#rofl are you fucking kidding me
hogans-heroes · 7 months
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“Together no matter the weather” is this a rom-com now??? Matching outfits??
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tiercel · 1 year
In honor of pride month im thinking about my funniest gayguy memories
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
The Slytherin fixation always fucked me up
The victim complex white people and tbh a good chunk of nonblack poc have is so strong they read a nepotism baby club that's VERY blatantly a white supremacy metaphor right down to inbreeding and somehow,someway,they turned THEM into the 'discriminated' ones.The priviliged asf get away with everything praised by everyone white rich kids are 'discriminated against' for being 'ambitious'.As if ambition is a persecuted trait,as if they're ambitions weren't to gain power to further hurt people and be all powerful authority figures,as if they didn't constantly HAVE that power as adults as seen with Malfoy's dad and Snape and tons of others?We're never given any indication Slytherins are bullied for being Slytherins but we DO see the reverse,that the Slytherin House gives you social influence at Hogwarts and post-graduation because again,white nepotism baby founding ground.Y'all called them gay and even trans-coded too and 'reclaimed them'
Draco Malfoy was like THE symbol of neurotypical white cishet male violence to me as a teen when i was into the series because i grew up getting bullied and abused for being black biracial,audhd with mdd and gnc trans and now i have anxiety,bpd and ptsd thanks to it.I never got the appeal of him because i knew if he was real or i was an HP character he would've tormented me to no end and so would've literally EVERY other Slytherin and that's why when i was a Potterhead i'd only be friends with other people who saw that because 'Slytherin Pride' disgusted and angered me so much,as did calling 'Slytherins are mean' a 'stereotype'.The absolute removal of responsibility and accountability and glamorization to the fucking Wizard Nazis spoke volumes to me and now i was right the whole time since i'm lucky enough most of the friends i made through the fandom realized HP on every level,fanon AND canon,is not only unsalvagable and not worth their time but actively hateful to support and gave it up too to move on to better series and discover themselves like they deserve just like i do.There's a reason Hp fans are the tropenamers of 'Draco in Leather Pants' and 'Ron The Death Eater'-That's what they've always been about.Coddling and godifying oppressors and demonizing and downplaying the oppressed.Joke KKK Rofling really did raise y'all
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shentheauthor · 1 day
Was anyone going to tell me emperor Jietong was gay as hell? Or was I supposed to find that out myself?
💪 forged-in-agony
Yeah I’m reading his poems and he was yearning super hard for some guy
Young lady, you had better stop speculating about the intimate lives of your elders! How dare you?! This is not appropriate in the slightest!
Nobody asked you old man
Haha! What an interesting speculation. Would you care to elaborate?
Listen to this shit
“Deflowered and dethroned, I wither”
What the fuck was he on?
Oh my god yeah
You are all disgusting! Historical figures are to be respected! You of all people should not be speculating this sort of thing, Jiequan!
You’re not supposed to use real names, old man 😒
@all-i-ever-wanted-was-the-world you believe me!
Oh 100%, he was gay
I object to his vote, he always agrees with her
Never mind I don’t want to be on the same page as this guy
@medicine-pipe-dreams don’t go over there, it’s not worth it
As the kids say, “rofl”
Never say that again guoshi
I’m going to kill this short little freak. Who wants to watch
Aren’t you all meant to be working? Get off of the tumbler!
@farmers-anonymous I’d like to see you try
Please don’t????
Um don’t derail my post? Assholes. Anyway, gay rights, I guess.
How wonderful! Gay rights, indeed. :)
I’m gonna ignore that ominous smiley face and go to rehearsal now
Hooray for gay people
@farmers-anonymous how was the fight
I got my ass kicked, I’m not posting that
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nervous-breakdance · 3 months
Party Monster: South Park x Club Kid RP
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"It certainly let a whole generation of teenagers see homos and weirdos and sickos up close and personal, in all their majesty and splendor. And they learned that, often, the very same kids they pick on in high school are the ones holding the drinks tickets, the drugs, and the guest list at the coolest club..."
OCs are welcome for now (clubs need bodies after all!) Nothing written here for the characters is set in stone, they're just jumping off points/random ideas. If you wanna make up your own thing, go for it! If there's a character you want that's not listed, dm me or hop in the discord and take them! Much like everyone at Limelight, we're all just here to get fucked up and have a good time. (DISCORD LINK!)
