarts. I diced pumpkins until my hands turned orange. I’ve got pumpkin hands!” Sookie showed the table her hands, it apparently caught Caroline’s attention since she grabbed Sookie’s right hand and held it in her left while she continued eating. Sookie lets her hand rest in the little girl’s while she freaks out more and asks Lorelei, “How can you stay so calm?” “There’s nothing we can do about it.” 
Rory was just as upset, mostly because she knew how hard her mother worked on the planning, “I can’t believe they got snowed in.” Y/n hasn’t told Jess, but she’s become pretty close to Rory, the girl sometimes comes to the Inn and helps around and Rory’s become kinda her only friend, that was until Rory invited her to the record store with Lane. After that day she had two friends. 
After knowing Rory more, she realised how much she and Jess have in common, and even though Rory has a boyfriend she can tell there’s an attraction to Jess she’s trying so hard to hide. 
Y/n zoned out for a moment, looking outside, she was upset that the first event she helped organise wouldn’t even happen. She was broken from her stare out the window from Caroline jumping in place while sitting on her mom’s lap, the cause of which was Luke coming to the table. 
“You girls want anything besides coffee?” He asked, adding on with a pat on the girl’s head, “Or pancakes?” “Hey, what about Luke?” “What about him?” “He eats, and Jess eats. Doesn’t Jess eat?” Sookie directs the question at Y/n, before the girl could say anything Luke cuts her off, “What’s she doing?” “I think she’s inviting you for dinner.”
Getting distracted while trying to convince Luke to come to dinner, the four decide to still put on the dinner for the town. Like an out of control slumber-party.
The dinner was going great, the secret amazing part of inviting the town was that Y/n and Caroline could actually meet everyone. Miss. Patty and Babette loved Y/n and Caroline (mostly Caroline), Caroline loved Kirk, and everyone loved that Caroline could do whatever she wanted and Talor wouldn’t say anything. And Y/n got to meet Paris after all the stories she’s heard.
Caroline and Y/n were in line for the horse drawn carriage rides, when Caroline saw her favourite person, Lane. “Laney! I ride with you!” Lane, before agreeing, made eye contact with Y/n to make sure it was okay. Y/n gave them the go ahead and helped Caroline get settled. After their carriage left she made her way to the next one. Telling the driver it’s just her.
It was nice to get a break from everything. It was quiet and peaceful. Well that was until Jess ran up and hopped on the carriage next to her. Without a word he put the blanket that was over the girl’s legs on his too. 
“I thought you and Care were going together.” “She’s one ahead, with Lane.” “Ahhh. Well it’s two to a sleigh no more, no less. So you were breaking the rules, you're welcome for saving you.” “You could have hurt yourself.” “Aw, you care about me.” “You are my baby's father.” 
She wished she just agreed with him. She didn’t just care for him because he was Caroline’s dad, and she doesn’t think she says it enough. But then again, maybe it would mess things up if she admitted that. But that decision was made for her.
“I’m touched.” “Jess. I don’t mean it like that. I care about you, Caroline or not.” 
Trying to change the topic to something she thought was more lighthearted, she says, “So, how are things with Rory?” “There are no things with Rory.” “C’mon, Jess, we can talk about this stuff-” “Why are you so insistent that I date Rory?” 
She wasn’t expecting that outburst. Not from Jess. He rarely ever yelled at her, and when he did it was always misplaced anger, never actually angry at her. This time it was her, it was what she said.
“I just want you to be happy-” “C’mon, Y/n. Be serious.” “I am. I want-” “If you want me to be happy so bad, why won’t you give me a chance?!” 
He turned his face to her, looking right into her eyes, she could see the hurt in his. Did she put it there?
“What’re you-” “Since we found out about Caroline, I’ve tried and tried to help you realise that I love you. And not how you mean ‘I love you’. I don’t love and care for you because we have a family and I have to. I love you, because I want to. I want to be with you. And I know it will be hard, but I’ll do the work.” 
If she had more social awareness at the pent she would have hated that the coachman heard all of that. But after what Jess said, the look in his eyes; that was so full of love. She felt like it was just them two in the world. No, that it was just their little family in the whole world. He and Caroline were all she would ever need.
“I love you too, Jess. I have for so long, long before Caroline, but I thought you wouldn’t want to be tied down to me, especially after I had Caroline, that any sign I thought you gave me was all in my head.” “It’s not.” 
He brought her in closer to him, an arm around her shoulders and when her arms wrapped around his waist he left a kiss on the crown of her head. The small kiss brought her eyes up to him, which led to their first real kiss in one year and nine months. 
His lips were softer than she remembered, but they still fit into hers as if they never left.
She broke away from their reuniting kiss to place her head in the crook of his neck, wanting nothing more than to be close to him.
“My mom didn’t want me to come home.” She took her head out of his neck to look at him fully. They were always that person for each other, the one you can tell your problem to and they knew when to help and when listening was enough. Right now, she knew listening was enough.
“I’m sorry, Jess.” “It’s fine. Just sucks.” “I know. Well, Care and I will always want you to come home.” After her words, he brought her closer than before. She was always just what he needed. 
Wanting to change the subject, Jess nodded his head to the snowman Y/n and Caroline built. “It’s good.” “What?” “Your snowman, well Caroline’s snowman I'm sure she’d want me to say.” “You know which one’s ours?” “Definitely shows her personality… It kinda looks like Mr.Wiggles.” “That’s what we were going for. But everyone thinks the one on the end is going to win.” “Really? It’s so overdone.” “I agree.” “You and Care’s should win.” “Agree again.”
The dinner was filled with Jess and Luke confused at what exactly was in the food, Jess and Y/n trying their best to keep Caroline sat which about half an hour in they gave up and just let her walk around the lobby, as well as saying hello and talking to everyone at the table. Having an interesting conversation with Mrs.Kim about grace, ‘helping’ Kirk by sitting on his rolling food cart, and even talking with Paris for a while. 
Overall it was a great night. Even better when Jess, Y/n, and Caroline got to their shared room, putting Caroline asleep together for the first time in a while. And falling to sleep in the same bed together, holding each other, listening to each other’s breaths, as well as Caroline’s. Everything was just how they both always secretly wanted. And now get to have openly and freely. 
