#bertley forever
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angelasscribbles · 2 years ago
Ok, first of all....me, when I saw this was up....
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Second, this is already staring out AMAZING
Riley watched the scene before her in utter confusion and brought a cookie to her mouth, chewing slowly. This was wilder than anything she could have seen on TV. 
Bwahahahaha, Riley be like....
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Despite the horrible night he had, everything was suddenly right with the world and he couldn’t have been happier.
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There was no use denying it anymore. Riley was his calm, his home. And he was in love with her. Hopelessly, desperately, madly, and completely in love.
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Now what's he going to do about it is the question!
Max coughed and waved Riley away, “Thank you, but I don’t want you to see me like this. I’m too hideous!” He sniffled dramatically, “Remember me as I once was, Riley. The cool, sexy, charismatic, life of the party.”
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“I will.” Max smiled and settled into bed. “Now go get something sexy, bitch.”
Can I just say how much I love their best friendship?
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He cleared his throat and met her eye line, desperately trying to avoid the ample amount of cleavage protruding from the top of the gown. “It’s lovely. I mean, you’re lovely. I mean, you look lovely.. In the dress.” Bertrand cringed. Somehow he always made a mess of everything he said when she was around.
Poor guy. This is funny and sweet at the same time.
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Bertrand met Riley’s emerald eyes and smiled. “It does.”
It brings me great joy that you've given her green eyes!
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“Well technically you are paying for it,” Riley wrinkled her nose slightly. “Which I still feel bad about by the way.” He smiled, “And I’ve told you before, don’t worry about that. Which one do you like the best?”
I love this whole exchange! First of all, it highlights how different she is from Savannah who clearly is just gold digging. And also how much he just wants to please her!
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It was never going to happen, but it was an amazing thought.
oh the fucking angst!
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Especially since there is no way I’m going to marry Liam.
oh yeah! Because she's in love with Bertrand!!!!
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His pulse was pounding as she smiled sweetly at him. He swallowed hard, speaking directly from his heart for once. “Riley.. I need to tell you something. I-”
GAH!!!! Go away, saleswoman!!!!
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He was going to have to step way out of his comfort zone for this. 
OOOOhhhhhhh.....what's happening?
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Okay, can't wait to find out what he has planned!!
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Never Have I Ever
Chaper 20 - Watershed
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC 
Chapter Synopsis- What started out as a humiliating ordeal with Savannah has turned into a huge realization for Bertrand.
Chapter Warnings- language, sensuality
Rating - Mature
Word Count- 2,980
A/N- I know it's been a MINUTE since I posted, but I'm back and ready to continue this story! Since it's been a while since I posted the previous chapter, I'm going to include a snippet of what happened at the end of chapter 19 to refresh your memory.
Bertrand closed his eyes tightly and imagined Riley in front of him. Instead of the overwhelming scent of Chanel No. 5, he caught the faint note of Riley’s floral shampoo. Suddenly he could taste Riley’s strawberry lip gloss. He caressed her cheek, knowing there were adorable tiny freckles beneath his hand. He ran his fingers through her golden locks which were probably just let out of a messy bun or braid. He felt her arms wrap around him and she whispered against his ear, “Do you want me, Bertrand?” His mind flashed back to Riley laying beneath him, her plump lips curving into a sexy grin as she uttered, “fuck me, Bert.”
Savannah whispered against his ear, “Say my name. Tell me you want me.”
Bertrand smiled with his eyes still closed tightly and replied, “I want you, Riley.”
Chapter 20 -Watershed 
Bertrand flailed his arms in an attempt to steady himself as Savannah quite literally tossed him out of her bedroom and into the hall. “Savannah, can we just talk about-”
“No, we cannot!” She shrieked, looming in the doorway with her blouse still unbuttoned.
A creak in the hallway snapped their attention to a very startled Riley, who was holding a bag of Chewy Chips Ahoy, attempting to return to her room to watch some trash TV with a late night snack.
“Oh, isn’t this just perfect!?” Savannah spat, now directing her ire at Riley.
“Savannah, please lower your voice! People are trying to sleep and we don’t want to cause a scene.” Bertrand whispered with his hands held in front of him as if trying to calm a wild animal.
“A scene? A scene?! I’ll give you a scene!” Savannah shouted, picking up a vase from a nearby table and raising it over her head, poised to hurl it down the empty hallway. Suddenly her entire demeanor changed and she took several deep breaths. “No.. No. Lady Savannah Jane Walker is better than this. That’s right. She’s a lady. She doesn’t need to lower herself to yelling and screaming and throwing things. Especially not over a man who turned out to be nothing more than a lying, cheating scoundrel.”
Riley watched the scene before her in utter confusion and brought a cookie to her mouth, chewing slowly. This was wilder than anything she could have seen on TV. 
Savannah took another deep breath before fixing Riley with a murderous gaze. “And don’t worry, he’s all yours!” She spun around, stomping into her bedroom and slammed the door behind her, leaving Bertrand and Riley alone in the hall.
“Riley.. I..” Bertrand started, but Riley nodded her head toward her bedroom which was thankfully at the other end of the hall from Savannah’s.
“Come on. It’s probably safer if we talk away from.. Whatever that was.”
Bertrand dropped down onto Riley’s bed with his head in his hands. 
She touched his shoulder softly, “What happened?”
He sighed and mumbled without lifting his head, “Utter humiliation. I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Riley?!” Savannah snapped, breaking the kiss and jerking away from him.
“You just called me Riley!” 
“I’m certain I did no such thing.”
Savannah’s brows furrowed and she looked as if she might physically hurt him. “You did! You son of a bitch! I knew you had a thing for her!”
“No! It’s not like that!”
“So that tramp got her hooks into you!”
“Savannah, that’s not-”
“Don’t lie to me, Bertrand! Are you two having sex?”
“I-I-I.. no?”
“Oh my god! You are!”
At that point, Bertrand could do nothing but drop to his knees and beg. “Please don’t tell anyone!”
Savannah’s mouth fell open and she ran her hands through her hair, pulling slightly so several strands stuck out wildly. “You think I would tell people about this?! This is humiliating for me! The man I’m courting is sleeping with common trash! My reputation would never recover if people found out! Why this whole thing makes me-”
Savannah suddenly stopped and took several deep breaths, speaking with an eerily calm voice. “No, no. Calm down Savannah. You can fix this. There are still several eligible men at court. What’s that idiot’s name? The one who is going to be an earl? Neville? Yes. Yes. We can do this. There’s still time for you. You’re young and beautiful. You’re going to be a countess.”
Bertrand watched her with wide, and slightly fearful eyes before saying, “I am truly sorry for-”
Savannah’s expression once again turned heated. “When I think of all the time I wasted with you, you pathetic, stuttering mess of a man! Get out of my sight!” 
He jumped up and rushed for the door and Savannah shoved him roughly into the hallway.
Riley rubbed his back soothingly, trying her best to comfort him. She wished she could have been a fly on the wall for whatever weirdness happened back there. “Ok, we don’t have to talk about it.” She smiled and held out the bag, “want a cookie?”
Bertrand looked up from his hands and burst into laughter and Riley couldn’t help but join in. He smiled genuinely, clearly thankful for some relief from the earlier tension. 
“I should probably go.” Bertrand shook his head, looking back down at the floor. “This has been an.. unusual night.”
“Understatement of the century.”
He stood and headed for the door. “I apologize that you had to witness all of that. And I truly hope that you are feeling better than you were earlier today. I was quite worried about you.”
Riley smiled and held out her arms. “Come here.”
Bertrand returned her smile and stepped toward her, easily melting into her embrace. His heart instantly stopped racing. His body erupted in goosebumps and he felt warmer and safer than he had in his entire adult life. He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her neck, breathing in everything about her. The warmth of her embrace and the softness of her skin sent him into a comforting and calm place that he didn’t ever want to leave. Despite the horrible night he had, everything was suddenly right with the world and he couldn’t have been happier.
After a few moments, they separated and Bertrand headed back to his own room. As soon as he locked his door, he slumped into a chair, groaning as a new and bittersweet realization overtook his entire being. 
There was no use denying it anymore. Riley was his calm, his home. And he was in love with her. Hopelessly, desperately, madly, and completely in love.
The following day, the court returned to the palace to prepare for Liam’s upcoming coronation, but the Beaumont’s stayed behind a few more days to attend some upcoming appointments. Bertrand was thankful for some time away from the court, in particular, Savannah. He desperately needed time to think about.. Well, everything.
Bertrand had spent the last four months implausibly falling in love with the woman he had been training to be a queen. When Maxwell convinced him to sponsor this woman, the only reason he allowed it was because having someone from his house be chosen would be a way to secure his legacy. But each day spent with Riley, made him care less and less about his legacy, and more about something new. Something he had never cared about before. 
His own happiness.
Growing up, Bertrand always struggled with the guilt that inevitably accompanied any sort of happiness. His childhood and teenage years were almost completely devoid of any sort of joy. Under the scrutiny of his father, he had grown up far too quickly. There was always something he needed to improve on, and his father made sure to inform him of this on a daily basis. His adult life was spent going through the motions of trying to keep house Beaumont in good standing. There was no time for frivolity or romance in any way. Not until people in court began questioning why he hadn’t chosen a wife, did he begin to accept Savannah's persistent propositions for a date.
What was he supposed to do now that everything had changed?
Riley knocked on Maxwell’s ajar bedroom door, pushing it open when he didn’t answer. “Max? You in here? Ready to go?”
A retching sound from his adjoining bathroom caught her attention. She peered around the corner and found Max slumped over the toilet. “Max, are you ok!?”
“Ughhhh.. Don’t look at me.”
“Aw, honey, what happened?”
“Armando has a stomach bug.”
Riley ran some cold water over a washcloth and blotted his forehead and neck, “Ah, that makes sense. Since you always have your tongue down his throat, you caught it too.”
Max coughed and waved Riley away, “Thank you, but I don’t want you to see me like this. I’m too hideous!” He sniffled dramatically, “Remember me as I once was, Riley. The cool, sexy, charismatic, life of the party.”
“Max, you’re going to be ok!” Riley tried not to laugh at his melodrama. “I’m going to get you some sprite and crackers and pepto bismol. Do you want me to call the doctor?”
Max put his head in his hands, “No, Armando said his is almost over, so it looks like a 24 hour bug.”
After a few moments, Riley returned with a tray full of snacks and medicine and placed it on the nightstand. She turned down his bed, clicked on his TV and lowered the lights. Max staggered into bed and pulled the sheet up to his chin. “Thank you. You’re an angel, you know that?”
She placed the washcloth on his forehead and chuckled, “I don’t know about that.”
Maxwell gasped, “Oh no! Your appointment at the boutique is today!”
“I’m sure I can reschedule.”
“No way! Do you know how many favors I called in to get you into Levre Rouge Boutique at such short notice? You have to get a killer dress for the coronation and show up all those snooty, prissy twats!”
“But.. I don’t want to go alone.”
“Ask Bertrand!”
“Do you think he’d really want to go dress shopping with me?” Riley laughed skeptically, but paused when she noticed the thoughtful look on Maxwell’s face.
“I think he’d be happy to do literally anything with you, Riley.”
Her heart fluttered and she couldn't keep the smile from her face. She patted Maxwell’s hand and made her way to the door, still unable to stop grinning. “You’ll let me know if you need anything, right?”
“I will.” Max smiled and settled into bed. “Now go get something sexy, bitch.”
Bertrand waited in the crisp, white and red sitting area of the fanciest dress shop he had ever seen in his life. Levre Rouge Boutique had dressed princesses, celebrities, heiresses, and everyone in between. Whatever they chose for Riley to wear to the coronation would surely be jaw droppingly gorgeous. Not that she needed a new dress for that.
“Ready for the first one?” Riley sashayed out in a sleek, forest green dress that hugged her curves all the way down to the top of her thighs, where a long slit began, ending in a pool of silk at her feet.
She stuck out her leg, allowing the slit to open completely and Bertrand swallowed hard as his eyes betrayed him, taking in every inch of skin he could. “It’s um, um..”
She grinned and waved him over to her side in front of several floor length mirrors. “Come over and see it properly.” She twirled and flared the dress out. “It’ll need to be taken in a bit, and it’s way too long, but the seamstress said they can have any alterations done overnight. Apparently you Beaumont’s have a lot of clout around here for some reason.” She winked and nudged Bertrand, who hadn’t taken his eyes off of her. “That.. was a joke. I mean, obviously you have clout being nobility.. Bert, you ok?”
He cleared his throat and met her eye line, desperately trying to avoid the ample amount of cleavage protruding from the top of the gown. “It’s lovely. I mean, you’re lovely. I mean, you look lovely.. In the dress.” Bertrand cringed. Somehow he always made a mess of everything he said when she was around.
She smiled and took his hand. “Thank you.”
A plump woman with gray hair pulled into a tight bun blew into the room in a cloud of tape measures and fabric. She spoke to Bertrand with a melodic french accent, “We are honored to have you here, Your Grace. And what do you think of your date's dress? You two will surely turn heads at the coronation in a gown this exquisite.”
“Oh,” Riley turned toward Bertrand, and the two blushed simultaneously, dropping one another's hands and stepping back. “We’re not-”
“She's not my-” Bertrand started. “She's my, uh..”
“Friend!” Riley finished for him. “He’s helping me find a dress. We’re friends.”
“Yes. Friends.”
The woman regarded them skeptically, but grew wide eyed as she seemed to finally recognize Riley. “Oh, mon Dieu! I apologize. When Lord Maxwell contacted me, I did not realize I would be dressing the prince's American suitor! I am so embarrassed. I should have known-"
"It's fine," Riley assured her with a smile. "Don't worry about it."
Yvette regained her composure and turned to Bertrand slyly, "Date or not, you must admit that the green brings out her beautiful eyes, no?”
Bertrand met Riley’s emerald eyes and smiled. “It does.”
Riley grinned back at him and turned toward the mirror. “Madame Yvette, I’m a little worried this one might be too revealing for the occasion. The slit is so high. Would it be inappropriate to wear in front of royalty?”
Yvette tapped her cheek thoughtfully, “Oui, you may be right. Follow me, darling, we will find you something perfect.”
After an hour and a half of trying on dress after dress, Riley had narrowed it down to two. “Bert, I can’t choose! Which one is your favorite?”
“Oh, I don’t think it should be up to me,” Bertrand shook his head.
“Well technically you are paying for it,” Riley wrinkled her nose slightly. “Which I still feel bad about by the way.”
He smiled, “And I’ve told you before, don’t worry about that. Which one do you like the best?”
“Ah, I don’t know! Let me see the other dress one more time!” She changed out of the sequined, mauve gown and back into the scarlet one, then reemerged into the dressing area where Bertrand was waiting patiently. “I’m sorry, this must be so boring for you. We’ve been here forever and I’m so indecisive.”
“You cannot rush perfection!” Madame Yvette mused as she adjusted the dress on Riley, tucking and pinning fabric until it fit just right. “And this, darling.. This is perfection.”
Bertrand simply watched in awe of how gorgeous Riley looked in absolutely everything. He had seen her in ballgowns, pajamas, jeans, and absolutely nothing at all and she was always resplendent. And not just in her appearance, in everything about her. The way she carried herself, the way she could find the good in any situation, the way she cared about everyone.
His heart clenched as he imagined the two of them as a couple choosing an outfit for a ball they would be attending together. They would dance and laugh and everyone would be jealous of him for having the most perfect woman in the world on his arm. It was never going to happen, but it was an amazing thought.
 Madame Yvette was called away for a phone call, leaving the two alone. Riley made her way from the platform to the couch where he was sitting and held out her hand. “Dance with me.”
Bertrand was sure he gulped aloud, but he stood immediately. “Dance? Here?”
“Ya, then I can see if this one feels right for a ball. Let’s give it a test drive.” She held her hand out and smiled, “please?”
Bertrand shook his head and grinned, before grasping her hand and wrapping his other arm around her waist. He looked down shyly and Riley leaned her body closer to him.
“Doesn't the fabric feel good? I’ve never worn material so soft and silky before.”
Bertrand nodded, still unable to look in her eyes.
She moved even closer to his body until there was no space left between them. “Touch it.”
He tentatively ran his hand down the fabric of her lower back, sucking in a sharp breath when she took his hand and brought it down further. 
“It’s.. quite nice.”
Riley lay her head against his shoulder and he held her close as the two swayed together to the soft jazz music playing over the boutique's speakers. “I bet this seems silly, doesn’t it? Spending all this time picking out a dress.” Especially since there is no way I’m going to marry Liam.
“Nonsense. Besides, any time I spend with you is enjoyable.”
Riley felt a warmth in her chest at his words. “Bertrand, you’re too good to me. I really don’t deserve everything you guys have done.”
Bertrand stopped dancing and looked into her eyes, more serious than she had seen him before. “Never.” His thumb traced softly across her cheek and he leaned in closer. “You deserve everything and more.”
His pulse was pounding as she smiled sweetly at him. He swallowed hard, speaking directly from his heart for once. “Riley.. I need to tell you something. I-”
“Have we made a decision, madame?” Yvette called out from the hallway as she made her way back to the dressing room.
Riley and Bertrand jumped away from each other quickly and Bertrand took out his phone in an attempt to appear nonchalant. Riley looked down at her dress and smiled. “This is the one.”
When they arrived back at the estate, it was already dinner time. Riley quickly popped into Max’s bedroom to check on him, and found him sound asleep in bed.
“I’m starving.” Riley sighed as she made her way toward the kitchen, taking a seat beside Bertrand at the bar.
“What would you like to eat? The chef has left for the night, but I can call and have something delivered for you.”
“Anything.. But you pick! I am mentally drained and honestly don’t think I could make another decision tonight if my life depended on it.”
Bertrand opened his mouth to protest, but paused as an idea hit him. “I know just the thing,” he smiled shyly and pulled out his phone.
He was going to have to step way out of his comfort zone for this. 
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angelasscribbles · 2 years ago
When she thought he was drinking because of her....
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This was so sweet and angsty and I loved it!!!
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(Bertrand Beaumont x MC) in a Choices Royal Romance Drabble
Thirty Kisses in Thirty Days Challenge with the prompt: a kiss to end sexual tension.
A/N There's no way on earth I can do justice to Bertrand x MC like @harleybeaumont is doing with her series, Never Have I Ever, which if you haven't read it- go do it now! She made me fall in love with the idea of these two together, so I have been inspired to try my hand at a drabble with them, LOL. In my HC for this, it was Bertrand who met Riley and invited her to be Beaumont's suitor that fateful night in New York. No Liam, Drake, or Maxwell involved with that initial meeting. He only wants a suitor to keep up the pretense that House Beaumont is still in good financial shape. A poor waitress in want of a change of scenery seems like the perfect last resort.
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The Night of the Beaumont Bash...
Once the king and queen left the party, Bertrand began to relax. After months of pretending all was as it should be, he'd finally gotten through the biggest subterfuge of the season. He grabbed a bottle of champagne from a passing waiter, popped the cork, and took a long swig straight from the bottle.
I did it, he thought. I gave a dinner that impressed their majesties. Guests are dancing without a second thought. No one is the wiser to how I've struggled to pay for all of this.
He could finally relax in not having to host the court for at least another year. After the coronation, Bertrand Beaumont could return to work on expanding his sparkling wine business. He'd already received orders from New York. Many of the hotels he visited during that trip a few months back had finally paid off. He had contracts in place for his wines to be front and center at many of their bars.
His gaze landed on the other windfall he'd acquired during that trip.
Riley Brooks was wading through the guests, smiling and talking to many she passed. Who knew when he wandered into her bar that night that she would end up here as an official lady of the court vying for the hand of Cordonia's future monarch?
He certainly wouldn't have thought so, given he asked her to come here while slightly inebriated on cheap whiskey. What woman would take an invitation like that seriously from a foreigner who was drenched from searching for a taxi in the rain?
Though he at first thought it would end up being an unmitigated disaster, she'd impressed him with her willingness to learn and do all that was asked of her.
He grimaced somewhat as he took another gulp from his bottle. When the horses were brought into the ballroom, he made his way out of the chaos. He knew Maxwell would keep the party going at full force throughout the night.
No need for me to remain here, Bertrand thought.
He glanced back once more to see Riley atop a black horse. Her eyes were wide with alarm yet she kept a smile firmly in place as she joked with those nearby.
I should have been nicer to her.
He slipped into his study, did a quick sweep to make certain no one had sneaked in to get up to anything scandalous, and settled on one of the well worn leather couches.
That last thought revolved around his mind as he finished off half the champagne. He'd been hard on her throughout the lessons and what should have been pep talks before each event. Instead, he found himself being overly critical with Riley, demanding she do nothing to embarrass the name of Beaumont.
He dropped his head back on the cushions and stared up at the intricate crown molding dividing the ceiling into numerous rectangles.
Why couldn't I be honest with her and admit that I'm more worried about my own failures as a duke being revealed than any faux pas she could possibly do? Who cares what fork she uses? I'm the embarrassment! She's been nothing but an angel to come and try to help a stranger live up to a falsehood.
Bertrand's attention drifted over to the two portraits framing the fireplace. His father's and grandfather's stern expressions reminded him of the legacy he was forced to live under. He knew he should be grateful for the life and position he was born to, but there were times he wished he'd simply been born a commoner. He wouldn't be under this constant struggle to be a duke of renown, one who must always be ready to show nothing but the best at a moment's notice.
But that's exactly what he had to do. No escape from such a fate. No surrender either.
He raised the bottle to his lips, completely ready to drink himself into oblivion, and paused partway when he heard the doorknob click.
Riley quickly skirted inside then shut the door behind her. Her eyes were closed while her chest heaved with stuttered breaths. A light sheen of sweat glistened upon the skin revealed by her deep blue gown.
"Is something the matter?" Bertrand asked.
She gave a startled yelp, tensing with her hand upon the doorknob. Once she recognized the voice and the man sitting in the dim light, she released a deep breath then proceeded to walk towards him.
"Not really. I suppose I got a little claustrophobic in the ballroom." She sat down on the same couch he was on. "Actually, I got really claustrophobic. The animals, acrobats, guests...it became too much."
Her eyes dropped to the bottle in his hand.
"That isn't because of me is it?"
"Hmm?" He flushed some over being caught imbibing in such a manner. "Er, no. I suppose I got caught up in celebrating this season nearly being over."
She smiled softly at the sight of him finally cutting loose.
"Could I have a drink?" She asked.
"Of course!" He clumsily got to his feet. "Where are my manners?"
Riley reached out and stopped him from going over to a well stocked sideboard.
Bertrand watched in amazement as she took his bottle and tipped it to her lips.
She took two gulps then handed it back to him.
"Thanks." Her smile grew bigger. "I really needed that."
He chuckled, settling back down beside her.
"Lady Riley?"
"We're alone, Bertrand." She reminded him. "You can call me by my first name without the honorific."
"Of course." He raised the bottle once more to his mouth.
It struck him that his lips were touching the very object hers had mere seconds ago. Heat began to spread throughout his body. He gulped down a mouthful of champagne in his haste to stop his wayward thoughts.
She was his savior. He had no right to think of her in any other manner. No matter how often he found himself thinking about what it would be like to have her for his own, he knew he had to treat her with nothing but respect. She was a lady in every sense of the word. She deserved better than anything he could possibly offer her.
Plus, why would she ever want me after how I've treated her?
"Bertrand?" She prodded.
"What were you going to ask me?"
Color flooded his face over being so distracted.
"I..." He averted his eyes from her lovely face. "I suppose I was wondering if you enjoyed yourself this season, save for the recent bout of claustrophobia."
"I have." She turned towards him, tucking her feet under her skirt. "I've been to beautiful places and met so many interesting people."
"Many interesting people?" He snorted while offering her more champagne.
Riley giggled while taking another sip "Okay, you caught me. There are a few I enjoy talking to."
"I hope I'm on that exclusive list."
"Of course you are on my list!" She reached for his free hand. "How could you not be?"
Bertrand lowered his eyes to her hand slipping into his. Swallowing nervously, he pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles.
"I know I haven't controlled my temper very well these last couple of months." He admitted. "I do hope you accept my apology for my abominable behavior towards you when you've been nothing short of a blessing. I don't know of any lady who would willingly help a destitute nobleman keep his pride in place ."
Riley laced her fingers with his. "You have nothing to apologize for. You've been a perfect gentleman." She playfully shook his hand to get him to look up at her. "You were stressed. Anyone would be with all the pressures I see you under."
"Still," he hesitated, "in case I don't show it, I am forever grateful I met you my last night in New York."
"Me too." She smiled softly at him.
Two months earlier, New York City...
The night Duke Bertrand Beaumont walked into the bar Riley worked at had been a godsend. She was desperate to find a new place to escape. For the past year, she'd been moving from one city to another to escape an abusive ex-boyfriend. He loved to stalk her and adhered to the many orders of protection she had filed in every city she lived in.
Trace liked to reveal his presence while maintaining the distance he had to keep from her. She did everything to hide where she was. She deleted all her social media accounts, cut her hair in a different style, dressed differently, and made no lasting friendships. She'd thought she would lose him in New York City, but somehow he found her.
She was exhausted from having no safe place left to run to. She'd been in the process of searching for a new state and city to disappear in when a poor guy walked in, dripping from head to toe. One look at him made her cautious heart soften. She'd quickly poured him a drink, gathered some clean bar towels, and tried to make him more comfortable.
He expressed his thanks, his gaze lingering on her as she went about refilling drinks for the few other patrons. She'd come by every so often to top off his glass, insisting it was on the house.
"There's no need." He tried to insist.
"Everyone deserves kindness after being caught out in the rain." She propped her elbows on the bar, tilting her head as she studied him. "Your accent, I can't quite place it."
"I suppose you don't get many people from Cordonia in here." He mumbled, nursing his third glass.
"Cordonia?" She narrowed her eyes in thought. "Where's that?"
"Europe, of course." He grumbled. "The Mediterranean."
"I've always wanted to go there." She smiled softly. "Go to Italy and Greece. Eat good food, drink even better wine, and relax at some beautiful vineyard."
"I have a vineyard."
Her eyes widened. "You do?"
"I do. I inherited it. It's been in my family for hundreds of years." Bertrand explained.
He pulled out his phone and scrolled through photographs of Ramsford to show her.
"It's beautiful!" Riley exclaimed.
"Yes, it is." His lips curved. "It is the reason why I'm here in America."
He somehow ended up giving her his life story. She listened, occasionally asking a question, and prepared him a cup of coffee once he began to slur a few words. When he was finished bemoaning his fate in not having a suitor for Prince Liam, she spoke up.
"Does the suitor have to be a noble?"
Bertrand shook his head.
"Does she have to be from Europe?"
"No. She can be from any walk of life." He eyed her. "You could be House Beaumont's suitor if you wished to."
"I could?" Riley thought Europe would give her the perfect buffer she needed between her and Trace.
"Yes." He grimaced somewhat. "Though with my financial situation, I can't give you much of a wardrobe. I'll provide the rest such as your flight, place to stay--"
"I'll do it." Riley told him. "I don't know much about courtly manners , but I'll do my best."
"I can teach you." He staggered to his feet. "Whatever you need to know, I'll do my best to tell you."
"Great!" She clasped her hands together. "When should I be ready to leave?"
He blinked at her. "I intended to return home in the morning, but I can delay--"
"I'll be ready." Riley checked the time. "My shift ends in an hour. I can be packed and ready to meet you at the airport whenever you wish."
"Why?" He couldn't help but ask. "Why are you willing to come with a man you don't know?"
Glancing about at the now empty bar, she shared her own troubles with him. Bertrand listened, his brow furrowed over the genuine fear he could easily detect in her voice.
"I can help you keep up appearances." She explained. "And you'll be helping me find a place to stay while figuring out what I should do next."
