#romana project
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stopmyhearts · 1 month ago
GOLD USHER: Do you swear by the Rod of Rassilon to uphold the holy office of President of the High Council of Gallifrey? ROMANA: Hang on. (ADJUSTS MATRIX AT JAUNTY ANGLE) I swear. (TIME LORDS LOOK SUITABLY UNCOMFORTABLE.)
Oh this is going to be good
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silverfoxstole · 13 days ago
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I started toiling the new version of my NotD coat the other day, using an old duvet cover and some scraps.
I don’t normally re-toile a pattern I’ve made before but this one needs some adjustment; I already knew that the sleeves and skirts needed to be longer but having worn the one I made eighteen months ago out a couple of times before Christmas I decided that I’d raised the waist seam too far as well. I’ve therefore returned all the pattern pieces to their original lengths and added three inches to the hem (I’ll probably add another when I cut out the fabric as I want it to be just below the knee); the sleeves will need taking up a bit but I’d rather have that extra fabric to play with. I’ve also made the skirts slightly wider which gives me a bit more swish, and also for bum coverage; I had to add an extra bit to the tails as I was putting it together last time to try and rectify a bit of gaping over the rear!
While I was at it I decided to try and work out the right length for the collar at this stage rather than wasting fabric later on. I want collar and lapel to meet, so to be able to see where I was going I added facings and trim, which I wouldn��t normally do with a mock-up:
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I cut out the lapel pieces again instead of the facing by mistake and the denim moved when I was sewing it which is the reason for the huge tuck on the left but I think I’m about there. I need to practise my mitred corners as the binding took me a whole day to put on last time!
I haven’t started the coat proper yet because I still need to order all the bits and bobs but I bought the fabric a few weeks ago as the supplier had low stock. For the first coat I used cotton drill but that was a bit stiff and having now seen the way Paul’s moves I wanted something a bit more fluid so I ordered several samples to choose from. I could have used a wool mix coating but that would have been too thick; I want to be able to wear this outside of cosplay but I don’t want anything too warm or heavy so I had a look at suiting fabric, plumping in the end for a gabardine:
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The right-hand picture gives a better idea of the colour. It has a nice drape to it and a bit of weight without being too heavy so hopefully it’s going to work OK! I had to get a few samples of trim, too, to find one that was a good contrast:
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I’m hoping to get started on it sometime next week. It’s not going to be a quick project; the first coat took me about fifty hours’ work across ten days and this time I’m intending to tailor as much as I can so am going for sew-in traditional interfacing rather than the iron-on I used before and which I want to try and pad stitch (not something I’ve tried yet!) to the shell.
Fingers crossed it all comes together!
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samwisethewitch · 2 years ago
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On Lughnasa (August 1st), 2023, under a full moon in Aquarius, my partner and I got married in a handfasting ceremony.
We designed this ceremony from scratch ourselves, incorporating elements from our own faiths. My personal practice is a mix of Heathenry and Reclaiming (and, ngl, is heavily influenced by Wicca) and my now-husband is Roman pagan. We also both have Irish American heritage that is important to our families, which is why we chose to incorporate historic Irish elements.
And our boyfriend was our officiant!
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frateleeblaga · 1 month ago
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���Ca furtuna am intrat
Eu n am venit cu valul nou, eu l am creat”
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triple1st · 3 months ago
underrated romana/leela moment to me is that despite leela swearing that blood will have blood & that her last purpose on gallifrey will be to avenge her husband by killing his murderer before joining him in death, she doesn't, when she learns it was romana (under pandora's control) who struck andred through his hearts she laments that she cannot kill romana & therefore she will leave gallifrey without her vengeance. like that is devotion baby, that's the unhealthy dependency that romana inspires in her friends, unflinching loyalty to the office of lord president as long as romanadvoratrelundar holds it & if she is no longer in power her closest friends will stay by her side until she regains her right as heir of dvora to rule gallifrey
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idobebeinggay · 8 months ago
Not seen this one before!!!!
