#riley and bertrand sitting in a tree
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angelasscribbles · 2 years ago
It's back! It's back! It's back!
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That's how excited I was to see a new chapter for my new favorite couple!
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Rating - kind of explicit?
Hmm, kind of ....maybe? Ok, I can't wait to find out!!! Let's gooooo!
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Max rushed past brandishing a collection of deadly weapons. “
This absolutely tracks
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Max!” she gasped. “Are you trying to impale me?”
Not in this series....bwahahahaha!!! Ahem, sorry, I'll behave now. Maybe.
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How had she never noticed the firm biceps beneath that fabric before?
Because she wasn't in looooove before!!
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The stack of papers promptly fell from his hands, scattering in all directions, and he was sure his heart stopped beating altogether. “What?”
I love everything about this!
Riley's utter bluntness, Bert's response, the way he gets so flustered, the way just looking at him is doing things to her. The fact that this reaction made me LOL for real! ALL.OF.IT!
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He sat at his desk, mind racing as he tapped his foot nervously. Was Riley teasing him back there or was he imagining it? Was he so hard up for her now that something as innocent as her picking up papers from the ground seemed like innuendo? 
YES!! She did that on purpose and him not being sure if it was or not just makes the teasing that much more fun!!
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He shrugged out of his virgin wool Brioni suit jacket and dress slacks and folded them up, placing them into the hamper.
It still fucking kills me that he folds his dirty laundry! Uptight much? But it's so hilariously Bertrand!
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But lately, instead of finding comfort in the consistency, he found his usual routines had become tedious and exhausting. He was tired of going through the motions. He was tired of being alone. 
Oh, my heart!
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Just the thought of going all the way with Riley caused adrenaline to surge through his veins and his heart to flutter. But that would mean their lessons would be over. He would never be able to see or touch her body again.. But that was their deal from the beginning! She was only helping him out of pity, and he needed to remember that.
The fucking angst!
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He stood up and began pacing the room anxiously. Liam told him not to say anything to anyone, but damn it, this was Riley.. She wasn��t just anyone. And surely she had a right to know!
OMG! He is so fucking sweet and mushy! He is so far gone on her it's not funny!
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Bertrand dropped down into a chair and put his head in his hands. He had gotten so wrapped up in what he and Riley were doing that he almost forgot why she was there in the first place.
What have you done to me, woman? Never in my life did I think I'd be wanting to wrap Bertrand up in my arms and comfort him!!!! GAH!
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This was amazing, sweet, funny, angsty, and a little sexy all at the same time! You've outdone yourself with this chapter!
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Never Have I Ever
Chapter 10 - Demons From the Past - Part 1
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC 
Chapter Synopsis- The Beaumont's prepare for the court's arrival and Bertrand reflects on his current stage of life.
Chapter Warnings- language, innuendo, mentions of sexual acts
Rating - kind of explicit?
Word Count - 1,237
A/N - In the next 2 chapters, we get a glimpse into Bertrand's mind and the trauma he experienced in the past.
Demons From the Past- Part 1
The Beaumont's had a few days to prepare before the entire court arrived in Ramsford for their next stop. Riley had heard stories from other members of court, especially Maxwell, about how epic the Beaumont Bash was and she couldn’t wait. Hopefully she’d even get to see Bertrand let loose.
The staff and event planners scurried around the estate and Riley dodged out of the way as Max rushed past brandishing a collection of deadly weapons. “Coming through!”
“Max!” she gasped. “Are you trying to impale me?”
“Sorry Riley!” Max paused, looking back at her ruefully. “Gotta get these weapons displayed for the champagne sabering!”
Riley’s mouth dropped. What kind of party was this?!
Bertrand emerged from around the corner, his brow furrowed in concentration as he directed various people to where they needed to go. Riley was always fascinated by the way he could delegate responsibilities with such an air of confidence. He always knew exactly what to say and do, and made it look so effortless. As shy as he was deep down, he could be very intimidating. She watched his arm muscles flex beneath his suit jacket, which was always tailored to fit just right. How had she never noticed the firm biceps beneath that fabric before? Her mind flashed back to the sight of him in his study, weeks ago.. The way his arms flexed as they pressed her against his naked body. She could practically still feel his thick cock as he thrust against her center.. He had been close enough to enter her had he wanted, but his innocence and modesty held him back. 
The memory caused Riley’s heart to flutter in her chest and she approached Bertrand just as a woman handed him a stack of documents. “If you could sign these waivers, Your Grace, I can go ahead and have the acrobats on standby.”
“Very good,” Bertrand nodded, taking the papers and looking them over.
“Could you excuse us for a moment?” Riley spoke politely to the party planner.
“Of course,” she replied before walking away.
Bertrand looked at Riley curiously, “Is everything alright?”
“Are you ready to fuck me?”
The stack of papers promptly fell from his hands, scattering in all directions, and he was sure his heart stopped beating altogether. “What?”
Riley grinned, “Our next lesson, I mean.”
Bertrand glanced around to make sure no one heard or witnessed what just happened, but the staff paid him no mind, busying themselves with party preparations. “Well.. I..” 
“Or do we need to review the previous lesson first?” 
She suddenly dropped to her knees in front of him and he gasped. “Lady Riley, what are you doing?!”
She licked her lips and collected the papers from the floor. “Just picking these up. Whatever else would I be doing on my knees in front of you, Your Grace?”
Bertrand was flushed completely red and his heart was racing. His cock twitched in his pants at the memory of the last time she was on her knees before him. He immediately grabbed the documents and rushed off to his office before anyone was the wiser of his growing erection. 
He sat at his desk, mind racing as he tapped his foot nervously. Was Riley teasing him back there or was he imagining it? Was he so hard up for her now that something as innocent as her picking up papers from the ground seemed like innuendo? 
Bertrand somehow made it through the rest of the day, repeatedly pushing lude thoughts of Riley from his mind. He needed to make sure everything was ready for the court's arrival, the formal dinner, and of course the Beaumont Bash. His reputation depended on it. But each time she passed by him in the hall, his heart sped up and his palms began to sweat. 
It was midnight before Bertrand finally made it to his bedroom. The preparations were going according to schedule so far, but there was always the possibility of an error. He would wake up extra early and double check that everything had been done correctly. It was his responsibility, after all.
 He slipped off his black Armani oxford shoes and placed them neatly in his closet. He shrugged out of his virgin wool Brioni suit jacket and dress slacks and folded them up, placing them into the hamper. He removed the gold Patek Philippe wrist watch his grandfather had given him on his sixteenth birthday and placed it safely in its case. Shower.. Shave.. lay out his clothing for the following morning. Mentally prepare for anything that could possibly go wrong the next day. It was the same routine every night.. A consistent ritual that he performed without a thought. But lately, instead of finding comfort in the consistency, he found his usual routines had become tedious and exhausting. He was tired of going through the motions. He was tired of being alone. 
His mind drifted to this afternoon and Riley’s words echoed in his ear..
“Are you ready to fuck me?”
Just the thought of going all the way with Riley caused adrenaline to surge through his veins and his heart to flutter. But that would mean their lessons would be over. He would never be able to see or touch her body again.. But that was their deal from the beginning! She was only helping him out of pity, and he needed to remember that.
His brain was a jumbled up mess.
He still had no idea what was going to happen with Liam. He and Drake were clearly physical with one another, but was there an emotional connection there as well? Was there still a possibility that Liam would choose Riley as his queen? And if so, shouldn’t he tell her that Liam and Drake were intimate at Applewood?
He stood up and began pacing the room anxiously. Liam told him not to say anything to anyone, but damn it, this was Riley.. She wasn’t just anyone. And surely she had a right to know!
He ran his hands down his face in exasperation. How the hell did he get wrapped up in this mess? All he was supposed to do was help Maxwell train this impossibly naive girl in the ways of Cordonian high society so she would be chosen as queen, and their family could reap the benefits. And as Duke, it was his responsibility to ensure that House Beaumont retained its glory. He couldn’t be seen as a failure, and a member of their house being chosen as queen would ensure he was worthy of being head of their house. Since his father was in a coma with little to no possibility of ever regaining consciousness, it was completely up to him to shoulder that burden.
Bertrand dropped down into a chair and put his head in his hands. He had gotten so wrapped up in what he and Riley were doing that he almost forgot why she was there in the first place. And until he heard otherwise, he assumed that Liam was still interested in her and needed a queen. 
She’s here for Liam and the crown.. that’s it.
He turned on the TV in an attempt to drown out his intrusive thoughts regarding a certain woman who was sleeping a mere two doors away, and eventually drifted off into a restless sleep…
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argylemnwrites · 3 years ago
Fight or Flight - Chapter 25: Parting
Pairing: Drake Walker x MC (Riley Liu)
Book: The Royal Heir (canon divergent from the end of book 2)
Word Count: ~3300
Rating: R (language only)
Summary: Two months since The Walker Absconding
Author’s Note: Different perspective than I’ve written before, but an important character for us to check in with at this point, I feel. This series follows the Walkers, their friends, and Cordonia as a whole after they flee the country with their daughter during Barthelemy Beaumont’s attempted coup. To catch up on this series, check out it’s masterlist. (link can be found via my bio - sorry, Tumblr is once again not putting my posts with links in tag searches)
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Bertrand heard many voices around him, but he honestly couldn’t begin to process a single word that was being uttered. People were moving about the courtroom, everyone seemed to be talking at once, but he couldn’t hear anything in particular. All he could do was sit there in shock.
This was a disaster. An unmitigated, complete, and horrifying disaster. He’d lost his title. He’d failed, not only in protecting the good name of House Beaumont, but in preventing his father’s machinations to wrest power for himself.
He knew his father was a harsh man, a man who prided himself on the reputation of House Beaumont, even if he did expect others to carry the burden of maintaining that reputation more than he would ever be willing to do. And Bertrand knew he wasn’t a loving or caring man at the end of the day. But still, there were things you simply did not do as a gentleman. Lines that should never be crossed. And staging a coup for the sole purpose of gaining more control and influence was not the action of a gentleman.
Liam had been a good king - a man who cared about his citizens. And while yes, his actions in regards to the Auvernese king and queen had been probably too passive given what was at stake for Cordonia, the fact remained that his motives were just and appropriate. Same with Lady Riley and her family. While Bertrand would never understand some of the choices she made, both as a duchess and as a parent, he knew that both her and Drake had no self-serving ambitions politically, and that they’d only agreed to raise Her Regency as heir to help out not only their friend, but their country.
What was Father’s goal here in the long term? While his thirst for power was apparent, Bertrand couldn’t fathom how he saw it ending. Even if Father won the Conclave and managed to install himself as Cordonia’s king, he would likely face significant opposition. A civil war, headed by Lady Olivia and the citizens of Lythikos, would not be outside the realms of possibility. Was the mere allure of the potential power worth that gamble? That seemed inconceivable, but if the past weeks had shown him anything, it was that plenty of situations he would have never predicted as possible could come to fruition.
He felt a hand on his shoulder, drawing him out of his spiraling thoughts. Savannah had moved from the first row of seats to stand next to him. She looked concerned, her brow furrowed and her lips pressed tightly together. He glanced at her delicate hand on his shoulder, her nails perfectly manicured, the same pale pink as the tweed suit she was wearing. She looked perfect, the way a duchess should at a legal battle, but that title was no longer hers.
Looking down, he took in her other hand, clutching Bartie’s hand tightly. All he’d wanted was the chance to spend more time with his family, but he’d gotten complacent. He’d given his father an apple, and he’d taken the whole apple tree. How had they gotten here, to this point, where everything felt like it was falling apart?
“I’m so sorry.” He shook his head as he glanced up to look Savannah in the eye.
She gave his shoulder a squeeze. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I know you fought as hard as you could. But, we should probably get going before…” Savannah trailed off, looking over his head.
Bertrand turned, taking in his father walking across the aisle towards them. He stood and spun to face him, shielding his wife and son in the process. He didn’t think that his father would try anything within the confines of the High Court itself, but Kiara’s warning to Savannah about how he was likely scheming and planning around Bartie had him a bit on guard. “What do you want, Father?”
Father raised his hands in a placating gesture. “Come now, Bertrand. I know you must be feeling somewhat burned, but this was for the best.”
“How was this for the best?”
Father shook his head. “Your loyalty is admirable, I suppose. But you shouldn’t let those feelings cloud your vision.”
“Father, if you think for one second-” Bertrand started, but Savannah nudged him in the back, cutting him off.
“Maybe this would be better to discuss at home?’ she asked, nodding towards Adelaide, Madeleine, Hakim, and Kiara, all of whom were standing just a few meters away. “This is a family matter, after all.”
“Of course, my dear!” Father gave a smile to Savannah that made Bertrand’s toes curl in his loafers. He clearly had plans for Bartie, and thought that Savannah might be amenable to that discussion. “In fact, why don’t we ride back to Ramsford together? I would love to spend some time with my grandson. I feel like I barely see him these days.”
“No, that’s quite alright,” said Bertrand, watching Savannah clutch Bartie’s hand a little tighter at that statement. “Maxwell is fetching the car for us.”
“But there is no need to-”
“We’ll continue this conversation at home.” And with that, Bertrand reached back and grabbed Savannah’s hand, tugging her along, out of the courthouse. They needed to get moving, get to the airport, get Bartie to safety. Spending even one more moment with Father seemed too dangerous to risk.
“Slow down, Bert,” Savannah said as they started down the front steps. “He can’t keep up.”
Bertrand paused for just a moment, taking a deep breath. As Savannah scooped Bartie into her arms, reporters swooped in around them. 
“Lord Beaumont, how does it feel to lose a title?”
“Why didn’t you return your father’s title to him once he recovered?”
“Will you still be opposed to Duke Beamont’s bid for the Conclave?”
“What are your thoughts on today’s events when it comes to Mr. Rys’ campaign chances?”
“Why did you think you were entitled to keep your father’s title?”
“Any words for the citizens of Ramsford?”
All Bertrand could do was shake his head, repeating “No comment” over and over as a barrage of questions, ranging from the cruel to the sympathetic, were shouted at him. He wove his way through the throng of journalists, clutching Savannah’s hand as firmly as he could muster, not wanting to be separated in this mass of people. At some point, Bartie started crying, no doubt overwhelmed and overstimulated by the crowd surrounding them, but eventually, they broke free. There was Maxwell, standing next to the car. He raced over to them, helping to shield Bartie from the cameras and microphones. Once they were safely behind the closed doors of the vehicle, Maxwell darted around to the driver’s seat. They’d agreed not to use a driver today, not risking anyone informing Father of their plans to meet Bianca at the airport. 
It was a tense ride. Neither Bertrand or Maxwell said anything. Instead, the car filled with Bartie’s cries from the back seat as Savannah tried to explain to him what was about to happen.
“So, you’re going to take a trip with Grandma, okay?”
“To the ranch?”
“Exactly! And you’re going to get to help her take care of all the animals. Doesn’t that sound fun?”
“And Mommy will help too?”
Bertrand could practically picture the pained expression on Savannah’s face. He couldn’t bear to watch. Hearing this conversation was tortuous enough.
“No, sweetie. Mommy isn’t going on this trip.”
“No, this trip will just be for Bartie and Grandma.” Savannah’s voice cracked slightly before she was drowned out by a scream from Bartie.
“No!!!! Mommy come too!”
“Bartie, it’s a special trip for just you and Grandma. Doesn’t that sound fun?”
She was trying so desperately, but Bartie was now in the midst of a full-blown meltdown, screaming “No!” repeatedly at the top of his lungs. Out of the corner of his eye, Bertrand noticed Maxwell wincing, but he said nothing, almost acting as if he was unable to hear the toddler panicking in the backseat.
Bartie just kept sobbing, hiccuping as he struggled to catch his breath, but somehow still finding the air to continue to yell out “No!” by the time they pulled into short-term parking at the airport. As Maxwell went to the trunk to grab Bartie’s bag, Bertrand took a steadying breath, then climbed out of the passenger seat and into the backseat with his wife and son.
“Bartie, look at me. We’re going to see if Mommy can take the trip with you and Grandma. Is that alright, son?”
He watched as his son sucked in a couple shuddering breaths, tears pouring down his face. He opened up his mouth again, presumably to keep screaming, so Bertrand tried again to soothe him.
“We’re going to try and get Mommy a ticket, too. A trip for Bartie, Mommy, and Grandma. Does that sound better?”
Bartie sniffled and tucked his head against Savannah’s shoulder. Bertrand wasn’t sure if he was calmed by the thought of getting to stay with his mother, or if he’d mainly just worn himself out completely during the ride, but at least his son didn’t appear to be miserable anymore. He might have failed in his duty to his country, but providing his child with a chance for happiness had to count for something.
“Bertrand, are you sure?” Savannah asked, drawing his eyes to hers. “I don’t want to leave you here alone.”
Bertrand just nodded. “He needs his mother. You should be with him.”
“But your father-”
He placed a hand on Savannah’s knee, and gave what he hoped was a reassuring squeeze. “He is going to follow whatever course of action he has planned. I’m not sure what else I can do to prevent it at this point. While I will always appreciate your support, dear, I know that our son needs you more than I do.”
Savannah blinked a couple of times before leaning over and kissing his cheek. “Thank you, Bertie.” She smiled at him, then moved as if to exit the car, but as she slid towards the door, she paused suddenly. “Why don’t you come as well?”
“Why don’t you come with us to Texas?”
“I… I couldn’t possibly.”
“Why not?”
“I need to stay here and…” Bertrand trailed off, his mind racing as he tried to figure out why Savannah’s suggestion was impossible. But instead of his typical list of duties, his mind remained blank. The truth was, he didn’t have any duties anymore. He wasn’t a duke. He was just the son of a traitor, unlikely to be welcome in his own home once Father learned that he had sent Bartie off to a foreign country for his protection.
Still, it seemed wrong to flee. With all the upheaval and turmoil Cordonia would be facing over the upcoming months, could he really just leave? Would that make him a coward? Didn’t he have a duty to stay?
“I… Cordonia is just… and I need to-”
Savannah placed her hand on top of his on the seat, her touch mercifully interrupting his nonsensical ramblings. “You did all you could for our country, and I know you want to do more. But at the end of the day, I’m not sure what else you can do to fight your father. The High Court ruled in his favor.
“What good is staying here going to do? You don’t have a vote at the Conclave. The social season will be going on hiatus soon anyway - the apple harvest is coming quickly. Why not come with us and be with your family?”
Bertrand swallowed, trying to break up the lump in his throat. “I can’t let anyone else down, Savannah. I just can’t.”
She threaded her fingers through his and gave his hand a tight squeeze. “You aren’t letting anyone down, Bertie. And anyone that thinks that putting your family first is a problem can go pound sand, alright?”
All Bertrand could do was nod. Maybe she was right, or maybe he was just too spent and run ragged to fight her on this. The one thing he knew, though, was that her suggestion sounded more appealing than anything had in weeks, even if he would be spending the upcoming months trying to avoid upsetting Leona.
They climbed out of the car together and moved around to the rear. “So, a bit of a change of plans,” said Savannah, reclaiming his hand.
Maxwell glanced up from the trunk. “Did I make the right call in packing for three?”
Savannah let out a chuckle and nodded, leaving Bertrand wondering how Maxwell could have possibly predicted that they would make this decision. 
As if he could read his mind, Maxwell said, “By the time this is over, I’m gonna be the expert at knowing when my siblings are making a run for it with their kids. I had a bit more warning this time, so I have everyone’s passports and some basics all packed.”
Savannah dropped his hand and stepped forward, giving Maxwell a hug with one arm, Bartie still wrapped up in her other. “Thank you.”
“Yes, thank you, Maxwell.”
Maxwell glanced over Savannah’s shoulder at Bertrand, so he gave his brother a nod. He hoped that Maxwell knew that his gratitude was genuine. Bertrand knew he was hard on him at times, but Maxwell had an uncanny ability to come through for those he loved in the end. Maxwell just nodded back, his gaze steady and sure.
“Alright, my man. Are you ready to take a trip with Mommy and Daddy?” Maxwell asked Bartie as Savannah pulled back, reaching up to give him a high five. Bartie nodded, but clung to Savannah tightly, clearly still upset about the earlier conversation. After a few seconds, Maxwell just ruffled his hair before he turned and started pulling bags out of the trunk.
“Okay, here’s your luggage, and here are your passports,” he said, passing Bertrand a stack of three blue passports with the Cordonian crest. “Now technically, you guys aren’t breaking any laws, but…”
“But what?” asked Savannah, swinging one of the bags over her free shoulder.
“Well, I wouldn’t put it past Dad to try and track you guys down, harass you, that sort of thing. Realistically, he’s gonna know where you're heading, but he has no legal authority to follow you or anything. Still, it probably isn’t wise to stick with the family cell plan, you know?”
Bertrand snorted. “Are you suggesting that we purchase burner phones like we’re drug dealers or common criminals?”
Maxwell just shrugged, then pulled two cell phones out of his pocket. “I dunno if those are the only types of people who need burners. I’ve found having one pretty handy over the past couple of months.”
The implications of his statement, the impact of seeing his brother holding one cell phone he’d seen countless times and one he’d never seen washed over him. He’d been so caught up in everything unfolding with Father, he’d never stopped to wonder if Maxwell had been in contact with Lady Riley and her family.
“You have been in touch with them! How are they? Are they okay?” The questions spilled from Savannah, her eyes wide and desperate.
“They’re as okay as they can be, given the whole, you know, fugitive thing. I’ve got them staying somewhere safe. I wanted to tell you but I-”
“No, I get it. I’m just glad to hear they’re okay.” Savannah gave Maxwell another hug, her eyes glistening just slightly in the setting sun.
“They are. Bridget even took her first steps two days ago.”
Savannah let out a sigh as she brought her hand to her mouth. “Can I… I mean, if we get burners, would it be okay for us-”
“-to call them? Yeah, I think it would be. Just text me your new numbers to my burner so I can warn them to expect your calls. They don’t answer for unknown numbers in case it’s someone trying to track them.” With that, Maxwell handed Bertrand a piece of paper with three phone numbers on it. “Top one’s my burner, next is Drake’s, then Riley’s. Only use these numbers from your new phones, though. We can’t risk any overlap, okay?”
Savannah nodded aggressively, and Bertrand tucked the sheet of paper carefully into his wallet. He’d been so focused on his legal fight with Father, he’d never even thought to ask Savannah how she felt about her brother or how she was holding up. Based on her reaction, it had clearly been weighing on her, but she’d never let him see it, probably not wanting to add to his burdens. He would have to make sure she had as much of a chance to talk to Drake as she wanted once they got settled in Texas. He could help her mother and aunt around the ranch, take care of Bartie, do everything he could to give her that uninterrupted time. It was the least he could do, after all she had done for him.
He helped Maxwell unload the last of the suitcases, but Maxwell stopped him from pulling out the final bag. “Actually, that one’s mine.”
Bertrand frowned. “Are you joining us?”
Maxwell shook his head. “Nah, I’m gonna stay in Cordonia. But I don’t really feel like Dad’s gonna be super welcoming when I roll in all by myself, so I’m gonna go crash with Hana at Valtoria, at least for a little bit. Leave on my own terms before he banishes me or something.”
“You can come with us, Maxwell. I’m sure Mom and Aunt Lee won’t mind.”
He just continued to shake his head. “Thanks, but I’m good. I want to be there for Liam when it all unfolds.”
A wave of guilt started to crest in Bertrand’s stomach, which Maxwell must have sensed, because he spun to face him fully. “Just as a friend. We’ve both done what we can as members of the nobility. That’s all out of our hands now, okay? You are fine going to Texas.”
Bertrand paused for a moment, then nodded, wrapping his brother in a tight hug. “Thank you, Maxwell. I truly mean it,” he muttered before pulling back and clearing his throat.
Maxwell gave him a warm smile. “I know you do. Now go, Bianca should be waiting for you inside. I warned her last week that she might have some company on the flight, so go get your tickets!”
A few last hugs were exchanged, but all too soon, it was time to head in. It was strange. Just a couple of months ago, Bertrand was planning on making this trip for leisure  not worried at all that he was leaving his father to carry on the duties of the Duke of Ramsford while he partook in a family vacation. Now, he was in a similar position, except the fear and anxiety over the circumstances had increased exponentially.
Was he really making the right call, fleeing to the United States in the midst of everything? As they walked toward the departures entrance, he glanced back, wondering if he should send Savannah and Bartie on their own. But he saw Maxwell still standing there, and when he caught sight of him glancing back, Maxwell nodded deeply and mouthed, “Go.”
Bertrand didn’t know if this was the proper and honorable course of action or not. Maybe a better gentleman would stay and see things through to the end. But for all his failures as a duke, he knew that he could at least do right by his wife and child. And if that was the only solace he could take at this point, he knew that leaving with them might be his only chance to do right. He couldn’t serve his king or his country the way he wanted, but at least he could serve his family.