He couldn't see any reason not to follow through with this plan. If it ended up being beneficial for her as well as himself, then what harm could it do?
He held his hand out.
Her face lit up with a relieved smile.
Once she grasped his hand, Bertrand cleared his throat.
"Our flight leaves at four a.m."
Bertrand found himself staring at Riley once again as silence fell between them. They were both lost in thoughts of the past two months. Between the dress searches, lessons in court etiquette, and dance lessons; the two spent a great deal of time together.
Maxwell befriended Riley right off the bat and was more than ready to do all he could in making her stay with them as pleasant as possible. As much as she enjoyed spending time with the fun loving noble, she tended to gravitate towards Bertrand. There were many evenings that she would seek him out to talk about an event. Their conversations then turned towards more personal matters.
It was in those moments she allowed herself to daydream of Bertrand pulling her within his arms and finally giving her the kisses she desired. She had steadily grown more and more attracted to him as time went by. It wasn't just that she found him handsome. Riley ended up liking everything about him.
Bertrand discovered the full story of her background. He found himself in awe of her inner strength as she faced life alone. He at least had Maxwell to turn to when at his wit's end. His brother might not come up with the most feasible ideas on how to handle their financial problems, but he was at least able to give the emotional support Bertrand needed. Riley was truly on her own. No help. No true home. Nothing at all.
Bertrand thought her generous, never shirk her promises nature shouldn't exist after all her hardships. To see her still have an optimistic outlook on life was something he himself wished to have for his own somewhat jaded self.
Riley in turn was amazed at all that Bertrand had done with his duchy. Though born to a life of privilege, he hadn't been afraid to roll up his sleeves and start revitalizing a business that had been treated by his late father as nothing more than a hobby. As he shared pieces of his teen years spent in charge not only of his younger brother but also in keeping their duchy afloat, she grew more impressed. She could see the affection he had for Maxwell through the gruff spoken memories. She also saw just how deeply he cared.
He wasn't one to run away when the going got tough. She couldn't recall knowing anyone in her life like Bertrand. She wished she had someone like him to be there as her rock throughout life.
Bertrand's eyes drifted along her face. He tried to avoid all the thoughts of how irresistible she looked with her bare feet tucked under her skirt. The soft light from the sconces caused her tan skin to practically glow. He wondered if it was just as warm to the touch as it looked.
He glanced down at the nearly empty bottle of champagne resting between them. He might need something stronger to help control those thoughts of his.
Riley reached for the bottle at the same moment he did. She jerked her hand back as if burned. She knew it was foolish to dream about a future with the man who hadn't shown any interest outside of friendly regard for her. She was nothing, no one, in this world of his. Just because he invited her here and helped her appear like she belonged, it didn't mean that she did.
She couldn't fall for the lie they were living in, no matter how much it was becoming a dream of hers.
Bertrand picked up the bottle, a little shaken by her reaction to his innocent touch.
Grimacing over the little bit of champagne left, he set it on a table.
"Care for something stronger?" He asked.
"Sure." Riley got up the same time he did. "Why don't you relax and let me make the drinks?"
She winked at him to hopefully diffuse the tension developing once more between them.
"After all, I'm the one with the most experience with mixology."
He nodded, attempting to be pleasant.
"I'll leave it to your expertise then."
She smiled at him on her way to the sideboard.
"I think we could both do with something both simple yet strong enough to get the job done."
Bertrand raised an eyebrow in question.
She returned with two tumblers filled with his favorite whiskey.
"Excellent choice." He murmured in approval.
"I try."
She sat down a little closer to him. Neither was sure if she'd done so consciously or not.
Bertrand angled his body a bit more towards her. He held his glass out for a toast.
"To a successful end."
Tears sparkled in Riley's eyes. She tapped her glass against his.
"The end." She mumbled.
She wasn't ready for it to end. She didn't care that all the balls and such were nearly over. It was the thought that once Liam was crowned king, she wouldn't have a reason for remaining at Ramsford.
With Bertrand.
Bertrand hesitated, then set his arm along the back of the sofa. His fingers brushed her bare shoulder as he leaned a bit closer.
"Riley? Are you crying?"
"No!" She angrily wiped at the tears that proved she was lying.
"What is it?" He scooted closer to her. "Did I say something to upset you?"
"No. Yes." She gulped down her glass without worry over how it might look. "It's nothing."
"I beg to differ." His hand now rested on her shoulder. "I want you to know that you can talk to me about anything that worries you."
She bit down on her lip, swirling the dregs of whiskey around and around her glass. She knew if she told him she didn't want to leave that he'd find a way to allow her to stay. She didn't want to be a burden on him.
Perhaps she could find a job here. Make Cordonia her home. Surely he would continue their friendship after all they'd been through. She could bury her feelings that he couldn't possibly share.
"I suppose, I mean, I don't really..." She raised her eyes to his. "I don't know what to do once all this ends."
Bertrand's lips curved. That was something he could actually help with if she allowed him to. Even if he was the only one suffering with longing for her to stay here with him, perhaps he could at least persuade her to remain in Cordonia.
"There's no reason to rush on deciding what you want to do next. You're a member of my house now."
"I am?" Riley asked.
"Of course. We sponsored you. I'm afraid you're a Beaumont in the eyes of Cordonia whether you want to be or not."
"I want to be!" She clasped her hand over her mouth for nearly saying all she did want.
"Good. I don't think Maxwell and I would know what to do with ourselves if you decided to leave." His hand trailed down her arm to tangle with her fingers. "You would be greatly missed, my lady."
"I would miss you." She said softly. "I was thinking that I might like living in Cordonia from now on."
"Excellent." Bertrand lifted her hand once more to his lips. "Then it's settled. You'll remain here with us." He flushed thinking that she might take that as he meant to keep her here forever. "At least until you find somewhere you think is more suitable."
She laughed at the notion that anywhere would be better than Ramsford.
"Thank you, your grace."
Riley pulled their clasped hands towards her and rested her cheek against them. Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears as a warmth seemed to infuse her body. She knew it wasn't the whiskey, it was the knowledge that she wouldn't have to leave his side anytime soon.
Their unspoken feelings intermingled with months of suppressed desire between them began to stretch taught, like a rubber band being pulled to its very limit.
When she pressed their hands to her cheek, Bertrand inexplicably leaned forward, drawn in by the feel of her skin and the look in her eyes.
Riley's own body swayed towards him as if pulled in by some magnetic force. She didn't bother to fight it. She knew deep down she was tired of the nightly battle.
Bertrand let go of her hand. Once free, he slid his hand along her cheek and on into her hair. His fingers dislodged some of the pins holding her hair in a formal updo. Waves of silly brown hair tresses tumbled over his hand.
Riley's breath caught with the first feel of his lips against hers. Their hesitancy brought out her own boldness. She gripped the collar of his shirt, and yanked Bertrand against her.
Their mouths crashed together as they surrendered to what had been smoldering between them after all this time. With clumsy effort and a few sounds of ripped cloth, Riley managed to stretch out underneath Bertrand as their kiss dipped into carnal territory.
His tongue plunged and retreated between her plump lips in a heady rhythm that made her head spin. The feeling of her hands drifting down his back, pressing him as close as her ball gown would allow drew moans from him.
He dipped down to kiss along her bare shoulders, traveling further towards the hint of cleavage peeking from her dress.
Riley arched into the feel of his mouth at last on her skin. Her fingers gripped his hair as he fanned the flames she'd done her best to keep at bay.
He slid back up, his mouth once more slanting over hers. All his imaginings of how she would feel and taste could not measure up to finally discovering the truth. He was drunk on her and needed more.
They broke apart to momentarily stare at each other in amazement. Their breaths intermingled as they fought through their haze of desire to finally say the words they'd kept secret all this time.
"Riley, I've been--"
"Bertrand, I need to tell you--"
They both froze when the door clicked open.
"Where did I put that flail?" Maxwell mumbled as he began to search through the bookshelves that held some weapons of old.
His back was to the couch. He was completely oblivious that anyone else was in this dim room with him.
"Hmm?" He stepped back, bumping his hip into the end table that the empty bottle of champagne sat upon.
"Crap!" He lunged to grab the bottle before it tumbled to the Persian rug.
He froze when he saw the tangle of limbs on this end. One set looked suspiciously like the type of slacks his brother usually wore. The other set had a similar tan like Riley had.
His bright blue eyes curiously made the slow path up, catching sight of the familiar blue gown he'd picked out the night before, his brother's formal vest, and finally to the panicked faces of the two people he adored the most.
Maxwell's gasp seemed extra loud in the silent room.
"O.M.Geeee." He whispered. "Are you two--I mean were you...umm..."
Bertrand dropped his head momentarily against Riley's shoulder. Of all the people who could discover them like this, he was both grateful and frustrated that it was his brother. Gratefulness though seemed to be winning out the more he considered the situation.
He could feel Riley shaking underneath him. Worried she was crying again, he quickly looked up at her.
Tears of mirth were in her eyes as she shook with laughter. It bubbled up as she kept him close to her.
Bertrand's own chuckle spilled out as he realized there really was no point in denying it any longer.
He pushed himself off of her then tugged her into his arms.
Maxwell's jaw dropped at the sight of his brother being so affectionate with someone.
"I can only speak for myself," Bertrand declared, "but yes. As for me, that is a yes to your question."
Maxwell stared wide eyed at Riley's face.
"That's a yes from me too." She pressed a kiss to Bertrand's cheek.
"Oh!" Maxwell's dimpled smile burst forth. "This is huge! What are you going to do?"
"I don't know about you," Bertrand got to his feet, "but I feel a great deal of longing to be in my bedroom."
Maxwell's eyebrows shot up, nearly disappearing within his hairline with his brother's next words.
"Would you care to join me, my lady? I know we won't be disturbed in there."
Riley nearly tripped over her skirt as she hurried to her feet. Grasping his hand in hers, she gave a brief nod.
Maxwell could only watch as they walked out of the study, as if they had all the time in the world, their arms wrapping once more around the other.
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alj4890 · 2 years ago
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Ah. I've been away so long and couldn't wait until I had a moment to sit down and thoroughly enjoy this next chapter 😌
Maxwell. Sigh. It doesn't matter what AU he is in, I will always and forever adore him for his sweetness and wisdom. Especially when he realizes how stupid his brother can be 🤣
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I LOVE how at first he tries to discourage him then sees that the only way for Bertrand to figure out how wrong that skank (I apologize to all skanks) Savannah is for him is to actually follow through with that hellacious date.
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Gah, when she wanted him to keep using the term "lady" and then hoped to hear him call her duchess 😖
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The whole date though...I loved how he couldn't stop thinking about Riley. That she was the one to make him smile, her texts were the ones he wanted to receive and read, she was the only one to know how to get to know someone❤️
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And Savannah. Just showing her true self over and over and over 😈 making Bertrand see her truly for the first time.
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Then that scene in her bedroom 🤣 His disinterest followed by the need to pretend interest to make her shut up 😂
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When he said, "I want you, Riley." 🥰😍😄
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The truth's out and I can't wait to see what happens next!
Never Have I Ever
Chapter 19 - Date Night
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC 
Chapter Synopsis- Bertrand and Savannah go on their date.
Chapter Warnings- language, drinking, mentions of drug use, mentions of sex, sensuality
Rating - Mature
Word Count- 3,600
Chapter 19 - Date Night
Bertrand awoke early the following morning to a musical knock at his bedroom door. He checked the clock with bleary eyes before calling out, “Come in, Maxwell.” Bertrand sat up and rubbed his hands down his face. What in the world would make Maxwell wake up this early? Bertrand’s 6 a.m. alarm hadn’t even gone off yet.
“Hey, heeey!” Max chirped as he strutted inside, looking around the room curiously. “Uh.. anyone in here with you?”
Bertrand straightened his posture, trying to appear completely oblivious. “Why would anyone be in here with me?”
“Umm, no reason. Just asking.”
“Why are you up so early? Is everything alright?” Bertrand slid his feet into his camel brown, suede slippers and stretched his arms overhead while he watched his younger brother curiously.
Max fidgeted with his hands the way he always did when he had something on his mind that he didn’t want to say aloud. Growing up, this was usually a tell that he had done something wrong. “I was just gonna ask what you had planned for the day.”
Bertrand arched an eyebrow and shuffled past his brother toward his adjoining bathroom. “I have a meeting scheduled this afternoon with our financial advisor, another right after with the head of housekeeping, and a personal engagement this evening for dinner.”
Maxwell sighed, watching his brother brush his teeth. “A personal engagement? Does that mean you’re still going out with Savannah tonight?!”
Bertrand paused his brushing for a beat and glanced at Maxwell’s reflection behind him in the mirror. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“Fucking hell..” Maxwell muttered under his breath, and stalked back into the bedroom, dropping down onto Bertrand’s bed face first. “I can’t even with this idiot.” Maxwell quietly mocked Bertrand’s comment, “‘Why wouldn’t I?’ Because I’m an oblivious dumb ass.”
Bertrand emerged a moment later, still baffled by his brother’s strange behavior. He poked him in the leg with his slipper. “What is the matter with you? Are you unwell?”
Max blew out a long breath and jumped up, taking his brother by the shoulders. “Bertrand, you know I love you, and I have nothing but the utmost respect for you. You’re a smart guy. All I’m going to say is please, please reconsider going on this date. Maybe.. go hang out with Riley instead.”
Bertrand swallowed hard, hoping he wasn’t blushing at the mere mention of Riley’s name. “I don’t understand. I thought you liked Savannah.” 
“Honestly, as a person, she's meh at best.” Max shook his head, “But I could put that aside if you two were actually in love.”
“Maxwell, that’s a very impertinent thing to say.”
 “She’s not the one, bro. She’s not right for you.”
“How do you know that? We always seem so compatible-”
"Compatible with you, or with who you think you're supposed to be? You know what? Go out with Savannah tonight,” Max suggested. “But while you’re out with her, I want you to really look at her. Really pay attention to who she is as a person. Her personality, her sense of humor, her likes and dislikes. And while you’re doing that, I want you to ask yourself if she's really right for you.”
Before Bertrand could respond, Maxwell gave him a clap on the back and headed out the door, but not before winking and saying, “Just think about it.”
Bertrand hadn’t seen or heard from Riley the entire day, and each hour that passed, made him a little more sick to his stomach. She didn’t join the rest of the court for breakfast or lunch. Maybe it was his fault. Maybe she didn’t want to see him. Maybe she was upset with him for taking things too far last night. Maybe he misread the situation entirely. 
That evening, before he could think better of it, Bertrand found himself outside of Riley’s bedroom door with his heart thrumming in his chest. He raised his hand and let it drop several times before finally rapping softly against her door.
She cracked it open slightly, her emerald eyes widening as she focused on his face. “Bert!”
“Riley!” He smiled brightly, thankful that she was ok. “May I come in?” 
“Uh.. Sure.” She stepped aside and he slowly entered, taking in her appearance.  She was wearing a white tank top and plaid pajama pants and her eyes were slightly puffy and rimmed red. Her hair was piled on top of her head in a messy bun and she smoothed out her rumpled clothes, looking uncomfortable under his gaze. 
“Are you alright?” He asked as he looked her over, growing increasingly concerned.
She crossed her arms over her chest, glancing at her reflection in the mirror. “I’m fine.”
There was no way she was fine. Bertrand stepped closer, fighting the urge to touch her. To brush her hair behind her ear. To take her in his arms and hold her. His heart hurt seeing her this way. “You haven't been.. crying, have you?”
She turned away and cleared her throat. “No.”
He stepped closer. “Did something happen? Are you hurt? Are you sick?” His stomach turned as he dared to ask, “Is this because of what happened between us last night?”
Riley took a deep breath and responded quietly, “No.”
“Are you upset with.. with me?”
Riley shook her head and turned around to face him with a sad but honest smile. “I’m not upset with you, Bert.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. I’m not sick, I’m not hurt, I’m not upset with you, I’m not pregnant, I’m not-”
“Preg-? P-pregnant?!”
She shrugged, “I thought that might be your next question.”
“Dear God, I hadn’t even thought about that.” His legs were suddenly wobbly and he braced himself against the wall.
“Well, you don’t have to, because I’m not.”
The two stood awkwardly in front of one another, neither knowing what to say. Riley spoke first, “What are you doing here?”
“I was going to ask you the same question. No one has seen you all day, and I wanted to see if you were alright.”
She smiled slightly. “You were worried about me?”
Bertrand nodded, “Yes, of course. And Maxwell insisted that I speak with you before my date.”
Her face dropped and her entire demeanor turned icy. “Ah. So you’re here because Max sent you.”
“Well, no.. not exactly..”
Riley turned and waved him away, “I’ll see you tomorrow. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take a nap.”
“A nap? It’s 5:30 in the evening.”
“So?” She snapped as she dropped down onto her unmade bed.
Bertrand had never seen her so cold. “Um.. Well.. Can I have dinner brought up for you? You need to eat.”
“I’m not hungry. Enjoy your date.”
He started for the door, stomach twisting into knots. His date. “Can I ask you something?”
She sighed and turned to face him, her expression softening slightly. “You know you can ask me anything.”
He paused, trying to think of any excuse to stay with her for a few more moments. “Can I.. have one of your gummies for tonight?”
She couldn’t help but chuckle, and Bertrand’s heart warmed instantly at the sound. “Bert, don't tell me you wanna get high tonight, of all nights!”
He shrugged, “It might help me get through this date.” 
“Get through it?” 
Riley raised her eyebrows in amusement and Bertrand stammered, “Wait! Wait, that is not what I meant! I mean, it’s not like I don't want to go!”
Riley laughed and rummaged through her suitcase before handing him a gummy. “Here. Remember it takes a little while to kick in.”
“Thank you.” Bertrand held her hand with his own for a moment and their eyes met, before Riley turned away.
“Can you turn the light off on your way out?” She asked, then crawled back into bed and clicked on the TV.
Bertrand nodded and flipped off the light switch, making his way out of her bedroom to prepare for his date, even though it was the last thing he wanted to do.
Bertrand smiled cordially as he watched Savannah make her way down house Beaumont’s grand staircase toward him. Her cream colored, satin blouse was unbuttoned slightly to reveal a diamond and sapphire necklace, and her navy, tweed, pencil skirt stopped just above her knees. A pair of high black pumps adorned her feet and her perfectly coiffed, chestnut brown hair rested on her shoulders. He held out his hand to help her down the last step. “Good evening, Lady Savannah.”
“Good evening, Your Grace.” She accepted his hand with her perfectly manicured french tip nails resting atop his skin.
Bertrand stepped back and smiled slightly. “Perhaps we could forgo our titles this evening? I don’t suppose we need to be so formal.”
Savannah looked taken aback. “Who are you and what have you done with Duke Bertrand Beaumont? Besides, I love hearing you call me ‘lady’.” She touched his arm, fingernails skimming across the sleeve of his white oxford and onto the exposed skin on his wrist. “The only thing I’d like better is hearing you call me ‘duchess’.”
Bertrand turned away and cleared his throat loudly, “Yes, well.. I suppose we should go. It appears the car is ready.”
He slid into the back seat after Savannah and she smiled demurely. “So where is this mysterious spot you’re taking me for our date?”
Bertrand shifted toward her, brimming with pride. “It was going to be a surprise, but I suppose it’s alright to tell you now since we’re already on our way. We’re going dancing.”
He waited for her elated reaction, but her entire face dropped. “Wait.. dancing? You told me this date was more informal. I’m not dressed for ballroom dancing!”
He grinned, “No, no! We’re going to a nightclub! I wanted to take you somewhere fun and.. and normal where we could relax and get to know each other better.”
Savannah stared at Bertrand for a moment before throwing her head back and laughing hysterically. “Oh Bertrand! You had me going for a while! Who knew you had a sense of humor?! Duke Bertrand Beaumont taking me to a dirty nightclub!”
He forced out a chuckle before quickly sending the driver a text to stop at Savannah’s favorite Italian restaurant instead, hoping and praying that they could get a table ready quickly so she wouldn’t know this wasn’t part of the plan. So much for dancing.
Savannah sat down at their usual table with a grin. She took Bertrand’s hand and smiled at the waiter before speaking loudly. “Thank you, sir. The Duke and I would love to start off with a bottle of your finest champagne. This is a very special occasion, isn't it dearest?”
Bertrand felt the curious gazes and whispers of every patron in the entire restaurant fall on him and he smiled politely. “Er, right.”
Savannah looked up at the waiter once more and raised her eyebrows impatiently. “That will be all for now.”
“Yes ma'am.” The man scurried away toward the kitchen.
She faced Bertrand and rolled her eyes, “Well, he’s clearly new. He didn’t even recognize us!”
Bertrand looked down at the menu, avoiding the stares from people around him, but most especially the woman in front of him. Maxwell's earlier advice echoed in his mind. Really pay attention to who she is as a person. Ask yourself if she's really right for you.
Had Savannah always been so.. Supercilious? 
Bertrand tried to stop himself, but couldn’t help chuckling as he recalled the first time Riley heard him use that word.
He was seated across from Riley at the kitchen table, having one of their daily lessons over lunch. Bertrand used the term supercilious to describe a certain Earl at court.
“Super sillyous? That’s like when something goes beyond silly and hits that extra silly mark, right?” Riley joked as she took a bite of the strawberry pie she had made that morning.
Bertrand furrowed his brow, “absolutely not!”
Riley leaned across the table toward him, “Yes it is! See, I’ll use it in a sentence.” She took a dollop of whip cream and dabbed it on his cheek. “Bertrand looks 'super sillyous' with whip cream on his face.”
Bertrand’s mouth fell open, “You.. you did not just do that!”
“Oh I do believe I did! What are you going to do about it?”
Bertrand was still frozen in shock at the sheer audacity of this woman, when she made her way over to his side of the table. “Oh don’t worry, I’ll clean it up.” She leaned toward him, cupping his face, and he felt the warmth of her tongue against his cheek as she licked the cool whip cream from his skin.
“Riley!” He gasped and she smiled as she wiped the rest off with her thumb.
“There. All better.”
“What’s so funny?” Savannah asked as she smoothed and primped her hair while she watched herself on her phone.
“Oh,” Bertrand smiled softly. “I was just thinking of something amusing that Riley said. It’s nothing.”
Savannah’s brow furrowed and she picked up her menu. “Riley, huh?” Bertrand kept quiet while Savannah tapped her nails against the menu. “I’ve been meaning to ask you something about her..” Bertrand’s heart sped up and his palms began to sweat as Savannah continued. “What do you think of her becoming queen? Honestly.”
“Oh,” Bertrand breathed a sigh of relief. “Well, I believe she would make an excellent queen. She’s been training night and day, and even though it’s only been a few months, she’s very well versed in the matters of court. Riley is smart. She picks up on things quickly. She’s social and polite, and good at reading people. She’s truly a remarkable person.”
Savannah glared at Bertrand while the waiter poured them a glass of champagne. She took a long sip, before replying, “Well, I think she’s kind of a bitch.”
“W-what?” Bertrand reeled back. “Why would you say that?!”
Savannah glanced away nonchalantly, “I’m very good at reading people, and I just get a weird vibe from her. I mean, how well do you really know her? She could be trying to get with Liam because of his money and fame! She could be stealing from you as we speak! And who just abandons their current life and goes with someone they just met to a foreign country? Was she homeless or something? Maybe a drug dealer on the run?”
Bertrand was completely dumbfounded. “Savannah.. How could you even say those things?”
“I’m not the only one! Surely you’ve heard what people are saying about her! I’m just worried about House Beaumont’s reputation, for your sake. You know I care about you.”
Bertrand’s mind flashed back to when he and Riley were in the club together and that flirty woman called her a bitch. Riley told him it happened all the time but he didn’t believe it. How could anyone insult her? She was wonderful! His blood boiled, but he took a calming breath before addressing Savannah. 
“Lady Savannah, I will ask you not to speak ill of Riley in front of me. She is a very kind person who has been through a lot. She has been nothing short of amazing in the time I’ve known her and I consider her my friend.”
“Amazing?” Savannah finished the rest of the champagne in her glass before fixing him with a stern look. “Bertrand, is there something you want to tell me?”
He felt his face flush, “N-no! I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”
Savannah leaned forward and lowered her voice, “Why are you always so quick to defend her? And not only that, you’re gushing about how ‘amazing’ she is! I’ve never heard you talk that way about anyone before!”
Bertrand stammered, “I-I’m her sponsor! Of course I’m saying nice things about her.”
Savannah searched his face with a scowl, “If you say so. I just wonder if-”
The waiter returned, interrupting their conversation. “Are you ready to order now, my Lady? Your Grace?”
“Oh, thank God,” Bertrand muttered, and quickly corrected himself, “I mean, yes. Yes we are.”
The rest of their dinner passed at an agonizing pace. Bertrand managed to acquire two last minute tickets to a ballet being performed at a local theater, and Savannah was less than impressed with their seats in the upper balcony next to the emergency exit. 
The ride back to the Beaumont estate was a quiet one. Bertrand checked his phone for any new texts from Riley, but unfortunately there were none. He sent her a quick, “How are you feeling?” message, praying that she would respond. While he waited, he scrolled back to read some of their most recent messages in the chat and smiled to himself.
“Who are you texting?” Savannah muttered, reading over his shoulder and Bertrand fumbled the phone onto the floorboard.
“Jesus!” He yelped, throwing a hand over his heart. “I apologize, Savannah. I mean, Lady Savannah. You just started me, that’s all.”
“Texting Riley?” She asked flatly.
“She isn’t feeling well. I just wanted to check on her, but I suppose she went to sleep.”
Savannah nodded and slipped her hand into his, and Bertrand reluctantly returned her grip.
Bertrand walked Savannah to her bedroom door and paused outside, thankful that the night was finally over. “Goodnight, Lady Savannah.”
She ran her hand down his arm and smiled. “Goodnight already? It’s still early. Come inside my room for a nightcap at least.”
His stomach twisted and he backed up, “Oh, I really shouldn’t. It wouldn’t be proper for us to be in your bedroom alone.”
She took his hand and pulled him forward with a smirk. “Come on.. It’s just a drink. Just one?”
Bertrand reluctantly followed her and stifled a gasp when he saw the state of her bedroom. Half melted, ivory candles lit the room and red rose petals were spread out across the bed. “Dear God, no,” he whispered to himself while Savannah made her way to the drink cart in the corner.
“You still like Glenlivet, right?” She asked while she opened the 18 year old bottle.
“Oh. Yes.”
“Have a seat.” She gestured at the bed, but he sat in a chair by the door.
Bertrand took several deep breaths while he assessed the situation. He was in Savannah's room alone.. with candles. So many candles. Thankfully the entire estate hadn’t burned down while they were left unattended. She had clearly planned for something romantic to happen between them tonight. 
“Bertrand.” Savannah handed him his drink and ran her hand up his arm before moving behind him and massaging his shoulders. “You’re so tense. Let me help you relax.”
“I.. I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” He placed his scotch on the table beside him, ready to stand up and retreat asap.
“Come on.. Just close your eyes and relax. Let me take care of you.” 
Everything about this situation felt wrong, and he couldn’t have relaxed if his life depended on it. 
He wouldn’t do anything with Savannah tonight. He couldn’t. Although technically this exact situation was what Riley had been helping him prepare for from the beginning. After everything they had been through, would Riley still want him to do this? His heart told him no, but his brain was a jumbled mess. The sex they had the previous night felt so real and so intimate, but could it just have been part of her plan? Maybe an impromptu lesson? Everything was too confusing and he needed some time to think. He sighed and when he opened his eyes again, Savannah was standing in front of him with her blouse completely unbuttoned.
He jumped farther back in the chair as she leaned toward him. “Bertrand,” She purred, caressing his cheek before pulling him to his feet.
“Kiss me.”
