#roof paint colors images
andrecoatings · 1 year
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nyoomerr · 2 months
Fic prompt: SY is the chosen cleric of LBH, the world's most possessive divine emperor, accent on the divine. He did not sign up for this. (Meanwhile, LBH is trying to figure out how he can fit a divine empress into this pantheon)
i actually got very into this AU once i thought about it for 0.5 seconds, so here's a lil drabble that i hope to expand on and put on ao3 in the future ;>
Shen Yuan wouldn’t consider himself to be particularly religious. He believed in the gods, of course - the proof of their existence is written on every street corner and under every roof. The lights of the city that have no discernible power source outside of the goddess of invention herself, the unemptiable food basket that had been gifted to Shen Yuan’s father by the god of plenty, the buzz of raw energy in the air each weekend when the city gathers to say its prayers. 
Undoubtedly, Shen Yuan had grown up in a city blessed by the gods, so naturally he believes in them. He just doesn’t much care for them.
A city blessed by the gods is also a city kept by them, after all. No inventions that could possibly be construed as a weapon would ever be approved by the ministry of creation. No civil courts existed when the gods could directly send down divine punishment to sinners.
No life in the city would ever survive if the gods found it unworthy.
Shen Yuan knew, objectively, why the rules of the gods were so strict. Divine Emperor Luo wrote them himself, and each one had been crafted specifically to prevent the sort of strife and abuse that he had witnessed when he was a mere mortal. Every schoolchild learns the story of the pitiful Luo Binghe who struggled to reach the heavens, faced every day with proof of humanity’s dishonor and ugliness.
When that pathetic Luo Binghe had awakened his blood as the Divine Emperor, he’d immediately sought to rewrite the rules of the heavens to fix the issues he’d seen as a mortal. It made sense. It even worked, to some objective degree of measurement: starvation and war between human lands was barely heard of, these days.
Shen Yuan casts his eyes up to the ceiling of the chapel. A mural of Divine Emperor Luo is painted in bright splashes of color, his eyes piercing down at the viewer as he holds a drink in one hand and a woman in the other. An image of wealth and wellness; a warning to stay in line if you wish for a similar happy ending. 
Shen Yuan thinks that the Divine Emperor must truly have had a hard life, to rule as such an immature god. A child that never got the chance to grow up freely, now imposing their black-and-white outlook of life on an entire land of people who are mature enough to understand that life isn’t so simple.
Shen Yuan looks back down, peering through barely open eyes at his feet. He isn’t supposed to have his eyes open at all, during prayer. It’s just - despite the issues he has with the gods’ reign, and despite the apathy he feels in place of admiration or piety, he really can’t help but think - 
How pitiful, to have ascended without first understanding the joy of being human. How sad, to have your ‘happy ending’ worshiped by the masses without understanding it yourself, believing it to be good only because it follows your own strict rules. 
Shen Yuan sighs, a quiet release of air in the quiet of the chapel.
His next breath in feels electric. 
The vaulted ceilings of the chapel suddenly feel claustrophobic. The quiet hum of hands rubbing against hands in silent prayer rises to a crescendo of skin and movement and life. What low light the candles lining the pews had provided now burns as brightly as the light of a hundred divine lanterns, but there isn’t anywhere Shen Yuan can cast his eyes towards that is less shocking to look at. 
And there, at the front of the chapel, is a god. 
Shen Yuan’s breath catches. He can’t look away. The god is beautiful; more divine than any blessing that Shen Yuan has ever witnessed. 
He is also looking directly at Shen Yuan, meeting his gaze through half lidded eyes and with the laziness of an apex predator. 
Around Shen Yuan, the other church-goers have begun to break from their prayers, startled and choking on the divine presence around them. Many of them dare to sneak peeks at the descended god, but none of them seem able to look directly at him, their eyes sliding off of him before they quickly duck their heads and take up the pose of prayer once more.
Shen Yuan still can’t look away.
Slowly, the god steps down from the pulpit and begins to approach. He doesn’t bother to look at Shen Yuan as he moves forward, casually glancing around the chapel as if assessing it. His eyes catch on the mural on the ceiling - his own face looking down at him, though paling in comparison to the beauty and power of the real thing. 
And then he pulls his eyes back to Shen Yuan, and Shen Yuan realizes with a start that he’s stopped walking, standing directly in front of the pew Shen Yuan is sitting in.
Shen Yuan wets his lips. His pulse beats jack-rabbit fast in his throat.
“Divine Emperor Luo,” he greets. “How - how can I serve you?”
The weight of the Divine Emperor’s attention is no lighter than if Shen Yuan had held the entire ocean on his shoulders. He looks at Shen Yuan as if he might eat him, and expects Shen Yuan to thank him for the honor of filling a divine stomach.
“Do you think you can?” He asks, and Shen Yuan shudders at the sound of his voice. An infinitely powerful being, and he’s speaking to Shen Yuan as if Shen Yuan were a peculiarity, something fit to either be played with or disposed of once the god has finished assessing him. 
“Can I - um, my apologies, Divine Emperor, can I…?”
“Serve me,” The gods says. “Or did you offer such a thing unthinkingly?”
Shen Yuan stares at him. Divine Emperor Luo stares back, his gaze sharp as he takes Shen Yuan in. 
“Can you,” Divine Emperor Luo says, voice low and dangerous, “serve a god that you see as pitiful?”
Shen Yuan jerks back as if slapped. How useless would it be to say that he hadn’t meant it? If a god can hear any thought about them, not only directed prayers - for certainly, Shen Yuan’s private ruminations about the tragedy of Luo Binghe’s story had been nothing like a prayer, and yet they had clearly been heard - then there is no point in lying. If Shen Yuan were to claim one thing with his mouth and another with his mind, he’d only be branded one of the many sinners to be smited by the Divine Emperor’s just hand. Deceit was hardly looked favorably upon; to lie to a god that could hear the truth from your own mind would be suicide. 
Shen Yuan hesitates. At his back, he knows his family must be terrified, and yet he also knows that they dare not look at the Divine Emperor, and that their heads must be bowed in prayer like everyone else in the chapel. 
A room with a hundred people, and it may as well just be Shen Yuan and his god.
The Divine Emperor’s lips quirk up. It isn’t a friendly expression. 
“Your god, little Shen Yuan?” He asks cruelly. “You can pity me, and you can know in your heart that you are incapable of serving me, and yet you claim to be devout to me in the same breath?”
“Aren’t I yours, Divine Emperor?” Shen Yuan asks. His voice does not waver, but it is a near thing. “If I didn’t belong to you, could I dare to live in this city? Every living thing here must live by your rule; naturally, we must all belong to you.”
“What pretty words,” Divine Emperor Luo says. His eyes glint red from beneath his lashes, and Shen Yuan thinks -
Ah, so red is truly the color of the divine. 
Divine Emperor Luo’s eyes are very suddenly the same deep brown that his murals all portray him with. Shen Yuan lowers his gaze deferentially, and wonders idly if all the other too-sharp pieces of the Divine Emperor would smooth out if Shen Yuan’s thoughts lingered on them. 
“If Divine Emperor Luo finds my words pretty, then I will dare to keep speaking,” Shen Yuan says, keeping his eyes turned down. 
“Go on, then. Speak.”
Shen Yuan takes a shuddering breath in. His family is still cowering behind him. The old lady who lives down the street is shaking in her pew across the aisle. 
And Shen Yuan has never considered himself especially religious, because believing in the gods is very different from placing your faith in them. 
“To spy is the manifestation of distrust,” Shen Yuan recites, the words long since memorized after a lifetime of growing up under the gods’ many rules about morality and punishment. “A lack of trust in others implies something impure within yourself. Spying should be punished with ten lashes.”
Shen Yuan’s mother lets out a quiet sound of alarm, stifled so quickly it sounds like a whimper. Shen Yuan does not bother to send her any sort of mental apology; it would not reach her, and would instead be intercepted by an outsider. 
Besides, Shen Yuan had known well what he was doing, quoting the rules that the Divine Emperor had written right back at him, implying that a god should be punished. It would be foolish to apologize for something he had done so purposefully. 
“Spying,” Divine Emperor Luo says, after the silence in the chapel has stretched long. “What a funny way to describe listening to the prayers of my followers. Is it spying for you to hear a call made to you from within your own house?”
“If all of the prayers that the Divine Emperor receives sound like what he heard from me,” Shen Yuan says, glancing back up to meet the god’s eyes defiantly. “Then I wonder why he hasn’t bothered to descend before today to scold us all.”
“Does little Shen Yuan think I will scold him?” Divine Emperor Luo asks, voice soft. 
“I think,” Shen Yuan says, “that a god normally so busy with punishing us would not bother to descend unless it was to fulfill those duties.”
“The world is good, from the work that I do,” Divine Emperor Luo says sharply. 
“Is it?” Shen Yuan asks, and he finds that his fear has been pushed down, his chest tight with a lifetime of reading about the gods and wondering why, if Luo Binghe’s life was so miserable, would he be unable to recognize misery in his own subjects, living every day in fear of him? 
Luo Binghe had been pitiful, and he’d never been allowed to grow up peacefully, and Shen Yuan truly thinks it sad that a divine being could live in such a tragic way. 
But that doesn’t make him blind to the way that Luo Binghe’s immaturity has scorched the mortal plane, nor does his pity completely dissolve his anger over such a thing. 
Shen Yuan’s fate had been sealed from the moment they the Divine Emperor had descended. If he’s going to be punished regardless, then it will be for having said his piece. 
Dying from bitching this pathetic god out is a far better story than dying from having only thought it. 
And yet, before Shen Yuan can open his mouth again -
The Divine Emperor turns suddenly, facing the cleric at the front of the chapel. The old man is clutching at his prayer book with shaking hands, and he ducks his head instantly when the god looks his way. 
“Take him in as a disciple,” Divine Emperor Luo commands, gesturing lazily in Shen Yuan’s direction. “I want him trained and moved to the main church by the end of the year.”
Shen Yuan looks at the cleric, and then back at the god in front of him. He - what?
The Divine Emperor glances back at Shen Yuan, his lips quirked up and his eyes once more a blazing red. 
“There’s another reason for a god to descend than to administer punishment,” he says. “We must also appoint clerics.”
And then Divine Emperor Luo is gone, the space where he once stood crackling with divine energy. 
In disbelief, Shen Yuan - the first cleric to be personally appointed by the Divine Emperor in nearly a century - falls to his knees. Fuck, he thinks, and he hopes that the god is still listening to hear it. 
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rottiens · 5 months
⊹ ˚. MORAX (REX LAPIS) ┊ sfw, set in the archon war, gn reader. divider creds: cafekitsune.
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The last drops of the drizzle drip off the roof using it as a slide, until they fall in the garden and wet the green grass and the silk flowers while you walk along the corridor bathed in an eerie silence, the yellowish opaque lights are not enough to chase away the gloom that the sunset brings and the creaking of your bare feet on the wood do not help to relax your spirit.
Your spear was stripped from you as soon as you set foot in the temple. The guards at the entrance demanded that you leave behind any weapon that could be used as a threat against Morax, patted your arms, thighs and back in sign of some undeclared weapon, finally opening the doors for you when they realized they would find nothing relevant.
Without your spear you feel naked, something that detonates your paranoia— you are suspicious of the shadows moving in the garden thanks to the branches being shaken by the wind, you are wary of the noise your ears hear coming from your own heavy footsteps.
You gather your arms and your fingers curl around your forearms slipping smoothly into the sleeves of the hanfu that was offered to you. Apparently your war soiled clothes were not dignified enough to stand before an archon. Instead, you received a beautiful blue hanfu with a qingxin flower embroidery on the bottom of the garment, the fabric is soft and falls perfectly on your body, as if it had been made for you.
In front of you is a perfectly round entrance protected with a bamboo door.
"You wanted to see me, Rex Lapis?" You add his name with a tone of uncertainty, unsure of what was the correct form with which you should address a deity.
On the other side of the door remains a long silence which is interrupted by a hoarse, "Come in."
You do not hesitate. With ease you slide the door aside to step into the room. Your gaze is immediately caught by the various details, eager to devour with your eyes how the room of a god looks from the inside. The first thing you notice is that you are in what appears to be the tea room. The room is sealed by a wooden wall, dark tones and brown splashed all over the place.
In front of you is a curtain that prevents you from seeing him, yet your eyes catch shadows behind it. The noise of glassware exposes that they are moving cups, then you realize that there was someone behind it and your instincts lead you to assume that perhaps it is Him. Morax was in his human form, his height rises above the curtain just barely surpassing it, he moves naturally in the shadows making you drown with his presence which leads you to seal your lips and lower your face until your eyes are looking at the silhouette of your feet hidden behind your attire.
"Come here." It is a direct command that you cannot refuse. His voice is husky yet soft as lilies, at first more than a command it feels like a request.
Your feet rise of their own accord and move to step through the curtain. You find him sitting on the floor with his legs crossed in an opposite way forming a triangle, he had brown loose pants, his hair was down resting loosely along his back while his chest was bare. His arms were a black color which you had mistaken for ink the first time you observed him, you were sure now that they were tiny scales (a trait perhaps due to his dragon form), laced with orange-toned markings that ran from his fingers to his shoulders.
You immediately lower your gaze as you felt unworthy to be gazing at him as if he were a painting image, he hadn't stopped to look at you, he was busy manipulating the porcelain cups.
"Sit down," he said shortly after, proceeding to fill a teacup.
With firm steps you make your way to the tiny table and drop to your knees with a stifled thud, your hands on your thighs and your back so straight it hurts.
You wander in thought about the few people who have had the chance to see him like this, in his human form and your heart flutters. Your fingers push your thighs down, droplets of sweat begin to accumulate in the palms of your hands and on the back of your neck.
Morax lays his gaze upon you for the first time and those glowing amber eyes consume you, not even in his dragon form had you ever had the chance to see him so closely so you find yourself contemplating him in detail, his eyelids dropping halfway down, retaining the authority he holds over you as he now mimics the aura of a feline.
"I received your request to return to the war… I wonder why. Didn't you just come back from it?" Morax inquired, subtly thrusting a cup in your direction.
You bow your face in thanks before taking the cup and bringing it to your mouth without adding words, you didn't know that the requests went directly to the archon. You were sure that the general in charge was the one who sealed them and sent the decree that you could go to war, so the idea that Morax had that in his hands and that he read your letter makes you swallow hard.
The tea is sweet, it runs down the rasp and burn of your throat. You distinguish the taste of honey and perhaps a few drops of lemon in it, it goes down smooth and helps you soften your next words.
"I wish to fight for my nation, there is nothing that would make me prouder than to die for you."
Something trembles in his face, and you're not sure what that expression means. His jaw tenses and the corner of his lips twitches softly, perhaps it was a smile you saw?
"For me?" Morax cooed the words near the cup, his breath creating waves in the infusion. You stir on your legs, your fingers ruffling the fabric of the hanfu. "How could that be possible when I heard your prayers in the field. You asked for a contract in exchange for me protecting your life." Then he drank, closing his eyes for a moment.
A contract… The archon was right, you had forgotten that because of the adrenaline of the moment.
Fear pumped through your system and prevented the processing of any logical thought. You were sure you were going to die in the field that day. An arrow pierced your left side grazing very close to your heart, every breath you took you could feel the splinters moving closer. The rhythm of your heartbeat was like that of a drum luring you to your death.
You were sure you were ready to die, you swore you always had, yet the moment your eyelids succumbed to the darkness your courage trembled and as your eyes closed for the last time, unable to open them again, you pleaded for your life.
"Do you remember now?" Morax's mug was on the table again, lost in the unpleasant memories that had returned you ignored the archon shifting position, now one of his knees was at chest level, his other leg still rested on the floor in a misshapen triangle while one elbow rested on top of the knee, and in turn the fist held his chin.
"I do," you swallowed. Unable to hold his gaze.
"Say it."
"I asked for a contract on my life. I asked for you to save me and in return I promised to give you the most precious thing I had…" your words hang in the air, half completed as you try to think, mentally piecing the puzzle together. "But I'm confused."
"Mm?" Morax inquired. Watching you struggle to put the pieces back in place, yet you get no more help from him. Leaving you to walk alone through that dark valley of memories.
"I have nothing that would be of value to you. I couldn't give you mora since you own every coin in existence, I have no animals to sacrifice, I have no family that survived the plague…"
"So you are unaware of your own worth." His amber eyes move over you, up and down and back and forth. There is no expression you can read on his face, the archon remains just as serene so you are not sure what he is thinking or what he is referring to. "I don't need anything material that you can give me. I already have your devotion so what could be more precious than that?"
"My body?" you added, incredulously, after a moment's thought.
Morax smiled, a grimace with an absence of teeth. "Your soul," he replied calmly. "You will always have my favor, you will always win no matter what battles you fight in. I'm going to make you the best warrior, people are going to tell stories about you." Your gaze lights up as the archon narrates the events he could make you live, or which he assures you will live. Then, he extends the hand with which he held his jaw in your direction, you watch the open palm in silence. "Just hold my hand."
It was the sign that your contract would be officially covenanted, before the celestial order, before the earth, and before the patron of contracts.
The thought makes you hesitate, shivers run through your chest making it hard to breathe. You weren't sure what that implied, what did he mean by giving him your soul?
You spread your fingers out, you can see them trembling on top of the table. Morax curls his hand around yours, his fingers are long and wrap around yours without difficulty. The texture of the scales is lumpy, barely perceptible as he tightens his grip.
The moment your gazes meet something inside you catches fire and burns. There's a bonfire at the top of your stomach and little electric snakes run up and down your arms, move inside your bloodstream.
"Don't be afraid," he assured you in that velvety voice." Your lips part to comment on something but before you can speak he pulls away from you. "I'll have your room ready for tonight."
"My room?" you repeat somewhat confused, returning your hand to your lap.
"I want to keep you close."
Something warm settles on your cheeks. Like the kiss of the first rays of the sun in the morning and the flutter of a tender butterfly makes your insides tingle.
"I want my spear back," you said suddenly.
You didn't feel like you without it, even though in a place like this you didn't need to be armed, it was necessary for you to have it close by for the emotional weight.
"You'll have it again," Morax affirmed, nodding his head.
You licked your lips as you turned your attention back to the mug in front of you, the golden liquid inside the porcelain was steady and serene, quite the opposite of your thoughts. Warm steam was escaping in the direction of the ceiling.
"Come join me for a sunset walk," Morax suggested, pricking the thought bubble that was beginning to fill in your head. "We can discuss the terms of our contract, I can answer your questions," he added. He seemed to have read your mind.
The proposal catches you off guard. Morax waits silently for your response, patient.
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notes: just practicing writing again! this time I thought it would be fun to narrate and write a little bit about zhongli's (morax) personality since he is one of my fav genshin characters and i hope to write more about him in the future. thanks for reading! <3.
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ranbitteeth · 8 months
hiii i love ur art and ur fics!!🫶🏽
im desperateee for a reader rails mizu w strap fic😭😭 all the smut i see are of reader bottoming and that makes me hella dysphoric sigh
so so like reader stretching mizu out, lots of whimpering, mizu being nervous, mizu feeling full and claimed, just messy subby mizu taking big strap for the first time plssss😭😭😭😭 maybe some pussy eating foreplay idk, whatever u find best and fun to write. i just need mizu to be a subby bottom its plaguing my mind😵‍💫
A/N: Your wish is my command, dearest! Hhmmm I can never really tell if you guys want a modern/cannon compliant setting— but I find my words flowing easier for the latter. If this isn’t to your liking, I can always write another one! More modern and fluffy
Tags: Possessive!Reader, GN!Reader, Reader is besties w Madame Kaji, DomTop! Reader, Jealous! Reader, Straps, Tried to be historically accurate but one can only do so much research on ancient japanese dildos, takes place sometime before Mizu hops in the boat, Goodbye Sex, Misery.