In the morning Y/n got up early since she was technically working, and she still was when Luke, Jess, and Caroline left to open the diner for the day. It was around noon when Y/n finally left, walking to Luke’s to spend the day with her two favourite people. Which was when she saw Michelangelo’s snowman fallen to a large pile of snow on the ground.
She didn’t even have to think for a second to know that Jess did it. Sometimes he did the weirdest things to show his love.
The bell rang as she pushed open the door, she sat down next to Caroline, saying ‘good morning’ and getting one back before she made her way to the counter.
“I saw what you did.” “What’d I do?” “Caroline will be happy she won.” “Anything if my girl’s win.”
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chloelovesu · 9 months ago
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clarkgriffon · 2 months ago
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GILMORE GIRLS ➤ Timestamp Roulette 4x22 | Raincoats & Recipes
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jakeperalta · 3 months ago
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2024 apple replay: @thelightreflects asked gilmore girls + #17 ↳ sorry mom by kelsea ballerini
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gigireece16 · 6 months ago
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my parents
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madeleineengland · 3 months ago
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Gilmore Girls and the Santa's sleigh 🎄
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doverstar · 4 months ago
I'd love to defend Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life for a minute (I don't usually make long posts and may delete this later for that reason) because I feel like writing something inconsequential.
Other people get lots of comfort watching the original show (especially in the fall). I feel cozier watching AYITL. The characters are much older; the dizzy, flighty, still-growing-up feelings for Lorelai and Rory have faded, and it's full of moments that make it clear that certain things in their lives are definitely always going to be there. Constants. Luke, Stars Hollow, family, Kirk, Taylor, the changing of the seasons. Now - for my defense. (I'm rambling.)
Okay, many, many people don't like the revival. I understand. It's different in a lot of ways from the original show, and lots of expectations were not met. When I first saw it, it threw me too. But I didn't dislike it. In fact, the more I rewatched it, the more I thought it was almost better than the first show. The leading ladies are not flashy young stars anymore - Rory is Lorelai's age when the OG show first began, and Lorelai is gracefully and fabulously careening toward grandma times with all her wit and charm, all her most comfy habits, and it makes me want to hang out with her more than Season 1 of the show ever did. And I think the fact that ASP came back to write for these characters again and end it on her terms, at last, was an absolute win, and I love how she did it because it fixed so many things I thought were wrong in the show.
Lorelai is self-centered, terrified of commitment, and has no idea how to put others before herself and not run away during the hard times - unless something involves Rory.
Rory is self-centered, thinks she is special, and has no idea how to deal with not getting what she wants. The consequences of her actions almost never directly affect her, and when they do, said consequences are quickly stamped on and snuffed out by her mother/friends/family.
Emily is self-centered, desperate to be in control, and finds her worth in what other people think, in how things look, and that includes what Richard thinks.
In the show, Lorelai has moments where she learns to stay and learns to put other people who are not Rory before herself. Those moments don't last. She definitely has good intentions, but they're all conditional. She only has good intentions up to a point - and that point is usually when someone or something threatens her happiness and feeling of safety, or Rory's happiness and feelings of safety (understandable; that's her child).
In the show, Rory is told she is the sweetest kid in the whole world. Rory is told she'd never do anything to hurt anybody. Rory is told she's special, she's smarter than her peers, she's not like other girls. Rory 100% believes that. She also probably has a bit of a problem with living up to that image - she wants to be all of those things, and thinks she is, and can't handle it when it seems like people think she's not. (That may or may not have something to do with Christopher, who always had somewhere more important to be, or with Lorelai, who was so cool and strong and sure of Rory.)
And the show has moments, too, where Lorelai has to face the music and see that she's screwed up or is hurting someone with her behavior (Max, Chris, Luke, Jason, Emily, Richard, Sookie), but very very often, Lorelai breezes her way through that music and keeps moving, and flits to the next thing or person that will make her happy, because she does not know how to stay and stand and fix what she's broken. Because it only matters if she is happy and if Rory is happy. (The same thing goes for Rory in the show - consequences come, but Rory rarely has to properly deal with them herself. She is coddled and propped up the whole way.)
Now, to my point!
I watched AYITL and noticed something was different right away. Lorelai is with Luke (she should be), who is the opposite of her - constant, loyal, selfless, determined to stay no matter how hard things get. But they're not married. Lorelai is scared to really commit, and marriage is one of the hardest things you can commit to - ever. And Lorelai is not happy. Rory, for her part, is not perfectly settled as a reporter or a journalist or any of the things she was always told she could be. And she's not happy. And Emily, bless her, has lost her husband and her false sense of control is spinning away, and of course, she is not happy.
And A Year In The Life takes the show's clumsy half-arc of these three Gilmore women and perfectly completes it.
Lorelai's fear of commitment and habit of bolting when things get hard drives her to push every new chef out of the Dragonfly, refuse to expand the inn to better accommodate Michel's needs, shun Rory's tell-all of her past mistakes, shame Richard at his funeral and break Emily's heart, and worst of all, nearly wreck the closest thing to a proper relationship she's ever had: the one she has with Luke. She can't face that she misses her father, loved her father, and that maybe her mother is right about her relationship status. She can't face that people might read Rory's writing and see all her flaws and all her mistakes growing up in printed ink, and she can't run from that. And when Rory insists, Lorelai cuts ties. Lorelai has spent years avoiding marriage with Luke. She has spent years hurting her mother in an effort to defend herself at all costs. And she has spent years ensuring the Dragonfly Inn is exactly what she wants it to be; because changing it would be uncomfortable, and as a result, she won't commit to a new chef, she won't expand, and she's about to lose Michel the way she lost Sookie.
Rory's bubble of self-centeredness and assurance that she's special is popped with the needle of reality at last: she is not special. She's a young woman who has to actually work hard to find a job and make some money, like everyone her age. She is talented and she is smart, but she's not God's gift to journalism, and people keep saying no, and people keep asking her to prove her skills and her merit, and she doesn't know how to deal with that because everyone has always told her she can do anything she wants and she's the best. She wants a distinguished career and can't find anyone who will take her on; she tries to write for a raging batty feminist (hello Alex Kingston I love your work) and that goes sideways; she wants Logan Huntzberger but she turned down his proposal and now he's engaged and it has to be a secret; she wants somewhere to live - just not Stars Hollow because she's better than the thirty-somethings stuck back home. She wants Lorelai to approve of her book and insists her mother give her this, as if Lorelai hasn't always given her whatever she could. And when Lorelai says no, Rory does what she wants anyway and almost fractures their relationship over it.