“Lady Savannah, I apologize, but I just.. can't. I've actually been thinking that maybe we should take a step back and-”
“You have got to be kidding me!” She fumed, stalking away from him. “It’s Riley, isn’t it? I fucking knew it! I knew there was something going on between you two! You’re a completely different person lately! So what happened? Did she seduce you? She did, didn’t she?! Oh just wait until everyone finds out what a whore-”
Bertrand swiftly pulled Savannah to him and pressed his lips against hers. She returned the kiss instantly, and wrapped her arms around him. Surely there was a better way to squash her suspicions of him and Riley, but for now it was all he could come up with. 
Maybe she would just be satisfied with making out a little and he could leave. He reluctantly continued kissing her, and Savannah pressed Bertrand’s hand against her breast. Or maybe not! He tried to back away, but she kept moving closer.
What the hell am I going to do now?
Bertrand closed his eyes tightly and imagined Riley in front of him. Instead of the overwhelming scent of Chanel No. 5, he caught the faint note of Riley’s floral shampoo. Suddenly he could taste Riley’s strawberry lip gloss. He caressed her cheek, knowing there were adorable tiny freckles beneath his hand. He ran his fingers through her golden locks which were probably just let out of a messy bun or braid. He felt her arms wrap around him and she whispered against his ear, “Do you want me, Bertrand?” His mind flashed back to Riley laying beneath him, her plump lips curving into a sexy grin as she uttered, “fuck me, Bert.”
Savannah whispered against his ear, “Say my name. Tell me you want me.”
Bertrand smiled with his eyes still closed tightly and replied, “I want you, Riley.”
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alj4890 · 2 years ago
So many feels with this chapter. First off...ahem...
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FINALLY!!! They finally kissed and had sex without any chance of mistaking it for a lesson!!! WOOHOO!!!
During the whole buildup all I could think of was
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That whole club scene was
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I LOVED seeing Bertrand both jealous and confident. When he jerked that guy's hand off her, I was like, finally! He isn't letting his fears keep him from acting. So freaking hot!!!
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Then back at home. Sigh. All the feels just going crazy. They are so in love and I can't wait to see them realize it.
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Love it as usual @harleybeaumont and every chapter of yours makes me love these two all the more 😍
*And look! I can reblog more than once again 🤣 Tumblr finally works!*
Never Have I Ever
Chapter 18 - Let Me Take You Dancing - Part 2
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC 
Chapter Synopsis- Things heat up at the club.
Chapter Warnings- language, drinking, mentions of drug use, sensuality, lemons
Rating - Explicit
Word Count- 2,920
A/N- let me know if you would like to be added/removed from the taglist
Chapter 17 - Let Me Take You Dancing - Part 2
Bertrand tried to calm the frisson of butterflies that were bombarding his stomach as he and Riley stepped out of the car together. His brow furrowed as he eyed the endless line of people waiting in the cool night air to enter the club. It would surely take hours to get inside. Riley looked undeterred, taking his hand with a smile as she confidently made her way straight to the burly bouncer at the front of the line. She stood on her toes and whispered in the man's ear, and his jaw dropped. He squinted his eyes, peering at Bertrand, who attempted to remain calm under the penetrating gaze of this goliath of a man. The bouncer chuckled a deep laugh and then stepped aside, allowing them entrance into the dark hallway where Bertrand’s senses were instantly bombarded. The deep bass was thrumming in his chest, strobe and flashing neon lights flickered on the dance floor, and the sheer volume of people in the room topped that of any Beaumont Bash he had ever hosted. The air in the club was thick and laced with sweat and pheromones while scantily clothed people danced together suggestively.
It was 100% Maxwell's scene. No wonder he goes out all the time.
Bertrand’s logical mind was insisting that he should be terrified, but the adrenaline had won out, and he simply watched in awe of this completely new experience. Riley grinned at him and squeezed his hand tightly, leading him across the room to a crowded bar. 
Bertrand leaned toward Riley to be heard over the music, “What did you say to the bouncer?”
“I told him that I was here with Maxwell Beaumont’s brother.” She chuckled, “I just knew he would know Max!!”
“What?! I thought I was supposed to be undercover! What if someone else realizes who I am?!”
“They won't! And even if the bouncer tells someone, do you think they’d believe that Duke Ramsford would be slumming it in a club?”
She had a point. Maxwell was known around the club scene, but the owners tended to protect his privacy so that he would be more likely to return.
Riley leaned in and spoke over the music, “What do you want to drink?”
“Do you suppose they have a decent bottle of cabernet sauvignon?”
Riley snickered and shook her head, leaning across the bar to a young woman and shouting their order. “Five shots of tequila, please!”
Bertrand reeled back, “Five shots of tequila?”
The bartender sat the shots on the bar and Riley slid three towards Bertrand with a grin. “We’re gonna have fun tonight Bert, but first you gotta loosen up!”
“But.. Wasn’t that the point of the..” He leaned in and whispered, “drugs?”
“Half a gummy was clearly not enough for you because I can still see the fear in your eyes. Bless your anxiety ridden heart.. Now drink up!”
“Must I?” He watched as Riley knocked back her shots simultaneously, and he brought his up to his nose, shuddering when he inhaled. A decent bottle of tequila was tolerable, but this was about twenty steps below decent. “How can you drink this swill with a straight face?”
“I grew up poor,” she chuckled. “Cheap liquor is my jam!” She took his first shot and placed it against his lips with a smirk. “Now open up.” Immediately his lips parted and the tequila slid down his throat, burning all the way while warming his body inside out. He sputtered a bit, but Riley already had the second in hand, ready to go. “You can't stop yet. Don’t think about it, just surrender to the burn!”
He wanted to laugh at how ridiculous she was, but the third dose of the offending liquid had once again hit his stomach like a lead brick, and he fought the urge to gag. He couldn’t stop the grimace on his face and Riley chuckled. “Ok, we’re done for now. Let’s get out on the dance floor and put those moves to the test.”
Bertrand swallowed hard, watching the dozens of thrashing, groping bodies move together confidently under the neon lights. He couldn’t go out there, they would surely laugh at him! His heart was pounding and he stepped back.
“I.. I’m sorry, Riley. I don’t think I can.”
“But you did so well at home! And don’t worry, I promise no one will be watching you..” She grinned suggestively, “other than to check you out for looking so smoking hot.”
As nervous as he was about dancing, his heart did a little leap when she called their estate ‘home’. Wait, did she say smoking hot? 
Just then, a group of women walked past, pausing to look Bertrand up and down suggestively while giggling amongst themselves. One winked at him and took hold of his arm, writing her phone number on the inside of his wrist.
Riley licked her thumb and smeared the writing on his skin until it became illegible. She turned and smiled saccharinely at the woman. “He won’t be needing that.”
“Crazy bitch,” the woman rolled her eyes and walked off and Bertrand blushed deeply with his mouth agape.
“Did she just call you a-”
Riley waved him off, “Don’t worry about it, happens all the time. Besides, didn’t I tell you the ladies would be checking you out? Even if it was a nasty skank.” Riley glared at the woman’s back who had moved on to flirting with the bartender.
That whole encounter had Bertrand more nervous than before. “Could I just sit and watch for a while before I attempt to dance? Just to get my bearings?” Just to stall as long as possible was more like it.
She turned to the dance floor, then back to him with a sly smile. “Sure. But do you mind if I go out there and dance?”
“Oh.. no, not at all. I certainly don’t want to spoil your fun.” He chastised himself for the way his heart dropped. What was he expecting, for her to babysit him all night? And he hadn’t missed the way several peoples eyes shamelessly raked over Riley’s body from the minute she walked in the club. “Just be careful. I know you’re a grown woman, I just don’t want anyone to take advantage of you.”
She smiled, “Don’t worry, I will be.”
Just then the song changed and Riley sashayed onto the dance floor. Bertrand was mesmerized by the way she rolled her hips, letting her body relax perfectly to the beat. His mind flashed back to the way she rolled her hips when she rode him in her bed. His throat went dry and he crossed his legs to prevent his growing erection from becoming visible. Her eyes met his and she ran her hands along the sumptuous curves of her body. His face flushed with heat and he had to look away.
Suddenly he realized what was being said in the lyrics of the song. “Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet ass pussy. Give me everything you got for this wet ass pussy.” He nearly choked on his own saliva and his face flushed even deeper. Those lyrics were downright scandalous!
He risked another glance at Riley and found her in the arms of a tall, muscular man wearing a tank top and backwards hat. Bertrand’s hands twitched in his lap, and he fought the urge to jump out of his seat. He took a deep breath.
Don’t make an ass of yourself, Bertrand. She’s just dancing. And besides, you don’t own her! She can dance with whoever she wants.
Despite the intense urge to look away, he simply couldn’t. His stomach twisted when she moved closer to him, letting her hands wrap around his neck. The man’s hands moved to her waist, slowly heading down before resting against her hips.
The man leaned forward and said something in her ear, and Riley laughed. Bertrand’s heart was beating double time, and he continued to scold himself for the way he was feeling. Although he no longer attempted to look away, convincing himself that it was for her own safety in case this scoundrel took advantage of her. Yes, he was just watching Riley to protect her.
Riley felt a little guilty for the way Bertrand was looking at her, but she couldn’t deny that the prospect of potentially making him jealous sent a thrill through her. She made eye contact with Bertrand for a charged moment while she and this random dude danced closely. Suddenly the man pulled her tightly against the front of his body, cupping her ass. 
Whoa boy! Riley took the man's hands to return them to her lower back, but someone else already had hold of his arm.
“Absolutely not.” Riley turned to see Bertrand glaring at this guy, while he physically removed his hands from her body. Bertrand was a tall guy, but still stood half a foot shorter than this giant frat bro. 
The drunk himbo was clearly confused. “Dude, what is your problem? We’re just dancing!”
“Not anymore, you aren’t.” Bertrand spoke to the man in a challenging tone that Riley had never heard from him before, but his voice held that air of confidence he always emitted outside of the bedroom. 
The guy looked between Riley and Bertrand a couple times, before shaking his head and stalking away. “Fuck this, I’m going to get another drink.” The guy mumbled something about “not fighting another jealous boyfriend” as he walked off.
They watched him leave and Bertrand turned to Riley ruefully. “I apologize.. My behavior was way out of line. I just saw him put his hands on you and-”
Riley pulled Bertrand toward her, wrapping her arms around his neck “Dance with me.”
His heart was hammering in his chest from the encounter with that buffoon, but with Riley’s body pressed against his, it was soon forgotten. She ran her fingernails up the back of his neck and into his hair, before pulling his face toward her. “Just relax and feel my body. Then move with me.” 
Bertrand spoke breathlessly, “With your body in such close proximity, relaxing is the furthest thing from my mind.” He blushed immediately when he realized what he had said. Before he could apologize, Riley took his hands and wrapped them around her waist with a smirk.
“Hold me like this. Just like we practiced. Relax your hips.”
He looked around, but no one was paying them any mind. He nodded slightly and tentatively began to move his body with hers. What started out as awkward, stiff movements, soon relaxed into a rhythm. Riley spun around and pressed her back to his front and Bertrand gasped. She took his hands and wrapped them around her waist so that he was holding her against him. She lay her head back against his chest and pressed her ass into him, and he couldn’t stop the blood rushing straight to his cock. Bertrand blushed as his traitorous dick twitched of its own accord. He was humiliated. There was no way she didn’t feel that.
“I apologize, Ri-”
Before he could continue, she had spun back around, pulling his mouth down to hers with a moan. Bertrand’s eyes widened, before falling closed as he returned her kiss with fervor. Her hand found its way down his abs and ghosted over the growing bulge in his jeans.
“Let’s go home.” She whispered against his mouth, before taking hold of his bottom lip with her teeth.
Riley threw her bedroom door open with a bang, pulling Bertrand inside behind her. Heads spinning from alcohol and adrenaline, the two met in hot, messy kisses that only grew hungrier by the minute. Riley grabbed Bertrand’s ass and pressed him flush against her, feeling his arousal firmly against her body. 
“Oh my god..” she ground her hips against him with a groan. Her center was throbbing and all she could think about was the delicious stretch of his cock pulsing inside her that she hadn’t been able to stop fantasizing about since the last time it happened. 
Bertrands hands were all over her as he explored her body, more sure and certain than he had ever been before. He wanted her. And for the first time in his life, he knew what to do, and he was going to go for it.
Reacting on pure carnal instinct, Bertrand boldly lifted her off of the ground, and without hesitation she wrapped her legs around him. He pressed her up against the wall, leaving warm, hungry kisses along her jaw and down her neck. Riley let her head fall back and she moaned while his lips made their way down her exposed cleavage. She had never been more turned on in her entire life. 
“Bert.. I want you so bad.”
He practically growled as he carried her to the bed, placing her down onto the soft mattress. Any ounce of proprietary left in him had vanished at her words. Their mouths met over and over, only breaking so they could remove an article of clothing at a time. Bertrand pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it across the room in one swift motion and Riley bit her lip as she watched his muscles work. “God damn, Bertrand.”
She sat up on her elbows, watching as Bertrand slid her dress and panties down, his eyes landing between her thighs. He grasped her knees as his eyes flitted up to meet her own. “May I taste you?”
“God yes.”
He spread her legs apart and immediately dove in, indulging in her sweet taste that he had yearned for night and day since the moment he first tasted her. How he had craved her, even in his dreams. He groaned as he worked her with his mouth until she began to tremble. Riley grasped a handful of his messy, sweat slicked hair for purchase as he licked and kissed her, completely drunk off of her. Suddenly her eyes flew shut as a rush of euphoria overtook her senses and she cried out. “Oh yes.. Fuck, fuck!” 
Bertrand didn’t want to stop, ever, but the throbbing of his cock reminded him that there was something else he could do for her.
Riley lay back against the pillows gasping as she caught her breath and Bertrand slipped off his boxers, before reaching into the bedside table and grabbing a condom from the stash Riley had stored there. He held one up, arching his eyebrow in question and she nodded.
“Look at you..” She breathed out in sheer amazement as her eyes raked over his lean, muscular body. “Baby, you are so fucking hot, and the fact that you have no idea is criminal.”
Bertrand smirked, brimming with a newfound confidence. He rolled the condom onto himself the way she had taught him while she watched with a mixture of pride and lust. He tried to steady his breathing as he gazed at the woman in front of him- This gorgeous, sexy, experienced woman who actually wanted to have sex with him. 
Riley bit her lip and beckoned him forward. “I need you inside me. Right now.”
He crawled forward, positioning himself over her. Sweat dripped down his brow and he lined himself up with her entrance. His eyes fell shut and he groaned as he slowly pushed inside her, this time with more certitude than ever before. Riley gasped, immediately bringing her legs up and wrapping them around his waist, sheathing him deeper into her delicious warmth. 
The sensation had him already teetering at the edge, but he held it back. He murmured in her ear while he slowly pushed himself inside her again, “Riley.. Riley, you feel so good.”
“Oh my god, Bert..” She ran her fingernails across his broad shoulders and he shuddered.
Moans of pleasure fell from their lips and Bertrand pressed his chest flush against hers while his hips thrust in and out, slowly at first, but gaining more speed with each cry of ecstasy she released. 
He was not going to cum early this time. He just had to hold on a little bit longer.
Bertrand propped himself up on his forearms and Riley took hold of his face, pressing her mouth against his. She raised her hips, allowing him to go deeper. “I’m so close,” she panted against his lips. “So, so fucking close.. Oh don’t stop.. Bertrand don’t stop!”
He continued his deep, measured thrusts and she came undone, crying out louder than he had ever heard her before. But this time she cried out his name as she came.
That immediately sent him over the edge. His heart pounded in his chest as the feeling overtook him, sending him spiraling into an endless, Earth shattering orgasm. His dick pulsed over and over inside of her as his hips stuttered sporadically. 
Once the blinding pleasure had tapered out, he released the death grip he had on the sheets and reluctantly pulled out, climbing off of his companion.
Riley and Bertrand lay beside one another, attempting to catch their breath as they stared at the ceiling. Their bodies were sated, but their minds were reeling from a startling realization..
This was no lesson. They just had very real sex.
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angelasscribbles · 2 years ago
Chapter Synopsis- Feelings get more complicated when the court arrives for the Beaumont bash.
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Her eyes widened and she quickly glanced behind her at Bertrand, who had turned away, a telltale blush creeping up his neck.
OH....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA She slipped up!!!!!
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God, she looks gorgeous. Of course he couldn’t tell her those exact words, it wouldn’t be appropriate. So he responded, “That dress is quite acceptable for the court’s arrival.”
I love that even though we all think he's sexy now, he's still Bertrand!
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Savannah. He had utterly and completely forgotten about her existence.
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The way it would be for the rest of his life.
Oh my God, you're breaking my heart here!!
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I wanna know what Sav said to make Bert blush.....
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So of course she had to do it again, intentionally.
That's my girl!
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Savannah who, she thought to herself with a smile.
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“Riley!” Bertrand gasped, and everyone at their table turned to look at him. “I, er.. “ 
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Riley’s heart crashed to the floor. Even after everything, he still wants me to marry Liam. She forced a smile. “No, Bertrand’s right.. Of course I would.”
no no no, he didn't mean it! Poor Riley!
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While everyone excitedly exited the dining room, Riley made her way to the nearest bathroom, trying and failing to keep her tears at bay.
GAH! No!
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You can't just leave us hanging like that. We need the next chapter stat!
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This was so fucking angsty! They need to figure it out! Max, do something!!!
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Never Have I Ever
Chapter 14 - The Beaumont Bash - Part 1
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC 
Chapter Synopsis- Feelings get more complicated when the court arrives for the Beaumont bash.
Chapter Warnings- language, sensuality
Rating - Mature
Word Count- 2,010
Chapter 14 - The Beaumont Bash - Part 1
The next morning Riley entered the kitchen for breakfast, and Bertrand followed a moment later. He smiled and acknowledged her politely, as if he hadn’t slept in her bed last night. “Good morning, Lady Riley.”
She grinned, “Morning Bert.”
The two locked eyes for a moment, exchanging private smiles.
“Uh, good morning Maxwell!” Max said in amusement, from his spot at the kitchen table where he was having a blackberry scone and tea. “Hope you guys didn’t miss me too much last night.”
“Yes, yes, good morning Maxwell.” Bertrand said, busying himself at the stove with a cup of tea. “I hope you didn’t get into too much trouble last night.”
Riley sat down beside Max with a grin. “Good morning, sunshine! Sooo, tell me how your date went,” Riley said, taking a bite of his scone.
Max smiled conspiratorially, “Let’s just say the Amazing Armando is indeed amazing. I swear I can barely walk today!”
“Ha!” Riley chuckled, “Same.”
She froze once she realized what she just implied. Bertrand still had no idea that she had told Maxwell about their arrangement, and Max had no idea that they had sex. Her eyes widened and she quickly glanced behind her at Bertrand, who had turned away, a telltale blush creeping up his neck. “I mean.. Because I was working so hard yesterday preparing for the court’s arrival! And my.. legs are tired.” 
Maxwell’s jaw hung open and he looked between the two of them, though neither would meet his eyes. He kicked Riley’s leg under the table, and mouthed, “What the hell!? Details!”
Riley shook her head and checked behind her for Bertrand, but he had disappeared. “You seriously want details about what me and your brother did last night?” She whispered.
“Uh, if it involves Bertrand no longer being a thirty year old virgin, then yes I want details!”
Riley looked down, trying not to grin. “A lady shouldn’t talk about such things.”
Maxwell smiled delightedly, “You screwed him, didn’t you? Oh, you slutty queen!”
RIley laughed, “I should be calling you that! Spending the night with the Amazing Armand after one date!”
“Uh, it’s Armand-o!,” Max corrected her. “Can’t forget the ‘o’ because he sure as hell didn’t.” Maxwell sighed as he reminisced. “Several ‘o’s’ in fact..” 
“Maxwell!” Riley chuckled. “Damn, you did have fun last night!”
“Sounds like you did too.” Max smirked, “And I’ll gladly share my title of slutty queen with you.”
The two friends laughed together and Maxwell sipped his tea thoughtfully. “You know, I called it from the beginning.”
“Called what?”
His mouth rose into a smirk, “You guys are totally in love now.”
“What?! You’re crazy!”
Max ignored her, shimmying in his seat excitedly. “I always wanted a sister!”
“Max! It’s not like that!”
Just then a maid entered the room and the conversation abruptly ended, much to Riley’s relief.
Bertand couldn’t wipe the smile from his face. The court would begin arriving in a couple hours and normally he would be a nervous wreck, but not today. Today everything seemed right with the world. Nothing could bring him down.
His phone chimed with a text and he smiled even brighter when he saw who it was from- Riley. She had sent him a picture of herself in the dress she was planning to wear that day. God, she looks gorgeous. Of course he couldn’t tell her those exact words, it wouldn’t be appropriate. So he responded, “That dress is quite acceptable for the court’s arrival.”
She sent back a kissing smiley face with a heart, and butterflies fluttered in his chest. 
Bertrand sat his phone back on the counter and grinned at himself in the mirror as he fixed his hair. I look pretty darn good today. Just then his phone chimed again and he quickly snatched it back up, excited to see what Riley was sending him now.
His heart dropped as he read it. “I can’t wait to see you today!” From Savannah.
Savannah. He had utterly and completely forgotten about her existence. Now she’s coming here and she’s excited to see me. He sighed and sat the phone back on the counter, and his stomach twisted with guilt. 
The past few weeks he had been living in a fantasy world, but now it was time to wake up. The coronation was happening very soon and there was a chance that Riley would be chosen. In fact, the press was naming Riley, Olivia, and Madeleine as the ‘frontrunners’ for queen. Whatever Liam and Drake had between them clearly wasn’t anything more than physical.. and maybe he had read too much into the whole thing in the first place. It's not like he actually saw anything happen between them.
He should be happy. After all, Riley becoming queen was the plan from the beginning. 
With a heavy sigh, Bertrand buttoned up his suit jacket and made his way downstairs, ready to play the perfect, proper Duke of Ramsford.
Just the way he was expected to.
The way it would be for the rest of his life.
Riley, Bertrand, and Maxwell greeted their noble guests as they arrived in the grand dining room for dinner. Riley mingled politely with the other ladies of court while they gossiped and chatted about Liam and the Beaumont bash which was taking place after dinner that night. 
Liam made his way over to the group and held his hand out to Riley. “If you ladies will excuse us, I would like a word with our hostess for the evening.”
Riley followed Liam to a private corner of the room where they sat together. “It’s lovely to see you again, Lady Riley,” Liam smiled that charming prince smile and she couldn’t help but return it.
“You too, Your Highness.”
“I thought I told you to call me Liam,” he grinned cheekily.
“I thought I told you to call me Riley,” she quipped back and Liam chuckled.
“The estate is lovely. Bertrand told me that you had a hand in choosing some of the decor?”
“Oh, yes! Can you actually believe he gave up some control and let me and Max help?”
Liam chuckled, “Not really. The duke has always been a control freak.. Likes things to be just so. Which is why I find myself feeling a bit sorry for you.”
“What do you mean?” She asked.
“Being under constant scrutiny by Bertrand Beaumont must be exhausting.”
Riley watched Bertrand across the room, engaging their guests with a perfect air of confidence and propriety, and she couldn't help but smile fondly. “Nah. He’s cool.”
“Cool?!” Liam laughed, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone describe Bertrand as ‘cool’, but I suppose you’ve gotten to know him better than most these past few months.”
Riley felt her cheeks heat up. She certainly had. 
Just then, Savannah made her way over to Bertrand, leaning in and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Riley watched with rapt attention, trying to decipher what they were saying. Bertrand looked down shyly, while a faint blush colored his cheeks, and Riley felt her stomach drop. They were flirting.. And Savannah made him blush. 
Of course he’s flirting with her. He likes her.
Liam cleared his throat, “Riley? Earth to Riley? Did you hear anything I said?”
Riley shook off her stupor, and turned to Liam ruefully. “I’m so sorry, Liam. I was just.. Distracted for a moment. I suppose I’m a bit tired.”
Liam smiled, “Well, perhaps dinner will help you get reenergized.”
“I’m sure it will.” Riley tried to smile, but her attention once again returned to Savannah and Bertrand while they laughed together.
Riley found herself seated at the head table during dinner, Liam, Regina, and Constantine on her left, Bertrand and Maxwell on her right. 
She smiled amiably, practiced impeccable table manners, engaged in polite conversation with the royal family, and by all means, was the perfect lady. But everything about the evening felt forced on her part. At one point, she crossed her legs and accidentally brushed her foot against Bertrand, who immediately blushed and jerked away. 
So of course she had to do it again, intentionally.
Riley slipped her shoe off and casually stretched out her leg, sliding it along Bertrand’s ankle. He sucked in a breath and sputtered and coughed, face growing red.
“Dear boy, are you alright?” Constantine asked in concern.
Bertrand cleared his throat and plastered on a smile. “My apologies, Your Majesty. I’m alright now.” He glanced at Riley briefly and blushed all over again.
Riley smiled, wondering how far he would let this go. She slid her foot up Bertrand’s pant leg slightly, rubbing up and down his calf. His face was flushed, and his breathing was becoming labored, but the royal family were talking amongst themselves and paying them no mind.
Savannah who, she thought to herself with a smile.
She casually reached over to Bertrand’s lap and caressed his upper thigh with her fingertips. He shivered, but still didn't stop her. 
Ya, he likes it.
Riley dropped her napkin on the floor and as she leaned under the table to pick it up, grazed her hand across the front of Bertrand’s crotch.
“Riley!” Bertrand gasped, and everyone at their table turned to look at him. “I, er.. “ 
Riley quickly sat up and formulated a lie. “Bertrand was just reminding me to take my.." The only thing that came to mind was the medication her mother took any time she ate dairy. “..lactase supplement.”
Liam turned to her in surprise, “I didn’t know you were lactose intolerant, Lady Riley.”
“Oh ya, I totally bloat up like a pufferfish if I forget my pill.” She tried not to visibly cringe at how unladylike she just sounded. 
“It’s true,” Maxwell added, “Digestive health is no joke.”
Now she was beginning to sweat while the royal family gawked at her. Riley cut her eyes over and Bertrand was pinching the bridge of his nose, while Max held his hand over his mouth, shoulders shaking as he attempted to contain his laughter. 
Regina cleared her throat. “Well, we wouldn’t want you to have digestive issues and miss your first Beaumont bash. Of course you should take your medication.”
They looked at her expectantly and Riley nodded. “Oh.. yes of course.” She dug around in her purse, pretending to remove a pill, before “swallowing” it. 
Thankfully dessert was served, interrupting the awkward hell that this dinner had become. Riley supposed she deserved it after torturing Bertrand like that. 
Regina leaned forward to speak to Riley directly. “If you will indulge me, I have a bit of a personal question for you, Lady Riley.”
Riley plastered on a polite smile. “Of course, Your Majesty.”
Regina’s face grew serious. “I know this isn’t the life you grew up in, and the past few months have been a big change for you. So, I have to ask.. if you are chosen as Liam’s bride, do you feel you would want to continue this life on a daily basis? And would you be ready, not only to marry, but also to be queen?”
Riley froze, as all eyes fell on her. She immediately looked from Bertrand, to Liam, then back to Bertrand. “I..”
Bertrand interrupted, “Of course she would be ready!”
Regina chuckled, “I know you’re invested as her sponsor, but there’s no need to answer for her, Duke Ramsford.”
Riley’s heart crashed to the floor. Even after everything, he still wants me to marry Liam. She forced a smile. “No, Bertrand’s right.. Of course I would.”
Constantine clapped his hands together with a grin. “Well, that satisfies me. Unless my lovely wife has any more forthright questions for our son’s suitor?” 
Regina swatted his arm playfully. “Oh, darling, you know I’m just concerned for Liam’s future.”
Bertrand tapped his glass, and stood to address the entire room. “Now that the dessert has been served, the grand hall is open. Please join us there for after dinner festivities as we celebrate the end of the social season with the annual Beaumont bash!”