The Limelight Club
Owned by Tolkien
Managed by Butters
Scott is a Bouncer
Clyde is DJ & Party promoter
Downstairs:  dancefloor, 2 bars, stage, Cartman DJ (Eric sells drugs while he DJs)
Upstairs: Dancefloor, 3 bars, VIP area, Clyde DJ
3rd Floor: Tolkien’s office, Butters office. Stairs to 3rd floor are located in VIP
Characters (Available/Unavailable):
Openly bisexual, fucks anyone for just a little bit of intimacy
Plays gigs with his band at the club sometimes
Jealous of whoever is with Kyle that's not him
Absolutely burned down the farm or tried to
Comes back after a long absence, everything is different.
Tries to help Kyle & Stan
Finds out he can absorb weak versions of Old God powers and might be able to turn back time and fix this shit.
Openly bisexual
In debt to Cartman, owes a lot of money
For Adderall, got into it for school and got hooked
webcam/onlyfans model/actor?
Probably has an eating disorder
Was the cause of all the calamity
Mom married some guy who owns a chain of pharmacies, and he got a line on all the good drugs. Slowly got everyone hooked on something they needed.
On Kyle’s ass about what he owes.
DJs at Limelight opposite Clyde. Likes being the center of attention + it’s a good place to sell drugs.
Uses oxy to control Heidi
Craig & Tweek
Craig sells weed, coke & mdma (the only things Cartman can’t get)
MDMA helps Tweek's anxiety a bit (also it’s mdma the sex is good lol)
Got super into gay culture, poppers, circuit parties the whole 9 yards.
Owns The Limelight club
Totally gets coke from Craig, in exchange Craig can sell coke/mdma in the club
Manages the club
Pimping again? Moves his girls through the club?
Call him Pimp B? (homage to Pimp C rofl)
Closet bi?
DJ & party promoter
Wendy & Nichole & Heidi & Bebe
Got into Adderall same way as Kyle, became a total party girls
Also super into coke
Sometimes fuck buddies (in any configuration)
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Shell 4.5 Live Reactions
(This is me, writing reactions as I read, because why the fuck not. They're not complete, mature thoughts taken after I sit back and evaluate what I've read. Consider them as such)
In silence, we caught the bus at the ferry and got off at the Trainyard, the part of the Docks that sat opposite to the Boardwalk.
There is just something so deliciously absurd about the mental image of supervillains, even teenage ones, just... riding the bus. Granted, they're (presumably) not doing it in costume, but still.
slanted just enough that people wouldn’t be able to comfortably walk or sleep on top of them.
Ah yes, gotta love hostile architecture.
“If you asked me five hours ago, I would’ve said no,” Regent replied.  “I would have told you, sure, she’s a loose cannon, she’s reckless, crazy, she’s easily pissed off and she’ll hospitalize those people who do piss her off… but I’d have said she’s loyal, that even if she doesn’t necessarily like us-”
I mean, trust but verify and all that. No Rachel, no money, it's a safe assumption.
A soft clapping answered her.  It was slow, unenthusiastic to the point of being sarcastic. “Brilliantly deduced,” the same person that had been clapping spoke out.  As Tattletale whipped her head around, I took a few steps back from the storage locker, to get a better look at the two people who stood on the roof.
It's cliche, but I always like the 'character watching the protagonists figure it out and then do the sarcastic clap' trope.
They were standing with one leg higher than the other, to keep from sliding off the angled roof, and both were wearing identical costumes.  The costumes sported blue man-leotards with broad belts cinched around their waists, skintight white sleeve and leggings.  Their hoods were elastic, clinging to their heads so they left only a window for the face, and each sported a single white antenna.  Of all colors, their gloves, boots and the balls at the top of their antennae were bubblegum pink.  Their faces were obscured by oversize goggles with dark lenses.
Which... which video game is this?
“Rest assured, Tattletale, you do,” Über proclaimed.  He was the sort of person who proclaimed, announced, broadcasted and declared.  Just like Grue’s power altered his voice to make him sound haunting and inhuman, Über’s power made him sound like the guy who narrated trailers for action movies or late night commercials.  Overdramatic, intense about everything he said, no matter how mundane.  Like someone overacting the role of a gallant knight in a kid’s movie.
Evocative. I do think Wildbow's willingness to do descriptions like this (helped by using 1st person narrative, which I do think facilitates this sort of thing) whereas a lot of conventional writing wisdom would say to not do this, is a big part of Worm's success, honestly.
Leet frowned and turned to the camera, “Is that really necessary?” “You fucked with us,” I replied, “I fuck with your subscriber base.”
Hit 'em where it hurts.
