#im in Lavi Bookman hell right now
I think one bad parenting decision on Cross's part could be letting Allen stay up too late. Like he wants to be the chill caretaker and let Allen enjoy life because of hardships in his past but Allen becomes sleep deprived and his grades srart slipping, so Cross has to talk it out with Allen and correct the behaviour. Perhaps do sports together to tire Allen out by the evening so he'd fall asleep at a reasonable time.
I definitely worked with the headcanon of Allen not being good at sleeping. I feel like Cross would also let him stay up late just because...well I dunno it's Allen. I mean he's a kid but I think Cross views children (specifically his brats) as being able to understand like basic logic. He's not only of those adults that think kids are totally stupid and can't understand what the hell adults are talking about. He's a firm believer of talking to his brats like he does with adults...just using slightly less intricate words. (Canon Cross within the manga gave me these vibes to. He does call Allen a stupid apprentice and whatnot but with the interactions we've seen between those two he doesn't seem to talk to him like he has the logic of a toddler. There's no baby talking or cutting out curse words and whatnot).
Anyways yeah basically totally can see Cross doing that and it would be cool to explore that more especially as Allen gets older and the warm milk and rocking him to sleep shit won't cut it anymore cuz he's too big.
I'd also like to think the first time Cross tries to do sports with him he actually gets worn out first rofl. Lavi even tries to join in (cuz moral support) but within like 10 minutes he's like "fuck this shit you two have fun I'm out".
Maybe the next time they try to play catch and one of them gets fucking hurt lol. Or maybe they cant decide how the fuck to actually play a sport, like rules or what not...or maybe one of them keeps cheating. Lavi's is off in the corner watching these two fail.
Maybe they finally just bore themselves to death watching a documentary and Lavi is actually interested in it...
And then Lavi becomes the problem child in not being able to sleep...
Ahhh so many ideas with this one...I like this suggestion.
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icharchivist · 7 years
@x-theskyatdawn-x ​ replied to your post “@x-theskyatdawn-x replied to your photoset “huh hi, why had no one…”
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
*annoncer from old movies’s voice* Do you like ships based on friendship? Ships with a lot of playful teasing going on between them? Ships with a lot of thematic parallelism?  Ships with a Light Quote? Ships that will definitly break your heart to pieces? Then Laven is for you!
under the cut because i ramble:
I think the best way to get into this ship is to focus on them, especially when Lavi is in the back. Because… damn shit gets intense. Honestly i didn’t even expect to ship them, it started as a joke, and then suddenly it hits me and i was "…..oh” ever since. (which is basically what happened to Lavi im just sayin’)
I think something I feel really strongly about this ship is that, Lavi started the manga thinking he didn’t care for people all that much. We know, thanks to the novel, that he was indeed getting closer to people in the Organization, but he still was keeping distant. 
When he meets with Allen, he imediatly starts to tease him. Something Lavi does with everyone, but what I love is how Allen does end up loosing it up around Lavi. He’s either extra polite with people (see with Lenalee) or he blows off completely (like with Kanda) but then with Lavi it seems a right ballance of him being still kind, but also still ending up wrapping into Lavi’s stupid stuff. They tease each other (the vampire arc) and Allen will be playful with Lavi, which imo shows he’s already more comfortable in general, since Allen usually keeps up the Polite Face he learnt from Mana.
Lavi on his end, well, he does evolve a lot around Allen. He starts the story rather cynical, but he grows so close of Allen that the loss of Allen hurts him far more than he expected. So much that he holds on the Ace of Spades.
 you… probably heard me fangirl about this beauty, but you should definitly read this post to get exactly what I mean. I think appreciating what the Ace of Spades represented was what made me so emotional about them to start with.
The framing when Allen dies is so big. Anita talks about how she believes Cross is alive because it’s the only thing that gives her strength, and this sentence? Is said while we see Lavi contemplating the Ace of Spades, the card that he links to Allen, and that it’s when he thinks to himself “that’s right, Bookman has no need for a heart” because that’s the moment he realizes his grief is taking over the emotionless person he’s supposed to be. 
Which goes on and on (and is even worse if you believe in Lavi = Heart theory, since long story short, the Lavi = Heart theory lays on the fact that we know the Heart of Innocence is hiding in the Order, it has been retrieved, and we know that it’s “creating dummies” - creating/modifying powerful innocences to hide among them without being noticed. And this point, the two innocences that changed were Allen and Lenalee’s after both of their situations have Lavi completley lose it to his emotions). 
Some of the further serious moments, Lavi knows Allen is alive, he knows he needs to controle his emotions, yet he immediatly jumps on Tyki when he meets him, furious, because it’s the one who hurt Allen. Lavi “I have No Heart” Bookman is a bad liar.
Once Allen comes back, Lavi takes a backstep, but you’d notice though that… Lavi is always kinda close? He’s always in the back. 
Until of course, this wonderful scene:
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Nice Lavi.