Emily's control is completely gone - she can't control her emotions, she can't control her tongue, she can't control her maid or her maid's handy family, she can't even control a stupid painting of her late husband. She's on a downward spiral and her anchor is dead. She tries to regain a sense of worth, because surely that will bring happiness back. She tries to gain it from how many possessions she has, that doesn't work. She tries to gain it from Jack, who is not well-suited to her but he makes a matching accessory to the life other people will see. That doesn’t work. She tries to gain it from therapy with Lorelai, control her daughter at last, that doesn't work. She tries to control Richard's headstone, that doesn't work. She even tries to find solace with her beloved D.A.R, and she finds that emptiest of all.
A Year In The Life has these women finally face their flaws head-on and grow. The way characters should.
Rory: Rory is confronted with the fact that she is not special and has to move home like everyone else her age and get a job she does not want, because that's life, and that's what everyone else has to do in the real world. And when she's at her lowest, pouting, she gets advice from someone who has faced his own flaws long ago and has grown and who knows her at her best, and encourages her to get up and work hard (Jess Mariano, ladies and gentlemen). And she does. Rory hits bottom and takes Jess's advice and works at understanding her mother, who is not perfect, and even goes to interview her father, who is also not perfect. She fights with Lorelai over the book and insists on her own way, and when Lorelai refuses, Rory can only blame herself. She has a rabble-rousing night with her LaDB boys and winds up sleeping with Logan in one more bubble of fantasy, one more umbrella-jump of escapism, like the old days, because Logan is her weakness. And when she wakes up the next morning, Rory turns and walks away from Logan and the affair and her insistence on having what she wants regardless of who she hurts (hello, Dean Forrester and her affinity for taking spoken-for men) for the final time. And the consequences of her desires? She’s pregnant. (Come on, we all know the baby is Logan’s; Rory’s life rhymes with Lorelai’s.) She goes to Christopher to interview him for the book and is subtly asking her father why he wasn’t in her life, because she needs to know what to do with her baby and her lover. She didn’t go to Lorelai to figure that out. She went to her dad, because the truth is, Rory didn’t have her father, and part of dealing with the consequences of her actions is to work out how to take care of this baby and whether or not that means involving the father. She’s owning up. She goes to Lorelai and offers to give up this book; she doesn’t make excuses or whine, she wrote the book anyway because she believes in it, but when she’s gotten three chapters in, she respectfully goes to her mother and asks her to read it and then, for the sake of Lorelai, not herself, Rory promises to quit and throw the book out if Lorelai does not approve. Because Lorelai is more important to her than herself. Rory has worked hard and made mistakes and gotten pregnant and she has stared the world in the eyes and seen she’s not special. And she has to deal with that. And she does, finally, deal with it. And she’s happy.
Emily: Emily is confronted with the fact that nothing is inside her control—except what she does. Worth does not come from what she owns or who she’s with or what she’s wearing, and it didn’t come from her marriage, either. That wasn’t why she married Richard anyway. She is miserable and alone, and part of that is her fault. She married Richard because she loved him, and she keeps coming back to Lorelai because she loves her, and she opens up her house to Rory when Rory needs a place to write because she loves her. Emily looks around at what she has and recognizes what has worth and what doesn’t, maybe for the first time, with clear vision. She recognizes that she can’t control everything. At first, that fact keeps her down. She forgets what day it is, the curtains are closed, and she doesn’t get up in the morning. No Richard, no Lorelai, no reason to move. And then Lorelai calls her, and tells her about who Richard was and what Richard did and how it mattered, and that inspires Emily. She can get up. She buys a place on Cape Cod, totally opposite of the sort of life everyone admires and expects to have worth, and she does what she’s really always been best at—she loves. She takes care. She took care of Richard, she took care of Lorelai and Rory when they needed it, and she takes care of Berta and her wonderful family, instead of having a maid take care of her needs. She packs up and moves out, she sends Jack away, she reveals the D.A.R. for what it is and quits them forever, and she takes a job at a whaling museum because she just likes it. It’s nothing fancy, and neither is her oceanic house or the music she plays in it or the clothing she wears, because none of that is worth anything anyway. Her family is. Her friends are. She gets the painting of Richard done right and brings it with her, and she gives up attempting control of everything and only takes control of how she behaves. She gives Lorelai what Lorelai needs for the Dragonfly, and her only stipulation is that she gets to spend more time with her daughter and Luke. She loves, she takes care of others, she helps. And she’s happy. And now, the best for last. The star.
Lorelai: Lorelai sits in that stupid Stars Hollow Musical and hears a song that perfectly describes her problem—it’s never or now. Make a commitment. Do something hard. Make your life about something other than your momentary present happiness and comfort, the way you do with just Rory, sometimes, but make it a permanent change. Make change permanent! Don’t run away! …And then she runs away. She’s been miserable, she’s hit bottom, like her mother before her and her daughter after her. She’s losing friends, she’s losing Luke, she’s losing Emily, she’s losing Rory over the manuscript, and it’s all her fault. Lorelai tries to breeze past it. She does Wild. She does what she’s never done before, she does something hard and uncomfortable, but she does it for herself, and therefore it doesn’t quite work. She tries to hike, Dipper Pines won’t let her hike, she meets other women her age who think this hike is gonna fix things, it doesn’t, and she gives up and goes to get coffee because that’s her go-to. (Coffee is speedy, bad for you, and only a temporary rush—kind of everything Lorelai clings to, actually.) But the coffee shop is closed, and when Lorelai is denied that allegorical Band Aid, she goes around back and sees a great view and finally finds clarity. She didn’t need the hike—she needed to think. She needed a moment of silence and introspection to gain the insane courage to finally stop moving, stick around, and face her fears. To put her eyes on herself and then take her eyes off herself and onto other people—namely the people she loves. Lorelai calls Emily and cries, because it’s hard to do this, it hurts, but with one story, she proves she loved her father, and she knows her father loved her, and the fact that she’s calling shows that she knows Emily loves her too, and she loves Emily, and has loved them both all along. It gives Emily the strength she needs to get out of bed. That was hard, but Lorelai did it. And now she’s going to do more hard things—she’s going to commit. It’s never or now, and Lorelai chooses now. She goes home and the first thing she does is propose to Luke and become Lorelai Danes overnight. Hard. Scary. Just right. She patches things up with her daughter, and chooses Rory over herself—for the hundredth time, yes, but when it’s at its hardest for her to do. “I’ll read it when it’s done.” Lorelai expands the Dragonfly. She goes to Emily for help, which is also super hard, but this time it’s not for Rory – it’s for her, and it’s for Michel, and it’s for the Dragonfly. And she accepts Emily’s affectionate terms. Lorelai chooses Rory, Luke, Emily, and Michel over herself, and commits, and she doesn’t run away. And she’s happy.