He didn’t get to finish.  Regent swung his arm out to one side, and Über lost his footing.  I joined the others in stepping back out of the way as he fell face first onto the pavement at the base of the locker.
Regent's abilities would probably let him do well at slapstick improv shows or something. I mean, you don't need to fake a trip and fall with him around. :rofl:
Grue spoke in a low voice that wouldn’t carry to the pair of villains, “They did something to Bitch, they’ve got the money.  If we don’t get a decisive victory here, our reputation is fucked.”
Villain fight!
I wonder if, during her career as a villain, Taylor fights other villains more than heroes. From what I know of Worm, I wouldn't be surprised. But how much more, pound for pound? :thinking_face:
This was the sort of thing I had put on a costume to do.  Sure, the context wasn’t what I would have chosen, but going up against bad guys?
As far as some of Taylor's various rationalization's go, this isn't even a particularly dangerous or slipper one. :thinking_face:
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skaruresonic · 5 months
Eggman and Starline for the bingo?
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I am so normal about them - Eggman is fucking awesome, what else do you want me to say?
I have so many headcanons - don't ask me about the Cousin AU because you will get a novel's worth of headcanons
A Beast Unleashed - he scawy :3c
My friend's favorite, the blorbo by proxy - technically Eggman is in my top 3 favorites now, but I was originally neutral on him until blogs like Crusher's and Julian's showed me how awesome he really was :D
Everyone else is wrong about him - (slams fist on desk) he says 3 TIMES IN SA2 THAT HIS MOTIVE IS WORLD DOMINATION, WHERE ARE YOU GETTING "AVENGE GERALD" FROM
Canon isn't real - I'd rather believe NANANA is just a fever dream, as well as some other Egg Memos. (also finding it difficult to wrap my head around the fact that Ivo and Maria are related via two sons rather than a son, Ivo's father, and a daughter, Maria's mother. idk man that just doesn't seem right)
That's a solid design right there - and yet, drawing the goggles trips me up every time ;A;
They are So Silly - he funny and scawy :3c
Bastard - Eggmanland is so traumatizing that it gives players 'nam flashbacks. And that's just a taste of what he wants to turn the world into. Noice.
I fuck with this aesthetic so hard -
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I am so normal about them - if my recent posts have been any indication, it's that Simpline lives on in my heart. also the fact that he's still my AO3 avatar :B I want their gender - I wish my fashion sense was as immaculate as Starline's
Everyone else is wrong about them - he was better as an eggsimp. he needs someone more dominant to play off of. he's not a strong enough character to run the show by himself. not to mention, "Toothpaste Snively" is funny xP
Fandom is so mean smh - is it just me, or did fandom collectively decide to dunk him in the trash when Flynn did? Saying he "deserved it" and everything? Yes, he was a scumbag, but did even he deserve a gruesome death following a mental breakdown and for his life to be summed up as "big oof"? It just feels... meanspirited.
Canon isn't real if I don't look at it - Starline didn't die after breaking up with Eggman. He just went cray-cray for a while after Eggman betrayed him and he wound up crawling back to his ex, Bordeaux :)
That's a solid design right there - probably the only one that's halfway decent out of the IDW-exclusive cast lol
They are So Silly - gets caught up in an avalanche and fusses that they ruined his "perm" xP
They didn't get bullied enough - he needs to be ground under Bordeaux's stiletto :D
Squeak - his windpipe certainly squeaks when Eggman uses him as a stress ball it's fun putting him through humiliating situations. Starline degradation kink is 100000% canon. I bet the director's cut of IDW had a deleted scene where he served as Eggman's footstool
Bastard - not nearly enough to surpass Eggman's villainy, mind you - does he even have a body count? lol. lmao, even. rofl, if you will - but I have to admit kidnapping kids and brainwashing them is prooooobably not all that ethical xP
If anything happens to them I will cry - yeah I was sad when he bit the dust. what about it
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[Ambrose (derogatory)] anon here (rofl I'm glad you liked that)
I think it's also up to interpretation a bit how old YW is. I mean it's assumed (because of the target demographic) they're like elementary/middle school age ofc. But at Merle's age anything under 50 could be 'young' imo (and they have to call them something, so 🤷).
