#harley keener gets arrested
marionluth · 3 months
The Bail Bond Blues
No warnings for this one. Cute little one-shot of the boys' brotherly bond
Summary: Harley finds himself in a bit of a situation. The handcuffs sort of situation. For the second time in his life. But this time, he calls someone else instead of Tony. Mentions of my other story (The fast, the reckless, and the furious. This will make sense without having necessarily read the other one first, but it won’t hit the same). Humor, fluff, angst. No warnings for this one. Brotherly bond between Harl and Peter. Big brother Peter to the rescue.
Rating: T for swearing.
“Dude… What the hell?” Peter asked, turning to look at Harley, who was staring blankly ahead. “I mean… It’s one thing to smoke a damn joint every now and then, but getting baked first thing in the morning and riding the bike…Without a helmet? That's reaching a whole new level of stupidity, even for you!”
“Save the disappointment speech, dude. If I wanted to go down that road I’d call Tony, not you,” Harley said, eyes stubbornly not meeting Peter’s.
“Yeah, well, so much for that. You have to tell him to make arrangements on filing for the expungement. This will be nothing for his legal team.”
“No freaking way! He can’t know about this,” Harley shook his head. “I won’t file for an expungement. It’s no big deal.”
“No big deal?” Peter asked incredulously.
Keep reading the excerpt 👇 or read the whole thing on AO3 or FFnet
“Yeah, no big deal. It’s done, it’s over, you paid—thanks, by the way, I will pay you back—and now we forget about it.”
“Shut it, Pete. Seriously. I’m not telling Tony and you’re not either. Do I need to remind you what happened last time he had to get us out of jail?” Harley asked, shooting an are-you-kidding-me look at Peter.
“No, dipshit, you don’t! I was vividly reminded of the experience while driving here to bail your ass out.”
Harley’s lips twitched now. “I gotta say, last time was much more fun. Having company and all. Do you remember Mr. badge?”
Peter let out a snort and shook his head. “You being a little shit throughout that ordeal stands out more in my memory, honestly. At least you got your holding-cell experience this time around.”
Harley shivered at that. “That alone is as strong of a deterrent to never risk arrest again,” he informed Peter. “That whole ‘are you talking to me?’ shit? Ain’t working in real life. Especially if you’re stoned and sound like a slurring bitch instead of a gangster.”
“No… I’m shocked,” Peter said sarcastically, trying hard to contain his annoyance at Harley's stubbornness and willingness to hide this under the carpet despite the possible implications.
“You’d better check your phone, I’m sure you’ll have at least a couple of missed calls,” he told Harley next, turning the key in the ignition.
“Shit, you’re right.” Taking his phone out of his pocket, Harley unlocked it and he shook his head. “One would think that a billionaire with his hands full with business, the Avengers, and a three-year-old wouldn’t feel the need to call another adult person seventeen times in a four-hour period, right? I mean, get the memo, man! Whoever you’re calling can’t talk right now!”
“Seventeen, huh? Yeah, dinner’s gonna be fun,” Peter smirked.
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The Fast (Peter & Harley) & The Furious (Tony Damn Stark)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/58843207 by MarionAveoneLuther "Harley, seriously, shut up! I swear, just—just let me handle this, okay? And stop smiling like you're enjoying this!” "Who, me? Enjoying being chased by cops? Nah, I'm just thrilled to be the star of my own action movie. Can't wait to see how this one ends,” Harley quipped. “You wanna know how it ends, Harley? By Tony coming to bail us out of jail, that’s how it ends! And then we’re in for the sequel,” Peter snapped, finally biting the bullet and pulling the car to a slow stop. “Shit,” the younger teen mumbled.   Or Harley and Peter manage to get tangled in an illegal street race, get arrested, and call Tony to bail them out. Words: 5803, Chapters: 2/3, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Iron Dad Stories Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Iron Man (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts, Peter Parker & Harley Keener, Tony Stark & Harley Keener, Pepper Potts & Harley Keener Additional Tags: Irondad, Iron Dad, Irondad & Spiderson, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Feels, Family Feels, Humor, Angst, Harley Keener & Peter Parker are Siblings, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Pepper Potts Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Street Racing, Police, Arrested Peter Parker, Arrested Harley Keener, Teenage Shenaningans, Family Dynamics, Harley Keener & Peter Parker Friendship, Harley Keener Being a Little Shit, Peter Parker is a Little Shit, They all need a hug, they all get a hug, Random Little Story, I Have A Thing For Street Racing So Peter Had To Find Himself Involved In One, And Only Harley Keener Could Have Managed To Make That Happen, So Blame Harley For This, Or Thank Him, No Beta read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/58843207
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forgetful-nerd · 4 years
Stephen: How can someone be so smart yet....so stupid?
Peter, behind prison bars: it’s a gift.
Harley, in the next cell: Blame my upbringing. My dad went to jail when I was a teen.
Stephen: That’s such bullsh*t, neither Tony or I has ever done something stupid enough to get thrown in jail for!!!!
Tony, in the next next cell: uhhhhhh.... hi honey, I was just about to call you-
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saturn-mp4 · 2 years
Oh how was I to know?
Content rating: Mature
Content Warnings: Graphic depiction of violence
Relationships, pairings, orientations: Multi: more than one kind of relationship, or a relationship with multiple partners
Pairings: Harley Keener/Peter Parker
Characters: Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark, Happy Hogan, Harry Osborn, Norman Osborn
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tags: slight angst???
Summary: It's been 3 months since the events of No Way Home. Peter passed his GED's. He's settled into his shitty apartment. Wilson Fisk has been arrested. MJ and Ned are at MIT...and he's still alone. It's only when his acceptance letter for college arrives and he gets a roommate does he realise that maybe...just maybe he can make it through the year. 
Harley Keener becomes college roommates with Peter Parker. Chaos ensues.
Chapter 1 - I watched it begin again
Oh to be alone. Few human beings rarely experience being truly alone. Those who do are changed forever by it. Some turn to drugs, violence and a life of crime. Others learn peace in the silence and turn it into a gift. Peter Parker was one of the people that turned the ever growing nothingness into a life of helping others. 
After the disaster that had been his senior year, Peter had decided to save himself from any more pain. He’d stopped visiting MJ, no longer went to May’s grave, he didn’t stare at the Stark Industries website for hours longing for the days when his only concerns were making Tony proud. Not anymore. 
Now he focused on being Spider-Man and trying to be Peter Parker again. He’d passed his GED’s with flying colours and was now looking at colleges. MIT was a no go, both with having almost zero legal documents and also the fact that both MJ and Ned now went there. Stanford, Yale and Harvard were also out of the picture. They were all too far and too expensive, plus he wouldn’t be able to patrol as Spidey anymore. Peter had settled on Columbia, NYU and Empire State. Columbia had a very low acceptance rate so that was his backup. NYU had a slightly larger acceptance rate but it was still fairly low. Empire State was a guarantee and his last resort. He’d applied about a month ago and had been accepted by both NYU and Empire State but Columbia's response was yet to arrive. Not so different to his life 6 months ago, only then he’d had his family and friends alongside him.
Moving into his apartment had been tiring. Not only had he been forced to sell most of May’s possessions but he’d also gone through the fact that he had been truly alone. A few months had passed since his first night in the apartment. Now instead of blank walls, posters and pictures dotted over the paint. Fairy lights hung over his windows with May’s old sewing machine lovingly sat on the left. The moth-eaten lamp on his bedside table was now fully repaired thanks to late nights and old tools. Blankets were strewn over his bed. Take out menus were stuck to his fridge alongside recipes hastily scribbled down. A table he’d found at a charity shop was pushed against the wall with two dumpster chairs. One of Peter’s flannel shirts was tossed over the back after a patrol one night. A pile of books was dropped next to a radiator, most of them second or third hand. A fraying bag shoved underneath with screwdrivers falling out, always ready to fix the terrible heating. 
One of the few things Peter loved about his apartment was that he didn’t have to worry about people barging in. He could leave his suit on the floor and no one would bat an eyelid. 
There were of course many downsides but he tried to ignore them…emphasis on the ‘tried’. The main downside was that his apartment’s walls were paper thin. On top of his enhanced senses, Peter could hear everything within a good couple metres. Couple arguing over bills? A random hookup across the hall? 2 am music parties on the floor above? He could hear it all. 
Today was a particularly noisy day. The Jackson’s had just gotten back from vacation, Mrs Murry’s granddaughter was visiting and the woman upstairs seemed to have no shame in her terrible singing. 
Peter winced as her voice cracked once more, barely hiding a smile. Apparently, Mamma Mia was her choice of music today. 
‘You can dance! You can shine-’ The woman’s voice drifted through the ceiling, no doubt heard by his neighbours. However the sound of a radio pulled Peter’s attention away from the singing. 
‘We have a robbery suspect heading down 597 Madison Avenue, please be advised suspect is armed and dangerous.’ Peter’s adrenaline immediately started pumping through his veins. The night before had been fairly quiet, only a few muggings and attempted assaults that had been taken care of quickly. Nothing this exciting had happened in 12-ish hours. He immediately jumped up from his makeshift desk chair, pulling his clothes off in order to get his suit on. 
‘Copy that. Officer’s are in pursuit.’ Peter yanked on his suit, half paying attention to his phone in order to keep track of the chase. He grabbed his mask off the desk, pulling it over his face. 