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Perma: @mom2000aggie @octobereighth @kingliam2019 @lovingchoices14
TRR/TRH: @iplaydrake @princessleac1 @twinkleallnight @gkittylove99 @ladyangel70 @marshmallowsandfire @axwalker @sirbeepsalot @iaminlovewithtrr @forallthatitsworth @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @hedgehogs-dilemmas
Drake/MC: @debramcg1106 @walkerdrakewalker @petiteboheme @mskaneko
FoF: @burnsoslow​
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cordonian-literature · 4 years ago
The Aftermath - Ch. 27
Apples and the Doctor’s Office
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Summary: After the first day of the Apple Blossom Festival and Drake’s birthday, Riley, Liam, and the kids visit a doctor
Word Count: ~4.8k
Warnings: mention of character death, mention of addiction/drug abuse
*All characters belong to Pixelberry, except those that are unique to my story (I’ve also used some characters and fictional instances from Donna Tartt’s book “The Goldfinch”)*
Catch up here!
Tags: @captain-kingliamsqueen​​ @gkittylove99​ @lovablegranny​ @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful​ @mom2000aggie​ @kingliam2019​ @queenrileyrose​ @shanzay44​ @cordonianroyalty​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @hopelessromanticmonie​ @cinnamonspongecake​ @kuladekiwi​ @twinkle-320​ @iaminlovewithtrr​ @charlotteg234​ @amandablink​ @texaskitten30​ @tinkie1973 @louiseingram1208 @queencatherynerhys​ @pens-girl-87​ @missevabean​ @ladyangel70​ @sanchita012​ @cordonianprincess​ @liamandneca @cordonia-gothqueen​ @pink-diamond13​ @queenwalton​​ @yourmajesty09​​
I’m not sure if the tags are working or not, but I hope I got everyone down! If you would like to be added/removed, please let me know :)
- Eleanor - 
Mama woke us up extra early the morning after the beach party. While she helped bring my stuff to the car that was waiting outside, I decided to go back onto the bed and take a nap until it was time to actually leave. But when I opened my eyes, I was already in the car, my head on Mama’s leg. 
Mama and Daddyo were sitting next to each other and talking quietly while Gabe was sleeping on the other seat. I looked out the window to find that we were driving by large fields. There were trees surrounding little farms, and I saw animals that looked like sheep or goats, but I couldn’t tell from the distance. 
We eventually reach a large house and Daddyo wakes up Gabe to eat breakfast. When we walk into the kitchen there are already waffles, omelets, and fruits waiting for us. During the meal, Daddyo tells Mama that he’s worried about some investigation but Gabe and me are too focused on eating to pay attention.
After that, Daddyo asks us what we want to do today, and Gabe suggests soccer. I didn’t really want to play, but I still follow the two of them outside. 
While we walk through the large house, there are people working and cleaning like crazy. I ask Daddyo why they’re doing that, and he tells me it’s because the court is going to show up in a few hours.
Daddyo leads us far away from the building and towards a bunch of apple trees. I skip alongside him, humming whatever tune came into my head. Him and Gabe find four sticks and push them into the ground. Another person walks out of the house with a soccer ball, and Daddyo gives it to me to start out the game. 
I kick it, trying to get it back towards him, but the ball goes to Gabe instead, who kicks it into the goal and gets a point. He goes to get the ball and gives it back to me. When I try and kick it towards the goal to get myself a point, I kick it in the wrong direction again and it ends up at Daddyo’s feet, who manages to kick it into the goal to get us a point. 
The three of us play around for a few hours until some servants come out and tell us that the court has started to arrive, and Daddyo told us we needed to go get ready for the Apple Blossom Festival.
Mama helped us get dressed, but Daddyo had to leave to get ready for something. I was upset since I wanted to spend more time with him, but Gabe said that we would probably see him later. 
After everyone is dressed, Mama, Gabe, and me walk back over towards the apple trees with Duchess Olivia and Countess Hana. I ask Mama if Uncle Boris and Aunt Rowan would come, too. She tells me that Aunt Rowan is with Lord Maxwell, and comments that she hasn’t seen Uncle Boris since the horse race. 
We keep walking until we reach a small area where there aren’t that many trees, but a lot of people were gathered. There were photographers and people who I recognized from other events. I see Daddyo walk towards the front of the crowd, with Bastien and some other guards walking behind him. 
He faces the crowd and asks for everyone’s attention. I notice Heather out of the corner of my eye and walk up to her. Uncle Leo gives me a high-five when he sees me and Hunter walks towards my brother.
“Welcome to the annual Apple Blossom Festival!” he calls out. People clap lightly, and I see Lord Maxwell start cheering. “Traditionally, the Queen Mother and other ladies of the court would taste the first apples of the season, so in her memory, I propose we all take a bite.” 
There are some nods, and servants begin passing out apples to the adults. When a servant gives an apple to Uncle Leo and Aunt Katie, Uncle Leo takes both apples to give to Hunter and Heather. The same servant gives Gabe and me apples, and someone shoves a camera into my face.
“Go on, kiddos,” the person behind the camera says to me and Gabe. “Take a bite of the apple.” 
I look at the fruit in my hand, which is probably one of the brightest and reddest apples I’ve ever seen. Gabe takes a bite of his apple, but before he can even start chewing, he starts coughing again. The cameraman angles his camera away and asks Gabe if he’s okay. 
“Yeah, sorry if I coughed on your camera,” Gabe says. 
“That’s fine,” the man says. “Were you choking?” 
“No, my chest just started hurting.” 
“Gotcha. Wanna take another bite?” The cameraman looks over at me, and I take a large bite of my apple. 
It’s sweet and sour at the same time. I hate sour things, and I feel like my cheeks are burning. I force myself to swallow the apple and smile at the cameraman, because spitting it out would probably look gross. “Yummy!” I manage to say.
“Adorable!” the man says, then turns to take a picture of Gabe, who smiles while chewing. 
“That was delicious,” Gabe comments. The cameraman thanks us and walks away. 
“That was sour,” Hunter says, wiping some juice off his chin.
My brother shrugs. “I like sour foods.” 
Gabe finishes his apple and asks for another one. When the rest of the court has also eaten at least one apple, Daddyo asks for everyone’s attention again. 
“As everyone has taken a bite of their apples,” he begins. “I would like to thank our farmers, ones whose families have provided for Cordonia for generations.” He clears his throat, then starts talking again. “There is something else I wish to speak about. I know that recently Cordonia has faced many challenges. There have been natural disasters, economic recessions, international disagreements, and uprisings by anti-monarchist organizations. But Cordonia and her people have always been resilient. We’ve always stood together in unity. 
“Some of you I’ve known since my early childhood,” he continues, “and you’ve held my trust above all others. But this is a very unique issue we are facing, and Cordonia has learned from experience that her allies are not always who they are said to be. 
“My security team has reason to believe that the late Queen Mother did not die of a heart attack, but was actually poisoned, just as my own mother was more than thirty years ago.” People in the crowd gasp and begin whispering with each other. “Investigations are being led, but my team has suggested furthering those investigations by searching the belongings of certain members of the court. Do not fret, your privacy will be respected and if need be, the search may be done while you are present.”
The crowd of photographers and reporters start yelling questions towards Daddyo, and Uncle Leo leads us all back towards Mama and Duchess Olivia. 
“Did you know Regina was poisoned?” Uncle Leo asks. 
“Yes,” Duchess Olivia answers him. “Jacob told me what he discovered this morning. I didn’t know if Liam would tell the people, and I’m surprised that he did.”
“He was worried about it this morning,” Mama adds. All the adults turn to look back at Daddyo, who still has microphones being pushed in front of his face.
“I hope he’s doing okay,” Uncle Leo says.
“I’m sure he is.” Duchess Olivia turns back to Uncle Leo when he speaks, and there’s an angry tone in her voice. 
Jessica walks up to the group, pulling Drake behind her. She greets everyone and pinches Gabe’s cheek. Drake starts talking with Uncle Leo, and Jessica turns to Mama. 
“I wanted to ask if you would join Drake and I for dinner tonight,” she says. “I made a reservation at a restaurant for his birthday. It would be lovely if you all attended.” 
“That’d be nice,” Mama says. “We could all go.”
“No, thank—” Duchess Olivia begins, but Mama gives her a look, and instead says, “Fine.” 
“I’ll go fill in Hana and everyone else,” Mama says, walking away. 
“Hey, do you wanna go pick some apples?” Heather taps my shoulder to ask. 
I search the crowd for Daddyo, but can’t see him anymore. I tell Heather sure, and our brothers follow us towards some trees. 
Hunter and Gabe are the ones who want to climb up, and Heather and me are left near some baskets. Gabe tells us to catch the apples they throw down at us and to count them. 
For a second I think it’s not a good idea, since I don’t think I’ll be able to catch the apples and am a little scared that I would drop them, but Gabe already sends one down and I throw myself at it. 
I catch it, but land face-forward in the grass. Gabe calls to me from the top of the tree, saying that I had to get up. 
Heather and I continue to catch apples until our baskets are full. I had lost count around twelve, but Heather counts my basket, too, and says that the four of us collected about fifty apples altogether. 
Hunter frowns, complaining that we could have done better. Heather looks around for where we have to bring the baskets. And Gabe reaches down to eat another apple. 
I see Aunt Katie call for Hunter and Heather. The two of them walk away from us, and we wave goodbye to them. Gabe and I start walking away to go look for where Mama is, but Hunter and Heather call to us again to say that we’re all going somewhere together. 
Gabe and I are led in a car that has Lord Maxwell, Aunt Rowan, Duke Bertrand, Duchess Savannah, and Bartie. They tell us that everyone is headed to the same place, and that we would be celebrating Drake’s birthday. 
“I wonder what Jessica has planned,” Maxwell wonders aloud. 
“Probably cake?” Gabe asks. 
“Naturally,” Maxwell replies. “But do you think there’s a chance she didn’t get balloons?” 
“We can bring some!” I suggest. “In case Jessica forgot.” 
“I like the way you think, baby blossom,” Maxwell says. 
He crawls over towards the driver and asks him to bring us to a place we could get balloons. Duke Bertrand tries to stop Maxwell, but he refuses to sit down and the driver has already parked in front of a store. 
Me and my brother follow Maxwell into the store, who goes straight to the counter. 
“Do you have balloons?” he asks. There are balloon designs on display right on top of our heads, and I pull Maxwell’s sleeve and point at them. “Hmmm...” he stares at them for a while, then turns back to the person at the counter. “Do you maybe have a balloon that’s shaped like a whiskey bottle?” 
“No, but I got champagne ones,” the old man says. 
“Good enough, we’ll take ten,” Maxwell requests. 
“Ten?” my brother and me ask in union.
“Do you think we should get more?” he turns to us and asks. “What if we get forty and say ‘Happy Fortieth Birthday’? He’s not forty yet but it would be funny.”
“I mean, I don’t know,” Gabe starts. “If Lady Jessica already got balloons, then bringing forty more would seem like a little too much.”
Maxwell sighs. “Fine.” 
“Gabe is now the bossy blossom,” I point at my brother to announce. 
“What? No—” he tries to protest.
“Are you gonna tell me not to call you bossy?” I question, crossing my arms in front of me.
“That would make you extra bossy,” Maxwell states. 
“But—” he tries again.
“Stop being bossy, bossy blossom!” I cry. 
Gabe turns away from me. Maxwell pats him on the head and says, “It’s okay, bossy blossom.” 
Maxwell and I laugh while Gabe stares at the balloons. 
We all hold three balloons, and Maxwell holds an extra one. When we get back into the car, Duchess Savannah and Aunt Rowan laugh, and I can tell that Duke Bertrand is upset, but he doesn’t say anything.
For the rest of the ride we punch the balloons at each other until we have to get out of the car. Aunt Rowan ties some balloons to my wrists because she was worried they would fly away. 
When we enter, there’s a guy in a fancy suit who greets us. 
“This is not the kind of establishment you bring childish balloons into,” Duke Bertrand whispers loudly to Maxwell.
The three of us ignore him and follow the fancy man through the restaurant until we reach a very big table. Everyone else is already seated, including Uncle Leo, Aunt Katie, Hunter, and Heather. 
Except for the ones me, Gabe, and Maxwell hold, there are no balloons in the room. And there aren’t any decorations either. 
“Happy Birthday, Drake!” Maxwell cries, walking over to where Drake was sitting. 
“Tie ‘em to his chair,” Uncle Leo comments, pointing at the balloons. 
While Maxwell works the knot of the balloon tied to my wrist, Drake grabs the string and pulls it close to his face. “You know these are champagne bottles, right?” 
“Imagine that it’s whiskey,” Maxwell tells him. 
I follow Gabe towards a few seats. I got to sit on Mama’s right, while Gabe was on Daddyo’s left, with the both of them in between us. Thankfully Heather was next to me. Gabe feels far from us, and when he tries to say something to me, I couldn’t really hear him. I wave at him to exaggerate the distance.
The adults talk steadily throughout the meal. Mama and Daddyo were sitting close to each other, mostly whispering. Countess Hana was talking with Maxwell and Aunt Rowan. Duke Bertrand laughed with Uncle Leo, and sometimes I saw Daddyo send looks in their direction.
As time went on I got more and more tired, and I wanted to ask Mama when they would finally cut the cake, but then Drake and Jessica stand to thank everyone for coming, and we all head outside.
“No cake?” I whisper at Gabe when we take a seat in Daddyo’s limo. 
He shrugs. Mama and Drake join us in the car, and I wonder where Jessica is. I spend the drive back looking out at the streets we passed. 
“Do you think they’re already done with the search?” Drake asks. 
“Perhaps,” Daddyo answers. “I don’t believe it should have taken the entire day, especially if no one resisted.”
“Do you really think it could have been someone from the court?” asks Mama.
Daddyo shrugs. “I’m not sure. I certainly hope not.” 
When we get out of the car, we see Lord Maxwell and everyone else walking into the big house. They wave at us, and we begin to follow, but someone walks up to Daddyo. 
“Your Majesty,” the man says. “There is something you need to see.” 
The five of us follow the man up the stairs and down dark hallways. I don’t even hear people talking, and the big house suddenly feels spooky. 
The man leads us into Gabe’s room, where there’s Bastien and some other people in similar suits. Bastien stands over Gabe’s open suitcase, and he looks down at something on his bed. 
“What is it?” Mama asks. She rushes forward to lean over the thing that Bastien was looking at, then gasps. 
Drake and Daddyo follow Mama, and their faces frown when they inspect the object.
“I...” Mama tries to speak. “I saw this at the Met. Before the bomb went off.” 
Gabriel and I look at each other, confused. 
“What on Earth was it doing in Gabriel’s belongings?” Daddyo questions Bastien.
“I don’t know. We didn’t even know this was the prince’s room,” Bastien tells everyone. “My team believed it was the room of another Lord or Lady, so we decided to inspect it. We only realized it was His Highness’ room after we had already found the painting.”
What painting are they talking about? I turn to look at Gabriel, but his chin starts to shake. All the adults are still questioning each other, and since they aren’t really paying attention to me, I make my way over to the edge of Gabe’s bed to look at what the problem was.
It was a painting of a bunch of dancers. They were wearing bright-pink pointe shoes, and I figured they were ballerinas. The whole thing looks like it was recently painted, but I tap the painted flower in the painted girl’s hair, and my finger comes away dry.
“What’s the commotion?” Duchess Olivia comes into the room. She towers over me to look at the painting. When she looks back at everyone, she’s just as confused. 
“This painting,” Mama begins to explain, “was in the Met the day of the bombing. The Dance Class. There was ash on it, and... look, they’ve painted over it to make it look new.” Mama points to certain places on the portrait.
“Weren’t the missing paintings around Europe connected to the incident at the Met?” Drake asks.
“They were,” Duchess Olivia speaks up. “And there was some evidence that the perpetrators were from Europe, but nothing came of it.” 
“So that means it is someone at court,” Drake states.
“I’m still concerned as to how the painting got into Gabriel’s room,” Daddyo states.
“Mom, I didn’t do anything,” Gabe goes to our mother. Tears are falling down his face and he’s having a hard time breathing. 
Mama holds his head in her hands. “Baby, I know you didn’t.”
She holds Gabriel while he cries. Duchess Olivia and Bastien continue their conversation. 
“Everyone whose belongings were searched showed no suspicious behavior or resisted in any capacity,” Bastien tells us. 
“Give me the names of whose rooms were checked,” Duchess Olivia demands. “I’ll have Jacob look into it.” 
Gabe starts to cough roughly into Mama’s side. He tries to take in a breath, but a cough, vibrating from his chest, forces its way out. Gabriel’s face goes pink, and Daddyo and Bastien kneel in front of him.
“Your Majesty,” Bastien says. “Perhaps the prince should see a doctor.” 
Daddyo’s focused on making sure Gabe can breathe, and once he’s calm and Mama wipes the tears from his face, Daddyo nods at Bastien. 
“I’ll schedule an appointment for you early in the morning, Your Majesty.” 
“C’mon, you two,” Mama says to us. “Let’s get you both to bed.” 
Mama woke us up extra early again, but this time I wasn’t so tired. Her and Daddyo fussed over Gabe while we ate breakfast in a small dining room. 
They brought me to the doctor’s office with them. I didn’t like that I was back in the hospital, but when we were brought to the waiting room, I was glad that I didn’t see any patients or sick people. 
Once a nurse tells us that the doctor will be here in a few moments, Gabe comments, “I ate two whole apples yesterday but we still ended up at the doctor’s.”
Mama laughs. “Really?”
“That’s a lie,” I add in. “He ate three.” 
“The extra apple didn’t save me,” he states.
The doctor arrives and shakes Mama’s and Daddyo’s hands. She says that she wants to bring Gabriel into another room to run some tests and ask some questions. Mama follows Gabe, and Daddyo and me are left in the waiting room. 
“Is Gabe sick?” I ask him after Mama and Gabe have left. 
“I’m sure your brother is fine. There’s nothing to worry about, angel.” 
His phone rings, and I expect him to walk away and answer it, but he stays in his seat and talks. I spend the next few minutes walking around the waiting room, picking up magazines and staring up at the television. I grab three booklets from the stands and hand two of them to Daddyo, who is still on the phone. 
He leans back in his seat and watches me flip through the magazines while talking. When I’ve gone through all of them and sniffed more than twelve perfume samples, he’s finally done with his call. 
“What are we doing tomorrow?” I ask him. I was hoping that we could go to the movies again so we could all spend time together. Even though we had fun yesterday morning, the moments felt too short.
“The fox hunt is tomorrow. We’ll be visiting an ancient village.” 
“We’re gonna hunt?!” I cry.
He gives a deep laugh. “No, no, we’ll just ride horses to get to a village.” 
“Phew,” I voice, making him laugh again. “Wait, I don’t know how to ride a horse! Do you?” 
“Yes. Perhaps after the baking contest today, I can teach you and your brother.”
I wanted to ask him what the baking contest was for, but the doctor finally comes back to tell us that we can come into the room now. 
Gabe is sitting on the examination table, and Mama stands next to him. I take a seat next to the table and Daddyo stands next to the doctor.
“So I’ve taken a physical exam,” the doctor starts explaining, “and a lung function test. We’ve been able to determine that Gabriel has asthma.”
Mama and Daddyo both frown. 
“How?” Mama asks. “He’s not allergic to anything, doesn’t have allergies...”
“Sometimes,” the doctor starts again, “asthma can be triggered in children by cold air, excessive exercise, or air pollutants.” 
“Air pollutants?” Daddyo questions. 
“Like tobacco smoke.” The doctor pretends to hold up a cigarette to her lips. 
“Oh, God,” Mama whispers, putting her face in her hands. 
“What is it?” Daddyo asks. 
Mama lifts her head again. “Theo smoked. A lot. While I was pregnant and during Gabe’s first year. I think he only fully stopped before Ella was born.” 
Daddyo’s mouth falls slightly agape and his eyebrows furrow.
“Well, that explains it,” the doctor states. “I’ll give you some treatment options so it doesn’t get worse, but if it does, make sure to give us a call.” 
Gabriel jumps off of the examination table. We walk together out of the hospital and back into the car. 
No one says anything while we drive back. Mama and Daddyo both seem tense. I want one of them to start talking, but I’m afraid to speak. 
“I thought that Theo would go outside to smoke,” Mama finally says. “I didn’t even consider...” She trails off and puts her head back in her hands. 
“Didn’t consider that you were putting my son in the care of a drug addict?” Daddyo says quickly. We all turn to him. He looks at Mama like he’s angry. I’ve never seen him or heard him like that. I don’t understand why talking about Daddy made him mad.
“Instead of bringing him to me, where I could have kept him safe, you decide to bring my son into the hands of a stranger?” 
“You’re saying that as if I had a choice.”
“You’ve always had a choice, Riley!” 
“Not then, I didn’t—”
“You always did.” Their voices get louder. I think they’ve forgot that we’re still in the car with them. “If you had refused to depart with him, what was the worst that could have happened?” 
Mama’s voice breaks. “I did refuse!”
“Truly? Look where we are now.”
“Do you really think that I left that day with no intention of coming back? I tried for years to convince Theo!” 
Daddyo doesn’t say anything for a few moments. He looks away from Mama, but not at us, until he finally says, “Riley, we were the ones who had to bring you back, and that was when you were on death’s door.” 
“So you’re assuming that I never even tried to come back?”
“Clearly, Riley, you didn’t!” he screams. “You told me that you traveled to Europe numerous times, but not once did you try to contact me.”
“I wasn’t allowed to!” 
“So you voluntarily let that man determine my son’s health and your life?”
They’re both leaning forward in their seats. Mama looks like she’s ready to cry. I can’t tell how Daddyo’s feeling, but the tone of his voice kinda scares me. 
“You’re blaming me for all this, aren’t you?” Mama asks. “He’s still just a kid, his asthma hasn’t gotten into anything worse—”
“And if it did? If it had gotten worse before we realized it? Tell me, Riley, what would have happened then?” 
Mama pauses for a moment. She looks helpless. I want to hug her, but I was still too frightened to move a muscle. 
Daddyo breathes out and leans forward, looking down at his shoes with his elbows on his legs. 
“My father battled lung cancer for the last few years of his life,” he continues. “How do we know if Gabriel’s condition won’t worsen into something similar?”
“We can talk to the doctor about it,” Mama suggests in a small voice.
Daddyo doesn’t say anything. We all fall into silence again. I turn to look at Gabe, who seems like he’s trying to melt back into the seat. Craning my neck, I try to see what’s out the window, wondering how long it would take us to get back to the big house.
I turn to look at Mama. My mother’s face is slightly pink, and there are tears streaming down her face. I get up out of my seat to hug her, wrapping my arms around her waist, but she doesn’t react. 
Daddyo looks at her, but he doesn’t have the same face on from when he usually talked to Mama. He looked mean and angry.
“What about Boris?” Daddyo speaks up. He turns to Mama again, but she just stares at him. “He was with Theodore when he forced you to leave New York?”
Daddyo sighs and leans back in his seat. “Did he also forbid you from returning to Cordonia?”
“No,” Mama answers simply. 
“So it was just Theodore?” 
Silence again. Daddyo doesn’t look away from Mama. 
“What did he say about me that... inspired you to leave?”
She doesn’t answer him. 
Someone opens the door to the car. I didn’t even realize we had stopped driving. Mama wipes her tears and gets out of the car, rushing into the big house. As soon as Daddyo steps out, some people surround him and start talking to him. His expression changes quickly, and it’s almost like he was never mad. 
Gabe and me get out of the car, and we follow people back towards the apple trees. My brother stays quiet, and I don’t try to talk to him, either. I knew the both of us were thinking about what had just happened. 
When we reach the crowd of people, Lord Maxwell and Aunt Rowan call us over to them. “Baby blossoms! Come bake some apple pie with us!” 
I ran over to them, hoping that the apple pies would make me feel better. Gabriel still walks slowly. 
“Hey, Gabey,” Aunt Rowan says to him. “Everything okay?” 
He shrugs. “They had a fight...”
“Who?” Lord Maxwell asks, putting down the knife he was using to cut apples. 
“Mama and Daddyo,” I tell them. 
“About what?”
Gabe shrugs again. “The doctor said that I have asthma, and then they started talking about... about Dad.” 
“Aw,” Rowan says. She pulls Gabe into a hug.
“They’re both probably worried,” Maxwell wonders aloud. Him and Rowan give each other a look, but then we go back to making apple pie. 
Lord Maxwell had forgotten to tell the judges that he wanted to be a part of the competition, so our pie was not judged, which meant that we got to eat the entire thing. Countess Hana and Lady Kiara’s pie won, and we cheered them on from the sidelines. 