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Welcome back Romana
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anghraine · 2 months ago
I've had an unfathomably stressful weekend among my right-wing maternal relatives. Naturally, I'm celebrating my escape with a poll!
I like to headcanon a bunch of my faves as ace or grey-ace, sometimes with reasons that make sense to other people, sometimes out of pure projection (I'm a grey-ace lesbian myself, and this bleeds out into my fandom tastes!).
REMINDER that this isn't (necessarily) a vote for your favorite character, or even your personal favorite-of-all-time ace headcanon. Vote for the character on this list that you would most enjoy imagining as asexual or grey-ace. Feel free to add details about your headcanons for your choice, though!
Details for mine specifically:
Luke Skywalker - aro-ace, misunderstands his natural rapport+psychic bond with Leia as attraction in part because he's never actually experienced real attraction and never will.
Charlotte Lucas - ace lesbian.
Men in Tolkien - grey-ace or ace, depending on the instance (I was tempted to exclude a very few specific individuals like Finwë, Samwise Gamgee, and Eöl, but it was inconvenient, and honestly, I still feel the Tolkien default for dudes is grey-ace).
Spock - gay grey-ace outside of pon farr scenarios (he hates the prospect of pon farr with T'Pring for multiple reasons! he's also aggressively disinterested in Mudd's women, the lady sexbots in "Shore Leave," etc, for ... uh, also multiple reasons).
Romana I - grey-ace.
Athena - very aggressively 100% aro-ace, can and will strike down anyone who doubts this.
Anakin Skywalker - Padmésexual.
Fitzwilliam Darcy - grey-ace, has been slightly attracted to people before, but rarely and not very strongly, until Elizabeth upends his entire experience of sexuality in the space of about 2 weeks. His own feelings only get (far) more intense and foreign to him from there.
Emelye - aro-ace. Rarely have I more strongly wished I could free someone from the story they're trapped in.
Tar-Telperiën - aro-ace, will bring the full weight of royal power to bear on anyone who has a problem with it (following the example of her lesbian great-grandmother Tar-Ancalimë, but refusing to marry at all. goodforher.jpeg)
Moiraine - grey-ace & lesbian. Yes, I know Jordan wants me to believe she's into Thom. je refuse
Cassian Andor - grey-ace, and near the "fully ace" boundary. He's mostly into Jyn and very surprised (and initially dismayed) about it.
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religio-iapygiorum · 2 years ago
oh hey this got popular while i was asleep! there's already more interest than i expected tbh, which is super exciting!
i do want to clarify bc i'm worried i'm getting people's hopes up that this is Reconstructionism Hard Mode™. we've got a fair bit of material evidence, several short-ish inscriptions, a bit of description from outsiders, but no narratives from the emic (i.e., ingroup) perspective. there will be deities we know only by name & practices we know only by the offerings that failed to burn completely. there is nothing resembling a complete picture here, especially not by the standards of hellenic polytheism-but when we find similarities to hellenic polytheism, we can guess at the gaps. sometimes.
i think this sort of exercise is worthwhile, personally. i yearn to know more about deities long forgotten, the evidences they've left behind, their echoes in a landscape long buried. but while there may be a treasure trove of individual pieces here, it's difficult to form an overall narrative. so. be warned, ig
right, so: what is this project & why am i doing it?
a quick intro first—i’m e (any pronouns) & i’m a history student of a completely different time period. that’s your first indication not to take my word as fact! i’ll be drawing on & quoting from established scholarship, which i’ll always cite. they’re the real experts, not me, so please do go back and read them if you’re curious & have the language. (you can always message/ask if you’re having trouble accessing papers.)
in general & on a personal note, i’m super interested in life on the peripheries. we’ve got a billion million sources for the polytheisms of rome and athens and a few other greek poleis—awesome, but what about everywhere else?