And all of it is earned. Finally earned.
I could talk more about the incredible writing, about ASP at her best, about the perfect themes and scenery and the very intentional end to Paris, Lane, Kirk, Taylor, Dean, Jess, Logan, Chris, and the general cast’s stories, but I’ve already rambled for too long.
Suffice it to say: A Year in the Life is my Gilmore Girls. It’s best version of the story. I think it was expertly done. Not perfect, but an ending that was earned.
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ribbonsncherries · 2 months ago
Jess Mariano smut where either reader helps jess de-stress after a long day if you know what I mean 👀 or jess helps reader de-stress after a long day 🙂‍↕️ Or both!- 🫣
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ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐵𝑜𝒾𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒫𝑜𝒾𝓃𝓉˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Pairing: Jess Mariano x Female!User
A/N: Mind you although I read smut I ain't good at writing it lmao. anyway plz enjoy and sorry for the time it took to publish this but I hope it meets some standards! Hope you enjoy it! :)
Warning: Smut, P in V, unprotected sex (wrap it up yall), Oral (m receiving), roughness
Summary: Tourist season is here in Stars Hollow. But sometimes these people get the town irritated, especially the boy who is a ticking bomb when it comes to a customer. So you have a special way to calm him down.
Divider Credits: @anitalenia @cafekitsune
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Jess has been stressed out for a while. Luke’s is getting busier and busier because it’s tourist season in Stars Hollow, which means everywhere you go, it is stacked with lines of people trying to get pictures of everything. You were tired of it as well, the simple chore of walking down the block to get some stuff to make lunch turned into almost amusement park lines. Long, loud, and annoying. “Dean, can’t you just let me cut this once.” you pleaded to Dean who was restocking some flour.
Dean apologized to you once more “I can’t, if I open a register, then all the tourists are gonna come to my lane and ask me to charge them, but you know I would but I can’t,” he said. “Thanks anyway.” she sighed. She made her way through a crowd and put her things back. she decided to stop by Luke’s to see Jess, but he was there just as stressed as her. She saw her boyfriend getting easily angry, spilling coffee on the tables, and throwing sauce packets. She could see the fumes coming from his ears if someone asked for another serving of coffee. She went inside, and Jess saw her. “Hey, we have no space left I’ll bring your burrito and sauce later tonight, ok?” he immediately said to her. She smiled, and although she appreciated it, it wasn’t what she wanted. “That’s not why I came by you need a break,” she said. “Luke wants me here.” “Well he has enough people running around if you ask me,” she said. 
Just when she was trying to convince him, someone pushed you and spilled their sticky sugar drink all over your shirt. “Watch where you are going, kid I didn’t see you!” said the man to you, who was more upset his drink was now wasted than rudely bumping into someone. This was Jess’ last straw. “Hey, don’t push her like that, man,” he said, coming up to the man and pushing him roughly. “We got a problem or what?” the stranger yelled back. "well it's gonna be our problem if you keep fucking pushing people you don't know like that."
“Out!” Luke yelled. “Get out of my diner, no one messes with my employees or regular folk, alright?” The man looked at him angrily while stomping out of the diner. “Jess, just go upstairs, or get out of here, don't worry about these damn know-it tourists,” Luke complained. Jess took his offer with no second thoughts, he dragged you upstairs and just sat down exhausted on the edge of his bed, his hands going to his hair, gripping it in stress and anger. “I hate summer,” he said. His voice is all groggy from talking to so many customers. “Wanna watch a movie or something? Or I could get you something from Luke’s?” you asked. 
“Nah, it’s fine, just these people get me so pissed off! They think you read a pamphlet, and all of a sudden, you're an expert on this town and treat people like dumbasses in their town!” you had had enough of his complaints; your lips immediately closed the gap as Jess opened his legs for her to get closer. He wrapped his arms around your waist while his hands got lower and lower to your ass. He squeezed your cheeks while you squealed in surprise. “You’re talking too much, Jess...” you said softly, holding onto his shoulders. “I could help you…but you have to trust me…” Jess rolled his eyes “What are you gonna do? Kick all of them out somehow.” he looked at you while you carefully went down on her knees in front of him. You unbuckled his belt and undone his zipper. While doing this, Your eyes watched the door from the side just in case anyone would come in. His cock started to get harder and harder; your eyes made contact with the mini tent and small stain on his boxers from pre-cum. you slowly pulled him out and started cat-licking his tip. Jess groaned and threw his head back “Stop teasing…” he said. you giggled, and the vibrations from the giggle made him moan. You spat on your hand and began running your hand up and down his shaft. You smiled as she got up from her knees and sat on his lap “What’s the change you were so angry.” you said while kissing near his ear. You kept the pace nice and slow to tease him getting him more worked up. When Jess was on the edge you stopped “What the hell?” he said. You laughed as you got down once more and took him in her mouth, bobbing her head up and down. 
