#risking his whole damn reckless life
trashlie · 1 year
man you know what is NUTS about this whole Christmas party/Minhyuk’s party arc?
like arguably obviously the fall to the glass floor and ending up in the hospital is a much bigger issue lol but she doesn’t even know what insane stunt he pulled?! aljkfkjafkjfajkaf lmao GOD
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thehauntedetheral · 2 months
Requests are open !
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• You and your husband has been married for 2 years now. And you were happy with each other.
• You are an accountant for a company while your husband is an engineer.
• You were like any other normal couple working, eating dinner together, going out on weekends, doing the usual day to day stuff.
• But one thing you didn't knew was that well your husband is an fake engineer who pretends to be one.
• In reality he is a most sought after assasin who is hired to kill top level people.
• The "I have to go out for two days for a project darling" is nothing but a excuse he gives you to go and kill his target in another state.
• Have guns hidden in various places in your shared home for " safety purpose ".
• One time you found one of his gun and asked him why is it here? "Hehe well darling the crime rate is increasing day by day I bought it for us for our safety I even have a legal licence for the gun." (Yes a licence for being an assasin)
• This is the same man who melts into your arms, follows you around the house like a puppy, looks at you like you hung the moon and stars and also the same man who doesn't miss his target even from miles and shoots them mercilessly.
• Hits all the target in a shooting game giving you a huge stuffed teddy bear while saying "Beginner's luck, baby."
• Yan vowed in the beginning phase of his job that he would never get married due to his job risk but you entered his life, made him break his vow as he asked you to marry him after falling so desperately in love with you. How couldn't he? You are just so damn perfect.
• You mentioned in a conversation to him casually how a co worker creeped you out by his staring. Boom from next day the co-worker now always avoids you like plague. (Because some unknown assasin threatened his life if he ever came near you)
• He has never been guilty in his life for killing people or having it as job but becomes guilty in a millisecond when he sees you sad thinking how bad of a husband I am? And to make all the clarifications clear you were not sad due to him you were just having your usual period mood swings. Because no way in hell this man would ever make you sad. Before making you cry he would shoot himself with his own gun.
• You both were watching an assasin movie on a weekend and you said how good looking and skilled that assasin the movie character is.
Meanwhile Yan's Mind : Control your self yan no need to be jealous you are better than that freaking stupid looking loser assasin. y/n just doesn't know. Control.
• Yan at a Halloween night comes home after shooting his target with a little blood on his clothes wearing his assasin black clothes and a gun in hand knowing full well that you are at your friend's house. Only to be surprised that you are at home throwing him a suprise Halloween party with others. You looking at him with a confused look as he stands on doorstep shocked.
Yan : Suprise baby!!! I came up dressed up as an assain that you liked in that movie. I hope you like it. (Saying with an akward smile while telling himself to not be so reckless next time)
Meanwhile the people at party who know the true Yan : 🧍‍♂️
• Is so damn protective of you due to his work line that whenever he leaves for days makes sure your friend stays with you and making sure you are safe through all the hidden cameras spread all over the house.
• He loves you a lot. He might be a deadly assasin to the whole world but he is just a normal engineer madly in love with you who just wants to devour you whole so no one else can have you.
• Reader to their friends : My husband won't ever hurt a fly.
Meanwhile Yan listening to this conversation: 🧍‍♂️
• When he is off duty he just spoils you with his cooking and spending all his time with you cuddling watching shows and just talking.
• Prays to god that you never found out about his true job afraid that you would get scared and leave him.
For more yandere reading :
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flamingpudding · 7 months
That's our baby hero
Protective Amity Park Au but maybe not like you would think?
Danny's identity wasn't as hidden as Sam, Tucker, Jazz and him thought. His identity was an open secret, in fact his whole town knew that Danny was their hero Phantom, well everyone but his oblivious parents but they were a case of their own. The thing was his entire town knew about his oh so big secret identity and that he was the one trying to save them from ghosts 90% of the time as well as from his own parents crazy inventions at times.
Dash shoving him into lockers like a bully? Danny didn't look good and Dash tried in crude ways to give him reasons to skip classes to rest. It also later was a good move to hide him from snoopy government agents also known as the Guys in White or GIW for short. Really his bullying played perfectly into him finding creative ways to get Danny to skip classes for rest.
Valerie hunting him and other ghosts? Well she was hunting him in the very beginning, but then it became an attempt to make him stop fighting the ghosts on their behalf but in the end it turned into her trying her best to be the support to him that Sam and Tucker couldn't be in a fight. Let alone taking 'night shifts' from him so Danny could get at least a good nights rest every now and then.
Sam's parents the Mansons? Sure they didn't like him that much from the start anyway but most of their anger later stemmed from the danger their daughter was willingly get into to help their reckless teenhero that shouldn't be a hero at his age anyway. Let alone shoulder the responsible for their entire town at the age of 14.
Tuckers parents? They were glad any time Danny stayed over with their son, even attempting to subtitle convince the boys to have more sleepovers at their home. Surely being a hero with ghost powers and living in a house of ghost hunting parents wasn't easy on Danny. They were glad that they could give him some peace at their home. They willingly ignored it when Danny showed up late night in Tuckers room, getting patched up by their son.
The entire town apparently hating him with all these negative newspapers and comments? All fake in a desperate attempt to get the 14 years old teenager with a bad sleeping schedule and powers to stop risking his damned life, half-life. Surely if they appeared not thankful the kid would get the hint and stop playing hero. Like seriously he was a kid! Who's bright idea was it to let a kid fight these dangerous appearing ghosts?! Oh right the poor kids parents were incompetent when it came to ghost hunting and it wasn't like they could just up and do it without destroying the kids confidence. Plus the GIW were no help either.
Vlad becoming Mayor was not exactly their plan but they thought maybe they could use that as some help to convince Danny more that he didn't need to play hero for them just because he got powers now. That didn't turn out like they hoped and THAT plan was dismissed quickly. Especially when the GIW showed up. They learned their lesson sort of quickly after that, at least when it came to people from out of Amity did not mean well.
Lancer, at first when Danny first showed up as Phantom, had attempted to get into contact with the Justice League several times, so that Danny would actually get the professional help he needed and get some sleep at night as well as the time he needed for his schooling so that heroing wouldn't be the only career path he would be forced into. The additional point of getting the kid training too for his powers was also very tempting, there are only so many chemical breakers they could allow the him to break before they HAD to sort of ban him from touching them again.
But when the GIW appeared in their town they stopped trying to reach the Justice League. Suspecting that that was the answer they sent in regards to their SOS calls. Amity Parks protectiveness over their teenheroes that sacrificed to much skyrocketed. They started to sabotage the Agents subtitle. Always working within the limits of the orders and finding the loop holes.
"Oh but we did comply, not our fault that you guys tripped and let Phantom escape."
"Wupp, sorry I got that from the Fentons for self defence, but it looks like I need to work on my aim."
"I am so sorry, my car is stuck! See my tire is popped I can't get out of your vans way."
The fact that Amity Parks weather report was more a report on the ghosts, the Fenton parents and the GIW was all a tactic for them all to keep each other informed so they could execute any step to ensure their -by now- towns sweethearts safety. Even if they still tried to turn the poor kid away from being a hero with all the unnecessary mean comments and articles.
So when one day a hero from the Justice League showed up it was predictable that they all were suspicious of it. Even more so when that hero came with a bunch of teenage heroes. Apparently they were here to investigate a bunch of ignored calls one of the teenheroes found in their call logs. Some of the adults eyed Lancer who in turn was glaring at the heroes fessed up, he hadn't attempted to call them ever since they decided to sent the GIW into their town. Which apparently was more of a cover as these heroes showed an interest in the Fentons research of Ectoplasm pretty quickly.
Well now Batman and his flock of bats and birds were confronted with a very unhappy town that was apparently very protective of their hero and 'accidentally' continued to manage to block them from making contact with said teenhero. And who where these Guys in white suits that tried to suck it up to Batman? Better question why was the entire town suddenly hostile towards them when they started to look into the Fenton Family that had a connection to Lazarus Water?
Meanwhile Danny is confused by his towns newfound favouritism towards Batman and his entourage and how whenever he went to find out what was that about everyone seems to deflect. Even Sam, Tucker and Jazz were confused by what was going on!
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newobsessionweekly · 5 months
Diamonds and dreams
Tim Bradford x Buckley!reader
Crossover The Rookie x 911
Fandoms: The Rookie, 911
Summary: Tim teams up with your brother, Buck, to plan the proposal. You get hurt in the process, unintentionally, but it's for a good cause.
A/N: Another crossover, and I don't think I'll stop here. I love so much both Tim and Buck. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this and I'm open for requests! I'm sorry if I made some mistakes while writing, english is not my first language, but I'm trying to improve. Thank you so much for your support so far. Take care of yourselves, bubs! I appreciate everything single one of you! Lots of love! ❤️
Warnings: Swearing ? Maybe. Bunch of fluff and banter anyways. Not proofread yet
Fluff | A bit of angst
Requested: No
Words: 4.9k
Requests are open for Tim and Buck.
GIF not mine, credits to the owner.
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For the past three years, your life took unexpected twists, one after one. You didn't know back then how impactful a police officer doing his job would be to your life. You never expected to fall for the all-so-serious officer, whose indignation spoke volumes in the presence of firefighters.
Tim had only one opinion about the other branch of first responders — reckless, not so sharp, and definitely idiots, but they mean well. That was before meeting you.
After a massive earthquake hit LA, the chaos that followed can't be described. People running around looking for the close ones, screaming, and a lot of pain. LAPD was sent on the streets to maintain order while LAFD rushed to rescue everyone in need. They were hand in hand and, for the first time in his life, Tim was following the orders of a firefighter— you.
He complained at first, but when he understood you were more than a reckless woman, he obeyed. Back then, Tim saw in you a seriousness that made him eat his words. The way you pushed yourself aside for the safety of the civilians, the way you disobeyed the book in a risky situation, questioning everything you knew for the people. You allowed him to help, and he was there by your side the whole time, mesmerised by the way you gave everything you had, pushed away any fear and doubts and crawled into wrecked precincts to save every single one of them.
There was a huge difference between the two branches of first responders. LAPD was trained to save the law, maintain order, protect the vulnerable and punish the guilty, while LAFD was trained to protect and save regarding the guilty and they've seen unimaginable things, making them aware the life is short and you need to cherish it every second.
And when you showed him that ugly side of your job, Tim never saw you the same again. Drawn by your determination and dedication to save every soul and by your love and beauty you carried around, he fell for you, hard.
But he never accepted the real dangers of your job. Actually, he never accepted that your dedication was so profound, that you'd give your life to save another without second thoughts. He couldn't bare the thought of losing you some day due to your 'dedication'.
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You’re both standing in the middle of the living room, the air thick with tension that’s been building for weeks. Tonight’s argument was inevitable, ignited by the underlying fear and frustration that’s been simmering beneath the surface.
Tim’s heart pounds in his chest as he looks at you, his concern turning into frustration. He knows that firefighting is dangerous, but seeing you take unnecessary risks feels like a constant weight on his shoulders.
“Damn it, Y/N!” he exclaims, his voice loud and filled with anger. “You can’t keep ignoring orders and putting yourself in danger! You’re a firefighter, not a one-woman hero team!”
You clench your fists, feeling defensive, his words sounding like an accusation. “I know what I’m doing, Tim. Sometimes you have to take risks to save lives.”
“Fire isn’t something predictable,” Tim interjects, his voice firm. “When you're dealing with an armed suspect, you can see the next move in his eyes. But with fire? It's nothing like that and, when it happens, it's probably too late."
His words cut deep, and tears fill your eyes as you try to make him understand. You feel misunderstood, judged, and it hurts.
“Predictable or not, I trust my instincts,” you shoot back, your voice shaking. “Sometimes you have to go with your gut, Tim, not just follow orders blindly.”
"But at what cost?” Tim retorts, his face flushed with frustration. “How many times do we have to argue about this before you realize that you’re not invincible?”
Your eyes fill with tears, the weight of his words hitting you hard. “I’m not saying I’m invincible,” you reply, tears streaming down your face. “I just believe in doing whatever it takes to save lives, even if it means bending the rules sometimes.”
“Bending the rules?” Tim’s voice cracks, hurt evident in his expression. “Y/N, this isn’t a game. Lives are at stake, including yours!”
You’re openly crying now, the tears blurring your vision as you try to make him understand. “I need you to trust me, Tim. Trust that I know what I’m doing.”
“I need to be able to trust that you’ll come home safely,” Tim says, his voice softer now, filled with genuine concern. “I can’t keep worrying every time you’re on shift, wondering if you’re going to make it home in one piece.”
"But this is who I am, Tim. I can’t change that.”
Tim’s thoughts swirl with a mix of love, fear, and frustration as he watches you, torn between wanting to protect you and knowing he can’t control your choices. “I need some time to think,” he finally says, his voice filled with resignation.
Without another word, you grab your bag and head for the door, leaving Tim standing alone in the living room, his face a mask of regret and worry. As you make your way to Lucy’s apartment, the weight of the argument pressing down on you, you can’t shake the feeling that something has changed between you and Tim, something that might be impossible to repair.
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You stand before Lucy’s door, eyes red-rimmed and cheeks streaked with tears. With a shaky breath, you knock softly as your heart is pounding in your chest. The door swings open to reveal Lucy’s shocked face, her eyes widening at your disheveled appearance.
“Y/N? What the hell happened?” Lucy’s voice is filled with concern as she wraps you in a comforting embrace, feeling the tension in your body.
Tamara rushes in, eyes wide with worry. "Are you okay?”
As Lucy's comforting embrace envelops you, a mixture of relief and despair washes over you. You lean into her warmth, grateful for the solace she provides amidst the chaos of your emotions. Tamara's worried expression only adds to the weight of the situation, highlighting the gravity of the rift between you and Tim.
"I’m so sorry,” you stammer, tears threatening anew. “I didn’t know where else to go. I can't go to Buck like this and –"”
Lucy steps back, creating space for you to enter, "You're always welcome here, Y/N. You know that."
Lucy leads you to the couch and wraps her arm around your shoulders as you found a small measure of comfort in her presence. The unspoken understanding between you eases some of the ache in your heart, reminding you that you're not alone in this struggle.
