#romance ment
solxs · 7 days
“Nos conocimos en el momento equivocado. Es lo que me sigo diciendo a mí mismo, de todos modos. Tal vez algún día, dentro de algunos años, nos encontremos en una tienda de café, en una ciudad lejana, y podríamos darnos otra oportunidad.”
— Eterno resplandor de una mente sin recuerdos 🎥.
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bipedalseal · 2 years
i can't believe i am actually missing someone. i feel sick
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babieshowclown · 5 months
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worlds worst gay ppl
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caostalgia · 7 months
Deseo poder perderme en tu alma, encontrarme en tu corazón, quedarme viviendo para siempre en tu mente, convertirme en tu aliento, en tu techo, en tu fuego durante el invierno.
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elquecuentacuentos · 3 months
«La decencia es, a mi parecer, la forma más aceptada de apuntarse con una pistola a la cabeza.»
-Fragmento "Tavo" (Cuentos perdidos, Eloy Martínez Adame).
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fluxa-inquietare · 4 months
Adoro la inmensidad del universo que lleva en sus ojos, hace viajar mi mente por las maravillosas constelaciones tan solo con un roce de sus labios, me lleva por lugares que nunca habia imaginado, el solo acto de mirarte hace que mi mundo se llene de luz, paz y tranquilidad. Entregas calidez y contención, te has vuelto mi lugar favorito.
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altschmerzes · 6 months
on a related note, oh my gd is trying to find advice on or information about writing sex scenes ever a fucking Grim experience. it's like a roulette wheel of arophobia, acephobia, insane generalizations, transphobia, misogyny, gender essentialism, more insane generalizations, and half the links on guides or compilations of resources are dead lmao.
and so much of what i CAN access, all of the other weirdness aside, is written in such a like... catty, rude tone? like hello can we all calm down please. can people who write about sex a lot or want to provide resources for writing about sex please be less fucking weird about sex.
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essetaldehigor · 5 months
“Você continua sendo o amor da minha vida… mas eu não sou mais o seu”.
Só quem vive isso sabe o quanto dói.
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i-eat-worlds · 5 months
Wow Birthday Whump Day 12: Magic exhaustion / Collapsed / "So tired..."
Featuring our favorite t4t gay idiots and a location that was mentioned all of one (1) times
Aaron, Kai, and Phoenix belong to @/pigeonwhumps
Content: team fluff, comfort, fainting, romancey vibes, food ment.
Joseph opened the door to Cornico’s Pizza, taking in the familiar smell and relaxing atmosphere as he wound around the many full tables back to the corner booth where Kai, Aaron, and Phoenix were sitting, snacking on some garlic knots.
“Hey guys,” he said, sliding into the seat next to Aaron, smiling at the soda they’d gotten him. “Eric says sorry, last minute review meeting popped up.”
Kai groaned a little, nodding.“Those are the worst. Tell him I said good luck.”
“I will.” He turned to Phoenix, who was finishing a garlic knot. “How was your day?”
“It was good!” They reached for another, eyes flickering up to Kai to make sure it was okay. He nodded, mouth full of bread. “We did sparing. Kai won against Lian. A lot.” They rubbed at their wrists, then smiled. “It was fun.”
“I’m glad.” He glanced over at Aaron, noting the tired look in his eyes and the droop in his posture. “You doin’ alright?”
“Just a long day.” He rolled his neck out, bones cracking with the movement. “Nothing some more bread and cheese can’t fix.”
“Second that.” Kai flipped open his menu, quickly scanning through it. “What’re we thinking?”
“I could split a veggie with Phoenix and you two could do whatever?” They sighed, index finger digging into their thumb’s fingernail.
“That sounds good.” Joseph opened his menu, looking over the options. “Pepperoni, sausage and cheese?”
Kai nodded. “Absolutely.” He waved the server over, and they quickly placed their orders.
They fell back into an easy conversation while they waited for their food, comfortably bouncing back and forth between topics. Phoenix slowly started to talk more, interjecting with their own side stories and anecdotes. It was nice to see them coming out of their shell a little, and Joseph couldn’t help but smile.
Still, Aaron’s silence made him uneasy. Joseph could see the exhaustion written on him plainly. His shift had obviously been more taxing than normal. He placed a comforting hand on their shoulder, squeezing it a little bit. Aaron leaned into it, a quiet thank you for the gesture.
Suddenly, his brow creased, facial expression turning frantic. “You okay, Aaron?”