While everyone excitedly exited the dining room, Riley made her way to the nearest bathroom, trying and failing to keep her tears at bay.
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angelasscribbles · 2 years ago
Listen. I know I say this at the beginning of every chapter, but it's true. Me, when I saw this was up:
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What if I cry afterwards? Oh dear God, the horror! 
Oh dear Lord, this had me cackling!!!!
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Days ago, Bertrand had looked up several stories online where men described having sex for the first time, and it did nothing to ease his mind. 
I’m gonna need a follow up one-shot, could be a drabble, that show us that!!! Because the mental image is hilarious!
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“Bert..” She took his hand and pulled him toward her. “It’s really sweet of you to think of me. And honestly, I took a shower too.. Same reason.”
This is just heart-meltingly sweet!!!
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The thought of getting to pleasure her later, sparked even more heat through his body.
Oh….my God!!!! This whole sequence, her being so damn solicitous of his feelings and then offering basically “extra credit”….to him being turned on by that offer…. You just covered fluffy, funny and smutty in one fell swoop!
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He looked down shyly. “Yes. A couple days ago. I drove thirty minutes away, parked across the street from the store, wore sunglasses and a baseball cap, and paid in cash.. but I did it.”
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Bertrand shook his head with a smile. She was teasing him, but he didn’t feel embarrassed. He actually felt more at ease than before.
Oh….he’s comfortable with her now!!! Gah! The fluff, I can’t take it! He’s such a fucking cinnamon roll!!!
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She always looked amazing, but he had never seen her look like this before, and his dick responded accordingly.
I’m a little jealous that I never thought up this line. Perfection!
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All of it was exhilarating and comforting at the same time. 
Yeah,….because you love her!
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The whole sequence is great, but this…this
She closed her eyes, and her plump, pink lips fell open as she gasped.
The imagery is just perfect!!!!
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Stars swam in front of his eyes and he had to remind himself to breathe. It had all ended so quickly. His body was still trembling when he finally opened his eyes.
My God! That was….that was…..
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That had never happened before.
Ohhhhh…..he likes the cuddling after!!
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Bertrand couldn't help but wonder if this was what happened after real couples had sex.
Ah, this is sweet and sad at the same time!! Angsty as fuck!
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one final thought seeped into his brain and he smiled before drifting off to sleep.
ah, he fell asleep in her bed? I need cuddling!!! Maybe morning sex.....
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I am so stoked that it finally happened!!!!!!!
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Now I'm going to need them to admit they fucking love each other! Let's go!
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Never Have I Ever
Chapter 13 - Bring it Home
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC 
Chapter Synopsis- Bertrand and Riley finally go all the way.
Chapter Warnings- language, sex
Rating - Explicit
Word Count- 2,320
Chapter 13 - Bring It Home
Bertrand stood in front of his bathroom mirror, attempting to give himself a pep talk.
 Chin up, you’ve got this.. Just relax.. Stop worrying about your size or whether or not you’ll last long enough to actually give her an orgasm.. Damn it.. What if I had too much wine and can’t maintain an erection? What if I do something wrong and she laughs at me? What if I vomit from nerves? What if I cry afterwards? Oh dear God, the horror! 
She’s so experienced.. Why does she even want to do this with me, it’s going to be horrible for her!
Days ago, Bertrand had looked up several stories online where men described having sex for the first time, and it did nothing to ease his mind. 
His phone vibrated on the counter, jolting him out of his own head. It was from Riley, telling him she was ready. With one more deep breath, he opened the door and headed to Riley’s room, and into the unknown.
Riley answered the door in a tank top and pajama shorts, golden hair cascading across her shoulders. She smiled as he entered the room, looking him up and down. “Did you change clothes?”
“Oh.. uh.. Yes. I took a shower.”
“Really? You took a shower for me? That’s so cute!”
Bertrand flushed, “Was I not supposed to? I just wanted to make sure I was clean, so that this would be more of a pleasant experience for you, and-”
“Bert..” She took his hand and pulled him toward her. “It’s really sweet of you to think of me. And honestly, I took a shower too.. Same reason.”
He breathed a bit easier knowing that he didn’t do something laughable. He couldn’t bring himself to meet her emerald eyes, no matter how hard he tried. He had never been so nervous in all his life.
Riley sat on the bed. “Do you wanna talk about this first? Do you have any questions or requests?”
He had more questions than he knew what to do with, but instead of speaking, he just shook his head.
She smiled, “I know you well enough to know that you’re in your own head right now. Do you just want me to take the lead, and you tell me if there's something you do or don’t want to do when we get there?”
“That.. would be good.”
She pulled him down onto the bed, so he was seated beside her. “FYI- Don’t worry if you cum early. It’s your first time, so you probably will. All I want you to do is relax and enjoy this, and don’t worry about me.” 
Bertrand swallowed hard, “That makes me feel selfish.”
She smirked, “There are plenty of other ways I can get off later. And you can always help me and get in some extra practice.” 
The thought of getting to pleasure her later, sparked even more heat through his body.
“Oh!” Bertrand suddenly remembered, and awkwardly reached into his pocket, handing her a small packet. “I.. bought condoms.”
“You did?” She was practically beaming. “You actually went into a store and bought condoms?!”
He looked down shyly. “Yes. A couple days ago. I drove thirty minutes away, parked across the street from the store, wore sunglasses and a baseball cap, and paid in cash.. but I did it.”
“I’m so proud of you!” Riley looked at the package and read for a moment, before shaking her head. “Oh.. no, these are the wrong size.”
“I bought the smallest size they had!”
Riley threw her hand over her mouth and stifled a laugh, “No, that’s not it. These are way too small for you. You need a large, at least.”
Bertrand blushed deeply, “A large?! Are you sure?”
“Bert.. yes. You are definitely above average. Definitely. Like, way above average.”
He couldn’t help but smile. “Are you serious?”
“Yes!” She chuckled. Riley reached over into her bedside table and pulled out a box, handing it to him. “I bought you some because I never in a million years would have guessed that you would buy them yourself. But you get all the bonus points for taking the initiative!”
Bertrand shook his head with a smile. She was teasing him, but he didn’t feel embarrassed. He actually felt more at ease than before.
“Alright,” Riley made her way across the room. “I’m going to set the mood, and we can get started.” Bertrand watched her light candles and dim the lights, before pulling off her clothes to reveal a red lacy set of bra and panties underneath.
“Holy..” He looked her up and down, only slightly ashamed of himself for being such a cad. She always looked amazing, but he had never seen her look like this before, and his dick responded accordingly.
She sauntered over to him with a wicked grin. “Bert?”
“Y-yes?” He barely managed to get the word out of his parched mouth.
“Kiss me.”
He stood abruptly and immediately obeyed, pressing his mouth to hers with a groan. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he let himself drown in her.. the smell of her skin, the taste and softness of her lips and tongue, her tender, yet confident touch, the sound of her breathing and moans while they kissed fervently.. All of it was exhilarating and comforting at the same time. 
Riley broke the kiss and began working on unbuttoning his shirt, while he started on his belt. His hands were shaking so badly, that he could barely even grip the zipper to lower it. After a moment, only his boxers remained, and Riley shamelessly let her eyes wander across his torso. She bit her lip and let her fingertips trail across his pecs, down his abs, and dip just below his waistline. 
His breath was coming out in ragged pants, and Riley took his hand, leading him over to the bed. With deft hands, she slid his boxers down, and took hold of his hardened length. A couple pumps along his shaft, and he was already trembling beneath her touch. 
“Lay down,” she instructed, and he did just that. She took a condom out of the box, held the package between her teeth and ripped it open. He watched as she slid the condom onto him, rolling it down to the base of his cock. “See? Perfect fit,” she said with a smirk.
Bertrand’s heart was hammering out of control. 
He was about to have sex. He was about to have sex. He was about to have sex!
Riley removed her bra and panties slowly, making sure to give him a long glimpse of her naked body before she climbed on top of him, straddling his hips. Bertrand shuddered in anticipation, looking into her eyes.
Riley leaned forward and whispered in his ear, her warm breath sending shivers through him. “Are you ready?”
“Yes.” He replied breathlessly.
RIley took hold of his cock, teasing him against her slick entrance, and his body thrummed in anticipation. . Suddenly, it was as if time stopped and nothing else in the universe existed. A guttural moan fell from his lips as she slowly pushed him inside her. He had expected it to feel good, but never could have imagined this. She was so warm, so wet, so tight, and so soft as she slid all the way down to the base of his cock.
“Oh my god.. Bert..” She closed her eyes, and her plump, pink lips fell open as she gasped.
Bertrand was momentarily pulled from his mind blowing bliss. “Are you ok?”
Her eyes flew open and she swallowed hard. “I am fucking fantastic.”
She braced herself against his chest and lifted her hips before sliding all the way back down. Once. Twice. Three times.. 
Bertrand gasped and panted, sure that the sounds coming from him weren’t even human, but that of some kind of feral animal. The pressure inside him was quickly reaching its peak and it had only been a minute or two. 
Riley leaned forward and took his face in her hands, kissing him softly. “You're trembling.”
It took him a moment to realize that indeed he was. His body was shaking like a leaf beneath her. She ran her fingers through his hair and began leaving kisses against his jaw. 
“I’m.. s-sorry..” he managed to get out.
“Don’t be..” She leaned up to kiss his forehead and the friction of her sliding forward on his cock made him gasp loudly. “I want you to let go now.”
“Not yet,” He replied, “It hasn’t been long enough for you!” Or me. He had a feeling that even if he spent 24 hours a day inside of her, it still wouldn’t be long enough for him. 
“Bertrand, I want you to cum. Don’t hold back.” Riley sat up and rolled her hips back and forth and he groaned. 
Her fingernails pressed into his chest and she continued to rock against him. Her perky breasts bounced with each roll of her hips, and it was all too much.The pressure inside of him had reached its blinding peak and he had no choice other than to let go.
“Ohhh, oh god.. oh god!” Bertrand inadvertently thrust up into her as his dick pulsed repeatedly, emptying spurts of warm ejaculate into her. His fingers threaded through hers and he grasped her hands tightly, while the most intense pleasure of his life surged through him.
Stars swam in front of his eyes and he had to remind himself to breathe. It had all ended so quickly. His body was still trembling when he finally opened his eyes.
Riley was biting her lip, smiling with a mixture of pride and lust. “You did so well.”
Bertrand tried to respond, but his mouth was too dry. Riley lifted herself off of him and he instantly missed the feeling of her warmth. She reached over to the bedside table and handed him a bottle of water. 
She pulled the condom off of him and smirked as she held it up. “Wow.. wish that was inside me right now..”
Bertrand choked on a drink of water, and heat surged through him. “W-what?!”
She turned toward him with a rueful grin. “Sorry.. I didn’t mean to say that out loud. I'm not saying I want to get pregnant or anything! I’m on the pill! I just meant.. I just like.. Nevermind, I’m going to stop talking now.”
Bertrand smiled. It was nice to see her get flustered for once. 
“So, was it.. Was everything.. Ok?” He asked hesitantly.
She smiled and stroked his arm. “It was great. You were great. How do you feel?”
“Spectacular,” Bertrand replied. Although spectacular didn’t begin to describe it. 
Riley leaned forward and pressed her lips against his, kissing him softly. The kiss felt different than the usual ones they shared before a lesson.. Maybe because these particular kisses came after a lesson.
That had never happened before.
Their lips continued to move together, growing more insistent with each passing second. Riley wrapped her leg around him and scooted herself closer against his body. She pulled back and looked down with a devious grin. “You’re hard again.”
Bertrand’s cheeks flushed pink, “Oh.. yes.”
“We could go again.. If you're up for it?”
What he wanted to do was scream hell yes, but what he actually did was reply calmly, “Yes, I’m up for it.”
This time, Bertrand put the condom on himself and positioned himself on top of her. He was much more nervous in this position because he’d have more control, but more than anything, he wanted to be inside her again. Riley impatiently grabbed his hips and pulled him down, lining him up with her entrance. 
“Fuck me, Bert.” 
The tantalizing command had barely left her perfect lips before he obeyed, pushing slowly inside of her with a groan. Gasps and moans filled the room as they soon found a rhythm. Bertrand was in paradise, and found himself creeping closer to the edge with each thrust.
Emboldened by her moans, he reached his hand down and began rubbing soft circles against her clit. 
Riley gasped, “Yes! That’s it.. Keep doing that.”
The second time being inside of her was just as amazing as the first and he knew he wasn't going to last much longer. “I’m close, Riley..” He panted, “Sorry.. I’m just so close already..”
“Me too,” She breathed out softly, before running her fingers across his back. “Oh god, you feel so good inside me.” Her legs wrapped around his hips, urging him deeper. “Keep going.. Harder!”
Bertrand continued thrusting his hips into her warmth, deeper and faster, all the while circling her clit and suddenly her body tensed. “Yes! Don’t stop!” She dug her nails into his flesh and Bertrand’s body succumbed to the absolutely overwhelming pleasure.. Pleasure that was exponentially enhanced by the fact that he had just given her an orgasm during sex.
The two gasped and moaned and panted, simultaneously chasing their orgasms to completion. 
Bertrand’s arms trembled and he fought to keep himself above her, but Riley pulled him down so he was pressed flush against her bare chest. She wrapped her arms around him while she caught her breath, and Bertrand couldn't help but wonder if this was what happened after real couples had sex.
Even though they weren't a couple and never would be, he let himself indulge in the fantasy for the next ten minutes or so, until they reluctantly separated.
Riley was in the restroom, while Bertrand lay on her bed, attempting to come down from the most incredible night of his life. Lying contentedly on her soft sheets, one final thought seeped into his brain and he smiled before drifting off to sleep.
I’m not a virgin anymore.
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angelasscribbles · 2 years ago
It's back! It's back! It's back!
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That's how excited I was to see a new chapter for my new favorite couple!
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Rating - kind of explicit?
Hmm, kind of ....maybe? Ok, I can't wait to find out!!! Let's gooooo!
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Max rushed past brandishing a collection of deadly weapons. “
This absolutely tracks
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Max!” she gasped. “Are you trying to impale me?”
Not in this series....bwahahahaha!!! Ahem, sorry, I'll behave now. Maybe.
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How had she never noticed the firm biceps beneath that fabric before?
Because she wasn't in looooove before!!
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The stack of papers promptly fell from his hands, scattering in all directions, and he was sure his heart stopped beating altogether. “What?”
I love everything about this!
Riley's utter bluntness, Bert's response, the way he gets so flustered, the way just looking at him is doing things to her. The fact that this reaction made me LOL for real! ALL.OF.IT!
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He sat at his desk, mind racing as he tapped his foot nervously. Was Riley teasing him back there or was he imagining it? Was he so hard up for her now that something as innocent as her picking up papers from the ground seemed like innuendo? 
YES!! She did that on purpose and him not being sure if it was or not just makes the teasing that much more fun!!
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He shrugged out of his virgin wool Brioni suit jacket and dress slacks and folded them up, placing them into the hamper.
It still fucking kills me that he folds his dirty laundry! Uptight much? But it's so hilariously Bertrand!
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But lately, instead of finding comfort in the consistency, he found his usual routines had become tedious and exhausting. He was tired of going through the motions. He was tired of being alone. 
Oh, my heart!
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Just the thought of going all the way with Riley caused adrenaline to surge through his veins and his heart to flutter. But that would mean their lessons would be over. He would never be able to see or touch her body again.. But that was their deal from the beginning! She was only helping him out of pity, and he needed to remember that.
The fucking angst!
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He stood up and began pacing the room anxiously. Liam told him not to say anything to anyone, but damn it, this was Riley.. She wasn’t just anyone. And surely she had a right to know!
OMG! He is so fucking sweet and mushy! He is so far gone on her it's not funny!
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Bertrand dropped down into a chair and put his head in his hands. He had gotten so wrapped up in what he and Riley were doing that he almost forgot why she was there in the first place.
What have you done to me, woman? Never in my life did I think I'd be wanting to wrap Bertrand up in my arms and comfort him!!!! GAH!
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This was amazing, sweet, funny, angsty, and a little sexy all at the same time! You've outdone yourself with this chapter!
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Never Have I Ever
Chapter 10 - Demons From the Past - Part 1
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC 
Chapter Synopsis- The Beaumont's prepare for the court's arrival and Bertrand reflects on his current stage of life.
Chapter Warnings- language, innuendo, mentions of sexual acts
Rating - kind of explicit?
Word Count - 1,237
A/N - In the next 2 chapters, we get a glimpse into Bertrand's mind and the trauma he experienced in the past.
Demons From the Past- Part 1
The Beaumont's had a few days to prepare before the entire court arrived in Ramsford for their next stop. Riley had heard stories from other members of court, especially Maxwell, about how epic the Beaumont Bash was and she couldn’t wait. Hopefully she’d even get to see Bertrand let loose.
The staff and event planners scurried around the estate and Riley dodged out of the way as Max rushed past brandishing a collection of deadly weapons. “Coming through!”
“Max!” she gasped. “Are you trying to impale me?”
“Sorry Riley!” Max paused, looking back at her ruefully. “Gotta get these weapons displayed for the champagne sabering!”
Riley’s mouth dropped. What kind of party was this?!
Bertrand emerged from around the corner, his brow furrowed in concentration as he directed various people to where they needed to go. Riley was always fascinated by the way he could delegate responsibilities with such an air of confidence. He always knew exactly what to say and do, and made it look so effortless. As shy as he was deep down, he could be very intimidating. She watched his arm muscles flex beneath his suit jacket, which was always tailored to fit just right. How had she never noticed the firm biceps beneath that fabric before? Her mind flashed back to the sight of him in his study, weeks ago.. The way his arms flexed as they pressed her against his naked body. She could practically still feel his thick cock as he thrust against her center.. He had been close enough to enter her had he wanted, but his innocence and modesty held him back. 
The memory caused Riley’s heart to flutter in her chest and she approached Bertrand just as a woman handed him a stack of documents. “If you could sign these waivers, Your Grace, I can go ahead and have the acrobats on standby.”
“Very good,” Bertrand nodded, taking the papers and looking them over.
“Could you excuse us for a moment?” Riley spoke politely to the party planner.
“Of course,” she replied before walking away.
Bertrand looked at Riley curiously, “Is everything alright?”
“Are you ready to fuck me?”
The stack of papers promptly fell from his hands, scattering in all directions, and he was sure his heart stopped beating altogether. “What?”
Riley grinned, “Our next lesson, I mean.”
Bertrand glanced around to make sure no one heard or witnessed what just happened, but the staff paid him no mind, busying themselves with party preparations. “Well.. I..” 
“Or do we need to review the previous lesson first?” 
She suddenly dropped to her knees in front of him and he gasped. “Lady Riley, what are you doing?!”
She licked her lips and collected the papers from the floor. “Just picking these up. Whatever else would I be doing on my knees in front of you, Your Grace?”
Bertrand was flushed completely red and his heart was racing. His cock twitched in his pants at the memory of the last time she was on her knees before him. He immediately grabbed the documents and rushed off to his office before anyone was the wiser of his growing erection. 
He sat at his desk, mind racing as he tapped his foot nervously. Was Riley teasing him back there or was he imagining it? Was he so hard up for her now that something as innocent as her picking up papers from the ground seemed like innuendo? 
Bertrand somehow made it through the rest of the day, repeatedly pushing lude thoughts of Riley from his mind. He needed to make sure everything was ready for the court's arrival, the formal dinner, and of course the Beaumont Bash. His reputation depended on it. But each time she passed by him in the hall, his heart sped up and his palms began to sweat. 
It was midnight before Bertrand finally made it to his bedroom. The preparations were going according to schedule so far, but there was always the possibility of an error. He would wake up extra early and double check that everything had been done correctly. It was his responsibility, after all.
 He slipped off his black Armani oxford shoes and placed them neatly in his closet. He shrugged out of his virgin wool Brioni suit jacket and dress slacks and folded them up, placing them into the hamper. He removed the gold Patek Philippe wrist watch his grandfather had given him on his sixteenth birthday and placed it safely in its case. Shower.. Shave.. lay out his clothing for the following morning. Mentally prepare for anything that could possibly go wrong the next day. It was the same routine every night.. A consistent ritual that he performed without a thought. But lately, instead of finding comfort in the consistency, he found his usual routines had become tedious and exhausting. He was tired of going through the motions. He was tired of being alone. 
His mind drifted to this afternoon and Riley’s words echoed in his ear..
“Are you ready to fuck me?”
Just the thought of going all the way with Riley caused adrenaline to surge through his veins and his heart to flutter. But that would mean their lessons would be over. He would never be able to see or touch her body again.. But that was their deal from the beginning! She was only helping him out of pity, and he needed to remember that.
His brain was a jumbled up mess.
He still had no idea what was going to happen with Liam. He and Drake were clearly physical with one another, but was there an emotional connection there as well? Was there still a possibility that Liam would choose Riley as his queen? And if so, shouldn’t he tell her that Liam and Drake were intimate at Applewood?
He stood up and began pacing the room anxiously. Liam told him not to say anything to anyone, but damn it, this was Riley.. She wasn’t just anyone. And surely she had a right to know!
He ran his hands down his face in exasperation. How the hell did he get wrapped up in this mess? All he was supposed to do was help Maxwell train this impossibly naive girl in the ways of Cordonian high society so she would be chosen as queen, and their family could reap the benefits. And as Duke, it was his responsibility to ensure that House Beaumont retained its glory. He couldn’t be seen as a failure, and a member of their house being chosen as queen would ensure he was worthy of being head of their house. Since his father was in a coma with little to no possibility of ever regaining consciousness, it was completely up to him to shoulder that burden.
Bertrand dropped down into a chair and put his head in his hands. He had gotten so wrapped up in what he and Riley were doing that he almost forgot why she was there in the first place. And until he heard otherwise, he assumed that Liam was still interested in her and needed a queen. 
She’s here for Liam and the crown.. that’s it.
He turned on the TV in an attempt to drown out his intrusive thoughts regarding a certain woman who was sleeping a mere two doors away, and eventually drifted off into a restless sleep…
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angelasscribbles · 1 year ago
Worth the wait!!
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Ahhhh, I'm gonna die from fluff overload!!
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He said it! He said it! He said it!
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Never Have I Ever
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC 
Chapter Synopsis- Bertrand has a surprise for Riley.
Chapter Warnings- language, drinking, innuendo -but mostly this is a fluffy chapter
Rating - Mature
Word Count- 1,830
A/N - once again, sorry it's been a while since I've posted a chapter. I included a snippet of what happened in chapter 20 to refresh your memory.
Song Inspiration - this song is absolutely perfect for this chapter and gives me all the feels. Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol.
When they arrived back at the estate, it was already dinner time. Riley quickly popped into Max’s bedroom to check on him, and found him sound asleep in bed.
“I’m starving.” Riley sighed as she made her way toward the kitchen, taking a seat beside Bertrand at the bar.
“What would you like to eat? The chef has left for the night, but I can call and have something delivered for you.”
“Anything.. But you pick! I am mentally drained and honestly don’t think I could make another decision tonight if my life depended on it.”
Bertrand opened his mouth to protest, but paused as an idea hit him. “I know just the thing,” he smiled shyly and pulled out his phone.
He was going to have to step way out of his comfort zone for this. 
Chapter 21- Let’s Just Forget the World
After half an hour of bustling around the estate, Bertrand was finally ready to let Riley into his room to show her what he had been working on. He paused outside of the closed bedroom door nervously, starting to have second thoughts. “Why don’t we just go out and pick up dinner instead?”
“Nuh-uh. I have got to see what you’ve been up to. Now let me in.. before I make you,” she smirked teasingly, tracing her fingers down the front of his chest.
Bertrand sucked in a sharp breath and a shiver ran down his spine at her touch. There was no way he could say no to her. He had already accepted that fact. “Alright,” he grinned, reluctantly stepping aside.
He slowly swung the door open and Riley gasped, throwing her hand over her mouth. “Bert..” Her eyes began welling up with tears as she stepped toward the sitting area of his bedroom which had been converted into a blanket fort, with pizza, wine, and pillows on the floor. Fairy lights, which she was pretty sure he got from Max, were laid across the top of the blankets, casting a warm glow around the room. 
Bertrand watched her face with a mixture of hope and apprehension. He had never done anything so ridiculous or sentimental for anyone before and it was terrifying. “I.. I just thought that-”
Riley immediately engulfed him in a hug, squeezing tightly and burying her face in his chest. She sniffled and when she pulled back she was grinning ear to ear. “You did this?”
“I.. Yes.”
“You, Bertrand Beaumont, made a blanket fort.. for us?”
He felt his cheeks heat up and he opened his mouth, not sure what to say. “If you don’t like it, we can go to a nice restaurant or something!”
“This is the best thing anyone has ever done for me!” She wrapped her arms around him again, squeezing tightly. “I’m so touched that you would share such a special family tradition with me. Thank you.” 
He grinned, shocked that she recalled the story he told her about he and Maxwell doing this with their mother when they were young. “You remember?”
“Of course I do! I remember everything you say, Bert.” She laughed at his skeptical smile, “I mean, most things. I’m sorry I can’t remember things like King Leopold’s favorite goldendoodle’s middle name.. but when it comes to you, I remember everything.”
He chuckled as his cheeks pinkened, “You’re just flattering me.”
“I’m not, but I accept your flattery.”
The two sat beside one another under the blanket canopy and Bertrand poured them a glass of wine while Riley placed a slice of pizza on each of their plates. She was absolutely radiating excitement and Bertrand couldn’t tear his eyes away from her.
“What?” She grinned in his direction before taking a sip from her glass.
Bertrand shook his head, chuckling. “Nothing.”
“Are you laughing at me?!”
“I am not. I’m just..I just feel..”
He looked away shyly and she took his hand. “Feel what?”
He met her eyes. “Happy.”
Her heart swelled and she rubbed her thumb across the back of his knuckles. “Me too.”
Bertrand looked up at the blanket draped over their heads, grinning thoughtfully. “This is the silliest thing I have ever done in my entire life, but I cannot imagine anything else I’d rather be doing right now.” 
Riley laced her fingers with his and squeezed. “Me too.”
Once they were full of pizza and wine, they lay on their backs in companionable silence. Riley turned to face him. “So what should we do now?”
“Are you ready for bed?” He yawned, “I’m afraid I had a bit too much wine and my eyelids are getting heavy.”
“No way! I have a tipsy Bertrand Beaumont in a blanket fort.. We have to do something fun.”
“Oh?” His mouth went dry as he pictured what type of fun she had in mind.
“Let’s play a game!”
“Oh.” He realized that he sounded way too disappointed, and tried to correct that. “Alright, what did you have in mind?”
She leaned closer and grinned. “What about, never have I ever?”
He gulped, “I uh.. I believe we’ve played that one before.”
Riley rolled onto her back, a light-hearted laugh escaping her. Her eyes traced the intricate pattern and stitching of the quilt that rested over the chair backs, forming the ceiling of their blanket fort. She couldn’t hold back a smile as she continued to gaze straight up, too overcome with emotion to even glance at the man beside her. She could feel his eyes on her and hear his steady breathing, and she closed her eyes, inhaling the familiar scent of his cologne.. Subtle notes of bergamot and sandalwood and the natural pheromones on his skin that both comforted her and drove her wild. 
Her heart was bursting from the unbelievable feeling of normalcy, contentment, and utter joy she felt just laying beside him.  
“Never have I ever.. Done anything like this before.”
“Like what?” Bertrand asked.
“Blanket forts! Camping on the bedroom floor.. None of that.”
Bertrand smiled, “I suppose you got me there. For once, there’s something I’ve done that you haven't.”
Riley laughed, and Bertrand sat up slightly and took a sip of his wine. He lay back down, thinking for a moment before grinning. “Never have I ever.. received a gift on Valentine’s day.”