I didn’t see Daddyo for the rest of the day, and Lord Maxwell told us that he was probably really busy. I wanted to go find him and ask him to teach me how to ride a horse, but I was worried that he was still mad. 
So instead, a little after sunset, Lord Maxwell brought me, Gabe, and Rowan to the stables and taught us about horses for a little bit. I learned how to sit and stay balanced, and was excited for the hunt tomorrow. I just hoped that Mama and Daddyo weren’t still mad at each other.
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twinkleallnight · 4 years ago
(Part-8) Fight or flight
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Liam x MC, Drake x ??
For previous chapters: catch up here
A/N: This fic is my submission for this week’s #WackyDrabbles. The prompt is: ‘Oh? Just once?’ and will appear in bold.
A/N 2: Thank u @ritachacha for helping out and connecting me to @queen-of-effing-everything who gave me a basic idea of the noble houses and further gave a lead and I met @lizzybeth1986 . Lizzy, your essays are amazing. You have helped me with your vast knowledge and It was an enlightening discussion. This chapter wouldn't have been without your inputs.
Music inspo: Connan Gray
Tags: @ao719 @aloneautumn @charlotteg234 @choiceskatie @cordonia-gothqueen @cordonianroyalty @daisydancer12385 @drakewalker04 @gardeningourmet @gkittylove99 @glaimtruelovealways @hopefulmoonobject @hopelessromanticmonie @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful @idontknowwhysblog @islandcrow @jovialyouthmusic @jaxsmutsuo @kingliam2019 @lovablegranny @mrswalkers-blog @mom2000aggie @no-one-u-know @ntoraplayschoices @ritachacha @speedyoperarascalparty @shanzay44 @texaskitten30 @loudbluebirdlover @queenrileyrose @sanchita012 @theroyalheirshadowhunter @wackydrabbles @yourmajesty09
The next few days are spent busy, at the stables. After couple of days, Liam walks in, as I am tending to Brawny in the separate temporary shed, that I got made for the infected horses. I signal him to wait. I change out of my protective clothes and scrub before meeting him outside.
“Welcome back home! So, how did Lythikos treat you?” I know I am beating around the bush, when I am asking it. But I don’t want to hit him straight with the awkward question. I know he is equally in an uneasy position.
“Yes, all well.” He gives me an agonizing stare. “I had a talk with her.” He brings up the inevitable topic. “I think she did it out of desperation and jealousy.”
“It is alright Liam. She is not blind and not a child anymore. She can see where you are inclined.” I let out a sigh, “It’s difficult to read a woman’s mind. I feel sad for the manner in which we are parting ways. Part of growing up, I guess!”
Liam gives out a sigh too and then changes the subject, “Everything under control here?”
“Yes. I reached in time. There were two more horses showing similar signs. Got all three horses isolated. And vaccinated remaining ones.”
“You are good at your job. Even father seems to have blind faith in you, when it comes to vet skills.” He chuckles.
“Thank you.” I smirk thinking of king Constantine. It’s his inherent nature to always doubt and question everyone. “I have to report and update it to him later today. Let’s see what he has to say.”
Liam gives me a friendly pat, and we head to the palace for a quiet lunch together. I get a call from Max soon after we finish our meals. “It’s an emergency. I am sending you the address. Meet me in half an hour.” He sounds serious.
I drive down to the coffee shop, which he mentioned in his text. When I walk in, I find him sitting in the corner booth, his feet tapping on the floor nervously, and his blue eyes scanning the scene around, in a hope to find solution to the problem he is carrying in his mind.
“What’s wrong?” I ask settling down across the table.
“I don’t know. Bertrand doesn’t seem to be interested in giving me the whole story. He thinks I’m still his baby brother.” He rolls his eyes. “All I know is, that the crew we hired for our yacht for the Royal Regatta scheduled tomorrow, has ditched us.”
“It’s just a symbolic boat race and not an actual one with a pressure to win.” I try to lay down the facts.
“But you know Bertrand. He won’t leave any stone unturned to win it. Also, it’s king’s favourite event. He wants that Riley should bag the prize, so that she gets a chance to interact with the king. It is kind of gaining brownie points.
“Hmm." I ponder. "How many members do we need? Let’s count. You and I will be there.”
“You will do that for me?” he says, his eyes widening with a shine.
“I will. If you promise not to crack your stupid jokes during the event.” I warn him. “Who else can be roped in?”
“I don’t want to include anyone else. I don’t know what is wrong with House Beaumont and it’s difficult to explain to outsiders. So, I think just three of us. I hope we will be able to pull through. Will you be okay with that?”
“Yeah, I see no problem there. What about Bertrand?”
“ He is in a bad mood. Angry, sad, frustrated, all at the same time. He should be fine by tomorrow to give us a helping hand.”
We finish discussing all the minor details for the boat race in next hour and then walk out of the coffee shop.
The following day, at the Royal Regatta, I stand on the deck taking in the salty air.
Riley comes and stands beside me. “What are you looking at?”
“I just realised the actual count of suitors for the first time, by the number of boats, of course. I hardly know any of them. For me they are only the names I hear from the conversation with Liam. I should know at least this much, right?”
“Yes, you are his best friend and best friend should know it all.” She says it with a wink.
“Am I missing something?”
“Just that, may be, I am falling head over heels for your friend.” She grins.
“And you are revealing this to me and not him?”
“I don’t want to burden him more. He has too much to handle already. I know, being a crown prince, he cannot open up about his feelings for one particular suitor in the midst of the social season. So, I don’t want to tell him, just yet, lest he gets anxious and tries to spend more time with me. That would put him in a tricky situation.”
I sweep her in a big bear hug. “Oh, Brooks! I am so happy to know that.” I part away and look into her brown eyes, tears of happiness glinting in them. “He is so lucky to have you. That’s all he needed. Someone who understands him, his struggles, his responsibilities.”
I hug her back and whisper in her ears, “Let me give out a secret. He may also be sharing the same feelings.”
“I know.” She says gleefully looking up at me.
“Okay now let me help you enhance your knowledge about my competitors.” She rolls her eyes. “Let’s start from the right.” She points out to the boat lined up in extreme right to us.
The sight is full of colourful sails. Each of these boats have a flag representing their house. The one Riley pointed to, has a black flag with a silver owl on it.
Riley starts “That should be from the duchy of Castelsarreillan represented by Kiara Theron, the future Duchess.” Riley continues.
“Yes, the owl represents their house. Their family has intelligence and art running in their blood. Duke Theron is a very wise man and the Duchess is an artist.” I add on.
“So, you have met him?”
“Oh? just once?” Riley gives me a playful smile.
“Kiara is very smart, logical person and a linguist.” Riley elaborates. “Next to her should be her best friend’s boat.”
I observe purple flag with golden waves and a narwhal painted on it. “Portavira.” I blurt out.
“ I guess, it’s the only duchy with a sea port. Penelope Ebrim represents the house. Easy way to identify her is, you will find her talking about her poodles every now n then. You may like her.” She teases me. “She is an animal lover and she is sweet and kind.” She flashes that smile again.
I cut her, “Wait. Are you trying to set me up, Brooks?”
She lets out a laughter. “No, I better not. I can see where your interests lie.” She raises a knowing eyebrow at me, making me blush behind my tough skin.
“Let’s quiz you with the one with green flag.” Riley gestures at the next boat where a green flag with a pine tree on it, flutters.
“Madeliene, right?”
“Yes, the ambitious countess of Fydelia.” Riley fans out her hand. “You must be knowing all about her from Leo’s social season.” She pauses and then claps for the boat next to us. “ And that’s my dear friend Hana as our left side neighbour.”
A pink flag with purple orchids, furnishes Hana's boat. Just then, as on cue, Hana appears on the deck. “Hey there guys!” She waves out. “Time to greet the king at the harbour.”
“Lets go!” Riley jumps up excitedly.
“You proceed. I am better here, away from the crowd. I will wait for you to come back, and then we do our favourite thing together. Race!”
“As it suits you.”
“Just one question. How do you know so much in detail about all the houses in such a little time? A few months back, you didn’t even know where on earth Cordonia is,!”
Riley smiles wide, “Bertrand is my teacher, remember?” she says gazing up at the House Beaumont flag on our boat that shines with its silver sheen, a squid in the centre and the motto embroidered in blue, 'Depths to remember'.
“We didn’t talk about your friend’s, House Nevrakis, but I am sure you don’t need introduction there.” Riley speaks looking at the only boat to our left side.
I shake my head and make myself busy, untangling the wires of my earphones that I plan to put on, till Riley returns and the race begins. She shrugs her shoulder, “Bye! See you in a jiffy!”
“Bye!” I wave out to her and turn to the sea.
Before I could plug in some music, the fluttering of the Nevrakis flag catches my attention. The crimson flag has a flaming sword of steel on it. The motto shines in gold,
‘If you can breathe, you can stand.
If you can stand, you can fight.’
Just then a seagull flies high over the boat, crooning a song for the lonely sea.
I plug in my earphones and the song fills my ears and my mind,
‘Something’s gotten into you
You don’t really look at me the way you used to
And I’m hoping it ain’t true
Every single rumour that I’ve heard of you say……..
It’s time to move,
Fight or flight….
Fight or flight.’
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drakewalkerisreal · 5 years ago
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Chapter 8: Only in the darkness, you can see the stars!!
Amour Sans Fin
Drake x Riley
Sorry, if some of you find it a slow romantic fic. But thats how Drake is like!!
We reached Lythikos after five hours drive crossing the Alps range. It is Olivia’s place, but I have always been thoroughly enchanted by the beauty of Lythikos. As we reached the Nevrakis chateau, the view in front of us was breathtakingly beautiful.
Everybody arrived at almost same time at Olivia’s castle in different cars.
“Welcome to Lythikos” Maxwell always seems excited.
I looked at her taking in the vista of Mountains from Nevrakis Chateau.
“This is beautiful” she took a deep breath.
No. You are beautiful.
She is wearing a simple green Cardigan with blue denim with sneakers. No fancy jackets like other nobles. Her hair is in half updo today and her light curls are falling down her shoulders. They must smell good. I can feel it. Wait!! What am I? A sniffer dog?
“Where is Bertrand, Maxwell? I notice he’s not here lecturing Brooks today.” I advanced to them.
“Bertrand was called away for some business having to do with our estate.”
“Bertrand is gone?? Now, this is real vacation!!” Riley giggled.
“Yes, we can enjoy ourselves” Maxwell grinned too.
“But it’s cold in here” Hana rubbed her arms.
Wait till you go out in snow.
I suggested Hana eyeing Riley “You must have packed anything warmer”
“Not much” she sighed
“C’mon Ladies!! I’ll show you your room” Maxwell lead them upstairs.
I reached to my allotted room. It must be room for underprivileges in Lythikos. Thanks Olivia!! This is what I expect from you!! At least I have roof over my head. After settling in my stuff, I get down to the side of the lake.
In a while, I saw her coming down with Maxwell near the frozen lake. Liam and Olivia were already doing ice skating holding hands at the centre. They were laughing and Olivia is kind of showing her claim over Liam.
Maxwell and Riley stood beside me with Hana.
“You know how to ice skate?? Right??” Maxwell asked her.
“Umm... No. I never tried. But I can do some skiing”
Now, that’s my kind of girl.
“But I can try. What is it about?? Try to stay upright and don’t fall. “
“Good enough” Maxwell encouraged her “Now Go to Liam”
I decided to watch from outside the arena.
Maxwell waved at Olivia and tried to distract her. He was showing his spin to Olivia. But Olivia was not interested at all. She made such disgusting face.
Maxwell winks at Riley and sent her sailing across ice towards Liam.
He mouthed “Go get him” He’s not a prize to win, Maxwell.
Suddenly she lost her balance a bit and Liam held her. No, that wasn’t a trick. I can see.
“Gotcha” he smiled and caught her in his arms. She felt uneasy and pulled away a bit. Although she smiled.
“Hey, Liam”
“Let’s Skate” he took her hand and lead her to centre of the lake.
Now, he’s skating with her holding hands. Yes, I felt jealous. I was never jealous of Liam before. I don’t know why but I am feeling it now. No, it has nothing to do with her. I am only a human. I can have such feelings even with a friend. He always gets the girl. Every girl gets enchanted by him.
Their fingers are entwined now and she is blushing.
This place sucks!!
Olivia interrupted their conversation making face and pointing towards Maxwell. He was smirking from the other end.
Olivia threw some insulting words at Riley. Liam tried to calm Olivia down but Riley replied with a smile. She doesn’t seem to affected by such petty insults. She is stronger than I thought of her.
Olivia insults her more and took Liam to other side of the Lake.
She looked at the crowd feeling embarrassed and alone.
Maxwell seemed to be busy flirting with Penelope. “I don’t think I can balance on these” Penelope complained.
I saw Tariq fussing with his skates. However, Hana was gliding on the lake elegantly. This kind of display of elegance is must for nobles.
Thank God ! She has got Hana. Hana glided around her and now they were talking and giggling and laughing. I love the way she laughs coz she does without faking it. That’s the difference between Riley and other girls here.
Finally, this skating thing ended and everybody headed for skiing. Yeah!! That’s what I wanted.
Liam was still busy with Olivia. I joined Riley and other to crest the top of the mountain. Maxwell was helping Hana with her skis.
“So, Brooks you finally made it to slopes”
“Were you starting to miss me?” she asked playfully.
“Me? Hardly!! I was just getting bored”
“I did not find you in skating”
“Skating is not my thing. That’s dull and pathetic. But I was there looking at you.” Shit “I mean looking at you all doing funny dance on skates” Escaped it.
“Aww..Drake I would love to see you in a tutu sometime” she chuckled.
“You wish!! Kiddo!!”
“Hey!! I got it; you have problem with skating. What about skiing? Is it manly enough for you??” she raised her brow.
“Heh!! You know what? I am champion at it” I boasted “How about a race?”
“I am in”
“We’ll have to ski down that slope. One who gets at bottom first, will win” I pointed towards the end.
She nodded.
“More than ready”
“One...two...th” And there she goes even before I ended three.
“This is cheating” I shouted behind her.
“Hey Mr Champion, afraid of my little head start”
I chased after her. The wind whips against the face as I picked up the speed. She was maintaining pace ahead of me. She is good at that. I looked at right seeing Olivia and Liam skating playfully. She did not bother to notice them. However, Liam shouted from behind “Go Riley”
I picked up the speed more and overtook her.
“Hey” she shouted.
There was a large rock between the slope and we needed to take a long curve to pass around it. But the angular curve passes near the edge of the mountain. I swerved to go around it and suddenly slowed down to look back.
“Watch yourself Brooks” Shit.
She lost her balance while swerving and slipped down towards the edge. I immediately stopped but I saw her slipping more towards the edge. Oh no. I freed myself immediately from the ski and ran towards her. She was almost near the edge and gripped a branch of tree to stop herself from falling down.
“Hang on, Brooks” I reached to her and grabbed to pull her upwards as half of her body is hanging down. She was so light so I pulled her without much effort.
“You okay?” I asked checking her.
“Yeah” she was panting.
Then she laughed. Why is she laughing? She may have fallen from the edge.
“You lost your mind ??”
“Never had such race in my life. Thanks for saving me Drake. Again”
“You’re weird and unnecessarily funny... you know that??” I still can’t believe she find it funny.
“Drake! You look more scared than me, by the way” she giggled.
“Don’t try to hide it by laugh. This pain will go away but humiliation of losing will take some time”
She elbowed me playfully.
I took a deep breath inhaling the cool, crisp mountain air.
“This trip hasn’t been bad so far. Shame that tomorrow is waltzing and bowing and all that.”
“Oh shit!! I don’t know this waltz much!”
“Are you joking?? You’re good with Liam at Masquerade!!” I asked in surprise.
“That was all Liam. I didn’t do much” she sighed “I am going to look stupid in front of everyone, aren’t I?
“Hey it will be probably hilarious to watch” I chuckled
“Drake!! If you can’t help, just keep it shut” she got up flapping snow off her jackets.
“If I could, I would help. I don’t know the steps” but she stomped off in snow.
“You can ask Hana” I ran behind her.
She stopped looking at me with baby eyes full of anger “Thanks for suggestion”
We glided over to the top meeting rest of the group.
“It is time to head over to my spectacular lounge to warm up” Olivia announced.
“Thanks for the race. I actually had fun” I whispered for calming her down.
She didn’t say anything but narrowed her eyes. She is really angry. Fuck!! I shouldn’t have made fun out of it.
Everybody headed towards Nevrakis Chateau.
In the evening, we were all sitting together in the lounge by the fire drinking hot chocolate. Me, Liam, Riley, Hana, Maxwell, Penelope, Kiara.
Riley, Maxwell and Hana were giggling about something. Liam and I were looking at them with amusement. How are they always full of energy?
“Hey!! See little marshmallows shaped like hearts” Hana chimed like two years old.
“Yeah!! Just adorable” I rolled my eyes.
Riley glared at me shooting daggers. I retreated like a puppy.
“Incoming” Maxwell pointed towards Olivia.
“Hello!! My dear guests. I hope you all are enjoying” Olivia gave a pointed smile.
“I always enjoy at Lythikos” Liam smiled.
I rolled my eyes till back of the head.
Olivia seemed to notice and smiled devilishly at me.
“Hey there Drake!! Enjoying ourselves!! Are we? If little Savannah was here, she would have enjoyed too”
I clenched my teeth. This is my reaction when someone talks about Savannah. Olivia knows where to hit. I shook my head gesturing Olivia to shut it but she ignored it. Everybody turned towards us now.
“Oh!! What happened?? Are you in contact with her?? Where is she?? Give me her contact number someday and I’ll invite her myself here”
“Olivia…” Liam said in a warning tone.
I got up immediately to leave.
“She was so sensitive”
“Olivia..no..” Liam warned again.
“You know what?? I just remembered; I’ve got somewhere I need to be.” I advanced towards door as I didn’t want to mess up with Olivia making a show of my emotions.
“Wait Drake!! Comeback! I wasn’t finished with you” I heard Olivia throwing comments behind me.
“Olivia!! That’s enough!! Leave him alone before I slap that smile off your face” I stopped for a moment hearing Riley’s voice and left the room.
I got out in the dark night walking in the snow. I stopped in a clearing of woods and looked up in the sky. It must be the time. I checked watch.
After a while, I heard footsteps behind. I turned around and find her.
“Ooooo” she tried to scare me playfully.
“Brooks! What are you doing here??”
“You don’t scare easily, huh?”
“You must try something else. Now, what are you doing here?”
“I should ask this question. It’s dark and freezing outside. You must get back.”
“What are you?? My mom?”
“Shut up and get back. C’mon she took my arm”
I looked into her eyes. She hesitated and left my arm immediately.
“I am here on purpose..”
“What is it here? She asked looking around.
“Trust me??”
“Trust you?”
I reached out and shoved her into the soft snow.
“What the hell Drake!!” she shouted
“Stop shouting kiddo and look up” I sat beside her and pointed towards the sky.
“Wow” she looked up to see the dazzling sky with shooting stars lighting up the night. I can see those stars in her eyes. Hazel brown eyes. Deep Hazel Brown eyes.
“Yes, my lady”
“This is absolutely gorgeous. I have never seen something like this before”
“Nothing beats a clear view of sky during a meteor shower”
She smiled at me genuinely.
We looked at the sky full of shooting stars silently till it gets cleared.
“I used to do this with Savannah since childhood. My dad used to do security for Constantine and Regina. Savannah, my little sister and I were allowed to hang out with Liam and Leo. Leo is Liam’s elder brother. If you know him?”
She nodded silently.
“Liam and I ended up becoming best of friends. However, Savannah was friendly with everyone. She loved living at the palace when we were kids. She was fascinated by dresses and jewellery.” I keep on blabbering. “But it got harder when she was older.”
“What happened?” she looked into me.
“She couldn’t take it I guess. I failed her; I was unable to protect her. One day she left without a word to me..to anyone..” I put hand over my face. “This is more than I talked about it with anyone till now.”
“Really?” she asked genuinely
“If I started to trust, I may start with you”
“This is the nicest thing you have said to me”
I looked at her pink lips. I want those lips..so bad. I don’t know why? They look soft like petals of some flower. Her cheeks are pink too.
“We probably should head back” she stared at ground blushing.
“We better be” Self-restraint is must.
We walked slowly back, trudging through the snow and wind. Suddenly she took my arm. Electricity was now running through me.
“Umm..for safety” She looked away smiling.
“It’s really slippery here. We should be careful”
We got inside and spotted Hana waiting for us. “You two, okay?”
“Hana! You’re up!!” Riley felt guilty.
“I couldn’t sleep with you two out in dark.”
“I am sorry, we kept you up”
“At least both of you are back.”
“Goodnight ladies” I waved hand and headed towards my room immediately.
But I was sure, it wont be easy to get sleep tonight.
@drakewalker04 @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @emceesynonymroll @star-spangled-eyes @dcbbw    @jovialyouthmusic @drakesensworld   @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @ao719 @duchessemersynwalker
@pug-bitch   @rainbowsinthestorm @burnsoslow @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @iplaydrake   @katedrakeohd   @nikkis1983 @qween-corgis @thorfosterlove @butindeed
 @gardeningourmet @speedyoperarascalparty
@pedudley @ibldw-main @irishwhiskys-blog @inlovewithwalker @addictedtodrakefanfic
@notoriouscs @grumpymarshmallowswife
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geminidarksidehasawoken · 6 years ago
Unbreak Me
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Who do I run to?
@ao719 @blznbaby @iplaydrake @drakesensworld @dcbbw @hopefulmoonobject @furiousherringoperatortoad @ladyangel70 @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @sashatrr @candy72008 @angi15h
"Hana, Drake?" I called with disbelief evident in my voice. The shocked look on their faces told me everything I needed to know... They were lying to me and that hurt, it hurt because I trusted myself to be free, to be broken and vulnerable with them. They knew everything about me, they knew my fears my dreams. They knew me... But it was obvious I didn't know them...
All those little things I knew I saw but they denied it, the longing looks, the way Hana just glowed when Drake caught her eye. The way she laughed for him, they lied about that.
They kept this from me, why?
"How long?" I asked, clearing my throat.
"Riley, let me explain" Drake called hiding his naked form while he dressed clearly caught between Hana and I.
I hold up my hand, not wanting to hear it, not now. "You should have trusted me enough to share this with me" I say, hating that my voice was thick with emotion.
I look over at Hana, her eyes pleading with me, pleading with me to understand, but I couldn't, I couldn't get past the fact that they never trusted me. "We never meant to hurt you" she said, and I knew it was the truth, no one ever meant for these things to happen, but they still did.
Drake stood before me, and I could tell from the way he was looking at me that he really didn't mean for this to happen, that they never meant to hide this from me.
If I was honest, I wasn't angry that they were sleeping together, I was hurt that they found love and felt they had to hide it from me. Drake promised me no secrets, open and honest...
"Drake this is insane, you can't marry me for the sake of stability, for the sake of keeping Liam's child safe" I said as we walked up the steps to the courthouse second guessing the solution we had found.
"White, you will need someone, and I will be that someone, because I know that if the roles were reversed, Liam would ensure that the woman I loved was okay, this child is the heir to a kingdom it is my duty to keep them safe... Unless you changed your mind and want to tell Liam about the baby" he knew I could not there was too much at stake, his whole reputation would be damaged as they all would know the king had an affair while being engaged to another, the scandal would ruin him and our baby would be subject to such ridicule, I couldn't put them through that, but more than anything I was scared of the Queen taking my child... Her only thought to protect the Crown, I respected her for it and hated her in the same instance
"Just promise me, we'll always be honest with each other, no secrets" I say like a scared little girl.
Twisting off the ring, I laid it in his hands "You broke your promise" I whisper, walking away.
I drove for hours declining their calls, I couldn't cry, but that didn't stop the pain. After driving for hours in circles, it was time to pick up Leanna. I stopped for a moment needing to process, and I knew the affair didn't bother me it was the secret that did, I understood that he had needs that I couldn't satisfy. I gather my thoughts and headed for the palace.
Sabrina and Leanna got along great, Leanna always seeming to want to protect her. They sit at the poolside drinking juices while I read the paper. "...My mom and dad are pretty awesome... Daddy is goofy, mom is the stern one"
"My mom was like that too, she was all about my lessons and doing my best and being the an example for other children"
"I'm sorry, what happened to her" she asked and I could hear the genuine concern in Leanna voice.
"She died, in a car crash... along with Bastien, he was my best friend, he would play with me"
Leanna pulls her into an hug and my eyes mist with tears and I watch her give her something. "We'll be leaving in a few days, keep it to remember me, you can always find a friend in me"
"But it's so beautiful"
"Mom said my father gave it to her, it was a declaration of their love for each other. Mom gave it to me for inspiration and because I just loved it, and it has inspired me, so I'm giving this to you so that you know you always have a friend in me"
"Thank you... Come on, let's go swing" Sabrina says and the too rush off to play. This was her third visit to the palace, and I've watched them get closer, they were good for each other, and I wondered what arrangement could be made once they left for her to visit.