Do I think YW is in their mid-40s? Probably not lol but they could at least be a young adult (unless there's some canon confirmation I'm forgetting. Which I totally could be XD)
Are there some more capable adults he could get to help? Probably. But that actually leads me to another Thought which is the book of secrets. Clearly it says something about YW being destined to save the spiral yada yada so maybe by default Ambrose trusts and relies on them even when they're not the best equipped - but maybe that's literally WHY the book of secrets says that, because it knows he's gonna put all his eggs in one basket and not bother to get support from anyone else. So it ends up that. Yeah. YW is the one who goes through all this. Thanks for the trauma bro /j
Anyway I do like the idea of the protagonist jumping in and wanting to be the hero (and also being ready to throw down with anybody) because I feel like it fits with the generally helpful but also somewhat chaotic and morally dubious image they've cultivated over their journey. If Ambrose seemed less like he didn't give a fuck (not just about YW but all death students, etc) it'd be a much better dynamic
but we were robbed
(here's hoping some fic writer revamps his character to the wise and supportive headmaster the students deserve)
And that's definitely a good point with how the Wizard's age comes into play! I think the most heinous thing that stands out about canon is that the Wizard is assumed to be a child - probably because the game is geared towards younger kids and most of the fandom by that time WERE young kids, AND the Wizard was essentially supposed to be YOU or an insert that represented you. Also even canon, up until arc 2 or 3, even comments on how young the Wizard is constantly. So it's the fact that an adult person is taking advantage of and using a CHILD and putting them in dangerous situations. For the greater good? Yeah!!! But that's still a little kid. That's the part that kinda stands out when it comes to Ambrose's treatment of the Wizard. A child has no autonomy in a situation when pitted against an adult, a child doesn't know any better to realize what's happening, the child isn't mature enough to have the words or know the actions to stand up for themselves. Combined with the fact that the child is in an unfamiliar place with an unfamiliar stranger telling them to do things, the child is the completely vulnerable party in this scenario.
If the Wizard was a young adult by the time they were recruited by Ambrose, most of that would be gone. There would still be a power imbalance (Ambrose being the Headmaster and unofficial mentor of the Wizard, who has power and influence over the City guard vs. the Wizard who is just an apprentice with no societal standing or knowledge of the aspiral yet) but AT LEAST an adult would (hopefully) be better equipped to handle themselves. An adult would most likely recognize what's really going on, what the situation is, and is able to rationalize and plan accordingly.
AND YEAH GOOD QUESTION ABOUT THE OTHER CAPABLE ADULTS because yes. Yes there are. There are infinite other choices Ambrose could have chosen before the Young Wizard. At least, for a lot of other issues that don't include saving the Spiral. Like you said Ambrose likes putting all his eggs in a basket and if he can kill multiple birds with one stone, he will. Since the Wizard is already here and the BOS said they were the chosen savior, there's no need to worry about the Other Guys!
Although imo the only way this eager Wizard AU could work in Ambrose's favor if he was like, actually shown to care about the Young Wizard's wellbeing despite his inability to help. It wouldn't be enough for Ambrose to just sit back and do nothing even in his old age when The Wizard is still essentially in danger (despite being eager to put themselves in that position in the first place), I would actually have to see Ambrose take whatever action he could in order for this dynamic to feel more equal and wholesome. Does Ambrose send other companions to help the Wizard out? Does Ambrose sit the Wizard down and gently explain although he appreciates the help, he expects the Wizard to be careful? Does Ambrose use his position of power to help take the load off the Wizard's shoulders every now and then? Does Ambrose take time out of his day to simply have tea with the Wizard and check in on them outside of any Spiral business?
Even if Ambrose was too old to do things himself, he still could do other things to make sure the Wizard was safe, especially if the Wizard was exhibiting some self-destructive behavior. It isn't enough that he's just too old; taking actions to ensure the Wizard's safety and little acts of service that ensures the Wizard KNOWS that they are cared for and loved - THAT'S my ideal Ambrose and Wizard relationship. A bond that feels true and a relationship that's equal where it's less "old man uses child" and "two partners who are in this together". The last part of your ask PERFECTLY captures this that Ambrose needs to SHOW his love and care and protection for the Wizard, not just to say it every once in a while. This is a genius ask and a genius AU you've come up with anon
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I think one bad parenting decision on Cross's part could be letting Allen stay up too late. Like he wants to be the chill caretaker and let Allen enjoy life because of hardships in his past but Allen becomes sleep deprived and his grades srart slipping, so Cross has to talk it out with Allen and correct the behaviour. Perhaps do sports together to tire Allen out by the evening so he'd fall asleep at a reasonable time.