Riley’s mouth dropped open. “Never? Not even from a little secret admirer in school or anything? I find that hard to believe.”
“Nope. Go ahead and drink,” he nodded to her glass of wine. “I’m certain you have received loads of Valentine’s gifts.”
Riley took a sip of her wine and shook her head. “I’ve had a few. Not for a while, but..”
“So what were your best and worst Valentine's gifts?”
“Oof, that’s a tough one,” she groaned with a smile. “The worst was probably from a boyfriend I had in highschool. He gave me a bouquet of fake daisies that were missing half of the flowers from the stems. And inside the middle was a jewelry box. But when I opened it, there was just a condom inside.”
Bertrand made a face. “Wow. That is.. quite a presumptuous gesture.”
“One that got him nowhere,” she rolled her eyes. “The best Valentine’s gift was probably when I was in elementary school. This cute little boy with curly hair, Jordan McCall.. He gave me a plastic ring he had won at the arcade and a bunch of wildflowers he picked from his yard.” She turned toward Bertrand with a smile. “It’s the thoughtful things that mean the most, you know? Something that you put your heart into.”
Bertrand smiled at her for a long moment, but feeling like he had been staring too long, he cleared his throat and looked away. “Um, it’s your turn.”
Riley tapped a finger against her lips in thought. “Ok. Never have I ever.. had sex with my brother’s best friend.”
Bertrand’s mouth dropped open and his face flushed bright red. “Riley!”
She couldn’t stop her laughter and handed him his glass. “Drink up!”
He took a sip, unable to meet her eyes while a small smile pulled at his lips. “That was a cheap shot.”
“I came to win!” Riley nudged him and grinned, “Besides, I can’t help it. I love making you blush.”
“I'm glad that my humiliation amuses you.”
She rolled onto her side to face him and put a hand on his arm. “It’s cute. It totally gives me butterflies.”
Bertrand blushed deeper and looked away as butterflies of his own swarmed his insides. He tried to change the subject. “So, I suppose we’re tied.”
“Not for long,” Riley smiled cheekily. “You’re going down, Beaumont.”
“Oh really?”
“Really! Hit me with your best shot.”
Bertrand thought for a moment before a confident smirk alit his face.  “I definitely have you now Ms. Brooks. Get ready to take a drink. Never have I ever.. had sex with someone because I felt bad for them.”
Riley met his eyes with confusion and she shook her head. “Never.”
Bertrand arched an eyebrow skeptically. “What do you mean? What about.. You know..” He gestured at himself.
Riley’s heart sank. Had he thought this the entire time? “No, Bertrand. That’s not why I- no, never.”
His mind was racing as he asked, “Then.. why?”
Riley chewed the inside of her cheek, trying not to cross the line they had been tiptoeing toward for the last couple months. Screw it. “Bert, I had sex with you because I wanted to. I wanted you.”
His jaw dropped and he was nearly rendered speechless. “You- really?” Like, you really actually wanted to- not as a lesson, but like- really?”
Now it was Riley's turn to blush for once. She hugged her knees to her chest and smiled shyly. “Yes.”
Bertrand stared straight ahead, mind reeling. The silence between them stretched, neither knowing what to say now. 
Riley took a deep breath and reached out, grasping his hand. She looked directly into his eyes as she spoke. “Never have I ever.. told someone that I was in love with them.”
Bertrand released a breath, his eyes searching her face for a few moments. He was certain his heartbeat was loud enough for the entire duchy to hear.
Bertrand rested his hand against her cheek, swiping his thumb gently across her bottom lip. His eyes were full of a deep longing and affection she had never seen from anyone before. 
“Riley..” he breathed out softly and pressed his lips against hers, cradling her face with his hands. The kiss was tender, yet passionate and nothing like anything they had ever shared before. He lay her back against the soft pillows and blankets on the floor, relishing in the fact that it was really Riley kissing him. Her perfect, soft, gorgeous lips were actually against his. She had wanted to kiss him as much as he wanted to kiss her, and as unbelievable as that was, it was amazing and perfect. Bertrand was so overcome with emotion, he thought he might burst. 
They broke apart after a few moments, and Riley leaned forward giving him one more soft kiss before snuggling up to his side and resting her head on his shoulder. Bertrand wrapped his arm around her, resting his hand against her lower back and tracing soft circles with his fingers. The minutes stretched on as the two lay together on his bedroom floor. 
“Riley.. I.. really need to tell you something.” Bertrand murmured softly. When she didn’t respond, he raised his head slightly to look at her. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was slow and steady. She was sound asleep in his arms and everything was right with the world. Heart in his throat, he kissed her head and whispered. “I love you.”
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angelasscribbles · 2 years ago
Ohhhh, you are such a tease!!!
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hahaha, just kidding! But really, I need the next chapter STAT!
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A/N- thank you @angelasscribbles for helping me get past the block I was having with this chapter! I always appreciate your advice!
Absolutely, of course, any time. You'd think my input would get me an advanced copy or something
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I know, I know....
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Her heart clenched. He needs me.
AGH!! Riley be like....
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Seriously, that whole sequence was amazing!!!
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Oh how she wanted to snicker at the fact that he said dirty balls.
I did.
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I love the way they both can't stop thinking about how close they are to each other. They so want to kiss again....
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“Well, what if I teach you?” She smirked, “I like to think I’m a pretty good teacher.. don’t you?”
We all agree, now next chapter please!
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Never Have I Ever
Chapter 16 - I Need You
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC 
Chapter Synopsis- An apology is issued and a plan is set in motion.
Chapter Warnings- language
Rating - Mature
Word Count- 1,200
A/N- thank you @angelasscribbles for helping me get past the block I was having with this chapter! I always appreciate your advice!
Chapter 16 - I Need You 
The morning after the Beaumont Bash, Riley awoke with a throbbing headache. She chugged a bottle of water and popped a couple Advil before heading for a relaxing, hot shower. She turned on the water faucet, checking her phone while she undressed and waited for the water to get warm. 
Scrolling through her notifications, she came across some Snapchat notifications from Max- most likely drunken selfies, a few dozen tags on Instagram from the bash, and a text from Bertrand.
She opened Bertrand’s message first, heart pounding as she read. “I’m terribly sorry for last night. I said some things that were hurtful and inappropriate and I wish I could take them back.”
He apologized. She smiled to herself. But he didn’t apologize for kissing me. 
She wrote back, “Me too. I’m sorry.”
His response came before she could even put her phone down. “You did nothing wrong.”
She smiled, “I did. But for the sake of not arguing anymore, we can pretend I didn’t.”
“Deal. Thank you for always being so gracious with me.”
Her heart fluttered and she considered bringing up the kiss, but Bertrand texted back before she had the chance. “And I’m glad we’re still friends. I need your expert advice coming up with ideas for the date I’m going to take Savannah on. Do you think we could meet privately this afternoon to discuss it?”
Riley groaned, momentarily considering tossing the phone across the room.. Or maybe flushing it down the toilet. Fucking Savannah. No. There was absolutely no way she was helping him with this date. She sighed deeply and wrote back, “You don’t need me for that.”
���But I am dreadful at planning dates. And it is only two days away!”
“I don’t think I’d be any help. I don’t even know her. Just take her to dinner or something.”
Riley tossed her phone onto the bathroom counter and grabbed a cotton ball to remove her remaining eye makeup from the night before, trying to ignore the sick feeling in her stomach every time she pictured Bertrand and Savannah together. She had never felt this way in her life, and she absolutely hated it.
She splashed some water on her face and glanced back down at her phone as it vibrated once again. “Riley, please? I need you.”
Her heart clenched. He needs me. She put the phone down and paced across the now steam filled bathroom in a huff. Why did he have to say that? She knew how hard it was for Bertrand to ask for help, and he clearly trusted her enough now to ask so freely. He needs me. That said a lot. And whether or not he and Savannah ever became anything, Riley still wanted to be a good friend to him. She needed to be a good friend to him. After all, she was one of the very few he had. She picked up the phone and read the text again, already knowing she couldn’t say no now. He needs me. God damn it Bert.. She reluctantly typed out, “Ok.”
While the visiting court was on a tasting tour of Ramsford’s newest vineyard led by an overly eager Maxwell, Riley and Bertrand stayed behind to talk.
 Bertrand sat at his desk with a notebook and pen in hand, eagerly looking to Riley for direction. 
The little demon on her shoulder told Riley it would be all too easy to give him a suggestion that would end their date in disaster.. Something that would surely break them up.
But damn it, she couldn’t do that to Bertrand, so she swallowed every bit of her contempt for Savannah and sat down to help. “Tell me what you’ve come up with so far.”
Bertrand looked down at his notebook, blushing shyly. “I have a few ideas but will you promise to give me your honest opinion of them?”
“Of course. You know you can count on me for brutal honesty.”
“That I do,” he raised his eyebrows and chuckled slightly. “Alright, first on the list is.. Attending a poetry reading.”
Bertrand frowned, taken aback by her quick dismissal. “O..kay then. Next is the opera.”
“No way.”
“Oh! This week only, there is a riveting historical reenactment of the-”
“No. Don’t even have to finish, I can already tell it’s a no.”
Bertrand arched an eyebrow. “How can you find fault with all of my ideas?”
“Are you kidding? They're boring as hell! And how do you expect to learn anything about each other while you're sitting there in silence watching and not talking?”
Bertrand scratched the three ideas off of his list. “Fair point. I suppose that means I should also cross out the ballet?”
“Definitely.” Riley gasped as an idea hit her and leaned forward excitedly, “Ohh, what about bowling?”
“Absolutely not! Rented shoes and dirty balls?”
Oh how she wanted to snicker at the fact that he said dirty balls. “What about a karaoke bar?”
Bertrand grimaced, “Singing in public?! Do you even know me at all?!”
Riley laughed, “Ya those ideas were mostly a joke. Even though I’ve been told you have quite the melodious voice, Mr. Beaumont.”
“Oh, come off it.” Bertrand rolled his eyes, but Riley saw his cheeks pinken as a smile crept across his face. 
“Let me see what else you have on your list.” She came around to his side of the desk and leaned against it, her bare arm brushing against his shirt sleeve. Her breath caught as the familiar smell of his cologne hit her and the memory of every intimate encounter they had came flooding back to her. She glanced up from the paper, her eyes trailing across his neck and sharp jawline.. She missed the taste of his skin. Her eyes fell on his lips and she licked her own as the sensation of their kiss from the night before washed over her. A kiss that neither had even mentioned since. She forced her eyes from his handsome face and instead focused on the words scrawled on the paper. 
‘Ideas for date with Savannah.’
Right.. Savannah. That certainly sobered her up quickly. Riley leaned over his shoulder and pointed to the list, “Dancing! That’s actually a great idea!”
“Really?” Bertrand turned to look at her but froze when he realized their faces were barely an inch apart. His eyes flitted down to her lips and back up to meet hers for a brief charged moment. He swallowed hard and pulled back before clearing his throat. “So.. dancing.”
“Ya,” Riley turned away. “Dancing.” She returned to her seat opposite Bertrand’s desk to put some physical distance between them. Why does he always have to smell so good?  “So have you ever gone to a club before?”
“A club? No, no, no.. I meant ballroom dancing!”
“Oh Bert, you guys do ballroom dancing all the time. Take her somewhere fun where you can let loose. Someplace where nobody knows who you are.”
“But I don’t even know how to dance like that! I’d make a fool of myself much like I did last night at the bash..”
“Well, what if I teach you?” She smirked, “I like to think I’m a pretty good teacher.. don’t you?”
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angelasscribbles · 2 years ago
Chapter Synopsis- Riley finally meets Savannah and things heat up during the ball.
Just reading this and I'm already like....
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Ok then! Let's goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I loved the whole opening sequence! Bert being so nervous, Riley ruffling his hair, Max trying to be coy, how comfortable they're getting with each other....all of it!
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Max nudged Riley with a subtle smirk. “She’s alright.”
Ah, Riley feeling inadequate and Max basically reassuring her.
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Bertrand tried to casually step away, but Riley grabbed his arm and escorted him along on her other side.
Not Riley getting territorial....
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“The Beaumonts are always so generous with charity so I’m not surprised they took you under their wing.”
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Oh, so bitchy. Listen, she feels threatened by Riley and she ought to!
Riley be like....
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Seriously, the man just keeps giving and giving until I’m just like.. enough Bert, I can’t take anymore!” Riley laughed and Savannah politely joined in.
Dead. I'm dead!
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That whole interaction between Sav and Riley! Poor Bertrand!
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“I will!” Bertrand blurted out, immediately retreating to his brother’s side.
Bertrand is like help! Wait! Take me with you!!!
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Max chuckled nervously
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And just like that, she felt like an asshole. “I’m sorry, Bert. I’ll apologize to her.
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She couldn’t look away and neither could he. Riley arched an eyebrow and bit her thumb, and Bertrand immediately looked away, blushing while his throat worked nervously. He risked one more glance at Riley before quickly turning away.
Why was this whole interaction so hot though?
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“Lady Riley!” Bertrand jumped in surprise when he saw her appear beside him.
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“Something hasn’t happened yet.. But it’s about to.”
GAH! I yelped out loud! GO RILEY!!!!
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“Bertrand.. Shut up so I can suck your cock.”
That's my girl! Just take control of the situation! And ofc he shut right the hell up!
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“Say it!”
Holy fuck! She really basically told him, "Say my name bitch!"
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and then they way he said it's you, it's always you......
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“Did I die?”
Fuck me, I laughed way too loud at this!
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“A good.. ahem.. boy.”
This was sweet and fluffy and hot and sexy and awkwardly endearing all at the same time!
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Shouldn’t I be spending more time with Savannah?”
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"Oh, um.. No." Liam looked into the guest bedroom behind him where Drake stood, buttoning up his shirt with a rueful grin. “Drake and I were just discussing some important, private matters regarding.. Um..”
Have I mentioned how much I LOVE this???????
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Another amazing, wonderful, fabulous chapter!!!
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Never Have I Ever
Chapter 9 - The Apple Harvest Ball
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC 
Chapter Synopsis- Riley finally meets Savannah and things heat up during the ball.
Chapter Warnings- language, drinking, discussions of sexual acts, oral sex
Rating - Explicit, 18+ only
Word Count- 3,160
A/N- I was originally going to split this into two parts, but I think it flows together better as one chapter, so it's a bit longer than I intended. Also, I know the Apple Harvest ball is not a canon event that happens at Applewood, I just created it for the story.
Chapter 9- The Apple Harvest Ball
Max and Riley watched Bertrand fuss over his tie for the hundredth time that night. He was clearly nervous about seeing Savannah, who had just arrived back in Cordonia after visiting her mom in Texas.
“Bert, you look fine!” Riley said, turning his head away from the hall mirror outside of their assigned bedrooms. She smiled, “And I see you took my advice and fixed your hair differently.”
“I’ve been trying for years to get him to change his hair! I don’t know how you convinced him, Riley.” Max said, shooting a discreet wink in her direction.
Bertrand blushed and turned back toward the mirror, now focusing his attention on fixing his hair. “Yes, well..”
“Hey.” Riley stilled his hand. “You look great. Savannah won’t be able to take her eyes off of you.”
Bertrand met her eyes nervously. “You really think it looks good? It’s not too.. Unkempt?”
Riley ran her fingers through his hair, and he shivered. “It is the perfect amount of ‘unkempt’.”
They exchanged easy smiles until Maxwell cleared his throat. “I guess we should head downstairs!”
“Of course.” Bertrand returned to business as usual, leading them toward the ballroom for the annual Apple Harvest Ball.
Savannah Walker stood across the ballroom, wearing a floor length purple gown cut low enough to show a modest amount of cleavage, while she laughed and chatted with Drake and Liam. 
“Wow, she’s really pretty,” Riley whispered to Max. She glanced over at Bertrand and found him staring at Savannah with wide eyes. “No wonder he likes her so much.”
Max nudged Riley with a subtle smirk. “She’s alright.”
Riley adjusted her red dress as she donned a polite smile, looping her arm with Maxwell’s. “Guess we should go say hello to everyone.”
Before another word was said, Liam locked eyes with Riley and waved her over. Bertrand tried to casually step away, but Riley grabbed his arm and escorted him along on her other side.
“Lady Riley.” Liam smiled and kissed her hand once Maxwell let go of her arm. “I’m thrilled to see you again.”
“You too, Your Highness,” Riley giggled like a school girl. She couldn’t help it. Getting attention from a prince was flattering to say the least. 
“I see the Beaumonts are taking good care of you.” Liam smiled, nodding to where she and Bertrand still had their arms locked together. “Thank you for delivering Lady Riley safely to Applewood.”
Bertrand immediately released her arm and cleared his throat. “Of course, Your Highness.” Riley didn’t miss the blush on Bertrand’s neck as he looked away. 
A man approached Liam and whispered something in his ear, and he smiled ruefully, “Ah, excuse me. My father needs to speak with me for a moment. I’ll be back soon.”
“And I’m headed to the bar if anyone wants to tag along,” Drake waved as he sauntered off.
Savannah hadn’t taken her eyes off of Bertrand since they approached. “Hello, Duke Bertrand,” she said with a coy grin.
“Lady Savannah.” Bertrand bowed slightly. “It is lovely to see you again.”
Maxwell wrapped an arm around Savannah. “Hey Sav. Have you met Riley?”
Savannah reluctantly turned away from Bertrand and her eyes fell on Riley, taking in her appearance from head to toe. “Ah yes, I’ve heard about Lady Riley.” She held out her hand in greeting. “Nice to finally meet you.”
Riley returned her handshake. “Nice to meet you. So.. I hesitate to ask, but what exactly have you heard about me?”
“Oh,” Savannah laughed. “Just the basics I’m afraid. You’re an American vying for the Prince’s hand, living at Ramsford with Maxwell and Bertrand.” Savannah smiled sweetly at Bertrand while she spoke, “The Beaumonts are always so generous with charity so I’m not surprised they took you under their wing.”
Riley raised her eyebrows.. Charity?
Riley mimicked Savannah's smile, and placed her hand on Bertrand’s shoulder, squeezing gently. “Yes, well the Beaumont’s have been so kind and accommodating to my every need since I’ve arrived. And Bertrand is such a generous host. Seriously, the man just keeps giving and giving until I’m just like.. enough Bert, I can’t take anymore!” Riley laughed and Savannah politely joined in.
Savannah’s eyes fell on Riley’s hand, ever so gently rubbing circles against Bertrand’s shoulder. “I imagine so. He’s always such a.. gentleman.”
If Riley had turned her gaze to the eldest Beaumont, she would have seen that Bertrand had nearly sweated through his suit.
Maxwell laughed, “Weeeellll, I think I’m going to take Drake’s advice and head over to the bar. Anyone want to join?”
“I will!” Bertrand blurted out, immediately retreating to his brother’s side.
“Sav? Riley?” Max asked hesitantly while the two women eyed one another. 
Riley smiled at Maxwell. “I would love a drink, actually. Savannah, they probably have other things at the bar besides alcohol, so you can drink too.”
Savannah’s mouth dropped open, “I.. What?”
“Isn’t the legal drinking age in Cordonia twenty-one? Or is that just in the States?”
“I’m over twenty-one, Lady Riley.” Savannah snapped.
“Really?!” Riley threw her hands over her mouth. “I’m so sorry! That’s what I get for assuming!”
Max chuckled nervously, “Okaaay everyone! To the bar!”
Riley tossed back three shots of tequila while the others sipped their wine. After a few awkward minutes of small talk, Riley stood. “I’m going outside for some air. All those drinks are making me a little warm.”
“I can imagine..” Savannah muttered under her breath. 
Once she made it outside, Riley dropped down onto a stone bench, thankful that the air was brisk enough to cool her balmy skin. This whole night had been horrible so far, and she considered staying outside for the rest of the ball. Maybe no one would notice she was missing.
She spun around to see Bertrand behind her, looking uneasy. “Oh.. hey Bert.”
“Can I speak with you for a moment?”
She sighed, and patted the spot beside her. “Sure.”
Bertrand sat, keeping a respectable distance between the two of them. He took a deep breath. “What exactly was going on with you back there?”
“What do you mean?” She knew damn well what he meant. She was an outright bitch to Savannah, who hadn’t really done anything wrong.. that charity comment notwithstanding. 
Bertrand glanced behind him to make sure they were alone. “I mean, you were behaving very peculiarly with Lady Savannah.. You’ve been trying to help me get the courage to seduce her, but you were downright hostile to her in there! And surely you knew she was over twenty one! I wouldn’t date a child!” Bertrand sighed, hesitating to meet her eyes. “What is going on with you?”
“Ugh,” Riley tipped her head back, looking up at the night sky. “I dont know. I’m feeling out of sorts tonight.”
It was the honest truth.
His face softened, “Is it the Tariq incident? I’ve asked around but no one has seen him since yesterday. And the imbeciles working at the front desk were no help.. Can you imagine in this day and age not having security cameras?”
She shook her head. “Honestly I forgot all about that.”
“Then.. Are you unwell?”
“No,” Riley paused to take a deep breath. “I’m fine. Promise.”
Bertrand watched her face curiously for any sign, anything that would give away her strange behavior this evening. But as usual, he couldn’t read her. “Well.. could you please try to rectify this and be kinder to her? For my sake, if nothing else?”
Riley turned to him and smiled softly. “I will.”
Bertrand grinned and looked down bashfully. “You’re a good person, Lady Riley. I know you are. I’ve never seen you intentionally hurt another soul, even when the occasion called for it..”
And just like that, she felt like an asshole. “I’m sorry, Bert. I’ll apologize to her.”
Bertrand’s face relaxed into an easy smile that Riley rarely saw in public settings. “Thank you.” He patted her thigh, but immediately drew his hand back. “I-I.. apologize. I’ll.. see you inside.” He briskly walked away, leaving Riley alone once again.
The Apple Harvest Ball - Part 2
After an awkward apology to Savannah, the ball continued without incident. Riley spent her evening chatting with Max and Drake, and occasionally dancing with Liam. She ordered two shots of her favorite peanut butter whiskey before sitting down at the bar alone to rest. That’s when her eyes landed on Bertrand and Savannah next to the dessert table. 
Riley could barely make out what they were saying over the music and chatter of the crowd, but one thing came out clearly. “I really like what you’ve done with your hair,” Savannah said while touching it softly. 
The bartender sat Riley’s shots down and she downed them back to back.
Bertrand was grinning politely while Savannah fed him a piece of cake, and she giggled, using her finger to wipe some frosting from his mouth. While Savannah busied herself with another piece of cake, Bertrand turned his attention to the bar. He immediately locked eyes with Riley, as if he knew exactly where she was in the crowded room.
She couldn’t look away and neither could he. Riley arched an eyebrow and bit her thumb, and Bertrand immediately looked away, blushing while his throat worked nervously. He risked one more glance at Riley before quickly turning away.
Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was something else. But before she knew what she was doing, Riley made her way over to the couple. 
“Lady Riley!” Bertrand jumped in surprise when he saw her appear beside him.
Riley grinned ruefully, “Savannah, could I steal Bert away for a moment? I have some official House Beaumont matters that need to be attended to promptly.”
“Oh, of course.” Savannah said, clearly confused.
“I’ll be back in a moment,” Bertrand smiled politely and left with Riley.
She led him across the dance floor, through the ballroom doors, and down an empty hall, stopping outside of a bathroom. Bertrand frowned in bewilderment, “What is going on? What House Beaumont matters are you even privy to?! Did you find anything out about Tariq? Did something happen?”
Riley smirked, taking hold of his tie and pulling him into the bathroom with her. “Something hasn’t happened yet.. But it’s about to.”
Bertrand’s brow furrowed in confusion, and Riley locked the door, immediately descending on him. As soon as her lips made contact with his, a raging, untamable fire surged through his entire body. His eyes slid shut in delight and he instantly returned her kiss, groaning as her tongue caressed his. She used her knee to part his legs, and ran it up his thigh gently massaging him through his pants. 
“Ohh.. mmph.. “ He couldn’t help but moan and gasp against her mouth while she teased him. He pulled back, attempting to breathe once more, but any hopes of that vanished as he watched her drop down to her knees in front of him.
“R-Riley.. What.. what are you-”
“Shh..” She whispered, leaning forward to press a kiss against the fabric over the straining bulge in his slacks.
His mouth dropped open as he watched her unfasten his belt, his button, his zipper… before lowering his clothing to the ground. Her emerald eyes raked over his completely hardened length with a hungry desire that threatened to send him into orbit.
“Are you.. s-sure you want to do this? What if it’s unpleasant for you?” His throat was dry in anticipation. “What.. what if-”
“Bertrand.. Shut up so I can suck your cock.”
Any bit of reservation he had, immediately melted away in that moment. He nodded rapidly and a second later, released a guttural moan as her warm mouth slid over him, completely submerging his cock in the most extreme pleasure he had ever felt in his life. Bertrand reached behind him for something, anything to grip onto for purchase as her tongue joined in the revelry his cock was receiving. His hands eventually found some sort of metal table and he clutched onto it for dear life. 
RIley moaned loudly and the vibrations sent him into overdrive.  In that moment, he wasn’t sure if he was going to cum or die, but whatever he was about to do was going to be life changing.
“Wait, wait.. I’m already so close..”
She released him with a pop and he swallowed hard as his eyes fell shut. Riley looked up at him through her long lashes with the sexiest grin he had ever seen. “Bertrand.. tell me who you’re hard for," she demanded breathlessly.
Once again her mouth completely enveloped him, sliding all the way to the base of his cock and he shuddered in pleasure. Bertrand wasn’t sure how to respond. Did she want him to say Savannah like she usually did?
She released him again and he gasped. 
“I said, who are you hard for, Bert?!”
“I don’t.. I don’t know!”
“You don’t know who’s sucking your dick right now?”
He watched her, wide eyed. She really wanted him to say her name? “You.”
“Say it!” Riley’s nails dug into his hips and she took him back into the warm heaven that was her mouth.
“Ohh.. oh god..” Bertrand’s vision began to cloud and his knees were trembling. “It’s you, Riley!" he called out as he inadvertently thrust into her mouth. "Oh god, Riley, it's always you! Oh Riley.. aah!”
He exploded into her mouth and she didn’t stop. His vision went white, his body quaked, his mouth hung open as wave after wave of ecstasy pulsed through him. 
Once he could finally breathe, he slid down the wall, dropping to the floor in a heap. “Did I die?” He panted, still unable to open his eyes. 
Riley’s fingertips softly trailed across his cheek. “You think I would let you die?” She chuckled, “Especially after you were such a good boy cumming in my mouth?”
His body shuddered at the praise and he opened his eyes, finding her watching him reverently. “Bloody hell, I did, didn’t I? I am so sorry!”
She put a finger to his lips. “What did I just say?”
“That.. it was good that I did that?”
“What did I call you?” She smirked.
Bertrand blushed, his heart still hammering from the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced. “A good.. ahem.. boy.”
Riley wiped the sweat from his brow and grinned. “That’s right.. Such a good boy.”
The way she praised him filled him with an overwhelming sense of both joy and arousal. Warmth flooded through his body and he replied bashfully. “Um, thank you.”
She touched his cheek and gave him a soft smile. “Now let’s get you cleaned up.”
Bertrand took several calming breaths while Riley tenderly cleaned the sweat from his body the way she always did. “You know I’m capable of doing that, Lady Riley.”
“I know,” She grinned, using a warm washcloth to clean his sensitive cock. “And I think you can stop calling me ‘lady’ at this point.”
Bertrand nodded, still trying to steady his racing heart. Tonight had him more confused than ever. He watched her rinse the washcloth in the sink, still working up the courage to ask a few of the questions that were swirling around in his brain. “Riley. Why.. did we do this tonight? Right now during the ball, I mean? Shouldn’t I be spending more time with Savannah?”