(why this particular periphery? my ancestors, both very recent & presumably more distant, are from this location. that’s where my interest stems from, but it doesn’t have to be yours—i will not tolerate folkist attitudes in this space.)
ok, so, what is this blog?: a place for me to aggregate research, in english, on the religious practices of pre-Roman Iapygia. this is not my own research—what i’m doing here is not-strictly-academic synthesis of existing research, primarily for a polytheist reconstructionist audience.
the evidence my sources discuss are almost entirely drawn from archaeological research, and most of this research is written in italian. i am not an archaeologist and italian is not my first language (though i can get by), so there’s another handful of reasons to take anything written here with a grain of salt—though of course i’ll always strive to be as accurate of a transmitter & translator as i possibly can.
why am i doing this?: because i wanted something like this to exist, and it didn’t. at the very least, this blog will be a place for me to sort out my own thoughts, organize my notes, and speculate on possible historical practices. at the very most, it’ll be interesting to other people as well.
if you’re interested in learning a bit about pre-roman religion in one region of the italic peninsula, then i’d love to have you along for the trip!
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fivenyssateganadric · 11 days ago
*pats romana on the head*
you’d be surprised how much self projection, disability headcanons and whumpy fic ideas can fit into this timelord
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stopmyhearts · 2 months ago
Tegan’s experience of travelling with the Doctor had convinced her that (a) he didn’t know what was going on most of the time, and (b) when he did get things right it was more by luck than judgement.
She gets it
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romana-after-dark · 4 months ago
Our Gentle Sins: Bonus Chapter; Scott's POV
Thank you so so so much to @plasticbabies for making this beautiful header!!!! we finally have a good one!
Dark!Logan Howlett x fem!reader
Series Masterlist : Main Masterlist : Logan Masterlist
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Buy Me A Coffee : Kofi : Go Fund Me
Chapter summary: Scott is watching
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“Something is going on between those two…”
 Scott murmurs, staring at Logan and you while dancing with Jean. He knew he should be paying attention to Jean, not Logan, given how much he fought for the former over the latter, but he couldn’t stop. Around them, students danced and giggled and whispered, and Scott was aware much was about the two couples. Students weren’t stupid, especially in high school, and they have their own “ships” as they call them between the teachers. Scott was also aware that he was very much liked by the students, second only, probably, to you, and he had a group that liked to come and eat lunch with him as a group. He didn’t mind, and if he had work to do he’d simply let them know, so it was a great way for him to really get to know his students. The other upside is that he gets an inside view of the students goings on.
Much to his annoyance, lots of students “shipped” him and Logan. They started to say something about “enemies to lovers” but Scott told them not to talk like that with him. There was an all out shipping war in the middle of class one day while the kids were supposed to be working on a group project, and he was flabbergasted to find the teenagers extremely invested in whether Jean chose Logan or him last year. Insane. Of course, Logan lost Jean, leading to him running off once again. This time, in the middle of the semester. Luckily, replacing the gym teacher wasn’t too hard, but it was an annoyance.
Now, however, tides have turned with the introduction of Judith Palmer to the school. She was liked immediately by the kids, even if the teachers found her a bit odd to start. Remy and her had gotten along quickly, but that's no shock to anyone; Remy could charm the pants off anyone. Luckily, she didn’t wear pants, and it didn’t seem like he was trying to get into them if she did. The rumors flew like wildfire that she and Logan were together as soon as he came back, tail tucked between his legs to the school.
She was sweet, quiet and shy while Logan was brash, sarcastic, rough. But were lonely in a way that attracted one to the other, a feeling that only they could understand one another. Pretty soon everyone “shipped” them together, thankfully leaving Scott alone with his wife.
Unfortunately, the relationship just didn’t sit right with Scott.
“Scott!” Jean’s voice broke him out of his thoughts, he turned to find her watching him in concern. “Hey, what’s going on?”
He sighs. “Sorry honey… I just don’t like it.”
Jean cocks her head to the side, frowning a bit at him. “What? Seeing Logan happy?”
“No! It’s just-” He looks at the dancing couple again. “There’s something going on between them!”