^This is especially an interesting scene because Lavi had been keeping an eye on Allen ever since they met. After Lavi got to see the Akuma’s souls for himself, he was kinda disturbed by the fact that Allen could carry on smiling happily to not worry anyone while he was seeing those horrors all the time. I think from that point, Lavi started to see through Allen’s masks - that Allen’s smile was as fake as his, even if it had another reason for it. So Lavi gets to see through those smiles and acknowledge that Allen may be hiding greater pain than he may look like.  (better post about it there)
The whole Dream with Road is extremely interesting too, but it’s explored in the Ace of Spades post i linked: Road kept trying to find ways to break Lavi. She wasn’t just awakening Lavi’s worst fears, she was reading his heart to know where she had to hurt. So she tried - she played around. She first had Lenalee blame him for not caring for them, she has everyone turning on Lavi, she forces Lavi to acknowledge he’s failing those people. But it doesn’t break him. What does though? Is when she makes Allen appears to him, gentle, softening that Lavi held on to the card for him without Bookman’s knowledge - when she shows him Allen being glad of Lavi showing his friendship - only to have his “Bookman self” kill Allen because “he’s just ink on paper”
And that’s when Lavi lowers his guard, that’s when he falls down, that’s where the Ace of Spades becomes a blank page that run out of ink. That’s when Lavi’s spirit got broken: by having Allen being soft to him and being glad to be his friend, before being destroyed in front of him.
And while it was Lavi’s weakness, it was also his strength - as Allen called for Lavi. When you see how the later chapters say that the call of your name by a loved one (even if the loved one is platonic, as long as the feeling is sincere), can bring back a wandering soul back to his body. And Allen? Goes on the whole fight calling Lavi over and over, and hugging him because “Lavi, can’t you heart my voice?”. 
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stuff i’m emo about: this^. 
And eventually, it gets through, eventually, Lavi manages to deal with what’s happening in his brain, and Lavi takes back control of his own body.
He has no memories of fighting Allen, and despite being in pain, he immediatly starts joking off with Allen again while Allen is basically being annoyed that Lavi put himself in danger this way.
And then Joyd comes, and suddenly Allen isn’t in good shape anymore, and Lavi, with the very few strength remaining to him, that tries to protect him and i’m emotional.
And then, when they go back home - things go back to normal. Actually, Lavi tries to find opportunities to be with Allen. He wants to ask Allen to sneak out the Infirmry with him to get food (it doesn’t happen because Allen is already gone, but Lavi “I have no Heart” Bookman was seeking for such a simple fun moment with Allen) - or later, when Link starts to investigate on Allen, Lavi tries so hard to stick around. Like there’s at one point, Link trying to get Allen to answer questions and asks for Allen to join him in the library for it, and Lavi, who was chilling with Allen before it happens, immediatly goes “i’ll go check some book what a coincidences ~” and is just shut down by Link, and he stops following. In a way, Lavi just wanted to stick around. Hell you even see him brushing his teeth with Allen (and Link and Bookman who happen to be there too, but Lavi and Allen are the ones to talk and jokes together), and i’m personally a sucker for those little domestic moments.
It’s after Lenalee’s innocence change to a crystalization that Bookman becomes  more severe and tells Lavi to focus on his duty as bookman, to not get closer to the innocence. And after that, Lavi starts to shut down. He gets distants.
Plus, a bit after that, there’s the Cross & Allen conversation about Mana - in which Lavi was forced to assist as a Bookman. He was clearly recording the scene, and he wasn’t pleased. He probably saw Allen at the lowest Allen has ever been, doubting even if he was ever loved by Mana - at a point in the story where Lavi was already knowing he was supposed to keep his distances. 
And well of course right now we know it’s gonna abe suffering considering their situations but….
What I’m trying to say still is that, Lavi and Allen are close. And they get friendly around each other, a lot even despite those walls they built around themselves because of the choices they made. And by wording it this way, I want to point out how it plays on what I called Thematic Parallelisms.
Lavi and Allen’s storyline are heavily linked to their Identity. They are two people who picked a road, and decided to stick to it (becoming a bookman/being an exorcist) but on this road, they ended up having to make decisions between two conflicting part of their identity (Bookman&Exorcist/Exorcist&Noah). Suddenly they’re being asked to pick a side, to pick who they really are.
Not to mention, they are both characters with names that aren’t really theirs. We know Lavi changes name all the time, and we know Allen’s name was only picked up after the death of the dog Allen, since his name was originally Red.  - meanwhile he named himself Walker after Mana’s death, he wasn’t named this way.)
They have such a duality, about who they are and what people expect them to be, and what they want to be, and what people force them to go through. They are both suffering directly from their bonds with the Noah (hell, considering Lavi is suffering especially because of the Bookman’s bonds to the 14th, it’s even bigger). 
In the end, though it’s just - they are friendly and they tease each other so much they let each other’s masks fall down sometimes. 
I love the fact they can have… just be dorks y’know. Like that time in the guidebook Allen chased down Lavi with Wasabi to have him eat it after Lavi took him a piece of food. Like they are just?? dorks?? 
Now don’t get me wrong, I totally get them as platonic, and they will always have an amazing dynamic no matter what, but i’m truly a sucker for Friends who just enjoy to have fun together, who tease each other, and especially, Thematic parallelism. Add a sprinkle of Angst with grieffing and fearing losing the other, and you got me convinced.
I don’t think i can explain it more for now since my mind is a bit blurry but o(-( ye. I. Really love their dynamics. And that cover i pointed out? It’s just one of those fun little moments between them i just love. I want more of that… especially since they will probably suffer a lot soon a ha ha haah aha .
Anyway hope maybe this can bring u to the laven side
join us we’re a few but we’ve been crying 
take care!
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