Tamara places a comforting hand on your knee, her eyes filled with empathy as Lucy spoke, “Come on, tell us what happened."
You take a shaky breath, trying to steady your voice as you recount the intense argument with Tim. “We had a fight, a really bad one. He said he needed some time to think.”
Your love for Tim is boundless, a deep-rooted connection that fills your heart with warmth and joy. Every moment spent with him is a treasure, each shared smile and whispered promise a testament to the depth of your affection. And being so far from him, it was a nightmare. Leaving so abruptly, both of your anger and frustration bottled inside, this tore you apart.
Tamara’s eyes narrow, her tone incredulous. “Tim said that? What could possibly have happened?”
“He thinks I’m reckless, that I put myself and my team in danger,” you explain, the sting of his words still fresh in your mind.
The pain of your fight weighs heavily on your soul, a sharp ache that refuses to fade. His words cut deep, leaving you reeling with a sense of loss and betrayal. The thought of losing him, of facing a future without his love, is almost unbearable.
Lucy shakes her head, her eyes filled with empathy. “Tim’s always been by-the-book. He values rules and order. But being a firefighter isn’t always black and white.”
You nod, wiping away tears with the back of your hand. “Exactly. But he just won't listen.”
Lucy sighs, her eyes softening with understanding. “Tim loves you. He’s just scared. Scared of losing you.” She can see the pain in your eyes, the uncertainty about the future of your relationship.
“I know,” you sniffle, trying to hold back the tears. “But it’s not just about him being scared. It’s about understanding who I am and what I do.”
Tamara nods, her expression thoughtful. “Sometimes love isn’t enough, Y/N. Sometimes two people can love each other deeply but still be incompatible in some ways.”
“I don’t want to lose him,” you say, feeling the weight of her words. “But I also don’t want to lose myself.” You grapple with the conflicting emotions, torn between love and self-respect.
Lucy chuckles softly, trying to lighten the mood. She stands up, heading to the kitchen to prepare some tea. “You won't lose him. He’s stubborn as hell, but he loves you. You know that."
Tamara smirks, leaning back on the couch. “Well, men are from Mars, right? We’ll never fully understand them.”
Lucy laughs, raising her hands in mock surrender. “True that. But hey, if anyone can knock some sense into Tim, it’s you, Y/N.”
Tamara smirks, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she leans back on the couch. “You know, Y/N, I like you more and more. Just so you know, everything you’ve said tonight will be used against Tim tomorrow.” She winks playfully, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. “Lucy’s going to make his shift a living hell.”
Lucy chuckles, her eyes dancing with amusement. “Oh, you bet I will. He won’t know what hit him.” She laughs, the tension in the room further dissipating with their playful banter.
You can’t help but laugh along with them, grateful for the light-hearted moment amidst the emotional chaos. “Just promise me you’ll go easy on him. He’s still my guy, after all.”
Yet, even in the midst of your despair, your love for him remains steadfast. It is a beacon of hope in the darkness, a guiding light that keeps you tethered to him, even when the distance between you feels insurmountable.
Tamara raises an eyebrow, her grin widening. “No promises,” Lucy says with a playful shrug.
You shake your head, chuckling at their antics. “Alright, alright. Just remember, I’ll have to deal with him after you two are done.”
After a moment of silence, Tamara's face brightens, an idea forming. “You know what we need? A girls’ night. We could all use a little distraction, right?”
Lucy grins, nodding in agreement. “Absolutely. Some wine, some movies, and some girl talk. It’s just what the doctor ordered.”
You smile weakly, grateful for their support. “That sounds nice.”
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Meanwhile, across town, Tim and Buck find themselves in the comfort of Tim's living room. With beers in hand and the soft glow of the TV providing background noise, both men seem to have left the weight of the day behind them, engrossed in their own world of laughter and banter.
But Tim's thoughts are consumed by the image of you, tears staining your cheeks as you walked out the door. Each memory of your tearful departure cuts him deeply, a sharp pang of guilt and sorrow gnawing at his heart.
Buck takes a swig of his beer, glancing over at him with a curious expression. “So, how did the fight go?”
Tim sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I think I overstepped a little. She was crying and she left. It broke me to see her like that and let her go."
Seeing you hurt because of him breaks him in ways he never imagined. He would give anything to erase the hurt he's caused, to mend the fractures in your relationship. But he knows that sometimes love requires sacrifice, even if it means bearing the weight of your pain.
Buck nods understandingly, setting his beer down on the coffee table. "It's all part of the plan, Tim. We knew it would be tough, but it's for the best." He tries to reassure Tim, understanding the struggle his friend is going through.
Tim looks at Buck, gratitude in his eyes. "I know, I know. It's just hard, you know? Seeing her hurt and knowing I'm the cause of it, even if it's for a good reason."
Buck places a comforting hand on Tim's shoulder. "At least this will buy us some time. Where's she now?"
Tim smiles slightly, the tension easing from his shoulders. "At Lucy's. She texted me when Y/N got there. She'll be crashing on Lucy's couch."
Buck chuckles, picking up his beer again. "Good, at least she's safe. Lucy will take care of her. She always does."
Tim nods, a grateful smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah, Lucy's been great. I'm glad she's there for Y/N."
The two men sit in companionable silence for a moment, the weight of their secret plan hanging in the air between them. It's a plan born out of love and a desire to create the perfect proposal for you, but it comes with its own set of challenges and emotions.
Buck's voice is filled with excitement. "You know, once all of this is over, and you've proposed, it's going to be amazing. Y/N is going to be over the moon."
Tim smiles, the vision of his future with you filling his mind. "I know, Buck. I can't wait to make her my wife."
Amidst the pain, there's a profound love that anchors him, a love so deep it eclipses the darkness of your current strife. You're more than just his partner; you're his rock, his solace, his reason for waking up each day with a smile. Your laughter brightens his darkest moments, your touch soothes his weary soul, and your presence fills his life with a sense of purpose and joy he never thought possible.
The two men raise their beers in a toast, their smiles reflecting the hope and love that fills their hearts.
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Tim glances over at Lucy, his voice filled with concern. "How's Y/N holding up? I haven't heard from her since that night."
He can't shake the self-loathing that grips him, the regret for letting things escalate to this point.
Lucy raises an eyebrow, a playful smirk on her lips. "A bit pissed at you, but she's safe."
"I hate myself for that. I really don't like this whole...situation. Especially letting her go and forcing her to sleep on your couch."
He never wanted to hurt you, never intended for things to unravel like this. And the idea of you sleeping on Lucy's couch, away from him, fills him with a sense of emptiness he can't bear.
She chuckles softly, her tone teasing. "You could've called, you know. Women like that kind of thing."
Tim lets out a sigh, a sheepish smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah, I figured as much. I just thought... well, some space might be good."
Lucy's teasing only adds to his discomfort, her playful jabs hitting a little too close to home. He knows he should have done a lot of things, but fear and uncertainty held him back, clouding his judgment with doubt.
Lucy raises an eyebrow, “Space, huh? Sounds like a classic Bradford move. But you might want to pick up the phone. Y/N deserves to know you’re not pushing her away.”
Tim chuckles, shaking his head. "Trust me, I plan to. I just needed some time to... you know, plan everything out, to get it right."
Lucy grins, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "But you better make this worth it, you hear me?" She nudges him playfully. "And soon. She might love you and might be willing to wait for you, but don't test her patience."
Tim smiles, gratitude evident in his gaze. "I will, Lucy. And thanks, for everything."
Lucy waves him off with a chuckle. "Don't mention it. Just remember to thank me after she says yes." She winks at him, her smile warm and supportive.
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You've been camping on the girls' couch for the past three days. It wasn't all that bad; some time off work was just what you needed, and your fight with Tim allowed you to sort through some old stuff.
When you were about to drift off to sleep again, Lucy burst into the living room. "Alright, couch potato, time to get up!”
You groaned, pulling a pillow over your face. “Five more minutes, Lucy.”
With a chuckle, Lucy yanked the pillow away and extended her hand. “Come on, Y/N. It’s time to get some fresh air. You can’t stay on my couch forever.”
Reluctantly, you accepted Lucy’s help to sit up. “What happened to ‘you’re always welcome here’? My free stay at Hotel Lucy is over?”
Lucy laughed. “Exactly. It’s check-out time, Missy.”
You smirked, slipping on your sneakers. "Well, send the bill to Bradford; he's the only one at fault for this."
With her keys in hand, Lucy grinned. “How about a ride along? A little patrol action might be good for you.”
Raising an eyebrow teasingly, you countered, “Trying to get rid of me, Lucy?”
She chuckled. “Just trying to help you get some fresh air. And maybe a little distraction.”
As you reluctantly rose from the comfort of Lucy's couch, a whirlwind of emotions churned within you. The past few days had been a rollercoaster of hurt, confusion, and a desperate longing to mend things with Tim. But amidst the chaos, there was a glimmer of hope – hope that today could mark the beginning of reconciliation, of healing the wounds that had torn you apart.
“Alright, alright. But only because I’m craving some fresh, questionable coffee from the station.”
“Deal. But you’re buying the donuts!” Lucy teased.
“Deal. But only if they have sprinkles.”
Suddenly, Lucy stopped and appraised you, shaking her head. “Oh no, no. You can’t possibly leave the house like that. Off to the shower with you, you’re starting to smell like my couch.”
Stepping into the shower, the warm water washing away the remnants of doubt and insecurity as you made a silent vow to yourself. Today would be the beginning of a new chapter for you both, a chance to rebuild what had been broken and to forge a stronger, more resilient bond.
You returned to find some of your clothes laid out on the couch, courtesy of Lucy and Tamara. Raising an eyebrow, you turned to Lucy. “Don’t you think that’s a little bit extra?”
It wasn't exactly what you'd wear for patrolling, but considering Tim probably handed them to Lucy, you couldn't really complain.
Just then, Tamara emerged from her bedroom with a smirk. “You should be thankful I didn’t pick the outfit.”
You chuckled, wondering why she wasn’t at school. “Fair enough. Shouldn’t you be at school by now?”
Tamara waved it off, pulling out her makeup kit. “I’ll miss the first period to do your makeup. You owe me.”
Sighing, you looked between Lucy and Tamara. “Come on, girls. It’s just a day of patrolling. Nothing special.”
Lucy shook her head, her eyes serious. “No, hun. Today you’ll be right next to Tim. Breathing in his neck. You need to show him what he’s missing.”
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The engine's soft hum reverberates through the car as Tim navigates the streets, the tension inside as thick as the fog rolling in from the bay. Lucy rides shotgun, her mischievous glances back at you adding to the palpable unease. Seated in the back, you stare out the window, attempting to distract yourself with the passing scenery, anything to escape the suffocating silence.
Lucy's voice cuts through the tension like a knife, her cheeriness a stark contrast to the heavy atmosphere. "Hey, Bradford," she chirps. "How about we make a quick stop for some coffee and donuts? My treat."
Tim's eyes flicker to the rearview mirror, briefly meeting yours before he nods. "Sure, sounds good."
Pulling into a local coffee shop's parking lot, Lucy practically leaps out of the car, leaving you and Tim alone for a fleeting moment.
"You could've called," you murmur softly, finally breaking the suffocating silence. "Three days, Tim."
Tim's grip tightens on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white. "I know, Y/N. I'm sorry. It's... it's complicated."
Before you can delve deeper, Lucy returns with a tray laden with coffee and a box of donuts. She hands you a cup before settling into her seat, her eyes glinting with an inscrutable knowingness.
As Tim lifts his coffee to his lips, you notice the slight tremble in his hand. "Everything okay, Tim?" Lucy inquires, her innocence a thin veil over her ulterior motives.
Tim clears his throat, averting his gaze. "Yeah, just a bit tired, I guess."
Lucy's smirk is unmistakable as she reaches for a donut. "Well, these should help with that."
Taking a sip of your coffee, you feel its warmth spreading through you, but it does little to dispel the tension in the air. However, there's a shift—a subtle change in the atmosphere. The silence is no longer suffocating; instead, it's pregnant with anticipation, each breath heavy with unspoken words.
Finally, Tim speaks, his voice laced with vulnerability. "Y/N, about the fight... I never meant to hurt you. I just needed some time to sort things out."
You meet his gaze, the sincerity in his eyes tugging at something deep within you. There's a weight to his words, a heaviness that speaks volumes about the distress he's been wrestling with.
As the shop continues its journey, the tension remains, but it's tempered now by a sense of curiosity and cautious hope. Unbeknownst to you, Tim's anxiety isn't solely about your relationship, and Lucy's scheming grin betrays her satisfaction with how her plan is unfolding.
Throughout the day, Tim's behavior had been perplexing, he carefully avoided any calls that hinted at danger. It felt as though he was intentionally shielding you from harm, a protective barrier wrapped around you even as you yearned for the adrenaline rush of the job.
But the tranquility of the day shattered with Nolan's urgent call for backup. The gravity of the situation hit you like a sledgehammer, sending a jolt of adrenaline coursing through your veins.
“Dispatch, this is Officer Nolan, requesting backup at my location. Officers under fire, need immediate assistance,” Nolan’s voice is clear and urgent.
Without hesitation, Tim accepts the call, urgency in his voice for the first time that day. “Roger that, Nolan. We’re en route.”
Tim accelerates towards the scene, the Griffith Observatory coming into view. The iconic building stands majestically atop the hill, its silhouette against the clear blue sky adding a surreal beauty to the unfolding situation.
As you arrived on the scene, the deafening sound of gunfire filled the air, drowning out any semblance of normalcy. Lucy and Tim sprang into action, their movements swift and purposeful as they navigated the chaos.
"Stay in the car, Y/N!" Tim's command pierced through the chaos, his tone leaving no room for debate.
But as you sat there, the abrupt silence that followed sent a chill down your spine. Lucy's panicked cry for Tim shattered the stillness, sending your heart into overdrive, “Bradford!”
Ignoring Tim's orders, you bolted from the shop, desperation fuelling your every step. The scene before you was a tableau of chaos and confusion, the beauty of the Observatory juxtaposed against the violence that unfolded within its walls.
You searched frantically for any sign of Tim or Lucy, all you found was Tim's abandoned radio, a silent witness to the turmoil that had unfolded.