His hips started to thrust into your mouth, making you gag. You hollowed your cheeks and swirled Your tongue. Jess began to groan louder as he grabbed your hair and tugged it. You moaned from the sudden sensation of his hands in your hair. “M’ gonna cum.” he said. You kept going, and he released the white ropes of his cum in your mouth. You swallowed almost all of it before spitting the rest out. She wiped her mouth with the sleeves of her shirt. She removed her shorts and panties. She aligned herself with Jess and inserted his cock. She immediately moaned as she began bouncing. His hands went to her hips to guide her with pace, his hands went to the hem of your shirt and took it off her leaving only your bra. He thought about the anger he felt earlier. So he took you off him and threw you down on her stomach. He lifted your hips up and immediately started thrusting inside of her roughly. She moaned to the rhythm of his thrusts, “Oh myfuck..” you mumbled. “Mm-please, go harder I can take it,” you moaned out. He realized the bra was still on you so with his skilled hands he removed the clasp with ease letting it fall to your wrists and your breasts free. His hands immediately went to your nipple as he pinched them while thrusting making you moan even more. He moaned out your name softly. “Oh god, fucking tight.” he moaned. 
your knees gave out and collapsed on the bed. you rolled on her back with a flushed face. Jess collapsed on top of you and kissed you before inserting himself in you once more. The moans in the kiss were almost pornographic. As they separated your eyes rolled back in pleasure and bit your lip. That feeling of the familiar tight coil in your stomach started to grow tight. The moans became louder. Jess knew you were close to your orgasm. His fingers went down to your sex and rubbed his fingers in rough circles while your gummy walls tightened around him “Oh my god!” your hands immediately went to his arm and dug your nails into his skin as the euphoria of pleasure released. Your legs were shaking around his waist until she calmed down. “Look at you, pretty girl…” Jess said with a flushed face. “All drunk from my cock.” she said as he looked at you. You were flushed and panting heavily, Jess brushed your sweaty hair away from your face. “You feelin' better?” you asked. “Much, thanks,” he said Jess helped and cleaned her off. “Wanna grab a bite to eat?” he asked “It’s probably still packed but we can bring it up here.” You nodded your head and smiled “You read my mind.” you giggled.
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angeldiarybook · 4 months ago
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I love making these
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jax-winchester · 2 months ago
Gilmore Girls except Max Medina never dated Lorelai and instead was a main character throughout the show. See him hang around Stars Hollow more often. (That one town meeting he went to wasn’t enough 😔). He could have served as a mentor to Rory and maybe even Paris. Helped Rory during her crisis at Yale. Also, He’s a handsome English Literature teacher. We need more of that in media lol.
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thepurecinnamonroll · 4 months ago
Idc what anyone say about this but
But I still want people to explain to me how they see this relationship
I genuinely want to understand why people say that Jess and Rory were the perfect couple but they "happened at the wrong time" which is why they didn't last, but Jess was genuinely a horrible person to the point the whole town hated him
While I don't agree with the whole idea of a town meeting being put together just for everyone to discuss how badly they want Jess to leave, THAT KINDA SPEAKS VOLUMES
People be like "But Rory actually chose Jess" or whatever makes their relationship "significant" but that doesn't change the fact that FIRST, Jess wasn't that good a person and SECOND, Rory and Jess relationship wasn't necessarily healthy— and I don't mean "Oh, Rory and Jess argue sometimes" because I know relationships aren't perfect, but literally all Rory and Jess did was argue and make out, and they never went on any dates
People act like just because Jess was smart and only liked Rory and they kissed a lot, their relationship was perfectly fine and he "treated her right" when their relationship definitely wasn't perfectly fine, and he didn't treat her right
And I feel like at least a few people should like the person you're with, but it's like Jess made it so no one would like him because he was just rude and disrespectful to everyone— and a lot of the fandom gives Lorelai flak for not "giving Jess a chance" when she literally did, but did y'all forget that he was being a complete jerk the whole time FOR NO REASON, so it's understandable that she didn't want him around her daughter
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sincerethoughtsblog · 2 years ago
Currently here
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moriartyluver · 4 months ago
"ARE YOU SURE YOU CAN'T STAY FOR DINNER?" (Name) asked the blond in front of her whilst they stood outside the front door to her house.
"As much as I would love to, I really can't. My aunt's visiting and I need to be there to ensure my mother doesn't start fighting her." Theodore hummed, brushing a stray hair away from her face
(Name) chuckled "It's the same when gran comes to visit. I swear last time I saw my mother clench her fists, like she was gonna punch her."
Theodore gasped jokingly "The Emily Gilmore? No!"
"Not really shocking when you consider that this is Lorelai the first we're talking about." (Name) smiled, her hand intertwining with his. "Isn't it so weird how I have 3 Lorelais in my family?"
"Yeah..keep forgetting you're an aunt.." He whispered, kissing her forehead "You're lucky you weren't called Lorelai too..would've been confusing.."
"Tell me about it.." She frowned as she noticed him pulling his hand away "Call me when you get home, or at least when your mother and aunt aren't trying to kill each other?"
He rolled his eyes "Yes mom." He said, before leaning in to kiss her lips gently, until she wrapped her arms around his neck. Then it was not so gentle.
"Freud is rolling around in his grave right now," she murmured against his lips.
"Please stop," he groaned, before shutting her up with his lips again, hand tangling in her hair. They stood like that for a few minutes, occasionally coming back up for air whilst Theodore procrastinated returning home in favour of kissing his 'friend'. They were so immersed in one another that they couldn't even hear the footsteps approaching them.
"Oh god-" a familiar voice spoke. "Sorry, am I interrupting..?"
(Name) pulled away with a loud yelp, eyes wide and embarrassed as they landed on none other than her older sister. Lorelai the second. Well, nobody actually called her that. She was just Lorelai Victoria Gilmore. Or Lorelai.
"Crap- Lorelai! What are you doing here?" She chuckled nervously, whilst Theo tried not to smack his head into the wall. "Is it thanksgiving already?" She joked, wiping her lips with her sleeve.
"I just had a business class..I thought I could stop by." She explained, equally as traumatised by the situation.
"Oh, yeah. You mentioned that, a while ago, I think." (Name) nodded, before the front door opened to reveal her mother, Emily.
"What's all the commotion about..?" She said before her vision landed on her oldest daughter. "Lorelai, my goodness, this is a surprise. Is it Easter already?"
Lorelai laughed nervously, shaking her head. "No, I just finished up my business class and I thought I would stop by."
"To see us?"
"Yes," she nodded.
"Well that's nice," Emily smiled, opening the door wider "Come in." She turned to Theo who was stood by (Name). "Would you like to come in too, Theodore?"
He shook his head "I'd love to, but I really have to be going." He said, kissing the side of (Name)'s head before walking back to his car. "Bye (nickname), Bye Mrs Gilmore."
(Name) watched him walk off with a smile on her face before entering the house shortly behind Lorelai.