About 3.8k word count, so I’ll highlight the beginning of the actual smut in red and a star! *
Parting Ways— To London You Go
You despised him.
The Blue Eyed Beast of Japan. The onryo. The bastard half-breed that killed the Four Fangs and cut through the Shindo Dojo. Now that was a man that deserved a dog’s death. A humiliating, painful, wretched thing— so much so that pity would spread like disease among even the most hardened of men. A white man had no business in your country. Much less some impure dog, chasing ghosts of white men who had long since fled the island paradise. You believed this yourself, once. The village gossip and fantasies of his approaching death entertained you, excited you. You’d hear of his dishonorable death one evening and you’d think —‘good riddance’.
But no one told you just how much of a darling he was.
You remembered that night to picture clear, the image of his slumped body in the snow so clear in your eyes and memory. His face was twisted into a pained grimace, eyes screwed shut beneath the colored lenses of his glasses— he reeked of blood even in the snowstorm.
Unbeknownst to your family, you brought him inside, ordered your guards to gently place his body in your quarters. The servants made no protest when they saw your insistence on saving this stranger. The wound was seeping a crimson poison onto your floor, red and hot and stinking of blood.
The two of you were alone when his eyelids fluttered open, pained grunts and whimpered muffled by his own teeth against his bottom lip. And you saw it. Blue eyes— unnatural, wrong, and positively lovely. You’ve seen oceans and ponds and skies with less of a dazzling hue. It disgusted you, initially, as the realization of who he was suddenly and violently appeared in your mind.
You hadn’t expected someone so…normal looking.
He did not have a pig’s nose or clammy, sun-abused skin. He was not a beast, giant and ugly— but a man. An injured man, you recalled once his blood stained your palm. Stained your floor, your bed and his clothes. You distantly realized your hands were moving on their own as they undid the binds of his old kimono, and there, beneath the worn, filthy fabric were binds. Not of injury, not of a warrior— but of shame.
Alone in your chambers on a cold winter night amidst the worst storm you’ve ever seen— you knew. The blue-eyed, vicious animal that had earned all of Kyoto’s scorn was in fact a woman.
You adored her.
Your home grew to be a sanctuary to her of sorts. For a being so well despised by the nation, the comforts you provided were scarce luxuries. A bed. A roof. Some semblance of protection. You cared after her like one would a feral pet, a feat which did not go unnoticed. With a blade to your neck and blood painting her hands, she demanded your silence— a vow to never break. As if you’d risk losing such a treasure to the hands of bounty hunters of white men.
The two of you danced with hate for months.
She was a silent spirit, a brewing storm on the distant horizon. At times, you’d catch her eyes on you, other times, she’d notice you doing the same. At times, you’d reach your hand forward and caress the scars on her skin. At times, she’d allow you to– going so far as to present herself.
At times, you’d make love to her. Your depravity was no secret to anyone with ears and working eyes— but your status and wealth made you untouchable. No one but your servants would hear her cries echo from your chambers, and no one but you would see her in the throes of pleasure, head tossed back, expression screwed into one of hesitant bliss and ecstasy.
Or so you thought.
She often returns to you like a dog would weeks after leaving. Loyal, endearing and silent. Whether it was out of some misplaced desire of courtesy or a genuine attachment, you did not know. You’d tell yourself you did not care, but Man would never be born without sin. Madame Kaji, the wonderful hag, would bewitch you in letters with tales of her ladies in the delights her brothel would offer. She mentioned a certain blue-eyed beast in her company in her most previous message. Her letter was pointed, concise, and utterly enraging. By its contents, you would piece together your Mizu’s night with a princess– of all wretched things. After months of silence, alone in your palace with no one but the one and off prostitutes you’d hire and the servants you paid deftly for their loyalty, and the samurai goes off to bed and abandone a lady princess of the Tokunobu clan.
Mizu would not show her face to you until spring. By then, your anger had solidified and festered into an untamable typhoon. As your servants led her to your chambers, Mizu would be standing dead-center in the eye of your storm. Something in her was different. Stronger, yet weaker. Kinder, yet crueler.
“You show your face here again?” You ask cooly, and at least she had the decency to look ashamed, removing her hat. Like this, you could see her properly. (You’d never admit to your anger cooling, but it did.) She does not harden her voice in your presence, but it is quiet, timid, shameful. Before she could open her mouth to speak, one of your servant men approach, head bowed deeply.
“[Title and Name]”, he’d say. Your eyes glance over to him, humming as you granted permission to speak.
“There is a white man inside, bound and immobilized.” He says quickly, bowing his head deeper.
“I only wished for you to be aware.”
Your cold, steely eyes turn to fix Mizu with a chilling stare. She only looks at you head on, taking the challenge. Oh…
“Leave us.” You say, but not before giving an order to boil water over a fire. The door is smoothly slid shut, and the two of you are under the illusion of solitude once more.
“I am to depart for London soon.” Mizu says bluntly, abruptly. You couldn’t have expected anything less. You give no reaction save for a short sigh and two fingers against your temple.
“I am closer to my mission than ever before. I have an informant, I have a boat, I have names.” She talks as if to explain herself, stepping closer in light footsteps, hesitant. “I may not survive through this. I only wished to say goodbye before I leave.”
For a moment, you say nothing. Your mouth is rendered useless as your mind rushes with curses. To the world, to the white men, to Japan, to Mizu, to the hellsite that was London itself. The poisonous concoction of rage and envy that had been brewing for months was bubbling and prickling beneath your skin– only now with the addition of grief.
“This would have been much more convenient in scripture,” you say, voice like hot iron. Mizu’s surprise is tangible, eyes flickering around your features, searching for answers to her questions.
“I adore letters. You know this.” You begin to say, moving from your initial position and circling the room, retrieving several items and placing them on the large expanse of your sleeping bed. You open a box, massive with weight. Inside is parchment, pounds of it. “I collect them.”
You suddenly and harshly shove the box onto the floor, a flurry of parchment and ink spilling at your feet. Mizu seems to shrink, but refuses to cower. Gingerly, you retrieve one excerpt sent just a few months ago from Madame Kaji. You hand it to Mizu, surrounding her. You wait until you are certain she understands what she is reading before you begin to speak.
“Never took you as the brothel-dwelling type.” You say, watching as those demonic, off-putting, oh-so-lovely eyes scan the characters on paper. Your eyes stick to her lips before you remind yourself why you are angry. You imagined those lips entangled with another, and your blood goes cold.
“Nothing happened between me and the princess.” Mizu says, turning to face you. The genuine confusion in her expression is almost insulting. “She meant to kill me that night. Our duel meant nothing. Madame Kaji knows nothing that is true.”
“Not every conflict between you and a stranger is a duel and Madame Kaji is a dear friend of mine.” You reply easily. The hurt in your voice was becoming clearer with each passing syllable.
“You truly believe sailing the seas will come so easy? Do you know how many men I’ve lost in my trades on those voyages? Do you even know what awaits you in London?” You begin to demand these answers, losing the control you pride yourself in as you continue to speak. As a man and a woman, Mizu was nothing but a stupid, lost soul, wandering the earth without an object to attach to. You then gently cup her face in both hands, watching in delight as she melts into your touch.
*“Do you even know how much I’ve wanted you these past months?”
Mizu cannot answer. Her hands raise over yours, fingers brushing against your warmer ones.
“I meant no harm in my absence.” She concedes, round eyes rising to meet with yours. Just like that, the room had shifted. Your eyes darken as they raked along her face and figure, recalling what lay beneath the layers upon layers of fabric she’d use to protect herself.
“You can’t imagine…” You whine, gently undoing the bandages around her neck to expose the delectable skin that lay beneath. Untouched, unseen by all but few. You bury your nose into the crook of her neck before your tongue darts out just to taste flesh and the blood that pumped beneath. Mizu sighs, noticeably relaxing into you. Her arms move to wrap around your neck in a gentle embrace, a position you’ve grown to love and grieve for.
“Gods, how I’ve missed you…” you say, assisting Mizu’s hands and hurriedly undoing her kimono before your hands run hungrily along her skin. Scars, so many more than you remember. A different rage boiled inside of you, protective and not directed to Mizu in the slightest. The two of you move in sync of tangled limbs and warm breaths against open lips. You push her onto your cot, the rage you had felt previously spilling out in the form of hunger. You attack her neck with the teeth in your mouth, suckling and biting down on her white-man skin until cherry-red marks bloom across her neck. She whimpers, coyly craning her neck and exposing herself further– presenting herself. Begging for it. Gods.
“You were away so long I’d almost forgotten what a whore you are…” you coo, undressing her wholly, spreading her legs around either side of your hips. As a surprise to no one, you noticed the particular shininess to the downy hairs on her wet cunt, groaning softly at the sight. Her smell, her taste, her color– you’d spend innumerable nights recalling these things in exquisite detail, going so far as to seek her in other women and finding not one suitable substitution. Your hunger had been building up for months, and now here she was, just as enticing as you remember her. Her teeth nibble down on her finger as she groans into the air.
“[Reader], I haven’t..” she starts, but you shush her before she can continue. Her loyalty only endeared you to her further, and you wanted to remain somewhat angry.
“I know, puppy. You already know who you belong to, don’t you?” You murmured, practically salivating at the sight of her glistening pussy. A whine catches in her throat, allowing you to see in real time her strength and tenacity fail her beneath you. The demon man was nowhere to be found here. You tamed that spirit and contained her in your chambers. You reduced it from a spirit to a man to a moaning, wanton little tart.
“Keep your legs spread and I’ll give you what you came here for.” You order swiftly, to which she nods and complies, spreading her legs further apart. You eagerly adjust your position so that you are resting on your stomach, Mizu’s thighs on either side of your head and your mouth just above her wet cunt. With only an aroused groan as a warning, your tongue descends onto her slick folds, eagerly lapping up the wetness that coated her lovely skin. It was positively obscene, the color and taste of her, the slurping sounds across the room and her whimpering cries as months of stress and anger fell away under your tongue. The poor thing couldn’t even keep her thighs from squeezing around your head, effectively trapping you against her pussy— but it was no matter. Your tongue swirled and massaged what it could reach while the tip of your nose rutted against her clit. Slowly, surely, readily— her raspy, hoarse voice bloomed into something far sweeter, and you could feel the ice around your heart melting. This was the Mizu you knew, without the clothes and glasses and false identity. This Mizu was the one you owned.
You feel her getting close, as it was always obvious with her. You felt her thighs squeezing around your head, felt them shake and tense while her hips bucked against you and her breathing grew more desperate. You feel it, she feels it— she wants it so bad she sobs into her palm. You both know better.
You pull away with a wet, obscene sound, ignoring Mizu’s frustrated groan into her fist. Your lips and chin are wet with her taste and both of your bodies are shining with sweat.
“What? Were you close?” You ask huskily, readjusting yourself so that your body hovers over hers, your fingers pushing in and out of her gushing warmth. You start with two, massaging her insides into relaxation, molding her to your desires. She impatiently pushes her hips against you, holding you in a desperate embrace. You do not hurry, you don’t even respond as you take her lips in yours, letting her taste herself coating your tongue. It was a messy, depraved display— one that made her noticeably wetter around your fingers. Her nails claw into the fabric over your body, tugging it off.
“Take yours off too…” she says in between breaths, eyes half lidded and watery with want.
“You think you can take it already?” You ask slowly, dead serious. Mizu nods, a slow and deliberate thing. Who are you to argue now?
“It’s bigger than the other one. You sure?” You ask again, making slow, hard motions against her wet clit.
“[Reader]…” she gasps, carrying a note of exasperation, her hands now trembling against you. “Please…!”
You laugh, breathless, exhilarated. Your lips gently press against her forehead, a soft ‘wait here’ and a quick trip to the corner of your bedroom later, you retrieve it.
You commissioned this piece long before you knew Mizu would return. Your very own harigata, hard as a tortoise shell, ribbed and heavy in size and weight. You expressed your desire to be able to attach it to yourself to please your lovers and so the artist complied. You held it up with one hand, allowing Mizu to gauge at the weight and size before stuffing it with warm cotton dipped in the previously boiled water at your side. Mizu hasn’t even noticed the servant come in, far too immersed in watching you align the phallus to her soaking cunt. She feels the heat through the tortoise shell and whimpers, hips trembling before she spreads her legs further apart. The head was already pushing against her hole, oh so ready to slip inside. Just as you mean to push yourself in, Mizu makes a strangled little noise and you cease in your tracks.
“Yes?” You ask, already breathless.
“It’s big…” she says, repeating the words you said earlier. You laugh, endeared.
“Yes. You want it smaller?” You ask again, but she shakes her head no.
She licks her dried lips before she swallows. “Don’t hold back.”
Unable to control yourself, you laugh, head falling beneath your shoulders and against her collarbone. Fuck.
“Tell me when you’re ready.”
You feel her nervousness in the tension of her body. As aroused as she was, it had been some time since she’s seen you. You begin with slow, shallow thrusts to get her accustomed to the feel, not going halfway until you hear her get noticeably impatient.
“Hold on, puppy. I don’t want to hurt you…” you say, but you push yourself in deeper to quiet her whimpers. The ribbed surface rutting in and out of her wet heat had its obvious effects. Her knees shake where they are around your hips and her head arches back as she moans, voice breaking. The harigata was doing everything it was designed to do and more. Mizu was falling apart so beautifully and you weren’t even fully inside.
Slower thrusts, still quick but less shallow, and she moves her arms to wrap around your neck in a tender embrace, holding your back to keep herself present. With you.
Some time passes, and you push yourself in further. You feel some natural resistance, Mizu’s breath hitching. You pause and pull away somewhat to check for her expression, finding her eyes wet with tears dripping down flushed cheeks. Her chest is rising and falling in ragged breaths as she struggles to compose herself long enough to get a sentence out.
“No! No, don’t stop. [Reader], please don’t stop,” she whines, cradling your face. You obliged and continued, though far slower than the pace you were going before. Mizu openly whimpers at this loss before she intertwines her legs around your hips by her ankles, keeping you close.
“Could that princess give you what I can?” You say suddenly, still feeling that burst of envy possess you as you rut your hips forward with a precision that only hours of fantasies and failed attempts to recreate Mizu’s body could give you. A shuddering, wanton moan later, Mizu’s hand flies over her mouth. You take that hand by her wrist and pin it to the floor, still thrusting your hips against hers with purpose and vigor. Not all the way in, not yet. “Well?” You ask. You demand.
“N-no…no she can’t…” Mizu damn near sobs, and possession coils in your gut as you push the harigata to reach new depths. Her moans are pitched and broken, you feel and see her falling apart. The poor thing felt so full, unsure what to even make of the delicious stretch your phallus provided or the hot arousal that being beneath you gave her. To some degree, she was yours, and you both knew it.
Feeling pleased with her state as she answered, you finally and gently push yourself in entirely, making her back arch and moans echo across your chambers like they did so long ago. The harigata’s other end pushes against you, makes you groan at the pressure. You look down at her whorish expression, her inky black hair spread like a halo around her head. You see her flushed skin shining with sweat, you see the tremble in her body and think about how much longer you’ll have to go without it.
“You don’t even know what you do to me…” You begin to ramble without thinking, words flowing like water from your tongue while Mizu moans beneath you.
You can’t help the way your hips begin to plow against hers, you can’t help the strength and ferocity that possesses you when you think of the distance that will be between the two of you. When you think of who she could meet and compare you to. When you think of yourself in the future, in bed, alone, aching for a body that will not be there. You cannot control the desire in your body when your hips move in a way that can only be described as primal, and she takes it all. Mizu has always taken what you give her so well, and it wasn’t long before you were both panting each other’s name against your skins, the room now hot and stuffy and reeking of sex. Her voice reaches a certain pitch, her nails claw into the silken fabric of your kimono, and you can tell she’s closer than ever.
A warm flower of pride bloomed in your chest as you realized that one day, if all went well, you could keep her for yourself. You’d no longer spend the lonely nights in your palace inviting women of the night to give you company. You’d no longer need to bear the crushing loneliness in your bed — not when Mizu’s mission would fail and she’d realize her rightful place at your side. Safe and warm. Protected. Yours.
You imagine fucking her day and night when she returns until she’s sore and trembling, unable to stand without your assistance. The mental image and the emotions it ignites inside of you make you openly and shakily moan in sync with her, and the two of you cum in each other's embrace. She’s damn near bitten through the silk of your kimono by now, drool coating the luxurious fabric. By now, she’s hardly the image of dignified, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
You pull yourself off of her with nothing but a smooth roll of your hips and a near-violent shudder from the body beneath you. By then, it had all blurred together into a hazy memory of warm candlelight, golden skin, and warm, damp towels running along Mizu’s body and freshly fetched water poured into her waiting mouth. You only remember the rest you won for yourself that night, the two of you wrapped in a tangle of limbs and half torn fabric, warm.
But you wake up cold, and you recall why she came by in the first place.
“Would it be too burdensome to stay?” You implore, voice breaking with sleep and heartache. That worn, raggedy kimono is once again wrapped around her figure, her bandages back on. Her very aura is cold and distanced, and the weight of her decision truly settles into your skin.
“We can be happy, you know.” You say, almost pleading but with far too much pride to let it show. “I am in the mountains, far from the city. No white man could find you here,” You can’t being yourself to stand. You watch as her expression morphs from one of sorrow and pity to one of distrust, distaste, and near-resentment. Whether it is directed to you or her father, you cannot be sure.
With her back to you and her voice in the tone of a man’s, she bids you goodbye.
You find that— more than anyone— you want her quest of revenge to fail.
How you despised her.
And oh, how you missed her.
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Mikey BFF HCs
I like to picture what the different Mikey's would be like as best friends bad influences
Fluff :) pining, shenanigans
SFW aged up turts
-03 Mikey would tap on your window at midnight, knowing you were still up, snacks in hand. He'd have the biggest smile on his face as he'd help you out over the frame and up the fire escape, and you'd spend a few blissful hours up on your roof laughing and just taking in the beautiful view of New York in the deep of night. You loved these moments with your best friend, just soaking in each other's company. Eventually you nodded off, head drooping onto his shoulder as sleep tugged at your eyes, and he carefully scooped you up in his arms and laid you back into your bed, tucking you in before he stole back out of your apartment. He whispered softly into the dark room, giving you one last longing look before disappearing into the night, sure you were asleep. "Love you."
-2012 Mikey would call you, voice giddy as he asks your opinion about his latest idea. "No Mikey." A smile was plastered on your face as you giggled at the image in your head. "God no. Leave the elephants alone." You can hear the pout in his voice through the phone speaker. "Ohh, c'mon! Don't you think it'd be awesome to ride an elephant? I just wanna do it once!! The zoo's right there!" You rub your forehead where you had smacked it, chuckling at your friends antics. "Give Leo the phone, Mikey."
