#yes im trying to include Lavi in the famoly dyanmics more because...i dont know
I think one bad parenting decision on Cross's part could be letting Allen stay up too late. Like he wants to be the chill caretaker and let Allen enjoy life because of hardships in his past but Allen becomes sleep deprived and his grades srart slipping, so Cross has to talk it out with Allen and correct the behaviour. Perhaps do sports together to tire Allen out by the evening so he'd fall asleep at a reasonable time.
I definitely worked with the headcanon of Allen not being good at sleeping. I feel like Cross would also let him stay up late just because...well I dunno it's Allen. I mean he's a kid but I think Cross views children (specifically his brats) as being able to understand like basic logic. He's not only of those adults that think kids are totally stupid and can't understand what the hell adults are talking about. He's a firm believer of talking to his brats like he does with adults...just using slightly less intricate words. (Canon Cross within the manga gave me these vibes to. He does call Allen a stupid apprentice and whatnot but with the interactions we've seen between those two he doesn't seem to talk to him like he has the logic of a toddler. There's no baby talking or cutting out curse words and whatnot).
Anyways yeah basically totally can see Cross doing that and it would be cool to explore that more especially as Allen gets older and the warm milk and rocking him to sleep shit won't cut it anymore cuz he's too big.
I'd also like to think the first time Cross tries to do sports with him he actually gets worn out first rofl. Lavi even tries to join in (cuz moral support) but within like 10 minutes he's like "fuck this shit you two have fun I'm out".
Maybe the next time they try to play catch and one of them gets fucking hurt lol. Or maybe they cant decide how the fuck to actually play a sport, like rules or what not...or maybe one of them keeps cheating. Lavi's is off in the corner watching these two fail.
Maybe they finally just bore themselves to death watching a documentary and Lavi is actually interested in it...
And then Lavi becomes the problem child in not being able to sleep...
Ahhh so many ideas with this one...I like this suggestion.
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