The setting sun cast long shadows, casting an eerie glow over the scene, a reminder of the fragility of life in the face of danger. And the tension is electric, like the calm before a storm. Tim’s voice crackles through the radio, cutting through the silence.
“Y/N Buckley, can you hear me?"
Tim's heart races with anticipation as he waits for your response. He's nervous, hoping that you'll hear him clearly. He wonders if you'll be able to sense the nerves in his voice, hoping that you'll understand the significance of what he's about to do.
Grinning, you grab the radio. “Loud and clear, Bradford” you replied, your voice steady but your pulse quickening with each passing second.
A pause stretches out, thick with anticipation. “Close your eyes, Buckley. And this time, try not to defy a direct order.”
Rolling your eyes but intrigued, you humor him and shut your eyes, taking a deep breath of the crisp air, feeling a rush of excitement coursing through your veins. You focused on the sound of Tim's voice, letting it wash over you like a warm embrace as he began to speak.
"You and I, Y/N, we’re a wild ride,” Tim starts, his voice unexpectedly tender. “Who would’ve thought our journey would lead us here, to this crazy, beautiful moment?”
As Tim's voice crackled through the radio, a surge of nervous energy swept through him. He had rehearsed his words a thousand times in his mind, but now that the moment was upon him, he couldn't help but feel a pang of doubt.
The weight of the ring in his hand served as a reminder of the gravity of the situation, filling him with both excitement and trepidation.
A soft touch grazes your hand, sending a thrill up your spine. Your heart pounds in your chest.
“You challenge me, drive me nuts, and somehow make me a better man,” he continues through the radio, a hint of a smile in his voice. “And damn it, I love you for it.”
You can’t help but smile, a warmth spreading through you. As you listen, you feel tears prickling at the corners of your closed eyes. Tim's words resonate with you, stirring something within yourself that you can't quite put into words.
You want to open your eyes, to see the man you love more clearly, but you also want to savor this moment a little while longer.With each word, you feel your heart swell with love for Tim. His vulnerability, his honesty, it all takes your breath away, leaving you utterly captivated.
"Open your eyes, sweetheart," Tim's voice breaks through your reverie, pulling you back to the present moment.
With a flutter of excitement, you obey, slowly parting your eyelids to reveal the sight before you. There is Tim, his eyes filled with love and longing as he slowly kneels down before your eyes, a small velvet box in his hand. The sight of him, vulnerable and trembling, fills you with a sense of awe and gratitude as the setting sun casts a golden halo around him, the cityscape stretching out behind him in a breathtaking panorama.
Tears of joy well in your eyes as you take in the sight of the ring in his hand, your heart overflowing with love for the man who means the world to you.
“Y/N Buckley,” Tim’s voice wavers just a bit, “will you marry me?”
For a moment, you are stunned into silence, your mind reeling with the weight of his question. You feel a surge of emotion welling up inside, threatening to spill over at any moment. This is it, the moment you've been dreaming of, the moment you've been waiting for since you laid eyes on Tim, few years back.
Tim chuckles, a nervous but endearing laugh. “I’ll take that as a yes?”
"Yes, Tim. A thousand times, yes!" your voice choked with tears, as your words ring out into the night, a declaration of love and commitment that echoes through the air.
With a trembling hand, Tim slips the ring onto your finger, sealing their promise with a simple yet profound gesture. As your eyes meet once more, you share a moment of perfect understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the love that binds you together.
Without another word, you're in each other's arms, holding onto each other tightly as if trying to make up for all the time you've lost. In that moment, nothing else matters but the overwhelming love you share, a love that has weathered every storm and emerged stronger than ever before.
Tim's lips meet yours in a tender kiss, a sweet yet passionate embrace that speaks volumes more than words ever could. You cling to each other, lost in the intensity of your emotions, your hearts beating as one in the darkness.
As you pull away, breathless and flushed with emotion, you share a smile that lights up the night. In each other's arms, you find solace and strength, knowing that no matter what the future holds, you'll face it together, hand in hand, heart to heart.
Nolan chimes in through the radio, his voice filled with laughter. "Bradford, are we breaking out the champagne or what?"
Tim's smile widens at Nolan's words, and he glances over at you with a playful twinkle in his eye. "Hold off on the champagne, Nolan," he replies, unable to suppress a laugh. "She said yes."
Murmuring softly, Tim leaned in close to your ear. "I guess I didn’t mess this one up, huh?"
You chuckled softly, leaning into his embrace. "Not this time, Bradford."
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blues824 · 1 year
Mind if I request Housewardens + Tweels dating S/O, who create dumb plans that somehow work?
Gender-neutral reader. I’m sorry these are short!!
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Riddle Rosehearts definitely is against your plans. He has to be really desperate in order to go along with you. When he does, he’s always surprised by the success of said idiotic plans. If we’re talking about overblots, he does not want you risking your life just to carry out a plan you designed that would work around your not having magic. You do it anyway, and you almost always get hurt, but it is successful. He has even seen you challenge a student to a dance battle, and he was worried you had lost your head but you were just a diversion to an even bigger plot.
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Leona Kingscholar finds your plans amusing because they are really dumb and you always end up as the butt of a joke. However, what’s more amusing to the lazy lion is the success rate, which is unbeatable. You definitely have the advantage, with the windfall that you always have. During his own overblot, you challenged him to a dance battle, and he was so confused until he was hit over the head with a chair. He woke up in the infirmary a bit dazed, but he remembered what happened a few minutes later and he had a ghost of a smile at the success you had with distracting him.
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Azul Ashengrotto is also not on board with your plans. They’re too stupid for him to even begin to comprehend. What’s even harder for him to understand is how they are 99.99% successful, that 0.01% going to injuries people have sustained when following you. During his overblot, you were hiding behind a rock and pointed a laser pointer at his forehead. He noticed it, and was afraid that he was going to get swatted but instead he was taken down and subdued by the tweels. The idea was dumb, but everyone gave you kudos because it worked.
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Jade Leech would definitely find your plans amusing as well as intriguing, but because of who he is, it would be a 50/50 chance of getting him to follow you. He would much rather be watching from the sidelines, because he wants to be eating popcorn watching the whole thing go down. The one time you got him on your side was when Azul overblotted, and you had an idea to distract him. It was surprisingly dumb and even suicidal because you would be pointing a red laser pointer at the Housewarden, but it worked and he, with Floyd, were able to subdue his boss.
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Floyd Leech always goes along with your plans because of how amusing they are. You always manage to surprise him with your really dumb (but successful) ideas, and he’s never left with nothing to do. However, it wasn’t until he saw the success that he regularly started following your instructions. The first time he went along was when Azul overblotted. You told him that you would distract the overblot victim by pointing a laser pointer at him and grabbing his attention. Then, he and his brother would swoop in. It worked, and Floyd was pleasantly surprised.
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Kalim Al-Asim would go along with you if it wasn’t for Jamil being there to stop him from doing something reckless. Of course, he is sad whenever someone gets hurt from your idea, but if the goal is achieved then he isn’t one to complain. When Jamil overblotted, Kalim was willing to follow you because he really didn’t know what to do. What he didn’t expect was for you to use your phone to connect to a speaker within Scarabia and start playing Single Ladies by Beyonce and do the dance to distract the Vice Housewarden. It worked, though, and Kalim got to see your moves.
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Vil Schoenheit is definitely against your plans because of how reckless, damaging, and unbelievably dumb they are. Success records be damned, if he finds out that one of his dorm members went along with your ideas, they are being punished. He can’t do much with you because you are a fellow Housewarden. However, when he overblotted, he did not expect you to come up to him with a face full of cakey makeup, unmatched eyeliner. It was a successful diversion because he was freaking out about the imperfection. Have you learned nothing?? Well, you did, and he realized it in the infirmary.
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Idia Shroud has experience with dumb plans in video games, but you actually carry them out in real life. He honestly admires your courage… well, he can’t tell if it’s courage or stupidity, maybe a mix of both. Anyways, he never goes along with your plans because he hates going outside, so don’t be surprised when he refuses to help. The only time where he came close to your plan was when he overblotted, and he was paranoid because he didn’t know what your next move would be. You entered the scene in cosplay, and it successfully distracted him. He can tell you that even though you were just acting as bait, you did a pretty damn good job at it.
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Malleus Draconia would go along with some of your plans, as long as it gets him away from his retainers and gets him more time with you. He has seen you get prepared for the overblots as well, with terrible makeup, a costume of sorts, a laser pointer, and a few different times you were whispering the lyrics to some song about… unmarried women? He’s not exactly sure what it meant, but he pushed it aside. Also he has seen your plans and he has never laughed as much as he did. Laughter is forgotten whenever you get hurt, though, and he has almost murdered one of the overblot victims for hurting his mate.
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epickiya722 · 1 year
You know what made me take to Rock Lock rather quickly?
He treats being a Pro Hero as a damn job.
Look, debut episode he came off "mean", but plot reasons and genre aside, he had a fucking point.
Why in the hell were high school kids brought in to deal with the damn Yakuza?
Mind you, this is coming from a man who has a whole wife and a baby son.
Compared to Endeavor, Rock Lock is a lot better than his ass. In fact, he's a lot better than most of the Pros considering most of them treat being a Pro Hero like being some celebrity. Mt. Lady and Best Jeanist are examples.
Uh, didn't Endeavor not only become a Pro Hero because he wanted to one up All Might and even went as far as abusing his family?
Rock Lock being "mean" isn't him being malicious compared to some other characters who are a lot worse to children.
He was making a point that being a Pro Hero isn't some game. You literally put your life on the line. Let me remind you that some of the kids want to be Pro Heroes just to be famous, Mineta for example.
I would be critical, too, when if someone decides to risk their life for the sake of just wanting to be popular. The man has experience being a Pro Hero. He probably has seen Heroes die!
Seeing kids, children, minors walk into a meeting about dealing with an evil organization in that was currently lead by a man that was EXPERIMENTING ON A CHILD probably brought fear into the man as he, again, has a family he loves.
Unlike some fucking Pro Hero.
And it's not like he is this "cold, heartless angry" man. He indeed gives credit where credit is due. You just have to earn it. Midoriya is my baby, my green sunshine, he is my favorite. But in the eyes of Rock Lock, he needed to prove that he wasn't one of those people who wanted to be a Hero just because. Again, Midoriya is a child, one who is sometimes reckless when his emotions get the best of him. That is not good when it comes to being on the field when fighting villains who are unpredictable and could kill you.
Also, during the Shie Hassaikai arc, he did show concern for Amajiki when he got hurt. So again, he isn't heartless.
He's just professional and doesn't play games.
Endeavor didn't even want to take Bakugou and Midoriya in for the Work Studies, he was actually annoyed by their presence.
What does that tell you about his character?
Exactly what was his excuse for that annoyance when they came there to get experience. It wasn't as if he didn't get to train Shoto. He was just being a little bitch.
People wonder why villains are the way they are, but if some of these Pros cared less about their fame and egos and more about the fact that their duty is to save people like Rock Lock, than maybe the villains wouldn't be the way they are.
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crusty-chronicles · 1 year
Airheaded S/O Headcannons #9: Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho)
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He wants you dead at first
But that's just because he's a bit standoffish
You'd waltzed in right as he had Yusuke suspended in his clutches at a warehouse.
"Yusuke, you left your calc homework on your desk, you ditz!"
And then you looked up and saw the three eyed demon and your friend.
And he was a little shocked that a human had found his hideout, even with his manipulated spirit energy.
"Kinda in the middle of something here," the greasy haired boy responded.
"Well cut that out for a second. I've got places to be."
Like you weren't just witnessing him about to be killed
It was so baffling how you just completely dismissed the situation, that Hiei's powers actually faltered and let the detective get away.
What the actual hell????
"Get out of here, now!" Yusuke warned.
And you'd just frowned
"Dude, it's not that deep. Why are you even here?"
Now was Hiei's chance to attack
But when he disappeared and quickly reappeared behind with his sword raised, you just caught the blade and glared at him
"Can you back off, I'm trying to talk to my friend."
You shooed him away like a pest.
And that was the moment he decided he wanted you dead.
A strong believer in survival of the fittest
And what the hell, because you had not a single working brain cell but were somehow stronger than him????
Kuwabara is your best friend and the two of you combined are stupid²
And it's horrible because there's only so much stupidity Hiei can take.
During the time he's still conforming after being caught, he spends most of it in the human world scouting you out for any weaknesses.
He still holds a grudge from the first time you met
But he's so damn surprised to find out that you're a walking hazard
How does one leave the stove, microwave, and oven on?
How does one forget that they're all on at the same time????
It would be so easy to let your own recklessness kill you
But his damn pride won't let that happen because he wants to be the one that defeats you
So, you wake up from your nap to see all your appliances turned off
Which is surprising because you vaguely remember cooking something before you feel asleep.
You do earn his respect eventually
It's when Yusuke is tasked with defeating the Saint Beasts
All of you were struggling to keep the roof up from collapsing
Yusuke had suggested Hiei be the one to pull the lever because he was the fastest.
And you'd said something then. Something that made him not want to kill you anymore.
"I might be able to hold the whole thing by myself. You all have to be really fast though."
"Are you crazy?!? There's no way we're gonna leave you behind. We're in this together or not at all," the oaf had protested.
You gave a dopey smile and released all your spirit energy at once, lifting the ceiling with all your might and alleviating the pressure from all the others.
"You scared, Kuwabara? People die everyday. What's one more?"
Hiei had never moved as fast as he did when he pulled that lever down.
You were a fool for risking your life over the others.
A fool for wasting your power on the weak.
But you weren't scared of death, of dying for your morals
And that had his respect.
Hiei does not baby you and finds great amusement in your failures
After all, you're not his responsibility
You accidentally got captured by a demon?
Good luck to whatever idiot thought they'd last more than a minute in the same room as you
You swallowed a poisonous plant Kurama was growing because you were hungry?
That's what you get for giving into your human whims
You threw a punch at an enemy that missed and hit Yusuke instead?
You should've hit him harder
Uses your naivety to his advantage
The tape with Yukina?
You'd told him without much thought about the situation
Only for Hiei to drag you towards where she was being held captive.
"Ooh, where are we going?"
"Just quiet down and follow me, human."
It's because you can sense spirit energy a little better than he can.
That and if he's spotted, he can just pass it off as you dragging him along to see Kuwabara.