-07 Mikey would text you, asking you to join him for a surprise in the neighborhood park next to your apartment. When you arrive, you heard the faint rustle of leaves before he fell from the tree branch above you, landing next to you face first on the sidewalk. "..Sup?" He looked up at you from the pavement, offering a goofy smile and half-hearted thumbs up. Giggling at himself, he got up and brushed some leaves off his plastron, and you followed him to the skate area where he had some tunes and snacks waiting. You turned to him, cocking your head, and raised an eyebrow as a slow smile crept on your lips. "Mikey..?" He pulled a new board from the bushes nearby. "Wanna give it a shot?"
-Bayverse Mikey would bring you down to the lair, asking your help to prank his brothers. They had been making fun of him a lot recently, and he needed his partner in crime for a little revenge. You had brought the supplies he asked for; whip cream and a feather. When you got to the lair, he smiled broadly, whisking you into a hug and carting you off to his room to wait for Raph to fall asleep on the couch for his midday nap. After a few hours of videogames and laughter, you poked your head into the living room and looked cautiously over at the couch. You spotted Raph's bandana immediately, the red mask on his head nestled on the arm of the sofa as soft snores rumbled from his chest. Mikey was watching from the hallway, and you looked back to him and gave him two thumb's up. "Let's gooooo!" He whispered, a devilish look in his eyes and that smile you loved so much plastered on his face.
-Rise Mikey would give you art supplies for your birthday, along with one free coupon for painting lessons from him. He handed them to you with a shy smile on his face, and beamed when you thanked him with a giant hug. The day you invited him over for the art lesson had him glowing with pride, and he was an incredible and patient teacher as he walked you through brush strokes and techniques. He watched you mix colors on your palette, smiling softly. "You're a quick learner." His praise was quiet as he worked, eyes back on his own canvas. You couldn't help but smile, blush spreading across your face like the soft pink paint you were mixing with your brush.
tags: @thelaundrybitch, @sophiacloud28, @zombiesnips-blog
let me know if you want to be added to my tag list!
78 notes · View notes
laviefantasie · 2 months
[ Just Keep Swimming ]
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Pairings: CEO! Gojo Satoru x Florist! Reader ; Lawyer! Naoya Zenin x Florist! Reader
Summary: The worst and best thing that could ever happen to you is falling in love. You were living proof of it. (based on “It Ends With Us”)
| Masterlist |
[ WARING TAGS: Modern!AU, no curse magic,, hurt/comfort, angst, domestic violence, violence, assault, sexual content, manipulation, gaslighting, blood, swearing ]
⛊ ☼ ⛉ ☼ ⛊ ☼ ⛉ ☼ ⛊
You were six the first time you saw it happen. You were ten when you first understood what it meant. You were fifteen when you first begged your mom with tears to leave him. You were eighteen when you decided to leave them.
And now here you were at twenty-five staring at your childhood bedroom , trying your best to not look at any of the family portraits that adorned the walls.
This was no happy home. You wouldn’t even call it a home to begin with. Not when the halls had echoed your mother’s terrified screeches as the walls tainted red. Not as your father’s fist painted your mother’s porcelain skin yellow, purple, red and green. How you hated those colors and despised this place.
You couldn’t wait to leave once again.
“It’s nice to have you back, honey”
You sighed. Your mother’s voice was as always soft and sweet; you hated how soft it sounded, as if she expected to get hit if she were to be louder.
Your eyes glanced around before stopping on an old music box, one a certain crystal blue-eyed boy had given you once upon a time. A small smile faintly appears on your face as you gaze at it, before being wiped off by the rest of your memories.
Clearing your throat, you turn towards your mother with a steady gaze. She smiled at you softly.
And you hated it. You hated that you remember how she had chosen him over you, again and again. You hated how you had begged, even gotten on your knees, for her to leave with you.
You hated that no matter how many times she chose him, he never stopped the cracks from deepening.
“Have you decided on what to say?” She asks slowly, “You could just recall a memory… maybe just state three things that he ever did to make you smile or…”
“Mom” you interrupted her, hating how as she spoke images of her being brutally hurt appeared in her mind, “I’ll figure it out”
She doesn’t seem convinced, but she still nods.
Sighing, you turn to look out your window straight at the three-story mansion in front of your own. Memories of joyous laughter and snow white hair.
Closing your eyes, you turn around. You had a funeral to get ready for and an eulogy to lie in.
The flowers on the roof of your building had always been your home away from home. Especially when you didn’t actually have somewhere that felt as home yet. You had lost that a long time ago.
You keep on cutting off the dead limbs, lost in your thoughts, when the door snaps open loudly and a crash startle you.
Turning around you are met with the sight of a blond man in a suit panting over a broken empty flower pot. You would’ve already screamed at him about the mess if it wasn’t for the tears streaming down his face.
He turns, eyes meeting yours. E/C meeting brown. His pants slow down and what appears to be shame shines through his face.
“I-I’ll pay for it”
“Seems like it was asking for it so no worries” you joke trying to make him feel at ease.
Why? You’re not sure. There was just something about seeing someone so powerful looking being vulnerable that made you sympathize.
He lets out a giant laugh full of relief and you find yourself smiling at it.
“You did all this?” He points at the many flowers al over the roof.
You nod, “Yeah, it’s my hobby… although maybe you could consider it my job too?”
“Huh? Really?”
“Hopefully, yeah” you nod, continuing your job, “You?”
“I’m, uh, a layer”
“A lawyer?” You ask ironically. He didn’t seem that confident to be one.
“I don’t look the part?”
“Not really”
He laughs again, louder this time, and you find yourself smiling. Again.
When was the last time you had smiled?
“You don’t look like a florist either”
“Makes sense, I didn’t actually study to become one” you smirk, “I just decided to become it”
“What did you study then?”
“Oh, wouldn’t you like to know?”
He smiles, “Actually, I would. Along with your name”
“Sorry, I’m married”
His face pales, “Oh! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean any—”
Your laughter interrupts him. A loud and melodic one. One you hadn’t heard yourself let out in a long time.
It felt… warm.
“You… you’re messing with me”
“I am” your laugh faints, but the smile remains, “Was that too much?”
“When it caused that laugh? Not at all”
Your heart skipped a beat.
“Y/N” you say softly, “That’s my name”
“Nice to meet you, Y/N” he smiles, “I’m Naoya”
You nod at him before turning your attention to your flowers once more, trying to ignore the way your heart had started to increase the rhythm of its beat. You weren’t gonna acknowledge it.
“Why flowers?” He clears his throat, “I mean… you said you chose it so, why?”
“Why not? There’s q certain beauty in them, a familiarity, don’t you think so?”
They’re just like us. When loved, they bloom. When hurt, they rot.
I wanted to say that, yet couldn’t. I had only ever said that to one person before and it felt like a betrayal to say it to somebody else, as insignificant as it seemed.
“Think about it, okay?” You settle for, smiling, “Promise you’ll figure it out”
He laughs faintly, “I take it, because it means we’ll meet again, right?”
“I don’t know about that…”
“You live here, am I wrong? I live here too! It’s meant to be”
You frown with a smile, “Is that your best way to flirt?”
“Only if it’s working”
You shake your head, laughing, “With those looks I thought you were a womanizer but now…”
“Hey! With this looks, what else would I need?”
Both of you share a laugh, a happy one, and for a minute you forget he came here banging doors and breaking pots; you forget you had been cutting dead limbs from flowers hoping it’d cut the ones inside you too.
But reality always sets in and your smile disappears.
He had been violent. Whatever his reason might be, even if it was one that could be understood, sirens loudly came to life inside your head making you move around, you were uncomfortable.
“Anyways… I know I said it probably was asking for it but what exactly did the flower pot do?”
You hate how your voice soften at the start, so you toughen it up by the end. The last thing you ever wanted was to be like your mom.
You’d never be like her.
“Honestly… it wasn’t the pot’s fault. Sadly, it was just collateral damage” he sighs, “I… uh… something happened. It’s kinda personal”
“Oh. Sorry. I-uh… too invasive. I apologize”
“No, no, it’s okay. Understandable. I…” he sighs, “I had this case, kinda can’t talk about it you know, but… it was a tough one. My client was a kid… and I lost”
“Yeah, oh” he laughs bitterly, “My client is a kid that I promised I’d help, that I’d save, and I didn’t. I failed them”
“I’m so sorry” you sigh, “That’s… a good enough reason for the pot’s short lifespan”
He smiles faintly.
You sigh, averting your eyes and playing with your fingers nervously.
“My dad died this past weekend” you blurt out, “Seems like it’s been a shitty last few days”
“Seems like it”
“Kind of a pretty deep conversation for two strangers to have on a roof, don’t you agree?”
“You’re not a stranger” his eyes soften, “You are Y/N, flower enthusiast, trickster, owner of the prettiest smile I’ve ever seen”
Thump. Thump. Thump.
You remind yourself to breathe as you let out an embarrassed laugh, averting your gaze from his soft one. Could your heart calm down? This was not the moment for a crush.
“Since we’re already spilling our dirty little secrets… how about a night of naked truths?”
“Naked truths?”
You hum, nodding, “I wouldn’t mind some company as I finish tending to my flowers and you seem like the last thing you need right now is being alone”
“Probably true. How’d you know I’m alone though?”
“Because we all tend to run to the person that makes us feel accompanied when we’re struggling… yet you’re on the roof, alone. Hitting doors and breaking pots”
“You’re also on the roof in a moment of struggle” he reminds you softly, his eyes filling with understanding.
“Again: I wouldn’t mind some company”
He nods, silently sitting down beside you on the floor and watching you as you tend your plants with care.
“Naked truths?” He reminds you softly.
You nod, “The odds of us ever seeing each other again are low, so it doesn’t matter”
“Kind of like a therapy session?”
“Zero judgement, all humor” you give him a small smile, “Wanna go first?”
“Today’s case… I watched a little boy’s life crumbled before his eyes when I failed him, making him go back to the hell he has lived with his father” he sighs, averting his gaze that had darken, “He’ll never be the same again and now he won’t even find a reason in asking for help”
“I’m sorry about that” you let out a deep breath, “Maybe he’ll figure out a way”
“Maybe… he shouldn’t have to though”
He was right. No kid should ever find a way to survive the hell they’ve been given. A kid should only ever be a kid.
“Your turn”
He had been honest. He had been vulnerable. He deserved the same treatment.
“I’m a liar” you blurt out, “I’ve had to be since my father was a politician. But I shouldn’t have had to be it to the degree he made me be it. He… my mother and him fought a lot. And he would get so… so angry whenever they did that some-sometimes he would h-hit her. He’d apologize after. Taking us out, buying her expensive gifts. He knew I hated it when they fought so he’d buy me toys, to make up for it I guess. I didn’t really understand what him hitting her actually was, I was a kid. So… so-sometime-”
Your voice fails you, making you clear your throat as you find yourself admitting this out loud for the first time in years. Your saliva tasted like acid inside your mouth as you tried to find your voice once again.
Naoya waits patiently. Not making a sound and letting you collect yourself calmly.
“Sometimes I… I would find myself hoping they’d fight. Because I knew that if he h-hit her, the next two weeks would be… amazing” had I ever actually ever admitted this out loud?, “I wish he had never touched her. When I understood pain, I wished he’d stop but it was too late. It had become part of their marriage, like a silent norm in our house. So I let them be… I now know that letting it happen, never saying anything, makes me as guilty as him. As a daughter I have love for him, but as a person? I hate him. I have spent most of my life despising him for being such a bad person, but… I’m just as bad. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, am I right?”
The answer is immediate, making you freeze.
His hand stops your fumbling one, warming it on his own as if giving it a home. His gaze is determined, soft.
You couldn’t breathe.
“You’re not a bad person. I don’t think there’s really a thing as bad people” he squeezes my hand, “We’re just… people who sometimes do bad things. We’re humans, it’s inevitable”
I open my mouth but nothing comes out. Was I gonna agree with him just to stop the conversation? Was I gonna try to convince him that I’m bad? What exactly was I gonna say?
People who sometimes do bad things.
You felt yourself lighter after his words, as if the weight pulling you down and making it hard for you to breathe had slightly lifted.
No one is exclusively bad, he was right. Some people just have it harder to be good.
And that’s okay. You just gotta keep trying.
“Your turn”
He looks ready to disagree, but relents anyway.
“I don’t remember my mom” he confesses, “Dad and her divorced when I was four I think. He never let me see her once he won custody… and she didn’t try to either”
“You wish she had tried?”
“When I was a kid” he shrugs, “Not anymore. She made her choice, and now I choose not to wait for someone who didn’t want me”
“What if she wanted but just… couldn’t?”
He scoffs, “Your turn”
The bitterness in his voice stings, but you know it’s not directed at you.
You squeeze his hand trying to give him at least a little of the comfort he gave you moments ago. He smiles faintly.
“I have only ever fallen in love once” you admit, “His name was Satoru, he lived in the house in front of me. I lost my virginity with him until my dad found us and kick him out. Never saw him again after”
“Satoru?” He frowns, “Not a common name”
“Yeah, it isn’t”
“Kinda jealous right now” you frown, “He must have been a hell of a guy if you haven’t dated since”
You remember the blood and its metallic smell. How your throat hurt as you screamed for him to stop. How tears fell down your cheeks as you try to break them up, only to be pushed back. You feared he’d kill him.
“He was” you state softly, “It just couldn’t… we just had to stop seeing each other”
“Had to?”
“Yeah. Had to”
The confession tastes like the metallic smell imprinted in your mind, making it hard to swallow.
He stays silent for a moment.
“Now I really am jealous” he smiles, making you laugh, “You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and you’re telling me you’ve only had one boyfriend? And he’s the one that got away?”
“Are you quoting a Katy Perry song?”
You laugh out loud. The screams that had muted the surrounding traffic sound quiet down, and the metallic taste disappears.
The one that got a way, you repeat to yourself. Yeah. Satoru definitely was that.
“What are you doing?”
You had been watching quietly so far but you just couldn’t anymore. Why did the heir of Gojo Enterprises look as if he was running away?
“Mind your own business”
“I actually am. You just stomped on my flowers before falling on your face as you ran without looking ahead” you scoff, “Now spill”
He sighs, looking towards his house before scoffing.
“Do you know who I am?”
“Satoru Gojo…? Only heir of the Gojo family, one of the top ten families in the whole country” you recite without a care, “Why does that even matter?”
“You forgot ‘illegitimate son’, princess” he rolls his eyes, “My mom was a maid who Mr. Gojo fucked because he pleased. So I’m leaving”
“Wh-wait! Leaving? Where?” You stop him, “You can’t leave”
“I can and I will”
“Where will you go? Do you even know what leaving on the streets will be like?” You scoff and cross your arms, “You won’t survive, not after living in that place”
“Until I was six, I lived in that place’s basement and was treated as a rat. I think the streets will be fine”
“But you can’t—”
“We’ve been neighbors all our lives and you’ve never once looked at me” he scoffs, “Don’t look at me now”
He turns around as he rolls his eyes, looking ready to ignore whatever else you tried to convince him to not leave home. But you’d never understand what a hell that house was and had always been, not when you had the picture perfect family.
“STAY HERE” you yelled in panic, freezing him on the spot, “We have a small house in our backyard, originally for the house’s help. It’s unoccupied, so you can stay there. Free of charge”
“Cause you look seem like someone who has had many doors closed in his face” you shrugs, averting your gaze shyly, “I want to show you there are others who’ll open it for you”
“Hey” you snap out of your memory from when you where fifteen, “You good? Lost you for a second”
“I’m fine” your voice is softer now, a hint of melancholy in it.
Why had you remembered that right now? Hadn’t that wound already healed?
“It’s gotten late. I-I should go”
You stand up, your head a mess, but his hand in yours stops you. His gaze is curious and slightly desperate.
“Will I see you again?”
“That stings”
“I’m just honest” you sigh, “That’s how it works”
“I don’t believe it is” he smiles, “So, see you next time, Y/N”
You had indeed seen him again, as if by destiny. He was apparently family of your new part-time worker, Maki. And apparently he knew your best friend, Utahime, whom had help you open your flower shop, Camellia Carnation.
It had taken you back to see him with Utahime, but you had acted indifferent. Then, he had been your first client ever and had buy the bouquet for you. Maki warned him you were off limits.
So you agreed to be friends.
Yet he was always there, and your heart kept on taking his side. One misstep and you found yourself falling.
You hadn’t meant to fall, not after Satoru. But at some point he smiled and you knew it was game over. Suddenly, he had sunk beneath your bones and nurtured this deep familiarity into a love so fierce that you believed this was it, that he was it. After all the pain, and the healing, and the heartbreak, Naoya was it.
Maki said he didn’t date, that he just played around. Naoya himself admitted it to.
Yet he begged you to try with him.
And holy crap were you glad you said yes. When was the last time you had been this happy? Dancing around the kitchen with only the refrigerator light? Playing board games in your bed? Laughing until the sun rose?
You gave him your all and he reciprocated it.
It only made sense that he met your mother when she came to visit you, even when you were a little hesitant about it. He was excited, you wouldn’t stop it.
You hadn’t expected to be frozen in your seat, barely registering what your mom was saying as you both waited for Naoya to come back from the restroom. How could you focus when you had just met your favorite set of crystal blue eyes?
You thought you had it wrong. You had to.
But nothing could compare to those eyes. White hair? People dyed it all the time. Pale skin? No beaches around. But his eyes? No one could even imagine coming close to their unique blue.
It has been years since you saw him, but you’ll never forget what he looked like. It had to be him. You know it was and you believe he recognized you, too, because the second your eyes met… it looked like he’d seen a ghost.
You felt breathless.
It was as if in this moment your soul was whispering to your heart excitedly about him. It was like a gravitational pull, like as if all the universes and all the galaxies were conspiring in his favor.
Snap out of it, you screamed in your head.
Why were you looking at him like that? You couldn’t. You didn’t know him, not anymore at least.
And yet…
You found yourself in the restroom’s, hoping he had recognized you and maybe decided to follow you.
What were you doing? He had left you behind, months before graduating, without a goodbye. He had probably gone to the marines to escape his father… but he had been so well dressed he probably had ended up doing as he was told.
You needed to compose yourself.
You’re snapped out of your thoughts by the door opening behind you. The Baby Breath flower tattoo in your collarbone burning as you meet his gaze, both of you breathless.
He looked healthy. There were so many emotions going through you at the moment but that was what stuck. You were happy he was healthy.
So why did it sting that he never came back for you? That he never looked for you?
He’s standing at the end of the hallway like a ghost straight out of the past. He’s real, and he’s standing right in front of you.
He smiled and you swore your heart stopped.
“I’m going to make a promise to you. I’ll get out of my father’s cage and make a life of my own. When my life is good enough to deserve you in it, I’ll come find you. But don’t wait for me, okay? It may not happen”
He blows out a quick breath of relief and then takes three huge steps forward. You find yourself doing the same. Meeting in the middle and throwing your arms around each other.
“Holy shit” he breathes, tightening his embrace.
You nod, “Yeah. Holy shit”
He puts his hands on your shoulders and takes a step back to look at you.
“You haven’t change a thing”
Covering your mouth with your hand, still in shock, you give him a once-over. His face looks the same, but he’s no longer the scrawny teenager you remember.
“I can’t say the same for you”
He laughed, “Six years in the military will do that, definitely”
You’re in shock, and so is he, so nothing is said after that. You’re both too busy taking each other in to figure out what to say next. Laughing with disbelief.
Finally, he releases your shoulders and folds his arms over his chest.
“What are you doing here?”
He didn’t remember. You didn’t know if you were disappointed or relieved.