"The place looks great," Lorelai said awkwardly, glancing around the room. Nothing seemed to be much different than when she was that angry teenager, apart from the painting above the mantle. Instead of it being herself, Richard and Emily, it was now her parents and little sister.
"Nothings changed," said Emily curtly.
"Well there you go," She replied, tearing her eyes away from the painting and to her mother. "How are the girls at the bridge club?" She asked as they walked into the living room.
"Well...good." Lorelai said before (name) decided to interrupt the awkward conversation to take her leave.
"I'm going to go get dressed, and I'm expecting a call from Amara, too. " She smiled, kissing her mother on the cheek as she sat down.
Emily nodded "I'll let you know if she calls." She said whilst (Name) walked up stairs to her room, Lorelai's old room, her Mary Jane's clacking against the floor. "You said you were taking a business class?" Emily asked, turning to Lorelai who sat opposite her.
"Yeah, I'm taking a business class at the college, twice a week. I'm sure I told you," Lorelai recalled. It wasn't surprising if her mother did forget though.
"Well if you're sure then you must have." There was a long silence. "Would you like some tea?"
"I would love some coffee," She replied. Very typical of her. God, could this be any more awkward? She wanted to ask for the money, then go, even if her request was rejected.
"Emily?" Oh it could be more awkward. "I'm home." Richard called from the other room.
"We're in here!" She called back
"We? I thought (Name) had tennis practice after school—" He said, walking into the room before he saw Lorelai sat opposite Emily.
"Hi dad." She smiled politely.
"What is it, Christmas already?" He said sarcastically "I assume (Name)'s still at school then."
"Oh no, she came home early. Might've been cancelled. She's upstairs." Emily explained. "Theodore drove her home, as usual, couldn't stay for dinner though."
"Theodore?" Lorelai raised a brow, surprised that she knew so little about her younger sister. Was that her boyfriend or something..?
"Lorelai was taking a business class at the college today and decided to drop by to see us," Emily said, ignoring her.
"What business class?" Richard asked, stood beside the couch.
"Well she told us about it, dear, remember?" Emily said, a mix of sarcasm and condescension in her voice.
"Well actually," Lorelai said hesitantly "I came here for a reason. Dad, would you mind sitting down for a minute?"
"You need money." Richard stated, walking behind the couch
"..I have a situation." Lorelai tried to defend herself.
"You need money." Richard repeated.
"Dad will you please just try to let me get this out, okay?" This was exactly why she didn't want to do this, Lorelai reminded herself. "Um, Rory has been accepted to Chilton."
"Chilton? Oh that's a wonderful school, (Name) goes there," Emily smiled "Top of her class. And it's very close to here too."
Lorelai sighed "Yes, I know she goes there. That's partially why I thought it would be a good idea for Rory to apply-"
"Oh, I'm sorry I just thought you forgot. You two rarely speak at all apart from the occasional word at Christmas." Emily said sarcastically.
Lorelai bit her tongue, trying not to start an argument. "Well, Rory can start Chilton as early as Monday. Um, the problem is, they want me to put down an enrolment fee as well as the first semester's tuition, and I have to do all that immediately or she loses her spot."
"So you need money."
"Yeah, but it's not for me, it's for Rory." She explained "And I fully intend to pay you back every cent. I don't ask for favours, you know that."
"Oh yes, we know." Emily said.
"I'll get the cheque book." Richard stated, ready to walk away and retrieve it from his office.
"Thank you, you have no idea. Thank you." Lorelai smiled.
"-on one condition." Emily interrupted.
"So close." Her daughter muttered under her breath.
"Since we are now financially involved in your life, I want to be actively involved in your life." She continued.
"What does that mean, mother?" Lorelai asked, a feeling of dread washing over her.
"I want a weekly dinner."
"Friday nights, you and Rory will have dinner here." Emily explained. "And you have to call us once a week to give us an update on her schooling and your life. That's it. That's the condition. If you agree, you'll come to dinner tomorrow night and leave here with the cheque. Otherwise, I'm sorry, we can't help you.."
Lorelai sighed again, accepting her fate. Of course her mother was going to pull something like this. "I..I don't want her to know that I borrowed the money from you. Can that just be between us?"
"Does seven o'clock work for you?" Emily confirmed, the phone starting to ring.
She forced a smile. "Perfect."
The phone continued to ring and (Name) rushed down the stairs in a different outfit, although equally preppy. She picked up the phone and answered it whilst Lorelai got up to leave.
"Hello?" She spoke into the phone, waiting for the person on the other end to reply.
"(Name), should I call him?" Amara, her best friend, said whilst (Name) walked with the phone.
"Who?" She said, in a much lower voice.
"James! He hasn't called me all week, and he was ignoring me at school, I could tell." She groaned whilst her friend rolled her eyes
(Name) shook her head "I mean, he didn't explicitly say you broke up but that sounds like he wants nothing to do with you if you ask me," she hummed, waving to her dad to greet him home whilst she still spoke into the phone. "What an idiot.."
"I think I saw him walking out of school with someone else today—" Amara paused. "Hold on, Alex is on the other line."
(Name) stopped talking, putting the phone to her side for a moment whilst she looked over at her parents and sister on the couch. "Daddy, did you look over my economics paper for me?" She asked her father, walking over and kissing his cheek.
"Yes, and I must say, I think it's worth an A+," He said, making his daughter grin.
"Perfect." She smiled. "I should hope so, it's worth like 20% of my grade.."
"Well then consider that 20% guaranteed." He chuckled. (Name) turned, glancing at Lorelai who was about to leave.
"Going so soon?" She asked whilst the phone in her hand was still silent.
"Well, I have to get back to the inn," Lorelai explained. "It was nice seeing you all."
"I'll walk you to the door," Her sister offered, walking out the living room with her. "So what were you really here for?" She asked as they grew out of earshot. "Money?"
"It's nothing, (name), don't worry about it." Lorelai said, deflecting the conversation. "Who was that guy you were necking with?"
"Gross. Nobody says necking anymore," (Name) rolled her eyes. "And that was just Theodore."
"He was at my last birthday party, and like every other birthday party you've attended." She explained. "Theodore Montgomery? Last name ring any bells?"
"Frosted tips!" Lorelai exclaimed, remembering all of a sudden.