“I..” She paused her rinsing for a beat and glanced down at him before continuing. “I thought you could do with some stress relief since you were so tense. Now you should be able to get back out there without being so nervous.”
Bertrand still had a million more questions, one being the fact that Riley actually wanted him to say her name tonight.. but perhaps he should leave it for now. Maybe it would be easier to talk to Savannah now that he was more relaxed. Although, relaxed didn't even begin to describe the way he was feeling. His legs felt as wobbly as jelly.
“Oh no!” Suddenly Riley burst out laughing, her eyes gaining their usual sparkle as she pointed over his shoulder.
Bertrand jumped up from where he was seated on the floor. “What?!”
“You must have Hulked out earlier!” She nodded to the decorative metal table he had held onto, which was now bent in two places. The exact two places he had gripped during his orgasm.
“Oh Lord!!” Bertrand gasped, desperately trying to pull and straighten the metal back to its original design. “It won't budge!”
Riley laughed even harder and he whirled around to face her. “This is not amusing! This table could be some sort of antique relic and I’ve ruined it! Dear God, we’ll never be welcome at Applewood again!”
“They’ll never know it was us!” Riley couldn’t stop laughing and suddenly snorted loudly. 
Bertrand stepped back in surprise. “What on Earth was that sound?!”
“Nothing!” She threw her hands over her mouth, trying not to laugh again.
“I wasn’t aware that there was livestock in here with us,” Bertrand teased.
“I can’t help it, you ass!” Riley pushed his shoulder and he laughed, catching her hand with his own.
Their laughter faded, yet he still clung gently to her hand, before dropping it to smooth out his clothes. “I suppose we should get back. It’s probably been quite a while since we left, and we don't want to arouse suspicion.”
“Ya..” Riley replied, “You go first and I’ll follow in a few.”
“RIght.” Bertrand looked back at Riley, hesitating for just a moment before slipping out of the bathroom and making his way down the hall.
Once he got to the end of the walkway, he breathed a sigh of relief that the coast was clear and no one was the wiser of their escapade. But as soon as he turned the corner, he bumped straight into Liam. “Oof!”
“Oh! I’m so sorry, Bertrand!” Liam held the man's shoulders to steady him.
“No, it is my fault entirely! I wasn’t looking where I was going!”
Liam chuckled, “no worries.”
Bertrand knew he should just keep walking and leave it at that, but he couldn’t stop himself. “Were you looking for Lady Riley?” He blurted out and immediately began to sweat. Why did he even have to bring her up? Clearly he was just as adept at putting his foot in his mouth as Maxwell. Stupid, stupid!
"Oh, um.. No." Liam looked into the guest bedroom behind him where Drake stood, buttoning up his shirt with a rueful grin. “Drake and I were just discussing some important, private matters regarding.. Um..”
“Some changes to the horse stables back at the palace.” Drake interjected.
“Exactly.” Liam replied with a blush on his cheeks. 
Bertrand’s mind was reeling as the three stood in awkward silence. Liam and Drake?! How long had this been going on? How had he never noticed this before?! Did anyone else know?
Liam cleared his throat, “Bertrand, can we keep this… encounter between us?”
Bertrand nodded, avoiding their eyeline. “Of course.. Your Highness. Mr. Walker.”
The three parted ways and Bertrand’s stomach twisted. His feelings were more mixed up than ever now.
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angelasscribbles · 2 years ago
I'm interested!!!
Never Have I Ever - Playlist
I have no idea if anyone would even be interested in this, but I made a playlist of songs that remind me of Bertrand and Riley in Never Have I Ever and these songs always get me in the mood to write them. Most of them are angsty or love songs from the 90's ❤️
tagging my permas and some of you who have been interested in NHIE
@queen-arabella-of-cordonia @angelasscribbles @tessa-liam @nestledonthaveone @kristinamae093 @yolandawalker @lovingchoices14 @queenmiarys @differenttyphoonwerewolf @twinkleallnight @persephone13 @phoenixrising0308 @3pawandme @peonierose @karahalloway @bebepac @aussiegurl1234 @bascmve01 @kingliam2019 @walkerdrakewalker @indiana-jr @ivyflowers13 @deepestphantomstranger @sophiew1907 @malblk21 @honey358luv @alyshak92 @alj4890 @officiallyunofficialperson @gracienna @kyra75 @belencha77 @imjusthereforliam @703cowbarn
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angelasscribbles · 2 years ago
Ya, no, there was no way in hell Max would be home early.
hahaha, of course not! Get it, Max!
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Bertrand took a piece of the grease drenched abomination between his thumb and forefinger and dropped it onto his plate. “I forgot utensils.”
hahaha, I can picture this so clearly!!
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Bertrand looked down at his plate with a faint grin.  “She was caring and humorous, but also very strong and tenacious.. Quite like someone else I know.” He looked at Riley pointedly and she nudged him with a grin.
OMG 🥹 This...this....the sweetness and fluffiness and the freaking tenderness of this moment!!! My heart is gonna explode!
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Bertrand’s heart hurt deeply for her. How could someone not love Riley? “I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine.”
Ah! Her pain! His angst!
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Bertrand shook his head sadly. “But still.. It is something that hurt you and you’re still dealing with the repercussions to this day. I would hate for you to keep all that pain bottled up inside of-” He paused as realization washed over him. “Ah.. I see..”
oh hahahaha I LOVE this so much!!! She got him!!!! HA! Take that, Bert! Now open the fuck up!
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“I.. care about you too,” he replied, heart pounding in his chest. That was the first time he had ever spoken those words to another person.
oh my gosh! It's too much! AAAHHHHHH
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“Well done,” Bertrand chuckled. “Although it’s too bad King Constantine will have to do without his Bordeaux tomorrow.”
WHAAAA???? This is the most astonishing part of this chapter!
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But it really shows his feelings for her
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Suddenly she had that predatory look in her eye that he knew so well. That look that he loved.. That he craved.
ohhh yes, bring on the homerun!!!!!
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This was a fantastic chapter because it shows us their growing emotional attachment to each other!
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They can both keep lying to themselves that it's all physical or all fun and games but we know the truth and we can't wait for them to figure it out!!
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Ready for the smut now....
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Never Have I Ever
Chapter 12 - Converging
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC 
Chapter Synopsis- Bertrand and Riley get some alone time and have a heart to heart.
Chapter Warnings- drinking, language, mentions of sexual acts, tw: child abandonment issues
Rating - Mature
Word Count- 2,340
A/N- thanks @angelasscribbles for bouncing around ideas with me!
Chapter 12 - Converging
It was the day before the court's arrival, and things were running smoothly. Riley and Maxwell insisted on helping with the preparations.. At least as much as Bertrand would allow them to help. He still took on the majority of the tasks alone.
Not only was Bertrand busy with preparations, but he had doubled down on finding Tariq. He couldn’t get the image from his nightmare out of his head, and needed to question Tariq himself on what his intentions were with Riley and how he really got into her room. But for some reason, the man seemed to have vanished completely. 
By the time evening came, the staff and planners had cleared out, and the estate was immaculate. Riley sat in the large, fully stocked kitchen alone and hungry. She thought about cooking something for herself for dinner, but Bert would probably lose it if she dirtied up a dish.  He would surely be running around like a chicken with its head cut off for the rest of the night, and Maxwell was probably going to be out until morning. 
Max had immediately hit it off with one of the acrobats they interviewed for the Beaumont Bash, and was out on a date with him. The guy had flat out told Max that the way he could twist and contort his body would ensure that they had a good time tonight. Ya, no, there was no way in hell Max would be home early.
Riley heard a noise coming from the wine cellar adjacent to the kitchen and hoped that it was Bertrand and not a murderer. Something about being in that huge house was always a little creepy.
“Uh.. Bert? You in there?” She peeked around the corner and found him writing on a clipboard.
“I am.”
Riley walked inside, taking in the hundreds of wine bottles, some of which had to be pricier than an entire year's rent on her apartment in New York. “What are you doing?”
Bertrand reached up and examined a bottle, dusting it off with a cloth. “Inventory.”
“Didn’t the staff do this already?”
“They did. But they couldn’t find the eighteen year old Bordeaux, which I specifically purchased because it is King Constantine’s favorite. And I know it’s in here.” He stood on his toes and felt around on the top shelf, suddenly breaking out in a grin. “Ah, here we are.”
Riley leaned over his shoulder, examining the bottle. “What’s so great about this wine?”
“Other than the fact that it is a favorite of our monarch, who will be here tomorrow for dinner? Nothing.”
Riley chuckled, “I expected you to give me a history on the grapes and the type of soil they were grown from.”
Bertrand met her eyes with an amused grin. “I could have, but I figured I’d spare you another wine lesson.”
She laughed, “I wouldn’t have minded! Sharing all of the knowledge you have on every subject is very.. You.”
“Yes, I am aware that being overly loquacious is one of my many character flaws.” 
“No.” She met his eyes with a smile. “It’s not a flaw.”
Suddenly Riley’s stomach rumbled loudly and she giggled. “I forgot how hungry I am! You want to eat with me?”
“I did skip dinner tonight.. What did you have in mind?”
Riley grinned, “I’ll order pizza and you pick us out a bottle of wine!”
“Yes, Mister fancy pants! We’re gonna have a regular meal..” she gasped excitedly, “and we're gonna have it on the floor!”
“Why would we ever want to eat on the floor?!”
“An indoor picnic!”
Half an hour later, Bertrand and Riley sat on a blanket in the great room by the fire, pizza and wine at the ready. Riley rolled her eyes in delight as she took a bite of the cheesy goodness. “It’s been waaay too long! Mmm.. come to mama.”
Bertrand arched an eyebrow in amusement, “you certainly are enjoying that, aren't you?”
“God yes. Now start eating!”
Bertrand took a piece of the grease drenched abomination between his thumb and forefinger and dropped it onto his plate. “I forgot utensils.”
“No utensils!” Riley shouted. “We’re having a regular meal tonight and eating it like regular people.”
Bertrand sighed, “If you insist.” He took a small bite and couldn't help but smile.“It has been nearly.. twenty years since I ate pizza.”
“No way!”
He nodded, “My mother called it her guilty pleasure. If the menu at a formal event wasn’t particularly suited for young children, she would always sneak a pizza for the three of us after. She set up chairs and draped a blanket over the top and pretended we were camping.”
Riley smiled, watching him reminisce happily. “Tell me more about your mother.”
Bertrand looked down at his plate with a faint grin.  “She was caring and humorous, but also very strong and tenacious.. Quite like someone else I know.” He looked at Riley pointedly and she nudged him with a grin.
“So she was clearly amazing.”
Bertrand chuckled softly, “Indeed she was. She had a good heart, just like Maxwell. I am grateful that he has so much of my mother in him.” He looked away, suddenly very solemn. “I only hope that I didn’t get too much of my father.”
“Oh Bert..” Riley reached out to put her hand on his, but he quickly picked up the wine bottle and poured them each a glass.
“I apologize. I didn’t mean to start an unpleasant conversation during our dinner.”
“Don’t apologize,” Riley said sadly, “I want you to be able to talk to me. We’re friends. You can tell me anything and I won’t judge you.”
“If that is the definition of a proper friend, then I suppose I’ve never had one.”
“That’s horrible. Not even when you were young?”
Bertrand shrugged. “When you’re a future duke, most of your ‘friends’ are assigned by parents who are looking to benefit themselves and their status.” 
“Well that’s seriously fucked up.”
Bertrand took a sip of his wine and shook his head, “It is quite alright. No sense in dwelling on things that can’t be changed.”
Riley took a drink, watching him curiously. “That’s the second time you’ve said that to me. ‘No sense dwelling on things that can’t be changed’. But I think it’s perfectly fine to have feelings about things, regardless of whether or not they can be changed.”
“I..” Bertrand paled, “I hadn’t realized I even said that. I suppose no matter how long he’s been gone, I still can’t escape him.”
“Your dad?”
Bertrand stood abruptly, “I should go.. Thank you for dinner, but I really need to get some sleep tonight.”
Riley scrambled after him, grabbing hold of his arm before he could run away. “Bert please, please talk to me. This is clearly something that's been bothering you a lot lately!”
He shook his head, “I can’t, don't you see?! You already had to witness my pathetic display the other night, and I would rather die than have you pity me, Riley!”
“I don’t pity you!” She took hold of his face with both hands. “I told you, you’re my friend and I.. I care about you.”
Bertrand looked away, trying not to meet her eyes, because he knew if he did, he couldn’t deny her anything she wanted. “I don’t want to burden you with my trauma.”
She sighed, and dropped down onto the couch, her expression melting into one of resurfaced pain. “How about if I go first?”
Bertrand furrowed his brow, “I don’t understand.”
She smiled sadly, “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”
Bertrand sat down beside her hesitantly. “Riley, you certainly do not need to bring up pain from your past on my account.”
“I can’t keep telling you that it’s not healthy to bottle it all up, if I’m literally doing exactly that. So.. I'll start at the beginning.” Riley took a deep breath. “Did you know that I’m adopted?”
“I.. didn’t.”
“I’m surprised. I mean, I never told anyone, but I assumed you had looked up everything about me from the moment Max brought me into your home.”
Bertrand looked away awkwardly. He definitely had, but that was not something that he came across on the extensive background check he had done on her. He waited for her to continue, embarrassed to confess how much he distrusted her in the beginning.
“So.. My parents got divorced when I was five, and as soon as it was finalized, my dad left.. Literally just left my mom alone to raise three kids. But instead of going out and getting a job to support us, my mom decided what she needed was another man to take care of her. Which is how we ended up with a new ‘daddy’ every few months.”
“Wow.” Bertrand had no idea what to say, but he longed to comfort her in some way. A hug? An ‘I’m sorry’? Before he could think of something to say, she continued.
“She didn’t care how these guys treated us, as long as they paid her bills. None of her boyfriends ever really paid any attention to us kids, but she let herself be treated like a doormat. So anyway, we lived this way for a couple years, barely scraping by. But after a few months with no one supporting her, we were out of food and money. We got evicted from our apartment in Jersey and had to move in with a friend of hers in New York... That’s when she decided that it would be easier to take care of herself, rather than a family.”
“So.. she just got rid of you all?” Bertrand asked in disbelief.
Riley shrugged, forcing a smile. “Eventually we each got adopted into different families, which is how I ended up with the last name Brooks. I talk to my older brother and sister occasionally, but they both have their own lives now... Married with kids and all that.” Riley looked away, trying to keep the tears at bay. “I used to pretend that giving us up was a difficult choice for my mother. I told myself that she was trying to do what was best for us.. But the truth is, I don’t think she considered anyone but herself.”
Bertrand was silent for a long moment, mind reeling. “Whatever became of your parents?” 
“No idea. And I’m pretty ok with that.. Most of the time.” She swallowed down the lump that was beginning to form in her throat. It had been twenty years since her life had so drastically changed, but some days the pain resurfaced just as fresh as ever. She took a slow breath to compose herself before speaking again. “Sometimes I have to wonder how they could just stop caring about us. It’s made me pretty jaded, you know? Like.. if my own birth parents didn’t love me, then why would anyone else.”
Bertrand’s heart hurt deeply for her. How could someone not love Riley? “I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine.”
“I didn’t tell you this to get sympathy,” she said, grasping his hand.
Bertrand shook his head sadly. “But still.. It is something that hurt you and you’re still dealing with the repercussions to this day. I would hate for you to keep all that pain bottled up inside of-” He paused as realization washed over him. “Ah.. I see..”
She smiled and squeezed his hand. “When you care about someone, their feelings matter to you. And I do care about you, Bert.”
“I.. care about you too,” he replied, heart pounding in his chest. That was the first time he had ever spoken those words to another person.
They smiled at each other for a moment and Bertrand stood up. “Well, if we’re going to do this, then I better procure another bottle of wine.”
One hour, one pizza, and two bottles of wine later, Bertrand and Riley had stripped their souls bare. He told her about the nightmares he had about his past and the impossible standards he had been held to growing up. She told him about her siblings and her adoptive family. They sat next to one another on the plush couch in the great room, the fire crackling across the room while they relaxed in comfortable silence. 
“That wine was pretty damn good..” Riley finished off the remainder in her glass and lay back against the cushion, scooting closer to Bertrand. “Or should I say - the tasting notes of plum and raspberry in this full-bodied blend are pleasing to the palate.”
“Well done,” Bertrand chuckled. “Although it’s too bad King Constantine will have to do without his Bordeaux tomorrow.”
Riley gasped, “You didn’t! After all that trouble you went through to find it, we just polished it off!?” She dissolved into giggles.
The wine had Bertrand feeling giddy and he fought the urge to giggle along with her. “I figured we would need something good to counteract the mental anguish that was sure to ensue this evening!”
“You rebel..” Riley sighed happily, “I think I’m a bad influence on you.”
She blithely turned to look at him and found his eyes were already on her. They were mere inches apart, watching each other as the firelight danced across their faces.
Bertrand swallowed hard and reached up to brush a strand of hair from her face, earning a smile in return. He looked away shyly, “I, uh, didn’t want your hair to get in your eyes.”
“Thank you.” She placed her hand on top of his, and their eyes met once more.
The space between them crackled with just as much intensity and warmth as the fire, and Riley couldn’t stand it any longer. “Would you like to have our next lesson now?”
At her words, a raging heat surged through him. “The next lesson,” he repeated breathlessly.
Suddenly she had that predatory look in her eye that he knew so well. That look that he loved.. That he craved.
“Bertrand.. Do you want to have sex tonight?”
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angelasscribbles · 2 years ago
YES YES YES, the excitement!!!!!
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“I told him that I was here with Maxwell Beaumont’s brother.” She chuckled, “I just knew he would know Max!!”
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Maxwell was known around the club scene, but the owners tended to protect his privacy so that he would be more likely to return.
Love this point and I do that with Riley a lot in BR. Yes, absolutely, they would keep reporters out and not answers any questions about him, 100%
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She took his first shot and placed it against his lips with a smirk. “Now open up.” Immediately his lips parted and the tequila slid down his throat,
I love how against it was until the moment she put the glass to his lips because ofc he does whatever she asks of him!
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As nervous as he was about dancing, his heart did a little leap when she called their estate ‘home’. Wait, did she say smoking hot? 
His internal thoughts are on point!!
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Riley licked her thumb and smeared the writing on his skin until it became illegible. She turned and smiled saccharinely at the woman. “He won’t be needing that.”
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The guy mumbled something about “not fighting another jealous boyfriend” as he walked off.
oh hahahaha, he was like, nope, not this again!
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Bertrand spoke breathlessly, “With your body in such close proximity, relaxing is the furthest thing from my mind.” He blushed immediately when he realized what he had said.
The fucking sexual tension....
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“Let’s go home.” She whispered against his mouth, before taking hold of his bottom lip with her teeth.
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Her center was throbbing and all she could think about was the delicious stretch of his cock pulsing inside her that she hadn’t been able to stop fantasizing about since the last time it happened. 
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He spread her legs apart and immediately dove in, indulging in her sweet taste that he had yearned for night and day since the moment he first tasted her. How he had craved her, even in his dreams. He groaned as he worked her with his mouth until she began to tremble. Riley grasped a handful of his messy, sweat slicked hair for purchase as he licked and kissed her, completely drunk off of her.
GAh...I take back calling you a tease...this was worth the wait!!
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She called him baby!
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And that sex scene....
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This was no lesson. They just had very real sex.
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That was my most favorite chapter so far...and that's saying A LOT!! I have to ..... I don't bring this out often but here you go.....
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Never Have I Ever
Chapter 18 - Let Me Take You Dancing - Part 2
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC 
Chapter Synopsis- Things heat up at the club.
Chapter Warnings- language, drinking, mentions of drug use, sensuality, lemons
Rating - Explicit
Word Count- 2,920
A/N- let me know if you would like to be added/removed from the taglist
Chapter 17 - Let Me Take You Dancing - Part 2
Bertrand tried to calm the frisson of butterflies that were bombarding his stomach as he and Riley stepped out of the car together. His brow furrowed as he eyed the endless line of people waiting in the cool night air to enter the club. It would surely take hours to get inside. Riley looked undeterred, taking his hand with a smile as she confidently made her way straight to the burly bouncer at the front of the line. She stood on her toes and whispered in the man's ear, and his jaw dropped. He squinted his eyes, peering at Bertrand, who attempted to remain calm under the penetrating gaze of this goliath of a man. The bouncer chuckled a deep laugh and then stepped aside, allowing them entrance into the dark hallway where Bertrand’s senses were instantly bombarded. The deep bass was thrumming in his chest, strobe and flashing neon lights flickered on the dance floor, and the sheer volume of people in the room topped that of any Beaumont Bash he had ever hosted. The air in the club was thick and laced with sweat and pheromones while scantily clothed people danced together suggestively.
It was 100% Maxwell's scene. No wonder he goes out all the time.
Bertrand’s logical mind was insisting that he should be terrified, but the adrenaline had won out, and he simply watched in awe of this completely new experience. Riley grinned at him and squeezed his hand tightly, leading him across the room to a crowded bar. 
Bertrand leaned toward Riley to be heard over the music, “What did you say to the bouncer?”
“I told him that I was here with Maxwell Beaumont’s brother.” She chuckled, “I just knew he would know Max!!”
“What?! I thought I was supposed to be undercover! What if someone else realizes who I am?!”
“They won't! And even if the bouncer tells someone, do you think they’d believe that Duke Ramsford would be slumming it in a club?”
She had a point. Maxwell was known around the club scene, but the owners tended to protect his privacy so that he would be more likely to return.
Riley leaned in and spoke over the music, “What do you want to drink?”
“Do you suppose they have a decent bottle of cabernet sauvignon?”
Riley snickered and shook her head, leaning across the bar to a young woman and shouting their order. “Five shots of tequila, please!”
Bertrand reeled back, “Five shots of tequila?”
The bartender sat the shots on the bar and Riley slid three towards Bertrand with a grin. “We’re gonna have fun tonight Bert, but first you gotta loosen up!”
“But.. Wasn’t that the point of the..” He leaned in and whispered, “drugs?”
“Half a gummy was clearly not enough for you because I can still see the fear in your eyes. Bless your anxiety ridden heart.. Now drink up!”
“Must I?” He watched as Riley knocked back her shots simultaneously, and he brought his up to his nose, shuddering when he inhaled. A decent bottle of tequila was tolerable, but this was about twenty steps below decent. “How can you drink this swill with a straight face?”
“I grew up poor,” she chuckled. “Cheap liquor is my jam!” She took his first shot and placed it against his lips with a smirk. “Now open up.” Immediately his lips parted and the tequila slid down his throat, burning all the way while warming his body inside out. He sputtered a bit, but Riley already had the second in hand, ready to go. “You can't stop yet. Don’t think about it, just surrender to the burn!”
He wanted to laugh at how ridiculous she was, but the third dose of the offending liquid had once again hit his stomach like a lead brick, and he fought the urge to gag. He couldn’t stop the grimace on his face and Riley chuckled. “Ok, we’re done for now. Let’s get out on the dance floor and put those moves to the test.”
Bertrand swallowed hard, watching the dozens of thrashing, groping bodies move together confidently under the neon lights. He couldn’t go out there, they would surely laugh at him! His heart was pounding and he stepped back.
“I.. I’m sorry, Riley. I don’t think I can.”
“But you did so well at home! And don’t worry, I promise no one will be watching you..” She grinned suggestively, “other than to check you out for looking so smoking hot.”
As nervous as he was about dancing, his heart did a little leap when she called their estate ‘home’. Wait, did she say smoking hot? 
Just then, a group of women walked past, pausing to look Bertrand up and down suggestively while giggling amongst themselves. One winked at him and took hold of his arm, writing her phone number on the inside of his wrist.
Riley licked her thumb and smeared the writing on his skin until it became illegible. She turned and smiled saccharinely at the woman. “He won’t be needing that.”
“Crazy bitch,” the woman rolled her eyes and walked off and Bertrand blushed deeply with his mouth agape.
“Did she just call you a-”
Riley waved him off, “Don’t worry about it, happens all the time. Besides, didn’t I tell you the ladies would be checking you out? Even if it was a nasty skank.” Riley glared at the woman’s back who had moved on to flirting with the bartender.
That whole encounter had Bertrand more nervous than before. “Could I just sit and watch for a while before I attempt to dance? Just to get my bearings?” Just to stall as long as possible was more like it.
She turned to the dance floor, then back to him with a sly smile. “Sure. But do you mind if I go out there and dance?”
“Oh.. no, not at all. I certainly don’t want to spoil your fun.” He chastised himself for the way his heart dropped. What was he expecting, for her to babysit him all night? And he hadn’t missed the way several peoples eyes shamelessly raked over Riley’s body from the minute she walked in the club. “Just be careful. I know you’re a grown woman, I just don’t want anyone to take advantage of you.”
She smiled, “Don’t worry, I will be.”
Just then the song changed and Riley sashayed onto the dance floor. Bertrand was mesmerized by the way she rolled her hips, letting her body relax perfectly to the beat. His mind flashed back to the way she rolled her hips when she rode him in her bed. His throat went dry and he crossed his legs to prevent his growing erection from becoming visible. Her eyes met his and she ran her hands along the sumptuous curves of her body. His face flushed with heat and he had to look away.
Suddenly he realized what was being said in the lyrics of the song. “Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet ass pussy. Give me everything you got for this wet ass pussy.” He nearly choked on his own saliva and his face flushed even deeper. Those lyrics were downright scandalous!
He risked another glance at Riley and found her in the arms of a tall, muscular man wearing a tank top and backwards hat. Bertrand’s hands twitched in his lap, and he fought the urge to jump out of his seat. He took a deep breath.
Don’t make an ass of yourself, Bertrand. She’s just dancing. And besides, you don’t own her! She can dance with whoever she wants.
Despite the intense urge to look away, he simply couldn’t. His stomach twisted when she moved closer to him, letting her hands wrap around his neck. The man’s hands moved to her waist, slowly heading down before resting against her hips.
The man leaned forward and said something in her ear, and Riley laughed. Bertrand’s heart was beating double time, and he continued to scold himself for the way he was feeling. Although he no longer attempted to look away, convincing himself that it was for her own safety in case this scoundrel took advantage of her. Yes, he was just watching Riley to protect her.
Riley felt a little guilty for the way Bertrand was looking at her, but she couldn’t deny that the prospect of potentially making him jealous sent a thrill through her. She made eye contact with Bertrand for a charged moment while she and this random dude danced closely. Suddenly the man pulled her tightly against the front of his body, cupping her ass. 
Whoa boy! Riley took the man's hands to return them to her lower back, but someone else already had hold of his arm.
“Absolutely not.” Riley turned to see Bertrand glaring at this guy, while he physically removed his hands from her body. Bertrand was a tall guy, but still stood half a foot shorter than this giant frat bro. 
The drunk himbo was clearly confused. “Dude, what is your problem? We’re just dancing!”
“Not anymore, you aren’t.” Bertrand spoke to the man in a challenging tone that Riley had never heard from him before, but his voice held that air of confidence he always emitted outside of the bedroom. 
The guy looked between Riley and Bertrand a couple times, before shaking his head and stalking away. “Fuck this, I’m going to get another drink.” The guy mumbled something about “not fighting another jealous boyfriend” as he walked off.
They watched him leave and Bertrand turned to Riley ruefully. “I apologize.. My behavior was way out of line. I just saw him put his hands on you and-”
Riley pulled Bertrand toward her, wrapping her arms around his neck “Dance with me.”
His heart was hammering in his chest from the encounter with that buffoon, but with Riley’s body pressed against his, it was soon forgotten. She ran her fingernails up the back of his neck and into his hair, before pulling his face toward her. “Just relax and feel my body. Then move with me.” 
Bertrand spoke breathlessly, “With your body in such close proximity, relaxing is the furthest thing from my mind.” He blushed immediately when he realized what he had said. Before he could apologize, Riley took his hands and wrapped them around her waist with a smirk.