“I live here,” you say, forcing your answer to sound as casual as his question, “I own a flower shop over on Park Plaza”
He smiles knowingly, like it doesn’t at all surprise him.
You glance toward the door, knowing you should get back out there. He notices and then takes another step back. He holds your gaze for a moment, it gets really quiet. Way too quiet.
There’s so much you both have to say but where to start? The smile leaves his eyes for a moment and then he motions toward the door.
“You should probably get back to your company”, he says, “I’ll look you up sometime. You said Park Plaza, right?”
I nod. He nods.
And then you both parted ways.
The rest of your dinner was uneventful. Your gaze sometimes strayed to where Satoru sat surrounded by men in business attire, but came back to Naoya whenever he made your mom laugh.
Naoya is the perfect gentleman. Making your mom laugh, listening to her stories, paying for dinner, insisting on walking her to her car.
So why did you kept glancing at Satoru throughout the night?
“I ordered an Uber so we have approximately…” he checks his phone, “two minutes to make out”
You laugh, wrapping your arms around him. Smiling softly as you feel him kiss your neck lovingly, followed by your cheek.
“Ugh, how I wish I could invite myself over to your apartment, but my client wouldn’t be too happy with me if I did”
You giggle before kissing him back. Relief and disappointment coursing through you at his words.
Why was there relief?
“Grand opening soon, so I need to rest too” you remind him, “When’s your next day off?”
“Never. When’s yours?”
You both laugh again, making out a little more before his Uber arrives and he has to leave. You watch until it pulls out of the parking lot.
Why did everything feel so right with him?
You smiled and turned around towards your car, but gasped as soon as your gaze met his covered one.
What the hell was Satoru doing standing at the rear of your car?
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you”
His voice is low, as if tired. You force yourself to not dwell on the motive.
“Well, you did” you lean against the car, three feet away from him.
“Who’s the lucky guy?”
Your eyes widen as you turn to him, but his gaze is set on the road. You clear your throat.
“He’s…” your voice falters. This is weird. Your chest is still constricted and your stomach is flipping, “His name is Naoya. We met about a year ago.”
You force yourself not to wince at the truth once it came out. Maybe you shouldn’t have said you met that long ago. It sounded as if you were in an official long term relationship while you were just… courting each other?
“What about you? Girlfriend? Wife?”
Why were you asking that? Were you genuinely curious or…?
“Girlfriend. Her name is Mei Mei. We’ve been together almost a year now”
Heartburn. You believe you were having a heartburn. You place your hand in your chest.
A year?
“That’s good. You seem happy”
Did he seem happy? You had no clue. You just had to say something. Anything.
“Yeah. Well… I’m really glad I got to see you, Y/N” he turns around to walk away, but then spins and faces you again, his hands shoved in his back pockets, “I will say… I kind of wish this could have happened a year ago”
You wince at his words, trying not to let them get to you. Watching him as he turns and walks back to the restaurant.
Fumbling with your keys, you hit the button to unlock your car and slide in, shutting the door behind you loudly. You grip the steering wheel until your knuckles turn white. You feel a sting on your lower lip as you bite it.
For whatever reason, a tear falls down your cheek. You feel pathetic as you carelessly wipe it before starting your car.
Why were you feeling this much hurt after seeing him?
But it’s good. This happened for a reason. Your heart needed closure so that you could give it to Naoya. Maybe you couldn’t have done that until this happened.
This was good…
Yet you kept on crying.
But it’ll feel better. It’ll be better. This was just human nature, healing an old wound to prepare for a fresh new layer.
Nothing else.
“Knock, knock” you smile, opening the door with a tray in your hands full of food.
Satoru is sleeping on the couch in the help’s house living room and your gaze softens as you see the usual frown you’ve become used to missing.
He is different than you thought.
At school he was all smiles and laughter. But that was just a mask. This was the real him, the human him. One that had a lot of baggage and was slowly trying to get rid of it.
Sighing, you put the tray in the table and move closer to him, kneeling in front of the couch where he is laying.
“Psst… Satoru… wake up”
He frowns and moves slightly, which makes you giggle softly. Was he pouting?
“Come on. Mom and dad left so I brought you breakfast” his eyes open slightly, “I made sure to bring also a piece of strawberry cheesecake”
That makes him sit up quickly. You giggle and shake your head in amusement. You had learned in the last few weeks of him living with you of his sweet tooth, it was adorable.
Except something look out of place.
His usual pale skin was red. And the house had AC so he shouldn’t be sweating that much. Also, why were his eyes bloodshot?
Worried you make your palm touch his forehead, frowning as you feel how hot it feels against your skin. You wanted to call my mother, but how would you explain the situation? What could you do?
He must’ve seen how worried you were, cause he smiled softly at me.
“I’m okay, Y/N”
Your frowned deepened. Without a word you stood up, crossing your backyard to go inside your house and look for some medicine in the cabinet. There was some flu medicine, you weren’t sure if it’d work but you needed to try. Then, you went to the kitchen and made him some ginger tea, which should help if he’s got a sour throat.
When you came back he was curled up in a ball, shivering slightly.
“Seriously, I’m fine”
“Shut up” you scoff, handing him the mug, “Drink the tea, I’ll look for a blanket”
You did as you said and he did as told. After the tea you made him drink the medicine you brought him, and then you help him eat the breakfast you prepared for him.
Throughout it all he watched you with an intense gaze that you didn’t understand, but didn’t mind either.
“Y/N… I think I wanna throw up”
You stop wetting the towels you were preparing for him, jumping to grab the trash can and kneeling down in front of him.
As soon as you set it down, Satoru hunched over it and started throwing up.
You felt your chest tighten. You didn’t want to pity him, but you kinda did. Whatever his home situation had been like, he preferred having no home to call his own and no parents to take care of him than keep on living there. Even when he was this sick.
He only had you now. And you had no clue on how to help him.
After he finished throwing up, you help him drink some water and help him brush his teeth before putting him to bed. He pouted and whined like a child, but you weren’t having any of that.
He was shaking so bad and sweating like crazy from the heat his body expelled, the thought of leaving him alone scared you.
So you didn’t.
You laid down next to him, not minding the possibility of getting sick, and every hour for the next ten hours that he continued to get sick you stayed by his side. You kept on emptying the trash can, wiping his sweat, changing his sheets, wetting his towels, making him soup and helping him eat. You didn’t even think about how gross it was.
He needed you, and you were not fucking failing him.
By the time he regained a little bit of his strength, you were exhausted. You sent him to take a shower and closed your eyes for a little bit.
Why were you so worried about him?
You sighed, too tired to think of an answer. What you did know is that you did care about him, and there was no changing that now.
When he finished showering, you made him seat next to you and covered him up with the blanket, leaning into him slightly as you felt yourself becoming sleepy.
“You should rest” he whispers, “You’ve been taking care of me all day”
“I’m not tired”
“Don’t be stubborn” he coughs, “Just sleep for ten minutes. Please?”
He never said please. You doubted the word was even in his vocabulary, yet he just said it so you would consider resting.
Silently, you close your eyes.
A few minutes later, you felt him lean over a little and press his lips against your collarbone, right between your shoulder and your neck. You stop yourself from shivering as you become breathless. It was a quick kiss. Not even one you could consider as romantic in any way, more like a thank-you kiss.
But it made you feel all kinds of things.
Even when it had already been a few hours since you left him, as you lay awake on your bed, you kept touching that spot with your fingers because you could still feel it.
It was probably one of the worst day of his life. But it had been one of your best.
The next couple of weeks things started changing between you and Satoru. Something had shifted in your dynamic.
Now you held hands. Now you slept some nights in the same bed. Now you both seek the warmth that came from the other. It made you wonder if he still saw you as a naive fifteen year old. He was just two years older, it shouldn’t make that much of a difference right?
You were currently both watching Finding Nemo in the main house’s living room. The part came up where Nemo’s father, Merlin, was looking for Nemo but feeling really defeated and Dory said: ‘When life gets you down do you wanna know what you gotta do? Just keep swimming’.
“Just keep swimming” you whisper to yourself, turning to face him with a soft smile as you grab and squeeze his hand, “Just keep swimming”
You wanted to be the one that helped him swim until he finally got to surface, until he finally could breathe again.
You both were now facing each other and he had a strange look in his eyes.
“When do you turn sixteen?”
“That’s a random question” you softly laughed, “In two more months… when do you turn eighteen?”
“Not until December” he said.
You nodded, wondering if he still saw you as a kid… and if he could ever see you as more.
Maybe when two people are fifteen and seventeen, it might seem a little too far apart. But once you turned sixteen, who would see the difference?
“I need to tell you something”, he said.
You lost your breath. Heart beating fast. Were you maybe too hopeful right now?
“I got in touch with my uncle today. My mom used to live with him in Boston. He told me once he gets back from his work trip I can stay with him”
This was good news. This should make you happy. He’d have a home, a family. He’d be okay. So why weren’t you? Why were you feeling sorry for yourself?
“Are you going?” you asked, begging the universe your voice didn’t shake.
He shrugged, “I don’t know. I wanted to talk to you about it first.”
He was so close to you on the couch, so close you could feel the warmth of his breath. He smelled like mint.
You started fiddling with your hands, hoping to shake off the negative feelings surfacing.
“I don’t know what to say” you clear your throat, “I’m happy you have a safe place to stay, but what about school?”
A stupid excuse, but it was something.
“I could finish down there”, he said.
He had already made up his mind, hadn’t he? You knew because he had this certain light in his eyes, a light you thought had extinguished.
Who were you to try to stop it from shining?
“When are you leaving?”
The words fled like acid in your throat.
You wondered how far away Boston is. It’s probably a few hours, but that’s a whole world away when you don’t own a car.
“I don’t know for sure that I am.”
“What’s stopping you? Your uncle is offering you a place to stay. That’s good, right?”
He tightened his lips together and nodded. Then he stop your fiddling hands, grabbing them on his own and playing with your fingers. He leaned back and then he did something you weren’t expecting. He moved his fingers to your lips and he touched them.
You felt like dying. How was it possible to feel so much at once? You had to be dying.
He kept his fingers there for a few seconds, and he said, “Thank you, Lily. For everything”
He moved his fingers up and through your hair, and then he leaned forward and planted a kiss on your forehead. Were you even breathing at this point? He looked down at me and you watched as his eyes went right to your mouth.
“Have you ever been kissed, Y/N?”
You shook your head no and tilted your face up to his because you needed him to change that right then and there or you weren’t gonna be able to breathe.
Then, too slow for your liking, he lowered his mouth to yours and just rested it there. You didn’t know what to do next, but you didn’t care. You didn’t care if you just stayed like that all night and never even moved your mouths, it was everything.
His lips closed over yours and you could kind of feel his hand shaking. You did what he was doing and started to move your lips like he was, although a little weird at first. You felt the tip of his tongue brush across your lips once and you thought your eyes were about to roll back in your head. He did it again, and then a third time, so you finally did it, too. When your tongues touched for the first time, you kind of smiled a little, because you had thought about your first kiss a lot. Where it would be, who it would be with. Never in a million years did you imagine it would feel like this.
He pushed you on your back and pressed his hand against your cheek and kept kissing you. It just got better and better as you grew more comfortable. Your favorite moment was when he pulled back for a second and looked down at you, then came back even harder.
You don’t know how long you kissed. A long time. So long, your mouth started to hurt and your eyes couldn’t stay open. By the time you both were too tired to open your eyes, you could still feels his lips ghosting over yours.
“You’re my favorite person”, you whisper, sleep overcoming you slowly.
“Out of how many people?”
His voice sounded alive for some reason. You didn’t dwell on it, too tired to try to open your eyes and see the look on his face.
“All of them”
His arms around you tighten, a small kiss being delivered to the side of your lip.
“You’re my favorite person too, Y/N. By a long shot”
You had to stop remembering the past. Especially now that you had a beautiful present paired with a future to look forward to. Naoya was perfect. He was everything you had wanted when you were a child.
Your chapter with Satoru was over. He was happy now.
You were happy now.
Time can definitely heal all wounds. Or at least most of them.
Life kept going and you buried any thought of Satoru that had come to mind. Things with Naoya became official and you felt on cloud nine every second you spent in his presence.
Especially after having sex. It was a hell of a ride.
You excitedly walked around your flower shop, humming a song under your breath and ignoring the weird looks Utahime and Maki are giving you.
Naoya had just called to say he was taking the day off for you. You had every right to feel giddy.
“Please tell me you’re being safe”
Your roll your eyes at Utahime as Maki fakes puking.
“Please, don’t”, Maki groans, “Still underage here”
“Both of you shush it” you laugh, “Utahime make sure to close. Maki get home safe. I got a dinner to make”
By the time you hear the door open you’re almost finished preparing the casserole mixture. You pour it into the glass pan and don’t turn around when you hear him walk into the kitchen.
You squeal when you feel the sting on your right butt cheek.
“Did you just slap my ass?”
“Don’t blame me, who wouldn’t want to smack that ass?”
You laugh. He raised the wine bottles in his hands with a grin, “It’s vintage”
Vintage,” I say with mock impression. “What’s the special occasion?”
He hands you a glass and says, “I have a smoking hot girlfriend and I have one of the most important trials of my life in a few days”
“What kind of trial?”
You both finish your glasses of wine and he pours you more.
“One that’s gonna be televised around the whole country. Career changing” he says, “A doctor that abused most of his female patients while anesthetized. Gotta put the bastard in jail”
Was it wrong to be turned on by your boyfriend putting trash men in jail?
“How long do you think it’ll take?”, you ask.
“Well, he had more than a hundred victims so… make three days trial if we keep it short”
You hated that people like that existed, but it made you like him more how hard he fought to get rid of them.
He chugs his wine then, “I’m gonna take a shower. Be right back”
He kissed your cheek swiftly before getting out of the kitchen.
You drink more of your wine.
He was on top of her.
They were on the couch and he had his hand around her throat, but his other hand was pulling up her dress. She was trying to fight him off and you just stood there, frozen. She kept begging him to get off her and then he hit her right across the face and told her to shut up.
You’ll never forget his words when he said, “You want attention? I’ll give you some fucking attention”
And that’s when she got real still and stopped fighting him. You heard her crying.
“Please be quiet. Y/N is here”, she sobbed, “Please be quiet”
Please be quiet while you rape me.
Was it possible for a person to feel this much hate? You walked straight to the kitchen and opened the drawer. It was like you weren’t in your own body. You grabbed the biggest knife you could find.
You weren’t planning to used it. You just wanted something that could scare him. But before you could make it out of the kitchen, two arms went around your waist and picked you up from behind. You dropped the know, but your father didn’t heart it. Your mother did.
You locked eyes with her as Satoru carried you back to your bedroom.
When you were back inside my room, you just started hitting him in the chest, trying to get back out there to her. You were crying (when had you started crying?) and doing everything you could to get him out of your way, but he wouldn’t move.
He just wrapped his arms around you tightly.
“Y/N, calm down”, he kept saying over and over.
He held you there for a long time until you accepted that he wasn’t gonna let you go back out there. He wasn’t gonna let you have that knife.
He walked over to the bed and grabbed his jacket and started putting on his shoes.
“We’ll go to the help’s house. We’ll call the police”
The police.
Your mother had warned you not to call the police in the past. She said it could jeopardize your father’s career. But in all honesty, you didn’t care at that point. The only thing you cared about was helping your mother, so you pulled on your jacket and went to the closet for a pair of shoes. When you stepped out of your closet, Satoru was staring at your bedroom door.
It was opening.
Your mother stepped inside and quickly shut it, locking it behind her. You’ll never forget what she looked like. She had blood coming down from her lip. Her eye was already starting to swell, and she had a clump of hair just resting on her shoulder. She looked at Satoru and then at you.
You didn’t even take a moment to feel scared that she had caught you in your room with a boy. You didn’t care about that. You were just worried about her.
You walked over to her and grabbed her hands and walked her to your bed. You brushed the hair off her shoulder and then from her forehead.
“He’s gonna go call the police, mom. Okay?”
Her eyes grew real wide and she started shaking her head.
“No” she said, “You can’t. No”
Satoru was already at your window about to leave, but he stopped and looked at you.
“He’s drunk, Y/N” she said, “He heard your door shut, so he went to our bedroom. He stopped. If you call the police, it’ll just make it worse, believe me. Just let him sleep it off, it’ll be better tomorrow”
But it wouldn’t. It hadn’t been in all these years. This had to be the final straw.
You shook your head and could feel the tears stinging your eyes, “Mom, he was trying to rape you!”
She ducked her head and winced when you said that.
“It’s not like that” she shook her head, “We’re married. And sometimes marriages is… you’re too young to understand”
It got really quiet for a minute.
“I hope to hell I never understand”
That’s when she started to cry. She just held her head in her hands and she started to sob and all you could do was wrap your arms around her and cry with her. You had never seen her this upset. Or this hurt. Or this scared. It broke your heart.
It broke you.
You chug the wine in your hand and pour yourself some more. Tonight was a happy day, a good one. Why were you thinking about that?
You’re on your fourth or fifth glass of wine when Naoya comes back.
“We have dinner reservations tomorrow with Utahime and Maki to celebrate your flower shop” he pours himself another glass, “We’re going to the restaurant we went with your mom. Dory was it called?”
Your heart sinks down your chest.
It’d be impossible to meet Satoru there again, right? It had been a coincidence. Boston was too big to find each other again… right?
“I don’t want to go back there. I didn’t like it. Let’s try something new”
“You’ll be fine,” he says, “Maki is excited to eat there, I told her all about it and for once she didn’t roll her eyes at me”
What are the odds of meeting again at that same place? Maybe you should just let it be.
“Speaking of food, I’m starving”
The casserole!
“Oh shit!” You say, laughing. You were definitely tipsy.
Naoya rushes to the kitchen and you stand up and follow him in there. You walk in just as he pulls the oven door open and waves away the smoke. Ruined.
You got dizzy all of a sudden from standing up too fast after having that many glasses of wine. So you grabbed the counter beside him to steady yourself, just as he reached in to pull the burnt casserole out.
“Wait, Naoya! You need a…”
“Shit!” he yells.
“Pot holder”
The casserole falls from his hand and lands on the floor, shattering everywhere. You lift up your feet to avoid broken glass and mushroom chicken splatter. You start laughing as soon as you realize he didn’t even think to use a pot holder.
Must be the wine. It was a seriously strong wine.
He slams the oven shut and moves to the faucet, shoving his hand under the cold water, muttering curse words. You’re trying to suppress your laughter, but the wine and the ridiculousness of the last few seconds are making it hard. You look at the floor, at the mess you’re both about to have to clean up, and the laughter bursts from you. You’re still laughing as you lean over to get a look at Naoya’s hand.
You hope he didn’t hurt it too bad.
Suddenly you’re not laughing anymore. You’re on the floor, your hand pressed against the corner of your eye.
In a matter of one second, Naoya’s arm came out of nowhere and slammed against you, knocking you backwards. There was enough force behind it to know you off balance. When you lost your footing, you hit your face on one of the cabinet door handles as you came down.
Pain shoots through the corner of your eye, right near your temple.
And then you feel the weight.
Heaviness follows and it presses down on every part of you. So much gravity, pushing down on your emotions. Everything shatters.
Your tears, your heart, your laughter, your happiness, your soul. Shattered like broken glass raining down around you.
You wrap your arms over your head and try to wish away the last ten seconds.