Surprisingly, you're quiet and don't make a sound that gets the two of you caught.
And maybe he's a little grateful you don't question him about it.
You don't question why he wants to save this girl you've never heard of up until a few days ago.
You just go along with it because 'We're friends.'
You're so stupid for trusting him that easily when he wanted so badly to kill you not long ago
So unbelievably stupid for following around a demon just cuz
You had a fool's heart, that was for sure.
You were a trustworthy ally during the Dark Tournament, a strong warrior during the battle with Sensui, and a true fighter during the demon tournament.
It's the last event that he realizes he values you a little more than he should.
He had just barely beaten Mukuro and was set to fight you next.
The thing was, Hiei could barley stand with his injuries, while you hadn't broken a sweat.
This was the one fight he looked forward to the most, besides the one he wanted with the spirit detective.
But there was this look on your face
An uncomfortable yet sorrowful look.
Why weren't you as excited as he was?
He shrugged the feeling off as the announcer told them to begin.
His sword was long destroyed, so he resorted to basic combat skills instead.
He lunged, fist clenched to hit, but you just dodged with that same look
He tried again and the result was the same
You didn't even try to block his attacks, just moved out of the way.
Like he was beneath you to even try.
He recognized the look now
It was pity
And that infuriated him.
"Why won't you fight back!" A kick aimed for your side.
"You think you're so-called friendship matters here? Your emotions mean nothing. Not in here. So quit acting like a fool and fight!" A punch aimed at your throat.
You stopped it this time, but didn't attack him back.
You were making a fool out of him.
And before he could berate you again, you spoke.
"I don't care if we're friends or not. Either way, the fight still isn't fair."
And that had temporarily halted his anger.
"What do I gain from beating someone so injured, they can't stand up? What do you gain from fighting when you have no power? Think about it."
You didn't want to fight because you wouldn't enjoy it?
It wouldn't be a win for you
"It's not fair to either of us if we fight like this. We'd never get to find out who's really stronger."
Hiei was the fool.
He'd lashed out at Mukuro for letting her feelings get in the way and here he was, doing the same.
Letting his pride get in the way of rational thought
He'd been the one to get upset that you weren't fighting him as an equal, when the condition he was in clearly said otherwise.
"I know you don't want to lose the tournament, so I quit. But I want you to heal up and get stronger. Don't die because next time I see you, I'll kick your ass the way you want. Got it?"
Don't die
You and that oaf shared the same moral code.
But something about it being you made him tolerate it.
"...I surrender. I'm in no shape to continue. Y/n, you better not hold back next time."
Much to the dismay of the audience, the two of you walked back together. The outcome of the match: no winner.
There was something for him to look forward to now. A new goal.
He'd surpass you and then Yusuke.
Following the events of the demon tournament, he's a little softer towards you.
You and that stupid human heart of yours had him observing you from the trees.
He was unused to the heaviness he felt seeing you visit Yukina and making her laugh.
He couldn't understand the warmth consuming his face when you would fight a stray demon and win.
He didn't know why he used his Jagan to see you while he was in demon world.
But he did know he didn't like seeing you and the idiot duo hanging off of each other, cackling at something one of them said.
Don't count on him acting on his feelings.
He would never tell you.
But his actions towards you are more than enough to let the others know you're his.
He calls you fool(derogatory) and if he's feeling sweet, just by your name.
Jealousy is a big one.
Hiei's never had something special he's been allowed to keep.
So if you're spending a little too much time with Kuwabara, don't be surprised to see him at your window the next day.
He'll deny to his dying breath that he came all the way from demon world just to see you.
He'll also deny leaving some of his own clothing or even his sword at your house just so it smells more like him than it does your (just as stupid) best friend.
Hiei leaves for months at a time and without fail, will always come back the day after you went crying to Kurama that you think he's died.
(Thanks to his Jagan that is. There isn't a day he doesn't check up on you so he's bound to know when you miss him.)
Kurama is his best friend, but that doesn't stop Hiei from getting upset when he comes to get you and sees you sound asleep on the fox's bed.
You just smell so much like the other demon now, it pisses him off.
"Keep your scent off my human."
And Kurama finds immense joy in his childish anger.
"Maybe if you would physically see them more, they wouldn't come by so often."
And Hiei's grumbling as he picks you up, still dead asleep, to bring you back to the home that would restore his own scent back on you.
The time spent when you wake up is for sparring.
He can't find it in him anymore to fight you for real
But that doesn't mean he won't enjoy the false matches you have with each other.
He refuses to take you with him to demon world.
You have a life here
And though it's tempting to take you where you wouldn't be very far away from him, he knows you wouldn't be happy away from everyone else.
So, the one and only thing he does that hints at his feelings for you is give you the makeshift necklace made from hiruiseki stone. His to be exact.
"Take it."
"Why?" Your small little brain was struggling to figure out why he would want you to have it.
"It represents a promise. A promise that I'll be back for you no matter what. So take care of it for me, human."
NEXT UP: Kurapika Kurta
An: Yall sorry it took so long, i deadass got sick last week.
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ultfreakme · 2 days
Jon and Co-dependence: my boy's mad at me. i'm going to make him move in w/ me and make him popcorn
Absolute Power: Super Son gave me a lot to think about. In terms of writing I really can't complain, it was executed very well for a one-shot. But in terms of characters, I'm frustrated(in a way indicative of good writing) about Jon and Nia.
This issue does not resolve Jon's problems, it brings them to audience awareness in an explicit manner. People who've been keeping a keen eye on Jon saw this coming since 2021 in SOKE but no writer stated it in clear terms on page this way. Avoidance, denial, and an inability to think in terms of his humanity and only as a tool or a part of a whole(family, romance, friendship). Jon knows he's avoidant, he doesn't like thinking about his trauma or talking about it, he will suffer through it alone. Even in his deepest, most lowest moment, he speaks of his own trauma in terms of his family.
His autonomy and individuality have been slowly chipped away by the prospect of being Superman. Superman does not live for himself, he takes risks and sacrifices himself for the greater good. That label and the shadow of his father in that suit has been following him since he was 9-10 years old.
The only thing Jon seems to want solely for himself, is Jay.
Up until this point, Jon has been fairly chill and normal about seemingly on the surface. Their relationship was always very sweet, they were always on the same page and never had a reason to fight. There is a deep admiration and respect between them. But the understanding, the ability to see the person for who they are at their core, has yet to happen.
Regardless of that, Jon loves Jay in a way that is damn near unhealthy and codependent.
His love for Jay is what breaks Jon out of Brainiac Queen(BQ)'s control, but it makes him reckless and impulsive. He needs Jay in his life. Throughout the issue, Jay was pointedly not present in the dreams Nia constructed to keep Jon's mind safe from BQ's attack. This is precisely what kept breaking any shield Nia put up.
Jay's absence drives Jon deeper into spiraling. The lies Nia made for Jon never, ever worked because Jay was missing. A dream of his which Nia repeatedly showed Jon and which Jon has admitted is his wish to move to San Fran and get an apartment with Jay in it.
Nia gave him the apartment and the city but not the man and that always, ALWAYS broke Jon out. When Nia isn't around to keep things in-check, Jon just spontaneously remembers Jay on his own and inserts him into the dreamscape.
Nia built those dreams to protect Jon, but also to help him in fighting back but Jon was extremely weak to BQ's control regardless of those efforts. The only time Jon manages to find the strength to fight back is when Nia drops the dreams and instead just shows him the truth of BQ and acknowledges his trauma. She correctly identified that Jon needs help to fight back, but not through falsehoods, but through the truth.
That's when Jon fights back and breaks out of the control. At every turn, Jay and the things he stands for are what pull Jon out of false comfort.
There's those phrases right? Sweet dreams. Ugly truths. That's Nia and Jay.
The reality with Jay is nothing like a dream but Jon would rather take the pain of reality than be trapped in fake happiness. There was a pattern in the issue where Jon kept texting Jay after every dream session with the Amazonians. Jay checking in asking if he's okay, Jon replying he's 'totally fine' despite not feeling like that. Jay was his guide to the truth in SOKE, AOSJK, and now Super Son.
Jon's had his reality fucked with a LOOOOOOOT. Manchester Black, Waller & BQ, Injustice Universe, and the whole space trip. Jon has had this existential turmoil since he was a child, it was made worse by his trip to space with Jor-El. The impossibility of his existence is frequently emphasized. Most people see it as a miracle, Jon sees it as point of fear and doubt about his existence. He needs something, anything to stay above the surface and that is Jay.
Like, it is now canon, that Jay is Jon's tether to reality. He is the one thing he will selfishly ask for himself and by golly is he selfish about it. He clings. It's a repeated pattern.
The night they become official, the tendencies start showing.
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SOKE establishes that Jay is always the one letting go, and Jon is always the one holding on by any means necessary. This leads to so truly ✨Problematic✨decisions on Jon's part.
A list, if I may:
Gives Jay a new suit and half-proposes to him with a legion ring
Nearly fights Batman over him
Goes to Jay's counterpart in the injustice-verse with no evidence of if he may be good or not and just trusts him blindly
Took Jay to his own Fortress of Solitude and planned on keeping him there during the Siege of Gamorra
Burst in through a wall because he thought Jay was in danger
Asks to move in with him and move across the country with him
Safe to say, Jon needs Jay in some deep, fundamental, and kind of unhealthy way. The last one happens when Jay suggests it's not going to work between them if Jon insists he must forgive Nia. You don't define your own reality based on one person if you don't got issues, and unfortunately Jay does dish it like it is and calls himself the truth so like Jay was doomed from the second he opened his mouth and posted his recordings online.
Jay suggested breaking it off-- for understandable reasons- and within five minutes Jon dropped his very first "I love you" to Jay and asked him to move in with him.
This kind of leads to Jon deifying Jay and not seeing him entirely as a person. Jay is deeply upset about his mother's death, when Jon just rush at him with moving in together, Jay cries but doesn't immediately agree. He actually pulled away and seemed like he might have protested if not for the Amazonians calling Jon in to stop Waller.
Jay's relationship with Jon is filled with this, and Jay has to call Jon out to slow down and address Jay's issues(this makes him sound so bad, he really isn't, he' just gets too caught up in "protect him protect him protect him" mode when he's under distress). He does this when Jon is about to leave him to go fight Bendix, and in AOSJK when Jon's being all happy about getting to go out freely in public while Jay's stuck wearing disguises.
Jon's tendency to view Jay as his tether leads to him dismissing Jay's very human, raw and awful emotions. It's why he's so shocked when Jay feels nothing about Nia's death. It's also why he's quick to just ignore the topic and because yeah he feels terrible about it but if he keeps pushing this, Jay will leave him.
Jay's story.....is one of a loss of autonomy, just as much as Jon's. It happens in how he gains his powers, the way Nia betrayed him, the loss of his secret identity which he HEAVILY relied on to convey news, the seeming loss/ lowered involvement with The Truth news streams, and frequently with Jon where Jon chips at it with his desperate need to keep Jay by his side.
Jay doesn't dream of San Fran. Jay doesn't dream of shared apartments. No one has yet to properly let Jay cry about the loss of his country and his mother. Jon's avoidance strategy HURTS Jay here in an immense way.
If this keeps going, this relationship is going to break. Jay's always putting up with this, with Jon, because at this moment, he has no family. Jon is his closest tie to anyone, he can't let him go either because if he does he loses his entire support system but he's willing to since he actually prioritizes his grief over his mother. Jon centering Jay as a concept around his desire for himself is going to cause huge problems in the future.
Anyways, Jon's a freak, free Jay. Stan toxic yaoi.
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bestygogirl · 8 months
Group C Finals!
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
Anzu Mazaki
the original It Girl, very underrated anzu masaki is stubborn. she’s all about friendship and she believes in you soooo much. she’s the type to give you a lecture while picking you up because she’ll never leave you stranded but you should take better care of yourself. she has dreams of being a dancer and takes that risk in moving to whole different COUNTRY to follow her dreams. vote for anzu!!! This is ANZU. Yugioh's most dedicated friendship philosopher!!! The one who knew the power of friendship before anyone else did!! Always backing up her guy friends even when (especially when) they're up their own asses about card games!! Not the mom friend bc she's reckless and nuts in her own special way!! The girl Yami confided in when he couldn't even confide in Yuugi... who sees through everyone's bullshit into their true feelings.... who said "learning how to love yourself is a game we play our whole lives"..... She is THEE GIRL. Literally iconic. Foundational to the whole damn text!! She didn't haul ass after a bunch of goofy card game geeks supporting them through 343 chapters and suffer through endless early 2000s Anzu-bashing fic to NOT win this tournament!!
Isis Ishtar
gorgeous, very caring sister, strong duelist, and the only woman to ever make Seto Kaiba squirm
anyways. not only as mentioned above is she the first woman to make kaiba squirm, but she was by all means going to beat him if not for the millennium rod's millennium interference. yami marik admits that she's a strong duelist with a strategy that's been working for literal years-- and given that she's not like, a professional duelist, thats pretty impressive
she also recently got some really cool meta bumps and let me point out that an "ishizu deck" now includes obelisk the tormentor-- which we knew she had prior to giving it to kaiba, but i think it only solidifies my opinion that she very much could wield an Egyptian God Card, an exclusive little club for top tier duelists
as a character she presents herself with an amazing amount of poise and grace, shes compassionate and kind and stays with mai and serenity even though she only just met them. shes struggling through living the past 5 years of her life drowning in guilt for her family's tragedy just because she wanted to make her little brother happy and shadi is a fucking liar. shes foretold her own death and marches towards it grimly but with so much love in her heart. and even then shes 20 years old and holds an important position in the egyptian government that typically requires a doctorate degree AND has been dealing with mariks off-and-on bullshit entirely by her lonesome. she also likes to flex her fortunetelling a little which is awesome i think she should do that more that scene where she tells the guy exactly how the stele is being transported was so everything
speaking of shes got such an attitude. "is it your destiny to waste my time?" iconic. never seen before will never be seen again. watch the duel between her va and joeys its so fucking funny
shes excult. shes doesnt flinch in the face of god nor death. seto kaiba and yami marik respect her. shes so sad and so sweet and battle city couldnt have happened without her.
also her parallels with kaiba are what motivate kaiba to give yugi the card he needed to beat marik.
kaiba, in duelist kingdom, was ready to jump off a ledge if yugi didnt let him through to face pegasus while trying to save mokuba out of sheer desperation to save his little brother. he KNOWS what that dedication feels like and the iron kind of will you need to have to make that kind of gamble. isis is being so fucking legit with what shes saying and he respects that and her judgement enough to change his mind and not only watch the duel, but give yugi a card that eventually helps him win, even if he has no real confidence in the odds. but theres a CHANCE, which is the same thing he taught her when he beat her in a duel. the layers its her faith that moves him to act. which is so crazy
anyway vote isis shes my best friend forever and a real rep for all the 20 year olds who honest to god did not sign up for this bullshit
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withacapitalp · 11 months
The Backrooms
Read it on ao3 instead!