I definitely worked with the headcanon of Allen not being good at sleeping. I feel like Cross would also let him stay up late just because...well I dunno it's Allen. I mean he's a kid but I think Cross views children (specifically his brats) as being able to understand like basic logic. He's not only of those adults that think kids are totally stupid and can't understand what the hell adults are talking about. He's a firm believer of talking to his brats like he does with adults...just using slightly less intricate words. (Canon Cross within the manga gave me these vibes to. He does call Allen a stupid apprentice and whatnot but with the interactions we've seen between those two he doesn't seem to talk to him like he has the logic of a toddler. There's no baby talking or cutting out curse words and whatnot).
Anyways yeah basically totally can see Cross doing that and it would be cool to explore that more especially as Allen gets older and the warm milk and rocking him to sleep shit won't cut it anymore cuz he's too big.
I'd also like to think the first time Cross tries to do sports with him he actually gets worn out first rofl. Lavi even tries to join in (cuz moral support) but within like 10 minutes he's like "fuck this shit you two have fun I'm out".
Maybe the next time they try to play catch and one of them gets fucking hurt lol. Or maybe they cant decide how the fuck to actually play a sport, like rules or what not...or maybe one of them keeps cheating. Lavi's is off in the corner watching these two fail.
Maybe they finally just bore themselves to death watching a documentary and Lavi is actually interested in it...
And then Lavi becomes the problem child in not being able to sleep...
Ahhh so many ideas with this one...I like this suggestion.
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sysmedsaresexist · 1 year
No, seriously, wait, holy shit, did you actually think we were angry about '-genic'?
This entire time??
Are you fucking kidding me??
That's hilarious
I can't find a good reaction gif, send me your best ones, help me express how shocked and awed I am at this amazing turn of events
Here's my attempt
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haeresys-realm · 2 months
My evil, toxic and poisonous point of view again. If you dissagree, please keep silence and go (to school) home.
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So. What's happening here. The author of this picture thinks Lisa could say to Zandik in such sarcastic manner some similar stuff as Captain America to Iron Man: dude with cool clones, who are you without them? Psycho, lowlife and virgin?
And the girl who commented it said - LISA IS JOKING ABOUT VIRGINITY, THIS IS CANON - and it has 165 likes.
We won't talk about how good Tony (I hate this character, I was only an enjoyer of the Maker, the ultimate Reed Richards, Earth-616) answered him (but I can tell what will happen on the next picture if it COULD be a canon... Nothing good to such mantally pathetic girl, because such factors that deflect one's attention from researches to such provocative shit just to make a boy you like to pay an attention to you, must be eliminated as soon as possible before it evolve to a bigger problem).
Either we won't speak about idiotism considering psycho and lowlife, because he never was. Cynical sociopath - yes. The one who broke every linking to his borntown - yes. It doesn't make him someone with no money and he never seemed to be such a person - just quite the opposite, such people will always find a sly way to have what they want. Some conspects for others, some speculations. etc. It is absoluely in his cynical sociopathic nature.
But ehem... I promised not to speak about that.
As long as we won't talk about fact that academical Zandic couldn't have clones. And that he and Lisa would never be the same sge at the same time in Akademia.
And okaaay, lets state her jokes about virginity could be canonic BUT NOT HERE. Not with such tone and not to such person.
And right because I'm always see such stupid wretched and pathetic shitty ideas (and as a scholar hate this by all my heart and soul because it is smth as if you will tell me that the science never touched the questions of life borning bercause it is so indecent and all the scholars are frightening virgins, not he MOST UNETHICAL MONCTERS EVEN SOMETIMES BEATEN THE MILITARY DARN YOU ALL TO HECK AND WELCOME TO 731 SQUAD KIDS) especcially in rus community, I will speak about this agressively, because I really can't express how much I'm tired of this darn widespread delirium that can't bear it no longer. You see, there're too many idiotic community shitthings that I can't bear and right because of what screaming about it loudly is my only therapy. So, I hope you'll understand. If not, well... Fuck you?
But anyway, returnung to our topic - what worthless idiots these children are, for whom such shit where the Doctor is a tsundere-like virgin boys is CANONICAL… Obviously, they played a completely different game, where there was no Sumerian plot happened at all? They know no Doctor except the one from webmanga? Poor things...
Yeah, to come up with a completely opposite heresy and to "ROFL" like a flock of brainless jackalates about it is a charming spectacle as always, just amusing to look at (: But I still hate to see it.