Was that all it took for everything to shatter? Only ten seconds?
“Shit, Y/N” you hear him groan, “It’s not funny. It fucking hurts”
You don’t look up.
His voice doesn’t penetrate your body this time. It feels like it’s stabbing you now; that sharpness of his words coming at you like swords.
And then his hands are on your back, rubbing it.
“Y/N. Oh, shit, Y/N” he tries to pull your arms away from your head, but you refuse.
You shake your head. Begging for the last seconds to go away. Ten seconds. That’s all it took for a person to completely change everything about themselves.
Ten seconds that you’ll never get back.
He pulled you against him and started kissing the top of your head.
“I’m so sorry. I just… I burned my hand. I panicked. You were laughing and… I’m so sorry, it all happened so fast. I didn’t mean to push you, Y/N. I’m sorry”
But you couldn’t hear Naoya, you only heard your father.
“I’m sorry, Y/M/N. It was an accident. I’m so sorry”
“I’m sorry, Y/N. It was an accident. I’m so sorry”
You wanted him away from you.
Using every ounce of strength still in you, you pushed him away from you. He falls backward, onto his hands. His eyes are full of genuine sorrow, but then they’re full of something else.
Worry? Panic?
He slowly pulls up his right hand and it’s covered in blood. Blood is trickling out of his palm, down his wrist. You look at the floor, at the shattered pieces of glass from the casserole dish. His hand. You just pushed him onto glass.
He turns around and pulls himself up. He sticks his hand under the stream of water and starts rinsing away the blood. You stand up, shaking, just as he pulls a sliver of glass out of his palm and tosses it on the counter.
You’re full of so much anger, but somehow, concern for his hand still finds its way out. You grab a towel and shove it into his fist. There’s so much blood.
You try to help stop the bleeding, but you’re shaking too bad, “Naoya, your hand.”
He pulls the hand away and, with his good hand, he lifts my chin.
“Fuck the hand, Y/N. I don’t care about my hand. Are you okay?”
He’s looking back and forth between your eyes frantically as he assesses the cut on your face.
Your shoulders begin to shake and huge, hurt-filled tears spill down your cheeks.
“No” you’re sure he can hear your heart breaking with just that one word, because you can feel it in every part of you, “Oh my God. You pushed me, Naoya. You…”
The realization of what has just happened hurts worse than the actual action.
Naoya wraps his arm around your neck and desperately holds you against him, “I’m so sorry, Lily. God, I’m so sorry”, he buries his face against your hair, squeezing you with every emotion inside of him, “Please don’t hate me. Please”
His voice slowly starts to become his own voice again, and you feel it in your stomach, in your toes. He’s not even worried about his hand, which is still bleeding. That means something right?
There’s too much happening. The smoke, the wine, the broken glass, the food splattered everywhere, the blood, the anger, the apologies, it’s too much.
“I’m so sorry” he says again
You pull back and his eyes are red and you’ve never seen him look so sad.
“I panicked. I didn’t mean to push you away, I just panicked. All I could think about was my hand and… I’m so sorry”
He presses his mouth to your and breathes you in.
He’s not like your father. He can’t be. He’s nothing like that uncaring bastard.
You’re both upset and kissing and confused and sad. You’ve never felt anything like this moment, so ugly and painful. But somehow the only thing that eases the hurt just caused by this man is this man. Your tears are soothed by his sorrow, your emotions soothed with his mouth against yours, his hand gripping yours like he never wants to let go.
Naoya isn’t like your father. He’s nothing like him.
He can’t be.
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part two [coming soon]
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purplealmonds · 1 month
About a month ago to this date, I wrote about my thoughts regarding the relationship dynamics between Shingi and Kun-Kusuriuri, and Tenshi and Fuki...
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[Image Source 1]
With these visuals above (paired with another more spoiler-y one below the cut), I think that this theory may have some more credence! Consider the parallels listed below!
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[Image Source 2]
The water/paint dripping from their mouths - liquids seems to be thematically important in Karakasa
Similar solemn facial expressions in preparation for their respective "sacred rituals"
Thematically, both duos intermixing their presences in some way, be it through sex or the merging of consciousness
The near-identical camera angle (though Tenshi is looking down at Fuki, while Kusu is looking up presumably at Shingi)
Similar color palettes (the orange blob to the right, green/pink colors throughout the background)
Nonexistent eyebrows replaced with red markings painted in their place
Also, if my theory is correct, the place where Tenshi and Fuki consummate is located in a basement of sorts, presumably in close proximity to the cistern where all of the water in the ooku is collected. In contrast, Kusuriuri stands atop a roof, where he is closest to the skies to confront the mononoke. Heaven and Earth metaphor!!
There's also the diametrically opposite purposes of these respective rituals - Kusuriuri seeks to end life by slaying the mononoke, while Tenshi seeks to create life by conceiving a child.
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artemistorm · 6 months
Skyward Sword Skyloft Aesthetic
I love the aesthetic of Skyloft so let's analyze it and see what makes it tick. This will be a long post with lots and lots of photos.
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First of all, In Skyloft there are two very different styles of architecture:
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Ancient architecture, which are the stately grey stone structures like the light tower in the plaza and around the Statue of the Goddess (as well as various locations on the surface)
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And the Skyloftian architecture, which is much more round, colorful and whimsical than the ancient architecture. I will be focusing on the Skyloftian architecture.
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Skyloftian houses are built underground with one exposed side facing out. The roofs are flat and often have paths or grass growing on them in order to maximize surface area and places to walk. Each house is unique and is personalized to the occupant.
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Non-house buildings like the bazaar, knight academy, and the Lumpy Pumpkin are built above-ground and have varying kinds of roofs, from wood to bamboo, to tented rugs.
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Interior walls generally follow this pattern: the walls are painted (or possibly frescoed) with a primary color--it's not a solid color, but with a dappled 'paintbrush-stroke' pattern. Decorative stones or tiles of a contrasting color are placed in a horizontal wavy line in the bottom half of the wall and in another line near the ceiling.
At the base, is a layer of stones of a different color. Structurally, this is likely a foundational base on which the walls are constructed to protect them from groundwater damage, like in cob (a certain kind of mud-cement) house construction.
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Buildings and rooms tend to be curvy or round and often have whimsical features built in, like the oven in the kitchen and the bird faucet and tiled round bathing pool in the bathroom of the Knight Academy. In houses, sinks and counters are sometimes built into the wall. This is another feature you see frequently in cob house construction.
In fact, the Skyloftian style of architecture seems to have taken heavy inspiration from cob house construction. Cob is a building material that is made of local mud with additives to turn it into cement with hay or grass mixed in. The cob is mounded up into the shape of the walls and sealed with sealant and plaster. It is very quick to construct cob buildings and they are highly customizable. Building made of cob tend to be whimsical--look up images and see for yourself.
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Furniture is made with wood and often has decorative tiling, painting, or carvings in them.
In terms of decorations, the most common motifs are geometric designs, floral and plant designs, and bird-themed designs. Bright colors are preferred, and almost everything in the whole game, but especially in Skyloft, has a pink or purple tinge/undertone to it.
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One thing Skyloftians love are ornate rugs. Every room and every house has a rug, usually multiple rugs. Each rug is unique, brightly colored, and usually geometric in design.
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There is even an entire (unmanned) shop in the bazaar full of rugs and other textiles.
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Other decorations you might find in homes and buildings are pots, vases, bottles, and plates with colorful designs
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Lace, stuffed animals, decorative pillows
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Turkish lamps, wall hangings, table placemats or a table runner
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Mobiles and decorative ceiling hangings
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Remlit tree
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And some rooms/houses are themed, for example, Fledge's room has a tropical island theme.
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Outdoors, the village is decorated with multi-colored banners, buntings, pinwheels, flags, and flowers.
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Together all these things construct the aesthetic and style of Skyloft: rounded and curvy buildings, cob-style construction, geometric, floral and bird designs, bright colors, ornate rugs, pots, Turkish lamps, stained glass, wood carvings, and lots and lots of whimsy.
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k-hippie · 1 year
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CHAMPIGNAC World ( aka Sims de Nimes ) is coming in few days ;)
If we put the fantastic gameplay apart, ALL Sims 3 Worlds are about AMBIANCE ... and good Sims 3 Worlds are more about ambiance than everything else ;) It's a quest which doesn't end :D
Champignac ( codename : Sims de Nimes ) is a project we began a long ago ( 2018 ) and left rest in a corner of our CAW files. Paused, but never forgotten. Frankly, it was long due and time to finish.
Champignac is a French true suburbia living world based on Champs-les-Sims but cleaned up of its vacation stuff ... So you will get everything of a Maxis standard World ( the ice cream truck, the university guy ) and of course the ability to go to every vacation world ( including Champs-les-Sims )
We redid almost everything : the grass textures, the pavement and road textures, etc ... We added richness to this world with singular and very interesting stuff ...
80 lots are available. Both community and residential. We redid the native lots almost from the ground and used them for something else, except Place des Oliviers which kept its initial function and placement.
We used Votenga @ MTS who converted many things from Sims Medieval such as old castle tower we used a lot or the fantastic St Gall Monastery from efolger997 @ MTS we transformed a bit to get an incredible Winery lot ( yes, there is a Winery ... gosh, this is France after all ) ;)
We used lots from Sims 3 creators and we made many others with great care and as low as possible cheating build options ... We are not bold at Sims houses creation but we tried to make as diverse as possible in our constructions, but always staying in the guide of specific South of France style and design. Anyway, this will be to you to add your own vision and architectural art to Champignac ! ;)
ALL 80 lots are French flavored ( red terracotta roofs, white stone ) to get a unique style for a unique world :)
Nestled in the heart of the charming South of France, Champignac is a town adorned with the alluring flair of Mediterranean culture. As the Sims step into this picturesque town, they are immediately enveloped by the warmth of the sun, and the vibrant colors that paint the streets ...
No false antic stuff here. No false image from the 60's ... It is a fully contemporary world but with its own old stuff. Champignac boasts a unique blend of history and modernity all together :)
The ambiance is one of relaxation and leisure, inspired by the leisurely lifestyle of the South of France. Here, residents take the time to savor the pleasures of life, indulging in delicious cuisine, delightful conversations under the shade of trees. The town's bustling markets offer an array of fresh produce, colorful fabrics, enticing the Sims to immerse themselves in the lively atmosphere.
With its unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty, Champignac offers the Sims a captivating and enriching experience. From the stunning architecture to the delectable cuisine, every aspect of this town reflects the South of France's intoxicating charm.
Many more details to come with the coming download post ...
So ... Stay tuned ;) ( and always safe )
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
Dream Star Daycare vs. Blue Sky Daycare
I’ve already talked a bit about the differences between these two and how the first daycare (Dream Star) was colder than the second daycare that Miri actually gets accepted at (Blue Sky). But, I had a bit more commentary that I wanted to add, especially because that post in general wasn’t really about that topic (it was about Kazuki and Rei really accepting the roles of “Fathers” within the larger societal structure of Japan). This post is just going to be about these two different daycares though.
First we have Dream Star Daycare. The name alone, while cute, is a bit colder already. It’s about nighttime, sleeping, and stars (up in cold space). The outside is doesn’t really tell or say much about the daycare:
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There are two big smiling flowers at the entrance way, but everything else about the building is pointed and sharp. The color is a dull orange-brown, the pillars are white, large, and intimidating, and the windows are void of any children’s artwork or colors or anything that really says, “Welcome children!” in a nice and kind way. You can barely see the (pretty barren looking) playground in the back there, through the walkway entrance. I can see a pair of exercise bars maybe, and that’s pretty much it.
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Blue Sky Daycare really lives up to that warm name. When people think of blue skies, they think of nice days outdoors with their family and friends. Warm memories and experiences. Visually, the building is much more welcoming as well. The entrance way has low arches that are rounded, with small pictures of happy animals welcoming the parents and students in. 
The playground is front and center with lots of different equipment and things for the children to do. The playground is also very colorful, just like the roof, which is a pretty blue, and the walls of the building, which are painted an off-white color that allows all of the colorful images to be seen (like the flying birds and floating hot balloons). There are some sharp shapes, like the roof tops, but they are evened out with smaller and/or rounder windows that are more frequent as well. 
The way the building is structured also allows for the parents to see what is going on inside the classrooms and for the teachers to keep a better eye on the children from the classrooms when they play outside. Dearm Star Daycare didn’t allow for anything like that, because the building was more like a refurbished government building than Blue Sky’s Daycare, which feels more like a home.
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The first thing we are greeted to inside Dream Star Daycare is this woman. She likely is a head teacher or manager - someone higher up that doesn’t actually work with the children. The give away for this is how she is dressed. She’s wearing a very business and professional looking suit outfit that doesn’t allow for much mobility, and around her neck is a necklace that could be a choking hazard and just cause a general mess around actual children (like, if one of them pulled on it and it broke and the pearls went everywhere). 
Along with this, we have the stern lines around her lips, which are pulled down in a frown. Her squared jawline, narrowed and smaller shaped eyes, and furrowed brows combined with very bland colored and traditionally shaped glasses makes her come off as displeased, stern, and no funny business right from the start. Her haircut brings this whole look together as well.
In the background we can see some of the pictures the children have drawn...But they don’t look much like drawings the children made to express themselves. Those drawings definitely look more like academic based drawings, focusing on the children learning vocabulary and sight words. Since they are almost all single word images (dog, sushi, rainbow, train, etc.). None of them show true self expression or anything situational that indicates creativity and the children creating them to learn by living and exploring. Seems more rotary, repetition, learn-by-memorizing-sight-words based kind of learning instead.
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Someone in the comments of my previous post commented on how big the desk is, and they’re totally right. This desk is huge and places a lot of space between Kazuki, Rei, and the lady interviewing them. Miri is also far off to the side and playing alone with blocks. Blocks can help children learn some good social skills, but that’s only when they are playing with blocks with others.
Otherwise, blocks tend to focus more on helping children learn more conceptual ideas (math, spatial awareness, increase attention span, etc.). Concepts that are more beneficial for academics, rather than social learning and building.
Also, let’s take a look at the dialogue here, “We’re your first choice of daycare, then?” I’m sure, in a scene that we didn’t get to see, that the lady did common pleasantries and greetings, but the show decided that this sentence should be the first one that we hear this woman say to Kazuki and Rei. Before she asked this, she made a sort of disgruntled sound, so that combined with this...unpleasant greeting makes it clear that this woman doesn’t want them at her daycare. She is basically saying, “We were your first choice,” with the implication of “I wish we weren’t.”
After that, she goes on to ask them this:
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“And...you’re both fathers?” The “And...” is saying a lot here. Right, that pause before a question indicates some level of uncomfortableness with the question you are going to ask. Implies you find something off or wrong with whatever you are asking about. She also starts off only engaging with Kazuki and Rei. Miri has to literally force herself into the conversation, and then the woman only gives one word replies back to Miri (usually as a question). No true engagement.
In the other post I talked about the look of the room, so I won’t go into details with that here, but you can see how barren and cold it looks and feels.
Now, let’s check back with Blue Sky Daycare:
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What a difference our first impression of Blue Sky Daycare is! Cute, warm, and inviting pastel colors are everywhere, as are pictures and children’s crafts. You can see the boxes of toys in the back, but Miri isn’t playing with any of them, because she was brought into the interview itself. 
Miss Anna starts off the interview by talking to her directly, in fact. Asking for her name and age. She has a pretty smile, button nose, rosy cheeks, and big kind eyes. Her hair is done up in a loose ponytail, and she isn’t wearing any jewelry. The older man next to her has a kind smile on his face too, big bushy eyebrows, and wears very soft colors (pastels of green and pink, a muted red color, and white). Nothing about either characters design is sharp or cold like the other women.
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There is also a very prominent wooden piano right next to the table they are sitting at (it’s a dark wood color too, which has a “warm” tone to it). Sunlight is shining in form the windowed doorway behind them, and the desk they are all sitting at is big enough, but also allows the two groups to be closer, and is at Miri’s level. 
We also get a nice, full view of Miss Anna’s design here. Her clothes are comfy, she has an apron on with pockets, and she is wearing just socks. All of this indicates that she actually engages with the students. No jewelry anywhere for kids to break and cause a mess or possibly choke on, no stuffy clothes that would be hard to move and play and jump around in, an apron for her to get messy when it is craft time, and pockets to hold materials she might need throughout the day.
When she asks about them being two fathers, she says, “Two fathers, you say?” Things to note: there is no “And” or “...” no pause in asking this question. She also asks it politely. In the Japanese she ends it with “desu ka,” which is a general level of politeness. The English carries this over with the translation of “you say?” This carries over her tone of voice and expression (a nice smile) too, which are far more welcoming than the previous daycare.
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Finally, when Miri is talking (and not just introducing herself), Miss Anna bends down and closer to Miri. So she indicates that she is listening closely to what Miri is saying and is doing so more on Miri’s level, rather than Miri having to do so on the adult’s level (like what we see at the previous daycare).
They really do a fantastic job of visually showing why Blue Sky Daycare is not only a perfect fit for this little family of three, but also why it is a good daycare in general.
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In a way, Kazuki and Rei really...dodged a bullet.
(Sorry, I’ll end this now, lol).
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1956 Chrysler Norseman
The Dream Car at the Bottom of the Atlantic: 1956 Chrysler Norseman
Despite its sleek and dramatic styling, this Chrysler show car is remembered mainly for its sad fate: For decades now, it has been sleeping at the bottom of the Atlantic.  Here’s the unfortunate story of the 1956 Norseman. 
Throughout the 1950s, the Italian coachbuilder Ghia of Turin enjoyed a prolific partnership with Chrysler, creating many of the Motor City automaker’s most memorable show cars. Chrysler provided the designs, chassis, and running gear, while Ghia’s artisans created the hand-crafted bodies, typically at a fraction of the cost and time required in America.
However, there was at least one Chrysler-Ghia collaboration that was never officially shown to the public: the ill-fated 1956 Norseman. On its voyage to Detroit aboard the Andrea Doria, the Italian passenger liner collided with another ship, the Stockholm, and sank around 50 miles off the coast of Nantucket, claiming 51 lives. Since July of 1956, the Norseman has rested in the Andrea Doria’s hold at the bottom of the Atlantic, and a handful of photos are all that remain.
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Designed under the supervision of Chrysler styling chief Virgil Exner, the Norseman showcased a number of distinctive features, but arguably the most spectacular was its fully cantilevered roof, reportedly conceived by Chrysler stylist Bill Brownlie. With no A or B pillars, the top was supported entirely by the buttress-like C pillars, aided by a pair of thin steel rods in tension at the forward edge of the panel. Other distinctive touches included hidden headlamps and floating bumpers front and rear.
The Norseman was constructed on a 129-inch wheelbase chassis—the same wheelbase as an Imperial, we note—while a 331 CID hemi V8 provided the power, coupled to a PowerFlite two-speed automatic transmission. According to Chrysler, the idea car, as the automaker called its show car prototypes, represented an investment of 50,000 man-hours and $150,000 to $200,000, while Ghia’s portion of the build consumed $15,000 and took 15 months, it’s said.
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This photo of the Norseman’s cockpit, above, also provides a close look at the pillarless roof construction and the elaborate one-piece windscreen supplied by PPG Industries. Four bucket seats upholstered in two-tone metallic leather were separated by broad consoles front and rear, while the front seat backs pivoted to provide easier access for rear passengers.