Okay so I'm going to start this part with a little bit of background! This is going to be a CYOA style fic EVENTUALLY but for now it is a reader driven CYOA. I have the whole thing laid out and over half written and I will be updating every three days until we go through all of the reader choices! You can either vote on ao3 in the comments or on Tumblr at this poll! Now that all of that is taken care of....Welcome to the Backrooms :)
I’m gonna die. 
I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die-
Holy fuck I’m going to DIE. 
Eddie rounded another corner, tripping over his feet and falling briefly to his hands and knees before scrambling back up as fast as he could, continuing to sprint at a breakneck speed. His lungs screamed in protest, years of smoking finally catching up to him as he literally ran for his life 
What was it that Chrissy had always said?
‘You shouldn’t smoke, Eds. It’ll kill you,’ 
God. Chrissy. 
Where the fuck was Chrissy?! 
The desperate thought was immediately drowned out by the sound of one of the creature’s behind him screeching in rage. 
No, it wasn’t smoking that was about to kill Eddie. It was those…things chasing him. 
He couldn’t worry about Chrissy right now. He had to focus on saving himself. 
Another grim wail, grinding on his ears and dangerously close. Just that disgusting sound was enough to give Eddie another boost of adrenaline, his mouth filling with the taste of iron as he ran. He had no way of knowing how long he had been racing through this hellscape, or how he had ended up here, but Eddie did know one thing. 
He was running out of time. 
The stitch in his side continued to grow, going from a throbbing pain to a white hot poker jabbing itself between his ribs. All those years of skipping gym class and sneering at jocks were mocking him now. 
A jock would probably survive this. 
A wild reckless part of himself wanted to collapse- just give up and let what was going to happen happen, but his base human instinct to survive forced his body forward, turning him blindly into another disgustingly yellow room. 
That was all he had seen since he landed in this godforsaken place. Yellow room, yellow room, yellow hallway, yellow room, and on, and on, and on. 
Maybe he was already dead, and this was what hell really was. There was a small part of his mind that was clinging to some semblance of sanity, and it kept thinking that if he could just get out of this room and through the next, maybe he could lose the monsters that were chasing him. 
But each doorway kept leading to the same yellow rooms. Over, and over, and over, and over.
Eddie risked a look backwards as he rounded yet another corner. He couldn’t see how many of the creatures were chasing him, but it looked like there was even more than before. They were some sort of mutant bats- ginormous disgusting creatures with fangs the size of his hand and glowing red demon eyes crawling on the floor, the walls, even the damn ceiling. 
No. He couldn’t give up. He couldn’t let those things get him. At best, they would tear him to pieces. At worst….
Well Eddie wasn’t really sure what could be worse than that, but he didn’t want to find out. 
He just had to keep running. Eventually he would get somewhere new. Running was all he had to do, and that would be easy. He had spent his entire life running from bullies. These were just slightly more murderous evil monster bullies.
I can do this. It’ll be fine. I can do this. 
Then he tripped and went sprawling to the ground. 
The bats were on him in a second, grotesque slimy tails wrapping around each of his limbs and pulling him spread eagle. The fluorescent lights above him droned a death knoll as one of the bats curled up on his chest, letting out a soft snarl as its entire face opened up into rows and rows of jagged bloody teeth. 
Running wasn’t an option anymore. As far as he could see, Eddie only had two choices left. 
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special-agent-sass · 1 year
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It’s my first time posting my writing. Go easy on me!
A Reckless Encounter
I've always been a fighter. From the moment I took my first breath in this chaotic world, I learned to battle against the odds that life threw at me. It wasn't easy, though. Growing up with an abusive father, I sought refuge in drugs and alcohol, drowning my sorrows in a haze of self-destruction.
But life had a funny way of throwing curveballs. One fateful night, my reckless ways caught up with me, and I found myself being arrested. As luck would have it, instead of languishing in a jail cell, I was given a chance at redemption in the Marines as an Automotive Maintenance Technician.
The Marines whipped me into shape, physically and mentally, and instilled within me a sense of discipline. After years of service, I decided to embark on a new journey as a field agent for Gibbs’ NCIS team. Gibbs, was an enigma—gruff, tough, and intriguing. And damn, did he stir something within me.
We clashed like thunder and lightning, our arguments a constant symphony in the bullpen. He berated me for my reckless behavior, and I shot back with my signature stubbornness. But beneath our heated exchanges, there were sparks of chemistry, a magnetic pull that had us tiptoeing the line between professionalism and desire.
One day, during a particularly tense mission, I made a costly mistake. Gibbs threatened to strip me of my field duties.
The team, briefing room. Now," he barks, his voice firm and commanding.
I walk into the room, feeling the weight of Gibbs' gaze burning into the back of my head. Tony and McGee sit on one side, exchanging playful banter. Ziva stands off to the side, her eyes flickering with curiosity.
Gibbs glares at me as he enters, his eyes filled with a mix of annoyance and concern. I try to avoid his gaze, but it's like a magnet drawing me in.
"Y/n," he starts, his deep voice cutting through the tension.
I take a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for the onslaught of reprimands.
"You made a mistake out there. A big one," Gibbs continues, his voice low and controlled.
I clench my fists, feeling the anger bubbling up inside me. I refuse to let him treat me like a child.
"You can't keep going out on field ops if you're gonna put the whole team at risk," he growls. I feel a surge of adrenaline rush through my veins. This is it. The moment I've been waiting for. The moment where all my pent-up frustrations come to the surface
But I didn’t! Quit treating me like a damn rookie!" I shouted. "So either take me off field ops or get the hell off my back."
Gibbs looked like he wanted to slap me upside the head. But instead, he just glared and walked out without another word.
~time skip cause I’m lazy lmao”
Suddenly, my phone buzzes. A new case. I glance at Gibbs. But his steely gaze is fixed on me. Not in anger, but something else entirely. Gibbs breaks the silence. "Alright, Y/L/N, you think you can handle this mission?" Gibbs asked, his voice laced with skepticism. I knew he was questioning my abilities, but I wasn't about to back down.
"Of course I can, Gibbs," I replied, my voice dripping with confidence. "I've been through worse."
Gibbs narrowed his eyes at me, clearly not amused. "Don't let your recklessness get in the way. We're dealing with dangerous criminals here."
I smirked at him, unable to resist pushing his buttons. "Would you prefer me to be cautious and boring?” Gibbs stepped closer. Our nose were millimetres apart. His icy blue eyes filled with rage. “Watch your tone, Y/L/N.” I took a second to process what he said before I smirked and said “Are we gonna fight or make out because I’m getting some mixed signals here, Jet.”
Gibbs froze, his jaw dropping slightly. I could practically see the gears turning in his head as he processed my words. But before he could respond, I turned on my heel and walked away, leaving him speechless.
As the days turned into weeks, the tension between us grew. We argued, we clashed, and yet, there was an unspoken connection, a chemistry that neither of us could deny. We went through the motions, burying our feelings under Gibbs' infamous Rule Twelve.
But fate has a way of knocking sense into us when we least expect it. On one particularly dangerous assignment, I found myself in a life-or-death situation. The fear gripped me as I looked into the eyes of mortality.
And in that moment, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn't hold back my feelings any longer.
As I lay there, battered and bruised, Gibbs rushed to my side. His voice was filled with worry as he yelled my name. And in a hoarse whisper, I confessed, "I don't want to die without you knowing how I feel."
And just like that, the floodgates opened. Gibbs confessed his own feelings, his voice shaking with emotion.
We had fought, we had argued, and we had danced around each other for so long. But in that moment, we both knew that love had a funny way of finding us in the midst of chaos.
The end
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jamneuromain · 2 years
When Pigs Fly
Steve Rogers x You (Reader)
Warning: Swearing, a lil humor, a lil fluff, agent!reader
W/C: 1.7K
Summary: Is there a chance for Captain America, to be your friend?
A/N: Big smooch to @rogerswifesblog, who forms this idea with me together.
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Steve is using his serious face again.
He crosses his arms, standing upright, looking down at you with a stern look.
“You were reckless in the field, Agent.” He addresses you coldly, “I will not tolerate that sort of behavior.”
This isn’t the first time when you argue with Steve Rogers because of the way you behave in the field. If you are being honest, Captain Rogers himself is also behaving recklessly, doing stupid shit all day, with no one up on his ass.
“And I saved the team. You’re welcome.” You retort back, fiddling with your tactical suit and the stains of dirt.
“Nearly killing yourse-” Anger bubbles in his stomach. Steve takes a deep breath, calming himself, “until further evaluation, you’re on desk duty.”
You don’t care about desk duty. You could fool those tests easily and get back into the field in no time. But you can’t help but tease him, wiggling your eyebrows, “killing myself? Care so much about me, Capitaine? What, you have a crush on me or something?”
You swear, some newbie gasps in the background.
Utter silence.
You witness Steve’s ears flush red, while his jaw clenches.
Quinjet is so quiet that you could drop a needle on the ground, and the whole team can hear it.
“Landing in five.” A pilot speaks through the broadcasting system.
“NO.” He pushes the words out of his tight lips, “no, Agent, I do not have a crush on you. Now sit back and report to the mission center after landing. You are off the team for a month. End of discussion.”
Wow, I wonder if someone takes the wrong medicine this morning.
They would’ve taken you off the team completely if you weren’t one of the best field agents.
They still need you.
But you’ve poked the Captain enough for today.
“Aye aye, Captain.” You buckle yourself into the uncomfortable seat, patting the dust on your sleeves.
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“Damn, desk duty again?” Sam, who’s around the mission center when you submit your evaluation form, asks you in surprise, “what did you do this time?”
You press your lips into a flat line and shrug, “reckless. Guilty as charged.” You eye your paperwork while mouthing “Captain America”.
Sam huffs out a laugh, “c’mon, it’s been what, two weeks? Since you have been back on the field? You really pissed him off, huh?”
You nod to the mission dispatch lady at the front desk, swinging your backpack over your shoulder. You can’t tell if you pissed off THE Steve Rogers. However, you know, deep down, that if he is angry, you will face something much worse. You don’t know how you will face an angrier version of him, which makes you slightly uncomfortable.
You choose to steer away from the topic, “I’m heading to the weapon room to return my stuff, you coming?”
“Uh-huh, I’m picking up my gears there.” Sam smiles, gesturing to the special elevator five feet away, “might as well use the shortcut.”
The weapon room is a few floors below. Instead of taking the staff elevator, which is three hundred feet away, Sam is kind enough to let you ride the “Avengers only” elevator with him, leading to the conference hall floors below.
You can hear two voices before you even reach the conference hall.
“…can’t do this, Buck.”
“…then what?”
Sam murmurs quietly: “Speak of the devil.”
“…risking her LIFE! I can’t exactly watch…”
The conference hall is empty. The only possibility is that Steve and Bucky are talking in one of the conference rooms down the hall.
The voices getting clearer as you approach one of the rooms, the glass door of which clearly leaves on open by accident.
“Geez, calm down, punk.” You hear Bucky speaks in a low voice, “you like her or something?”
Awkward silence.
Sam spares a glance at you briefly.
You keep your face strict. Even the world’s most impressive interrogator couldn’t read anything from your expression right now.
“…I don’t like her.”
You hear Steve say.
Cold. Distant. Indifferent.
It will be lying to admit if his words didn’t just hurt you.
All this time, you thought at least, you and Steve could reach the bar of “barely-friends”.
Hearing he doesn’t like you is like a bucket of ice water dropped from your head, helping you realize that work buddies don’t socialize. Colleagues will never be true friends.
Not in your line of work.
Well, it’s his loss. You scoff, walking further away from the room they are in, nearly stomping your boots off.
Bucky catches a glimpse of Sam passing from the door. He lowers his voice even more: “I’m on your side, punk. I can tell-”
Steve shakes his head, carrying the shield on his back, clearly doesn’t want to continue this conversation,“see you in the training room in twenty.”
Steve pushes through the door.
He does not have you in sight, but his super hearing captures Sam and you.
“I’m sure Steve means it in a good way.”
“Yeah, when pigs fly.”
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It is two weeks later when Steve sees you in such a big compound again.
He is supposed to deliver his mission report to the mission center when he runs into you, knocking over the box of files in your hands.
You look surprised, but only a little, crouching to pick up the files. “Hello, Captain.”
“Hello Agent.” He feels sorry, helping you to put the files back into the box, “how’s desk duty? No hard feelings, right?”
You don’t know whether he’s mocking or just caring.
“Not as exciting as in the field, but I’ll manage.” You cover the box with a lid, avoiding his gaze, “not my first time anyway.”
You speak with a careless tone, as if nothing truly frustrates you.
Steve has checked your evaluation progress. There is only one assessment left. His own.
He has been pending the result for three days, yet he still could not determine whether or not to let you back in the field.
On the one hand, you are one of the best agents he knows. You are loyal, decisive, and above all, capable.
On the other hand, you are truly reckless. Some might even say cold blood when you are evaluating your life against others.
You tend to choose others over your own.
Two weeks ago, if it hadn’t been you taking out the last bomb on the very last second of the countdown, it could have been one-half of the team that was buried under the building, him included.
You also could have died because you try to disarm it even if he told you to retreat to rendezvous.
“Do you need anything else, Captain Rogers?”
You ask him with the heavy box under your arm.
He feels sorry for you, somehow. Steve wants to make it up to you.
“We’re having pizza night, tonight, in the compound. Sam, Bucky, Nat…a small group of people, basically everyone you know. We thought it’d be nice if you could join us.”
They didn’t.