‘No place like home.’ Peter mumbled before opening the window and shooting a web at the building opposite. He kicked off, not before closing his window, and swung through the streets. Peter focused his hearing, searching for sirens nearby. There. Making a sharp right turn mid-air, Peter flew through the air towards the sirens. 'Good evening, New York!'
The freedom of swinging through the city was his favourite part of being Spider-Man. Feeling the wind rush past him. Gravity’s tug as he free fell. Buildings and streets blurring as he flew past. It was addictive. Anyone else would call him crazy but they didn’t do it everyday. Hadn’t felt the rush of adrenaline when he first jumped off a building. 
The sirens became clearer and a group of 2 NYPD cars in pursuit of a grey truck flew into view as Peter rounded a corner. It was obvious that they were in a chase. Peter let gravity take control as he coasted down towards street level. At the last second, he webbed a nearby shop and righted his course. As he swung past the police cars he gave them a small nod. They could cool down on their pursuit slightly. With a graceful forward roll, Peter landed on the back of the truck. He knocked on the back window and waved. 
‘Mr thief! Can you pull over so we can talk? It’s a bit windy back here!’ Peter smiled under the mask. Another perk of being Spider-Man, he got to let his wittiness show instead of merely keeping his mouth shut. When the criminal turned around in alarm upon hearing Spider-Man, the vehicle swerved. It was then that the man decided to focus on not dying instead of the hero. 
‘No? Ok. We’ll have to do this the hard way then.’ Peter jumped up onto the roof, preparing to strike. Just as he readied his wrist to activate his webshooter, his spidey-sense blared. 
In a flash, Peter dodged left. There was now a small hole where a bullet had seemingly torn through the roof. Great. Now he was getting shot at.
‘Well it could be worse.’ Peter thought as he spun around on the truck’s roof, avoiding the bullets being fired through the roof. An incoherent yell met Peter’s ears. Out of ammo. Fantastic.
He slid to the left and peered over. The thief had thrown his gun onto the passenger seat and was now frantically trying to ditch the cops. 
‘Wait…wait…NOW!’ Peter jumped. He broke through the car window, pushing the driver through the open window on the other side. Now the truck had no driver. Peter grabbed the car’s frame and pulled himself up onto the hood. From then it wasn’t hard to backflip onto the street and grab the truck. His feet skidded across the ground as he pushed. Luckily, the cops had gotten the hint and had stopped in their pursuit a few feet away. The back wheels lifted slightly but Peter had done this move enough times to know how to pull it off successfully. Grab it. Now hold for a second. Got it. 
Peter lowered the truck to the ground and dusted his hands off before looking over at the thief now laying on the sidewalk, groaning. 
‘Oops. May have kicked a little too hard.’ Peter internally winced before walking over. He quickly webbed their hands together in makeshift cuffs. The cops rushed over, guns ready in case of trouble. 
‘Spider-Man.’ One of them gave a small smile and hauled the criminal up. 
‘Your welcome, Officer. Just another day in the neighbourhood, you know how it is.’ Peter shrugged. He gave them a quick mock salute before shooting a web onto a building and swinging away. 
‘Early start on patrol couldn’t hurt, now could it?’ 
It could. 
Peter hauled himself back into his apartment groaning. He’d gotten distracted by someone doing magic tricks and had swung straight into a billboard. It had not only hurt but had also been rather embarrassing. He tore off his mask and blinked a few times, adjusting to the lights. 
Now for his usual routine. Take off suit, put on pjs. Brush teeth, fix suit (if needed). Check for emails or mail, double check door lock, turn off lights and go to sleep.
Peter trudged down the stairs of his apartment building towards the mail room, key tucked in his pocket. He could hear someone loading their clothes into a washing machine in the basement but other than that it seemed everyone else was either out or asleep. Rubbing his eyes, Peter unlocked his locker and took a look inside not expecting anything. To his surprise there was a small envelope in the metal container. 
Peter tilted his head, confused, before grabbing it and making his way back to his apartment. Once inside, Peter checked the lock as he always did before looking at the envelope. 
The return address was one Peter knew extremely well. One he’d memorised over the past year. Columbia University. This was either going to hurt or going to make him extremely happy. 
With extreme hesitation and anxiety, Peter opened the letter. He closed his eyes as he unfurled the folded paper. 
‘Ok. 3, 2, 1.’ Peter’s eyes snapped open and he scanned the page, eager to read its contents. 
He’d been accepted. 
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multi-muse-transect · 3 years
What If Season 2 idea: What if...Wenwu helped Tony Stark?
The opening is when Tony crashed during the events of Iron Man 3 as the Watcher narrates the events but the path diverges and instead of meeting Harley Keener, Tony meets a mysterious police officer named Officer Wu. 
Cut back to China, Wenwu is watching Trevor Slattery’s video and does his own investigation then discovers the true culprit--Aldrich Killian. Wanting to do it himself, Wenwu tells Death Dealer he’s gonna show him a lesson.
Wenwu disguises himself as Officer Wu (call back to Tony Leung’s role in Hard Boiled) and reveals the Mandarin’s location to him while helping him repair his suit so they can go over there. Tony grows suspicious of his intentions but Wenwu makes up a story that he’s been on this case and it’s one of the reasons he’s been thrown out of the force. 
The two go over to Slattery’s house where Wenwu kills him by poisoning his drink then gets word from an insider in Air Force One of the fake Iron Patriot prompting them to hack the suit behind Tony’s back. 
Tony’s suspicions grow and grow as Wenwu gets a tip of the mastermind’s location before Trevor died. They head over to where Killian is at resulting in a fight.
Killian attempts to kill Tony but Wenwu uses the rings to fight him resulting in a one sided battle as Tony’s suspicions are confirmed when Wenwu reveals he is the Mandarin to Killian and also says he hates that name. 
Killian and Tony form an unlikely alliance with Tony calling in his suits to fight the Ten Rings while Killian uses his extremis soldiers against them. 
The battle is almost a complete failure due to Wenwu’s powers but Tony gains the upper hand and blasts Wenwu who kills Killian. 
Wenwu is arrested and states he has no hatred for Tony just admiration as he reminded him of his son then is locked up in the Raft but later escapes.
Years later, Wenwu participates in the battle of Earth as the others are like “WTF?” and Tony just shrugs. He later joins in Tony’s funeral and is met by Val. 
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tonystarkismyprompt · 2 years
I seriously love all of these prompt submissions/ideas! (from the same anonymous tumblr writer as the last several posts, seriously, just shoot me a message if you want me to add your name in to credit you, this is a lot of work!) Give it a read!