Since the Norseman went to Davy Jones’ locker before it was ever officially photographed or displayed, very few images exist. (There is even some dispute about the color of the paint.) The few available photos were all taken at Ghia in Turin, including the fascinating shot below of the wooden body buck on which the aluminum body panels were formed. The rare snapshot provides some insight into the tremendous amount of hand labor required. While the Norseman and its unfortunate history are well-remembered today, few if any of its exotic features ever made it to a Chrysler production vehicle.
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kygerbearr · 1 year
can i get some information?
in hokkaido japan there's these rockets that hang from poles to show you where the road is when it snows over (due to the high elevation there)
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also in arizona its illegal for a business to deny any person water because of how hot it is there. they also opted out of daylight savings time and all of america could also do that if they wanted, its just that every other state votes to keep it for some reason.
canada having bagged milk is actually only for the eastern side of canada. the western side of it not as much. also the backs of signs in british columbia are painted green
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on google maps coverage of curacao, if you look down at the car there's a sticker on some of the roof rack on the car. this is consistent across curacao's google map coverage
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buzz lightyear and woody are actually in the files in the original ps2 version of kingdom hearts 2 and a model for the world on the gummi ship menu is in some screenshots of early kh1 gameplay suggesting they intended on including toy story as a playable world from the very start i stole this image from reddit
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polar bears are to my knowledge the only ursidae that actively hunt humans and are also the only carnivorous bears. at least i think. dont fact check it just trust me on this one
in gex 3 deep cover gecko for ps1 and n64, in the 3rd level Tut TV there's a sign on the wall that says "ankh if you're corny" but there's also an unused texture that says horny instead of corny this is the only image i have of it sorry that its small
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thomas edison in fate grand order is a furry lion man who is every single president of the united states of america (past, present and future) built into one person. also his super move is proving God doesn't exist and he looks like this
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this photo of the sun photoshopped into the background of a place is in the philippines and you can tell because of the color of the sattellite dish as well as the ads for cigarettes
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thyis is a grizzly bear you can tell because hes brown. also they only really exist in alaska/canada/montana/wyoming-ish
oh yeah also tsela and yiska from the smoke room vn are names that are words in navajo. not exactly directly translateable as Diné Bizaad, the language of the navajo, essentially operates in "pictures". describing things and such. tsela can be translated to the best of my ability as "like stone"
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while yiska essentially carries the message of "the night has passed" (used in both the word for Tomorrow and Saturday)
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cynthia's last name, tsosie, essentially means "slender". I cannot provide an excerpt from my navajo-english dictionary since it's not in there, but it's also from 1958 and so its probably a little bit incomplete. the fact that she uses the name cynthia, a non-navajo name, reflects her decision to leave the reservation.
the name Begay is also a real life navajo surname that is an anglicization of biye', which means his/her son. i wish i could speak more on the accuracies within TSR's clifford route regarding navajo culture and history but that would be spoilers. all i will say is that the soap thing was a very real thing that was commonplace
speaking of clifford, his last name Tibbits could be a reference to Howard Clinton Tibbitts, a photographer who was well known for his photographs along the sites of the southern pacific railway which encompassed Arizona and into Apache and Puebloan territories. and yes, even Utah. rather telling
anyways that is an amount of information
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universitypenguin · 10 months
Summary: Princess conducts interviews with witnesses in Fredericksburg to learn more about the disappearance of Li Wei and Zoe Chapman. Meanwhile, Lloyd confronts Tate Corbin about what he saw the night Julia went missing, but the answers only lead to more questions.
Word Count: 5,064
Author’s Note: I’d like to dedicate this chapter to @nomadstucky. Without her, I never would’ve been able to dig my way out of this latest writing slump. Her feedback was critical to getting this chapter moving in the right direction when I was going off the rails creatively. Thank you so much!
Warnings: Allusions to domestic violence, discussion of murder and other criminal behavior. Minor use of foul language. Only appropriate for 18+ readers. No minors.
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Chapter XXIII
The cabins were in good repair. Seeing them in person disrupted the mental image you’d formed of the Chapman Bible Camp. It wasn’t the neglected place of crumbling disrepair you’d imagined it to be. Words like charming and neat came to mind, rather than decrepit and gloomy. The cottages were arranged around an ellipse shaped quad in uniform fashion, like spokes on a wheel. Their vibrant colors were reminiscent of the famous bathing boxes at Brighton Beach. Each one was painted a different shade of the rainbow and trimmed in a contrasting hue. The yellow cabin had purple trim, the green cabin fuchsia pink, and so on.
Instead of the Adirondack style commonly found in rural Virginia, the cabins boasted steep, angled roofs and front-facing gables adorned with whimsical gingerbread bargeboards. The whole aesthetic was so unabashedly Queen Anne that the cabins could’ve blended in with the homes on San Francisco’s famous Postcard Row. They seemed both too sophisticated and too cute for these primitive woods.
After her husband passed away, Mrs. Chapman had sold the bible camp. It was now in the hands of a musician who’d turned the tabernacle into a concert hall and rented out the cabins on Airbnb. Zach was fetching the keys from the owner while you waited on the porch of the converted tabernacle.
Standing here, you wondered if this visit was a fool’s errand. This morning Lloyd had called to tell you he’d be leaving the search party this afternoon to cover Roth’s interview with Tate Corbin. After hanging up, you’d itched for something productive to do. The abduction had injected a fresh sense of urgency into the investigation, but you’d agreed to keep your distance from Harmony because Lloyd was worried that Shun Nguyen would return to familiar surroundings. It was a reasonable assumption, one you didn’t have a counter argument for.
Still, you’d itched with a need to do something, so you’d turned to the mystery surrounding Li Wei and Zoe Chapman. Now that you were actually here you couldn’t shake the feeling that you’d drifted off course. The place to look for fresh leads was forty miles north of here, yet this was where you’d come.
What breakthroughs did you expect to generate digging into a case that was almost twenty-five years old? You were about as far from a lead as Pluto was from the sun.
Gravel crunched as Zach came up the walk behind you.
“I got the keys,” he said.
“The place looks better than I expected. More charm, less gloom.”
“Like a fucking rainbow in the woods,” Zach said, inserting the key in the lock.
“It’s creepy, though.”
“Creepy?” you asked.
“The place feels off. Too pretty for its history, like Gettysburg without a war memorial.”
- - - - -
Zach went to explore the camp and forest while you waited in the concert hall for your witnesses. Twenty minutes later, the first of two former employees arrived.
Mrs. Koep was a petite fair-skinned woman with thin lips and a broad face. She wore a white button down with a silk scarf draped around her neck and carried a pink Michael Kors purse. Her handshake was firm when she introduced herself as the camp’s former groundskeeper. Right behind her, the other ex-employee Mrs. Brittenridge entered the hall. Mrs. Brittenridge was the opposite of Mrs. Koep. The former administrative assistant and camp nurse was tall and thin. In contrast to Mrs. Koep’s carefully coiffed appearance, Mrs. Brittenridge wore a plaid button down with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, straight leg jeans, and scuffed suede boots. Her dark brown hair, worn in a shaggy bob, gleamed with red highlights that complimented her olive complexion.
If they hadn’t introduced themselves, you’d have figured Mrs. Brittenridge for the groundskeeper and Mrs. Koep for the nurse. You sat down together in the pews. The two women took the second row while you sat in the first, angling yourself to face them.
“Thank you for coming,” you said.
“Of course,” Mrs. Brittenridge replied.
“Why did you want to meet us here?” Mrs. Koep asked.
“My colleague, Zach, is exploring the grounds, and I thought the familiar setting might help jog your memories.”
Mrs. Koep’s chin lifted. “My memory is just fine.”
Mrs. Brittenridge shot the blonde woman a tired side-eye, but didn’t comment.
“Rolling Stone magazine said your law firm is investigating the murders in Harmony,” Mrs. Koep said. “Is that true?”
“I’m afraid I can’t comment about ongoing cases.”
She scowled.
“We’re glad someone’s looking into Li Wei and Zoe’s disappearance again, and we’re happy to help anyway we can,” Mrs. Brittenridge said.
“I was hoping you could fill in some blanks surrounding Li Wei’s disappearance. What was she doing just before she disappeared?”
Mrs. Koep answered first. “She was supposed to take the campers on a nature hike before lunch, but never showed up. I learned she was missing when Mr. Chapman came to the potting shed and asked if I’d seen her.”
“The last time I saw her was that morning,” Mrs. Brittenridge said. “She came into the office to fill up her water bottle.”
“What time was that?” you asked.
“Eight-thirty,” Mrs. Brittenridge said.
You turned to the other woman. “And you, Mrs. Koep?”
“I caught a glimpse of her around nine. She was heading into the woods.”
“And Zoe?”
They debated whether Zoe had been with Li Wei that morning or not, but neither one could say for sure. With some more questioning the women decided their last official sighting of the little girl had been on Friday afternoon.
“What about Li Wei’s personal life?” you asked.
Mrs. Koep scoffed. “Non-existent. Her social life fell off a cliff after Zoe was born - some people even compared her to Boo Radley.”
By the icy glare she shot at Mrs. Brittenridge, you could guess who ‘some people’ had been.
“Betty, I didn’t mean anything by it.”
“You were right, though! She was a recluse! She was bored and lonely. All of her friends had gone off to college and left her behind.”
“She had Zoe, and her parents. You were there for her, too,” Mrs. Brittenridge said.
“It wasn’t enough,” Mrs. Koep said, wringing her hands. “Her mother should’ve pushed her to date, to get out and socialize. She practically was Boo Radley in the end.”
Mrs. Brittenridge sighed. An uncomfortable silence settled, and you waited to see if they’d continue. When they didn’t you pivoted to the main line of questioning you hoped this visit would shed light on.
“Who was Zoe’s father?”
Mrs. Brittenridge stiffened. Beside her, Mrs. Koep’s expression transformed from distraught to frosty. Neither of them answered. You retreated to a less aggressive position, realizing the delicacy of the subject called for coaxing, not pushing.
“Mrs. Koep, you worked here the longest. Since 1982, if the records are correct. Were you close with Li Wei?”
“Yes. She used to follow me around everywhere, always wanting to play in the dirt when I was planting flowers. I had kids who were a few years older than her, so I didn’t mind.”
“Did she ever confide in you about Zoe’s father?”
“Li Wei was a quiet girl,” Mrs. Koep said.
“She was quieter after she had Zoe,” Mrs. Brittenridge interjected.
You weren’t getting any useful information from the direct approach. Despite their obvious dislike of one another, the women were working in concert to dodge your questions.
A strategic retreat was in order.
“Do you have any theories about what happened to Li Wei and Zoe?”
Mrs. Brittenridge lowered her gaze, but Mrs. Koep offered a theory immediately. “I always assumed it was an accident of some kind. There’s a lot of abandoned mining shafts in the area.”
Mrs. Brittenridge’s lips compressed into a flat line.
You smiled at the former groundskeeper. “Mrs. Koep, would you mind taking my colleague, Zack, around? It would be nice to get the perspective of someone who knows the area.”
“Of course.”
“Mrs. Brittenridge, if it’s not too much trouble, I’d love to see where the administrative building was.”
“There’s not much to see. The new owners tore it down.”
“Any familiar spots would be great,” you said.
You led them out of the tabernacle and Mrs. Koep headed east to where Zach was inspecting the tree line, while Mrs. Brittenridge turned west. She walked to a picnic table hidden behind a grove of trees and sat down on one side. You took the place opposite her.
“This is where I used to take my breaks.”
“It’s a pleasant spot.”
“It’s private. You wanted to get me alone, so go ahead. Ask,” Mrs. Brittenridge invited.
“Do you know who Zoe’s father was?”
“No. Li Wei and I were friendly, but we didn’t have a relationship where she’d be comfortable sharing such personal information.”
“Would Mrs. Koep know?”
“Maybe. Betty was like an aunt to her. I always assumed she’d confided in her, but I’m not sure.”
“How long did you and Betty work together?”
“Seven years.”
“Were you full or part time at the camp?”
“Full time, May through August. I was a school nurse at Monroe High.”
“Li Wei graduated from Monroe, didn’t she?”
“What was she like as a student?”
Mrs. Brittenridge considered the question before answering. “She was very smart, especially in English and exceptional in art. She wasn’t the most outgoing person, but always had friends.”
“You’d say she was well liked?”
“Absolutely,” Mrs. Brittenridge said. “She wasn't exactly shy, just reserved. The kind who thought before speaking.”
“Was she much of a partier?”
“Not in high school.”
You raised an eyebrow. “And after?”
“Sometimes when you’ve led a sheltered life, a little freedom goes to your head.”
“Got it. One more question. Why don’t you and Betty get along?”
“I had a cell phone in 1992.”
“You’re too young to understand, aren’t you?”
“Back in the early nineties, only drug dealers had cell phones, or at least that’s what people thought. I had one, which immediately roused her suspicions. To add insult to injury, I set up a website for the camp in 1996, then persuaded the Chapmans to put in a computer station so the kids could email their parents instead of writing letters. You’d have thought I suggested we convert to Satanism.”
You ran through your follow up questions and then walked Mrs. Brittenridge to her car, thanking her again for coming.
Then you headed down the curving path, around the oval lawn, past the cabins, to the garden shed. Zach was waiting outside.
“How’d the tour go?” you asked.
“I don’t think she likes me,” he said.
“Welcome to the club.”
Zach smirked. “Oh? Your charm met its kryptonite?”
You sneered at him, ignored his silent laughter, and stepped over the threshold into the plywood floored shed. The only source of light was a rectangular skylight on the roof.
Mrs. Koep was standing on the far side of the shed with her back to you. Her hands rested on a high table constructed from two-by-fours and MDF board. She stared at the garden tools that hung from the pegboard behind the table. Despite her chic clothing, she looked far more at home in this spartan surrounding with its crude furnishings than she had in the concert hall.
“I missed this place,” Mrs. Koep said, breaking the silence. “It’s weird to miss somewhere that smells like manure and gasoline, but I did.”
Mrs. Koep turned around and leaned against the table, crossing her arms over her chest. It was time for the confrontation.
“You knew Li Wei better than anyone,” you said.
“I like to think so.”
“Do you really believe she and Zoe fell into an abandoned mining shaft?”
“No, I don’t. But that’s what I want to believe, so I do.”
“Is it easier that way?” you asked.
“Being in denial for twenty years isn’t easy, it’s a survival mechanism.”
“What exactly were you in denial about, Mrs. Koep?”
It was stuffy and warm in the shed, but she rubbed her arms as if trying to generate heat.
“At first, you let yourself believe something irrational. Then… when reality breaks through the facade… you make yourself believe it because you can’t accept the truth.”
“You know something about Li Wei’s disappearance that you’re not telling me.”
“You’re very blunt for someone so young.”
“Thank you.”
“I wish I’d been that way when I was twenty-five. It would’ve spared me a divorce.”
This time you didn’t respond, just nodded.
“Li Wei didn’t give me the name of Zoe’s father. She said he was from up North - I think she meant D.C. - and that he’d been in a fraternity. They weren’t in a relationship or anything like that. Zoe was the product of a one night stand.”
“Did he know about Zoe?”
“I’m not sure but I think she would’ve told him. Whatever the case was, he wasn't in the picture. Li Wei was dating someone else.”
Excitement surged in your blood. That hadn’t been in the file. “Really? When did she start seeing him?”
Mrs. Koep squeezed her arms, gripping them until her knuckles turned white.
“Some time in March.”
“Why didn’t you tell the police?”
“Because I was afraid her parents wouldn’t approve. I didn’t want to start any trouble for her.”
You nodded. “And you’re sure the relationship began in March?”
“Pretty sure. I always came up early to start on the flower beds. He drove a motorcycle - not a Harley, it was a sporty thing, like the one Tom Cruise rode in Top Gun. I saw it parked in front of her cottage a few times.”
“Did you ever see her boyfriend?”
“A couple times, from a distance,” Mrs. Koep said.
“Can you describe him?”
“Caucasian, early twenties, with dark blond hair. I guess he was about six feet tall, give or take. He looked a bit like David Beckham.”
“You spoke to her about him?”
Mrs. Koep nodded. “I warned her that if I’d seen her sneaking around with him it was only a matter of time before one of her parents caught on.”
“What did she say?”
“She told me it hadn’t been serious and that they’d broken up.”
You swiped open your phone and pulled up an image of Julia Xiarong.
“Have you seen this woman before?”
She studied the photo carefully. “I don’t think so. Who is she?”
“She was related to Li Wei. A friend of hers said she’d been looking into her family history in 2002 and uncovered records of an adopted cousin.”
“How did she know they were cousins?”
“There was a family mystery about her uncle. He fought in the Chinese Civil War and fled to Taiwan in the 1940s. No one ever heard from him again. She found his death certificate and learned that he’d had a daughter who died in childbirth, which led her to Li Wei’s adoption records.”
“Was there proof Li Wei was related to her?” Mrs. Koep asked.
“If you mean a DNA test, I don’t believe so. Her friend said she came to Fredericksburg in March 2002 and tried to get in touch with Mrs. Chapman. I don’t know if they connected or not.”
“It wouldn’t have mattered if they did,” Mrs. Koep said. “Mrs. Chapman had Alzheimers. She’d lost everything but her long-term memories by the end of 2001. Her sister came up from Arizona to take care of her. She stayed on for a year until it was time to move Mrs. Chapman into a memory care unit, then sold the camp.”
“Is it possible she met with Mrs. Chapman’s sister?”
“Do you have a number for the sister?” you asked.
“In my address book. I’ll send it to you.”
“Thank you.”
Mrs. Koep squinted at Julia’s picture. “She’s dead isn’t she?”
You cringed internally, realizing your mistake. Detective Roth was going to have your head.
“I do recognize her. She was in the Rolling Stone article.” Mrs. Koep’s eyes narrowed. “You found Li Wei and Zoe’s bodies, didn’t you?”
“I can’t share any information about the investigation.”
You braced yourself for her to unsheathe her claws, but instead of lashing out, she opened her tiny pink purse and handed you a card. It was an old-fashioned calling card with her name, phone numbers and email address.
“When you can release their bodies, please call me. They deserve a proper funeral.”
“That’s very thoughtful. Especially after all this time.”
“It’s the only thing left. I can’t do anything else for them now.”
“Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. I’m sure talking about this wasn’t easy.”
“I wish I could’ve been more helpful,” she said.
“On the contrary. You were very helpful.”
Mrs. Koep looked confused. When you didn’t elaborate, she sighed. “Alright then. Is that everything?”
“Yes. Zach can walk you to your car.”
You watched from the doorway of the shed as the pair walked down the ellipse shaped path towards the tabernacle and the parking lot beyond it. When they were far enough away, you took out your phone and dialed Annabeth Greene.
She answered on the fourth ring.
“Hey, how’s it going? Have you made any progress on your case? The one with the cousins?”
“That’s why I’m calling. Do you remember running Li Wei and Julia’s DNA samples?”
“Of course I do. It’s the most interesting thing I’ve cracked in months.”
“What about Zoe’s?”
“The little girl?” Annabeth asked.
“I thought I already sent you an analysis of her DNA.”
“You did, but I was wondering if there would be any way to identify her father?”
Annabeth sucked in a long breath. “Ugh. Look, I can try, but I’m not optimistic. A lot of genetic libraries have closed the loop holes that allowed us to use ancestry DNA to identify suspects for law enforcement.”
“I’m not law enforcement.”
“You’re as bad as Lloyd.”