A soft hand touches his face, coaxing him back to the woman in his arms. The one he should be paying attention to. “Something is going on. They’re falling in love, Scott.”
“But he’s not good for her! He’s gonna hurt her, somehow, he’s going to-”
Jean let go of him, stopping their dance. “This is ridiculous. You’ve gotta let it go. You won, Scott. That doesn’t mean he can’t have a happy ending too.” She looked frustrated with him, and he knew, he fucking knew he should take her back, wrap her up in his arms and have a nice night together, but when he glanced back, Logan spun her around, and thats when he saw it…
Her dress, it brushed to the side just enough for him to see 3 claw marks on her back. 
“Fine.” She huffs, turning on her heel, probably hoping he’d follow after her. “Stay bitter, if you want. But it’s not a good look.”
And he should've. He should’ve went after her, either danced with her or taken her back to their room and fucked her until they both forgot about Logan like they’d been trying to do since she first cheated on him… but Judith was falling into Logan’s trap just like Jean had, and by the way they were dancing, it’s clear she wasn’t phased by him hurting her. With her head resting on his shoulder, a soft smile… She was just the type of girl to fall into abuse, primed for it by her upbringing and the abuse she suffered. Charles had told him what happened to her, some of the basics without violating her privacy, and maybe he told Logan too. Maybe that’s why Logan chose her.
But Scott, Scott wasn’t going to let this stand.
So he didn’t follow his wife. Instead, he waited until Logan and her stopped dancing, until she’d had a chance to mingle with her students a bit.
Then, Scott asked her for a dance.
“She’s pregnant.”
Scott spit out his mouthwash. “Who?”
“Judith.” Jean washed her face, uninterested in the conversation she started. “She’s pregnant. Willing to bet her and Logan finally made it official. Are you gonna throw a fit over that now too? Or do you just want to go back to fighting him.”
Jean had not been happy that he and Logan had gotten into a fight again, especially the fact that Scott hadn’t even asked you what happened, simply accusing Logan of hurting you. Scott knew Jean still held a soft spot for Logan, that they still talked and it killed him knowing they were around each other sometimes. She’d said he was acting like a child, but she didn’t get it. 
Jean was blinded by her affection for Logan, and it was getting in the way of seeing what was happening. A few months ago, you changed. You were quieter, smiled far less. Bags under your eyes that had always been there worsened and he watched your appearance slip. You were still put together, but not the same pristine woman he’d seen even on holiday weekends. You also had been noticeably strained from Logan, something the students had noticed too. The only thing normal with you was your friendship with Remy, which did comfort Scott some.
Jean had become distant, but if Scott was honest, it wasn’t her fault. Scott was becoming obsessed with figuring out what was happening between the two, and he knew he was neglecting his wife for it. Still, he couldn’t stop.
“Come on, let’s go to bed.” He coaxed Jean back to the bedroom where he tried, really tried to show her he wasn’t interested in Judith being pregnant, even with Logan’s baby. He tried to show her he loved her, to make love to his wife. But the chasm between them was growing as your condition worsened. 
Now, he had another piece to why.
I was trying to figure out some joke with the song "Scotty doesn't know" but with Scott knows.... idk i havn't figured it out XD
Anyway! a little snippet of Scotts side of things.
love yuh!