Universe: AU/Canon
Pairing(s) and/or Major Character(s): Tony Stark/Stephen Strange; (past) Tony Stark/Pepper Potts; Tony Stark & James Rhodes; Tony Stark & Happy Hogan; Tony Stark & Pepper Potts; Rescue!Pepper Potts; Extremis!Pepper Potts; Extremis!Tony Stark; Tony Stark & Friday; Tony Stark & J.A.R.V.I.S.; J.A.R.V.I.S. lives; Vision also lives; Shuri makes Vision another body; Tony Stark & Peter Parker; Tony Stark & Harley Keener; Iron Lad!Harley Keener; IronSupreme Family
Assumed Rating: T - MA
URL/Name: [Optional]
Prompt: Canon fix-it. During Civil War, when Wanda throws Vision down through all of those floors at the Compound, the Mind Stone is jarred halfway loose from its setting and J.A.R.V.I.S. wakes up when a badly traumatized Vision panics and retreats into the back of their shared mind and refuses to come back out again. Things go . . . very differently at the Leipzig- Halle airport (i.e., no one gets away and Wanda is the only one badly injured, after throwing a stack of cars at “Sir” and attacking Black Widow when Clint pulls his punches against her. J.A.R.V.I.S. hits her hard enough to put her in a coma, at least temporarily. Spider-Man still takes a hit, but it’s not nearly as bad, though he is sent home afterwards); however, T’Challa badly wounds both Steve and Bucky as well as Natasha and Clint, after he comes to Natasha’s aid, so T’Challa ends up getting thrown into the Raft, too (for attempted murder). When Clint breaks down and admits that he answered the call because Steve said there was an end of the world threat, explaining that there are more Winter Soldiers in Siberia, Tony, J.A.R.V.I.S., and Rhodey fly to Siberia to deal with the problem . . . only to find a disappointed Zemo playing the video of the Winter Soldier murdering Howard and Maria Stark and releasing both it and a monologue explaining how he knew that Steve knew the truth and had deliberately kept it from Tony to the internet. The world has a collective breakdown, especially since Zemo has also released multiple files about US Secretary of State Thaddeus Ross’ multiple crimes against humanity (in regards to the Hulk and his part in the creation of the Hulk) and about Wanda Maximoff and her “training” under Hydra, not to mention video proof that she mind-raped Tony in Sokovia (leading at least in part to the escape from the Scepter of the malevolent sentience that chose to call itself Ultron) and Bruce Banner/the Hulk outside Johannesburg (resulting in the Hulk’s rampage through the city), too. J.A.R.V.I.S., Rhodey, Pepper, Happy, Harley Kenner, and Peter Parker all close ranks around Tony; Ross is arrested and thrown in his own prison while a long, hard look is directed at the Raft’s population (and many are subsequently set free and often recruited to the New Avengers Initiative); the Ancient One steps forward to deal with Wanda; Shuri sweettalks Helen Cho into working with her and volunteers enough vibranium to make a separate body for Vision once she’s helped to separate the Mind Stone from J.A.R.V.I.S. and once Tony has figured out how to adapt his “Badassium” (based on the Tesseract and the Space Stone) to make another element based solely on the Mind Stone, so that both Vision and J.A.R.V.I.S. can keep at least most of the powers associated with Vision’s original body without having what the Ancient One has informed them is a dangerously powerful Infinity Stone stuck in one of their foreheads; the world takes Tony seriously about the alien threat ultimately behind the New York invasion instead of treating him like an hysteric and starts to feverishly work to try to protect the Earth and recruit enough New Avengers to cover more than just one disaster at a time, with individuals with powers seemingly popping up out of the woodwork all over the world in response; Natasha (who truly believed Steve when he said he’d told Tony and thought that was why he stepped back, after Ultron and is furious that he lied to her), Clint (who never knew about the Winter Soldier murdering the Starks), Scott, and eventually Sam (who also never knew about the Winter Soldier killing the Starks and is furious with Steve for lying to everyone and for using Tony’s wealth and resources to look for Bucky while keeping that a secret) get released from the Raft to “work off” their debts with the New Avengers, but Wakanda has to pay for all of the damage done in Lagos, the Avengers Compound in New York, the UN building in Vienna that Zemo bombed, Romania, and Germany before T’Challa is released (and Queen Ramonda, recognizing that her hotheaded young son is too
self-centered and arrogant to be King, takes the throne of Wakanda, ordering T’Challa to join the New Avengers to work off his own debt of honor) and Steve and Bucky are kept on the Raft until Wakanda volunteers to take Bucky in while Shuri searches for a way to deprogram him (Steve is ultimately brought up on multiple charges at The Hague and the world is so angry that there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it, though the UN can and does suggest that he be allowed to work off his sentence with the New Avengers, too, though at a location away from Dr. Stark); Dr. Strange has his accident and goes to Kamar-Taj (looking for a cure but remaining to be trained as a sorcerer) but Tony (who isn’t recovering from being beaten half to death and left behind in a broken suit in a broken Hydra base in Siberia) is on hand for the fight in New York and intervenes, saving the Ancient One’s life, which ultimately means that Mordo doesn’t leave the Masters of the Mystic Arts after Stephen uses the Time Stone to defeat Dormammu; and, afterwards, the Eye of Agamotto stays with Stephen and the Ancient One asks that Dr. Strange join Dr. Stark’s new team in New York, where it’s snarky love at first snark (though neither genius realizes it for entirely too long). Writer’s choice whether Stephen uses the Time Stone to figure out where they need to go after the other Infinity Stones, to keep them away from Thanos, or if Thor actually returns to Earth as promised to report on his quest to seek the Stones and they then promptly bring the Tesseract (and, thus, the Space Stone) and the Aether to Earth to be dealt with by the Masters of the Mystic Arts, using a combination of the magic and the Stones to hide them in times/locations that Thanos simply won’t be able to get to (since it takes having more than one Stone in order to get to safely get to them and by that point only Power and Soul are unaccounted for). Writer’s choice as to whether or not Ragnarök or something entirely different happens, since so much has changed, but bonus points if Natasha (who’s become uber protective of Tony) ends up falling for J.A.R.V.I.S. and Hulk has a thing going with Valkyrie, regardless. Extra bonus points if Tony and Stephen working together with Shuri, Peter, Ned, MJ, Harley, Dr. Cho and her son, Amadeus, and Dr. Pym, Hope, and Scott (Scott gets Hope on his side and Hope forces her dad to read the leaked Hydra reports that prove that Howard Stark never tried to steal a single blasted thing from Pym and that Pym is nothing but a hypocrite since he actually has stolen from a Stark. Also, with Tony’s help, they get what they need to rescue Hope’s mom and it ends up helping out Ava Starr before she starts hurting and killing people in pursuit of a cure) come up with a way to have a working AI suit of armor not just around their world but around a good chunk of their solar system that’s powered in part by new elements based not just on the Space Stone but also the Mind Stone and the Aether (and Tony actually gets to legally name one of them Badassium. The other one is Starkanium and the other Starkium, maybe?), which works kind of like the net around Xandar only better and with satellites, AI, and magic instead of ships. Extra extra bonus points if Pepper volunteers to wear the Rescue armor in the fight against Thanos and demands to have Extremis upped enough for her to be able to protect herself out of the armor (which she knows is possible, because Tony told her there were different stable versions but only after he gave her the one that would affect her the least, which she’s still angry with him for doing without asking her first. Writer’s choice if this means that Tony also injects himself with a stronger dosage and it reacts to the lingering remnants of the palladium poisoning from the first arc reactors and the bleeding edge nanobots and the new reactor in a way that results in something very like technopathy and possibly also an increased sensitivity to magic that drives him to learn at least the basics?) and Harley absolutely insists on having his own
suit modeled on Iron Man, since Peter’s gotten one already and he’s not that much younger than Peter. Writer’s choice how the final battle plays out, but I would love for most of the battle to happen off-world and for none of the main heroes to die, since Thanos only has one or two stones (and yes, that includes Gamora. No Gamora being sacrificed to the Soul Stone or killed to keep her away from Thanos, please! Maybe they pretend to kill her and Thanos has to sacrifice one of his other children? Like Squidward, maybe?), even if he is a Titan and he does have an army of armies!
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Prompt 11: “We could get arrested for this”
Requested by @gwendolynejones-stacy
“We could get arrested for this,” Peter said.
“We could,” Harley nodded he pulled Peter closer.
“We did steal Mr. Stark’s car. What if he realizes?” Peter asked as Harley kissed his check.
“He won’t have us arrested and if he does he won’t let it go on our record. He loves you as a son and he can’t get rid of me if he tried,” Harley said. “Now stop worrying and let me kiss you like we originally planned before you started worrying about Tony finding out what we are doing in his car.” Peter seemed nervous but nodded as Harley pulled him into a kiss. It was a bit uncomfortable sitting in the car on Harley’s lap as he kissed Harley but after a while his focus just was on Harley as he felt hands roaming his body. He was about take off his shirt when a knock on the window made them both jump. Harley rolled down the window to see a annoyed Iron Man.
“Hey Tony,” Harley said. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“Backseat Keener, Parker move to the passenger seat,” Tony said. Peter nodded as he moved to the passenger seat as Harley moved to the back seat.
“Look Tony this is my fault,” Harley said when Tony got in after sending the suit home.
“Zip it until we get home so I can ground you,” Tony said.
“I’m sorry I stole your car,” Harley said.
“I’m not mad about you taking the car. I’m mad at you not asking permission and sneaking out,” Tony told Harley. “Peter stop panicking you aren’t in trouble. You had permission to be out tonight. Harley is in trouble for sneaking out.” Peter nodded as he watched Harley look down. Peter stayed quiet not wanting to get in trouble as well. Tony dropped him off as Harley told him bye before moving to the front seat. When Peter got in May asked how his night went.
“Harley got in trouble so it ended quickly,” Peter told her.
“I’m sorry about that. How about we watch a movie and I’ll talk with Tony tomorrow about this situation?” May said. Peter agreed as he went to go in pjs as May smiled at her kid. She was definitely proud of him.
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stony-ao3-feed · 3 years
The Hands That Built This Family : An Omegaverse AU
Read it on AO3
by lokivsanubis
Tony and Steve were so young and dumb and oh so beautiful when they had their fairy tale whirlwind romance. The lovely alpha and beautiful omega had a beautiful child too. And then that nieve and beautiful omega just had to catch the eye of Viscount Stone who used his authority to have Steve arrested and sentenced to banishment on another continent. What is a poor young and beautiful omega to do all alone?
Well, nearly 15 years later Steve has returned to the land he was exiled from and is quick to look for his omega and child. What has become of them? He has to know... Only what he finds is not what he expected.
The Kinda Almost If You Squint Sweeney Todd Inspired AU were Exiled Steve Returns To Find His Beloved Married To Someone Else AU NOBODY ASKED FOR BUT I WROTE ANYWAY!
Words: 1929, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of A/B/O Marvel Fanfics
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies), Captain America - All Media Types, Iron Man (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Tiberius Stone, Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Arno Stark, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Pepper Potts, Clint Barton, Brock Rumlow
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Falsely Accused Steve Rogers, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Set in the Past, Sweeney todd inspired, No murder though yet, Getting Together, Mentions of Rape, Bucky Barnes Only Has one arm, Bucky Barnes is a good husband, Bucky Barnes Is a Good Bro, Alpha Steve Rogers, Alpha Bucky Barnes, Omega Tony Stark, Omega Pepper Potts, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Former Soldier Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes was called The Winter Soldier, Lord Bucky Barnes, Blended family, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Harley Keener is Tony Stark's Biological Child, No cheating, Hurt/Comfort, Grand Reunion, Falling In Love, Bucky Barnes Loves Steve Rogers, Triad - Freeform, Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations
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imaginetonyandbucky · 4 years
The Buy In
Chapter 6: A New Hope
by @dracusfyre
A week or so later, Bucky met KT up for their usual shift and was surprised to see that the normally taciturn man was visibly excited, rocking back and forth on his heels as he waited. “What’s up?” Bucky asked, curiosity driving him to jog across traffic to see what had KT so worked up.