“Can you do it?”
“If I loosen my definition of ethics,” Annabeth said.
“You’re the best. I owe you.”
“Uh-uh. Lloyd owes me. It’s going to be something good, too. Expensive. You tell him that.”
“Will do.”
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In a semi-private alcove within the vast common room of Fairfax Fields Assisted Living facility, Lloyd faced down his prime suspect. Tate Corbin didn’t look eighty-three. His face was wrinkled but his posture was impeccable. Also, he seemed to be made of Teflon, because nothing stuck to him. It wasn’t charm that formed the protective coating that resisted Lloyd’s best interrogation tactics. Just the opposite - the Teflon shield surrounding Corbin was constructed of impertinence.
None of his usual tricks were working, and that pissed Lloyd off. He was good at two things in the interrogation room: getting a rise out of someone and building a sense of despair that made them unravel. Corbin was immune to both tactics.
First, there was no getting a rise out of Corbin. The man existed in a perpetual state of annoyance; the only dependent variable was the subject of his ire. Second, Lloyd didn’t have any actual evidence and therefore wasn’t equipped to build a sense of despair.
He wished he’d brought you along. If he had, he probably wouldn’t be sitting here listening to Corbin monologue about his various hatreds. Mr. Corbin hated scarlet macaws, because his neighbor had one and it wouldn’t shut up. He hated New Jersey and their subpar roads that were always under construction.
Trying to forge a connection, Lloyd empathized with that sentiment and inadvertently triggered a cascade of grievances.
The architecture of FedEx Field was hideous and the Washington Commanders had been on the downhill slide ever since they’d let Kirk Cousins sign with the Vikings. Tate claimed to despise Roger Goodell, Jerry Jones, and the entire NFL organization. And he loathed the football commentators on TV, too. They didn’t know shit about football. He preferred to watch the games on mute these days. Lloyd really, really didn’t want to agree with Tate Corbin… but he was right about a lot of things, especially the Commanders letting Kirk Cousins go. However, he wisely kept his agreement to himself and sat back, waiting for Corbin to run out of steam.
There was a rant against the commissioner of baseball, which didn’t have enough context for Lloyd to figure out whether Corbin hated the office or the individual who currently occupied it. Without a segue, the topic shifted to how social media addictions were the younger generation’s smoking. As much as he hated social media, Tate also had plenty to say about the mass media, and he didn’t hesitate to bend Lloyd’s ear about it.
Tate had been talking for almost ten minutes straight before Lloyd found an opening to put the conversation back on track.
“I hate dogwood trees,” Corbin said.
“You had a disagreement with Shun Nguyen about a dogwood tree, didn’t you?”
“Dogwood trees,” Lloyd repeated, louder.
Corbin turned up the volume on his hearing aides. “Yeah, I did. That damn tree was growing over the fence and he wouldn’t trim it! Claimed he didn’t have the time!”
“We need to talk about his girlfriend’s death.”
Tate turned his head. His eyes shifted to the window. Uncharacteristically, he didn’t offer a comment.
“I’m here to talk about Julia’s death and the missing women,” Lloyd said.
“Always back to that, huh?”
“The investigation has been re-opened.”
“It’s old news. What’s there to talk about?” Corbin asked.
“You were convinced that Shun Nguyen killed Julia, is that right?”
“Damn right. They were always scrapping. I told her straight out that he’d kill her someday, but she didn’t listen.”
“Were you familiar with any of Dr. Nguyen’s other victims?”
Tate’s initial chattiness had waned. He shrugged. “The whole town heard about them. Heck, most of the country did.”
“Tell me about it.”
Mr. Corbin ran his tongue around his teeth. An expression of disgust, like he’d just bitten into something rotten, flashed across his features. The silence lengthened between them and Lloyd decided to prod.
“Did you know Stacey Moore?”
“Her grandfather and I golfed at the same course. We never played together or anything, but we’d see each other at the bar sometimes. I suppose you already know Maya Sutton interned for my accountant.”
“Why do you say that?”
“You’ve done your homework. Everything I’ve told you was in the files, so you tell me - what’s the point of this? What are you getting at?”
Lloyd uncrossed his legs and leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees.
“In 2002 you claimed you saw a man walking across Nguyen's lawn on the night Julia went missing. I think you were lying.”
Tate straightened, his scowl darkening. “Lying about what?”
“You didn’t see a man. You made it up.”
“Why would I do that?”
“To throw the police off your scent.”
Realization dawned, and then Tate chuckled. “You think I’m the killer?”
“You hated Shun and Julia.”
“And the others?”
“You’re not much of a people person, Mr. Corbin. That can be very frustrating. You couldn’t join them, you couldn’t beat them, so what does that leave? You kill them.”
“That’s pretty twisted logic,” Tate said.
“Six women are still missing and we have the bodies of three others, so yeah. The whole thing is pretty twisted.”
“I’m not much of a people person, Mr. Hansen, but I’m not a killer.”
“Can you prove that?”
Tate snorted. “Actually, I can. You see, you’re not the first person to accuse me.”
Lloyd raised an eyebrow. “Who?”
“Peter Shaw, a reporter out of D.C. - obnoxious bastard.”
“So I’ve heard.”
“He tried to accuse me of being the killer in a story for some hipster magazine ten years ago. The editor called before they ran the story, trying to verify the facts.”
“What facts?”
“About my whereabouts during the times those other women went missing. Stacey Moore was the first, in June of ‘99. A few months later Maya Sutton disappeared. The next summer it happened again. Two more victims.”
“Do you remember their names?” Lloyd asked.
“Peyton Quirk and Kayla Ballesta.”
“They disappeared in the summer, too?”
Lloyd knew the answers to the questions he was asking, but he wanted to see if Tate did.
“Peyton disappeared in July and Kayla went missing during the first week of September.”
Lloyd pretended to make a note on his pad.
Tate continued down the list. “He took Lucy Lund in May 2001. Stephanie Young went missing in September.”
“You’re very familiar with the case, Mr. Corbin.”
“Of course I am. I was at Nguyen’s trial every single day, both times. Which is why I was able to track down the tickets and photos from my summer vacations in 1999 and 2001. There are three ex-merchant marines, guys I served with in the sixties, who can vouch for me. We’ve done a biennial fishing trip in Maine for the last thirty years.”
“Their names?” Lloyd asked.
He took them down, along with the phone numbers the old man rattled off from memory.
“You’re grasping at straws if you think I’m your guy,” Corbin said.
Lloyd had a sinking feeling he’d just grasped at said straws and they’d slid through his fingers. He clicked his pen and sat back, studying Tate carefully.
His body language was open and relaxed. He didn’t seem rattled by Lloyd’s prodding, which made him think the man was being honest. Of course he would check with the merchant marines to be certain but Lloyd suspected his alibi would check out. It was a shame Peter Shaw didn’t share information from his unpublished articles, because it would’ve saved Lloyd a trip.
“I didn’t lie, you know. I saw someone walking across Nguyen’s yard that night,” Tate said.
Lloyd noticed the way Tate’s left hand shifted to cover his right wrist when he said ‘someone.’
It was a subtle gesture of self-protection, the kind of thing you or Zach would be able to discern the meaning of. He couldn’t read the emotions on Tate’s face. Discomfort? Fear? Or was he gloating over some withheld piece of information? Being caught out of his depth was irritating. Lloyd switched tactics, dropping the confrontational strategy.
Corbin had a propensity to interject whenever he felt something was being misconstrued, so Lloyd phrased his next words as a statement instead of a question.
“You saw someone that night and recognized them.”
“No, I didn’t. I mean, I didn’t recognize them for sure. Not at the time.”
“But later, you figured out who it was,” Lloyd said.
“It was just a guess.”
“A name?”
Mr. Corbin adjusted the leg of his trousers, smoothing out a crease. “Guess isn’t really the appropriate word. Maybe you’d call it a… hypothesis?”
Lloyd wanted to grab Tate by the collar of his polo shirt and shake the answer out of him. Instead, he smiled, trying to school his features into a neutral expression.
“About a month afterwards, I had an epiphany, of sorts and the puzzle pieces just snapped together. There was a neighbor boy. He was college age but still lived with his parents. A big, strapping kid, just like the figure I saw.”
“Why do you think it was him?” Lloyd asked.
“I woke up that night because their dog was barking. I got up to see what was going on, but by the time I reached the window the dog had shut up.”
“Which house did these neighbors live in?”
“The one adjacent to Nguyen’s property.”
“Left or right?”
“Right,” Tate said.
Lloyd jotted down a note. “Anything else?”
“Like I said, I wasn’t sure if it was the kid or not. But he fit the general description of the person I’d seen, and that dog didn’t bark much. I figure that’s why the dog started barking - he’d smelled his owner.”
“Was he coming or going from the house?”
“Assuming it was him, he would’ve been returning to his house.”
“By cutting through Nguyen’s yard?”
“His parents had a security camera pointed at the front door,” Tate said. “I asked his father about their setup after things went down. I was thinking of getting myself a security system and he told me they only had the one camera for the front door.”
“And?” Lloyd prompted.
“Given the camera at the front door, he would’ve had to sneak in through the back. Nguyen’s yard wasn’t fenced. The easiest path would have been to cut through Nguyen’s front yard, go around the back of their house, and jump the fence into the next yard.”
“You never mentioned this to the police,” Lloyd said.
“Dealing with ‘em left a bad taste in my mouth. They’re idiots, the whole lot. Look at who they’ve got locked up now! One of their own evidence clerks! While I happen to think they’ve got the wrong man, I'm sure glad that fellow is off the streets.”
Corbin’s face scrunched. “With Leo McKenzie in the slammer Harmony’s DUI rate is about to go into free fall, if you catch my drift.”
“You didn’t think it mattered if you said anything or not.”
Tate grunted in acknowledgement.
“You seem to have this whole case figured out,” Lloyd said.
That earned him a smile. The old man leaned in, lowering his voice. “Want to know what else I think?”
Lloyd mimicked the posture, inclining his head.
“I’ve got a theory about why they never found any remains.”
“Copper Ridge Quarry.”
“I’m not familiar,” Lloyd said.
“It’s an abandoned mine, closed down in the 60s. Toxic waste. Acidic runoff. That’s where the bodies went.”
This interview was burning up more leads than it was generating. Perhaps he didn’t need to check out Corbin’s alibi after all, Lloyd realized. Tate definitely wasn’t their guy. The coroner’s findings on Julia and Li Wei pointed towards the other end of the pH spectrum, away from acid.
Even so, he played along, raising an eyebrow. “Acid.”
“It’s so strong it’s off the pH scale, into the negative numbers.”
“It’s more than interesting. Acid dissolves everything. No bodies, no evidence. Take my word for it - look into Copper Ridge Quarry and you’ll find your killer.”
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Next - Chapter XXIV
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zoesblogsposts · 8 months
o 625 words to know in your target language o
There is a really interesting blog called "Fluent Forever" that aids foreign language learners in tricks, tips and techniques to guide them to achieving fluency "quickly" and efficiently. One of the tricks is to learn these 625 vocab words in your target language, that way you have a basis to start delving into grammar with ease as you can understand a lot of vocab right off the bat. Plus this list of words are common across the world and will aid you in whatever language you are learning. Here is the list in thematic order
• Animal: dog, cat, fish, bird, cow, pig, mouse, horse, wing, animal
• Transportation: train, plane, car, truck, bicycle, bus, boat, ship, tire, gasoline, engine, (train) ticket, transportation
• Location: city, house, apartment, street/road, airport, train station, bridge hotel, restaurant, farm, court, school, office, room, town, university, club, bar, park, camp, store/shop, theater, library, hospital, church, market, country (USA,
France, etc.), building, ground, space (outer space), bank, location
• Clothing: hat, dress, suit, skirt, shirt, T-shirt, pants, shoes, pocket, coat, stain, clothing
• Color: red, green, blue (light/dark), yellow, brown, pink, orange, black, white, gray, color
• People: son, daughter, mother, father, parent (= mother/father), baby, man, woman, brother, sister, family, grandfather, grandmother, husband, wife, king, queen, president, neighbor, boy, girl, child (= boy/girl), adult (= man/woman), human (# animal), friend (Add a friend's name), victim, player, fan, crowd, person
• Job: Teacher, student, lawyer, doctor, patient, waiter, secretary, priest, police, army, soldier, artist, author, manager, reporter, actor, job
• Society: religion, heaven, hell, death, medicine, money, dollar, bill, marriage, wedding, team, race (ethnicity), sex (the act), sex (gender), murder, prison, technology, energy, war, peace, attack, election, magazine, newspaper, poison, gun, sport, race (sport), exercise, ball, game, price, contract, drug, sign, science, God
• Art. band, song, instrument (musical), music, movie, art
• Beverages: coffee, tea, wine, beer, juice, water, milk, beverage
• Food: egg, cheese, bread, soup, cake, chicken, pork, beef, apple, banana orange, lemon, corn, rice, oil, seed, knife, spoon, fork, plate, cup, breakfast, lunch, dinner, sugar, salt, bottle, food
• Home: table, chair, bed, dream, window, door, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, pencil, pen, photograph, soap, book, page, key, paint, letter, note, wall, paper, floor, ceiling, roof, pool, lock, telephone, garden, yard, needle, bag, box, gift, card, ring, tool
• Electronics: clock, lamp, fan, cell phone, network, computer, program (computer), laptop, screen, camera, television, radio
• Body: head, neck, face, beard, hair, eye, mouth, lip, nose, tooth, ear, tear (drop), tongue, back, toe, finger, foot, hand, leg, arm, shoulder, heart, blood, brain, knee, sweat, disease, bone, voice, skin, body
• Nature: sea, ocean, river, mountain, rain, snow, tree, sun, moon, world, Earth, forest, sky, plant, wind, soil/earth, flower, valley, root, lake, star, grass, leaf, air, sand, beach, wave, fire, ice, island, hill, heat, nature
• Materials: glass, metal, plastic, wood, stone, diamond, clay, dust, gold, copper, silver, material
• Math/Measurements: meter, centimeter, kilogram, inch, foot, pound, half, circle, square, temperature, date, weight, edge, corner
• Misc Nouns: map, dot, consonant, vowel, light, sound, yes, no, piece, pain, injury, hole, image, pattern, noun, verb, adjective
• Directions: top, bottom, side, front, back, outside, inside, up, down, left, right, straight, north, south, east, west, direction
• Seasons: Summer, Spring, Winter, Fall, season
• Numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 21, 22, 30, 31, 32, 40, 41, 42, 50, 51, 52, 60, 61, 62, 70, 71, 72, 80, 81, 82, 90, 91, 92, 100, 101, 102, 110, 111, 1000, 1001, 10000, 100000, million, billion, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, number
• Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
• Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
• Time: year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second, morning, afternoon, evening, night, time
• Verbs: work, play, walk, run, drive, fly, swim, go, stop, follow, think, speak/say, eat, drink, kill, die, smile, laugh, cry, buy, pay, sell, shoot(a gun), learn, jump, smell, hear (a sound), listen (music), taste, touch, see (a bird), watch (TV), kiss, burn, melt, dig, explode, sit, stand, love, pass by, cut, fight, lie down, dance, sleep, wake up, sing, count, marry, pray, win, lose, mix/stir, bend, wash, cook, open, close, write, call, turn, build, teach, grow, draw, feed, catch, throw, clean, find, fall, push, pull, carry, break, wear, hang, shake, sign, beat, lift
• Adjectives: long, short (long), tall, short (vs tall), wide, narrow, big/large, small/little, slow, fast, hot, cold, warm, cool, new, old (new), young, old (young), weak, dead, alive, heavy, light (heavy), dark, light (dark), nuclear, famous
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maarcyeen · 1 year
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The rumbling echoed through the small cave they just got trapped in. Smaller pebbles and rubble settled and made sure no opening was left for the Heroes to exit their entrapment.
"Fuck!" Champion growled out when his hands slipped on wet rock he tried to push out. He huffed in frustration and turned to his twin. "Are you okay?"
He heard metal gear clanking as other Link got up. Then a sturdy lether glove patted his shoulder. He exhaled sharply with relief. Being stuck with someone injured without a way to help them wasn't his idea of spending the afternoon. Another set of rustling and bright sparks illuminated the small space. After successfully lighting up the torch, Soldier got up from his knees and looked around, letting his eyes adjust to the dim light.
"We should-"
"Here" Champion grabbed the torch, seeing Soldier struggling signing with only one free hand.
"Oh. Thanks" Wild gave a quick smile. "We should let the others know we are alive."
"Agreed." He looked around again to find just a small gap of space between the rubble, only to find neatly fitted chunks of rock sealed with gravel. "Not sure if they would hear us through this wall of rock, tho."
Soldier walked to his field of view holding two fingers by his lips, his look asking for approval to what he's planning.
"Go right ahead." Champion nodded.
A loud whistle pierced through their ears and bounced around the small room almost endlessly. Wild winced as the ringing in his ears faded, trying to listen for any response.
After an awfully long silence they heard familiar voices behind the rocky curtain and sighed with relief.
"Hey! We're alright! But we're proper stuck in here!" Champion called out. He heard an answer, but couldn't understand it through the thick rock barrier.
Soldier sighed heavily and sat on the ground, propping himself against the wall. Wild followed, taking his place opposite of him. The room was small enough for their boots to touch, which gave both of them small snippet of closure.
Closure wasn't a thing they developed, and none of them was ready to address their relationship. Unfortunately for them, their presence was the only thing they had at the moment.
It wasn't as colorful when they met. It was a mess, really. At first, Wild wanted to inform the group that they finally were in his time, but quickly swallowed his excitement. He saw buildings, roads and people. Hundreds of them. Although those buildings weren't in the perfect condition, some of them had windows shattered, roofs burned down or a wall collapsed, they couldn't be compared to Wild's ruins only left with fundaments.
The group was rightfully shocked when they recognized Wild's walking copy, only taller an inch, his hair shorter and neatly put back in a tight ponytail and visibly lacking major scars that Champion wore under his hood.
After welcoming Soldier to the group, none of them was eager to socialize, until now.
Silence wasn't a foreign sound to them, but now it made them suffocate and squirm in their places, unable to think of a topic to discuss. They were so similar, yet so different.
Soldier exhaled loudly, bringing Champion out from his thoughts.
"Sorry, it's just so quiet."
"Yeah..." Wild moved forward, resting his elbows on his knees and tilting the torch closer to Soldier to see him better.
"I hope they will find a way out for us quickly"
"Yeah..." Wild repeated, visibly absent from reality. Soldier nudged his boot to bring him back, question on his face.
"Sorry, this is so weird." He explained. The look on other Link's face encouraged him to continue. "You are quite literally the image of my dreams, or nightmares..." He added the last part quietly.
"What do you mean?" Nothing but confusion was painted on Soldier's face.
Champion scoffed, throwing his head back. "Look at you!" He gestured out to him. "Always in his shining armour, defeated the Calamity with no problems, walking example of a Hero!"
Soldiers face scrunched from confusion to anger.
" 'With no problems' ?!" He straightened his posture, armor rustling. "Do you think I just plunged my sword to this guy without any complications?? Really??"
His eyes were burning into Wild's, now shocked, face. He didn't expect such burst of emotions out of his twin.
"It took us MONTHS of constant battle, we lost so many good people, and if not the solidarity and help of all of Hyrule we would have lost many times!! And YOU'RE saying I had it easy?? Unlike you, I didn't even HAVE the Master Sword until the middle of the war!"