@multiversed-daydreamer @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @del-ightfulling @miraclesabound @hindi-si-ikay @samsamsantos @madamerubrum @shybluebirdninja a @hornystan @rogueinmymind @accountforreading123 @yawnetu @princessanglophile @and-claudia @new-genesis1000 @teaganthemorningstar @oldloganslittleslut @zaggprincess2 @bugsinmyeyez @groundclueless @cosmolight
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daughterofheartshaven · 19 days ago
A quick Timeline of Romana
I was rebloging something by a mutual and I realized that I have a very specific order of Romana's different stories in different mediums in my head and that might actually be relevant to share here given how many of my mutuals are Romana fans. As usual, I assume Last Great Time War is the same as The War In Heaven. So here we go. I'm starting with Romana's return from E-Space. Anything in bullet points is a headcanon I made to reconcile different stories
Blood Harvest / Goth Opera: Romana II returns from E-Space and takes a place on the Gallifreyan High Council
The Chaos Pool: takes place while Romana is on the High Council, but before her Acencion to Presidency
Happy Endings: Romana becomes President
The Apocalypse Element: Romana's Presidency is interrupted by the Etra Prime incident and the disaster that followed
Neverland / Zagreus: Romana meets Leela, and is forced to watch the Doctor remove himself from the universe
Lungbarrow: Romana has a run-in with a Doctor from the past, from before he left the universe, and has to be very carful to avoid letting either the Doctor or the CIA know that she knows the Doctor's future
The Gallifrey Series (and a couple misc. audios that have Romana II as president): Lots of things happen, but the big one is that the Time War starts
following the end of the Gallifrey series, Romana escapes the Time War and flees into Gallifrey's past at the cost of her current incarnation's life. Now in her third incarnation, she Spearheads the Nine Gallifreys project to give herself a different Gallifrey to work with - avoiding a paradox - and begins preparing her Gallifrey for the war she knows is coming
Luna Romana framing narrative: Romana III prepping her Gallifrey for war
The Shadows of Avalon / The Ancestor Cell: Romana comes into conflict with the Doctor (still from before he left the universe), and her plans end in disaster as her Gallifrey is destroyed before it can even reach the war
The Gallifrey Chronicles: The Doctor is implied to resurrect Romana and the other citizens of her Gallifrey
Now that she has lost any chance she had at making a difference in Gallifrey's stand in the War, Romana flees Gallifrey and reconnects with the Tharils before the war starts.
The Little Book of Fate: Romana, now running refugee support from the Time War, meets the Doctor from before they came into conflict (and before he left the universe). They are able to work together, but Romana still has to conceal all she knows about his future.
Romana eventually gives up on Gallifrey and the Time War and, with her third body dying, flees to the end of the universe (much like the Master did, but without a chameleon arch).
Tomb of Valdemar framing narrative: Romana III dies at the end of the universe and we meet her fourth incarnation - a dark skinned woman
Gallifrey returns and Romana finds her way back to it. At some point, she regenerates again into someone with freckles and ginger hair
Cwej: Down the Middle: Romana is implied to be actively trying to help Chris behind the scenes, and appears at the very end to negotiate with him regarding the end of the Cwejen Uprising against Gallifrey
Does Romana ever find out that the Doctor returned from the Divergent Universe? It seems likely, but from the Doctor's perspective, Zagreus appears to be the last time they met.
If you want me to elaborate on any of this, I'd be happy to! Just let me know.
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far-too-many-words · 1 year ago
"But that's not how regeneration works!"
I completely get people being confused or frustrated by "bi-generation". It seems to mess with a familiar formula, and looks like a way of handling a casting transition in a way that fits an episode but isn't consistent with what's come before...
Well, yeah! That's how the majority of regenerations have worked: weirdly different from what's come before, to suit the story in which it occurs.
Let's start by acknowledging a crucial fact: the entire concept of regeneration from One to Two was invented to get around a rather awkward recast. Not because the show wanted to explore the themes of rebirth, loss, and self-improvement, or anything like that; the message grew from the medium, but it was an out-of-nowhere casting necessity.
Then Two to Three changes it up by having it be induced (rather than a seemingly-natural response to "wearing a bit thin"). And not merely induced, but customisable!
Three to Four introduces the concept of- wait, non-linear regenerations? K'anpo Rimpoche and Cho-Je* depict a Time Lord manifesting his future regeneration prematurely, the elderly K'anpo being assisted by the young Cho-Je. And let's be clear, here: this isn't Cho-Je travelling back in time to help his previous incarnation, but (as shown by Cho-Je flickering out of existence when K'anpo is disturbed) a projection of a future regeneration that is somehow manifesting before it's time.