“It’s Community Appreciation Day,” KT said, jerking his head towards Tony’s garage a few blocks away. His legs were shorter than Bucky’s but excitement was making him walk fast enough that Bucky had to make an effort to keep up.
“Community Appreciation Day?” Bucky repeated incredulously. "What is that?"
"What does it sound like, doofus?" KT said, but he was in too good of a mood for his words to have any heat.
Bucky shook his head. Of course Tony had community appreciation days. At this point he wouldn’t be surprised if Tony had an EEOC office and regular OSHA inspections and celebrated Office Professional's Day. "I'm just surprised I hadn't heard of it before now."
“Yeah, they're usually on real short notice. The Engineer brought in a shipment late last night so the Boss spread the word that we were having a party.”
Now Bucky was even more confused. He knew from the case file that the Engineer ran Tony’s chop shop operations, stealing high end automobiles and helping them disappear, whole or in pieces, on the black market. What that had to do with appreciating the community Bucky had no idea; it’s not like Tony was giving away the cars he stole…right? 
When they nodded to Tony’s guards and pushed open the door to the garage, Bucky’s jaw dropped. In the wide open space, where there was usually a variety of half-built classic cars, there was instead half a dozen sleek, low slung cars that looked like they were breaking the speed limit just sitting there. He recognized the logo for Ferrari and Lamborghini but the rest he’d never even heard of before. Most of them had their hoods up for car enthusiasts to drool over the high-performance engines and Bucky felt his heart start to beat faster as he left KT behind to look at the Lamborghini. He hadn’t really had his hands on a car engine since he joined the Army, other than doing his own routine maintenance, but looking at the ridiculously high-powered engine on this car was like seeing the face of God.
“Look at you, you sexy beast,” Bucky murmured, running a hand over the gleaming engine block. It was like it had barely been driven, it was so clean. “You’re sex on wheels, that’s what you are.”
“Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just really into cars?”
Bucky turned and his heart flipped when he saw Tony smiling at him, wearing a suit with an AC/DC shirt underneath. Tony pushed his glasses up onto his head and leaned his hip on the car’s bumper, hands in his pockets as he studied Bucky with what looked like fond amusement. “This thing is like the Mona Lisa of cars,” Bucky said, feeling strangely shy. This was the first time he’d seen Tony since the night of the ball and he suddenly, stupidly, wished he had shaved and worn his nice jeans.
“This one is nice,” Tony agreed, “but that one is my favorite.” He gestured with his chin towards the bright red Ferrari across the room, scissor doors opened up and away from the car like fiery wings.
“I can see that, it’s definitely your style.”
“Follow me, one came in that I think is your style,” Tony said, pushing off the car.
“Yeah?” Bucky was intrigued and flattered as Tony led him through the crowd of people. “Which one- Jesus fucking Christ on a cracker,” he blurted when they stopped in front the most goddamn beautiful car he’d ever seen.
“The Bugatti La Voiture Noire,” Tony said, but his eyes were on Bucky’s face, not the car. “0 to 60 in 2.5 seconds, with 1,180 pounds of torque. Top speed of 261 miles an hour.”
Bucky whistled, long and low. “It looks like the Batmobile,” he said, smiling when he surprised a laugh out of Tony. “If a ninja was a car, it would be this car.”
Tony started to say something, but at that moment came the sound of someone tapping on a microphone. “Hello?” Bucky heard someone say. “Mr. Stark, are you ready?”
With an apologetic glance to Bucky, Tony jogged up to where they had made a makeshift stage out of a metal table. Tony climbed on top and took the microphone. “Good afternoon, everyone,” he said, sliding his sunglasses over his eyes as his grin grew wide and polished. “Are you ready for everyone’s favorite day of the quarter?” The crowd, which had quieted and turned to face Tony, cheered. “I know, me too. As you can see, there are six cars, so there will be six MVPs named today. As your name is called, winners, come up to take a bow and tell us which car you will be taking for a test drive before they all move on to their new owners.”
“That’s the reward?” Bucky said with surprise to no one in particular. “You get to drive the cars? Where?”
“The Boss rents out a racetrack,” the guy next to him said. “You get to drive it for thirty minutes. Or you can just take the cash prize, if you aren’t interested in the cars or don’t know how to drive.”
“Let’s take a minute to get to know our guests,” Tony was saying. “The sexy red beauty is a Ferrari LaFerrari, a lame name for a nice car. This particular one used to be owned by Mark Zuckerburg, purchased for $1.4 million with the proceeds of selling Facebook user data to over 150 companies. Proceeds from its resale is going to the Free Internet Project.” There was enthusiastic applause, then he gestured towards the Bugatti. “This fucking amazing car is a Bugatti La Voiture Noire, the most expensive car on the planet at $18 million. Jeff Bezos commissioned this car even as workers in Amazon warehouses were passing out from exhaustion while working for minimum wage. Proceeds from the sale of this pinnacle of human engineering will go to help Amazon workers unionize for better working conditions.” Each car in the warehouse had a similar story, and Bucky couldn’t help booing and cheering with the crowd as he heard each story.
“But enough of those assholes,” Tony said, waving for the crowd to get quiet. “Let’s hear about our heroes. First is Harley Keener, who has worked tirelessly to set up our own free neighborhood broadband using satellite dishes he made himself; it’s making ISPs in the city big mad, as the kids say, but we’ve got higher and more consistent speeds than they provide so they can suck it, right? It’s not like they were laying fiber here anyway.” As he spoke, a teenager came up and Tony gave him a hand to help him climb onto the table. There was applause, and the kid picked the Lamborghini, and hopped down off the table with a check and a certificate from the Maria Stark Foundation. The rest of the projects were in the same vein: a woman who set up a program to encourage stores and restaurants to donate excess food to soup kitchens and shelters to reduce food waste ("I know it's against the law, but it's a stupid law so we've elected to ignore it"); an older Black man who got the city to put in new solar-powered bus stops at safer and more convenient locations; and a principal who had a 100% graduation rate for the first time in the school’s history, among others. “And every senior was registered to vote as they got their diploma,” Tony added. “Great work, everyone! Winners, I’ll see you soon for your test drives, and for everyone else make sure you eat all this food, boxes are at the end of the table for you to take some home.” There was another round of applause, the biggest one yet, as Tony handed the microphone to Happy and climbed off the table.
“You’re just a regular Robin Hood, aren’t you?” Bucky said when Tony found him again, this time holding a plate full of chicken wings, donuts, and assorted fruit. “Stealing from the rich to give to the poor?”
“I like to think of myself as an instrument of poetic justice,” Tony said around a mouthful of food. “I used to steal them and wreck them, but I realized this was more fitting.”
Bucky knew he shouldn’t be quite so amused about six counts of grand – very grand – theft auto, but it was hard not to smile at the smug look on Tony’s face while he had powdered sugar in his goatee.  As someone pulled Tony away with a question, Bucky felt his phone buzz with a notification. He moved closer to the wall as he pulled it out to check his messages.
Gonna be a party tonight, his Discord contact had written, along with an address. A very familiar address, since he was standing right at it. You gonna be there?
Bucky stared at the message and sagged against the wall as his stomach sank. Glancing up at the cars, he realized that the police must have gotten a tipoff that the cars were incoming and were planning to raid the garage tonight, before they disappeared again. The message wasn’t an invitation, it was a warning for him to stay away so his cover wouldn’t get blown. “Shit,” he said, and wiped a hand over his face as he thought furiously.   
“What’s up?” Tony asked, licking wing sauce off his fingers. “You look like you got bad news.”
Bucky stared at him for a moment and realized that there was no way he was going to let Tony get arrested, no way he was going to let him go to jail or let his name get dragged through the mud and see everything he'd built get torn apart by rival gangs. “Want to go on a date?” he blurted.
Tony’s face went slack with shock. “A date?” He blinked at Bucky for a long time, mouth quirking, before his face suddenly fell. “I can’t. You’re an employee,” he said regretfully.
“Seriously?” This guy, for crying out loud. “Ok, uh…” Bucky thought fast. “What about an employee counseling session? With food? We can talk about my, um, five year career plan.”
“Five year plan.” Tony stared at him with amused disbelief. “Ok, sure. Let’s do some employee counseling. When?”
“Tonight?” Tony repeated, clearly fishing for an explanation but Bucky couldn’t think of a good one so he just shrugged. “Alright,” he said slowly. “Far be it from me to discourage people from having life goals. Let’s say 8:00?”
“Sounds great,” Bucky said, trying and probably failing to keep the relief out of his voice.
“Ok, I’ll pick you up.”
“Perfect. I’ll see you then.” Bucky stood around awkwardly for a moment, then nodded stiffly and walked away. If he was going to have an identity crisis and second guess every decision he’d made in life that had led to him asking an organized crime boss out on a date, he should probably do it in privacy and hopefully get it done with by 8.