They don’t know about this.
It is purely his idea to have you join them. To get to know you better.
It’s not even pizza night tonight. He said so because he figured you would be more comfortable with familiars around.
“Raincheck.” A polite smile hanging on your lips, “schedule’s full tonight. Sorry.”
Your heartbeat perks up, because you are lying, and he hears it.
“…OK. Maybe sometime next week?” He asks hopefully.
You love pizza. But he made it clear to you, socializing with heroes is dangerous. And he might not want you there. He doesn’t even like you. He probably asks you out of politeness.
Why would you embarrass yourself when you don’t know all of them that well?
You come so close to smiling at his attempt, “Captain Rogers, we’re not the same kind of person. I get it. You don’t have to do this. We don’t have to be friends.”
He sighs, putting up his hands as a sign of giving up, “not the slightest of chance?”
“When pigs fly.” You joke, “seriously, though, have a good night, Captain Rogers.”
Steve goes to bed that night, can’t stop thinking about you.
He mutters God knows how many times “I don’t have a crush on her” before he could go to sleep.
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Two more weeks flew by when you receive an anonymous note.
Two simple words.
“Look outside.”
There’s swooshing sound outside. Your colleagues are rushing out of the compound in laughter. Some open the window, also laughing.
You wonder if there is a gas leak.
However, you follow them out of the building for your own sanity, looking up as most of them point their phones to the sky.
Swooshing sound grows louder.
You crane your neck and see the most unbelievable thing in your life - and you are saying this when you can see Hulk’s transformation and Ironman’s suit on a weekly basis.
Ironman’s suit - no, a small Ironsuit with a pig in it, is flying across the compound in low air.
The Ironsuit literally has four legs.
The pig is squeaking, thrusters are booming, ridiculous and laughable at the same time.
Never in one day of your life have you ever thought of the proverb “pigs fly” would come true.
“We’re doing pizza night, wanna come?” A familiar voice stands on your left. You know who spoke before you turn your head and look.
“Pigs fly. Steve. Wow.” You exclaim, “how did you get it done?”
Steve Rogers beams, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. He is only wearing a simple shirt and jeans, his hands in his pockets, giving off a relaxing vibe.
“Well, Tony helped. Clint too, he offered a piglet.”
“Unbelievable.” You shake your head in amusement.
“So, pizza night…?”
“If pigs can fly,” you point to the sky, a genuine smile on your lips, “why not?”
You meet Tony on your way back to the building.
Tony pointed at Steve with his index finger, “you, Mister Rogers, owe me. Big time.”
Steve and you exchange a knowing look. Steve grins, “thank you, Tony. The plan worked.”
“Oh no. That’s not what I’m talking about.” Tony grinds his teeth, “Nobody told me that pigs could shit their pants ... shit their suit.”
You smother your laugh with your palm, shaking like a leaf in the autumn air.
The billionaire let out a shriek, “now that lump of meatloaf has ruined my million-dollar custom-made suit. Shit. Shitted - HOW AM I GOING TO EXPLAIN THIS TO PEPPER???"
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marionluth · 3 months
The Bail Bond Blues
No warnings for this one. Cute little one-shot of the boys' brotherly bond
Summary: Harley finds himself in a bit of a situation. The handcuffs sort of situation. For the second time in his life. But this time, he calls someone else instead of Tony. Mentions of my other story (The fast, the reckless, and the furious. This will make sense without having necessarily read the other one first, but it won’t hit the same). Humor, fluff, angst. No warnings for this one. Brotherly bond between Harl and Peter. Big brother Peter to the rescue.
Rating: T for swearing.
“Dude… What the hell?” Peter asked, turning to look at Harley, who was staring blankly ahead. “I mean… It’s one thing to smoke a damn joint every now and then, but getting baked first thing in the morning and riding the bike…Without a helmet? That's reaching a whole new level of stupidity, even for you!”
“Save the disappointment speech, dude. If I wanted to go down that road I’d call Tony, not you,” Harley said, eyes stubbornly not meeting Peter’s.
“Yeah, well, so much for that. You have to tell him to make arrangements on filing for the expungement. This will be nothing for his legal team.”
“No freaking way! He can’t know about this,” Harley shook his head. “I won’t file for an expungement. It’s no big deal.”
“No big deal?” Peter asked incredulously.
Keep reading the excerpt 👇 or read the whole thing on AO3 or FFnet
“Yeah, no big deal. It’s done, it’s over, you paid—thanks, by the way, I will pay you back—and now we forget about it.”
“Shut it, Pete. Seriously. I’m not telling Tony and you’re not either. Do I need to remind you what happened last time he had to get us out of jail?” Harley asked, shooting an are-you-kidding-me look at Peter.
“No, dipshit, you don’t! I was vividly reminded of the experience while driving here to bail your ass out.”
Harley’s lips twitched now. “I gotta say, last time was much more fun. Having company and all. Do you remember Mr. badge?”
Peter let out a snort and shook his head. “You being a little shit throughout that ordeal stands out more in my memory, honestly. At least you got your holding-cell experience this time around.”
Harley shivered at that. “That alone is as strong of a deterrent to never risk arrest again,” he informed Peter. “That whole ‘are you talking to me?’ shit? Ain’t working in real life. Especially if you’re stoned and sound like a slurring bitch instead of a gangster.”
“No… I’m shocked,” Peter said sarcastically, trying hard to contain his annoyance at Harley's stubbornness and willingness to hide this under the carpet despite the possible implications.
“You’d better check your phone, I’m sure you’ll have at least a couple of missed calls,” he told Harley next, turning the key in the ignition.
“Shit, you’re right.” Taking his phone out of his pocket, Harley unlocked it and he shook his head. “One would think that a billionaire with his hands full with business, the Avengers, and a three-year-old wouldn’t feel the need to call another adult person seventeen times in a four-hour period, right? I mean, get the memo, man! Whoever you’re calling can’t talk right now!”
“Seventeen, huh? Yeah, dinner’s gonna be fun,” Peter smirked.
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ms-unfortunate24 · 11 months
Is that all you got? (Pt.6 Can we not be selfish?)
Warnings: Slight Angst, cursing, kissing?
Reader Inserts: Y/N= Your name, Y/L= Your last name, Y/CN= your code name, Y/H= your hair, Y/HC= your hair color, E/C= Eye color, H/S= Hair Style, N/N= Nickname.
"How did you even let yourself get knocked over like that? That was just sad." You said, fixing his loose bandaging. "You're really gonna say this right now like I didn't just get stabbed...?" He questioned looking at you as you rolled your eyes.
Soon you both caught up with the rest of the team after making it to the exfil sight the team hopped onto the helo. You saw kick and smiled, relieved to see him after all this chaos. Merrick and Keegan were being examined as Logan and Hesh silently grieved over their father. This didn't feel like a win to you at all, there was so much that was lost, and it felt weird not having Elias around.
When the helo made it to the ship Logan and Hesh were escorted to their father's quarters, Merrick and Keegan were rushed to the medic leaving you to make your report in your sleeping quarters. It took damn near 4 hours to focus on your report, you kept thinking about that whole mission, your recklessness, Elias's death, Keegan's kiss, it was all too much to think about. Suddenly a light knock was heard, you checked the time on your digital clock and realized it was one in the morning, you carefully got up and silently made your way toward the door. "Who is it?" you asked quietly, but there was no response, "Hello? Who's there?" you said a bit louder, but still nothing. Cautiously, you opened the door and saw Keegan, before you could say anything he forced his way inside of your room, grabbing you by your waist. "Y/CN, I... missed you," he said in a worn-out deep voice, pulling you into a tight embrace. "What? Are you okay Keegan?" you asked, he then looked at you, and inches closer to your face, "one more word and we'll collide, Y/CN," he said, "what-" he then crashed his lips onto yours, his grip on your hips getting tighter as he pushes you down in a sitting position on your bed. The two of you were now just sitting on the bed, staring each other deeply in the eyes, your mouths still locked in a kiss. This felt right to Keegan. It felt like everything he had ever wanted and needed right at that moment. After a few seconds of silence and just enjoying the moment, he finally broke the kiss and slowly looked down at you, taking your face in his hands.” For an annoying brat, I gotta say, you feel great kid” he smirks. “Yeah? Well, I guess you're not so bad yourself huh?” you said as his hands roamed your body.
A wave of guilt suddenly hit you, “Look-” you started as you slowly got up and backed away from where Keegan was. “It’d be selfish to enjoy ourselves while people are grieving, others are injured, and lives are at stake still,” you explained, Keegan stood up and then looked you up and down. “You’re right, but can't I be selfish for once? Can I not have you for at least tonight? What if I don't have another?” Keegan embellishes, you looked down, not wanting to face him in the rear that you're too weak and would give in to his pleading. “It's not fair Keegan, there's Too much at risk for this to be happening, you should be resting up.” You said staring at the floor, almost afraid of what he would say next, your heart was screaming in anticipation. He silently made his way to your figure and grabbed onto your hand, “Then I will be selfish another day, a day where I can have you all to myself” and with that, he had left your room.
(This is short, I know. It's probably not as good as the others too. But I was working last minute security last night yk the night I was originally supposed to write and post and literally was partnered up with the love of my life. He's like Keegan frfr, he talked about how we needed spotters and snipers watching down for us and it made me giggle sm🤭)
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iqueenlost · 1 year
Part 4/5 of my Andreil fake dating au
Check Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
@givemethedamnflowers @bikevindayy @mai-feri @neilimfinejosten @runpinocchio @youweremyversaillesatnight @paradoxolotl @paysomeonetopaysomeone @asteria-astraeus @dreamerthinker @folklt @lalalaets @julesghouls98 @tesadoraofphaedra @objectifymecaptain @holyshitthatsilegal @ourshadowstars @bumpingbees @madrasiiuvu @lillyndra @themundanemudperson @mkmusicmaniac @oddgreyhound @fandoms-stole-my-soul @xhaoticprince @potentialfate-sims
Dating your best friend is a terrible idea. If it worked out it’d be great, but if there was even a small chance of things going south the whole situation would instantly become catastrophic. Friendship Andrew could deal with, he had practice. He spent years perfecting the mechanics of it. He could even say that at 28 he had more than one friend. So he was not ready to cogitate the idea of losing Neil, and adding romance to the equation could be the end of everything. Could be the thing that led Andrew back to having nothing.
However the moment the words left him he knew he had already fucked up. Neil's eyes dimmed and the light that seemed to emanate from him turned dull. Andrew had never ever seen Neil seem so defeated, and it was all his fault.
For the longest time before he met Neil, Andrew had searched to feel something other than all the gnawing rage he had inside of him. He often clung to fear as the less disturbing alternative. That’s why he would go to the roof and sit there on the edge, letting the prospect of the fall bring on the unnerving feeling onto him. For him, fear made his mind clearer while rage blinded him, and made him reckless and volatile. Rage made things unpredictable, and Andrew hated not knowing what to expect even if it was from himself. Fear exists to make people smarter. If you fear nothing you are more likely to put yourself at risk. Fear prepares people for the possibility of danger, whichever way you choose to respond to it. Often Andrew chose to fight. But facing Neil’s confession he finally understood the concept of flight.
He didn't know what made him more terrified. Spending the rest of his life as just friends or having Neil and then losing him. And that was what made Andrew want to flee. Want to close his heart off and bury his overflowing feelings for Neil so deep inside himself and forget all about it. He could never lose Neil. He just knew that if it happened he would never recover. Amid his fear, he didn't consider that as long as the words were said out loud the possibility of loss was already hanging in the air.  
As Andrew observed Neil retreat into his shell, almost like he was seeing sixteen-year-old Neil. That was when he realized that in his fear of losing Neil, he was already losing him. He closed his eyes briefly and let his mind spin around the possibilities, conjuring several scenarios that led to either the loss of what they already had or to the life he fantasized about before he closed his eyes every night. The life he thought he could never have.
Was he the type to let fear dictate his actions? Was it worth losing the chance to be with Neil because he was afraid of being hurt? More importantly, was it worth hurting Neil just so he could protect himself from a heartbreak that may never happen? He knew he had feelings for Neil, always had and always would, and now that Neil said he liked him all Andrew had to do was guarantee that it would never change.  
He opened his mouth to say that although that was indeed a bad idea he was willing to try something more than friendship with Neil when the doorbell rang, loud and shrill. 
Andrew and Neil froze as their head snapped to the door. Andrew didn't even dare to breathe as he waited, hoping that it was a mistake and that whoever was at the door would walk away so they could return to the matter at hand. But his hope was torn apart when his brother's voice came from outside.
“Andrew, open the damn door. I know you and Josten are there, both your cars are in the garage.” He banged his fist on the door repeatedly. “I have a problem.”
Anyone else and Andrew would’ve gladly ignored their shouts. But ever since their relationship improved Aaron made a point of never asking for Andrew's help. In one of their joint sessions, they tackled the fact that Aaron took Andrew’s help for granted. In that session, they discussed how Andrew showed his feelings in acts of service. He didn't say that he cared for Aaron, it was in the way he helped Aaron through his addiction. The way he was the one to take all of Aaron's tests in high school until his grades were high enough to be considered for college. His offer of protection, even if it was overbearing and more often than not unwanted. Ever since then, Aaron made a point to be the one always offering Andrew help, so Aaron asking for help now meant that something really was amiss.
Andrew side-eyed Neil, whose face continued blank, eyes hardened, before stalking to the door. He opened it up to find Aaron with his hand raised to keep knocking. He let him in, his mind once again spinning and spinning, bouncing from one possibility to another, now trying to figure out what could have brought Aaron to his door at the worst time possible.
When Aaron and him stopped in the middle of the living room he searched for Neil to find him with a gin bottle in his hand, which brought a frown to his face. Neil didn't like to drink. Not the taste nor the feeling of loss of control, he could count on one hand the times he saw Neil indulge in drinking. Andrew took one step closer to him but Neil avoided looking at him, focusing his gaze on Aaron instead.
“Inconvenient as always, Aaron.” He snarled, taking a swing at the bottle before storming out to his room.
“Trouble in paradise?” His brother asked, turning back at Andrew with an insensitive eye roll. That made Andrew want to slap him.
“Spit out what the fuck is your problem and fuck off.” He grouched out crossing his arm in front of his chest.