I liked that she pushed Sabrina to talk about her mother, talking about her made me sad, guilt gnawed at me and I can't help but wonder if I had been more focussed on her instead of always judging her to Riley if she would still be here, and then maybe I would have met my son.
A freak accident claimed her life because I was feeling torn and angry at her for forcing us to attend a ball when Sabrina was ill. We'd fought about it and in the end she had opted to visit on my behalf and I was left behind with Sabrina, she never made it to Fydelia, and the baby was just too young to survive, yet I mourned him too.
"Hey, where's Leanna?" Her voice calls and I look to see her standing in the doorway a pained expression on her face. Before I can ask the question she waves it away and answers.
"I'm fine, please let her know I am ready" she whispers and I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong.
"Riley, come here" I call and she comes and sits by me like a small child.
"I just want to go home" she whispers.
Her phone rings again and she ends it and turns it off.
"I'd love to go for a walk, would that interest you?" I ask her and she looks around and I know she needs to be strong, she's always been two strong.
"Alright" she responds and together we walk the grounds in silence until we get to the stable. She loved these majestic beasts, they calmed her as she softly petted and fed him.
"Riley, you can talk to me you" I whisper and she shakes her head.
"I can't trust you." She says and those words hit me, they get under my skin, they hurt. Knowing that she honestly didn't trust me.
I force away the feeling, and smile still.
"Why are you here, and don't tell me to pick up Leanna" I say and she walks out. "Why do you always run?" I demand as we stop to feed to ducks on the pond.
She turns her back to me, throwing food the ducks that the care taker gave us. "I'm sorry" she whispers and its under her breath I almost missed it. "It's been a hard few weeks, losing Bernard and Savannah was a blow, I don't think the reality has hit me yet" she says as we sit on a secluded bench beneath the apple tree.
"I'm truly sorry for your loss, I know that Bertrand cared for you deeply"
"Yes he's the only man in my life that was ever truly honest, he was like a father to me" she says and I pull her into my side and she comes willingly, but a tad bit awkward.
"Hey, I know he felt the same way, he barely spoke two words to me in public, after you" I clear my throat "he was a great man, I'm sure he would be honoured to hear you think of him this way."
I clasp her small hands in mine and kiss it, realizing she isn't wearing her ring. " Is everything okay with you and Drake"
"My marriage is over... I just don't know how to tell Leanna" she whispers and there is just a note of sadness in her voice.
"I'm sorry" I hear myself say and I'm surprised to see it's the truth. "Do you want to... talk about it?"
"It won't change the out come... He won't let you go you know" and she pulls away from me and stands.
"Why not? You did" she answers, and I can feel her anger rising, the pain from all those years ago threatening to rise. Her words cutting through me, because I didn't let her go, I still haven't let her go.
We walk back to the palace in silence and Leanna hugs me and her mom together. "Could I spend the night, please mommy" she begs her eyes pleading with her to say yes.
"I need to talk to your father first, but I will let you know." She says and she's off again.
We walk to my office and we close the door behind us. "You can make your call from my phone, I have a few documents that need signing." I let her know handing her the cordless phone.
"Hey it's me... Drake not now... Leanna wants to spend the night... I...I don't know... No... You didn't need to be afraid, you should have trusted me!" Says harshly and ends the call letting out a pent up breath.
"Leanna has our permission to stay, but I need to run to the boutique and get her a few necessities" she says grabbing her bag to run out.
"It's okay, I can get that done for you, how about you join us for dinner?" I ask hopeful, while we weren't back to being friend it was amazing spending time with her.
"I'm not sure that's a go-"
"Please, and you can change in the guest room on our wing"
I felt torn, as I read the messages from Hana and Drake.
"White, I'm sorry I didn't trust you with Hana, but I was afraid of what that would mean for my relationship with Leanna"
White please pick up the phone we are worried.
Riley, I hope you can forgive me
Unable to deal with this now, I just send a message 'I will be spending the night at the palace with Leanna' and turn back off the phone.
Liam had a garment bag delivered with a simple black dress and personal items for our stay. I'm zipping up when I hear the knock on the door, and I open it to find Olivia. Just great! "May I come in?"
She asks as I open the door, I allow her in and she helps me up into my dress. "You look amazing"
"Thanks... Are you okay?"
"No I most certainly am not!" She says her eyes welling up with tears, and I'm shocked because the Olivia I knew was fearless never shed a tear. "I just found out I am pregnant, and I'm terrified of telling Maxwell" she whispers wiping her eyes... Ahh the hormones.
I'm shocked! Olivia is confiding in me, it's a welcome change from always at each others throat. But then her words sink in..."Wait you and Maxwell!" I say unable to hide the shock in my voice.
"Why did I come to you for advice?" She grumbles flopping down on the bed. I sit beside her and hold her hand.
"Admit it, Livy, you missed me"
"Shut up, and tell me what I should do? I am Duchess I cannot have a child out of wedlock and Maxwell is Maxwell, I have no clue how he will react! Do you see Maxwell as the responsible type?" She rambles on and on clearly distraught.
She stands and starts to pace. "Relax Liv, take a deep breath, this is Maxwell... He understands what this will mean, you just need to tell him and not threaten to kill him" she chuckles, and sits again laying her head on my shoulder.
"Tell him and go from there" I say and she composes herself.
"Why didn't you tell Liam?" She asks cleaning up her face. My heart hammers at her question, and there are no words.
"What do you mean?" I say playing dumb.
"Riley, I lived in this very palace with him as a child, the resemblance is uncanny" I open my mouth to respond but no words come out.
"I won't tell him, not because he doesn't deserve to know, but because I can't watch him hurt again"
I close my eyes. "Liv, " she waves away and continues
"It was me, I told him to move on, because our kingdom needed their king, he didn't let you go, I know that's why you never told him" she whispers softly and I can't dislodge the lump in my throat. I unconsciously shake my head not wanting to hear.
"This changes nothing" I say, feeling that all too familiar sting behind my eyes.
"I... I... Want you to know it wasn't him."
"I can't do this right now"
"He'd gotten thin, he couldn't focus, he was hurting, hurting too much, blaming himself and missing you. People began to speculate, so I told him, it was two late for you two and he should move on" she says and I watch the tears roll down her face.
"Liv, I was broken long before he moved on... A piece of me died the day he married her" I say, shushing her so she knew this wasn't about her. "Fuck! Love has the power to destroy you... What if Maxwell decides he doesn't want- oh gosh" I pull her into me and I let her cry, knowing this wasn't Olivia but the hormones working on over drive. After a moment of sobbing she pulls herself together and cleans her face.
"If you tell anyone about what happened here, I will destroy -"
"Liv! You were always safe with me, "I say shaking her before she could continue with her threat to end my life.
"Sorry! I think since my parents died, this is the hardest I've ever cried" she says trying to explain and make sense of the pain and fear she is feeling.
"I know"
She stands and straightens herself, fixing her lipstick. "I did miss you" she says and slips out the door.
Fluffing out my hair I applied a little gloss to my lips and headed down the stairs. Liam and the girls were seated at the table in a very riveting discussion as no-one heard my entrance. "...my dad will need to start courting ladies again by the end of the season as a king can't rule for so long unmarried" Sabrina tells her, with a sad smile on her lips.
"But that makes no sense, isn't he king, what if he isn't ready?"
Sabrina laughs "Father has to put the kingdom first, there are too many people relying on him." She says
"Ladies, my plight isn't one you two need to worry about, " and he stands seeing me as I walk into the room, just a little too nervous. His eyes roving the length of my body.
"You look amazing " he says his voice deep and husky making me feel a rumble in my tummy.
Dinner was a lively affair with the girls, there was such a vast difference in the way they grew up. Where Leanna was outspoken and caring, Sabrina was shy yet kind. They chatted none stop, always including us, asking us about the days gone by. After dessert the nanny came and escorted the girls to their chamber for bedtime while we stayed enjoying wine. We walk out onto the balcony with the remainder of wine and glasses. "I hope not to offend but you look absolutely stunning" he says and he's too close, his hands touching my hands. I pour myself another glass of wine and sip, and we talk about our children, and its so easy to talk to him. We catch up on the nobles I had rubbed elbows with during the social season and the engagement tour.
We spent the time on the balcony, just relaxing in silence and he pulls me into him. "Liam, there is something I need to tell you" I whisper my heart thundering in my chest. Knowing that he should know the truth. "And I will tell you once I speak with Drake" I say knowing after all we have been through together he deserved to be there so he could tell his side of the story so he would understand why we did what we did.
He brushes a finger across my cheek and it causes goosebumps to flood me, he always did this to me, without intent he sets my soul on fire... Still. He pulls me up, "let me get you inside before I lose all sense of reason and restraint" he whispers his voice deep and filled with need.
He pulls me to my feet and I'm not sure if it's the wine, but I tumble into him, and it feels... It feels divine, his strong arms holding me keeping me from falling, I'm pressed too tight against him its hard to breathe. He lifts my chin and I look into his eyes moved by the pain and longing I saw there. He let's out a strangled cry and sweeps me into his arms, never taking his eyes off me. I'm scared because I know tonight if he kisses me I won't stop him. He stands me in my room, and unzips my dress, then ruffles the bed and lays me beneath the covers like a child. My eyes are drifting close as he whispers "I've never stopped loving you, and you are wrong, I never let you go... I can't" a soft kiss touches my forehead and I float into nothingness.
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captain-kingliamsqueen · 6 years ago
Hey, Mom - Liam x MC
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Pairing: Liam x Riley 
Summary: …In this turn of events, Riley tells Liam about Tariq straight after it happens, how will Liam deal with the problem, what will happen when it comes to choosing his bride and the incident is used against her? Will he choose to sacrifice the crown to be with the woman he loves, or will he let his future be decided for him?
Word Count: 3,632
Tagged : @starstruckzonkoperatorbat  @drakelover78  @queencatherynerhys @devineinterventions2 @jayjay879  @kawairinrin  @hopefulmoonobject @flyawayboo  @gardeningourmet  @blackcatkita  @syltti78  @theroyalweisme  @hhiggs  @mfackenthal  @bruteforcebears @pens-girl-87  @barbaravalentino @umccall71 @darley1101 @crookedslimecreatorpasta  @jamjar84 @starstruckpixelberryhistoryvoid @speedyoperarascalparty @katurrade @scarlettedragon @zeniamiii @annekebbphotography @liam-rhys  @perfectprofessorherokid @mynameiskaylabella @marywrites-things @zaffrenotes @cocomaxley @innerpostmentality @alepowell @missevabean @romanticatheart-posts  @smalltalk88 @sarwin85 @lodberg
I always notice every single spelling mistake or issue after I’ve posted…so apologies in advance! 
Some parts at the beginning are taken from the royal romance book 1 chapter 14.
The breeze blew through the leaves of the apple trees. It was the morning of the country jamboree at Applewood Manor. Liam and Riley were walking through the hedge maze, hand in hand. Liam lead Riley through the maze of pink peony covered arches.
“I feel so much more at peace when I’m with you” Liam let out a peaceful sigh as he squeezed her hand
“you seem awfully happy today” she smirked
“oh, I’m always happy when I’m spending time with you Riley.”
“This place is beautiful Liam, it’s just so peace”
“I always make it a point to come here when I’m visiting, my mother used to bring me here all the time”
“I can see why she loved it so much, its beautiful out here.”
“I thought, maybe we could get lost in here…” he smirked with a chuckle
“oh, I see, so this is your plan spend eternity with me?”
“Exactly, that’s Exactly the plan!”
“Eternity with you Liam, I can’t say I would mind”
“you know, I’ve bene thinking about the future a lot lately…after the coronation…I’ve been trying to imagine what sort of Queen you would be, if you and I were to get married…I asked you before what you thought my moniker would be as king…what do you think yours might be as Queen…Queen Riley the Fierce, Queen Riley the whimsical?”
“I’d be Queen Riley the Wise, people would look back on all of the causes I championed and thing…Queen Riley…she knew exactly what she was doing” Liam grinned
“so what causes are we talking about here? What Would Queen Riley the Wise champion in Cordonia?”
“I would champion excellent and affordable education for all”
“that’s a big cause, you think you can do it?” he asked seriously
“Who? Queen Riley the wise…Of course she can, she can do anything” she chuckled.
After a few moments of silence Riley spoke, “Hey, Liam”
“Hey, Riley”
“Will you push me on the swing?” she grinned like a Cheshire cat
“of course,” he replied as he gestured for Riley to sit down, he gently pusher her on the swing, as she laughed away.
Liam smiled as he watched her laugh, the way her eyes crinkled at the corners, she had the most beautiful smile lines. He loved the way her eyes lit up when her smile practically reached her eyes. The way her blonde wavy hair blew in the breeze. He never thought he would get the chance to feel like that about anyone and he wasn’t going to let her go without a fight. Liam slowed the swing to a stop and leaned over, wrapping his arms around Riley's waist. Riley leaned back into Liam's chest, leaning her head on his shoulder, as Liam tightened his hold, Riley gently cupped his cheek in her hand, gently pulling him down to place a kiss on his lips. As Liam pulled back, he chuckled.
“what are you laughing at mister?”
“I’m just so happy…”
“you seem different today, calmer, more peaceful plus you don’t usually talk about spending eternity with me or even what’s going to happen after the social season…you know just in case you don’t choose me.” Riley mumbled the last part
“…I know…it’s just that I’ve been thinking a lot about that decision…and”
“and?” Riley urged him to carry on with a grin on her face as she turned on the swing to face him
“and…I shouldn’t say anything yet, not until I have the approval of my parents and the people of the court…which won’t be for a few days…but I want you to know that I cannot wait for the coronation” he whispered as he gently cupped her cheek in his hand
“really? Your gonna play me like that” she giggled “for the record, I can’t wait either”
“I really wish I could tell you what I want to say riley”
“I know” she smiled understandingly just a moment later, the two heard the chimes of bells, signalling the end of the games and for everyone to gather for the dinner.
“we should really head back” Liam took Riley's hand as she stood from the swing. “allow me to escort you to dinner” the two slowly made their way back towards the gathering. The sun was just setting when they reached the party.
“we should blend back in” Liam smiled
“think of me” she whispered as the two parted ways.
Riley made her way towards Maxwell and Drake, as she passed one of the tables, a couple of the ladies were talking in hushed voices. As Riley rounded one of the tables, she nearly walked right into Tariq.
“oh, I’m so sorry Tariq!” she apologised
“oh, it’s nothing Lady Riley, it’s always a pleasure to see you.” He smiled, the kind of smile that made Riley uncomfortable.
“how are you Tariq?” she asked
“as splendid as you look, my dear” he gently lifted her hand and placed a kiss on the back of it.
“woah” Riley subtly pulled her hand away “where did that come from?” she asked taken back a little
“it came from the recesses of my being; this whole event can hardly bear a star as bright as yours”
“it fills me with such joy to hear you say that, you know I have to tell you, after speaking with the other ladies here, I find myself having such an…appreciation for you.”
“really?” she asked confused
“yes, you are a breath of fresh New York air.”
“I don’t think anyone says that.”
“the others are absolutely boring, one only talks about her dogs, another merely sulks and don’t even get me started on Olivia”
“Excuse you Tariq, those Ladies, each have their charm.”
“hah! If they do, ive yet to find them! I mean, they have good breeding, wealth and manners but they’re dull, how disappointing. Whereas you Lady Riley, you grow more interesting every time we speak.”
“I must however take my leave; may you have a fantastic evening”
As Tariq leaves Maxwell approached Riley, with a concerned look on his face.
“was that Tariq you were talking to?”
“yeah” she mumbled a little confused by the whole conversation.
“is everything okay, Riley?” he asked
“yeah, I think so…it was just a bit of a strange conversation”
“oh, okay, well Bertrand and I just got a table if you wanna come and sit?”
“of course,” Riley replied as she followed Maxwell to the table. Just as Riley sat down, she heard the clinking of glasses, she turned to see Liam, The King and Queen standing waiting to make their speeches.
“if I may have everyone’s attention please, I’d like to say a few words before we close this evening…”
After the speeches, everyone sat down to eat, it was hitting 11pm that everyone started to retire to their rooms. Once Riley reached her room, she headed for the bathroom, where she turned the shower on, she changed out of her clothes then climbed into the shower. It was about thirty minutes later she was just climbing out of the nice hot shower, she dried off with her towel then pulled her clean underwear on then headed into the bedroom. Just as she was drying her hair with the towel, she heard her door click open…
“Ahhh!!!” she squealed trying to cover herself with the wet towel
“good lord!!!” Tariq exclaimed “Riley! disrobing in my room…what a forward gesture!”
“your room? but…”
“oh, I’m not upset Riley…I’m just surprised, I mean…I suspected” he took a step closer to her “but I never thought this would happen so soon” he smirked
“Tariq…what are you talking about?” she replied confused as she went to take a step back. Tariq took Riley's hand, stopping her from moving. “I must say this…your feelings are most ardently returned” he stepped closer. As Riley went to take another step backwards, she ended up, pressed against the wall.
“you have thoroughly enchanted me, just as you enchant anyone you come across, and now I know you feel the same way about me.”
“Tari-” Before Riley could finish, Tariq, nudged her hand to make her drop the towel, then moved in to press his lips against hers. With her hands against his chest she pushed him away with force.
“HOW DARE YOU!” She roared, her whole body shaking as she wrapped the towel around her. Tariq was taken back by her shout. “THAT IS NOT OKAY!”
“GET OUT! GET OUT NOW!” She yelled as the tears fell down her face. Tariq quickly scurried from the room, Riley’s back slid down the wall, as the tears cascaded down her cheeks, she repeatedly wiped at her eyes and face, but the tears just wouldn’t stop, her hands were shaking and everything . Once she eventually managed to stop crying, she moved over to the dresser where her robe was and pulled it on along with her nightwear, she slipped her feet into her slippers then made her way out of the o. she couldn’t stay in there, she couldn’t stay in that room, not after what had just happened, did she forget to lock the door she thought to herself, but the more she thought about it, the more she questioned whether there was a lock on the door in the first place…how did she not notice there was no lock. Maybe if she had noticed this wouldn’t have happened…but then why wasn’t there a lock on the door, there was a lock on every other door in the manor, something wasn’t right. Riley headed down towards the main entrance heading for the garden maze. The cold hair stung against her previously wet cheeks, her hair was still partly wet, due to being interrupted when she was drying it. she made her way, through the maze, trying to remember the path Liam had taken her down earlier that day. she eventually found herself in the centre of the maze. She carefully sat herself down on the swing, pulling her robe around her tighter to keep her warm on the breezy summer night. The summer nights in Cordonia were a lot colder than she was used to back home, she was really started to feel the chill in the air. She leaned her head on the rope of the swing as the tears slowly started to fall down her cheeks.
“I must attract them, huh mom?” she spoke to the one woman who she knew would be listening, she may not be here, but Riley knew she was watching over her. “I must have a tattoo or something somewhere that says… “help yourself” why can’t they just leave me be?”
On the other side of the manor, Liam was just leaving a stressful meeting with the king and queen. He headed to his quarters, where he pulled his jacket on and headed outside. every night he spent in Applewood manor, we would take a walk down to the hedge maze before heading to bed, it helped him calm himself down after stressful days, as he made his way through the flower filled hedges, he came to the first of many archways, he smiled at the memory of his mother and brother, all running through the maze, just being together. One of the things Liam loved most about Riley, was that she reminded him a lot of his mother, her love for adventure and fun. He knew she would be an amazing Queen, the amazing Queen his mother would have been had she still been here today. Liam gently picked one of the brightest peonies, running his fingertips over the petals. He closed his eyes in content as he thought about her, it was then that he felt a gentle breeze blow through his gently tussled hair.
“hey mom” he whispered with a smile.
Another gust of wind blew, sending the flower flying from Liam's hand. “hey!” he chuckled as he went over to where it landed, he looked at either side of him, to his left, the path he would normally take at night, to his right, the path he took with Riley, he smiled at the thought of their little getaway earlier in the day. As Liam bent down to pick the flower up, the gentlest breeze sent the flower rolling to the right. He huffed with a chuckle as he went to lift it again, but the same thing happened, every time he went to pick it up, it was blown further down the path. As he got to the end of the path, it was then that the wind calmed right down, he smirks as he bent down again “your mine now” he laughed to himself. He lifted the flower, finally able to get it in his grasp. As he rounded the corner to the centre of the maze, he stopped dead in his tracks when he seen her…Riley. There she was sitting on the swing, with her back to him, her head leaning on the rope.
Riley sniffled as she wiped at her cheeks. “so, what do you think about Liam?” she asked with a smile. As the wind blew through her hair she smirked. “yeah, me too, I like him a lot…oh, who am I kidding, I’m head over heels for him, mom, the possibility of not being with him, kills me, He’s nothing like anyone else, he’s kind, he’s caring, he has never made me feel like I’m not safe when I’m with him, plus…he’s extremely good looking” she giggled to herself. “oh mom, I love him more than I’ve ever loved anyone” she sniffled
Liam quietly cleared his throat, careful not to scare her, but loud enough to catch her attention. Riley sat up straight, quickly wiping at her eyes. She slowly turned to face him. Liam's heart sank when he seen her eyes all puffy and red.
“Hey, hey…what’s wrong?” he quickly moved in front of her, dropping to his knees, his hands gently placed on her cheeks. “Jesus, Riley, your freezing!” Liam pulled his jacket off, and wrapped it around her shoulders “talk to me, Riley, why are you crying?”
“can you answer something for me?” she sniffled
“I can try”
“does every room in this manor have a lock on the door?”
“yes…” he replied confused “why?”
“every room but mine…”
“what do you mean?”
“I don’t have a lock on my door...”
“are you sure? every room should have a lock…”
“I’m sure…so is Tariq”
“Tariq…walked into my room”
“I don’t understand riley”
“Tariq walked into my room, Liam, I was in nothing but my underwear, I had just gotten out of the shower.”
“Maybe he made a mistake and thought it was his room…” he stated
“I don’t know…I mean, when he walked in, he thought I was getting undressed in his room…but that’s not the issue here…the issue is…he didn’t leave Liam, when he walked in, I grabbed my towel and tried to cover myself up…he…” she looked away as the tears started falling again, “he kept saying all of these things, he thought I had feelings for him or something but…I was pressed against the wall, he…Liam, he made me drop my towel…” her hands flew to her face as she cried “he forced his mouth onto mine…”
Liam froze in his spot, not knowing what to say. he quickly stood, gently pulling Riley to her feet with him, he pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her tightly as she cried into his chest. “I’m so sorry” he whispered “look at you, your shaking and everything, c’mon why don’t we get you inside, warm you up a little bit, we can talk” he whispered, Riley nodded, with his closest arm wrapped around her, Liam guided her back inside, towards the sitting room. Once they reached the sitting room, Liam sat Riley down on the sofa, pulling the blanket from the back of the sofa, and wrapping it around her. She got herself comfortable, pulling her feet up under the blanket to keep her warm.
“I’ll be back in two seconds” he told her, before headed out of the sitting room. As he closed the door, he seen Bastian standing outside.
“Bastian…am I right in saying every room in the manor has a lock?”
“yes, prince Liam, may I ask why?”
“Riley's room didn’t have a lock on the door” Liam informed him, Bastian frowned as he heard what he said “I need you to look into it”
“of course!”
“also, Tariq doesn’t leave this manor…I don’t care what anyone says…he doesn’t leave until ive spoken to him!”
“of course. I’ve not long seen him heading down to his room, he looked at little shaken up, I’ll look into the lock then I’ll go and check on him” Bastian took his leave, to go and look into the missing lock, then check on Tariq. Once Bastian left, Liam headed for the kitchen where he made himself and Riley some tea. Once they were done, he carried the mugs back down to the sitting room, where he carefully handed one to Riley.
“thank you” She whispered as she instantly felt the heat working its way back through her body when she took a sip. Liam placed his mug on the coffee table, then made his way over to the fireplace, he lit the furnace, bringing some light and heat into the room. He sat himself down on the sofa beside Riley, lifting his mug to take a drink. After putting it back down he gently took Riley's hand in his.