Speaking of non-linear regeneration, we've got the classic example: the Watcher! The weird puffy pale guy stalking the Fourth Doctor. When the Fourth Doctor eventually fell down and died (literally), he assured his companions that "the moment has been prepared for" as the Watcher... just walked into his chest and became the Fifth Doctor!
So, personally, I would say Five to Six following the formula of "irreparable damage, lie down, glow, hangover, back to business" is arguably more weird simply by not inventing some new mechanic out of nowhere!
Even the notion that the Doctor regenerates as a survival mechanic was only hinted to with One, absent in Two, made explicit but needed aided by a whole other Time Lord with Three, and repeated with Four but needed a whole pre-generation "Watcher".
Six to Seven kept that going, as did Seven to Eight. Eight to [REDACTED] arguably remained consistent by having a return to Two's "Pick-A-Face" system. [REDACTED] to Nine appears to be random, as that was the most common and most recent pattern, but literally half of them had either avoided that formula - or flat out changed stuff about it!
And this isn't even getting into Romana! Romana "you can't wear that body" "I thought it looked nice on the princess" the Face-Stealer! Self-induced regeneration out of a desire for something new!
So yeah, bi-generation is weird. Old faces reappearing is weird. Non-linear self-care is weird.
But you know what? Pre-generation was weird. Pick-(or Steal-)A-Face was weird. Being stalked by an incomplete version of your future self was weird.
Time Lords are weird. And thank goodness someone remembered that.
* - By the way, with talk of the Toymaker going around, let's acknowledge the Orientalism surrounding these two characters, please. Fucking hell.
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thatbiologist · 1 month ago
Who was the Woman?
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Firstly, the Doctor does not and did not have parents. They were loomed like every other Time Lord post the Curse of Pythia. With that being said, the Woman cannot be one of the Doctor's parents.
My belief is that the Woman that appears in the End of Time, is the former companion of the Doctor, Romana. Or more accurately Romana V.
For myself, it makes her betrayal of Rassilon a better emotional arch. Since Romana as Lord President ordered the resurrection of Rassilon via Project Revenant. As herself and the High Council believed only Rassilon could lead the Time Lords against the Daleks.
However, within a year of his resurrection, Rassilon sterilised the Tharils. Rassilon committed an act of genocide against an ally of the Time Lords. As Rassilon believed this would prevent them from usurping the Time Lords hegemony on time travel.
The Tharils were time-sensitive species which Romana left the Doctor to help rebuild their civilisation and freeing them from interstellar slavery. Also, as Lord President, Romana opened up official diplomatic relationships with the Tharils.
With this being said, Rassilon destroyed Romana's legacy. Rassilon condemned a species to extinction, a species that Romana spent literal centuries trying to help. This makes the Woman's betrayal of Rassilon more emotionally satisfying.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 1 year ago
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 19: Gallifrey at War Part 3
TW: more gruesome Time War/Civil War shit, lots of death, disturbing stuff
The Last Great Time War had several simultaneous origins for both the Time Lords and Daleks. For example, tensions have been rising from the very beginning for the Daleks since the Time Lords tried to avert their creation.
During the War in Heaven, the Army of One project saw the regen-inf soldier Chris Cwej multiplied into an entire Cwejen army.
The Neverweres are creatures that should never have existed. They were built from pieces of evolution that never actually happened.
The Time Lords allied themselves with the Technomancers during the Last Great Time War. The Technomancers used their magic to resurrect dead Time Lords, providing Gallifrey with soldiers that were eternally renewable and disposable.
In reality, the Time Lords were nothing more than pawns in the eyes of the Technomancers. The Technomancers worship the Horned Ones, and the reanimated Time Lords carried pieces of the Horned Ones in them. Once enough pieces of the Horned Ones were inside Time Lords, the Horned Ones would have been able to rule over all life.
Because of this, the War Doctor used the Annihilator to erase the Technomancers from the timeline. The only thing of them that remained were the memories of people who had met them before, memories of people who now never were.