Baffled, Tony watched Blue Eyes hurry away, running the conversation over in his head until suddenly realization dawned. Then he found himself smiling so widely his cheeks hurt; joy was like champagne bubbles in his chest, making him want to laugh for no particular reason. He tossed his half-empty plate of food into the closest trashcan and threaded through the crowd until he found Rhodey leaning against the door, typing something one handed into his work tablet.
“Rhodey,” Tony said, beaming.
“Tony,” Rhodey said, looking up warily.
“Blue Eyes wants to have dinner with me. And it has to be tonight.”
Rhodey frowned. “But tonight is-”
Rhodey took one look at the beatific look on Tony’s face and started shaking his head. “Tony, no,” he said in warning.
“Tony, yes. He’s trying to protect me, Rhodey.” Tony felt downright giddy.
“You don’t know that.”
“I do! He knows the police are going to raid the garage tonight and he doesn’t want me here when it happens so I don’t get arrested for possession of stolen property. It’s so goddamn romantic I can’t stand it.” Brooks, or whatever the hell his real name was, couldn’t know that Tony had contacts inside every major law enforcement organization operating in the city and had known about the raid almost as soon as they had applied for a warrant. The stolen cars were already being prepared to be moved to a separate location, and in their place were going to be the exact same models all purchased legally and in Tony’s name. Pepper and her army of lawyers had already prepared righteously indignant press releases and harassment lawsuits and were just waiting for the cops to show up. Tony had even picked his outfit for his brief stint in jail, but apparently now he had other plans for the evening. “You know what this means, right?”
“I know what you think it means, Tony, and I still think you should be careful. He is still a cop.”
Tony planted a loud, smacking kiss on Rhodey’s cheek. “You can’t take this from me, sour puss. I might get to keep Blue Eyes after all!”
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Inferno: Part 1
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader (sort of)
If anyone would like to be added to my Peter Parker, Marvel, or Forever Taglist, let me know. Also, if you’d like this to be made into a series, tell me. I quite like this idea.
Peter strolls into the compound quite happily, actually. Flash hadn’t bothered him at all that day and he and Ned have plans to see the new Star Wars movie over the weekend. He’s also, like, ninety percent sure that he completely aced his Spanish quiz. The drive over was nice—the sky is clear and it’s not too cold, and Happy actually seemed pretty happy to see Peter.
All in all, a pretty good day.
That is, until he hears the screaming.
His heart drops. Peter drops his backpack and sprints in the direction, already equipping his web shooters. “Mr. Stark! What is it?” He bursts into the room, which happens to be a private conference room of Tony’s, and, panting, demands, “Monsters? Aliens? People with guns?”
Pepper and Tony separate and stare at Peter, shocked. Apart from them, the room is empty save for a table, six chairs, and a TV screen. A TV screen that displays the picture of James Rhodes.
“There’s not a threat, is there?” the teen asks flatly, a little embarrassed with himself that he’d overreacted. He relaxes and takes off the webshooters, stuffing them into his back pocket. “Why were you guys screaming?”
“It’s just so wonderful,” Pepper gushes, her hand on her chest. “After so long, Y/N’s finally going to be released and pardoned.”
Peter gasps. “Inferno? She’s going to be released?”
Tony smiles. “I take it you know of my daughter.”
“Not a lot.” Peter rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet. “She’s kind of a mystery, honestly. I felt really bad when she got arrested. It sucks that she hasn’t been allowed out or even on social media. I follow her! I have for a while.”
“Maybe I should tell you about her,” Tony says, rubbing his chin. “So you know what to expect.”
“Y/N’s kind of a shock to the system,” the picture of Rhodey chimes in, and Peter realizes that it is not a picture but a video call with the colonel. “Smart and abrupt.”
Trying not to look too eager, Peter nods. “She just sort of appeared in 2012. Did you know she’s a little more than a year older than me?”
“Yes, I did, Peter,” Tony replies, amused.
“I’ll get you guys some food.” Pepper drops a kiss onto Tony’s forehead and pats Peter’s shoulder as she passes. “We’re leaving in an hour.”
“Wait, are you going to pick her up now?”
“In an hour,” Tony repeats. “Would you like to come with us?”
“Is that even a question? Inferno’s only the coolest person ever. She inspired me to be Spider-man, you know. I had no idea what to do with my powers until I realized I could do what she did! She’s so cool.”
“Believe it or not, Y/N wasn’t born with her powers.”
“Really? I always thought that her mother must have been superpowered or—or maybe she was exposed to radiation when she was a baby!” Peter gushes excitedly. “Ned thinks she was thrown into a radioactive volcano. MJ thinks she’s an alien!”
Rhodey snorts and covers his mouth with his fist.
“Will you tell me?” Peter asks, a little shyly.
Tony smiles.
When Tony was younger—almost twenty years younger, when he was still young and carefree—he met a woman at a party. They had a nice talk with each other and they parted ways.
Okay, so they did more than talk. Whatever. And sometime in the next year, 2000, the woman gave birth to a little girl named Y/N Hansen. Her mother, Maya Hansen, decided not to tell Tony that she gave birth because she wasn’t sure if the child actually was his.
There weren’t a lot of other men that could be the child’s father, but Maya hoped any one of the few were the one over the famous playboy billionaire philanthropist.
Fast forward twelve years and Maya Hansen is working with Aldrich Killian, who promises that they will be the heroes of this generation. He promises what they are doing will cure everything. He promises a lot of things.
And then he kills her. And he gives little motherless Y/N a twisted version of the Extremis, a kind that wraps itself into her DNA so tightly it could never be ripped out, a kind that is designed to hurt her and those around her until it fully attaches, if she doesn’t die in the process. Why, you ask? Because he knew fatherless Y/N wasn’t actually fatherless. He knew that Maya Hansen knew her father was Tony Stark. If Tony Stark isn’t going to help him, if Tony Stark isn’t going to cooperate, then he’ll hurt Tony Stark’s kid.
He wasn’t counting on two things: Tony Stark not knowing who Y/N Hansen is except that she must be Maya’s child, and Y/N’s body not rejecting the Extremis, though whether that is because she is so young or because of the twisted Extremis, nobody knows (and if Killian lived longer, he would have started injecting younger children to see if they are more flexible because he really wasn’t right in the head).
But Tony Stark takes the child and leaves her at Harley Keener’s house.
Killian finds the child. It’s not hard, with how loud she’s screaming (and the tracking device he’d injected under her skin). Tony Stark isn’t with her. He leaves the screaming child for dead and he kidnaps Pepper Potts and injects her with the regular version of the Extremis, hoping someone that Tony knows is connected to him will convince the genius to stabilize the serum.
Pepper kills him. Tony reverses the procedure. He removes the shrapnel from his heart and throws the arc reactor into the ocean. He even tracks down little Y/N when Harley calls him, saying that the girl he’d dropped off is still in pain, and he even is contacted by a lawyer that tells him everything.
So now he has a daughter. A superpowered daughter.
A superpowered daughter that the government wants their hands on, especially when she starts to run around as Inferno, a superhero name that Tony relentlessly teases her for. She doesn’t hide her identity, taking after her father, and she’s got quite a following on Instagram and Twitter. The government doesn’t like vigilantes. The government especially doesn’t like when vigilantes start injuring property and people, even criminals.
She’s not even in Germany when the fighting happens, but somehow they find a way to frame her (the fake witnesses end up dead in the hours between the faux-trial and her arrest). Y/N Hansen-Stark is arrested for something she was not involved in and thrown into an underwater ship along with a funny man that makes her laugh at first and Wilson, who tells her that her uncle was hurt.
Not even her father’s influence and the internet’s outrage that there is obvious proof she was not in Germany can protect her, but it upgrades her cage until it’s basically a home-away-from-home, except she’s being held captive and isn’t allowed to access her social media at all. She can merely browse, watching the outside world without being a part of it.
Tony can visit. He visits a lot. He talks a lot. He replaces her with a boy called Peter that he’s sure she’ll like, but Y/N’s sure she won’t.
The other prisoners escape. Y/N doesn’t. She could have already the moment she entered this cage, but unfortunately she’s a well-known public figure and going on the run would be quite inconvenient, especially once Tony’s smoothed everything over and she’s allowed out.
Y/N has to believe that she’ll be allowed out, that her father will save her, because even if he’s replaced her with Peter Parker, the public hasn’t.
Even though you’d spent the better part of a year underwater, it certainly hadn’t felt like it. Now, when you stand on the Raft’s surface and stare out at the endless sea, it hits you for the first time. Maybe if your mother hadn’t taught you to love the ocean, you would have been more scared, but you love to swim. You’d love to jump into the water right now and swim in any direction if you could, but there are guns still trained on you, despite the official pardoning. Being shot a few times would certainly put a damper on the day, even if it wouldn’t kill you.
Besides, your father is coming.
The air stirred up by his helicopter smells like sea, and you inhale the scent, eyes closing as you fill your lungs with air that hasn’t been processed for the first time in forever.
“That was quite an extended vacation,” is what you first say to your father as a free woman. “If the food hadn’t been so excellent, I might have been put out that my vaca was so... cramped.”
You accept Pepper’s hug graciously and peer behind her at the puppy-eyed, curly-haired boy standing at the back. He’s obviously a fan. He shifts his weight between his feet and waves at you shyly and you, despite yourself, wave back and smile. He’s quite cute.