“I need to ask you Riley…did anything else happen? Did he-”
“no” she mumbled as she looked up at Liam “I pushed him away, and screamed at him, the thing is though…he was taken back when I shouted at him…as if he thought, I wanted him to do it…but I have never given him even the slightest reason to think, I was even remotely interested in him…he knows I am here for you and only you…so I don’t understand why he would think that…Either way…I shouldn’t have been in that position in the first place, I don’t understand why there was no lock on my door, Liam”
“Tariq has never been the kind of man to do something like that, He can barely speak to a woman without getting all nervous…it doesn’t make sense…” Liam sighed confused “I already have Bastian looking into the missing lock, he is also under strict rules to make sure Tariq doesn’t leave the manor.” he stated as he squeezed her hand comfortingly
“thank you, Liam…none of it adds up” Riley whispered. “come to think of it…he was acting strange earlier at the party…the whole conversation we had just left me feeling extremely uncomfortable, I just don’t understand where It came from…ive hardly spoken to him the whole time ive been in Cordonia…”
“none of it makes any sense…but the big question is…are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“No, I’m not hurt…I think I’ll be okay, I think I just got a bit of a fright, y’know. It’s happened to me before…around 5 years ago…so I think the whole thing just brought back all those feelings and everything, as soon as Tariq left the room, I just started to panic…I couldn’t be in there, I had to get out of that room.”
“I’m so sorry this happened Riley, you should have been safe here, in my home, but you weren’t, and I’m so sorry for that.”
“this isn’t your fault Liam, you have nothing to apologise for, none of this was your doing.”
“I know but…”
“but nothing…” she whispered, “I don’t want to hear you apologise again, alright?”
“alright” he sighed
“Liam?” Riley sighed
“are all of the rooms being used?”
“no, I can find you a new room”
“thank you, Liam…for everything.”
“Riley, you don’t ever have to thank me for anything.”
After the two finished their tea, they put the fire out, then Liam showed Riley to her new room. As they walked down the hallway, they came to a stop in front of a large wooden door with a gold plaque. Riley's eyes widened as she read the name “Prince Leo”
“Liam, I can’t stay in there, that’s your brothers’ room!”
“he’s not here, Riley, he won’t mind, I promise. Plus, I’m in the room next door, it means if you need anything, I’ll be right there.”
“Liam, this is too much”
“for you Riley, nothing is too much, I want you to feel safe here.” Liam gently squeezed her hand in his.
“I appreciate it, Liam, thank you” Riley wrapped her arms around his chest.
“just let me know if you need anything alright.” He said as he held her tight.
“I think I’ll be okay” she whispered
“for the record Riley…” he leaned down to her ear “I love you too” he whispered before placing a gently kiss on her head.
“I love you so much” she smiled, after a moment of silence she sighed “I should get to bed”
“alright, goodnight riley” he whispered
“goodnight, Liam” she replied before turning and entered the bedroom. The whole thing was magnificent, high ceiling, chandelier and Huge canopy bed.
“wow” she whispered as she disrobed and climbed into the bed.
Just as Liam went to open the door to his room, Bastian came sprinting down the hall “He’s gone!”
“Tariq! he’s gone! I went to check his room; all his things are gone! It’s like he was never in there!”
The more Bastian spoke, the Angrier he got…none of this was sitting right with him…something was amiss.
“Find him! I don’t care what it takes…find him and when you do, bring him to me!”
If you like it, maybe give it a reblog <3
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angelasscribbles · 2 years ago
Yeeeeee!!!! Bertrand smut!!!!!!
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Let's goooooooo
“Did you run?” She asked with a smirk.
Hell yes he did
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What if I finish in your mouth by accident? What if you become disgusted by me and then … and then.. You.. don’t want to do any of this anymore.”
Oh, my poor sweet baby! <- Never in the history of ever did I think I would be saying such a thing about Bertrand Beaumont, but here we are and that's on you. 🤣🥰🤗🔥🤷‍♀️(so many mixed emotions lol)
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He had seen her naked three times and Liam hadn’t even once.
This is like sweet and sad and funny all at the same time!!
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Riley dropped her towel and Bertrand gasped, whispering to himself, “Four times.”
“What?” She grinned as she made her way closer to where he was sitting on the bed.
“Nothing!” He flushed.
.....and I'm dead. You killed me.
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“No,” Riley gave him a coy smile. “I just like to see you without your shirt on.”
I mean, with that FC for him, who can blame her?
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Bertrand’s entire being was trembling as he lowered his body onto the bed in preparation.
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“Oh my God!” Riley said breathlessly as she looked at him in surprise. “That was.. That was.. Fuck!”
I mean yes, Riley, yes.....I may need a cold shower now.....
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“I prefer to call it studying.” He grinned, “I have always strived to be a model student.”
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“Right.” Riley nodded, even though her heart sank. “I’ll be there in a few.”
Ya know, if he had actually had a conversation with his brother about his feelings, Max could have told him that Riley isn't interested in Liam like that. But noooooo.
That's okay, it gives us more angst this way and that stuff is delicious!
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I think we all know what comes next....
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I cannot WAIT to see how they both react to the other one around a perceived rival (aka Savannah and Liam!!)
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Riley be like....
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and also...
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Okay, ready for the next one!
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Never Have I Ever
Chapter 7 - Third Base
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC 
Chapter Synopsis- The Beaumonts spend some time at Applewood, and Riley and Bertrand move on to third base.
Chapter Warnings- language, oral sex
Rating - Explicit, 18+ only
Word Count-  2,910
A/N- I've been trying to keep these chapters relatively short, but this one got away from me
Chapter 7 - 3rd Base
They arrived at Applewood Manor early. Way too early. Bertrand had insisted on them leaving Ramsford at 5 a.m. so they could be the first to arrive.
And indeed they were.
The Beaumonts car pulled under the awning outside of Applewood an hour later, and they entered the lobby, where one employee greeted them nervously. 
“Oh my! Duke Ramsford, we did not expect anyone would arrive yet. Your rooms are almost ready, but in the meantime, would you like to have breakfast in the orchard? The apple trees are in full bloom and the gardens are exquisite. I assure you that our five star chefs will provide a most satisfactory meal for you, Your Grace.”
Riley cut her eyes over at Max and whispered, “Is it always like this? Everyone kissing Bert’s ass while we’re basically ignored?”
Max snickered, “Yep, but honestly I’m all for being under the radar. Means I get to have more fun. Perks of being the spare.”
The staff member led the Beaumonts plus Riley outside onto a gorgeously manicured patio with flowers and apple trees as far as the eye could see. “Holy crap,” Riley exclaimed as she looked around in awe.
Bertrand pinched the bridge of his nose and cleared his throat pointedly at her. 
“I mean..” Riley smiled at the employee, “Thank you very much. This is quite lovely.”
“Of course, my lady.” He bowed to the three guests before heading back inside.
They sat down at a table for a moment, before Riley jumped up anxiously. “I’m sorry, would it be extremely unnoble of me to take a walk in the orchard, Your Grace?” She bowed teasingly at Bertrand and he rolled his eyes.
“I suppose not. Just don’t go too far.”
She chuckled, “Yes, my Lords.”
Maxwell laughed as she headed down the steps and disappeared in the trees. “She’s something, isn’t she?”
Bertrand raised an eyebrow at his younger brother. “Yes.. something.”
Maxwell leaned back in his chair. “Soooo.. What you wanna talk about?”
Bertrand sighed, “Must we talk? We could just sit here in silence and mentally prepare for the day.”
“No way, that's boring.” The birds chirped and a cool breeze swept by as Maxwell tried to think of something to say. “Wanna talk about Riley?”
“No.” Bertrand replied without looking up from his phone, hoping that he wasn’t blushing.
“Ok.. Wanna talk about Savannah? I heard she’s coming tomorrow for the ball.”
Bertrand looked up and arched an eyebrow. “Must we talk about my personal life?”
“Well, aren’t you excited to see her?”
“I suppose.”
Max sighed, “I’m trying to bond with you, bro. We never talk about women! Tell me what you like about Savannah.. Give me something!”
The waiter emerged with a fresh pot of Earl Grey tea and took their breakfast orders. Maxwell ordered Riley several different items so she could choose whatever she wanted when she returned. Once the waiter left, Bertrand cleared his throat. 
“Her eyes.”
“What?” Max looked at him curiously.
“You asked what I like about Savannah. Her eyes.”
“Oohh, now we're getting somewhere! What do you like about them?”
Bertrand rolled his eyes and sighed loudly. “You are way too excited about this, but fine.. the color.” He looked down at his cup of tea and couldn’t help but grin, “They’re my favorite color.. Green. If you look close enough, you can get lost in a sea of sparkling emeralds.”
Bertrand stirred his tea, smiling fondly, and Max let out a soft chuckle. “Pretty sure Savannah has brown eyes.”
Bertrand’s head snapped up and he frowned, “No Maxwell.. I’ve looked into her eyes enough times to know that they are emerald green.”
Max grinned cheekily, “That’s Riley. Riley has green eyes. Savannah’s are brown.”
Riley bounded back up the stairs, taking her seat at the table. She smirked and held open her purse with a grin. “I snagged us some apples for later.” 
“Thief!” Max teased, and Riley laughed, her eyes shimmering green as the grass in the orchard. 
Bertrand stood abruptly and rushed inside the building without a word.
“Shit.. I pissed him off again, didn’t I?” Riley sighed. “I’ll put the apples back.”
“No, it’s not that.” Max shook his head. “He’s just having a hard time accepting something.”
Riley arched an eyebrow and Max stammered, “W-with the estate, I mean! Some, uh, merger didn’t go as planned.”
Riley nodded her head, satisfied, and the two tucked into their breakfast.
Riley spent a relatively boring afternoon catching up with the nobles as they arrived at Applewood. The royal family wouldn’t get there until the next morning, and all the ladies weren’t being catty or competitive with each other the way they were when Liam was around. Olivia was actually being pleasant and invited everyone to a party she arranged on the terrace which would take place after dinner.
But despite everyone actually being friendly, Riley found herself feeling lonely. Lying on the bed in her assigned room, she realized just how few friends she actually had. A couple back home in New York, but she hadn’t spoken to them in over a month. Maxwell was currently her best friend and she had only known him for a few months. She thought of Bertrand as her friend, but did he reciprocate her feelings? She got along with a couple ladies at court, and Drake and Liam were nice enough. She furrowed her brow as she began to think that maybe something was wrong with her. 
Dinner would be served in an hour, but she wasn’t hungry. She took out her phone and scrolled through her texts- some funny memes from Max, dates and times of events from Hana, a couple ‘good morning’ and ‘goodnight’ texts from Liam.. She opened Bertrand’s most recent text and couldn’t help but laugh. It was a photo she sent of herself in a low cut gown that Maxwell had chosen, and the very Bertrand-like response he had given was below: “Lady Riley! Dear God, please tell me that wasn’t the dress you chose! That gown is practically pornographic!”
Riley smiled as an idea hit her. She’d send Bertrand another picture. She pulled off her shirt, barely concealing her breasts with one arm, and snapped the picture. She typed out, “Come to my room for another lesson.”
Within five minutes, there was a knock at her door. A flushed and flustered man stood on the other side, seemingly out of breath. 
“Did you run?” She asked with a smirk.
Bertrand clutched his phone to his chest and stepped inside her room. “What if someone had seen that photo?! My God, can you imagine the gossip!? The court would inform the press, and the press would have a field day with that! Your image would be destroyed!”
She pressed a finger to his lips and he stopped talking immediately. 
“So you didn’t like it?”
He blushed and swallowed hard, “I.. That is beside the point..”
“You sure rushed up here pretty quickly.” She teased as she lightly ran her fingernails across his chest. 
Bertrand shivered beneath her touch. “I.. well..”
Riley grabbed his hand and pulled him to her bed where they sat down beside one another. “You ready for another lesson, I take it?”
“I.. would not be averse to it.”
“You remember what comes next?” She purred, tracing her finger down his abs and stopping just above his belt. 
Bertrand’s heart fluttered. She had told him that oral sex, aka third base, was next. “I.. Can I be frank with you?”
“Of course you can. You can tell me anything, Bert.”
“I’m just a bit worried..”
Riley took his hand, her expression turning serious. “If you don’t want to do this, it’s totally fine. Some people just don’t like performing oral sex, and that’s ok! It’s a very intimate thing and honestly it's more up close and personal than actual sex. So I totally understand why you don’t want to do it to me, and I swear I’m not upset or offended at all.”
Bertrand pushed out a breath, looking down shyly. “No, no.. I want to do it to you. I’m just nervous about you doing it to me.”
Riley’s brow furrowed in confusion, “Are you worried I’ll hurt you?”
“No.” Bertrand still couldn’t face her. It had gotten slightly easier to discuss this type of thing with her, but it was still uncomfortable as hell. “I think I’m feeling self-conscious. What if I finish in your mouth by accident? What if you become disgusted by me and then … and then.. You.. don’t want to do any of this anymore.”
His last words had come out so quiet and hesitantly, that Riley wasn’t sure if she had heard him correctly. This poor man had such low self esteem and it broke her heart. She turned his cheek so that he was facing her. “Bertrand.. I promise you have nothing to worry about. I won’t be grossed out about you cumming in my mouth.”
Bertrand immediately flushed at her lude description and looked down again, but Riley turned his face back toward her. “I’m serious,” She said calmly. “I actually really like it. It gets me off.”
His eyes widened, “Really?”
She chuckled nervously, actually looking embarrassed. “Yes. But this lesson is going to be your call. Whatever you want to do tonight, I’m down. I just want you to be comfortable and honest with me.”
Bertrand nodded and cleared his throat, staring at the carpet so as to not meet her eyes. “I apologize. Saying all this is just really difficult for me.”
“I know,” Riley smiled. “And I’m really proud of you.”
Bertrand smiled slightly. His heart was hammering in his chest, but he forced out the words. “I would really like to.. to.. focus on you tonight.”
Riley felt her stomach erupt in butterflies and she grinned. “Then let me grab a quick shower and we’ll get started.”
Riley emerged five minutes later, wrapped in a plush white towel, her damp, blonde hair cascading across her bare shoulders. Bertrand knew she was gorgeous.. Hell, everyone knew she was gorgeous, but the fact that he got to see her in a way no one else at court had seen her, always gave him a little burst of confidence. He had seen her naked three times and Liam hadn’t even once. Bertrand’s stomach briefly twisted with guilt as he remembered why Riley was even in Cordonia in the first place- for Liam. 
Riley dropped her towel and Bertrand gasped, whispering to himself, “Four times.”
“What?” She grinned as she made her way closer to where he was sitting on the bed.
“Nothing!” He flushed.
Riley dimmed the lights as she always did to help Bertrand feel more comfortable, but he spoke up softly. “Could we.. leave them on this time? I would like to see what I’m doing.”
She grinned brightly, “Of course!”
Bertrand stood next to the bed awkwardly while Riley climbed in and lay down on her back. His eyes hungrily raked across her naked body and his cock twitched in his pants. He had been fully hard ever since she emerged from the bathroom, but he already decided that tonight was not going to be about him.
“What do I do first?” He asked hesitantly.
Riley patted the spot next to her and he climbed on the bed. “First you take off your shirt.”
“Oh? Is that necessary for oral sex?”
“No,” Riley gave him a coy smile. “I just like to see you without your shirt on.”
He laughed and quickly removed his shirt, folding it and laying it aside before turning his attention back to his teacher. Riley leaned forward, meeting him in a deep kiss which he eagerly returned. After a few intimate moments locked in the embrace, both were breathing heavily and Bertrand began to let his hands wander along her body. She nodded in encouragement when he positioned himself in front of her.
“You can work your way up if you like. Start kissing along my thighs, and work your way further in if you want to continue. Oh, wait.” Riley quickly stopped him. “But if you don’t like it, please stop. I promise I won't be offended or anything.”
Bertrand’s entire being was trembling as he lowered his body onto the bed in preparation. He took hold of her supple thighs and gently spread them apart. 
She was breathtakingly gorgeous. 
He began tenderly placing kisses along the inside of her thighs. As unsure as he was, he was ready to dive straight in. And more than anything he wanted to please Riley.. To have her scream in ecstasy. He shuddered at the thought and inched forward even more. The tentative kisses he was initially leaving were quickly becoming more intense and he heard her release a soft moan in anticipation as he got closer to her center.
“Just remember to be gentle.” She smiled down at him and he nodded. “You can pretend it’s Savannah if you want. I mean.. I assume that’s what you do every time anyway.”
“Er, right. Of course.”
Bertrand placed his lips against her warm cunt, alternating between leaving soft kisses and swiping his tongue through her folds. His entire body flooded with warmth once he tasted her. It was like nothing he had ever imagined. He found himself lapping up her sweet juices and she moaned softly as he swirled and flicked his tongue. He couldn’t see her face, but imagined the way she looked. Her mouth was probably open, her luscious pink lips parted as her breath quickened. Her emerald eyes were probably closed, or better yet, watching him. He groaned at the thought and increased his pace.
“Oh my God.. Bert that feels so good.. Just like that..”
He took hold of her thighs, bringing her closer to his mouth as he worked her. It was the most amazing thing he had ever experienced and he didn’t think he could ever get enough. He wasn’t sure why Riley said people didn’t enjoy this. The way she was moaning and writhing was enough to make him cum in his pants. She occasionally moved his head to a different position and each time he dove right back in, lavishing attention exactly where she wanted him.
He daringly pressed his tongue inside her and she gasped, “Oh.. that’s.. yes.. Keep doing that..”
This was heaven. His nose was pressed against her glistening core while he fucked her with his tongue. Riley took hold of his hair and brought this attention back to her clit which he took turns kissing, licking, and gently sucking. Her back arched and her grip in his hair tightened, “I’m gonna cum.. Don’t stop!”
He continued and she cried out, releasing a string of curses as her body writhed beneath his mouth. Her juices coated his tongue in a rush and he licked them up eagerly, savoring every drop. He selfishly continued well after her orgasm was finished until she reached down to lift his head.
“Oh my God!” Riley said breathlessly as she looked at him in surprise. “That was.. That was.. Fuck!”
Bertrand wiped his mouth against the back of his hand and smiled. “Good?”
She laughed, still trying to catch her breath. “Amazing. How are you so good at everything?”
“Really?” He beamed at her praise. “Maybe it’s because I.. thoroughly enjoyed it.”
She smiled and gestured at the bulge in his pants. “You want some relief now?”
He shook his head shyly. “No. I meant it when I said I just wanted this to be about you.”
“Wow,” Riley chuckled. “You are really something, Bertrand Beaumont. Savannah is a lucky lady.”
Bertrand’s heart skipped a beat. “Really?”
“Well ya.” Riley cleared her throat, “I, uh.. I should go clean up.”
“No, no!” Bertrand jumped up and headed toward the bathroom. “Allow me.”
Riley helped Bertrand clean her up and she frowned as she tried to scrub the damp sheets. “I’m sorry I didn’t warn you about.. that.. I know it’s a mess. I honestly haven't had it happen in years, so I didn’t think about it...”
Bertrand cleared his throat, “Female ejaculation or ‘squirting’. I know.” He didn’t want to say it out loud, but he loved that it happened.
“You know?!”
He chuckled bashfully, “I may have looked up some things on the internet.. In preparation.”
Riley's jaw dropped and she laughed loudly, “You cheated!”
“I prefer to call it studying.” He grinned, “I have always strived to be a model student.”
Just then Bertrand’s phone beeped, alerting them that it was almost time for dinner. He buttoned up his shirt and reached for the door. “I'll freshen up in my room and head downstairs. You are coming to dinner, right?”
She twirled a lock of her hair nervously. “We could always just order room service and watch a movie in my room or something. Just the two of us? It might be fun.”
Bertrand’s brow furrowed in confusion, “But.. this is a prime opportunity for you to mingle with the other nobles. You need to get in their good graces if you are to become queen.”
“Right.” Riley nodded, even though her heart sank. “I’ll be there in a few.”
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alj4890 · 5 years ago
Christmas Prompt
(Maxwell x Riley x Bertrand *platonic*) with the 41 Days of Cheer Challenge hosted by @jlpplays1-41daysofcheerchallenge with the prompt being stripes
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A Choices: The Royal Romance drabble.
A/N I know. I do. But I couldn't resist changing up when Bertrand recieved that special wedding gift from Maxwell. I love these prompts @jlpplays1 !
@krsnlove @desiree-0816 @cora-nova @fullbeaumonty @darley1101 @cocomaxley @lodberg @elbenmond @trappedinfandoms @penguininapinktuxedo @emceesynonymroll @flyawayboo @nomadics-stuff
Temptation and Trickery
"We should not be wasting limited resources on such frivolity." Bertrand said, while watching Riley and Maxwell put presents under a recently decorated tree.
It had been longer than the duke wanted to think about, but the once depressing mansion had come to life with Maxwell and Riley's holiday efforts. But money spent on presents? With Ramsford nearly bankrupt? It was nearly blasphemous just to think of it.
"Bertrand, it's Christmas!" Riley admonished. "As a member of House Beaumont and your Queen, I demand some frivolity."
"Hear, hear! You tell him blossom!" Maxwell clapped while she took a bow.
Bertrand groaned dramatically. "I might as well burn the place down now than let the auditors come sniffing about.
Maxwell looked down at the few presents. "How about this? I solemnly swear, on my honor as a Beaumont, to not buy one more gift to put under that tree."
Bertrand narrowed his eyes at his younger sibling. "Or stockings! I don't care if they were hung by the chimney with care. I care about whether there is a house Beaumont entering into the new year!"
"I hear you loud and clear." Maxwell grinned and mock saluted his brother.
Bertrand was in the middle of returning the salute when he realized how stupid this was. "No more presents!" He yelled.
"This one wrapped in striped paper is the only one coming through the front door." Maxwell vowed. He noticed Bertrand about to argue and finished the promise. "Not one more item is coming through any door or window that leads to our home."
"Good." Bertrand grunted. He eyed the red and white striped package with his name on it. "Err, who is it from?"
"Me." Maxwell replied. "It holds within that lick tempting paper the very symbol of my feelings for my only brother."
Bertrand cleared the emotion from his throat. "Maxwell, I don't know what to say."
"Just tell me that you won't try anything to figure out what it is." Maxwell asked. "It is much too meaningful to be put through the Beaumont Tests of Giftness."
"What's that?" Riley asked.
"The usual things...weighing, shaking, tilting, sniffing, scooting, setting lit matches near it to see if anything within the box is highly flammable, dropping it from--"
"Wait!" She said with a laugh. "You have set up a mad scientist experiment to try and figure out what your wrapped presents are?" With their nods, she rolled her eyes. "Why not just unwrap it to peek inside and then rewrap it."
"Your majesty!" Bertrand exclaimed. "I'm surprised at you!"
Maxwell shook his head in disbelief. "I can't believe I am best friends with someone so dishonorable and so mendacious."
"How is my way worse than yours?" She placed her hands on her hips.
"We would never purposely spoil someone's surprise." Maxwell explained. "We have hearts, blossom."
"It isn't our fault if their boxing and wrapping skills lack the professionalism our tests are more geared toward." Bertrand muttered in defense. "And I am no longer a child, Maxwell. I will refrain from any and all actions toward the striped package."
Bertrand snuck downstairs once he knew the other two were bound to be asleep. He reached down and eagerly picked up the striped box.
"It hardly weighs an ounce." He muttered that night. A sound sent him scurrying off.
The next day, he discovered that not only was it exceptionally heavier than before, it made a sloshing sound when moved side to side.
"What the devil?" He heard Riley call his name from the kitchen and hurriedly set it back under the tree.
Late that night it had not only lost weight, but the sloshing had been replaced with a ticking sound.
"Why is the bloody thing--" he nearly dropped it when he heard the stairs creak.
The day after, he pulled his back out trying to lift it for more tests. He swore something hissed within that striped box of mystery.
"What in the bloody hell is that thing?!" He groaned while trying to sit on the couch.
"When are you going to tell him?" Riley whispered while trying to suppress her giggles.
Maxwell grinned. "Not until Christmas morning. I have a ton more tricks to stick in that box to keep him from finding out that I spent some of the book earnings to buy his favorite motorcycle. Good thing I can't fit it in the house. After that promise, the garage is the only place for it."
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littleredroseonthevalley · 6 years ago
Summary: Riley reflects on the dark happenings of the last New Year’s party, as storms ravage the palace.
Rating: M -  Not suitable for children or teens below the age of 16 with non-explicit suggestive adult themes, references to some violence, or coarse language.
Mentions of murder and non-consensual sex. Reader discretion is highly advised.
Words: 1915
Notes: I do not know why I bother to make calls for action, as they are usually ignored, but here we go.
I had a rather... unpleasant experience this New Year’s night, and this is my way of dealing with it. Drop me a line if you want to talk about it, mine or your own.
Furthermore, this is dark. This is horribly dark. Read at your peril.
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To mar [mahr]
Transitive Verb
Middle English merren, Old English merran; with Old Saxon merrian, Old High German merren, Old Norse merja, Gothic marzjan.
1.    to damage or spoil to a certain extent; render less perfect, attractive, useful, etc.; impair or spoil;
2.    to disfigure, deface, or scar.