Aaron’s face crumbled, shocking Andrew when his lips quivered as if he was going to start crying. The only time Andrew saw Aaron crying was at his mother's funeral. Andrew frowned, trying and discarding scenarios that could have brought that reaction on his brother. The only conclusion he could think of was that it had something to do with Katelyn.
“Is Katelyn alright?” He asked closing the distance between them to stand right in front of Aaron.
His brother breathed in slowly, eyes reddening as he said in a defeated voice. “Katelyn’s pregnant. I asked her to marry me. She said no.” 
Andrew remained staring quietly at Aaron, unsure about how to react as his mind pieced what Aaron had just told him.
“Can you say something, I feel like I’m dying,” Aaron complained, unknowingly repenting Neil’s words to Andrew and sending a wave of pain directly to Andrew's bruised heart.
 Andrew almost laughed at the irony of the situation. He was about to dish out relationship advice when he had thrown his chance of something more with Neil out of the window in a moment of self-doubt and fear.
He sighed, running a hand over his face before looking back at Aaron. “Of course she refused.” At his brother's wide eyes, Andrew rolled his. “If she just told you about it and your first response was to ask her to marry you she would immediately think you only asked because of the baby.”
“But- But I love her.” He stuttered, biting his lip, probably to stop their quivering.
“Not the point,” Andrew ran his hand through his hair at the same time Aaron also ran his. “First, what do you want to do about the baby? End the pregnancy? Keep it? Give it up for adoption?” Andrew gulped at the possibility of the baby, his nephew or niece, having to live through what he had. 
“No, we are not giving it up!”
“Is that something you and Katelyn agreed upon? Because she’s the one that’s going to carry the baby for nine months.”
Aaron seemed confused as he stuttered through his reply. “She- she’s not going- I mean, I don't think so?”
“Are you asking me?” Andrew's eyebrow rose almost to his hairline.
“I don't know.” He ran his finger through his hair again and sat down on the couch, burrowing himself on the cushions and blankets Andrew hadn't put away that morning, hands going up to cover his face.
Andrew sat next to Aaron, putting one hand on his shoulder and squeezing it lightly in comfort—something he never thought he would become accustomed to doing, comforting people.  “Go home Aaron, and talk to her.” His voice came out tired but soft. “Ask and listen to what she has to say. And tell her you didn't ask her to marry you because of the baby. Communication is the most important thing in a relationship” Andrew finished and couldn't help feeling like a hypocrite. The whole situation he was in right now was a result of his poor communication skills. Why was it so much easier to deal with other people's problems than his own? Why when it was about his relationship with Neil his mind didn't see things in full clarity, and he scrambled to process everything?
Aaron let his hand fall from his face and looked up at him, nodding his head before breathing deep in and getting up. “You should follow your own advice and sort out whatever is it that got Neil’s panties in a twist.” He said before marching to the front door.
“Yeah, I should,” Andrew mumbled more to himself than to Aaron. “Drive safe.” He added when Aaron reached the door and pulled it open. He turned back, nodding once at Andrew before closing it.
— — — 
After the door closed behind Aaron, Andrew stalked over to Neil’s door. He could hear music coming from inside the room and nothing more. One of Neil’s 70’s and 80’s playlists he liked. Andrew would have let a smirk out if it wasn't for the situation, most of Neil's music taste was a reflection of Stuart's taste. 
“Neil.” He called, leaning his head against the door. The music on the other side of the door became higher. Neil apparently didn't want to talk to him right now.
Andrew didn't know what to do.
He felt defeated.
Things just continuously slipped out of his control and he hated it. First, him running his mouth and lying to his family, then Neil’s strange behavior —that now made so much more sense— and then the confession and his own fucked up reaction to it. All he wanted was to take it back. He now wanted to beat himself for not figuring out Neil was flirting —and boy, was he flirting— for real during their fake date, which probably wasn't fake at all in Neil’s mind. But how was he supposed to know if Neil hadn't said anything?
Andrew knew Neil was going to be trouble the very first time he laid eyes on him. His scrawny self drowned by the two sizes too big clothes he used to wear, his auburn hair long and curling around his ears and almost covering his insanely bright blue eyes. Eyes that were so sharp and knowing, as if he could see every last one of Andrew's secrets. 
His crush on Neil wasn't something he predicted —as was almost everything that had to do with Neil. And Andrew hated it. Hated the unpredictability Neil brought about with his presence. But at the same time, he felt drawn to him like a moth to a flame.
Up to that point in time Andrew believed there wasn’t someone out there for him. And then in comes Neil, hitting all the walls he put around himself like a semi-truck until they crumbled down. Burying himself so deeply into Andrew that the feeling transformed into something so deep inside him that it became impossible to distinguish what was Andrew and what wasn't. It became a part of Andrew's being to the point he didn't even know what would be left of himself if the feeling was gone.
But then the day Neil told him he didn't feel attracted to anyone, Andrew went home and scavenged the internet for every bit of information he could find. He was the one to tell Neil the right word for how he felt. That day he promised himself never to tell Neil about his crush. Neil was a piperdream and he would forever remain that. Andrew was certain the day Neil found out he would distance himself. Not out of disgust or something like that, but because he would think that was the right thing to do so Andrew could get over him as he couldn't reciprocate. 
But he did reciprocate. He liked Andrew that way. Never, not even in his wildest dreams did Andrew imagine that Neil could like him, and the fact that he liked Andrew for so long was even more outlandish.
Since the lie, Andrew had been caught in a constant state of confusion over Neil’s actions. He spent the entirety of their ‘date’ trying to convince himself that he was reading too much into the situation. Why would Neil like him in any other way than as a friend? And if it was true was it worthy to risk their friendship and attempt a relationship that may not last? Andrew never thought that the day he let his fear overtake his judgment would come, or that he would be wallowing in regret, but he was. 
“Neil, we need to talk.” He yelled, hitting his head against the door twice.
“Go away, Andrew,” Neil yelled back, his voice muffled and his words already becoming slurred.
Neil was always a lightweight. Andrew couldn't understand that he was drinking now. Had he taken a page from Kevin’s book and decided to drown his problems in alcohol instead of talking it out? Andrew was so frustrated. This was such a shitty turn of events that he hadn't anticipated when he got up that morning.
His heart seemed one step away from exploding and his anxiety was more and more on the verge of bursting out of him. His breaths coming short with each passing second he stood in front of Neil’s door.
“Let's talk it out like two adults.” He heard himself say, his head becoming light. He was starting to dissociate. He could feel his world slowly falling apart. He needed to fix things now, his mind telling him not to let any more time pass with the situation unresolved.
“I don't want to.” Andrew could visualize the pout Neil must be spotting as he sighed and sat down in the hallway, back against the wall beside Neil’s door. Neil was bound to venture outside of the room at some point, he would just have to wait and ambush him then.
He didn't know how long he sat there with his eyes closed, controlling his breathing as he listened to the music spilling into the hallway when the front door slammed open. Andrew jumped up assuming a defensive stance, eyes locked on the entrance of the hallway. After only a few seconds a tall blonde woman stormed in the hallway in a flurry of hot pink feathered dress and the tapping sound of her high heels against the wood floors.
Andrew's face morphed into an annoyed expression the instant he caught sight of her. And not even the sight of Renee behind her made his sour expression go away. “What the hell are you doing here?” He asked, one side of his lips curling in disgust.
“Hello, Andrew.” Renee smiled at him, unbothered by his scathing greetings as Alisson rolled her eyes.
“Neil sent a text about half an hour ago saying that dinner was canceled and that the two of you were not in a relationship whatsoever. He sounded off, so whatever is it that you’ve done, fix it.” Allison pointed her manicured finger at him, almost touching his chest. Andrew looked down at it and considered breaking it, but one look at Renee standing behind Allison had him reconsidering doing so. Instead, he crossed his arms and leaned his back against the wall. “Why do you assume I did something?”
“Because, for some strange reason I can’t fathom, Neil has been in love with you for years. So I’m willing to bet he’s doing his best to not fuck it up now that you two are finally dating. Which leads to his weird mood now being your fault.”
“I don't think it's really fair to assume it’s only Andrew's fault, baby.” Renee chided her in a soft tone, a small smile still on her face.
Allison didn't look away from Andrew when she replied. “You stay on your best friend’s side, I stay on mine’s.”
“There’s no side to choose.” Neil voiced as he opened his door and strolled out. “I told you you didn't have to come anymore, Ally.”
“No, you said there was no more dinner, not that I couldn’t come to defend your honor.”
And that was why out of all of Neil’s friends he liked Allison the least. She was the one that struggled the most with a no. Oftentimes ignoring when people asked her to not get involved. Andrew was aware she did it most thinking it was the best thing to do for a friend. He was also aware it was hypocritical of him to dislike her for something he did as well—especially when it involved his family, or Neil and Kevin. He tended to do as he pleased if one of them were in danger. But Allison felt the need to mettle with the smallest things, like when she set Neil on blind dates without even telling him or asking his opinion.
“You can't beat Andrew anyway,” Neil said evenly.
“Spite is a powerful weapon.” She bared her teeth Andrew’s way, and he lifted his brow daring her to start shit up with him.
Neil snorted. “No matter how much of it you have, he probably has more.”
Andrew almost—almost—smiled.“Probably?” He arched an eyebrow at Neil, who ignored him, not even giving him a look.
“That’s why I brought back up, they should be here soon enough.” She said tossing her hair back over her shoulder.
Neil let out a loud laugh. “Who’s your backup? Golden retriever Matt?” He asked. “Well, I better start cooking then. Fighting for my honor ought to make everyone hungry.”  Wobbling a little on his feet he went past them making his way down the hallway to the kitchen.
Andrew followed behind him, hand grabbing Neil by the elbow and pulling him back. “You’re clearly drunk. You’re not going anywhere near the stove” He stated, leading Neil away from the kitchen and into the living room.
Neil pouted and stomped his foot like a five-year-old kid.“You can't tell me what to do. You are not my boyfriend.”
Andrew's head throbbed, a headache beginning to form. Neil rarely drank enough to get drunk, but when he did it was a nightmare. He wasn't the type to go uncontrollably wild, but he tended to act like a child after a few drinks. That state lasted for a few hours before he started to feel sleepy.
He had just made Neil sit on the couch when the front door opened again and Matt and Dan made their way into their apartment. Did any of them even know how to knock on the fucking door? Strolling in as if they owned the place. At that moment Andrew cogitate getting an electric door lock while beating himself for forgetting to lock after Aaron went out.
“What did we miss?” Matt asked cheerfully. Andrew turned around to see the man saunter into the living room, arms draped around Dan’s shoulders.
“Matty!” Neil yelled as he jumped off the couch and into Matt’s arms. The taller man stumbled back in surprise but managed to wrap his arms around Neil in time, avoiding falling with Neil.
“Good to see you too, buddy.” He let out a delighted laugh as he spun around with Neil still in his arms.
“Why does Matt deserve such an affectionate welcome?” Allison complained.
Neil gave a wet kiss on Matt’s cheek. “The last time I saw Matt was months ago. And I see you every other day.” He gave Matt a lopsided grin. “How’s New York treating you?”
“Are you drunk?” Dan asked when Matt finally put Neil down after Neil's unusual welcome—sober Neil was much less affectionate. “You never drink. Why is he drunk?” She directed at Andrew when Neil only shrugged.
“Andrew dumped me,” Neil said, nodding seriously with his eyes closed. “Well, rejected is the more accurate term.”
“I did not.” Andrew denied it immediately, although in a way he had.
“Did so.” Niel frowned.
“Did not.”
“Did so.”
“Did not.”
“Stop arguing with him and start explaining.” Dan interrupted, annoyed, eyes locked on Andrew.
Dan was the oldest of them and oftentimes she tended to boss them around and behave like a big sister. Andrew didn’t care for her most of the time, but after years of being in close contact with her ways, he learned that it was better to go along than endure her nagging. Neil on the other hand was the one that really acted as her little brother. She had been interning with Wymack and co-coaching the track team on her summer breaks all throughout college. It made Neil respect and admire her more, so he replied to her, looking up as if he had been called into a headmaster's office for being naughty.
“Andrew lied to his family,” He said slowly, enunciating each word as if trying to remember how they were supposed to be pronunciated. “Then I lied to them too, and to myself. Then we went on dates. Spoiler alert: it was terrible. Teachers should be allowed to enjoy a day, but we aren't, because people suck.” He went into a rant about that for a moment before frowning. “Where was I? Oh, right. I told Andrew I liked him and he said he doesn't want to date me.” He looked over to Andrew like a well-behaved child. “Did I get everything?”
“I didn't say I didn't want to date you. I said it wouldn't be a good idea.”
Neil flipped his hands dismissively. “Semantics.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Allison said, one of her fingers up as she looked around at everyone before setting on Andrew. “You're telling me that you lied to Nicky about dating Neil. Gave him hope. Went on dates and then rejected him.” She whistles clearly judging Andrew.
“Yep!” Neil chirped in and Andrew scowled. Neil turned to Allison. “ But It’s not his fault he doesn't like me.” He defended Andrew.
“Oh, buddy,” Matt said compassionately, circling Neil's shoulder and pulling him into a half hug. “There’s plenty of fish in the sea. I’m sure you’ll find the right one someday.”
“I don’t want somebody else.” Neil pouted, eyes reddening. “I’m demisexual. It’s only Andrew.”
Oh, no, no, no! Neil didn't want to tell the other. This situation was going from bad to worse. Neil shouldn’t be telling them when he was drunk and not thinking clearly. Andrew glanced at the other to gauge their reaction. Matt was the only one that seemed surprised. Renee gave Neil a small smile. Dan nodded, her face telling Andrew everything he needed to know that she already guessed as much.
Allison, though, thought it was a good idea to say: “So… Who won the bet? Did anyone think Neil wasn't gay?”
Andrew saw red the moment she said that. His hands closed into fists so tight that he felt his nails digging into his palms. That was an important and vulnerable event for Neil, one he might not even remember the next morning. How could she call herself his friend if this was how she was going to behave?
“Out!” He snarled. “Everybody get the fuck out now.”
“I think it is best if we let Andrew and Neil alone,” Renee said in a diplomatic tone as she looked at her girlfriend in disapproval.