You're fuckin' talking about BIOENGINEER, about, damn it, THE MOST. GENUINE. SCIENTIST. GENIUS, about the quintessence of COGNITION AND CURIOSITY! He, the fuck, poked up human body, encluded his own and strangers' this way and that, in all kinds of ways, having studied all the processes, emotions, bioreactions, feelings, their correlations, with all the ensuing and in every sense possible. And he had about 500 years to do it!! With his zeal! With his resources! With even his damn appearance, since Sohreh noted that he is handsome.
And yes, have to mention that - Lisa herself would never say such stupid thing. To make such an idiot out of her, an idiot who is trying to provoke with a moronic slander someone who will simply break contact with a light smile, or even break with a move of a finger such a motherlode of stupidity nearby as the authors of such inscriptions are… this is truly awful.
If such children, who humiliate characters this way and make them the complete opposite of their true canonical essence, consider it a canon, headcanon or very good ROFL plot, and themselves - fans of these characters, then everyone of them should make an appointment with a webmanga version of Dottore version for a lobotomy procedure. They will be surely helped there. At the Haeresys arena and as consumables for the most conveyor and uninteresting experiments.
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Thank you @coldestcaress for the tag!
Relationship status: ...it's complicated? But actually though. XD He's very cute and very shy, I asked him out and he wants to hang out as friends for now and see how it goes... We're kind of inhabiting a nebulous grey area now, but it's fine, I love spending time with him either way so I'm just rolling with it lol.
Favorite color: purple and blue. To the surprise of no one who's looked at my blog. Purple wins by a veeeery slim margin if I'm forced to pick.
Three favorite foods: pepperoni pizza, chicken quesadillas, and Nanaimo bars (desserts are food, don't @ me XD)
Song stuck in my head: Song Of Fire by Nickelback
Dream trip: I want so, so badly to see Petra in person. I've been fascinated with it since I was a kid, and I really hope that someday I'm able to afford a trip to Jordan to actually stand in front of Al-Khazneh.
Time: 11:07
Anything I really want rn: $500k. Nothing else. Pretty much everything wrong with my life would be fixed by that one lump sum, because all of my problems (other than, y'know, trauma) are direct results of me and my mom trying and failing to climb our way out of the financial hole someone else dug us into.
Last song: Silent Majority by Nickelback (can you tell I have been listening to Feed The Machine on a loop all morning? ROFL)
Last movie: went to a retro supper club that has a dine-in theatre with the Not-Boyfriend and saw Labyrinth two weeks ago. It was my... seventh? time seeing it, but his first, so I got to watch his reactions to that fabulous film in real time. :D
Currently watching: The Dragon Prince (I haven't forgotten, I've just been busy, lol) and Golden Kamuy (I know it's been like five months Potato but I swear I'm still going to pick it up again, I haven't abandoned it I've just been very distracted XD)
Currently reading: The Subtle Knife (starting it today on my lunch break in fact), Caliban's War (god The Expanse is so goooood), and since I finished my last non-fiction read last week I'll also be starting something in that category (considering They Fight Like Soldiers, They Die Like Children, even though reading Shake Hands With The Devil fucked me up for weeks, because I'm a glutton for punishment).
Currently craving: well, now that I've mentioned them, a Nanaimo bar!
Tagging @theobscurepotato @straysinfiltrator @peregrinealpha and anyone else who feels like jumping in!
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goji-pilled · 9 months
im growing a suchomimus rn and hit sub-adult yesterday. so today when questing in white cliffs i first decided to deal with refilling the water source and while i was carrying salt rocks to it some rex showed up and was really serious about wanting to fight me to the point he followed me into the water. which like. come on. i had no intention of fighting you but you are presenting yourself on a silver plate here.
except the fucking coward was mix packing with another coward who was playing as duck and the best part is: although i didnt kill any of them (2v1 and i was still at the beginning of sub-adult) i still escaped and managed to log in on my bird to scream into their ears lmao. lmfao. lol. rofl even.
anyways remember kids: only cowards who suck at the game mix pack
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horce-divorce · 11 months
This is high on the list of stupidest fucking things I have ever seen. "entrepaneurs" will literally sell you mud inside a bead for $20 fucking dollars.
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I was initially speechless about all of this. Oh the tragedy of my grandfather's illness really just inspired me to make a product. Not something useful or related to his illness whatsoever. No it was a cheap, fugly silicone bead bracelet, I was just sooo inspired by the highs and lows of life and I thought this tacky piece of fucking plastic needed to exist to lift others up. I made sure to bastardize a Hawaiian word for My Brand because it just wouldnt be inspirational if I used English. Yeah its made a ton of fucking money, obviously.