Damn, not even fifteen minutes as a free woman and you’ve already found a crush.
“This one of your interns?”
The moment the words come out of your mouth your stomach drops because you know who this cute boy is. You know exactly who this boy is, because just your luck; the cutest boy you’ve seen in a year is also the boy you’ve sworn to yourself to dislike.
“He’s not just an intern,” your father says—proudly, like he’s never spoken of you.
The boy steps forward, thrusting his hand at you and beaming in the way only someone who’s never seen anything horrible could. He must spend his days rolling around on the ground with puppies and kittens.
The innocence might have been endearing two seconds ago. Now you resent it.
“I’m Peter Parker,” he squeaks. “It’s so cool to meet you. You’re, like, my—”
You eye the extended hand with disgust. “I know who you are, Peter Parker. You’re my replacement.”
Forever Taglist:
@lemirabitur @annymcervantes @queenmissfit @quiet-because-it-is-a-secret @iksey
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The Fast (Peter & Harley) & The Furious (Tony Damn Stark)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/58843207 by MarionAveoneLuther "Harley, seriously, shut up! I swear, just—just let me handle this, okay? And stop smiling like you're enjoying this!” "Who, me? Enjoying being chased by cops? Nah, I'm just thrilled to be the star of my own action movie. Can't wait to see how this one ends,” Harley quipped. “You wanna know how it ends, Harley? By Tony coming to bail us out of jail, that’s how it ends! And then we’re in for the sequel,” Peter snapped, finally biting the bullet and pulling the car to a slow stop. “Shit,” the younger teen mumbled.   Or Harley and Peter manage to get tangled in an illegal street race, get arrested, and call Tony to bail them out. Words: 15565, Chapters: 4/4, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Iron Dad Stories Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Iron Man (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts, Peter Parker & Harley Keener, Tony Stark & Harley Keener, Pepper Potts & Harley Keener Additional Tags: Irondad, Iron Dad, Irondad & Spiderson, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Feels, Family Feels, Humor, Angst, Harley Keener & Peter Parker are Siblings, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Pepper Potts Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Street Racing, Police, Arrested Peter Parker, Arrested Harley Keener, Teenage Shenaningans, Family Dynamics, Harley Keener & Peter Parker Friendship, Harley Keener Being a Little Shit, Peter Parker is a Little Shit, They all need a hug, they all get a hug, Random Little Story, I Have A Thing For Street Racing So Peter Had To Find Himself Involved In One, And Only Harley Keener Could Have Managed To Make That Happen, So Blame Harley For This, Or Thank Him, No Beta read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/58843207
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shadedrose01 · 5 years
Hi so I'm procrastinating from studying, and things are starting to ramp up in the whole 'Spider-Man 3' universe, as filming is starting this summer (and apparently Tom Hollands knows everything about it now? So that's neat). So I wanted to share my very condensed theory, because I think it's kinda cool? Even though it's probably not gonna happen. So yeah, here that is
-Harley Keener comes back. Helps out/shelters Peter, like he helped Tony in Iron Man 3, and becomes Iron Lad later on. (I just really want him to come back okay? Okay)
-Mutants are important for the story. Peter's identity reveal/false accusation starts a chain event where people start getting afraid of/start to hate on mutants all around the world. Mutants start getting arrested for no reason, kidnapped, murdered, etc
-maybe the villain of the movie (idk who its gonna be, honestly 🤷‍♀️) helps to spread the rumors, makes out mutants to be terrible creatures, etc
-Peter realizes this is happen, and sends out a message, telling them to fight back, to not give up, as well as telling off the villain, telling him where he is (tennessee) and saying to "come get him".
-big fight scene breaks out, where mutants are revolting and peter/Harley (as iron lad) are fighting against the villain.
-links to the multiverse!!! This movie takes place after Doctor Strange 2, so I hope there are links to the multiverse. Maybe Peter is more prone to it, and has dreams about different multiverse, maybe revolving around Harley/iron lad/kang the conqueror?
-ends with Peter being happy and/or getting tossed into the multiverse (which would lead into the spiderverse sony movie)
-end credit scene with Harley staring at a file (digital or otherwise), with the Young Avengers Initiative.
Some other things I want to see:
-flash redemption arc!!!
-harley being canonically gay (please give us a gay main character, marvel, please I'm begging you-)
-as I said earlier, links to the multiverse
-links to x-men/fantastic four would be cool!
-uh, maybe references to the sinister six (though I dont really know what that is, so eeeeh)
That's it! Ive thought about this way too much oops, so I'll make a more extensive version of this if yall want it (and I probably forgot a few things that I'll remember later anyways soo). Okay bye, thanks for reading my procrastination. Feel free to add on with your own theories if you want to! ❤
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dan-loves-writing · 5 years
Okay- so- don’t mind me- I’m having a mini meltdown while rewatching Brooklyn Nine-Nine for the 10th time this season- I have no clue what’s going on lmao but I made a Marvel AU of it-
Small thing of who’s who-
Captain Holt - Tony Stark (obviously-)
Sargent Jeffords- Rhodey :? Maybe Cap?
Detective Jake Peralta - Harley Keener :)
Detective Amy Santiago - Peter Parker :)
Detective Rosa Diaz - Natasha Romanoff :)
Detective Charles Boyle - Ned Leeds :)
Detective Hitchcock - Clint Barton :)
Detective Scully - Scott Lang :)
‘Get to know the squad’
Tony: Tell me about your Detective squad.
Cap: Um Well, Scott and Clint-
Cap:They're pretty much worthless, but they make good coffee.
Tony:Copy that.
Cap:Now the good ones.
Cap: Natasha Romanoff
Cap:Tough, smart, hard to read, and really scary.
Nat:Tell me who has me for secret santa.
Clint:No! That takes all the fun out of it.
Clint:It's Scott.
Clint: He got you a scarf.
Clint:- I'll make him return it.
Nat:- Yes, you will.
Cap: Ned Leeds
Cap:He's a grinder.
Cap:Not the most brilliant Detective, but he works harder than anyone else.
Cap: He's not physically gifted.
Ned: Oh, man! My muffin.
Ned: Ahh! Oh, my head! My muffin, my head! And I stepped on the On my muffin! And my head and my muffin.
Cap: Peter Parker
Cap: He’s got seven “brothers”, so he’s always trying to prove he's tough.
Scott: Careful-
Scott: That stuff's pretty hot.
Peter: Oh, is it? Hmm? *puts on loads of sauce*
Cap:He and Keener have some big bet over who gets more arrests this year.
Cap:Ever since the bet, their numbers have gone way up.
Tony: Tell me about Keener.
Cap: Harley Keener is my best Detective.
Cap:He likes putting away bad guys and he loves solving puzzles.
Cap:The only puzzle he hasn't solved is how to grow up.
Tony:That was very well put.
Cap: I've talked a lot about Harley in my departmentally mandated therapy sessions.
- - - -
‘Show your father some respect’
Harley:Oh, hey, captain.
Harley:Did you get my report on the Finley murder?
Tony: Yeah, I looked it over. Nice work. Good.
Harley: Thanks, dad.
Harley:Why is everyone staring at me?
Nat:You just called Captain Stark dad.
Harley: What? No, I didn't. I said, thanks, man.
Tony: Do you see me as a father figure, Keener?
Harley: If anything, I see you as a "bother" figure, 'cause you're always bothering me.
Cap: Hey, show your father some respect.
Harley:I didn't call him dad-!
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thegaypotato · 5 years
“I’m gonna get you out of here.” (2)
(tw: homophobia)
     Harley felt disgusting. Other than cold and scared and confused, of course, he felt disgusting. Sitting on the hard, uncomfortable bed in the corner of the cell -the cell he didn’t belong in-, raking his fingers through his hair anxiously.
Sure, the cell wasn’t your stereotypical, filthy, rat-infested room you see in movies, but the bed was stiff and the sheets probably hadn’t been washed in months and the small desk on the opposite wall was slanted and looked like it was about to collapse.
He didn’t belong there.
And Peter had promised he’d get him out of there and find out who really did murder that man and why they had made it look like Harley had done it. Tony had offered to bail him out but Harley denied, knowing how hard it would be to find a job in the future with a criminal record, faux or not.
So, instead, he decided to stay in his cell until trial, which was two days away. Tony had hired the best lawyer in the city and Peter had made a five-page Word document for his speech. Harley didn’t have faith, though. The judge had looked at him with the face of complete and utter disgust when he’d told Harley he had to be contained until further notice.
Peter was outraged because he wanted Harley to be under house arrest until said notice, but the idea was quickly denied by almost the entire jury.
But Tony told Harley to look at the good side of things, so Harley tried. The food wasn’t too bad, but it was lukewarm and the same thing most of the time. He had a TV in his cell, an old, blocky TV that hung from the top corner of the room. He could only watch the news on it, but he sometimes turned it on so he didn’t have to sit alone in complete silence.
He laid down, resting his head on the thin pillow and sighing, closing his eyes and imagining he was back at home, cuddling next to Peter. The sound of the cell door swinging open interrupted him.
“Lunchtime, kid,” the officer on the other side muttered, taking a few steps back so Harley could pass.
The guard led him to the cafeteria, filled with people. Harley suddenly lost his appetite as he saw chicken and mashed potatoes being served onto everyone’s lunch trays. He sighed and turned to the doors that led to the yards. 