“And give him a chance to fuck up again?” Allison glared at Andrew, completely oblivious to the fact that she had made everyone in the room uncomfortable, before going back to looking at her nail in feigned indifference, as if to show she had no intention of leaving.
Andrew took one step in her direction to move her out, but Renne stepped in between them and guided Allison to the door as she continued to say. “At the end of the day, it’s their relationship, Allie.”
“Friendship you mean.” Allison clicked her tongue in disdain, but let Renee lead her out the door. “Ok, we’re leaving.” She resigned. “Bye cutie pie, I’ll text you tomorrow.” She yelled to Neil, who had slumped on the couch. He had his eyes closed, but Andrew could see he was hunched into himself and his face had a pained expression. He must be beating himself about the slip-up.
“Neil,” Dan said softly. “It’s ok if that's what you identify as. None of us will think of you differently. I hope you know you could have talked to us about it.
“Can we never talk about it again?” He mumbled still without looking at them.
Matt ruffled Neil’s hair and said. “It’s okay if that's what you want. Love you buddy.” He leaned in to place a kiss on Neil’s forehead. “We’re leaving but we’re in town for a few days. We should go have some fun. What do you think?
Neil only mumbled something unintelligible. Matt glanced at Andrew and nodded in a way that meant ‘take care of him’ before disappearing out the door with Dan close behind, leaving Andrew and Neil alone. 
Andrew turned to face Neil, who was lying on the couch sleepily looking up at Andrew. He sighed. Andrew had so many things to say to Neil, but right now wasn’t the time to say them. Neil was drunk and sleepy. So he only looked down at him, appreciating the sharp lines of Neil’s face as he breathed peacefully, his eyes now closed.
“Do you mean what you said?” Neil mumbled. “That you didn't want not to date me?”
“There wasn't a time that I didn't like you Neil.” He said, sitting next to Neil. “In fact, I think the word like isn't strong enough to explain what I feel for you. I’m just—” He stopped himself. What was he doing? Should he continue? Should he tell Neil what he felt now, right at this moment?
“You just what?” Neil asked, eyes wide open and looking into Andrew’s with a softness that he reserved for only a few in his life.
“I’m afraid.”
“Of what?” Neil’s voice was barely a whisper and he turned his body to Andrew.
Andrew turned to Neil, mirroring him. “That I’ll lose you.”
“You could never lose me, Andrew. Never ever ever.” They were so close that Andrew could smell the alcohol in Neil’s breath, which made him smile in fondness. The smile slipped off when it occurred to him that he had hurt Neil so bad that he resolved to drink to numb himself.
“I’m already losing you.” He whispered.
“No, you’re not,” Neil said firmly. “I’ll be okay after a little while. We can still be friends.”
“I don't want to be friends anymore.”
Andrew just knew he couldn't go back to being just a friend to Neil. Not now that the possibility of something more existed. It was dumb of him to think he could. Now looking at Neil's gorgeous face, his heart bounced inside of him with the need to take that step and cross that line with Neil. He could never go back to what it was, so why not take the leap and fall? He had been waiting for the fall to kill him for the longest time but maybe it would be what finally brought him to life. What made him finally happy. Was it foolish to desire happiness when life had proved it was something unreachable to him?
Neil's expression faltered when the silence between them extended for too long. 
“Oh.” He breathed one tear following from his eyes.
“Just friends,” Andrew explained in a hurry. “I don't think I want to be just friends anymore.”
“So you want to date me for real?” Neil made sure and Andrew nodded. “Yes, I want to date you.” He confirmed.
“Good.” Neil smiled tenderly. “Can we go to sleep now? I'm really sleepy.” He said, voice fading out as his breathing slowed. He had fallen asleep.
Andrew sat there on the couch observing Neil for a long while before picking him up and bringing him to his room. He felt queasy and feverish about letting Neil in his bed while he was already sleeping but in the end, he needed Neil close. So he said screw it and decided it was best to go to sleep, even though it was barely eight p.m.
— — — 
Neil felt a throbbing pain in his head when he opened his eyes that morning. Along with it came the sinking feeling of regret.
‘Really, Neil, drinking?’ He asked himself. He couldn't even remember the last time he had drunk so much, probably when he was in college. Drinking always reminded him of his mother—something he was happy to avoid doing. It reminded him of the sting of cuts on his skin or the excruciating pain on his shoulder, and the smell of burned flesh—at the time he didn't even know what had made him more nauseated.
Alcohol was his mother's way of making him quiet through his agony while also numbing it. She would laugh at him for resorting to it to numb a heartbreak. Laughable, really. She wouldn't need to, she had no heart and therefore no love to give. 
‘Why was he even thinking of her?’, he berated himself. His mother was an unfeeling bitch with terrible taste in men, and he was nothing like her. He wouldn’t be.
His eyes danced around the room trying to situate himself. Years of training to stay alert waisted after years of a peaceful life. He was going rusty, and he didn't know if it was for better or for worse.
The room was dark. Deep red blackout curtains were drawn close, blocking the light from outside from getting into the room. The only source of light came from under the closed door and the red glow of a digital clock perched atop the black nightstand. A clock and a nightstand that was not his. He stilled, waiting for something caught in between his state of confusion while he willed his brain to start despite the nauseating pain in his head. 
He felt a low sigh from behind him as a puff of warm air hit his nape. A strong arm encircled his waist and pulled him into an embrace. The smell of peppermint and cinnamon, just like hot cocoa, reached him. He recognized that smell anywhere, it was something Neil had brought up numerous times since Andrew had stopped smoking and the scent of the cigarette smoke didn't cover everything else anymore. Neil still could not figure out how someone could smell so good, so comforting.
‘That explains why it is so dark’, He thought as he turned slightly to see Andrew.
Andrew had made this room his teenage years dream goth room, complete with black walls, red curtains, and an arched four-poster bed. Neil had laughed that he had achieved the Victorian vampire aesthetic with the decor the first time he walked into Andrew’s room. Andrew had especially picked out expensive items and real wood furniture he’d thrifted. 
 Neil tried to summon any memory of how he had ended up there after falling asleep on the couch. Slowly the event of the night before came back to him, stealing his breath for a second. He almost jumped right out of bed when the memory of Andrew telling him that he liked him back emerged from the fog of his hangover mind. Was it true? Had he dreamed it? It couldn't be real, right?
He was careful not to wake up Andrew when he lifted the arm Andrew had over his waist as he slipped out of the bed. He gazed at Andrew sleeping before pacing the room, trying to calm his galloping heart. Nervous energy coursed through his veins, making him twitch. His headache was long forgotten as he now ached for a run that would help him let out the excess energy. 
He remembered Andrew knocking on his door and little bits of conversation he had with Alisson and Matt. And although his memory was foggy and faded, bits and pieces came to him. He could piece it together enough to confirm that Andrew had really said that.
 He stopped his pacing and turned around so he would face Andrew. He was still asleep but his eyes were partially open, the hard line of his face soft and his half-open mouth drooling all over his pillow. This picture shouldn’t stir anything in Neil yet he felt his heart swell at how adorable Andrew looked. He longed for a touch but he knew what a bad idea it was to touch an unaware Andrew, and he did not fancy black eye to accompany his aching head even if Andrew still had his arm draped over him.
“Andrew?” He approached the bed and called in a hush. The sleeping man didn't even stir. “Come on, Andrew, wake up. I have to ask you something.”
“It’s too early,” Andrew grumbled after Neil continuously called his name.
“No, it is not.” Neil grabbed the blanket covering them and wanked it off Andrew, tossing it on the floor. “We need to talk.”
“Don’t toss it on the floor,” Andrew complained, trying to stop Neil, when he did not succeed he sat up on the bed and glared at Neil with displeasure. With a scowl, he pointed a finger at the blanket. “You’re washing it.”
“Fine!” Neil huffed as he rolled his eyes. Andrew was a neat freak. While Neil preferred a little mess, as a sparkling clean house reminded him of his father's impeccable manor, a messy house reminded Andrew of disgusting dirty foster homes. “Why am I here?” He asked, even though he knew  Andrew must have carried him.
“To annoy me, it looks like.” Neil crossed his arms in front of his chest and glared at Andrew. Andrew signed before explaining. “I carried you here after you fell asleep on the couch.
Neil hummed before staring intently at Andrew. Probably for more time that was polite as Andrew began to fidget. His hand became cold and he shifted his weight from one foot to another. “You said you like me,” Neil stated, trying his best to maintain his expression neutral. “That you want to date me.”
Andrew got out of bed and breached the feel steps in between Neil and the bed. “I did,” he said when he came to a stop right in front of Neil.
Neil's heart soared high into the sky and a blinding smile was born on his face. In that moment all the pain from the night before disappeared, replaced by a giddy feeling that Neil had never ever felt before. It made him want to treasure it. Made him want to treasure Andrew.
“That means you're my boyfriend now, right?” Enquired Neil through his smile.
Andrew nodded. “Yes, it does.” 
“And I’m your boyfriend.” Neil continued, with a smile.
“Hope so.”
“Are you sure?” He asked.
Andrew's eyebrows went up and a little smirk graced his lips. “Do you want me to take it back?
“No!” Neil cried out. “Can I kiss you then? And touch you? 
Andrew smirked as he leaned in closer to Neil. He framed both sides of Neil's face with his hands and stared deep into Neil’s eyes. Neil felt his heart miss a beat and blood rush to his face. All of a sudden the room felt hot and stuffy, the heat seeming to emanate from the point of contact of Andew’s hands and go through all of Neil's body. His throat went dry, his hands flapping as he didn't know what to do with them.
“You can touch my hair,” Andrew whispered between them before one of his hands moved to Neil’s nape, pulling him down and slamming their lips together. 
Andrew kissed like he was a man stuck in a desert for days and dying of thirst and Neil's lips were his first sip of water, his oasis. His lips moved over Neil with firmness and hunger, probing it open so he could slip his tongue into Neil’s mouth. With one hand on Neil’s neck and the other moving to Neil’s waist, Andrew pulled Neil against him. They were so close that Neil could feel Andrew’s heart beating against his chest. Or maybe it was his heart that was beating, he didn't know anymore. Enthralled at the moment as he was, the world could have ended and Neil wouldn’t notice or give a damn about it.
He fisted Andrew's hair a little too tight, which earned him a growl from Andrew. Andrew, as if possible, deepened their kiss even more. Kissing Neil with a bruising force that transformed his legs into jelly. Millions of butterflies taking flight in Neil's stomach. Cliche way of describing it, he knew, but Neil thought it was pretty accurate to what he was feeling.
They only stopped kissing when they needed to breathe, and even then Neil wished they didn't need air to survive. Kissing Andrew should be all he needed. They remained close, foreheads touching as they breathed hard. “Wow,” Neil said before a loppy smile took over. He felt dazed and a little high even. High on Andrew.
“Yes or no, Neil?” Andrew asked in a breathless, rough voice, barely a whisper. It scratched all the right places in Neil’s brain. Neil froze in place, his mouth unable to function, much like his brain.
“No.” He practically yelled as he jumped away from Andrew.
“No?” Andrew asked, his eyes wide with terror. He snapped his hands away from Neil as if Neil’s skin had burned him. Keeping them fisted and hanging at his side.
Neil went on a rant. Now that he established Andrew indeed liked him, his brain processed all that had happened until that moment. “Do you have any idea what I felt when you said dating me was a terrible idea? And for what? Because you were afraid. Fuck you, Andrew. News flash, I was terrified too, and then I was heartbroken. I should withhold kisses for a while for that. You’ll see, the sexual frustration will kill you. Don’t—”
“I practically lived with it for years.” Andrew interrupted, shoulders going up and down, completely unbothered now that he knew what Neil meant by no. “At this point, if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger.”
“Fuck you, asshole,” Neil said. “But yes you may kiss me.” He added after a thought. 
And Andrew kissed him. Kissed him a lot, and for a long time.
— This part was hard. Writing from Andrew's POV after writing Neil's for the last two was soooo hard, and then it was really hard writing Neil's POV again. But I'm most satisfied with this part. —
— Next is the last part, an epilogue, so we're having a little time skip. —
— I also wanted to thank everyone who left a comment on this fanfic until now. I really like knowing what you guys think. —
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limitlessscion · 6 months
Utricularia: Five things your character likes. & Yew: What makes your character sad ?
Headcanon prompts
Utricularia: Five Three things your character likes. (I have to run for lunch so this is all i got lol)
Teaching. He's actually not all that good at it, and is in the process of figuring out the fact hat he really isn't very good at it. Unlike most other things in his life, he'll need to actually put some thought and effort into the process of learning how to do it himself. That fact alone is kind of exciting; there's very few things in life that are both challenging and rewarding for him. Seeing his students improve brings genuine joy. There is something incredible about following the progress and triumphs of others, hitting the kind of milestones he himself has run out of a long time ago.
The perfect, imperfect intricacies of the world. The fluid dynamics of rain hitting and splattering against difference surfaces, the angled perfection of sugar crystals before it dissolves into its chemical components in water, the instinctive ease of a cat's muscle contractions as it makes a calculated leap onto a higher ledge, the mathematical precision of an insect's wings' movements that so efficiently keeps it airborne. Satoru is hyperaware of the world, at all times, on a level that no other person could possibly understand. If he didn't appreciate how wonderful it all was, he'd have lost his mind long ago.
Exorcising curses. It is unambiguous good, simple, a world in which Satoru is the uncontested best. It is when he does not need to hold himself back for the sake of others. It is when who he is, and who he is expected to be, is one complete whole.
Yew: What makes your character sad ?
Wasted youth. From Satoru's own limited experience, childhood is the best years of anyone's life. When things are simpler, when problems were unimportant, when mistakes could be made and mended with no consequences, when happiness was easier to obtain, and children are owed that happiness. He thinks about Riko's bravery and the priceless sacrifice the world selfishly asked her to make. He thinks about the pain Suguru must have endured before he broke, a burden shouldered similarly for the sake of others. Megumi, who's family had fallen apart far before Satoru had killed his father, destined for a corrupt clan that would bring him no happiness. Okkotsu and Itadori, who's lives would have been cut short for the convenience of Jujutsu leadership.
It's become one of his primary selfish motivations, spurring him into reckless action again and again to protect the younger generation, the risks and consequences be damned. This isn't a morality that requires logic, this doesn't have to have a point.
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