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I know this company started in 2013, but how do you make so much money on PLASTIC BRACELETS that 10% of sales amounts to almost $10 million? Is this Claire's for rich kids?? Idk how to dig up the real numbers on their profits but boy if I did I'd be so curious.
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This is the CEO btw. He turned 30 in 2021 :)
what I'm MORE curious about is, like, what is this genre of bullshit product called, and why this is successful? I mean, I know why, but I want to lay it out in plain English. Are we still calling this shit "snake oil"? Cause this falls solidly into but also beyond the snake oil category for me.
I get ads for stuff like this a lot, or Zox, or the related "health and wellness Lifestyle Products" that these brands inevitably always end up putting out alongside their Exclusive, Exquisite, Collectible, Grounding And Balancing Jewelry. There's some perfect storm of "business sector nepo babies* Starting Their Own Companies" and "American laypeople with no health insurance desperate for absolutely anything that will make them feel better" that coalesces, somehow, into these Health Bead Success Stories. These obviously share some kind of space with like, crystal healing energy infused water bottles and shit. *and I know nepo baby is used wrt celebrities usually but isn't it kind of the same thing when they have rich business owning parents and they end up also having a very successful business? Or is there no specific word for that because that's just capitalism and privilege working as intended lol.
I feel very strongly that this is exactly the type of business capitalists have in mind when they say, "just start your own! Its so easy!" I feel strongly that this kind of brand helps fuel that bootstraps myth that Anyone Can Do It. See, look at this idiot kid, all he did was slap some mud into some bracelets and he's already secured his unborn children's future privilege. There's a "certificate" on the website "confirming" the quality of the materials and everyone eats it up! It's that easy! You just make some ugly beads! Anyone can do it!!!! You just bullshit about anything and people will buy it!!!!! Why don't poor people do this every day!!!!!!!
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Not a link btw ^ lmao. 'Watch our sherpas' in your imagination, which is where they live. There's no actual video.
I must add a reminder here that it costs tens of thousands of dollars to summit Everest. The CEO does seem like the kind of person who would summit everest and never shut the fuck up about it, but how much water would the team have to cart back down with them to make that profitable? Even if there's only a drop in each bead, you can only attempt to summit Everest about once a year due to the weather conditions. How many bracelets would they have to sell to justify summitting everest for a fucking production material? I guarantee you no capitalist is doing that rofl.
Btw the only reason I'm even entertaining the notion to this degree is because I saw actual honest to goodness comments on their IG page trying to argue "yeah but I think I saw a video where they tested it and proved the mud came from the dead sea?" Like. Babe...
I guarantee you that an average, everyday human with no ties to wall street cannot "start a business" like this and achieve the same success. You can WATCH these attempts happen in real-time on Instagram, there are a TON of jewelry-specific small businesses to choose from, even. There are thousands upon thousands of talented artists on insta who make exquisite work and who are about to close up shop because they cant keep up with the IG algo, or Etsy fees and scammers, or whatever. Those people have to learn everything from scratch and they don't get nominated for any fucking awards. More often, they get jerked around by Etsy until they can't take it anymore and then retire from posting about their hobbies.
I would love to know where this guy outsources his actual production to. I would love to know how much money this company actually makes, and how much of that was brought in simply due to the fact that this kid already had connections. (He has expanded into the adaptogen health tonic sphere too btw!) I would love to know how many BS, cheap, outsourced trinket-making companies that just sell beads, or whatever, actually exist and make a profit. It must be a good racket.
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yaoisex · 2 years
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Thankyouverymuch I almost had a heart attack!! Wth OgaJin??! 
So I was scrolling down Twitter when the word BL popped out at me and I had to stop and check what it was all about.
Me: *scrolling* *suddenly -- BL* *stops* *Wait. OgaJin tweeted about BL?? WHAT???* *translating the tweet* *are you fucking kidding me? XDDD*
That’s hilarious! His manager saying they don’t know his private life?! And OgaJin wondering about his image? ROFL
He appeared on some BLCDs, but not as the main character. I only remember a bit of his chara in Kono koi, Kamisama ni Go Hokoku!? with Taku x Kouhei. I think he was some kind of an antagonist to Taku’s seme? I remember his tone of voice and he sounded kinda evil and hot (which is always nice). I remember thinking I’d love to finally hear him as seme one day! (I forgot if his chara did something BL-ish in this BLCD... I think not)
But hey, maybe the whole story behind this tweet will finally change something. Maybe in the near future we’ll get a BLCD with OgaJin as main! *hopeful* 
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Insinuation 2.9 Live Reactions
(This is me, writing reactions as I read, because why the fuck not. They're not complete, mature thoughts taken after I sit back and evaluate what I've read. Consider them as such)
 I had been justified in everything I had said and done, right? 