It was late in the day, it was the New Years’ Eve. The night was chilly but it did not snow, in true Cordonian fashion. The celebration, as was tradition, was being held on the Beaumont Residence, and it was just rambunctious as expected.
Maxwell had brought moderately famous Pop singers from Greece and Kosovo to perform exclusively to the guests, and seemed to be running around, chasing the skirt of one of them, if not in his room with her.
Drake was lying, face down, in some couch around the house. He overindulged in alcohol and would not be a part of the countdown that year. Olivia and Hana were in the music room, playing the night away to their hearts’ content.
As for Liam, her husband, he was off with a few noblemen and selected guests, sharing cigars and brandy, discussing the Parliament’s agenda for the coming Spring.
It was rare for them to spend the New Year’s together, Riley conceded. Not only the events on the social season usually got in the way, and they would have January off, so the royals, especially the sovereign, usually dedicated the last days in December to making sure all was up and running while they rested secluded on a castle far away.
Having been systematically abandoned by her closest friends, Riley then spent the last moments before midnight, swaying around in the dance floor, holding a flute of house sparkling wine.
One could argue she had a little too much of it so far, but Bertrand was stingy as ever with invitations, and so it was unlikely anyone with ill intent to have made it inside the manor.
In her haze, she swung one side to the other, giggling as she twirled dizzily through the ample room.
With a lousy dance step, she tumbles with him.
The glass on the window was shaking with the heavy rain pouring from the milky black sky and wind hitting against it. The trees outside lost quite a few branches for the unforgivable weather that evening, and she feared electricity would be cut off that night.
She had a couple of candlesticks and some matches stored on her bedside table drawer, should she need some light in an emergency. She dreaded the use of them, as she was very afraid of damaging the finely engraved wooden surfaces of her bedroom furniture.
It was very late, but she did not seem to be able to sleep. Perhaps she would not rest, either way, due to her loneliness and the weather, after tonight, it would not surprise her if she were to acquire a distinct distaste for storms.
She tried to read, but the story, for once, could not hold on to her attention for very long, neither could television or music. Her mind was away and adrift, a single thought circled her head again and again.
It has been such for weeks, but tonight… Tonight, it was worse.
The nobleman helped Riley to steady herself, placing both of his hands underneath her upper arms, allowing her to lean into them, so she could stand up straight.
“Whoa, Your Majesty,” He says, an amused smirk on his face. “I cannot say I dislike the attention, but you could just come out and say it.”
The monarch-consort laughs the awkwardness off. “Oh, milord, you know how it is, two flutes of champagne and you forget yourself. Thank you, though, for your assistance.”
“It is my own pleasure, Your Majesty. A service to the sovereign is on public interest, after all.” He responded, shooting her an easy smile.
“I do not suppose they have in mind helping a poor woman who overindulged when they say such things.” The Queen tattled in amusement. “Tell me, milord, are you enjoying tonight’s celebrations?”
“I find them most agreeable, Your Majesty. The Beaumonts have a knack for entertaining.” The man responds, soft.
“That it is, milord.” She agrees. “I have always felt as if they were my own family, and, as such, as if their parties were my own parties. A little forward of me, I usually consider, as I lack that… green thumb, if you must, of theirs.”
He chuckles. “I recall quite a few soirées at the palace that were equally, if not more, enjoyable than tonight.”
“Be certain it was Maxwell the one you owe your praises. I hardly ever get involved with any of the planning.” She said, humorously. “I did not think I would find any noblemen around this time of evening, though. Tell me, milord, would you not prefer to be in audience with the King? My husband is hearing complaints in the parlour, and I daresay he is in a giving mood tonight.”
“I have most that I want.” It was his response. “And what I do not, I should find ways to acquire.”
“It seems conscientious of you, milord.” She conceded. “If I am to take the hordes one surely would find in the parlour right about now, I am to infer you are a minority amongst your peers.”
“Thank you, Your Majesty, but I do not suppose conscience has anything to do with it. I merely find more pleasure in the struggle.” He dismisses the compliment offhandedly.
“In America, we tend to celebrate those who achieve by their own merits, rather than by birth or favour, but I suppose you are entitled to your own assessment, unflattering as it is.” She points out.
“That I am, Your Majesty, that I am.” He smirks, haughtily.
As he finishes his statement, the clock strikes 11:59.
The guests still lingering around the dining room start cheering the countdown to the new year, while the nobleman leads the woman to a quieter corner of the room, at a mezzanine overlooking the ballroom.
As the seconds go by and they come closer to the new year, so the body of the nobleman close the distance between him and the monarch.
The hairs on the back of her head shiver in alarm, and her arm is covered in goose bumps. She tries to get away from him, but his hand holds her wrist firmly in place.
As the fireworks go out on the lawn, as the night-time sky is coloured with the overt glow, the nobleman tugs her arm and forces her to kiss him.
It was always eerie to her, the dissonance between the hustle-bustle of the palace during the day and the dead silence of the night.
Liam always found it relaxing, the poor man, so deeply traumatized from a tumultuous childhood, could not even nap if not in absolute quietness. Riley, however, used to a life in the metropolis, slept better when in hearing distance of the white noise of motors in a busy avenue.
Her husband more than once offered her the use of a white noise machine, and she has resisted. The King’s restful sleep was more important than the Queen’s, after all, and so their conjoined bedroom was to be tailored to his preferences to perfection.
After more than a few sleepless nights on her part, he brought the white noise machine once again, alongside a change in mattresses and cable television extensions for the room, but she once again refused. It was not going to lull her to any sleep, either way.
Tonight… tonight, the cause for her insomnia was very different and specific. Her shoulders were slumped and aching from the tension she was under, her ears rung painfully, her head was about to explode.
Her ears perk at the sound of heavy footsteps on the staircase near the bedroom, she takes it as a good sign. None of the servants would walk so noisily, not that any would be up at this time anyways.
Perhaps, when all it is said and done, she ought to get a decent night’s sleep.
When he was done with her, he adjusted his trousers, facing away from her and towards the ballroom beneath them. For a split second, his softening, slick member was for all to see, but no-one did.
Not a single person raised their sights towards the mezzanine that night.
“I believe that we are done here.” He turns back to her and raises her face to a small peck on her lips, one she had no strength to fight against.
“Why did you do it?” She asks, weakly.
He chuckles and faces the stairway down. “I thought I told you, I like the struggle to get what I want.”
“You know you won’t get away with that.” She threatened.
“I think I just did.” Without looking back, the blue-blood said, “Thanks for the evening, Your Majesty. It has been great.”
Liam sits down on an armchair opposite to his wife, taking off his shoes, stained in hues of brown and red.
“The maid will burn these in the morning.” The woman says, taking the pair away, to the side of the fireplace.
“Thank you.” He said, rather absent. A moment of silence follows, before he breaks with a, “I did it. I did it myself.”
“I thought you would.” Was the response. “Do you regret it?”
“No.” He countered, almost instantaneously. “I hated that man for what he did with you. I will never forgive him, and I will never think he did not deserve it.”
Riley hummed her understanding, and busied herself on preparing the bed for the night.
“Unless…” He says, slow and dour, profoundly dreading the scenario he built on his head. She stops what she was doing and looks deep into his eyes, as he starts again to speak, “Unless you see me differently for what I did.”
She sighed. “There is nothing anyone can do that will erase what happened. If you did it for me, then you wasted your efforts.”
“I understand.” It was his answer. He knew the truth, that he did it to appease his own anger and frustration, most of it towards himself, but he would have preferred to kid himself a little longer to the cold tell-off.
However, looking at her swelling stomach, he had to concede she was on a difficult position, to say the absolute least.
How could he phrase it not to feel an absolute understatement?
“I still love you, though. I will always love you. It’s just that…” She breathed out and nothing she planned to say made any sense, communicated any of the things she wanted to say.
I was worried about you. I am worried about you. I want to be free of it. I want you to be free of me.
“Let’s just sleep.” She said, instead. “It all should look better in the morning.”
They lay down in bed side by side, Liam making every effort not to touch his wife, as she finds it rather disturbing for the time being.
Riley could not help to let a few tears spill from her eyes, as it usually happens that time of night. She had acquired the rather nasty habit of crying herself to sleep. The morning would bring no good, as no other day since then has never did, nor ever will.
For, from now until forever, she was marred.
Taglist: @boneandfur; @cora-nova; @mfackenthal; @theroyalweisme; @zilch3
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flowerpowell · 7 years ago
Secrets X (Drake x MC // Liam x MC)
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Part 10 is here! Sorry in advance if this part isn’t the best/nicely edited/polished. I’ve been feeling really bad lately and I’m not able to concentrate at all. This series is coming to an end which sad but I hope you’ll enjoy those last few parts! And as always, any feedback is very much appreciated! 
All rights for characters go to Pixelberry. The plot is inspired by Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, I don’t own these rights either.
Rating: Average; mentions of blood, death, violence
Tagging: @flynnomalleys @kickbuttbookworm @choices-sideblog @walkerduchess @client327 @damienazariostan @confessionsofabrokegirl @darley1101 @lilsouthernsunflower @katurrade @mynameiskaylabella @furiousherringoperatortoad @bizzyschoices @speedyoperarascalparty @jared2612 @liam-rhys @drakelover78 @laniquelove @umccall71 @hopefulmoonobject @theroyalweisme @blackcatkita @hhiggs @greyeyedsmile14 @butindeed @agent-zephyrkah ♥
“What do you mean everyone’s dead?” Riley asked, shocked and mad at the same time. Amelia didn’t say anything, only put her hands to her face and cried. 
Leo approached the ladies and put his hand on Amelia’s shoulder. “Amelia, what happened? What are you doing here? Who died?” 
But before the girl could answer, Riley cut in. “You know Amelia?” 
Leo looked at her surprised. “Of course I do! She’s the daugther of Madeleine!” 
“You know Madeleine?” Riley asked and Amelia rolled her eyes. “She’s the mad Queen, I sure know her!” 
“A QUEEN?” Amelia exclaimed but both adults ignored her. 
“Oh right, I just thought it wasn’t public news.” Riley admitted. “It’s not, she married and ruined my brother and I just met Amelia at their wedding.” 
“LIAM IS YOUR BROTHER?” Riley’s eyes widened as she yelled the question at Leo. 
“Was, he died,” Leo sadly replied. Riley shook her head. 
“No, he's not dead!” He looked at her stunned by her answer when Amelia bursted into tears again. “Now he is!” 
“Shhh, Amelia, how do you know?” Riley tried to calm the little girl down. 
“Je ne sais pas! But I think, no one ran after me, the part that exploded was in the main hall, Liam’s room. The rest of the maison started burning right after. I didn’t see a personne.” 
Riley felt like she couldn’t breathe. Liam, Drake, Hana, Maxwell, Bertrand, the guards and the servants. No. That can’t be true. 
Leo studied her face in silence before he spoke, his voice calm but cold, “How do you know Amelia? And Liam?” She turned to him, he was hurt. “I was hired as Amelia’s governess. I lived with Liam and his friends at his house.” 
Leo nodded in response, joining the facts together. “So, my little brother is the married guy who you ran away from?” 
“Umm, yes, it seems so.” Leo took a deep breath, “And you knew he was alive, this whole time? You knew the King was alive, you knew where he lived, and never mentioned it.” He was mad at her. 
“I-I didn’t know he was your brother! You never mentioned his name...” Leo rubbed his temples. “You never mentioned anything when I told you about the Queen ruling alone! You could’ve told me the King was alive since you knew!” 
Riley took a step back, Amelia’s gaze shifted between the two of them. “I wasn’t my secret to tell! He told me that but I had no rights to tell a stranger all the secrets!” And then it hit her. It wasn’t their secret to tell. She was mad at Maxwell, Hana, Drake but she shouldn’t be. It wasn’t their secret. They did the right thing. Riley felt stupid, the shame hit her with the sad thought she might never see them again. She might not see Drake again. And Liam. 
“I just can’t believe I was that close from my brother. That he was alive. And now that I almost got him back, I’m losing him again.” Leo stepped back and wandered off a little. 
She respected it and decided to give him privacy. Riley knew he wasn’t really blaming her for not telling him the truth but rather he was grieving something he lost...again.
After a few moments he finally joined Riley and Amelia. “Shall we go check on the house? There’s no reception here, maybe we’ll be able to call someone from there.” Leo’s voice was full of sadness. His usual cheerfulness was gone. Amelia was walking first, remembering exactly the route. Leo and Riley followed her in silence. 
“Hey, are you okay?” she finally asked. He looked at her and shook his head. “Not really. I can’t believe my brother was alive and I wasted so many years not knowing.” 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. Maybe if I had told you, this fire wouldn’t have ever happened.” Leo took her hand in his. “You didn’t do anything wrong, it’s not your fault, don’t think like this.” Riley muttered something to herself before asking Leo the question she wanted to ask for a while now. 
“Leo...if Liam is your brother, and he’s the King, and he’s younger, wouldn’t that make you a King?” She heard him sighing. “I abdicated,” he swallowed hard and added, “I didn’t feel ready to be a King, it wasn’t my calling. I knew my brother would make much better King, this country deserved the best, and Liam was the best.” 
Riley didn’t know what to say. She put her hand on his shoulder and smiled reassuringly. “He’s not dead. I know him, he’s pretty badass. He made it, I promise you.” Leo returned the smile gratefully. 
They were walking for at least an hour more when Amelia stopped and motioned something in the darkness. “We’re here. I don’t want to go there.” Leo looked at Riley and she took the girl’s hand. Feeling safe with her governess, Amelia nodded and the three of them approached the house, or rather, its remains.
It was quiet and peaceful there. 
Riley was shaking at the view in front of her. The main part of the castle was completely ruined, the right wing was still standing, only a few brick were missing and the windows were broken, and the left wing missed its half. 
The worst part, it was awfully quiet. No voices, no screams, nothing. 
She was standing in front of that sad view as Leo talked to Amelia and she sat down on one of the benches that weren’t destroyed. He approached Riley and took her hand. “You can wait with Amelia, I can see if they are all dead by myself.” 
She swallowed the lump in her throat and shook her head. “No, I need to see it for myself. I need to help. After I left I-I--” He squeezed her hand in understanding.
The two of them walked closer to the ruins of once a great and beautiful castle. Leo tried to call the paramedics and after a few minutes he finally caught the signal and was able to contact them. Riley was walking around the ruins, careful not to get hurt if anything fell on her, but so far she didn’t see anything. 
“Please, is there anyone here?!” She screamed, startling Leo. Riley was nearly crying, when she heard a voice and someone running. “Riley?” 
Hana ran up to her and Riley pulled her in a hug. “Hana, what happened? Are you okay? Where’s everyone?” Hana wrapped her arms around Riley even tigher and started crying. 
Leo approached the ladies and Hana’s eyes went wide in realization who he was. “Lady Hana, it’s good to see you in one piece.” Hana bowed slightly as she spoke, “Leo, it’s good to see you too. But how did the two of you--?” 
Riley shook her head. “Long story, what happened here?” 
“Oh Riley!” Hana broke into tears, “It was the middle of the night, we were asleep when I heard a scream. It was Amelia. Maxwell and I ran out of the room and we saw her running from the main hall. Max yelled after her but then the castle started shaking, we saw a fire in Liam’s room. Before any of us could react the main part of the castle suddenly exploaded, right from Liam’s room. I think someone set a bomb or something. Maxwell wanted to run after Liam but he tripped and some bricks fell on his legs. I dragged him away, he’s lying in the stables, no one was able to call the ambulance.” Hana sobbed and Leo put his hand on her shoulder. “I already called. They should be here soon though it’s a long way.” Hana nodded sadly. “At least he’s alive,” she whispered. 
Riley swallowed hard when she asked, “And what about the other? Drake? Liam? Bertrand?” Hana shook her head, “I don’t know about Liam, Bertrand was away, Madeleine called him to the palace.” 
“And Drake?” Riley’s heart started beating fast. “I don’t know. I was with Maxwell all this time, but the right wing looks okay.”
Without thinking too much she started running in the direction of the right wing. Hana tried to yell after her but Leo calmed her down and asked to see Maxwell. 
Riley was almost our of breath when she reached the wing. She found one of the servants lying on the kitchen floor, the window glass must have fallen o her. Riley checked quickly if she was alive but with tears in her eyes she realized she wasn’t. Riley went to Drake’s room, crying out his name, but it was empty with no sign of anyone. 
She was almost having a panic attack when she heard someone’s voice from behind the house. Carefully, she walked out of the wing, avoiding glass on the floor and turned to the back of the house. There were a lot of bricks, trees, glass, the once pretty garden turned into a huge mess. 
With shaking hands she lifted a blackboard her mother gave her. If only she knew how it would all end. She walked around it, crying, looking at everything she once knew when she spotted a figure sitting on a pile of bricks. Riley inhaled deeply, half in horror half in relief. Drake’s clothes were covered in blood, he was holding his hand and his face was twisted in pain. 
“Drake!” she yelled and set off running. He slowly turned his head towards her and she saw a small, pained, smile. “Hastings,” he whispered when she was throwing her hands around his neck, gently however, not wanting to hurt him. He was all sweaty and dirty but she didn’t care. She felt him crying into her hair as she was stroking his.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he repeated quietly. Riley gently pulled away to look in his eyes. “What are you sorry for? You didn’t do anything?” He looked at her with so much pain she wanted to cry again. “I let you go. And didn’t tell you about Liam while pretending I didn’t know.” She shook her head. “You couldn’t. It wasn’t your secret to tell, I get it now.” 
Drake smiled a little taking her hand into his unscratched one. “So you forgive me?” 
“Of course I do, there’s nothing really I should be mad at!” 
He kissed the back of her palm as she looked around. “I tried to find Liam after I heard the bomb. I looked almost everywhere but I can’t find him. Which means...he might be there, under all these bricks and walls and furniture and--” his voice broke. 
“Shh, no, he’s okay, I’m sure, let’s just keep looking. Leo and Hana can help us, they’re unharmed and you go rest with Maxwell.” 
“Leo’s here?!” Drake asked shocked. She chuckled, “Yes, if it wasn’t for him I would be dead already.” 
Drake closed his eyes. “I’m sorry.” 
Riley helped him stand up and they started walking towards the stables. “Do you have anything else broken except for your arm?” she motioned his arms he was still holding. “Nah, I’m fine. My heart’s a little broken since you left but other than that, I’m all good.” He winked at her she started blushing. 
“Sorry for that, I just couldn’t deal with all this drama anymore.” Drake nodded, “I get it, I’m sorry. When you left, I realized only in the morning, Liam was already in your room crying out your name, I asked what happened and he told me you left... He asked all the guards and servants to check the house and the garden and I ran out to the woods looking for you. You must have left much earlier beacause I couldn’t find you anywhere.” 
Riley gulped. Did they really look for her, did they really care that much? “I’m sorry. I set off really early in the morning and I met Leo later on. He let me live with him in the cabin. He had no idea Liam was still alive.” 
When they reached the stables, Hana let out a relieved sigh and Leo greeted Drake. Riley instantly hugged Maxwell and he apologized for not telling her the truth. They all talked about the events of that awful night. When Amelia joined them in the stables, Leo, Hana, and Riley started looking for Liam again. The paramedics already came and took care of Maxwell and Drake. The fire department came as well and started clearing the place from the ruins. Leo talked to one of the firefighters about people who were there. 
Within a couple of hours they found five dead staff members and a few servants alive but in a very serious condition. Still no sign of Liam. At some point Leo started crying and Hana had to console him. Riley couldn’t accept the fact that Liam might be dead. The firefighters told her to calm down and asked her not to help them anymore. She felt useless. She was walking around the garden, crying out Liam’s name from time to time. She wandered off a little, reaching the end of the estate. Sobbing, Riley looked at the ruins in front of her and the woods behind her. 
This wasn’t supposed to end this way.
Lost in her thought, she suddently felt someone’s hand on her mouth, and the other gripping her around her waist, dragging her farther and farther into the woods. She tried to release herself but the other person was much stronger. When the ruined castle already disappeared from the horizon, the person slowly turned Riley around to face her, hand still on her mouth. Riley’s eyes widened in shock as she realized she was looking at a person she definitely didn’t expect to see there.
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cordonianchoicesqueen · 6 years ago
Rewritten: The Royal Romance: Hello Cordonia (Part Four)
A/N: We are in Cordonia! Drake and Riley have their first fight and finally Hana, the true unsung talented queen of the TRR series makes an entrance. Also, on second reading of TRR, there’s a lot of really sexist chatter by the male characters about how awful all the women are to each other/ gold digging... They make you so worried about the women in court but they are all fabulous in their own ways... Definitely will have to come back to that at some point!
Summary: Riley drops her life in NYC and boards a plane to Cordonia with Drake and Maxwell. Arriving at the palace she feels very overwhelmed but manages to make a new friend in the process.
Choices Chapter: Book One, Chapter Two, First Half
Disclaimer: Characters and main storyline from Pixelberry’s Choices.
Word Count: 2570
Warnings: none
Hello Cordonia
The next hour or so was a whirlwind. I walked into Elliot’s with my head high. My manager turned around to shout at me for coming in the wrong entrance and being a couple minutes late but when he saw my carefree expression, he paled. I told him exactly what he could do with his sexist rants and disregard for his employees and then rushed home. I had no idea what to pack but I didn’t have time to worry about it, throwing random outfits into my bag. I grabbed anything sparkly or fancy I could find… I mean I was going to a Palace! My wardrobe nor I was truly prepared for this major life change. Just before the car sent for me pulled up outside, I left my key to my apartment on the table and texted my landlord, glad that I had decided to take out periodic tenancy. With that, I felt my ties to New York fall away and I felt free… if not just a bit petrified. 
When I got to the airport, my bags were taken for me and I was escorted through the airport. I skipped line after line and before I knew it I was standing on the runway beside a magnificent private jet. As I walked up the stairs, I let my hand run across the cold railing trying to take in everything. Yesterday, all I had to look forward to was a day off from a job I hated so I could sleep and do nothing. Today, I was boarding a private jet to travel into the unknown. It was terrifying. Yet, my overly anxious self finally let the excitement take over instead of fear. The cabin was stylish and like no airplane I had ever been on before. The chairs were the size of three economy style seats and large tables so clean you could see yourself in them were dotted around. Maxwell and Drake sat across from each other, sipping glasses of champagne. “Wow,” I said, not managing to contain my inner monologue. Maxwell jumped up, handing me a glass, “say goodbye to New York and helloooo to Cordonia!” I took the glass, feeling underdressed even for an airplane journey, “I can’t believe this is happening.” “Believe it,” Drake chimed in, downing his glass, “we’ll be there before you know it, ready or not. And if you’re not ready, those ladies at court are going to eat you alive.” “Don’t scare her Drake!” Maxwell scolding, gesturing for me to sit down with them. “You okay, Riley?” “Honestly… I’m terrified,” I said exhaling. “I knew it. She’s not gonna last a week. It’s a waste of time bringing her,” Drake bristled. Drake had obviously taken a strange dislike to me from the get go. He wasn’t happy that I was out with them the night before and he definitely wasn’t happy I was there with them now. I tried to brush aside his feelings about me… but for some reason I really wanted this grumpy, asshole to like me. He was obviously close with Liam. It wasn’t just the women I would need to win over in court. “I don’t get why you’re being so grim about this…” I said neutrally. “Look, no offense,” he said, his words dripping with offense, “but I’ve seen girls like you come and go. It never ends well. Not for you, not for Liam, not for the royal family.” “Riley’s not some crown-chaser, Drake” Maxwell fired back. I’d yet to see Maxwell look upset or angry about anything. He, so far, had always seemed so bubbly. It was nice to have him in my corner. It was time to fight my own battles and it seemed the only way to fight Drake was with a fire of my own. “Drake, to be fair you’re more my usual type. Down and out bad boy who have a strange superiority complex and like making other people feel bad,” I chided him. “Hah,” Drake rolled his eyes sarcastically. “I’m serious. I don’t usually mess around with rich boys, much less royalty. So you can keep your opinions to yourself until you actually know me,” I said never breaking his stare. Maxwell let out a low whistle, “well I think that’s enough for our pre-flight entertainment. How about we get this plane in the air and play some card games to pass the time!”