They mumbled something inaudible, hands pawing at his shoulders like they were trying to climb over him. “Aaron, what’s wrong?”
“I needa lay down,” he repeated, a little more clearly.
The words spurred Joseph into action, and he tried to move so Aaron could get out, but it was too late. Their eyes slid closed as they collapsed, body pitching forward and slamming into Joseph’s chest.
“Aaron!” Phoenix shouted before immediately sinking in on themselves, eyes wide with concern.
Joseph wrapped his arms around Aaron’s slack body, supporting his head while he got them out of the booth and onto the ground. “You with me?” His fingers dug into Aaron’s shoulders as he shook them awake.
His eyes flickered up to Kai, about to order him to call for help, when Aaron produced a sleepy groan. “That hurts…” They tried to push his arms away, but they lacked the coordination and the strength necessary to do so. “Wha’ happened?”
“You passed out.”
“Oh, sorry.” They were silent for a second. “Didn’t think the healing hangover was this bad.”
Joseph hummed, unbelieving. “Sure.”
They were still for a moment, eyes locked together, and one could only imagine the silent conversation that passed between. Slowly, Aaron tried to sit up, fighting through the dizziness. He didn’t even get halfway up before Joseph had to steady him. “Nope, you’re laying back down.”
Aaron huffed. “The server is coming with our food. I don’t want to be in the way.”
“You’re not in the way. There's plenty of space.” He reached for their hand. “We can try again after five minutes?”
“But I’m hungry,” they grumbled wearily.
Joseph was about to respond but Kai got there first. “Listen to the medic!” He said, and Joseph followed it up with a look.
“Alright, I will.” They threw their hands up in surrender. He squeezed Joseph’s hand. “Will you walk me home?”
He tried to ignore the heat rushing to his cheeks. “Yeah. Always.”
Taglist: @pigeonwhumps @rainydaywhump @painful-pooch@rainbowsandwhumperflies@snaillamp @whumperofworlds
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sw3etdr3amer · 6 months
-Por qué algunas personas duermen tanto?-- preguntó el niño al anciano.
-Porque a veces la tristeza se nos va durmiendo. Justo ahí, cuando se cierran los ojos, se nos pasa un poco el dolor del corazón.
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yearnyt4twenty · 7 months
Ohhhhh ,,,nooo aha,,, getting high all by yourself, handsome????
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bipedalseal · 2 years
literally hate attraction sm. why am i getting possessive/jealous over something so benign
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unmenme · 10 months
Cuánto Caos
Impro v/24/11/23
Será que fueron las burbujas añejadas
Oda a la descomposición lunar, que hace al día.
Que se parpadea el cielo, bellísimo.
Un beso en el pecho
Un mundo roto, rotísimo.
Me acompañaste desde la trinchera hasta la barra.
Te vi sonreír, ebria.
Y es que me giran las mismas moscas sobre la mollera
Otro día más que no quiere retroceder
Será que fueron las burbujas añejadas
Que estoy tan roto, tan ebrio.
Que me acompañaste desde la trinchera hasta la barra.
Que no me quiero ir de este mundo ya
Por ti.
Por qué te recuerdo, desnuda.
Te recuerdo llamando
Te recuerdo pidiéndome todo
Que no me quiero ir de este mundo ya
Por ti
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Una canción sin ritmo
Para mi amada
Alguna vez, busque alivio en el sacrificio
Soy una canción sin tiempo
Para mi amada
Y cada que me zumba la misma mosca
Como a Dios, que no existe, me encomiendo a ti.
Mare R.
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exaltior-a · 1 year
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I was on some fire shit when I was writing chapter one of Eat Me Whole. Read Eat Me Whole by Broken_Record on ao3 IMMEDIATELY
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
Being in Aroace spectrum culture is being a fic writer and writing romantic and s*x scenes that lean more towards describing platonic relationships. And also sometimes write pwp works and get angry that readers prefer to read them, and not really good and important for you gen works
(quick note: please do not censor [ie, using asterisks] words in submissions. leave them as they are so that others may read them with screen readers, or filter them as they so choose.)
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clonazepao · 1 year
De pouquinho em pouquinho fui perdendo alguns pedaços meus. Que foram embora com as dores que eu não soube gritar.
Lágrimas caem e meu rosto fica marcado.
Machuquei pessoas que prometi cuidar e proteger.
Outra lágrima caí, mas dessa dessa vez não é uma lágrima de tristeza.
Foi quando percebi de que eu era tão devastador e frágil, quanto uma onda que se quebra no oceano.
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