There have been at least two Gallifreyan Civil Wars. The Time Lady Pandora was involved with both.
After the First Gallifreyan Civil War, Pandora was dispersed so thoroughly she never existed, but a copy of her consciousness remained in the Matrix.
From here, Pandora manipulated Time Lord genetics to produce a host she could use. This is what led to Romana's creation. When the Shadow's torture awoke Pandora's influence in her, Romana I regenerated into Romana II to suppress her.
Once freed by Darkel, Pandora latched on to Castellan Wynter. This made the Castellan consume the Dogma Virus in order to fight back.
The Dogma Virus was created by the Free Time organization under direction of the Daleks. The virus laid dormant in Time Lords until their regeneration. Then, it would hijack the Time Lord’s symbiotic nuclei and basically turn them into zombies (was Time Lord zombie plague on anyone's bingo cards?).
During the War in Heaven, Lady President Romana at one point had an epileptic fit resulting in the release of 300 Shada prisoners, including Grandfather Paradox.
When Darkel tried to remove Romana from presidency during the Second Gallifreyan Civil War, Romana declared herself Imperiatrix, basically the Gallifreyan dictatorial leader.
Pandora used the Dogma Virus and force-regeneration of other Time Lords to increase the size of her army. Romana relied on destroying infrastructure and the Rassilon Imprimaturs to stop this civil war from becoming a time war.
Even after the Second Gallifreyan Civil War, there was still an outbreak of Dogma Virus. A biodata archive was eventually used to restore the Time Lords from a backup (their last save point), but the reset left Gallifrey vulnerable to Dalek attack.
In the early days of the War in Heaven, the "jungle children" experiment was conducted by House Arpexia. The intent was to see how Homeworlder biodata was changed if they were raised by humans. When Kaspar Hauser was placed in 1828 Nuremburg, he remained relatively unchanged, but the timeline around him began to reshape. When the experiment concluded, Hauser was killed.
The anima device was a psychic weapon in the Omega Arsenal that took away its victim's free will and allowed the user to control the victim's mind. During the Last Great Time War, the Doctor used it to try to create a peace where Daleks and Time Lords were farmers.
The War Doctor forced Dorium Maldovar to come with him to Villengard to destroy a bunch of weapons factories before they could be taken by the Dalek Fleet. The Doctor turned the factories into palm trees with a molecular fruit bomb.
During the Battle of Rodan's Wedding in the Last Great Time War, years were used as ammunition. In the one battle, shrapnel aged the Eighth Doctor to be five million years old. The next shrapnel hit de-aged him to a whimpering infant.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
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I am President of Gallifrey
Day 1
“I am President of Gallifrey,” Romana smoothed her wrinkled and dusty robes and stared down the dalek’s gun. “Exterminate me at your own peril, because once the Time Lords find you they will leave only a crater where you stood.”
She almost stumbled over the last word, distracted for a moment by the fact that daleks didn’t really stand, exactly. But she was used to pushing away distracting thoughts, and the sentence ended up every bit as regal as she had intended. The delegates from the other powers, who had come to bargain about minerals, seemed happy enough to huddle behind her as she did the talking, put off their extermination a little longer…
Not that she had any control over that, and it was frankly odd that they weren’t all dead yet. Romana decided to push her luck. She took a firm step forward. “What do you want with this moon?”
She saw the blow coming from the ogron to her left. She raised her hand to block it. But there was only so much she could do unarmed, and they’d even taken her metal mantles away.
Day 3
“I am President of Gallifrey,” Romana did her best to sneer at the dalek looming into her field of vision. This one was purple. “Do you think I’m not trained in psychic resistance—ah!”
Think of K-9. Picture his little antennae-tail twirling frantically as they searched for her. Not even searched—everyone knew where she was. They should have been here by now, actually. Maybe they were hovering in orbit now, debating whether it was worth the trouble to break through Dalek shields and fight in to rescue her, or if they should just bomb the whole place.
Most of her hoped they would bother to get her out.
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