A while later, the pilot announced the plane’s descent. “Look,” Maxwell said to me pointing out the window. “You can see Cordonia out the window. You won’t want to miss this, Riley.” I peered out the window and saw one of the most beautiful costal cities I had ever seen. Small buildings scattered the landscape down to docks where extravagant yachts and ships were moored. The sea was a fantastic blue, so clear I felt like I could see all the way to the depths into the sand where the fish hide. So used to cities with unapologetic concrete structures stealing as much of the landscape as they could and the New York grids, I instead could make out the winding roads of this city leading to so many unexpected parks, plazas and market stalls. A maze I couldn’t wait to be inside. The lights of the city were soft and seemed to be united into one pattern instead of different obtrusive flashes fighting one another demanding my attention On the top of a hill overlooking the whole city was a gleaming palace with a garden so splendid in colour I could almost smell the flowers from my seat on the plane. “This is Cordonia?” I smiled despite myself. “It’s like something out of a fairy tale… The sparking ocean, the swaying trees…” “If you burst into song, I’m jumping out the plane,” Drake said behind me but I felt like I could hear an almost smile in his voice. “I’m just saying it’s beautiful,” I shook my head not being able to believe my luck. “It is, isn’t it… Are you ready?” Maxwell gave me a reassuring smile. “Ready as I will ever be!” I exclaimed.
We rode in a black car with tinted windows up the long pathway through the grounds of the palace. Fountains sprayed water high into the clear blue sky and flowers of all colours burst from ground to meet us. “Welcome to your home for the next few months, Riley,” Maxwell said. The castle itself was extravagant with gold trims and ancient carvings built into the exterior. “This is where I’m staying? I didn’t realise I’d be living in the palace,” I said, suddenly feeling very overwhelmed. My apartment was probably half the size of a singular room in this spectacular building. I had done nothing to deserve this type of, literally, royal treatment. “Most of the nobility live here while the social season is underway, including all the ladies vying for Liam’s hand,” Maxwell explained. “Yeah, living under one roof just makes it easier to attend the rose ceremony later,” Drake joked, giving away a little too much about his reality TV watching habits. Maxwell rolled his eyes as the car stopped outside the grand doors, “Drake’s just kidding… at least about the roses. Anyway, I’ll show you to your room!” Maxwell hopped out the car and held the door for me. Palace staff appeared out of nowhere to take my bags and bowed to me before heading inside. “This is my cue to take off,” Drake said getting out of the car and looking at me once more. “See you around… if you’re lucky.” I watched him as he walked away. I scrunched up my nose as I tried to figure out what his game was. I was so convinced he just had a natural dislike for me but as the plane journey had gone on, it seemed that he was almost testing me, trying to see how far he could push me before I snapped. I wondered if I was only a social experiment to him, a play thing that I was sure he would get bored of quickly. Through the doors to the castle, I was immediately greeted by more splendour and a staircase with a blushing red carpet that would rival any images of castles or mansions I had seen. The baluster was a dark wood elegantly carved. The walls were covered in portraits of the royal family and landscapes of the Cordonian countryside. I followed Maxwell slowly up the stairs. “So what’s the deal with Drake,” I asked Maxwell, wanting to enjoy my incredible surroundings but not being able to get Drake’s behaviour out of my head. “Why is he so… angry?” “Oh don’t mind him. Drake’s never really… fit in,” Maxwell said carefully. “Not used to courtly life?” I asked. “Definitely not,” he said in a matter of fact tone. “He’s a commoner. He’s always been an outsider here. Even if he is Liam’s best friend…” I wanted to know more but knew better than to pry. I let the conversation drop as Maxwell led me down corridor after corridor. There was no way I was ever going to find my way around this place with it’s suit of armour lined, high ceilinged halls. “Your room is here in the west wing. In case you need anything from me or my brother, our rooms are just a couple doors away,” he said reassuring me yet again. “I didn’t know you had a brother?” “Yeah, an older brother. His official title is Duke Bertrand Beaumont. As the eldest son, he’s the heir and I’m the spare. You’ll see him tonight. He’ll be excited to meet you,” Maxwell smiled elbowing me. I couldn’t imagine another Maxwell! So bubbly and supportive even with people he barely knew. This was a case of two had to be even better than just the one! “I’m really looking forward to meet him,” I said with full honesty. Maxwell stops short in front of an ornate door, “this is it! Here’s your room!” As we entered, I realised I needed to learn to stop my jaw automatically dropping open when I saw the splendour that was presented before me. The lavish guest room had one of the largest beds I’d ever seen, with huge detailed throws and filled with fluffy pillows. There were full length paintings, gilded ceilings and mirrors that made me feel like Alice lived here and could fall into the looking glasses. “Wow.” “As a guest, you are spared no luxury,” Maxwell smiled looking at my face. I must have looked like a young child in their first candy shop, “so there’s nothing stopping me from jumping on the bed? From raiding the mini bar?” “There’s no mini bar, but the staff here,” Maxwell gestured to the man placing my very small suitcase in the room, “will get you anything you’d like.” “Sweeeet!” I yelled, letting myself go and throwing myself backwards onto the bed. I felt my body sink into the sheets. They were soft as silk and I immediately felt like I could have drifted off into the best sleep I had ever had. Maxwell laughed, “I’ll let you settle in before your big debut tonight…” I sat up abruptly, “my what?” “I’m sorry, I keep forgetting that you’re not used to this. The first event of the social season is tonight, The Masquerade,” Maxwell made jazz hands. “It’s the ball where all the suitors will be presented to the Prince, as well as to the King. Not everyone dresses in costume… but you might need to have a think about it…” Maxwell glances doubtfully at my modest suitcase. “I’m guessing it’s unlikely you’ve got a costume or a fancy ball gown in there.” I gulped, “nope not gonna have that.” “There’s a seamstress who frequents the palace before social events to aid the ladies with any last-minute fixes to dresses. She’ll be downstairs, you should find her and ask if she has any spare dresses in your size,” Maxwell said. “Thank you, Maxwell. This is all very overwhelming but you are being so helpful,” I half smiled. “Remember. Tonight is very important. It’s your chance to make a first impression on all the influential people at court and to stand apart from everyone else!” he stated. “Don’t worry. I’ve got this,” I said more confidently, standing up and straightening my posture.
It took me a while, but I finally managed to follow Maxwell’s directions down through the castle to the room that was temporarily being used as the women’s make-up and wardrobe space for the social season. As I stepped inside I heard a gasp. The gasp came from a gorgeous woman in the back corner of the room, dressed only in her bra and knickers. I immediately went beetroot as she moved the dress she was holding to cover herself. “Sorry! So sorry,” I said. Damn it, Riley! What did Maxwell just say about making a good impression?! “I didn’t realise someone was already here…” I continued rambling. The woman laughed, her laughter was the type that was infectious and I felt a cool relief wash over my embarrassment, “No problem. I should have put up a sign or something!” Still holding the dress to her near-naked body, she approached me, each step as dainty as the next, extending her hand, “I’m Hana. I suppose you’re also here to prepare for the Masquerade.” I shook her hand. “You’re just like me… searching desperately at last minute for something to wear!” I had been warned of vicious women who took no prisoners. Hana seemed competent and caring, rather than someone who would shiv me with a stiletto. “More or less,” I replied, not wanting to give away too much in case I was reading her wrong. “Just let me slip my dress on and I can show you around. The seamstress has already left for the day,” Hana said. I turned around so that she could dress. I could hear her struggling with the zipper. “Do you need a hand?” I asked, still staring at the door. “That would be amazing,” she giggled. I helped slide the zipper up her dress, that suited her petit and slim body shape perfectly. She picked up a matching mask, securing it in pace and then tossed herself a daring look in the mirror. She turned to me, grinning, “Thank you. Not many people in court are like you...” “Helpful?” I asked. “Nice,” she said, a steady smile on her face. “Ah this dress is perfect!” Hana spins, showing off her skirt in full twirl for me. “Now, what about you? Let’s find you a dress!” It only took Hana a moment to find me a stunning, long, white ball gown with cold shoulder sleeves and sexy slit up the side of my leg. It was everything I needed to look at myself and feel transformed into the princess I wanted to be. It covered all those bumps I did not like, was the perfect length and showed off all the parts of my body I loved. Hana secured a stunning silver masquerade mask to my face and I truly looked the part of pauper become princess. “You look wonderful,” she smiled admiring her handy work. “You did a wonderful job!” I responded, glad I had somehow already made a friend in this strange place.
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butindeed · 7 years ago
Seeds (Siblingly love Drake x Savannah)
Hi guys! Just in case you didn’t know, this is part of a nameless Riley x Drake series. You can read the previous parts HERE.
Tags: @decisso @lazychic28 @drakelover78 @captainkingliam @boneandfur @chantelle-x0x
Summary:  Drake and Savannah hang out in the palace’s gardens.
Low Roar - Just a Habit
They were sitting on a colourful blanket on the palace’s grounds. Drake was strumming the guitar strings, a calm song filling the air. Baby Bartie was bubbly stroking his cloth toys against his mother’s knee, as she layed resting her body on her arms behind her, enjoying the warmth of the sun while humming to his brother’s melody.
-So - she started - Grandma’s ring, huh?
Drake just nodded grinning. He couldn’t believe his luck.
-Are you going to tell me how it happened?
-Do I have a choice?
-NO! - Baby Bartie babbled
-There you got it - Savannah giggled
Drake’s hands were sweating, he had never felt this nervous in his whole life. What should he say? What if she didn’t show up? What if she was with Liam?
His stomach ached just by picturing her mouth kissing someone else, her skin burning from other man’s touch, her parfume lingering in Liam’s clothes... 
His hands were shaking he felt like that time when he got lost at the supermarket, when he was only a toddler and he thought he might never see his parents again.
He paced in front of the hotel’s balcony door, running his hands through his face and hair. 
“I may as well end this whole thing up”
“Enter there, you coward” Kai’s voice echoed in his head
He placed his hand on the knob and opened the door slowly, terrified at the thought of finding an empty balcony.
As soon as he opened the door, and saw her standing there nervously shaking, his own fears disolved.
-Hopkins, we need to talk... about us - Oh this sounds so serious, maybe I shoud have said something different
-Yeah, we should - Riley started - Drake... - She looked away - Liam proposed to me tonight...
-Oh- He felt an excruciating pain in his chest, as if a thousand daggers stabbed him simultaneously. But not only his chest was aching, he felt his whole boddy shutting down. A hollow feeling in the pit of his stomach, his eyes clouded, he couldn’t see her clearly, and a muffling sound took over. He damned himself for being so naïve to think she’d pick him over Liam. - I’m happ...
-I said no - she cut him.
For fucks sake Hopkins, you should have started there! Wait, maybe I heard wrong, it must be my imagination, right?
-You’re the only one I’ve ever cared about.
-Hopkins... You really mean it? - Part of him wouldn’t believe it yet - Liam is an actual king, I can’t offer half of what he can...
Riley rolled her eyes at him, grinning.
-I didn’t come here looking for a kingdom, Drake. I want to be with you - Riley said as she raised one hand tucking his shirt collar - And I think you invited me out here tonight, because you want that too - Her sparkly eyes were searching for an answer on his.
 - I do - his voice is husky, his throat dry. - I have for a long time Hopkins... I guess I was afraid of what it’d mean... for you, for Liam... and for me.
They pulled closer, Drake’s chocolate eyes never leaving her ocean ones.
It was imposible not to feel dizzy around her... her scent, her warmth, her body. Riley was way more intoxicating for Drake than the finest whiskey.
They stared at each other for what seemed an eternity, until Drake closed the space between them with a fervent kiss. He poured his body and soul on that kiss, every second of every day that they were apart, every time he fantasized with kissing her, leaving all guilt behind. She wanted him, she wanted it too.
When he pulled apart he felt the luckiest man alive.
-I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you Hopkins - he muttered, eyes closed, resting his forehead on hers, savouring the moment. - But I promise I’ll never stop trying to be worthy of it. - He opened his eyes and felt the love in her eyes, it was like an open book, emanating a warmth he had never felt before.
-Ok, stop it there, I don’t need to know what happened next... I don’t want to know about your dirty sex life with the new dutchess...
-Actually, we haven’t... done anything yet.
Savannah quickly tried to act as if his words hadn’t surprised her.
-She’s really gotten into you huh? - Savannah smiled squeezing his hand  - You know? When you visited me in France I thought you’d introduce her as your girlfriend or something. - she giggled.
-I couldn’t have done it even if I wanted to, Maxwell was there remember?
-I know, but Maxwell kind of knew it, you weren’t exactly, ehmmm... secretive. He told me you used to hang out alone and stuff... He just didn’t want to admit it though, he feels Riley is like a little sister to him you know? 
He already had Bertrand in his family now, but Maxwell as a brother in law...? Drake shook his head discarding the thought.
-Anyway, yesterday I got tipsy...
-From what I heard that’s an understatement - Savannah grinned mischievously
-And I told her I loved her - Drake continued ignoring his sister.
-Drakey and Riley, sitting on a tree... - Savannah started singing to Bartie who giggled at his mommy.
Drake just rolled his eyes, mussing Barties hair.
- How are you going to proppose? 
-I don’t know yet, I want it to be special, you know? As special as she is to me. 
-I knew there was a romantic side of you hidden among all that grumpiness!
-Ha ha, very funny. 
They stood up as they needed to get ready for the Homecoming Ball.
-I’m just happy you’re becoming your old you again, I must really thank Riley for that! - she grined waving his hand at Drake’s figure.
-Yeah, about that, we’re not in the open yet, so please, PLEASE, don’t act all... you...
They laughed heartly as she rested one arm on his shoulders and he one arm on her waist, heading to the palace.
Sneaking out from the party with her was definitely the best part of his night.
They were snogging right outside his door, and he could feel the anxiety building up on him. That night was definitely the night.
He could barely wait to make her his, but as her hand grabbed the door handle, he remembered his room was a hot mess.
-Wait here - he whispered, he wanted to make things right, this night had to be special, nothing could ruin this for them. 
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sfb123 · 4 years ago
Uncle Drake and the Easter Egg Hunt
Happy Easter! I figured today was a great day for a fluffy piece, and what better way to celebrate a fuffy holiday than another installment of...
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Book: The Royal Heir
Pairing: Uncle Drake, Eleanor (uncle/niece/friendship)
All characters belong to Pixelberry, except for Thomas (who is ever so briefly mentioned), he is my OC.
Catch up on Uncle Drake here.
Rating: G
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Word Count: 1,975
A/N: I am participating in @choicesaprilchallenge2021​ day 4, egg hunt.
Tags: Listed below. Let me know if you want to be added/removed.
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“Alright, are you both clear on the rules?” Liam asked. 
Eleanor and Bartie both nodded in agreement, gripping tightly to the empty baskets at their sides. It was Easter Sunday, so Liam and Riley were hosting their friends on the south lawn of the palace for brunch and an egg hunt for the kids. In the days leading up to the hunt, each child was given a dozen eggs to decorate as they pleased. The eggs had been strategically placed around the garden by the palace staff earlier that morning.
“Now, each of you gets to select one adult to be your partner. Please keep in mind, they are there to help you, not to search on your behalf.” Liam states, gesturing to the group of adults standing behind him. “Bartie, since you are our guest, you may select first.”
Bartie looked over the crowd pensively before locking eyes with Maxwell, who was waving his arms wildly in an effort to catch his attention. “Uncle Max!” He screamed. 
“Awww yeah, that’s my nephew!” Maxwell spun around and began moonwalking towards Bartie. Betrand rolled his eyes at the pair. 
Liam cleared his throat to cover the small laugh that escaped him at Bertrand’s frustration. “Very well. Eleanor, who would you like as your helper.” 
Without skipping a beat, Eleanor locked eyes with Drake and gave him a hopeful expression. “Uncle Drake, will you please help me?” 
Drake smiled and approached her, giving her an exaggerated bow as he responded. “It would be my honor, your highness.” She giggled at his formal reply. 
The two teams stood next to each other, waiting for Liam to give the signal. “Are both teams ready?” He asked. 
Eleanor looked at Drake, and her eyes widened. “WAIT!” She yelled, before dropping her basket and running back to the table. Everyone looked at each other in confusion, not sure what they were waiting for, until Eleanor returned with a pair of white bunny ears which she handed to Drake. 
“What are these for?”
Eleanor gestured for Drake to come closer, he knelt down so that he was face to face with her. She took the ears out of his hand and placed them on top of his head before kissing him on the nose. A blush crept over Drake’s cheeks as everyone let out a collective ‘aww’. He stood up and ruffled Eleanor’s hair. 
She picked her basket back up, and turned her head to Liam. “Ok daddy, ready now.”
He nodded at her in response. “Ok, ready...set...go!” 
Bartie and Maxwell broke off into a sprint heading into the gardens. Eleanor started to run off, but Drake grabbed her arm to stop her. “But Uncle Drake, we have to go! Bartie is going to find all of the eggs!” 
“Hold on kiddo, they may be going faster, but we’re going to go smarter.” He lifted her up and placed her so she was sitting on his shoulders. “Now keep an eye out. They’re running around looking low, but you have a grown up helper, which means that there are eggs hidden up high. Those are the ones we’re going to look for first.” Drake began walking them toward some of the trees on the far side of the lawn. 
“Found one!” Eleanor reached into the hand of one of the statues along the pathway, and held up an egg in victory before placing it into her basket.
“Told you so.”
They continued throughout the garden, finding a few more eggs. When Drake would notice one, he wouldn’t blatantly point it out to Eleanor, but suggest a particular area where she should be looking. They were so in sync that she would find the egg almost immediately. Their basket had six eggs in it, so Drake decided to have a halftime strategy meeting with the princess. “Alright Eleanor, we’re halfway there and I know exactly where to go next.” He nodded over to the garden maze and winked at her. 
She smiled wide and arched one eyebrow. “Can we run there?”
“Bet I can run there faster than you.”
“No way Uncle Drake, I’m way faster!” She immediately turned toward the maze and started to run full speed. 
“Cheater!” He yelled as he chased after her. Just as she reached the entry of the maze he caught up to her and grabbed her by the sides simultaneously lifting and tickling her, she screeched with laughter. 
Once he put her down they hurried into the maze and began the search, immediately finding two more eggs. They heard footsteps coming up behind them, Eleanor peeked around the corner of the closest hedge and saw Maxwell and Bartie entering the maze. 
“They followed us.” She pouted. 
“That’s alright. Don’t forget, your dad and I grew up here, we were in this maze all the time. You’re in this maze all the time. We’re maze masters, we’ve got this.”
“Yay! Maze masters!” She jumped up and down in excitement before continuing the search. 
Drake and Eleanor worked their way deeper and deeper into the maze. By the time they hit the center, they had found 11 eggs. “Only one to go kid, where should we look?”
Eleanor brought her index finger to her lips and began tapping them as she looked around the maze. Drake chuckled to himself, it was the exact face that Liam made every time he was deep in thought. Her eyes lit up as she pointed to the swing hanging from the hedges. “There!”
The two approached the bench, and just as Eleanor thought, she found a purple egg placed between the ropes on the left side of the swing. She grabbed it and held it up to Drake proudly. 
“Way to go champ, good eye!” He patted her on the back as she placed the final egg in her basket. “Now let’s get back out there and enjoy our victory with some chocolate.”
They made their way out of the maze and triumphantly marched toward the table where everyone was waiting for the teams to return from their search. 
“Alright Eleanor, that’s my girl! First one out of the maze!” Riley stood and applauded her daughter before turning to face Savannah and placing her hand palm up in front of her. 
“Yea yea yea, you win. I don’t have my purse with me. I’ll pay you before I leave.” Savannah folded her arms across her chest. “It’s Maxwell’s fault, Bartie would have done better on his own.” She huffed.
Bertrand’s eyes went wide, looking between the two women. Liam grabbed Riley’s arm and pulled her attention to him. “Love, you gambled on the outcome of our daughter’s Easter egg hunt?”
She smiled as she sat down in Liam’s lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Of course, she’s smart like her father. I knew she’d win.” Riley winked at her husband. He chuckled and shook his head in response, leaning in to give her a quick kiss on the lips. 
“Mommy, daddy, no kissing!” Eleanor announced as she approached her parents, scrunching her face and shaking her head. 
“Yea, so gross you guys.” Drake added. 
The winning team joined the group at the table, and as promised, Drake handed Eleanor a small chocolate bunny from the candy bowl at the center of the table while taking one of his own. They clinked them together before each biting into their own. 
The table continued to chat and enjoy their time together. After a while, Riley looked around the garden, a confused expression on her face. “Um...guys, shouldn’t Maxwell and Bartie be back by now?”
Almost as if it were planned, Liam’s phone started to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket and arched his brow. He held the phone up, showing everyone Maxwell’s picture on the caller ID, before swiping his thumb across the screen and putting the call on speakerphone. “Maxwell, where are you? Eleanor and Drake returned quite a while ago.”
“Yea...well, the thing is...we kinda, sorta...got lost in the maze. We don’t know how to get out.”
“Maxwell!” Bertrand spoke up, “You lost my child!?”
“No, I didn’t lose him, he’s right here. We just don’t know how to get out of the maze.”
Everyone at the table, except for Bertrand, was laughing as Liam replied. “Just stay where you are Maxwell. I will send someone in to escort you out.” He hung up the phone before turning to Eleanor and Drake. “How would you two like to go on a rescue mission?”
“I say we send Eleanor in there on her own. Let Maxwell get rescued by a five year old.” Drake chuckled. 
“Hey, I’m five and a half!” Eleanor protested. 
Drake bowed his head to Eleanor. “My apologies, Princess.” 
Liam leaned down to his daughter. “Eleanor, do you think you would be able to go in there and return safely with Uncle Max and Bartie?”
“Of course, daddy. I am a maze master.” She responded proudly. Drake smiled widely behind her. 
Liam stood up straight and said to her in a very official tone, “Very well then, on your way princess.” He gestured to the maze and smiled as she marched with purpose into it. 
Fifteen minutes later, Eleanor emerged from the maze with Maxwell and Bartie following behind. The group rushed towards them, Savannah quickly pulling Bartie into a hug while Bertrand approached Maxwell, who began chuckling nervously. “I think that’s quite enough fun for today.” Bertrand announced as he stared at Maxwell, angrily arching his brow. The group said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. 
A few months later, on a warm June afternoon, the south lawn was buzzing with activity as the court assembled for an elaborate tea party. Liam and Riley sat at the head table along with Eleanor, Drake, Maxwell, Savannah, Bertrand, Bartie, Olivia, and Hana. As the wind shifted, an overwhelming aroma began to waft over the tables. Guests instantly began contorting their faces while fanning their hands and napkins in front of them. Angry murmurs began to fill the space as guests looked around trying to find the source of the offending scent. 
“Drake, I thought by now you’d know you need to shower before these events.” Olivia pinched her nose, trying to protect herself from the smell. 
Drake rolled his eyes and spoke through the napkin that was pressed firmly against his nose and mouth. “What the hell is that? Did something die over here?”
Liam quickly motioned for one of the staff members, the king instructed him to send all available personnel to search for the source. Bastien and the guards also began searching the area. 
After a few minutes of searching Thomas, Eleanor’s guard, approached the head table. “Your majesties, we have found the offending odor.” He held up an egg, the sudden closeness of the smell caused everyone at the table to gasp and turn their heads away. 
“My teal egg!” Eleanor yelled in excitement. 
Liam instructed Thomas to get rid of the egg immediately, and he had the staff prepare one of the smaller ballrooms and begin ushering guests in there for the remainder of the event. As people started filing out of the area, Liam stood and addressed the table. “It seems as though not all of the eggs were uncovered on Easter.”
“We found 12, that was the game.” Drake shrugged. 
Maxwell slouched down in his seat. “We got so caught up in being lost, that we must have forgotten to take a final count of our eggs.”
As Liam and Bertrand turned to Maxwell, Drake leaned down and whispered to Eleanor. “Sounds like we won the Easter egg hunt, kiddo.”
Eleanor giggled, covering her mouth with one hand and holding the other up to Drake who raised his and met her in a high five. 
Permatag- @anjanettexcordonia​ @athena-penrose​ @cordonia-gothqueen​ @cordoniaqueensworld​ @fanjessfic​ @gabesmommie1130 @gkittylove99 @hopelessromanticmonie​ @iaminlovewithtrr​ @jessiembruno​​ @kat-tia801 @khoicesbyk​ @kingliam2019 @lucy-268 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​​ @mile9213 @mom2000aggie @pixie88 @queenrileyrose​​ @secretaryunpaid​​ @sweatyrysconnoisseur​​ @theroyalheirshadowhunter​​ @twinkleallnight​​ @txemrn​​
One Shots- @bebepac​​​ @darley1101​
Uncle Drake- @burnsoslow​​​
@choicesficwriterscreations​​ @choicesaprilchallenge2021​
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angelschoices · 8 years ago
In Between
Set after chapter 12 of The Royal Romance Drake x MC Riley (MC) gets some air to think, and a certain someone joins her, prompting a venting session and a confession.
Note: My first Choices fanfic I’ve written/shared. Please be gentle with your comments :)
Riley tossed and turned in the large, comfortable bed at the Applewood Manor. The bed was the most comfortable she had ever slept in, but she couldn’t fall asleep.
She threw off the covers, threw on a pair of comfy sweatpants and a cami and quietly padded out of her room.