"That was when we were 14, he doesn't have them any more," she defended, checking if Amara was back on the other line briefly before continuing "We've been friends since forever, surely you know more than that."
"Just friends?" Lorelai raised a brow.
"Just friends." (Name) confirmed, opening the door whilst Lorelai stepped out. "Bye Lorelai. See you on thanksgiving."
"Or tomorrow." She smiled before (Name) shut the door with a roll of the eyes, getting back on the phone.
"What did he want?" She asked as Amara returned, walking back towards her room with the brick like phone against her ear.
"He? He has a name you know." A familiar voice spoke.
"Hello to you too, Alexander Caspian Grimaldi." (Name) rolled her eyes, shutting her bedroom door, and sitting on her bed. God she hated three way calls.
"Anyways," Amara interjected, grumbling as she recalled what she had seen earlier that day. "Alex found out who James was with, all friendly with his arm around her waist..guess."
"Hmm..Me?" (Name) joked, whilst Amara waited.
"Haha. I can tell who you are from the back of your head, and you'd never do that to me. We never fight over boys," She said
"Because you have awful taste and I'm not a fan of high school boys. Too immature." (Name) retorted
"Cher and Dion have nothing on us," Amara giggled "guess, for real this time."
"I don't-"
"It was Rebecca!" Alexander interrupted, unable to keep it in.
"No!" (Name) gasped "That Mormon bitch who asked you for your lipgloss after gym today? The nerve!"
"I know!" Amara agreed "Like I didn't even get the opportunity to break up with him and he's kissing a girl wearing my lipgloss. He totally still wants me."
Alex scoffed "He wants you so he was out with another girl? Makes sense."
"Oh butt out, Alex, you're a boy, you don't get it." (Name) said, rolling her eyes. "I can't believe Rebecca would do that."
"Is she really a Mormon? I thought those only existed in Utah." Alex hummed, gossiping with them.
Amara passed before trailing off. "I guess I can't talk to James any more...I'll never find love."
"What made you think you were gonna find love in a prep school in the first place? " (Name) joked, holding a pink fluffy pillow against her chest. "When we go off to Yale, they'll be plenty of assholes to choose from."
"Real optimistic, aren't you?" Alex hummed.
"It runs in my blood," She smiled to herself. "Speaking of which, guess who came over today?"
"Don't tell me it's the deadbeat sister," Amara joked.
"She's not a deadbeat," (Name) tried to defend. "But yeah, Lorelai was here. I think she was asking for money, because she's only ever here for my birthday or holidays...But, in her defence, she's always been self sufficient so if she's asking, she must really need it.."
Her friend hummed in agreement "You must be, if you're gonna move out at 16 with a new born baby."
"And then not realise you have a sister until Christmas." Alex added. "Well, at least you got to see her an extra time before thanksgiving."
(Name) shook her head "I don't know about that..She said something about coming over tomorrow, and I'm pretty sure I heard my parents say something about dinner tomorrow. She might be coming over, for god knows what. Anyways. I have homework to do, so I've got to go."
"Wait was this the math homework?" Amara asked "Crap, I totally forgot! You really need to get a new cellphone, I'll froget these things without you."
"Well then you better go do it too, bye!" (Name) hung up the phone.
"So do we go in or do we just stand here recreating the little match girl?" Lorelai spoke as she and Rory stood outside the Gilmore residence. Rory remained silent, still not talking to her mother after their argument that afternoon. "Okay, look, I know you and me are having a thing here and I know you hate me but I need you to be civil, at least through dinner and then on the way home, you can pull a Menendez. Deal?"
"Fine." Rory said whilst Lorelai rang the doorbell. Within seconds, Emily opened the door with a smile. "Hi grandma."
"Well you're right on time." She said.
"Yeah, no traffic at all." Lorelai agreed with a forced smile. They walked through the door behind Emily who seemed genuinely excited to see the two of them on a day the banks were open.
"I can't tell you what a treat it is to have you both here."
"Oh well, we're excited too." Said an unexcited Lorelai, fiddling with her coffee cup.
"Is that a collector's cup or can I throw it away for you?" Emily asked, glancing at the paper cup.
"Oh," Lorelai muttered, about to throw it in the nearby wastebasket before Emily interrupted.
"In the kitchen, please." She turned to Rory. "Are you excited about chilton?"
"Well, I haven't started yet." Rory replied, walking alongside her grandmother to the living room.
"Richard, look who's here— where's (name)?" Emily glanced around.
"She said she was studying, remember?" Richard said, looking up from his newspaper. "Rory. You're tall."
"(Name), they're here!" Emily called up the stairs before her youngest daughter came down the creaky steps.
"Hi dad, (name)," Lorelai nodded to both respectively.
"Hi." She said with a small smile, brushing invisible creases out of her dress.
Richard looked over to her. "Lorelai, your daughter's tall."
"I know, it's freakish. We're thinking of having her studied at MIT."
"Ah." He hummed, returning to the paper.
"Champagne anyone?" Emily asked, interrupting the lack of conversation.
"Oh that's fancy," Lorelai hummed.
Emily poured a glass for Lorelai, herself and Richard. "Well it's not everyday that I have my girls here for dinner on a day the banks are open." She raised her glass, after handing glasses to the others. "A toast, to Rory entering chilton with (Name) and an exciting new phase in her life."
"Here here." Richard agreed
"Mm..well let's sit everyone." Emily said, sitting beside (Name) "An education is the most importantly thing in the world next to family."
"And pie." Lorelai smiled. "Joke, joke."
"Ah." Emily nodded, a long silence following Lorelai's remark. Richard handed Rory a newpaper whilst (name) stated at her shoes.
They finally made their way into the dining room, still sitting in silence. (Name) internally groaned, wishing she was hanging out with her friends instead.
"So, Rory, how do you like the lamb?" Emily asked.
"It's good." She nodded.
"Too dry?"
"No, it's perfect."
"Potatoes could use some salt though." Lorelai joked again. (Name) shot her a look.
Emily turned to Lorelai "Excuse me?"
"The potatoes are good, mom." (Name) said, trying to avoid any conflict. "Lorelai's just kidding. She's such a kidder." She said sarcastically, kicking her sister beneath the table.
"So, Grandpa, how's the insurance biz?" Rory asked, changing the subject.
"Oh, people die, we pay. People crash their cars, we pay. People lose a foot, we pay," Richard said.