Pulling his beanie lower, he walked outside, the frigid air relaxing his stiff shoulders. He glanced back inside at the clock that hung from the opposite wall and bit his bottom lip.
12:24 PM
Kicking the grass under his feet, he walked over to the bleachers. Peter would arrive every day at 3:00 PM sharp. Peter had wanted to skip his classes at first but Harley didn’t let him, telling him about how he should keep living his life normally.
Harley felt something bump into his shoulder, making him stumble back.
“Hey, watch it,” someone growled from beside him. Harley looked up and saw a giant, ripped man, probably in his late-twenties glaring down at him.
“Sorry,” he mumbled before turning and trying to walk away. 
“Hold on,” the man said, his voice low and rough, as if he’d been smoking for years. “Take a look at this, guys, it’s the new kid!”
Suddenly, Harley was surrounded by men and women, all staring down at him, as if inspecting him. He sighed and looked up at the first man.
“What do you want?” He asked. The man chuckled and glanced at the rest.
“I don’t think we’ve gotten to know you very well, have we?” He replied.
“Look, I’m not here to make friends, alright? I’m gonna get out of here and-” he stopped as he realized the rest had started howling with laughter.
“Listen, kid-”
“Don’t call me kid.”
“We’ve been here for a long time and we all used to think the same thing. That our mommies were gonna come and pick us up and we would forget all of our troubles,” the man taunted. “You’re gonna be here for a long time, you hear me? And what did you do? Murder someone?”
Harley gritted his teeth. As much as he wanted to punch that little smug grin off of his face, he knew he’d be beaten to a pulp of he pulled something like that, and he really didn’t need that right now.
He thought too soon.
Right before the man could continue, someone from the crowd stepped closer and revealed himself. He wasn’t as well-built as the rest, but his arms were covered in tattoos and his neck had probably five different chains around it.
“Wait a minute,” he said, looking at Harley in disgust; a look Harley had gotten too much of recently. “I’ve seen him around. His little boyfriend comes to visit him every day!”
The first man took a few steps back. Harley sighed. The man had a cross hanging from a thin necklace.
“You’re a faggot?” He snarled. Harley tried not to wince. That name brought back too many unwanted memories. “Hey everyone, this kid’s a fag!”
Harley reacted quickly as the man swung a fist towards him, catching it before it reached his face. He quickly regretted it, seeing the flaming hatred flaring in his eyes.
Instantly, hands were grabbing his arms and pulling them back, leaving his stomach and face unprotected as punch after punch sent waves of hot pain through his body.
He squeezed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth as he was thrown down with one final shove, making him fall onto his side and into a puddle. The man spit at him and turned away, leading the group back inside.
Harley grasped at his stomach, already imagining the bruises that would form. Taking a few steady breaths, he hauled himself to his knees, sitting on his heels. He raised a shaky hand and ran it under his nose, pulling back and seeing red staining it.
“Hey,” a voice said. “Are you ok?”
Harley looked up and saw a middle-aged woman smiling down at him softly. The look she gave him almost seemed motherly.
“Yeah,” he mumbled, rubbing the remaining blood pooling from his nose with his sleeve. “Yeah, I’m okay, thanks.”
The woman stretched out a hand. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”
   “Oh, my God, Harls!” Peter said, rushing up to the blond and cupping his face gently. “What happened?”
Harley shrugged, resting his hands on Peter’s elbows and pecking his lips. “Just some idiots, nothing important.”
Peter scoffed. “Nothing important? You were beaten up, Harley.”
“I’m ok, I promise, darlin’. I’ll stay out of their way and I’ll be fine.”
Peter nibbled on his bottom lip and sighed. “Ok, just be careful, alright?”
   “Your honor, Mr. Keener was found with the victim’s blood on his clothes and fingertips. Now, how do you think that got there if he wasn't there when the murder was committed?”
The old judge nodded slowly, his face unfazed as it had been during the entire trial. Harley rubbed his temples, sinking into his chair as he felt stares burning into him form all sides. Peter took his hand and squeezed it comfortingly.
“Any witnesses that would like to speak?” The judge asked, scanning the courtroom. Peter immediately stood up.
“Yes, your honor. Harley was with me, at Stark Tower all day from 10 AM to 1:30 AM, there’s no possible way he managed to murder Mark Wilson between those hours.”
“Yes, Mr. Parker, but after checking the footage of Stark Industries, I noticed that Harley left the lab for a little over an hour at 4 PM,” the victim’s lawyer said bitterly.
“He went to buy lunch and change clothes,” Peter said, meeting the man’s glare defiantly.
“And why would he need a change of clothes?” The man turned to the judge. “Your honor, Harley’s bloody clothes were found in the dumpster behind their apartment.”
For the first time in the trial, the judge reacted. He sat up straight and his grey eyebrows raised to his hairline. Turning to glare at Harley, he spoke.
“Now, time for the closing statements.”
After Peter and Harley’s lawyer had both spoken and so had the victim’s wife and lawyer, the courtroom was overcome by silence.
Then, the judge spoke.
“I agree with the jury on the verdict of guilt, and hereby sentence Harley Keener to 25 years to life in prison.”
a/n: ooohh cliffhangers are my best friends hehe
part three will probably be the last part, but idk yet, hope u liked this!
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harley-style · 5 years
so ive been in spiderio/mystery spider / quenpete hell
And theres this,,,really, really messed up a/b/o plot bunny that wont get the fuck outta my brain. If anyone wants to write it go ahead. Bc i sure wont
Peter is an omega, beck is an alpha
The start goes off like ffh
But the train scene ends up different
Instead of train scene, the moment beck traps peter in an illusion he has this wicked idea
"what if i made peter my mate" which yknow, is allowed bc there are still lotsa not perfectly cut for omegas law in the world. Like
Beck can just hold peter down and mark him. Then mate him for like a few hours then hes done. Peters his now. And the law cant do anythibg about it bc?? U cant break mated pairs
So peter hates beck. Thats a given. But he knows beck is never gonna leave him alone anymore
I should explain the abo dynamics in this. Omegas have this gland in their bodies that when alphas bite it, the alphas can secrete a toxin that is seriously very paralytic to omegas, even out of heat. Alphas can go apeshit if their mate is in danger so its perfectly acceptable for them to keep their omegas under lock and key. When paralysed,the omegas feel like a sense of safety and security from the bite bc of a chemical reaction of the bite gland and the paralytic toxin alphas excrete.
Thats why peter realizes he cant escape beck anymore since hes becks omega.
Our bby gets depressed and shit especially since beck keeps peter weak and paralysed every time beck has to go away because he doesnt want his omego going anhwhere he just wants peter to stay pliant and meek in bed for like, the rest of their lives
But peter is stubborn as fuck. If he cant tear beck a new one the normal way, hell do it another way
So he spends the rest of his life tracking and recording every piece of evidence beck gives him and compiles it into one massive case
He conspires with EDITH on this, who is all too happy to help.
He tips the police off and he gets arrested but so is beck so he's fine
Peter contracts some kind of disease
Also at this point peter's just really gone he isnt happy anymore hes sad angry and bitter and mostly apathetic
He commits suicde
But did you thibk it was over? Haha bitch
Peter wakes up like years in the past right before he gets the spider bite
Hes happy ben's back but like. He doesnt give quite as nuch of a fuck as he used to.
May and ben are really worried like wtf happened to their boy but peter wont talk and tells them honestly something happened that he never wants to tell them about but agrees to a therapist
The therapist they get is a super loveable dude and he takes the time travelling peter in stride
Also hes abjectly horrified to hear what the kid has gone through
Okay moving on peter meets ned again but now theres this kid named miles morales
Yes im going down that route shut up
Miles becomes the neighborhood spiderman and hes not great at hiding it. Peter helps out
It should be noted here that peter is still that angry bitter apathetic man from the last timeline. He got better and still cares for people hes just very done with emotions in general. Also he's numb inside so.
But anyways he helps miles and ned but hes like that cynical bastard who helps in the most unconventional way possible
He also runs into tony stark
There are feelings there
But peter tries to avoid tony and toss miles at him
But miles isnt tony's jam, though the kids great. Tony just tosses him at rhodes and calls it a day (rhodey loves miles and would adopt him in a heartbeat)
peter however, intrigues tony. He keeps pestering the kid until peter just tells him to get away before he can hurt tony which kinda confused tony bc he thought peter hated him for him but to find out that peter was just scared of hurting him...well now tony wants to kill a bitch
The only person who could make peter shpw emotion is tony, actually. May and ben practically adopt tony into their home
Oh yeah bens alive
Bc peter doesnt sneak out as much and tells ben and may when hes coming back and where he is
Also gives a lotta updates (which is honestly just a disguise for peter's fear of never hearong from ben or mag ever again he has to know theyre there and theyre safe)
But yeah basically the ending is peter finds out becks also back and is out to get him
Endgame harley/ peter dont ask me how i just want some keener parker action pls
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marvelmadam08 · 5 years
Stark Sitting
Peter and Harley make a discovery while watching Morgan.
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, panic attacks, loss of a loved one, angst and swearing. Peter, Harley and Morgan fluff!! Endgame and Far From Home SPOILERS.