“Hold me like this. Just like we practiced. Relax your hips.”
He looked around, but no one was paying them any mind. He nodded slightly and tentatively began to move his body with hers. What started out as awkward, stiff movements, soon relaxed into a rhythm. Riley spun around and pressed her back to his front and Bertrand gasped. She took his hands and wrapped them around her waist so that he was holding her against him. She lay her head back against his chest and pressed her ass into him, and he couldn’t stop the blood rushing straight to his cock. Bertrand blushed as his traitorous dick twitched of its own accord. He was humiliated. There was no way she didn’t feel that.
“I apologize, Ri-”
Before he could continue, she had spun back around, pulling his mouth down to hers with a moan. Bertrand’s eyes widened, before falling closed as he returned her kiss with fervor. Her hand found its way down his abs and ghosted over the growing bulge in his jeans.
“Let’s go home.” She whispered against his mouth, before taking hold of his bottom lip with her teeth.
Riley threw her bedroom door open with a bang, pulling Bertrand inside behind her. Heads spinning from alcohol and adrenaline, the two met in hot, messy kisses that only grew hungrier by the minute. Riley grabbed Bertrand’s ass and pressed him flush against her, feeling his arousal firmly against her body. 
“Oh my god..” she ground her hips against him with a groan. Her center was throbbing and all she could think about was the delicious stretch of his cock pulsing inside her that she hadn’t been able to stop fantasizing about since the last time it happened. 
Bertrands hands were all over her as he explored her body, more sure and certain than he had ever been before. He wanted her. And for the first time in his life, he knew what to do, and he was going to go for it.
Reacting on pure carnal instinct, Bertrand boldly lifted her off of the ground, and without hesitation she wrapped her legs around him. He pressed her up against the wall, leaving warm, hungry kisses along her jaw and down her neck. Riley let her head fall back and she moaned while his lips made their way down her exposed cleavage. She had never been more turned on in her entire life. 
“Bert.. I want you so bad.”
He practically growled as he carried her to the bed, placing her down onto the soft mattress. Any ounce of proprietary left in him had vanished at her words. Their mouths met over and over, only breaking so they could remove an article of clothing at a time. Bertrand pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it across the room in one swift motion and Riley bit her lip as she watched his muscles work. “God damn, Bertrand.”
She sat up on her elbows, watching as Bertrand slid her dress and panties down, his eyes landing between her thighs. He grasped her knees as his eyes flitted up to meet her own. “May I taste you?”
“God yes.”
He spread her legs apart and immediately dove in, indulging in her sweet taste that he had yearned for night and day since the moment he first tasted her. How he had craved her, even in his dreams. He groaned as he worked her with his mouth until she began to tremble. Riley grasped a handful of his messy, sweat slicked hair for purchase as he licked and kissed her, completely drunk off of her. Suddenly her eyes flew shut as a rush of euphoria overtook her senses and she cried out. “Oh yes.. Fuck, fuck!” 
Bertrand didn’t want to stop, ever, but the throbbing of his cock reminded him that there was something else he could do for her.
Riley lay back against the pillows gasping as she caught her breath and Bertrand slipped off his boxers, before reaching into the bedside table and grabbing a condom from the stash Riley had stored there. He held one up, arching his eyebrow in question and she nodded.
“Look at you..” She breathed out in sheer amazement as her eyes raked over his lean, muscular body. “Baby, you are so fucking hot, and the fact that you have no idea is criminal.”
Bertrand smirked, brimming with a newfound confidence. He rolled the condom onto himself the way she had taught him while she watched with a mixture of pride and lust. He tried to steady his breathing as he gazed at the woman in front of him- This gorgeous, sexy, experienced woman who actually wanted to have sex with him. 
Riley bit her lip and beckoned him forward. “I need you inside me. Right now.”
He crawled forward, positioning himself over her. Sweat dripped down his brow and he lined himself up with her entrance. His eyes fell shut and he groaned as he slowly pushed inside her, this time with more certitude than ever before. Riley gasped, immediately bringing her legs up and wrapping them around his waist, sheathing him deeper into her delicious warmth. 
The sensation had him already teetering at the edge, but he held it back. He murmured in her ear while he slowly pushed himself inside her again, “Riley.. Riley, you feel so good.”
“Oh my god, Bert..” She ran her fingernails across his broad shoulders and he shuddered.
Moans of pleasure fell from their lips and Bertrand pressed his chest flush against hers while his hips thrust in and out, slowly at first, but gaining more speed with each cry of ecstasy she released. 
He was not going to cum early this time. He just had to hold on a little bit longer.
Bertrand propped himself up on his forearms and Riley took hold of his face, pressing her mouth against his. She raised her hips, allowing him to go deeper. “I’m so close,” she panted against his lips. “So, so fucking close.. Oh don’t stop.. Bertrand don’t stop!”
He continued his deep, measured thrusts and she came undone, crying out louder than he had ever heard her before. But this time she cried out his name as she came.
That immediately sent him over the edge. His heart pounded in his chest as the feeling overtook him, sending him spiraling into an endless, Earth shattering orgasm. His dick pulsed over and over inside of her as his hips stuttered sporadically. 
Once the blinding pleasure had tapered out, he released the death grip he had on the sheets and reluctantly pulled out, climbing off of his companion.
Riley and Bertrand lay beside one another, attempting to catch their breath as they stared at the ceiling. Their bodies were sated, but their minds were reeling from a startling realization..
This was no lesson. They just had very real sex.
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alj4890 · 2 years ago
I can't believe I can finally reblog! 🤣 It's been days now since Tumblr worked for me! Anyway, I'll go ahead and get my usual "I LOVE THIS STORYLINE SO FREAKING MUCH!" etc. out of the way 😂
I love how excited Maxwell gets over his brother hooking up 🤣 He's such a sweetheart and his love for Riley and Bertrand is simply, adorably him. Maxwell's the sibling my only child self needed growing up. When he told Riley he needed details 😂😂😂, he's the best!
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Bertrand's unable to wipe the smile off his face is so freaking adorable. That he wasn't even embarrassed at seeing Riley the next morning shows how far he's done confidence wise and how relaxed he is becoming around her.
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Riley letting it slip that she was having trouble walking 🤣
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And then Bertrand checking his phone eagerly for more messages from Riley but seeing Savannah's instead.
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She needs to give up already 😂😑
And then Liam! What the crap?
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I was so proud of Riley saying that Bertrand's cool! The poor man needs someone to say so.
And Riley! Getting jealous and then proving Bertrand wanted her at the table 🤣 Gah I loved her working him up with all the little touches just to reassure herself.
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And then the whole lactose intolerant conversation!
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How do you recover from something like that? 🤣💀😂 I was laughing so hard that she went all the way with pretending to swallow a pill! Ugh. She's the best 😂
Now if we can stop her tears and get her back to telling Bertrand how she feels 🥹
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And get Savannah out of the picture!
Perfect as usual @harleybeaumont ♥️
Never Have I Ever
Chapter 14 - The Beaumont Bash - Part 1
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC 
Chapter Synopsis- Feelings get more complicated when the court arrives for the Beaumont bash.
Chapter Warnings- language, sensuality
Rating - Mature
Word Count- 2,010
Chapter 14 - The Beaumont Bash - Part 1
The next morning Riley entered the kitchen for breakfast, and Bertrand followed a moment later. He smiled and acknowledged her politely, as if he hadn’t slept in her bed last night. “Good morning, Lady Riley.”
She grinned, “Morning Bert.”
The two locked eyes for a moment, exchanging private smiles.
“Uh, good morning Maxwell!” Max said in amusement, from his spot at the kitchen table where he was having a blackberry scone and tea. “Hope you guys didn’t miss me too much last night.”
“Yes, yes, good morning Maxwell.” Bertrand said, busying himself at the stove with a cup of tea. “I hope you didn’t get into too much trouble last night.”
Riley sat down beside Max with a grin. “Good morning, sunshine! Sooo, tell me how your date went,” Riley said, taking a bite of his scone.
Max smiled conspiratorially, “Let’s just say the Amazing Armando is indeed amazing. I swear I can barely walk today!”
“Ha!” Riley chuckled, “Same.”
She froze once she realized what she just implied. Bertrand still had no idea that she had told Maxwell about their arrangement, and Max had no idea that they had sex. Her eyes widened and she quickly glanced behind her at Bertrand, who had turned away, a telltale blush creeping up his neck. “I mean.. Because I was working so hard yesterday preparing for the court’s arrival! And my.. legs are tired.” 
Maxwell’s jaw hung open and he looked between the two of them, though neither would meet his eyes. He kicked Riley’s leg under the table, and mouthed, “What the hell!? Details!”
Riley shook her head and checked behind her for Bertrand, but he had disappeared. “You seriously want details about what me and your brother did last night?” She whispered.
“Uh, if it involves Bertrand no longer being a thirty year old virgin, then yes I want details!”
Riley looked down, trying not to grin. “A lady shouldn’t talk about such things.”
Maxwell smiled delightedly, “You screwed him, didn’t you? Oh, you slutty queen!”
RIley laughed, “I should be calling you that! Spending the night with the Amazing Armand after one date!”
“Uh, it’s Armand-o!,” Max corrected her. “Can’t forget the ‘o’ because he sure as hell didn’t.” Maxwell sighed as he reminisced. “Several ‘o’s’ in fact..” 
“Maxwell!” Riley chuckled. “Damn, you did have fun last night!”
“Sounds like you did too.” Max smirked, “And I’ll gladly share my title of slutty queen with you.”
The two friends laughed together and Maxwell sipped his tea thoughtfully. “You know, I called it from the beginning.”
“Called what?”
His mouth rose into a smirk, “You guys are totally in love now.”
“What?! You’re crazy!”
Max ignored her, shimmying in his seat excitedly. “I always wanted a sister!”
“Max! It’s not like that!”
Just then a maid entered the room and the conversation abruptly ended, much to Riley’s relief.
Bertand couldn’t wipe the smile from his face. The court would begin arriving in a couple hours and normally he would be a nervous wreck, but not today. Today everything seemed right with the world. Nothing could bring him down.
His phone chimed with a text and he smiled even brighter when he saw who it was from- Riley. She had sent him a picture of herself in the dress she was planning to wear that day. God, she looks gorgeous. Of course he couldn’t tell her those exact words, it wouldn’t be appropriate. So he responded, “That dress is quite acceptable for the court’s arrival.”
She sent back a kissing smiley face with a heart, and butterflies fluttered in his chest. 
Bertrand sat his phone back on the counter and grinned at himself in the mirror as he fixed his hair. I look pretty darn good today. Just then his phone chimed again and he quickly snatched it back up, excited to see what Riley was sending him now.
His heart dropped as he read it. “I can’t wait to see you today!” From Savannah.
Savannah. He had utterly and completely forgotten about her existence. Now she’s coming here and she’s excited to see me. He sighed and sat the phone back on the counter, and his stomach twisted with guilt. 
The past few weeks he had been living in a fantasy world, but now it was time to wake up. The coronation was happening very soon and there was a chance that Riley would be chosen. In fact, the press was naming Riley, Olivia, and Madeleine as the ‘frontrunners’ for queen. Whatever Liam and Drake had between them clearly wasn’t anything more than physical.. and maybe he had read too much into the whole thing in the first place. It's not like he actually saw anything happen between them.
He should be happy. After all, Riley becoming queen was the plan from the beginning. 
With a heavy sigh, Bertrand buttoned up his suit jacket and made his way downstairs, ready to play the perfect, proper Duke of Ramsford.
Just the way he was expected to.
The way it would be for the rest of his life.
Riley, Bertrand, and Maxwell greeted their noble guests as they arrived in the grand dining room for dinner. Riley mingled politely with the other ladies of court while they gossiped and chatted about Liam and the Beaumont bash which was taking place after dinner that night. 
Liam made his way over to the group and held his hand out to Riley. “If you ladies will excuse us, I would like a word with our hostess for the evening.”
Riley followed Liam to a private corner of the room where they sat together. “It’s lovely to see you again, Lady Riley,” Liam smiled that charming prince smile and she couldn’t help but return it.
“You too, Your Highness.”
“I thought I told you to call me Liam,” he grinned cheekily.
“I thought I told you to call me Riley,” she quipped back and Liam chuckled.
“The estate is lovely. Bertrand told me that you had a hand in choosing some of the decor?”
“Oh, yes! Can you actually believe he gave up some control and let me and Max help?”
Liam chuckled, “Not really. The duke has always been a control freak.. Likes things to be just so. Which is why I find myself feeling a bit sorry for you.”
“What do you mean?” She asked.
“Being under constant scrutiny by Bertrand Beaumont must be exhausting.”
Riley watched Bertrand across the room, engaging their guests with a perfect air of confidence and propriety, and she couldn't help but smile fondly. “Nah. He’s cool.”
“Cool?!” Liam laughed, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone describe Bertrand as ‘cool’, but I suppose you’ve gotten to know him better than most these past few months.”
Riley felt her cheeks heat up. She certainly had. 
Just then, Savannah made her way over to Bertrand, leaning in and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Riley watched with rapt attention, trying to decipher what they were saying. Bertrand looked down shyly, while a faint blush colored his cheeks, and Riley felt her stomach drop. They were flirting.. And Savannah made him blush. 
Of course he’s flirting with her. He likes her.
Liam cleared his throat, “Riley? Earth to Riley? Did you hear anything I said?”
Riley shook off her stupor, and turned to Liam ruefully. “I’m so sorry, Liam. I was just.. Distracted for a moment. I suppose I’m a bit tired.”
Liam smiled, “Well, perhaps dinner will help you get reenergized.”
“I’m sure it will.” Riley tried to smile, but her attention once again returned to Savannah and Bertrand while they laughed together.
Riley found herself seated at the head table during dinner, Liam, Regina, and Constantine on her left, Bertrand and Maxwell on her right. 
She smiled amiably, practiced impeccable table manners, engaged in polite conversation with the royal family, and by all means, was the perfect lady. But everything about the evening felt forced on her part. At one point, she crossed her legs and accidentally brushed her foot against Bertrand, who immediately blushed and jerked away. 
So of course she had to do it again, intentionally.
Riley slipped her shoe off and casually stretched out her leg, sliding it along Bertrand’s ankle. He sucked in a breath and sputtered and coughed, face growing red.
“Dear boy, are you alright?” Constantine asked in concern.
Bertrand cleared his throat and plastered on a smile. “My apologies, Your Majesty. I’m alright now.” He glanced at Riley briefly and blushed all over again.
Riley smiled, wondering how far he would let this go. She slid her foot up Bertrand’s pant leg slightly, rubbing up and down his calf. His face was flushed, and his breathing was becoming labored, but the royal family were talking amongst themselves and paying them no mind.
Savannah who, she thought to herself with a smile.
She casually reached over to Bertrand’s lap and caressed his upper thigh with her fingertips. He shivered, but still didn't stop her. 
Ya, he likes it.
Riley dropped her napkin on the floor and as she leaned under the table to pick it up, grazed her hand across the front of Bertrand’s crotch.
“Riley!” Bertrand gasped, and everyone at their table turned to look at him. “I, er.. “ 
Riley quickly sat up and came up with a lie. “Bertrand was just reminding me to take my.." The only thing that came to mind was the medication her mother took any time she ate dairy. “..lactase supplement.”
Liam turned to her in surprise, “I didn’t know you were lactose intolerant, Lady Riley.”
“Oh ya, I totally bloat up like a pufferfish if I forget my pill.” She tried not to visibly cringe at how unladylike she just sounded. 
“It’s true,” Maxwell added, “Digestive health is no joke.”
Now she was beginning to sweat while the royal family gawked at her. Riley cut her eyes over and Bertrand was pinching the bridge of his nose, while Max held his hand over his mouth, shoulders shaking as he attempted to contain his laughter. 
Regina cleared her throat. “Well, we wouldn’t want you to have digestive issues and miss your first Beaumont bash. Of course you should take your medication.”
They looked at her expectantly and Riley nodded. “Oh.. yes of course.” She dug around in her purse, pretending to remove a pill, before “swallowing” it. 
Thankfully dessert was served, interrupting the awkward hell that this dinner had become. Riley supposed she deserved it after torturing Bertrand like that. 
Regina leaned forward to speak to Riley directly. “If you will indulge me, I have a bit of a personal question for you, Lady Riley.”
Riley plastered on a polite smile. “Of course, Your Majesty.”
Regina’s face grew serious. “I know this isn’t the life you grew up in, and the past few months have been a big change for you. So, I have to ask.. if you are chosen as Liam’s bride, do you feel you would want to continue this life on a daily basis? And would you be ready, not only to marry, but also to be queen?”
Riley froze, as all eyes fell on her. She immediately looked from Bertrand, to Liam, then back to Bertrand. “I..”
Bertrand interrupted, “Of course she would be ready!”
Regina chuckled, “I know you’re invested as her sponsor, but there’s no need to answer for her, Duke Ramsford.”
Riley’s heart crashed to the floor, but she still forced a smile. “No, Bertrand’s right.. Of course I would.”
Constantine clapped his hands together with a grin. “Well, that satisfies me. Unless my lovely wife has any more forthright questions for our son’s suitor?” 
Regina swatted his arm playfully. “Oh, darling, you know I’m just concerned for Liam’s future.”
Bertrand tapped his glass, and stood to address the entire room. “Now that the dessert has been served, the grand hall is open. Please join us there for after dinner festivities as we celebrate the end of the social season with the annual Beaumont bash!”
While everyone excitedly exited the dining room, Riley made her way to the nearest bathroom, trying and failing to keep her tears at bay.
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alj4890 · 1 year ago
Let's try this again since my reblog bombed on the first time 🤦🏻‍♀️ I was thrilled to see this notification on my dash!!!!! I have been waiting on tender hooks for this since the last chapter and have done all I could to be patient. And it was so worth it ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
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Now let's delve into this gem you've gifted us with!
Riley eating cookies while watching the drama unfold between Savannah and Bertrand is truly *chef's kiss* I LOVE her for doing it without any shame whatsoever🤣
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But Savannah 🤬 That gold digging tramp. I hope she does end up with Neville and I hope he makes her life miserable. After this: "When I think of all the time I wasted with you, you pathetic, stuttering mess of a man! Get out of my sight!"
I was ready to jump in the story and slap her. Still holding out hope Riley does at some point 🤞
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I went a full 180 in fuming over to Savannah to grinning like a fool over Bertrand and Riley hugging. Her being his safe place just
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And then he realizes and admits to himself he is desperately in love with her. Sigh. All the sighs.
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And then Maxwell, the gooiest and most precious of all cinnamon rolls 🤣 I've always head cannoned that he is overly dramatic, so seeing him be so in this was perfection itself! 😂💀 His dying and wanting to be remembered as he once was is so him.
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And then the whole dress shopping scene! Ugh. All the sweetness of Bertrand and Riley was shown in this. Their love language was bursting in it! Bertrand believes she deserves everything he can give and more. She loves having him nearby, being her considerate sweet self. My heart was exploding from all the fluffy feels this chapter delivered.
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Loved it to pieces, as usual ♥️
Never Have I Ever
Chaper 20 - Watershed
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC 
Chapter Synopsis- What started out as a humiliating ordeal with Savannah has turned into a huge realization for Bertrand.
Chapter Warnings- language, sensuality
Rating - Mature
Word Count- 2,980
A/N- I know it's been a MINUTE since I posted, but I'm back and ready to continue this story! Since it's been a while since I posted the previous chapter, I'm going to include a snippet of what happened at the end of chapter 19 to refresh your memory.
Bertrand closed his eyes tightly and imagined Riley in front of him. Instead of the overwhelming scent of Chanel No. 5, he caught the faint note of Riley’s floral shampoo. Suddenly he could taste Riley’s strawberry lip gloss. He caressed her cheek, knowing there were adorable tiny freckles beneath his hand. He ran his fingers through her golden locks which were probably just let out of a messy bun or braid. He felt her arms wrap around him and she whispered against his ear, “Do you want me, Bertrand?” His mind flashed back to Riley laying beneath him, her plump lips curving into a sexy grin as she uttered, “fuck me, Bert.”
Savannah whispered against his ear, “Say my name. Tell me you want me.”
Bertrand smiled with his eyes still closed tightly and replied, “I want you, Riley.”
Chapter 20 -Watershed 
Bertrand flailed his arms in an attempt to steady himself as Savannah quite literally tossed him out of her bedroom and into the hall. “Savannah, can we just talk about-”
“No, we cannot!” She shrieked, looming in the doorway with her blouse still unbuttoned.
A creak in the hallway snapped their attention to a very startled Riley, who was holding a bag of Chewy Chips Ahoy, attempting to return to her room to watch some trash TV with a late night snack.
“Oh, isn’t this just perfect!?” Savannah spat, now directing her ire at Riley.
“Savannah, please lower your voice! People are trying to sleep and we don’t want to cause a scene.” Bertrand whispered with his hands held in front of him as if trying to calm a wild animal.
“A scene? A scene?! I’ll give you a scene!” Savannah shouted, picking up a vase from a nearby table and raising it over her head, poised to hurl it down the empty hallway. Suddenly her entire demeanor changed and she took several deep breaths. “No.. No. Lady Savannah Jane Walker is better than this. That’s right. She’s a lady. She doesn’t need to lower herself to yelling and screaming and throwing things. Especially not over a man who turned out to be nothing more than a lying, cheating scoundrel.”
Riley watched the scene before her in utter confusion and brought a cookie to her mouth, chewing slowly. This was wilder than anything she could have seen on TV. 
Savannah took another deep breath before fixing Riley with a murderous gaze. “And don’t worry, he’s all yours!” She spun around, stomping into her bedroom and slammed the door behind her, leaving Bertrand and Riley alone in the hall.
“Riley.. I..” Bertrand started, but Riley nodded her head toward her bedroom which was thankfully at the other end of the hall from Savannah’s.
“Come on. It’s probably safer if we talk away from.. Whatever that was.”
Bertrand dropped down onto Riley’s bed with his head in his hands. 
She touched his shoulder softly, “What happened?”
He sighed and mumbled without lifting his head, “Utter humiliation. I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Riley?!” Savannah snapped, breaking the kiss and jerking away from him.
“You just called me Riley!” 
“I’m certain I did no such thing.”
Savannah’s brows furrowed and she looked as if she might physically hurt him. “You did! You son of a bitch! I knew you had a thing for her!”
“No! It’s not like that!”
“So that tramp got her hooks into you!”
“Savannah, that’s not-”
“Don’t lie to me, Bertrand! Are you two having sex?”
“I-I-I.. no?”
“Oh my god! You are!”
At that point, Bertrand could do nothing but drop to his knees and beg. “Please don’t tell anyone!”
Savannah’s mouth fell open and she ran her hands through her hair, pulling slightly so several strands stuck out wildly. “You think I would tell people about this?! This is humiliating for me! The man I’m courting is sleeping with common trash! My reputation would never recover if people found out! Why this whole thing makes me-”
Savannah suddenly stopped and took several deep breaths, speaking with an eerily calm voice. “No, no. Calm down Savannah. You can fix this. There are still several eligible men at court. What’s that idiot’s name? The one who is going to be an earl? Neville? Yes. Yes. We can do this. There’s still time for you. You’re young and beautiful. You’re going to be a countess.”
Bertrand watched her with wide, and slightly fearful eyes before saying, “I am truly sorry for-”
Savannah’s expression once again turned heated. “When I think of all the time I wasted with you, you pathetic, stuttering mess of a man! Get out of my sight!” 
He jumped up and rushed for the door and Savannah shoved him roughly into the hallway.
Riley rubbed his back soothingly, trying her best to comfort him. She wished she could have been a fly on the wall for whatever weirdness happened back there. “Ok, we don’t have to talk about it.” She smiled and held out the bag, “want a cookie?”
Bertrand looked up from his hands and burst into laughter and Riley couldn’t help but join in. He smiled genuinely, clearly thankful for some relief from the earlier tension. 
“I should probably go.” Bertrand shook his head, looking back down at the floor. “This has been an.. unusual night.”
“Understatement of the century.”
He stood and headed for the door. “I apologize that you had to witness all of that. And I truly hope that you are feeling better than you were earlier today. I was quite worried about you.”
Riley smiled and held out her arms. “Come here.”
Bertrand returned her smile and stepped toward her, easily melting into her embrace. His heart instantly stopped racing. His body erupted in goosebumps and he felt warmer and safer than he had in his entire adult life. He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her neck, breathing in everything about her. The warmth of her embrace and the softness of her skin sent him into a comforting and calm place that he didn’t ever want to leave. Despite the horrible night he had, everything was suddenly right with the world and he couldn’t have been happier.
After a few moments, they separated and Bertrand headed back to his own room. As soon as he locked his door, he slumped into a chair, groaning as a new and bittersweet realization overtook his entire being. 
There was no use denying it anymore. Riley was his calm, his home. And he was in love with her. Hopelessly, desperately, madly, and completely in love.
The following day, the court returned to the palace to prepare for Liam’s upcoming coronation, but the Beaumont’s stayed behind a few more days to attend some upcoming appointments. Bertrand was thankful for some time away from the court, in particular, Savannah. He desperately needed time to think about.. Well, everything.
Bertrand had spent the last four months implausibly falling in love with the woman he had been training to be a queen. When Maxwell convinced him to sponsor this woman, the only reason he allowed it was because having someone from his house be chosen would be a way to secure his legacy. But each day spent with Riley, made him care less and less about his legacy, and more about something new. Something he had never cared about before. 
His own happiness.
Growing up, Bertrand always struggled with the guilt that inevitably accompanied any sort of happiness. His childhood and teenage years were almost completely devoid of any sort of joy. Under the scrutiny of his father, he had grown up far too quickly. There was always something he needed to improve on, and his father made sure to inform him of this on a daily basis. His adult life was spent going through the motions of trying to keep house Beaumont in good standing. There was no time for frivolity or romance in any way. Not until people in court began questioning why he hadn’t chosen a wife, did he begin to accept Savannah's persistent propositions for a date.
What was he supposed to do now that everything had changed?
Riley knocked on Maxwell’s ajar bedroom door, pushing it open when he didn’t answer. “Max? You in here? Ready to go?”
A retching sound from his adjoining bathroom caught her attention. She peered around the corner and found Max slumped over the toilet. “Max, are you ok!?”
“Ughhhh.. Don’t look at me.”
“Aw, honey, what happened?”
“Armando has a stomach bug.”
Riley ran some cold water over a washcloth and blotted his forehead and neck, “Ah, that makes sense. Since you always have your tongue down his throat, you caught it too.”
Max coughed and waved Riley away, “Thank you, but I don’t want you to see me like this. I’m too hideous!” He sniffled dramatically, “Remember me as I once was, Riley. The cool, sexy, charismatic, life of the party.”
“Max, you’re going to be ok!” Riley tried not to laugh at his melodrama. “I’m going to get you some sprite and crackers and pepto bismol. Do you want me to call the doctor?”
Max put his head in his hands, “No, Armando said his is almost over, so it looks like a 24 hour bug.”
After a few moments, Riley returned with a tray full of snacks and medicine and placed it on the nightstand. She turned down his bed, clicked on his TV and lowered the lights. Max staggered into bed and pulled the sheet up to his chin. “Thank you. You’re an angel, you know that?”
She placed the washcloth on his forehead and chuckled, “I don’t know about that.”
Maxwell gasped, “Oh no! Your appointment at the boutique is today!”
“I’m sure I can reschedule.”
“No way! Do you know how many favors I called in to get you into Levre Rouge Boutique at such short notice? You have to get a killer dress for the coronation and show up all those snooty, prissy twats!”
“But.. I don’t want to go alone.”
“Ask Bertrand!”
“Do you think he’d really want to go dress shopping with me?” Riley laughed skeptically, but paused when she noticed the thoughtful look on Maxwell’s face.