"Well at least you have your new slogan," Lorelai joked again.
Richard hummed absentmindedly. "And how are things at the motel?"
"The inn?" Lorelai corrected "They're great."
"Lorelai's the executive manager now. Isn't that wonderful?" Emily chimed in.
"Speaking of which, Christopher called yesterday." He replied. (Name) didn't know Christopher, only hearing he was Rory's father, and the guy who turned Lorelai into a teen mother, which meant (Name) had vowed to stay celibate unto she was at least 20, just to beat teen pregnancy. Not that her parents would complain.
"Speaking of which? How is that a speaking of which?" Lorelai asked.
Well, she had met Christopher once or twice, before she was fully conscious, as a baby a couple of times before he disappeared off to do god knows what, god knows where, although she and Theodore were often compared to the pair, typically amongst Emily and Richard's older friends who knew them as children. The comparisons weren't encouraged though, especially since she had turned 15, soon to be 16 in the coming summer, a few months away.
"He's doing very well in California. His internet start up goes public next month. This could mean very big things for him," Richard turned to Rory. "Very talented man, you're father."
'Talented enough to get a girl pregnant and go off to the other side of the country' (name) thought to herself, but didn't say anything, as usual.
"She knows." Lorelai said, starting to feel agitated.
"He was always a smart one, that boy. You must take after him," he told Rory.
'Smart enough to not wrap it before he tapped it.'
"Speaking of which," Lorelai interrupted. "I'm going to get a coke. Or a knife." She said, before standing up and storming out of the dining room into the kitchen where she started scrubbing dishes in the sink. The maid walked in, giving her a look before walking back out.
"Guess you're not gonna be the one pulling a Menendez, huh?" (Name) whispered to Rory, out of earshot from her parents.
"What?" She whispered back
"I heard you, outside, from my bedroom."
Rory nodded slowly, glancing towards the door to the kitchen and getting out of her seat. "I think I should go talk to her."
"No I'll go," Emily insisted "you stay and keep your grandfather company. (Name) can tell you about Chilton." She got up, going to the kitchen "Lorelai, come back to the table."
"Is this what it's gonna be like every Friday night? I come over and let you two attack me?" She asked, turning around from the sink, facing her mother.
"You're being very dramatic," Emily rolled her eyes.
"Dramatic?" Lorelai exclaimed. "Were you at that table just now?"
"Yes I was," She replied. "And I think you took what your father said the wrong way."
"The wrong way?" She asked, annoyed by the response "How could I have taken it the wrong way? What was open to interpretation?"
Whilst they argued, (name), Rory and Richard sat in silence, able to overhear the whole argument.
"So," (name) tried to distract them. "Are you excited to start chilton? I can give you the run down on all the teachers if you want. And considering we'll be in the same grade, you can always hang out with my friends and I. They're all really nice, I promise."
"Um, sure." Rory nodded, still eavesdropping on the argument, although that was easy with how loud Lorelai was being.
"Keep your voice down." Emily hissed
"No mother, I can't take it anymore." Lorelai argued back. "Tonight feels just like a nightmare. I can't believe (Name) has to live like this every single day. I can't even take one damn night!"
Emily stepped back as Lorelai dropped suds on the kitchen floors. "You're dripping all over the floor."
"Why do you pounce on everything I say?" Lorelai continued.
"That's absurd." She retorted. "You barely uttered a word all night."
"That's not true." Her daughter frowned.
"You said pie."
"Oh come on."
"You did," Emily insisted. "All I heard you say was pie."
"Why would he bring up Christopher? Was that really necessary? Could've talked about (Name)'s boyfriend instead." She said, pacing around.
Emily raised a brow at that last comment, lining it wasn't true. "He likes Christopher."
"Isn't that interesting?" Lorelai said rhetorically "Because, as I remember, when Christopher got me pregnant, Dad don't like him so much."
"Oh, well, please, you were sixteen." She recalled "what were we supposed to do? Throw you a party? We were disappointed. The two of you had such bright futures."
"Yes, and by not getting married, we got to keep those bright futures."
"When you get pregnant, you get married. A child needs a mother and a father." Emily stated.
"Oh mom." Lorelai held back the urge to roll her eyes. "Do you think Christopher would have his own company right now if we'd gotten married?" She paused "Do you think he'd be anything at all?"
"Yes, I do.  You're father would've put him in the insurance business, and you'd be living a lovely life right now," Emily explained "And you would actually know your little sister, you know, (hair colour hair), cartoony (eye colour) eyes, in case you forgot."
"He didn't want to be in the insurance business, and I am living a lovely life right now!" Lorelai argued back, annoyed by her mother's meddling. "And I would've known (name) better had you not kept her from me, I didn't even know she existed, or that you were ever pregnant."
"I didn't keep (Name) away from you, you went off to live your life far away from us with limited contact."
"—oh here we go." Lorelai groaned.
"You took that girl and completely shut us out of your life," Emily continued. "Not the other way around."
"You wanted to control me," She said.
"You were still a child!"
"I stopped being a child the minute the strip turned pink, and you had (Name) too," Lorelai scoffed. "I had to figure out how to live. I found a good job—"
"As a maid.." Emily sneered. "With all your brains and talent."
"Well you get your do over now, with (Name)," she accused. "I worked my way up, I run the place now. I built a life on my own with no help from anyone."
"Yes, and think of where you would have been if you'd accepted a little help, hmm?" Emily countered. "And where Rory would have been. Hell, she and (Name) could've been best friends. But no, you were always too proud to accept anything from anyone." 
"Well, I wasn't too proud to come here to you two begging for money for my kid's school, was I?!" Lorelai barked, a little too loud, causing both her sister and daughter to overhear, whilst Richard felt asleep in his seat. (Name) wasn't  really surprised, but it seemed that Rory was. 
"No, you certainly weren't. But you're too proud to let her know where you got it from, aren't you?" Emily declared with a smirk. "Well, fine, you have your precious pride and I have my weekly dinners. Isn't that nice? We both win."
4136 words
A/N: first chapter of my long awaited gilmore girls fic!! this isn't my usual content, but tbh it's y blog, i can do what I want. Also, I have nothing against mormons btw, that was a joke similar to another one in gilmore girls i think. anyways don't cancel me please
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