Soldier took a long sigh, trying to compose himself. He leaned back, controlling his breathing again. Wild said nothing.
"What I would give to be like you."
That shook Champion. What did he mean? He was a failure, bearing thousands of lost souls on his shoulders, running around aimlessly. How could a perfect knight envy someone like him?
"What??" Wild breathed out.
Soldier chuckled. "No commanders or kings to push you around, no reports you have to rewrite because of one spelling error..."
He looked fondly at Champion. "You get to actually choose for yourself what you want, where to go. Hell, you can actually say no to people! Could you imagine what would happened if I said no to the King?" He chuckled again. "No Shrine of Resurrection would help." They both laughed quietly.
Now the silence wasn't as awful as before. They both had time to analyze each other's words, slowly understanding their points of view.
"So, you met the New Champions?" Wild quickly changed the topic, for both of their sakes.
Soldier hummed fondly. "Yeah, if not them, we would've lost. They were a huge help to all of us. And a pleasure to meet, too."
Champion smiled at the thought of his friends back home. He let his thoughts run free, somehow going back to Mipha. A sly smile appeared on his face.
"So, how's Mipha?" He chuckled as Soldier flushed red, trying to turn away his face away from the torch light.
They got up quickly as their attention was stolen by a rumble coming from the collapsed wall. Multiple voices could be heard, now more clearly. Finally, a familiar face popped out from the rubble, that saved them (mostly Soldier from a sensitive topic) out of the dark cave.
Once they got out they could feel their relationship grow closer. It wasn't as close as with other Heroes, but it was a start.
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cactusringed · 5 months
Etho and Bdubs' meeting | Political Intrigue AU
Putting it in a tumblr post because idk if I can commit to a full fic that'll be posted on ao3 yet so I'll share this way
Word Count: 3,715
Content Warnings: Depictions of a staged suicide
The blood moon illuminates the night sky, painting the surrounding clouds crimson. Looking up through the glass roof of the observatory tower, Bdubs knows that today is to be the day he dies. 
Even before his vision, he’d known, somehow, that the blood moon would signify his end. He was always attracted to it like a moth to a flame. Except moths aren’t aware — Bdubs doesn’t think — of the fate awaiting them once their delicate wings brush against the harbinger destined to extinguish their life. Bdubs is. He is, he believes, the most painfully aware one could be about their demise. The blood moon calls to him the way a jailer would a prisoner on death row, marching him through that last corridor towards his end. 
“No, wait, I think a siren would be a more accurate metaphor,” Bdubs muses out loud, rubbing at his scruffy stubble. He should’ve shaved. Perhaps he still can. No. He’s meant to look this way, he knows. Images of his destiny flash in his mind and Bdubs screws his eyes shut in hopes to chase them away. 
It doesn’t work. He takes one shaky breath, then another. His lungs ache. When he opens his eyes again, his vision blurs with tears that he quickly blinks away. 
After spending over a year aware of the grisly details of his own death, one would expect Bdubs to have come to peace with it. He certainly thought he did. Yet here he is, staring up at the moonlit sky for what he knows is the very last time. Fighting back not only tears but primal fear that screams at him to rattle the bars of the cage fate has sealed him in. His heart gallops in his chest with such force he swears he feels its echoes against his ribcage, all the way up to his throat. His Adam's apple bobs as he forces his gaze downwards, to the workshop he’s built in the main observatory room. To his very last painting:
A landscape - that of the country of Oblivion. He’d hoped to finish it before his death, but he supposes the least he can do is bring it to an acceptable state. He wonders how much his work will sell for. He wonders if he can ask his murderer to burn it all before they leave. 
Bdubs picks up his brushes and palette, the oil paints still wet from his last session, and works at the landscape. He paints a tree — thin, spindly, and grey — only to cover it almost immediately. He refines the cliff-face, as he’s done dozens of times, overworking the surface into a mush of dull colors and clashing textures before he throws his equipment to the ground in frustration. 
His mind’s eye always had trouble focusing on the picture he wanted to bring to life, the shapes blurring together even after spending hours studying references of Obliviate scenery — but now, with the promise of death hanging over his head, he finds it downright impossible to not only focus but also keep his every muscle from shaking. Come on, he wants to tell himself, it’s not like you’re going up on stage to give a speech. It’s just the day of your own murder. Relax.
Bdubs worries he might puke. Or cry. That would be worse. 
Another couple of breaths in and out. Shakier than before. He’s restless, to the point he knows he won’t be able to sleep no matter how late it gets, but also won’t be able to get anything useful done. What is there to do that would be useful mere hours, or potentially minutes, before his death? He could draft a will. He doesn’t know how to write one. Maybe he should’ve learned before he had to go and die, but to be entirely fair to him… no, he did know it was going to happen tonight for some time now. Ever since he knew of the blood moon. It just didn’t feel real enough to warrant any preparation, somehow. 
Bdubs looks at the unfinished landscape. The sculk that snakes through every crack of the cliff-face. It’s too flat, despite how hard he’s worked at it. It resembles the sketches and croquis he’s studied in tomes, but not the feeling they elicit in him. That infinite darkness that threatens to suck him in. He reaches for his paints, but pauses. Gazes up, instead. Up and around himself, searching for that blackness, for that feeling.
It must be here. They must be here. Whoever Oblivion sent to end him. Bdubs isn’t stupid — he knows they’ve been following him for a while. Studying his every move, habits, his entourage. Yet he’s never been able to feel the weight of their presence. Not a shadow has ever been out of place. No matter how hard Bdubs has looked, how much he tossed his room upside down. How much he’s raised his voice.
But he’s got to keep trying.
“Assassin,” Bdubs speaks in the Obliviate tongue, struggling with the soft and flat tones it forces upon him. “Show yourself. I know you’re here. You have to be. You’re here to kill me, are you not? So, show yourself. Let me see my own murderer before I die.”
Bdubs waits. He waits for what feels like a full minute, only to be met with complete, suffocating silence. His lip twitches downwards, but he keeps his chin high, and continues to speak in a register he knows to be far more proper than he prefers to speak in his native Celesti tongue. He should’ve worked harder on his lessons. 
“I’m unarmed. I don’t deal in violence. I just… wish to see your face. Then you can kill me,” Bdubs walks slowly, carefully, to the oak desk covered in loose paper and canvas pressed against one of the walls. His fingers trace over his sketchbook. He lets out a soft laugh, peering back up at the ceiling, looking out for any movement overhead. “I bet it’s not often you get to speak with your victim. I can offer you some critique. Because I have to say, the method you have planned for me… Well, it’s a bit too quiet. It’s like….” he frowns, unable to think of the right Obliviate word. “It’s boring,” he settles on the Celesti equivalent, before he switches back to the assassin’s tongue. “It will make my retainers suspect foul.”
Still nothing but silence, no matter how long Bdubs waits. A long sigh, as he lets go of held breath. He takes his sketchbook, worn at the spine, and holds it to his chest. He turns, raises a foot, intends to take a step — only to let out a roar of terror as he’s suddenly faced with a tall figure come out of nowhere. 
Bdubs stumbles back, and as quickly as he began screaming he slaps both hands over his mouth to silence himself, letting the sketchbook fall open by his feet. His back hits the edge of his desk, and he waits as the figure stands still as a statue. One, two — his eyes dart to the door, listening for guards, servants, anyone who might have heard the commotion. Only when he’s certain no one intends to ruin his moment does he drop his hands down, letting out a high pitched giggle. 
“You scared the life outta me!” he exclaims in Celesti. “I mean,” he corrects himself in quiet Obliviate: “You sca—”
The figure holds up a hand, and Bdubs stills, before letting out another, softer chuckle.
“Right. You understand Celesti. There’s no need to translate,” He insists on continuing in Obliviate, but it does save him some time.
Another stretch of silence. The figure lets their hand drop. They remain still, and though it fills the air with an awkwardness that would normally make Bdubs want to keep yapping — he instead finds himself transfixed by their presence. 
Slowly, as to ensure they don’t take it as an offensive move, Bdubs leans down to pick up his sketchbook. He opens it towards the end, and meets with a sketch of himself laid in bed, arms stretched out at his sides, small rivulets of blood dripping down. The blood moon shining in the window. He’s transfixed by it for just a moment, his throat closing up.
He flips the page. More angles of his dead body. A few sketches of gloved hands taking hold of his wrist. The fingers are slender, long — one might call them delicate, even as they hold a blade to Bdubs’ wrist. 
A study of how the blood flows. It pearls at the edge of the cut at first. There’s a few attempts at getting it quite right. The amount of blood that begins to trickle, then pour out. The way it soaks Bdubs’ sheets. 
Then, finally, the main object of interest: The assassin. His sketches become more abundant, but less clear, as he focuses on them. Looking up at the figure standing in front of him, then down at his sketches, he’s happy to note he got their build right: Tall, slender, but not too much. Loose clothes that likely hide solid muscles. That’s another thing he realises he portrayed perfectly: Their outfit. The long, dark cloak hiding the near entirety of their figure. The large hood obscuring their head alongside a scarf wrapped around the bottom half of their face. The only part that remains uncovered is their eyes and a few strands of silver hair — easy enough to remember and portray, one would think. Yet it always remained blank both in Bdubs’ memory and sketches.
The surface of some of the pages have been rubbed raw from his eraser. Some have frustrated scribbles all over the assassin’s face. Others have just been left blank. It’s endlessly frustrating, and if he doesn’t get to do anything else before he dies, he hopes to at least fix this. 
“Can I…?” Bdubs reaches for the assassin’s scarf — only for them to suddenly jerk back before his fingers can even brush against the fabric. 
It’s the first movement he’s seen from them, a proof they’re not just a hallucination. It makes him jump, and he tenses in expectation of a blow that never comes. The assassin just adjusts their scarf securely on their face before peering down at Bdubs’ sketchbook. They point. A silent question hangs in the air.
Bdubs frowns. “Can you use your words?”
Their voice is deep, surprisingly so. It’s also rough around the edges — the way one’s voice sounds after waking up in the morning. And a bit muffled by the scarf. 
“Very clever,” Bdubs grins, reaching to shove playfully at the assassin. They move away. “It does mean you can speak though, so— Oh, how do you say in Obliviate… you know, like… gotcha? Do you guys have a word for gotcha?”
Bdubs swears he hears a quiet, near inaudible snicker from the other. 
“You can switch to Celesti. I’d rather you did, actually,” they say in perfect Celesti. Not a trace of an accent. Not even an intonation amiss, despite how much more melodic Celesti is compared to the flatness of Obliviate. Bdubs could mistake him for a native if he didn’t know better, and if it wasn’t for the paleness of his face. 
“Right, yeah, I was tryna impress you, but turns out I’m real rusty. But hey, I was doing well enough, yeah? Since you came down from your little hidey hole?”
Silence. They’re still pointing. 
“...So, uh, what’d you want my sketchbook for?”
The silence stretches, until the assassin seemingly remembers it’s their turn to speak. “I want to see.”
Bdubs raises a brow. “Not the most eloquent sort, are ya?”
They blink.
“Just gimme a second, okay?” 
Bdubs reaches for one of his charcoal pencils, and holds the book open against his chest. He peeks up at the assassin, then down at the page, lightly finishing up one of his attempts at a portrait. He sticks out his tongue as he adds the outline of lips he can barely see through the scarf, refines the shape of their face, and draws the long, white eyelashes caressing scarred skin. The hint of sculk Bdubs can barely see, pulsing like veins burrowing deep within the assassin’s skin. He goes at it for a moment, before he finally gives up with a dissatisfied huff. 
“It’s not as pretty as you are in real life,” he holds the sketchbook out to the assassin. “But have a looksie, if you want. It’s kind of… Ah, well, you can keep it as a souvenir after you’ve killed me! I’m sure in a few decades you’ll be able to resell it for some pretty money. I mean, can you imagine?” Bdubs gestures when the assassin takes hold of the book. “‘The prophet prince’s last drawings.’ People will fight for it!”
The assassin doesn’t seem to find it quite as funny as Bdubs does. They stare at him blankly, jaw slack, before seemingly remembering to look down at the pages, ignoring Bdubs’ grin as they do. He doesn’t let it get him down. Instead he watches their piercing grey eyes dance across the pages. He doesn’t think he did them justice. He wishes he had more time. They genuinely are beautiful.
Their fingers run over the sketches. As they study the depictions of themselves knocking Bdubs unconscious and slitting his wrist, Bdubs can’t help but hyperfocus on their hands. They’re like a pianist’s. He wonders if they play instruments. Are Obliviate assassins allowed to partake in hobbies? Arts? 
“I wasn’t sent by anyone,” their voice force Bdubs out of his imaginings. They stop on a page depicting them hopping out of Bdubs’ bedroom through the window and disappearing into the darkness of the night. It was a bit of a challenging pose to figure out. Bdubs is proud of that sketch. He doesn’t think it’s what they’re admiring. “My actions were planned by myself, in opposition to my orders. You are dangerous, but no one seems to see that.”
Bdubs swallows heavily. A strange calm had settled over him, ever since the assassin revealed themselves — but their saying that turns his blood to ice. He’s suddenly aware of every inch of his body, and the way they scream at him to run, or hide, or fight — something. Instead, he stays frozen as the assassin circles him, takes in the room as if they hadn’t been spying on him for stars know how long. 
“You showing me this,” they tap their fingers on the pages. “It made me realise something I hadn’t considered before.”
Bdubs opens his mouth to speak, but the assassin continues before he gets even a sound out:
“If I choose not to kill you tonight. What happens with your vision?”
“I…” Bdubs looks down at his dead body laid on the pages. It’s hard to speak. He should stop staring. He can’t. “I don’t… know. Every single thing I’ve predicted has come true, no matter how hard I’ve worked to stop them. I don’t know what happens if… if they don’t. I think it would just push away the inevitable. If you don’t kill me today, then you’ll do it on the next blood moon. Or the one after. It’s not the first blood moon I’ve seen since the vision, after all. I could just be wrong on the exact date. Both of us could be.”
The assassin shakes their head. “Even if the date isn’t right, I won’t do it like this,” they gesture at the book. “So it still wouldn’t be true. Besides, you knew this blood moon was to be the one. I’ve been watching you for a long time. You’ve never called out to me the way you have tonight. You knew it was today.”
“I just… felt it, somehow. I tend to, with my visions. Even if nothing indicates a specific date within the vision itself, I just… feel it, when it’s about to happen,” he shrugs. “With normal prophecies — you know, the one they do all those fancy rituals for? With those, it’s kind of a fifty-fifty as to whether they’ll actually happen. But mine have always, always come true, no matter what. I’m just too good at this divination thing!” He laughs. It comes out wrong. Stilted. Tearful. 
The assassin watches Bdubs pace. 
Bdubs’ eyes find the image of the assassin’s bloodied blade, placed in his limp hand. 
“...I don’t wanna die,” he finally admits, quietly. A few tears roll their ways down his cheeks. “I just know — well, I don’t know… what’s meant to, to happen. If you stop it, I mean. I don’t know what happens if you don’t kill me. If I— If I wake up, tomorrow. I don’t know what… what would happen. I’m not meant to. It— It won’t. It won’t happen. You know?” he looks up, his lips trembling uncontrollably. 
He feels like a damn child. 
The assassin is obviously uncomfortable. Their previously relaxed posture grows suddenly tense. Their shoulders are almost all the way to where Bdubs assumes their ears would be. They reach into their coat and Bdubs gasps, sharply. His eyes squeeze shut. He expects the stab of a knife. For all of it to have been a ruse. A way to finally end their conversation and get to the very reason they came here. 
But nothing comes.
Bdubs takes one, two — up to three shaky, hiccuping breaths, before he opens his eyes again and looks up. What he sees is not a knife, but instead a handkerchief. It’s held in front of him awkwardly, the assassin staring at him unblinking. Bdubs hesitates, before he takes it and wipes the tears off his face. Except the very act of compassion coming from what should be his assassin makes his tears double, and Bdubs sobs embarrassingly against the cloth. 
“We’ll find out what happens when a vision of yours does not come to fruition, then. Because I won’t kill you. You won’t die by my hand, prince Bdubs.” 
Their voice is so gentle, now. Bdubs nearly chokes on air as he tries to calm himself. As he tries to listen. Take it in.  
“I was only sent here because we found out about your vision. Before you worry — none within your court knows. We’ve only inferred it through our surveillance. I will report back, explain what happened. They’ll send another spy to continue monitoring your safety. Oblivion never wanted you dead, so you won’t have to be afraid of them. And it means… you’ll know: There’s a way to stop your visions.”
Before Bdubs can say anything, before he can thank them, they turn away. They take a step to leave. Bdubs’ tears stop in an instant, and he reaches for them. For their cloak. He pulls them back towards him, and wraps his arms around them in a tight embrace, feels the air escape from their lungs as he squeezes.
“Thank you,” he says, voice only shaking a little as he clings to the assassin’s clothes. “I don’t know how I could ever repay you. I don’t even know your name, I—”
“My— My name’s not important.” The assassin’s voice is strained, as if in pain. They pat Bdubs’ hand in what he assumes is a gentle attempt to pry him off. He doesn’t let go quite yet. “We won’t meet again. Just… try to find a way to stop your visions. If anything, for your own sake.”
Bdubs shakes his head. “I won’t let you leave,” he declares. “Not after you saved my life. Not after you did… did this. You were sent to protect me, right? So you must be pretty good! Then, I want you to stay. I can write to Oblivion, get them to keep you here. Then you can help me stop the visions from coming true again. Yeah?”
He finally pulls away so he can walk around the assassin and face them, sniffing as he watches them shake their head.
“I’m not a protector. I’m an assassin. The only reason I was sent here was to neutralise your murderer. Since I technically have, there’s no reason for me to stay. Especially now that I’ve revealed myself to you. It… goes against almost every tenets of the code,” they sigh, reaching to pinch the bridge of their nose. “It just can’t happen. I’m sorry.”
“... Will they hurt you? For… you know,” Bdubs gestures. Could the price of his life be his would-be assassin’s death? Does he want to know? “...If not your full name, can you give me… I dunno, a nickname, the first letter —  anything? I don’t wanna forget the person who broke my curse. Please? Then I’ll let you leave. And I’ll promise not to speak a word of this. To anyone.”
The other furrows their brow, and studies Bdubs’ face. They shake their head again, and brush Bdubs’ hands off themselves. “Slab,” they finally offer. Bdubs recognises it: A clan name. A… very prominent one. “And what happens to me isn’t something for you to worry about. I’m… uh… Sorry. For causing you stress.”
There’s an awkward pause, then, before they take a step back. Bdubs lets them. He watches them as they climb back up to the rafters, open a window, and leave without a trace. 
“...Slab…” Bdubs looks down at his sketchbook, hugs it to his chest. Clouds creep closer to the blood moon, obscuring its glow. The observatory is plunged in darkness, illuminated only by the flickering candles on Bdubs’ desk. 
He’s alive. His vision has come and gone. 
He sits at his desk. Opens his sketchbook, picks up a pen, and begins sketching. 
He draws until the sun rises. A feverish attempt to burn the Slab assassin’s image in his head. Draws until one of his retainers knocks on the door and scolds him for not showing up at breakfast. Until they drag him out of the observatory, force him to breathe the fresh air outside. 
He’s free of the burn in his lungs as he’s smothered into unconsciousness, of the blade splitting his arms open. 
He’s alive.
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