“I think he’d be happy to do literally anything with you, Riley.”
Her heart fluttered and she couldn't keep the smile from her face. She patted Maxwell’s hand and made her way to the door, still unable to stop grinning. “You’ll let me know if you need anything, right?”
“I will.” Max smiled and settled into bed. “Now go get something sexy, bitch.”
Bertrand waited in the crisp, white and red sitting area of the fanciest dress shop he had ever seen in his life. Levre Rouge Boutique had dressed princesses, celebrities, heiresses, and everyone in between. Whatever they chose for Riley to wear to the coronation would surely be jaw droppingly gorgeous. Not that she needed a new dress for that.
“Ready for the first one?” Riley sashayed out in a sleek, forest green dress that hugged her curves all the way down to the top of her thighs, where a long slit began, ending in a pool of silk at her feet.
She stuck out her leg, allowing the slit to open completely and Bertrand swallowed hard as his eyes betrayed him, taking in every inch of skin he could. “It’s um, um..”
She grinned and waved him over to her side in front of several floor length mirrors. “Come over and see it properly.” She twirled and flared the dress out. “It’ll need to be taken in a bit, and it’s way too long, but the seamstress said they can have any alterations done overnight. Apparently you Beaumont’s have a lot of clout around here for some reason.” She winked and nudged Bertrand, who hadn’t taken his eyes off of her. “That.. was a joke. I mean, obviously you have clout being nobility.. Bert, you ok?”
He cleared his throat and met her eye line, desperately trying to avoid the ample amount of cleavage protruding from the top of the gown. “It’s lovely. I mean, you’re lovely. I mean, you look lovely.. In the dress.” Bertrand cringed. Somehow he always made a mess of everything he said when she was around.
She smiled and took his hand. “Thank you.”
A plump woman with gray hair pulled into a tight bun blew into the room in a cloud of tape measures and fabric. She spoke to Bertrand with a melodic french accent, “We are honored to have you here, Your Grace. And what do you think of your date's dress? You two will surely turn heads at the coronation in a gown this exquisite.”
“Oh,” Riley turned toward Bertrand, and the two blushed simultaneously, dropping one another's hands and stepping back. “We’re not-”
“She's not my-” Bertrand started. “She's my, uh..”
“Friend!” Riley finished for him. “He’s helping me find a dress. We’re friends.”
“Yes. Friends.”
The woman regarded them skeptically, but grew wide eyed as she seemed to finally recognize Riley. “Oh, mon Dieu! I apologize. When Lord Maxwell contacted me, I did not realize I would be dressing the prince's American suitor! I am so embarrassed. I should have known-"
"It's fine," Riley assured her with a smile. "Don't worry about it."
Yvette regained her composure and turned to Bertrand slyly, "Date or not, you must admit that the green brings out her beautiful eyes, no?”
Bertrand met Riley’s emerald eyes and smiled. “It does.”
Riley grinned back at him and turned toward the mirror. “Madame Yvette, I’m a little worried this one might be too revealing for the occasion. The slit is so high. Would it be inappropriate to wear in front of royalty?”
Yvette tapped her cheek thoughtfully, “Oui, you may be right. Follow me, darling, we will find you something perfect.”
After an hour and a half of trying on dress after dress, Riley had narrowed it down to two. “Bert, I can’t choose! Which one is your favorite?”
“Oh, I don’t think it should be up to me,” Bertrand shook his head.
“Well technically you are paying for it,” Riley wrinkled her nose slightly. “Which I still feel bad about by the way.”
He smiled, “And I’ve told you before, don’t worry about that. Which one do you like the best?”
“Ah, I don’t know! Let me see the other dress one more time!” She changed out of the sequined, mauve gown and back into the scarlet one, then reemerged into the dressing area where Bertrand was waiting patiently. “I’m sorry, this must be so boring for you. We’ve been here forever and I’m so indecisive.”
“You cannot rush perfection!” Madame Yvette mused as she adjusted the dress on Riley, tucking and pinning fabric until it fit just right. “And this, darling.. This is perfection.”
Bertrand simply watched in awe of how gorgeous Riley looked in absolutely everything. He had seen her in ballgowns, pajamas, jeans, and absolutely nothing at all and she was always resplendent. And not just in her appearance, in everything about her. The way she carried herself, the way she could find the good in any situation, the way she cared about everyone.
His heart clenched as he imagined the two of them as a couple choosing an outfit for a ball they would be attending together. They would dance and laugh and everyone would be jealous of him for having the most perfect woman in the world on his arm. It was never going to happen, but it was an amazing thought.
 Madame Yvette was called away for a phone call, leaving the two alone. Riley made her way from the platform to the couch where he was sitting and held out her hand. “Dance with me.”
Bertrand was sure he gulped aloud, but he stood immediately. “Dance? Here?”
“Ya, then I can see if this one feels right for a ball. Let’s give it a test drive.” She held her hand out and smiled, “please?”
Bertrand shook his head and grinned, before grasping her hand and wrapping his other arm around her waist. He looked down shyly and Riley leaned her body closer to him.
“Doesn't the fabric feel good? I’ve never worn material so soft and silky before.”
Bertrand nodded, still unable to look in her eyes.
She moved even closer to his body until there was no space left between them. “Touch it.”
He tentatively ran his hand down the fabric of her lower back, sucking in a sharp breath when she took his hand and brought it down further. 
“It’s.. quite nice.”
Riley lay her head against his shoulder and he held her close as the two swayed together to the soft jazz music playing over the boutique's speakers. “I bet this seems silly, doesn’t it? Spending all this time picking out a dress.” Especially since there is no way I’m going to marry Liam.
“Nonsense. Besides, any time I spend with you is enjoyable.”
Riley felt a warmth in her chest at his words. “Bertrand, you’re too good to me. I really don’t deserve everything you guys have done.”
Bertrand stopped dancing and looked into her eyes, more serious than she had seen him before. “Never.” His thumb traced softly across her cheek and he leaned in closer. “You deserve everything and more.”
His pulse was pounding as she smiled sweetly at him. He swallowed hard, speaking directly from his heart for once. “Riley.. I need to tell you something. I-”
“Have we made a decision, madame?” Yvette called out from the hallway as she made her way back to the dressing room.
Riley and Bertrand jumped away from each other quickly and Bertrand took out his phone in an attempt to appear nonchalant. Riley looked down at her dress and smiled. “This is the one.”
When they arrived back at the estate, it was already dinner time. Riley quickly popped into Max’s bedroom to check on him, and found him sound asleep in bed.
“I’m starving.” Riley sighed as she made her way toward the kitchen, taking a seat beside Bertrand at the bar.
“What would you like to eat? The chef has left for the night, but I can call and have something delivered for you.”
“Anything.. But you pick! I am mentally drained and honestly don’t think I could make another decision tonight if my life depended on it.”
Bertrand opened his mouth to protest, but paused as an idea hit him. “I know just the thing,” he smiled shyly and pulled out his phone.
He was going to have to step way out of his comfort zone for this. 
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angelasscribbles · 2 years ago
AHHHHHHHHH It's here! It's here!
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camel brown, suede slippers
why are these exactly the slippers I picture for him?
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“Fucking hell..” Maxwell muttered under his breath, and stalked back into the bedroom, dropping down onto Bertrand’s bed face first.
This image is just....
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"Compatible with you, or with who you think you're supposed to be?
Look at Max being so fucking smart!!!
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“Dear God, I hadn’t even thought about that.” His legs were suddenly wobbly and he braced himself against the wall.
Like, I know this is serious and angsty and emotional, but I am fucking rolling on the floor right here!!!!!!!
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Her face dropped and her entire demeanor turned icy. “Ah. So you’re here because Max sent you.”
Ah, Bertrand, you stupid, stupid man. Clueless idiot.
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“Get through it?”
Yes! We all know he doesn't really want to go!
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Besides, I love hearing you call me ‘lady’.” She touched his arm, fingernails skimming across the sleeve of his white oxford and onto the exposed skin on his wrist. “The only thing I’d like better is hearing you call me ‘duchess’.”
Ewww, Can you say gold digger?
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Savannah glanced away nonchalantly, “I’m very good at reading people, and I just get a weird vibe from her. I mean, how well do you really know her? She could be trying to get with Liam because of his money and fame! She could be stealing from you as we speak! And who just abandons their current life and goes with someone they just met to a foreign country? Was she homeless or something? Maybe a drug dealer on the run?”
oh bitchy bitchy bitchy
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The rest of their dinner passed at an agonizing pace. Bertrand managed to acquire two last minute tickets to a ballet being performed at a local theater, and Savannah was less than impressed with their seats in the upper balcony next to the emergency exit. 
I disliked her before, but now I kind of hate her
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“Dear God, no,”
not the reaction she was hoping for eh?
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“Have a seat.” She gestured at the bed, but he sat in a chair by the door.
He's plotting his escape! 😆
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So many candles.
why does this make me think of the scene from canon where Drake lights all the candles? only this is such a "Ohhh nooooo" moment! I'm dying!!
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After everything they had been through, would Riley still want him to do this?
Finally he asks the right question!!!!
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Bertrand swiftly pulled Savannah to him and pressed his lips against hers. She returned the kiss instantly, and wrapped her arms around him. Surely there was a better way to squash her suspicions of him and Riley, but for now it was all he could come up with. 
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Bertrand smiled with his eyes still closed tightly and replied, “I want you, Riley.”
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and this one because of the eyebrow!
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This was sooooooo good!!!!!!
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ok, now maybe they can figure this out???
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Never Have I Ever
Chapter 19 - Date Night
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC 
Chapter Synopsis- Bertrand and Savannah go on their date.
Chapter Warnings- language, drinking, mentions of drug use, mentions of sex, sensuality
Rating - Mature
Word Count- 3,600
Chapter 19 - Date Night
Bertrand awoke early the following morning to a musical knock at his bedroom door. He checked the clock with bleary eyes before calling out, “Come in, Maxwell.” Bertrand sat up and rubbed his hands down his face. What in the world would make Maxwell wake up this early? Bertrand’s 6 a.m. alarm hadn’t even gone off yet.
“Hey, heeey!” Max chirped as he strutted inside, looking around the room curiously. “Uh.. anyone in here with you?”
Bertrand straightened his posture, trying to appear completely oblivious. “Why would anyone be in here with me?”
“Umm, no reason. Just asking.”
“Why are you up so early? Is everything alright?” Bertrand slid his feet into his camel brown, suede slippers and stretched his arms overhead while he watched his younger brother curiously.
Max fidgeted with his hands the way he always did when he had something on his mind that he didn’t want to say aloud. Growing up, this was usually a tell that he had done something wrong. “I was just gonna ask what you had planned for the day.”
Bertrand arched an eyebrow and shuffled past his brother toward his adjoining bathroom. “I have a meeting scheduled this afternoon with our financial advisor, another right after with the head of housekeeping, and a personal engagement this evening for dinner.”
Maxwell sighed, watching his brother brush his teeth. “A personal engagement? Does that mean you’re still going out with Savannah tonight?!”
Bertrand paused his brushing for a beat and glanced at Maxwell’s reflection behind him in the mirror. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“Fucking hell..” Maxwell muttered under his breath, and stalked back into the bedroom, dropping down onto Bertrand’s bed face first. “I can’t even with this idiot.” Maxwell quietly mocked Bertrand’s comment, “‘Why wouldn’t I?’ Because I’m an oblivious dumb ass.”
Bertrand emerged a moment later, still baffled by his brother’s strange behavior. He poked him in the leg with his slipper. “What is the matter with you? Are you unwell?”
Max blew out a long breath and jumped up, taking his brother by the shoulders. “Bertrand, you know I love you, and I have nothing but the utmost respect for you. You’re a smart guy. All I’m going to say is please, please reconsider going on this date. Maybe.. go hang out with Riley instead.”
Bertrand swallowed hard, hoping he wasn’t blushing at the mere mention of Riley’s name. “I don’t understand. I thought you liked Savannah.” 
“Honestly, as a person, she's meh at best.” Max shook his head, “But I could put that aside if you two were actually in love.”
“Maxwell, that’s a very impertinent thing to say.”
 “She’s not the one, bro. She’s not right for you.”
“How do you know that? We always seem so compatible-”
"Compatible with you, or with who you think you're supposed to be? You know what? Go out with Savannah tonight,” Max suggested. “But while you’re out with her, I want you to really look at her. Really pay attention to who she is as a person. Her personality, her sense of humor, her likes and dislikes. And while you’re doing that, I want you to ask yourself if she's really right for you.”
Before Bertrand could respond, Maxwell gave him a clap on the back and headed out the door, but not before winking and saying, “Just think about it.”
Bertrand hadn’t seen or heard from Riley the entire day, and each hour that passed, made him a little more sick to his stomach. She didn’t join the rest of the court for breakfast or lunch. Maybe it was his fault. Maybe she didn’t want to see him. Maybe she was upset with him for taking things too far last night. Maybe he misread the situation entirely. 
That evening, before he could think better of it, Bertrand found himself outside of Riley’s bedroom door with his heart thrumming in his chest. He raised his hand and let it drop several times before finally rapping softly against her door.
She cracked it open slightly, her emerald eyes widening as she focused on his face. “Bert!”
“Riley!” He smiled brightly, thankful that she was ok. “May I come in?” 
“Uh.. Sure.” She stepped aside and he slowly entered, taking in her appearance.  She was wearing a white tank top and plaid pajama pants and her eyes were slightly puffy and rimmed red. Her hair was piled on top of her head in a messy bun and she smoothed out her rumpled clothes, looking uncomfortable under his gaze. 
“Are you alright?” He asked as he looked her over, growing increasingly concerned.
She crossed her arms over her chest, glancing at her reflection in the mirror. “I’m fine.”
There was no way she was fine. Bertrand stepped closer, fighting the urge to touch her. To brush her hair behind her ear. To take her in his arms and hold her. His heart hurt seeing her this way. “You haven't been.. crying, have you?”
She turned away and cleared her throat. “No.”
He stepped closer. “Did something happen? Are you hurt? Are you sick?” His stomach turned as he dared to ask, “Is this because of what happened between us last night?”
Riley took a deep breath and responded quietly, “No.”
“Are you upset with.. with me?”
Riley shook her head and turned around to face him with a sad but honest smile. “I’m not upset with you, Bert.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. I’m not sick, I’m not hurt, I’m not upset with you, I’m not pregnant, I’m not-”
“Preg-? P-pregnant?!”
She shrugged, “I thought that might be your next question.”
“Dear God, I hadn’t even thought about that.” His legs were suddenly wobbly and he braced himself against the wall.
“Well, you don’t have to, because I’m not.”
The two stood awkwardly in front of one another, neither knowing what to say. Riley spoke first, “What are you doing here?”
“I was going to ask you the same question. No one has seen you all day, and I wanted to see if you were alright.”
She smiled slightly. “You were worried about me?”
Bertrand nodded, “Yes, of course. And Maxwell insisted that I speak with you before my date.”
Her face dropped and her entire demeanor turned icy. “Ah. So you’re here because Max sent you.”
“Well, no.. not exactly..”
Riley turned and waved him away, “I’ll see you tomorrow. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take a nap.”
“A nap? It’s 5:30 in the evening.”
“So?” She snapped as she dropped down onto her unmade bed.
Bertrand had never seen her so cold. “Um.. Well.. Can I have dinner brought up for you? You need to eat.”
“I’m not hungry. Enjoy your date.”
He started for the door, stomach twisting into knots. His date. “Can I ask you something?”
She sighed and turned to face him, her expression softening slightly. “You know you can ask me anything.”
He paused, trying to think of any excuse to stay with her for a few more moments. “Can I.. have one of your gummies for tonight?”
She couldn’t help but chuckle, and Bertrand’s heart warmed instantly at the sound. “Bert, don't tell me you wanna get high tonight, of all nights!”
He shrugged, “It might help me get through this date.” 
“Get through it?” 
Riley raised her eyebrows in amusement and Bertrand stammered, “Wait! Wait, that is not what I meant! I mean, it’s not like I don't want to go!”
Riley laughed and rummaged through her suitcase before handing him a gummy. “Here. Remember it takes a little while to kick in.”
“Thank you.” Bertrand held her hand with his own for a moment and their eyes met, before Riley turned away.
“Can you turn the light off on your way out?” She asked, then crawled back into bed and clicked on the TV.
Bertrand nodded and flipped off the light switch, making his way out of her bedroom to prepare for his date, even though it was the last thing he wanted to do.
Bertrand smiled cordially as he watched Savannah make her way down house Beaumont’s grand staircase toward him. Her cream colored, satin blouse was unbuttoned slightly to reveal a diamond and sapphire necklace, and her navy, tweed, pencil skirt stopped just above her knees. A pair of high black pumps adorned her feet and her perfectly coiffed, chestnut brown hair rested on her shoulders. He held out his hand to help her down the last step. “Good evening, Lady Savannah.”
“Good evening, Your Grace.” She accepted his hand with her perfectly manicured french tip nails resting atop his skin.
Bertrand stepped back and smiled slightly. “Perhaps we could forgo our titles this evening? I don’t suppose we need to be so formal.”
Savannah looked taken aback. “Who are you and what have you done with Duke Bertrand Beaumont? Besides, I love hearing you call me ‘lady’.” She touched his arm, fingernails skimming across the sleeve of his white oxford and onto the exposed skin on his wrist. “The only thing I’d like better is hearing you call me ‘duchess’.”
Bertrand turned away and cleared his throat loudly, “Yes, well.. I suppose we should go. It appears the car is ready.”
He slid into the back seat after Savannah and she smiled demurely. “So where is this mysterious spot you’re taking me for our date?”
Bertrand shifted toward her, brimming with pride. “It was going to be a surprise, but I suppose it’s alright to tell you now since we’re already on our way. We’re going dancing.”
He waited for her elated reaction, but her entire face dropped. “Wait.. dancing? You told me this date was more informal. I’m not dressed for ballroom dancing!”
He grinned, “No, no! We’re going to a nightclub! I wanted to take you somewhere fun and.. and normal where we could relax and get to know each other better.”
Savannah stared at Bertrand for a moment before throwing her head back and laughing hysterically. “Oh Bertrand! You had me going for a while! Who knew you had a sense of humor?! Duke Bertrand Beaumont taking me to a dirty nightclub!”
He forced out a chuckle before quickly sending the driver a text to stop at Savannah’s favorite Italian restaurant instead, hoping and praying that they could get a table ready quickly so she wouldn’t know this wasn’t part of the plan. So much for dancing.
Savannah sat down at their usual table with a grin. She took Bertrand’s hand and smiled at the waiter before speaking loudly. “Thank you, sir. The Duke and I would love to start off with a bottle of your finest champagne. This is a very special occasion, isn't it dearest?”
Bertrand felt the curious gazes and whispers of every patron in the entire restaurant fall on him and he smiled politely. “Er, right.”
Savannah looked up at the waiter once more and raised her eyebrows impatiently. “That will be all for now.”
“Yes ma'am.” The man scurried away toward the kitchen.
She faced Bertrand and rolled her eyes, “Well, he’s clearly new. He didn’t even recognize us!”
Bertrand looked down at the menu, avoiding the stares from people around him, but most especially the woman in front of him. Maxwell's earlier advice echoed in his mind. Really pay attention to who she is as a person. Ask yourself if she's really right for you.
Had Savannah always been so.. Supercilious? 
Bertrand tried to stop himself, but couldn’t help chuckling as he recalled the first time Riley heard him use that word.
He was seated across from Riley at the kitchen table, having one of their daily lessons over lunch. Bertrand used the term supercilious to describe a certain Earl at court.
“Super sillyous? That’s like when something goes beyond silly and hits that extra silly mark, right?” Riley joked as she took a bite of the strawberry pie she had made that morning.
Bertrand furrowed his brow, “absolutely not!”
Riley leaned across the table toward Bertrand, “Yes it is! See, I’ll use it in a sentence.” She took a dollop of whip cream and dabbed it on Bertrand’s cheek. “Bertand looks 'super sillyous' with whip cream on his face.”
Bertrand’s mouth fell open, “You.. you did not just do that!”
“Oh I do believe I did! What are you going to do about it?”
Bertrand was still frozen in shock at the sheer audacity of this woman, when she made her way over to his side of the table. “Oh don’t worry, I’ll clean it up.” She leaned toward him, cupping his face, and he felt the warmth of her tongue against his cheek as she licked the cool whip cream from his skin.
“Riley!” He gasped and she smiled as she wiped the rest off with her thumb.
“There. All better.”
“What’s so funny?” Savannah asked as she smoothed and primped her hair while she watched herself on her phone.
“Oh,” Bertrand smiled softly. “I was just thinking of something amusing that Riley said. It’s nothing.”
Savannah’s brow furrowed and she picked up her menu. “Riley, huh?” Bertrand kept quiet while Savannah tapped her nails against the menu. “I’ve been meaning to ask you something about her..” Bertrand’s heart sped up and his palms began to sweat as Savannah continued. “What do you think of her becoming queen? Honestly.”
“Oh,” Bertrand breathed a sigh of relief. “Well, I believe she would make an excellent queen. She’s been training night and day, and even though it’s only been a few months, she’s very well versed in the matters of court. Riley is smart. She picks up on things quickly. She’s social and polite, and good at reading people. She’s truly a remarkable person.”
Savannah glared at Bertrand while the waiter poured them a glass of champagne. She took a long sip, before replying, “Well, I think she’s kind of a bitch.”
“W-what?” Bertrand reeled back. “Why would you say that?!”
Savannah glanced away nonchalantly, “I’m very good at reading people, and I just get a weird vibe from her. I mean, how well do you really know her? She could be trying to get with Liam because of his money and fame! She could be stealing from you as we speak! And who just abandons their current life and goes with someone they just met to a foreign country? Was she homeless or something? Maybe a drug dealer on the run?”
Bertrand was completely dumbfounded. “Savannah.. How could you even say those things?”
“I’m not the only one! Surely you’ve heard what people are saying about her! I’m just worried about House Beaumont’s reputation, for your sake. You know I care about you.”
Bertrand’s mind flashed back to when he and Riley were in the club together and that flirty woman called her a bitch. Riley told him it happened all the time but he didn’t believe it. How could anyone insult her? She was wonderful! His blood boiled, but he took a calming breath before addressing Savannah. 
“Lady Savannah, I will ask you not to speak ill of Riley in front of me. She is a very kind person who has been through a lot. She has been nothing short of amazing in the time I’ve known her and I consider her my friend.”
“Amazing?” Savannah finished the rest of the champagne in her glass before fixing him with a stern look. “Bertrand, is there something you want to tell me?”
He felt his face flush, “N-no! I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”
Savannah leaned forward and lowered her voice, “Why are you always so quick to defend her? And not only that, you’re gushing about how ‘amazing’ she is! I’ve never heard you talk that way about anyone before!”
Bertrand stammered, “I-I’m her sponsor! Of course I’m saying nice things about her.”
Savannah searched his face with a scowl, “If you say so. I just wonder if-”
The waiter returned, interrupting their conversation. “Are you ready to order now, my Lady? Your Grace?”
“Oh, thank God,” Bertrand muttered, and quickly corrected himself, “I mean, yes. Yes we are.”
The rest of their dinner passed at an agonizing pace. Bertrand managed to acquire two last minute tickets to a ballet being performed at a local theater, and Savannah was less than impressed with their seats in the upper balcony next to the emergency exit. 
The ride back to the Beaumont estate was a quiet one. Bertrand checked his phone for any new texts from Riley, but unfortunately there were none. He sent her a quick, “How are you feeling?” message, praying that she would respond. While he waited, he scrolled back to read some of their most recent messages in the chat and smiled to himself.
“Who are you texting?” Savannah muttered, reading over his shoulder and Bertrand fumbled the phone onto the floorboard.
“Jesus!” He yelped, throwing a hand over his heart. “I apologize, Savannah. I mean, Lady Savannah. You just started me, that’s all.”
“Texting Riley?” She asked flatly.
“She isn’t feeling well. I just wanted to check on her, but I suppose she went to sleep.”
Savannah nodded and slipped her hand into his, and Bertrand reluctantly returned her grip.
Bertrand walked Savannah to her bedroom door and paused outside, thankful that the night was finally over. “Goodnight, Lady Savannah.”
She ran her hand down his arm and smiled. “Goodnight already? It’s still early. Come inside my room for a nightcap at least.”
His stomach twisted and he backed up, “Oh, I really shouldn’t. It wouldn’t be proper for us to be in your bedroom alone.”
She took his hand and pulled him forward with a smirk. “Come on.. It’s just a drink. Just one?”
Bertrand reluctantly followed her and stifled a gasp when he saw the state of her bedroom. Half melted, ivory candles lit the room and red rose petals were spread out across the bed. “Dear God, no,” he whispered to himself while Savannah made her way to the drink cart in the corner.
“You still like Glenlivet, right?” She asked while she opened the 18 year old bottle.
“Oh. Yes.”
“Have a seat.” She gestured at the bed, but he sat in a chair by the door.
Bertrand took several deep breaths while he assessed the situation. He was in Savannah's room alone.. with candles. So many candles. Thankfully the entire estate hadn’t burned down while they were left unattended. She had clearly planned for something romantic to happen between them tonight. 
“Bertrand.” Savannah handed him his drink and ran her hand up his arm before moving behind him and massaging his shoulders. “You’re so tense. Let me help you relax.”
“I.. I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” He placed his scotch on the table beside him, ready to stand up and retreat asap.
“Come on.. Just close your eyes and relax. Let me take care of you.” 
Everything about this situation felt wrong, and he couldn’t have relaxed if his life depended on it. 
He wouldn’t do anything with Savannah tonight. He couldn’t. Although technically this exact situation was what Riley had been helping him prepare for from the beginning. After everything they had been through, would Riley still want him to do this? His heart told him no, but his brain was a jumbled mess. The sex they had the previous night felt so real and so intimate, but could it just have been part of her plan? Maybe an impromptu lesson? Everything was too confusing and he needed some time to think. He sighed and when he opened his eyes again, Savannah was standing in front of him with her blouse completely unbuttoned.
He jumped farther back in the chair as she leaned toward him. “Bertrand,” She purred, caressing his cheek before pulling him to his feet.
“Kiss me.”
“Lady Savannah, I apologize, but I just.. can't. I've actually been thinking that maybe we should take a step back and-”
“You have got to be kidding me!” She fumed, stalking away from him. “It’s Riley, isn’t it? I fucking knew it! I knew there was something going on between you two! You’re a completely different person lately! So what happened? Did she seduce you? She did, didn’t she?! Oh just wait until everyone finds out what a whore-”
Bertrand swiftly pulled Savannah to him and pressed his lips against hers. She returned the kiss instantly, and wrapped her arms around him. Surely there was a better way to squash her suspicions of him and Riley, but for now it was all he could come up with. 
Maybe she would just be satisfied with making out a little and he could leave. He reluctantly continued kissing her, and Savannah pressed Bertrand’s hand against her breast. Or maybe not! He tried to back away, but she kept moving closer.
What the hell am I going to do now?
Bertrand closed his eyes tightly and imagined Riley in front of him. Instead of the overwhelming scent of Chanel No. 5, he caught the faint note of Riley’s floral shampoo. Suddenly he could taste Riley’s strawberry lip gloss. He caressed her cheek, knowing there were adorable tiny freckles beneath his hand. He ran his fingers through her golden locks which were probably just let out of a messy bun or braid. He felt her arms wrap around him and she whispered against his ear, “Do you want me, Bertrand?” His mind flashed back to Riley laying beneath him, her plump lips curving into a sexy grin as she uttered, “fuck me, Bert.”
Savannah whispered against his ear, “Say my name. Tell me you want me.”
Bertrand smiled with his eyes still closed tightly and replied, “I want you, Riley.”
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