Yes, Taylor, 112 fucking percent.
Maybe it was just because I wasn’t used to violence or raising my voice.
Yes, that's exactly it, now get back to asserting yourself. Even if it does mean leading yourself down the 'Warlord of Brockton Bay' career Path.
Alec grinned as I came back, but I couldn’t decide if it was because he was glad or if it was at my expense. 
Based on what I know of him from fic, probably mostly at your expense, at this point.
“Glad you came back,” Lisa told me, a bit of a smile on her face, “Alec, can you go get the first aid kit?  It might be in the storage closet.”
Lisa probably is. Didn't Taylor remind Lisa of her brother that committed suicide or something?
There was only one spot of real damage, a puncture where it looked like a fang had buried itself deep in the top of my forearm and then dragged an inch or so down towards my wrist as it made its exit.  The area around it was already turning colors with bruising.  I wasn’t sure how deep the puncture was, but I was pretty sure it should have been hurting more than it did.  The blood from the injury had trickled down my arm, and was still welling out.
I shudder to think how many injuries and scars Taylor will have by the end of this
“That was awesome, you know,” Alec told me, as he returned with the first aid kit, “I didn’t think you had it in you to kick someone’s ass.”  I glared at him, but he just sat on the back of the sofa, his legs kicking like an excited kid.
I'm not sure Taylor realized she had it in her, tbh.
Alec complained, “We all do, Brian made us all take a comprehensive class less than a week after we were gathered as a team.  Such a pain in the ass, believe me.  He’ll make you do it too.” “I already did,” I admitted, “One of the first things I did.”
Good old planning schemer Taylor.
Brian just looked at me and flashed that boyish smile again.  I looked away, embarrassed that a guy like him would get pleased like that on my account. 
On the other hand, for all the reasons that people consider Taylor into girls, she definitely does also seem to be pretty clearly into guys.
The other day someone, while making a shitty argument about what fanfic is, said something to the effect of 'brian wasn't shipped with Taylor' in Worm, which... I mean, yes, technically, because OG characters aren't 'shipped' by their own writers, but also like... I mean...
That's pretty fucking shippy text right there.
While Alec continued laughing, Brian got to his feet and ran up to the smaller boy, at which point he got Alec in a headlock and began punching him in the shoulder repeatedly.  This abuse only made Alec laugh harder in between his cries of pain.
Is Alec just a masochist, or what? :rofl: (More likely this is mostly just roughhousing, but w/e)
 “It’s a bit complicated to explain, but basically, Alec can get into people’s nervous systems.  This lets him fire off impulses that set off reflexes or make body parts jerk into motion.  It’s not a dramatic power, but with timing, he can make someone fall over midstep, drop something, lose their sense of balance or pull the trigger on a gun.”
Really, seems like the Undersiders' whole schtick is powers that don't seem flashy but can be overoptimized. That's super powerful, situationally.
Sitting a few feet away, Bitch muttered, “They aren’t freakish.”
Yes, you fucking psychopath, they absolutely are.
(Whether or not I will grow to like her later doesn't mean I like her now)
It was hard to think of Rachel by her real name.  Bitch seemed really fitting given the stunt she had pulled.  I apologized to Lisa, “Sorry.”
Right there with you. But honestly, I'm with the PRT. Hellhound works better. I would not be able to take myself seriously calling someone by the codename 'Bitch' all the time.
Lisa added, “It’s not just hearing.  It also cuts off radio signals and dampens the effects of radiation.”
Powers. Are. Bullshit.
It was like someone had taken a scalpel to reality and the blackness was what was there when everything else was gone.  
So.... Vantablack?
(Also, that is quite evocative, and yet not descriptive at all, but damn if it doesn't make the point)
“Home, I guess,” I admitted, “My dad will wonder where I am.”
The only member of the Undersiders with a concerned parent.
“Taylor, if there’s anyone that’s making you make this call… the bullies or someone else, tell me everything is fine.  If you’re not in trouble, tell me your mother’s full name.”
And the prize for "Father trying his best to actually be a good dad for change" goes to...
(genuinely though, he is trying)
“Better than ever.  I kind of made some friends,” I said.
I wouldn't go that far yet. You haven't even committed any crimes together yet.
“They seem like good people,” I lied.
I mean, for a given value of 'good', it's not even a lie.
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