A/N: I feel that a lot of people forget about Harley he's like the middle child of all of Tony Stark's children. Also in honor of Spiderman staying in the MCU I thought everyone deserved a bit of Peter fluff (even if there’s a bit of angst).
"Don't let her eat a bunch of sweets, and she can't stay up past 10. I should be back before then but just in case I'm not-" Pepper runs through the rules for Peter once again
He watched Morgan 'feed' her doll a carrot, before she tried to hide it in the front pocket on her overalls.
"Don't play with your food sweetie." Pepper said without turning around
"Yes Mommy." Morgan took the carrot from her pocket
Peter wasn't entirely sure how he became the only one available to watch Morgan, but he was happy to spend time with her. He hadn't seen her since the funeral a few months ago. And after his identity was revealed, Peter was extremely limited for safe places where he wouldn't be harassed or arrested.
"You have my number and Happy's number in case anything goes wrong. And if something really goes wrong there's a bunker underneath the house and an Ironsuit, a direct line to Fury and a back up prototype for you, inside of it." Pepper sighed "Do I need to go through that again or did you get everything?"
"Yeah- yes, hundred percent." Peter nods "No need to worry."
A slightly impatient Happy stood in the doorway, waiting for Pepper to get in the car. Pepper went to give Morgan a kiss on her head then finally rushed out the door. Happy gave Peter a thumbs up, a hopeful smile on his face before turning to leave himself.
Peter clapped his hands together "Okay Morgan, what do you want to do tonight?"
Peter turned around to face an empty chair, carrots still unfinished and the doll laying on the table.
A scraping sound came from the kitchen, Peter ran in to find Morgan standing on a stool next to the refrigerator, half buried in the freezer.
"Hey what are you doing?" He grabbed her and sat her down on the floor
"Getting a juice pop." She moved from around him to climb on the stool again.
"You can't have a juice pop until you finish your carrots." Peter shut the freezer door right before she could reach it
Morgan pouts, stomping her small foot. Peter picked her up again, this time she slumped over, in attempts to put a bunch of dead weight on Peter but failed adorably.
"So what do you want to do after you finish eating?"
"Juice pop."
"Okay, after that?"
"Another juice pop."
"Maybe just one juice pop tonight."
Morgan didn't answer Peter that time, she just sulked in her seat, picking at her carrots on her plate, eventually eating enough of them for Peter to finally cave and give her a juice pop.
“Make sure you don’t leave any juice stains.” Peter warns her
“Yup.” Morgan sped out of the kitchen before Peter could stop her
“Morgan-” he was cut off by a knock at the kitchen door “FRIDAY, who’s at the door?”
“Open it and find out.” Harley said from the other side of the door
“It’s Harley Keener.” FRIDAY responds
“Thanks FRIDAY.”
Peter hadn’t seen Harley since the funeral either, they exchanged numbers though, especially since Harley mentioned checking out a few engineering schools in New York. Although with everything Peter had been through in the last few months, he hadn’t really reached out.
“Your aunt told me you were here. So I have to ambush you in the middle of the woods to get you to talk?” Harley stepped into the kitchen, pulling Peter in for a hug “How’s everything going?”
“It’s- I’ve had better days.” Peter admits "Morgan, Harley is here!"
There was no response from her.
"Morgan?" Harley tried "She might be hiding, that's a thing she does."
They scanned throughout the rooms on the first floor, Harley tried to keep Peter from panicking before he ran up to check the upstairs rooms.
"Is she up there?"
"If I say no, are you gonna freak out?"
"Then I plead the fifth." Harley sighed "Okay, stay calm, she can't be far. She's five."
"She's five and small, therefore easy to kidnap." Peter started to pace between the couch and the stairs "Pepper is gonna kill me, and then Happy is gonna kill me. And when I see Tony on the other side, he'll kill me."
"I'm calling the police." Harley pulled out his phone
Both of them were too wrapped up in looking for Morgan to notice her sneak back in living room and run for the freezer again.
"Yes, I need to report a missing child." Harley paused, before copying Peter and pacing opposite of him "Description? She's five years old, brown hair and eyes," he caught a glance of her standing on the stool digging around in the freezer, but continued to rant to the person on the phone. "Last seen wearing a pair of blue overalls and a pale yellow shirt, and white shoes- Morgan!"
"Morgan?" Peter turned "Morgan!"
"Yeah?" She asked, pushing her hair out of her face
Peter pulling her in to his arms. "You scared the hell out of me."
"That's a bad word. Hi Harley."
"Where were you?" Harley asked her
"Downstairs. Talking to Daddy." She replies nonchalantly
"He wants a juice pop, he likes grape." Morgan wiggled free out of Peter's hold on her "C'mon."
They both followed her into the den, where the bookshelves had been moved, revealing a descending staircase. Morgan expertly moved through the dim and narrow space, leading the boys to a room at the bottom.
“This isn’t a Children of the Corn thing is it?” Harley whispered to Peter watching Morgan place her hand on the scanner next to the door
“I was thinking Fight Club.” 
Harley and Peter followed Morgan inside the bunker Pepper mentioned earlier. Well it looked more like an apartment than a bunker. The ‘living room’ was almost identical to the one upstairs, but instead on the one television there were multiple, each watching different sections of the house. There was a kitchenette set up right across from it, and along the wall were different Ironsuits, including one for Pepper, Rhodey, Peter’s prototype spidey suit and Tony’s earlier designs for himself. Morgan sat down in front of Tony’s suit, a small bowl with a half melted juice pop sitting next to her along with a few hand made pictures and crayons.
“Hi Daddy. Peter and Harley are here. They lost me.”
“We didn’t lose you.” Peter corrects her
“Mommy says if you can’t find something, then it’s lost.” Morgan picked up a drawing and walked up to Tony’s suit “Look Daddy, it’s you and Auntie Nat.”
She stuck the paper on the glass in front of Tony’s suit. Peter and Harley examined the other pictures Morgan drew. There was one of Tony flying around holding Morgan in his hands. There were a few with Tony and Rhodey, fighting bad guys, flying in space, and one of them at a tea party. There was one of Tony, (younger) Steve, and Bucky with big smiles, and scars on their faces. And the last one was of Morgan, Pepper, and Tony with Rhodey, Happy, Peter, Harley and Nebula. And written in the bottom corner Morgan wrote ‘My Family’.
“These are really pretty Morgan.” Harley smiles at her
“Thank you, Daddy will like them when he comes back.”
Peter and Harley’s blood seem to run cold when she said that. They watched her settle back on the floor to draw another picture. Peter was the first one to speak up.
“What do you mean?”
“Mommy said Uncle Bruce brought everyone back after five years, and helped his friends. So Daddy will be back again in five years, and help everyone.” Morgan explained, looking Peter in the eye “Like with you.”
Harley took in a sharp breath, and Peter’s throat got tight. They weren’t sure how or if they should explain the truth about Tony’s death. Morgan happily drew another picture of Tony with Bruce, and they didn’t want to ruin her hope, but it would hurt more later; having built up five years of hoping and wishing.
“Morgan....” Harley sat down next to her, she looked at him with bright eyes, and he choked “I’m sure your Daddy is gonna love these pictures you made for him.”
Harley glanced back at Peter, he was halfway up the stairs.
“Okay Miss Morgan, finish this one here and then it’s bed time. Got it?” 
“Got it.”
Harley followed after Peter and found him leaning against the wall for support, breathing harshly and tears running down his face. Seeing Peter now made Harley think of when Tony had his panic attack, hesitantly he placed a comforting hand on Peter’s shoulder. 
“I don’t know what happened.” Peter gasped “I thought I was done with these damn attacks.”
“It’s okay-”
“No, it’s not Harley! I’m supposed to be a hero, I can’t save someone if I can’t breathe and I’m crying.” Peter ran his hands over his face “I let them down.”
“Everyone. I told my aunt I could handle this, I would stay safe and hidden. Now my face is on every news channel, she gets calls and threats about me constantly. My friends- my entire school has been under police and S.H.I.E.L.D  surveillance. I can’t protect them anymore.” he sighed “And Morgan- she thinks her Dad is gonna come back and fix this. And I honestly wish he could.
Harley gave Peter’s shoulder a small squeeze “Did you know that Tony had anxiety? He had panic attacks when I would mention The Battle of New York to him.”
“You’re serious?”
“Yeah, when he would have them, he’d end up making something: gadgets, more Ironsuits, Morgan’s little clubhouse, your suits.” Harley tells him “And he saved the fucking world.”
Peter felt his heart swell at Harley’s last comment. “What about Morgan?”
“We’ll talk to Pepper about it. It’s not really our place to tell her.”
“I’m finished.” Morgan announced once she entered the room again. Her eyes landed on Peter’s tear stained face “What’s wrong Peter?”
“Nothing, I just-” he sighed, kneeling down to her level “I just miss your Dad.”
Morgan wiped away the tears on Peter’s face. “Cheeseburgers make me feel better.”
“Are you trying to get me to give you a cheeseburger?”
“No, but I would like one.” she scrunched her nose up 
Peter glanced up at Harley, who shrugged. They both knew Pepper would kill them for spoiling Morgan with whatever she asked for, or Morgan could get a stomach ache from eating so much, but those brown eyes could convince Fury to give up his secrets.
“Cheeseburgers it is then.”
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