Without Maxwell or Bertrand guiding her, it took a few minutes for her to find the doorway that led to the gardens in the back of the manor. The view was beautiful at night, the moonlight shining on the acres of apple trees that Cordonia was so famous for.
Riley wandered aimlessly until she found an open grassy patch, where she laid down, staring straight up at the night sky. She stretched out her legs, her arms crossed loosely over her abdomen.
“Just because we’re at a manor full of royals doesn’t mean there couldn’t be bears waiting to attack you.”
Riley jumped out of her skin, eyes wide, heart racing at the voice. She turned to see Drake positioning himself to sit next to her.
“Goddammit, Drake, you nearly scared me half to death,” Riley said, placing her hand on her chest, willing it to slow down to a more normal rate. Seeing that she made no move to change positions, Drake begrudgingly laid down next to her.
They stayed like that, in comfortable silence. Drake had made sure he had left a respectable distance between their bodies. Riley noticed that if she wanted to, she could very easily reach out and touch him.
“Couldn’t sleep?” she asked him.
“I heard you get up,” he replied simply. “You weren’t very quiet, lumbering about.” She turned her head to glare at him. “And I guess I’m a light sleeper.” She pouted her lips, but returned her gaze to the sky, not responding.
“Penny for your thoughts?” he asked after another moment of silence. He turned and was surprised to see tears running down her face. He immediately propped himself up on his elbow to look at her. “Oh God, I’m sorry about the lumbering comment, I don’t do well with crying girls.”
Riley laughed as she wiped away her tears, and turned her head to meet his concerned gaze. “C’mon Drake, you have to know I have thicker skin than that by now.”
“Whew,” he said. “Well, I’m still not good with crying girls. So you wanna stop that and talk about what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” He cringed as he realized in the inadvertent compliment. He hoped she didn’t notice.
She grinned at him, and he groaned inwardly. She definitely noticed. “Pretty huh? You’re getting soft on me, Drake.”
“And you’re avoiding the question,” Drake shot back. “Why are you out here in the middle of the night with me, when you could be safe and sound in probably the most comfortable bed you’ve ever been in?”
“Technically you followed me out here, so…” she tried to deflect. He gave her a look, and she sighed. “It’s a lot.”
“What is?”
“Everything,” she said resignedly. “When Maxwell first came to me in New York and invited to sponsor me to vie for the Prince’s affection, it seemed like such a wonderful adventure. How could I refuse? Liam and I had a spark, and it was an offer I couldn’t turn down.”
“And now?” he prompted.
“And now…” she started. “I’m just tired. Having to remember how to dress, what to say, how to say it, who I say it to… all for just a few stolen moments with Liam here and there.”
“This life isn’t for everyone,” Drake offered. “That’s why I’ve been the way I have. As acerbic as I can be, I don’t want to actually see you get hurt.”
“I get it now,” she admitted. “It was fun at first. Playing almost-princess. Dressing up, curtsies, and bows… I used to dream of doing this when I was a little girl.”
Drake remained quiet, sensing that Riley had been holding in a lot since her arrival in Cordonia.
“But now with Liam’s father stepping down, and Liam becoming King in a few weeks… all these political game I have to play… the pressure of trying to convince Liam that I can be queen, freaking queen!, and not letting down Maxwell and Bertrand…”
She sat up suddenly, hugging her knees to her chest and more tears fell down her face. Drake sat up as well, watching her with a worried eye.
“I was a waitress in New York City making barely above minimum wage just a few weeks ago,” she said softly. “She seems like such a different girl than who I am now.”
“You’re still her,” Drake comforted. “Like when you followed me out in the snow at Olivia’s, or at the beach party, or when you convinced me to go out for my birthday. You haven’t changed that much, New York.”
She smiled at his attempt to cheer him up.
“And then there’s Liam…”
Drake felt his heart quicken, but he willed his voice steady, “What about Liam?”
“He’s your best friend, isn’t he?” she asked, biting her lip.
“Of course,” he replied immediately.
“What I’m going to share with you, will you promise not to tell him?” She looked at him with hopeful eyes, wet with tears. There was nothing else he could say.
“Of course.”
“I just… it’s different here. In Cordonia. With him,” she said. “We’ve hardly had time to spend together. He says he cares for me, and I care for him, but sometimes I wonder… does he really even know me? Stolen moments are romantic, but it doesn’t help build a solid foundation for a relationship. What if he just likes what I represent? A freedom, something fresh and new from the Cordonian court… And what if I just got caught up in this possible fantasy?” She paused to take a deep breath. “I just… I didn’t think this through at all, and now there’s so much more at stake…” She leaned her head forward, resting her forehead on her knees, and her shoulders started to shake.
“Hey,” Drake said awkwardly. “Stop crying, you’re gonna wake everyone up, and they’ll think I did something to make you cry. I already have a low enough status with the nobles, they’ll probably exile me for making Prince Liam’s favorite suitor cry.”
“And you,” she said, a mix of a laugh and a cry. “Oh God, you…”
“Me?” Drake asked. “What did I do?!”
“I flew across the world on a whim to win the heart of a prince,” she shook her head with a small smile. She looked up and the look in her eyes startled him, making his heart race. “I wasn’t supposed to catch feelings for his snarky, abrasive, loyal, soft-hearted best friend.”
Time froze for Drake, with Riley’s confession.
“F-feelings how?” he stuttered.
“Does all that snark prevent you from seeing truth, or was I really that good at hiding it?” she smiled. Drake said nothing. She looked away, her smile fading.
Embarrassed, Riley gets up, wiping away hot tears, very different from the tears shed earlier in the night.
“I guess I read this wrong,” she said, brushing grass off her pants. “I read you wrong.” She wiped away more tears. “I should go to bed.”
Riley made it five steps before a strong hand firmly grabbed her arm, spinning her into a searing hot, passionate kiss.
Their kiss was hungry and raw, and far too short for her liking. Just as Riley was going to pull him closer to her, Drake pulled away.
“You did not read me wrong,” he said huskily. “But we can’t do this.”
“We just did,” she whined, wanting to feel his mouth on hers again. “So what’s the harm in doing it some more?”
“You’re killing me,” he said, smiling weakly. “On my death certificate, it will read: death by beautiful girl seduction.”
“But what a way to go, huh?” she grinned, the light back in her eyes, despite the tears.
“Don’t,” she said with a shaky smile. “Please.” She closed her eyes, leaned against him. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around her. “I need to feel… normal again. Not some princess puppet. And it wasn’t until tonight that I realized…”
“Realized what?”
“Ever since I’ve been in Cordonia, I’ve only ever felt normal… when I’m with you,” she admitted. “Just like you said in Olivia’s wine cellar… it’s all about the moments between. The moments with you.”
Riley pulled away slightly so she could look up at Drake, a shy smile on her face.
“That must’ve been the cheesiest thing I’ve ever heard you say,” he teased, his signature smirk on his face. She scowled back at him.
“To be fair, you did say it first. I was just quoting you, and making it better.”
“You just can’t let me win one, can you?”
“You wouldn’t like me so much if I did,” she grinned, tilting her head.
Instead of responding verbally, Drake leaned down and kissed her. He kissed her gently, soft. His hand moved to cup her face, her hands resting on his chest. When they finally pulled away, she had a smile on a face, despite his frown.
“Okay, so maybe I like you a little,” Drake finally admitted. “But it doesn’t change the fact that we can’t do this.”
“I know,” she scowled at him. Then her face softened as the corners of her lips turned downward. “I know.”
“I knew you’d be trouble the moment Maxwell invited you to give us a tour in New York,” he told her softly, still holding her in his arms.
“Yet here we are,” she smiled wryly. “So where do we go from here?”
Drake sighed and pulled away. Riley had a small smile on her face, and he realized they both knew the answer.
“I care about you,” she told him. He gave her a rare, genuine smile. “But I also care about Liam.”
“As do I,” Drake responded. “Which is why we both have to pretend like tonight never happened.” Though Riley had expected this, her heart still broke when she heard the words aloud.  
“He’s going to choose you,” Drake said softly. “He’s going to choose you to be his queen. He’d be a complete idiot not to.”
“And so I’m supposed to marry him? When I have this… this unspoken thing with his best friend?”
“Yes,” he said, though it broke his heart to say so. “Yes, because we both care about him, and we both want him to be happy. And we both know you would do that for him.”
“What about what I want? What you want?” she asked grasping for anything, knowing that what he was saying was true.
“He’ll make you happy too, once this whole social season competition is over,” he told her, smoothing her hair down affectionately. “And as much as it pains me to say this overly clichéd line… I just want you to be happy. My best friend and my best girl? How could I not be happy for you two?”
“You really are just a big softie,” she teased, fake punching him in the arm.
“Yeah, yeah,” he rolled his eyes good-naturedly. “Now get to bed before I change my mind.”
“Don’t tempt me,” she nearly purred, a sly smirk on her face. He rolled his eyes and shoved her gently towards the Manor.
“Hey,” he said softly. She turned to him. “We’ll have always have these moments. The moments in between.”
She smiled.
“The moments in between.”
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harleybeaumont · 3 years ago
Love Me The Way I Am- Book 1
Chapter 8
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Pairings: Maxwell x Harley (MC), more in future chapters
Book: TRR Book 2
Synopsis- After King Liam proposes to Madeleine, Harley and Maxwell grow closer while they attempt to uncover who’s behind her blackmail. Maxwell is hiding a medical condition he’s kept secret for most of his life. Due to his father constantly berating Maxwell during his youth, he believes no one will ever love him.. until Harley comes along and he dares to hope.
A/N- This somewhat follows along with the events in TRR Book 2. I have removed/added certain events to go along with my story! Harley Hughes is my character who is based loosely off of Riley. The other characters belong to PB.
Warnings- language, drinking, sensuality, some NSFW
18+ only
Word count- 3,180
Catch up here
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The royal engagement tour, which was also a front for Liam to initiate new trade agreements, was in full swing. Harley had to admit that she was excited to travel to so many new places, even though she had to deal with Madeleine and the other ladies at court. Penelope was such a weirdo who was way too into her dogs. And Kiara was so stuck up. What kind of person speaks French nonstop to people who don't know French? A snob.
At least she had Maxwell, Drake, Hana, and occasionally Liam. They snuck around Applewood Manor where her “scandal” happened, looking for clues. They actually found an ID badge in the tree outside the window of Harley's room. It belonged to a freelance photographer and it even had her picture on it.. Wow, what an idiot! Harley thought. 
The next step was actually tracking down the photographer. Her name wasn't on the ID badge, but surely she had to be at one of the many events on the engagement tour. Maxwell, Harley, and Bertrand landed at their next destination in Italy and hopped off the plane.
“I'm so tired!” Harley yawned and laid her head against Maxwell's shoulder as they walked along the jet bridge into the airport. “And my butt is numb from sitting for so long. Carry meeeee.”
Maxwell scoffed teasingly, “You think you're the only one with a sore butt? Besides, it's your turn to carry me!”
Harley stopped in front of him, grabbed his legs, and began to carry him piggyback style.
“Holy crap, how are you so strong?” He laughed as he held on to her.
“Years of carrying heavy trays of food, remember! Bertrand grab our bags!” She yelled as she walked through the terminal with Max on her back. Bertrand frowned and shook his head in dismay.
There had been some tension between Max and Harley after she felt like he was hiding something from her, but she couldn't stay mad at him. By the end of the next day they were back to their usual playful selves. Maybe he really was just sick from drinking on an empty stomach. At least that's what she hoped.
The afternoon before the dinner party, Harley and Hana had an appointment at a local boutique in Italy to find a dress. Harley felt bad that the Beaumonts were still buying her clothes, but they insisted. And she had most definitely run out of money not being able to work for months. When they entered the boutique, they were surprised to find Olivia there, being fitted for a glamorous, floor-length red gown.
Olivia smirked haughtily, “Oh great, I thought this was a classy place, but apparently it's just a second rate shop for basic bitches.” Olivia was as fierce as she was gorgeous. She was tall with fiery red hair and if looks could kill, she would be a serial murderer. Honestly Harley wasn't sure that Olivia hadn’t killed anyone before. But like she realized with Drake, Olivia was kind of a softie deep down.
“Apparently you have the wrong address.. If you're looking for a dress to wear to your next seance, the Spirit Halloween Store is two streets down.” Harley flopped down onto the plush white couch in front of her and put her feet up.
Olivia put a hand over her heart feigning offense, “Oh you wound me, you classless whore. Why don't you get caught screwing someone from court again and disappear for another month?”
“You know you just want to see me in my underwear again. I told you before, all you have to do is ask.” Harley blew her a kiss. “Besides, if I left you’d miss me too much. I know you're obsessed with me, you venomous bitch.”
“Jesus, you two!” Hana shook her head as the seamstress working on Olivia’s dress looked between the two of them in horror.
Harley and Olivia had an understanding ever since they found out that they were both being blackmailed. She actually liked Olivia now, and they thoroughly enjoyed insulting one another. 
“Look if you wanted my help picking out a dress, you didn't have to follow me all the way here.” Olivia stepped out of the gown as the seamstress finished pinning her alterations. 
“Aw, Olivia, you do care!”
Olivia scoffed and sorted through the racks of dresses, clad only in her red lacy lingerie. “Here.” She thrust a dress into Harley’s arms. “This one will hide your ugliness the best.” 
“It's red..” Harley put her hand on her chest gasping in mock disbelief, “You want us to match don't you!? Oh my god that is so sweet! I knew we were friends!”
Olivia put her perfectly manicured hands on her hips. “You're delusional. I simply picked the one that'll make you look the least like the greasy barmaid you really are.”
Hana rolled her eyes and scanned the dresses. “I'm going to try on this pink one!” She held it against her with a bright smile. “It's so pretty and sparkly!”
Olivia plopped down on the couch, “Yes it just screams, ‘sidekick to the poor and delusional.’ Perfect for you Hana.”
Harley pretended to pout as she sat beside her, “Olivia you know I get jealous when you talk to other women like that. I thought I was your one and only.”
Hana sighed and went into the dressing room. Olivia lowered her voice. “Listen, I have some information. My sources tell me that the photographer will be attending the party tonight. I don't know why I'm telling you this, but I suppose we are unfortunately in this mess together.”
“Your ‘sources’? How very cloak and dagger.” 
Olivia rolled her eyes and crossed her arms indignantly. “You have no idea what I'm capable of. As the Duchess of Lythikos, I have an army at my command. You don't think I have reliable sources who are willing to do anything for me?”
Harley smiled at her. She loved getting her riled up. “I know, you're very impressive Livvy. And thanks for the info. I'll let you know if I find out anything.”
“Please, like you could find out anything that I hadn't already known days before.”
Harley laughed as she joined Hana in the changing room to try on her dress.
Olivia slipped her tank top, leather pants, and stilettos back on and called out to the seamstress as she headed for the door. “Please make sure it's delivered to my room before 6:00 tonight. And don't forget about the pockets for my concealed knives. Thirteen; exactly where I showed you.”
That night, Harley and Maxwell walked into the glimmering restaurant for the dinner party. It was packed with nobles and several members of the press. Sounds of soft jazz and the hum of conversations and laughter filled the air. Bertrand told Harley that Max went out and got a suit to match her dress. Her heart fluttered when she looked at their reflection in the mirror. They really looked good together- like an actual couple. She wondered if that's why he did it and her heart fluttered again. Maxwell grabbed two glasses of champagne from a passing waiter and handed Harley one with a smile. He held his glass out to her in a toast and winked, “Cheers to.. looking damn good tonight in that red dress.” 
Harley smiled but before she could say a word, Penelope ran up and pulled her aside. “Oh Lady Harley, I love your dress, you simply must tell me where you got it!”
Harley gave Maxwell a confused look as she walked away with her. On a normal day, Penelope barely spoke to her. Maybe she’s drunk. At twenty-one, Penelope had been the youngest lady in the group vying to marry Liam. She had an unhealthy obsession with poodles and an overwhelming drive to get married. Those were the only things Harley had ever heard her talk about; Poodles and marriage. Drake had even started calling her ‘Poodle-ope.’
Harley staggered as she tried to keep up with Penelope who was pulling her across the room. “Oh, um I can't honestly remember the name of the place, I can ask Hana if you-”
 “Yes yes, that's fine..” Penelope interrupted, glancing around the room suspiciously. She twirled her long black hair that had been permed into tight ringlets. Harley thought she looked just like a poodle, and knowing Penelope that was probably intentional.  “Look, I have something I need to ask you.”
Harley arched an eyebrow and looked at her questioningly as Penelope led her to a secluded alcove. “Okaaay.”
“You're close with Lord Maxwell, aren't you?” 
“Ok good.” Penelope was still looking around the room as if she expected to be ambushed at any moment. She leaned in and giggled, “Ok since we're such good friends, I need you to put in a good word for me! I talked to Madeleine and she thinks we would be a perfect match! I mean, he's what, twenty-three? Surely he's looking for a wife by now.”
Harley nearly choked. “Oh, my..” She wasn't sure how to play this. There was no way in hell Maxwell would ever want to marry Penelope. She was one of the most boring and awkward people Harley had ever met. She pushed out a breath and shook her head. “First of all, he's twenty-six. And second, I uh, don't think you're his type.”
Penelope looked as if she had been slapped. “Not his type?! I am a noble lady from a good house who would serve him and give him plenty of children! What more could he want?!” She closed her eyes and sighed dreamily, “We would have a house full of children and poodles! And besides, at twenty-six he shouldn't be so picky! He’s practically over the hill!”
My god this woman is delusional. “Over the hill?? There’s.. a lot to unpack here, but let me start with the fact that getting married and having tons of babies doesn't sound like something Maxwell would want at all.”
Penelope put her hands on her hips and stared her down. “Harley, I didn't want to believe the rumors about the two of you, but I think this proves it.”
“Hang on, what rumors?” 
“That the two of you are..” She paused and whispered loudly. “sleeping together!” A nearby reporter perked up. Oh, hell no, Harley thought. ‘Poodle-ope’ was not about to cause another scandal for her.
Harley smiled sweetly at the reporter and led Penelope farther away as she spoke quietly. “Look, I don't know where you heard that, but we are not sleeping together.” She smiled and tried not to roll her eyes, “You're totally right, I'm sure he would love to get married and have dozens of babies and poodles and all that shit… I just.. Don't know if you two are right for each other.”
Penelope pouted and crossed her arms. “So what exactly is his type then?”
Oh boy. Harley didn't want to be rude, but she had to snuff out this woman's delusions asap.  “If I had to guess, I'd say someone who's funny, energetic, witty, impulsive, beautiful..” Oh my god I'm such a bitch.
“Oh really?! Someone like YOU!?” Penelope huffed loudly as she stomped past her. Not a minute later she was sitting next to Neville and stroking his arm seductively. “Lord Neville, how do you feel about lots of children?”
Harley shook her head in disbelief as she walked back over to Maxwell who was trying to catch mini quiches in his mouth.
“What was that about?” He looked at her questioningly.
“I honestly don't want to ever think about it again.” Harley popped a quiche in her mouth.
“So, Olivia said the photographer would be here?” Maxwell scanned the room and casually leaned back against the wall.
“That's what she said.. Unless she was just messing with me. Wait, is that her?!” Harley pointed toward the back of the room where a female photographer almost identical to the photo on the badge was standing.
Max enthusiastically high-fived her. “Nice work, secret agent hot stuff! It definitely looks like her!”
Harley pulled him into a secluded corner. “How are we going to get the information out of her? If she knows we’re onto her she might leave! Why didn't we think of a plan?!”
“Don't ask me! You and Bertrand are the brains of this operation!”
Harley chewed on the inside of her cheek while she thought. “Shit. Maybe we can bribe her with money.”
“Ya except Bertrand would never go for that..” He snapped his fingers, “Oh I know! Torture!”
“Sorry, that was extreme. I'm just out of my element here! I'm not a planner!” 
“We need to do something crazy to bring the press together into one place..” Harley looked around for an idea. 
Maxwell thought for a minute and clasped his hands together, beaming. ”Ok, I have an idea! Whatever happens, just roll with it ok?”
Harley chased after him,“Wait Max, what are you talking abou-”
Maxwell ran to the front of the room and grabbed a glass of champagne, tapping it with a knife to signal a toast. The glass shattered all over the floor, but it got everyone's attention anyway. “Oops. Ahem! How is everyone doing tonight?”
The crowd stared at him in confusion and a waiter scurried over to clean up the broken glass.
Max glanced around awkwardly. “Alright then.. I want to make a toast to the lovely Lady Harley Hughes. She came into my life recently, and made me realize that something was missing. Something I didn't know I needed until now.”
Harley looked at him in shock. What is he doing??
Maxwell walked toward her and got down on one knee. Everyone gasped and the press went wild snapping pictures. 
He winked up at Harley and she grabbed his hand to play along. “Maxwell what are you saying?” She gasped with her other hand dramatically over her heart and winked back at him.
“I'm saying that I love..”  Time seemed to stand still as he struggled to finish his train of thought. He looked into her shimmering blue eyes, and for a moment it was as if everyone else disappeared. Maxwell's mind suddenly went blank. His heart was pounding, and he completely forgot about the plan. He was paralyzed by the sudden realization that overtook his entire being. “I love…” You. Oh my god.. 
Maxwell shook his head to clear his thoughts, and physically struggled to stop the all too real confession from pouring out of his mouth. Thankfully a server holding a tray of Panna Cotta passed by, snapping him back to reality and reminding him of his initial plan. He snatched a plate and looked down at it, realizing he had no idea what this even was. Custard? Flan? He shoved a spoonful in his mouth. No, neither of those. The crowd was still hanging on his every word. “I love.. this squishy stuff!” 
Harley clasped her hands together, trying not to laugh, “Clearly a match made in Heaven!”
The crowd groaned and grumbled as they began to disperse. Sure enough the photographer they were looking for was right next to them at the front. 
“Let's get her!” Maxwell yelled.
The photographer looked at them with wide eyes and started running toward the exit.
Harley sighed, “Oh my god, now she knows we're onto her Max!”
“Shit, I didn’t think about that. Come on!” He grabbed her hand as they chased after her.
They ran down the marble stairs and through the crowded lobby nearly knocking over a passing waiter. They were close behind the photographer as she exited the building into the night.
“Fuck, what are we doing?! I feel like I’m on COPS!” Harley panted as she took off her heels and kept running. 
The woman ran into the road, dodging the cars that were honking and speeding past her. 
“Hell no! I'm not getting run over today!” Harley flailed out her arms, skidding to a stop on the curb. 
Maxwell kept going. He dodged multiple passing cars and rolled over the hood of a parked Maserati. When he landed on the other side of the street he looked back at Harley with his mouth agape. “Oh my god, did you see that?! Please tell me someone got that on video!”
“Maxwell! You idiot, you could have been killed!” Harley yelled from across the street after she watched the whole scene in horror. 
“Not with these skills!” Maxwell turned back to where the photographer had been running and followed her into a dark alley. By that time, the traffic had slowed to a stop and Harley ran across the street after them.
They had her cornered. The photographer looked around nervously. “I know who you are.. What are you going to do to me?”
Harley and Maxwell looked at each other. They hadn't planned this far. Harley was starting to feel like a criminal.
“We just want answers.”  Harley slowly walked toward her. “I just need to know who set me up and why.”
The woman glanced around as if she was thinking about running again. The only other way out of the alley was to hop on a dumpster and climb over a barbed wire fence. After a long pause she sighed defeatedly, “Look.. I don't know who it was or why. The name they gave me was ‘Jane Fluffybottom’, and that's a fake name if I've ever heard one.” She pulled out her phone. “The only thing I can give you is the last 4 digits of the credit card they paid with. “
“You're sure that's all you know? Don't make us go bad cop on you.” Maxwell tried and failed to look tough.
She rolled her eyes, “Look, this job isn’t worth whatever mess you two are mixed up in. I don't want any part of it.” The photographer showed them the credit card receipt on her phone with the last 4 digits on it. “Now please, don't either of you ever come near me again or I will call the authorities!”
With that she quickly walked past them, looking back nervously as if she expected them to follow her.
“Well that wasn't so hard!” Maxwell put his hand up for a high-five but Harley just glared at him.
“You ran out into traffic!” 
“I know, but I was just trying to-”
“Maxwell, don't you know how important you are to me? What if something had happened to you?” She started to choke up at the thought. 
He gave her a soft smile and put his arms around her. Even though she was upset, it warmed his heart to hear how much she cared. “I'm sorry. I was just caught up in the moment, I guess. I promise I'll never run out into traffic again.”
“Good.” Harley hugged him tighter. As they walked back to the restaurant side by side, she smiled up at him. “Maybe we can find some traffic cam footage or something because you did look like a total badass.”
“I knew it!” He laughed delightedly.
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